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Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                         A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society
 Promoting a humane, just and constructive correctional system and a rational approach to criminal justice since 1787

Volume 43 Issue 3                                                                                                                     March 2012

                             To My Brethren and Sistas on the ‘Row’
                                          By Mumia Abu-Jamal, AM-8335, SCI Mahanoy

  It has been barely a week since I departed Death Row,                        No matter what the world says of you, see the best in
yet I cannot help but look back, for many of you are in                      each other, and radiate love to each other.
my heart.
                                                                               Be your best self.
  I may no longer be on Death Row, but because of you,
Death Row is still with me. How could that not be so,                          If you are blessed to have family, send your love to
when I’ve spent more years of my life on Death Row,                          them all—no matter what. If you have a spiritual family
than in “freedom”? Or, spent more time on Death Row                          or faith, practice it fully and deeply, for this links you to
than with family?                                                            something greater than yourself. No matter what: Chris-
                                                                             tianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Krishna Conscious-
  I write to tell you all—even those I’ve never met—that                     ness, Buddhism or Santeria (or Move).
I love you, for we have shared something exceedingly
rare. I have shared tears and laughter with you that the                       This broadens and deepens you.
world will neither know nor see. I have shared your an-
guish when some judge shattered your hopes and spat                            I have been blessed to have many of you as my teachers
disappointment; or when some politician sought to use                        and my students. Some have been my sons; some have
you to climb to higher office.                                               been my brothers. Yet I see all of you as part of my family.

                                                                               Take heart, for the death penalty itself is dying.
You are all far more than others                                               States and counties simply can’t afford it, and politi-
say of you, for the spark of the                                             cians who run on it are finding fewer and fewer buyers.
infinite glows within each of you.                                           Juries (especially in places like Philly) are increasingly

                                                                                   (See Brethren and Sistas, continued on page 14)
  We have seen time and disease take some of our people
off the Row.                                                                                           In this Issue
  We have seen several choose their own date to die,
                                                                              From the Editors, News.................................................2
cheating the hangman via suicide (Tilley, June).
                                                                              From the “Doc,” Pass the Word .....................................3
 But, brothers and sisters of the Row, I write not of                         Mrs. GE-6309 Time, Birthdays, Crossword Solutions .4
death, but of life.
                                                                              Legislative Highlights....................................................5
 If I can walk off, so can you.                                               Legal Chat ...................................................................6-7
                                                                              Mailroom .....................................................................7-9
  Keep rumblin’; Keep fightin’; Keep rockin’; Check out
your Mills issue.                                                             Our Voices ....................................................................10
                                                                              Think About It..............................................................11
  But, there is more. Live each day, each hour, as if it is                   Through a Far Eastern Window, Literary Corner .....12
the only time there is. Love fiercely. Learn a new thing.
A language. An art. A science. Keep your mind alive.                          Announcements............................................................13
Keep your heart alive. Laugh!                                                 Graterfriends Order Form ...........................................14
  Look at each other not as competitors, but as fellow
travelers on the same red road of life.                                       “The Last Word” by William DiMascio .......................16


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                    the Editors                                                                       News
  As you’ve probably already read, the front page article                       VVA PROPOSED NEW RESOLUTIONS MAY
this month is from Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was recently
                                                                                      ALLOW US SECOND LOOK
removed from Death Row. We hope his words to those of you
who are still on Death Row are encouraging and uplifting.                                    from SCI Dallas Veterans Group
  Stop by the Mailroom section to read the ongoing debate                      To our benefit, in August 2011, delegates from Vietnam
over smoking in Pennsylvania’s prisons. We are currently                     Veterans of America (VVA) announced 15 New Resolu-
checking how other states handle this issue and will print an                tions that will have a direct effect on incarcerated Viet-
article about our findings in a future issue of Graterfriends.               nam Era veterans who have been overlooked for so long.
  On page five, you will see suggested actions that                            These resolutions include: jobs in the public sector, job
came out of the recent report on children of incarcer-                       training, veterans in business, judicial review for PTSD
ated parents, The Effects of Parental Incarceration on                       (with support and readjustment counseling), medical
Children: Needs and Responsive Services. The report                          treatment, research, benefits for female veterans, and
is a compilation of findings and recommendations                             more. The resolutions likely to be most important to vet-
from the Joint State Government Commission and an                            erans are listed below:
advisory committee that was led by the Prison Soci-
ety’s Policy Director, Ann Schwartzman.                                        VIN-3, Parole/Clemency:
  One question we’ve been asking ourselves here for a few                       Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly rec-
months: Do you enjoy the crossword puzzle we have                            ommends that the U.S. Sentencing Commission and states
started to include every month? No need to use extra pa-                     that have no parole review for individuals sentenced for
per or stamps to just answer that question, but if you are                   life, establish special and specific mechanisms within their
submitting a letter or column, please just let us know.                      respective court systems and the boards of pardons, where
We’re curious if you like it and if you find it too easy, too                such exist, to address the issues of the veterans with ser-
difficult, or just about right. We try to keep all of you in                 vice-connected post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD), who
mind when deciding what to include in each issue.                            were arrested prior to 1980, and thus have not been af-
  Finally, be sure to catch Executive Director William                       forded the opportunity to present evidence of the influence
DiMascio’s “Last Word” on the back page, where he dis-                       of PTSD on their criminal actions.
cusses the difference between justice and retribution, and
how there can be no justice without compassion.                                          (See VVA Resolutions, continued on page 11)

                                                                             Letters more than a page in length (200 words) will not be
                                                                             published in their entirety in Mailroom or Legal Chat Room,
                                                                             and may be considered for another column. All columns should
                                                                             be no more than 500 words, or two double-spaced pages.
         EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: William M. DiMascio                                To protect Graterfriends from copyright infringement, please
            MANAGING EDITOR: Mindy Bogue                                     attach a letter stating, or note on your submission, that you are
                                                                             the original author of the work submitted for publication; date
               EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS:                                         and sign the declaration.
       William Bradley, Danielle Collins, Bridget Fifer
                                                                             If you have a question about Graterfriends, please contact
                  FOUNDER: Joan Gauker                                       Mindy Bogue, Communications Manager, at 215-564-6005, ext.
                                                                             112 or
Graterfriends is a monthly publication from the Pennsylvania
Prison Society. The organization was founded in 1787 and
works toward enhancing public safety by providing initiatives
that promote a just and humane criminal justice system.
This issue is made possible through contributions from our
readers and funding from Phoebus Criminal Justice Initiative
through the Bread & Roses Community Fund.                                                   245 North Broad Street · Suite 300
We reserve the right to edit submissions. Original submissions                                   Philadelphia, PA 19107
will not be returned. We will not print anonymous letters.                             Telephone: 215.564.6005 · Fax: 215.564.7926
Allegations of misconduct must be documented and statistics                             
should be supported by sources.                                              


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                        the “Doc”                                                                       Pass the Word
                               by Samuel L. Krakow

              TACKLING DEPRESSION                                                             ONE SHINING TRIUMPH
  Depression is a common mental illness in the general                                       IN THEWAR FOR JUSTICE
American population, afflicting upwards of 9% of indi-                                 by Lee A. Horton, CN-2067, SCI Mahanoy
viduals. However, prison environments have a much
higher rate, something I suspected when my block emp-                          Since my arrest several years ago for a crime I did not
tied for evening pill line during my recent incarceration                    commit, I have maintained my innocence and allowed
in SCI-Mahanoy. The statistics bore out my observations.                     two principles to guide me in overturning my wrongful
Approximately 40 to 50% of America’s prison population                       conviction. One is the belief that good men and women
has a major mental illness diagnosis, ranging from de-                       can triumph over injustice; the other is that you never
pression to schizophrenia.                                                   give up in a fight to right a wrong, no matter how pain-
  Despite depression’s frequency, it remains poorly man-                     ful. At times these ideas have seemed like nothing more
aged even in those individuals in which it has been rec-                     than useless words, but once in a while a shining exam-
ognized by the healthcare system. Such knowledge is                          ple appears to give substance to their meaning.
frightening due to the lethal outcome of this illness, one
                                                                               Recently, my adherence to these principles has been
that comes in the form of suicide.
                                                                             buoyed by just such an example. A friend of mine, a native
  Why am I bringing up depression in relation to incar-                      New Yorker named Lorenzo “Cat” Johnson, just won a
ceration? Simply, this illness is exacerbated by the envi-                   huge victory in his fight to extricate himself from an un-
ronments encountered in jails and prisons. One of the                        just incarceration. Against all odds, and by sheer determi-
most common symptoms of depression is anhedonia, a                           nation, he has overturned his wrongful conviction for first
feeling related to decreased interest in pleasurable experi-                 degree murder and his sentence of life without parole.
ences, a sensation of hopelessness or decreased self-worth.
                                                                               After sixteen painful years of appeals and litigation
No single experience in my life brought on this symptom
                                                                             with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cat has suc-
more that the monochromatic, grinding daily sameness of
                                                                             cessfully persuaded a panel of Third Circuit Court of
block life. I suppose others let it get to them as well.
                                                                             Appeals judges that he is innocent. In a 2-1 decision, the
  There is help for those who suffer from depression. (In                    court ruled that his conviction was patently unconstitu-
case you suspect it in yourself, other symptoms include a                    tional, opining that the evidence against him at trial was
change in sleep habits, eating, the ability to concentrate,                  non-existent, and therefore, constitutionally insufficient
and the desire to commit suicide.) Medications are avail-                    to sustain his conviction. For this reason, they ordered
able, specifically the SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reup-                      his unconditional release and barred a retrial.
take Inhibitors) such as Prozac or Celexa. They have few
side effects. Equally as effective are various therapeutic                     Although elated by the good news, I was far from sur-
techniques, especially talk and cognitive-behavioral ther-                   prised. When I first met Cat he impressed me as being
apy (CBT). Both methods help to change thinking pat-                         very capable — someone whom prison bars would not be
terns related to depression, i.e. extremes in thought.                       able to contain. His personality and physical appearance
                                                                             reminded me of our champion, Paul Robeson, and what I
  I realize prisons push meds much harder than therapy,                      saw in his eyes was sincerity and a look of raw determi-
and understably so. Their therapists are overworked, which                   nation; he would not be dissuaded from his goal, nor de-
sometimes leads to a lack of empathy. As such, I’d support                   nied his freedom. Indeed, one of the first things he said
utilizing the various chaplains in the religious department.                 to me was, “I am innocent,” and, “I am going to overturn
Many of them are trained in at least minimal therapeutic                     my life sentence and get out.” He convinced me that he
techniques. Otherwise, consider a spiritual outlet or honest                 would do just what he said. We became fast friends.
conversations of feelings with a trusted friend.
                                                                               Since then, we have shared hundreds of conversations.
  If you suspect someone close to you is depressed and                       Innocence, justice, freedom, education, parole for lifers —
has expressed a desire to harm him or herself, now is not                    you name it, we discussed it. What I have learned over
the time to honor the code of not snitching. Despite the                     the course of our friendship is that he walks it the way
draconian methods the DOC employs with those who are                         he talks it. In the face of the all-consuming possibility of
suicidal (i.e. restraints), it’s better than death. Know that                losing his life to the de facto death sentence of life with-
depression is an illness rather than a moral failing. Rise                   out parole, he has never wavered in speaking up and
above the code of the street and express yourself as a
member of humanity.                                                                                (See Triumph, continued on page 14)


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                            Mrs. GE-6309
                                                                                 DEATH ROW
                                by Reesy Floyd-Thompson
                                                                                        March Birthdays

               DIMINISHED CAPACITY                                           Arthur Jerome Bomar                     Angel Luis Reyes
                                                                             DK-1677, GRN                            CG-0732, GRA
  I’m often asked to categorize the worst part of having
                                                                             Aquil Bond                              Don Mitchell Tedford
an incarcerated husband. My answer has changed over
                                                                             GH-1499, GRA                            AP-1138, GRN
the years. In the beginning, the separation was unbear-
able. I was lost in love, stuck on the corner of bitter and                  Michael Conforti                        Donte L. Thomas
sweet. As the sentence moved on, it was hard to stay mo-                     BQ-0537, GRN
                                                                                                                     HF-4745, GRN
tivated. I’m a married-single woman. My left ring finger                     Robert Cook
tells the world I’d been through a ceremony, but no per-                     AS-0603, GRA                            Jose Uderra
son appears to claim the rights to me. Today, the worst                                                              CC-3832, GRN
                                                                             Lester Fletcher
part of this life is that the relationship is not in real time.
                                                                             FB-8882, GRN
  My life with my husband is clearly divided into before                     Darien Houser
prison and after. Before, life happened to us. We made                                                               GRA = SCI Graterford
                                                                             GL-7509, GRN                            PO Box 244
decisions as a couple. We were always a speed dial away
from sharing joys and sorrows. After, the person who                         George Ivan Lopez                       Graterford, PA
should be the first to know everything is often the last to                  CZ-3198, GRN                            19426-0244
know, long after the excitement has worn off or I’ve fig-                    Lenwood Robert Mason                    GRN = SCI Greene
ured out how to handle the problem. Life happens to                          CY-4048, GRA                            175 Progress Drive
me…and I have to wait to share it.
                                                                             Isaac Mitchell                          Waynesburg, PA
  All the other “worst” parts, I can and have overcome.                      EG-7580, GRN                            15370-8090
But, this never changes. Our relationship is on a con-
stant time delay. I keep a running tally of things I need
to say, but reliving excitement is like eating reheated
pizza. It satiates, but it’s not as enjoyable as when fresh.                      If you do not want your name published, send a letter to
  I’m an old-fashioned kind of girl. My husband is head of                       Graterfriends each year you do not want it to be included.
                                                                                              Be sure to note your date of birth.
the family. His location doesn’t negate that, but living
with a built-in lag time threatens it. I can’t pick up the
phone to ask what he thinks before I make a decision.
Knowing him as well I as do, I can confidently speak for
him. His power is in communicating for himself, not in
me scripting his portion.
   If my husband were asked to describe the worst part of
this process for me (aside from the obvious), he’d say, his                                CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS
life happens from him, not to him. Confidently speaking.

Reesy Floyd-Thompson is the founder of Prisoners’ Wives,                     Below are the solutions to crossword puzzles printed in this
Girlfriends, & Partners (PWGP). For more information                         issue and the previous issue of Graterfriends.
about this group, please write Reesy at:
PWGP                                                                         February 2012                          March 2012
P. O. Box 14241
Norfolk, VA 23518

          Did you know?
   Less than one percent of lifers
 granted clemency return to prison.


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                               Legislative Highlights
                                                                   Ann Schwartzman
                                                     Policy Director, The Pennsylvania Prison Society

  The PA General Assembly is now in its second year of the 2011-2012 session. Here are several criminal justice bills
that may be of interest. Please note that this list is current as of February 15, 2012.

BILL NO.            DESCRIPTION                                                                 CHIEF SPONSOR               PPS POSITION
HB 645                                                                                          Rep. A. DeLuca              Oppose
                    Requires that the minimum sentence for all violent of-                      D-Allegheny County
PN 3044             fenders be not more than 85 percent of the maximum
                    sentence and a consecutive two-year probation. Also
                    makes violent offenders ineligible for pre-release status.
                    (In Judiciary 2/14/2011; amended and tabled 2/6/12.)

HB 1958                                                                                         Rep. R. Marsico             Oppose
                    Revises registration for sexual offenders in relation to
PN 2807                                                                                         R-Dauphin County
                    SORNA and federal stipulations. Certain juveniles who
                    are transient or homeless must register as sex offenders.
                    (Tabled 2/9/12.)

HB 2187                                                                                         Rep. W.C. Thomas            Support
                    Amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsyl-
PN 3066                                                                                         D-Philadelphia
                    vania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provi-
                    sions, establishing the Pennsylvania Interagency Coun-
                    cil on Inmate Reentry. (In Judiciary 2/8/12.)

SB 1019             Amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania                    Sen. D. Argall              Studying
PN 1300                                                                                         R-Berks, Carbon,
                    Consolidated Statutes, defining "corrections manager";
                                                                                                Lehigh, Monroe,
                    and, in general administration, providing for salary of                     Northampton, and
                    corrections managers. (Passed Senate, 45-5, 1/24/12.)                       Schuylkill counties

  The recently released, The Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Needs and Responsive Services, will be offi-
cially presented to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee on March 6. The report is a compilation of findings
and recommendations developed by the Joint State Government Commission and an advisory committee. This report
took two years, and represented agencies from criminal justice, children, welfare, aging, foster care, and more. See the
report here.

 Recommendations include:

• Enact legislation to establish a statewide arrest pro-                     • Enact legislation clarifying that incarceration alone
  tocol for law enforcement and child welfare authori-                          is not grounds to terminate parental rights.
  ties when arresting the parent of a minor.
                                                                             • Provide caregivers with support and information
• Facilitate in-person and contact visitation between                           about providing resources for these children.
  incarcerated parents and their children.
                                                                             • Support incarcerated parents in achieving successful
• Implement and support methods of regular communi-                             reentry and enhanced parenting skills.
  cation such as videoconferencing, email, tele-
  phone, and letters.                                                        • Enhance data collection on these children.
• Provide training for professionals in all fields                           • Encourage cross-system collaboration among
  serving children of incarcerated parents.                                     agencies serving such children.


             The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                                                                            original currency to make a drug buy. Once the under-
                                                                            cover officer makes the buy — usually $20 or $30 worth

                 Legal Chat                                                 of suspected drugs — he immediately removes his hat or
                                                                            glances at his watch, signaling a posse of backup officers
                                                                            — wearing leather gloves, bulletproof vests, and armed
                                                                            to the teeth — to jump out, shout “FREEZE (expletive)!,”
                                                                            and then (literally) pounce on the suspect. Once the sus-
                                                                            pected dealer is in handcuffs, some of the police “high-
           CASE ANALYSIS MADE EASY                                          five” each other for a job well done; while others rifle
                                                                            through the suspect’s pockets, ferociously scrambling to
  Case Analysis involves more than just merely search-                      find the buy money, as if searching for a winning Power-
ing for words to parse language in support of your propo-                   ball ticket! Once the buy money is matched up to the
sition of law. Those words must be classified — to know                     photocopy, the suspect's fate is sealed! (Or is it?)
what they mean and how to use them. Some words have                           According to the Counterfeit Detection Act of 1992,
value and some don’t. Proper case analysis identifies,                      Public Law 102-550, in Section 411 of Title 31 of the
classifies and only uses words of precedential value.                       Code of Federal Regulations, photocopying U.S. currency
  The core objective of case analysis is the dissection and                 is permissible for any non-fraudulent purpose, provided
use of judicial decisions and the ability to distinguish                    that the items are reproduced in black and white and are
decisive utterances from judicial dicta and obiter dicta,                   less than three quarters or greater than one-and-one half
and to distinguish the relevant facts from narrative                        times the size of the currency. In other words, it is a vio-
facts. In analyzing judicial decisions, what must be un-                    lation of federal law to photocopy U.S. currency in its
derstood is that not all propositions of law uttered by the                 actual size.
court are of equal precedential value. The mere fact that                      My question is: How can police and prosecutors use
a statement has recently been made by a court does not                      illegally-photocopied U.S. currency as evidence against
mean the statement is “the law.” There are three classifi-                  defendants in court? Yes, it's illegal to deal drugs, but,
cations of judicial utterances:                                             according to federal law, it's also illegal to photocopy U.S.
 •    A decisive utterance is a proposition of law which                    currency in its actual size!
      is in answer to a question of law before the court                           Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated!
      and is “necessary to disposition” of the case.
                                                                                                                                  Rob Boyden
 •    A judicial dictum is a proposition of law uttered by                                                                     Drexel Hill, PA
      the Court in answer to a question of law raised by                                                       
      the parties which “is not necessary to disposition”
      of the case.
                                                                                  CALLING ON “THE WINGS OF JUSTICE”
 •    An obiter dictum is a proposition of law expressly
      uttered by the court which is “neither in answer to                     I’m calling on “the wings of Justice,” because state and
      any question of law nor necessary to disposition of                   city public officials have lied, manipulated evidence, and
      the case.”                                                            withheld official documents from my trial. I am an inno-
  Your analysis and objective is to classify the court’s                    cent man under a 30-60-year sentence on two false
utterances by asking: 1) “Is it necessary to disposition of                 counts of house burglaries, and had it not been for my
the case?” and 2) “Does it answer a question of law in the                  trial attorney’s incompetent assistance, I wouldn’t have
case?” Only decisive utterances have precedential value.                    been convicted on these alleged crimes. I’m requesting an
Are you “analyzing” a case or just reading it in persua-                    evidentiary hearing to be held so that I can show the
sive words? Order via I.L.L. from Law Library Goodhart.                     court that my jury trial was flawed by poor defense work
(“Determining the ratio decidendi of a case” 40 Yale L.J.                   and illegal tricks by the prosecution in which the com-
161, 1930).                                                                 monwealth’s prosecutor had built his case around lies
                                                                            and fabricated testimonies, manipulated evidence and
                                                                            perjured testimony during the time of trial.
                                         Frederick T. Ray III                 I have official legal documentary evidence of proof to
                                      GF2852, SCI Camp Hill                 support my claim of being innocent. I know for a fact that
                                                                            this evidence will refute all statements/testimony and
                                                                            allegations made by the commonwealth’s alleged case
      POLICE USING ILLEGAL CURRENCY                                         against me.
           AS EVIDENCE IN COURT                                               Note that the victim and witness in this case had not
                                                                            identified me through their description to the Philadel-
  The scenario is all too common on "COPS" and various                      phia police on October 28, 1997 and December 5, 1997:
other police shows: Prior to making a controlled drug buy                   the victim in this case was influenced by a police officer
from a suspected dealer, police photocopy their pre-                        who was one of the arrest officers who arrested me on
recorded buy money - in its actual size - and then use the                  December 5, 1997. (CP #9712-0614)


             The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

  The Philadelphia Police and state prosecutor gave the
victim and witness the identification of me. I have rebut-
tal evidence to the trial court’s testimony statements
from two state public officials during the time of my de-                                                    Mailroom
fense counsel’s cross-examination on June 15, 1999. This
evidence was withheld during the time of trial by the
state prosecution office. Also, I have documentary evi-
dence that shows my whereabouts on the dates and                                                    GET INVOLVED!
times of the alleged incidents of October 28, 1997 and
December 5, 1997. I have my medical records that cor-                         I just want to give all my brothers/sisters who find
roborate claims to my physical conditions at the time of                    themselves trapped behind these walls year after year a
the October 28, 1997 alleged incident of burglary, rob-                     word of advice. I want to suggest that we always main-
bery, and simple assault. My conditions make it physi-                      tain our poise and keep our dignity despite being under
cally impossible for me to be able to commit the attack on                  such dehumanizing conditions. I want to remind all pris-
this alleged victim on the above dates.                                     oners to get more involved with the various organiza-
  I am being held in custody in violation of the constitu-                  tions that have been created to protect our rights. I am
tional laws of the United States and the Commonwealth                       also asking you all to seek your family and friends to
of Pennsylvania. I am only requesting that the court re-                    help support various organizations that are geared to
view my claims of innocence and to thereafter allow me                      deal with prisoner rights as well as human rights. I am
an evidentiary hearing. If the court would agree to an                      in my 14th year of incarceration with multiple hits de-
evidentiary hearing, and I cannot show proof through the                    spite all the programs the DOC has mandated (and many
documentary evidence that I am innocent, then I will                        of us have found ourselves caught up in the matrix of the
waive all my rights to appeal my convictions under case                     justice system). However, this year, I implore individuals
CP# 9712-0613, 0614, 1/1.                                                   to stand in solidarity, unite, and be of use in turning the
                                                                            system around. We must fight on against mandatory life
                                         Daryl Dushawn Pitts                sentences without the chance of parole, and support juve-
                                         DQ-9998, SCI Greene                nile lifers. Most of all, we must help push to have the
                                                                            antiquated Board of Probation and Parole revamped so
                                                                            that they truly step in line with what rehabilitation is.
               HELP REGARDING                                               They need to be able to properly make decisions that are
            THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY                                           not politically driven and have a system that is not based
                                                                            on partial truths. I also, in closing, want to offer my un-
                                                                            dying support to my brother Mumia Abu-Jamal and let
  I’m writing to ask for help. I’ve been in the therapeutic
                                                                            people know his fight is not over. Continue supporting
community for eight months and was discharged for lack
                                                                            him. We must keep the fighting spirit and oppose oppres-
of participation and not using house tools. I believe that
                                                                            sion at every turn.
this is not true and I don’t know what to do. Is there any-
thing I can do to be reinstated or be given my golden                                                                         Kendrick Pratt
ticket? I cannot say anything to change the minds of the                                                              DQ-2960, SCI Frackville
staff or prison. I want to know if anybody else is having
the same problem or has any advice for this problem.
Now I might not be able to finish my carpentry class be-                                    THE PIPELINE TO PRISON
cause of being discharged from the program. I also have
a problem with group speaking that they don’t see as an                       The pipeline from urban school districts to the peniten-
issue. Any help please.?                                                    tiary is now put into motion. With all the recent budget
                                                                            cuts and the already low academic performances at these
 Senator Greenleaf has a bill (#1161). Does anybody                         schools, there’s nothing to be expected but a future of
know about this bill?                                                       mass incarceration for this segment of society.
                                               Terry Graham                   It is truly a lack of vision by legislators when the only
                                         JG-2267, SCI-Fayette               growth industry that they can come up with is expanding
                                                                            the prison industrial complex to make profits off of hu-
                                                                            man beings.
                                                                              All students deserve justice with education. Justice in
  When submitting a letter or column to                                     the sense of having their basic needs for good quality
  Graterfriends for publication, please re-                                 education met, to allow them to meet their full human
member to attach a letter (or note on your                                  potential, and to advance civilization in a positive way.
                                                                            Denying any child the chance to be properly prepared for
 submission) that it is for publication and                                 a successful future educationally is downright criminal!
that you are the original author; date and                                  After spending millions of dollars during the past dec-
     sign the declaration. Thank you.                                       ades on building new prisons and cutting educational
                                                                                                    (see Mailroom, continued on page 8)


             The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

Mailroom, continued from page 7                                                When people acknowledge the racial discrimination but
                                                                             fail to directly address the solution, they allow the prob-
budgets, society does not appear to be any closer to                         lem to be perpetuated and are just as guilty as those
achieving the goals of public safety.                                        committing the discrimination
  The money spent on warehousing non-violent, geriat-                                                                 John Shabaka Thompson
ric, reformed or medically ill offenders should be used for                                                              AM-5557, SCI Fayette
educating our youth. A total of 19 prisons have been built
since 1974- making a total of 27 prisons in Pennsylvania-
and it hasn’t done anything to deter crime or make
neighborhoods any safer.                                                      CLEAN AIR ACT SHOULD APPLY TO PRISONS
  It must be understood that about ninety percent of all                       This letter is in response to Allan Buyna’s letter, “Help
prisoners will be released back into society someday.                        for Non-Smokers in Prison” that appeared in the October
Some will be in worse shape (morally and educationally)                      issue of Graterfriends.
than when they first entered the penal system.
                                                                               Regardless of what prison you are in, smoking is preva-
  If the bad decisions by those in charge of our children’s                  lent. I’ve been at SCI Huntingdon over a year and have
education are left unchecked on the front-end, it will cost                  been told by a former unit manager that the jail and my
society big time on the back-end.                                            blocks are smoke-free, yet when I complain about getting
                                                                             a smoker for a cellie, that man is told not to smoke when
  Budget cuts to education, plus low performing schools,                     I am in the cell. So much for the Indoor Clean Air Act,
plus increased spending for the Prison Industrial Com-                       which is a LAW and not DOC policy. The DOC has is-
plex equals: Pipeline to Prison. Reverse this equation                       sued policies against smoking, but these policies are
and things may get better for everyone concerned.                            never adhered to.
                                            Larry Stephenson                   I’ve seen guards and higher staff members at SCI Dal-
                                      AM 1449, SCI Graterford                las and Huntingdon walk past a cell that had a cloud of
                                                                             smoke in it because the person inside was smoking.
                                                                               The grievance procedure, as useless as it is, is the only
   RE: “SIGNS OF RACIAL INJUSTICE ARE                                        procedure available to us and it must be used in its en-
  EVERYWHERE, EVEN ON VANITY PLATES”                                         tirety in order to file any possible lawsuits concerning
                                                                             the smoking issues.
  Being a black prisoner, confined in the “Super-Max” at
SCI Greene in the State of Pennsylvania, I don’t need to                       The ONLY way to stop the smoking inside the prisons
see vanity plates or national statistics to know that ra-                    is to have the DOC remove any and all items relating to
cial profiling has been and continues to be a serious prob-                  smoking. This was already done in Michigan, Virginia,
lem and a form of oppression that blacks and other mi-                       and Minnesota. It can be done here, but must be done in
norities suffer daily.                                                       a legal and civil manner.

  It’s almost like Mr. DiMascio had an epiphany about                                                                            Brian Blaine
racial profiling/racial discrimination. However, Mr. Di-                                                              BG6571, SCI Huntingdon
Mascio does not have to look far (or to national statistics)
for examples of racial discrimination. Right here in the
State of Pennsylvania, at SCI Greene, he can find an                                                   PEN DIARIES
overwhelming picture of racial profiling/racial discrimi-
nation, where approximately 80 percent (personal obser-                        Pen Diaries (Penitentiary Diaries), is a website that
vation) of the men locked down on indefinite administra-                     offers prisoners the opportunity to have their online di-
tive custody (A.C.) are black men, with a general popula-                    ary while incarcerated. This website was created from an
tion of approximately 65 percent black (personal observa-                    idea that was based primarily on bridging the social gap
tion). Most black inmates are put on A.C. simply because                     between prisoners and the general public. Having an
they are young black men.                                                    online journal (while incarcerated) that allows prisoners
                                                                             to continuously log their most intimate thoughts and
  So I say to Mr. DiMascio: You don’t need to quote sta-
                                                                             experiences is an excellent way to assure optimism and
tistics, all you need to do is open your eyes. Come visit
                                                                             compassion from the general public. There is no mone-
some of the black men being unlawfully held on A.C. at
                                                                             tary fee for any prisoner who would like to have a diary
Greene and you can have a personal view of racial profil-
                                                                             on the Pen Diary website. However, there are specific
ing/racial discrimination within the DOC. Or maybe this
                                                                             guidelines that must be followed before being allowed a
type of racial discrimination is not important. Hopefully,
                                                                             diary space.
Mr. DiMascio will take his own advice and look directly
into the “eyes” of racial profiling inside the Pa. Depart-                     Pen Diaries is basically a window to which the general
ment of Corrections — or will he continue to turn a blind                    public has an unobstructed view of a prisoner’s unfiltered
eye and be one of those people who (as he quoted) “refuse                    expressions regarding life in prison. Diaries will be ac-
to do anything, or refuse to take time to see the signs of                   cessible worldwide! This is a sure way to create a net-
injustice all around them”?                                                  work of enthusiastic supporters. Having a diary on the


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

Pen Diary website allows prisoners to turn their situa-                      against the ringleader Harry Nicoletti, 59, a guard in-
tion into productive resources, pen pal connections, legal                   dicted on 94 felony and misdemeanor counts, including
advice, family outreach, and much, much more! Each                           10 counts of institutional rape.
personal diary will have storage space for a photo gallery
                                                                               The other guards arrested were Sean Thomas Story,
and other written material. This space will only be avail-
                                                                             26; Jerome Lynch, 35; Tory Kelly, 40; Kevin Freiss, 31;
able to those who have diaries on the site. Also, Pen Dia-
                                                                             Bruce Lowther, 33; and Brian Olinger, 32. Besides the
ries will send out a monthly copy of its message board
                                                                             charges cited above, some of these men are also charged
exchanged to all prisoners with a diary on its website.
                                                                             with terroristic threats, with at least one charged with
  The experience of living behind bars for any amount of                     criminal solicitation and another with stalking. (The
time is one that can only be told by you. This is your op-                   Movement, Issue 13, pgs. 15-16, 33-35).
portunity. Pen Diary is your platform! Speak up and tell                       Correction office officials are also investigating a report
the world what prison life is really about by destroying                     that guards and administrators at a third Pennsylvania
the preconceptions and misunderstandings.                                    prison, SCI Fayette, ran a secret “fight club” pitting in-
If you are interested, contact:                                              mate against inmate.

Pen Diaries:                                                                   The Human Rights Coalition in Pittsburgh has sent
P.O. Box 23543                                                               out a letter asking that the families of inmates and in-
Philadelphia, PA 19143                                                       mates themselves offer any information of abuse that
(856) 208-7062                                                               may be relevant to the ongoing investigations that may                                                           help widen them to cover other prison facilities. There is
                                                                             no doubt that abuse is widespread in Pennsylvania’s
                                 George Rashaan Brooks-Bey                   prison system. Any relevant information should be for-
                                    AP-4884, SCI Frackville                  warded to:
                                                                             Anthony Zisser, Trial Attorney
                                                                             Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, IF YOU REALLY WANT IT                                    Special Litigation Section
                                                                             950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
  First, let me say, Graterfriends inspires my circle of                     SPL, 601 D. Street
Peer Education assistants (and myself) here at SCI Mer-                      Washington, D.C. 20530
cer. I’ve taken notice lately of the stress in other inmates’
passages in your letters. Well, let me first get a positive                                                                      Denise McElveen
word out about our Therapeutic Community Program.                                                                                Philadelphia, PA
Three men and I oversee 61 men and I get the special
privilege of seeing positive change seven days a week.
I’m 31 years old and on my second state number and                                MORE ACTION IS NEEDED FOR CHANGE
have done a total of 81/2 years in our “lock ‘em up” state of
Pennsylvania. I’ve always been one of those inmates who                        I would like to update those of you who would like to
never thought that a program would help anyone until I                       change the TV stations on our Inmate Cable System.
entered this program a year ago. People are changing
                                                                               On November 22, 2011, Mr. Kusick received a response
here. We are getting them to the root of where they went
                                                                             to his letter from Jeffrey Witherite, Staff Assistant, in
wrong in their path of life and teaching them that change
                                                                             regard to a request to change some of the stations in the
is possible. I see racism take a backseat on a daily basis,
                                                                             cable contract.
and it gets replaced with teamwork and new friendships.
                                                                               Mr. Witherite said, “We take into consideration inmates’
  I really want all the readers to know change is possible,                  request for changes to the channels provided and will dis-
but you have to really want it. It’s time to hang the spurs                  cuss possible changes when the contract is renegotiated.”
of fellow inmates and help change our lives and the world
in which we live. Helping others inside these walls has                       We NEED to request changes, and we MUST contact
permanently changed me in a way that is indescribable.                       Mr. Jeffrey Witherite for proposed changes:
Thank you for reading this and know here at S.C.I. Mercer                    Mr. Jeffrey Witherite
our motto is “Our past will no longer define our futures.”                   Department of Corrections
                                          Matthew A. Maxwell                 PO Box 598
                                          UV-2778, SCI Mercer                Camp Hill, PA 17001-0598
                                                                              Thank you, Mr. Kusick, and those who are trying to
                                                                             make a difference to our inmate cable TV.
                                                                               Send more requests for this change to happen!
  On December 1, 2011 it was reported in the Huffington                        Thank you in advance to those who want to see a
Post that seven guards from SCI Pittsburgh have been                         change by taking action in this matter.
arrested since September and face criminal charges in-
cluding rape, assault, witness intimidation and official                                                                             Dan Spuck
oppression. The most serious charges were brought                                                                           CZ-4825, SCI Mercer


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                                                                             to speak with new commitments who are sentenced to
                                                                             life as they enter the institution; and to have fundraisers
                                                                             selling fresh vegetables and fruits because of the poor

                  Our Voices                                                 quality we receive in the dining room. Consuming fresh
                                                                             produce could reduce many illnesses, especially as we
                                                                             age. This would reduce and save on the cost of certain
                                                                             medications, vitamins, laxatives, etc. Part of the money
                                                                             could be used to help the lifers who do not have financial
                                                                             help for hygiene and other needs, and those who cannot
           CHANGES NEEDED AT MUNCY                                           work due to illness and aging. Medical pay is a measly
        by Jessie Alexander OO-7361, SCI Muncy                               $10 per month. Also, part of the money can be used for
                                                                             Christmas gifts for lifers grand- and great- grandchil-
  One need that is greatly critical to lifers is to allow                    dren. Angel Tree does not supply gifts for our grandchil-
voices to be heard on the issues of commutation and                          dren; A Lifers Association will be of great encouragement
what is assisting us in rehabilitation. I often ask, “What                   and support to each other.
is rehabilitation and what is the process of rehabilita-                       Guest Speakers: To hear from lifers who were granted
tion?” Recently, a staff member stated that there is none                    commutation and are living successful lives; to hear from
for lifers because of the sentence of life. Yet, commuta-                    women’s organizations, judges and legislators/senators.
tion is offered. What I desire for myself is to restore my-                  Far too many women do not know the law (although ig-
self back to the absolute perfection of a law-abiding citi-                  norance of the law is no excuse) but have had poor repre-
zen. This should be offered (rehabilitation) to all who are                  sentation and/or were under severe mental strain, men-
incarcerated regardless of the time frame of their sen-                      tal disorder, or heavily medicated.
tence. My growth is dependent not only on myself but on
                                                                               Medical: Medications and needed surgery are pro-
the staff here at SCI Muncy also.
                                                                             longed or denied to lifers. There is help from one long-
  What is offered within this institution is offered to                      time doctor’s assistants but there are always constant
those with an expected release date and only offered to                      new ones who do now show concern, nor bring relief from
the inmates serving life.                                                    pain and illness.

  You may have heard the women express they want to                            Mental Health and Psychotropic Drugs: Comparing the
be like the male inmates. I just want the same opportu-                      prison population to the number of psychologists and
nities as the male inmates, not only for myself, but for all                 psychiatrists, lifers will also go unassisted in times of
female lifers: exposure of our good, and assistance from                     crisis, may be prescribed misjudged medications, and are
staff in organizing a committee or association for lifers as                 subject to misdiagnosis. I am very fortunate that Psy-
the male inmates have. A Lifers Organization should                          chologist Ms. Kling has helped me improve my coping
develop knowledge as a whole on the judicial system and                      skills and understanding of my diagnosis, along with
legislation which I, for one, have minimal knowledge of;                     explaining and answering my questions.

                  KEEP HOPE ALIVE                                            hope of any sort may be rechanneled to focus not on what
                                                                             is out of reach, but on what is accomplished.”
         by Phillip Pratt, DB1830, SCI Mahanoy
                                                                               I disagree.
  In his article entitled “Lifers Find Ways to Give Their
Lives Meaning, Even Behind Bars,” Graterfriends editor-                         Hope is not linear, as are the minutes in an hour or the
in-chief William M. DiMascio sought to applaud efforts                       months in a year. Hope is a feeling, desire, or belief; it
made by an organization of lifers at SCI Graterford. The                     permeates a person’s very being, providing a reason for
organization originally had the sole purpose of advocat-                     living. There is no expiration to it, and no “turning point”
ing for lifers’ parole, but, confronted with stiff resistance,               at which “reality proclaims itself.” Moreover, for many
refocused, seeking instead to help those eligible for re-                    lifers, hope, along with the efforts made to obtain its re-
lease become better citizens. However, this humanitar-                       alization, is their liberty.
ian endeavor by a group of condemned men was over-                             Yes, hope in most forms entails disappointment, even
shadowed by Mr. DiMascio’s attempt to explain the psy-                       depression, but to propose that lifers “rechannel” their
chology behind their selfless act.                                           hope and not focus on “what is out of reach” does an ex-
  Lifers face a long and uphill battle for liberty, Mr. Di-                  treme disservice to all. Where would human civilization
Mascio observed, which often leads to depression, and,                       be if individuals or, better yet, groups of individuals
“[f]or most of them, the dream of freedom dies slowly;                       failed to devote their lives to a cause? We once believed
eventually, though, reality proclaims itself. For some, at                   that space travel was “out of reach.” Countless human
least, this is a turning point because as the dream fades                    achievements would have indeed been out of reach, had
so too does their depression.”                                               we failed to continue reaching.
  “Hope,” Mr. DiMascio continued, “is a yearning for                          Thus, I deeply encourage everyone reading, no matter
something which leads to despair if it is unrealized. But                    what your hopes or goals, to never, never stop reaching.


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                                                                             they’re all throw-away lives that cannot, under any cir-

                                                                             cumstances, be redeemed. They are discarded to the
                                                                             trash cans of prison to do LWOP. Without any mecha-
                                                                             nism for evaluating the possibility of being returned to

                                About It                                     society as productive individuals, they decay away as
                                                                             being insignificant.

                                                                               The redeeming process for individuals who receive
                                                                             LWOP remains inconceivable to law makers, who hold
     BUYING INTO THE TRASHCAN THEORY                                         crime and punishment as their primary ace in the hole;
    by John Frederick Nole, AF-0346, SCI Graterford                          their fall-back propaganda to dupe an uninformed general
                                                                             public, that everyone doing LWOP is exactly the same.
  Parole eligibility for individuals convicted and sen-
                                                                               Pennsylvania continues to lead the nation in sentenc-
tenced to Life Without the Opportunity for Parole
                                                                             ing juveniles to LWOP. This distinction is only shared by
(LWOP) can be justified on some levels. Where common
                                                                             countries that America frowns upon as having the worst
sense does not prevail, the unjustified expenses related
                                                                             of worst human atrocities.
to a life sentence, whether children or adults, should.
  The reality being that many of our legislators and law                       It’s time that Pennsylvania’s penal system came in
makers have not yet considered… individuals serving                          from the cold and began to be reevaluated. Those who
LWOP for killing no one. There’s also the burden in-                         have undergone periods of extreme incarceration should
curred by the general public to pay the price for incar-                     be recycled. The continuation of buying into the trash
ceration and increased medical expenses for those grow-                      can theory, that these are just throw-away lives, or that
ing old and for those too sick to commit crimes. There’s                     we can pay the price for unnecessary incarceration in
no sound strategy for legislators not to consider real                       lieu of funding education and other socially productive
changes and to do away with excessive prison expenses,                       treatment programs, is just not good, old-fashioned com-
under Pennsylvania’s second death penalty. Applying                          mon sense.
LWOP to every situation of felony murder is counterpro-
                                                                               Parole consideration for life-sentenced prisoners is not
ductive to having a healthy economy. There is a need for
                                                                             a “let them all go” deal. It’s evaluating who can function
discretion to distinguish the exceptional circumstances
                                                                             under external supervision of the state Board of Proba-
by which felony homicide is inappropriately applied.
                                                                             tion and Parole. It’s “Who has changed their life enough
  Because the common theory is that anyone receiving                         to be productive and responsible?”
LWOP must have committed some heinous or unthink-
able crime of murder, slipping through the cracks are                          Parole eligibility for lifers in Pennsylvania is sound
circumstances of accomplice. Individuals who had no                          economics. It’s practical criminal justice planning and
part in the actual crime are, nonetheless, used as statis-                   legislatively responsible in creating a workable incar-
tics, to help the general public buy into their theory that                  ceration program.

VVA Resolutions, continued from page 2                                       address the specialized treatment needs of veterans who
                                                                             are incarcerated with PTSD disabilities.
 VIN-4, Restitution of Benefits for Incarcerated
                                                                               So we urge all veterans to insist that their family and
                                                                             friends write or call their state and national representa-
  Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly                         tives to support and pass these proposed resolutions.
urges and recommends to the Executive and legislative
Branches of the U.S. Government that the Code of Fed-
eral Regulations be amended, removing the reduction in
payments to veterans with service-connected disability
who become incarcerated of felony conviction for more
than 60 days. VVA asserts that such payments are in-
come-earned as a result of disabilities incurred while
serving in defense of their country, and that the regula-                      The February issue of Graterfriends
tions and policies which create such reductions are pat-                     incorrectly stated that artist Elizabeth
ently unfair and discriminatory to disabled veterans. The                     Johnson also wrote the poem "Cora."
law and regulations involved in this resolution are: 38
USC §5313 and 38 CFR §3.665.
                                                                                In fact, the artwork was from Ms.
                                                                               Johnson, but "Cora" was written by
 VIN-5 PTSD Treatment for Vietnam Incarcerated
Veterans:                                                                        Reginald S. Lewis, AY-2902, SCI
                                                                                 Graterford. We regret the error.
 Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly
urges and recommends to the Department of Veterans
Affairs that protocols and programs be established to


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

                             Through a
                            Far Eastern                                                                             Literary
                              Window                                                                                Corner
                                  by Michael H. Fox

              SOCIOLOGY 101:                                                                TAKE A LOOK INTO MY LIFE
       EXECUTIONS AS SOCIAL CONTROL                                                    by Hakeem Butler, DW-8032, SCI Fayette
                                                                                                      If you took a look into
  In any society, when the social order is threatened by
                                                                                                    my life, you may not see
an outside force, the masses will cuddle behind their
                                                                                                     what I see, because you
leaders for security and comfort. On the other hand,
                                                                                               haven’t been through what I’ve
when the social order is threatened by domestic unrest,
                                                                                             been through. If you see brutality
leaders will usurp civil rights, expand detainment, and
                                                                                                    don’t cringe or run, I was
even murder to intimidate the populace.
                                                                                                   just misguided. If you see
                                                                                               violence, please don’t fear me;
  The tremors of the 2011 Arab Spring continue to rattle the
                                                                                                 I was only seeking attention.
Middle East. Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya have stabilized, but
                                                                                               If you see pain, don’t feel sorry
the leadership in neighboring vicinities sleep in anxiety.
                                                                                                   for me. For I don’t request
The leadership of Iran and Saudi Arabia are in turmoil.
                                                                                             sympathy. You may view me as a
                                                                                          thug, please know that I needed love.
  Business and commerce in Iran are in stagnation. Its                                         If you see a child, treat him as
national airline is grounded. The masses have grown                                        such. If you see a miseducated man,
disgusted with rule by Mullah, and the threat of a new                                     try to understand or help. Don’t pre-
revolution looms on the horizon.                                                                or misjudge me. For I am like
                                                                                                any other human being: I cry,
  Saudi Arabia, basking in oil riches, and in possession of                             I laugh, I have fears and doubts, I smile,
Islam's sacred sites, may be one of the few civilizations                                       I have insecurities, I feel pain,
on Earth without a government. The Saudi Arabian                                     I am a seeker of joy and happiness, I breathe
populace are usually quite complacent, but the Arab                                         and I made mistakes. Please know
Spring has offered an alternative vision of the 21st cen-                                 though, that my mistakes are not me.
tury. Saudi Arabia hosts a huge foreign workforce, and                                    I am much greater than my mistakes.
these workers have the ability to infect the locals with                                            If by chance you are able
ideas of elections, government and democracy.                                                 to look into my life and see what
                                                                                             I see… then you would know that
  How are Iran and Saudi Arabia dealing with the                                                      God has forgiven me.
threat of internal eruption? The answer is textbook
Sociology 101: intimidate the population with abun-
dant and visible executions.
                                                                                              I FIND LITTLE COMFORT
  Executions in Iran and Saudi Arabia soared in 2011.                                      by Bob Clark, JJ-9669, SCI Greene
Iran carried out 252 executions in 2010, and 600+ in
2011. Saudi Arabia executed 27 prisoners in 2010, but                          I find little comfort in the momentarily numbing effect
has already executed five in January of this year.                           of a cigarette as I ponder my predicament. Sitting cross-
                                                                             legged on my bunk, my feelings have sunk to the pit of
  These numbers are startlingly high. But even more                          my stomach! It’s not everyday I feel this way. Just when
shocking is the visibility. Iran has taken to hanging as-                    I’m homesick. How ‘bout you; do you ever feel this way,
sumed criminals in public squares. Each week, new pho-                       too? Tell the truth; I know you do! Sure, tomorrow is
tos are posted on the internet. The accused, often in                        another day, and this too will pass; perhaps I need a good
groups of five or six, in street clothes, are hoisted up by                  kick in the ass! Probably a lot more than one! Ha Ha, but
construction cranes. While I have yet to view a full exe-                    what’s done is done! Prison was not designed to be fun!
cution on YouTube, close-ups of the executees’ faces are                     Anyway, I just wanted to share these thoughts with you,
available to anyone with Internet access.                                    to let you know sometimes we all get to feeling blue...
                                                                               I hope you find the strength within your soul to under-
  Another disturbing aspect are the faces of the audi-                       stand there are some things you’ll never know.
ences who come to view the spectacle. The public are                          Acceptance, recompense, and forgiveness —then the
invited to take photos with their cell phones. Little chil-                  healing can begin, but first you must find the courage to
    (see Far Eastern Window, continued on page 15)                           be true to yourself. I wish you well!


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

Fight for Lifers West meets every third Saturday                             Training Launched in Philadelphia to
of each month at 325 N. Highland Ave. (E. Liberty sec-                       Administer Mental Health First Aid
tion), Pittsburgh, PA 15206. We welcome anyone who is
interested in justice for lifers and their families. We are                  What should one do when encountering a stranger mum-
handicapped accessible. There are over 5000 lifers in PA                     bling incoherently or panicking on the street? Most people
and we hope that some of their family members in West-                       do not know. Mental Health First Aid is meant to help
ern Pennsylvania will come to our meetings and try to                        people understand how to approach someone who is in a
make a difference. If you don't think you can, think about                   crisis situation. Volunteers learn how to listen, assess the
a single mosquito in your bedroom when you are trying                        situation, and refer him or her for treatment, if neces-
to sleep. Please join us — WE NEED YOU!                                      sary. As with regular first aid, volunteers will not provide
                                                                             actual treatment.
Please check out our website for more information: at: .                         Twelve-hour courses for faith groups, community organiza-
                                                                             tions, and the general public are expected to begin in June.
                                                                             For more information, contact Mary Harper at
                                                                    or 1-888-545-2600.
Beccaria: A Chapbook Anthology by Aja
Beech will once again be available, for a limited time, in
April. To order a copy, prisoners may send a check or
money order for $5 to:                                                       Remember to register to vote after you
                                                                             are released!
Aja Beech
2445 Coral St.                                                               Vote because:
Philadelphia, PA 19125
                                                                               • You are an important piece of the puzzle
                                                                               • Returning citizens need to be heard
                                                                               • Your vote impacts current and future resources for
The Women's Criminal Justice Network is                                             our children and youth
seeking information about women who have been wrong-                           • It’s your right!
fully convicted, or convicted by tangential connection to
crimes committed by male acquaintances (“guilt by asso-
                                                                             Register by March 26, 2012 for the April 24, 2012
ciation). For more information, go to If
you wish to share your experiences with this group,
please write by, April 1, to:                                                In April, voters will make important decisions leading up
                                                                             to the November 2012 General Election.
Michael H. Fox
225 Shore Brook                                                              Voters will select a candidate to compete against Presi-
Walled Lake, MI 48390                                                        dent Obama in November, as well as candidates to com-
                                                                             pete for several State and Federal offices.
or email
                                                                             Register by October 9, 2012 for the November 6,
                                                                             2012 General Election.
Life Support for Women with an                                               In November, voters will make final selections for impor-
Incarcerated Loved One is a new support group                                tant federal and state leaders. This includes:
for women looking for a safe place to share feelings and                       • The President of the United States
concerns about incarcerated family members. The group
meets the second Tuesday of every month, from 4:00 p.m.                        • 33 members of the State Senate, and 203 people for
to 6:00 p.m., at the Pennsylvania Prison Society: 245 N.                            the PA House of Representatives
Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (Race-                         • A new PA Attorney General, Treasurer, and Audi-
Vine station, across from Hahnemann Hospital).                                      tor General as well as a U.S. Senator and members
                                                                                    of the United States House of Representatives
For more information:
Mason Barnett, 215-564-6005, ext. 106 (Prison Society)                         Thank you to Malissa Gamble, Founder/CEO of The
Desiree Cunningham 215-758-5877 (Support Group                                 Time is Now to Make a Change (Philadelphia), for this
questions only)                                                                information. (215-847-5652)


              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012

  Triumph, continued from page 3                                             Brethren and Sistas, continued from page 1

speaking out to educate the public about the injustices in                   reluctant to vote for death, even in cases where it ap-
the criminal justice system.                                                 pears imminent.

                                                                               Sisters on the row, while we may have never met, my
  He participated in the institution’s lifers group and
                                                                             heart has felt your tears as you are forcibly separated
served as one of the group’s committee chairmen, intro-
                                                                             from your children, unable to hold them or kiss them. In
ducing proposals for innocence seminars and justice
                                                                             many ways, as women, your anguish has been the worst,
events. He has also been a frequent contributor to Grater-
                                                                             as your loves and sensitivities are the deepest.
friends and other newspapers, magazines, and newslet-
ters, writing to highlight the disparate treatment of the                     My words to my brothers are yours as well: Keep your
poor in the criminal justice system. While most people                       mind alive. Keep your hearts alive. Live. Love. Learn.
would be thinking about themselves and going forward                         Laugh!
upon release, Cat is talking about what he can do to make
a difference for those of us left behind.                                      I know you all as few outsiders do. I’ve met artists, mu-
                                                                             sicians, mathematicians, managers, jailhouse lawyers
  He is a very dynamic brother who has never ceased to                       and stockbrokers.
be a source of inspiration and amazement. Whenever I
asked him how his appeals were going — his case was                            I’ve seen guys who couldn’t draw a straight line emerge
pending before the Third Circuit for five years — he                         master painters (Cush, Young Buck); I’ve seen guys go
would reply by throwing punches and exclaiming Mu-                           from near illiteracy to fluency in foreign languages; I’ve
hammed Ali’s mantra, “Rumble, young man, rumble!”                            met teachers who’ve created works of surpassing beauty
Feeling his energy, I would respond, “That’s right,                          and craftsmanship (Big Tony).
brother, stick and move, stick and move; and don’t stop
                                                                               You are all far more than others say of you, for the
swinging until the fight is won.”
                                                                             spark of the infinite glows within each of you.
  So today I congratulate my brother on his victory. You                       You are on Death Row, but what is finest in each of you
have faced the warlords of tyranny and scored a shining                      is greater than Death Row.
triumph in the war for justice. All of us who face the
same circumstances should be inspired by your success                          So, care for each other. Not in words, but in the heart.
and motivated to fight even harder. As you exit the gates
of the prison to recover your freedom, I would ask that                        Think good vibes to each other.
you look back and say a prayer for those of us who press                      Lastly, don’t rat. (If ratting was so cool, they would’ve
on into battle to defeat our unjust captivity. Brother, I                    beat me off the Row).
hope that the next chapter in your life brings you great
success. “Rumble, young man, rumble.”                                          Keep rumblin;’ ‘cause your day is coming.

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              The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
March 2012 Graterfriends
March 2012 Graterfriends

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March 2012 Graterfriends

  • 1. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society Promoting a humane, just and constructive correctional system and a rational approach to criminal justice since 1787 Volume 43 Issue 3 March 2012 To My Brethren and Sistas on the ‘Row’ By Mumia Abu-Jamal, AM-8335, SCI Mahanoy It has been barely a week since I departed Death Row, No matter what the world says of you, see the best in yet I cannot help but look back, for many of you are in each other, and radiate love to each other. my heart. Be your best self. I may no longer be on Death Row, but because of you, Death Row is still with me. How could that not be so, If you are blessed to have family, send your love to when I’ve spent more years of my life on Death Row, them all—no matter what. If you have a spiritual family than in “freedom”? Or, spent more time on Death Row or faith, practice it fully and deeply, for this links you to than with family? something greater than yourself. No matter what: Chris- tianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Krishna Conscious- I write to tell you all—even those I’ve never met—that ness, Buddhism or Santeria (or Move). I love you, for we have shared something exceedingly rare. I have shared tears and laughter with you that the This broadens and deepens you. world will neither know nor see. I have shared your an- guish when some judge shattered your hopes and spat I have been blessed to have many of you as my teachers disappointment; or when some politician sought to use and my students. Some have been my sons; some have you to climb to higher office. been my brothers. Yet I see all of you as part of my family. Take heart, for the death penalty itself is dying. You are all far more than others States and counties simply can’t afford it, and politi- say of you, for the spark of the cians who run on it are finding fewer and fewer buyers. infinite glows within each of you. Juries (especially in places like Philly) are increasingly (See Brethren and Sistas, continued on page 14) We have seen time and disease take some of our people off the Row. In this Issue We have seen several choose their own date to die, From the Editors, News.................................................2 cheating the hangman via suicide (Tilley, June). From the “Doc,” Pass the Word .....................................3 But, brothers and sisters of the Row, I write not of Mrs. GE-6309 Time, Birthdays, Crossword Solutions .4 death, but of life. Legislative Highlights....................................................5 If I can walk off, so can you. Legal Chat ...................................................................6-7 Mailroom .....................................................................7-9 Keep rumblin’; Keep fightin’; Keep rockin’; Check out your Mills issue. Our Voices ....................................................................10 Think About It..............................................................11 But, there is more. Live each day, each hour, as if it is Through a Far Eastern Window, Literary Corner .....12 the only time there is. Love fiercely. Learn a new thing. A language. An art. A science. Keep your mind alive. Announcements............................................................13 Keep your heart alive. Laugh! Graterfriends Order Form ...........................................14 Crossword.....................................................................15 Look at each other not as competitors, but as fellow travelers on the same red road of life. “The Last Word” by William DiMascio .......................16 1 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 2. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 From the Editors News As you’ve probably already read, the front page article VVA PROPOSED NEW RESOLUTIONS MAY this month is from Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was recently ALLOW US SECOND LOOK removed from Death Row. We hope his words to those of you who are still on Death Row are encouraging and uplifting. from SCI Dallas Veterans Group Stop by the Mailroom section to read the ongoing debate To our benefit, in August 2011, delegates from Vietnam over smoking in Pennsylvania’s prisons. We are currently Veterans of America (VVA) announced 15 New Resolu- checking how other states handle this issue and will print an tions that will have a direct effect on incarcerated Viet- article about our findings in a future issue of Graterfriends. nam Era veterans who have been overlooked for so long. On page five, you will see suggested actions that These resolutions include: jobs in the public sector, job came out of the recent report on children of incarcer- training, veterans in business, judicial review for PTSD ated parents, The Effects of Parental Incarceration on (with support and readjustment counseling), medical Children: Needs and Responsive Services. The report treatment, research, benefits for female veterans, and is a compilation of findings and recommendations more. The resolutions likely to be most important to vet- from the Joint State Government Commission and an erans are listed below: advisory committee that was led by the Prison Soci- ety’s Policy Director, Ann Schwartzman. VIN-3, Parole/Clemency: One question we’ve been asking ourselves here for a few Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly rec- months: Do you enjoy the crossword puzzle we have ommends that the U.S. Sentencing Commission and states started to include every month? No need to use extra pa- that have no parole review for individuals sentenced for per or stamps to just answer that question, but if you are life, establish special and specific mechanisms within their submitting a letter or column, please just let us know. respective court systems and the boards of pardons, where We’re curious if you like it and if you find it too easy, too such exist, to address the issues of the veterans with ser- difficult, or just about right. We try to keep all of you in vice-connected post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD), who mind when deciding what to include in each issue. were arrested prior to 1980, and thus have not been af- Finally, be sure to catch Executive Director William forded the opportunity to present evidence of the influence DiMascio’s “Last Word” on the back page, where he dis- of PTSD on their criminal actions. cusses the difference between justice and retribution, and how there can be no justice without compassion. (See VVA Resolutions, continued on page 11) Letters more than a page in length (200 words) will not be published in their entirety in Mailroom or Legal Chat Room, and may be considered for another column. All columns should be no more than 500 words, or two double-spaced pages. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: William M. DiMascio To protect Graterfriends from copyright infringement, please MANAGING EDITOR: Mindy Bogue attach a letter stating, or note on your submission, that you are the original author of the work submitted for publication; date EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: and sign the declaration. William Bradley, Danielle Collins, Bridget Fifer If you have a question about Graterfriends, please contact FOUNDER: Joan Gauker Mindy Bogue, Communications Manager, at 215-564-6005, ext. 112 or Graterfriends is a monthly publication from the Pennsylvania Prison Society. The organization was founded in 1787 and works toward enhancing public safety by providing initiatives that promote a just and humane criminal justice system. This issue is made possible through contributions from our readers and funding from Phoebus Criminal Justice Initiative through the Bread & Roses Community Fund. 245 North Broad Street · Suite 300 We reserve the right to edit submissions. Original submissions Philadelphia, PA 19107 will not be returned. We will not print anonymous letters. Telephone: 215.564.6005 · Fax: 215.564.7926 Allegations of misconduct must be documented and statistics should be supported by sources. 2 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 3. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 From Pssst… the “Doc” Pass the Word by Samuel L. Krakow TACKLING DEPRESSION ONE SHINING TRIUMPH Depression is a common mental illness in the general IN THEWAR FOR JUSTICE American population, afflicting upwards of 9% of indi- by Lee A. Horton, CN-2067, SCI Mahanoy viduals. However, prison environments have a much higher rate, something I suspected when my block emp- Since my arrest several years ago for a crime I did not tied for evening pill line during my recent incarceration commit, I have maintained my innocence and allowed in SCI-Mahanoy. The statistics bore out my observations. two principles to guide me in overturning my wrongful Approximately 40 to 50% of America’s prison population conviction. One is the belief that good men and women has a major mental illness diagnosis, ranging from de- can triumph over injustice; the other is that you never pression to schizophrenia. give up in a fight to right a wrong, no matter how pain- Despite depression’s frequency, it remains poorly man- ful. At times these ideas have seemed like nothing more aged even in those individuals in which it has been rec- than useless words, but once in a while a shining exam- ognized by the healthcare system. Such knowledge is ple appears to give substance to their meaning. frightening due to the lethal outcome of this illness, one Recently, my adherence to these principles has been that comes in the form of suicide. buoyed by just such an example. A friend of mine, a native Why am I bringing up depression in relation to incar- New Yorker named Lorenzo “Cat” Johnson, just won a ceration? Simply, this illness is exacerbated by the envi- huge victory in his fight to extricate himself from an un- ronments encountered in jails and prisons. One of the just incarceration. Against all odds, and by sheer determi- most common symptoms of depression is anhedonia, a nation, he has overturned his wrongful conviction for first feeling related to decreased interest in pleasurable experi- degree murder and his sentence of life without parole. ences, a sensation of hopelessness or decreased self-worth. After sixteen painful years of appeals and litigation No single experience in my life brought on this symptom with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cat has suc- more that the monochromatic, grinding daily sameness of cessfully persuaded a panel of Third Circuit Court of block life. I suppose others let it get to them as well. Appeals judges that he is innocent. In a 2-1 decision, the There is help for those who suffer from depression. (In court ruled that his conviction was patently unconstitu- case you suspect it in yourself, other symptoms include a tional, opining that the evidence against him at trial was change in sleep habits, eating, the ability to concentrate, non-existent, and therefore, constitutionally insufficient and the desire to commit suicide.) Medications are avail- to sustain his conviction. For this reason, they ordered able, specifically the SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reup- his unconditional release and barred a retrial. take Inhibitors) such as Prozac or Celexa. They have few side effects. Equally as effective are various therapeutic Although elated by the good news, I was far from sur- techniques, especially talk and cognitive-behavioral ther- prised. When I first met Cat he impressed me as being apy (CBT). Both methods help to change thinking pat- very capable — someone whom prison bars would not be terns related to depression, i.e. extremes in thought. able to contain. His personality and physical appearance reminded me of our champion, Paul Robeson, and what I I realize prisons push meds much harder than therapy, saw in his eyes was sincerity and a look of raw determi- and understably so. Their therapists are overworked, which nation; he would not be dissuaded from his goal, nor de- sometimes leads to a lack of empathy. As such, I’d support nied his freedom. Indeed, one of the first things he said utilizing the various chaplains in the religious department. to me was, “I am innocent,” and, “I am going to overturn Many of them are trained in at least minimal therapeutic my life sentence and get out.” He convinced me that he techniques. Otherwise, consider a spiritual outlet or honest would do just what he said. We became fast friends. conversations of feelings with a trusted friend. Since then, we have shared hundreds of conversations. If you suspect someone close to you is depressed and Innocence, justice, freedom, education, parole for lifers — has expressed a desire to harm him or herself, now is not you name it, we discussed it. What I have learned over the time to honor the code of not snitching. Despite the the course of our friendship is that he walks it the way draconian methods the DOC employs with those who are he talks it. In the face of the all-consuming possibility of suicidal (i.e. restraints), it’s better than death. Know that losing his life to the de facto death sentence of life with- depression is an illness rather than a moral failing. Rise out parole, he has never wavered in speaking up and above the code of the street and express yourself as a member of humanity. (See Triumph, continued on page 14) 3 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 4. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Mrs. GE-6309 Time DEATH ROW by Reesy Floyd-Thompson March Birthdays DIMINISHED CAPACITY Arthur Jerome Bomar Angel Luis Reyes DK-1677, GRN CG-0732, GRA I’m often asked to categorize the worst part of having Aquil Bond Don Mitchell Tedford an incarcerated husband. My answer has changed over GH-1499, GRA AP-1138, GRN the years. In the beginning, the separation was unbear- able. I was lost in love, stuck on the corner of bitter and Michael Conforti Donte L. Thomas sweet. As the sentence moved on, it was hard to stay mo- BQ-0537, GRN HF-4745, GRN tivated. I’m a married-single woman. My left ring finger Robert Cook tells the world I’d been through a ceremony, but no per- AS-0603, GRA Jose Uderra son appears to claim the rights to me. Today, the worst CC-3832, GRN Lester Fletcher part of this life is that the relationship is not in real time. FB-8882, GRN My life with my husband is clearly divided into before Darien Houser prison and after. Before, life happened to us. We made GRA = SCI Graterford GL-7509, GRN PO Box 244 decisions as a couple. We were always a speed dial away from sharing joys and sorrows. After, the person who George Ivan Lopez Graterford, PA should be the first to know everything is often the last to CZ-3198, GRN 19426-0244 know, long after the excitement has worn off or I’ve fig- Lenwood Robert Mason GRN = SCI Greene ured out how to handle the problem. Life happens to CY-4048, GRA 175 Progress Drive me…and I have to wait to share it. Isaac Mitchell Waynesburg, PA All the other “worst” parts, I can and have overcome. EG-7580, GRN 15370-8090 But, this never changes. Our relationship is on a con- stant time delay. I keep a running tally of things I need to say, but reliving excitement is like eating reheated pizza. It satiates, but it’s not as enjoyable as when fresh. If you do not want your name published, send a letter to I’m an old-fashioned kind of girl. My husband is head of Graterfriends each year you do not want it to be included. Be sure to note your date of birth. the family. His location doesn’t negate that, but living with a built-in lag time threatens it. I can’t pick up the phone to ask what he thinks before I make a decision. Knowing him as well I as do, I can confidently speak for him. His power is in communicating for himself, not in me scripting his portion. If my husband were asked to describe the worst part of this process for me (aside from the obvious), he’d say, his CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS life happens from him, not to him. Confidently speaking. Reesy Floyd-Thompson is the founder of Prisoners’ Wives, Below are the solutions to crossword puzzles printed in this Girlfriends, & Partners (PWGP). For more information issue and the previous issue of Graterfriends. about this group, please write Reesy at: PWGP February 2012 March 2012 P. O. Box 14241 Norfolk, VA 23518 Did you know? Less than one percent of lifers granted clemency return to prison. 4 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 5. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Legislative Highlights Ann Schwartzman Policy Director, The Pennsylvania Prison Society The PA General Assembly is now in its second year of the 2011-2012 session. Here are several criminal justice bills that may be of interest. Please note that this list is current as of February 15, 2012. BILL NO. DESCRIPTION CHIEF SPONSOR PPS POSITION PRINTER NO. HB 645 Rep. A. DeLuca Oppose Requires that the minimum sentence for all violent of- D-Allegheny County PN 3044 fenders be not more than 85 percent of the maximum sentence and a consecutive two-year probation. Also makes violent offenders ineligible for pre-release status. (In Judiciary 2/14/2011; amended and tabled 2/6/12.) HB 1958 Rep. R. Marsico Oppose Revises registration for sexual offenders in relation to PN 2807 R-Dauphin County SORNA and federal stipulations. Certain juveniles who are transient or homeless must register as sex offenders. (Tabled 2/9/12.) HB 2187 Rep. W.C. Thomas Support Amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsyl- PN 3066 D-Philadelphia vania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provi- County sions, establishing the Pennsylvania Interagency Coun- cil on Inmate Reentry. (In Judiciary 2/8/12.) SB 1019 Amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Sen. D. Argall Studying PN 1300 R-Berks, Carbon, Consolidated Statutes, defining "corrections manager"; Lehigh, Monroe, and, in general administration, providing for salary of Northampton, and corrections managers. (Passed Senate, 45-5, 1/24/12.) Schuylkill counties REPORT ON CHILDREN OF INCARCERATED PARENTS: UPDATE The recently released, The Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Needs and Responsive Services, will be offi- cially presented to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee on March 6. The report is a compilation of findings and recommendations developed by the Joint State Government Commission and an advisory committee. This report took two years, and represented agencies from criminal justice, children, welfare, aging, foster care, and more. See the report here. Recommendations include: • Enact legislation to establish a statewide arrest pro- • Enact legislation clarifying that incarceration alone tocol for law enforcement and child welfare authori- is not grounds to terminate parental rights. ties when arresting the parent of a minor. • Provide caregivers with support and information • Facilitate in-person and contact visitation between about providing resources for these children. incarcerated parents and their children. • Support incarcerated parents in achieving successful • Implement and support methods of regular communi- reentry and enhanced parenting skills. cation such as videoconferencing, email, tele- phone, and letters. • Enhance data collection on these children. • Provide training for professionals in all fields • Encourage cross-system collaboration among serving children of incarcerated parents. agencies serving such children. 5 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 6. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 original currency to make a drug buy. Once the under- cover officer makes the buy — usually $20 or $30 worth Legal Chat of suspected drugs — he immediately removes his hat or glances at his watch, signaling a posse of backup officers — wearing leather gloves, bulletproof vests, and armed to the teeth — to jump out, shout “FREEZE (expletive)!,” and then (literally) pounce on the suspect. Once the sus- pected dealer is in handcuffs, some of the police “high- CASE ANALYSIS MADE EASY five” each other for a job well done; while others rifle through the suspect’s pockets, ferociously scrambling to Case Analysis involves more than just merely search- find the buy money, as if searching for a winning Power- ing for words to parse language in support of your propo- ball ticket! Once the buy money is matched up to the sition of law. Those words must be classified — to know photocopy, the suspect's fate is sealed! (Or is it?) what they mean and how to use them. Some words have According to the Counterfeit Detection Act of 1992, value and some don’t. Proper case analysis identifies, Public Law 102-550, in Section 411 of Title 31 of the classifies and only uses words of precedential value. Code of Federal Regulations, photocopying U.S. currency The core objective of case analysis is the dissection and is permissible for any non-fraudulent purpose, provided use of judicial decisions and the ability to distinguish that the items are reproduced in black and white and are decisive utterances from judicial dicta and obiter dicta, less than three quarters or greater than one-and-one half and to distinguish the relevant facts from narrative times the size of the currency. In other words, it is a vio- facts. In analyzing judicial decisions, what must be un- lation of federal law to photocopy U.S. currency in its derstood is that not all propositions of law uttered by the actual size. court are of equal precedential value. The mere fact that My question is: How can police and prosecutors use a statement has recently been made by a court does not illegally-photocopied U.S. currency as evidence against mean the statement is “the law.” There are three classifi- defendants in court? Yes, it's illegal to deal drugs, but, cations of judicial utterances: according to federal law, it's also illegal to photocopy U.S. • A decisive utterance is a proposition of law which currency in its actual size! is in answer to a question of law before the court Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated! and is “necessary to disposition” of the case. Rob Boyden • A judicial dictum is a proposition of law uttered by Drexel Hill, PA the Court in answer to a question of law raised by the parties which “is not necessary to disposition” of the case. CALLING ON “THE WINGS OF JUSTICE” • An obiter dictum is a proposition of law expressly uttered by the court which is “neither in answer to I’m calling on “the wings of Justice,” because state and any question of law nor necessary to disposition of city public officials have lied, manipulated evidence, and the case.” withheld official documents from my trial. I am an inno- Your analysis and objective is to classify the court’s cent man under a 30-60-year sentence on two false utterances by asking: 1) “Is it necessary to disposition of counts of house burglaries, and had it not been for my the case?” and 2) “Does it answer a question of law in the trial attorney’s incompetent assistance, I wouldn’t have case?” Only decisive utterances have precedential value. been convicted on these alleged crimes. I’m requesting an Are you “analyzing” a case or just reading it in persua- evidentiary hearing to be held so that I can show the sive words? Order via I.L.L. from Law Library Goodhart. court that my jury trial was flawed by poor defense work (“Determining the ratio decidendi of a case” 40 Yale L.J. and illegal tricks by the prosecution in which the com- 161, 1930). monwealth’s prosecutor had built his case around lies and fabricated testimonies, manipulated evidence and perjured testimony during the time of trial. Frederick T. Ray III I have official legal documentary evidence of proof to GF2852, SCI Camp Hill support my claim of being innocent. I know for a fact that this evidence will refute all statements/testimony and allegations made by the commonwealth’s alleged case POLICE USING ILLEGAL CURRENCY against me. AS EVIDENCE IN COURT Note that the victim and witness in this case had not identified me through their description to the Philadel- The scenario is all too common on "COPS" and various phia police on October 28, 1997 and December 5, 1997: other police shows: Prior to making a controlled drug buy the victim in this case was influenced by a police officer from a suspected dealer, police photocopy their pre- who was one of the arrest officers who arrested me on recorded buy money - in its actual size - and then use the December 5, 1997. (CP #9712-0614) 6 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 7. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 The Philadelphia Police and state prosecutor gave the victim and witness the identification of me. I have rebut- tal evidence to the trial court’s testimony statements from two state public officials during the time of my de- Mailroom fense counsel’s cross-examination on June 15, 1999. This evidence was withheld during the time of trial by the state prosecution office. Also, I have documentary evi- dence that shows my whereabouts on the dates and GET INVOLVED! times of the alleged incidents of October 28, 1997 and December 5, 1997. I have my medical records that cor- I just want to give all my brothers/sisters who find roborate claims to my physical conditions at the time of themselves trapped behind these walls year after year a the October 28, 1997 alleged incident of burglary, rob- word of advice. I want to suggest that we always main- bery, and simple assault. My conditions make it physi- tain our poise and keep our dignity despite being under cally impossible for me to be able to commit the attack on such dehumanizing conditions. I want to remind all pris- this alleged victim on the above dates. oners to get more involved with the various organiza- I am being held in custody in violation of the constitu- tions that have been created to protect our rights. I am tional laws of the United States and the Commonwealth also asking you all to seek your family and friends to of Pennsylvania. I am only requesting that the court re- help support various organizations that are geared to view my claims of innocence and to thereafter allow me deal with prisoner rights as well as human rights. I am an evidentiary hearing. If the court would agree to an in my 14th year of incarceration with multiple hits de- evidentiary hearing, and I cannot show proof through the spite all the programs the DOC has mandated (and many documentary evidence that I am innocent, then I will of us have found ourselves caught up in the matrix of the waive all my rights to appeal my convictions under case justice system). However, this year, I implore individuals CP# 9712-0613, 0614, 1/1. to stand in solidarity, unite, and be of use in turning the system around. We must fight on against mandatory life Daryl Dushawn Pitts sentences without the chance of parole, and support juve- DQ-9998, SCI Greene nile lifers. Most of all, we must help push to have the antiquated Board of Probation and Parole revamped so that they truly step in line with what rehabilitation is. HELP REGARDING They need to be able to properly make decisions that are THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY not politically driven and have a system that is not based on partial truths. I also, in closing, want to offer my un- dying support to my brother Mumia Abu-Jamal and let I’m writing to ask for help. I’ve been in the therapeutic people know his fight is not over. Continue supporting community for eight months and was discharged for lack him. We must keep the fighting spirit and oppose oppres- of participation and not using house tools. I believe that sion at every turn. this is not true and I don’t know what to do. Is there any- thing I can do to be reinstated or be given my golden Kendrick Pratt ticket? I cannot say anything to change the minds of the DQ-2960, SCI Frackville staff or prison. I want to know if anybody else is having the same problem or has any advice for this problem. Now I might not be able to finish my carpentry class be- THE PIPELINE TO PRISON cause of being discharged from the program. I also have a problem with group speaking that they don’t see as an The pipeline from urban school districts to the peniten- issue. Any help please.? tiary is now put into motion. With all the recent budget cuts and the already low academic performances at these Senator Greenleaf has a bill (#1161). Does anybody schools, there’s nothing to be expected but a future of know about this bill? mass incarceration for this segment of society. Terry Graham It is truly a lack of vision by legislators when the only JG-2267, SCI-Fayette growth industry that they can come up with is expanding the prison industrial complex to make profits off of hu- man beings. All students deserve justice with education. Justice in When submitting a letter or column to the sense of having their basic needs for good quality Graterfriends for publication, please re- education met, to allow them to meet their full human member to attach a letter (or note on your potential, and to advance civilization in a positive way. Denying any child the chance to be properly prepared for submission) that it is for publication and a successful future educationally is downright criminal! that you are the original author; date and After spending millions of dollars during the past dec- sign the declaration. Thank you. ades on building new prisons and cutting educational (see Mailroom, continued on page 8) 7 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 8. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Mailroom, continued from page 7 When people acknowledge the racial discrimination but fail to directly address the solution, they allow the prob- budgets, society does not appear to be any closer to lem to be perpetuated and are just as guilty as those achieving the goals of public safety. committing the discrimination The money spent on warehousing non-violent, geriat- John Shabaka Thompson ric, reformed or medically ill offenders should be used for AM-5557, SCI Fayette educating our youth. A total of 19 prisons have been built since 1974- making a total of 27 prisons in Pennsylvania- and it hasn’t done anything to deter crime or make neighborhoods any safer. CLEAN AIR ACT SHOULD APPLY TO PRISONS It must be understood that about ninety percent of all This letter is in response to Allan Buyna’s letter, “Help prisoners will be released back into society someday. for Non-Smokers in Prison” that appeared in the October Some will be in worse shape (morally and educationally) issue of Graterfriends. than when they first entered the penal system. Regardless of what prison you are in, smoking is preva- If the bad decisions by those in charge of our children’s lent. I’ve been at SCI Huntingdon over a year and have education are left unchecked on the front-end, it will cost been told by a former unit manager that the jail and my society big time on the back-end. blocks are smoke-free, yet when I complain about getting a smoker for a cellie, that man is told not to smoke when Budget cuts to education, plus low performing schools, I am in the cell. So much for the Indoor Clean Air Act, plus increased spending for the Prison Industrial Com- which is a LAW and not DOC policy. The DOC has is- plex equals: Pipeline to Prison. Reverse this equation sued policies against smoking, but these policies are and things may get better for everyone concerned. never adhered to. Larry Stephenson I’ve seen guards and higher staff members at SCI Dal- AM 1449, SCI Graterford las and Huntingdon walk past a cell that had a cloud of smoke in it because the person inside was smoking. The grievance procedure, as useless as it is, is the only RE: “SIGNS OF RACIAL INJUSTICE ARE procedure available to us and it must be used in its en- EVERYWHERE, EVEN ON VANITY PLATES” tirety in order to file any possible lawsuits concerning the smoking issues. Being a black prisoner, confined in the “Super-Max” at SCI Greene in the State of Pennsylvania, I don’t need to The ONLY way to stop the smoking inside the prisons see vanity plates or national statistics to know that ra- is to have the DOC remove any and all items relating to cial profiling has been and continues to be a serious prob- smoking. This was already done in Michigan, Virginia, lem and a form of oppression that blacks and other mi- and Minnesota. It can be done here, but must be done in norities suffer daily. a legal and civil manner. It’s almost like Mr. DiMascio had an epiphany about Brian Blaine racial profiling/racial discrimination. However, Mr. Di- BG6571, SCI Huntingdon Mascio does not have to look far (or to national statistics) for examples of racial discrimination. Right here in the State of Pennsylvania, at SCI Greene, he can find an PEN DIARIES overwhelming picture of racial profiling/racial discrimi- nation, where approximately 80 percent (personal obser- Pen Diaries (Penitentiary Diaries), is a website that vation) of the men locked down on indefinite administra- offers prisoners the opportunity to have their online di- tive custody (A.C.) are black men, with a general popula- ary while incarcerated. This website was created from an tion of approximately 65 percent black (personal observa- idea that was based primarily on bridging the social gap tion). Most black inmates are put on A.C. simply because between prisoners and the general public. Having an they are young black men. online journal (while incarcerated) that allows prisoners to continuously log their most intimate thoughts and So I say to Mr. DiMascio: You don’t need to quote sta- experiences is an excellent way to assure optimism and tistics, all you need to do is open your eyes. Come visit compassion from the general public. There is no mone- some of the black men being unlawfully held on A.C. at tary fee for any prisoner who would like to have a diary Greene and you can have a personal view of racial profil- on the Pen Diary website. However, there are specific ing/racial discrimination within the DOC. Or maybe this guidelines that must be followed before being allowed a type of racial discrimination is not important. Hopefully, diary space. Mr. DiMascio will take his own advice and look directly into the “eyes” of racial profiling inside the Pa. Depart- Pen Diaries is basically a window to which the general ment of Corrections — or will he continue to turn a blind public has an unobstructed view of a prisoner’s unfiltered eye and be one of those people who (as he quoted) “refuse expressions regarding life in prison. Diaries will be ac- to do anything, or refuse to take time to see the signs of cessible worldwide! This is a sure way to create a net- injustice all around them”? work of enthusiastic supporters. Having a diary on the 8 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 9. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Pen Diary website allows prisoners to turn their situa- against the ringleader Harry Nicoletti, 59, a guard in- tion into productive resources, pen pal connections, legal dicted on 94 felony and misdemeanor counts, including advice, family outreach, and much, much more! Each 10 counts of institutional rape. personal diary will have storage space for a photo gallery The other guards arrested were Sean Thomas Story, and other written material. This space will only be avail- 26; Jerome Lynch, 35; Tory Kelly, 40; Kevin Freiss, 31; able to those who have diaries on the site. Also, Pen Dia- Bruce Lowther, 33; and Brian Olinger, 32. Besides the ries will send out a monthly copy of its message board charges cited above, some of these men are also charged exchanged to all prisoners with a diary on its website. with terroristic threats, with at least one charged with The experience of living behind bars for any amount of criminal solicitation and another with stalking. (The time is one that can only be told by you. This is your op- Movement, Issue 13, pgs. 15-16, 33-35). portunity. Pen Diary is your platform! Speak up and tell Correction office officials are also investigating a report the world what prison life is really about by destroying that guards and administrators at a third Pennsylvania the preconceptions and misunderstandings. prison, SCI Fayette, ran a secret “fight club” pitting in- If you are interested, contact: mate against inmate. Pen Diaries: The Human Rights Coalition in Pittsburgh has sent P.O. Box 23543 out a letter asking that the families of inmates and in- Philadelphia, PA 19143 mates themselves offer any information of abuse that (856) 208-7062 may be relevant to the ongoing investigations that may help widen them to cover other prison facilities. There is no doubt that abuse is widespread in Pennsylvania’s George Rashaan Brooks-Bey prison system. Any relevant information should be for- AP-4884, SCI Frackville warded to: Anthony Zisser, Trial Attorney Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, IF YOU REALLY WANT IT Special Litigation Section 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. First, let me say, Graterfriends inspires my circle of SPL, 601 D. Street Peer Education assistants (and myself) here at SCI Mer- Washington, D.C. 20530 cer. I’ve taken notice lately of the stress in other inmates’ passages in your letters. Well, let me first get a positive Denise McElveen word out about our Therapeutic Community Program. Philadelphia, PA Three men and I oversee 61 men and I get the special privilege of seeing positive change seven days a week. I’m 31 years old and on my second state number and MORE ACTION IS NEEDED FOR CHANGE have done a total of 81/2 years in our “lock ‘em up” state of Pennsylvania. I’ve always been one of those inmates who I would like to update those of you who would like to never thought that a program would help anyone until I change the TV stations on our Inmate Cable System. entered this program a year ago. People are changing On November 22, 2011, Mr. Kusick received a response here. We are getting them to the root of where they went to his letter from Jeffrey Witherite, Staff Assistant, in wrong in their path of life and teaching them that change regard to a request to change some of the stations in the is possible. I see racism take a backseat on a daily basis, cable contract. and it gets replaced with teamwork and new friendships. Mr. Witherite said, “We take into consideration inmates’ I really want all the readers to know change is possible, request for changes to the channels provided and will dis- but you have to really want it. It’s time to hang the spurs cuss possible changes when the contract is renegotiated.” of fellow inmates and help change our lives and the world in which we live. Helping others inside these walls has We NEED to request changes, and we MUST contact permanently changed me in a way that is indescribable. Mr. Jeffrey Witherite for proposed changes: Thank you for reading this and know here at S.C.I. Mercer Mr. Jeffrey Witherite our motto is “Our past will no longer define our futures.” Department of Corrections Matthew A. Maxwell PO Box 598 UV-2778, SCI Mercer Camp Hill, PA 17001-0598 Thank you, Mr. Kusick, and those who are trying to make a difference to our inmate cable TV. INVESTIGATION INTO SCIS Send more requests for this change to happen! On December 1, 2011 it was reported in the Huffington Thank you in advance to those who want to see a Post that seven guards from SCI Pittsburgh have been change by taking action in this matter. arrested since September and face criminal charges in- cluding rape, assault, witness intimidation and official Dan Spuck oppression. The most serious charges were brought CZ-4825, SCI Mercer 9 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 10. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 to speak with new commitments who are sentenced to life as they enter the institution; and to have fundraisers selling fresh vegetables and fruits because of the poor Our Voices quality we receive in the dining room. Consuming fresh produce could reduce many illnesses, especially as we age. This would reduce and save on the cost of certain medications, vitamins, laxatives, etc. Part of the money could be used to help the lifers who do not have financial help for hygiene and other needs, and those who cannot CHANGES NEEDED AT MUNCY work due to illness and aging. Medical pay is a measly by Jessie Alexander OO-7361, SCI Muncy $10 per month. Also, part of the money can be used for Christmas gifts for lifers grand- and great- grandchil- One need that is greatly critical to lifers is to allow dren. Angel Tree does not supply gifts for our grandchil- voices to be heard on the issues of commutation and dren; A Lifers Association will be of great encouragement what is assisting us in rehabilitation. I often ask, “What and support to each other. is rehabilitation and what is the process of rehabilita- Guest Speakers: To hear from lifers who were granted tion?” Recently, a staff member stated that there is none commutation and are living successful lives; to hear from for lifers because of the sentence of life. Yet, commuta- women’s organizations, judges and legislators/senators. tion is offered. What I desire for myself is to restore my- Far too many women do not know the law (although ig- self back to the absolute perfection of a law-abiding citi- norance of the law is no excuse) but have had poor repre- zen. This should be offered (rehabilitation) to all who are sentation and/or were under severe mental strain, men- incarcerated regardless of the time frame of their sen- tal disorder, or heavily medicated. tence. My growth is dependent not only on myself but on Medical: Medications and needed surgery are pro- the staff here at SCI Muncy also. longed or denied to lifers. There is help from one long- What is offered within this institution is offered to time doctor’s assistants but there are always constant those with an expected release date and only offered to new ones who do now show concern, nor bring relief from the inmates serving life. pain and illness. You may have heard the women express they want to Mental Health and Psychotropic Drugs: Comparing the be like the male inmates. I just want the same opportu- prison population to the number of psychologists and nities as the male inmates, not only for myself, but for all psychiatrists, lifers will also go unassisted in times of female lifers: exposure of our good, and assistance from crisis, may be prescribed misjudged medications, and are staff in organizing a committee or association for lifers as subject to misdiagnosis. I am very fortunate that Psy- the male inmates have. A Lifers Organization should chologist Ms. Kling has helped me improve my coping develop knowledge as a whole on the judicial system and skills and understanding of my diagnosis, along with legislation which I, for one, have minimal knowledge of; explaining and answering my questions. KEEP HOPE ALIVE hope of any sort may be rechanneled to focus not on what is out of reach, but on what is accomplished.” by Phillip Pratt, DB1830, SCI Mahanoy I disagree. In his article entitled “Lifers Find Ways to Give Their Lives Meaning, Even Behind Bars,” Graterfriends editor- Hope is not linear, as are the minutes in an hour or the in-chief William M. DiMascio sought to applaud efforts months in a year. Hope is a feeling, desire, or belief; it made by an organization of lifers at SCI Graterford. The permeates a person’s very being, providing a reason for organization originally had the sole purpose of advocat- living. There is no expiration to it, and no “turning point” ing for lifers’ parole, but, confronted with stiff resistance, at which “reality proclaims itself.” Moreover, for many refocused, seeking instead to help those eligible for re- lifers, hope, along with the efforts made to obtain its re- lease become better citizens. However, this humanitar- alization, is their liberty. ian endeavor by a group of condemned men was over- Yes, hope in most forms entails disappointment, even shadowed by Mr. DiMascio’s attempt to explain the psy- depression, but to propose that lifers “rechannel” their chology behind their selfless act. hope and not focus on “what is out of reach” does an ex- Lifers face a long and uphill battle for liberty, Mr. Di- treme disservice to all. Where would human civilization Mascio observed, which often leads to depression, and, be if individuals or, better yet, groups of individuals “[f]or most of them, the dream of freedom dies slowly; failed to devote their lives to a cause? We once believed eventually, though, reality proclaims itself. For some, at that space travel was “out of reach.” Countless human least, this is a turning point because as the dream fades achievements would have indeed been out of reach, had so too does their depression.” we failed to continue reaching. “Hope,” Mr. DiMascio continued, “is a yearning for Thus, I deeply encourage everyone reading, no matter something which leads to despair if it is unrealized. But what your hopes or goals, to never, never stop reaching. 10 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 11. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 they’re all throw-away lives that cannot, under any cir- Think cumstances, be redeemed. They are discarded to the trash cans of prison to do LWOP. Without any mecha- nism for evaluating the possibility of being returned to About It society as productive individuals, they decay away as being insignificant. The redeeming process for individuals who receive LWOP remains inconceivable to law makers, who hold BUYING INTO THE TRASHCAN THEORY crime and punishment as their primary ace in the hole; by John Frederick Nole, AF-0346, SCI Graterford their fall-back propaganda to dupe an uninformed general public, that everyone doing LWOP is exactly the same. Parole eligibility for individuals convicted and sen- Pennsylvania continues to lead the nation in sentenc- tenced to Life Without the Opportunity for Parole ing juveniles to LWOP. This distinction is only shared by (LWOP) can be justified on some levels. Where common countries that America frowns upon as having the worst sense does not prevail, the unjustified expenses related of worst human atrocities. to a life sentence, whether children or adults, should. The reality being that many of our legislators and law It’s time that Pennsylvania’s penal system came in makers have not yet considered… individuals serving from the cold and began to be reevaluated. Those who LWOP for killing no one. There’s also the burden in- have undergone periods of extreme incarceration should curred by the general public to pay the price for incar- be recycled. The continuation of buying into the trash ceration and increased medical expenses for those grow- can theory, that these are just throw-away lives, or that ing old and for those too sick to commit crimes. There’s we can pay the price for unnecessary incarceration in no sound strategy for legislators not to consider real lieu of funding education and other socially productive changes and to do away with excessive prison expenses, treatment programs, is just not good, old-fashioned com- under Pennsylvania’s second death penalty. Applying mon sense. LWOP to every situation of felony murder is counterpro- Parole consideration for life-sentenced prisoners is not ductive to having a healthy economy. There is a need for a “let them all go” deal. It’s evaluating who can function discretion to distinguish the exceptional circumstances under external supervision of the state Board of Proba- by which felony homicide is inappropriately applied. tion and Parole. It’s “Who has changed their life enough Because the common theory is that anyone receiving to be productive and responsible?” LWOP must have committed some heinous or unthink- able crime of murder, slipping through the cracks are Parole eligibility for lifers in Pennsylvania is sound circumstances of accomplice. Individuals who had no economics. It’s practical criminal justice planning and part in the actual crime are, nonetheless, used as statis- legislatively responsible in creating a workable incar- tics, to help the general public buy into their theory that ceration program. VVA Resolutions, continued from page 2 address the specialized treatment needs of veterans who are incarcerated with PTSD disabilities. VIN-4, Restitution of Benefits for Incarcerated So we urge all veterans to insist that their family and Veterans: friends write or call their state and national representa- Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly tives to support and pass these proposed resolutions. urges and recommends to the Executive and legislative Branches of the U.S. Government that the Code of Fed- eral Regulations be amended, removing the reduction in payments to veterans with service-connected disability who become incarcerated of felony conviction for more than 60 days. VVA asserts that such payments are in- Correction come-earned as a result of disabilities incurred while serving in defense of their country, and that the regula- The February issue of Graterfriends tions and policies which create such reductions are pat- incorrectly stated that artist Elizabeth ently unfair and discriminatory to disabled veterans. The Johnson also wrote the poem "Cora." law and regulations involved in this resolution are: 38 USC §5313 and 38 CFR §3.665. In fact, the artwork was from Ms. Johnson, but "Cora" was written by VIN-5 PTSD Treatment for Vietnam Incarcerated Veterans: Reginald S. Lewis, AY-2902, SCI Graterford. We regret the error. Resolve, that Vietnam Veterans of America strongly urges and recommends to the Department of Veterans Affairs that protocols and programs be established to 11 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 12. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Through a Far Eastern Literary Window Corner by Michael H. Fox SOCIOLOGY 101: TAKE A LOOK INTO MY LIFE EXECUTIONS AS SOCIAL CONTROL by Hakeem Butler, DW-8032, SCI Fayette If you took a look into In any society, when the social order is threatened by my life, you may not see an outside force, the masses will cuddle behind their what I see, because you leaders for security and comfort. On the other hand, haven’t been through what I’ve when the social order is threatened by domestic unrest, been through. If you see brutality leaders will usurp civil rights, expand detainment, and don’t cringe or run, I was even murder to intimidate the populace. just misguided. If you see violence, please don’t fear me; The tremors of the 2011 Arab Spring continue to rattle the I was only seeking attention. Middle East. Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya have stabilized, but If you see pain, don’t feel sorry the leadership in neighboring vicinities sleep in anxiety. for me. For I don’t request The leadership of Iran and Saudi Arabia are in turmoil. sympathy. You may view me as a thug, please know that I needed love. Business and commerce in Iran are in stagnation. Its If you see a child, treat him as national airline is grounded. The masses have grown such. If you see a miseducated man, disgusted with rule by Mullah, and the threat of a new try to understand or help. Don’t pre- revolution looms on the horizon. or misjudge me. For I am like any other human being: I cry, Saudi Arabia, basking in oil riches, and in possession of I laugh, I have fears and doubts, I smile, Islam's sacred sites, may be one of the few civilizations I have insecurities, I feel pain, on Earth without a government. The Saudi Arabian I am a seeker of joy and happiness, I breathe populace are usually quite complacent, but the Arab and I made mistakes. Please know Spring has offered an alternative vision of the 21st cen- though, that my mistakes are not me. tury. Saudi Arabia hosts a huge foreign workforce, and I am much greater than my mistakes. these workers have the ability to infect the locals with If by chance you are able ideas of elections, government and democracy. to look into my life and see what I see… then you would know that How are Iran and Saudi Arabia dealing with the God has forgiven me. threat of internal eruption? The answer is textbook Sociology 101: intimidate the population with abun- dant and visible executions. I FIND LITTLE COMFORT Executions in Iran and Saudi Arabia soared in 2011. by Bob Clark, JJ-9669, SCI Greene Iran carried out 252 executions in 2010, and 600+ in 2011. Saudi Arabia executed 27 prisoners in 2010, but I find little comfort in the momentarily numbing effect has already executed five in January of this year. of a cigarette as I ponder my predicament. Sitting cross- legged on my bunk, my feelings have sunk to the pit of These numbers are startlingly high. But even more my stomach! It’s not everyday I feel this way. Just when shocking is the visibility. Iran has taken to hanging as- I’m homesick. How ‘bout you; do you ever feel this way, sumed criminals in public squares. Each week, new pho- too? Tell the truth; I know you do! Sure, tomorrow is tos are posted on the internet. The accused, often in another day, and this too will pass; perhaps I need a good groups of five or six, in street clothes, are hoisted up by kick in the ass! Probably a lot more than one! Ha Ha, but construction cranes. While I have yet to view a full exe- what’s done is done! Prison was not designed to be fun! cution on YouTube, close-ups of the executees’ faces are Anyway, I just wanted to share these thoughts with you, available to anyone with Internet access. to let you know sometimes we all get to feeling blue... I hope you find the strength within your soul to under- Another disturbing aspect are the faces of the audi- stand there are some things you’ll never know. ences who come to view the spectacle. The public are Acceptance, recompense, and forgiveness —then the invited to take photos with their cell phones. Little chil- healing can begin, but first you must find the courage to (see Far Eastern Window, continued on page 15) be true to yourself. I wish you well! 12 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 13. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Announcements Fight for Lifers West meets every third Saturday Training Launched in Philadelphia to of each month at 325 N. Highland Ave. (E. Liberty sec- Administer Mental Health First Aid tion), Pittsburgh, PA 15206. We welcome anyone who is interested in justice for lifers and their families. We are What should one do when encountering a stranger mum- handicapped accessible. There are over 5000 lifers in PA bling incoherently or panicking on the street? Most people and we hope that some of their family members in West- do not know. Mental Health First Aid is meant to help ern Pennsylvania will come to our meetings and try to people understand how to approach someone who is in a make a difference. If you don't think you can, think about crisis situation. Volunteers learn how to listen, assess the a single mosquito in your bedroom when you are trying situation, and refer him or her for treatment, if neces- to sleep. Please join us — WE NEED YOU! sary. As with regular first aid, volunteers will not provide actual treatment. Please check out our website for more information: at: . Twelve-hour courses for faith groups, community organiza- tions, and the general public are expected to begin in June. For more information, contact Mary Harper at or 1-888-545-2600. Beccaria: A Chapbook Anthology by Aja Beech will once again be available, for a limited time, in April. To order a copy, prisoners may send a check or money order for $5 to: Remember to register to vote after you are released! Aja Beech 2445 Coral St. Vote because: Philadelphia, PA 19125 • You are an important piece of the puzzle • Returning citizens need to be heard • Your vote impacts current and future resources for The Women's Criminal Justice Network is our children and youth seeking information about women who have been wrong- • It’s your right! fully convicted, or convicted by tangential connection to crimes committed by male acquaintances (“guilt by asso- Register by March 26, 2012 for the April 24, 2012 ciation). For more information, go to If Primary you wish to share your experiences with this group, please write by, April 1, to: In April, voters will make important decisions leading up to the November 2012 General Election. Michael H. Fox 225 Shore Brook Voters will select a candidate to compete against Presi- Walled Lake, MI 48390 dent Obama in November, as well as candidates to com- pete for several State and Federal offices. or email Register by October 9, 2012 for the November 6, 2012 General Election. Life Support for Women with an In November, voters will make final selections for impor- Incarcerated Loved One is a new support group tant federal and state leaders. This includes: for women looking for a safe place to share feelings and • The President of the United States concerns about incarcerated family members. The group meets the second Tuesday of every month, from 4:00 p.m. • 33 members of the State Senate, and 203 people for to 6:00 p.m., at the Pennsylvania Prison Society: 245 N. the PA House of Representatives Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (Race- • A new PA Attorney General, Treasurer, and Audi- Vine station, across from Hahnemann Hospital). tor General as well as a U.S. Senator and members of the United States House of Representatives For more information: Mason Barnett, 215-564-6005, ext. 106 (Prison Society) Thank you to Malissa Gamble, Founder/CEO of The Desiree Cunningham 215-758-5877 (Support Group Time is Now to Make a Change (Philadelphia), for this questions only) information. (215-847-5652) 13 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.
  • 14. Graterfriends ― A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society ― March 2012 Triumph, continued from page 3 Brethren and Sistas, continued from page 1 speaking out to educate the public about the injustices in reluctant to vote for death, even in cases where it ap- the criminal justice system. pears imminent. Sisters on the row, while we may have never met, my He participated in the institution’s lifers group and heart has felt your tears as you are forcibly separated served as one of the group’s committee chairmen, intro- from your children, unable to hold them or kiss them. In ducing proposals for innocence seminars and justice many ways, as women, your anguish has been the worst, events. He has also been a frequent contributor to Grater- as your loves and sensitivities are the deepest. friends and other newspapers, magazines, and newslet- ters, writing to highlight the disparate treatment of the My words to my brothers are yours as well: Keep your poor in the criminal justice system. While most people mind alive. Keep your hearts alive. Live. Love. Learn. would be thinking about themselves and going forward Laugh! upon release, Cat is talking about what he can do to make a difference for those of us left behind. I know you all as few outsiders do. I’ve met artists, mu- sicians, mathematicians, managers, jailhouse lawyers He is a very dynamic brother who has never ceased to and stockbrokers. be a source of inspiration and amazement. Whenever I asked him how his appeals were going — his case was I’ve seen guys who couldn’t draw a straight line emerge pending before the Third Circuit for five years — he master painters (Cush, Young Buck); I’ve seen guys go would reply by throwing punches and exclaiming Mu- from near illiteracy to fluency in foreign languages; I’ve hammed Ali’s mantra, “Rumble, young man, rumble!” met teachers who’ve created works of surpassing beauty Feeling his energy, I would respond, “That’s right, and craftsmanship (Big Tony). brother, stick and move, stick and move; and don’t stop You are all far more than others say of you, for the swinging until the fight is won.” spark of the infinite glows within each of you. So today I congratulate my brother on his victory. You You are on Death Row, but what is finest in each of you have faced the warlords of tyranny and scored a shining is greater than Death Row. triumph in the war for justice. All of us who face the same circumstances should be inspired by your success So, care for each other. Not in words, but in the heart. and motivated to fight even harder. As you exit the gates of the prison to recover your freedom, I would ask that Think good vibes to each other. you look back and say a prayer for those of us who press Lastly, don’t rat. (If ratting was so cool, they would’ve on into battle to defeat our unjust captivity. Brother, I beat me off the Row). hope that the next chapter in your life brings you great success. “Rumble, young man, rumble.” Keep rumblin;’ ‘cause your day is coming. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Support our mission and become a member! Receive Graterfriends and Correctional Forum for: Make a check or money order payable to $5 Prisoner $200 Patron The Pennsylvania Prison Society $10 Prisoner Family $250 Sponsor 245 North Broad Street, Suite 300 Student $500 Founder Philadelphia, PA 19107 $40 Regular Membership $1,000 1787 Society $100 Friend of the Society Prisoners may pay with unused postage stamps. Are you a prisoner who just wants Graterfriends? You may subscribe just to Graterfriends for $3. Name _________________________________________ Prisoner Number_______________ Institution _________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _______ Zip ________________ Payment Amount _____________________________________ Payment Method _____________________________________________________ NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Please allow 6-8 weeks for receipt of your first issue. 14 The opinions expressed are of the authors and not necessarily those of Graterfriends or The Pennsylvania Prison Society.