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How Bartercard Gave Its Member a Grand Birthday Party
By: Bartercard Australia
January 23, 2019 – Wednesday
“I just love Bartercard which helps us to afford the lifestyle we are able to live!”
Annie Noon of Fotoforce Photography has been a Bartercard
member for 19 years and she still speaks highly about the
services it can provide. Bartercard is a barter-trading system
wherein a business can barter their goods and services with
another business within the Bartercard network without using
cash. So, when Annie organized her birthday party, she saved
a hefty amount of money to have a grand celebration.
Annie contacted an account manager and stated her plans. The
account manager then contacted several businesses to engage
them for Annie’s party. As Bartercard helps businesses gain
additional business by advertising to the Bartercard network,
businesses were keen to gain new business by providing their
goods and services to Annie.
Through Bartercard, Annie was able to get several services such as
1. balloon decorations,
2. a 2-tier cake birthday cake. It wouldn’t be a birthday party without a cake, right?
3. Annie also had her home made warmer, fresher, and more welcoming for the event by
acquiring the services of a cleaning and gardening company.
4. As the star of the night, Annie did a little sprucing of her own on Bartercard with a haircut
and color.
5. The catering was also arranged on Bartercard, details below.
6. For the final touch, she wore a stunning burgundy evening gown from another Bartercard
Now, we go down to the all-important food and catering. The
Bartercard account manager called several food businesses and offered
them to cater for Annie’s party. The account manager spoke with one
of the sports club members who, incidentally, had never thought about
doing outside catering before. Once they heard the idea of catering for
Annie’s birthday party, they quickly jumped at the opportunity to gain
this additional business. By the Bartercard account manager persuading
the sports club to provide catering services to Annie’s party, Annie was
happy that she got her catering and the sports club was ecstatic to pick
up an outside catering job.
*Annie Noon at her birthday party organized through Bart
One of the good things about being part of the Bartercard network is it can introduce businesses to
other areas of businesses that they have never explored before. This grants them exposure and
experience to expand their business’ line of service. By spending through Bartercard on business
or personal expenses, it enables companies to keep more cash in their pockets, all the while making
sure their lifestyle needs are met, which is what Annie loved the most.
Bartercard has been around for 27 years
and maintains its guarantee of additional
business and saving cash, and just like
what is stated above, it will continue to
ensure business-owners are getting the
most of what they signed up for.
To view Annie Noon’s work, visit her
To know more about Bartercard, visit
Bartercard - Keeping Your Business Active During Downtime
By: Bartercard Australia – January 29, 2019 Friday
For busy bees like business-owners, idle-time in their business can mean many things, but
increasing profits is definitely not one of them. Reduced work activity results in less income which
can spiral to some of the worst days for any business-owners such as
• not enough income when the payroll is near;
• updating and maintaining your equipment;
• retaining good employees;
• the most feared of all, possible bankruptcy.
However, having downtime in your business can be prevented. Of course, any problem has a
solution. People resort to many things but some people utilizes their creative ability to do what
needs to be done for their beloved business and this is what the blog today will be all about.
We focus on Allen of Eyejam Multimedia, for example. His business has been present for a while
now and has been catering to other businesses’ need to establish themselves in their respective
industries through multimedia services. In this field, customers do not just flow in easily similar
to water when you open a faucet. It requires patience of finding where to get clients and this was
his major stress during his business’ inactivity.
It was around during this time when he heard about Bartercard and its benefits, one of which is,
bringing in clients or potential customers to his business. We asked him some important questions
to know about his experiences since he joined Bartercard.
What do you think about Bartercard?
Well, initially, it sounded too good to be true. I mean, all benefits, no risk, yeah. But why not, I
decided to give it a go.
What was the main thing you got attracted to joining?
I like the benefits, I like the idea of getting extra business, not using cash to trade, and it charges
the same on Bartercard.
So, what do you use your trade for?
Investing in my property, business dinner, hotels. One time I even got one or two water tanks, stair
tred… I use it for many things. There’s nothing that you cannot do in Bartercard.
What has Bartercard done for your business?
Oh, I did not have to stress about where to get clients sometimes. Bartercard provides them for
me. I’m telling you, like, around 95% of the time, Bartercard has always brought me the work. I
don’t have to worry or wonder where my next job will come from.
In the course of the interview, Allan had nothing else but praise for Bartercard. He was introduced
to a new line of clients or customers within the Bartercard network to fill in the down time of his
business. At the same time, he was able to improve his business profits and lifestyle value.
“You just have to spend your trade dollars. People who don’t know how to use cannot spend
anything but those who know how to use trade dollars spend them wisely,” he added. He applied
this to himself and has become one of the good active traders in the Bartercard network for over
21 years.
In the end, it all comes down to how an owner can manage the down time of his business and
Bartercard has one of the proven ways to reduce these down times and provide the business owners
something that’s surely beneficial.
As wise Allan have said, “My advice is that, if you got time, when you’re not working, you can go
to Bartercard and gain mosre work instead of watching tv all day.”
To know more about Eyejam Multimedia and its available services, visit
If you’re interested to learn more about the benefits of Bartercard, go to and book a free consultation.
A Trip of a Lifetime with Bartercard
How a mother was able to afford a trip to Fiji.
By: Bartercard Australia
In a survey conducted by New York Enterprise Report, it was found that small business owners
work twice as much as regular employees with 33% of the respondents working more than 50
hours per week while 25% stated working for more than 60 hours a week.
Would you say they’re hard-working? Yes. Would you say it’s too much? Absolutely, for a regular
employee. One must have an iron stamina to last long while working. With the figures shown
above, it also wouldn’t come off as a surprise if some of them would skip fancy cocktail sipping
while floating on a six-feet pool in front of a beach sunset view vacation. Not for Paula Brand,
Being a small business owner herself, Paula knows the amount of work she had to put on her
business she called Small Business Expos to thrive. The values she built her business upon on is
centered on aiding small business owners to aggregate solid sales by inviting them to “show, tell,
sell” their business with other business owners in the expos that she runs across Brisbane, Logan,
and Gold Coast. And these actions wouldn’t be possible according to her if not for the solid support
of Bartercard for which she has been a member since July 2015.
Just recently, she had her 50th
birthday and decided that it would be a
good idea to temporarily drift away from the joy and stress of operating
a business and thought of travelling. Travel is the activity she has
always loved but never got the chance to do so because one, she’s
business-focused, and two, travel is still expensive. Knowing how
Bartercard operates without requiring its members to spend a lot of
money and extends to different field of work, she visited the Bartercard
marketplace to see the countries available for travel and there she found
a tropical paradise, Paradise Taveuni in Fiji, where she instantly decided to take her daughter and
let her immerse in her half-Fijian roots.
Upon arriving, she was immediately pleased by
the intimate and special setting of Paradise
Taveuni. There was a table decorated by the sea,
she had massive seafoods for food, drank wines,
and even had a surprise birthday cake. It was a top-
notch service for a low-cost. The food was served
by the kind and genuine staff addressing her by her
name as if they’ve known each for a long time, it
was a feeling of friendship she never experienced
before whilst staying in a resort.
For her, the travel to Fiji wouldn’t be possible if not for Bartercard.
She admitted it’s not every day that someone can afford a trip to Fiji
but in Bartercard she was able to. When it comes to spending less
money for something that requires spending, Bartercard is the
leading company for it. It’s a trade exchange business that stretches
to different areas of life which Paula was able to utilise to give herself
a time off that she well-deserves. She owes it to herself for her hard
work and for her daughter. And not only she encourages the
Bartercard members to travel using their trade dollars to lessen the
cost without compromising fun results, she also encourages people
to also with their loved ones once in a while.
To meet Paula Brand in her next expos, visit her
website at or
contact her at
To know other areas that Bartercard covers, go to
How Hard Small Business Owners Work
Paradise Taveuni Images
Maximizing the use of Bartercard
By: Bartercard Australia
Long before there was money, our ancestors acquire their necessities by means of negotiation and
trade. This act of negotiation and trading is called “barter” and it is the system of exchanging goods
and services without using money.
Today, the idiomatic expression “money makes the world go round” bears plethoric sense.
“Barter” has pretty much subsided due to the fact that money has become a fundamental
commodity for people.
Luckily, the barter system hasn’t completely
perished. Yet. Because companies like Bartercard, the
world’s leading company for trading exchange
revived the barter system with a modern twist (e.g. not
using plenty of cash to cashless trading or transaction)
to fit the trends of the modern world. And, it works.
A member of Bartercard named Naomi Spies has been maintaining an active trading record status
since she found out about Bartercard in 2013. Naomi is the head of the award-winning Ruby
Communications, an independent agency that started in 2010 concentrating in Digital and Public
Relations located across Queensland.
She admitted to be quite skeptical after hearing about how
Bartercard operates, but she took a leap of faith and accepted
the challenge of learning the modern barter system. She
instantly saw it as an opportunity to promote her business to a
wider range of potential clients. She contacted a trade
coordinator that assisted her in becoming a member and aided
her with ways to use her trade dollars. Because of this, she
now administers PR services to a professional sports club and
an online beauty retailer both found on Bartercard.
But there are instances where the budget isn’t completely
available, Naomi learned from Bartercard that she can still
have the full payment by requesting them to pay half cash (trade dollars) and half contra (excess
stocks). They are then able to sell those contras within the Bartercard trade network, it is like being
paid in full.
Through Bartercard, she was also able to send 22 of her PR team in a conference retreat, twice.
They checked out places on Bartercard that are available for accommodations and the contacted a
trade coordinator to arrange the accommodation. They stayed at Couran Cove, one of the in-
demand places to relax or hold events that they found on Bartercard network.
Naomi learned to utilise her Bartercard account efficiently. She uses it for the staff gifts, client
gifts, and holiday gift cards. Isn’t that a smart way to use your resources effectively?
But the astounding part about her use of her account is that she used her account to purchase a real
estate property from Bartercard. On her side was a mortgage broker specializing in Bartercard
finance who helped her in applying for mortgage. Since then, she has already purchased multiple
Bartercard real estate properties. And she still plans to purchase one Bartercard property each year.
Now, isn’t that amazing?
Normally, in the cash economy, only an extremely well-to-do person can afford multiple real estate
properties that often costs millions. But Naomi also saw Bartercard as an opportunity for property
investment and she grabbed the chance. She maximized her account to execute her planned real
estate investments.
Bartercard’s principle is simple. If you learn to maximize your account by using your trade dollars
efficiently, you could have the things that you never thought would you obtain through nonstop
working. Bartercard extends to different areas of life such as business, entertainment, and lifestyle
to name a few. It promises to reduce cash expenses while increasing your profit so you still have
some cash left for yourself or for someone you are saving money for.
Bartercard works when you keep an open mind and you’ll only learn it if you truly take your time
and listen.
To find out more about the award-winning independent agency founded by Naomi Spies, visit
To know more how to maximize your use of your trade dollars, contact your trade coordinator or
go to
Bartercard Blog – Helpful Advice from a Bartercard Member
By: Bartercard Australia
If you are a business-owner or about to become one, you know that the process to make it
successful will make you bleed from business registration, to advertising, even down to the
employees you’re hiring. It is an arduous task to manage and it can take a toll on someone’s health
along the way.
Bernadette Lewis, when she was just starting Aunty Bea’s Designs
in 2013, she had to work for long hours each week and she admitted
to be exhausted every time. Not only that she had to establish herself,
she also had to pitch in clients to increase her income and buy more
cotton fabrics for babies and children’s wear that she sews and sells.
But she found a way to make things a bit easier for her after some
Although it was a little late when Bernadette came across Bartercard,
the leading trade exchange company that only uses trade dollars, she
instantly found it to be “a good idea” and decided to utilise the
benefits to her advantage. After some time of learning how the
company operates, the ins and outs of trading products and services
with other businesses from the Bartercard network, she started
recommending the company to her friends whenever she has
accumulated good services from Bartercard.
In the course of the phone interview, Bernadette mentioned several things that could be helpful for
other members knowing that members or not, there will always be skeptics of a certain company
and she admits that there are ups and downs, however, it only depends on the person how to
manage that.
I took a mental note of the things she mentioned and decided to come up
with a list that worked for her as an active trader and a businesswoman
from the Bartercard network.
1. Look for other things you can do for your business.
“If you are just starting, your business will always first involve cash. But
if you can find time to research what others ways that would work for
your business so you can save more income, find time to look for what it
is. It is always important to have some money on the side all the time.
Bartercard truly helps in this aspect.”
2. Trade
“Always trade your dollars so you can gain what you want while saving
your cash at the same time.”
3. Watch your trade dollars
“One downside in having a lot of trade dollars is sometimes ended up having more and
nothing to spend it on. Keep your trade dollars amount at bay.”
4. Always check the marketplace
“Frequent in the marketplace. The Bartercard marketplace might not have all of the items
you need but you will always see things you can spend your trade dollars on.”
5. Explore Bartercard
“Bartercard promises a lot of benefits and
they do deliver. Three things that I liked
about Bartercard is first, Bartercard allows
me to save. Second, Bartercard does bring in
additional clients from within its network.
My business is doing well, it’s booming, but
I like how Bartercard is delivering me more
work to do. I have around three or four
regular clients that are from Bartercard. It’s
lovely. Third, whenever you have the
opportunity to get your business out there,
use that opportunity. Sometimes your
business won’t be recognized just by telling
people to come by. Sometimes, you really
have to go out there and get it.”
In December 2018, Bernadette was one of the
Bartercard members who participated in the
Christmas Shop Fest in Brisbane. She managed to
sell more than 5, 000 of her sewn children’s clothing
on Bartercard and she was elated on the sales
development of her business.
6. Always cooperate with your trade coordinator
“Sometimes, people don’t understand how something operates because either no one is
telling them how it works or they don’t approach someone who knows how to make it work.
It’s the same in Bartercard, like, at first, I couldn’t use it because I don’t know what to
spend my trade dollars on. There was nothing that I could spend it on, until I cooperated
with my trade coordinator. He has really helped me a lot in terms of purchasing items from
the marketplace that I never thought would be useful for me and to interact with a fellow
trader. The trade coordinator is there, he’s always there to assist so if there is anything
you need from Bartercard, always give your trade coordinator a call so you’ll know what
7. Before you spend in the cash economy, look first in Bartercard.
If you want to see and order some of Bernadette’s work, go to:
To order for customized clothing for babies and kids, fill out a form in the Custom Order Request
section at
If you’re now considering to become a member, have a free consultation at

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First Collection of Bartercard Stories

  • 1. How Bartercard Gave Its Member a Grand Birthday Party By: Bartercard Australia January 23, 2019 – Wednesday “I just love Bartercard which helps us to afford the lifestyle we are able to live!” Annie Noon of Fotoforce Photography has been a Bartercard member for 19 years and she still speaks highly about the services it can provide. Bartercard is a barter-trading system wherein a business can barter their goods and services with another business within the Bartercard network without using cash. So, when Annie organized her birthday party, she saved a hefty amount of money to have a grand celebration. Annie contacted an account manager and stated her plans. The account manager then contacted several businesses to engage them for Annie’s party. As Bartercard helps businesses gain additional business by advertising to the Bartercard network, businesses were keen to gain new business by providing their goods and services to Annie. Through Bartercard, Annie was able to get several services such as 1. balloon decorations, 2. a 2-tier cake birthday cake. It wouldn’t be a birthday party without a cake, right? 3. Annie also had her home made warmer, fresher, and more welcoming for the event by acquiring the services of a cleaning and gardening company. 4. As the star of the night, Annie did a little sprucing of her own on Bartercard with a haircut and color. 5. The catering was also arranged on Bartercard, details below. 6. For the final touch, she wore a stunning burgundy evening gown from another Bartercard member. Now, we go down to the all-important food and catering. The Bartercard account manager called several food businesses and offered them to cater for Annie’s party. The account manager spoke with one of the sports club members who, incidentally, had never thought about doing outside catering before. Once they heard the idea of catering for Annie’s birthday party, they quickly jumped at the opportunity to gain this additional business. By the Bartercard account manager persuading the sports club to provide catering services to Annie’s party, Annie was happy that she got her catering and the sports club was ecstatic to pick up an outside catering job. *Annie Noon at her birthday party organized through Bart
  • 2. One of the good things about being part of the Bartercard network is it can introduce businesses to other areas of businesses that they have never explored before. This grants them exposure and experience to expand their business’ line of service. By spending through Bartercard on business or personal expenses, it enables companies to keep more cash in their pockets, all the while making sure their lifestyle needs are met, which is what Annie loved the most. Bartercard has been around for 27 years and maintains its guarantee of additional business and saving cash, and just like what is stated above, it will continue to ensure business-owners are getting the most of what they signed up for. To view Annie Noon’s work, visit her website To know more about Bartercard, visit
  • 3. Bartercard - Keeping Your Business Active During Downtime By: Bartercard Australia – January 29, 2019 Friday For busy bees like business-owners, idle-time in their business can mean many things, but increasing profits is definitely not one of them. Reduced work activity results in less income which can spiral to some of the worst days for any business-owners such as • not enough income when the payroll is near; • updating and maintaining your equipment; • retaining good employees; • the most feared of all, possible bankruptcy. However, having downtime in your business can be prevented. Of course, any problem has a solution. People resort to many things but some people utilizes their creative ability to do what needs to be done for their beloved business and this is what the blog today will be all about. We focus on Allen of Eyejam Multimedia, for example. His business has been present for a while now and has been catering to other businesses’ need to establish themselves in their respective industries through multimedia services. In this field, customers do not just flow in easily similar to water when you open a faucet. It requires patience of finding where to get clients and this was his major stress during his business’ inactivity. It was around during this time when he heard about Bartercard and its benefits, one of which is, bringing in clients or potential customers to his business. We asked him some important questions to know about his experiences since he joined Bartercard. What do you think about Bartercard? Well, initially, it sounded too good to be true. I mean, all benefits, no risk, yeah. But why not, I decided to give it a go. What was the main thing you got attracted to joining? I like the benefits, I like the idea of getting extra business, not using cash to trade, and it charges the same on Bartercard. So, what do you use your trade for? Investing in my property, business dinner, hotels. One time I even got one or two water tanks, stair tred… I use it for many things. There’s nothing that you cannot do in Bartercard.
  • 4. What has Bartercard done for your business? Oh, I did not have to stress about where to get clients sometimes. Bartercard provides them for me. I’m telling you, like, around 95% of the time, Bartercard has always brought me the work. I don’t have to worry or wonder where my next job will come from. In the course of the interview, Allan had nothing else but praise for Bartercard. He was introduced to a new line of clients or customers within the Bartercard network to fill in the down time of his business. At the same time, he was able to improve his business profits and lifestyle value. “You just have to spend your trade dollars. People who don’t know how to use cannot spend anything but those who know how to use trade dollars spend them wisely,” he added. He applied this to himself and has become one of the good active traders in the Bartercard network for over 21 years. In the end, it all comes down to how an owner can manage the down time of his business and Bartercard has one of the proven ways to reduce these down times and provide the business owners something that’s surely beneficial. As wise Allan have said, “My advice is that, if you got time, when you’re not working, you can go to Bartercard and gain mosre work instead of watching tv all day.” To know more about Eyejam Multimedia and its available services, visit If you’re interested to learn more about the benefits of Bartercard, go to and book a free consultation.
  • 5. A Trip of a Lifetime with Bartercard How a mother was able to afford a trip to Fiji. By: Bartercard Australia In a survey conducted by New York Enterprise Report, it was found that small business owners work twice as much as regular employees with 33% of the respondents working more than 50 hours per week while 25% stated working for more than 60 hours a week. Would you say they’re hard-working? Yes. Would you say it’s too much? Absolutely, for a regular employee. One must have an iron stamina to last long while working. With the figures shown above, it also wouldn’t come off as a surprise if some of them would skip fancy cocktail sipping while floating on a six-feet pool in front of a beach sunset view vacation. Not for Paula Brand, though. Being a small business owner herself, Paula knows the amount of work she had to put on her business she called Small Business Expos to thrive. The values she built her business upon on is centered on aiding small business owners to aggregate solid sales by inviting them to “show, tell, sell” their business with other business owners in the expos that she runs across Brisbane, Logan, and Gold Coast. And these actions wouldn’t be possible according to her if not for the solid support of Bartercard for which she has been a member since July 2015. Just recently, she had her 50th birthday and decided that it would be a good idea to temporarily drift away from the joy and stress of operating a business and thought of travelling. Travel is the activity she has always loved but never got the chance to do so because one, she’s business-focused, and two, travel is still expensive. Knowing how Bartercard operates without requiring its members to spend a lot of money and extends to different field of work, she visited the Bartercard marketplace to see the countries available for travel and there she found
  • 6. a tropical paradise, Paradise Taveuni in Fiji, where she instantly decided to take her daughter and let her immerse in her half-Fijian roots. Upon arriving, she was immediately pleased by the intimate and special setting of Paradise Taveuni. There was a table decorated by the sea, she had massive seafoods for food, drank wines, and even had a surprise birthday cake. It was a top- notch service for a low-cost. The food was served by the kind and genuine staff addressing her by her name as if they’ve known each for a long time, it was a feeling of friendship she never experienced before whilst staying in a resort. For her, the travel to Fiji wouldn’t be possible if not for Bartercard. She admitted it’s not every day that someone can afford a trip to Fiji but in Bartercard she was able to. When it comes to spending less money for something that requires spending, Bartercard is the leading company for it. It’s a trade exchange business that stretches to different areas of life which Paula was able to utilise to give herself a time off that she well-deserves. She owes it to herself for her hard work and for her daughter. And not only she encourages the Bartercard members to travel using their trade dollars to lessen the cost without compromising fun results, she also encourages people to also with their loved ones once in a while. To meet Paula Brand in her next expos, visit her website at or contact her at To know other areas that Bartercard covers, go to Sources: How Hard Small Business Owners Work Paradise Taveuni Images
  • 7. Maximizing the use of Bartercard By: Bartercard Australia Long before there was money, our ancestors acquire their necessities by means of negotiation and trade. This act of negotiation and trading is called “barter” and it is the system of exchanging goods and services without using money. Today, the idiomatic expression “money makes the world go round” bears plethoric sense. “Barter” has pretty much subsided due to the fact that money has become a fundamental commodity for people. Luckily, the barter system hasn’t completely perished. Yet. Because companies like Bartercard, the world’s leading company for trading exchange revived the barter system with a modern twist (e.g. not using plenty of cash to cashless trading or transaction) to fit the trends of the modern world. And, it works. A member of Bartercard named Naomi Spies has been maintaining an active trading record status since she found out about Bartercard in 2013. Naomi is the head of the award-winning Ruby Communications, an independent agency that started in 2010 concentrating in Digital and Public Relations located across Queensland. She admitted to be quite skeptical after hearing about how Bartercard operates, but she took a leap of faith and accepted the challenge of learning the modern barter system. She instantly saw it as an opportunity to promote her business to a wider range of potential clients. She contacted a trade coordinator that assisted her in becoming a member and aided her with ways to use her trade dollars. Because of this, she now administers PR services to a professional sports club and an online beauty retailer both found on Bartercard. But there are instances where the budget isn’t completely available, Naomi learned from Bartercard that she can still have the full payment by requesting them to pay half cash (trade dollars) and half contra (excess stocks). They are then able to sell those contras within the Bartercard trade network, it is like being paid in full. Through Bartercard, she was also able to send 22 of her PR team in a conference retreat, twice. They checked out places on Bartercard that are available for accommodations and the contacted a trade coordinator to arrange the accommodation. They stayed at Couran Cove, one of the in- demand places to relax or hold events that they found on Bartercard network.
  • 8. Naomi learned to utilise her Bartercard account efficiently. She uses it for the staff gifts, client gifts, and holiday gift cards. Isn’t that a smart way to use your resources effectively? But the astounding part about her use of her account is that she used her account to purchase a real estate property from Bartercard. On her side was a mortgage broker specializing in Bartercard finance who helped her in applying for mortgage. Since then, she has already purchased multiple Bartercard real estate properties. And she still plans to purchase one Bartercard property each year. Now, isn’t that amazing? Normally, in the cash economy, only an extremely well-to-do person can afford multiple real estate properties that often costs millions. But Naomi also saw Bartercard as an opportunity for property investment and she grabbed the chance. She maximized her account to execute her planned real estate investments. Bartercard’s principle is simple. If you learn to maximize your account by using your trade dollars efficiently, you could have the things that you never thought would you obtain through nonstop working. Bartercard extends to different areas of life such as business, entertainment, and lifestyle to name a few. It promises to reduce cash expenses while increasing your profit so you still have some cash left for yourself or for someone you are saving money for. Bartercard works when you keep an open mind and you’ll only learn it if you truly take your time and listen.
  • 9. To find out more about the award-winning independent agency founded by Naomi Spies, visit To know more how to maximize your use of your trade dollars, contact your trade coordinator or go to
  • 10. Bartercard Blog – Helpful Advice from a Bartercard Member By: Bartercard Australia If you are a business-owner or about to become one, you know that the process to make it successful will make you bleed from business registration, to advertising, even down to the employees you’re hiring. It is an arduous task to manage and it can take a toll on someone’s health along the way. Bernadette Lewis, when she was just starting Aunty Bea’s Designs in 2013, she had to work for long hours each week and she admitted to be exhausted every time. Not only that she had to establish herself, she also had to pitch in clients to increase her income and buy more cotton fabrics for babies and children’s wear that she sews and sells. But she found a way to make things a bit easier for her after some time. Although it was a little late when Bernadette came across Bartercard, the leading trade exchange company that only uses trade dollars, she instantly found it to be “a good idea” and decided to utilise the benefits to her advantage. After some time of learning how the company operates, the ins and outs of trading products and services with other businesses from the Bartercard network, she started recommending the company to her friends whenever she has accumulated good services from Bartercard. In the course of the phone interview, Bernadette mentioned several things that could be helpful for other members knowing that members or not, there will always be skeptics of a certain company and she admits that there are ups and downs, however, it only depends on the person how to manage that. I took a mental note of the things she mentioned and decided to come up with a list that worked for her as an active trader and a businesswoman from the Bartercard network. 1. Look for other things you can do for your business. “If you are just starting, your business will always first involve cash. But if you can find time to research what others ways that would work for your business so you can save more income, find time to look for what it is. It is always important to have some money on the side all the time. Bartercard truly helps in this aspect.” 2. Trade “Always trade your dollars so you can gain what you want while saving your cash at the same time.”
  • 11. 3. Watch your trade dollars “One downside in having a lot of trade dollars is sometimes ended up having more and nothing to spend it on. Keep your trade dollars amount at bay.” 4. Always check the marketplace “Frequent in the marketplace. The Bartercard marketplace might not have all of the items you need but you will always see things you can spend your trade dollars on.” 5. Explore Bartercard “Bartercard promises a lot of benefits and they do deliver. Three things that I liked about Bartercard is first, Bartercard allows me to save. Second, Bartercard does bring in additional clients from within its network. My business is doing well, it’s booming, but I like how Bartercard is delivering me more work to do. I have around three or four regular clients that are from Bartercard. It’s lovely. Third, whenever you have the opportunity to get your business out there, use that opportunity. Sometimes your business won’t be recognized just by telling people to come by. Sometimes, you really have to go out there and get it.” In December 2018, Bernadette was one of the Bartercard members who participated in the Christmas Shop Fest in Brisbane. She managed to sell more than 5, 000 of her sewn children’s clothing on Bartercard and she was elated on the sales development of her business. 6. Always cooperate with your trade coordinator “Sometimes, people don’t understand how something operates because either no one is telling them how it works or they don’t approach someone who knows how to make it work. It’s the same in Bartercard, like, at first, I couldn’t use it because I don’t know what to spend my trade dollars on. There was nothing that I could spend it on, until I cooperated with my trade coordinator. He has really helped me a lot in terms of purchasing items from the marketplace that I never thought would be useful for me and to interact with a fellow trader. The trade coordinator is there, he’s always there to assist so if there is anything you need from Bartercard, always give your trade coordinator a call so you’ll know what to.”
  • 12. 7. Before you spend in the cash economy, look first in Bartercard. If you want to see and order some of Bernadette’s work, go to: To order for customized clothing for babies and kids, fill out a form in the Custom Order Request section at If you’re now considering to become a member, have a free consultation at