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BUILDING BRAZIL                                                                                                                                 12               BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                 JA N UA RY 6-18 2012


  The water
and sanitation
sector is badly
managed and
but a process
of transition is

  Sabesp and
Copasa, listed
companies which
hold concessions
in the south-
east, are the best
suited for organic
growth. They are
turning to the
bond markets
and PPPs to ease
capital pressures.

  The private
in the industry     A Sanepar water treatment plant in Irai, Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil’s best sanitation companies are in the south and south-east
could increase
from 10% to up
to 40% within                                                                      A new framework
a decade. Firms
                   The better public providers are looking Ensuring universal access to piped water and sewerage
owned by the       to expand, and private-sector                                   collection in Brazil would cost an estimated R$270bn
major engineering  companies are winning contracts.                                ($148bn, £95bn, €115bn). In 2010, the industry invested
contractors are                                                                    less than R$20bn, including both public and private

expanding, in               ou don’t have to travel far in Brazil before you       sources. The federal government has pledged to invest
particular through          bump into the shortcomings of the sanitation           a further R$35m by 2014, under the second phase of the
combined water              sector. The sewerage network reaches less than Programme for Growth Acceleration (PAC 2). But that
and sewerage                half the population, and most of the waste it          leaves a considerable shortfall. The hope is that sanita-
contracts.         does collect isn’t treated. One in five Brazilians lack          tion could follow the example of the highways sector,
                                   access to piped water.                                                                    which has benefited from greater private-sector involve-
                                      The sector is dominated by badly-managed publicly-                                     ment (through PPPs and concessions).
                                   owned utilities, which operate effective geographical                                         The federal government is trying to overhaul the
                                   monopolies without formal contracts or independent                                        institutional framework. In 2010 it passed a law obliging
                                   regulation.                                                                               all municipalities to develop a sanitation plan by 2014
                                      However, the government has committed itself to re-                                    and create independent regulators. Other rules allow for
                                   form. It can take heart from good management seen in                                      differentiated tariffs for customers who consume and
                                   the south-east, where two state-controlled providers –                                    earn less, but indemnify utilities that cut off supplies to
                                   Sabesp (SPSB3:SAO) and Copasa (CSMG3:SAO) – are in                                        those who don’t pay at all.
                                   the process of formalising contracts and relationships                                        Policy is set at the federal level by the Ministry of
                                   with regulators. A small group of efficient privately-                                     Cities, which together with the Ministry of Health
                                   held firms are also gaining ground. The question is                                        and public banks such as BNDES and Caixa Econômi-
                                   whether the sector as a whole will remain a laggard.                                      ca Federal provides funding to utilities. Provision
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publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times
limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
IN THE SANITATION SECTOR                                                                                                                            13               BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                     JA N UA RY 6-18 2012

                         and regulation, however, is delegated to the regional                                                  Good management means that sector indicators are
                     level. Brazil has 27 publicly owned sanitation compa-                                                   above average for public sector companies. They both
                     nies – one per state – alongside a multitude of publicly                                                had system losses of less than 30% in 2009, compared
                                 owned municipal sanitation companies.                                                       with a national average of 37%, and unpaid bills at Co-
Sabesp serves 23.5m              In most parts of the country geographical                                                   pasa were 1.32% in 2010, less than the national average
customers, making it one         monopolies operate, but in recent years the                                                 of 7%. However, both companies face uncertainties in
of the biggest sanitation        south-east – and to a lesser extent the centre-                                             relation to regulation and future capital-raising.
companies by customer            west – has been opened up to competition.                                                      The regulatory framework for both states is ex-
base in the world                    As a result, a small number of private utili-                                           pected to be announced later this year by the respec-
                                 ties, most of them subsidiaries of large engi-                                              tive state governments, although the process has
                     neering contractors, have been gaining ground and now
                     cover 10% of urban provision. Concessions are awarded
                     by municipal governments and typically last for 30 years.                                               Financials of leading utilities
                     However, the implementation of formal contracts via a                                                   Net revenues (R$m)
                     public tender process is still at a very early stage.                                                                             2005     2006         2007      2008   2009     2010 2011*
                        Providers generally charge tariffs to customers for                                                  Copasa                   4,953     5,527    5,971        6,352   6,731    9,230 7,226
                     supply of water and, where offered, collection of sewer-
                                                                                                                             Sabesp                   1,477     1,682    1,863        2,060   2,202    2,323 1,872
                     age. In some cases they also charge for the use of water
                     although water metering is still not widespread. Tariffs                                                Ebitda margins (%)
                     have traditionally been set by the utilities themselves                                                 Copasa                    39.7      39.0        40.2      28.9    39.6     45.6     42.5
                     based upon a calculation of operational cost and infla-                                                  Sabesp                    46.1      44.3        45.2      44.7    40.7     34.9     31.1
                                                                                                                             Notes: R$1=$0.5, £0.3, €0.4. *Jan-Sep
                     tion. However, where they exist, independent regulators                                                 Source: companies
                     are in the process of defining new charging models. In
                     São Paulo and Minas Gerais these will take into account
                     capital expenditure when making tariff adjustments
                     and this model may be repeated elsewhere.                                                               Much still to be done – especially in the north
                                                                                                                             Access to water and sewerage services, 2009
                                   Headway in the south-east                                                                 % of households
                                   The biggest beneficiaries of reform could be those ar-                                                            Piped Water                         Sewerage collection
                                   eas where the service is currently worst. For example,                                                           Sewerage treatment
                                   in the north-east, where just 80% of the population                                            100
                                   doesn’t have sewerage collection, companies have too
                                   many staff and too little monitoring capacity. Mean-
                                   while, because of fraud, leaking pipes and clandestine                                          60
                                   connections, the northern state of Amapá consumes                                          %
                                   as much water per person as São Paulo. Amápa’s state                                            40

                                   company, Caesa, cut half its jobs last year but still
                                   lacked the funds to pay for its phone lines.
                                       In contrast, Brazil’s best sanitation companies are                                          0
                                                                                                                                            North      North-        South          Centre-   South-     Brazil
                                   in the south and south-east, the regions which also                                                                  east                         west      east
                                   have the best coverage. Santa Catarina’s Casan and                                        Source: SNIS
                                   the companies for Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná
                                   (Copasa, Sabesp and Sanepar [SAPR3:SAO]) are all
                                   listed on the Bovespa, with the shares of Copasa and
                                   Sabesp trading on the Novo Mercado, the segment                                           Efficiency is highest in the south
                                   with standards for corporate governance.                                                  Water losses as a share of water companies’ turnover, 2009
                                       However, the stocks lack liquidity. Only 0.002%
                                   of Casan’s stocks are traded, for example. This may                                            60
                                   change though, Santa Catarina state assembly recently                                          50
                                   passed legislation allowing for the state government
                                   to sell 49% of its stake in the company to a strategic
                                   investor, which may happen as early as 1Q12.                                               % 30
                                       Sabesp, in which the São Paulo state government                                                                  44.0
                                                                                                                                  20                                  36.2                                37.1
                                   holds a 50.3% stake, serves 23.5m customers, making it                                                                                            33.8
                                                                                                                                  10                                                           25.3
                                   one of the biggest sanitation companies by customer
                                   base in the world. The smaller Copasa, in which Minas                                            0
                                                                                                                                            North      North         South-         Centre-   South      Brazil
                                   Gerais state government has a 53% stake, serves 13.2m                                                               east           east           west
                                   people. Both companies have significant potential for
                                   expansion of their customer bases.                                                        Source: SNIS

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publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times
limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
IN THE SANITATION SECTOR                                                                                                                        14               BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                 JA N UA RY 6-18 2012

     already been subject to delays.                                                                                                                             try have had committees
    The new regulators are part of the state govern-                                                                                                             – composed of representa-
ments, which are the majority shareholder in the                                                                                                                 tives from industry, water
respective companies, Sabesp and Copasa.                                                                                                                         companies and residential
    One sticking point is adjustments to the tariff                                                                                                              consumers – which manage
system, which will from this year take into account                                                                                                              water resources. The com-
capital expenditure as well as the rate of inflation and                                                                                                          mittees have increased fees
operational cost. Sabesp invested R$2.5bn in 2010 out                                                                                                            for water by about 10% per
of net income of R$9.2bn, while Copasa has invested                                                                                                              year. Industry can reduce its
an average of R$870m per year since listing in 2006                                                                                                              exposure to this increasing
and so both should stand to gain from linking tariff                                                                                                             cost by re-using water. Tra-
adjustments to investment. However, it is not known                                                                                                              ditionally it has done this by
what basis the regulators will use to calculate the value                                                                                                        treating water with coagu-
of these companies’ respective asset bases.                                                                                                                      lants such as iron chlorate
    Both companies are in the process of formalising their                                                                                                       and aluminium sulphate to
service contracts with municipalities. One uncertainty                                                                                                           aggregate pollutants. But the
for Sabesp relates to a contract it was recently awarded to                                                                                                      quality of the end product is
                                                                                                                                                                 not as good as that achieved
supply the municipality of São Paulo. The contract con-
tains a service fee priced at 7.5% of gross revenues gener-
                                                                                                           INSIGHT                                               with advanced technol-
ated from São Paulo. This is unusual in the public sector,
                                                                                                           SUPPLY CHAIN                                          ogy such as ultra-filtration
and the company may seek to pass it on to consumers                                                        OPPORTUNITIES                                         membranes and as a result
via higher tariffs. However, it is not certain that the state                                                                                                    cannot be used in sectors like
regulator would accept such a move.                                                                        Annual sales of water and                             the pharmaceutical industry,
    Another issue for Sabesp and Copasa is financ-                                                          wastewater treatment                                  where purity is paramount.
ing growth. Both have the opportunity to expand                                                            technology services in Latin                             Dow manufactures key
their customer bases significantly. Copasa currently                                                        America will rise by over 50%                         parts in Europe, the US and
provides water to around three-quarters and sewerage                                                       by 2020, to around $72bn,                             Asia, which it then sells on to
to a quarter of the 800 municipalities in Minas Gerais                                                     according to forecasts from                           the large suppliers of utilities
and has identified another 104 municipalities it wishes                                                     consultancy Frost & Sulli-                            and industry in Brazil and
to target for sewerage contracts, while Sabesp provides                                                    van. The vast majority of the                         elsewhere in Latin America.
water to 23.8m customers and collects sewerage from                                                        market is in the residential                          The company’s sales for the
20m, but still only covers half of São Paulo’s 645                                                         and commercial sectors,                               region are forecast to double
municipalities. This expansion is likely to take place                                                     although industry is seeing                           in the three years to 2012,
via organic growth rather than M&A activity, as other                                                      faster growth.                                        although it did not supply
publicly owned companies are largely opposed to be-                                                           Within Brazil, around 85%                          specific figures.
ing acquired and many don’t hold formal concessions                                                        of the market is dominated                               While much of the equip-
for the services that they provide.                                                                        by multinational companies                            ment used in the sector in
    In the context of lacklustre equity markets, Sabesp                                                    such as Nalco (NLC:NYSE), GE                          Brazil currently is imported,
and Copasa are likely to issue bonds, take loans from                                                      (GE:NYSE), Kurita (6370:TYO),                         Alessandra Lancellotti of
federal government agencies or enter into PPPs to                                                          Kemira (KRA1V:HEX),                                   Frost & Sullivan thinks that
fuel this expansion. Another option is multilateral                                                        Veolia (VIE:PAR), Dow                                 this will change as demand
agencies, such as the IFC, which recently provided                                                         (DOW:NYSE), Buckman and                               increases from large state-
                                                                                                           Ashland (ASH:NYSE). Their                             owned companies such as
                                                                                                           distribution networks and                             Petrobras (PETR4:SAO) and
The states that invested most in sanitation                                                                technologies allow them to                            Vale (VALE5:SAO), which
2009                                                                                                       out-compete Brazilian rivals.                         have significant local content
               Rio Grande do Sul
                                                                                                              Advanced technologies                              rules for their respective sup-
                       R$359.7m                                                                            can reduce the cost to the end                        ply chains.
         Pernambuco                                                                                        user by 20-30%, according to                             While legislation is
                                                                                                           Renato Ramos, head of re-                             increasingly rigorous, the
                                                                                                           search and development Dow                            sector would receive an even
          Bahia                                                                                            Water & Process Solutions                             greater boost were laws to
                                                                  São Paulo                                Latin America, because they                           be better enforced, says Ms
                                                                  R$2,712.9m                               consume less energy and                               Lancellotti. “Many small and
                                                                                                           chemicals.                                            medium industries are not
     Minas Gerais
                                                                                                              There are legislative driv-                        monitored,” she says. “Very
        R$937.3m                                                                                           ers, too, to the growth of                            often they don’t even have a
                                                                                                           such technology. Since 1997                           system for the treatment of
Source: SNIS                                                                                               some parts of the coun-                               water.”
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publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times
limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
IN THE SANITATION SECTOR                                                                                                                        15               BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                 JA N UA RY 6-18 2012

     R$59m to Casan and the state utility for Sergipe –                                  factory in Campo Grande, which allows the company to
Deso – to fund training, installing water meters and                                     supply its local network and sell the surplus. As a result,
registering users.                                                                       ebitda margins for the two companies are expected to
    Copasa has exhausted the capital available from                                      exceed 50% for 2011. That compares with a margin of
its IPO and is looking for additional sources. It can’t                                  34% for Guariroba at the time of the acquisition and a
issue new shares because the state government is at its                                  negative margin for Prolagos and is up to 20pp higher
shareholding limit, so it plans to issue R$400m in 2012.                                 than that of Copasa and Sabesp.
It has also obtained a €100m loan from the German                                            Long-term financing is provided by Caixa Econômi-
development bank KfW but does not wish to increase                                       ca Federal to Guariroba and BNDES to Prolagos. The
its foreign currency exposure significantly beyond the                                    business is looking for alternatives in capital markets.
current level of around 2% of gross debt. In contrast,                                   In 2007, Prolagos made a private placement of R$75m
around 35% of Sabesp’s debt is denominated in foreign                                    of seven-year bonds via HSBC (HBS:NYSE), rated A
currency, mainly US dollars. Net debt was 2.1x ebidta                                    by Fitch. Mr Crivellari says that the business is also
in 2009, 1.9x in 2010 and 2.0x ebidta in 3Q11.                                           looking to external markets and has held conversa-
    State companies in the south-east of Brazil are                                      tions with the IFC and IDB. He says that the business
increasingly entering into PPPs, which allow them to                                     wishes to triple the number of users from the current
fund investment, while retaining direct contact with                                     level of 1.25m in the next five years, and may consider
their customer bases. Sabesp established the R$300m                                      a partner.
CAB Spat PPP with CAB Ambiental (a small player in                                           The business recently had the Prolagos concession
the sector owned by Galvão Engenharia and FIGTS)                                         extended for another 18 years and is in the process of
in Taiaçupeba, São Paulo in 2009. The 15-year contract                                   approaching municipalities with a view to winning
covers the expansion of the capacity of water treat-                                     combined water and sewerage contracts, which cre-
ment by 50%.                                                                             ate better synergies and allow for lower tariffs than
    Sabesp plans to launch two more PPPs in 2012, one                                    separate water or sewerage concessions. It recently
for water treatment for the west of São Paulo city and                                   competed for the AP-5 PPP, a project to collect and                                        ACTION
one for sewerage on the northern coast of the state. Ce-
dae, the Rio de Janeiro utility, also recently launched a
                                                                                         treat sewerage in western Rio de Janeiro city, but lost
                                                                                         out to a consortium of Águas do Brasil and Foz do
major PPP for collection and treatment of sewerage in                                    Brasil, which are owned by Developer, Queiroz Gal-                                        01 Equipav, a
the deprived western zone of Rio de Janeiro city, which                                  vão, Trana and Cowan, and Odebrecht respectively.                                         private operator,
will require R$2bn investment over 30 years. Paula Bit-                                  The consortium paid R$84.2m for the PPP contract.                                         has an ebitda
tencourt, Copasa’s head of investor relations, told Bra-                                     Águas do Brasil has ten other concessions, covering                                   margin of around
zil Confidential that her firm is currently studying the                                   2m customers in eight municipalities in Rio de Janeiro                                    60%, 20pp higher
possibility of a PPP to expand the distribution network                                  and four in São Paulo. In 2011, net revenues were                                         than that enjoyed
for Belo Horizonte, although this is at an early stage.                                  R$488m, while the ebitda margin grew 1pp to 135%.                                         by the most
                                                                                         Leverage is low, just 20% of net revenue in 2011, and is                                  efficient public
Equipav’s efficiency                                                                      entirely comprised of long-term financing provided by                                      sector companies.
Through a growth in the number of PPPs being ten-                                        BNDES at a rate of around 8.5% per year. The company                                      This is as a result
dered and also direct concessions, private companies,                                    will look for further funding from the development                                        of reduction of
which currently hold about 10% of urban provision in                                     bank, to finance the AP-5 programme. Claudio Ab-                                           energy, labour and
Brazil, will increase their share to up to 40% by 2020,                                  duche, Águas do Brasil’s director-general, says that the                                  equipment costs
according to Paulo Oliveira, chief executive of the                                      firm “has no interest” in a stock listing.                                                 and investments in
concessionaires organisation Abcon.                                                          Foz do Brasil, meanwhile, has a strong footprint                                      metering.
    Infrastructure and services group Equipav moved                                      in the industrial sector. While this doesn’t offer the
into the sanitation field in 2005 through the acqui-                                      same scaleability as municipal contracts (which cover                                     02 In the supply
sition of two companies – Águas Guariroba from                                           residential, commercial and public sanitation), it is a
                                                                                                                                                                                   chain, multinational
Aigües de Barcelona, which has the contract for                                          fast growing area as a result of the high demand from
                                                                                                                                                                                   import advanced
water and sewerage in Campo Grande, and Prolagos                                         the oil and gas, mining, steel and paper and cellulose
from Águas de Portugal, which covers five munici-                                         industries. One such contract is the agreement to treat
                                                                                                                                                                                   offering improved
palities in Rio de Janeiro.                                                              water for the Franco-Japanese steel tubing joint ven-                                     water purity.
    The focus, according to finance director Flávio                                       ture Vallourec Sumitomo Brasil (VSB), based 100km                                         However, increased
Crivellari, has been on making significant capital invest-                                from Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais.                                                      demand for water
ments to increase the number of clients and improve                                          Foz received a senior loan of R$361m from BNDES                                       from Brazilian
efficiency. Cuts have been made to the company’s three                                    and R$74m in mezzanine financing from InfraBrasil,                                         corporations
largest operational costs – labour, energy and chemi-                                    a $942m fund run by Santander (SANB4:SAO). In 2010,                                       such as Vale and
cals. Automation reduced labour costs, while electric-                                   Foz also received a R$92m ten-year loan from the IFC to                                   Petrobras, which
ity costs have fallen 14% in the past four years, as the                                 finance greenfield projects, improve existing assets and                                    operate local
company now carries out distribution and collection                                      reinforce the existing capital base of the business with                                  content rules, could
during off-peak hours. Finally, chlorine costs have fallen                               a view to making potential acquisitions. The IFC has the                                  stimulate the local
by around one-third, following the construction of a                                     option of switching its loan into a 4% stake in Foz.                                      supply chain.
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limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.

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Ft 06.01.12

  • 1. BUILDING BRAZIL 12 BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL JA N UA RY 6-18 2012 SIGNS OF A CLEAN-UP IN THE SANITATION SECTOR BLOOMBERG SUMMARY The water and sanitation sector is badly managed and undercapitalised, but a process of transition is occurring. Sabesp and Copasa, listed companies which hold concessions in the south- east, are the best suited for organic growth. They are turning to the bond markets and PPPs to ease capital pressures. The private sector’s participation in the industry A Sanepar water treatment plant in Irai, Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil’s best sanitation companies are in the south and south-east could increase from 10% to up to 40% within A new framework a decade. Firms The better public providers are looking Ensuring universal access to piped water and sewerage owned by the to expand, and private-sector collection in Brazil would cost an estimated R$270bn major engineering companies are winning contracts. ($148bn, £95bn, €115bn). In 2010, the industry invested contractors are less than R$20bn, including both public and private Y expanding, in ou don’t have to travel far in Brazil before you sources. The federal government has pledged to invest particular through bump into the shortcomings of the sanitation a further R$35m by 2014, under the second phase of the combined water sector. The sewerage network reaches less than Programme for Growth Acceleration (PAC 2). But that and sewerage half the population, and most of the waste it leaves a considerable shortfall. The hope is that sanita- contracts. does collect isn’t treated. One in five Brazilians lack tion could follow the example of the highways sector, access to piped water. which has benefited from greater private-sector involve- The sector is dominated by badly-managed publicly- ment (through PPPs and concessions). owned utilities, which operate effective geographical The federal government is trying to overhaul the monopolies without formal contracts or independent institutional framework. In 2010 it passed a law obliging regulation. all municipalities to develop a sanitation plan by 2014 However, the government has committed itself to re- and create independent regulators. Other rules allow for form. It can take heart from good management seen in differentiated tariffs for customers who consume and the south-east, where two state-controlled providers – earn less, but indemnify utilities that cut off supplies to Sabesp (SPSB3:SAO) and Copasa (CSMG3:SAO) – are in those who don’t pay at all. the process of formalising contracts and relationships Policy is set at the federal level by the Ministry of with regulators. A small group of efficient privately- Cities, which together with the Ministry of Health held firms are also gaining ground. The question is and public banks such as BNDES and Caixa Econômi- whether the sector as a whole will remain a laggard. ca Federal provides funding to utilities. Provision Copyright Notice: The material in this publication is protected by international copyright laws. Our subscriber Agreement and copyright laws prohibit any unauthorised copying or redistribution of this publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
  • 2. BUILDING BRAZIL SIGNS OF A CLEAN-UP IN THE SANITATION SECTOR 13 BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL JA N UA RY 6-18 2012 and regulation, however, is delegated to the regional Good management means that sector indicators are level. Brazil has 27 publicly owned sanitation compa- above average for public sector companies. They both nies – one per state – alongside a multitude of publicly had system losses of less than 30% in 2009, compared owned municipal sanitation companies. with a national average of 37%, and unpaid bills at Co- Sabesp serves 23.5m In most parts of the country geographical pasa were 1.32% in 2010, less than the national average customers, making it one monopolies operate, but in recent years the of 7%. However, both companies face uncertainties in of the biggest sanitation south-east – and to a lesser extent the centre- relation to regulation and future capital-raising. companies by customer west – has been opened up to competition. The regulatory framework for both states is ex- base in the world As a result, a small number of private utili- pected to be announced later this year by the respec- ties, most of them subsidiaries of large engi- tive state governments, although the process has neering contractors, have been gaining ground and now cover 10% of urban provision. Concessions are awarded by municipal governments and typically last for 30 years. Financials of leading utilities However, the implementation of formal contracts via a Net revenues (R$m) public tender process is still at a very early stage. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Providers generally charge tariffs to customers for Copasa 4,953 5,527 5,971 6,352 6,731 9,230 7,226 supply of water and, where offered, collection of sewer- Sabesp 1,477 1,682 1,863 2,060 2,202 2,323 1,872 age. In some cases they also charge for the use of water although water metering is still not widespread. Tariffs Ebitda margins (%) have traditionally been set by the utilities themselves Copasa 39.7 39.0 40.2 28.9 39.6 45.6 42.5 based upon a calculation of operational cost and infla- Sabesp 46.1 44.3 45.2 44.7 40.7 34.9 31.1 Notes: R$1=$0.5, £0.3, €0.4. *Jan-Sep tion. However, where they exist, independent regulators Source: companies are in the process of defining new charging models. In São Paulo and Minas Gerais these will take into account capital expenditure when making tariff adjustments and this model may be repeated elsewhere. Much still to be done – especially in the north Access to water and sewerage services, 2009 Headway in the south-east % of households The biggest beneficiaries of reform could be those ar- Piped Water Sewerage collection eas where the service is currently worst. For example, Sewerage treatment in the north-east, where just 80% of the population 100 doesn’t have sewerage collection, companies have too 80 many staff and too little monitoring capacity. Mean- while, because of fraud, leaking pipes and clandestine 60 connections, the northern state of Amapá consumes % as much water per person as São Paulo. Amápa’s state 40 company, Caesa, cut half its jobs last year but still 20 lacked the funds to pay for its phone lines. In contrast, Brazil’s best sanitation companies are 0 North North- South Centre- South- Brazil in the south and south-east, the regions which also east west east have the best coverage. Santa Catarina’s Casan and Source: SNIS the companies for Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná (Copasa, Sabesp and Sanepar [SAPR3:SAO]) are all listed on the Bovespa, with the shares of Copasa and Sabesp trading on the Novo Mercado, the segment Efficiency is highest in the south with standards for corporate governance. Water losses as a share of water companies’ turnover, 2009 However, the stocks lack liquidity. Only 0.002% of Casan’s stocks are traded, for example. This may 60 change though, Santa Catarina state assembly recently 50 passed legislation allowing for the state government 40 to sell 49% of its stake in the company to a strategic investor, which may happen as early as 1Q12. % 30 53.7 Sabesp, in which the São Paulo state government 44.0 20 36.2 37.1 holds a 50.3% stake, serves 23.5m customers, making it 33.8 10 25.3 one of the biggest sanitation companies by customer base in the world. The smaller Copasa, in which Minas 0 North North South- Centre- South Brazil Gerais state government has a 53% stake, serves 13.2m east east west people. Both companies have significant potential for expansion of their customer bases. Source: SNIS Copyright Notice: The material in this publication is protected by international copyright laws. Our subscriber Agreement and copyright laws prohibit any unauthorised copying or redistribution of this publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
  • 3. BUILDING BRAZIL SIGNS OF A CLEAN-UP IN THE SANITATION SECTOR 14 BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL JA N UA RY 6-18 2012 already been subject to delays. try have had committees The new regulators are part of the state govern- – composed of representa- ments, which are the majority shareholder in the tives from industry, water respective companies, Sabesp and Copasa. companies and residential One sticking point is adjustments to the tariff consumers – which manage system, which will from this year take into account water resources. The com- capital expenditure as well as the rate of inflation and mittees have increased fees operational cost. Sabesp invested R$2.5bn in 2010 out for water by about 10% per of net income of R$9.2bn, while Copasa has invested year. Industry can reduce its an average of R$870m per year since listing in 2006 exposure to this increasing and so both should stand to gain from linking tariff cost by re-using water. Tra- adjustments to investment. However, it is not known ditionally it has done this by what basis the regulators will use to calculate the value treating water with coagu- of these companies’ respective asset bases. lants such as iron chlorate Both companies are in the process of formalising their and aluminium sulphate to service contracts with municipalities. One uncertainty aggregate pollutants. But the for Sabesp relates to a contract it was recently awarded to quality of the end product is not as good as that achieved supply the municipality of São Paulo. The contract con- tains a service fee priced at 7.5% of gross revenues gener- INSIGHT with advanced technol- ated from São Paulo. This is unusual in the public sector, SUPPLY CHAIN ogy such as ultra-filtration and the company may seek to pass it on to consumers OPPORTUNITIES membranes and as a result via higher tariffs. However, it is not certain that the state cannot be used in sectors like regulator would accept such a move. Annual sales of water and the pharmaceutical industry, Another issue for Sabesp and Copasa is financ- wastewater treatment where purity is paramount. ing growth. Both have the opportunity to expand technology services in Latin Dow manufactures key their customer bases significantly. Copasa currently America will rise by over 50% parts in Europe, the US and provides water to around three-quarters and sewerage by 2020, to around $72bn, Asia, which it then sells on to to a quarter of the 800 municipalities in Minas Gerais according to forecasts from the large suppliers of utilities and has identified another 104 municipalities it wishes consultancy Frost & Sulli- and industry in Brazil and to target for sewerage contracts, while Sabesp provides van. The vast majority of the elsewhere in Latin America. water to 23.8m customers and collects sewerage from market is in the residential The company’s sales for the 20m, but still only covers half of São Paulo’s 645 and commercial sectors, region are forecast to double municipalities. This expansion is likely to take place although industry is seeing in the three years to 2012, via organic growth rather than M&A activity, as other faster growth. although it did not supply publicly owned companies are largely opposed to be- Within Brazil, around 85% specific figures. ing acquired and many don’t hold formal concessions of the market is dominated While much of the equip- for the services that they provide. by multinational companies ment used in the sector in In the context of lacklustre equity markets, Sabesp such as Nalco (NLC:NYSE), GE Brazil currently is imported, and Copasa are likely to issue bonds, take loans from (GE:NYSE), Kurita (6370:TYO), Alessandra Lancellotti of federal government agencies or enter into PPPs to Kemira (KRA1V:HEX), Frost & Sullivan thinks that fuel this expansion. Another option is multilateral Veolia (VIE:PAR), Dow this will change as demand agencies, such as the IFC, which recently provided (DOW:NYSE), Buckman and increases from large state- Ashland (ASH:NYSE). Their owned companies such as distribution networks and Petrobras (PETR4:SAO) and The states that invested most in sanitation technologies allow them to Vale (VALE5:SAO), which 2009 out-compete Brazilian rivals. have significant local content Rio Grande do Sul Advanced technologies rules for their respective sup- R$359.7m can reduce the cost to the end ply chains. Pernambuco user by 20-30%, according to While legislation is R$440.5m Renato Ramos, head of re- increasingly rigorous, the search and development Dow sector would receive an even Bahia Water & Process Solutions greater boost were laws to R$458.7m São Paulo Latin America, because they be better enforced, says Ms R$2,712.9m consume less energy and Lancellotti. “Many small and chemicals. medium industries are not Minas Gerais There are legislative driv- monitored,” she says. “Very R$937.3m ers, too, to the growth of often they don’t even have a such technology. Since 1997 system for the treatment of Source: SNIS some parts of the coun- water.” Copyright Notice: The material in this publication is protected by international copyright laws. Our subscriber Agreement and copyright laws prohibit any unauthorised copying or redistribution of this publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.
  • 4. BUILDING BRAZIL SIGNS OF A CLEAN-UP IN THE SANITATION SECTOR 15 BRAZIL CONFIDENTIAL JA N UA RY 6-18 2012 R$59m to Casan and the state utility for Sergipe – factory in Campo Grande, which allows the company to Deso – to fund training, installing water meters and supply its local network and sell the surplus. As a result, registering users. ebitda margins for the two companies are expected to Copasa has exhausted the capital available from exceed 50% for 2011. That compares with a margin of its IPO and is looking for additional sources. It can’t 34% for Guariroba at the time of the acquisition and a issue new shares because the state government is at its negative margin for Prolagos and is up to 20pp higher shareholding limit, so it plans to issue R$400m in 2012. than that of Copasa and Sabesp. It has also obtained a €100m loan from the German Long-term financing is provided by Caixa Econômi- development bank KfW but does not wish to increase ca Federal to Guariroba and BNDES to Prolagos. The its foreign currency exposure significantly beyond the business is looking for alternatives in capital markets. current level of around 2% of gross debt. In contrast, In 2007, Prolagos made a private placement of R$75m around 35% of Sabesp’s debt is denominated in foreign of seven-year bonds via HSBC (HBS:NYSE), rated A currency, mainly US dollars. Net debt was 2.1x ebidta by Fitch. Mr Crivellari says that the business is also in 2009, 1.9x in 2010 and 2.0x ebidta in 3Q11. looking to external markets and has held conversa- State companies in the south-east of Brazil are tions with the IFC and IDB. He says that the business increasingly entering into PPPs, which allow them to wishes to triple the number of users from the current fund investment, while retaining direct contact with level of 1.25m in the next five years, and may consider their customer bases. Sabesp established the R$300m a partner. CAB Spat PPP with CAB Ambiental (a small player in The business recently had the Prolagos concession the sector owned by Galvão Engenharia and FIGTS) extended for another 18 years and is in the process of in Taiaçupeba, São Paulo in 2009. The 15-year contract approaching municipalities with a view to winning covers the expansion of the capacity of water treat- combined water and sewerage contracts, which cre- ment by 50%. ate better synergies and allow for lower tariffs than Sabesp plans to launch two more PPPs in 2012, one separate water or sewerage concessions. It recently for water treatment for the west of São Paulo city and competed for the AP-5 PPP, a project to collect and ACTION one for sewerage on the northern coast of the state. Ce- dae, the Rio de Janeiro utility, also recently launched a treat sewerage in western Rio de Janeiro city, but lost out to a consortium of Águas do Brasil and Foz do POINTS major PPP for collection and treatment of sewerage in Brasil, which are owned by Developer, Queiroz Gal- 01 Equipav, a the deprived western zone of Rio de Janeiro city, which vão, Trana and Cowan, and Odebrecht respectively. private operator, will require R$2bn investment over 30 years. Paula Bit- The consortium paid R$84.2m for the PPP contract. has an ebitda tencourt, Copasa’s head of investor relations, told Bra- Águas do Brasil has ten other concessions, covering margin of around zil Confidential that her firm is currently studying the 2m customers in eight municipalities in Rio de Janeiro 60%, 20pp higher possibility of a PPP to expand the distribution network and four in São Paulo. In 2011, net revenues were than that enjoyed for Belo Horizonte, although this is at an early stage. R$488m, while the ebitda margin grew 1pp to 135%. by the most Leverage is low, just 20% of net revenue in 2011, and is efficient public Equipav’s efficiency entirely comprised of long-term financing provided by sector companies. Through a growth in the number of PPPs being ten- BNDES at a rate of around 8.5% per year. The company This is as a result dered and also direct concessions, private companies, will look for further funding from the development of reduction of which currently hold about 10% of urban provision in bank, to finance the AP-5 programme. Claudio Ab- energy, labour and Brazil, will increase their share to up to 40% by 2020, duche, Águas do Brasil’s director-general, says that the equipment costs according to Paulo Oliveira, chief executive of the firm “has no interest” in a stock listing. and investments in concessionaires organisation Abcon. Foz do Brasil, meanwhile, has a strong footprint metering. Infrastructure and services group Equipav moved in the industrial sector. While this doesn’t offer the into the sanitation field in 2005 through the acqui- same scaleability as municipal contracts (which cover 02 In the supply sition of two companies – Águas Guariroba from residential, commercial and public sanitation), it is a chain, multinational Aigües de Barcelona, which has the contract for fast growing area as a result of the high demand from companies import advanced water and sewerage in Campo Grande, and Prolagos the oil and gas, mining, steel and paper and cellulose technologies, from Águas de Portugal, which covers five munici- industries. One such contract is the agreement to treat offering improved palities in Rio de Janeiro. water for the Franco-Japanese steel tubing joint ven- water purity. The focus, according to finance director Flávio ture Vallourec Sumitomo Brasil (VSB), based 100km However, increased Crivellari, has been on making significant capital invest- from Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais. demand for water ments to increase the number of clients and improve Foz received a senior loan of R$361m from BNDES from Brazilian efficiency. Cuts have been made to the company’s three and R$74m in mezzanine financing from InfraBrasil, corporations largest operational costs – labour, energy and chemi- a $942m fund run by Santander (SANB4:SAO). In 2010, such as Vale and cals. Automation reduced labour costs, while electric- Foz also received a R$92m ten-year loan from the IFC to Petrobras, which ity costs have fallen 14% in the past four years, as the finance greenfield projects, improve existing assets and operate local company now carries out distribution and collection reinforce the existing capital base of the business with content rules, could during off-peak hours. Finally, chlorine costs have fallen a view to making potential acquisitions. The IFC has the stimulate the local by around one-third, following the construction of a option of switching its loan into a 4% stake in Foz. supply chain. Copyright Notice: The material in this publication is protected by international copyright laws. Our subscriber Agreement and copyright laws prohibit any unauthorised copying or redistribution of this publication or parts of it, including forwarding by email, to any individual or other third party. Any violation of these restrictions may result in personal and/or corporate liability. (c) The Financial Times limited 2010. “Brazil Confidential”, “FT” and “Financial Times” are trade marks of the Financial Times Limited.