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       global eyes
               Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine

                            Women & Girls

                                                                                Shawnte Wilson
Patricia Eko-Davis      Mrs.

   Robin Dwarka
                                                                                Leisha Strachan

                                            Nikayla Litte
                          Kyra Giesbrecht                      Noma of           Candice Fardoe
       Amanda Benson                                        Guerillas of Soul

  THE NEW                                                                        Happy
FACES OF OUR                                                                    Women’s
 COMMUNITY                                                                      History
   WOMEN     LaToya Gibbons                 Sherri Jack         Stacy Felix
Reparation Demands                                           The Department of Citizenship and Immigration celebrated
 The Antiguan and Vincentian prime ministers, Baldwin        the 60th Annual Refugee Day with an exhibition and
Spencer and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves respectively, inseparate     citizenship ceremony at the Millennium Library. The
speeches to the United Nations recently, demanded            exhibition opening was marked by speeches and
reparations for injustices suffered by African slaves and    entertainment.
their descendants, whose legacy has slowed their                Ben Walker an officer with the Department of Cit. &
advancement as people and nations.                           Immig. gave an overview of the refugee program and
  Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, told the UN that                      statistics of the increasing number of refugee being admitted to
segregation and violence against people of African descent   Canada each year. More than 500 government sponsored
have impaired their capacity for advancement as nations,     and 200 community sponsored refugees came in the last year.
communities and individuals.                                 Walker said the experiences of some refugees are beyond the
                                                             imagination of most Canadians and added, the celebration of
LEAF Person’s Day Breakfast                                  the 60th anniversary is a celebration of the courage of refugees
                                                             noting that one refugee described their experience in a refugee
                                                             camp as “A prison open in the sky.”
                                                               Muuxi Adams a youth counsellor with IRCOM House
                                                             shared his experience as a refugee. He arrived alone at 16
                                                             years old in 2004. “I am proud to call myself a refugee ‘ he
                                                             said “because of the values we bring as refugees. I am
                                                             passionate about refugee issues.” Muuxi said that even though
                                                             they may be refugees they are still human beings and like to
                                                             have fun and drink coffee like everyone else. He asked people
                                                             to treat refugees like human beings and not like a phenomena.
                                                               Aurelio Madut Danto, Counsellor of Manitoba Interfaith
      Sheila Redsky and Prof. Benamin Perrin                 Immigration Council, Welcome Place, spoke about the
                                                             realities of refugee life once they arrive on the Canadian
       More than 750 participants supported the
                                                             shores. He gave a brief description of the issues refugees face
    LEAF Person’s Day 15th Anniversary Breakfast at          among the top ones are: Health – many come with diseases
    the Winnipeg Convention Centre this year, most of        that need immediate attention; some of the diseases have gone
    these women, but an increasing number of men are         untreated for a long time. Thankfully there is a special clinic
    also opting for an early start to their day.             set up to provide a screening and referral of refugees to get
      This year the issue was one that touched many          the help they need; housing shortage, language problems and
    people in Winnipeg – Human Trafficking:                  dealing with interpreters where one has to share personal
                                                             private information with another is a challenge, adapting to the
    Confronting a Threat to Women’s Rights in
                                                             weather, cultural norms and educational systems are all new
    Canada and Abroad by guest speaker Professor             and challenging for refugees many of whom might not have
    Benjamin Perrin. Local activist Sheila Redsky            had the privilege of a formal education.
    provided a local perspective on the topic.                 Noma and Darrel from Guerrillas of Soul ended the
       The energy at these Breakfasts is always high         opening on a high note with their beautiful music. Noma is
    but this year’s it was palpably driven by the topic      from Zimbabwe and a university student and Darrel is
    which angers and frustrates those who work on            Canadian also a university student and they use music as a
    the frontline. The audience heard that MP Joy            tool to forge social change.
    Smith is working on a bill that would see                  Mr. Aurelio Danto                 Mr. Muuxi Adams
    Canadian men punished even if they are engaged
    in trafficking outside of Canada’s borders.
      Human trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon
    where there is a brisk and healthy trade in human
    flesh for which the demand is increasing, both
    speakers agreed. There can be no one
    organization that can solve this problem. There
    needs to be a joint effort of education and
    awareness, legal consequences and effective
    policies to deal with perpetrators of this crime,
    said Prof Perrin.
      Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
 Beatrice Watson
     Feminism has taken a beating in recent years. Some question                  Feminism’s ideological mission which is to dismantle
                                                                              patriarchy and male oppression while promoting women’s
its relevance to today’s young women. Some young feminist
                                                                              equality and autonomy, often leave some of the critical voices
articultate that older feminists are men-haters and out of sync with          of race and class out of the discourse. How do we bring all
today’s women’s issues. Young feminists say they find allies in               women to the table and create a space where we all feel
many of their male counterparts.                                              welcomed, heard and respected. This remains a challenge for
     There is little evidence of mentoring or passing of the torch            the feminist movement. The majority of women who face
from old to young feminists happening. This creates fertile                   class discrimination tend to see the feminist movement as an
grounds for misunderstanding between the two groups. Some older               upper-class power trip. Blacks in the civil rights movement
feminists say young women do not fully appreciate the benefits                used to encourage blacks to each one lift one, in other words,
they reap today were sown by them.                                            if you’re at the top make sure you pull your black brothers and
    There is truth to both positions in my view. I think that                 sisters with you. This is what feminism was supposed to do but
mainstream feminism has been to get women at the top of the                   somewhere along the line our personal survival intersected
ladder. Once there they are forced or choose to act like men in               with our professional lives and we’ve lost track of that. If we
frocks to keep their positions. It is true that women sometimes pay           want to lead an authentic movement, we must walk our talk and
lip service to feminist ideology for personal gains. Many young               the young will follow. We must mentor, we must practice what
feminists appear, however, to embrace a broader human rights,                 we preach and we must speak and the truth.
social justice and equality perspective of their feminist work than
older feminists.
               Women’s World Congress - Stories of struggle and success
If you ever have a chance to attend a world conference of women go,
you, will not regret it. It is an experience all women should have but only       Gatherings like these are important for women who work
the privileged few get to attend these powerful life transforming events.     sometimes alone on the frontline and have a hard time
  In July 2011 the Women’s World Congress held its annual                     connecting what they do to the larger women’s movement. In
conference in Ottawa and although it is usually a conference of               spaces such as that which was created in Ottawa they get to see
academic women they decided to bring invite women whose work t                the connection, get to drink from that well of inspiration and feel
they write about, women who create the knowledge that are found               the wind of support on their backs from their sisters in spirit. It
in our textbooks and that was a good thing. The University of                 is important that funding be made available so that women of all
Ottawa and the Conference Centre pulsated with the women’s                    stripes could participate and share what they know or just to be
energy which extended to the city itself I believe.                           part of what is happening in the world of women. There is a lot
    Thanks to the foresight of the Congress leadership, they                  happening. There is progress and there is yet so much more to
presented a workshop on Cultural Awareness at this event and it               do. As old issues are solved new and more challenging ones
was well received. Three members of The Congress participate:                 present themselves to women.
Antoinette Zloty, Lisa Hackett and Beatrice Watson.                              The issue of trafficking of women and girls, the lost women
   There was time for hard work, soul searching and a time for fun            from our Aboriginal communities, the continuing violence against
and being silly. There was a time to sing and a time cry and time to          women now enabled by easy access to the media and internet,
enjoy the beauty of art and a time to march the streets in support of         the increasing poverty, the slippage occurring in women’s
our lost Aboriginal sisters, there was a time for dancing and time for        programs, women who are disabled, women who bear the brunt
quiet reflection of now this then what?                                       of men’s anger in wartime being raped and used as sexual slaves.
   Women came from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Canada and                    These are all issues that come up in these fora. How do we
Europe. They converged upon the nation’s capital in wheelchairs,              as women embrace our Muslim sisters while respecting their
scooters, cars, air, boats and every conceivable means. It was a              desire to follow the dictates of a religion that is still largely
week of refreshment for the spirit.                                           misunderstood by many who want to help. The
  An Aboriginal olympian articulated the issues facing Northern               intersectionalities of race, class, gender, religion and cultures open
and Aboriginal communities and reserves, the high rate of suicide,            new vistas of complications those women must untangle to
lack of resources, the negative stereotypes and lack of employment            move forward as a united force. Events like the World
and recreational opportunities . She said the collective trauma of the        Congress of Women help to clarify and break down barriers.
Aboriginal people – colonialism, genocide and residential school -            It is important that we continue this journey. We are the 50
becomes part of the Aboriginal identity. “We have learned well from           percent of the world and women need to be at every table where
our colonial masters so well that no we are doing it to our own people.”      decisions are being made. We need to be seen as agents of
     She thanked her mother who always encouraged them to follow their        change and decision makers and not eye candy in meetings
dreams “You are a Mohawk woman, you have the licence to fly as far            with men in suit. Women ought to be taken seriously.
and as high as you want”. It was alesson learned well for all three of her         As women, and women of colour, our loyalties cut
sisters have done well.                                                       across sex and gender with race, human rights and
                                                                                                                                 continued on p21
                                                                                                           Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Local Briefs
                                                                               Eight Manitoba women        and director of Sarasvati
           Subscribe Today                                                 in the arts were recognized
                                                                           at this year’s Women’s
                                                                                                           Productions and Jaime Black
                                                                                                           creator of the REDress Project
                                                                           History Month                   and multidisciplinary artist.
          Name:_________________________________________________________   celebration at the              Dancers from the
                                                                           Legislative Building on         Contemporary School of
          Address:________________________________________________         October 25th, 2011, for         Dance Professional Program
                                                                           their contribution to the       and the Drive Dance
          Postal Code_______________                                       comunity and their work.        Company, choreographed by
          Phone:_______________________                                      This year’s theme,            Stephanie Ballard provided
                                                                           Women and the Arts              entertainment that obviously
          Email address:_______________________                            Working for Social Change,      moved the audience.
                                                                           saw the display of the
          Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think                        various arts organizations           Shawna Dempsey
          we’re doing a good job.                                          featured in the lobby.
          Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues.                        Congratulations to
          I Would like to receive upcoming event notices                   winners: Cecilia Araneda,
          from the Caribbean/Black/larger community -                      Filmmaker, Teresa
          by email or by phone (YES/NO)                                    Burrows, celebrated artists
                                                                           and especially talented in
                                                                           beadwork, Roewan Crowe,
Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine                           activist, writer and artist,
                            671 Rathgar Avenue, Winnipeg,                  Leah Decter, installations,
                            Manitoba R3L 1G6                               performance pieces, video
                                                                           and other digital media arts,
                                                                           Buffy Handel, dancer and
               What’s Inside                                               choreographer, Ingrid D.
                                                                           Johnson, musician and
                                                                           writer, Hope McIntyre,
Regulars:                                                                  theatre and performing arts
Local Briefs
Global Briefs                                                              Cancer survivor uses
Zizi the continuing story                                                  humour to cope with              A cancer survivor of 14
Global Counselor                                                               the disease                 years, Bernice said laughter is
                                                                                                           the best medicine. She says
Letter to my children                                                                                      she fills her life with happy
                                                                           Bernice Kwasnicki, Author
Gaffin wid Buddy                                                           and cancer survivor             people. There are many health
Healthwise - Recipes and health tips                                       entertained, enlightened and    benefits of laughter she said
                                                                           inspired participants at the    and advises to merge with the
Leg Up - Role Model Devonishire                                            Manitoba Women’s                disease and not yield to it and
Community Leader - Troy Osiname                                            Advisory Council’s Lunch        find a reason to laugh as much
                                                                           and Learn on Thursday           as you can. For more
Feature - Mrs Francis Atwell                                                                               information call Bernice at
                                                                           October 27, at 401 York.
Columnists - Neil Pitamber                                                  Ms Kwasnicki, an               832-2770 for a copy of her
              Lara Badmus                                                  accomplished visual artist,     book. You will be sure to
                                                                           writer and who also dabbles     laugh.
              Robin Dwarka                                                 in music, uses her cancer
              Nadia Thompson                                               journey to teach people that
Nigerian Day Celebration                                                   humour is helpful in dealing
                                                                           with the shock and painful
New Writer to Global Eyes - Joan Schroeder                                 discovery of a cancer
Travel article Saxacali,                                                   diagnosis. Not only has she
Community Philantrophist - Yisa Akinbolaji                                 had more than one bouts of
                                                                           cancer, but so has her
donation and exhibition                                                    sister, her daughter and her
More....                                                                   85 year old mother.

     Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
                                                               Out and About                   GEM’s Regular
Editor: Beatrice Watson
Distributed to local businesses in Winnipeg and
via email to individuals in Manitoba and former
Manitobans in various parts of the world.

To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a
cheque for $15.00 to:
Global Eyes Magazine
671 Rathgar Avenue                                                                             Neil Pitamber,
                                                               New product - Hibiscus          Caribbean Shield
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6                                       Health Drink from        A prolific writer, poet and owner,
Phone: 204-477-1588                                                   Nigeria                     Caribbean Shield

All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be reprinted
without the express or written permission by the
author of the article in question or the Editor.

Published by Global Eyes Publishing since 1990
                                                                                          Robin Dwarka, Board Member,
                                                           Ms Padmini - MEAAC’s rep.
Special thanks to Nadia Thompson, Diane Dwarka,               at NICCOM’s Dinner
                                                                                                Community Vibe
Joan Schroeder, Dane Dwarka

Women’s History Month Reception at the Leg. - Performance by
               Contemporary School of Dance

                                                                                              Lara Badmus, LLB
                                                                                               Discipline Counsel
                                                                                          The Law Society of Manitoba

                                                                                            Nadia Thompson, freelance
                                                                                        Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Local briefs
This young adult fiction, Chasing Freedom written by Gloria
Ann Wesley is the story of a young woman struggling to discover
who she is and what she can become in a world that offers her
few opportunities. Can Sarah and her family find the strength
and determination to persevere against all odds?
  This book provides an intriguing and revelatory glimpse into
the early days of what is now Shelburne, and into the deplorable
conditions that the newly freed slaves faced upon their arrival
in Nova Scotia. Wesley depicts the stark reality of their situation:
the living conditions were harsh, and while they were, in theory,      Michah O’Neal, John Jack, Gloria A. Wesley and
free, they by no means enjoyed any sense of equality or fair                      Madeline Coopsammy
treatment. The story is fascinating and an important one,
particularly for young readers who might be tempted to believe
that black slaves who escaped to Canada found freedom and
prosperity and lived happily ever after.
          Author, Gloria Ann Wesley treated the audience to a
reading from her book and answered their questions.
Additionally, local author and poet, Madeleine Coopsammy
read two of her poems and Ms Micah O’Neal gave a beautiful
rendition of two songs. An enjoyable evening was had by all
who attended as they mingled and shared the delicious
refreshments that were provided.
President John Jack and Vice President Christine Forbes also
presented attendees with an interesting dialogue on BEAM’s
activities. Submitted by Diane Dwarka

  St. Vincent and The Grenadines
    First Annual Independence
                                                                       Author: Gloria Ann Wesley signing one of her books
  The SVGA chose a brunch over banquet to celebrate
their country’s independence anniversary on October 30,
at the Viscount Gort Hotel, and it turned out that many
people think it is a great idea and one that ought to be
adopted by other organizations.
   Because of the changing demographics of the
Caribbean community, brunches appear to be more
attractive than the usual late night dinner and dance. Most
of the people who attend these events are not interested in
dancing just the food and the program.
   I think for next year, the Association might want to try
including a brief program to make the event more
interesting. Having said that one of the advantages of
having no program is that people got a chance to talk to
each other.
    The food served were typical brunch foods - eggs,
bacon, ham, lots of fruits and veggies. The change is
welcomed.                                                                Nigerian duo performed at NICCOM’s Independence
                                                                                    Anniversary Awards Dinner
        Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Editorial - Take One
                   Do not give up on your dreams. There                 Martha was nominated by The Laurel Centre, that
                  is always a way. Martha Aviles, orginally             works with women who are sexually assaulted or
                  from Nicaragua, was a professional social             abused. She was the former senior counsellor at the
                  worker in her country. She came from a                Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba Inc. but
                  middle class family, her father being a               has worked in the field beyond the 20 plus years in
                  medical doctor. She had a comfortable life            Canada. Before she was given a chance at using her
                  with her scientist husband who taught at the          social work skills Martha worked as a Nurse’s
University. They had to flee their country in 1971 because of           Assistant at the St. Boniface Hospital and actually
the political instablity and fear for their lives. They                 tended to Helen Mann. It is uncanny that years later
ended up in Winnipeg andf stayed.                                       she was to receive an honor in the same woman’s
  Martha was recently recognized by her peers and nominated             name. It was an emotional moment for Martha and her
for and won the prestigious Helen Mann Award. The Helen                 family especially her loving husband Francisco, who
Mann Award is presented “to a person or organization who                supported her returning to school to get her Masters
or which has made an outstanding contribution to the                    Degree in Social Work from University of Manitoba.
Social Work profession and/or to the field of social                    Congratulations to Martha Aviles a woman who
work in general in the Province of Manitoba.”                           continually makes a difference in the lives of others.

                                 Black Odyssey - by Dr. Marion James (Immigration in the West)
                           The Immigration in the west was                 Ferguson Arthur Jenkins fondly known as Fergie
                           different in the Prairies compared to the    Jenkins born December 13, 1942, was a major league
                           British Columbia Settlement. Settlement      baseball right hand pitcher. A three time all star nominee, he
                           in Manitoba and the Prairies was not as      stared his 18 year career drafted to Philadelphia Phillies
                           dramatic as in the USA model how the         playing as a relief pitcher. He then moved to Chicago Cubs
                           West was won via western movies.             as starting pitcher in 1966, then traded to Texas Rangers,
                           Certainly the railways and lumber mills’     Boston Red Sox and then back to the Cubs.
                           ability to provide jobs was comparable          Playing in Wrigley Stadium the home of the Chicago Cubs
                           catalyst to bring people to these frontier   is seen to be biased towards batters but he was very
                           areas.                                       successful His No. 31 Jersey was retired in 1991.
                             In the early 1880’s as the political and       In 1971 Jenkins was the recipient of multiple sports
economic climate stabilized, the quest for settlers in the west         honours including Canadian Press “Come Back Player of the
began. The advertising was primarily aimed at farmers in                Year.” Jenkins is the only pitcvher with 300 strikeouts.
Northwestern Ontario and the Manitoba and Dominion                           Fergie played with the Harlem Globe trotters for two
government. (At that time Canada was called the Dominion of             years. In baseball playoffs he was known as “Mr. October.”
Canada)                                                                    In 1987 he was inducted in to the Canadian Baseball Hall
  What they did not anticipate is that Blacks would apply. Nor          of Fame and in 1991 was inducted in the American Baseball
did they foresee that there would be a wave of anti-Black               Hall of fame, the first Canadian to get this honour.
sentiment. One or two Blacks were romantic but a hundred “a                 In 2007 Fergie received the Order of Canada from
racial menace”. The legislative provisions laid down in the             former Governor General Michaele Jean. He authored
Dominion Lands Act provided homesteaders with several ways to           three books and labelled a wine “Reisling” from
obtain land.                                                            Rockaway Wine estate.
  In the big Woody Area a community north of Swan River a                   Fergie was overwhelmed with the recognition by the
settler got three years to prove up his land that is clear 30 acres,    stamp. Jenkins lives on a ranch in Oklahoma.
fence his land and keep 30 livestock before the individual
ownership or patent. The homesteads in Swan River were called                Manitoba has Zero Tolerance for Violence
$10 homesteads, the $10 being the fee paid to apply for the land            Are you experiencing Vvolence in the home?
which could be yours for 3 years.                                                         help is available
Why the history lesson? It brings us to the year 2011 and the                 Call the Immigrant Women’s Counselling
opportunity to highlight the two heroes Canada Post                        Service which is funded to help immigrant and
recognized: Carrie Best and Ferguson Arthur Jenkins.
 Carrie Best was a descendant of Blacks in Nova Scotia and
                                                                          refugeee women in abusive relationships or you
Ferguson Jenkins was born in Chatham Ontario but his                      can call The Immigrant Women’s Association of
family came through the Underground Railway. They were                       Manitoba for alternative help -940-2172.
the descendants of the 2nd and 3rd wave respectively of                   You do not have to suffer in silence and you are
Black Immigration to Canada                                               not alone. Help is a phone call away:414-9452

                                                                                                    Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Pioneer in Pharmacy in Black Community
  Frances Atwell, 88 years old, is no                                                        in spite of difficult times During
ordinary woman. She graduated in                                                             that period, war veterans were
Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba,                                                      returning from abroad. Having
in 1948, in a class of 29, only five of                                                      experienced the wider world,
whom were women. She is today, one of                                                        they had a broader perspective.
the only six survivors of those graduates.                                                       Mother of seven children,
  Ms Atwell wearing her signature coiffed                                                    with six grandchildren and two
hairdo - braided silky white hair neatly                                                     great grandchildren, Frances met
pulled back - is modest about her                                                            George Atwell in 1949. Atwell,
achievements, saying she has been very                                                       originally from Trinidad, had
fortunate to have had the opportunity to                                                     come as a student, and arrived at
work in a professional capacity to help                                                      her door looking for
people, and to have worked with a group                                                      accommodation. He had been
of such collegial associates, some of                                                        given her mother‘s address by a
whom remain her friends to this day.                                                         friend who knew her family. For
   As an only child, Ms Atwell enjoyed a                                                     Frances, this was love at first
privileged life. Her Mother had attended                                                     sight. Four years later they were
Catholic boarding schools at convents in                                                     married.
St. Norbert and St. Charles communities,                                                        Ms Atwell said that her family
gave piano lessons to neighbourhoodBoard                                                     always came first, though she
children and played the organ at church.e
                                      m br
                                        e s
                                        m                                                    loved her career. Once she and
She had become secretary of the Holy                                                         George, who has been teacher,
Family Sewing Circle, a group run by the                                                     beekeeper, and Naval Reservist,
Franciscan Sisters, where immigrant womenDr.                               could arrange child care, she was happy to return
learnt to sew clothing for family members                                  to work. She said that back then, women were
by recycling donated clothing. She hadVincent                              expected to return to work after having a child.
become a Guider of a Polish company ofAdams                                She found no difficulty finding work after
Girl Guides. Frances was a member of                                       maternity.
another Company of guides, where she                                         Retired at 69 Ms Atwell says that looking back,
earned her Gold Medal. Doors opened for                                    she has to say it was a good ride. She said being
Frances partly through her Mother‘s                                        a pharmacist in her day was exciting because new
associations.                                                medical issues were emerging on the horizon, like the RH
  Growing up in the North End of Winnipeg, Frances           blood factor, and physiotherapy, and she was a part of that.
attended Machray, Immaculate Conception, Holy Ghost,         “You have to keep up with the changes and be open to lifelong
and St. John‘s Tech. schools.                                learning.”
   Her calling was providentially revealed to her when the     While she enjoyed being a pharmacist, the one thing she did
local pharmacist, Mr. Vineberg, asked her what courses       not enjoy was taking care of leeches that were used to suck
she was taking for her grade 12.When she mentioned           bad blood from patients… That was scary” she smiled. One of
chemistry and physics, he told her they were the courses     the highlights of her career was being asked to go to The Pas
needed for Pharmacy. A light bulb flashed in her mind,       and other remote rural areas to work in their clinics or
and a few days later she returned to ask him if she could    hospitals. I was treated very well and the food was great.
become his apprentice, which was a requirement for             Asked what kind of worker she was, Ms Atwell said she
entering pharmacy, he explained that he had just made        “always tried to do a good job”.
some changes in his pharmacy and couldn’t afford to pay        She would encourage women to consider Pharmacy as a
an apprentice. She would have been happy to apprentice       career, because there is flexibility and a level of autonomy,
with him anyway, but a few days later she got an             which can work for them during childbearing years.
opportunity to become a paid apprentice at St Boniface          Looking back, Ms Atwell said she would not trade anything.
Hospital.                                                    Life has been good to her.
  Charming, beautiful and poised woman, Ms Atwell             by: beatrice watson
remarks, “I was blessed with very sensitive classmates
and professors, who supported me in my studies. She
added, “Throughout my three years study, in the School
                                                             What you get by achieving your
of Pharmacy, the wife of the Dean, each year, invited all    goals is not as important as what
the females in the Faculty to a tea at her house.
  She says that the timing of her period of studies may
                                                             you become by achieving your
have somewhat enabled the ease with which she survived       goals. Zig Ziglar
       Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Blue Torch Paper - Neil Pitamber
                                                                       Where should his conviction lie? Is it to the
           I recently re-read the 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann; re-     East, where in Fiji natives worship Dakuwaga,
acquainting myself with the two stanzas, between the third and         the shape-shifting shark God?; is it to the West,
second to last verse. The passage reads, 'And whether or not it is     where the San Bushmen praise the mantis for
clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.         wood and fire?; Is it necessary to have
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to           something to believe in if nature has an
be.' Immediately I was reminded of a statement made by                 unalterable course? The 'Desiderata' or 'Things To Be
physicist Stephen Hawking, 'It is not necessary to invoke God to       Desired', neither denotes nor represents any religion yet is
light the blue touch paper and set the universe alight.' For me, it    more structured, more doctrinated than what is usually
also lends to an idea that nature has a plan for the polar bears,      offered by general poetry. It might be a hard bone to swallow
and perhaps global efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect is an       for some of the more devout; to accept that nature is not
exercise of redundance; if, mind you, the goal is to undo what         necessarily superceded or can be overruled by the judgement
has been set into motion by natural decree. More likely we are         of God.
simply attempting to subdue the damage, but I will go on record                It is not a poem by an atheist or agnostic. We do not
to state 'it cannot be undone.'                                        need proof if we choose to believe a broken branch is the
         It reminded me of Tom Waits 1976 ballad, 'The Piano           answer to suffering; 'emotion', however, does not dictate that
Has Been Drinking'; where it is clear the author struggles with        that branch has come into existence simply because we
the concept of existence on so many levels, and uses alcohol to        believe in its regenerative power. Learning to cope with life,
nullify the effect of bombardment. He personifies local objects        then, does not require a religious focal point, for science
in the vicinity of his piano; personification is a tool we do not      suggests we are bound to perform the sequences that unfold;
find in a lot of music today. It takes a lot of imagination to         that the outcomes are measurable, even predictable. I
make some of these things up; I encourage you to have a listen.        suppose if dying is inevitable, how we go about making a
        As much as we believe the world has changed this               difference is not anywhere near as relevant as the sincerety
poem proves that the emotional resolve of mankind has                  we put into the effort. Jim Morrison wouldn't have to light
always been the same. So what of the Caribbean man?                    that fire, or keep it lit.

                                                                      AFTER DINNER MINT
 Why does the soul
                                                                       The air tonight is perfect...
Swell up with tears                                                                                       My cup has
                                   Poems from the Heart               Not cold enough to see my
At moments’ command?                 by Neil Pitamber                 breath
Why does the blood
                                                                      But cold enough to subdue           I’ve had enough
Flush from my face                                                                                        Take your show
And pool into my hands?                                                                                   Back on the road
                                     And your shin bones harden       The bridge we walk feels like a
Because You are awesome                                                                                   Pack it in
                                     to iron!                         ship
You are terror magnificent                                                                                Pack it up
                                     ’Til your eyes seep out with     But floating above the tragic
And I know You talk to me
                                     smoke!                           waters                              I’ve been diggingmyself
More when I’m not
                                     And your loins have caught       I don’t say very much but not       Deeper to accommodate
                                     on fire!                         Because I think my words are        Your flow
                                     Screeeaaammmm!                   For a higher calling                Your words are getting
PRAYASCHITTHA                                                         You’re too beautiful for words
                                     ’Til your palms begin to                                             Sweeter, I’ve no further
Screeeaaammmm!                                                        That are too scared
                                     peel away!                                                           Left to go
’Til you’ve got full blown                                            In a way, of falling...
                                     Scrape your knuckles on                                              I know just how this ends
                                     sandpaper!                                                           Yeah, I’ve seen your style
’Til the ovula shrivels up to a pin!
                                     Then hammer your toe nails                                           before
’Til your throat is on the ground!
And your cervix has collapsed in!                                                                         You’ll push your fingers in
                                     Sew your chest back with a
                                                                       The veins on the backs of my
                                                                                                          Your mouth to vomit on the
’Til your teeth become                                                                                    floor
carnassial!                                                                                               Hold your stomach and plead!
                                                                       Run back into my heart
                                     Do everything, but hurt
And grow out from bursting                                                                                Drag me down to your knees!
                                                                       And every direction I’ve ever
                                     them back
gums                                                                                                      Yeah, I met you as a boy
                                     Do anything, just let them
’Til your tongue sweats with heat!                                                                        But leave here as a man!
                                                                       Has led me back to you...
Your fingernails grow inches
                                                                                                          Take your show
                                                                       Does it mean something?
                                     And allow the Lord to help
                                                                       Do we need to stop
                                     you up                                                               Back on the road
                                                                       Running from
                                     ’For they know not what                                              And be gone!
’Til spikes pierce through the
                                                                       And start running to...?
                                     they do...’

                                                                                                   Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Lt. Governor hosts reception to celebrate CCOM’s 30th Anniversary

                                                                                    Leisha Strachan

                               Gossipmongers: Mavis McLaren, Lola
                                      Hibbert Joy Bissoon,

 Crooner Victor Vaughan
singing “There’s a hole in
   the bucket dear Liza”

                                                          Anancy School

                                                                     CCOM had a year of celebration and
                                                                      showcased the community talents

                                                                    Caribbean Heritage Musical Instrument
                                                                                Steel Drum
                                                                    The Anancy School of Performing Arts
                                                                         Lennox Glasgow Drummers
                                                                      Jean Simmonds and Esme Stewart
                                                                Lt.Governor, Hon. Philip Lee posed for a
                                                               picture with CCOM’s Presidents - past and
                                                               present l to r : Margaret Strachan, Barbara
                                                                Sampson, Matthew Jones, Valerie Fraser,
                                                                 Rupert Forde, Diane Dwarka and Mary
      Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
                                   Letter to my children
  My dear children,
     It’s been a great month, some good some bad           her life but she did not give up she stood up to the
  but it is about greatness. First of all the earth has    powers that be, spoke up for those who didn’t have the
  lost a friend in Nobel Laureate Mathaai Wangari          words to fight and she prevailed. Always look for
  who died at the tender age of 71. Her life was           ways to help, you will feel happy and those you help
  well lived and she has left the world a better           will feel happy too. It is a win win situation.
  place. It is said that it is not the years of life but   Also during this period three women were awarded the
  the life in your years that matters.                     Nobel Prize for peace. These are women who quietly
     It is so important for us to be mindful of the        picked up the pieces after the soldiers and terrorists
  legacy we will leave when we move on from this           left villages and small towns. They tended to the sick,
  plane and to strive at all times to make a               gave medicine and fed people and did not allow fear
  difference in the lives of others. We do not have        for their own lives stop them from doing what is right.
  to do it on such as grand scale as Madame                To me, these women are heroes and their recognition is
  Mathaai but sometimes it is the little things we do      long overdue. Working for peace and unity is a
  for others that matters. Being of service is the         worthwhile goal.
  highest calling of any human being and whenever             I urge you to read about the lives of these women.
  we’re of service we are well. We are doing okay.         They are all over the internet and learn from them what
  I ask you to think of Madame Wagari and let her          happens when one is motivated by the need to do what
  be your role model. She fought to save the desert        is best for mankind.
  of her country, faced persecution and threats to         Love, mom

                                        Global Counsellor
Dear globalcounsellor,                                     comes to legal and medical translations these have to
     I am a 42 year old newcomer woman who                 be pretty accurate and these are specialty areas of
suffers from HIV Aids which I contracted after I           translation. I understand that you are uncomfortable
was raped in the refugee camp. I do not speak              with sharing private information but if this is a
English well. I have a good friend who does.               doctor’s office then whatever is translated has to be
However, she is not allowed to translate for me.           confidential. The interpreter cannot go gossiping
The hospital said they have their own interpreter          about your problem. It is not professional and it is
and the interpreter they have is a woman from my           illegal and that person can be charged for breaching
country. I don’t want that woman to know about my          their legal duty. You have to trust the interpreter so
problem. I am afraid she will speak about my life          that you can get an accurate picture of what your
all over the community and I would be isolated and         problems are. This person has to be able to interpret
no one will want to be close to me. I want to know         for you and then for the doctor as well. That’s a lot.
if I do not have the right to my own interpreter.          So please, you have to go along for now.
Private person

Dear Private Person,
   You have a right to your own interpreter but if                A bird doesn’t sing because it
the interpreter is inadequate then it would not do                has an answer, it sings because it
you any good and you might suffer from                            has a song. Maya Angelou
inaccurate health diagnosis as a result. When it

                                                                                                        cont’d on p18
                                                                                   Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
In Your Back Yard
Joan Lloyd singing the
Black National Anthem

                                 Val                     Barzey

                                                                                           Strachan one
                                                                                          of the dynamic
                                                                                            duo emcee.
                                                                                             The other
                                                                                            emcee was
                                                                                          Robin Dwarka

                                               Gary                 Sampson

  Gary and Brenda

                                               Karim and Joy

 Mavis and Jennifer

                                                CCOM GALA NIGHT
                                                 AT VICORIA INN
                                                                                The Coopsammys

                                               Past Presidents received plaques for long service: top l-r
                                               _Val Fraser, Mary Barzey, Gary Elbers, Barbara Sampson
                                                 (Mrs Margaret Strachan chose not to receive anaother
                                                 one, having already received two previously. Margaret
                                                          was President of CCOM four times.

   Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
DID YOU KNOW….By Nadia Thompson                                           Ok, those would be the facts that you would learn in
                            Before I started writing this article I   school or your child would come home and tell you when
                        thought I would spend some time               you ask what they learned today about history. So here are
                        researching to come up with the exact         some facts that they may have missed; did you know that
                        wording and information I wanted to           today, 71% of women with children under 18 work. In
                        relay on women’s history. In doing so I       1975, fewer than 47% did. Most were domestic workers
                        found a lot more information then I           which was the traditional field for females. Did you know
                        thought I would and in turn I decided to      that African American singer Josephine Baker, a singer,
take a different approach and try to find more facts that most        dancer and actress was also working in World War II
people didn’t know and even some information that would be            smuggling numerous messages to French soldiers. The
fun to know about… is that even possible to make learning             world’s first novel, The Tale of Genji, was published in
about History fun? Yes people it is! It’s all in how you look at      Japan around A.D. 1000 by the female author Murasaki
things.                                                               Shikibu. The first woman to win a Noble Prize was Edith
   Did you know…it wasn’t before the 1970’s that Women’s              Wharton for the novel Age of Innocence in 1921. And my
studies even existed? With the women’s movement in the 60’s           personal favorite, Madam C.J. Walker born in 1867 to ex-
and the political shift from old to new in the 70’s, women’s          slaves, built a business empire based on her line of hair
place in the world was being seen more and more and the               products for black women. She is cited as the first
change with evitable. Canada started officially celebrating           American female to become a millionaire in her own right.
Women’s History Month in October 1992. The month is                   Learning is so much fun! So this Women’s History Month
highlighted by Person’s Day on October 18, because of the             take a moment and find some fun facts of your own and
historical significance of the “Persons Case” decision of             celebrate by sharing your knowledge with others…I just
1929, a landmark victory in the struggle of Canadian women            did.
for equality.

    Win or Lose N for N (NOW FOR NEW) The Bold Slogan of
                    Troy Osiname Political Hopeful
  Troy Osiname’s passion about giving youths (especially              daughter Shya and he is determined to make a difference in
underprivileged youths) a chance to self-                                                      her life.
actualize led him to establish Community                                                         When did he know he wanted to
Vibes, an organization dedicated to                                                            be a politician? Osiname had to
bringing the voices of youth to the table                                                      think for a few minutes before
and creating opportunities for youth to                                                        acknowledging that it is his passion
connect and participate in community in                                                        to help youths. He said the idea
a positive and constructive manner.                                                            came to him after discussions with
  Osiname has taken his fight one step                                                         his colleagues Robin Dwarka,
further into the arena of power. Politics.                                                     Leisha Strachan and some others.
He tried unsuccessfully to win the Seine                                                       “We identified the gaps in resources
River constituency for the Liberal Party                                                       available to Black and Caribbean
but that’s not the end of the story. “For                                                      people and asked ourselves what
me it is about responsibility. It’s not                                                        would happen when community
about kissing babies and dressing sharp.                                                       builders like Wade Williams, Rupert
It’s about connecting with people and                                                          Forde Norma Walker and other
sharing a common vision for our                                                                elders some of whom have walked
province.”                                                                                     this road but never got there, are
  Asked why the Liberal Party, Osiname                                                         gone.”
said it is the best fit for him. He said Dr.                                                      Osiname wants to ensure that
Jon Gerard impressed him. “The liberal party has always               youths have a voice in any government of which he is a
provided a platform for immigrants, like my folks, and it is the      part. “I want to take away the boredom in youths; to
most immigrant-friendly party. Dr. Gerrard is someone I can           engage youths ask them what they want, ask them about
trust and he gets what I am trying to do for my community             their issues; I want them to have good mentorship. The
and that’s important to me.” Born in Winnipeg to Nigerian             lack of mentors is prominent across the board and I want
and Jamaican born parents, Osiname, 32 fathers five year old          to be part of that solution. I need my elders to be involved
                                                                                                                 continued on p27
                                                                                                 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Gala Banquet concludes 30th Anniversary
                     Celebations - Robin Dwarka
                                                                                                      them to do more in the
        The                                                                                           community - “I am sure
Council of                                                                                            one or more of you can
Caribbean                                                                                             be president of CCOM
Organizations                                                                                         in the future”.
of Manitoba                                                                                                 The award
(CCOM)                                                                                                recipients were
concluded a                                                                                           nominated by member
year of                                                                                               organizations of CCOM
celebrations                                                                                          for their contributions to
on                                                                                                    CCOM, their
September                                                                                             nominating organization,
26, 2011 with                                                                                         and the wider
a gala                                                                                                community. The
banquet that                                                                                          awardees were Amanda
recognized                                                                                            Benson, nominated by
young professionals for their contributions to the              Trinidad and Tobago Society of Winnipeg; Robin Dwarka,
Caribbean community and the wider community. The                nominated by Hi-Life Steel Orchestra; Patricia Eko-Davis,
30th Anniversary Banquet and Honorary Service Awards            nominated by Grenadian Association of Manitoba; Candace
was well attended by many friends and supporters who            Fardoe, nominated by CARICOM Arts and Crafts; Stacy
have volunteered countless hours to keeping the                 Felix, nominated by Guyanese Cultural Organization; La-
Caribbean culture alive and helping people in the               Toya Gibbons, nominated by Jamaican Association of
community since CCOM’s inception in 1981.                       Manitoba; and Sheri Jack, nominated by St. Vincent & the
Distinguished guests from other segments of Winnipeg            Grenadines Association of Manitoba. These young
society were also in attendance to celebrate this wonderful     professionals represent the future of CCOM and possess a
occasion including Dr. Kwabena Osei-Bonsu bringing              cross-section of education, skills and experience. Sheri
greetings from the City of Winnipeg and the Citizens            Jack, in her thank you speech, pointed out that the common
Equity Council, Kenny Daodu from the Manitoba                   thread amongst them all was their participation and
Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council, and                dedication to Folklorama and the Caribbean Pavilion. This
Mohammed Ismath, President of Folklorama.                       highlighted one of the most important things that CCOM
        The key note speaker was Dr. June James, long           does to raise the profile of the Caribbean and the people
time champion for the welfare of Caribbean and African          from that region that have settled in Manitoba.
peoples in Manitoba and recently retired, respected                      The past presidents over CCOM’s last decade
physician. She provided a brief retrospective on why it         were honoured with a plaque marking their terms of office.
was necessary for organizations such as CCOM to be              The event was emceed by Leisha Strachan and Robin
formed at a time when racism was still blatant in Winnipeg.     Dwarka. Hi-Life Steel Orchestra and Kyra Giesbrecht
                                        Dr. James also          provided wonderful musical interludes throughout the
                                        offered advice on       evening.
                                        how CCOM could
                                        continue to not
                                        only survive but
                                        thrive in the future,
                                        “the older
                                        generation has to
                                        take a hands off
                                        approach and let
                                        the 35 to 50 year
                                        age group do their
                                        own thing.” She
                                        recognized the
                                        award recipients
                                        and challenged
                                                                                                     Photos by Robin Dwarka

      Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Nigerian Day Celebrations
                                            The Nigerian Canada
                                         Congress of Manitoba
                                         (NICCOM) celebrated
                                         Nigeria’s 51st
                                         Anniversary in the usual
                                         style of great
                                         entertainment, great
                                         food and celebrating
                                         community and youth
                                         leaders by giving out
                                         scholarships and awards
                                         to 12 students and
                                         community service
                                         awards to two
                                         organizations. Dr.
                                         Sunday Olujuku                             Nigerian Youth Dancers
                                         welcomed guests and
                                         promised an enjoyable           Dr. Gaba said that youths should speculate that
                                         evening which he              when they cross the finish line, “to be of service to
                                         delivered on.                 your fellow man. You will not be alone. When you
                                             Dr. Suli Garba a          do the right thing in some way Nigeria is uplifted.”
         Dr. Suli Garba                  Steinbach based surgeon          He said NICCOM is in the vanguard in
                                         of Nigerian ancestry,         empowering Nigeria’s youths so they can be agents
gave the keynote address Empowering our youths to lift up              of change. “NICCOM is sowing seeds tomorrow
Nigeria.                                                               they will harvest.
  “Youth are our leaders of tomorrow. The seed of tomorrow             The 12 Scholarsh”ip winners are: Eunice Bawa,
planted today. Any nation that does not invest in its youth            Aisosa Arhumwunde, Moses Adebayo, Chidinma
does so at its own peril” said Dr. Garba, adding that Nigerian         Anyanwu, Tamuno-Omie Holy Aminadoki
youths are fortunate to begin their journey in one of the best         Sandra Aghahon, Toluwalope Dare, Onyinye
countries of the world. “Our youths in Manitoba: you have              Jessica Anyaeji, Ohenereke Ojekudo,
shown up in the start line and all you have in mind is crossing        Oritshegbubemi Tenumah, Moses Adebayo The
the finish line.”                                                      two community awards were given to: RCMP
     No one dreams to fail, he said, and some of our youths do         Officer David Ogungbemi (who also doubles as
not reach the finish line for various reasons. He said one of          Manitoba’s first and current Diversity Officer); and
the obstacles they must overcome is the hurdles which may              Dr. Sule Garba, a highly respected Steinbach-based
include but not limited to: the internet – always in cyberspace.       Surgeon.
“Internet is a good servant but a bad master; bad-weather -
unexpected events happens what do you do? What do you do
with failure? Stressors can cheat people out of their dreams.”
  Dr. Gaba said that sometimes others tell youths that their
dreams are unachievable and “you listen to them and down grade
your dream. Yes you can.”
 “Stay connected with real people, your family, friends and loved
ones, talk to a person seek help and seek it sooner. Call
NICCOM,” he urged.
    “If you weather the bad storm then you cross the finish line.
Some of you will finish the line as doctors, lawyers, artists,
electricians, carpenters, plumbers, engineers, firefighters, police,
but success is in crossing the line.”
   Dr. Gaba said even though we always reach for the top, when
we get there we may find that it is not all that it was cracked up
to be and he referred to a news item he once heard about the
Beatles when asked how did it feel to be at the top of the chart
for that many years and one of the Beatles said it was exciting
climbing to the top but when we got there it was empty.
                                                                                                Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011

  Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Breadfruit Cake                    1 cup (250 mL) dry red wine
                                   28 oz (796 mL) can diced tomatoes,
                                   including juice
                                   10 oz (284 mL) can undiluted chicken
boiled and mashed
¾ cup breadfruit, steamed/
1 cup honey
                                   1 tsp (5 mL) dried leaf thyme
½ cup butter
                                   2 bay leaves
                                   ½ tsp (2 mL) dried leaf oregano
1 tsp vanilla
½ cup sugar

2 cups flour
                                   ½ tsp (2 mL) salt
1 tsp baking powder
                                   basil or coriander (optional)
                                   ¼ cup (50 mL) chopped fresh parsley,
1 tsp baking soda
                                   1. Place flour in a plastic bag. Add
                                   chicken, a few pieces at a time, shaking          Natural Ways to prevent
¾ tbsp cinnamon
                                   to coat. Then heat oil in a large wide           breaast cancer recurrence
½ cup sour cream
                                   saucepan set over medium heat. Add
½ cup macadamia nuts,
                                   half of chicken pieces and cook until
½ cup raisins
                                   lightly browned on both sides, from 3 to      1.        Limit your sugar intake –
                                   5 minutes per side. Do not crowd pan.         cancer cells thrives on sugar; sugar
 Method                                                                          causes increase in insulin high levels of
                                   Remove chicken to a bowl. Repeat with
Cream butter and honey.                                                          which have been linked to breast,
                                   remaining chicken, adding more oil, if
Mix in breadfruit, sugar and                                                     prostate, colon and uterus cancers as
                                   needed.                                       well as poor outcomes in cancer
vanilla. Sift together dry
                                   2. Meanwhile, peel carrots and chop           therapies; Avoid sugar completely and
ingredients. Add dry
                                   into ½-inch (1-cm) pieces. Coarsely           consider supplements such as conjugated
ingredients to creamy
                                   chop onion and slice celery into ½-inch       linoleic acid (CLA) or alpha lipoic acid to
mixture; add sour cream
                                   (1-cm) pieces. Add carrots, onion and         lower insulin levels by improving your
until well blended. Add nuts
                                   celery to pan once chicken has been           body’s insulin response.
and raisins. Pour into
                                   removed, adding more oil, if needed.          2.        Prevent and reduce inflammation
buttered or sprayed 8-inch x
                                   Stir in garlic. Cook, stirring often to       To reduce inflammation take a minimum
8-inch cake pan. Bake at
                                   scrape up any brown bits from bottom of       of four to eight grams of fish oils per day,
350º for 1 hour.
                                   pan, just until vegetables start to soften,   avoid inflammatory fats (found in dairy
              ***                  from 5 to 6 minutes. Pour in wine,            products, red meats, vegetable oils, and
    Osso bucco-style               continuing to scrape up any brown bits.       peanuts);
        chicken                    Stir in tomatoes, including juice, broth,     3.        Maintain a healthy balance of
Traditionally, osso bucco is       thyme, oregano, bay leaves and salt.          good and bad estrogens
                                   3. Return chicken and accumulated             There are three types of estrogen:
made with braised veal
                                   juices to pan. Bring mixture to a boil.       estradiol, estrone, and estriol. It is the
shanks, but it could be just                                                     balance among these three types that is
as tasty with juicy chicken        Cover and reduce heat to medium-low.
                                   Simmer, stirring occasionally, until          crucial for maintaining healthy cells in the
thighs instead. Toss it with a                                                   breast, ovaries, uterus, and cervix. An
substantial wavy pasta and         chicken is tender and almost falling off
                                   bones, from 30 to 40 minutes. Remove          estronex urine test is recommended to
youýve got a nourishing                                                          check the balance. Also eat more
dinner that will be a hit with     chicken to a clean bowl. Cover to keep
                                   warm.                                         vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage,
even fussy eaters.                                                               brussel sprouts, turnips, kale, cauliflower
3 tbsp (45 mL) all-purpose         4. Increase heat to high and bring sauce
                                                                                 and watercress.
flour                              to a boil. Boil gently and stir often until   4.        Eat flaxseed daily
12 skinless, bone-in chicken       thickened, about 10 minutes. Return           Take two to three tablespoons of ground
thighs                             chicken and any accumulated juices to         flaxseed daily. Try adding them to your
1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil           pan. Stir in parsley, if using. Taste and     oatmeal, yogurt, salads, or smoothies. The
3 carrots                          add more seasonings, if needed. Discard       fibre in the flaxseeds is also great for
1 large onion                      bay leaves. Serve over rice or noodles.       reducing inflammation.
2 celery stalks                    Osso bucco will keep well, covered and        Recommended by Natasha Turner, N.D.
4 garlic cloves, minced            refrigerated, up to 2 days or freeze up       a naturopathic doctor, Chatelaine
                                   to 1 month.                                   magazine columnist

        Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Leg Up
    Guyanese Immigrant a Shining Role Model
   Terrie Lynne Devonish’s encounter with racism at an          added PEACH
early age moulded the woman she became.                         (Promoting Education
  Considered a role model for the new generation of             and Community
immigrants, Devonish, successfully broke through the glass      Health to the list.
ceiling to become the first ever chief counsel for Aon Canada
   A committed community volunteer, Devonish is                                                         Laurel Wright,
particularly keen on advocating for young black students.
Daughter of Guyanese immigrant parents Lynette and Sylvan
                                                                Makerere University Engineering Monica Rhiney and Violet
Devonish, who migrated from the old country in 1964 to seek     students produced first Electric
a better life for their children, Devonish in 2008 was
recognized among the top under 40 best and brightest in
                                                                        Car in Uganda
Canada. She was chosen as one of nine finalists from a                                                 Students of
nomination pool of 1600 contestants.                                                                 Makerere University’s
   A graduate of Osgood Law School, Devonish worked at                                               Engineering, Arts and
several firms before she got on board Aon, a risk management                                         Technology Program is
services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human                                              ready to test drive
capital consulting in over 120 countries worldwide.                                                  Uganda’s first electric
  Devonish said when she was growing up, she did not                                                 car.
know a single lawyer except the ones on TV who did not                                                 With a budget of
look like her. She said mentorship was a big part of her                                             $4.5 million Shilling and
success and she is returning the favour big time. She           over a two year period, the students were able to deliver
volenteers in several organizations in Toronto and              as promised.
                                                                  The team leader, Mr Paul Musasizi, said the car is a
                                                                clear demonstration of existence of innovation and skill at
                                                                the university. Most parts of the car including the core
                                                                body and combustion system were designed and built
          Can’t find a salon to do                              locally with the assistance of local craftsmen in places
           justice to your hair?                                such as Katwe, an innovation suburb in Kampala.
                                                                  Two-seater with a theoretical speed of 200km/hr and
              Look no more!                                     150km/hr practically because of its light weight this little
                                                                car can be charged after running 80km.
                                                                “We named it Kiira EV because we are fascinated about
                                                                green energy and the first electricity generation in Uganda
                                                                was at Kiira,” Mr Musasizi said .
            will send you satisfied everytime
       Les Touche Salon

                   4-555 Balmoral Ave
                   Hours: Mon. - Sat.
                    9 a.m - 7:00 p.m.
                     Phone: 947-5830

                                                                                           Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Zizi - The Continuting Story
  Zizi left Jonny’s placed and felt as if she is being
                                                                 attack suddenly. Am I cut out for this?
followed. She walked back to Portage place and sat at a
                                                                    ”It takes getting used to”
table. She felt the weight of eyes upon her back, and she
                                                                 Leyroy picked up some Kentucky fried chicken and chips
did not want that person to see her with Leyroy. She did
                                                                 and slaw.” They had a quiet night, talked late into the night
not give him the signal that it was safe for him to come
                                                                 and had a good laugh over everything. Leyroy and         Zizi
                                                                 strategized about picking up the stuff from Johnny.
  Zizi got up and walked over to get a cup of Coffee and
                                                                 Zizi was up bright and early ready to get ready for her
scanned the place sneakily to see if she recognized
                                                                 small sting operation. She turned on CBC as she usually
someone. She got her coffee and walked out and got on
                                                                 does to get a scoop on what’s new in crime in the City.
the bus careful that she was not followed. As soon as she
                                                                 Zizi heard that a woman was found with a bullet wound at
got on the bus, she texted Leyroy to tell him to meet her at
                                                                 the back of her head. The report said it is like an execution
St. Vital Mall.
                                                                 type of killing. The woman’s identity was not revealed but
.Leyroy texted Zizi when he was in the North Parking lot.
                                                                 according to all she heard, that woman sounded much like
  Zizi felt fear for no reason. She felt uneasy in her
                                                                 the one Zizi met at Portage Place and who introduced her to
stomach. She was happy to throw herself in Leyroy’s
                                                                 Johnny. Zizi woke up Leyroy and told him of her suspicion.
arms, as soon as she got into the car.
                                                                 Zizi was now more determined to keep her appointment
                                                                 with Johnny to see what she could find out.
   “You’re shaking” Leyroy said holding her to his chest.
                                                                    Johnny was not there. Zizi checked out his apartment,
“What went down there man?”
                                                                 and everything was gone. It was as if Johnny never existed.
  ”Nothing, I just felt like a panic attack. I feel I am being
                                                                 He was gone. Nada. This created a buzz in the Force and
  ”Are you freaking out on me? Is this job getting to you
                                                                    Zizi and Leyroy took a trip down to the Coroner’s office
                                                                 to look at the body of the woman. As she suspected it was
  ”No, I have a hunch that someone was watching me
                                                                 her new “friend.” Zizi throat tightened as she looked away.
and suddenly there was this fear that overwhelmed me. I
                                                                 “it’s her.” “Why, what did she do?”
think the girl who led me to Johnny might be in trouble.
                                                                 ”you never know. She probably did something unrelated to
She stayed back, and I left alone.
                                                                 you, maybe she tried to steal something from them or
   ”Okay, I think we’re okay let’s go home, have a drink
                                                                 messed up the protocol. We’ve got to help nail this guy.
and unwind. Things got a big spooky there”
                                                                 We’ve got our work cut out for us.” “Let’s head down to
   ”Yeah, I just had this weird feeling, almost like a panic
                                                                 the Mall”

Canada needs a comprehensive home care system
   Canadian governments need to plan how they will               divorce, remarriage and blended families may also affect the
address the increasing care needs of an aging population,        availability of informal care.”
particularly as they prepare to renew the federal provincial       Canada needs a formal, long-term home care system that is
health accord in 2014.                                           integrated with other services – such as health and social
  “Developing a comprehensive long-term home care                support, residential care and certain community services – so
system is both necessary and cost-effective. It is the most      that individuals who need care do not fall through the cracks
appropriate option for an aging society,” argues a new study     and can easily move from one service to the next whenever
published by the Institute for Research on Public Policy.        necessary, according to Chappell.
In Population Aging and the Evolving Care Needs of Older           “The long-term home care system also needs to link and
Canadians: An Overview of the Policy Challenges, author          partner with the community to form a support network for
and gerontologist Neena Chappell analyzes the main health        informal caregivers and care recipients.”
and social policy challenges raised by population aging in the   This study is the first in a series of IRPP studies that will focus
areas of informal care, formal care and prevention.              on seniors’ care issues. Later this fall, a study by Harvey
   “The current health care system provides services to          Lazar examines the federal government’s role in the provision
dependent elderly Canadians only when family care is             of care for seniors, and Janice Keefe’s study looks more
unavailable or insufficient,” Chappell notes.                    specifically at the policy challenges with regards to support for
“But in the coming years, more seniors will struggle to find     family caregivers.
the care they need. Lower fertility rates, increasing rates of                                 (IRRP- Instituted for Research
                                                                                                    and Public Policy)
        Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
Women’s World Congress             continued from p3
 colonialism. We cannot separate our issues from that of our
 males in some areas of our lives, for with them we share the     Muslims are not a singular monolithic community. The
 burden of racism and discrimination of a colonial legacy that    stereotype out there is “we can’t rule and that wives are
 left both genders wanting. It is something that European         powerless” “Islam gave rights to women in the 7th century y to
 women have to come to grips with for these sentiments            vote to an identity, involve in political discourse “today there is no
 were clearly articulated by women in several of the              rule for women, men have taken over and used their patriarchal
 workshops.                                                       philosophy to undermine women’s power
   Muslim women had rights before the Taliban. Muslim                 She said the educated woman knows her rights; they can
 women are accomplished and highly educated. The religion         interpret the Koran and do not have to go along with men’s
 provides for the equal treatment of women but patriachy          interpretation of the Text.
 gets in the way. One speaker felt that the West appeared           The women with disability was a vital and prominent presence
 obsessed with women’s choice in wearing the veil. The veil       at the Congress also was the Aboriginal women’s presence two
 does not signify lack of power to many Muslim.                   groups that were historically left out of discussions
 400 years ago women could own property and go to war               There needs to be inclusive pedagogy and professors were
 and speak freely. We have to separate religion from politics     asked to make their lectures more accessible. One woman with a
 and at the same time we cannot separate religion from our        disability said that “we’re seen as a nuisance and was surprised
 culture just as in the west which is steep in Christian          that she was given a chance to speak on the panel”.
 tradition the Arab nations cultural traditions come out of
 their religion but men in power have used it to try to control                     Black women on the move
 women and that is a separate issue.

                                                                       Aboriginal Women depicting layered

  Participants at the Congress of Black Women. Manitoba
workshop on Cultural Awareness at Women’s World Congress

     Thank you but there is work to be done
I would like to personally thank everyone who helped me
during the election; the experience was grand and great
education. There are many solid partnerships that have come       then we can openly agree or agree to disagree but at least
out of it and I’m counting on all those who have partnered to     we’ve started talking. I’m neither dismayed nor confused and
play an intricate role in moving upward, not only with me but     I’m not going no where, so let’s go to work.
with each other collectively. I hope our community realizes          If there is one disappointment I have it is this, it is time
the importance of putting together an organized constituency/     for some of our elders who see and know to come from
movement not for politics alone but for our families. We must     behind the curtain, stop watching and act. I say this with
work in unity to create a better response toward a                respect and boldness... you’re not dead so the work can not
concentrated thought but I need your help! Believe it or not it   stop besides the young have lost hope through that action. Its
was more important to me to grab your attention than to           time that our young professionals stop complaining- find
simply win or lose, the thought is to create energy rather than   their talent even if that talent is in some one else you can’t
boast of it or from it. I hunger for more not from a              always be the man/woman but you can stand beside them. I
materialistic value or individualism but for a change that is     heard a lot since the creation of C.V. and I think its about
possible once we can all agree. Methods are debatable, leaders    time the negativity cease.
are interchangeable. Challenges are ahead because of opinion
and free thought but if we can start by concentrated thought                                                 Troy Osiname
                                                                                                   Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011
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Gem Fall 2011
Gem Fall 2011
Gem Fall 2011
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Gem Fall 2011

  • 1. Fall 2011 global eyes Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine 3rd Quarter Celebrating Women & Girls Shawnte Wilson and Patricia Eko-Davis Mrs. pioneer Frances in Atwell pharmacy elder studies for black women Robin Dwarka Leisha Strachan Nikayla Litte Kyra Giesbrecht Noma of Candice Fardoe Amanda Benson Guerillas of Soul THE NEW Happy FACES OF OUR Women’s COMMUNITY History WOMEN LaToya Gibbons Sherri Jack Stacy Felix Month LEADERS
  • 2. Global BRIEFS Reparation Demands The Department of Citizenship and Immigration celebrated The Antiguan and Vincentian prime ministers, Baldwin the 60th Annual Refugee Day with an exhibition and Spencer and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves respectively, inseparate citizenship ceremony at the Millennium Library. The speeches to the United Nations recently, demanded exhibition opening was marked by speeches and reparations for injustices suffered by African slaves and entertainment. their descendants, whose legacy has slowed their Ben Walker an officer with the Department of Cit. & advancement as people and nations. Immig. gave an overview of the refugee program and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, told the UN that statistics of the increasing number of refugee being admitted to segregation and violence against people of African descent Canada each year. More than 500 government sponsored have impaired their capacity for advancement as nations, and 200 community sponsored refugees came in the last year. communities and individuals. Walker said the experiences of some refugees are beyond the imagination of most Canadians and added, the celebration of LEAF Person’s Day Breakfast the 60th anniversary is a celebration of the courage of refugees noting that one refugee described their experience in a refugee camp as “A prison open in the sky.” Muuxi Adams a youth counsellor with IRCOM House shared his experience as a refugee. He arrived alone at 16 years old in 2004. “I am proud to call myself a refugee ‘ he said “because of the values we bring as refugees. I am passionate about refugee issues.” Muuxi said that even though they may be refugees they are still human beings and like to have fun and drink coffee like everyone else. He asked people to treat refugees like human beings and not like a phenomena. Aurelio Madut Danto, Counsellor of Manitoba Interfaith Sheila Redsky and Prof. Benamin Perrin Immigration Council, Welcome Place, spoke about the realities of refugee life once they arrive on the Canadian More than 750 participants supported the shores. He gave a brief description of the issues refugees face LEAF Person’s Day 15th Anniversary Breakfast at among the top ones are: Health – many come with diseases the Winnipeg Convention Centre this year, most of that need immediate attention; some of the diseases have gone these women, but an increasing number of men are untreated for a long time. Thankfully there is a special clinic also opting for an early start to their day. set up to provide a screening and referral of refugees to get This year the issue was one that touched many the help they need; housing shortage, language problems and people in Winnipeg – Human Trafficking: dealing with interpreters where one has to share personal private information with another is a challenge, adapting to the Confronting a Threat to Women’s Rights in weather, cultural norms and educational systems are all new Canada and Abroad by guest speaker Professor and challenging for refugees many of whom might not have Benjamin Perrin. Local activist Sheila Redsky had the privilege of a formal education. provided a local perspective on the topic. Noma and Darrel from Guerrillas of Soul ended the The energy at these Breakfasts is always high opening on a high note with their beautiful music. Noma is but this year’s it was palpably driven by the topic from Zimbabwe and a university student and Darrel is which angers and frustrates those who work on Canadian also a university student and they use music as a the frontline. The audience heard that MP Joy tool to forge social change. Smith is working on a bill that would see Mr. Aurelio Danto Mr. Muuxi Adams Canadian men punished even if they are engaged in trafficking outside of Canada’s borders. Human trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon where there is a brisk and healthy trade in human flesh for which the demand is increasing, both speakers agreed. There can be no one organization that can solve this problem. There needs to be a joint effort of education and awareness, legal consequences and effective policies to deal with perpetrators of this crime, said Prof Perrin. Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 2
  • 3. Reflection Beatrice Watson Feminism has taken a beating in recent years. Some question Feminism’s ideological mission which is to dismantle patriarchy and male oppression while promoting women’s its relevance to today’s young women. Some young feminist equality and autonomy, often leave some of the critical voices articultate that older feminists are men-haters and out of sync with of race and class out of the discourse. How do we bring all today’s women’s issues. Young feminists say they find allies in women to the table and create a space where we all feel many of their male counterparts. welcomed, heard and respected. This remains a challenge for There is little evidence of mentoring or passing of the torch the feminist movement. The majority of women who face from old to young feminists happening. This creates fertile class discrimination tend to see the feminist movement as an grounds for misunderstanding between the two groups. Some older upper-class power trip. Blacks in the civil rights movement feminists say young women do not fully appreciate the benefits used to encourage blacks to each one lift one, in other words, they reap today were sown by them. if you’re at the top make sure you pull your black brothers and There is truth to both positions in my view. I think that sisters with you. This is what feminism was supposed to do but mainstream feminism has been to get women at the top of the somewhere along the line our personal survival intersected ladder. Once there they are forced or choose to act like men in with our professional lives and we’ve lost track of that. If we frocks to keep their positions. It is true that women sometimes pay want to lead an authentic movement, we must walk our talk and lip service to feminist ideology for personal gains. Many young the young will follow. We must mentor, we must practice what feminists appear, however, to embrace a broader human rights, we preach and we must speak and the truth. social justice and equality perspective of their feminist work than older feminists. Women’s World Congress - Stories of struggle and success If you ever have a chance to attend a world conference of women go, you, will not regret it. It is an experience all women should have but only Gatherings like these are important for women who work the privileged few get to attend these powerful life transforming events. sometimes alone on the frontline and have a hard time In July 2011 the Women’s World Congress held its annual connecting what they do to the larger women’s movement. In conference in Ottawa and although it is usually a conference of spaces such as that which was created in Ottawa they get to see academic women they decided to bring invite women whose work t the connection, get to drink from that well of inspiration and feel they write about, women who create the knowledge that are found the wind of support on their backs from their sisters in spirit. It in our textbooks and that was a good thing. The University of is important that funding be made available so that women of all Ottawa and the Conference Centre pulsated with the women’s stripes could participate and share what they know or just to be energy which extended to the city itself I believe. part of what is happening in the world of women. There is a lot Thanks to the foresight of the Congress leadership, they happening. There is progress and there is yet so much more to presented a workshop on Cultural Awareness at this event and it do. As old issues are solved new and more challenging ones was well received. Three members of The Congress participate: present themselves to women. Antoinette Zloty, Lisa Hackett and Beatrice Watson. The issue of trafficking of women and girls, the lost women There was time for hard work, soul searching and a time for fun from our Aboriginal communities, the continuing violence against and being silly. There was a time to sing and a time cry and time to women now enabled by easy access to the media and internet, enjoy the beauty of art and a time to march the streets in support of the increasing poverty, the slippage occurring in women’s our lost Aboriginal sisters, there was a time for dancing and time for programs, women who are disabled, women who bear the brunt quiet reflection of now this then what? of men’s anger in wartime being raped and used as sexual slaves. Women came from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Canada and These are all issues that come up in these fora. How do we Europe. They converged upon the nation’s capital in wheelchairs, as women embrace our Muslim sisters while respecting their scooters, cars, air, boats and every conceivable means. It was a desire to follow the dictates of a religion that is still largely week of refreshment for the spirit. misunderstood by many who want to help. The An Aboriginal olympian articulated the issues facing Northern intersectionalities of race, class, gender, religion and cultures open and Aboriginal communities and reserves, the high rate of suicide, new vistas of complications those women must untangle to lack of resources, the negative stereotypes and lack of employment move forward as a united force. Events like the World and recreational opportunities . She said the collective trauma of the Congress of Women help to clarify and break down barriers. Aboriginal people – colonialism, genocide and residential school - It is important that we continue this journey. We are the 50 becomes part of the Aboriginal identity. “We have learned well from percent of the world and women need to be at every table where our colonial masters so well that no we are doing it to our own people.” decisions are being made. We need to be seen as agents of She thanked her mother who always encouraged them to follow their change and decision makers and not eye candy in meetings dreams “You are a Mohawk woman, you have the licence to fly as far with men in suit. Women ought to be taken seriously. and as high as you want”. It was alesson learned well for all three of her As women, and women of colour, our loyalties cut sisters have done well. across sex and gender with race, human rights and continued on p21 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 3
  • 4. Local Briefs Eight Manitoba women and director of Sarasvati Subscribe Today in the arts were recognized at this year’s Women’s Productions and Jaime Black creator of the REDress Project History Month and multidisciplinary artist. Name:_________________________________________________________ celebration at the Dancers from the Legislative Building on Contemporary School of Address:________________________________________________ October 25th, 2011, for Dance Professional Program their contribution to the and the Drive Dance Postal Code_______________ comunity and their work. Company, choreographed by Phone:_______________________ This year’s theme, Stephanie Ballard provided Women and the Arts entertainment that obviously Email address:_______________________ Working for Social Change, moved the audience. saw the display of the Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think various arts organizations Shawna Dempsey we’re doing a good job. featured in the lobby. Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. Congratulations to I Would like to receive upcoming event notices winners: Cecilia Araneda, from the Caribbean/Black/larger community - Filmmaker, Teresa by email or by phone (YES/NO) Burrows, celebrated artists and especially talented in beadwork, Roewan Crowe, Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine activist, writer and artist, 671 Rathgar Avenue, Winnipeg, Leah Decter, installations, Manitoba R3L 1G6 performance pieces, video and other digital media arts, Buffy Handel, dancer and What’s Inside choreographer, Ingrid D. Johnson, musician and writer, Hope McIntyre, Regulars: theatre and performing arts Local Briefs Gathering Global Briefs Cancer survivor uses Zizi the continuing story humour to cope with A cancer survivor of 14 Global Counselor the disease years, Bernice said laughter is the best medicine. She says Letter to my children she fills her life with happy Bernice Kwasnicki, Author Gaffin wid Buddy and cancer survivor people. There are many health Healthwise - Recipes and health tips entertained, enlightened and benefits of laughter she said inspired participants at the and advises to merge with the Leg Up - Role Model Devonishire Manitoba Women’s disease and not yield to it and Community Leader - Troy Osiname Advisory Council’s Lunch find a reason to laugh as much and Learn on Thursday as you can. For more Feature - Mrs Francis Atwell information call Bernice at October 27, at 401 York. Columnists - Neil Pitamber Ms Kwasnicki, an 832-2770 for a copy of her Lara Badmus accomplished visual artist, book. You will be sure to writer and who also dabbles laugh. Robin Dwarka in music, uses her cancer Nadia Thompson journey to teach people that Nigerian Day Celebration humour is helpful in dealing with the shock and painful New Writer to Global Eyes - Joan Schroeder discovery of a cancer Travel article Saxacali, diagnosis. Not only has she Community Philantrophist - Yisa Akinbolaji had more than one bouts of cancer, but so has her donation and exhibition sister, her daughter and her More.... 85 year old mother. Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 4
  • 5. GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Out and About GEM’s Regular Contributors Editor: Beatrice Watson Distributed to local businesses in Winnipeg and via email to individuals in Manitoba and former Manitobans in various parts of the world. To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a cheque for $15.00 to: Global Eyes Magazine 671 Rathgar Avenue Neil Pitamber, New product - Hibiscus Caribbean Shield Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Health Drink from A prolific writer, poet and owner, Phone: 204-477-1588 Nigeria Caribbean Shield All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be reprinted without the express or written permission by the author of the article in question or the Editor. Published by Global Eyes Publishing since 1990 Robin Dwarka, Board Member, Ms Padmini - MEAAC’s rep. Special thanks to Nadia Thompson, Diane Dwarka, at NICCOM’s Dinner Community Vibe Joan Schroeder, Dane Dwarka Women’s History Month Reception at the Leg. - Performance by Contemporary School of Dance Lara Badmus, LLB Discipline Counsel The Law Society of Manitoba Nadia Thompson, freelance writer Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 5
  • 6. Local briefs BLACK EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION (BEAM) HOSTS NOVA SCOTIAN AUTHOR GLORIA ANN WESLEY This young adult fiction, Chasing Freedom written by Gloria Ann Wesley is the story of a young woman struggling to discover who she is and what she can become in a world that offers her few opportunities. Can Sarah and her family find the strength and determination to persevere against all odds? This book provides an intriguing and revelatory glimpse into the early days of what is now Shelburne, and into the deplorable conditions that the newly freed slaves faced upon their arrival in Nova Scotia. Wesley depicts the stark reality of their situation: the living conditions were harsh, and while they were, in theory, Michah O’Neal, John Jack, Gloria A. Wesley and free, they by no means enjoyed any sense of equality or fair Madeline Coopsammy treatment. The story is fascinating and an important one, particularly for young readers who might be tempted to believe that black slaves who escaped to Canada found freedom and prosperity and lived happily ever after. Author, Gloria Ann Wesley treated the audience to a reading from her book and answered their questions. Additionally, local author and poet, Madeleine Coopsammy read two of her poems and Ms Micah O’Neal gave a beautiful rendition of two songs. An enjoyable evening was had by all who attended as they mingled and shared the delicious refreshments that were provided. President John Jack and Vice President Christine Forbes also presented attendees with an interesting dialogue on BEAM’s activities. Submitted by Diane Dwarka St. Vincent and The Grenadines First Annual Independence Author: Gloria Ann Wesley signing one of her books Brunch The SVGA chose a brunch over banquet to celebrate their country’s independence anniversary on October 30, at the Viscount Gort Hotel, and it turned out that many people think it is a great idea and one that ought to be adopted by other organizations. Because of the changing demographics of the Caribbean community, brunches appear to be more attractive than the usual late night dinner and dance. Most of the people who attend these events are not interested in dancing just the food and the program. I think for next year, the Association might want to try including a brief program to make the event more interesting. Having said that one of the advantages of having no program is that people got a chance to talk to each other. The food served were typical brunch foods - eggs, bacon, ham, lots of fruits and veggies. The change is welcomed. Nigerian duo performed at NICCOM’s Independence Anniversary Awards Dinner Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 6
  • 7. Editorial - Take One Do not give up on your dreams. There Martha was nominated by The Laurel Centre, that is always a way. Martha Aviles, orginally works with women who are sexually assaulted or from Nicaragua, was a professional social abused. She was the former senior counsellor at the worker in her country. She came from a Immigrant Women’s Association of Manitoba Inc. but middle class family, her father being a has worked in the field beyond the 20 plus years in medical doctor. She had a comfortable life Canada. Before she was given a chance at using her with her scientist husband who taught at the social work skills Martha worked as a Nurse’s University. They had to flee their country in 1971 because of Assistant at the St. Boniface Hospital and actually the political instablity and fear for their lives. They tended to Helen Mann. It is uncanny that years later ended up in Winnipeg andf stayed. she was to receive an honor in the same woman’s Martha was recently recognized by her peers and nominated name. It was an emotional moment for Martha and her for and won the prestigious Helen Mann Award. The Helen family especially her loving husband Francisco, who Mann Award is presented “to a person or organization who supported her returning to school to get her Masters or which has made an outstanding contribution to the Degree in Social Work from University of Manitoba. Social Work profession and/or to the field of social Congratulations to Martha Aviles a woman who work in general in the Province of Manitoba.” continually makes a difference in the lives of others. Black Odyssey - by Dr. Marion James (Immigration in the West) The Immigration in the west was Ferguson Arthur Jenkins fondly known as Fergie different in the Prairies compared to the Jenkins born December 13, 1942, was a major league British Columbia Settlement. Settlement baseball right hand pitcher. A three time all star nominee, he in Manitoba and the Prairies was not as stared his 18 year career drafted to Philadelphia Phillies dramatic as in the USA model how the playing as a relief pitcher. He then moved to Chicago Cubs West was won via western movies. as starting pitcher in 1966, then traded to Texas Rangers, Certainly the railways and lumber mills’ Boston Red Sox and then back to the Cubs. ability to provide jobs was comparable Playing in Wrigley Stadium the home of the Chicago Cubs catalyst to bring people to these frontier is seen to be biased towards batters but he was very areas. successful His No. 31 Jersey was retired in 1991. In the early 1880’s as the political and In 1971 Jenkins was the recipient of multiple sports economic climate stabilized, the quest for settlers in the west honours including Canadian Press “Come Back Player of the began. The advertising was primarily aimed at farmers in Year.” Jenkins is the only pitcvher with 300 strikeouts. Northwestern Ontario and the Manitoba and Dominion Fergie played with the Harlem Globe trotters for two government. (At that time Canada was called the Dominion of years. In baseball playoffs he was known as “Mr. October.” Canada) In 1987 he was inducted in to the Canadian Baseball Hall What they did not anticipate is that Blacks would apply. Nor of Fame and in 1991 was inducted in the American Baseball did they foresee that there would be a wave of anti-Black Hall of fame, the first Canadian to get this honour. sentiment. One or two Blacks were romantic but a hundred “a In 2007 Fergie received the Order of Canada from racial menace”. The legislative provisions laid down in the former Governor General Michaele Jean. He authored Dominion Lands Act provided homesteaders with several ways to three books and labelled a wine “Reisling” from obtain land. Rockaway Wine estate. In the big Woody Area a community north of Swan River a Fergie was overwhelmed with the recognition by the settler got three years to prove up his land that is clear 30 acres, stamp. Jenkins lives on a ranch in Oklahoma. fence his land and keep 30 livestock before the individual ownership or patent. The homesteads in Swan River were called Manitoba has Zero Tolerance for Violence $10 homesteads, the $10 being the fee paid to apply for the land Are you experiencing Vvolence in the home? which could be yours for 3 years. help is available Why the history lesson? It brings us to the year 2011 and the Call the Immigrant Women’s Counselling opportunity to highlight the two heroes Canada Post Service which is funded to help immigrant and recognized: Carrie Best and Ferguson Arthur Jenkins. Carrie Best was a descendant of Blacks in Nova Scotia and refugeee women in abusive relationships or you Ferguson Jenkins was born in Chatham Ontario but his can call The Immigrant Women’s Association of family came through the Underground Railway. They were Manitoba for alternative help -940-2172. the descendants of the 2nd and 3rd wave respectively of You do not have to suffer in silence and you are Black Immigration to Canada not alone. Help is a phone call away:414-9452 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 7
  • 8. Pioneer in Pharmacy in Black Community Frances Atwell, 88 years old, is no in spite of difficult times During ordinary woman. She graduated in that period, war veterans were Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba, returning from abroad. Having in 1948, in a class of 29, only five of experienced the wider world, whom were women. She is today, one of they had a broader perspective. the only six survivors of those graduates. Mother of seven children, Ms Atwell wearing her signature coiffed with six grandchildren and two hairdo - braided silky white hair neatly great grandchildren, Frances met pulled back - is modest about her George Atwell in 1949. Atwell, achievements, saying she has been very originally from Trinidad, had fortunate to have had the opportunity to come as a student, and arrived at work in a professional capacity to help her door looking for people, and to have worked with a group accommodation. He had been of such collegial associates, some of given her mother‘s address by a whom remain her friends to this day. friend who knew her family. For As an only child, Ms Atwell enjoyed a Frances, this was love at first privileged life. Her Mother had attended sight. Four years later they were Catholic boarding schools at convents in married. GCO St. Norbert and St. Charles communities, Ms Atwell said that her family gave piano lessons to neighbourhoodBoard always came first, though she children and played the organ at church.e m br e s m loved her career. Once she and She had become secretary of the Holy George, who has been teacher, with Family Sewing Circle, a group run by the beekeeper, and Naval Reservist, Franciscan Sisters, where immigrant womenDr. could arrange child care, she was happy to return learnt to sew clothing for family members to work. She said that back then, women were by recycling donated clothing. She hadVincent expected to return to work after having a child. become a Guider of a Polish company ofAdams She found no difficulty finding work after Girl Guides. Frances was a member of maternity. another Company of guides, where she Retired at 69 Ms Atwell says that looking back, earned her Gold Medal. Doors opened for she has to say it was a good ride. She said being Frances partly through her Mother‘s a pharmacist in her day was exciting because new associations. medical issues were emerging on the horizon, like the RH Growing up in the North End of Winnipeg, Frances blood factor, and physiotherapy, and she was a part of that. attended Machray, Immaculate Conception, Holy Ghost, “You have to keep up with the changes and be open to lifelong and St. John‘s Tech. schools. learning.” Her calling was providentially revealed to her when the While she enjoyed being a pharmacist, the one thing she did local pharmacist, Mr. Vineberg, asked her what courses not enjoy was taking care of leeches that were used to suck she was taking for her grade 12.When she mentioned bad blood from patients… That was scary” she smiled. One of chemistry and physics, he told her they were the courses the highlights of her career was being asked to go to The Pas needed for Pharmacy. A light bulb flashed in her mind, and other remote rural areas to work in their clinics or and a few days later she returned to ask him if she could hospitals. I was treated very well and the food was great. become his apprentice, which was a requirement for Asked what kind of worker she was, Ms Atwell said she entering pharmacy, he explained that he had just made “always tried to do a good job”. some changes in his pharmacy and couldn’t afford to pay She would encourage women to consider Pharmacy as a an apprentice. She would have been happy to apprentice career, because there is flexibility and a level of autonomy, with him anyway, but a few days later she got an which can work for them during childbearing years. opportunity to become a paid apprentice at St Boniface Looking back, Ms Atwell said she would not trade anything. Hospital. Life has been good to her. Charming, beautiful and poised woman, Ms Atwell by: beatrice watson remarks, “I was blessed with very sensitive classmates and professors, who supported me in my studies. She added, “Throughout my three years study, in the School What you get by achieving your of Pharmacy, the wife of the Dean, each year, invited all goals is not as important as what the females in the Faculty to a tea at her house. She says that the timing of her period of studies may you become by achieving your have somewhat enabled the ease with which she survived goals. Zig Ziglar Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 8
  • 9. Blue Torch Paper - Neil Pitamber Where should his conviction lie? Is it to the I recently re-read the 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann; re- East, where in Fiji natives worship Dakuwaga, acquainting myself with the two stanzas, between the third and the shape-shifting shark God?; is it to the West, second to last verse. The passage reads, 'And whether or not it is where the San Bushmen praise the mantis for clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. wood and fire?; Is it necessary to have Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to something to believe in if nature has an be.' Immediately I was reminded of a statement made by unalterable course? The 'Desiderata' or 'Things To Be physicist Stephen Hawking, 'It is not necessary to invoke God to Desired', neither denotes nor represents any religion yet is light the blue touch paper and set the universe alight.' For me, it more structured, more doctrinated than what is usually also lends to an idea that nature has a plan for the polar bears, offered by general poetry. It might be a hard bone to swallow and perhaps global efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect is an for some of the more devout; to accept that nature is not exercise of redundance; if, mind you, the goal is to undo what necessarily superceded or can be overruled by the judgement has been set into motion by natural decree. More likely we are of God. simply attempting to subdue the damage, but I will go on record It is not a poem by an atheist or agnostic. We do not to state 'it cannot be undone.' need proof if we choose to believe a broken branch is the It reminded me of Tom Waits 1976 ballad, 'The Piano answer to suffering; 'emotion', however, does not dictate that Has Been Drinking'; where it is clear the author struggles with that branch has come into existence simply because we the concept of existence on so many levels, and uses alcohol to believe in its regenerative power. Learning to cope with life, nullify the effect of bombardment. He personifies local objects then, does not require a religious focal point, for science in the vicinity of his piano; personification is a tool we do not suggests we are bound to perform the sequences that unfold; find in a lot of music today. It takes a lot of imagination to that the outcomes are measurable, even predictable. I make some of these things up; I encourage you to have a listen. suppose if dying is inevitable, how we go about making a As much as we believe the world has changed this difference is not anywhere near as relevant as the sincerety poem proves that the emotional resolve of mankind has we put into the effort. Jim Morrison wouldn't have to light always been the same. So what of the Caribbean man? that fire, or keep it lit. AETHER AFTER DINNER MINT TUANA-KINOA Why does the soul The air tonight is perfect... Swell up with tears My cup has Poems from the Heart Not cold enough to see my Overflowed At moments’ command? by Neil Pitamber breath Why does the blood But cold enough to subdue I’ve had enough Flush from my face Take your show offense And pool into my hands? Back on the road And your shin bones harden The bridge we walk feels like a Because You are awesome Pack it in to iron! ship You are terror magnificent Pack it up ’Til your eyes seep out with But floating above the tragic And I know You talk to me smoke! waters I’ve been diggingmyself More when I’m not And your loins have caught I don’t say very much but not Deeper to accommodate listening... on fire! Because I think my words are Your flow Screeeaaammmm! For a higher calling Your words are getting PRAYASCHITTHA You’re too beautiful for words ’Til your palms begin to Sweeter, I’ve no further Screeeaaammmm! That are too scared peel away! Left to go ’Til you’ve got full blown In a way, of falling... Scrape your knuckles on I know just how this ends cheilitis! sandpaper! Yeah, I’ve seen your style ’Til the ovula shrivels up to a pin! Then hammer your toe nails before ’Til your throat is on the ground! TENOR away! And your cervix has collapsed in! You’ll push your fingers in Sew your chest back with a Screeeaaammmm! The veins on the backs of my Your mouth to vomit on the stapler! ’Til your teeth become floor hands Screeeaaammmm! carnassial! Hold your stomach and plead! Run back into my heart Do everything, but hurt And grow out from bursting Drag me down to your knees! Devon And every direction I’ve ever them back gums Yeah, I met you as a boy turned Do anything, just let them ’Til your tongue sweats with heat! But leave here as a man! Has led me back to you... through Your fingernails grow inches Take your show Does it mean something? And allow the Lord to help long! Do we need to stop you up Back on the road Screeeaaammmm! Running from ’For they know not what And be gone! ’Til spikes pierce through the And start running to...? they do...’ heels! Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 9
  • 10. Lt. Governor hosts reception to celebrate CCOM’s 30th Anniversary Leon Hibbert Leisha Strachan Baton-twirling professional Gossipmongers: Mavis McLaren, Lola Hibbert Joy Bissoon, Crooner Victor Vaughan singing “There’s a hole in the bucket dear Liza” Anancy School Dancers CCOM had a year of celebration and showcased the community talents Caribbean Heritage Musical Instrument Steel Drum The Anancy School of Performing Arts Dancers Lennox Glasgow Drummers Jean Simmonds and Esme Stewart Lt.Governor, Hon. Philip Lee posed for a picture with CCOM’s Presidents - past and present l to r : Margaret Strachan, Barbara Sampson, Matthew Jones, Valerie Fraser, Rupert Forde, Diane Dwarka and Mary Barzey Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 10
  • 11. Regulars Letter to my children My dear children, It’s been a great month, some good some bad her life but she did not give up she stood up to the but it is about greatness. First of all the earth has powers that be, spoke up for those who didn’t have the lost a friend in Nobel Laureate Mathaai Wangari words to fight and she prevailed. Always look for who died at the tender age of 71. Her life was ways to help, you will feel happy and those you help well lived and she has left the world a better will feel happy too. It is a win win situation. place. It is said that it is not the years of life but Also during this period three women were awarded the the life in your years that matters. Nobel Prize for peace. These are women who quietly It is so important for us to be mindful of the picked up the pieces after the soldiers and terrorists legacy we will leave when we move on from this left villages and small towns. They tended to the sick, plane and to strive at all times to make a gave medicine and fed people and did not allow fear difference in the lives of others. We do not have for their own lives stop them from doing what is right. to do it on such as grand scale as Madame To me, these women are heroes and their recognition is Mathaai but sometimes it is the little things we do long overdue. Working for peace and unity is a for others that matters. Being of service is the worthwhile goal. highest calling of any human being and whenever I urge you to read about the lives of these women. we’re of service we are well. We are doing okay. They are all over the internet and learn from them what I ask you to think of Madame Wagari and let her happens when one is motivated by the need to do what be your role model. She fought to save the desert is best for mankind. of her country, faced persecution and threats to Love, mom Global Counsellor Dear globalcounsellor, comes to legal and medical translations these have to I am a 42 year old newcomer woman who be pretty accurate and these are specialty areas of suffers from HIV Aids which I contracted after I translation. I understand that you are uncomfortable was raped in the refugee camp. I do not speak with sharing private information but if this is a English well. I have a good friend who does. doctor’s office then whatever is translated has to be However, she is not allowed to translate for me. confidential. The interpreter cannot go gossiping The hospital said they have their own interpreter about your problem. It is not professional and it is and the interpreter they have is a woman from my illegal and that person can be charged for breaching country. I don’t want that woman to know about my their legal duty. You have to trust the interpreter so problem. I am afraid she will speak about my life that you can get an accurate picture of what your all over the community and I would be isolated and problems are. This person has to be able to interpret no one will want to be close to me. I want to know for you and then for the doctor as well. That’s a lot. if I do not have the right to my own interpreter. So please, you have to go along for now. Private person Dear Private Person, You have a right to your own interpreter but if A bird doesn’t sing because it the interpreter is inadequate then it would not do has an answer, it sings because it you any good and you might suffer from has a song. Maya Angelou inaccurate health diagnosis as a result. When it cont’d on p18 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 11
  • 12. In Your Back Yard Joan Lloyd singing the Black National Anthem Mary Val Barzey Fraser Leisha Strachan one of the dynamic duo emcee. The other emcee was Robin Dwarka Barbara Gary Sampson Elbers Gary and Brenda Karim and Joy Mavis and Jennifer CCOM GALA NIGHT AT VICORIA INN The Coopsammys Past Presidents received plaques for long service: top l-r _Val Fraser, Mary Barzey, Gary Elbers, Barbara Sampson (Mrs Margaret Strachan chose not to receive anaother one, having already received two previously. Margaret was President of CCOM four times. Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 12
  • 13. ….…..PIECING TOGETHER MEMORIES DID YOU KNOW….By Nadia Thompson Ok, those would be the facts that you would learn in Before I started writing this article I school or your child would come home and tell you when thought I would spend some time you ask what they learned today about history. So here are researching to come up with the exact some facts that they may have missed; did you know that wording and information I wanted to today, 71% of women with children under 18 work. In relay on women’s history. In doing so I 1975, fewer than 47% did. Most were domestic workers found a lot more information then I which was the traditional field for females. Did you know thought I would and in turn I decided to that African American singer Josephine Baker, a singer, take a different approach and try to find more facts that most dancer and actress was also working in World War II people didn’t know and even some information that would be smuggling numerous messages to French soldiers. The fun to know about… is that even possible to make learning world’s first novel, The Tale of Genji, was published in about History fun? Yes people it is! It’s all in how you look at Japan around A.D. 1000 by the female author Murasaki things. Shikibu. The first woman to win a Noble Prize was Edith Did you know…it wasn’t before the 1970’s that Women’s Wharton for the novel Age of Innocence in 1921. And my studies even existed? With the women’s movement in the 60’s personal favorite, Madam C.J. Walker born in 1867 to ex- and the political shift from old to new in the 70’s, women’s slaves, built a business empire based on her line of hair place in the world was being seen more and more and the products for black women. She is cited as the first change with evitable. Canada started officially celebrating American female to become a millionaire in her own right. Women’s History Month in October 1992. The month is Learning is so much fun! So this Women’s History Month highlighted by Person’s Day on October 18, because of the take a moment and find some fun facts of your own and historical significance of the “Persons Case” decision of celebrate by sharing your knowledge with others…I just 1929, a landmark victory in the struggle of Canadian women did. for equality. Win or Lose N for N (NOW FOR NEW) The Bold Slogan of Troy Osiname Political Hopeful Troy Osiname’s passion about giving youths (especially daughter Shya and he is determined to make a difference in underprivileged youths) a chance to self- her life. actualize led him to establish Community When did he know he wanted to Vibes, an organization dedicated to be a politician? Osiname had to bringing the voices of youth to the table think for a few minutes before and creating opportunities for youth to acknowledging that it is his passion connect and participate in community in to help youths. He said the idea a positive and constructive manner. came to him after discussions with Osiname has taken his fight one step his colleagues Robin Dwarka, further into the arena of power. Politics. Leisha Strachan and some others. He tried unsuccessfully to win the Seine “We identified the gaps in resources River constituency for the Liberal Party available to Black and Caribbean but that’s not the end of the story. “For people and asked ourselves what me it is about responsibility. It’s not would happen when community about kissing babies and dressing sharp. builders like Wade Williams, Rupert It’s about connecting with people and Forde Norma Walker and other sharing a common vision for our elders some of whom have walked province.” this road but never got there, are Asked why the Liberal Party, Osiname gone.” said it is the best fit for him. He said Dr. Osiname wants to ensure that Jon Gerard impressed him. “The liberal party has always youths have a voice in any government of which he is a provided a platform for immigrants, like my folks, and it is the part. “I want to take away the boredom in youths; to most immigrant-friendly party. Dr. Gerrard is someone I can engage youths ask them what they want, ask them about trust and he gets what I am trying to do for my community their issues; I want them to have good mentorship. The and that’s important to me.” Born in Winnipeg to Nigerian lack of mentors is prominent across the board and I want and Jamaican born parents, Osiname, 32 fathers five year old to be part of that solution. I need my elders to be involved continued on p27 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 13
  • 14. Gala Banquet concludes 30th Anniversary Celebations - Robin Dwarka them to do more in the The community - “I am sure Council of one or more of you can Caribbean be president of CCOM Organizations in the future”. of Manitoba The award (CCOM) recipients were concluded a nominated by member year of organizations of CCOM celebrations for their contributions to on CCOM, their September nominating organization, 26, 2011 with and the wider a gala community. The banquet that awardees were Amanda recognized Benson, nominated by young professionals for their contributions to the Trinidad and Tobago Society of Winnipeg; Robin Dwarka, Caribbean community and the wider community. The nominated by Hi-Life Steel Orchestra; Patricia Eko-Davis, 30th Anniversary Banquet and Honorary Service Awards nominated by Grenadian Association of Manitoba; Candace was well attended by many friends and supporters who Fardoe, nominated by CARICOM Arts and Crafts; Stacy have volunteered countless hours to keeping the Felix, nominated by Guyanese Cultural Organization; La- Caribbean culture alive and helping people in the Toya Gibbons, nominated by Jamaican Association of community since CCOM’s inception in 1981. Manitoba; and Sheri Jack, nominated by St. Vincent & the Distinguished guests from other segments of Winnipeg Grenadines Association of Manitoba. These young society were also in attendance to celebrate this wonderful professionals represent the future of CCOM and possess a occasion including Dr. Kwabena Osei-Bonsu bringing cross-section of education, skills and experience. Sheri greetings from the City of Winnipeg and the Citizens Jack, in her thank you speech, pointed out that the common Equity Council, Kenny Daodu from the Manitoba thread amongst them all was their participation and Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council, and dedication to Folklorama and the Caribbean Pavilion. This Mohammed Ismath, President of Folklorama. highlighted one of the most important things that CCOM The key note speaker was Dr. June James, long does to raise the profile of the Caribbean and the people time champion for the welfare of Caribbean and African from that region that have settled in Manitoba. peoples in Manitoba and recently retired, respected The past presidents over CCOM’s last decade physician. She provided a brief retrospective on why it were honoured with a plaque marking their terms of office. was necessary for organizations such as CCOM to be The event was emceed by Leisha Strachan and Robin formed at a time when racism was still blatant in Winnipeg. Dwarka. Hi-Life Steel Orchestra and Kyra Giesbrecht Dr. James also provided wonderful musical interludes throughout the offered advice on evening. how CCOM could continue to not only survive but thrive in the future, “the older generation has to take a hands off approach and let the 35 to 50 year age group do their own thing.” She recognized the award recipients and challenged Photos by Robin Dwarka Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 14
  • 15. Nigerian Day Celebrations The Nigerian Canada Congress of Manitoba (NICCOM) celebrated Nigeria’s 51st Independence Anniversary in the usual style of great entertainment, great food and celebrating community and youth leaders by giving out scholarships and awards to 12 students and community service awards to two organizations. Dr. Sunday Olujuku Nigerian Youth Dancers welcomed guests and promised an enjoyable Dr. Gaba said that youths should speculate that evening which he when they cross the finish line, “to be of service to delivered on. your fellow man. You will not be alone. When you Dr. Suli Garba a do the right thing in some way Nigeria is uplifted.” Dr. Suli Garba Steinbach based surgeon He said NICCOM is in the vanguard in of Nigerian ancestry, empowering Nigeria’s youths so they can be agents gave the keynote address Empowering our youths to lift up of change. “NICCOM is sowing seeds tomorrow Nigeria. they will harvest. “Youth are our leaders of tomorrow. The seed of tomorrow The 12 Scholarsh”ip winners are: Eunice Bawa, planted today. Any nation that does not invest in its youth Aisosa Arhumwunde, Moses Adebayo, Chidinma does so at its own peril” said Dr. Garba, adding that Nigerian Anyanwu, Tamuno-Omie Holy Aminadoki youths are fortunate to begin their journey in one of the best Sandra Aghahon, Toluwalope Dare, Onyinye countries of the world. “Our youths in Manitoba: you have Jessica Anyaeji, Ohenereke Ojekudo, shown up in the start line and all you have in mind is crossing Oritshegbubemi Tenumah, Moses Adebayo The the finish line.” two community awards were given to: RCMP No one dreams to fail, he said, and some of our youths do Officer David Ogungbemi (who also doubles as not reach the finish line for various reasons. He said one of Manitoba’s first and current Diversity Officer); and the obstacles they must overcome is the hurdles which may Dr. Sule Garba, a highly respected Steinbach-based include but not limited to: the internet – always in cyberspace. Surgeon. “Internet is a good servant but a bad master; bad-weather - unexpected events happens what do you do? What do you do with failure? Stressors can cheat people out of their dreams.” Dr. Gaba said that sometimes others tell youths that their dreams are unachievable and “you listen to them and down grade your dream. Yes you can.” “Stay connected with real people, your family, friends and loved ones, talk to a person seek help and seek it sooner. Call NICCOM,” he urged. “If you weather the bad storm then you cross the finish line. Some of you will finish the line as doctors, lawyers, artists, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, engineers, firefighters, police, but success is in crossing the line.” Dr. Gaba said even though we always reach for the top, when we get there we may find that it is not all that it was cracked up to be and he referred to a news item he once heard about the Beatles when asked how did it feel to be at the top of the chart for that many years and one of the Beatles said it was exciting climbing to the top but when we got there it was empty. Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 15
  • 16. BLACK ANGLOPHONE CARIBBEAN HEROES OF THE 20TH CENTURY - Keith A. P. Sandiford Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 16
  • 17. Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 17
  • 18. HEALTHWISE Breadfruit Cake 1 cup (250 mL) dry red wine 28 oz (796 mL) can diced tomatoes, Ingredients including juice 10 oz (284 mL) can undiluted chicken boiled and mashed ¾ cup breadfruit, steamed/ broth 1 cup honey 1 tsp (5 mL) dried leaf thyme ½ cup butter 2 bay leaves ½ tsp (2 mL) dried leaf oregano 1 tsp vanilla ½ cup sugar 2 cups flour ½ tsp (2 mL) salt 1 tsp baking powder basil or coriander (optional) ¼ cup (50 mL) chopped fresh parsley, 1 tsp baking soda 1. Place flour in a plastic bag. Add chicken, a few pieces at a time, shaking Natural Ways to prevent ¾ tbsp cinnamon to coat. Then heat oil in a large wide breaast cancer recurrence ½ cup sour cream saucepan set over medium heat. Add hopped ½ cup macadamia nuts, half of chicken pieces and cook until ½ cup raisins lightly browned on both sides, from 3 to 1. Limit your sugar intake – 5 minutes per side. Do not crowd pan. cancer cells thrives on sugar; sugar Method causes increase in insulin high levels of Remove chicken to a bowl. Repeat with Cream butter and honey. which have been linked to breast, remaining chicken, adding more oil, if Mix in breadfruit, sugar and prostate, colon and uterus cancers as needed. well as poor outcomes in cancer vanilla. Sift together dry 2. Meanwhile, peel carrots and chop therapies; Avoid sugar completely and ingredients. Add dry into ½-inch (1-cm) pieces. Coarsely consider supplements such as conjugated ingredients to creamy chop onion and slice celery into ½-inch linoleic acid (CLA) or alpha lipoic acid to mixture; add sour cream (1-cm) pieces. Add carrots, onion and lower insulin levels by improving your until well blended. Add nuts celery to pan once chicken has been body’s insulin response. and raisins. Pour into removed, adding more oil, if needed. 2. Prevent and reduce inflammation buttered or sprayed 8-inch x Stir in garlic. Cook, stirring often to To reduce inflammation take a minimum 8-inch cake pan. Bake at scrape up any brown bits from bottom of of four to eight grams of fish oils per day, 350º for 1 hour. pan, just until vegetables start to soften, avoid inflammatory fats (found in dairy *** from 5 to 6 minutes. Pour in wine, products, red meats, vegetable oils, and Osso bucco-style continuing to scrape up any brown bits. peanuts); chicken Stir in tomatoes, including juice, broth, 3. Maintain a healthy balance of Traditionally, osso bucco is thyme, oregano, bay leaves and salt. good and bad estrogens 3. Return chicken and accumulated There are three types of estrogen: made with braised veal juices to pan. Bring mixture to a boil. estradiol, estrone, and estriol. It is the shanks, but it could be just balance among these three types that is as tasty with juicy chicken Cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until crucial for maintaining healthy cells in the thighs instead. Toss it with a breast, ovaries, uterus, and cervix. An substantial wavy pasta and chicken is tender and almost falling off bones, from 30 to 40 minutes. Remove estronex urine test is recommended to youýve got a nourishing check the balance. Also eat more dinner that will be a hit with chicken to a clean bowl. Cover to keep warm. vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, even fussy eaters. brussel sprouts, turnips, kale, cauliflower 3 tbsp (45 mL) all-purpose 4. Increase heat to high and bring sauce and watercress. flour to a boil. Boil gently and stir often until 4. Eat flaxseed daily 12 skinless, bone-in chicken thickened, about 10 minutes. Return Take two to three tablespoons of ground thighs chicken and any accumulated juices to flaxseed daily. Try adding them to your 1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil pan. Stir in parsley, if using. Taste and oatmeal, yogurt, salads, or smoothies. The 3 carrots add more seasonings, if needed. Discard fibre in the flaxseeds is also great for 1 large onion bay leaves. Serve over rice or noodles. reducing inflammation. 2 celery stalks Osso bucco will keep well, covered and Recommended by Natasha Turner, N.D. 4 garlic cloves, minced refrigerated, up to 2 days or freeze up a naturopathic doctor, Chatelaine to 1 month. magazine columnist Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 18
  • 19. Leg Up Guyanese Immigrant a Shining Role Model Terrie Lynne Devonish’s encounter with racism at an added PEACH early age moulded the woman she became. (Promoting Education Considered a role model for the new generation of and Community immigrants, Devonish, successfully broke through the glass Health to the list. ceiling to become the first ever chief counsel for Aon Canada Inc. A committed community volunteer, Devonish is Laurel Wright, particularly keen on advocating for young black students. Daughter of Guyanese immigrant parents Lynette and Sylvan Makerere University Engineering Monica Rhiney and Violet Clacken Devonish, who migrated from the old country in 1964 to seek students produced first Electric a better life for their children, Devonish in 2008 was recognized among the top under 40 best and brightest in Car in Uganda Canada. She was chosen as one of nine finalists from a Students of nomination pool of 1600 contestants. Makerere University’s A graduate of Osgood Law School, Devonish worked at Engineering, Arts and several firms before she got on board Aon, a risk management Technology Program is services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human ready to test drive capital consulting in over 120 countries worldwide. Uganda’s first electric Devonish said when she was growing up, she did not car. know a single lawyer except the ones on TV who did not With a budget of look like her. She said mentorship was a big part of her $4.5 million Shilling and success and she is returning the favour big time. She over a two year period, the students were able to deliver volenteers in several organizations in Toronto and as promised. The team leader, Mr Paul Musasizi, said the car is a clear demonstration of existence of innovation and skill at the university. Most parts of the car including the core body and combustion system were designed and built Can’t find a salon to do locally with the assistance of local craftsmen in places justice to your hair? such as Katwe, an innovation suburb in Kampala. Two-seater with a theoretical speed of 200km/hr and Look no more! 150km/hr practically because of its light weight this little car can be charged after running 80km. “We named it Kiira EV because we are fascinated about green energy and the first electricity generation in Uganda was at Kiira,” Mr Musasizi said . will send you satisfied everytime Les Touche Salon 4-555 Balmoral Ave Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. Phone: 947-5830 Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 19
  • 20. Zizi - The Continuting Story Zizi left Jonny’s placed and felt as if she is being attack suddenly. Am I cut out for this? followed. She walked back to Portage place and sat at a ”It takes getting used to” table. She felt the weight of eyes upon her back, and she Leyroy picked up some Kentucky fried chicken and chips did not want that person to see her with Leyroy. She did and slaw.” They had a quiet night, talked late into the night not give him the signal that it was safe for him to come and had a good laugh over everything. Leyroy and Zizi over. strategized about picking up the stuff from Johnny. Zizi got up and walked over to get a cup of Coffee and Zizi was up bright and early ready to get ready for her scanned the place sneakily to see if she recognized small sting operation. She turned on CBC as she usually someone. She got her coffee and walked out and got on does to get a scoop on what’s new in crime in the City. the bus careful that she was not followed. As soon as she Zizi heard that a woman was found with a bullet wound at got on the bus, she texted Leyroy to tell him to meet her at the back of her head. The report said it is like an execution St. Vital Mall. type of killing. The woman’s identity was not revealed but .Leyroy texted Zizi when he was in the North Parking lot. according to all she heard, that woman sounded much like Zizi felt fear for no reason. She felt uneasy in her the one Zizi met at Portage Place and who introduced her to stomach. She was happy to throw herself in Leyroy’s Johnny. Zizi woke up Leyroy and told him of her suspicion. arms, as soon as she got into the car. Zizi was now more determined to keep her appointment with Johnny to see what she could find out. “You’re shaking” Leyroy said holding her to his chest. Johnny was not there. Zizi checked out his apartment, “What went down there man?” and everything was gone. It was as if Johnny never existed. ”Nothing, I just felt like a panic attack. I feel I am being He was gone. Nada. This created a buzz in the Force and followed” Zizi. ”Are you freaking out on me? Is this job getting to you Zizi and Leyroy took a trip down to the Coroner’s office already? to look at the body of the woman. As she suspected it was ”No, I have a hunch that someone was watching me her new “friend.” Zizi throat tightened as she looked away. and suddenly there was this fear that overwhelmed me. I “it’s her.” “Why, what did she do?” think the girl who led me to Johnny might be in trouble. ”you never know. She probably did something unrelated to She stayed back, and I left alone. you, maybe she tried to steal something from them or ”Okay, I think we’re okay let’s go home, have a drink messed up the protocol. We’ve got to help nail this guy. and unwind. Things got a big spooky there” We’ve got our work cut out for us.” “Let’s head down to ”Yeah, I just had this weird feeling, almost like a panic the Mall” NEWS Canada needs a comprehensive home care system Canadian governments need to plan how they will divorce, remarriage and blended families may also affect the address the increasing care needs of an aging population, availability of informal care.” particularly as they prepare to renew the federal provincial Canada needs a formal, long-term home care system that is health accord in 2014. integrated with other services – such as health and social “Developing a comprehensive long-term home care support, residential care and certain community services – so system is both necessary and cost-effective. It is the most that individuals who need care do not fall through the cracks appropriate option for an aging society,” argues a new study and can easily move from one service to the next whenever published by the Institute for Research on Public Policy. necessary, according to Chappell. In Population Aging and the Evolving Care Needs of Older “The long-term home care system also needs to link and Canadians: An Overview of the Policy Challenges, author partner with the community to form a support network for and gerontologist Neena Chappell analyzes the main health informal caregivers and care recipients.” and social policy challenges raised by population aging in the This study is the first in a series of IRPP studies that will focus areas of informal care, formal care and prevention. on seniors’ care issues. Later this fall, a study by Harvey “The current health care system provides services to Lazar examines the federal government’s role in the provision dependent elderly Canadians only when family care is of care for seniors, and Janice Keefe’s study looks more unavailable or insufficient,” Chappell notes. specifically at the policy challenges with regards to support for “But in the coming years, more seniors will struggle to find family caregivers. the care they need. Lower fertility rates, increasing rates of (IRRP- Instituted for Research and Public Policy) Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 20
  • 21. Women’s World Congress continued from p3 colonialism. We cannot separate our issues from that of our males in some areas of our lives, for with them we share the Muslims are not a singular monolithic community. The burden of racism and discrimination of a colonial legacy that stereotype out there is “we can’t rule and that wives are left both genders wanting. It is something that European powerless” “Islam gave rights to women in the 7th century y to women have to come to grips with for these sentiments vote to an identity, involve in political discourse “today there is no were clearly articulated by women in several of the rule for women, men have taken over and used their patriarchal workshops. philosophy to undermine women’s power Muslim women had rights before the Taliban. Muslim She said the educated woman knows her rights; they can women are accomplished and highly educated. The religion interpret the Koran and do not have to go along with men’s provides for the equal treatment of women but patriachy interpretation of the Text. gets in the way. One speaker felt that the West appeared The women with disability was a vital and prominent presence obsessed with women’s choice in wearing the veil. The veil at the Congress also was the Aboriginal women’s presence two does not signify lack of power to many Muslim. groups that were historically left out of discussions 400 years ago women could own property and go to war There needs to be inclusive pedagogy and professors were and speak freely. We have to separate religion from politics asked to make their lectures more accessible. One woman with a and at the same time we cannot separate religion from our disability said that “we’re seen as a nuisance and was surprised culture just as in the west which is steep in Christian that she was given a chance to speak on the panel”. tradition the Arab nations cultural traditions come out of their religion but men in power have used it to try to control Black women on the move women and that is a separate issue. Aboriginal Women depicting layered oppression Participants at the Congress of Black Women. Manitoba workshop on Cultural Awareness at Women’s World Congress Thank you but there is work to be done I would like to personally thank everyone who helped me during the election; the experience was grand and great education. There are many solid partnerships that have come then we can openly agree or agree to disagree but at least out of it and I’m counting on all those who have partnered to we’ve started talking. I’m neither dismayed nor confused and play an intricate role in moving upward, not only with me but I’m not going no where, so let’s go to work. with each other collectively. I hope our community realizes If there is one disappointment I have it is this, it is time the importance of putting together an organized constituency/ for some of our elders who see and know to come from movement not for politics alone but for our families. We must behind the curtain, stop watching and act. I say this with work in unity to create a better response toward a respect and boldness... you’re not dead so the work can not concentrated thought but I need your help! Believe it or not it stop besides the young have lost hope through that action. Its was more important to me to grab your attention than to time that our young professionals stop complaining- find simply win or lose, the thought is to create energy rather than their talent even if that talent is in some one else you can’t boast of it or from it. I hunger for more not from a always be the man/woman but you can stand beside them. I materialistic value or individualism but for a change that is heard a lot since the creation of C.V. and I think its about possible once we can all agree. Methods are debatable, leaders time the negativity cease. are interchangeable. Challenges are ahead because of opinion and free thought but if we can start by concentrated thought Troy Osiname Global Eyes Magazine Fall 2011 21