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December 2011
                global eyes
         Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine

        Cliff                                     Happy
      Richards,                                  Holidays
        “The                                      to one
       Mighty                                     and all
       Calypso                                      One of the
      Monarch                                      entertainers
                                                      at the
                                                   Congress of
                                                  Black Women
                                                  Unity Dinner
Flutes Offer Comfort and Joy - Robin Dwarka
How many people get to live out a childhood dream?
                                                            Asked how the flute choir has evolved over the years,
Monica Bailey is doing just that through one of the few
                                                            Bailey says she “focuses on the positive. Inspiration ebbs
flute choirs
                                                                                                             and flows
in Canada.
                                                                                                             and the
As a
                                                                                                             are helping
faculty brat’
                                                                                                             stir that
                                                                                                             by bringing
Europe with
                                                                                                             their ideas
                                                                                                             to the
                                                                                                             choir”. Jill
in programs
                                                            who has been with the choir for 19 years credits her
that developed a great love for music. Within one
                                                            longevity to Monica and “the friendships and an
year, she was playing 4-part baroque and renaissance
                                                            opportunity to play with other people as opposed to solo.
pieces in recorder quartets – and, through supportive
                                                            It makes me happy to come and play every week”.
instruction, was capable of playing every part! This
                                                              The flute choir raises funds for instruments, music and
experience also instilled in her a feeling of community
                                                            other necessities though concerts. Their artistic
and non-competitiveness where any and everybody
                                                            programming is never the same as they experiment with
could be ‘first chair’. The germ of a dream to create a
                                                            different techniques, other instruments and varied genres. I
place for people to play flute, “to have an equal
                                                            had an opportunity to play with the choir last year when
opportunity to develop, to express themselves and
                                                            my steel band, the Manitoba Pan Handlers, were guests at
grow, and to develop the instrument”, says Bailey,
                                                            the choir’s spring concert. We all thought that flute and
started over 20 years ago. In fact, the flute choir is
                                                            pan would be a nice combination but when the two groups
celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2011.
                                                            played together it was magical. From traditional
  This flute choir is actually two separate groups
                                                            Caribbean folk to European classical music the tone of the
along with solo students that come together for
                                                            flutes and steel was pure joy. Their recent concert on
performances. Sweet Silver features the most
                                                            December 11 involved music from the Renaissance period
experienced players. Silver Winds started off as a
                                                            complete with a procession through the audience – a scary
learn-to-play group but they all hung in there and now
                                                            thought for musicians who are used to staying in one place
some of those flautists play with Sweet Silver as well.
                                                            and reading music.
The choir is a diverse bunch of flute enthusiasts, who
                                                              The latest phase in the choir’s development is a desire to
cover the spectrum of political, social, cultural, and
                                                            give back to the community in the form of contributing their
career backgrounds. Many are social activists in heart
                                                            gift of music to help fund raise for worthy causes. Says
and spirit. The members also vary in how much
                                                            Forbes, “the performing group is happy to perform but
experience they bring to the choir and their skill set is
                                                            happier when they can help others as
as diverse as the individuals themselves. The choir is
                                                            well.” Some of the Caribbean
a safe place for members to explore and grow their
                                                            community both locally and abroad have
skills. Flautists get to experience playing not only the
                                                            benefited from the choir’s generosity.
well-known soprano flute but alto flutes, bass flutes,
                                                            When a call went out for performers to
piccolo and, at one point, a contrabass flute – the
                                                            participate in a benefit concert to raise
gentle giant of the flute family.
                                                            funds for the Haitian hurricane disaster
   One of the things that make this choir special is the
                                                            in 2010, the choir was there. The flute
principle that you can make good music in a loving,
                                                            choir helped celebrate the Council of
supportive environment without being competitive.                                        Continued on
   Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011                                                                          p3
 Beatrice Watson
                                         T’is the Season to be Jolly
  It’s that time of year again when                                                  My mother became a member of this
we experience that awkwardness of          We all get Christmas holidays and
                                                                                     Church in her later years. Thank God
Christmas, Xmas, Holiday Season          love it because it’s time off work to
                                                                                     for that. I could not imagine a life
and semantic distress about naming       spend with our families and truth be
                                                                                     without the joy of Christmas as a
what we are celebrating.                 told, Christmas is celebrated in one
   Being politically correct can         form or the other by people from many
                                                                                       There will come a time when
sometimes extend its reach.              religions including Jews and Muslims
                                                                                     liberal minded folks will celebrate
  While it is true that we are living    adherents.
                                                                                     each other’s religious holidays with
in a multicultural, multiethnic,            Which child doesn’t like the mystery
                                                                                     gusto as we do in the Caribbean.
pluralistic society and by and large     of Santa Claus or Father Christmas,
                                                                                     Growing up in the Caribbean, I was
no matter how it looks with the          the gifts under the tree they wake up to
                                                                                     excited about Eid and Phagwah holy
window dressing, as a society, we        on Christmas morning or decorating
                                                                                     days and looked forward to festival
privilege Christianity over other        their house with flickering lights?
                                                                                     of lights, holikah burning and sharing
religions. This is not a criticism. It   I have heard many of my friends from
                                                                                     in the delicious foods during Eid.
is how we, as new comers to this         various religious backgrounds talk
                                                                                     And like established multicultural
country, came and experienced this       about Christmas preparations and
                                                                                     societies, each religion will be given
country and we have to respect that.     baking and giving gifts to others.
                                                                                     equal prominence. We are working
We have to respect that change does        I think the most reluctant group in all
                                                                                     towards that. For now, there is no
not happen overnight and therefore to    the groups I have seen is followers of
                                                                                     shame in celebrating Christmas with
create a fuss over an office having a    the Jehovah Witness who pride
                                                                                     our Christian friends. Happy
Christmas party is uncharitable and      themselves in celebration nothing.
                                                                                     Christmas to one and all.
uncalled for in my opinion.
                                                   Flute Choir - continued from p2
                                                                                        Caribbean 55 Plus
Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba’s 30th anniversary this year.
  The flute choir is a wonderful place to develop and experiment. Monica’s             Oldies Goldies Night
hope is that adult gets a chance to congregate with others and make music                    a Big Hit
together whether it’s playing an instrument or singing. “There are two things
that are important to happiness: exercise and creativity,” says Monica. To me,
that thought gives me great comfort and joy especially during this holiday

  (Photos of the flute concert courtesy of Island Vibes.
                                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Subscribe Today
                                                                            Poetry By Neil p21

                                                                            Flutes Offer Comfort
                                                                            and Joy - Robin
           Postal Code_______________
           Phone:_______________________                                    Dwarka
           Email address:_______________________                            Kwanzaa
           Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think                        celebrations p12
           we’re doing a good job.
           Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues.
           I Would like to receive upcoming event notices
           from the Caribbean/Black/larger community -                      The Importance of a
           by email or by phone (YES/NO)
                                                                            Will Lara Badmus-
 Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine                           p13
                             671 Rathgar Avenue, Winnipeg,
                             Manitoba R3L 1G6
                                                                            Are you taking
Global Eyes is an independent magazine devoted to
promoting cultural awareness of the African and                             Christmas for Granted
Caribbean communities of Manitoba and to highlight the
issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims
                                                                            - Nadia Thompson
and promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its                      p13
mandate is to be a quarterly publication featuring articles,
and the achievements of local, national and international
personalities that are of interest to the African/caribbean
community, promoting healthy living by providing healthtips
                                                                            Open Letter to the
and recipes as well as editorials with African/Caribbean                    Community p26
sensibilities and letters to the editor. The Magazine is
produced under a volunteer editorial committee that
assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution.                     Guyanese Association
                                                                            of Manitoba celebrates
                                                                            Winners p18
 Regulars:                                                                  CBW celebrates Carrie
 Local Brief                                                                Best p9
 Letter to my children p11                                                  Piecing together
 Global Counselor p11                                                       Memories 30
 Gaffin wid Buddyp26
 Healthwise 18                                                              Human trafficking p10
 Zizi the continuing story p20
    Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011

  Editor: Beatrice Watson
                                                                                                    GEM’s Regular
  Distributed to local businesses, and in Winnipeg               VIOLENCE                            Contributors
  and via email to individuals in Manitoba and                    AUDIT?
  former Manitobans in various parts of the                         UN Women Winnipeg
  world.                                                      in conjunction with the Global
                                                              College, U of W held an
                                                              information session to discuss the
  To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a
                                                              impact of military interventions,
  cheque for $15.00 to:                                       femicides and state repression in
  Global Eyes Magazine                                        several hot spots.
  671 Rathgar Avenue                                            Held at the University of
  Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6                                  Winnipeg, with Professor              Neil Pitamber,
                                                              Marilou McPhedran, students           Caribbean Shield
  Phone: 204-477-1588
                                                              Chelsea Caldwell and Maddie          A prolific writer, poet                                Pearlman from the University         and owner, Caribbean
                                                              of Winnipeg Global College           Shield
  All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be                    with Song for Africa founder
  reprinted without the express or written consent            Darcy Ataman, presented
  of the author or Editor.                                    facts and figures for the
                                                              highly motivated larger than
                                                              usual audience on the current
                                                              global trends in violence
                                                              against       women          and
             Out and About                                    highlighting new strategic
                                                              responses in different
                                 ence.                        countries.                           Robin Dwarka, Board
                                   Professor of Women                                              Member, Community
                                 and Gender Studies at                                             Vibe
                                 the University of
                                 Winnipeg, the book
                                 explores the realities of
                                 feminist mothering for
                                 both mothers and their
                                 children. The book is
                                 based on in-depth inter-
                                 views of 16 feminist
                                 mothers and their adult
Dr. Fiona Joy Green’s Practis-   children conducted                                                Lara Badmus, LLB
ing Feminist Mothering book      between 1995 and                    Dr. Marilou                       Discipline Counsel
was launch was held at the       2007. It is a easy to read          McPhedran Principal,              The Law Society of
McNally’s Robinson Store on      book and highly                     Global College                        Manitoba
December 4th to a large audi-    recommended. It would
                                 make a perfect gift.
                                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Local briefs

                                                                         Sunrise Memorial
                                                                   The Annual Sunrise Memorial Ceremony
                                                                 sponsored by the Manitoba Women’s
                                                                 Advisory Council saw an increase in
                                                                 participation this year with guest speaker,
                                                                 Francine Pelletier, Journalist who was also
                                                                 on the list marked for murder by Marc
                                                                    On December 6, 1989, Marc Lepine
                                                                 walked into Ecole Polytechnique in
                                                                 Montreal and cold bloodedly murdered 14
                                                                 women in the Engineering program before
                                                                 turning the gun on himself. It has become
                                                                 one of those monumental memory
                                                                 reference points for people to recall what
                                                                 was happening where they were and what
                                                                 they were doing when they heard the news.
                                                                 Marc Lepine had left a suicide note which
                                                                 the police hid from the public as a benevolent
                                                                 act to protect women from fear.
                                                                    Montreal journalist Francine Pelletier,
                                                                 guest speaker said she fought for the
Honourable Jennifer Howard, Minister of the Status of Women
and Francine Pelletier. Above is the lighting of 14 candles in   release of Lepine’s letter and when it was
memory of the 14 people killed.                                  released she said it became clear that this
                                                                                                 cont’d on p17
    Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Editorial - Take One
                   The Spirit of Christmas is simple but     a gift that will clog up my house.
                 business has turned into a complicated,       When we get to certain stage in our lives another
                 miserable mess with its demand for us       trivial gift becomes a clutter. Who needs another
                 to buy, buy, buy.                           mug? Another candle, another mouse trap? I
                   We all love to shop but when money        remember when my children’s grandmother started
                 is tight, the inability to respond to the   sending them notices that she had sent a donation to
commercial messages leaves us feeling like being in          a charitable organization in their name, they were
the dog house. Yes, keeping up with the Joneses is part      upset at first throwing away the card and feeling
of the commercial Christmas spirit. If someone gives         cheated from their gift but they now appreciate it
us a gift we feel compelled to return the favour. What       and want to follow in that footstep. It is better to
is the point in giving? Let’s call it gift exchange and if   give than to receive. It is better to give a gift to
you do not want to participate in the exchange you           someone who cannot afford to return the favour. Of
ought to be able to opt out. On many occasions we            course, there is a place for gift exchange but let’s
waste precious dollars buying gifts and giving them to       be clear about that. Christmas should not stress
people who will never use them but pack them in their        people out; it should expand our hearts in love and
next Canadian diabetes pick up. I think I like the idea      compassion. Pay no attention to the pervasive
of giving gifts to charitable organizations that provide     commercials that urge you to buy.
for the underprivileged in a person’s name than getting

                                   Black Odyssey - by Dr. Marion James (final instalment)
                          In early 2010 I attended the       despite having diverse cultural backgrounds was
                          premier of the film “Bill” co-     not free of racism.
                          produced by Ernesto Griffith (a    In March 1911 Customs Officers subjected 200
                          member of my church St.            black farmers from Oklahoma to a most rigorous
                          Bartholomew) and Winston           examination at Emerson even thought they had
                          Moxam at the Park Theatre          met all the requirements. The officials to their
                          South Osborne.                     chagrin couldn’t prevent entry. That year citizens
                          Our hero, William Beal was         from several Western cities including Winnipeg
                          born in Massachusetts, USA.        petitioned the Federal government to halt
                          His family then moved to           movement of black onto the Prairies. The federal
                          Minneapolis after the death of     government implemented a law whereby Border
his mom and paternal grandmother His father remarried        guards could prevent entry of blacks or any other
an Englishwoman; they lived in a white neighbourhood.        individuals by declaring them medically unfit.
It is believed that he likely had post secondary             There was no appeal to this decision.
education in Montana.                                        Billy Beal moved to Swan River. He was the
  On return to Minneapolis racism was pervasive yet          only Black for miles around, therefore not a
he elected to move to Swan River Manitoba especially         menace while there were instances of racism, the
to escape racism. His early history is vague at times.       love of a couple helped him through these
He may have read a Black newspaper “broadaxe”                challenging times. The Gunsons were not fair-
which carried the article in which Manitoba’s Premier        weathered friends.
R.P. Robin encouraged people to move north. He               Billy packed a pistol, was not only a steam
decided to move to Swan River ostensibly to be a             engine engineer, a skilled carpenter, electrician
farmer but he was a steam engineer. Beal met racism          and photographer but also had a working
officials at the Emerson International Border but in the     knowledge of medicine. Chemistry and was well versed
film, solving this dilemma was hilarious. Manitoba                                             cont’d on p24
                                                                          Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Council of Carribbean Organizations Family Day a Success

         Musical Chair brings out the competitive spirit of children of all ages

                                                                                        Santa chats with a fan

There were games, food and lots of                 and the fans showed up a bit later
fun on family day but unfortunately                than sooner but it was a great
it coincided with grey cup weekend                 event.

      The Guyanese Cultural Organization
of Manitoba held its annual seniors supper
at the Caribbean Cultural Centre. The
event was well attended. The seniors were
well fed with a delicious supper accompa-
nied by home-made ice-cream.
   As always this event is one to look
                                                                                                Oldies Goldies
forward to because it is well organized
and the food is always a treat for the                                                          Girl revisited
Daniela Archer (left) performed a
solo as well as some of the seniors
sang choruses.

       Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Congress of Black Women Celebrates Carrie Best
                                                                                  “The Clarion”. She was known for
                                                                                  her selflessness in advocating for the
                                                                                  rights of others. She joined with Viola
                                                                                  Desmond who mistakenly sat in the
                                                                                  ‘whites only” section of the theatre
                                                                                  and was charged, convicted and fined
                                                                                  in 1946, to lobby the provincial
                                                                                  government to repeal its segregation
                                                                                  law which she lived to see happen in
                                                                                  1954. That same year Best’s radio
                                                                                  program “The Quiet Corner” hit the
                                                                                  airways. She was also a human rights
                                                                                  columnist for the Pictou Advocate and
                                                                                  continually spoke out against
                                                                                  substandard conditions on Native
                                                                                  reserves and discrimination against
                                                                                  black property owners.
                                                                                    A role model for generations of Black
                                               Coopsammy said it was              Canadians, Carrie Best received the
The Congress of Black Women’s Unity        challenging to find any black          Order of Canada, Queen Elizabeth
Dinner 2011 was a formal affair with a     journalist on the air today.           Medal, several honorary doctorate
classy flair through and through. The         She was hopeful in feeling          degrees and served on the Task force on
hall was beautifully decorated in white    that things are starting to change.    the Status of Woman.
and yellow with lovely floral              She said that when anyone                Coopsammy said it was difficult to find
arrangement on each table. It was a        suggests that she got the job          information on Carrie Best until she
celebration of culture and in particular   because of her colour she              came upon her biography Lonesome
Carrie Best who was honoured with a        responds “just like nepotism,          Road self published in 1977.
stamp by Canada post in February 2011.     colour may get me in the door          Coopsammy said Carrie Best built a
  Eleanor Coopsammy, journalist and        but unlike nepotism color              bridge for other people from marginalized
anchor at CTV’s Morning Show and           wouldn’t keep me there. What           backgrounds to walk over.
guest speaker highlighted the              would keep me there is talent.”        The entertainment was provided by Della
achievements of Carrie Best and the        The crowd cheered.                     Gaudy, Métis Youth who played the
state of affairs of black women in the        She said when we find our           fiddle, Clifford Richards, master
media today. Coopsammy’s packed a          passion we are driven by the           Calypsonian from Trinidad and Youth
lot of information using multimedia        creative force through our veins       Highland Dancers.
format to bring her story about Carrie     like electricity turned on and we      Four deserving young women received
Best to life.                              do not know how to do anything         scholarships to help with their
                                           different. Carrie Best did what        continuing education at the university
                                                              she was called to   level: Omudhohwo Oshobe, Sandra
             Three of the four                                do, speak for the   Agahon; Natasha Mukumba;
           Scholarship Winners                                underdog never      Tamara Lynch
                                                              thinking that one
                                                              day she will be
                                                              honoured with a
                                                                Born in 1903
                                                              in Glasgow Nova
                                                              Scotia, Best is
                                                              credited with
                                                              establishing the
                                                              first newspapers
                                                              for Black
                                                              Canadians in
                                                              Nova Scotia
                                                                                               Carrie Best

                                                                             Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Local Activisit Passionate advocate against human trafficking
                                            country because we have well               Christine Nnadi, an activist and
While many would be sitting with family
                                            developed social assistance and          passionate advocate against human
and friends enjoying a peaceful holiday,
                                            medical systems and it is a large        trafficking said she is concerned that
others will be trapped in the twilight
                                            country making it easy to escape         more is not done to raise awareness of
world in the claws of a despicable
                                            authority. As well Canada has a          human trafficking in African countries
master who has trafficked them across
                                            large multicultural and ethnic           where women are trafficked for sexual
oceans to use them as chips in an
                                            diversity and has the largest            slavery to European countries and even to
underworld economy – human
                                            unprotected border in the world.         Canada. She said she encounters some
                                            People fit it easily here.               here in Winnipeg.
Diane Bussy of Salvation Army,
                                            The Police are knowledgeable and            Nnadi, a member of the Congress of
presenter at MEEAC’s forum on
                                            fully aware of the tactics of            Black Women of Manitoba said she
Trafficking against women on at the
                                            traffickers but in many instances        hopes that the Congress of Black Women
CCOM Office also brought home the
                                            the victims are unwilling to assist.     will take up the issue and organize a
seriousness of this modern day
                                            It is difficult to identify victims of   conference or workshop to raise
slavery and the rise in the number of
                                            forced labour debt bondage or            awareness of African and black women
Canadian women and girls being
                                            servitude.”                              that are caught in the web of human
trafficked in our Canadian borders
and through Winnipeg.
   Human trafficking involves
recruitment, transportation and
exploitation of human beings. The
sexual exploitation of people is big
buck, hundreds of thousands of dollar
worth. This particular type of illegal
trade has low risks. Traffickers use
their victims and when they’ve made
enough they sell them on the stock
exchange of this billion dollar
industry, echoed Bussey to a sizeable
audience that Saturday morning.
  Human trafficking is a modern day
scourge and is operated domestically
and internationally. International                          Kenny McLaren
victims are trafficked across
international borders. The victims
generally illegal or people with
temporary resident visas are kept                                                                 Natalie Reynbolds
controlled by lack of food and water,
forced labour, domestic servitude
body houses and massage parlours.
The immigration and passport section
endeavour to control or eradicate
organized human smuggling and
trafficking of persons as much as they
can but traffickers find new ways to
dupe immigration officers. Canada is
a preferred transit destination source
                                             L o r Dr. June James, Margaret Strachan, Joy Bissoon and Christine Nnadi
     Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
My dear children,
                                          Letter to my children
Christmas for me is a time of             I remember the excitement of
family, of sharing and remember        Christmas Eve as if was yesterday.        what others have but never wishing
family stories of those who have       The excitement building up inside of      what they have.
gone before us and those who are       me like yeast bread ready to pop. I         I think being contented, focus on
far from us. I know it’s mind over     carefully hung my white socks at the      your blessings and enjoy what you
matter but Christmas brings on         head of the bed and desperately tried     have is the best advice my mother
nostalgia for the old days, simpler    to sleep so that Father Christmas         gave me and which I would pass on
times when mom baked the best          would stuff my socks with goodies. I      to you. There will always be those
black cake in a clay oven and          can’t ever remember being                 who have more and those who have
caught the fattest chicken my father   disappointed on Christmas morning         less so why make a fuss and be
raised for Christmas dinner. My        with what I found in my sock.             miserable. Christmas was best when
favourite of all was chowmein          Sometimes it was a whistle, a candy       times were simpler when a simple
with shredded chicken and              and a tangerine or some other little      whistle was a big thing and a sweet
cabbage and pepperpot. Even            toy but it was the best thing ever.       tangerine was a delicious, out of the
though I love black cake now when      Mom always taught us to hang our          ordinary treat. Life was good and
I was little my favourite was          hats where our hand can’t reach and       beautiful. Have a simply simple
sponge cake. My sister Ethel           not to ever covet what my neighbour       Christmas season and enjoy what you
baked the best pound cake.             has. Those teachings or values have       have not what you wish you have and
Sometime she would create a pink       stayed with me over the years and         you’ve be fine, you will feel the spirit
swirl in the cake using food dye. I    has served me well. I always              of Christmas.
don’t know how she got that but it     appreciate what I have and admire
looked good and tasted great.

                                         Global Counsellor
  Dear global counsellor,              out of my mind? Any suggestions? I        will give him the permission to continue
  My boyfriend and I broke up a        think I am going to have a blue           with his abusive behaviour. In the cycle
month ago. I miss him so much but      christmas.                                of abuse the honeymoon phase always
I know that we’re not good for           Blues                                   keeps a woman hooked. She reaches
each other. We bring out the worse                                               for that high which after a while be-
in each other and recently he            Dear Blues,                             comes fewer and farther apart as the
became violent. That’s when I            Breaking up is always hard to do        abusive cycle tightens and becomes
knew it had to end. But Christmas
                                       and you have to give yourself time.       shorter and shorter apart. Cut your
is around the corner and I have to
                                       Take a day at a time and each day         losses now and run. Do not look back.
strap my hands to my side to
                                       you will find the pain lessens. You       Your friend will have to take care of his
prevent me from picking up the
                                       have to make up your mind that this       own behaviour and if he wants to
phone to call. He is a nice and
                                       is the best thing for you and not just    change he will do so on his own terms.
good person but he gets into these
moods that turn him into an ugly       pretend while you fill your head with     A new year is on the horizon, free
monster but I keep remembering         possibilities of making up again.         yourself from your past and face the
the good times and want to believe     When violence enters the                  future. Who knows what you will find
that it was only that one time he      relationship that is a steep curve        there.
pushed me. I know I am only            downwards. You have to know that it
fooling myself. How can I get him      is not the first time the person has
                                       been violent and if you return that
                                                                            Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
In Your Back Yard

                                    Happy Kwanzaa
                                        Congress of Black Women of
                                        Manitoba community
                                        celebration of Kwanzaa

                  The Congress of Black Women, Manitoba Kwanzaa
               celebration attracted some 80 plus participants at its
               December 11th festivities at the Caribbean Cultural Centre.
                   Developed by Dr. Maulana Karenga in the 60s,
               Kwanzaa is celebrated between December 26th and January
               l. The Congress has been celebrating Kwanzaa for 16 years.
                   Yvonne Sanderson wrote an original song for the
               occasion which focused on the seven principles that form
               the basis of Kwanzaa. These principles are: Unity, Self-
               determination, Collective Work and Responsibility,
               Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Faith, Creativity,
                  This celebration is open to the general public and one of
               the ways in which the Congress attempts to bridge cultural
Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
The Importance of having a will
                                               a deceased dies without a Will,         obtain legal advice regarding the
                   Wills – In this part of     the interested parties may apply        protections available to executors
                 the world at least, we        to Court for Letters of                 (e.g. executors insurance) in a world
                 can say we are in the         Administration to be issued.            of ever increasing litigation by
                  era of Wills. A Will is      Also, where the deceased made a         beneficiaries against executors.
                  a document authored          Will and named the Executor, but          5.    Estate Planning- you want to
                   by the testator (i.e. the   the named Executor is unable or         avail yourself of the benefits,
                   deceased, prior to          unwilling to act, a person may          including tax advantages of arranging
                   death) by which they        apply for “Letters of                   your property to maximize benefits to
attempt to lay out their wishes                Administration with a Will              your estate. This is a very complex
regarding their estate, and decide             Annexed”. The relatives of the          area; you need to speak to a lawyer or
what is going to happen to the                 deceased can apply for Letters of       other expert in this area.
contents of their estate after death.          Administration OR Letters of              6.    Trusts – Trusts can be created
However, there are some very                   Administration with a Will              by a Will as a way of preserving or
important things to keep in mind               Annexed in a stipulated order of        investing funds for beneficiaries of
regarding a Will for it to meet certain        priority.                               your estate. Trusts may also be useful
legal requirements; otherwise a Will             Why then must you begin to            to achieve tax advantages, but it is
could be declared invalid by law.              think about these matters?              also a complex area -speak to a
  Probate – Probate is the process of            1.     You want to be in control      lawyer or other expert.
legally establishing the validity of a         (to a large extent) of how your           7.    Guardianship of children –
Will before a judicial authority. The          estate will be disposed of.             your wishes concerning the
Court has the jurisdiction to determine          2.     You want to make hay           guardianship of your children can be
both the validity of the Will, as well as      while the sun shines- you want to       done through a Will; note though that
its interpretation. The Court gives its        engage the services of an expert-       this will always be subject to a
certification to the Will by issuing a         for instance, a solicitor skilled in    Court’s final ruling. However, your
grant of Probate to the Executor named         preparing legal documents/Wills.        instructions in a Will be given
in the Will; the Executor can then               3.     You want to save your          reasonable consideration by the
administer the deceased’s property. To         loved ones the expense of estate        Court.
make the request for Probate, the              litigation.                               By: Lara Badmus, LL.B.
Executor must file a number of                   4.     If you are named as an           (Lara is an employee of the Law Society
                                                                                       of Manitoba and cannot provide legal
documents in the Court.                        executor in a Will – you want to        services to the public).
  Administration – In Manitoba, when

                                         Are you taking Christmas for Granted
                                                 We sometimes take Christmas for
                                                                                       whether you say Joyeux Noel (French),
                      As the snow falls        granted. Did you know that from
                                                                                       Feliz Navidad (Spanish), Kala
                     and the lights and        1659-1681 spreading Christmas
                                               cheer was illegal in Boston? Yes, you   Christouyenna (Greek), or Mele
                     decorations go up                                                 Kalikimaka (Hawaiian), any way you
                     we know it’s              could be fined 5 shillings, which I’m
                                               sure was a lot at the time. Christmas   say it remember the true meaning of the
                     Christmas! The                                                    season, it’s time for giving not receiving.
hustle and bustle of the season is a sight     was so inconsequential in America
                                               that after the Revolution was won,      Many people in our friendly city go
to see, just thinking about it makes me                                                without not only at Christmas time but
want to do something nice and many             Congress didn’t even bother taking
                                               the day off, instead they held the      throughout the year. Be kind to others,
people feel that way. Winnipeg lives up                                                give a dollar to the Santa ringing the bell
to our “friendly Manitoba” slogan when         first Session on Christmas day. It
                                               took almost a century for them to       at the mall, place a can or two in the
Christmas is near.                                                                     hamper at your office or church, and
  I’ve spent most Christmases in this          proclaim Christmas a federal holiday.
                                               So when you open your mailbox and       may I suggest getting your children out
city. I’ve only been away once and that                                                to volunteer at Winnipeg Harvest or the
Christmas was so different. I’m not a          receive that special Christmas card,
                                               note that the tradition was invented    Salvation Army and teach them the spirit
big fan of snow but not having snow                                                    of sharing and giving
that year made Christmas seemed like           by Sir Henry Cole in 1843.
                                                 When you exchange a Merry               Let’s not take this time for granted like
just another day. I realized how much I                                                the snow - Merry Christmas everyone!
took the snow for granted and that             Christmas in one of the 150
without the snow Chrismas is incomplete.       languages that you can say it in
                                                                                 Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011 was a memorable day. The           community to make use of the opportunities, including his own
debut NICCOM TALENT SHOW sponsored by Daniel                   involvement in sports and completing his legal education at the
McIntyre and St. Matthews Community Association                University of Manitoba. On hand to grace the occasion and
(DMSMCA) and ably supported by the General Wolfe               support the Talent Show Extravaganza participants are the
School was a real deal, a blast per excellence! In addition    Principal of General Wolfe School (official sponsor of the event
to having dozens of children in elementary and high            venue) and the Vice Principal of Greenway School. The
schools showcase their talents, many adult artists, singers,   representative of their major sponsor of the event, the Daniel
comedians and martial arts practitioners and instructors       McIntyre and St. Matthews Community Association (DMSMCA)
came out to showcase their talents as well. The Hon.           was also at the event to interact with participants and enjoy the
Andrew Swan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General          show of talents. An icing to the event was the palatable rice and
inspired and empowered all participants, citing examples       chicken with a variety of drinks to wash down the delicious food.
and encouraging participants, particularly the young ones      This event was packaged by the Nigeria-Canada Congress of
to go for gold as the sky is their beginning. Hon. Swan        Manitoba (NICCOM) - a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-
shared his own life story of how he grew up in the             linguistic, and multiracial community organization.

Hope Mattus, who
performed the role of the
elder and led the Kwanzaa
ceremony is seated on the
right with Yvonne
Sanderson at the podium
energizing the audience
with her composition of
Kwanzaa song. Everyone
appeared to enjoy the song
with its typical Caribbean

    Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Guyana Association of Manitoba celebrates
                 Award Winners
                                                            by the representatives and thanks bellowed
                                                            gleefully to all.
                                                            Seeing the generosity and being present to
                                                            celebrate our community, Honourable
                                                            Nawbatt stated how “very happy and
                                                            impressed he is to know that president
                                                            Kamta Roy Singh and the members of the
                                                            Guyanese Association have managed to keep
                                                            the culture, heritage and pride for our
                                                            beloved Guyana going strong now and for
                                                            the future.”

 By. Sharmela Sukhdeo-Rambally
  Saturday November 19, 2011 is a day to put into the
record books.
  Starting with having the Honourable Harry Narine
Nawbatt, High Commissioner of join us in celebrating
our award recipients with an extravagant evening of
community fellowship, food, entertainment and fun.
  The evening commenced with the singing of our
beloved countries national anthem sung by Miss Tashina
Kaidnath (age 7) and Miss Sophia Guyadin (age 5), then
was entertained by a beautiful dance by the Guyanese
Association of Manitoba dance duo of Fernaz Shariff
and Reetika Sharda both age 7.
  As the evening’s (MC) mistress of ceremonies I was
very impressed and happy to see our youth take initiative
in learning and performing our cultural dance and
heritage with pride.
  Glancing at the guests, including City Councillor Russ
Wyatt and Legislative Minister Flor Marcelino and
awardees enjoying themselves gave me and my fellow
executives and organization members a sense of proud of
what we have achieved.
  The night was very successful not only for the 14
awardees but also for the 3 Rivers Kids Foundations
with an amazing gift from our guests. A donation of
$7,500, surpassing the 2009 total was gladly received

                                                                Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011

                                                       The McDonnell School of Irish Dance

                                                           The Mighty Fe
   Entertainers at the Congress of Black                     - Calypso
           Women Unity Dinner                                Monarch
                   Dylan Gaudy, International Fidder

Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Winnipeg Citizenship and Equity Committee
                         cont’d from p6                 Holiday Reception
was not a random act of violence but a       Winnipeggers from the various
                                            ethno cultural organizations              Mr. Josh said that while he has
deliberately planned and executed           celebrated with the Citizen’s Equity    experienced discrimination he always
massacre of women who were doing            Committee at its annual meet and        tried to maintain a positive attitude to life.
something that Marc Lepine felt they        greet event on December 13th.           He said the City’s motto is “One with the
should not do.                                They were treated to a wine and       strength of many.”
                                            cheese reception at which                   He said someone described being a
 “The Montreal Massacre changed                                                     visible minority in the US is like playing a
                                            Councillor Mike Phagtakhan CEC
my life because until that moment I         Chair informed the community            home game in a foreign soil.
thought we had it made. I realized          about projects the Committee is            “We want everyone to feel they have a
that we still need to fight women’s         currently working on and introduced     home advantage” he said.
rights.”                                    the members of the Council to the         Mr. Josh said he has always felt at home
                                            Committee members and to the            in Winnipeg and loved Winnipeg because
 She said that sexual cultural revolution                                           of its diversity and cultural mosaic.
                                            city’s newest Chief Operation Off.
has given way to individualism, and that      Mr. Deepak Josh, the first visible      “I grew up in this city that gave me
the old stereotypes are coming back         minority Chief Operating Officer in     opportunities. I always felt Winnipeg has
fast and furious. There is no going         the City of Winnipeg was the            been home to me and my family.”
back.”                                      keynote speaker at this event. Mr.
 She urged women to continue the            Josh is originally from India but has
                                            lived in Canada for a long time. He     (See pictorial on p31)
fight until violence against women          has been with the City in various
becomes unacceptable.                       capacities for more than 25 years.
                                                                               Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
                          Clementies contain choline,
                          potassium, B Vitam, Folate and
                          a healthy dose of antioxidants.     most important. This alkalizing drink starts the motor running
                          Here are to reasons you may         and will raise your energy levels.
                          want to include this in your diet   8. Pick up a healthy meal-replacement bar. If you are too
                          in the new year.                    busy to cook, there are new snack bars on the market that
                          1. Clementines are a source of      are made with only raw nuts and fruits blended into
                          vitamin C:                          amazing variations. Meal-replacement bars make sure
                          2. They're great for dental         that your blood sugar does not plummet, which is critical
                          health                              to avoid moodiness and unstoppable cravings. When your
3. Protect your liver with clementines:                       time is limited, enjoy a whey-protein shake with
4. Clementines are a source of folate:                        blueberries and cinnamon to add a dash of warming spice
5. Clementine oil is a potent antioxidant:                    to your winter regime.
After the holidays many people start looking for their        9. Reward yourself for healthy habits. Give yourself a non-
next weight loss gig. It's not a gig. Weight management       food reward, like an aromatherapy scent, when you reach a
has to include a lifestyle change.                            week of making 10 good choices a day. The uplifting scent
These tips can get your weight loss started quickly           of grapefruit essential oil, applied topically, is said to increase
1. Start a love affair with healthy food such as green        the circulation that helps break up cellulite.
veggies, berries, grapefruit, or kiwi.                        10. Make sure you get your Bs. Supplementing with B
2. Beat cravings with healthy snacks                          vitamins can be a huge boost in your weight loss routine.
3. Start the day with protein to avoid sugar cravings.Try     B vitamins spin your carbs into energy inside every cell
eating dinner for breakfast. To calculate your daily          of your body. Greater energy expenditure means more
protein needs, take your weight in kilograms and              calories of fuel burned. It is a fantastic way to blast
multiply it by 0.8. For example, a women who is 135           exhaustion and also keep your emotional balance. Since
lbs converts to 62 kg x 0.8 = 50 grams of protein.            most overeating is tied to emotional comfort binges,
4. Keep your blood sugar steady by eating every two to        keeping an even keel with a B-complex supplement is
three hours. Pack snacks everywhere you go. If you            critical for the long-term permanent weight loss.
stockpile the right stuff in your office drawers, purse,      Nutritionist Julie Daniluk hosts Healthy Gourmet, a
and glove compartment, you’ll remove the temptation to        reality cooking show that looks at the ongoing battle
take trips to the vending machine or corner store.            between taste and nutrition. Her soon-to-be-published
Natural meal-replacement bars, pre-washed baby                first book, Meals That Heal Inflammation, advises on
carrots, and 71 percent cocoa butter chocolate make           allergy-free foods that both taste great and assist the body
great energy-boosting snacks for that afternoon energy        in the healing process.
5. The crock-pot is your best ally for winter weight          Mexican Hot Chocolate Recipe
loss. Soup makes you feel warm and full, and it can be        1/4 cup milk
packed with veggies. Add beans and free-range poultry         4 teaspoons unsweetened dark cocoa powder
to boost the protein, and opt for tomato or onion broth       2 teaspoons granulated sugar
over heavier cream-based soups.                               Dash ground ancho chile pepper
6. Think tropical with coconuts. Coconuts have been           1 oz. Kahlua
demonized for having too much saturated fat, but it turns     ½ oz. tequila ½ oz. Cinnamon Liqueur
out that not all saturates are created equal. The flesh       1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
and milk of these giant seeds contains a very special fat     ½ teaspoon sugar
called medium-chain tri-glycerides (MCTs), which the          Dash ground ancho chile pepper
body burns as fuel instead of storing as fat. Endurance       Garnish (optional): whipped cream, cinnamon & ancho chile
athletes turn to coconut-based supplements to delay           pepper sugar. One cinnamon stick per cup.
exhaustion. So, if your marathon work week is running         1.Mix together in a small bowl and set aside for garnish
                                                              cinnamon, sugar and ancho chile pepper.
you down, reach for the coconut milk and add flavour
                                                              2.Whisk together milk, cocoa powder, ancho chile pepper and
and energy to your soups, shakes and desserts.
                                                              granulated sugar in microwave safe cup. Microwave on high for
7. Try a green smoothie. If you start your day with an        30 second intervals, stirring after each interval, until hot and
energizing green drink, you can count yourself in for         smooth.
two to three servings of veggies right off the top. So        3.Mix in Kahlua, tequila and cinnamon liqueur. Pour into serving
many of us struggle to eat in the morning, when it is         glass.
                                                              4.Top with: whipped cream, sprinkle of cinnamon/chile sugar.
      Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011               5.Garnish with cinnamon stick
Leg Up
                                                                                   Laurel Wright, Monica
                                                                           scholarships of close to Clacken
                                                                                   Rhiney and Violet $10000
                                    scholarship to help young women        were given out at the Caongress
The Congress of Black Women of      with their academic studies. Four
Manitoba gives out annual                                                  of Black Women Unity Dinner

                                                    Lois Archer VP, CBW
                                                    Scholarship winnert
Antoinette Zloty, President, CBW
presents to Tamara Lynch

          Can’t find a salon to do
           justice to your hair?
              Look no more!

        Les Touche Salon
            will send you satisfied everytime

                  4-555 Balmoral Ave
                  Hours: Mon. - Sat.
                   9 a.m - 7:00 p.m.
                   Phone: 947-5830                     Lois stewart-Archer presents
                                                       to Sandra Aghahon
                                                       Scholarship Winner
                                                                                          Officer Sheppard and
                                                                                             Sandra Housen
                                                                   Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Zizi - The Continuting Story
  The visit to the mall did not yield any            “Did she give you a name?”
intelligence. The story was all over the media       “No, but obviously it’s someone she         “Looking for something, someone, I
as a drug bust gone wrong. Zizi could not get      knew and worked with or lent money        can help.”
the woman out of her head. What did she do?        to. She was on the wrong side of the          “Oh, well, I’m looking for Johnny
Why did they execute her? She worried that         law, you know involved with drugs and     he’s got something for me.”
her showing up at Johnny’s place might have        so on”.                                       “A lot of people looking for Johnny
had something to do with it or perhaps she did       “Here’s my card, if you think of        but he’s gone in the country to see his
something to let on that she is with the police    anything at all call me, if you know      old mama.”
and the girl had to die. Zizi was feeling all      where I can contact any of her                “When will he be back?”
kinds of emotions but one stood out anger.         friends, let me know. I am so sorry           “I suppose when the coast is clear”
She was angry for this cold blooded murder of      for your loss”                                “Did he take all the stash? Who’s
a nice woman and she was determined to bring         “Thanks and you who are you and         taking care of his business?”
her killers to justice.                            what’s this to you? I am just looking         “He’s left people in charge and I’m
  How about if we block the exits out of the       for some tips because if I can give the   one of them. He told me someone like
city and alert our colleagues. These people        police useful information, I can make     you would have come looking and that I
who are responsible are dangerous.                 some money for myself and help put        should fix you up real good.”
  Leyroy and Zizi were dispatched to visit the     the bad guys behind bars.”                    “Well, I don’t have the money now. I
parents, friends or family anyone they can find      “Maybe you can check her                had it that day but I can get it later today,
who could shed light on this woman’s friends       Facebook page to see some of her          where can I find you?”
and associates. They realized their work was       friends there she has many pictures of        “You’ll find me right about here.”
cut out for them.                                  all kinds of people there. She used          “Okay, will be back in a hour, man.
  Zizi told Leyroy she wanted to return to the     her real name Candy Zaldisky. My          Thanks” Zizi said and added “by the way
apartment. The surroundings were sealed off        poor baby, I am so heartbroken,           what happened to what’s her face?”
with the police yellow tape.                       talking to you have helped feel better        “What happens when people try to
  A lone woman was standing outside the home       somehow”                                  double cross their friends, bad things
clearly upset. Zizi went over to her.                “Thanks, I wish I could do more to      happen.”
  “Do you know what went on here?”                 help but I’ll work hard to get the guy        “Did she double cross Johnny?”
  “My daughter was murdered in this building.      who did this. I promise. Call me at           “No, not Johnny but some other dude
The police found her body dumped in the trash      that number anytime if you think of       from the West end. They say it’s an
in a garbage bag. She was a good girl just lost    anything. Bye”.                           African gang.”
her way but she called me two days ago and              “What a great tip her mom just           “So, why did Johnny had to leave, he
said that she was coming home, that’s she tired    gave us. Let’s find a computer before     had nothing to fear”
of life on the streets. I told home why not now,   someone shuts down her FB account,            Sure he did, the police would come
come now. I was waiting for this moment for        we’ll check the photos there maybe        sniffing around his stuff because she was
three years. It was like music to my ears but      something will show up.,” Zizi said to    a customer and a sales staff as well so
she said she’s waiting for some money that         Leyroy and they headed for the car.       there’s the link.”
someone owed her and that he wasn’t going to         Just as they turned around a tall fat       “There’s the link indeed.”
get away with it.”                                 guy approached.

           Maiko Live at the West End Concert a Winner
  Support for Maiko Watson’s concert at            deal with personal issues but             IN THE MIX
the West End Cultural Centre with                  now she’s back “I’m determined            CCOM New Year’s Eve Ball at
Renee Batson as opening act.                       to make her mark on the R&B               1100 Fife street,
  The band was a great compliment and              and hip hop scene, and she will           8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
even though practise time was limited it           because Renee is talented and             Clebrate the New Year with
came out swinging.                                 can sing. MC Hardrock and                 Champagne, spread of snacks,
  Maiko looked relaxed on stage as the             Tunyia accompanied her act.               party favors and a lively count
audience energy drove up her own.                      Terry McLeod of the CBC               down with DJ Vibesman
  At the end of the evening, most people           Information Radio was the host            Tickets and Admission $25.00
felt they got their money’s worth and              of the event and McLeod said he           Don’t miss this party. This is
more.                                              was impressed with both act and           cheap for New Year’s Eve, so start
  Renee Batson has been singing for                so was everyone else. You                 cashing in.
years but she had taken some time off to           missed it you missed something!
     Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Poems by Neil Pitamber
A GLORIOUS MESS                                     RED LETTER DAY                              THE GENIAL FLAME
 My mistletoes are frozen...                        Slap-happy                                  Wind stumbles past us upon the roof
Only one way to defrost!                            Salt water taffee and cream!                And snow spits up in vexing geysers
The streets are full of ‘wonderful’                 You seem to have been                       To kiss the hostile atmosphere above
(With painted ribbons on the bus!)                  Everywhere I’ve meant to see!               The maple rich scent of apple ciders
My breath drops in icicles as                       If I had to choose something                The trees are cold and petrified
I lift my eyes to caress yours                      For you to taste like?                      No public interest in spiritual design
’Snow dancing on foreign shores’                    Something with sugar                        Material things do help us smile
 I look so deeply into you...                       But awfully light!                          Closest approach at Christmas time
That’s all I seem to see!                           Strawberries butter syrup                   ’You have your view
Standing in awe of my own                           And hot pillow cakes!                       Let them have theirs...’
Personal ‘Nativity Scene’                           You really are the difference               Agree to disagree one more year...
You offer me your hand                              I had hoped you would make!                 Earth is not sterile but dormant asleep
And I bless new with a kiss                         Peppermint schnapps                         Eclipsed on occasions from the seasonal flu
The perfect Christmas gift...                       Hibiscus cranberry greens!                  Mistletoe up and the world underneath
                                                    You seem to have been                       A primary reservoir we can’t tap enough
                                                    Everywhere I’ve made a scene!               into...
ALL ROADS                                           But you found it in you to
 I lift my head gently off the floor                Love me any way                             STOLEN MOMENT
And stare mid-eyed the windowsill                   Icing powdered sugar                         Avocado oil is not much
Where clouds of grey have smashed                   Frost all the way...!                       Of a conversation piece
To atoms, fall in form of flaked decay...                                                       Unless you have fifty-five to the gallon
The tree outside draws his name on                                                              Indeed you have a style
My window in some special language                                                              ’You trend with disbelief’
And the sound of bells enter my ears                                                            (And all the social appeals of a melon)
And two hooks drop from either eye                                                              We spend a lot of our lives
To lift my smile this ‘Christmas Day’                                                           Closed tight inside a vice
                                                                                                We spend it locked inside a pivot
’The lights outside are summer rainbow                                                          Just watching and waiting
The ground is crispy and iced and white’                                                        And watching and waiting
If there was ever a perfect time                                                                For something special to happen...
I hope you find your way tonight...
                                                                                                  ...perfectly abreast
                                                    THE SURPLUS                                 Footsteps break crisp and frigid
Who is the man with the pony-tail moustache
                                                    POPULATION                                  ...peacefully at rest
                                                     To describe the things I feel              Footprints upon the shadowland
And the ripe cherry cheeks about to burst...?!                                                  Gravely preserved in the fringes
He’s smiling like he’s known me my entire life!     Snowglobe might put it best
                                                                                                And farewell not only to arms
He looks like a wood-burning stove                  (But the upside down feeling
                                                                                                But for all appendages
With a red suit on and his lips are smiling tight   Does not settle in this chest)              Forgiveness not only for faults
And star anise and cinnamon and cloves are in       Children are brought upon us                A cure too, of grudges
The air tonight...                                  And become part of the mess                 ’I’d like to think I was principled
It’s so lovely                                      Men will cross until we draw the line       But not having adapted any one
 The wind is blowing powdered sugar on to my        We don’t need to have a                     I’d like to think I was nuetral but
Lips and the grains are freezing solid from the     Christmas tree for each                     Not fixed to the sense of it alone
                                                    For these stars to shine                    I’d like to think you were too far
Irresistable kiss...
                                                    I’m blessed with more than adequate         To forgive at such a short notice
Milk gushing from a water fountain and cookies                                                  I’d like to think so for of this there
Keeping warm by a fire pit                          Memory to just remember at this time
                                                    When I see the things I have                Shall be no resurrection similar to
The childhood years are the best in a mans’                                                     The intrepid ‘Sherlock Holmes’
life                                                There is enough to re-invest
                                                                                                Or any of the things we’ll miss....
It doesn’t matter who he is                         To remove the ‘wreck’ from ‘correct’        (Tread softly, should you come
At Christmas...                                     Mouths are sore and seeping                 I’m not really expecting anyone
Every man is a kid...                               And flesh salty from weeping                Or hoping for anyone, anymore)...
                                                    Let’s put the ‘me’ back in this ‘mess’...

                                                                                           Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
                                            T.J. Pepper Maiko watson Tynisha Goddard

                                            Renee Batson

Maiko Watson                                      MC Hardrock

Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
JEWEL BURNS LUSTROUS                                  - Neil Pitamber

   I spoke to a dear friend of mine the other day, offering me   personal attention is dissipating, jobs are lost
the sentiment that his family would be putting off Christmas     and enthusiasm is hard to regenerate at this
for another year. The coarse reality of that statement           time of season. Despite, perhaps, a usual
shaves dangerously close to the economic face of this            and innate need to be a part of the tableau
country today. Many of you here in Winnipeg champion             of ornaments, wreaths and choruses.
your decision to remain here as a conscious one but I think                If you, or someone you know or
where West Indians are concerned it is, quite simply,            love, has been struck with this particular
difficult to lift our feet once we have set it down. For         problem - I am asking you to do your best to set past
some of you ‘casually inquiring’, this is one of the reasons     grievances aside and encourage them to - get back on
why ‘Caribbean Shield’ is still seventy-five percent             their (your) feet. It doesn’t last forever and you may be
functional and aiming to refine our operation in the coming      denying yourself participation in one of the most special
year. We’ve found a cause to reckon with and if it’s             times of the year. I don’t know that anyone is as vocal
favourable, we’re going nowhere soon from here.                  about the inconsistency of success as I am, and even then
       A daily visit to reminds me that we really      I have lost on other levels too. I think I can speak, though
aren’t lagging far behind the stresses affecting cities like     lightly, the same for Dino and Bharat, and any of you
Toronto and Alberta - only that our provincial government        that lost someone you really loved in the last twelve
is pouring funding into the infrastructure and all the hype      months. Loss is a terrible feeling and a lack of gain sits
surrounding the return of the Winnipeg Jets has proven to        shyly under it, but things do get better; if we can learn to
be good for the city, thus far. A new stadium is also in the     embrace brevity, imagine what we may have to do to
works, along with the completion of the Canadian Museum          entertain ourselves in an eternity! Happy Holidays, Neil
for Human Rights, and expansion of American businesses
city-wide such as Wal-Mart and Target. But the smaller
shops are going the way of the Caribbean monk seal;

  for all

                                                                 -            Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
He remained on the board for
                                                                                     38 years.
                                                                                     Beal was instrumental in
                                                                                     developing the first circulating
                                                                                     library to the school system in
                                                                                     Manitoba. In 1922 he formed
                                                                                     the literary society. Every two
                                                                                     weeks there was an evening of
                                                                                     debates, plays poetry readings
                                                                                     or concerts. His greatest
                                                                                     legacy to the community and
                                                                                     Manitoba is his photography
                                                                                     which peaked between 1915
                                                                                     and 1925. He was not a
                                                                                     professional photography but
                                                                                     rather a hobbyist. His passion
                                                                                     for recording his neighbours
                                                                                     and the surroundings allows
                                                                                     us to glimpse pioneer life in
                                                                                     Swan River and capture the
                                                                                     social and economic
                                                                                     conditions of the times.
                                                                                        Billy Beal was an amazing
                                                                                     black man light years ahead of
                                                                                     his time. The film won the
                                                                                     Manitoba Human Rights
                                                                                     Commitment Award 2010
                                                                                        So there we have it. Black
                                                                                     History Month our history in
                                                                                     Canada and stories of two
                                                                                     herpes Ferguson Jenkins of
                                                                                     Chatham Ontario and Billy
                                                                                     Beal of Manitoba. Watch for
                                                                                     the movie.

                                                            Continued from p7
in law. He was an avid reader.   took nine years to clear   discuss the formation
He claimed he had a medical      15 acres but got           of a new School            “God gives
degree but was not listed with   ownership any way. A       District. Recording
the College of Physicians and    farmer he was not.         the minutes was 38         nothing to those
surgeons.                        On March 1, 1912, ten      year old Billy Beal.       who keep their
  Entry to Canada was            ratepayers from the        Three months later he
based on being a farmer.         Big Woody area about       was elected Trustee        arms crossed.” -
To get a homestead he was        12 miles northwest of      and appointed
required to clear 60 acres
                                                                                       African Proverb
                                 the Town of Swan           Secretary-treasurer of
in three years however he        River gathered to          the Board of Trustees.
    Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Baobab Canadian Society aims to Unite and Serve
 December 12, 2011                                             opinions. Our collective future as Canadians remains in the
We are writing to you about an exciting event to usher in      hands of all of us – working together
2012 in a way we think you will find significant.
 Your opinion and input is expressly needed about the
creation of a unified, national voice to represent Afrik        Excerpt from the BAOBAB BACKGROUNDER sent to
oriented organizations and business interests in Canada. It    local, provincial and federal government representatives
is our community’s time to shine and to show what we
                                                               and presented at a round table meeting held in spring 2011
can do now and into the future of Canada.
                                                               in Vancouver, BC
 We envision a collaborative effort spearheaded by The
Baobab Canadian Society. Its mission is to serve our           THE BAOBAB CANADIAN SOCIETY
community’s needs and to serve as an umbrella                  Its purpose is to act as a national umbrella organization
organization that will encompass and respect current and       covering all of the diverse facilities and assistance groups
active organizations and initiatives as well as encourage      situated in the various Afrik communities throughout Canada
growth and development.                                        as well as form new groups that will aid to the integration of
  Your individual associations’ perspectives are important.    all Afrik people into Canadian culture and build a strong
These will strengthen our communal resources and will          economic development process that will produce a concrete
enable us to be heard by governments, academic                 result for growth.
institutions and the business community.                       The origins and significance of Baobab
The groundwork has already been laid by The Baobab
                                                               A tree in Africa called the ‘Baobab’ known for its
Canadian Society. It has been registered for a number of
                                                               tremendous size and distinctive properties is regarded as a
years and support exists in the government, academic and
business communities.                                          source of food, water, shelter and relief from sickness’ and
  Together, we can meet challenges and can capitalize on       is used for many life-sustaining purposes; its name is
our community’s rich talents, knowledge and developing         revered by African people and recognized to mean Unity –
economic potential. To this end, we are planning a             Diversity – Strength.
national conference anticipated for February 2012. The         Forming a unique umbrella organization under the name
Baobab Canadian Society hopes to gather top leaders            BAOBAB would be clearly understood to African
from across the country. At this meeting, we will              communities. The name conveys powerful concepts and
introduce Baobab’s mission, chart our activity as a group      symbols to the African mind and spirit. It would be a
for the upcoming years and to prepare for a larger             tremendous aid toward achieving our goals in becoming
gathering of Government representatives and decision
                                                               valued citizens contributing to this great country Canada that
makers where we will present a national strategic plan for
                                                               we all call home.
our community.
 Your input is invited, in fact it is critical as we bring     Afrik communities in Canada are widely diverse in their
together Afrik businesses and organizations and                ethnicity, culture, morals, languages, traditions, customs and
governments to meet in a collaborative Canadian way and        beliefs. It is The BAOBAB CANADIAN SOCIETY’s desire
to forge best ways to serve our community within the           and goal to help bring greater unity to the whole of these
resources of our Canadian home.                                communities while retaining their essential diversity and to
We need to nurture and inspire our own people, new             overall assist in the integration of all into the broader
immigrants, refugees and long time citizens alike and get      Canadian society. For more information contact:
them involved in the community, to integrate and to            Honore M. Gbedze Publisher / Editor Tel: 604.646.0474 / Fax:
benefit from resources. Our youth need to be introduced                  604. 646-0473 Email:
to corporate forerunners and government officials so that
they glimpse their possibilities and are inspired to achieve
through education, accountability and action and become         “Success is to be measured not so
our future corporate and government leaders.                    much by the position that one has
   Can we count on your contribution to shaping our
successful future?
                                                                reached in life as by the obstacles
 Consider getting involved; make yourself and your              which he has overcome while trying to
potential known. We hope you’ll respond and share your          succeed.” -Booker T. Washington
                                                                               Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition
Global eyes magazine holiday edition

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Global eyes magazine holiday edition

  • 1. 4th QUARTER December 2011 global eyes Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine Cliff Happy Richards, Holidays “The to one Mighty and all Fe” Calypso One of the Monarch entertainers at the Congress of Black Women Unity Dinner
  • 2. Flutes Offer Comfort and Joy - Robin Dwarka How many people get to live out a childhood dream? Asked how the flute choir has evolved over the years, Monica Bailey is doing just that through one of the few Bailey says she “focuses on the positive. Inspiration ebbs flute choirs and flows in Canada. and the As a members ‘privileged are helping faculty brat’ stir that travelling inspiration through by bringing Europe with their ideas her and professor experiences father, to the Bailey, choir”. Jill participated Forbes, in programs who has been with the choir for 19 years credits her that developed a great love for music. Within one longevity to Monica and “the friendships and an year, she was playing 4-part baroque and renaissance opportunity to play with other people as opposed to solo. pieces in recorder quartets – and, through supportive It makes me happy to come and play every week”. instruction, was capable of playing every part! This The flute choir raises funds for instruments, music and experience also instilled in her a feeling of community other necessities though concerts. Their artistic and non-competitiveness where any and everybody programming is never the same as they experiment with could be ‘first chair’. The germ of a dream to create a different techniques, other instruments and varied genres. I place for people to play flute, “to have an equal had an opportunity to play with the choir last year when opportunity to develop, to express themselves and my steel band, the Manitoba Pan Handlers, were guests at grow, and to develop the instrument”, says Bailey, the choir’s spring concert. We all thought that flute and started over 20 years ago. In fact, the flute choir is pan would be a nice combination but when the two groups celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2011. played together it was magical. From traditional This flute choir is actually two separate groups Caribbean folk to European classical music the tone of the along with solo students that come together for flutes and steel was pure joy. Their recent concert on performances. Sweet Silver features the most December 11 involved music from the Renaissance period experienced players. Silver Winds started off as a complete with a procession through the audience – a scary learn-to-play group but they all hung in there and now thought for musicians who are used to staying in one place some of those flautists play with Sweet Silver as well. and reading music. The choir is a diverse bunch of flute enthusiasts, who The latest phase in the choir’s development is a desire to cover the spectrum of political, social, cultural, and give back to the community in the form of contributing their career backgrounds. Many are social activists in heart gift of music to help fund raise for worthy causes. Says and spirit. The members also vary in how much Forbes, “the performing group is happy to perform but experience they bring to the choir and their skill set is happier when they can help others as as diverse as the individuals themselves. The choir is well.” Some of the Caribbean a safe place for members to explore and grow their community both locally and abroad have skills. Flautists get to experience playing not only the benefited from the choir’s generosity. well-known soprano flute but alto flutes, bass flutes, When a call went out for performers to piccolo and, at one point, a contrabass flute – the participate in a benefit concert to raise gentle giant of the flute family. funds for the Haitian hurricane disaster One of the things that make this choir special is the in 2010, the choir was there. The flute principle that you can make good music in a loving, choir helped celebrate the Council of supportive environment without being competitive. Continued on Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 p3 2
  • 3. Reflection Beatrice Watson T’is the Season to be Jolly It’s that time of year again when My mother became a member of this we experience that awkwardness of We all get Christmas holidays and Church in her later years. Thank God Christmas, Xmas, Holiday Season love it because it’s time off work to for that. I could not imagine a life and semantic distress about naming spend with our families and truth be without the joy of Christmas as a what we are celebrating. told, Christmas is celebrated in one child Being politically correct can form or the other by people from many There will come a time when sometimes extend its reach. religions including Jews and Muslims liberal minded folks will celebrate While it is true that we are living adherents. each other’s religious holidays with in a multicultural, multiethnic, Which child doesn’t like the mystery gusto as we do in the Caribbean. pluralistic society and by and large of Santa Claus or Father Christmas, Growing up in the Caribbean, I was no matter how it looks with the the gifts under the tree they wake up to excited about Eid and Phagwah holy window dressing, as a society, we on Christmas morning or decorating days and looked forward to festival privilege Christianity over other their house with flickering lights? of lights, holikah burning and sharing religions. This is not a criticism. It I have heard many of my friends from in the delicious foods during Eid. is how we, as new comers to this various religious backgrounds talk And like established multicultural country, came and experienced this about Christmas preparations and societies, each religion will be given country and we have to respect that. baking and giving gifts to others. equal prominence. We are working We have to respect that change does I think the most reluctant group in all towards that. For now, there is no not happen overnight and therefore to the groups I have seen is followers of shame in celebrating Christmas with create a fuss over an office having a the Jehovah Witness who pride our Christian friends. Happy Christmas party is uncharitable and themselves in celebration nothing. Christmas to one and all. uncalled for in my opinion. Flute Choir - continued from p2 Caribbean 55 Plus Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba’s 30th anniversary this year. The flute choir is a wonderful place to develop and experiment. Monica’s Oldies Goldies Night hope is that adult gets a chance to congregate with others and make music a Big Hit together whether it’s playing an instrument or singing. “There are two things that are important to happiness: exercise and creativity,” says Monica. To me, that thought gives me great comfort and joy especially during this holiday season. (Photos of the flute concert courtesy of Island Vibes. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 3
  • 4. Subscribe Today Poetry By Neil p21 Name:_________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ Flutes Offer Comfort and Joy - Robin Postal Code_______________ Phone:_______________________ Dwarka Email address:_______________________ Kwanzaa Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think celebrations p12 we’re doing a good job. Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the Caribbean/Black/larger community - The Importance of a by email or by phone (YES/NO) Will Lara Badmus- Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine p13 671 Rathgar Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Are you taking Global Eyes is an independent magazine devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and Christmas for Granted Caribbean communities of Manitoba and to highlight the issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims - Nadia Thompson and promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its p13 mandate is to be a quarterly publication featuring articles, and the achievements of local, national and international personalities that are of interest to the African/caribbean community, promoting healthy living by providing healthtips Open Letter to the and recipes as well as editorials with African/Caribbean Community p26 sensibilities and letters to the editor. The Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution. Guyanese Association of Manitoba celebrates Winners p18 IN THIS ISSUE Regulars: CBW celebrates Carrie Local Brief Best p9 Letter to my children p11 Piecing together Global Counselor p11 Memories 30 Gaffin wid Buddyp26 Healthwise 18 Human trafficking p10 Zizi the continuing story p20 Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 4
  • 5. GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Editor: Beatrice Watson GLOBAL GEM’s Regular Distributed to local businesses, and in Winnipeg VIOLENCE Contributors and via email to individuals in Manitoba and AUDIT? former Manitobans in various parts of the UN Women Winnipeg world. in conjunction with the Global College, U of W held an information session to discuss the To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a impact of military interventions, cheque for $15.00 to: femicides and state repression in Global Eyes Magazine several hot spots. 671 Rathgar Avenue Held at the University of Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Winnipeg, with Professor Neil Pitamber, Marilou McPhedran, students Caribbean Shield Phone: 204-477-1588 Chelsea Caldwell and Maddie A prolific writer, poet Pearlman from the University and owner, Caribbean of Winnipeg Global College Shield All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be with Song for Africa founder reprinted without the express or written consent Darcy Ataman, presented of the author or Editor. facts and figures for the highly motivated larger than usual audience on the current global trends in violence against women and Out and About highlighting new strategic responses in different ence. countries. Robin Dwarka, Board Professor of Women Member, Community and Gender Studies at Vibe the University of Winnipeg, the book explores the realities of feminist mothering for both mothers and their children. The book is based on in-depth inter- views of 16 feminist mothers and their adult Dr. Fiona Joy Green’s Practis- children conducted Lara Badmus, LLB ing Feminist Mothering book between 1995 and Dr. Marilou Discipline Counsel was launch was held at the 2007. It is a easy to read McPhedran Principal, The Law Society of McNally’s Robinson Store on book and highly Global College Manitoba December 4th to a large audi- recommended. It would make a perfect gift. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 5
  • 6. Local briefs Sunrise Memorial Ceremony The Annual Sunrise Memorial Ceremony sponsored by the Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council saw an increase in participation this year with guest speaker, Francine Pelletier, Journalist who was also on the list marked for murder by Marc Lepine. On December 6, 1989, Marc Lepine walked into Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and cold bloodedly murdered 14 women in the Engineering program before turning the gun on himself. It has become one of those monumental memory reference points for people to recall what was happening where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. Marc Lepine had left a suicide note which the police hid from the public as a benevolent act to protect women from fear. Montreal journalist Francine Pelletier, guest speaker said she fought for the Honourable Jennifer Howard, Minister of the Status of Women and Francine Pelletier. Above is the lighting of 14 candles in release of Lepine’s letter and when it was memory of the 14 people killed. released she said it became clear that this cont’d on p17 Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 6
  • 7. Editorial - Take One The Spirit of Christmas is simple but a gift that will clog up my house. business has turned into a complicated, When we get to certain stage in our lives another miserable mess with its demand for us trivial gift becomes a clutter. Who needs another to buy, buy, buy. mug? Another candle, another mouse trap? I We all love to shop but when money remember when my children’s grandmother started is tight, the inability to respond to the sending them notices that she had sent a donation to commercial messages leaves us feeling like being in a charitable organization in their name, they were the dog house. Yes, keeping up with the Joneses is part upset at first throwing away the card and feeling of the commercial Christmas spirit. If someone gives cheated from their gift but they now appreciate it us a gift we feel compelled to return the favour. What and want to follow in that footstep. It is better to is the point in giving? Let’s call it gift exchange and if give than to receive. It is better to give a gift to you do not want to participate in the exchange you someone who cannot afford to return the favour. Of ought to be able to opt out. On many occasions we course, there is a place for gift exchange but let’s waste precious dollars buying gifts and giving them to be clear about that. Christmas should not stress people who will never use them but pack them in their people out; it should expand our hearts in love and next Canadian diabetes pick up. I think I like the idea compassion. Pay no attention to the pervasive of giving gifts to charitable organizations that provide commercials that urge you to buy. for the underprivileged in a person’s name than getting Black Odyssey - by Dr. Marion James (final instalment) In early 2010 I attended the despite having diverse cultural backgrounds was premier of the film “Bill” co- not free of racism. produced by Ernesto Griffith (a In March 1911 Customs Officers subjected 200 member of my church St. black farmers from Oklahoma to a most rigorous Bartholomew) and Winston examination at Emerson even thought they had Moxam at the Park Theatre met all the requirements. The officials to their South Osborne. chagrin couldn’t prevent entry. That year citizens Our hero, William Beal was from several Western cities including Winnipeg born in Massachusetts, USA. petitioned the Federal government to halt His family then moved to movement of black onto the Prairies. The federal Minneapolis after the death of government implemented a law whereby Border his mom and paternal grandmother His father remarried guards could prevent entry of blacks or any other an Englishwoman; they lived in a white neighbourhood. individuals by declaring them medically unfit. It is believed that he likely had post secondary There was no appeal to this decision. education in Montana. Billy Beal moved to Swan River. He was the On return to Minneapolis racism was pervasive yet only Black for miles around, therefore not a he elected to move to Swan River Manitoba especially menace while there were instances of racism, the to escape racism. His early history is vague at times. love of a couple helped him through these He may have read a Black newspaper “broadaxe” challenging times. The Gunsons were not fair- which carried the article in which Manitoba’s Premier weathered friends. R.P. Robin encouraged people to move north. He Billy packed a pistol, was not only a steam decided to move to Swan River ostensibly to be a engine engineer, a skilled carpenter, electrician farmer but he was a steam engineer. Beal met racism and photographer but also had a working officials at the Emerson International Border but in the knowledge of medicine. Chemistry and was well versed film, solving this dilemma was hilarious. Manitoba cont’d on p24 Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 7
  • 8. Council of Carribbean Organizations Family Day a Success Musical Chair brings out the competitive spirit of children of all ages Santa chats with a fan There were games, food and lots of and the fans showed up a bit later fun on family day but unfortunately than sooner but it was a great it coincided with grey cup weekend event. The Guyanese Cultural Organization of Manitoba held its annual seniors supper at the Caribbean Cultural Centre. The event was well attended. The seniors were well fed with a delicious supper accompa- nied by home-made ice-cream. As always this event is one to look Oldies Goldies forward to because it is well organized and the food is always a treat for the Girl revisited palate. Daniela Archer (left) performed a solo as well as some of the seniors sang choruses. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 8
  • 9. Congress of Black Women Celebrates Carrie Best “The Clarion”. She was known for her selflessness in advocating for the rights of others. She joined with Viola Desmond who mistakenly sat in the ‘whites only” section of the theatre and was charged, convicted and fined in 1946, to lobby the provincial government to repeal its segregation law which she lived to see happen in 1954. That same year Best’s radio program “The Quiet Corner” hit the airways. She was also a human rights columnist for the Pictou Advocate and continually spoke out against substandard conditions on Native reserves and discrimination against black property owners. A role model for generations of Black Coopsammy said it was Canadians, Carrie Best received the The Congress of Black Women’s Unity challenging to find any black Order of Canada, Queen Elizabeth Dinner 2011 was a formal affair with a journalist on the air today. Medal, several honorary doctorate classy flair through and through. The She was hopeful in feeling degrees and served on the Task force on hall was beautifully decorated in white that things are starting to change. the Status of Woman. and yellow with lovely floral She said that when anyone Coopsammy said it was difficult to find arrangement on each table. It was a suggests that she got the job information on Carrie Best until she celebration of culture and in particular because of her colour she came upon her biography Lonesome Carrie Best who was honoured with a responds “just like nepotism, Road self published in 1977. stamp by Canada post in February 2011. colour may get me in the door Coopsammy said Carrie Best built a Eleanor Coopsammy, journalist and but unlike nepotism color bridge for other people from marginalized anchor at CTV’s Morning Show and wouldn’t keep me there. What backgrounds to walk over. guest speaker highlighted the would keep me there is talent.” The entertainment was provided by Della achievements of Carrie Best and the The crowd cheered. Gaudy, Métis Youth who played the state of affairs of black women in the She said when we find our fiddle, Clifford Richards, master media today. Coopsammy’s packed a passion we are driven by the Calypsonian from Trinidad and Youth lot of information using multimedia creative force through our veins Highland Dancers. format to bring her story about Carrie like electricity turned on and we Four deserving young women received Best to life. do not know how to do anything scholarships to help with their different. Carrie Best did what continuing education at the university she was called to level: Omudhohwo Oshobe, Sandra Three of the four do, speak for the Agahon; Natasha Mukumba; Scholarship Winners underdog never Tamara Lynch thinking that one day she will be honoured with a stamp. Born in 1903 in Glasgow Nova Scotia, Best is credited with establishing the first newspapers for Black Canadians in Nova Scotia Carrie Best Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 9
  • 10. Local Activisit Passionate advocate against human trafficking country because we have well Christine Nnadi, an activist and While many would be sitting with family developed social assistance and passionate advocate against human and friends enjoying a peaceful holiday, medical systems and it is a large trafficking said she is concerned that others will be trapped in the twilight country making it easy to escape more is not done to raise awareness of world in the claws of a despicable authority. As well Canada has a human trafficking in African countries master who has trafficked them across large multicultural and ethnic where women are trafficked for sexual oceans to use them as chips in an diversity and has the largest slavery to European countries and even to underworld economy – human unprotected border in the world. Canada. She said she encounters some trafficking People fit it easily here. here in Winnipeg. Diane Bussy of Salvation Army, The Police are knowledgeable and Nnadi, a member of the Congress of presenter at MEEAC’s forum on fully aware of the tactics of Black Women of Manitoba said she Trafficking against women on at the traffickers but in many instances hopes that the Congress of Black Women CCOM Office also brought home the the victims are unwilling to assist. will take up the issue and organize a seriousness of this modern day It is difficult to identify victims of conference or workshop to raise slavery and the rise in the number of forced labour debt bondage or awareness of African and black women Canadian women and girls being servitude.” that are caught in the web of human trafficked in our Canadian borders trafficking. and through Winnipeg. Human trafficking involves recruitment, transportation and exploitation of human beings. The sexual exploitation of people is big Flosoul buck, hundreds of thousands of dollar worth. This particular type of illegal trade has low risks. Traffickers use their victims and when they’ve made enough they sell them on the stock exchange of this billion dollar industry, echoed Bussey to a sizeable audience that Saturday morning. Human trafficking is a modern day scourge and is operated domestically and internationally. International Kenny McLaren victims are trafficked across international borders. The victims generally illegal or people with temporary resident visas are kept Natalie Reynbolds controlled by lack of food and water, forced labour, domestic servitude body houses and massage parlours. The immigration and passport section endeavour to control or eradicate organized human smuggling and trafficking of persons as much as they can but traffickers find new ways to dupe immigration officers. Canada is a preferred transit destination source L o r Dr. June James, Margaret Strachan, Joy Bissoon and Christine Nnadi Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 10
  • 11. Regulars My dear children, Letter to my children Christmas for me is a time of I remember the excitement of family, of sharing and remember Christmas Eve as if was yesterday. what others have but never wishing family stories of those who have The excitement building up inside of what they have. gone before us and those who are me like yeast bread ready to pop. I I think being contented, focus on far from us. I know it’s mind over carefully hung my white socks at the your blessings and enjoy what you matter but Christmas brings on head of the bed and desperately tried have is the best advice my mother nostalgia for the old days, simpler to sleep so that Father Christmas gave me and which I would pass on times when mom baked the best would stuff my socks with goodies. I to you. There will always be those black cake in a clay oven and can’t ever remember being who have more and those who have caught the fattest chicken my father disappointed on Christmas morning less so why make a fuss and be raised for Christmas dinner. My with what I found in my sock. miserable. Christmas was best when favourite of all was chowmein Sometimes it was a whistle, a candy times were simpler when a simple with shredded chicken and and a tangerine or some other little whistle was a big thing and a sweet cabbage and pepperpot. Even toy but it was the best thing ever. tangerine was a delicious, out of the though I love black cake now when Mom always taught us to hang our ordinary treat. Life was good and I was little my favourite was hats where our hand can’t reach and beautiful. Have a simply simple sponge cake. My sister Ethel not to ever covet what my neighbour Christmas season and enjoy what you baked the best pound cake. has. Those teachings or values have have not what you wish you have and Sometime she would create a pink stayed with me over the years and you’ve be fine, you will feel the spirit swirl in the cake using food dye. I has served me well. I always of Christmas. don’t know how she got that but it appreciate what I have and admire looked good and tasted great. Global Counsellor Dear global counsellor, out of my mind? Any suggestions? I will give him the permission to continue My boyfriend and I broke up a think I am going to have a blue with his abusive behaviour. In the cycle month ago. I miss him so much but christmas. of abuse the honeymoon phase always I know that we’re not good for Blues keeps a woman hooked. She reaches each other. We bring out the worse for that high which after a while be- in each other and recently he Dear Blues, comes fewer and farther apart as the became violent. That’s when I Breaking up is always hard to do abusive cycle tightens and becomes knew it had to end. But Christmas and you have to give yourself time. shorter and shorter apart. Cut your is around the corner and I have to Take a day at a time and each day losses now and run. Do not look back. strap my hands to my side to you will find the pain lessens. You Your friend will have to take care of his prevent me from picking up the have to make up your mind that this own behaviour and if he wants to phone to call. He is a nice and is the best thing for you and not just change he will do so on his own terms. good person but he gets into these moods that turn him into an ugly pretend while you fill your head with A new year is on the horizon, free monster but I keep remembering possibilities of making up again. yourself from your past and face the the good times and want to believe When violence enters the future. Who knows what you will find that it was only that one time he relationship that is a steep curve there. pushed me. I know I am only downwards. You have to know that it fooling myself. How can I get him is not the first time the person has been violent and if you return that Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 11
  • 12. In Your Back Yard Happy Kwanzaa Congress of Black Women of Manitoba community celebration of Kwanzaa The Congress of Black Women, Manitoba Kwanzaa celebration attracted some 80 plus participants at its December 11th festivities at the Caribbean Cultural Centre. Developed by Dr. Maulana Karenga in the 60s, Kwanzaa is celebrated between December 26th and January l. The Congress has been celebrating Kwanzaa for 16 years. Yvonne Sanderson wrote an original song for the occasion which focused on the seven principles that form the basis of Kwanzaa. These principles are: Unity, Self- determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Faith, Creativity, This celebration is open to the general public and one of the ways in which the Congress attempts to bridge cultural understanding. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 12
  • 13. The Importance of having a will a deceased dies without a Will, obtain legal advice regarding the Wills – In this part of the interested parties may apply protections available to executors the world at least, we to Court for Letters of (e.g. executors insurance) in a world can say we are in the Administration to be issued. of ever increasing litigation by era of Wills. A Will is Also, where the deceased made a beneficiaries against executors. a document authored Will and named the Executor, but 5. Estate Planning- you want to by the testator (i.e. the the named Executor is unable or avail yourself of the benefits, deceased, prior to unwilling to act, a person may including tax advantages of arranging death) by which they apply for “Letters of your property to maximize benefits to attempt to lay out their wishes Administration with a Will your estate. This is a very complex regarding their estate, and decide Annexed”. The relatives of the area; you need to speak to a lawyer or what is going to happen to the deceased can apply for Letters of other expert in this area. contents of their estate after death. Administration OR Letters of 6. Trusts – Trusts can be created However, there are some very Administration with a Will by a Will as a way of preserving or important things to keep in mind Annexed in a stipulated order of investing funds for beneficiaries of regarding a Will for it to meet certain priority. your estate. Trusts may also be useful legal requirements; otherwise a Will Why then must you begin to to achieve tax advantages, but it is could be declared invalid by law. think about these matters? also a complex area -speak to a Probate – Probate is the process of 1. You want to be in control lawyer or other expert. legally establishing the validity of a (to a large extent) of how your 7. Guardianship of children – Will before a judicial authority. The estate will be disposed of. your wishes concerning the Court has the jurisdiction to determine 2. You want to make hay guardianship of your children can be both the validity of the Will, as well as while the sun shines- you want to done through a Will; note though that its interpretation. The Court gives its engage the services of an expert- this will always be subject to a certification to the Will by issuing a for instance, a solicitor skilled in Court’s final ruling. However, your grant of Probate to the Executor named preparing legal documents/Wills. instructions in a Will be given in the Will; the Executor can then 3. You want to save your reasonable consideration by the administer the deceased’s property. To loved ones the expense of estate Court. make the request for Probate, the litigation. By: Lara Badmus, LL.B. Executor must file a number of 4. If you are named as an (Lara is an employee of the Law Society of Manitoba and cannot provide legal documents in the Court. executor in a Will – you want to services to the public). Administration – In Manitoba, when Are you taking Christmas for Granted We sometimes take Christmas for whether you say Joyeux Noel (French), As the snow falls granted. Did you know that from Feliz Navidad (Spanish), Kala and the lights and 1659-1681 spreading Christmas cheer was illegal in Boston? Yes, you Christouyenna (Greek), or Mele decorations go up Kalikimaka (Hawaiian), any way you we know it’s could be fined 5 shillings, which I’m sure was a lot at the time. Christmas say it remember the true meaning of the Christmas! The season, it’s time for giving not receiving. hustle and bustle of the season is a sight was so inconsequential in America that after the Revolution was won, Many people in our friendly city go to see, just thinking about it makes me without not only at Christmas time but want to do something nice and many Congress didn’t even bother taking the day off, instead they held the throughout the year. Be kind to others, people feel that way. Winnipeg lives up give a dollar to the Santa ringing the bell to our “friendly Manitoba” slogan when first Session on Christmas day. It took almost a century for them to at the mall, place a can or two in the Christmas is near. hamper at your office or church, and I’ve spent most Christmases in this proclaim Christmas a federal holiday. So when you open your mailbox and may I suggest getting your children out city. I’ve only been away once and that to volunteer at Winnipeg Harvest or the Christmas was so different. I’m not a receive that special Christmas card, note that the tradition was invented Salvation Army and teach them the spirit big fan of snow but not having snow of sharing and giving that year made Christmas seemed like by Sir Henry Cole in 1843. When you exchange a Merry Let’s not take this time for granted like just another day. I realized how much I the snow - Merry Christmas everyone! took the snow for granted and that Christmas in one of the 150 without the snow Chrismas is incomplete. languages that you can say it in Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 13
  • 14. NICCOM DAZZLES COMMUNITY WITH TALENT SHOW EXTRAVANGANZA Saturday, November 19, 2011 was a memorable day. The community to make use of the opportunities, including his own debut NICCOM TALENT SHOW sponsored by Daniel involvement in sports and completing his legal education at the McIntyre and St. Matthews Community Association University of Manitoba. On hand to grace the occasion and (DMSMCA) and ably supported by the General Wolfe support the Talent Show Extravaganza participants are the School was a real deal, a blast per excellence! In addition Principal of General Wolfe School (official sponsor of the event to having dozens of children in elementary and high venue) and the Vice Principal of Greenway School. The schools showcase their talents, many adult artists, singers, representative of their major sponsor of the event, the Daniel comedians and martial arts practitioners and instructors McIntyre and St. Matthews Community Association (DMSMCA) came out to showcase their talents as well. The Hon. was also at the event to interact with participants and enjoy the Andrew Swan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General show of talents. An icing to the event was the palatable rice and inspired and empowered all participants, citing examples chicken with a variety of drinks to wash down the delicious food. and encouraging participants, particularly the young ones This event was packaged by the Nigeria-Canada Congress of to go for gold as the sky is their beginning. Hon. Swan Manitoba (NICCOM) - a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi- shared his own life story of how he grew up in the linguistic, and multiracial community organization. Hope Mattus, who performed the role of the elder and led the Kwanzaa ceremony is seated on the right with Yvonne Sanderson at the podium energizing the audience with her composition of Kwanzaa song. Everyone appeared to enjoy the song with its typical Caribbean riddims Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 14
  • 15. Guyana Association of Manitoba celebrates Award Winners by the representatives and thanks bellowed gleefully to all. Seeing the generosity and being present to celebrate our community, Honourable Nawbatt stated how “very happy and impressed he is to know that president Kamta Roy Singh and the members of the Guyanese Association have managed to keep the culture, heritage and pride for our beloved Guyana going strong now and for the future.” By. Sharmela Sukhdeo-Rambally Saturday November 19, 2011 is a day to put into the record books. Starting with having the Honourable Harry Narine Nawbatt, High Commissioner of join us in celebrating our award recipients with an extravagant evening of community fellowship, food, entertainment and fun. The evening commenced with the singing of our beloved countries national anthem sung by Miss Tashina Kaidnath (age 7) and Miss Sophia Guyadin (age 5), then was entertained by a beautiful dance by the Guyanese Association of Manitoba dance duo of Fernaz Shariff and Reetika Sharda both age 7. As the evening’s (MC) mistress of ceremonies I was very impressed and happy to see our youth take initiative in learning and performing our cultural dance and heritage with pride. Glancing at the guests, including City Councillor Russ Wyatt and Legislative Minister Flor Marcelino and awardees enjoying themselves gave me and my fellow executives and organization members a sense of proud of what we have achieved. The night was very successful not only for the 14 awardees but also for the 3 Rivers Kids Foundations with an amazing gift from our guests. A donation of $7,500, surpassing the 2009 total was gladly received Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 15
  • 16. BLACK ANGLOPHONE CARIBBEAN HEROES OF THE 20TH CENTURY - Keith A. P. Sandiford The McDonnell School of Irish Dance The Mighty Fe Entertainers at the Congress of Black - Calypso Women Unity Dinner Monarch Dylan Gaudy, International Fidder Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 16
  • 17. Winnipeg Citizenship and Equity Committee cont’d from p6 Holiday Reception was not a random act of violence but a Winnipeggers from the various ethno cultural organizations Mr. Josh said that while he has deliberately planned and executed celebrated with the Citizen’s Equity experienced discrimination he always massacre of women who were doing Committee at its annual meet and tried to maintain a positive attitude to life. something that Marc Lepine felt they greet event on December 13th. He said the City’s motto is “One with the should not do. They were treated to a wine and strength of many.” cheese reception at which He said someone described being a “The Montreal Massacre changed visible minority in the US is like playing a Councillor Mike Phagtakhan CEC my life because until that moment I Chair informed the community home game in a foreign soil. thought we had it made. I realized about projects the Committee is “We want everyone to feel they have a that we still need to fight women’s currently working on and introduced home advantage” he said. rights.” the members of the Council to the Mr. Josh said he has always felt at home Committee members and to the in Winnipeg and loved Winnipeg because She said that sexual cultural revolution of its diversity and cultural mosaic. city’s newest Chief Operation Off. has given way to individualism, and that Mr. Deepak Josh, the first visible “I grew up in this city that gave me the old stereotypes are coming back minority Chief Operating Officer in opportunities. I always felt Winnipeg has fast and furious. There is no going the City of Winnipeg was the been home to me and my family.” back.” keynote speaker at this event. Mr. She urged women to continue the Josh is originally from India but has lived in Canada for a long time. He (See pictorial on p31) fight until violence against women has been with the City in various becomes unacceptable. capacities for more than 25 years. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 17
  • 18. HEALTHWISE Clementies contain choline, potassium, B Vitam, Folate and a healthy dose of antioxidants. most important. This alkalizing drink starts the motor running Here are to reasons you may and will raise your energy levels. want to include this in your diet 8. Pick up a healthy meal-replacement bar. If you are too in the new year. busy to cook, there are new snack bars on the market that 1. Clementines are a source of are made with only raw nuts and fruits blended into vitamin C: amazing variations. Meal-replacement bars make sure 2. They're great for dental that your blood sugar does not plummet, which is critical health to avoid moodiness and unstoppable cravings. When your 3. Protect your liver with clementines: time is limited, enjoy a whey-protein shake with 4. Clementines are a source of folate: blueberries and cinnamon to add a dash of warming spice 5. Clementine oil is a potent antioxidant: to your winter regime. After the holidays many people start looking for their 9. Reward yourself for healthy habits. Give yourself a non- next weight loss gig. It's not a gig. Weight management food reward, like an aromatherapy scent, when you reach a has to include a lifestyle change. week of making 10 good choices a day. The uplifting scent These tips can get your weight loss started quickly of grapefruit essential oil, applied topically, is said to increase 1. Start a love affair with healthy food such as green the circulation that helps break up cellulite. veggies, berries, grapefruit, or kiwi. 10. Make sure you get your Bs. Supplementing with B 2. Beat cravings with healthy snacks vitamins can be a huge boost in your weight loss routine. 3. Start the day with protein to avoid sugar cravings.Try B vitamins spin your carbs into energy inside every cell eating dinner for breakfast. To calculate your daily of your body. Greater energy expenditure means more protein needs, take your weight in kilograms and calories of fuel burned. It is a fantastic way to blast multiply it by 0.8. For example, a women who is 135 exhaustion and also keep your emotional balance. Since lbs converts to 62 kg x 0.8 = 50 grams of protein. most overeating is tied to emotional comfort binges, 4. Keep your blood sugar steady by eating every two to keeping an even keel with a B-complex supplement is three hours. Pack snacks everywhere you go. If you critical for the long-term permanent weight loss. stockpile the right stuff in your office drawers, purse, Nutritionist Julie Daniluk hosts Healthy Gourmet, a and glove compartment, you’ll remove the temptation to reality cooking show that looks at the ongoing battle take trips to the vending machine or corner store. between taste and nutrition. Her soon-to-be-published Natural meal-replacement bars, pre-washed baby first book, Meals That Heal Inflammation, advises on carrots, and 71 percent cocoa butter chocolate make allergy-free foods that both taste great and assist the body great energy-boosting snacks for that afternoon energy in the healing process. slump. 5. The crock-pot is your best ally for winter weight Mexican Hot Chocolate Recipe loss. Soup makes you feel warm and full, and it can be 1/4 cup milk packed with veggies. Add beans and free-range poultry 4 teaspoons unsweetened dark cocoa powder to boost the protein, and opt for tomato or onion broth 2 teaspoons granulated sugar over heavier cream-based soups. Dash ground ancho chile pepper 6. Think tropical with coconuts. Coconuts have been 1 oz. Kahlua demonized for having too much saturated fat, but it turns ½ oz. tequila ½ oz. Cinnamon Liqueur out that not all saturates are created equal. The flesh 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon and milk of these giant seeds contains a very special fat ½ teaspoon sugar called medium-chain tri-glycerides (MCTs), which the Dash ground ancho chile pepper body burns as fuel instead of storing as fat. Endurance Garnish (optional): whipped cream, cinnamon & ancho chile athletes turn to coconut-based supplements to delay pepper sugar. One cinnamon stick per cup. exhaustion. So, if your marathon work week is running 1.Mix together in a small bowl and set aside for garnish cinnamon, sugar and ancho chile pepper. you down, reach for the coconut milk and add flavour 2.Whisk together milk, cocoa powder, ancho chile pepper and and energy to your soups, shakes and desserts. granulated sugar in microwave safe cup. Microwave on high for 7. Try a green smoothie. If you start your day with an 30 second intervals, stirring after each interval, until hot and energizing green drink, you can count yourself in for smooth. two to three servings of veggies right off the top. So 3.Mix in Kahlua, tequila and cinnamon liqueur. Pour into serving many of us struggle to eat in the morning, when it is glass. 4.Top with: whipped cream, sprinkle of cinnamon/chile sugar. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 5.Garnish with cinnamon stick 18
  • 19. Leg Up Laurel Wright, Monica scholarships of close to Clacken Rhiney and Violet $10000 scholarship to help young women were given out at the Caongress The Congress of Black Women of with their academic studies. Four Manitoba gives out annual of Black Women Unity Dinner Lois Archer VP, CBW Scholarship winnert Antoinette Zloty, President, CBW presents to Tamara Lynch Can’t find a salon to do justice to your hair? Look no more! Les Touche Salon will send you satisfied everytime 4-555 Balmoral Ave Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. Phone: 947-5830 Lois stewart-Archer presents to Sandra Aghahon Scholarship Winner Officer Sheppard and Sandra Housen Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 19
  • 20. Zizi - The Continuting Story The visit to the mall did not yield any “Did she give you a name?” intelligence. The story was all over the media “No, but obviously it’s someone she “Looking for something, someone, I as a drug bust gone wrong. Zizi could not get knew and worked with or lent money can help.” the woman out of her head. What did she do? to. She was on the wrong side of the “Oh, well, I’m looking for Johnny Why did they execute her? She worried that law, you know involved with drugs and he’s got something for me.” her showing up at Johnny’s place might have so on”. “A lot of people looking for Johnny had something to do with it or perhaps she did “Here’s my card, if you think of but he’s gone in the country to see his something to let on that she is with the police anything at all call me, if you know old mama.” and the girl had to die. Zizi was feeling all where I can contact any of her “When will he be back?” kinds of emotions but one stood out anger. friends, let me know. I am so sorry “I suppose when the coast is clear” She was angry for this cold blooded murder of for your loss” “Did he take all the stash? Who’s a nice woman and she was determined to bring “Thanks and you who are you and taking care of his business?” her killers to justice. what’s this to you? I am just looking “He’s left people in charge and I’m How about if we block the exits out of the for some tips because if I can give the one of them. He told me someone like city and alert our colleagues. These people police useful information, I can make you would have come looking and that I who are responsible are dangerous. some money for myself and help put should fix you up real good.” Leyroy and Zizi were dispatched to visit the the bad guys behind bars.” “Well, I don’t have the money now. I parents, friends or family anyone they can find “Maybe you can check her had it that day but I can get it later today, who could shed light on this woman’s friends Facebook page to see some of her where can I find you?” and associates. They realized their work was friends there she has many pictures of “You’ll find me right about here.” cut out for them. all kinds of people there. She used “Okay, will be back in a hour, man. Zizi told Leyroy she wanted to return to the her real name Candy Zaldisky. My Thanks” Zizi said and added “by the way apartment. The surroundings were sealed off poor baby, I am so heartbroken, what happened to what’s her face?” with the police yellow tape. talking to you have helped feel better “What happens when people try to A lone woman was standing outside the home somehow” double cross their friends, bad things clearly upset. Zizi went over to her. “Thanks, I wish I could do more to happen.” “Do you know what went on here?” help but I’ll work hard to get the guy “Did she double cross Johnny?” “My daughter was murdered in this building. who did this. I promise. Call me at “No, not Johnny but some other dude The police found her body dumped in the trash that number anytime if you think of from the West end. They say it’s an in a garbage bag. She was a good girl just lost anything. Bye”. African gang.” her way but she called me two days ago and “What a great tip her mom just “So, why did Johnny had to leave, he said that she was coming home, that’s she tired gave us. Let’s find a computer before had nothing to fear” of life on the streets. I told home why not now, someone shuts down her FB account, Sure he did, the police would come come now. I was waiting for this moment for we’ll check the photos there maybe sniffing around his stuff because she was three years. It was like music to my ears but something will show up.,” Zizi said to a customer and a sales staff as well so she said she’s waiting for some money that Leyroy and they headed for the car. there’s the link.” someone owed her and that he wasn’t going to Just as they turned around a tall fat “There’s the link indeed.” get away with it.” guy approached. Maiko Live at the West End Concert a Winner Support for Maiko Watson’s concert at deal with personal issues but IN THE MIX the West End Cultural Centre with now she’s back “I’m determined CCOM New Year’s Eve Ball at Renee Batson as opening act. to make her mark on the R&B 1100 Fife street, The band was a great compliment and and hip hop scene, and she will 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. even though practise time was limited it because Renee is talented and Clebrate the New Year with came out swinging. can sing. MC Hardrock and Champagne, spread of snacks, Maiko looked relaxed on stage as the Tunyia accompanied her act. party favors and a lively count audience energy drove up her own. Terry McLeod of the CBC down with DJ Vibesman At the end of the evening, most people Information Radio was the host Tickets and Admission $25.00 felt they got their money’s worth and of the event and McLeod said he Don’t miss this party. This is more. was impressed with both act and cheap for New Year’s Eve, so start Renee Batson has been singing for so was everyone else. You cashing in. years but she had taken some time off to missed it you missed something! Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 20
  • 21. Poems by Neil Pitamber A GLORIOUS MESS RED LETTER DAY THE GENIAL FLAME My mistletoes are frozen... Slap-happy Wind stumbles past us upon the roof Only one way to defrost! Salt water taffee and cream! And snow spits up in vexing geysers The streets are full of ‘wonderful’ You seem to have been To kiss the hostile atmosphere above (With painted ribbons on the bus!) Everywhere I’ve meant to see! The maple rich scent of apple ciders My breath drops in icicles as If I had to choose something The trees are cold and petrified I lift my eyes to caress yours For you to taste like? No public interest in spiritual design ’Snow dancing on foreign shores’ Something with sugar Material things do help us smile I look so deeply into you... But awfully light! Closest approach at Christmas time That’s all I seem to see! Strawberries butter syrup ’You have your view Standing in awe of my own And hot pillow cakes! Let them have theirs...’ Personal ‘Nativity Scene’ You really are the difference Agree to disagree one more year... You offer me your hand I had hoped you would make! Earth is not sterile but dormant asleep And I bless new with a kiss Peppermint schnapps Eclipsed on occasions from the seasonal flu The perfect Christmas gift... Hibiscus cranberry greens! Mistletoe up and the world underneath You seem to have been A primary reservoir we can’t tap enough Everywhere I’ve made a scene! into... ALL ROADS But you found it in you to I lift my head gently off the floor Love me any way STOLEN MOMENT And stare mid-eyed the windowsill Icing powdered sugar Avocado oil is not much Where clouds of grey have smashed Frost all the way...! Of a conversation piece To atoms, fall in form of flaked decay... Unless you have fifty-five to the gallon The tree outside draws his name on Indeed you have a style My window in some special language ’You trend with disbelief’ And the sound of bells enter my ears (And all the social appeals of a melon) And two hooks drop from either eye We spend a lot of our lives To lift my smile this ‘Christmas Day’ Closed tight inside a vice We spend it locked inside a pivot ’The lights outside are summer rainbow Just watching and waiting The ground is crispy and iced and white’ And watching and waiting If there was ever a perfect time For something special to happen... I hope you find your way tonight... HALCYON ...perfectly abreast THE SURPLUS Footsteps break crisp and frigid WEINACHTEN Who is the man with the pony-tail moustache POPULATION ...peacefully at rest To describe the things I feel Footprints upon the shadowland And the ripe cherry cheeks about to burst...?! Gravely preserved in the fringes He’s smiling like he’s known me my entire life! Snowglobe might put it best And farewell not only to arms He looks like a wood-burning stove (But the upside down feeling But for all appendages With a red suit on and his lips are smiling tight Does not settle in this chest) Forgiveness not only for faults And star anise and cinnamon and cloves are in Children are brought upon us A cure too, of grudges The air tonight... And become part of the mess ’I’d like to think I was principled It’s so lovely Men will cross until we draw the line But not having adapted any one The wind is blowing powdered sugar on to my We don’t need to have a I’d like to think I was nuetral but Lips and the grains are freezing solid from the Christmas tree for each Not fixed to the sense of it alone For these stars to shine I’d like to think you were too far Irresistable kiss... I’m blessed with more than adequate To forgive at such a short notice Milk gushing from a water fountain and cookies I’d like to think so for of this there Keeping warm by a fire pit Memory to just remember at this time When I see the things I have Shall be no resurrection similar to The childhood years are the best in a mans’ The intrepid ‘Sherlock Holmes’ life There is enough to re-invest Or any of the things we’ll miss.... It doesn’t matter who he is To remove the ‘wreck’ from ‘correct’ (Tread softly, should you come At Christmas... Mouths are sore and seeping I’m not really expecting anyone Every man is a kid... And flesh salty from weeping Or hoping for anyone, anymore)... Let’s put the ‘me’ back in this ‘mess’... Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 21
  • 22. MAIKO & RENEE AT THE WECC T.J. Pepper Maiko watson Tynisha Goddard Renee Batson Maiko Watson MC Hardrock Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 22
  • 23. JEWEL BURNS LUSTROUS - Neil Pitamber I spoke to a dear friend of mine the other day, offering me personal attention is dissipating, jobs are lost the sentiment that his family would be putting off Christmas and enthusiasm is hard to regenerate at this for another year. The coarse reality of that statement time of season. Despite, perhaps, a usual shaves dangerously close to the economic face of this and innate need to be a part of the tableau country today. Many of you here in Winnipeg champion of ornaments, wreaths and choruses. your decision to remain here as a conscious one but I think If you, or someone you know or where West Indians are concerned it is, quite simply, love, has been struck with this particular difficult to lift our feet once we have set it down. For problem - I am asking you to do your best to set past some of you ‘casually inquiring’, this is one of the reasons grievances aside and encourage them to - get back on why ‘Caribbean Shield’ is still seventy-five percent their (your) feet. It doesn’t last forever and you may be functional and aiming to refine our operation in the coming denying yourself participation in one of the most special year. We’ve found a cause to reckon with and if it’s times of the year. I don’t know that anyone is as vocal favourable, we’re going nowhere soon from here. about the inconsistency of success as I am, and even then A daily visit to reminds me that we really I have lost on other levels too. I think I can speak, though aren’t lagging far behind the stresses affecting cities like lightly, the same for Dino and Bharat, and any of you Toronto and Alberta - only that our provincial government that lost someone you really loved in the last twelve is pouring funding into the infrastructure and all the hype months. Loss is a terrible feeling and a lack of gain sits surrounding the return of the Winnipeg Jets has proven to shyly under it, but things do get better; if we can learn to be good for the city, thus far. A new stadium is also in the embrace brevity, imagine what we may have to do to works, along with the completion of the Canadian Museum entertain ourselves in an eternity! Happy Holidays, Neil for Human Rights, and expansion of American businesses city-wide such as Wal-Mart and Target. But the smaller shops are going the way of the Caribbean monk seal; LOLA’S Premier Beauty Gallery for all your Beauty Needs - Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 23
  • 24. He remained on the board for 38 years. Beal was instrumental in developing the first circulating library to the school system in Manitoba. In 1922 he formed the literary society. Every two weeks there was an evening of debates, plays poetry readings or concerts. His greatest legacy to the community and Manitoba is his photography which peaked between 1915 and 1925. He was not a professional photography but rather a hobbyist. His passion for recording his neighbours and the surroundings allows us to glimpse pioneer life in Swan River and capture the social and economic conditions of the times. Billy Beal was an amazing black man light years ahead of his time. The film won the Manitoba Human Rights Commitment Award 2010 So there we have it. Black History Month our history in Canada and stories of two herpes Ferguson Jenkins of Chatham Ontario and Billy Beal of Manitoba. Watch for the movie. Continued from p7 in law. He was an avid reader. took nine years to clear discuss the formation He claimed he had a medical 15 acres but got of a new School “God gives degree but was not listed with ownership any way. A District. Recording the College of Physicians and farmer he was not. the minutes was 38 nothing to those surgeons. On March 1, 1912, ten year old Billy Beal. who keep their Entry to Canada was ratepayers from the Three months later he based on being a farmer. Big Woody area about was elected Trustee arms crossed.” - To get a homestead he was 12 miles northwest of and appointed required to clear 60 acres African Proverb the Town of Swan Secretary-treasurer of in three years however he River gathered to the Board of Trustees. Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 24
  • 25. Baobab Canadian Society aims to Unite and Serve December 12, 2011 opinions. Our collective future as Canadians remains in the We are writing to you about an exciting event to usher in hands of all of us – working together 2012 in a way we think you will find significant. Your opinion and input is expressly needed about the creation of a unified, national voice to represent Afrik Excerpt from the BAOBAB BACKGROUNDER sent to oriented organizations and business interests in Canada. It local, provincial and federal government representatives is our community’s time to shine and to show what we and presented at a round table meeting held in spring 2011 can do now and into the future of Canada. in Vancouver, BC We envision a collaborative effort spearheaded by The Baobab Canadian Society. Its mission is to serve our THE BAOBAB CANADIAN SOCIETY community’s needs and to serve as an umbrella Its purpose is to act as a national umbrella organization organization that will encompass and respect current and covering all of the diverse facilities and assistance groups active organizations and initiatives as well as encourage situated in the various Afrik communities throughout Canada growth and development. as well as form new groups that will aid to the integration of Your individual associations’ perspectives are important. all Afrik people into Canadian culture and build a strong These will strengthen our communal resources and will economic development process that will produce a concrete enable us to be heard by governments, academic result for growth. institutions and the business community. The origins and significance of Baobab The groundwork has already been laid by The Baobab A tree in Africa called the ‘Baobab’ known for its Canadian Society. It has been registered for a number of tremendous size and distinctive properties is regarded as a years and support exists in the government, academic and business communities. source of food, water, shelter and relief from sickness’ and Together, we can meet challenges and can capitalize on is used for many life-sustaining purposes; its name is our community’s rich talents, knowledge and developing revered by African people and recognized to mean Unity – economic potential. To this end, we are planning a Diversity – Strength. national conference anticipated for February 2012. The Forming a unique umbrella organization under the name Baobab Canadian Society hopes to gather top leaders BAOBAB would be clearly understood to African from across the country. At this meeting, we will communities. The name conveys powerful concepts and introduce Baobab’s mission, chart our activity as a group symbols to the African mind and spirit. It would be a for the upcoming years and to prepare for a larger tremendous aid toward achieving our goals in becoming gathering of Government representatives and decision valued citizens contributing to this great country Canada that makers where we will present a national strategic plan for we all call home. our community. Your input is invited, in fact it is critical as we bring Afrik communities in Canada are widely diverse in their together Afrik businesses and organizations and ethnicity, culture, morals, languages, traditions, customs and governments to meet in a collaborative Canadian way and beliefs. It is The BAOBAB CANADIAN SOCIETY’s desire to forge best ways to serve our community within the and goal to help bring greater unity to the whole of these resources of our Canadian home. communities while retaining their essential diversity and to We need to nurture and inspire our own people, new overall assist in the integration of all into the broader immigrants, refugees and long time citizens alike and get Canadian society. For more information contact: them involved in the community, to integrate and to Honore M. Gbedze Publisher / Editor Tel: 604.646.0474 / Fax: benefit from resources. Our youth need to be introduced 604. 646-0473 Email: to corporate forerunners and government officials so that they glimpse their possibilities and are inspired to achieve through education, accountability and action and become “Success is to be measured not so our future corporate and government leaders. much by the position that one has Can we count on your contribution to shaping our successful future? reached in life as by the obstacles Consider getting involved; make yourself and your which he has overcome while trying to potential known. We hope you’ll respond and share your succeed.” -Booker T. Washington Global Eyes Magazine Holiday Edition 2011 25