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      BUSINESS & FINANCE                                                                                                           JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002        GH¢5.00

   The ECO:
   A common currency
   (page 41)
                                                                                                                                                  Kweku Awotwi
                                                                                                                                                  CEO, Volta River Authority

                                              Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
                                              President of Liberia
                                                                                                                               Ghana's oil:
                                                                                                                               Zero gas-flaring
   John Atta Mills
   President of Ghana
                                                                                                                                 to bring lower
                                                                                                                                cost electricity
                                                                                                                                 to West Africa
                                              Yahya Jammeh
                                              President of The Gambia

                                                                                                                                                              (page 15)
   Ernest Bai Koroma
   President of Sierra Leone

                                              Goodluck Jonathan
                                                                                                                           The Ivorian Crisis
                                              President of Nigeria
                                                                                                                     An economic gain for Ghana?
                                                                                                                                                                  (page 46)

USA.......................$5.00    EUROPE............... E4.00   CFA ZONE...... CFA 2,500       SOUTH AFRICA.........R25
UK.........................£3.00   AUSTRALIA......... A$7.50     NIGERIA.................N500   SOUTHERN AFRICA...R25

     THE FIRST BUSINESS READ IN GHANA                                                                          Follow us online at
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Bang & Olufsen Ghana Ltd., F893/2 Ring Road East, Danquah Circle Osu- Accra
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                                                                                            BUSINESS & FINANCE                                             JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002

   Managing Editor
   Mark A. Kwateng

   Special Reports Editor
   Evans Boah-Mensah
   Copy Editor
   Nana Spio-Garbrah
   Contributors                                                                                      Leader
   Emilie Norkor Kinkan
   Raphael Adeniran                                                                      5.....      To collateralise or not to
   Fred Alipui                                                                                       collateralise -That is the question!
   Nana Robert Mensah                                                                                The key debate in the Parliament of
   Director, Sales & Marketing                                                                       Ghana late last year on whether or not
   Martino Kashif                                                                                    to use the country's petro-carbon resources                                                                         as collateral for loans has brought to the
   Deputy Manager, Marketing                                                                         fore the possibility of exploring other
   Michel Kouassigan                                                                                 tradable national assets that could be                                                                     securitised for the same purpose.
   Deputy Manager, Circulation & Subscriptions                                                                                                                     Energy: The role that Volta River
   Josiah Spio-Garbrah                                                                                                                                             Authority (VRA), was going to                                                                   Bulletins                                                     play as the anchor customer for
   Editorial Committee                                                                   8.....      The economy this month                                        gas. Page 15
   Prof. Paul N. Buatsi                                                                              Get updates on Ghana's new global
   Prof. Kwame Addo                                                                                  reform status, fresh economic policies
   Mr. Gaddy Laryea
   Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah                                                                            and other socio-economic trends.
   Mr. Ray de Bono
   Nana Robert Mensah                                                                    11..... Business & finance this month
   Mr. Fredrick Alipui                                                                           Check out which companies are getting
   Ms. Susie Efua Kotoku                                                                         listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange,
   Ms. Johanna Awotwi                                                                            those announcing their final results
   Ms. Dede-Esi Amanor-Wilks                                                                     as well as those getting back in business
   Dr. Stephen Ayidiya                                                                           after a long break.
   Mr. Sam Fletcher
   Office Location:
   Ghana Business & Finance
   African Business Media                                                                            Energy
   House No. 7,                                                                          15..... VRA positions Ghana as
   Lamb Street (Off Farrar Avenue)                                                               West Africa's power hub                                           Insurance: Time to deepen
   Adabraka, Accra                                                                                                                                                 insurance penetration in Ghana.
   Ghana                                                                                         The policy of zero gas-flaring in Ghana's
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 26
                                                                                                 oil fields has brought into sharp focus the
   Mailing Address:                                                                              strategic importance of the Volta River
   P.O. Box 0772, Osu, Accra, Ghana                                                              Authority to generate low cost electricity
   Tel: +233 302 240 786                                                                         for Ghana and the entire sub-region
   Fax: +233 302 240 783                                                                         through the West Africa Power Pool                                                                      project.                                                                            Banking
                                                                                         18..... Banks complete phase one
                                                                                                 of recapitalisation
   Branding, Layout & Design of the
                                                                                                 The first deadline for the phased
   “Ghana Business & Finance” magazine                                                           recapitalisation of Ghana's banks
   by Dmax Studios in Malta, EU. (                                                   was reached December 31, 2010
                                                                                                 and some banks may need to raise
   CEO & Art Director                                                                                                                                              Property & real estate: Sold
   Ray de Bono
                                                                                                 additional capital urgently in order                              before even reaching completion.                                                                                   to meet the second phase deadline                                 Page 22
                                                                                                 of December 31, 2012.
   Senior Designer-in-Charge of Publication
   Sasha Vella
   Project Coordinator
   Shaun Caruana
   Studio Support Executive
   (in charge of GB&F Online)
   Jonathan Galea
   IT Strategy Director
   Uwe Schoenfeld                                                                             Subscribe online at
                                                                                                                             or please refer to page 10

                                                                                                                                                                         Contents continued overleaf
All information contained within this magazine is the property of Ghana Business & Finance and is not to be used without written authorisation from

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technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Ghana Business & Finance assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this publication or other
documents that are referenced by or linked to this publication.                                                                                                              BUSINESS & FINANCE
    BUSINESS & FINANCE                              JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002

        Property & real estate                               GB&F                                                 Aviation
22..... Bright prospects for housing                 32..... Ghana Business & Finance                    44..... New Accra route posts
        in Ghana                                             magazine launched                                   record success for Virgin Atlantic
        Investors have long discovered that if               The launch ceremony of Ghana's first                With recovery in sight for many global
        one can get an acre of land in a prime               global business publication was aired               businesses following the recent world
        location in Accra, and pay even                      live on Metro TV and attracted                      economic crisis, Virgin Atlantic shares
        US$ 500,000 to US$1 million for it, one              the nation's top-tier media audience.               its remarkable success story in Ghana.
        can put up between 6-10 luxury
        condominiums and apartments. These
        apartments can cost an average of                    Telecom                                              Politics
        US$ 100,000 for one or two bedrooms,
        and up to US$ 500,000 for 3-4 bedrooms       34..... Internet pioneers leave                     46..... The impact of the Ivorian Crisis
        or penthouse suites and most are sold                the playground to                                   on Ghana
        even before they reach completion.                   the next generation                                 The ongoing Ivorian constitutional-
                                                             The early entrepreneurs who ventured                political crisis that began after the
                                                             into setting and providing residential              November 28, 2010 presidential runoff
        Insurance                                            internet services in Ghana have almost              may have an impact on Ghana.
                                                             all moved on to different sectors or to             Considering that during the Ivorian
26..... Micro-insurance takes                                more elaborate IT applications and                  civil war in 2004, the effect on Ghana
        centre stage                                         systems.                                            was positive as it diverted cargo shipment
        Following the rebasing of the Ghana's                                                                    from ports in Côte d'Ivoire to Ghana,
        national accounts in November 2010                   But did they choose to jump to better               should the latter country be worried
        which disclosed that the service sector              opportunities or they were pushed out               that the current crisis might affect its
        had overtaken agriculture as the highest             of the still lucrative internet services            economic fortunes?
        contributor to the country's Gross                   market?
        Domestic Product, the insurance
        regulator, believes it is time to deepen                                                                  Stock market
        insurance penetration in Ghana.                      Manufacturing                               51..... Ghana's Stock Market looks up
        Is the anticipated expansion in the          38..... Industrialists' concerns about                      to a good 2011
        insurance industry going to come from                2011 budget                                         Activity on the Ghana Stock Exchange
        catering to the growing number of small              Government's budget for the first year              is expected to gather more momentum
        and medium scale businesses?                         of Ghana's oil economy, 2011, promised              this year than it did last year, in the light
                                                             to stimulate growth and create jobs for             of both fundamental and technical signs
                                                             the people, but not many local                      of bullishness analysts see in the market.
        ICT Investment                                       industrialists seem to agree that the
                                                             policies it contains are business and
28..... Cape Coast ICT park project                          investor friendly.                                   Mining
        gears up for take off
        Examples abound of cities around the                                                             54..... Akwatia diamonds spark fresh
        world which have succeeded in using                  Ecowas                                              investor interest
        technology to provide world-class                                                                        The Eastern Regional town of Akwatia,
        facilities in electronics, precision         41..... The ECO: a common currency                          home of once world's famous Ghana
        engineering and bio-technology to create             phantasm or certainty?                              Consolidated Diamonds Limited (GCD)
        jobs for local entrepreneurs.                        The plan by the Economic Community                  and West Africa's biggest industrial
                                                             of West Africa States to have a common              diamonds mining concern, could
        Can Ghana replicate this with the                    monetary union with a single currency               spring with renewed life and vigour
        prospect of an ICT park that promises                has been put forward several times,                 as the government's Divestiture
        to transform the country's Central                   leaving business people, cross-border               Implementation Committee is close
        Regional capital, Cape Coast, known                  traders and financial analysts sometimes,           to identifying a technically and
        for its abundant slave trade relics, into            wondering when the proverbial 'old                  financially capable investor to
        a knowledge capital?                                 lady' will finally shove off her 'stick'.           take over GCD's operations.

4     GHANA
                                                                      VRA positions Ghana
                                                                      as West Africa's
                                                                      power hub: with gas
                                                                      generation, the days
                                                                      of lower-cost electricity
                                                                      are expected
                                                                      As the first barrel of crude oil poured from
                                                                      the belly of Ghana's Jubilee field last December,
                                                                      attention was drawn to the massive natural gas
                                                                      potential associated with it and the role the state-
                                                                      run generator of electricity, the Volta River
                                                                      Authority (VRA), was going to play as
                                                                      the anchor customer for that gas.

Kweku Awotwi, CEO of VRA

              he policy of zero gas-flaring in Ghana's oil fields      When the segment from Côte d'Ivoire to Togo is completed,
              has been hailed by many as the answer to a cheaper       VRA can send a lot of electricity with very little loss across the
              source of electricity not just for Ghana but also        sub-region. Where previously VRA sent electricity up to the north
              for the whole sub-region through the West Africa         and ran it on a 161KV line and got a 4% loss, VRA now runs it
              Power Pool, a project which enables countries in         on a 330KV line and the loss should be less than 2%. This means
              the sub-region with excess power to export to those      when the new transmission lines are completed, electricity could
that have shortfalls. "Ghana is very fortunate to be where it is in    be sent all the way to Niger and Mali on a 330KV line with very
West Africa. We are geographically in the centre of West Africa.       little loss.
Furthermore, we are on the coast and we are enjoying the benefits
of the almost completed West Africa gas pipeline which is a            "The new line has already improved reliability of service. Whereas
demonstration of the kind of regional collaboration that we can        previously the 161KV line could get over-loaded, now with the
do," Kweku Awotwi, CEO of VRA told GB&F in an exclusive                330KV we have extra reserve. It's like a road, the broader it is,
interview.                                                             the more cars can go through," Awotwi explained.

"Nigerian gas is moving 400 miles to Ghana and we are getting          "The next two lines will connect our western neighbours, from
90% of that gas. Now Ghana has found gas in her own backyard           Côte d'Ivoire to Sierra Leone, and beyond. It is the early days but
with the prospect of finding even more.”                               I think the hope is that within 10 years, all of West Africa will be
                                                                       inter-connected with transmission lines," he said.
“Today, even at a fairly high price, gas is half the cost of what      However, back home, the VRA is faced with daunting challenges
VRA pays for crude oil. If VRA's crude bill was US$40 million          of old infrastructure and insufficient funding for investment from
this month, gas comes in at US$20 million. And if you consider         government.
that the crude oil bill alone constitutes 80% of the electricity
tariff, then if the gas continues to come then we could generate       "The fact of the matter is that a good chunk of our current
electricity at a lower cost," Awotwi said. The first segment of the    network, as much as 40% in some cases, is 40 years old. There
West Africa power pool inter-connection, called the Aboadze-           is another good chunk which is 20 years old and here we are with
Volta line, has just been activated. It is a 330 kilovolt (KV) line    electricity demand growing annually at 10% or more and we have
which was energised in the last quarter of 2010 to serve as a          not kept pace. So what we have found is that, the ordinary man
supplementary line to the existing 161KV line which is what is         on the street bears the brunt of this under-investment and poor
available in Ghana.                                                    service," said Awotwi.

                                                                                                                    BUSINESS & FINANCE

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of corporate Ghana, to research the micro and macroeconomic trends, themes, and technological
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Busi Globa
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                                                                                        Banks complete
                                                                                               Phase One
                                                                                       of recapitalisation:
                                                                                            Capital raising
                                                                                        needed urgently
                                                                                           for Phase Two
                                                                                                   The first deadline for the
                                                                                                      phased recapitalisation
                                                                                              of Ghana’s banks was reached
                                                                                                    December 31, 2010 and
                                                                                             the country’s banking industry
                                                                                                    regulator must be happy
                                                                                                     that so far all the banks
                                                                                                         have met their new
                                                                                                               capital targets.

          The Cedi House where the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) is housed. Some banks may use the GSE to raise funds to meet new capital targets

                        he on-going recapitalisation exercise of all 26 banks     “We don’t have a difficulty as a bank in meeting the new capital
                        in Ghana is set out in two phases and aims to             targets. If you look at our audited financials for 2009, you will
                        dramatically improve the core capital of the industry     see that we have our stated capital at GH¢50 million already.
                        from a previous minimum per bank of just                  So, all we need between now and 2012 is to top up with
                        GH¢10 million to GH¢60 million (US$40 million).           GH¢10 million. And we have a significant amount of funds
                                                                                  in income surplus which we can transfer to our stated capital
          The first phase required that all majority locally-owned banks          to satisfy the requirement,” Stephen Kpordzih, Managing
          achieve a minimum core capital of GH¢25 million                         Director of Agricultural Development Bank (ADB), told
          (US$16.6 million) by the end of 2010 and that all majority foreign-     GB&F in an interview.
          owned banks raise theirs to GH¢60 million (US$40 million) by
          that time. In the latter case though, two foreign banks that opened     “We have a three year programme to increase our capital (from
          their doors in 2008, BSIC Ghana and Bank of Baroda, have up             profit retention) to GH¢100 million. And we intend to do that
          to the end of 2011 to recapitalise, having been given a special         by transferring another GH¢50 million from our income
          dispensation by the Bank of Ghana.                                      surplus account between now and 2012.” Kpordzih added.

          However, the other 10 foreign-controlled banks and the                  Of the local banks that still need to raise new capital, only
          14 majority Ghanaian-owned ones have all met their respective           two, HFC Bank and UT Bank, are already publicly listed.
          stipulated new capital targets.                                         Ghana Commercial Bank, another Ghanaian-controlled bank,
                                                                                  is also publicly listed but does not need to raise new capital
          Now though, comes the hard part. Over the next two years, the           on account of the fact that it is one of the most heavily
          14 Ghanaian-controlled banks will have to raise their own capital       capitalised banks in the country with a capital base far
          base to GH¢60 million, to complete the second phase of the              exceeding GH¢60 million.
          recapitalisation exercise and bring them at par with their foreign
          counterparts.                                                           However, some of the other 11 local banks would
                                                                                  desperately need to look for ways to meet their new
          For many of the Ghanaian controlled banks which are small to            capital targets to complete the second and final phase
          medium sized and that have only recently raised their capital to        of the recapitalisation exercise. One of the most obvious
          GH¢25 million, this means having to more than double their              ways to do this would be to seek listing on the Ghana Stock
          respective capital bases within a relatively short period.              Exchange.

          18    GHANA
                BUSINESS & FINANCE
                                                                                 BUSINESS & FINANCE

                                                                               first global
                                                                               business read.

GB&F reaches prestigious audiences across Ghana's public and private business and economic
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                         Bright prospects for housing in Ghana
                         A casual drive through downtown Accra these days shows many luxury condominiums and
                         apartments sprouting up. These apartments can cost an average of US$100,000 for one or two
                         bedrooms, and up to US$500,000 for 3-4 bedrooms or penthouse suites. Most are sold even before
                         they reach completion.

                         Premium apartments are the preferred choice for expatriates and Ghanaian returnees from abroad

                                          iscerning investors have long discovered that if         In addition, the association wants tax exemptions on imported
                                          you can get an acre of land in a prime residential       materials for construction.
                                          location in Accra, and pay between US$500,000
                                          and US$1 million for it, you can sub-divide the          Before government had time to consider GREDA’s proposal,
                                          property and build between 6-10 homes on it,             the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT)
                                          and sell the homes for a total of more than US$3-        announced plans to build a housing project for its
                         US$5 million, and make a tidy profit in less than two years. This         members and has called on the government to grant it similar
                         practice has placed excessive demand pressure on prime lands in           concessions as requested by GREDA.
                         Accra, and also increased the rents of ordinary people in most
                         suburbs of Accra. Ghana’s upmarket housing sector continues               If the government heeds calls by these groups, granting tax
                         to grow quickly and keeps attracting more investment from both            waivers and specific construction concessions, the floodgates
                         local and foreign companies. The recent signing of a                      will open. Members of various labour unions and other entities
                         US$10 billion housing deal between the government and the                 currently bear the brunt of exorbitant rent charges from
                         South Korea-based real estate developer STX, is seen as the               landlords who take advantage of the supply shortfall to charge
                         needed catalyst to open up more business opportunities at the             usurious fees for their heavily sought-after accommodations.
                         lower end of the property market, for flats or apartments priced
                         in the US$30,000 to US$60,000 range, and bring more vibrancy              According to Kojo Addo-Kuffour, CEO of a local mortgage
                         and growth to the housing sector.                                         company, Ghana Home Loans, even if these new developments
                                                                                                   planned across the country came to fruition, they would hardly
                         The government’s active involvement in the housing sector in              meet the growing demand, a significant part of which comes
                         2010 has already started motivating the private sector to show            from the increasing number of middle income earners in the
                         interest. Some labour unions are considering putting their member         country and Ghanaians resident abroad who are returning home
                         dues into real estate investments. The Ghana Real Estate                  or want second homes in Ghana.
                         Developers Association (GREDA) is planning a massive housing
                         project and has asked government for some concessions.                    Various experts, including GREDA and the Ministry of Water
                                                                                                   Resources, Works and Housing, put annual demand for home
                         GREDA wants the government to grant it a sovereign guarantee              units at about 100,000 units. On the supply side, all efforts by
                         for securing the funding to construct 300,000 units of housing            developers put together hardly add up to 70,000 units annually
                         estimated at a total cost of US$7 billion over the next decade.           on average, leaving an annual shortfall of about 30,000 units.

                         22    GHANA
                               BUSINESS & FINANCE

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  • 1. A M O N T H L Y M A G A Z I N E BUSINESS & FINANCE JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002 GH¢5.00 The ECO: A common currency fantasy? (page 41) Kweku Awotwi CEO, Volta River Authority Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President of Liberia Ghana's oil: Zero gas-flaring John Atta Mills President of Ghana to bring lower cost electricity to West Africa Yahya Jammeh President of The Gambia (page 15) Ernest Bai Koroma President of Sierra Leone Goodluck Jonathan The Ivorian Crisis President of Nigeria An economic gain for Ghana? (page 46) USA.......................$5.00 EUROPE............... E4.00 CFA ZONE...... CFA 2,500 SOUTH AFRICA.........R25 UK.........................£3.00 AUSTRALIA......... A$7.50 NIGERIA.................N500 SOUTHERN AFRICA...R25 THE FIRST BUSINESS READ IN GHANA Follow us online at
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  • 3. GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002 Managing Editor Mark A. Kwateng Contents Special Reports Editor Evans Boah-Mensah Copy Editor Nana Spio-Garbrah Contributors Leader Emilie Norkor Kinkan Raphael Adeniran 5..... To collateralise or not to Fred Alipui collateralise -That is the question! Nana Robert Mensah The key debate in the Parliament of Director, Sales & Marketing Ghana late last year on whether or not Martino Kashif to use the country's petro-carbon resources as collateral for loans has brought to the Deputy Manager, Marketing fore the possibility of exploring other Michel Kouassigan tradable national assets that could be securitised for the same purpose. Deputy Manager, Circulation & Subscriptions Energy: The role that Volta River Josiah Spio-Garbrah Authority (VRA), was going to Bulletins play as the anchor customer for Editorial Committee 8..... The economy this month gas. Page 15 Prof. Paul N. Buatsi Get updates on Ghana's new global Prof. Kwame Addo reform status, fresh economic policies Mr. Gaddy Laryea Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah and other socio-economic trends. Mr. Ray de Bono Nana Robert Mensah 11..... Business & finance this month Mr. Fredrick Alipui Check out which companies are getting Ms. Susie Efua Kotoku listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange, Ms. Johanna Awotwi those announcing their final results Ms. Dede-Esi Amanor-Wilks as well as those getting back in business Dr. Stephen Ayidiya after a long break. Mr. Sam Fletcher Office Location: Ghana Business & Finance African Business Media Energy House No. 7, 15..... VRA positions Ghana as Lamb Street (Off Farrar Avenue) West Africa's power hub Insurance: Time to deepen Adabraka, Accra insurance penetration in Ghana. Ghana The policy of zero gas-flaring in Ghana's Page 26 oil fields has brought into sharp focus the Mailing Address: strategic importance of the Volta River P.O. Box 0772, Osu, Accra, Ghana Authority to generate low cost electricity Tel: +233 302 240 786 for Ghana and the entire sub-region Fax: +233 302 240 783 through the West Africa Power Pool project. Banking 18..... Banks complete phase one of recapitalisation Branding, Layout & Design of the The first deadline for the phased “Ghana Business & Finance” magazine recapitalisation of Ghana's banks by Dmax Studios in Malta, EU. ( was reached December 31, 2010 and some banks may need to raise CEO & Art Director Property & real estate: Sold Ray de Bono additional capital urgently in order before even reaching completion. to meet the second phase deadline Page 22 of December 31, 2012. Senior Designer-in-Charge of Publication Sasha Vella Project Coordinator Shaun Caruana Studio Support Executive (in charge of GB&F Online) Jonathan Galea IT Strategy Director Uwe Schoenfeld Subscribe online at or please refer to page 10 Contents continued overleaf All information contained within this magazine is the property of Ghana Business & Finance and is not to be used without written authorisation from GHANA the publishers. Although every effort is made to ensure the correctness of information submitted for publication, the magazine may inadvertently contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Ghana Business & Finance assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this publication or other documents that are referenced by or linked to this publication. BUSINESS & FINANCE 3
  • 4. GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE JAN - FEB 2011 / ISSUE 002 Contents Property & real estate GB&F Aviation 22..... Bright prospects for housing 32..... Ghana Business & Finance 44..... New Accra route posts in Ghana magazine launched record success for Virgin Atlantic Investors have long discovered that if The launch ceremony of Ghana's first With recovery in sight for many global one can get an acre of land in a prime global business publication was aired businesses following the recent world location in Accra, and pay even live on Metro TV and attracted economic crisis, Virgin Atlantic shares US$ 500,000 to US$1 million for it, one the nation's top-tier media audience. its remarkable success story in Ghana. can put up between 6-10 luxury condominiums and apartments. These apartments can cost an average of Telecom Politics US$ 100,000 for one or two bedrooms, and up to US$ 500,000 for 3-4 bedrooms 34..... Internet pioneers leave 46..... The impact of the Ivorian Crisis or penthouse suites and most are sold the playground to on Ghana even before they reach completion. the next generation The ongoing Ivorian constitutional- The early entrepreneurs who ventured political crisis that began after the into setting and providing residential November 28, 2010 presidential runoff Insurance internet services in Ghana have almost may have an impact on Ghana. all moved on to different sectors or to Considering that during the Ivorian 26..... Micro-insurance takes more elaborate IT applications and civil war in 2004, the effect on Ghana centre stage systems. was positive as it diverted cargo shipment Following the rebasing of the Ghana's from ports in Côte d'Ivoire to Ghana, national accounts in November 2010 But did they choose to jump to better should the latter country be worried which disclosed that the service sector opportunities or they were pushed out that the current crisis might affect its had overtaken agriculture as the highest of the still lucrative internet services economic fortunes? contributor to the country's Gross market? Domestic Product, the insurance regulator, believes it is time to deepen Stock market insurance penetration in Ghana. Manufacturing 51..... Ghana's Stock Market looks up Is the anticipated expansion in the 38..... Industrialists' concerns about to a good 2011 insurance industry going to come from 2011 budget Activity on the Ghana Stock Exchange catering to the growing number of small Government's budget for the first year is expected to gather more momentum and medium scale businesses? of Ghana's oil economy, 2011, promised this year than it did last year, in the light to stimulate growth and create jobs for of both fundamental and technical signs the people, but not many local of bullishness analysts see in the market. ICT Investment industrialists seem to agree that the policies it contains are business and 28..... Cape Coast ICT park project investor friendly. Mining gears up for take off Examples abound of cities around the 54..... Akwatia diamonds spark fresh world which have succeeded in using Ecowas investor interest technology to provide world-class The Eastern Regional town of Akwatia, facilities in electronics, precision 41..... The ECO: a common currency home of once world's famous Ghana engineering and bio-technology to create phantasm or certainty? Consolidated Diamonds Limited (GCD) jobs for local entrepreneurs. The plan by the Economic Community and West Africa's biggest industrial of West Africa States to have a common diamonds mining concern, could Can Ghana replicate this with the monetary union with a single currency spring with renewed life and vigour prospect of an ICT park that promises has been put forward several times, as the government's Divestiture to transform the country's Central leaving business people, cross-border Implementation Committee is close Regional capital, Cape Coast, known traders and financial analysts sometimes, to identifying a technically and for its abundant slave trade relics, into wondering when the proverbial 'old financially capable investor to a knowledge capital? lady' will finally shove off her 'stick'. take over GCD's operations. 4 GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE
  • 5. ENERGY VRA positions Ghana as West Africa's power hub: with gas generation, the days of lower-cost electricity are expected As the first barrel of crude oil poured from the belly of Ghana's Jubilee field last December, attention was drawn to the massive natural gas potential associated with it and the role the state- run generator of electricity, the Volta River Authority (VRA), was going to play as the anchor customer for that gas. Kweku Awotwi, CEO of VRA T he policy of zero gas-flaring in Ghana's oil fields When the segment from Côte d'Ivoire to Togo is completed, has been hailed by many as the answer to a cheaper VRA can send a lot of electricity with very little loss across the source of electricity not just for Ghana but also sub-region. Where previously VRA sent electricity up to the north for the whole sub-region through the West Africa and ran it on a 161KV line and got a 4% loss, VRA now runs it Power Pool, a project which enables countries in on a 330KV line and the loss should be less than 2%. This means the sub-region with excess power to export to those when the new transmission lines are completed, electricity could that have shortfalls. "Ghana is very fortunate to be where it is in be sent all the way to Niger and Mali on a 330KV line with very West Africa. We are geographically in the centre of West Africa. little loss. Furthermore, we are on the coast and we are enjoying the benefits of the almost completed West Africa gas pipeline which is a "The new line has already improved reliability of service. Whereas demonstration of the kind of regional collaboration that we can previously the 161KV line could get over-loaded, now with the do," Kweku Awotwi, CEO of VRA told GB&F in an exclusive 330KV we have extra reserve. It's like a road, the broader it is, interview. the more cars can go through," Awotwi explained. "Nigerian gas is moving 400 miles to Ghana and we are getting "The next two lines will connect our western neighbours, from 90% of that gas. Now Ghana has found gas in her own backyard Côte d'Ivoire to Sierra Leone, and beyond. It is the early days but with the prospect of finding even more.” I think the hope is that within 10 years, all of West Africa will be inter-connected with transmission lines," he said. “Today, even at a fairly high price, gas is half the cost of what However, back home, the VRA is faced with daunting challenges VRA pays for crude oil. If VRA's crude bill was US$40 million of old infrastructure and insufficient funding for investment from this month, gas comes in at US$20 million. And if you consider government. that the crude oil bill alone constitutes 80% of the electricity tariff, then if the gas continues to come then we could generate "The fact of the matter is that a good chunk of our current electricity at a lower cost," Awotwi said. The first segment of the network, as much as 40% in some cases, is 40 years old. There West Africa power pool inter-connection, called the Aboadze- is another good chunk which is 20 years old and here we are with Volta line, has just been activated. It is a 330 kilovolt (KV) line electricity demand growing annually at 10% or more and we have which was energised in the last quarter of 2010 to serve as a not kept pace. So what we have found is that, the ordinary man supplementary line to the existing 161KV line which is what is on the street bears the brunt of this under-investment and poor available in Ghana. service," said Awotwi. GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE 15
  • 6. E N SUBSCRIPTION FORM I Z A G A E A I N M Z A M G Y A O M L Y N L T T H H Ghana Business N T H O L M N Y A CE O M M A AN G A A 5 .0 0 Z GH¢ IN I 001 N SUE & F & Finance magazine CE E 0 - IS BUS 201 IS E SF I N A N BE R DE CEM S& SN GH ¢5 .00 IN E S UE 001 NE 2010 - ISS B U SPLIocoming S & DE CEMBER U Sri e War B on the FINA Subscribe Today! ing Ho Loom wnlecom pricerizon Te ar g m i ld Price om ouizon an a pcuts Lo Wto conar e n lu H W su thriceor32cuomiersts. s e (page H tsr zo.. on P price ) cu NC DECEM BER 2010 - ISSU E 001 E G H ¢5 .0 0 om the rice Telec on n a plus lus mea p wouldTelecom ean a p Local . ... ers.. to consum ld mversu F ou onsumers s AN AFRICAN BUSINESS MEDIA PUBLICATION (page 32)oreig w The Cge 32)n Exp to c Pra l vesultancy ertise (paon us s Locactise rsapeerisu ertise ling dilel v rt s e (pageersL nc. ign .. mma x c Fore46nsooExcygn Eanpy ) ultan i The Co Fore nsult Ghana Business & Finance (GB&F) is a unique a emm o a Practise dil e Ctise dilem m Out ezing r Th rs ... ion o linge46) onPrac rs on... linge 46) Sque upscale magazine targeted principally to corporate ge n l Otr (pa Izinfgautowth? r ge (pa Hope Squee decision-makers and policy-makers based G r inisu o a InflationthwaanbceenMeDsuvffieors of Betterpe e te op r Oil Pricesetter H Bette es e Ho w K ?rsharon reswlts Fin in Ghana, as well as to international institutions, of B r c How will Ghana cope ices oe Pri a cop ls? f if 2011 oil price falls? na cop ?il Ghance fal Oil Pl Gha e falls will l pri 54) O Squee Gro Ministe u e 16) Inflati zinnancua Duffuors (Page 54) (pag multinational companies and investors wil pric w oi e Accr How 11 oil age 54) Ho 011 (Pag Fi g Oe A Mec a: ent 2 oKwabsh es view if 2 if 0 m Grown oraron results (P Inte ca for med nabiz with interests in Ghana. 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  • 7. BANKING Banks complete Phase One of recapitalisation: Capital raising needed urgently for Phase Two The first deadline for the phased recapitalisation of Ghana’s banks was reached December 31, 2010 and the country’s banking industry regulator must be happy that so far all the banks have met their new capital targets. The Cedi House where the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) is housed. Some banks may use the GSE to raise funds to meet new capital targets T he on-going recapitalisation exercise of all 26 banks “We don’t have a difficulty as a bank in meeting the new capital in Ghana is set out in two phases and aims to targets. If you look at our audited financials for 2009, you will dramatically improve the core capital of the industry see that we have our stated capital at GH¢50 million already. from a previous minimum per bank of just So, all we need between now and 2012 is to top up with GH¢10 million to GH¢60 million (US$40 million). GH¢10 million. And we have a significant amount of funds in income surplus which we can transfer to our stated capital The first phase required that all majority locally-owned banks to satisfy the requirement,” Stephen Kpordzih, Managing achieve a minimum core capital of GH¢25 million Director of Agricultural Development Bank (ADB), told (US$16.6 million) by the end of 2010 and that all majority foreign- GB&F in an interview. owned banks raise theirs to GH¢60 million (US$40 million) by that time. In the latter case though, two foreign banks that opened “We have a three year programme to increase our capital (from their doors in 2008, BSIC Ghana and Bank of Baroda, have up profit retention) to GH¢100 million. And we intend to do that to the end of 2011 to recapitalise, having been given a special by transferring another GH¢50 million from our income dispensation by the Bank of Ghana. surplus account between now and 2012.” Kpordzih added. However, the other 10 foreign-controlled banks and the Of the local banks that still need to raise new capital, only 14 majority Ghanaian-owned ones have all met their respective two, HFC Bank and UT Bank, are already publicly listed. stipulated new capital targets. Ghana Commercial Bank, another Ghanaian-controlled bank, is also publicly listed but does not need to raise new capital Now though, comes the hard part. Over the next two years, the on account of the fact that it is one of the most heavily 14 Ghanaian-controlled banks will have to raise their own capital capitalised banks in the country with a capital base far base to GH¢60 million, to complete the second phase of the exceeding GH¢60 million. recapitalisation exercise and bring them at par with their foreign counterparts. However, some of the other 11 local banks would desperately need to look for ways to meet their new For many of the Ghanaian controlled banks which are small to capital targets to complete the second and final phase medium sized and that have only recently raised their capital to of the recapitalisation exercise. One of the most obvious GH¢25 million, this means having to more than double their ways to do this would be to seek listing on the Ghana Stock respective capital bases within a relatively short period. Exchange. 18 GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE
  • 8. ADVERTISE IN GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE Ghana's first global business read. GB&F reaches prestigious audiences across Ghana's public and private business and economic strata: the Presidency, all ministers, CEOs of public corporations, agencies and institutions, members of Parliament, top bankers, insurance and financial services executives and more. GB&F is also distributed in hard copy to 20 countries, reaches foreign investors interested in Ghana, Ghana’s missions abroad, foreign missions in Ghana, as well as the important Ghanaian Diaspora. Through GB&F’s on-line platform on the Internet, your e-message also reaches the whole world. It brings intelligent reporting through quality design backed by a top-notch editorial and management team. We believe in objectively exploring, promoting and discussing Ghana’s immense potentials - both inside Ghana itself, but also its ability to impact the rest of the business world. If you want to invest in cost-effective publicity, with Return on Investment, then GB&F is the only medium that helps you reach the audiences you aspire to. The magazine that gives you more! Download our Media Pack and publicity specifications from: Contact our Sales Team at: Office Location: Ghana Business & Finance, African Business Media House No. 7, Lamb Street (Off Farrar Avenue), Adabraka, Accra, Ghana T: + 233 302 240 786 Mailing Address: F: + 233 302 240 783 P.O. Box 0772, Osu, Accra, Ghana E:
  • 9. PROPERTY & REAL ESTATE Bright prospects for housing in Ghana A casual drive through downtown Accra these days shows many luxury condominiums and apartments sprouting up. These apartments can cost an average of US$100,000 for one or two bedrooms, and up to US$500,000 for 3-4 bedrooms or penthouse suites. Most are sold even before they reach completion. Premium apartments are the preferred choice for expatriates and Ghanaian returnees from abroad D iscerning investors have long discovered that if In addition, the association wants tax exemptions on imported you can get an acre of land in a prime residential materials for construction. location in Accra, and pay between US$500,000 and US$1 million for it, you can sub-divide the Before government had time to consider GREDA’s proposal, property and build between 6-10 homes on it, the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and sell the homes for a total of more than US$3- announced plans to build a housing project for its US$5 million, and make a tidy profit in less than two years. This members and has called on the government to grant it similar practice has placed excessive demand pressure on prime lands in concessions as requested by GREDA. Accra, and also increased the rents of ordinary people in most suburbs of Accra. Ghana’s upmarket housing sector continues If the government heeds calls by these groups, granting tax to grow quickly and keeps attracting more investment from both waivers and specific construction concessions, the floodgates local and foreign companies. The recent signing of a will open. Members of various labour unions and other entities US$10 billion housing deal between the government and the currently bear the brunt of exorbitant rent charges from South Korea-based real estate developer STX, is seen as the landlords who take advantage of the supply shortfall to charge needed catalyst to open up more business opportunities at the usurious fees for their heavily sought-after accommodations. lower end of the property market, for flats or apartments priced in the US$30,000 to US$60,000 range, and bring more vibrancy According to Kojo Addo-Kuffour, CEO of a local mortgage and growth to the housing sector. company, Ghana Home Loans, even if these new developments planned across the country came to fruition, they would hardly The government’s active involvement in the housing sector in meet the growing demand, a significant part of which comes 2010 has already started motivating the private sector to show from the increasing number of middle income earners in the interest. Some labour unions are considering putting their member country and Ghanaians resident abroad who are returning home dues into real estate investments. The Ghana Real Estate or want second homes in Ghana. Developers Association (GREDA) is planning a massive housing project and has asked government for some concessions. Various experts, including GREDA and the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, put annual demand for home GREDA wants the government to grant it a sovereign guarantee units at about 100,000 units. On the supply side, all efforts by for securing the funding to construct 300,000 units of housing developers put together hardly add up to 70,000 units annually estimated at a total cost of US$7 billion over the next decade. on average, leaving an annual shortfall of about 30,000 units. 22 GHANA BUSINESS & FINANCE