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France – FIFA World Cup Host Nation Proposal for 2026
An introduction to France
 France Capital: Paris
 France is the most visited country
in the world, with 83 million tourists visiting in
2012. (Fun facts, 2016)
 The total population of France in January 2016
was: 64, 735, 697. (Country meters, 2016)
 The French typically do not like speaking
English, even if they can. (World Nomads, 2016)
 The train is the safest and cheapest way to get
around. Services run until late and the trains are
guarded by security. (World Nomads, 2016)
 France being popular with tourist, will
encourage supporters of the games to attend as
it is a desirable country to visit.
Source: Google Images
An introduction to France: The Country
 Climate: generally cool winters and mild
summers. (Commisceo Global, 2016)
 France’s ethnic Made-up of: Celtic and Latin
with Teutonic, Slavic, North African,
Indochinese, Basque minorities. (Commisceo
Global, 2016)
 Religions: Roman Catholic 83%-88%, Protestant
2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 5%-10%, unaffiliated
4%. (Commisceo Global, 2016)
 Government: Republic. (Commisceo Global,
 The climate of France, will ensure the athletes
will find it comfortable when competing and
audiences will find it comfortable whilst
Source: Google Images
An introduction to France: The Culture
Source: Google Images
 Food is a great passion for the French.
(Commisceo Global, 2016)
 French business behaviour emphasizes courtesy
and a degree of formality. (Commisceo Global,
 If you do not speak French, an apology for not
knowing their language may aid in developing a
relationship. (Commisceo Global, 2016)
 It is always a good idea to learn a few key
phrases, since it demonstrates an interest in a
long-term relationship and is well-received by
locals. (Commisceo Global, 2016)
What are some of the
cultural values of the
country and what do these
Position and treatment of women
 France adopts a highly progressive stance
towards women’s rights evidenced through
advanced equality legislation, increased
female representation in politics, parity
laws and state support for domestic
workers (Rosselli 2014).
 In 2013, the Hollande government was
made up of 17 women and 17 men
(McPartland 2013).
 Education has succeeded in reducing the
number of teenage pregnancy rates which
are at 3% per 1000 people compared to
Britain where it is 5 times higher and the
US where it is 10 times higher (Aubin
 Women also have higher tertiary education
levels (29.7%) compared to the European
average (25.8%) (Rosselli 2014). Source: Google Images
Women in the workforce
 Employment rate of women in France is
60% which is above the European average
of 58.6% (Rosselli 2014).
 56% of board members in large companies
are women (Rosselli 2014).
 France’s stance towards the gender pay
gap (14.7%) is better than the European
average (16.2%).
 The pay disparity grows in industries such
as banking and insurance (44% gap)
(McPartland 2013).
 These values demonstrate that although
France has a highly positive and
progressive attitude towards the position
of women in society and the workplace,
more work needs to be done.
Source: Google Images
 France is addressing stereotyping within
society and the media through the use of
education, policy development and raising
public awareness (Aubin 2014).
 The government has tasked the
broadcasting industry to improve the
portrayal of women in the media. The
industry has set targets which are
monitored on a yearly basis (Aubin 2014).
 Workplace gender stereotypes are also
being addressed through the use of
education whereby women are being
encouraged to enter more technical and
scientific fields which have traditionally
been dominated by men (Aubin 2014).
 This demonstrates that France is aware of
the need to improve stereotypes and it’s
government playing an active political and
social role in driving change.
Source: Google Images
Attitudes towards advertising to Children
 France is talking the issue of advertising
to children due to the undisputed link
between it and childhood obesity (Scott-
Thomas 2012).
 Rates of children’s exposure to fast food
and beverages has fallen by 35% at 2011
in France as cited by the EU Pledge 2011
Monitoring Report (Scott-Thomas 2012).
Source: Google Images
Attitudes towards advertising to Children
 All ads targeted at children or adults which
contain processed food, added fats or salt
are required by law to contain a message on
the principles of dietary education as
approved by the National Institute of Health
Education (WCRF 2016).
 The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of
Culture and Communication adopted a
charter in 2009 to aid in promoting healthy
diets and physical activity in ads (WHO
 This demonstrates France’s commitment to
reducing childhood obesity by regulating
the advertisement of fast food and drinks.
Source: Google Images
Treatment of immigrants and foreign
residents in general
 France has longstanding tensions regarding
immigrants from former French colonies
including North Africans (Ware 2015).
 It has the largest Muslim population in Europe
(Ware 2015).
 Foreign residents are generally treated poorly
and live in deteriorated public housing in
communities (banlieues) which are often isolated
in neighbourhoods (Ware 2015).
 The nation also has long standing tensions with
its Muslim communities driven by its traditional
secularist approach (Ware 2015).
 France has also experienced numerous terrorist
attacks further driving anti-muslim sentiments.
Source: Google Images
Treatment of immigrants and foreign
residents in general
Source: Google Images
 Immigrant descended children face
school-based discrimination as teachers
often view them as disruptive and less
inteligent (Ware 2015).
 Surveys have shown that teachers focus
on the behaviour of immigrant children
over their academic abilities (Ware 2015).
 Immigrants are also hired less frequently
and face pay discrimination (Ware 2015).
 This reflects that France has a long way
to go to providing equal treatment for
immigrants especially in areas of social-
equality, schooling and in the workplace.
Treatment/ attitudes towards the LGBT
Source: Google Images
 France has had a traditionally liberal
approach to LGBT rights and legalised
same-sex marriage in May 2013,
becoming the thirteenth nation to do
 In France, people have been allowed to
legally change their gender since 2009.
 Despite this however, resentment
towards homosexuals is also prevalent
in France. This was revealed during the
“Manif pour tous” (protest for all)
movement which apposed same sex
marriage (Daldorph 2015).
Treatment/ attitudes towards the LGBT
Source: Google Images
• Violence towards homosexual people
increased a straggering 78% during
2013 according to SOS Homophobia, a
watchdog group in France (Daldorph
• This reflects the fact that France,
which has progressive and liberal
approach to LGBT rights has a long
way to go socially to meet the
political standard it has created.
How and why will these
cultural values ‘translate’ to
other cultures?
Cultural trendsetters
 There’s no country in the world with more cultural
influence than France. (The Local, 2016)
 France is one of the world’s oldest countries, and its reach
extends around the globe through science, politics,
economics and perhaps above all, culture. (The Local,
 France has long had an extensive policy in favor of families
and is supportive of women in the workplace. (European
Union, 2016)
 France is amongst the European Union member states with
the highest employment rates of women with children.
(European Union, 2016)
 As highlighted above, France are a strong supporter of
women in the workplace, whilst still growing in numbers,
however France is a strong influencer around the globe,
this will encourage other countries to follow the same
Source: Google Images
Advertising standards
Source: Google Images
 France’s commitment to reducing childhood
obesity by regulating the advertisement of fast
food and drinks.
 This translates across the globe with an
increase in other countries taking the lead on
regulating advertisement for fast food and
drinks to children with many countries putting
in place a range of regulations applicable to
the marketing of food to children. (WHO,
 With France being a highly influential country,
their commitment will translate towards other
countries who too are focused on reducing
childhood obesity.
Foreign Residents
Source: Google Images
 France’s multicultural community allows for
visitors to feel welcomed and comfortable,
unfortunately immigrants living in France, are
less welcomed.
 Independent surveys puts the percentage
anywhere from 14% to 20% with the majority of
immigrants coming from outside the EU. (The
culture trip, 2016)
How do these cultural values
‘translate’ to other
promotional culture?
Hofstede’s 5 dimensions of culture
 Culture – The collective
programming of the mind that
distinguishes the members of one
group or category of people from
others - Hofstede
 Geert Hofstede’s development of a
national culture ‘dimensions’ model
allow us to distinguish differences
between cultures
 5 dimensions were established
throughout his research to assist
with the understanding of
 Hofstede also created a comparison
chart taking in to account all
dimensions which calculates
variance of similarities/differences
Source: Google Images
Power Distance
 The extent to which less powerful
members of society accept and expect
that power is distributed unequally
 In large power distance cultures, one’s
social status must be clear so that
others can show proper respect
 France fall in to this category as do the
majority of football led countries
(Spain, Brazil, China) which allows
advertising to be developed with similar
 A different approach may need to be
thought-out for overall appeal as
countries such as Australia, United
Kingdom, Spain and Germany have more
of a level playing field approach to
hierarchy – it is created more for
 Individualism culture is more of a
‘I’-conscious, which assumes their
values are valid for the whole world
– something the World Cup host
shouldn’t have
 France has a very high ‘WE’-
conscious approach which provides
an indirect style of communication
allowing for relationship building
and trust between parties
 By creating trust in advertising, it
allows the consumer to feel that the
product is more useful for their
needs, hence more succession of
sales (Bleier & Eisenbeiss 2015)
 A dimension that is defined by Mooij (2011) as
“The dominant values in a masculine society
are achievement and success; the dominant
values in a feminine society are caring for
others and quality of life”
 France has a great balance of bot - scoring 43
in Hofstede’s chart, which helps worldwide
appeal through its’ caring yet competitive
 This creates a welcoming environment to
attend a worldwide sporting event
 A culture that embraces that male and female
roles overlap is more relatable when
promoting an event for all ages, sexes and
Uncertainty Avoidance
 Planning is key to a culture who is trying
to avoid any uncertainty
 In relation to France hosting the World
Cup, this is explored from both sides
 While planning avoids uncertainty – which
is what is needed for such a large scale
event, the lower end of the scale creates
a culture of a more active attitude to life
 France sits on the higher end of the UA
scale (Clearly Cultural 2016), however it still
has appeal, on a world wide basis, of a
active and fun country
Short/Long-term Orientation
 According to Hofstede, orientation in a
cultural sense relates to what values are
focused on moving forward in time
 Short-term places more focus on the past
or present, deeming it of greater
importance than the future
 Long-term focuses on the future which
allows for adaption as time moves
 As France is a pragmatic society, people
will believe that truth spoken in
advertising is dependent on situation,
context and time – tying back to trust
being a asset for appeal
 Culture values play a significant role within a society, not only locally but
internationally. The understanding, acceptance, advertisement
communication and overall perception of a nation is key to it’s appeal to a
international consumer base. Elements including position and treatment of
women, women in the workforce, stereotyping, attitudes towards advertising
to children, treatment of immigrants – including locally, and treatment of the
LGBT community are all factors which were explored above to understand
what is needed and acceptable to stage a large scale international event in
the World Cup.
 Influential values within a culture assist enticement towards a country.
France presents this through food, climate, work/life balance and common
 The exploration of cultural communication relating to advertising also
assisted in understanding what role similarities and/or differences make
towards a brands appeal – in this case, the country of France. Hofstede’s
value dimensions were detailed to further understand the importance of
understanding culture from a worldwide perspective.
 Through the understanding of culture within a community, or country in this
case, allows brands to communicate and appeal to the market. France
demonstrates cultural values that resonate among the majority of countries
which makes it extremely attractive for people to visit for major events.
 France certainly kicks goals to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup!!
References - Sources
 Aubin, C 2014, “Gender Equality in France”, viewed 13 August 2016, <http
 Bleier, A & Eisenbeiss, M 2015, ‘The importance of trust for personalized online advertising’, Journal of Retailing,
vol. 91, no. 3, viewed 24 August 2106 <>.
 Clearly Cultural 2016, Uncertainty avoidance, viewed 23 August 2016, <
 Commisceo Global, “France Guide”, viewed August 15 2016, <>.
 Country meters, “France population clock”, viewed August 15 2016, <>.
 Daldorph 2015, "France has always been seen as sexually-liberated country. Here's what the LGBT community has to
say about it.”, viewed 16 August 2016, <http
 European Union, “France: significant support for women and high monetary benefits”, Viewed August 21 2016, <>.
 Fact Slides Random Facts, “France Facts, 40 Facts about France” viewed August 14 2016,<>.
 McPartland, B 2013 "Women face pure discrimination in France", viewed 13 August 2016, <http
 Mooij, M D & Hosfstede, G 2011, Cross-cultural consumer behaviour: a review of research findings, Journal of
International Consumer Marketing, no. 23, pp. 181-92, viewed 24 August 2016,
 Rosselli, E 2014, “The Policy on Gender Equality”, viewed 13 August 2016, <>.
 Scott-Thomas, C 2012 "Self-regulation of food advertising to children is failing across Europe, says IASO" viewed
13 August 2016,
 The culture trip, “the 10 most multicultural cities in the world”, Morfin M, Viewed August 22 2016, <>.
 The local, “France ranked world’s top cultural trendsetter” viewed August 20 2016, <>.
 Ware 2015, "Muslim Immigrants and the “Other France””, viewed 15 August 2016, <>.
 World Health Organisation, “Marketing Food to Children: the Global Regulatory Environment”, Hawkes C, Viewed
August 22 2016, <>.
 World Nomads, “5 things I wish I knew before going to France”, viewed August 14 2016, <>.
 WCF 2016, “Restrict Food Advertising to Children”, viewed August 13 2016, <>.
 WHO 2014, “Marketing of foods high in fat, salt and sugar to children: update 2012-2013” viewed August 14 2016, <>.
References - Images
 Google 2000, Advertisement Baby, image, viewed 13 August 2016,
 Google 2004, Advertising to Children, image, viewed 15 August 2016,
 Google 2013, French Protest to LGBT Equality Vote, image, viewed 15 August 2016,
 Google 2012, Immigrant Children in France, image, viewed 15 August 2016,
 Google 2013, LGBT Support for Vote, image, viewed 15 August 2016,
 Google 2011, Stereotyping, image, viewed 13 August 2016,
 Google 2008, Woman in France, image, viewed 13 August 2016,
 Google 2010, Woman in Burqua, image, viewed 15 August 2016,
 Google 2010, Women in the Workforce, image, viewed 13 August 2016,

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France world cup_2026

  • 1. ADV20001 – Advertising Issues: Regulations, Ethics, and Cultural Considerations France – FIFA World Cup Host Nation Proposal for 2026
  • 2. An introduction to France  France Capital: Paris  France is the most visited country in the world, with 83 million tourists visiting in 2012. (Fun facts, 2016)  The total population of France in January 2016 was: 64, 735, 697. (Country meters, 2016)  The French typically do not like speaking English, even if they can. (World Nomads, 2016)  The train is the safest and cheapest way to get around. Services run until late and the trains are guarded by security. (World Nomads, 2016)  France being popular with tourist, will encourage supporters of the games to attend as it is a desirable country to visit. Source: Google Images
  • 3. An introduction to France: The Country  Climate: generally cool winters and mild summers. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  France’s ethnic Made-up of: Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese, Basque minorities. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  Religions: Roman Catholic 83%-88%, Protestant 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 5%-10%, unaffiliated 4%. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  Government: Republic. (Commisceo Global, 2016).  The climate of France, will ensure the athletes will find it comfortable when competing and audiences will find it comfortable whilst spectating. Source: Google Images
  • 4. An introduction to France: The Culture Source: Google Images  Food is a great passion for the French. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  French business behaviour emphasizes courtesy and a degree of formality. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  If you do not speak French, an apology for not knowing their language may aid in developing a relationship. (Commisceo Global, 2016)  It is always a good idea to learn a few key phrases, since it demonstrates an interest in a long-term relationship and is well-received by locals. (Commisceo Global, 2016)
  • 5. What are some of the cultural values of the country and what do these demonstrate?
  • 6. Position and treatment of women  France adopts a highly progressive stance towards women’s rights evidenced through advanced equality legislation, increased female representation in politics, parity laws and state support for domestic workers (Rosselli 2014).  In 2013, the Hollande government was made up of 17 women and 17 men (McPartland 2013).  Education has succeeded in reducing the number of teenage pregnancy rates which are at 3% per 1000 people compared to Britain where it is 5 times higher and the US where it is 10 times higher (Aubin 2014).  Women also have higher tertiary education levels (29.7%) compared to the European average (25.8%) (Rosselli 2014). Source: Google Images
  • 7. Women in the workforce  Employment rate of women in France is 60% which is above the European average of 58.6% (Rosselli 2014).  56% of board members in large companies are women (Rosselli 2014).  France’s stance towards the gender pay gap (14.7%) is better than the European average (16.2%).  The pay disparity grows in industries such as banking and insurance (44% gap) (McPartland 2013).  These values demonstrate that although France has a highly positive and progressive attitude towards the position of women in society and the workplace, more work needs to be done. Source: Google Images
  • 8. Stereotyping  France is addressing stereotyping within society and the media through the use of education, policy development and raising public awareness (Aubin 2014).  The government has tasked the broadcasting industry to improve the portrayal of women in the media. The industry has set targets which are monitored on a yearly basis (Aubin 2014).  Workplace gender stereotypes are also being addressed through the use of education whereby women are being encouraged to enter more technical and scientific fields which have traditionally been dominated by men (Aubin 2014).  This demonstrates that France is aware of the need to improve stereotypes and it’s government playing an active political and social role in driving change. Source: Google Images
  • 9. Attitudes towards advertising to Children  France is talking the issue of advertising to children due to the undisputed link between it and childhood obesity (Scott- Thomas 2012).  Rates of children’s exposure to fast food and beverages has fallen by 35% at 2011 in France as cited by the EU Pledge 2011 Monitoring Report (Scott-Thomas 2012). Source: Google Images
  • 10. Attitudes towards advertising to Children  All ads targeted at children or adults which contain processed food, added fats or salt are required by law to contain a message on the principles of dietary education as approved by the National Institute of Health Education (WCRF 2016).  The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Culture and Communication adopted a charter in 2009 to aid in promoting healthy diets and physical activity in ads (WHO 2014).  This demonstrates France’s commitment to reducing childhood obesity by regulating the advertisement of fast food and drinks. Source: Google Images
  • 11. Treatment of immigrants and foreign residents in general  France has longstanding tensions regarding immigrants from former French colonies including North Africans (Ware 2015).  It has the largest Muslim population in Europe (Ware 2015).  Foreign residents are generally treated poorly and live in deteriorated public housing in communities (banlieues) which are often isolated in neighbourhoods (Ware 2015).  The nation also has long standing tensions with its Muslim communities driven by its traditional secularist approach (Ware 2015).  France has also experienced numerous terrorist attacks further driving anti-muslim sentiments. Source: Google Images
  • 12. Treatment of immigrants and foreign residents in general Source: Google Images  Immigrant descended children face school-based discrimination as teachers often view them as disruptive and less inteligent (Ware 2015).  Surveys have shown that teachers focus on the behaviour of immigrant children over their academic abilities (Ware 2015).  Immigrants are also hired less frequently and face pay discrimination (Ware 2015).  This reflects that France has a long way to go to providing equal treatment for immigrants especially in areas of social- equality, schooling and in the workplace.
  • 13. Treatment/ attitudes towards the LGBT community Source: Google Images  France has had a traditionally liberal approach to LGBT rights and legalised same-sex marriage in May 2013, becoming the thirteenth nation to do so.  In France, people have been allowed to legally change their gender since 2009.  Despite this however, resentment towards homosexuals is also prevalent in France. This was revealed during the “Manif pour tous” (protest for all) movement which apposed same sex marriage (Daldorph 2015).
  • 14. Treatment/ attitudes towards the LGBT community Source: Google Images • Violence towards homosexual people increased a straggering 78% during 2013 according to SOS Homophobia, a watchdog group in France (Daldorph 2015). • This reflects the fact that France, which has progressive and liberal approach to LGBT rights has a long way to go socially to meet the political standard it has created.
  • 15. How and why will these cultural values ‘translate’ to other cultures?
  • 16. Cultural trendsetters  There’s no country in the world with more cultural influence than France. (The Local, 2016)  France is one of the world’s oldest countries, and its reach extends around the globe through science, politics, economics and perhaps above all, culture. (The Local, 2016)  France has long had an extensive policy in favor of families and is supportive of women in the workplace. (European Union, 2016)  France is amongst the European Union member states with the highest employment rates of women with children. (European Union, 2016)  As highlighted above, France are a strong supporter of women in the workplace, whilst still growing in numbers, however France is a strong influencer around the globe, this will encourage other countries to follow the same standards. Source: Google Images
  • 17. Advertising standards Source: Google Images  France’s commitment to reducing childhood obesity by regulating the advertisement of fast food and drinks.  This translates across the globe with an increase in other countries taking the lead on regulating advertisement for fast food and drinks to children with many countries putting in place a range of regulations applicable to the marketing of food to children. (WHO, 2016).  With France being a highly influential country, their commitment will translate towards other countries who too are focused on reducing childhood obesity.
  • 18. Foreign Residents Source: Google Images  France’s multicultural community allows for visitors to feel welcomed and comfortable, unfortunately immigrants living in France, are less welcomed.  Independent surveys puts the percentage anywhere from 14% to 20% with the majority of immigrants coming from outside the EU. (The culture trip, 2016)
  • 19. How do these cultural values ‘translate’ to other promotional culture?
  • 20. Hofstede’s 5 dimensions of culture  Culture – The collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from others - Hofstede  Geert Hofstede’s development of a national culture ‘dimensions’ model allow us to distinguish differences between cultures  5 dimensions were established throughout his research to assist with the understanding of differences  Hofstede also created a comparison chart taking in to account all dimensions which calculates variance of similarities/differences Source: Google Images
  • 21. Power Distance  The extent to which less powerful members of society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally  In large power distance cultures, one’s social status must be clear so that others can show proper respect  France fall in to this category as do the majority of football led countries (Spain, Brazil, China) which allows advertising to be developed with similar messages  A different approach may need to be thought-out for overall appeal as countries such as Australia, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany have more of a level playing field approach to hierarchy – it is created more for convenience
  • 22. Individualism/Collectivism  Individualism culture is more of a ‘I’-conscious, which assumes their values are valid for the whole world – something the World Cup host shouldn’t have  France has a very high ‘WE’- conscious approach which provides an indirect style of communication allowing for relationship building and trust between parties  By creating trust in advertising, it allows the consumer to feel that the product is more useful for their needs, hence more succession of sales (Bleier & Eisenbeiss 2015)
  • 23. Masculinity/Femininity  A dimension that is defined by Mooij (2011) as “The dominant values in a masculine society are achievement and success; the dominant values in a feminine society are caring for others and quality of life”  France has a great balance of bot - scoring 43 in Hofstede’s chart, which helps worldwide appeal through its’ caring yet competitive nature  This creates a welcoming environment to attend a worldwide sporting event  A culture that embraces that male and female roles overlap is more relatable when promoting an event for all ages, sexes and nationalities
  • 24. Uncertainty Avoidance  Planning is key to a culture who is trying to avoid any uncertainty  In relation to France hosting the World Cup, this is explored from both sides  While planning avoids uncertainty – which is what is needed for such a large scale event, the lower end of the scale creates a culture of a more active attitude to life  France sits on the higher end of the UA scale (Clearly Cultural 2016), however it still has appeal, on a world wide basis, of a active and fun country
  • 25. Short/Long-term Orientation  According to Hofstede, orientation in a cultural sense relates to what values are focused on moving forward in time  Short-term places more focus on the past or present, deeming it of greater importance than the future  Long-term focuses on the future which allows for adaption as time moves forward  As France is a pragmatic society, people will believe that truth spoken in advertising is dependent on situation, context and time – tying back to trust being a asset for appeal
  • 26. Conclusion  Culture values play a significant role within a society, not only locally but internationally. The understanding, acceptance, advertisement communication and overall perception of a nation is key to it’s appeal to a international consumer base. Elements including position and treatment of women, women in the workforce, stereotyping, attitudes towards advertising to children, treatment of immigrants – including locally, and treatment of the LGBT community are all factors which were explored above to understand what is needed and acceptable to stage a large scale international event in the World Cup.  Influential values within a culture assist enticement towards a country. France presents this through food, climate, work/life balance and common courtesy.  The exploration of cultural communication relating to advertising also assisted in understanding what role similarities and/or differences make towards a brands appeal – in this case, the country of France. Hofstede’s value dimensions were detailed to further understand the importance of understanding culture from a worldwide perspective.
  • 27.  Through the understanding of culture within a community, or country in this case, allows brands to communicate and appeal to the market. France demonstrates cultural values that resonate among the majority of countries which makes it extremely attractive for people to visit for major events.  France certainly kicks goals to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup!!
  • 28. References - Sources  Aubin, C 2014, “Gender Equality in France”, viewed 13 August 2016, <http ://>.  Bleier, A & Eisenbeiss, M 2015, ‘The importance of trust for personalized online advertising’, Journal of Retailing, vol. 91, no. 3, viewed 24 August 2106 <>.  Clearly Cultural 2016, Uncertainty avoidance, viewed 23 August 2016, < hofstede-cultural-dimensions/uncertainty-avoidance-index/>.  Commisceo Global, “France Guide”, viewed August 15 2016, <>.  Country meters, “France population clock”, viewed August 15 2016, <>.  Daldorph 2015, "France has always been seen as sexually-liberated country. Here's what the LGBT community has to say about it.”, viewed 16 August 2016, <http ://>.  European Union, “France: significant support for women and high monetary benefits”, Viewed August 21 2016, <>.  Fact Slides Random Facts, “France Facts, 40 Facts about France” viewed August 14 2016,<>.  McPartland, B 2013 "Women face pure discrimination in France", viewed 13 August 2016, <http ://>.  Mooij, M D & Hosfstede, G 2011, Cross-cultural consumer behaviour: a review of research findings, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, no. 23, pp. 181-92, viewed 24 August 2016, <>.
  • 29.  Rosselli, E 2014, “The Policy on Gender Equality”, viewed 13 August 2016, <>.  Scott-Thomas, C 2012 "Self-regulation of food advertising to children is failing across Europe, says IASO" viewed 13 August 2016, .  The culture trip, “the 10 most multicultural cities in the world”, Morfin M, Viewed August 22 2016, <>.  The local, “France ranked world’s top cultural trendsetter” viewed August 20 2016, <>.  Ware 2015, "Muslim Immigrants and the “Other France””, viewed 15 August 2016, <>.  World Health Organisation, “Marketing Food to Children: the Global Regulatory Environment”, Hawkes C, Viewed August 22 2016, <>.  World Nomads, “5 things I wish I knew before going to France”, viewed August 14 2016, <>.  WCF 2016, “Restrict Food Advertising to Children”, viewed August 13 2016, <>.  WHO 2014, “Marketing of foods high in fat, salt and sugar to children: update 2012-2013” viewed August 14 2016, <>.
  • 30. References - Images  Google 2000, Advertisement Baby, image, viewed 13 August 2016, <>  Google 2004, Advertising to Children, image, viewed 15 August 2016, <≥  Google 2013, French Protest to LGBT Equality Vote, image, viewed 15 August 2016, d-010.jpg?w=620&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=ef2b2c496b9cffd27b49485c2af72c98  Google 2012, Immigrant Children in France, image, viewed 15 August 2016, edge/jcr:content/body/inlineimage_2.img.800.jpg/46030158.cached.jpg>  Google 2013, LGBT Support for Vote, image, viewed 15 August 2016, < mm-/ac1394dbdcca6a36cbf486633b129cd813095ac3/r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/USATODAY/USATODAY/2013/02/1 2/afp-516824979-4_3.jpg>  Google 2011, Stereotyping, image, viewed 13 August 2016, <>  Google 2008, Woman in France, image, viewed 13 August 2016, <>  Google 2010, Woman in Burqua, image, viewed 15 August 2016,  Google 2010, Women in the Workforce, image, viewed 13 August 2016, <>