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By Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson
 Copyright Anywidget LLC and Xybercode Inc.

When you follow this guide, you agree that the author is not
held responsible for any success or failure on your part when
you use Fiverr. The author has used figures as estimations only.
Any consequences from using the information presented in this
book are solely yours and not the author’s.
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 5
SO WHAT IS FIVERR ANYWAY? ................................................... 6
THE RULES......................................................................................... 8
   1.     You MUST upload a video for each listing you post. .............. 8
   2.     Make sure your title is creative and eye-catching. ................... 8
   3.     Use a custom picture on your listing. ....................................... 9
   4.     Make sure your description is specific and well-written. ......... 9
   5.     Be an individual! .................................................................... 10
   6.     List at least 20 services at once. ............................................. 10
SUGGESTIONS FOR GIGS .............................................................. 12
RUNNING ON AUTOPILOT ........................................................... 13
RESEARCH MATTERS.................................................................... 14
CREATING A BUYER LIST ............................................................ 15
OUTSOURCING ............................................................................... 16
   Method #1: Twitter and ClickBank ................................................ 16
   Method 2: Facebook Likes ............................................................. 18
   Method #3: Backlinks..................................................................... 18
   Method #4: Facebook Statuses ....................................................... 19
   Method #5: Graphic Design and Video .......................................... 19
Method #6: YouTube Subscription Sales ....................................... 20
   Method #7: Testimonial Agency .................................................... 20
   Method #8: Art ............................................................................... 20
   Method #9: Ebay and other auction sites........................................ 22
   Method #10: Sell PLR reports ........................................................ 23
CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 24

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step toward
becoming a profitable use of Fiverr. Having knowledge is
useless unless you are willing to act on the knowledge you have;
buying this book is the first action you have taken toward
applying knowledge to your success!

You are likely wondering why this book is different from other
information about Fiverr you have heard before. The methods in
this book are related to using only one kind of service which
converts to another, more valuable, use which runs without
much effort from you. Curious yet?

Your goal is to make money through minimal effort and
replication. If you examine the system in place closely, you will
find several opportunities to do this.

If you are looking for motivational speeches or fancy wordplay,
you are looking in the wrong place. This book will get straight
into the specific actions you will need to take to earn money. If
having a specific plan of action isn’t enough to make you begin
to work, you may be in the wrong place.

I assume that since you bought this book, you already know
something about Fiverr. However, some of you may have
picked this book up out of curiosity, without any prior
knowledge, so let me take a moment to fill you in. Fiverr is a
web-based marketplace that allows users to buy and sell services
for $5. Anyone can create a listing for a small service on the site
or purchase a service. The fixed price for any job is $5. A buyer
orders services and is required to pay for it in advance.

Services are placed into categorized by Funny and Bizarre,
Social Marketing, Graphics, Writing, Technology, Business,
Silly Stuff, and Programming. There is a place for buyer
feedback on the people who provide services, which helps
others buyers choose which vendors to purchase services from.

One dollar from each sale goes to Fiverr, meaning the vendor
(you) make $4 per task. When most people hear about Fiverr,
their initial response is skepticism. They either don’t believe you
can actually make money at it, or they make fun of the people
who do. Unfortunately, this lack of vision will prevent them
from being successful on the site.

Think about it for a minute, though. How many successful dollar
stores are there in your community and in other communities
across America? How much money has McDonald’s made over
the years? The key to success isn’t the size of the sale you make,
but how many sales you make and what the profit margin of
each one is.

I have noticed that there are many jobs on Fiverr that have been
listed for a long time with no orders. Others may make enough
to enjoy an evening out a couple of times of month. However, I
have also noticed that 15-20% of the jobs listed can make
hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per month.

Of the 15-20% who are very successful, about 1% is WILDLY
successful, earning several thousand per month. The purpose of
this book is to teach you to methods of that 1%. There are plenty
of tips and tricks to help you achieve that level of success.

Once we have covered the best way to earn as a Fiverr seller, we
will look to earnings as a Fiverr outsourcer, examining several
methods for outsourcing. That is where the real money can be

A key principal as a seller or reseller on Fiverr is to generate
multiple income streams. Later in the book, we will go into
specifics about what that means and how to do it. First,
however, we need to examine how to earn money as a regular
seller/vendor. There are several basic rules you must apply to
see success.

  1. You MUST upload a video for each listing you post.

     This is probably the most important rule of them all.
     Including a video makes a huge difference to the success
     of your listing. In your videos, be entertaining and
     engaging. This will make you memorable to the buyers.
     There are many, many listings on Fiverr. Some of them
     may even be better deals than yours. However, if you
     provide a video that is clear, to the point, and
     memorable, you are much more likely to get sales.
     Speaking well and using humor will increase the
     likelihood of getting a sale by about 75%.

     You should also mention at least once time.
     Moderators watch every video uploaded, and having
     more than one mention of Fiverr in your video makes it
     more likely that they will place you on the first page.

  2. Make sure your title is creative and eye-catching.

     Which title would you be more likely to click on: “I will
     sing a song for $5” or “PROFESSIONAL song by an
     amazing singer for $5”?
Be sure to use active verbs to say what you will do and
   include descriptive words.

   Fiverr has a policy that only one word in a title may be
   in all caps. Choose the word you want to capitalize
   carefully. You are trying to catch the eye of the buyer.

   For jobs you can do quickly, add “Within 24 hours” to
   your title. Sales should increase by 10-20% for this
   added perk.

3. Use a custom picture on your listing.

   Fiverr requires you to upload a picture about the job you
   are listing, in addition to a video. Before posting a
   listing, use Photoshop, or even Paint, to create your own
   picture instead of using a generic picture you find online.
   Taking the time to customize will help set you apart
   from the people who just found some clip art online. If
   you can’t create something that looks professional for
   yourself, consider asking a friend to help you or even use
   Fiverr to find someone who can do it!

4. Make sure your description is specific and well-written.

   When you write a description, make sure you include all
   the details of the job, instead of just making a general
   statement. This is your sales pitch; you want to explain
what makes your service better than the next guy’s, what
   exactly is involved in the service, and what the features
   are. The more professional you sound, the more likely
   you are to get a customer, so make sure you check your
   grammar and spelling. Even though buyers are only
   spending $5, they still don’t want to throw it away. If
   you take a little extra time to make sure your description
   is articulate and detailed, you will attract more buyers.

5. Be an individual!

   It is unlikely that you will be the only one posting a
   particular service on the site. So how do you stand out
   from the crowd? Figure out what makes you unique.
   DON’T try to copy someone else who is successful on
   Fiverr; instead do one of the following things:
   a. Show the buyer that your service is better than the
       others and better to buy.
   b. Make sure you use the first four rules to stand out!

   If you consistently use the first four rules, even a service
   that isn’t particularly special will stand out from the rest
   and should bring in customers daily.

6. List at least 20 services at once.

   Fiverr limits each vendor to a maximum of 20 listings at
   a time. If you don’t post at least that many, you are not
   maximizing your profit potential. Get creative and come
up with 20 things you are willing to do for $5. Even if
       some of them only get one or two orders weekly, you
       have established multiple income streams. (Remember
       that from the introduction?)

       A listing that only brings in $8 per week is generating
       $32 a month and just over $400 a year. Multiply this by
       20…you just made over $8000 in extra cash!

       Remember, too, that every listing brings traffic to your
       page profile, meaning that your other listings will be
       seen by more people!

       Another possibility is having more than one account on
       Fiverr. If you have two accounts, you can post up to 40
       listings, and so on.

       Make sure to list services in more than one category for
       maximum exposure. If you are seen in multiple
       categories, once again, you are driving more traffic to
       your profile. More traffic = more orders = more money!

These six rules MUST be applied to every listing you post. Just
doing these things should help you earn $1200-$2000 per month
just from direct sales on Fiverr. Not bad for a minimum of effort
on your part!

Graphic design is a popular gig on Fiverr. Even if you don’t
have any graphic design experience, you can make some cash.
Offer to create a 3D e-cover for anything the customer wants.
Then go to, a site that lets you
create that very thing with only a few mouse clicks. The site
requires you to create an account which charges either a
monthly fee or a one-time download fee. If you do several of
these per month, you should more than make back what you pay
for the subscription.

Offer to create a social media profile for an individual or a
company. It doesn’t even take 5 minutes to create a profile and
upload a company logo, so you are getting a pretty good profit
margin. Then you can offer additional products or services on
top of profile creation, such as uploading photos, writing
captions, making regular posts, etc. You can make the same
offer for creating a YouTube channel or a Facebook fanpage.

Be sure to look at the “suggest gigs” listed on the right side of
the Fiverr homepage. This is where people post when they are
looking for someone to do a specific job. You can pick up a few
of these a month without taking away from the 20 gigs you
already have listed.
If you already have a blog or a website that gets a lot of traffic,
you can offer to sell advertising space on the site for $5 for a
specified amount of time. You can do this through Adspace if
you like. Be sure you are prepared to show proof and details
about the traffic on your blog or site. This will often make a
difference in whether a customer chooses you or the next guy.

Offer to write articles for $5. There are lots of people making
this offer, so make yourself stand out by including a link to your
portfolio. The only down side to this kind of gig is the amount
of time it takes to do it. Figure out how many articles you could
write in an hour and multiply times $4. That is what you are
earning hourly with this gig. Compared to other gigs, it might
require more work for less revenue.


Ultimately, you want to design your listings to make money for
you without additional effort on your part. That’s called running
on autopilot. So how do you make that happen?

First locate a good PLR product. (If you are new to the field,
you may not know what that is. PLR stands for Private Label
Rights. It means when you buy the product or article initially,
you are also buying the right to resell it under your own name,
without referring back to the original creator.) Make sure you
choose a high quality product. There are several websites which
provide lists of these products, so take some time to browse
around and find something of good quality. A little extra time at
this point will pay off in the long run. Try one of these sites: (this site charges a small
       fee for access) (completely free access) (also completely free access)

You will have to invest a little money in the products initially,
but you will quickly recoup what you spent if you choose

Once you have chosen some PLR products, create a gig on
Fiverr to sell them.


Before choosing your products, do a little research to determine
what type of products sell the best. On the Fiverr homepage,
filter the listings by popularity. That means the top selling
products will be at the top of the list.

You will likely see that people who are willing to promote
products or websites on Twitter are very popular…meaning that
people are willing to pay for that service.
Go to the PLR sites and do a search for material related to
Twitter. It may be software or an eBook, but if it something that
teaches people how to promote something via Twitter, it will be
likely to sell.


Once you list your product on Fiverr, make sure you use a
landing page with an opt-in form. This will give every customer
immediate access to the product (with no effort on your part!)
by registering on the site. The information they enter will
automatically go into a buyer list, once again with no effort on
your part! Having a buyer list means you can notify these people
when you offer new gigs. Repeat customers are always a plus!

Always ask a customer to leave feedback. Positive feedback
means more customers. It is worth it to refund someone’s
money to avoid negative feedback.

When a customer registers, set it up so they are redirected to a
One Time Offer Page which presents the buyer with a related
product they may also be interested in. Be sure to create a large
package for an incredible price, so it would be crazy not to buy
it. For example, you might package a group of 3-5 eBooks
related to Social Networking or Internet Marketing for $10 (or
even less). The key is to pack a huge amount of value into a
small price. The customer is already in buying mode, so there is
a high probability that he will buy the OTO as well.
That means instead of making $4 per sale, you are actually
making $14, assuming your OTO is $10. Each product should
make at least one package sale per week, or $56 per month. If
you list 20 different products, that is $1120 per month with no
effort from you after the initial setup. (There are also other
“microjob” sites where you can create exactly the same listing
again for even more revenue!)

In addition, you are adding 100 new names to your buyer’s list
per month, just from Fiverr. You can then use this list to market
other products outside of Fiverr, if you desire.


Using the 6 rules to make money on your listings is a great way
to make extra money, but if you are interested in making BIG
money, you need to learn about outsourcing. Some internet
marketers are now making thousands a month through Fiverr
selling and outsourcing.

There are five methods that will help you make some serious
money. The step by step instructions for these methods are next!

Method #1: Twitter and ClickBank

ClickBank is a website that allows you to sign up to promote
products for other people to earn income, referred to as affiliate
marketing. If you are unfamiliar with ClickBank, go check it out
before reading further.

Now that you know at least a little about ClickBank, let’s talk
about how you can be a legitimate Fiverr outsourcer.

       Step 1: Choose a product on ClickBank that can be
       easily promoted to the general public.

       Step 2: Copy the affiliate link provided; then go to
       to make a shortened version of the link.

       Step 3: Copy and paste the shortened link.

       Step 4: Visit the “Social Marketing” section on Fiverr
       and look for listings like “I will tweet to my 10,000
       followers for $5” or something similar. Purchase about 5
       of these.

       Step 5: Send the vendor the shortened URL with a
       promo phrase like “WOW! Can’t believe how much
       weight I lost thanks to” (Change this to fit
       whatever product you chose.) The vendors will send this
       link and phrase to all their followers.

       Step 6: Watch the money flow! A single sale may bring
       in hundreds of dollars and you have spent only $25 to
       make it happen!
Method #2: Facebook Likes

Facebook Likes are a hot commodity. Many people on Fiverr
will provide Facebook Likes for far less than market value. For
example, there are websites that will sell 1000 FB Likes for $80,
but on Fiverr there are vendors who will give you 500 FB Likes
for $5. That shows that there is a definite profit margin.

Find a domain name that is related to Facebook Fans or
Facebook Likes. Use a basic Wordpress template to set up a
basic site explaining that your company does Facebook
marketing. Set your cost (above $5) and set up your website.
Your website should generate several hundred dollars per week.
After 2-3 months of a profitable website, you can list the
website on Flipa and sell it. You will likely be able to sell it for
several thousand dollars. Just be sure to reinvest most of the
money back into you IM career!

Method #3: Backlinks

There are tons of gigs on Fiverr offering to submit your website
or blog to search engines and to create backlinks. Google loves
backlinks, so spending a little money here should more than
payoff in results from increased traffic to your site, where you
can sell visitors your products. WARNING: Be sure you ask for
proof that the vendor actually did what they said and get contact
details before sending your $5.
Method #4: Facebook Statuses

In one example, a vendor has offered to post a link to your site 3
times on their Facebook page. That doesn’t sound like much
until you realize the vendor has 82K fans on his page. You
should see a definite improvement in your traffic from this one!
You can also ask them to post an affiliate link for ClickBank.
You can do all sorts of creative things to increase sales on your
other sites like this, without having to do anything yourself!

Method #5: Graphic Design and Video

In the Graphics section of Fiverr, you will commonly find logos,
templates and banners. If you buy them, then mark them up
anywhere from $5 to $500 and resell them to larger companies
by being able to deliver quickly. A big money maker is selling
short video clips made on Adobe AfterEffects to clients for $500
or more. You should be able to get 3-4 clients a month for these

Graphics and logos can be sold for over $150 each. They are
easier to resell than the videos, and also have a great markup.
Create a basic website and use SEO techniques to get good

(Since this book is about Fiverr, I won’t go into great detail
about how to do this. I am assuming that you probably already
know these basics.)
Method #6: YouTube Subscription Sales

This is the same idea as the Facebook Likes. Use the same
method, but when you sell the website on Flippa, you can expect
a much higher return, especially if you can show good profit for
6 months.

Method #7: Testimonial Agency

A very creative way to use the wealth of talent on Fiverr is to
create your own Testimonial Agency, using the people who
offer to make video testimonials for $5. You create a company
that will offer to provide companies with dozens of video
testimonials tailored to their product or service at a bulk price.
You can charge as little as $300 or as much as $800 for this,
depending on how many testimonials they need.

Method #8: Art

Again in the Graphics section of Fiverr, find a graphic designer
who will create a piece of vector art for $5. (It is very important
that it be VECTOR, so you can resize the piece without losing
resolution and clarity.) Some designers specialize in one type of
art (mascot design/characters, for example), but many will offer
more variety.

When you buy the digital piece from the designer, you also buy
the copyright. That means that you can replicate the piece in any
way you desire. You can make much more money through
replication than through selling the piece to a company at a
marked up price.

The value of art is only what a buyer sees in it. If you present it
correctly, you should see a good return on it in many forms. You
can sell it in the form of t-shirts and other clothing, mugs,
posters, calendars, magnets, or as a framed print. Let you
imagination run wild!

Be sure to ask for vector files or high res raster files, so you can
blow up the piece to any size you need.

You can set up an online shop and upload your designs on
several websites with very little trouble. Try

to start.

How do you decide what kind of design to do? Obviously, you
want something that will sell easily. Parody is often popular and
a good way to get started. Under parody, you can legally sell
images that refer to and use famous people (for example, a
caricature). Just do your homework to make sure there is a
current demand for the topic and that you are not breaking any
copyright laws.
If you use a person’s image which is not parody, you are
infringing on copyright law. Parody is fun, which people want,
and doesn’t break the law. As an added bonus, many of the
graphic designers on Fiverr are very good at it!

Framed prints are usually higher priced items, so think about
targeting a specific niche with a framed print. Buy a variety of
images from the designers on Fiverr so that you can have a
variety of items to choose from in your store.

One of the most important things to consider with this method is
what kind of images are trending currently. If your images are
not currently hot, they won’t sell well. Work on tapping into

Method #9: Ebay and other auction sites

Once you have products to sell, you can venture onto sites such
as ebay. Copy the preview images from your store on or so you can show them as products
that are ready to ship.

You can grab your images off the site in one of two ways. First,
try right clicking on the image and choosing “save image as…”.
Some sites don’t allow this method, so you will need to open the
site, and then press “prt scr” to take a screenshot. Then crop the
image to the portion of the page you need using a graphics
program and upload it to ebay or another auction site.
If you use Windows 7, you can also use the snipping tool to
capture the image from your online shop.

This can be advantageous because your product isn’t buried in a
huge list of other products that are very similar.

When you receive orders, simply enter a personal order on the
manufacturer’s website and enter an alternative delivery

Method #10: Sell PLR reports

Reports addressing problems in the health, wealth, and
relationships niches are the most likely reports to sell. You can
check out some of the reports on for ideas.

Buy a few that seem to answer a common problem, such as
weight loss (always a popular topic). Then create a listing that
promises to help solve that problem for $5.

For example, you might say, “I will send you dozens of
SECRET recipes that will help you lose weight fast!”

When you receive an order, simply attach the file in the Fiverr
delivery screen and send it off.

So this book doesn’t force a Tony Robbins motivational speech
down your throat, but it does give you the specific steps you can
take to start earning money on Fiverr.

You will have to invest a few dollars and a little time into
Fiverr, especially at the beginning, but you should see it pay off
if you follow these suggestions.

Internet Marketing isn’t easy, but as long as you keep at it, you
should see a return. By using the methods in this book and your
own creativity, they sky is the limit! The hardest part has been
done and put in this book, so get out there and start making

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Affiliate marketing success_tips
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Affiliate marketing success_tips
Affiliate marketing success tips
Affiliate marketing success tips Affiliate marketing success tips
Affiliate marketing success tips
Affiliate marketing success tips
Affiliate marketing success tipsAffiliate marketing success tips
Affiliate marketing success tips

Make Money on Fiverr

  • 1. By Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson Copyright Anywidget LLC and Xybercode Inc.
  • 2. DISCLAIMER When you follow this guide, you agree that the author is not held responsible for any success or failure on your part when you use Fiverr. The author has used figures as estimations only. Any consequences from using the information presented in this book are solely yours and not the author’s.
  • 3. Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 5 SO WHAT IS FIVERR ANYWAY? ................................................... 6 THE RULES......................................................................................... 8 1. You MUST upload a video for each listing you post. .............. 8 2. Make sure your title is creative and eye-catching. ................... 8 3. Use a custom picture on your listing. ....................................... 9 4. Make sure your description is specific and well-written. ......... 9 5. Be an individual! .................................................................... 10 6. List at least 20 services at once. ............................................. 10 SUGGESTIONS FOR GIGS .............................................................. 12 RUNNING ON AUTOPILOT ........................................................... 13 RESEARCH MATTERS.................................................................... 14 CREATING A BUYER LIST ............................................................ 15 OUTSOURCING ............................................................................... 16 Method #1: Twitter and ClickBank ................................................ 16 Method 2: Facebook Likes ............................................................. 18 Method #3: Backlinks..................................................................... 18 Method #4: Facebook Statuses ....................................................... 19 Method #5: Graphic Design and Video .......................................... 19
  • 4. Method #6: YouTube Subscription Sales ....................................... 20 Method #7: Testimonial Agency .................................................... 20 Method #8: Art ............................................................................... 20 Method #9: Ebay and other auction sites........................................ 22 Method #10: Sell PLR reports ........................................................ 23 CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 24
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Congratulations! You have just taken the first step toward becoming a profitable use of Fiverr. Having knowledge is useless unless you are willing to act on the knowledge you have; buying this book is the first action you have taken toward applying knowledge to your success! You are likely wondering why this book is different from other information about Fiverr you have heard before. The methods in this book are related to using only one kind of service which converts to another, more valuable, use which runs without much effort from you. Curious yet? Your goal is to make money through minimal effort and replication. If you examine the system in place closely, you will find several opportunities to do this. If you are looking for motivational speeches or fancy wordplay, you are looking in the wrong place. This book will get straight into the specific actions you will need to take to earn money. If having a specific plan of action isn’t enough to make you begin to work, you may be in the wrong place.
  • 6. SO WHAT IS FIVERR ANYWAY? I assume that since you bought this book, you already know something about Fiverr. However, some of you may have picked this book up out of curiosity, without any prior knowledge, so let me take a moment to fill you in. Fiverr is a web-based marketplace that allows users to buy and sell services for $5. Anyone can create a listing for a small service on the site or purchase a service. The fixed price for any job is $5. A buyer orders services and is required to pay for it in advance. Services are placed into categorized by Funny and Bizarre, Social Marketing, Graphics, Writing, Technology, Business, Silly Stuff, and Programming. There is a place for buyer feedback on the people who provide services, which helps others buyers choose which vendors to purchase services from. One dollar from each sale goes to Fiverr, meaning the vendor (you) make $4 per task. When most people hear about Fiverr, their initial response is skepticism. They either don’t believe you can actually make money at it, or they make fun of the people who do. Unfortunately, this lack of vision will prevent them from being successful on the site. Think about it for a minute, though. How many successful dollar stores are there in your community and in other communities
  • 7. across America? How much money has McDonald’s made over the years? The key to success isn’t the size of the sale you make, but how many sales you make and what the profit margin of each one is. I have noticed that there are many jobs on Fiverr that have been listed for a long time with no orders. Others may make enough to enjoy an evening out a couple of times of month. However, I have also noticed that 15-20% of the jobs listed can make hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per month. Of the 15-20% who are very successful, about 1% is WILDLY successful, earning several thousand per month. The purpose of this book is to teach you to methods of that 1%. There are plenty of tips and tricks to help you achieve that level of success. Once we have covered the best way to earn as a Fiverr seller, we will look to earnings as a Fiverr outsourcer, examining several methods for outsourcing. That is where the real money can be earned! A key principal as a seller or reseller on Fiverr is to generate multiple income streams. Later in the book, we will go into specifics about what that means and how to do it. First, however, we need to examine how to earn money as a regular seller/vendor. There are several basic rules you must apply to see success.
  • 8. THE RULES 1. You MUST upload a video for each listing you post. This is probably the most important rule of them all. Including a video makes a huge difference to the success of your listing. In your videos, be entertaining and engaging. This will make you memorable to the buyers. There are many, many listings on Fiverr. Some of them may even be better deals than yours. However, if you provide a video that is clear, to the point, and memorable, you are much more likely to get sales. Speaking well and using humor will increase the likelihood of getting a sale by about 75%. You should also mention at least once time. Moderators watch every video uploaded, and having more than one mention of Fiverr in your video makes it more likely that they will place you on the first page. 2. Make sure your title is creative and eye-catching. Which title would you be more likely to click on: “I will sing a song for $5” or “PROFESSIONAL song by an amazing singer for $5”?
  • 9. Be sure to use active verbs to say what you will do and include descriptive words. Fiverr has a policy that only one word in a title may be in all caps. Choose the word you want to capitalize carefully. You are trying to catch the eye of the buyer. For jobs you can do quickly, add “Within 24 hours” to your title. Sales should increase by 10-20% for this added perk. 3. Use a custom picture on your listing. Fiverr requires you to upload a picture about the job you are listing, in addition to a video. Before posting a listing, use Photoshop, or even Paint, to create your own picture instead of using a generic picture you find online. Taking the time to customize will help set you apart from the people who just found some clip art online. If you can’t create something that looks professional for yourself, consider asking a friend to help you or even use Fiverr to find someone who can do it! 4. Make sure your description is specific and well-written. When you write a description, make sure you include all the details of the job, instead of just making a general statement. This is your sales pitch; you want to explain
  • 10. what makes your service better than the next guy’s, what exactly is involved in the service, and what the features are. The more professional you sound, the more likely you are to get a customer, so make sure you check your grammar and spelling. Even though buyers are only spending $5, they still don’t want to throw it away. If you take a little extra time to make sure your description is articulate and detailed, you will attract more buyers. 5. Be an individual! It is unlikely that you will be the only one posting a particular service on the site. So how do you stand out from the crowd? Figure out what makes you unique. DON’T try to copy someone else who is successful on Fiverr; instead do one of the following things: a. Show the buyer that your service is better than the others and better to buy. b. Make sure you use the first four rules to stand out! If you consistently use the first four rules, even a service that isn’t particularly special will stand out from the rest and should bring in customers daily. 6. List at least 20 services at once. Fiverr limits each vendor to a maximum of 20 listings at a time. If you don’t post at least that many, you are not maximizing your profit potential. Get creative and come
  • 11. up with 20 things you are willing to do for $5. Even if some of them only get one or two orders weekly, you have established multiple income streams. (Remember that from the introduction?) A listing that only brings in $8 per week is generating $32 a month and just over $400 a year. Multiply this by 20…you just made over $8000 in extra cash! Remember, too, that every listing brings traffic to your page profile, meaning that your other listings will be seen by more people! Another possibility is having more than one account on Fiverr. If you have two accounts, you can post up to 40 listings, and so on. Make sure to list services in more than one category for maximum exposure. If you are seen in multiple categories, once again, you are driving more traffic to your profile. More traffic = more orders = more money! These six rules MUST be applied to every listing you post. Just doing these things should help you earn $1200-$2000 per month just from direct sales on Fiverr. Not bad for a minimum of effort on your part!
  • 12. SUGGESTIONS FOR GIGS Graphic design is a popular gig on Fiverr. Even if you don’t have any graphic design experience, you can make some cash. Offer to create a 3D e-cover for anything the customer wants. Then go to, a site that lets you create that very thing with only a few mouse clicks. The site requires you to create an account which charges either a monthly fee or a one-time download fee. If you do several of these per month, you should more than make back what you pay for the subscription. Offer to create a social media profile for an individual or a company. It doesn’t even take 5 minutes to create a profile and upload a company logo, so you are getting a pretty good profit margin. Then you can offer additional products or services on top of profile creation, such as uploading photos, writing captions, making regular posts, etc. You can make the same offer for creating a YouTube channel or a Facebook fanpage. Be sure to look at the “suggest gigs” listed on the right side of the Fiverr homepage. This is where people post when they are looking for someone to do a specific job. You can pick up a few of these a month without taking away from the 20 gigs you already have listed.
  • 13. If you already have a blog or a website that gets a lot of traffic, you can offer to sell advertising space on the site for $5 for a specified amount of time. You can do this through Adspace if you like. Be sure you are prepared to show proof and details about the traffic on your blog or site. This will often make a difference in whether a customer chooses you or the next guy. Offer to write articles for $5. There are lots of people making this offer, so make yourself stand out by including a link to your portfolio. The only down side to this kind of gig is the amount of time it takes to do it. Figure out how many articles you could write in an hour and multiply times $4. That is what you are earning hourly with this gig. Compared to other gigs, it might require more work for less revenue. RUNNING ON AUTOPILOT Ultimately, you want to design your listings to make money for you without additional effort on your part. That’s called running on autopilot. So how do you make that happen? First locate a good PLR product. (If you are new to the field, you may not know what that is. PLR stands for Private Label Rights. It means when you buy the product or article initially, you are also buying the right to resell it under your own name, without referring back to the original creator.) Make sure you choose a high quality product. There are several websites which
  • 14. provide lists of these products, so take some time to browse around and find something of good quality. A little extra time at this point will pay off in the long run. Try one of these sites: (this site charges a small fee for access) (completely free access) (also completely free access) You will have to invest a little money in the products initially, but you will quickly recoup what you spent if you choose wisely. Once you have chosen some PLR products, create a gig on Fiverr to sell them. RESEARCH MATTERS Before choosing your products, do a little research to determine what type of products sell the best. On the Fiverr homepage, filter the listings by popularity. That means the top selling products will be at the top of the list. You will likely see that people who are willing to promote products or websites on Twitter are very popular…meaning that people are willing to pay for that service.
  • 15. Go to the PLR sites and do a search for material related to Twitter. It may be software or an eBook, but if it something that teaches people how to promote something via Twitter, it will be likely to sell. CREATING A BUYER LIST Once you list your product on Fiverr, make sure you use a landing page with an opt-in form. This will give every customer immediate access to the product (with no effort on your part!) by registering on the site. The information they enter will automatically go into a buyer list, once again with no effort on your part! Having a buyer list means you can notify these people when you offer new gigs. Repeat customers are always a plus! Always ask a customer to leave feedback. Positive feedback means more customers. It is worth it to refund someone’s money to avoid negative feedback. When a customer registers, set it up so they are redirected to a One Time Offer Page which presents the buyer with a related product they may also be interested in. Be sure to create a large package for an incredible price, so it would be crazy not to buy it. For example, you might package a group of 3-5 eBooks related to Social Networking or Internet Marketing for $10 (or even less). The key is to pack a huge amount of value into a small price. The customer is already in buying mode, so there is a high probability that he will buy the OTO as well.
  • 16. That means instead of making $4 per sale, you are actually making $14, assuming your OTO is $10. Each product should make at least one package sale per week, or $56 per month. If you list 20 different products, that is $1120 per month with no effort from you after the initial setup. (There are also other “microjob” sites where you can create exactly the same listing again for even more revenue!) In addition, you are adding 100 new names to your buyer’s list per month, just from Fiverr. You can then use this list to market other products outside of Fiverr, if you desire. OUTSOURCING Using the 6 rules to make money on your listings is a great way to make extra money, but if you are interested in making BIG money, you need to learn about outsourcing. Some internet marketers are now making thousands a month through Fiverr selling and outsourcing. There are five methods that will help you make some serious money. The step by step instructions for these methods are next! Method #1: Twitter and ClickBank ClickBank is a website that allows you to sign up to promote products for other people to earn income, referred to as affiliate
  • 17. marketing. If you are unfamiliar with ClickBank, go check it out before reading further. Now that you know at least a little about ClickBank, let’s talk about how you can be a legitimate Fiverr outsourcer. Step 1: Choose a product on ClickBank that can be easily promoted to the general public. Step 2: Copy the affiliate link provided; then go to to make a shortened version of the link. Step 3: Copy and paste the shortened link. Step 4: Visit the “Social Marketing” section on Fiverr and look for listings like “I will tweet to my 10,000 followers for $5” or something similar. Purchase about 5 of these. Step 5: Send the vendor the shortened URL with a promo phrase like “WOW! Can’t believe how much weight I lost thanks to” (Change this to fit whatever product you chose.) The vendors will send this link and phrase to all their followers. Step 6: Watch the money flow! A single sale may bring in hundreds of dollars and you have spent only $25 to make it happen!
  • 18. Method #2: Facebook Likes Facebook Likes are a hot commodity. Many people on Fiverr will provide Facebook Likes for far less than market value. For example, there are websites that will sell 1000 FB Likes for $80, but on Fiverr there are vendors who will give you 500 FB Likes for $5. That shows that there is a definite profit margin. Find a domain name that is related to Facebook Fans or Facebook Likes. Use a basic Wordpress template to set up a basic site explaining that your company does Facebook marketing. Set your cost (above $5) and set up your website. Your website should generate several hundred dollars per week. After 2-3 months of a profitable website, you can list the website on Flipa and sell it. You will likely be able to sell it for several thousand dollars. Just be sure to reinvest most of the money back into you IM career! Method #3: Backlinks There are tons of gigs on Fiverr offering to submit your website or blog to search engines and to create backlinks. Google loves backlinks, so spending a little money here should more than payoff in results from increased traffic to your site, where you can sell visitors your products. WARNING: Be sure you ask for proof that the vendor actually did what they said and get contact details before sending your $5.
  • 19. Method #4: Facebook Statuses In one example, a vendor has offered to post a link to your site 3 times on their Facebook page. That doesn’t sound like much until you realize the vendor has 82K fans on his page. You should see a definite improvement in your traffic from this one! You can also ask them to post an affiliate link for ClickBank. You can do all sorts of creative things to increase sales on your other sites like this, without having to do anything yourself! Method #5: Graphic Design and Video In the Graphics section of Fiverr, you will commonly find logos, templates and banners. If you buy them, then mark them up anywhere from $5 to $500 and resell them to larger companies by being able to deliver quickly. A big money maker is selling short video clips made on Adobe AfterEffects to clients for $500 or more. You should be able to get 3-4 clients a month for these videos. Graphics and logos can be sold for over $150 each. They are easier to resell than the videos, and also have a great markup. Create a basic website and use SEO techniques to get good rankings. (Since this book is about Fiverr, I won’t go into great detail about how to do this. I am assuming that you probably already know these basics.)
  • 20. Method #6: YouTube Subscription Sales This is the same idea as the Facebook Likes. Use the same method, but when you sell the website on Flippa, you can expect a much higher return, especially if you can show good profit for 6 months. Method #7: Testimonial Agency A very creative way to use the wealth of talent on Fiverr is to create your own Testimonial Agency, using the people who offer to make video testimonials for $5. You create a company that will offer to provide companies with dozens of video testimonials tailored to their product or service at a bulk price. You can charge as little as $300 or as much as $800 for this, depending on how many testimonials they need. Method #8: Art Again in the Graphics section of Fiverr, find a graphic designer who will create a piece of vector art for $5. (It is very important that it be VECTOR, so you can resize the piece without losing resolution and clarity.) Some designers specialize in one type of art (mascot design/characters, for example), but many will offer more variety. When you buy the digital piece from the designer, you also buy the copyright. That means that you can replicate the piece in any way you desire. You can make much more money through
  • 21. replication than through selling the piece to a company at a marked up price. The value of art is only what a buyer sees in it. If you present it correctly, you should see a good return on it in many forms. You can sell it in the form of t-shirts and other clothing, mugs, posters, calendars, magnets, or as a framed print. Let you imagination run wild! Be sure to ask for vector files or high res raster files, so you can blow up the piece to any size you need. You can set up an online shop and upload your designs on several websites with very little trouble. Try to start. How do you decide what kind of design to do? Obviously, you want something that will sell easily. Parody is often popular and a good way to get started. Under parody, you can legally sell images that refer to and use famous people (for example, a caricature). Just do your homework to make sure there is a current demand for the topic and that you are not breaking any copyright laws.
  • 22. If you use a person’s image which is not parody, you are infringing on copyright law. Parody is fun, which people want, and doesn’t break the law. As an added bonus, many of the graphic designers on Fiverr are very good at it! Framed prints are usually higher priced items, so think about targeting a specific niche with a framed print. Buy a variety of images from the designers on Fiverr so that you can have a variety of items to choose from in your store. One of the most important things to consider with this method is what kind of images are trending currently. If your images are not currently hot, they won’t sell well. Work on tapping into fads. Method #9: Ebay and other auction sites Once you have products to sell, you can venture onto sites such as ebay. Copy the preview images from your store on or so you can show them as products that are ready to ship. You can grab your images off the site in one of two ways. First, try right clicking on the image and choosing “save image as…”. Some sites don’t allow this method, so you will need to open the site, and then press “prt scr” to take a screenshot. Then crop the image to the portion of the page you need using a graphics program and upload it to ebay or another auction site.
  • 23. If you use Windows 7, you can also use the snipping tool to capture the image from your online shop. This can be advantageous because your product isn’t buried in a huge list of other products that are very similar. When you receive orders, simply enter a personal order on the manufacturer’s website and enter an alternative delivery address. Method #10: Sell PLR reports Reports addressing problems in the health, wealth, and relationships niches are the most likely reports to sell. You can check out some of the reports on for ideas. Buy a few that seem to answer a common problem, such as weight loss (always a popular topic). Then create a listing that promises to help solve that problem for $5. For example, you might say, “I will send you dozens of SECRET recipes that will help you lose weight fast!” When you receive an order, simply attach the file in the Fiverr delivery screen and send it off.
  • 24. CONCLUSION So this book doesn’t force a Tony Robbins motivational speech down your throat, but it does give you the specific steps you can take to start earning money on Fiverr. You will have to invest a few dollars and a little time into Fiverr, especially at the beginning, but you should see it pay off if you follow these suggestions. Internet Marketing isn’t easy, but as long as you keep at it, you should see a return. By using the methods in this book and your own creativity, they sky is the limit! The hardest part has been done and put in this book, so get out there and start making money!