SlideShare a Scribd company logo international “shadow world” of military urban
              research institutes and training centres that have been established
              to rethink military operations in cities could be
              understood as somewhat similar to the international matrix
              of elite architectural academies. However, according to
              urban theorist Simon Marvin, the military-architectural
              “shadow world” is currently generating more intense and
              well-funded urban research programs than all these university
              programs put together...
              Eyal Wiezman, Lethal Theory

Unexpected Source of                   but as the very medium that the                  and feed-back is considerably shorter     work so well even though there in
                                                                                                                            Inspiration                            troops moved through fluently in a               in this field than in any other form      most cases are conflicts that should
                                                                                                                              In the essay “Lethal Theory” by Eyal fractalized and irregular manner.                of architectural practice where           be recognized and accepted. The
                                                                                                                            Weizmann we are introduced to the                                                       “results” can only be collected after     idea of the small military unit that
                                                                                                                                                                     “This space that you look at, this room        many years, if given any notice at        operates as a part of a bigger network
                                                                                                                            spatial military strategies of the IDF
                                                                                                                                                                   that you look at, is nothing but your            all. This is regrettably something        or swarm is also problematic in
                                                                                                                            (Israeli Defence Force). By reading    interpretation of it. Now, you can stretch
                                                                                                                            architectural theory the strategist                                                     that has devastating implications         terms of resolving the big issues. Big
                                                                                                                                                                   the boundaries of your interpretation, but
                                                                                                                            gained a radical understanding of                                                       for the people affected by it, and        investments and changes take time
                                                                                                                                                                   not in an unlimited fashion, after all, it
                                                                                                                            space that was instrumental for        must be bound by physics, as it contains         causes sufferings that is difficult to    and should do so. Where it could be
                                                                                                                            them in their planning and that gave buildings and alleys. The question is, how         imagine. The sudden intrusion by a        inspirational is for all the stuff that
                                                                                                                            them a strategic advantage over the    do you interpret the alley? Do you interpret     military force into the private domain    needs to happen in between this.
                                                                                                                            Palestinian forces that they were      the alley as a place, like every architect and   is extremely traumatizing and the         How can we test out new ideas based
                                                                                                                                                                   every town planner does,to walk through,         ultimate humiliation for the people       on an understanding of space that
                                                                                                                            fighting against. In the fights in
                                                                                                                                                                   or do you interpret the alley as a place         who are victimized by it. This also       is as open as what General Kokhavi
                                                                                                                            Nabulus in 2002 a military strategy
                                                                                                                                                                   forbidden to walk through?                       challenges the belief that studies        speaks about and that we can read
                                                                                                                            was implemented that was based on
                                                                                                                                                                   - Brigadier General Aviv Kokhavi                 in philosophy and humanities has          about in Doreen Massey’s texts?
                                                                                                                            completely liberating oneself from
                                                                                                                            the common conception of the basic                                                      a civilizing effect when one takes        To introduce an operative unit that
                                                                                                                                                                     There is a “shadow world” of                   into account what this extremely          could function just as fluently as
                                                                                                                            elements of the city. The street, the
                                                                                                                                                                   military academies that deal with                pragmatic reading of spatial theory       the ideas that you are testing out.
                                                                                                                            alley, the plaza and the buildings
                                                                                                                                                                   urban warfare that have a number                 has led to. This is probably not what     And that could be as efficient in
                                                                                                                            that constitutes them. The practice
                                                                                                                                                                   of traits in common with academic                the author imagined, even though          responding to the feed-back as it is in
                                                                                                                            of “walking through walls” was
                                                                                                                                                                   institutions of architecture around              Deleuze has said that it doesn’t matter   implementing the change.
                                                                                                                            introduced as a result of this, and
                                                                                                                                                                   the world that in many ways do more              if you understand all of his texts. You
                                                                                                                            the troops moved through the fabric
                                                                                                                                                                   well-funded research on urbanity                 could use parts of it as you yourself
                                                                                                                            of the city through holes by blasting
                                                                                                                                                                   than all of the traditional institutions         saw fit...
                                                                                                                            with explosives or by knocking holes
                                                                                                                                                                   put together. One of these traits is
                                                                                                                            with sledgehammers. No streets,
                                                                                                                                                                   the overlap of texts that are regarded            If we for a moment choose not
                                                                                                                            doors or public spaces were used.
                                                                                                                                                                   as essential for both (Deleuze,                  to focus on the negative sides of
                                                                                                                            But the buildings that defined these
                                                                                                                                                                   Focault, Guattari, and Debord). The              this example and rather look at
                                                                                                                            elements were completely saturated
                                                                                                                                                                   biggest difference is that the military          the effectiveness between theories,
                                                                                                                            with the forces that moved through
                                                                                                                                                                   academies are more successful in                 practice and feed-back, one can be
                                                                                                                            walls, floors and ceilings in an
                                                                                                                                                                   testing out and putting these theories           inspired. To use the terms “enemy”
                                                                                                                            irregular pattern. The strategy that
                                                                                                                                                                   into practice. This is because the               and “allied” in a discussion regarding
                                                                                                                            was used defined an understanding
Video stills of Israely military “Walking through Walls”   Work by Gordon Matta-Clark challenging the conception of space                                          distance between theory, practice                planning and urbanity might not
(Eyal Wiezmann,Lethal Theory)                              (From Gordon Matta-Clark by Corinne Diserens, Phaidon)           of the city not as the site of war,

                                                                                                                                                                         REINDEERHERDING SAMI

                                                                                                                                    INFRASTRUCTURE                                INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                      CARBON FOSSILE                   MARINE                                                  HYDRO POWER
                                                                        RESOURCE                     RESOURCES                                                   RESOURCE

                                                                              SUMMER GRAZING                              SUMMER GRAZING        SEASONAL MIGRATION                        WINTER GRAZING

                                                                                                                 COSTAL SAMI POPULATION             EXTRACTION OF
                                                                                                                                                 HANDICRAFT RESOURCES
                                                                                                                    WIND POWER

                                                                                                                                     SUBTERANEAN RESOURCE

                                                                            OIL & GAS

US military diagram showing the components of the urban structure.   Diagram showing some of the components of the arctic region.
(Eyal Wiezmann,Lethal Theory)
From Symetry to Asymetry. Manipulation of cultural difference                                                                                                                                                                                       “Relationships among the operating soldiers create what we
                                                           ha    bi W
                                                                                                           “Formless” rival enteties
                                                                                                    dichotomizing conception and perception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ch   ists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   call “a community of practice”: Operative and tactical commanders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   depend on one another and learn the problems through
                                                                     ar M                                                                                                               r                                                          i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              From Network Cermic-Based Analysis to Cyrbernetic-Driven Synthesis
                                                                          ach                                                                                                       ode                                                         at
                                              oc                                      ine                                                                    t      -M                                                                         R
                                                 ity                                                                                                     Pos                                                                              as

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   constructing the battle narrative. . . . Action becomes knowledge
                                                       Vs                                                                                                                                                                           e m
                                                                                                                  Nomadic Terrorists
                                                         .R                                                                                                                                                                      st
                                                            hy                                                                                                                                                                 Sy
                                                               th                                                                                                                                                          e
                                                                    s                                                                                                                                              hi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and knowledge becomes action. . . . Without the possibility of a

                                                                                                                                                                The DIalectics of Operational Processing
From Locus to Globus: Imitation of War


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Systemation of Operational Learning
                                                                                                              Logical determinants                                                                            e
                                                                                                                Energy Injection
                                                                                                                Logic Disruption
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   decisive result, the main benefit of operations is the very improve-

                                                                                                                                                                         Methodology - Content
                                                                         Between Objectivism
                                           Constitution                    and Symbolism
                                                                                                               Sources Extraction                                                                               Between Difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Repetition:                                                                                                  ment of the system as a system”
                                         and Prostitution                                                                                                                                                        The DIalectics of
                                         “Walking on the                                                        Systemation on                                                                                      Structuring
                                            wild side”                                                        Operational Manouver                                                                                 and Structure

                                                                                                             Formative Implications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “Theory is important for us in order to articulate the gap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   between the existing paradigm and where we want to go. . . .
                                                                                                                Non-Contiguity                                       le era
                                                                                                                                                                       ar ti
                                                                                                                                                                         ni on
                                                                                                                                                                           ng a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Without theory, we could not make sense of different events that
                                                                                                                                                                             th co
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   happen around us and that would otherwise seem disconnected. . .”
                                                                                                                 Hetrogenous Mileus
                                                                                                                  Complex systems                                              ro m
                                                                                                                                                            For                   ug m
                                                                                                                                                                ce-                 h an
                                                                         ion                                                                                        Ap                D d
                                                                  tr uct     n
                                                                                                                                                                rnin plica             is Sy
                                                                                                                                                                                         co s
                                                              Des - ructio                                        Fractal Manouvers                                  g M tion              ur tem
                                                                      st                                                                                                  ech      as
                                                              De con                                              Strike-Driven Raids                                         ani
                                                                                                                                                                                      a      se
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shimon Naveh, retired brigadier general
                                                                                          From Decition to Strike Relativization of Strategic Action
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and director of the Operational Theory Research Institute.
                                                                                               Shimon Naveh’s PowerPoint slide marking “connection” between
                                                                                                   theoretical categories that inform his operational theory.
                                                                                                 Note most categories refer to work of Deleuze and Guattari.
                                                                                                          (from “Lethal Theory” by Eyal Wiezmann)
Hierarchical System withouth Lateral Connections

         Fractal System where units
         work independently together                                                          Rhizomatic System where all parts are equally important
To the left: Video Stills from Vimeo showing a Swarm of Birds in Flight.
Panorama showing the Landscape and the people and animals who inhabit it
                                                                       Persons found on Facebook
      Animals that are shown are endangered species observed in that same area (source
Panorama showing the Landscape and the people and animals who inhabit it
                                                                       Persons found on Facebook
      Animals that are shown are endangered species observed in that same area (source
PLANNED MINING AREA                  NATIONAL PARKS                     DISTRICT 34 ABORASSA
                                    IN KAUTOKEINO MUNICIPALITY


Activities on the grazing fields
                                                      čakča - Autumn

                                                      giđđa - Spring

                                                      There are 12 “units” of herd-       the Eira family, for three years in   in Biedjovággi. During that time     vággi area for calving. In addition
                                                      ers that operate in Abborassa       their trek through Finnmark. The      the reindeers are captured into      there ca. 3000 reindeer that mi-
                              1 of 1

                                                      (district 34) along with 20 other   Eira family lives in Biedjovággi      mills (“kverna”) and separated       grate through whole district.
                                                      herders that operate in a smaller   area during the autumn and the        either in group for slaughter or     Around easter, most of the “units”
                                                      scale.                              spring.                               calves to be vaccinated.             gather for celebrate, where wed-
                                                      The photographs above are taken                                                                                dings are daily and competitions
                                                      from the book, Boazojahki, Four     Autumn                                Spring                               in sled race, ice-fishing or lasso-
                                                      seasons with the reindeer people    In the autumn season there a          During the spring season there       throwing are signified for the fes-
                          N                           by the photographer Trym Ivar       ca. 8000 reindeers (including the     are ca 5500 reindeers in the dis-    tive mood for the herders.
    Scale 1 : 250 000
     1    2   3   4   5                               Bergsmo. He lived and migrated      calves) that migrate and graze in     trict. Approximately 2500 of those
         Kilometer                                    with unit of reindeer herders,      the district, there of 2000 animals   animals, use the land in Biedjo-

                                        CONTAMINATED AREA SINCE
                                        PREVIOUS MINING ACTIVITY

                                                    DEVELOPMENT-AREA FOR
                                                    ARCTIC GOLD AS WITH

                                                                                             The reindeer herders in district       When it comes to the municipality     unique in that task, namely to        exemplifies that the resources
                                                                                             34 have experienced that min-          of Kautokeino, they didn’t´make       protect the pristine land. We get     can be used up in short period of
                                                                                             ing activities in the area, leave      any premises for the mining com-      little help from local authorities,   time. It is unfortunately also bad
                                                                                             large damages (roads, quarries,        panies when they left in the past.    even though that they are positive    news for us that the government
                                                                                             mud ponds) in the landscape and        Back then there weren’t´any na-       to such activities.                   has granted 100 million NOK for
                                                                                             grazing soil is permanently lost.      ture conservation act or miner-       It has unfortunately also experi-     mapping mineral resources in
                                                                                             The mining activities have also        als act, but according to Nils Isak   enced. The plan for the gold min-     northern Norway, especially in
                                                                                             had impact on animals and plants       Sara, district-manager in Abbo-       ing in Biedjovággi, that stretches    Finnmark then.
                                                                           KAUTOKEINO TOWN
                                                                                             in the area. In the past the min-      rassa, those acts do not protect      over 19 km, can create 100 new
                                                                                             ing didn’t´take any responsibil-       the grazing land if the authori-      jobs, but for how long is uncer-      Interview with Nils Isak Sara,
                                                                                             ity to re-vegetate or clean up the     ties don´t have the will to follow    tain. There have been 2 periods       manager for District 34
                                    N                                                        fields after the mining activity was   these acts. So, reindeer herding,     of mining industry before, from
        Scale 1 : 100 000
0   1         2        3    4   5
                                                                                             closed.                                as such a small industry, is quite    1970-1975 and 1985-1991 that

                                         Larus canus              Gulo gulo          Anas strepera          Canis lupus

                                        Carex tenuiflora        Carex cespitosa      Lemna trisulca      Botrychium boreale


0   1
        Scale 1 : 100 000
              2        3    4   5
                                        Arctophila fulva         Salix hastata    Coenagrion lunulatum    Alauda arvensis

              “Når det gjelder spørsmålet om tilpasning, så er vi (og reinen) jo sågar nødt til                                                         ,, think ecologically is to think about fluent, adaptive systems that incorpo-
             å tilpasse oss, vi har ikke noe annet valg. Det er jo mange som sier at reinen kan                                                        rate feedback and change.“
             tilpasse seg allslags utbygginger, men hva annet valg har reinen?
             Et annet moment er jo at gruveselskapene har en tendens til å utvide undersøkels-                                                         ,,It means that your thinking has to be every bit as fluent and adaptive as the kind
             es/driftsområdene, så gir man dem “lillefingeren, så tar dem hele hånda”. det har                                                         of systems that you are talking about. In other words you can not apply rigid or
             vi dessverre også erfart.”                                                                                                                dogmatic principals to systems that are themselves fluent, adaptable, changing
                                                                                                                                                       and always incorporating feedback.“
              “When it comes to the question of adaptation, then we (and reindeer) the even have to adapt, we have no choice. There’s many who say
             that the deer can adapt to all kinds of developments, but what other choice have reindeer?
             Another factor is that mining companies tend to expand the investigation / operation areas, you give them “the little finger, then take   ,,...a way of thinking that mirrors the dynamism of ecological systems them-
             them all the hand”, it has unfortunately also experienced.”                                                                               selves.“

             Nils Isak Sara,                                                                                                                           Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind
             reindeer herder and manager of district 34 Abborassa

Abandoned Mining Area In Biedjovággi in 1991                                                                                                                                                                                       Mining Area In Biedjovággi in 1975
What can Israeli military strategies teach us?          was instrumental in “letting people talk” and letting
                                                                                              the participants meet on equal terms. This was also
                                       The openness of the organization of the military       mentioned by Svein Harald Holmen as important
                                      unit that Eyal speaks of is inspirational for me and    in his work in Vardø in when he arranged meetings
                                      something that I hope could be implemented into         with representatives of authority and locals. He also
                                      a more peaceful situation. The proximity between        emphasizes the importance of dealing with tasks of
                                      where the theories are developed, where decisions       a manageable size and that small communities need
                                      are made and effects are assessed is also something     to address incremental changes in order to tackle
                                      that should be strived for. The smartness of the        them. The big plans collecting dust in some drawer at
                                      system is based on an understanding of the different    the office of the local municipality only made people
                                      units being able to self-govern themselves within a     depressed because it reminded them that “nothing
                                      framework of an understanding of a common goal.         ever happens here”. The Operational Theory Institute
                                                                                              in this context is thus the lavvu meeting and this is
                                        Who defines the unit? In an area like Kautokeino      where ideas could be developed, implementation
                                      and Biedjovaggi that is faced with challenges that      planned and where the effects should be assessed.
                                      are proportionally out of scale compared to the         The example of the IDF shows us that an open
                                      size of the community new strategies should be          understanding of space is essential to achieving a
                                      developed. The picture of Kautokeino describes          discussion that takes into account all possibilities.
                                      just a fragment of the complexity of the society it
                                      constitutes and should be kept in mind. The point
                                      here is not to oppose change and to say that mining
                                      for instance is always wrong, but that the problem
                                      arises when a flexible system like the reindeer
                                      herding business meets a less flexible system like
                                      open-cast mining. The lavvu meeting is good image
                                      of the kind of interaction that needs to take place.
T he Operational T heor y Institute   Ande Somby emphasized the role of the lavvu in
                                      times of crisis and how the architecture of the lavvu

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Flexibility operational theory

  • 1. international “shadow world” of military urban research institutes and training centres that have been established to rethink military operations in cities could be understood as somewhat similar to the international matrix of elite architectural academies. However, according to urban theorist Simon Marvin, the military-architectural “shadow world” is currently generating more intense and well-funded urban research programs than all these university programs put together... Eyal Wiezman, Lethal Theory Flexibility
  • 2. Unexpected Source of but as the very medium that the and feed-back is considerably shorter work so well even though there in Inspiration troops moved through fluently in a in this field than in any other form most cases are conflicts that should In the essay “Lethal Theory” by Eyal fractalized and irregular manner. of architectural practice where be recognized and accepted. The Weizmann we are introduced to the “results” can only be collected after idea of the small military unit that “This space that you look at, this room many years, if given any notice at operates as a part of a bigger network spatial military strategies of the IDF that you look at, is nothing but your all. This is regrettably something or swarm is also problematic in (Israeli Defence Force). By reading interpretation of it. Now, you can stretch architectural theory the strategist that has devastating implications terms of resolving the big issues. Big the boundaries of your interpretation, but gained a radical understanding of for the people affected by it, and investments and changes take time not in an unlimited fashion, after all, it space that was instrumental for must be bound by physics, as it contains causes sufferings that is difficult to and should do so. Where it could be them in their planning and that gave buildings and alleys. The question is, how imagine. The sudden intrusion by a inspirational is for all the stuff that them a strategic advantage over the do you interpret the alley? Do you interpret military force into the private domain needs to happen in between this. Palestinian forces that they were the alley as a place, like every architect and is extremely traumatizing and the How can we test out new ideas based every town planner does,to walk through, ultimate humiliation for the people on an understanding of space that fighting against. In the fights in or do you interpret the alley as a place who are victimized by it. This also is as open as what General Kokhavi Nabulus in 2002 a military strategy forbidden to walk through? challenges the belief that studies speaks about and that we can read was implemented that was based on - Brigadier General Aviv Kokhavi in philosophy and humanities has about in Doreen Massey’s texts? completely liberating oneself from the common conception of the basic a civilizing effect when one takes To introduce an operative unit that There is a “shadow world” of into account what this extremely could function just as fluently as elements of the city. The street, the military academies that deal with pragmatic reading of spatial theory the ideas that you are testing out. alley, the plaza and the buildings urban warfare that have a number has led to. This is probably not what And that could be as efficient in that constitutes them. The practice of traits in common with academic the author imagined, even though responding to the feed-back as it is in of “walking through walls” was institutions of architecture around Deleuze has said that it doesn’t matter implementing the change. introduced as a result of this, and the world that in many ways do more if you understand all of his texts. You the troops moved through the fabric well-funded research on urbanity could use parts of it as you yourself of the city through holes by blasting than all of the traditional institutions saw fit... with explosives or by knocking holes put together. One of these traits is with sledgehammers. No streets, the overlap of texts that are regarded If we for a moment choose not doors or public spaces were used. as essential for both (Deleuze, to focus on the negative sides of But the buildings that defined these Focault, Guattari, and Debord). The this example and rather look at elements were completely saturated biggest difference is that the military the effectiveness between theories, with the forces that moved through academies are more successful in practice and feed-back, one can be walls, floors and ceilings in an testing out and putting these theories inspired. To use the terms “enemy” irregular pattern. The strategy that into practice. This is because the and “allied” in a discussion regarding was used defined an understanding Video stills of Israely military “Walking through Walls” Work by Gordon Matta-Clark challenging the conception of space distance between theory, practice planning and urbanity might not (Eyal Wiezmann,Lethal Theory) (From Gordon Matta-Clark by Corinne Diserens, Phaidon) of the city not as the site of war,
  • 4. From Symetry to Asymetry. Manipulation of cultural difference “Relationships among the operating soldiers create what we Wa ha bi W “Formless” rival enteties dichotomizing conception and perception nar ch ists ale call “a community of practice”: Operative and tactical commanders on nA depend on one another and learn the problems through ar M r i From Network Cermic-Based Analysis to Cyrbernetic-Driven Synthesis Ve l ach ode at oc ine t -M R ity Pos as constructing the battle narrative. . . . Action becomes knowledge Vs e m Nomadic Terrorists .R st hy Sy th e m s hi zom and knowledge becomes action. . . . Without the possibility of a The DIalectics of Operational Processing From Locus to Globus: Imitation of War R Systemation of Operational Learning Logical determinants e Th Energy Injection Logic Disruption decisive result, the main benefit of operations is the very improve- Methodology - Content Between Objectivism Between Constitution and Symbolism Sources Extraction Between Difference and Repetition: ment of the system as a system” and Prostitution The DIalectics of “Walking on the Systemation on Structuring wild side” Operational Manouver and Structure Formative Implications “Theory is important for us in order to articulate the gap Networking Swarming p O between the existing paradigm and where we want to go. . . . Non-Contiguity le era ar ti ni on ng a Without theory, we could not make sense of different events that l th co happen around us and that would otherwise seem disconnected. . .” Hetrogenous Mileus Complex systems ro m For ug m ce- h an ion Ap D d tr uct n lea rnin plica is Sy co s Des - ructio Fractal Manouvers g M tion ur tem st ech as De con Strike-Driven Raids ani cs a se Shimon Naveh, retired brigadier general From Decition to Strike Relativization of Strategic Action and director of the Operational Theory Research Institute. Shimon Naveh’s PowerPoint slide marking “connection” between theoretical categories that inform his operational theory. Note most categories refer to work of Deleuze and Guattari. (from “Lethal Theory” by Eyal Wiezmann)
  • 5. Hierarchical System withouth Lateral Connections Fractal System where units work independently together Rhizomatic System where all parts are equally important To the left: Video Stills from Vimeo showing a Swarm of Birds in Flight. (
  • 6. Panorama showing the Landscape and the people and animals who inhabit it Persons found on Facebook Animals that are shown are endangered species observed in that same area (source
  • 7. Panorama showing the Landscape and the people and animals who inhabit it Persons found on Facebook Animals that are shown are endangered species observed in that same area (source
  • 9. Activities on the grazing fields čakča - Autumn KARASJOK MUNICIPALITY TROMS COUNTY giđđa - Spring There are 12 “units” of herd- the Eira family, for three years in in Biedjovággi. During that time vággi area for calving. In addition ers that operate in Abborassa their trek through Finnmark. The the reindeers are captured into there ca. 3000 reindeer that mi- 1 of 1 (district 34) along with 20 other Eira family lives in Biedjovággi mills (“kverna”) and separated grate through whole district. herders that operate in a smaller area during the autumn and the either in group for slaughter or Around easter, most of the “units” scale. spring. calves to be vaccinated. gather for celebrate, where wed- The photographs above are taken dings are daily and competitions from the book, Boazojahki, Four Autumn Spring in sled race, ice-fishing or lasso- seasons with the reindeer people In the autumn season there a During the spring season there throwing are signified for the fes- N by the photographer Trym Ivar ca. 8000 reindeers (including the are ca 5500 reindeers in the dis- tive mood for the herders. 0 Scale 1 : 250 000 1 2 3 4 5 Bergsmo. He lived and migrated calves) that migrate and graze in trict. Approximately 2500 of those Kilometer with unit of reindeer herders, the district, there of 2000 animals animals, use the land in Biedjo-
  • 10. IMPACTS OF INTERVENTION OF MINING CONTAMINATED AREA SINCE PREVIOUS MINING ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT-AREA FOR ARCTIC GOLD AS WITH The reindeer herders in district When it comes to the municipality unique in that task, namely to exemplifies that the resources 34 have experienced that min- of Kautokeino, they didn’t´make protect the pristine land. We get can be used up in short period of ing activities in the area, leave any premises for the mining com- little help from local authorities, time. It is unfortunately also bad large damages (roads, quarries, panies when they left in the past. even though that they are positive news for us that the government mud ponds) in the landscape and Back then there weren’t´any na- to such activities. has granted 100 million NOK for grazing soil is permanently lost. ture conservation act or miner- It has unfortunately also experi- mapping mineral resources in The mining activities have also als act, but according to Nils Isak enced. The plan for the gold min- northern Norway, especially in had impact on animals and plants Sara, district-manager in Abbo- ing in Biedjovággi, that stretches Finnmark then. KAUTOKEINO TOWN in the area. In the past the min- rassa, those acts do not protect over 19 km, can create 100 new ing didn’t´take any responsibil- the grazing land if the authori- jobs, but for how long is uncer- Interview with Nils Isak Sara, ity to re-vegetate or clean up the ties don´t have the will to follow tain. There have been 2 periods manager for District 34 N fields after the mining activity was these acts. So, reindeer herding, of mining industry before, from Scale 1 : 100 000 0 1 2 3 4 5 closed. as such a small industry, is quite 1970-1975 and 1985-1991 that Kilometer
  • 11. THREATENED SPECIES AROUND BIEDJOVÁGGI Larus canus Gulo gulo Anas strepera Canis lupus Carex tenuiflora Carex cespitosa Lemna trisulca Botrychium boreale N 0 1 Scale 1 : 100 000 2 3 4 5 Arctophila fulva Salix hastata Coenagrion lunulatum Alauda arvensis Kilometer
  • 12. FLEXIBILITY “Når det gjelder spørsmålet om tilpasning, så er vi (og reinen) jo sågar nødt til ,, think ecologically is to think about fluent, adaptive systems that incorpo- å tilpasse oss, vi har ikke noe annet valg. Det er jo mange som sier at reinen kan rate feedback and change.“ tilpasse seg allslags utbygginger, men hva annet valg har reinen? Et annet moment er jo at gruveselskapene har en tendens til å utvide undersøkels- ,,It means that your thinking has to be every bit as fluent and adaptive as the kind es/driftsområdene, så gir man dem “lillefingeren, så tar dem hele hånda”. det har of systems that you are talking about. In other words you can not apply rigid or vi dessverre også erfart.” dogmatic principals to systems that are themselves fluent, adaptable, changing and always incorporating feedback.“ “When it comes to the question of adaptation, then we (and reindeer) the even have to adapt, we have no choice. There’s many who say that the deer can adapt to all kinds of developments, but what other choice have reindeer? Another factor is that mining companies tend to expand the investigation / operation areas, you give them “the little finger, then take ,,...a way of thinking that mirrors the dynamism of ecological systems them- them all the hand”, it has unfortunately also experienced.” selves.“ Nils Isak Sara, Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind reindeer herder and manager of district 34 Abborassa Abandoned Mining Area In Biedjovággi in 1991 Mining Area In Biedjovággi in 1975
  • 13. What can Israeli military strategies teach us? was instrumental in “letting people talk” and letting the participants meet on equal terms. This was also The openness of the organization of the military mentioned by Svein Harald Holmen as important unit that Eyal speaks of is inspirational for me and in his work in Vardø in when he arranged meetings something that I hope could be implemented into with representatives of authority and locals. He also a more peaceful situation. The proximity between emphasizes the importance of dealing with tasks of where the theories are developed, where decisions a manageable size and that small communities need are made and effects are assessed is also something to address incremental changes in order to tackle that should be strived for. The smartness of the them. The big plans collecting dust in some drawer at system is based on an understanding of the different the office of the local municipality only made people units being able to self-govern themselves within a depressed because it reminded them that “nothing framework of an understanding of a common goal. ever happens here”. The Operational Theory Institute in this context is thus the lavvu meeting and this is Who defines the unit? In an area like Kautokeino where ideas could be developed, implementation and Biedjovaggi that is faced with challenges that planned and where the effects should be assessed. are proportionally out of scale compared to the The example of the IDF shows us that an open size of the community new strategies should be understanding of space is essential to achieving a developed. The picture of Kautokeino describes discussion that takes into account all possibilities. just a fragment of the complexity of the society it constitutes and should be kept in mind. The point here is not to oppose change and to say that mining for instance is always wrong, but that the problem arises when a flexible system like the reindeer herding business meets a less flexible system like open-cast mining. The lavvu meeting is good image of the kind of interaction that needs to take place. T he Operational T heor y Institute Ande Somby emphasized the role of the lavvu in times of crisis and how the architecture of the lavvu