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article addendum
Communicative & Integrative Biology 4:5, 623-626; September/October 2011; ©2011 Landes Bioscience

Cytoplasmic to nuclear localization of fatty-acid binding protein
correlates with specific forms of long-term memory in Drosophila
Jason R. Gerstner,1,* William M. Vanderheyden,2 Paul J. Shaw,2 Charles F. Landry3 and Jerry C.P. Yin4,5
 Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA; 2Department of Anatomy; Washington University Medical
School; Saint Louis, MO USA; 3Scarab Genomics; 4Department of Neurology; 5Department of Genetics; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI USA

                                                    W       e recently reported evidence
                                                            implicating fatty-acid binding
                                                    protein (Fabp) in the control of sleep and
                                                                                                        Distinguishing various forms of memory
                                                                                                        and the cellular and molecular processes
                                                                                                        that underlie the conversion of short- to
                                                    memory formation. We used Drosophila                long-term memory are active areas of
                                                    melanogaster to examine the relation-               research. The Drosophila model offers a
                                                    ship between sleep and memory through               unique and powerful genetic tool in order
                                                    transgenic overexpression of mouse                  to evaluate these processes. The tractabil-
                                                    brain-Fabp, Fabp7, or the Drosophila                ity of Drosophila for the study of complex
                                                    Fabp homolog, (dFabp). The key find-                behavior becomes even more critical when
                                                    ings are that 1) a genetically induced              considering the relationship of memory
                                                    increase in daytime consolidated sleep              in the context of circadian rhythms and
                                                    (naps) correlates with an increase in cog-          sleep.1,2 Previous studies have shown
                                                    nitive performance, and 2) a late “win-             important behavioral and genetic features
                                                    dow” of memory consolidation occurs                 involved in plasticity and learning-related
                                                    days after the traditionally understood             processes with sleep/wake regulation
                                                    “synaptic” consolidation. Exactly how               using the Drosophila model.3-6 However,
                                                    Fabp-signaling may be involved in con-              molecular mechanisms responsible for a
                                                    verting normal to enhanced long-term                relay between various memory consolida-
                                                    memory (LTM) is not known. Here we                  tion stages, particularly in the context of
                                                    describe additional data which support              sleep behavior, remain largely unknown.7
                                                    relative subcellular compartmental local-               In our previous study, we showed that
                                                    ization of Fabp in regulating stage asso-           transgenic flies expressing the mouse
                                                    ciations of different forms of memory in            cycling gene Fabp7 can regulate sleep,
                                                    Drosophila. Anesthesia resistant memory             and later periods of long-term memory
                                                    (ARM) is a longer lasting memory that is            consolidation using the olfactory avoid-
Key words: lipid, circadian,                        produced by massed training, but unlike             ance conditioning paradigm.8 This learn-
transcription, translation, glia, Fabp7,            LTM produced by spaced training, it is              ing paradigm is an example of classical
BLBP, B-FABP                                        insensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors         conditioning used in Drosophila, and has
Submitted: 6/13/11                                  and does not persist as long. We observed           been critical in discriminating genetic
                                                    that the ratio of ARM to LTM perfor-                correlates for distinct phases of memory.9
Accepted: 6/14/11
                                                    mance index of Fabp7-transgenic flies is            For example, anesthesia-resistant memory
DOI: 10.4161/cib.4.5.16927                          proportional to the relative cytoplasmic            (ARM) is a longer lasting memory that, as
Correspondence to: Jason Gerstner;                  to nuclear Fabp7 expression level. These            its name implies, is insensitive to disrup-
Email:                           data suggest a common lipid-signaling               tion via anesthesia, but is a form of mem-
                                                    cascade exists between phases of mem-               ory that is resistant to protein synthesis
Addendum to: Gerstner JR, Vanderheyden WM,
                                                    ory formation previously thought to be              inhibitors. In Drosophila olfactory avoid-
Shaw PJ, Landry CF, Yin JC. Fatty-Acid binding
proteins modulate sleep and enhance long-term       molecularly distinct.                               ance conditioning, ARM is produced by
memory consolidation in Drosophila. PLoS One
2011; 6:e15890; PMID: 21298037;
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015890	                                Communicative & Integrative Biology	                                                           623
of the amount of Fabp7 protein expres-
                                                   sion at each of these three temperatures
                                                   shows a differential level of relative
                                                   subcellular localization of protein (Fig.
                                                   2). Our previous findings suggested
                                                   that an increase in Fabp7 nuclear pro-
                                                   tein expression (shown again here in
                                                   Figure 2) correlated with LTM forma-
                                                   tion following training.8 We therefore
                                                   compared the relative performance
                                                   of ARM to the LTM we previously
                                                   described at each of these tempera-
                                                   tures in order to determine whether a         Figure 2. Subcellular localization of Fabp7
                                                   relationship exists in these two forms        correlates with temperature. Protein gel blots
                                                                                                 of Fabp7 protein expression in Fabp7 fly heads
                                                   of memory. The w(isoCJ1) flies show a         staged at 20°, 25°, and 30°C for seven days,
                                                   progressive increase in the performance       compared to immunoreactive background, in
                                                   ratio of ARM:LTM with temperature,            cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions previously
                                                   while Fabp7 expressing flies show an          published8 (lysate sample: ~50–100 fly heads
                                                   enhanced ratio of performance at the          per lane). Image contrast has been inverted for
 Figure 1. Fabp7 flies have enhanced ARM for-
                                                   temperature extremes (Fig. 3A). We
 mation. Fabp7 flies elicit Anesthesia Resistant   next compared the relative Fabp7 sub-
 Memory (ARM) enhancement following 10X            cellular localization with this performance    period following massed training pro-
 Massed (10XM) training when maintained at         ratio of memory. Plotting the ratio of         duces ARM enhancement (Fig. 1), while
 lower (20°C) and higher temperatures (30°C)       ARM:LTM performance against the ratio          a relative increase in the nucleus produces
 for 4 days prior to testing, compared to con-
 trols. Grey bars, Fabp7, open bars, w(isoCJ1)
                                                   of cytoplasmic:nuclear Fabp7 expression        an enhancement in LTM.8 Since Fabp7
 background strain. Results are mean ± s.e.m.;     (from Figure 2) revealed a proportionate       flies have reduced sleep at lower tempera-
 n = 8 groups. * P < 0.05, t-test Fabp7 vs.        correlation of memory and subcellular          tures,8 this suggests cytoplasmic lipid-
 w(isoCJ1).                                        localization with temperature (Fig. 3B).       binding processes may reduce the need
                                                   Therefore, increasing the relative level       for sleep, which could be beneficial for
massed training, and can last for multiple         of Fabp7 between the cytoplasm and the         the memory enhancement observed dur-
days with 10 consecutive training sessions         nucleus during the consolidation period        ing ARM consolidation (Fig. 1). Further,
repeated sequentially.10 By comparison,            following training can enhance both            the enhancement in LTM consolidation
long-term memory (LTM), which per-                 ARM and LTM, respectively. Together,           generated by an increase in Fabp7 in the
sists at least one week, differs from ARM          these data suggest that ARM and LTM            nucleus8 could reflect lipid-signaling in
since it is sensitive to protein synthesis         may share some common lipid-mediated           transcriptional processes important for
inhibitors. This longer-lasting memory is          pathways of regulation.                        sleep and long-term memory (Fig. 4). Our
generated by dispersing 10 training ses-               It has previously been shown that          data suggest that cytoplasmic processes
sions with 15 min inter-trial interval rest        ARM and LTM in Drosophila memory               modulate ARM, while nuclear processes
periods. ARM and LTM are believed                  formation are genetically distinct, since      are important for regulating LTM, and
to be generated independently by dis-              disruptions of the transcription factors       that lipid-signaling is involved in both
tinct genetic pathways, and therefore are          dCREB2, Adf1, or Notch block LTM               ARM and LTM during the consolidation
thought to coexist as two unique and dis-          without affecting ARM,12-16 and LTM            period post-training.
parate phases of long-lasting memory.10,11         remains intact in radish mutants, which            Genetic evidence for lipid metabolism
    Here, we were interested in deter-             disrupt ARM.13,17 Since these studies pri-     in the regulation of learning impairments
mining whether Fabp7 expression could              marily focused on disruption of memory         and the homeostatic response to sleep
also influence the consolidation period            rather than enhancement, the conclusion        loss was recently shown.18 Using cDNA
of ARM as it does for LTM. Fabp7-                  that ARM and LTM are genetically dis-          microarrays, changes in gene expres-
expressing and wild-type w(isoCJ1) back-           tinct may not be completely unequivocal.       sion of another lipid-binding protein,
ground flies were trained in the olfactory         Our evidence presented here suggests that      the Retinoid Fatty-acid binding protein,
conditioning paradigm to elicit ARM                the relative abundance of a small lipid        Rfabg, have been observed in Drosophila
following 10 sessions of massed training           transport molecule between the cyto-           following ARM and LTM training19 and
(10XM). Flies maintained at 20°C and               plasmic and nuclear compartments can           following changes in sleep/wake homeo-
30°C, but not at 25°C, for 4 days follow-          regulate the formation of different types      stasis.20 Whether altering Fabp levels
ing 10XM training elicited a statistically         of longer-lasting memory after training.       can regulate changes in sleep induced by
significant enhancement of ARM com-                A relative increase in Fabp7 expression in     experience-dependent plasticity, cognitive
pared to w(isoCJ1) (Fig. 1). A comparison          the cytoplasm during the consolidation         impairments induced by sleep deprivation,

624	                                                   Communicative & Integrative Biology	                                       Volume 4 Issue 5
or the homeostatic response to sleep loss,
remain open questions. The identifica-
tion of specific lipid species involved in
the regulation of sleep/wake and during
memory consolidation will be important
avenues of future research. Our data sug-
gest Fabp signaling is able to modulate
memory consolidation in two previously
understood to be distinct forms of longer-
lasting memory in Drosophila. While our
data present the novel finding that a com-
mon protein can regulate consolidation
of both ARM and LTM, the difference
in relative Fabp7 levels in the cytoplasm
versus the nucleus still suggest distinct
cellular functions, and therefore may not
necessarily support the “exclusive mem-
ory hypothesis.”10,21 However it is equally
unclear whether these Fabp-mediated
events coexist, or instead retain indepen-
dent cellular mechanisms by parallel pro-
cesses.10 Further determination of the cells
and circuits that differentiate ARM and
LTM, particularly in the context of Fabp
signaling and relative subcellular localiza-
tion will be required before any conclu-
sions are made on the degree of exclusivity
between these two forms of memory.
What appears evident is that a role of
nuclear Fabp localization may serve as a
“gatekeeper” during later consolidation
phases of LTM. Thus, discovery of spe-           Figure 3. Relative subcellular localization of Fabp7 correlates with memory formation. (A) Ratio
cific lipids bound by Fabps which signal         of Performance Index (PI) scores from ARM data (Fig. 1), to Long-Term Memory following (10X
                                                 Spaced) training previously described.8 Grey bars, Fabp7, open bars, w(isoCJ1) background
to nuclear orphan receptors, and subse-          strain. Results are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 8-10 groups. * P < 0.05, t-test, vs. Fabp7 at 25°C. (B) Ratio of
quent changes in transcription of genes          Performance Index (PI) scores in (Fig. 1) for Fabp7 flies (diamonds; y-axis left) shows a correlation
during the consolidation period are criti-       of performance with ratio of cytoplasmic to nuclear (Cyto/Nuc) Fabp7 protein expression (black
cal for our understanding of LTM sta-            circles; y-axis right; from Figure 2).
bility. These active areas of research will
undoubtedly yield novel targets involved        and A. Pack and the Center for Sleep and                      6.	 Li X, Yu F, Guo A. Sleep deprivation specifically
                                                                                                                   impairs short-term olfactory memory in Drosophila.
in the cell signaling processes important       Circadian Neurobiology for support on                              Sleep 2009; 32:1417-24.
for neural fitness and overall cognitive        this manuscript. J.R.G. is currently sup-                     7.	 Hernandez PJ, Abel T. A molecular basis for interac-
                                                                                                                   tions between sleep and memory. Sleep Med Clin
health.                                         ported by NIH T32 HL07713.                                         2011; 6:71-84.
                                                                                                              8.	 Gerstner JR, Vanderheyden WM, Shaw PJ, Landry
       Materials and Methods                                         References                                    CF, Yin JC. Fatty-Acid binding proteins modulate
                                                1.	 Gerstner J R, Yin JC. Circadian rhythms and memo-              sleep and enhance long-term memory consolidation
                                                    ry formation. Nat Rev Neurosci 2010; 11:577-88.                in Drosophila. PLoS One 2011; 6:e15890.
Transgenic flies, olfactory avoidance con-      2.	 Gerstner JR, Lyons LC, Wright KP Jr, Loh DH,              9.	 Tully T, Quinn WG. Classical conditioning and
ditioning, and protein gel blot analysis were       Rawashdeh O, Eckel-Mahan KL, et al. Cycling                    retention in normal and mutant Drosophila melano-
                                                    behavior and memory formation. J Neurosci 2009;                gaster. J Comp Physiol A 1985; 157:263-77.
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We would like to thank H. Zhou for                  fulness in Drosophila. Science 2009; 324:109-12.               Zhou H, Quinn WG, et al. Induction of a dominant
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19. Dubnau J et al. The staufen/pumilio pathway is
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21. Isabel G, Pascual A, Preat T. Exclusive consoli-
    dated memory phases in Drosophila. Science 2004;
                                                            Figure 4. Proposed model for Fabp cellular processes regulating sleep and memory formation.
                                                            Upon neuronal activation, wakefulness, or learning events (such as repeated stimulation during
                                                            ARM training), free fatty-acids (FFA) are liberated from the cell membrane or other lipid stores,
                                                            and can modulate sleep/wake. Increases in the relative amount of cytoplasmic Fabps bind more
                                                            FFA and thereby regulate cellular responses to lipid signals. Following LTM training, additional
                                                            FFA are liberated, to which Fabp will sequester and transport to the nucleus in order to activate
                                                            fatty-acid nuclear receptors (FA-NR) and regulate transcription of downstream fatty-acid re-
                                                            sponsive genes (FA-rgs). This altered transcription will generate a change in protein synthesis of
                                                            FA-rgs (FA-rps), which in turn modulates sleep/wake behavior.	                                      Communicative & Integrative Biology	                                                         626

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  • 1. article addendum Communicative & Integrative Biology 4:5, 623-626; September/October 2011; ©2011 Landes Bioscience Cytoplasmic to nuclear localization of fatty-acid binding protein correlates with specific forms of long-term memory in Drosophila Jason R. Gerstner,1,* William M. Vanderheyden,2 Paul J. Shaw,2 Charles F. Landry3 and Jerry C.P. Yin4,5 1 Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA; 2Department of Anatomy; Washington University Medical School; Saint Louis, MO USA; 3Scarab Genomics; 4Department of Neurology; 5Department of Genetics; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI USA W e recently reported evidence implicating fatty-acid binding protein (Fabp) in the control of sleep and Distinguishing various forms of memory and the cellular and molecular processes that underlie the conversion of short- to memory formation. We used Drosophila long-term memory are active areas of melanogaster to examine the relation- research. The Drosophila model offers a ship between sleep and memory through unique and powerful genetic tool in order transgenic overexpression of mouse to evaluate these processes. The tractabil- brain-Fabp, Fabp7, or the Drosophila ity of Drosophila for the study of complex Fabp homolog, (dFabp). The key find- behavior becomes even more critical when ings are that 1) a genetically induced considering the relationship of memory increase in daytime consolidated sleep in the context of circadian rhythms and (naps) correlates with an increase in cog- sleep.1,2 Previous studies have shown nitive performance, and 2) a late “win- important behavioral and genetic features dow” of memory consolidation occurs involved in plasticity and learning-related days after the traditionally understood processes with sleep/wake regulation “synaptic” consolidation. Exactly how using the Drosophila model.3-6 However, Fabp-signaling may be involved in con- molecular mechanisms responsible for a verting normal to enhanced long-term relay between various memory consolida- memory (LTM) is not known. Here we tion stages, particularly in the context of describe additional data which support sleep behavior, remain largely unknown.7 relative subcellular compartmental local- In our previous study, we showed that ization of Fabp in regulating stage asso- transgenic flies expressing the mouse ciations of different forms of memory in cycling gene Fabp7 can regulate sleep, Drosophila. Anesthesia resistant memory and later periods of long-term memory (ARM) is a longer lasting memory that is consolidation using the olfactory avoid- Key words: lipid, circadian, produced by massed training, but unlike ance conditioning paradigm.8 This learn- transcription, translation, glia, Fabp7, LTM produced by spaced training, it is ing paradigm is an example of classical BLBP, B-FABP insensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors conditioning used in Drosophila, and has Submitted: 6/13/11 and does not persist as long. We observed been critical in discriminating genetic that the ratio of ARM to LTM perfor- correlates for distinct phases of memory.9 Accepted: 6/14/11 mance index of Fabp7-transgenic flies is For example, anesthesia-resistant memory DOI: 10.4161/cib.4.5.16927 proportional to the relative cytoplasmic (ARM) is a longer lasting memory that, as Correspondence to: Jason Gerstner; to nuclear Fabp7 expression level. These its name implies, is insensitive to disrup- Email: data suggest a common lipid-signaling tion via anesthesia, but is a form of mem- cascade exists between phases of mem- ory that is resistant to protein synthesis Addendum to: Gerstner JR, Vanderheyden WM, ory formation previously thought to be inhibitors. In Drosophila olfactory avoid- Shaw PJ, Landry CF, Yin JC. Fatty-Acid binding proteins modulate sleep and enhance long-term molecularly distinct. ance conditioning, ARM is produced by memory consolidation in Drosophila. PLoS One 2011; 6:e15890; PMID: 21298037; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015890 Communicative & Integrative Biology 623
  • 2. of the amount of Fabp7 protein expres- sion at each of these three temperatures shows a differential level of relative subcellular localization of protein (Fig. 2). Our previous findings suggested that an increase in Fabp7 nuclear pro- tein expression (shown again here in Figure 2) correlated with LTM forma- tion following training.8 We therefore compared the relative performance of ARM to the LTM we previously described at each of these tempera- tures in order to determine whether a Figure 2. Subcellular localization of Fabp7 relationship exists in these two forms correlates with temperature. Protein gel blots of Fabp7 protein expression in Fabp7 fly heads of memory. The w(isoCJ1) flies show a staged at 20°, 25°, and 30°C for seven days, progressive increase in the performance compared to immunoreactive background, in ratio of ARM:LTM with temperature, cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions previously while Fabp7 expressing flies show an published8 (lysate sample: ~50–100 fly heads enhanced ratio of performance at the per lane). Image contrast has been inverted for comparison. Figure 1. Fabp7 flies have enhanced ARM for- temperature extremes (Fig. 3A). We mation. Fabp7 flies elicit Anesthesia Resistant next compared the relative Fabp7 sub- Memory (ARM) enhancement following 10X cellular localization with this performance period following massed training pro- Massed (10XM) training when maintained at ratio of memory. Plotting the ratio of duces ARM enhancement (Fig. 1), while lower (20°C) and higher temperatures (30°C) ARM:LTM performance against the ratio a relative increase in the nucleus produces for 4 days prior to testing, compared to con- trols. Grey bars, Fabp7, open bars, w(isoCJ1) of cytoplasmic:nuclear Fabp7 expression an enhancement in LTM.8 Since Fabp7 background strain. Results are mean ± s.e.m.; (from Figure 2) revealed a proportionate flies have reduced sleep at lower tempera- n = 8 groups. * P < 0.05, t-test Fabp7 vs. correlation of memory and subcellular tures,8 this suggests cytoplasmic lipid- w(isoCJ1). localization with temperature (Fig. 3B). binding processes may reduce the need Therefore, increasing the relative level for sleep, which could be beneficial for massed training, and can last for multiple of Fabp7 between the cytoplasm and the the memory enhancement observed dur- days with 10 consecutive training sessions nucleus during the consolidation period ing ARM consolidation (Fig. 1). Further, repeated sequentially.10 By comparison, following training can enhance both the enhancement in LTM consolidation long-term memory (LTM), which per- ARM and LTM, respectively. Together, generated by an increase in Fabp7 in the sists at least one week, differs from ARM these data suggest that ARM and LTM nucleus8 could reflect lipid-signaling in since it is sensitive to protein synthesis may share some common lipid-mediated transcriptional processes important for inhibitors. This longer-lasting memory is pathways of regulation. sleep and long-term memory (Fig. 4). Our generated by dispersing 10 training ses- It has previously been shown that data suggest that cytoplasmic processes sions with 15 min inter-trial interval rest ARM and LTM in Drosophila memory modulate ARM, while nuclear processes periods. ARM and LTM are believed formation are genetically distinct, since are important for regulating LTM, and to be generated independently by dis- disruptions of the transcription factors that lipid-signaling is involved in both tinct genetic pathways, and therefore are dCREB2, Adf1, or Notch block LTM ARM and LTM during the consolidation thought to coexist as two unique and dis- without affecting ARM,12-16 and LTM period post-training. parate phases of long-lasting memory.10,11 remains intact in radish mutants, which Genetic evidence for lipid metabolism Here, we were interested in deter- disrupt ARM.13,17 Since these studies pri- in the regulation of learning impairments mining whether Fabp7 expression could marily focused on disruption of memory and the homeostatic response to sleep also influence the consolidation period rather than enhancement, the conclusion loss was recently shown.18 Using cDNA of ARM as it does for LTM. Fabp7- that ARM and LTM are genetically dis- microarrays, changes in gene expres- expressing and wild-type w(isoCJ1) back- tinct may not be completely unequivocal. sion of another lipid-binding protein, ground flies were trained in the olfactory Our evidence presented here suggests that the Retinoid Fatty-acid binding protein, conditioning paradigm to elicit ARM the relative abundance of a small lipid Rfabg, have been observed in Drosophila following 10 sessions of massed training transport molecule between the cyto- following ARM and LTM training19 and (10XM). Flies maintained at 20°C and plasmic and nuclear compartments can following changes in sleep/wake homeo- 30°C, but not at 25°C, for 4 days follow- regulate the formation of different types stasis.20 Whether altering Fabp levels ing 10XM training elicited a statistically of longer-lasting memory after training. can regulate changes in sleep induced by significant enhancement of ARM com- A relative increase in Fabp7 expression in experience-dependent plasticity, cognitive pared to w(isoCJ1) (Fig. 1). A comparison the cytoplasm during the consolidation impairments induced by sleep deprivation, 624 Communicative & Integrative Biology Volume 4 Issue 5
  • 3. or the homeostatic response to sleep loss, remain open questions. The identifica- tion of specific lipid species involved in the regulation of sleep/wake and during memory consolidation will be important avenues of future research. Our data sug- gest Fabp signaling is able to modulate memory consolidation in two previously understood to be distinct forms of longer- lasting memory in Drosophila. While our data present the novel finding that a com- mon protein can regulate consolidation of both ARM and LTM, the difference in relative Fabp7 levels in the cytoplasm versus the nucleus still suggest distinct cellular functions, and therefore may not necessarily support the “exclusive mem- ory hypothesis.”10,21 However it is equally unclear whether these Fabp-mediated events coexist, or instead retain indepen- dent cellular mechanisms by parallel pro- cesses.10 Further determination of the cells and circuits that differentiate ARM and LTM, particularly in the context of Fabp signaling and relative subcellular localiza- tion will be required before any conclu- sions are made on the degree of exclusivity between these two forms of memory. What appears evident is that a role of nuclear Fabp localization may serve as a “gatekeeper” during later consolidation phases of LTM. Thus, discovery of spe- Figure 3. Relative subcellular localization of Fabp7 correlates with memory formation. (A) Ratio cific lipids bound by Fabps which signal of Performance Index (PI) scores from ARM data (Fig. 1), to Long-Term Memory following (10X Spaced) training previously described.8 Grey bars, Fabp7, open bars, w(isoCJ1) background to nuclear orphan receptors, and subse- strain. Results are mean ± s.e.m.; n = 8-10 groups. * P < 0.05, t-test, vs. Fabp7 at 25°C. (B) Ratio of quent changes in transcription of genes Performance Index (PI) scores in (Fig. 1) for Fabp7 flies (diamonds; y-axis left) shows a correlation during the consolidation period are criti- of performance with ratio of cytoplasmic to nuclear (Cyto/Nuc) Fabp7 protein expression (black cal for our understanding of LTM sta- circles; y-axis right; from Figure 2). bility. These active areas of research will undoubtedly yield novel targets involved and A. Pack and the Center for Sleep and 6. Li X, Yu F, Guo A. Sleep deprivation specifically impairs short-term olfactory memory in Drosophila. in the cell signaling processes important Circadian Neurobiology for support on Sleep 2009; 32:1417-24. for neural fitness and overall cognitive this manuscript. J.R.G. is currently sup- 7. Hernandez PJ, Abel T. A molecular basis for interac- tions between sleep and memory. Sleep Med Clin health. ported by NIH T32 HL07713. 2011; 6:71-84. 8. Gerstner JR, Vanderheyden WM, Shaw PJ, Landry Materials and Methods References CF, Yin JC. Fatty-Acid binding proteins modulate 1. Gerstner J R, Yin JC. Circadian rhythms and memo- sleep and enhance long-term memory consolidation ry formation. Nat Rev Neurosci 2010; 11:577-88. in Drosophila. PLoS One 2011; 6:e15890. Transgenic flies, olfactory avoidance con- 2. Gerstner JR, Lyons LC, Wright KP Jr, Loh DH, 9. Tully T, Quinn WG. Classical conditioning and ditioning, and protein gel blot analysis were Rawashdeh O, Eckel-Mahan KL, et al. Cycling retention in normal and mutant Drosophila melano- behavior and memory formation. J Neurosci 2009; gaster. J Comp Physiol A 1985; 157:263-77. performed with methods and reagents as 29:12824-30. 10. Margulies C, Tully T, Dubnau J. Deconstructing previously described.8 Anesthesia resistant 3. Ganguly-Fitzgerald I, Donlea J, Shaw PJ. Waking memory in Drosophila. Curr Biol 2005; 15:R700-13. memory by 10X massed training was per- experience affects sleep need in Drosophila. Science 11. Tully T, Preat T, Boynton SC, Del Vecchio M. 2006; 313:1775-81. Genetic dissection of consolidated memory in formed according to previously published 4. Donlea JM, Ramanan N, Shaw PJ. Use-dependent Drosophila. Cell 1994; 79:35-47. methods.11 plasticity in clock neurons regulates sleep need in 12. DeZazzo J, Tully T. Dissection of memory formation: Drosophila. Science 2009; 324:105-8. from behavioral pharmacology to molecular genetics. 5. Gilestro GF, Tononi G, Cirelli C. Widespread chang- Trends Neurosci 1995; 18:212-8. Acknowledgments es in synaptic markers as a function of sleep and wake- 13. Yin JC, Wallach JS, Del Vecchio M, Wilder EL, We would like to thank H. Zhou for fulness in Drosophila. Science 2009; 324:109-12. Zhou H, Quinn WG, et al. Induction of a dominant negative CREB transgene specifically blocks long- expert technical assistance with Westerns, term memory in Drosophila. Cell 1994; 79:49-58. Communicative & Integrative Biology 625
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