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Franz Hasel:

Alvin L. Reyes MD
Theme: Psalm 91 5-7

• Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by
  night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
• For the pestilence that walketh in darkness,
  Nor for the destruction that wasteth at
• A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten
  thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not
  come nigh thee.
This is an incredible story

 • About how to work up faith in God.
  • About faith in action, a Sabbath-
   keeping family who dared to keep
  their faith in the chaos of Hitler’s Nazi
  • About the miraculous acts of the
    Almighty on behalf of His faithful
World War 2

• Forty-year-old Franz Hasel, a Seventh-
  day Adventist literature evangelist, was
  drafted into the German Pioneer
  Company 699.
• This company built bridges at the front
Before leaving for the war..

• Franz had read in family worship, “Thou
  shalt not be afraid for the terror by
  night; nor for the arrow that flieth by
  day . . . a thousand shall fall at thy
  side, and ten thousand at thy right
  hand; but it shall not come nigh thee . .
  . For He shall give His angels charge
  over thee, to keep thee in all thy
  ways,” Psalm 91:5-11.
The Hasel Family
Franz’s prayer before he left.

• "Please be with us, Father. . . . Help me
  to be true to my faith, even in the
  army. Help me so that I will not have to
  kill anyone."
At the recruitment center

• Hasel announced that he was a
  Sabbath-keeping Christian, and a
  conscientious objector.
• He would be dubbed “carrot eater”
  and “Bible reader”.
Reporting for duty

• He stated, “I am a Seventh-day
  Adventist. I worship God on Saturday
  as the Bible teaches us to do. I would
  like to be excused from reporting for
  duty on my Sabbath day. Also, I do not
  eat pork or anything else that comes
  from pigs. I respectfully request
  permission to receive a substitute
  whenever pork products are served.”
The Nazi Lieutenant turned beet

• “You must be mad, private! This is the
  German army! This battalion’s going to
  war, and you want Saturday off?”
• Under his breath he spat out, “It’s just
  my luck to be saddled with a religious
Franz Hasel in the Army

• Franz had a pre-sentiment that unlike
  the earlier, easier conquests of the
  west, this battle would be long and
• He recommitted his life to God, and
  felt reassured that he was in God’s
Sept 1,1939

• The Germans crossed the border into
  Poland. Warsaw surrendered
  September 29.
In Poland- a wooden gun?

• Franz had a carpenter carve a
  wooden bracket which he later
  whittled into a revolver. He used shoe
  polish to blacken it.
• At great risk to his life (where he was
  almost caught) he threw his real gun in
  a lake.
• He also had a standard issue holster
Standard Issue German Luger &
Franz was an expert marksman.

• But he threw the gun away and could
  be tempted to kill someone in self
• If this had been discovered by his
  superiors, he would have been
Why throw away the gun?

• To show God that he is serious about
  not wanting to kill any human, he
  disposes of his revolver, putting his life
  totally into God’s hands.
• Franz remembered Ludwig Klein,
  another private who exchanged 50
  pounds of butter for his gun.
• To give a weapon to the enemy was
  treason and punishable with death. He
  was executed that same evening
Nazi Parade in Warsaw
Jews in Lodz, Poland forced to leave for
a ghetto
Jews from Warsaw Ghetto
Death at the Belsen camp
Back @ the home front…

• Franz’s wife Helene Hasel and their 3
  children had harrowing episodes.
• She kept her children from taking
  Saturday examinations, and stoutly
  resisted immense pressure to join the
  Nazi Party.
The Hasel Children
Joining Vs. Not Joining

• Joining would mean extra ration cards,
  vacations, and many privileges.
• Not joining would result in difficulty
  obtaining food, harassment, and
  possibly arrest. The trials the family
  faced were incredible.
But Helene Hasel stood firm.

• Seventh-day Adventist Church
 officials advised caving in to the Nazis,
 but Helene Hasel stoutly refused to do
 so. They had to move to the country to
 escape arrest. Difficulties ensued
 there as well.
Hitler Youth which the Hasel children did
not join
Adventists die in a bombing raid…

• "The Bible is all lies! God doesn’t
  protect us. He doesn’t care what
  happens to us. We might as well not
  pray any more."
• These words spill from 7 year-old
  Gerhard Hasel, who believed that God
  will protect believers from harm.
His mother, Helene, replies..

• "Pain and tragedy can come to
  anybody, good and bad alike. The
  important thing is to believe that God
  loves us no matter what happens. As
  long as we are His children, it doesn’t
  matter if we live or die because in the
  end, we will live with Him in heaven."
On Fridays it rained ?

• As his Pioneer Corps advanced East, it
  was amazing how sometimes torrential
  rains came on Friday, forcing the unit
  to rest on the Sabbath lest they get
  bogged down in Polish mud.
• By accident, he discovered a group
 of Jews being executed by the SS.
 He tried to help save lives, but was
As incredible as it sounds…

• Franz Hasel, with God’s help, kept the
  Sabbath for almost the entire war, and
  “coincidences” helped him avoid pork
  as well.
• One time, he disobeyed orders and
  refused to work on the Sabbath. His
  officer promised a court martial after
  the war.
War Medal
 • He earns the Maltese Cross because
   of his "good moral influence on the
   men in the entire company."
 • Franz is promoted and received new
   benefits, such as being relieved of all
   outdoor work.
June 22, 1941

• At 3 o’clock am Hitler launched the
  invasion of Russia. The Russians were
  surprised by the attack.
• On June 30 the awaited order arrived:
  The Pioneers were to enter Russia the
  following day.
• Pioneer Company 699 moved into
  Russia as far as the Caucasus. They felt
  they had arrived in Eden with
  grapevines and pomegranates heavy
  with fruit.
Franz’ Unit
• The people were friendly, welcoming
  the Germans as liberators from
  Communist rule. For the time being the
  Pioneers were stationed near Mount
  Elbrus, at 18,510 feet the highest
  mountain in Europe.
Mount Elbrus
Back to war…

• His sergeant notices that he is the man
  in their company who does not get
  even a scratch or a bruise. The bullets
  always seem to miss Franz.
Guardian Angel ?

• His sergeant declares, "From now on,
  you and I will share the same quarters!
  You are going to be my guardian
Moscow 1941
Stalingrad 1942
Stalingrad 1942
• Part of his job was to go into the next
  town and obtain food for the unit. He
  would warn all Jews to run for their
  lives before the German army got
• Discovery of his heroic deeds would
  mean instant execution.
• Although suspected of being a
  disguised Jew, Franz somehow always
  is able to follow his principles.
Daniel 2

 • At one time he explained the Daniel
   2 prophecy to Captain Miekus,
   Sergeant Erich and his nemesis
   Lieutenant Gutschalk.
When he reached the toes…

• “Herr Captain,” he said, “the only
  conclusion a Bible student can
  come to is that the Fuehrer cannot
  win this war. It will not be possible for
  him to unite Europe and establish his
  thousand-year Third Reich.”
• He looked earnestly into the Captain's
  face. “Sir, the Bible’s predictions have
  been proved accurate again and
  again. And if they’re accurate here, it
  means that we’re fighting a losing
A week later the captain said…

• “Hasel, from now on we will no longer
  operate a third of our motorized
  vehicles. The gasoline we will save so
  that when the end comes we will have
  enough fuel to get back home.”
Stalingrad 1943
Soviet Offensive Leningrad 1943
German POWs
At the face of defeat…
• As the war wound down
  to an ignominious
  German defeat, Franz’s
  unit retreated from the
  Caucasus back to
  Germany, in a mad dash
  to surrender to the
  Americans rather than
  the Russians.
By a mere 30 minutes…

• Pioneer Company 699 retreated and
  entered Germany minutes ahead of
  the Russians.
• At 10:30 a.m. Franz crossed the bridge
  over the river Enns, just before the
  border closed. They had just made it
  into American territory.
The Russians reach Berlin
Victory Parade. Red Square,
Moscow, June 24, 1945
At the other side..

• American told them to “Stop!” and
  gestured to one pile . “Weapons here.
  Ammunition there.”
• Franz unbuttoned his holster and
  tossed his wooden “revolver” on the
• His friend Willi’s eyes started from their
  sockets. “Franz,” he asked, “What on
  earth is that thing?”
My angel has a wooden gun?

• “That’s my gun,” said Franz, eyes
  twinkling. “I had it made in Poland and
  got rid of my real one there.”
• “Are you crazy?” asked Willi.
• Sergeant Erich stared even harder at
  Franz. This was the man he’d chosen to
  be his guardian angel during the entire
The American colonel
interrogated Hasel…

• “I see in your service record a notation
  that you are to be court-martialed
  after the war.”
• “Yes, sir,” said Franz.
• “What did you do to earn this?”
Franz’s answer

• “I refused an order for religious
  reasons. I am a Seventh-day
  Adventist, and I keep the Sabbath
  holy. Once, on my day of rest, there
  was an attack, and I refused to do
  duty because it was the Sabbath.”
• “You can’t be serious. All through the
  war you kept the Sabbath in the Nazi
  army, and you survived?”
• “Yes, sir. God protected me, even in
  the German army.”
• “That’s amazing,” said the colonel.
  “I’m a Jew myself, by the way. Even in
  the American army I don’t keep the
  Sabbath because it’s too difficult.”
• “Colonel,” Franz said boldly, “I
  recommend that you keep the
To one of his officers…

• "Because of my Christian beliefs, you
 have wanted to do away with me all
 during the war. Now those same
 Christian beliefs are going to be your
 salvation because I am not going to
 turn you in for war crimes."
• Franz Hasel was released by the
  American forces only ten days after he
  surrendered. His youngest son Gerd
  was the first to meet him along the
  road some distance from the village.
• Soon Helene was in his arms. There
  would be difficult days of famine and
  hardship ahead. Yet the war was
  over, and they were safe.
Family reunion

• The family knelt together while Franz
  prayed. “Lord, all through the war You
  protected us and, in the end, brought
  us back together safely. Thank you.
  Thank you!”
A Mighty Fortress

• The family rose, formed a circle, and
  once again sang their favorite hymn:
  – “A mighty fortress is our God . . . “We will
    not fear, for God hath willed His truth to
    triumph through us . . . “The body they
    may kill; God’s truth abideth still, His
    Kingdom is forever.”
• At the end of the war, when they return
  to their city of Frankfurt, the Hasels
  discover that their home is still standing
  amidst the destruction.
Frankfurt after the war
1,200 minus 7= 1,193

• All but seven of his 1,200-man unit died
  in the war. Three of whom were not
• Franz Hasel, the man with the wooden
  pistol is one of these three.
Franz at peace-time
Susi Hasel
• Susi Hasel was born in 1943 to Franz
  and Helene Hasel. She is married
  and currently is the Registrar of
  Pacific Union College, Angwin,
  California. (email:
Gerhard F. Hasel

• Gerhard became Professor of Old
  Testament and Biblical Theology at
  Andrews University.
Some lessons from Franz
Hasel’s life:
1. Be true to your faith.

• The truth will always be true- no matter
  who twists it. It cannot be hid. It will
  always come out.
• Stand on the truth.
Loyalty unto death!

• Practice loyalty to self, family, friends,
  truth and God.
• Don’t sell your principles for money,
  position, privileges.
Our High Calling p357

• Daniel did not seek to hide his
  loyalty to God. He did not
  pray in his heart, but with his
  voice, aloud, with his window
  open toward Jerusalem, he
  offered up his petition to
2. The majority isn’t always right.

• Be aware of the “mob” reaction.
• Be wary of people who force their
  morality on others (esp. leaders).
The SDA Church Apology: Late
by 60 years

• Church Leaders say “We’re Sorry”: German
  and Austrian Churches apologize for
  Holocaust actions. (May 2005 Advent Echo)
• We "deeply regret" any participation in or
  support of Nazi activities during the war. The
  church bodies "honestly confess" a failure "in
  following our Lord" by not protecting Jews,
  and others, from that era's genocide.
Acts of the Apostles p68

• In matters of conscience the majority
  has no power."
  – Merle d'Aubigne, History of the
    Reformation, b. 13, ch. 5.
3. Determine not to kill.

• Make a stand on combat duty,
  abortion and euthanasia.
• We also kill ourselves with bad health
• We can also kill reputations by gossip
  and kill others’ faith by bad example.
4. Know & trust God personally.

• Walk with God on a daily basis.
• Trust Him on minor and large, secular
  and spiritual issues.
• Remember, you are set
  aside for a holy purpose.
• You are not to copy the
  ways of the world- in
  speech, dress, food,
  methods and actions.
Gospel Workers p373

• We must know Christ personally. Then
  only can we rightly represent Him to
  the world. Let the prayer constantly
  ascend…Wherever we are, we must let
  our light shine forth to the glory of God
  in good works. This is the great,
  important interest of our life.
5. Keep the Sabbath.

• Keep the Sabbath (including the
  edges) and it will keep you.
Isaiah 58:13, 14

• If thou turn away thy foot from the
  sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on
  my holy day; and call the sabbath a
  delight, and the holy of Jehovah
  honorable; and shalt honor it, not
  doing thine own ways, nor finding thine
  own pleasure, nor speaking thine own
The 2nd Commandment with a
• …then shalt thou delight thyself in
  Jehovah; and I will make thee to ride
  upon the high places of the earth; and
  I will feed thee with the heritage of
  Jacob thy father: for the mouth of
  Jehovah hath spoken it.
God’s Amazing Grace p.156

• It (the Sabbath) is the sign that now
  distinguishes God's people as they
  come out from the world to enter the
  heavenly rest. The Sabbath is a sign of
  a relationship existing between God
  and His people, a sign that they honor
  His law.
Gospel Workers p209

• Those who sanctified the Lord God in
  their hearts by a strictly devotional
  frame of mind, and who sought to
  improve the sacred hours in keeping
  the Sabbath to the best of their ability,
  and to honor God by calling the
  Sabbath a delight,

• --these the angels were specially
  blessing with light and health, and
  special strength was given them.
  – Vol. 2, p. 702.
The Sabbath a sign

• In all ages the Sabbath has been the
  test of loyalty to God. "It is a sign
  between Me and the children of Israel
  forever," the Lord declares.
    • Gospel Workers, pp. 148, 149. (1915)
Final Word From Our Sponsor

• Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror
  by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by
• For the pestilence that walketh in
  darkness, Nor for the destruction that
  wasteth at noonday.
Psalm 91: 7

• A thousand shall fall at thy side, And
  ten thousand at thy right hand; But it
  shall not come nigh thee.
Salamat po.

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Franz hasel

  • 1.
  • 2. Franz Hasel: A Thousand Shall Fall Alvin L. Reyes MD
  • 3. Theme: Psalm 91 5-7 • Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; • For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. • A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee.
  • 4. This is an incredible story • About how to work up faith in God. • About faith in action, a Sabbath- keeping family who dared to keep their faith in the chaos of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. • About the miraculous acts of the Almighty on behalf of His faithful people.
  • 5. World War 2 • Forty-year-old Franz Hasel, a Seventh- day Adventist literature evangelist, was drafted into the German Pioneer Company 699. • This company built bridges at the front lines.
  • 6. Before leaving for the war.. • Franz had read in family worship, “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day . . . a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee . . . For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways,” Psalm 91:5-11.
  • 8. Franz’s prayer before he left. • "Please be with us, Father. . . . Help me to be true to my faith, even in the army. Help me so that I will not have to kill anyone."
  • 9. At the recruitment center • Hasel announced that he was a Sabbath-keeping Christian, and a conscientious objector. • He would be dubbed “carrot eater” and “Bible reader”.
  • 10. Reporting for duty • He stated, “I am a Seventh-day Adventist. I worship God on Saturday as the Bible teaches us to do. I would like to be excused from reporting for duty on my Sabbath day. Also, I do not eat pork or anything else that comes from pigs. I respectfully request permission to receive a substitute whenever pork products are served.”
  • 11. The Nazi Lieutenant turned beet red… • “You must be mad, private! This is the German army! This battalion’s going to war, and you want Saturday off?” • Under his breath he spat out, “It’s just my luck to be saddled with a religious nut!”
  • 12. Franz Hasel in the Army
  • 13. Recommitment • Franz had a pre-sentiment that unlike the earlier, easier conquests of the west, this battle would be long and bloody. • He recommitted his life to God, and felt reassured that he was in God’s care.
  • 14. Sept 1,1939 • The Germans crossed the border into Poland. Warsaw surrendered September 29.
  • 15. In Poland- a wooden gun? • Franz had a carpenter carve a wooden bracket which he later whittled into a revolver. He used shoe polish to blacken it. • At great risk to his life (where he was almost caught) he threw his real gun in a lake. • He also had a standard issue holster made.
  • 16. Standard Issue German Luger & Holster
  • 17. Franz was an expert marksman. • But he threw the gun away and could be tempted to kill someone in self defense. • If this had been discovered by his superiors, he would have been executed.
  • 18. Why throw away the gun? • To show God that he is serious about not wanting to kill any human, he disposes of his revolver, putting his life totally into God’s hands.
  • 19. • Franz remembered Ludwig Klein, another private who exchanged 50 pounds of butter for his gun. • To give a weapon to the enemy was treason and punishable with death. He was executed that same evening
  • 20. Nazi Parade in Warsaw
  • 21. Jews in Lodz, Poland forced to leave for a ghetto
  • 23. Death at the Belsen camp
  • 24. Back @ the home front… • Franz’s wife Helene Hasel and their 3 children had harrowing episodes. • She kept her children from taking Saturday examinations, and stoutly resisted immense pressure to join the Nazi Party.
  • 26. Joining Vs. Not Joining • Joining would mean extra ration cards, vacations, and many privileges. • Not joining would result in difficulty obtaining food, harassment, and possibly arrest. The trials the family faced were incredible.
  • 27. But Helene Hasel stood firm. • Seventh-day Adventist Church officials advised caving in to the Nazis, but Helene Hasel stoutly refused to do so. They had to move to the country to escape arrest. Difficulties ensued there as well.
  • 28. Hitler Youth which the Hasel children did not join
  • 29. Adventists die in a bombing raid… • "The Bible is all lies! God doesn’t protect us. He doesn’t care what happens to us. We might as well not pray any more." • These words spill from 7 year-old Gerhard Hasel, who believed that God will protect believers from harm.
  • 30. His mother, Helene, replies.. • "Pain and tragedy can come to anybody, good and bad alike. The important thing is to believe that God loves us no matter what happens. As long as we are His children, it doesn’t matter if we live or die because in the end, we will live with Him in heaven."
  • 31. On Fridays it rained ? • As his Pioneer Corps advanced East, it was amazing how sometimes torrential rains came on Friday, forcing the unit to rest on the Sabbath lest they get bogged down in Polish mud.
  • 32. • By accident, he discovered a group of Jews being executed by the SS. He tried to help save lives, but was rebuffed.
  • 33. As incredible as it sounds… • Franz Hasel, with God’s help, kept the Sabbath for almost the entire war, and “coincidences” helped him avoid pork as well. • One time, he disobeyed orders and refused to work on the Sabbath. His officer promised a court martial after the war.
  • 34. War Medal • He earns the Maltese Cross because of his "good moral influence on the men in the entire company." • Franz is promoted and received new benefits, such as being relieved of all outdoor work.
  • 35. June 22, 1941 • At 3 o’clock am Hitler launched the invasion of Russia. The Russians were surprised by the attack.
  • 36. • On June 30 the awaited order arrived: The Pioneers were to enter Russia the following day.
  • 37. • Pioneer Company 699 moved into Russia as far as the Caucasus. They felt they had arrived in Eden with grapevines and pomegranates heavy with fruit.
  • 39. • The people were friendly, welcoming the Germans as liberators from Communist rule. For the time being the Pioneers were stationed near Mount Elbrus, at 18,510 feet the highest mountain in Europe.
  • 41. Back to war… • His sergeant notices that he is the man in their company who does not get even a scratch or a bruise. The bullets always seem to miss Franz.
  • 42. Guardian Angel ? • His sergeant declares, "From now on, you and I will share the same quarters! You are going to be my guardian angel!"
  • 46. • Part of his job was to go into the next town and obtain food for the unit. He would warn all Jews to run for their lives before the German army got there. • Discovery of his heroic deeds would mean instant execution.
  • 47. • Although suspected of being a disguised Jew, Franz somehow always is able to follow his principles.
  • 48. Daniel 2 • At one time he explained the Daniel 2 prophecy to Captain Miekus, Sergeant Erich and his nemesis Lieutenant Gutschalk.
  • 49. When he reached the toes… • “Herr Captain,” he said, “the only conclusion a Bible student can come to is that the Fuehrer cannot win this war. It will not be possible for him to unite Europe and establish his thousand-year Third Reich.”
  • 50. • He looked earnestly into the Captain's face. “Sir, the Bible’s predictions have been proved accurate again and again. And if they’re accurate here, it means that we’re fighting a losing battle.”
  • 51. A week later the captain said… • “Hasel, from now on we will no longer operate a third of our motorized vehicles. The gasoline we will save so that when the end comes we will have enough fuel to get back home.”
  • 55. At the face of defeat… • As the war wound down to an ignominious German defeat, Franz’s unit retreated from the Caucasus back to Germany, in a mad dash to surrender to the Americans rather than the Russians.
  • 56. By a mere 30 minutes… • Pioneer Company 699 retreated and entered Germany minutes ahead of the Russians. • At 10:30 a.m. Franz crossed the bridge over the river Enns, just before the border closed. They had just made it into American territory.
  • 58. Victory Parade. Red Square, Moscow, June 24, 1945
  • 59. At the other side.. • American told them to “Stop!” and gestured to one pile . “Weapons here. Ammunition there.” • Franz unbuttoned his holster and tossed his wooden “revolver” on the heap. • His friend Willi’s eyes started from their sockets. “Franz,” he asked, “What on earth is that thing?”
  • 60. My angel has a wooden gun? • “That’s my gun,” said Franz, eyes twinkling. “I had it made in Poland and got rid of my real one there.” • “Are you crazy?” asked Willi. • Sergeant Erich stared even harder at Franz. This was the man he’d chosen to be his guardian angel during the entire war!
  • 61. The American colonel interrogated Hasel… • “I see in your service record a notation that you are to be court-martialed after the war.” • “Yes, sir,” said Franz. • “What did you do to earn this?”
  • 62. Franz’s answer • “I refused an order for religious reasons. I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and I keep the Sabbath holy. Once, on my day of rest, there was an attack, and I refused to do duty because it was the Sabbath.”
  • 63. • “You can’t be serious. All through the war you kept the Sabbath in the Nazi army, and you survived?” • “Yes, sir. God protected me, even in the German army.”
  • 64. • “That’s amazing,” said the colonel. “I’m a Jew myself, by the way. Even in the American army I don’t keep the Sabbath because it’s too difficult.” • “Colonel,” Franz said boldly, “I recommend that you keep the Sabbath.”
  • 65. To one of his officers… • "Because of my Christian beliefs, you have wanted to do away with me all during the war. Now those same Christian beliefs are going to be your salvation because I am not going to turn you in for war crimes."
  • 66. • Franz Hasel was released by the American forces only ten days after he surrendered. His youngest son Gerd was the first to meet him along the road some distance from the village.
  • 67. • Soon Helene was in his arms. There would be difficult days of famine and hardship ahead. Yet the war was over, and they were safe.
  • 68. Family reunion • The family knelt together while Franz prayed. “Lord, all through the war You protected us and, in the end, brought us back together safely. Thank you. Thank you!”
  • 69. A Mighty Fortress • The family rose, formed a circle, and once again sang their favorite hymn: – “A mighty fortress is our God . . . “We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us . . . “The body they may kill; God’s truth abideth still, His Kingdom is forever.”
  • 70. • At the end of the war, when they return to their city of Frankfurt, the Hasels discover that their home is still standing amidst the destruction.
  • 72. 1,200 minus 7= 1,193 • All but seven of his 1,200-man unit died in the war. Three of whom were not wounded; • Franz Hasel, the man with the wooden pistol is one of these three.
  • 74. Susi Hasel • Susi Hasel was born in 1943 to Franz and Helene Hasel. She is married and currently is the Registrar of Pacific Union College, Angwin, California. (email:
  • 75. Gerhard F. Hasel • Gerhard became Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Andrews University.
  • 76. Some lessons from Franz Hasel’s life:
  • 77. 1. Be true to your faith. • The truth will always be true- no matter who twists it. It cannot be hid. It will always come out. • Stand on the truth.
  • 78. Loyalty unto death! • Practice loyalty to self, family, friends, truth and God. • Don’t sell your principles for money, position, privileges.
  • 79. Our High Calling p357 • Daniel did not seek to hide his loyalty to God. He did not pray in his heart, but with his voice, aloud, with his window open toward Jerusalem, he offered up his petition to heaven.
  • 80. 2. The majority isn’t always right. • Be aware of the “mob” reaction. • Be wary of people who force their morality on others (esp. leaders).
  • 81. The SDA Church Apology: Late by 60 years • Church Leaders say “We’re Sorry”: German and Austrian Churches apologize for Holocaust actions. (May 2005 Advent Echo) • We "deeply regret" any participation in or support of Nazi activities during the war. The church bodies "honestly confess" a failure "in following our Lord" by not protecting Jews, and others, from that era's genocide.
  • 82. Acts of the Apostles p68 • In matters of conscience the majority has no power." – Merle d'Aubigne, History of the Reformation, b. 13, ch. 5.
  • 83. 3. Determine not to kill. • Make a stand on combat duty, abortion and euthanasia. • We also kill ourselves with bad health habits.
  • 84. • We can also kill reputations by gossip and kill others’ faith by bad example.
  • 85. 4. Know & trust God personally. • Walk with God on a daily basis. • Trust Him on minor and large, secular and spiritual issues.
  • 86. • Remember, you are set aside for a holy purpose. • You are not to copy the ways of the world- in speech, dress, food, methods and actions.
  • 87. Gospel Workers p373 • We must know Christ personally. Then only can we rightly represent Him to the world. Let the prayer constantly ascend…Wherever we are, we must let our light shine forth to the glory of God in good works. This is the great, important interest of our life.
  • 88. 5. Keep the Sabbath. • Keep the Sabbath (including the edges) and it will keep you.
  • 89. Isaiah 58:13, 14 • If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, and the holy of Jehovah honorable; and shalt honor it, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
  • 90. The 2nd Commandment with a Promise • …then shalt thou delight thyself in Jehovah; and I will make thee to ride upon the high places of the earth; and I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it.
  • 91. God’s Amazing Grace p.156 • It (the Sabbath) is the sign that now distinguishes God's people as they come out from the world to enter the heavenly rest. The Sabbath is a sign of a relationship existing between God and His people, a sign that they honor His law.
  • 92. Gospel Workers p209 • Those who sanctified the Lord God in their hearts by a strictly devotional frame of mind, and who sought to improve the sacred hours in keeping the Sabbath to the best of their ability, and to honor God by calling the Sabbath a delight,
  • 93. Cont… • --these the angels were specially blessing with light and health, and special strength was given them. – Vol. 2, p. 702.
  • 94. The Sabbath a sign • In all ages the Sabbath has been the test of loyalty to God. "It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever," the Lord declares. • Gospel Workers, pp. 148, 149. (1915)
  • 95. Final Word From Our Sponsor • Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; • For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
  • 96. Psalm 91: 7 • A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee.