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Games we play 
Isabella Bennet looked around Rutherford Hall, where all men and women dancing merrily, or 
engage in conversation. She really hated these things. They were nothing but a place for the ladies 
companies present the newest season and girls gossip about the latest scandal that some poor 
person has committed. Men were not much better, gathering in groups to empty the fresh beauty 
and talk about business or their last victory. 
She tried to disappear into the wall when Lord Royce Sutcliffe, Viscount of Wrighton, randomly 
walked over to her. 
"Miss Bennet, would you do me the honor to dance the next dance?" said stiffly, as if he had no 
desire, but he had to, because he was on her dance card. 
"Why, of course, my lord. Would be my pleasure," she said, putting her hand in a glove on him. She 
could not help but feel angry at his apparent displeasure over his asking her to dance. She knew she 
was not beautiful, but she does not deserve a cold indifference that most men are treated her since 
her debut. 
She'd taken to the floor, absently left point through simple steps minuet. She felt that she was being 
monitored by a group of ladies from the back of the hall. 
"Dear Emma, ​​I feel so sorry. It is a shame that your sister was named Isabella, it is 
clear that you are a real belle of the ball," Mrs. Cavandish, one of the most important social matrons, 
whispered in his ear. Emma 
Unfortunately, her whisper was almost as loud as her real voice and Hilary Wickam heard her 
comment. "Mrs. Cavandish is quite okay, Emma. It is clear to see that you inherited from your 
mother beauty, while Isabella Sun Just look at her." Their eyes wandered back to Isabella and looked 
her over. She wore a beautiful ivory silk dress. The bodice was cut low and square, the tops of her 
milky white breasts revealed. He had an empire waist and fell in soft folds to his feet. Her auburn 
hair was swept into a complicated hairstyle that had ivory ribbons streaming from her a few stray 
curls escaped, framing her face. It was a beautiful modern standards, but in the classical sense, with 
heart-shaped face, wide eyes and lips too big to fit her face. Her nose was only slightly higher than 
what was considered fashionable, but it suits her. Although she could not compete with the new 
debutante season. 
Emma watched her sister and felt a little ashamed that she was not worth Isabella. Then again, 
Isabella has always been one of the unconventional family stands behind him, learn to use a knife, 
reading every book to get your hands on, learning French, Greek, Latin and Italian, has become a 
master marksman and archer, and learn how to defend themselves against men who might try to 
take advantage of it. 
There were times when she hated Isabella at everything she managed to do it, but most of the time 
she was sorry for her sister. Isabella reached the age of twenty-three with only one marriage, one of 
the lowest, poorest among the elite men's Ton. She was almost considered on a shelf, and because 
she was very independent and not very pretty, she would probably end up an old maid. 
Emma was not surprised to see Marcus Hartford stayed at Isabella's dance. He and Izzy, as Emma
likes to call her, formed a deep friendship as children, Isabella went to Cornwall one summer with 
his father. Emma was too young to go at the time, but from the stories she heard, brother of the 
Duke took a liking to live Isabella. He admired her spirit and courage, and their friendship is formed 
quickly. Over the years, came to visit them many times. It was Izzy's confidant, was more than 
Emma. It has been rumored for a long time that the two were lovers, and so were often seen in each 
other's company, but Malcom Bennet, his father, was immediately eliminated them. Marcus and Izzy 
would do anything for each other, even die for each other if the situation called for it. 
Isabella turned around and Marcus' arms triumphantly over the fact that he saved from the 
shoulders Royce Sutcliffe is. It was not that she did not like the Viscount, but hated trying to 
converse with him at the dance. She would never find the right thing to say. When she expressed her 
indepence or opinions openly, that he sent to chastise the way it looks. It could easily be witty or 
funny, but good breeding and manners were too deeply ingrained in him, for him to be anything less 
than honest gentleman. 
"No, Bella," said Marcus, a broad smile on relief evident on his face, "it looks like you owe me a 
"To save me?" she crooned sarcastically, flirty lashes blinked and smiled. 
"Of course. What do you think about my connection in my house at night?" he whispered in her ear, 
she flirts with her, as he did so often. He loved their friendship. They flirt, serious, and tell each 
other anything, because he knew that the other would fully understand or flirt back, understanding 
that it was all in jest. 
"I think you rake and a rogue who has nothing better to do than try to destroy the image of a 
perfectly respectable ladies and cause a scandal." 
"No more scandal than the lady herself has caused," he said seriously, making it the dance floor to 
the music stopped. 
"What would the scandal you might think, Marcus?" she knew exactly scandal was talking about. 
"Lady Noelle Carrington saw you on the way to the gypsy camp the next day. Co., may I ask, did you 
do, it will be in this place?" 
"No need to ask," she raided, anger begins to rage like a flood in her veins. She turned to walk away, 
but his hand clamped on her arm and dragged her out to the balcony, so they can be themselves. 
Emma watched her intently sister, Mrs. Cavandish tuning. She watched Marcus closely, he noticed 
that he seemed angry. When he grabbed his sister's hand, she began. How dare he put his hands on 
her sister like that! Quickly she made her excuses to the ladies she was chatting with, and walked 
toward the balcony door, looking around the corner to see what was happening. 
As soon as they came out onto the balcony Marcus began her lecture. "I'm absolutely serious about 
Bella. What'd you do go to the gypsy camp? And if you insist on going, why did you take at least 
garde?'re My best friend, Bella, but there are times when I think that you behave so rashly and 
irresponsibly I could literally strangle you. "His concern was evident even intense anger in his voice. 
"Do not get that condescending tone with me, Marcus Alexander Hartford! Know that some of your 
most intimate secrets, including the one about how you mistook a French baron's daughter a
common girl and her bed. Did you lucky if I remember correctly that the girl wanted to be accepted, 
and will not name the man who destroyed it. Had, you either married or would you have been invited 
to a duel and possibly killed. How many people know a ton about the incident, what the gossip is, if 
they knew? You should be able to find a mother or a father willing to believe their daughter. 
production heir to the precious possessions would you rather difficult, if not 't even get a woman. If 
you are an heir of the common woman, the child would be illegitimate. And if you bother to 
legitimize him later, he would never be fully accepted by society because of his origin. " 
"Damn Bello!" Marcus swore softly, excitedly running strong, tan through his coal black hair. His 
smoky gray eyes shone softly in the light of the waxing moon. He stood, towering at least a foot 
above her, and yet she stood up to him with the force of Fury exacted his revenge on the mortal. 
"You should not say such things.'s Not right, but then you've never been, to you?" he said, smiling 
"You would not be my friend if I was the right young lady.'d Go fishing or climbing trees with you as 
a child. Would we had so much fun together over the years." 
He looked at her precious smiling face and realized for the first time in the whole time, they were 
friends, that he would not be able to live without it. If anything ever happened to her, he would not 
know what to do. He remembered the time when she approached his first season. He was so scared 
that once made her debut, milling fops of tons occupy their time, and she would forget him. He was 
immensely relieved when she barely caught the attention of one man. Even if you feel bad about how 
she was snubbed, he did not want to lose the friendship. 
"What is?" stammered nervously hands coming to make sure that her hair was still in place. He was 
looking at her so intensely that they become nervous. 
"I realized how beautiful you are when you smile. If you were my best friend and I know everything 
about you, including how stubborn you are, I offered to you as soon debuted," he joked, smiled 
broadly, he blushed. 
Inside Emma bent back into the room. Why do you even thought that Izzy could be at risk? And from 
Marcus? That was about as likely as a marriage between a king and peasant. In addition, Izzy can 
take care of themselves. Still knife in a sheath on the garter on her left leg under her dress. 
She moved away from the door just in time, because Isabella and Marcus came walking back in. 
"Emma came to us," he called Izzy is jovial with her sister. Emma walked toward them, her midnight 
blue dress swishing around her legs. 
"Good morning, Your Grace," said Emma, ​​slightly bowed. 
"There is no need for formalities Emma, ​​after all, I'm quite friendly terms with the 
rest of his family, and when I did not have much opportunity to speak with you, I feel like I know you 
from what Bella told me." 
"Bella?" Emma asked curiously. 
"My nickname for your sister, after all, it is very beautiful. It is only right that they have a name that 
reflects it." 
Emma shock must be obvious, because he said Isabella, "Do not look so pretty shocked sister., After
all, not everyone is interested in physical beauty. I believe that true beauty comes from within. If a 
person is kind and gentle to nature then the beautiful person, but someone who is vindictive, so not 
care about the feelings of others, would, by my standards, considered ugly. And I know that Marcus 
thinks I'm pretty cute.'s not true? " 
"Quite right, m'dear. I found out that your sister is the most beautiful creature I have ever had the 
pleasure to lay eyes on. Her eyes are like the golden sun that illuminates the room. Her smile is 
dazzling and I am indifferent to all other women in the area. And she makes me laugh with her 
humor and intelligence, is a difficult task, I assure you, "he joked. 
"Why, sir, it would be a difficult task?" 
"Because very little I can entertain, but your sister always seem to find something that will." 
Isabella was about to argue that point when Nicholas Montgomery, Earl of Ryding, went to Emma 
and asked her to dance. She saw that Emma is going to reject his offer, and since then still needed 
to speak with Marcus, put her hand on Emma's hand and silently makes her take. When he turned to 
Emma led away, he looked at Bella, sinister gleam in his eyes. Then he winked, sending chills up 
your spine. She could not take her eyes off him, even though it unnerved her that she winked. His 
tall, broad shoulders, slim body swung around the dance floor Emma and Bella felt intense, clean 
energy that radiates from him, his thick, golden blond hair tied back at the nape of the neck. He had 
a face like none he had ever seen, with sharp, prominent cheekbones and piercing, evergreen eyes 
that could look over the defense of human and know what was in their soul. His lips were full and 
looked. . . kissable. Kissable? Where did it come from? Nicholas Montgomery kissable? Impossible. 
But she tasted those lips before and knew it was exactly what it was. There was no reason to deny it 
to him. It was quite possibly the most attractive man she had ever seen in my life. He quickly pushed 
the thought from his mind. Fortunately, it pulled out of his reverie Marcus. 
"Are you okay Bella?" 
"I'm not sure., I wanted to talk to you in private, but maybe I was not invited Emma to dance with 
Lord Montgomery. He is said to be powerfully seductive, especially for young girls.'m Just worried 
that Emma can be caught in one of their sites and destroy himself and all chances of a good 
marriage. " 
She knew from experience how seductive Earl could be. Her thoughts drifted back to the year she 
made her debut. She was so excited to finally be able to participate in a rut as an adult. But when he 
got to the ball, only men danced with her if you happen to be on her dance card. Some women even 
gossiped behind her back as well. 
She recalled how she rushed to escape slipping out into the garden terrace. For some time she 
walked through the maze of flowers finally find a pair of stone benches, which could be based. She 
moved to sit up until she saw the shadow of a man standing, his long, muscular legs clad in black 
trousers, resting on the bench. He leaned his elbow resting on his knee, his face took the palm. His 
form was relatively well known and she was pretty sure she'd seen him. Then suddenly she turned 
and her breath caught in her throat. 
Nicholas Montgomery. The most famous rake per tonne. She saw him before the ball occasionally or 
company dinner. She saw him now, who would not. He was magnificent, like a Greek god. 
She was rooted to the spot, unable to move a thumb, and when he came down on her like a hawk
stalking its prey. He stopped in front of her and she could vaguely remember that he said something 
to her about watching her most of the night, thinking that it was incredibly beautiful. Then took the 
liberty to kiss her. A kiss that seared her straight up and down. And she protested, even if they could 
taste the whiskey on his lips. She knew that the kiss like that, they were sharing combined with his 
mind a little dull with drink could have disastrous consequences. But, kissed her until she brought 
her inhibitions about anything. 
Before she realized what was happening, that the stone bench and she straddled his lap, her body 
reacted defiantly to the touch. Her mind spun with the implications of what is happening, that gives 
herself to a man who she barely knew and who had no intention of marrying her or love her. She was 
going to be considered a fallen woman and it was just her first season. If anyone found out, her 
chances of good marriage would be destroyed. 
But it did not matter. Nothing mattered except how he felt in his arms. On it there initiated the 
sexual act on a stone bench. Just thinking about it sent heat pouring into her, and she remembered 
how he crushed his lips against her suppress her wailing cries of release. 
She remembered how she had felt his semen inside her, shaking splendorous affect its climax. Then 
she remembered the shame she felt guilt over what she did. She fell into his arms without even a 
weak protest. He touched her as a prostitute she eagerly gave him to understand emotions and 
feelings, rolling as ocean waves crashing through her body. And he played for them, because he 
knew he was innocent and that she could not stop herself from submission to him. He could have 
stopped, could save her from possible scandal, but he did not. She knew it was not entirely his fault. 
She was so naive. If you got it, she was a fallen woman, she would not only who was banished from 
good society, but her parents and sister as well. And she would bear the stigma, while Nicholas went 
on with his life. 
She climbed off him and ran down her skirt as fast as she could, hiding blood stains that were proof 
of her innocence. She remembered how he watched her as she straightened her clothes and 
arranged her hair back into some semblance of order, pulling tendril curls that had slipped free from 
her hair behind her ears. He stared at her extremely happy, almost condescending smile. 
She winced as she once again fastening his pants, he went and stood in front of her. He ran his 
thumb over his lips were full and red of his passionate kisses. He leaned forward and whispered 
huskily in her ear, "You're the most passionate creature I've ever met, Isabella Bennet. We must do 
this again sometime." 
She gasped, shocked that he would think he would do it again. "Never!" she cried, turning and 
running out into the garden, back on the ball. For five years she was persecuted words that trailed 
after her. "We'll see, Bella.'ll See." Then a soft laugh laugh, taunt her. 
Then a year later, when it happens. This time it was in his house. She was able to find your escort 
after dinner and Nicholas told her he would see her home. She knew it was wrong, and once was in 
the car, who kissed her. That was all to give it up, and they almost did like a trolley. It seemed that 
no matter how hard she resisted, she could not keep herself from the arms of Nicholas Montgomery. 
At the time she spent the night with him, whiling away the hours with the pleasures of the body. His 
hands did strange things to her, seemed to know exactly where to stroke or touch her, to her 
maximum pleasure. It was hard to explain to her residence to her parents, but she told them that she 
had spent the evening with Marcus and his brother's family. Until Marcus confirmed it, which he did 
after asking him that he had no reason to mention it to the Duke.
His appetite is insatiable, coming into her body four times during the night. And she enjoyed it, 
reveled in it, loved it. Her body was not her own when she was with him. As a musical instrument 
became attuned to him and he played it well. 
She paid the consequences for their foolish actions. Although no one in England knew that, with the 
exception of his family, was an illegitimate child. When she found out she was pregnant, her mother 
dragged her to Scotland to live with his aunt in gold was born. The baby was born a month and a 
half earlier and did not survive more than a week. 
She mourned the loss of a child forever, because she loved her daughter, Hope, dearly. She went 
upstream in choosing this name, but it did not matter to her. I hope you gave her reason to keep 
going when she wanted to quit. It is priced clocks that get to spend with my dear girl. I hope that is 
never far from my mind or heart. He even had a picture together. 
In her heart she knew that hope will not survive, and she wanted to make it possible to always keep 
in mind a performer was too happy to paint. 
Over the last three years it is not necessary to worry about a chance meeting with him because of 
business in India, kept him away for so long. But now, when he returned, he was sure to make 
trouble for her.

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Games we play

  • 1. Games we play Isabella Bennet looked around Rutherford Hall, where all men and women dancing merrily, or engage in conversation. She really hated these things. They were nothing but a place for the ladies companies present the newest season and girls gossip about the latest scandal that some poor person has committed. Men were not much better, gathering in groups to empty the fresh beauty and talk about business or their last victory. She tried to disappear into the wall when Lord Royce Sutcliffe, Viscount of Wrighton, randomly walked over to her. "Miss Bennet, would you do me the honor to dance the next dance?" said stiffly, as if he had no desire, but he had to, because he was on her dance card. "Why, of course, my lord. Would be my pleasure," she said, putting her hand in a glove on him. She could not help but feel angry at his apparent displeasure over his asking her to dance. She knew she was not beautiful, but she does not deserve a cold indifference that most men are treated her since her debut. She'd taken to the floor, absently left point through simple steps minuet. She felt that she was being monitored by a group of ladies from the back of the hall. "Dear Emma, ​​I feel so sorry. It is a shame that your sister was named Isabella, it is clear that you are a real belle of the ball," Mrs. Cavandish, one of the most important social matrons, whispered in his ear. Emma Unfortunately, her whisper was almost as loud as her real voice and Hilary Wickam heard her comment. "Mrs. Cavandish is quite okay, Emma. It is clear to see that you inherited from your mother beauty, while Isabella Sun Just look at her." Their eyes wandered back to Isabella and looked her over. She wore a beautiful ivory silk dress. The bodice was cut low and square, the tops of her milky white breasts revealed. He had an empire waist and fell in soft folds to his feet. Her auburn hair was swept into a complicated hairstyle that had ivory ribbons streaming from her a few stray curls escaped, framing her face. It was a beautiful modern standards, but in the classical sense, with heart-shaped face, wide eyes and lips too big to fit her face. Her nose was only slightly higher than what was considered fashionable, but it suits her. Although she could not compete with the new debutante season. Emma watched her sister and felt a little ashamed that she was not worth Isabella. Then again, Isabella has always been one of the unconventional family stands behind him, learn to use a knife, reading every book to get your hands on, learning French, Greek, Latin and Italian, has become a master marksman and archer, and learn how to defend themselves against men who might try to take advantage of it. There were times when she hated Isabella at everything she managed to do it, but most of the time she was sorry for her sister. Isabella reached the age of twenty-three with only one marriage, one of the lowest, poorest among the elite men's Ton. She was almost considered on a shelf, and because she was very independent and not very pretty, she would probably end up an old maid. Emma was not surprised to see Marcus Hartford stayed at Isabella's dance. He and Izzy, as Emma
  • 2. likes to call her, formed a deep friendship as children, Isabella went to Cornwall one summer with his father. Emma was too young to go at the time, but from the stories she heard, brother of the Duke took a liking to live Isabella. He admired her spirit and courage, and their friendship is formed quickly. Over the years, came to visit them many times. It was Izzy's confidant, was more than Emma. It has been rumored for a long time that the two were lovers, and so were often seen in each other's company, but Malcom Bennet, his father, was immediately eliminated them. Marcus and Izzy would do anything for each other, even die for each other if the situation called for it. Isabella turned around and Marcus' arms triumphantly over the fact that he saved from the shoulders Royce Sutcliffe is. It was not that she did not like the Viscount, but hated trying to converse with him at the dance. She would never find the right thing to say. When she expressed her indepence or opinions openly, that he sent to chastise the way it looks. It could easily be witty or funny, but good breeding and manners were too deeply ingrained in him, for him to be anything less than honest gentleman. "No, Bella," said Marcus, a broad smile on relief evident on his face, "it looks like you owe me a favor." "To save me?" she crooned sarcastically, flirty lashes blinked and smiled. "Of course. What do you think about my connection in my house at night?" he whispered in her ear, she flirts with her, as he did so often. He loved their friendship. They flirt, serious, and tell each other anything, because he knew that the other would fully understand or flirt back, understanding that it was all in jest. "I think you rake and a rogue who has nothing better to do than try to destroy the image of a perfectly respectable ladies and cause a scandal." "No more scandal than the lady herself has caused," he said seriously, making it the dance floor to the music stopped. "What would the scandal you might think, Marcus?" she knew exactly scandal was talking about. "Lady Noelle Carrington saw you on the way to the gypsy camp the next day. Co., may I ask, did you do, it will be in this place?" "No need to ask," she raided, anger begins to rage like a flood in her veins. She turned to walk away, but his hand clamped on her arm and dragged her out to the balcony, so they can be themselves. Emma watched her intently sister, Mrs. Cavandish tuning. She watched Marcus closely, he noticed that he seemed angry. When he grabbed his sister's hand, she began. How dare he put his hands on her sister like that! Quickly she made her excuses to the ladies she was chatting with, and walked toward the balcony door, looking around the corner to see what was happening. As soon as they came out onto the balcony Marcus began her lecture. "I'm absolutely serious about Bella. What'd you do go to the gypsy camp? And if you insist on going, why did you take at least garde?'re My best friend, Bella, but there are times when I think that you behave so rashly and irresponsibly I could literally strangle you. "His concern was evident even intense anger in his voice. "Do not get that condescending tone with me, Marcus Alexander Hartford! Know that some of your most intimate secrets, including the one about how you mistook a French baron's daughter a
  • 3. common girl and her bed. Did you lucky if I remember correctly that the girl wanted to be accepted, and will not name the man who destroyed it. Had, you either married or would you have been invited to a duel and possibly killed. How many people know a ton about the incident, what the gossip is, if they knew? You should be able to find a mother or a father willing to believe their daughter. production heir to the precious possessions would you rather difficult, if not 't even get a woman. If you are an heir of the common woman, the child would be illegitimate. And if you bother to legitimize him later, he would never be fully accepted by society because of his origin. " "Damn Bello!" Marcus swore softly, excitedly running strong, tan through his coal black hair. His smoky gray eyes shone softly in the light of the waxing moon. He stood, towering at least a foot above her, and yet she stood up to him with the force of Fury exacted his revenge on the mortal. "You should not say such things.'s Not right, but then you've never been, to you?" he said, smiling sadly. "You would not be my friend if I was the right young lady.'d Go fishing or climbing trees with you as a child. Would we had so much fun together over the years." He looked at her precious smiling face and realized for the first time in the whole time, they were friends, that he would not be able to live without it. If anything ever happened to her, he would not know what to do. He remembered the time when she approached his first season. He was so scared that once made her debut, milling fops of tons occupy their time, and she would forget him. He was immensely relieved when she barely caught the attention of one man. Even if you feel bad about how she was snubbed, he did not want to lose the friendship. "What is?" stammered nervously hands coming to make sure that her hair was still in place. He was looking at her so intensely that they become nervous. "I realized how beautiful you are when you smile. If you were my best friend and I know everything about you, including how stubborn you are, I offered to you as soon debuted," he joked, smiled broadly, he blushed. Inside Emma bent back into the room. Why do you even thought that Izzy could be at risk? And from Marcus? That was about as likely as a marriage between a king and peasant. In addition, Izzy can take care of themselves. Still knife in a sheath on the garter on her left leg under her dress. She moved away from the door just in time, because Isabella and Marcus came walking back in. "Emma came to us," he called Izzy is jovial with her sister. Emma walked toward them, her midnight blue dress swishing around her legs. "Good morning, Your Grace," said Emma, ​​slightly bowed. "There is no need for formalities Emma, ​​after all, I'm quite friendly terms with the rest of his family, and when I did not have much opportunity to speak with you, I feel like I know you from what Bella told me." "Bella?" Emma asked curiously. "My nickname for your sister, after all, it is very beautiful. It is only right that they have a name that reflects it." Emma shock must be obvious, because he said Isabella, "Do not look so pretty shocked sister., After
  • 4. all, not everyone is interested in physical beauty. I believe that true beauty comes from within. If a person is kind and gentle to nature then the beautiful person, but someone who is vindictive, so not care about the feelings of others, would, by my standards, considered ugly. And I know that Marcus thinks I'm pretty cute.'s not true? " "Quite right, m'dear. I found out that your sister is the most beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. Her eyes are like the golden sun that illuminates the room. Her smile is dazzling and I am indifferent to all other women in the area. And she makes me laugh with her humor and intelligence, is a difficult task, I assure you, "he joked. "Why, sir, it would be a difficult task?" "Because very little I can entertain, but your sister always seem to find something that will." Isabella was about to argue that point when Nicholas Montgomery, Earl of Ryding, went to Emma and asked her to dance. She saw that Emma is going to reject his offer, and since then still needed to speak with Marcus, put her hand on Emma's hand and silently makes her take. When he turned to Emma led away, he looked at Bella, sinister gleam in his eyes. Then he winked, sending chills up your spine. She could not take her eyes off him, even though it unnerved her that she winked. His tall, broad shoulders, slim body swung around the dance floor Emma and Bella felt intense, clean energy that radiates from him, his thick, golden blond hair tied back at the nape of the neck. He had a face like none he had ever seen, with sharp, prominent cheekbones and piercing, evergreen eyes that could look over the defense of human and know what was in their soul. His lips were full and looked. . . kissable. Kissable? Where did it come from? Nicholas Montgomery kissable? Impossible. But she tasted those lips before and knew it was exactly what it was. There was no reason to deny it to him. It was quite possibly the most attractive man she had ever seen in my life. He quickly pushed the thought from his mind. Fortunately, it pulled out of his reverie Marcus. "Are you okay Bella?" "I'm not sure., I wanted to talk to you in private, but maybe I was not invited Emma to dance with Lord Montgomery. He is said to be powerfully seductive, especially for young girls.'m Just worried that Emma can be caught in one of their sites and destroy himself and all chances of a good marriage. " She knew from experience how seductive Earl could be. Her thoughts drifted back to the year she made her debut. She was so excited to finally be able to participate in a rut as an adult. But when he got to the ball, only men danced with her if you happen to be on her dance card. Some women even gossiped behind her back as well. She recalled how she rushed to escape slipping out into the garden terrace. For some time she walked through the maze of flowers finally find a pair of stone benches, which could be based. She moved to sit up until she saw the shadow of a man standing, his long, muscular legs clad in black trousers, resting on the bench. He leaned his elbow resting on his knee, his face took the palm. His form was relatively well known and she was pretty sure she'd seen him. Then suddenly she turned and her breath caught in her throat. Nicholas Montgomery. The most famous rake per tonne. She saw him before the ball occasionally or company dinner. She saw him now, who would not. He was magnificent, like a Greek god. She was rooted to the spot, unable to move a thumb, and when he came down on her like a hawk
  • 5. stalking its prey. He stopped in front of her and she could vaguely remember that he said something to her about watching her most of the night, thinking that it was incredibly beautiful. Then took the liberty to kiss her. A kiss that seared her straight up and down. And she protested, even if they could taste the whiskey on his lips. She knew that the kiss like that, they were sharing combined with his mind a little dull with drink could have disastrous consequences. But, kissed her until she brought her inhibitions about anything. Before she realized what was happening, that the stone bench and she straddled his lap, her body reacted defiantly to the touch. Her mind spun with the implications of what is happening, that gives herself to a man who she barely knew and who had no intention of marrying her or love her. She was going to be considered a fallen woman and it was just her first season. If anyone found out, her chances of good marriage would be destroyed. But it did not matter. Nothing mattered except how he felt in his arms. On it there initiated the sexual act on a stone bench. Just thinking about it sent heat pouring into her, and she remembered how he crushed his lips against her suppress her wailing cries of release. She remembered how she had felt his semen inside her, shaking splendorous affect its climax. Then she remembered the shame she felt guilt over what she did. She fell into his arms without even a weak protest. He touched her as a prostitute she eagerly gave him to understand emotions and feelings, rolling as ocean waves crashing through her body. And he played for them, because he knew he was innocent and that she could not stop herself from submission to him. He could have stopped, could save her from possible scandal, but he did not. She knew it was not entirely his fault. She was so naive. If you got it, she was a fallen woman, she would not only who was banished from good society, but her parents and sister as well. And she would bear the stigma, while Nicholas went on with his life. She climbed off him and ran down her skirt as fast as she could, hiding blood stains that were proof of her innocence. She remembered how he watched her as she straightened her clothes and arranged her hair back into some semblance of order, pulling tendril curls that had slipped free from her hair behind her ears. He stared at her extremely happy, almost condescending smile. She winced as she once again fastening his pants, he went and stood in front of her. He ran his thumb over his lips were full and red of his passionate kisses. He leaned forward and whispered huskily in her ear, "You're the most passionate creature I've ever met, Isabella Bennet. We must do this again sometime." She gasped, shocked that he would think he would do it again. "Never!" she cried, turning and running out into the garden, back on the ball. For five years she was persecuted words that trailed after her. "We'll see, Bella.'ll See." Then a soft laugh laugh, taunt her. Then a year later, when it happens. This time it was in his house. She was able to find your escort after dinner and Nicholas told her he would see her home. She knew it was wrong, and once was in the car, who kissed her. That was all to give it up, and they almost did like a trolley. It seemed that no matter how hard she resisted, she could not keep herself from the arms of Nicholas Montgomery. At the time she spent the night with him, whiling away the hours with the pleasures of the body. His hands did strange things to her, seemed to know exactly where to stroke or touch her, to her maximum pleasure. It was hard to explain to her residence to her parents, but she told them that she had spent the evening with Marcus and his brother's family. Until Marcus confirmed it, which he did after asking him that he had no reason to mention it to the Duke.
  • 6. His appetite is insatiable, coming into her body four times during the night. And she enjoyed it, reveled in it, loved it. Her body was not her own when she was with him. As a musical instrument became attuned to him and he played it well. She paid the consequences for their foolish actions. Although no one in England knew that, with the exception of his family, was an illegitimate child. When she found out she was pregnant, her mother dragged her to Scotland to live with his aunt in gold was born. The baby was born a month and a half earlier and did not survive more than a week. She mourned the loss of a child forever, because she loved her daughter, Hope, dearly. She went upstream in choosing this name, but it did not matter to her. I hope you gave her reason to keep going when she wanted to quit. It is priced clocks that get to spend with my dear girl. I hope that is never far from my mind or heart. He even had a picture together. In her heart she knew that hope will not survive, and she wanted to make it possible to always keep in mind a performer was too happy to paint. Over the last three years it is not necessary to worry about a chance meeting with him because of business in India, kept him away for so long. But now, when he returned, he was sure to make trouble for her.