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  Communication Strategist

                              FinAl REviEw
     Major in Advertising - Account Planning

                                  ID # 02510600
                                 May 16th, 2011
Table of
                             About me    4
                               Resume    6
                           Mobile Me     10
           Following the Natural Road    16
                           Mrs. Alaska 20
                         Food Network 32
                Blurb - Media Topline    40
 University of Phoenix - Digital Media   50

San Franciscan by choice.
Venezuelan by birth.

    Addicted to information. Learning is my drug.

     Passionate about audiences. Media junkie.

     Digital? Mobile? Search? Display? All of them.
                       Account Planner? Media Planner?



Gaby Escobar
Communication Strategist. Media Planner.

A position as a junior communications strategist or related entry level position within
the media department of an advertising agency.

Related Coursework: Media planning, advertising research, creative planning, strategic planning,
art of presentation, online and offline media and digital media planning.
M.F.A., Advertising with focus in Account Planning. Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA. 2011.
     International Diploma Program, Marketing and Business. University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2007.
                    B.A., Communications. Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. 2006.

                 Marketing and Communications Executive at Kirsen Technologies, Berkeley, California.
                                                                      February 2008 to December 2008.
             Directed competitive analysis for Kirsen Medical Technologies and Kirsen Global Security.
     Established and maintained relationships with venture capital agents, angels and private investors.
                        Researched client insights to back up strategic development for new business.

                                  Marketing Intern at Pacific Soybean & Grain, San Francisco, California.
                                                                    September 2007 to December 2007.

                                              Client Executive at Burson Marsteller, Caracas, Venezuela.
                                                                             May 2005 to August 2006.
                                        Clients: Diageo’s Smirnoff Ice & Johnnie Walker. Unilever’s Dove.
                                       Directed editorial campaigns for Johnnie Walker and Smirnoff Ice.
                   Developed press kits and press releases for Johnnie Walker’s Black Label campaign.
                        Responsible for the strategic plans application for Johnnie Walker’s Black Label.
                                           Involved in general media relations for Diageo’s Smirnoff Ice.

                        Corporate Communications Intern at BBVA Banco Provincial, Caracas, Venezuela.
                                                                      November 2004 to February 2005.

                                                                                 Other information:
                                      Fluent in English and Spanish with a basic knowledge of French.
                                                                                    PC and Mac friendly
                                    Highly proficient in Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel applications,
                                                 Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Final Cut Pro.


A lot of research.
                 A bit of strategy.
          And a glimpse of media.

Full oF ProBlEM SolvInG.

Personna. Me Map. Insight.

My first “planning” project. My first challenge.
Not a mind map nor a cultural map but a combination of both. A me map.

                      The past and the present of my    MoBIlE lIFE


“Apple’s new iPhone 3G: Still not perfect, but really close”
USA Today. July 10th, 2008.

“Now that the Applications store is up and running,”
The Guardian. July 26th, 2008.

“In a few short hours, you will be able to download the native Skype
iPhone client and install it on your iPhones and iPod Touch devices” March 30th, 2009

My IPhone, my apps, my life              Because a picture says a
                                                                         thousand words… And
                                                                          because my account
  An easy way to feel like                                              planning professor says
 if I was in my country…                                                  that I should always
   without the troubles of                                                  carry a camera…
 buying expensive airline

                                                                         I really care about news…
                                                                          And what is happening
                                                                           out there… Even stupid
Because my mom…knows                                                     and banal entertainment
 nothing about Facebook…                                                 news… like who is getting
and international calls are                                                  married and who is
    kind of expensive…                                                            pregnant!
     She talks a lot!!

                                                                            I need to know how are
 Love to be informed of                                                     things in my country,
 what is happening out                                                       specially now that the
  there… Almost at the                                                      political and economic
same moment things are                                                    situations are not stable…
       happening!                                                         And besides I like reading
                                                                                  in Spanish..
                                                                                    It’s nice!

                                                                          This is super necessary…
Although I don’t talk on the             As you can see I don’t check     I love music and all those
phone as much as I used to                  my email account too          memories that come to my
do it ( I prefer texting)… A              often… I’m subscribed to         mind when listening to
   phone call is still the               hundreds of publications…              certain songs…
      standard way to                    And at the end I read none       My playlists describe my
        communicate                         of them, if they have         past, my present and my
                                           Twitter… I’ll read their                  future!
                                                  tweets 


“Google Android phones are finally hitting the market en masse.” october 8th, 2009
 “Mobiles ‘not for phone calls’ . Web surfing and texting now more
important than calls, according to new survey”
The Telegraph. March 18th, 2011
“91% of mobile internet access is to socialize. 86% of mobile internet users
are using their device while watching TV.”
comScore 2010 Mobile Year in   Review

My IPhone, my apps, my life            I still think an image
                                                 -2011-                          says more than a
                                                                            thousand words. Now it’s
  Because the first thing                                                          Because an
                                                                             easier to make those pics
     I do is check- in .                                                             image is
                                                                                look “professional”.
 Now I have the need to tell                                                           worth a
                                                                               What’s better that a
   everyone where I am,                                                      trendy, old style bunch
                                                                                    of memories.
  where I was and most
 importantly with whom.                                                              words

                                                                                When someone invites me
                                                                                 somewhere, I need to Yelp
                                                                                 it . That is why it might
I don’t need a Skype app.
                                                                                take a while before I reply
   I have a Skype to go
                                                                                          to a text.
 number. But I still need
  an app to talk with all
  those BB only friends.
Venezuelans are addicted
         to BBM.

                                                                                Addicted! My boyfriend
                                                                                hates this game. But it’s
                                                                                the best! I am very sorry
                                                                                 if I interrupt a special
Because I follow too many                                                       moment. But my bakery
 people and tweets have a                                                            needs me. Now!
short life. Hash tags and
their search columns help
       me organize
    my Twitter-land.

                                                                             I’m sorry iTunes but I no
                                                                              longer buy music from
                                                                             you. Pandora is the day’s
                 I still prefer texting but                                  choice. In the city there is
                   my mom doesn’t. So                                            3G everywhere. If I
                 Skype to go solves that          No unread emails now.
                                                    As a job hunter I’m          happen to be in an
                problem. I also call more. I                                    unfortunate “no 3G
                   guess I am a little bit        checking emails all the
                                                 time. Maybe that perfect     zone”, iTunes will come
                more impatient now and I                                            to the rescue.
                   can’t wait for a text.       opportunity will be in my

Social and Cultural Trends. Research. Infographic.

                                                     Today everything is organic, natural, green or eco-friendly.
                                                        It seems the marketplace is divided into 2 segments:
                                         the inexpensive tasty products that are perceived as unhealthy and the not so tasty
                                                          expensive products that are perceived as healthy.
                                           But what are consumers perception of natural foods and why are they buying it?

                                                                                                 Original Layout. 14” x 8”

         The objective was to collect information about “natural” trends.
Monitor cultural and social trends related to the concepts of natural and
       organic and later condense results in an easy to read document.

                                 sources of information for this project.

            NATURAL ROAD
                 Today everything is organic, natural, green or eco-friendly.
                    It seems the marketplace is divided into 2 segments:
     the inexpensive tasty products that are perceived as unhealthy and the not so tasty
                      expensive products that are perceived as healthy.
       But what are consumers perception of natural foods and why are they buying it?

The celebrity impact
Celebrities make a huge influence in trends to follow. We can see in TV, online and in magazines how this celebs and
their “healthy/organic/green” lifestyles are the fashionable way to be.
On the other hand, reality shows like Food Revolution and Biggest Loser (4.0 rating), broadcasted in national tv
portray the hurtful and shocking consequences of bad eating habits.

Natural beats Organic
“Cheese labeled “natural” represents 69 percent of all cheese sales and 32 percent of all “natural” food and beverage
Beer labeled as “reduced calories” accounts for half of all beer sales and 41 percent of sales of food and beverages
labeled as such 54 percent of all cereals are labeled as “whole grain” and cereals make up 40 percent of all foods de-
scribed as such”

                                                                          Where mother nature goes to shop
      “Natural and organic foods are available in more than seven in 10 retail food stores (72 percent), according to
   shoppers surveyed in FMI’s U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends,2006. Surging demand for natural and organic products has
                        transformed a small market niche into a double-digit growth sector. U.S. sales of such foods
                             and beverages reached $28.2 billion in 2006, according to the Nutrition Business Journal.”
                                          Wild oats and Whole Foods Supermarket are exanples of these natural stores
                                                                                             Food Marketing Institute

                                                                                             When is fast is pricey

 Fast food is expensive “Convenience will save time, but not save money. Supermarket alternatives are often cheaper and
                                                                           healthier, but they take more time to prepare”

Healthy wallet

“Although organic foods often cost more than non-organic, supermarkets offer several healthy alternatives for a
given food item at the same price.
Even the higher-priced natural food channel managed to hold overall price increases to just 1.4% for the year end
2009, according to SPINS”


“Dollar sales for all products featuring cholesterol claims dropped 5% to $10.6 billion. The uptick in effective statin
drugs used to lower cholesterol may be a primary contributor to the decline in popularity—a trend to watch”

Brief. Consumer Segmentation. Audience. Research.

First full campaign assignment.
             The Board of Tourism of Alaska was a client with a problem.
     The problem? No one goes to Alaska unless they are in a cruise trip.

The state wanted to increase their annual visits by encouraging tourists to
                                 VISIT, STAy and ENJOy the state.


Why does our client need to connect with people?
                                  Because the state is stereotyped as a cruise destination
                    but has so much more to offer than just one day of glacier sightseeing.

                                         What is the connection going to accomplish?
               The connection is going to reposition the state as a fascinating and exciting
                             travel destination worthy to experience for more than one day.

                                                      Who are we going to connect with?
                                  Empty nesters between 55 to 65 years old with a 70K+ HHI.
                                                           Suburban and rural area residents.

                       What are the most insightful things we know about them?
They want to do something different and interesting. They don’t want to travel internationally
      but they want to go somewhere different. They want to experience exciting activities
                          that are not to physically demanding but are visually captivating.

                                                                   Single most effective idea
                                                                  ALASKA - A VISUAL FEAST
                         Tone: informative, exciting, amazing, wonderful, bountiful, fascinating.

                                                                                  Preferred media
                        Daytime TV, print (gardening, cooking, fishing and hunting magazines
                                 – daily local newspapers-), online (lifestyle blogs and sites).

                          What else is there to know that supports this situation?
                             Alaska is an amazing place that offers a variety of interesting activities:
                                Camp near grizzly bears in one of the eight Alaska’s national Parks.
     Watch polar bears, bald eagles, humpbacked whales and moose all in a day of wildlife viewing.
         Enjoy a spectacular day doing fly-fishing, saltwater fishing, freshwater fishing and even ice
                                       fishing in one of the most spectacular locations in the world.

Beyond the description of the state and its touristic attractions. Alaska
gets humanized by the creation of a charater - Mrs. Alaska-.
The purpose? To inspire and guide a more effective strategy
and creative work.



         Imagine a delightful lady lost in time.
she wants to pamper you and give you everything you ask.

         You are unique and special for her and
   She will be your accomplice in all your adventures.

MRI Data with a twist.

Beyond demographics, psycographics and household incomes.
Lets think of the target as a real person, what they would do
during the day and where would they like to go.

Why suburban and rural residents?
Because they are 94% are more likely to be between
ages 50 to 60
                        GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008

Why 70K+?
According to Ad Age only 10% of baby boomers are likely
to earn more than 100K a year.
    Ad Age Insights. 50 and over: What’s next? April 2011

Why TV, print and online?
Because they don’t spend too much money going out
for dinner, going to the movies, etc. They are retired or
planning to retire with a part time job. Their
entertainment activities consist of baking, gardening,
cook, read, surf the web and watch TV. Because they are
part of an early generation they still have affinity for TV.
They also watch movies and videos online and in mobile
devices, sometimes even more than Millennials and
Gen X, according to Google Data of September 2010
they spend an approximate 189 hours a month watching
movies and videos online.
   Ad Age Insights. 50 and over: What’s next? April 2011

About Traditional Media
Late boomers living in suburban areas are 14% more
likely to see daytime TV and are 24% more likely to read
daily and Sunday’s newspaper.
                          GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008

About Online and Mobile
According to eMarketer older boomers (ages 56 to 65)
spend 36.5 hours online per month in 2010. eMarketer
also estimates 86.9% will have a mobile phone this year,
and 16.9 million boomers will access the internet from a
mobile browser or installed app

Seven in 10 Baby Boomers who have taken a

     BOOMERS      domestic vacation in the last 12 months or a
                  foreign vacation in the last 24 months report
                  that complete relaxation is the most key factor
                  in an enjoyable vacation.

     and          According to the U.S. Travel Association, Baby
                  Boomers accounted for more than a third of
                  leisure travel in the U.S. in 2008, which means

                  that this group was, to a degree, invested in
                  travel despite the economic situation—more so
                  than any other generation

                  Nearly nine in 10 Baby Boomers say they prefer
                  to create a personalized travel itinerary rather
                  than join a pre-planned tour, and six in 10 say
                  they prefer traveling to new destinations rather
                  than returning to a familiar one

                  Close to three quarters of Baby Boomers who
                  have taken a domestic vacation in the last 12
                  months, or a foreign vacation in the last 24
                  months, traveled with a spouse or partner,
                  while roughly a quarter traveled with children
                  age ten or less.

                  Close to three quarters of Baby Boomers who
                  have taken a domestic vacation in the last 12
                  months, or a foreign vacation in the last 24
                  months, traveled with a spouse or partner,
                  while roughly a quarter traveled with children
                  age ten or less.

               Mintel. Baby Boomers and Vacation. December 2010

Late Boomers in suburban areas are..
On Media…
43% more likely to read fishing/ hunting magazines.
14% more likely to see daytime TV
24% more likely to read Sunday newspaper

On Politics…
23% more likely to think of themselves as very
14% more likely to think of themselves as somehow
On Leisure…
53% more likely to schedule leisure activities like
25% more likely to have gone to camping trip.
25% more likely to admit they like to make things
out of wood or metal

On Travel…
21% less likely to have a valid passport.
13% less likely to participate in a frequent flyers

50% more likely to have cats
41% more likely to have dogs

                         GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008


“Just you & ALASKA”
Client: Alaska Board of Tourism
Art Director: David Pham
Copywriter: Tuan Le

Magazine spread
with sound
(Clip activates when
the page is opened)

Magazine plastic cover

IPhone App
“Alaska live”
(Connect users to live
 video and audio feeds
of Alaska)

Brief. Creative Research. Campaign Testing.

Food Network was presented as a “safe network”
                             who needed to update its image.
The idea was to attrack a more edgier and younger audience.
      The project also required a testing of the creative work
                      and a ‘case study” type AnAlySIS.


Why does our client need to advertise?
  Food Network needs to move away from its image as a safe channel for all demographics,
especially older people, in all kinds of settings (e.g., doctor’s office, car dealership) and focus
                                                 a bit more on a younger, trendier demographic.

                                         What is the advertising going to accomplish?
   We need to create an edgier image that is attractive to a younger demographic of foodies
                                          without completely alienating its current audience.

                                                     Who are we going to connect with?
     We need to connect with hyper-passionate food lovers between the ages of 18-34. This
demographic not only has a large amount of disposable income (up to $3K extra per month),
  they are also more likely to spend than save—especially those who cook for both pleasure
                                                                               and praise.

                        What are the most insightful things we know about them?
   Young foodies have developed a whole new approach to their lifestyle. This demographic
  sees their love of food and food products as a status symbol, in the way that fashion and
                                                        accessories are to “fashionistas.” Most
 importantly, they identify with the adrenaline rush of the culinary world, and are attracted to
  the food industry for its nonconformist subculture, proximity to fire and wielding of knives.

                                                                 Single most effective idea:
                                                                   COOKING AIN’T FOR SISSIES!
             Tone: Humorous, edgy, trendy, exciting, attractive, upbeat and totally in your face.

                                 What is there to know that supports this message?
  young foodies not only love to dice, chop and grill, they also love the thrill of competition,
  especially if there’s a chance someone might chop off a finger or light something on fire.
   The “Gastrosexual” trend is growing between foodies making young cookers feel attractive
                                                                                      and cool.

                                                                                                           The Creative Work

          Sex + Food
          Is this the perfect combination to generate young
          foodies attention towards Food Network?
          According to this research, majority of food lovers
          between 25 - 34yrs old enjoy watching cooking shows,
          think cooking is exciting and fun, and believe cooking skills
          are helpful to impress someone from the opposite sex.

         “when you read it is really funny!
         but it looks boring”
            “I saw it and i didnt’t want to read it, but then
            I started and it was super interesting...
            the recipe was full of sex jokes”

       “I will love this to be an application or facebook
       thing, where you can send dirty sexy recipes to
       whom ever you want... haha imagine a
       Food Network sex recipe generator!”

                                                                                                               The Research
                                                                                            The quantitative research consisted in two questionnaires:
                                                                                            pre and post creative work.
                                                                                            After the questionnaires, the qualitative research
                                                                                            -In-depth interviews- were focused on getting insights
                                                                                            from the sample.

                                                                                                      Results & Recommendations
                                                                                            The group finds the “food+sex” idea interesting and funny.
                                                                                            The visual layout is unattractive and the copy is too long for
                                                                                            a print ad.
                                                       87.5% thinks the campaign is funny   We recommend applying the idea in mobile and interactive
                                                       57.1% says the print is clever       vehicles such as website and mobile applications.
Research by Gaby Escobar
                                                       28.6% thinks the copy is long and                                  too complicated


 Because Cooking ain’t for sissies!
         The Case Study

                                             Study by Gaby Escobar
                                      Illustration by pocketcookie

Media Plan. Social Media Strategy. Competitive Analysis.

The objective was to develop a media plan with
                                       an emphasis on social media tools.
The purpose was to create awareness within the young creative crowd and
                   DIFFErEnTIATIon from the client’s competitors.
  The project was created for and presented to the VP Online Marketing of
                                                 Blurb Inc., Lauren Pattison.

Check the full presentation at

Planning Parameters
• Create brand awareness within the young creative audience.
• Generate costumer retention.

Target Audience: Creative enthusiasts between the ages of 18 to 34.

Dates: February to May 2011.

Digital Media Approach:
 Promote competition between students in the creative field by using Blurb
 Connect with the young creative crowd by facilitating their professional goals.
 Create a bond between the brand and the target.

Target Audience
                                              Young creative enthusiasts between 18 - 24
 •   75% of young adults enjoy looking at pictures online and 38% enjoy reading blogs.

 •   51% of young adults between 18 – 24 enjoy taking risks and 34% stand out in a crowd.

 •   This audience is the most eager to take advantage of free or inexpensive entertainment that
     can be found on the internet (e.g. YouTube).

 •   They are also more likely to be open-minded risk takers and like the idea of unearthing new
     trends to share with friends.

 •    Young adults often place greater value on innovative designs and concepts. Mintel’s survey
     indicates WOM campaigns are more likely to influence young adults than older Americans.

 •   Family, friends and coworkers can have a significant influence on one’s decision-making,
     especially among young adults who have not already formed salient preferences in various
     product and service categories.

     Sources: Mintel’s Young Adult Leisure Trends - US - November 2009
              Mintel’s Word of Mouth and Viral Marketing - US - April 2009

Target Audience
                                     Young creative enthusiasts between 18 - 25
                                     65+        55-64        45-54          35-44       25-34      18-24

  Young adults also
                              I am a trendsetter among my friends
  tend to spend
  more time
  micro-blogging            People like to buy the things that I buy
  on sites like
  Twitter, or
  participating in online   I like to try different products and then
                                recommend the good ones to my
  communities,                                 friends
  and this can lead to
                                                                        0       1          2       3       4



 •   Strong brand awareness.       •   2006                          •   “Kodak Family”
 •   “Easy to personalize and      •   Friend publishing solution    •   For anyone who want to
     be creative with your             for writers who don’t             make a creative intimate
     memories”.                        want the hassle of an             photo gift.
 •   Digital photo storage.            editor or publishing          •   Focus on photobooks and
                                       company.                          calendars but offers a
 •   Photobooks (categories by
     occasion) and Videos.         •   Publishes a very wide range       variety of products.
                                       of subject matter.            •   Attractive prices and
 •   Strong social media
     presence (Youtube             •   Print on demand for               promotions.
     Channel, Twitter, Facebook,       conventional books.           •   Paid photo storage.
     Blogs, Shutterfly Share).     •   No storage.                   •    Low product quality.
 •   Strong search strategy.       •   International presence.
 •   No profit for the author.     •   Profit for the author.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths:                                              Weaknesses
-Currently Blurb is the only creative publishing        -Limited awareness.
service that offers high quality bookstore books.       -Not professional enough for writers.
-Opportunity to create profit with the Blurb            -Not cheap or easy enough for general crowd.
-Easy to use software – Blurb Book Smart® and
-Support from the Blurb community - Blurberati
Blog and Blog Forums.

Opportunities                                           Threats
-According to a 2009 Market Report from                 -More and more Print on Demand solutions are
FutureSource Consulting the photobook market value      becoming available.
will reach close to $540m US dollars by the end of      -Growth of the tablets market and the possibility of a
2010.                                                   future where print becomes obsolete.
-The Print on Demand market will continue to grow in
about 20% next year.
-More and more creative professionals are looking for
an easy and affordable solution to publish.

Media Strategy & Potential Partners
                                                       Brand presence in blogs
                                                       and sites that relate to
                             Partner with art and
                                                       the audience in a
                             portfolio schools.
       Promote                                         creative professional
                             Partner with student or
 Focus on social media       young professional
 and publishers attractive   competitions.
 to the young creative

Social Strategy

                             Make your OWN BOOK!

YouTube Channel                                                    Blog
Tips, events and                                          How-to and event news.

                   Twitter                      Facebook App
            Updates of sponsored             Notification of upload or
            events and videos.               published books.

University of
Media Strategy Analysis. Digital Media. Ad Placement.

The objective was to do an analysis of the
           DIGITAl MEDIA STrATEGy of University of Phoenix.
                     The purpose was to identify the reasoning behind the
media placement and types of ads used, purely based on pattern recognition.

Check the full presentation at

Analysis of a digital campaign.
Strategy, media and placement.



 Simple and clean
 Very “corporate” and serious look

 Offer information about programs, faculty and
  academic systems.
 Testimonials are the focus point of the home
 Tuition fees and finance info are also highlighted.

 Target:
     Potential students in a 25 – 45 yrs old age group
     Household Income 45K+



     COMMENTS FOR ADS #1 & #2
        The style of ad is a simple banner located usually on the middle of a
         news page.
        Simple animation style
        Very clear and simple design using the colors of the brand.
        Informative purposes with a call to action “Start today”
        The type of publisher can be categorized as news & lifestyle with a
         wide target that captures:
           Adults between the ages of 18 to 45 with a household income of
           This is basically everyone who graduated high school
           The type of publisher is not necessary attractive to an “educated
             audience”, although they might have readers with Bachelors
        The landing page is clear and simple offering more information about
         the programs and details about the teaching style and educational
         opportunities at the University.
           Chat now
           Learn more



   The style of ad is a simple banner located usually on the middle of a news
   Simple animation style.
   Use of the brand colors although the type seems more refined.
   Mention of two specific publishers “ The New Yorker” and “Vanity Fair”:
       Partnership
       The ad can be found just in the online sites of the Conde Nast publications
   Awareness and Call to action “Get involved”
   The type of publisher can be categorized as fashion & entertainment with
    a wide target that captures:
       Adults between the ages of 25 to 45 with a household income of 65K+
       With a Bachelor degree and currently working.
       This is not for people looking for an academic program, this is for adults who
        want to discuss certain national problems, like education.
   The landing page is not University of Phoenix; it’s the publisher’s Vanity
    Fair. (Is this a Conde Nast effort using University of Phoenix as a partner
    or the other way around?)
       Simple and stylish
       Offers a daily question that encourages public discussion


   Website and landing page are very similar.
       Only difference is layout and presence on Faculty and School news.
   The ad looks somehow cheap and cluttered.
       Sometimes it can pass as an old style banner normally used by spam and
        online scams.
       The official website has a very clean look that we can associate with a young,
        up to date institution.
       The landing page is something in between website and banner:
          Is not interactive, looks boring.

          Gives information step by step. They don’t display all the information as

           they do on the website.
   The process ad – landing page is fluid and it makes sense
       Some who is interested in the UP and wants to find out about the University (and their
        identity) will Google it and the search results will direct them to the official website
       The ones that find the online ad attractive, might be because of the program offerings and
        the landing page provides information just about that.

What do you think?

Approved            or             Disapproved

               Let me know:



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Final Review - MFA in Advertising - Academy of Art University

  • 1. GABY ESCOBAR Communication Strategist FinAl REviEw Major in Advertising - Account Planning ID # 02510600 May 16th, 2011
  • 2. GABY ESCOBAR 510.220.5411 @gabylinda
  • 3.
  • 4. Table of Contents About me 4 Resume 6 Mobile Me 10 Following the Natural Road 16 Mrs. Alaska 20 Food Network 32 Blurb - Media Topline 40 University of Phoenix - Digital Media 50
  • 6. San Franciscan by choice. Venezuelan by birth. Addicted to information. Learning is my drug. Passionate about audiences. Media junkie. Digital? Mobile? Search? Display? All of them. Account Planner? Media Planner? COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIST. 5
  • 7. My Resume Gaby Escobar Communication Strategist. Media Planner. Objective: A position as a junior communications strategist or related entry level position within the media department of an advertising agency. Related Coursework: Media planning, advertising research, creative planning, strategic planning, art of presentation, online and offline media and digital media planning. 6
  • 8. Education: M.F.A., Advertising with focus in Account Planning. Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA. 2011. International Diploma Program, Marketing and Business. University of California, Berkeley, CA. 2007. B.A., Communications. Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. 2006. Experience: Marketing and Communications Executive at Kirsen Technologies, Berkeley, California. February 2008 to December 2008. Directed competitive analysis for Kirsen Medical Technologies and Kirsen Global Security. Established and maintained relationships with venture capital agents, angels and private investors. Researched client insights to back up strategic development for new business. Marketing Intern at Pacific Soybean & Grain, San Francisco, California. September 2007 to December 2007. Client Executive at Burson Marsteller, Caracas, Venezuela. May 2005 to August 2006. Clients: Diageo’s Smirnoff Ice & Johnnie Walker. Unilever’s Dove. Directed editorial campaigns for Johnnie Walker and Smirnoff Ice. Developed press kits and press releases for Johnnie Walker’s Black Label campaign. Responsible for the strategic plans application for Johnnie Walker’s Black Label. Involved in general media relations for Diageo’s Smirnoff Ice. Corporate Communications Intern at BBVA Banco Provincial, Caracas, Venezuela. November 2004 to February 2005. Other information: Fluent in English and Spanish with a basic knowledge of French. PC and Mac friendly Highly proficient in Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel applications, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Final Cut Pro. 7
  • 10. A lot of research. A bit of strategy. And a glimpse of media. Full oF ProBlEM SolvInG. 9
  • 12. My first “planning” project. My first challenge. Not a mind map nor a cultural map but a combination of both. A me map. The past and the present of my MoBIlE lIFE 11
  • 13. 2009 “Apple’s new iPhone 3G: Still not perfect, but really close” USA Today. July 10th, 2008. “Now that the Applications store is up and running,” The Guardian. July 26th, 2008. “In a few short hours, you will be able to download the native Skype iPhone client and install it on your iPhones and iPod Touch devices” March 30th, 2009 12
  • 14. My IPhone, my apps, my life Because a picture says a thousand words… And because my account An easy way to feel like planning professor says if I was in my country… that I should always without the troubles of carry a camera… buying expensive airline tickets. I really care about news… And what is happening out there… Even stupid Because my mom…knows and banal entertainment nothing about Facebook… news… like who is getting and international calls are married and who is kind of expensive… pregnant! She talks a lot!! I need to know how are Love to be informed of things in my country, what is happening out specially now that the there… Almost at the political and economic same moment things are situations are not stable… happening! And besides I like reading in Spanish.. It’s nice! This is super necessary… Although I don’t talk on the As you can see I don’t check I love music and all those phone as much as I used to my email account too memories that come to my do it ( I prefer texting)… A often… I’m subscribed to mind when listening to phone call is still the hundreds of publications… certain songs… standard way to And at the end I read none My playlists describe my communicate of them, if they have past, my present and my Twitter… I’ll read their future! tweets  13
  • 15. 2011 “Google Android phones are finally hitting the market en masse.” october 8th, 2009 “Mobiles ‘not for phone calls’ . Web surfing and texting now more important than calls, according to new survey” The Telegraph. March 18th, 2011 “91% of mobile internet access is to socialize. 86% of mobile internet users are using their device while watching TV.” comScore 2010 Mobile Year in Review 14
  • 16. My IPhone, my apps, my life I still think an image -2011- says more than a thousand words. Now it’s Because the first thing Because an easier to make those pics I do is check- in . image is look “professional”. Now I have the need to tell worth a What’s better that a everyone where I am, trendy, old style bunch thousand of memories. where I was and most importantly with whom. words When someone invites me somewhere, I need to Yelp it . That is why it might I don’t need a Skype app. take a while before I reply I have a Skype to go to a text. number. But I still need an app to talk with all those BB only friends. Venezuelans are addicted to BBM. Addicted! My boyfriend hates this game. But it’s the best! I am very sorry if I interrupt a special Because I follow too many moment. But my bakery people and tweets have a needs me. Now! short life. Hash tags and their search columns help me organize my Twitter-land. I’m sorry iTunes but I no longer buy music from you. Pandora is the day’s I still prefer texting but choice. In the city there is my mom doesn’t. So 3G everywhere. If I Skype to go solves that No unread emails now. As a job hunter I’m happen to be in an problem. I also call more. I unfortunate “no 3G guess I am a little bit checking emails all the time. Maybe that perfect zone”, iTunes will come more impatient now and I to the rescue. can’t wait for a text. opportunity will be in my inbox. 15
  • 17. Natural Road Social and Cultural Trends. Research. Infographic. 16
  • 18. FOLLOWING THE NATURAL ROAD Today everything is organic, natural, green or eco-friendly. It seems the marketplace is divided into 2 segments: the inexpensive tasty products that are perceived as unhealthy and the not so tasty expensive products that are perceived as healthy. But what are consumers perception of natural foods and why are they buying it? Original Layout. 14” x 8” The objective was to collect information about “natural” trends. Monitor cultural and social trends related to the concepts of natural and organic and later condense results in an easy to read document. INFLUENCERS AND PUBLICATIONS were considered as sources of information for this project. 17
  • 19. FOLLOWING THE NATURAL ROAD Today everything is organic, natural, green or eco-friendly. It seems the marketplace is divided into 2 segments: the inexpensive tasty products that are perceived as unhealthy and the not so tasty expensive products that are perceived as healthy. But what are consumers perception of natural foods and why are they buying it? 18
  • 20. The celebrity impact Celebrities make a huge influence in trends to follow. We can see in TV, online and in magazines how this celebs and their “healthy/organic/green” lifestyles are the fashionable way to be. On the other hand, reality shows like Food Revolution and Biggest Loser (4.0 rating), broadcasted in national tv portray the hurtful and shocking consequences of bad eating habits. Mashable Natural beats Organic “Cheese labeled “natural” represents 69 percent of all cheese sales and 32 percent of all “natural” food and beverage sales. Beer labeled as “reduced calories” accounts for half of all beer sales and 41 percent of sales of food and beverages labeled as such 54 percent of all cereals are labeled as “whole grain” and cereals make up 40 percent of all foods de- scribed as such” BrandWeek Where mother nature goes to shop “Natural and organic foods are available in more than seven in 10 retail food stores (72 percent), according to shoppers surveyed in FMI’s U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends,2006. Surging demand for natural and organic products has transformed a small market niche into a double-digit growth sector. U.S. sales of such foods and beverages reached $28.2 billion in 2006, according to the Nutrition Business Journal.” Wild oats and Whole Foods Supermarket are exanples of these natural stores Food Marketing Institute When is fast is pricey Fast food is expensive “Convenience will save time, but not save money. Supermarket alternatives are often cheaper and healthier, but they take more time to prepare” NielsenWire Healthy wallet “Although organic foods often cost more than non-organic, supermarkets offer several healthy alternatives for a given food item at the same price. Even the higher-priced natural food channel managed to hold overall price increases to just 1.4% for the year end 2009, according to SPINS” NielsenWire SENSITIVE HEART “Dollar sales for all products featuring cholesterol claims dropped 5% to $10.6 billion. The uptick in effective statin drugs used to lower cholesterol may be a primary contributor to the decline in popularity—a trend to watch” NielsenWire 19
  • 22. First full campaign assignment. The Board of Tourism of Alaska was a client with a problem. The problem? No one goes to Alaska unless they are in a cruise trip. The state wanted to increase their annual visits by encouraging tourists to VISIT, STAy and ENJOy the state. 21
  • 24. Why does our client need to connect with people? Because the state is stereotyped as a cruise destination but has so much more to offer than just one day of glacier sightseeing. What is the connection going to accomplish? The connection is going to reposition the state as a fascinating and exciting travel destination worthy to experience for more than one day. Who are we going to connect with? Empty nesters between 55 to 65 years old with a 70K+ HHI. Suburban and rural area residents. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They want to do something different and interesting. They don’t want to travel internationally but they want to go somewhere different. They want to experience exciting activities that are not to physically demanding but are visually captivating. Single most effective idea ALASKA - A VISUAL FEAST Tone: informative, exciting, amazing, wonderful, bountiful, fascinating. Preferred media Daytime TV, print (gardening, cooking, fishing and hunting magazines – daily local newspapers-), online (lifestyle blogs and sites). What else is there to know that supports this situation? Alaska is an amazing place that offers a variety of interesting activities: Camp near grizzly bears in one of the eight Alaska’s national Parks. Watch polar bears, bald eagles, humpbacked whales and moose all in a day of wildlife viewing. Enjoy a spectacular day doing fly-fishing, saltwater fishing, freshwater fishing and even ice fishing in one of the most spectacular locations in the world. 23
  • 25. The Product Beyond the description of the state and its touristic attractions. Alaska gets humanized by the creation of a charater - Mrs. Alaska-. The purpose? To inspire and guide a more effective strategy and creative work. 24
  • 26. MRS. alaska Imagine a delightful lady lost in time. she wants to pamper you and give you everything you ask. You are unique and special for her and She will be your accomplice in all your adventures. 25
  • 27. The Target MRI Data with a twist. Beyond demographics, psycographics and household incomes. Lets think of the target as a real person, what they would do during the day and where would they like to go. 26
  • 28. Boomers Why suburban and rural residents? Because they are 94% are more likely to be between ages 50 to 60 GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008 and Why 70K+? According to Ad Age only 10% of baby boomers are likely to earn more than 100K a year. Ad Age Insights. 50 and over: What’s next? April 2011 Why TV, print and online? Because they don’t spend too much money going out for dinner, going to the movies, etc. They are retired or planning to retire with a part time job. Their Alaska entertainment activities consist of baking, gardening, cook, read, surf the web and watch TV. Because they are part of an early generation they still have affinity for TV. They also watch movies and videos online and in mobile devices, sometimes even more than Millennials and Gen X, according to Google Data of September 2010 they spend an approximate 189 hours a month watching movies and videos online. Ad Age Insights. 50 and over: What’s next? April 2011 About Traditional Media Late boomers living in suburban areas are 14% more likely to see daytime TV and are 24% more likely to read daily and Sunday’s newspaper. GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008 About Online and Mobile According to eMarketer older boomers (ages 56 to 65) spend 36.5 hours online per month in 2010. eMarketer also estimates 86.9% will have a mobile phone this year, and 16.9 million boomers will access the internet from a mobile browser or installed app eMarketer. 27
  • 29. Seven in 10 Baby Boomers who have taken a BOOMERS domestic vacation in the last 12 months or a foreign vacation in the last 24 months report that complete relaxation is the most key factor in an enjoyable vacation. and According to the U.S. Travel Association, Baby Boomers accounted for more than a third of leisure travel in the U.S. in 2008, which means TRAVEL that this group was, to a degree, invested in travel despite the economic situation—more so than any other generation Nearly nine in 10 Baby Boomers say they prefer to create a personalized travel itinerary rather than join a pre-planned tour, and six in 10 say they prefer traveling to new destinations rather than returning to a familiar one Close to three quarters of Baby Boomers who have taken a domestic vacation in the last 12 months, or a foreign vacation in the last 24 months, traveled with a spouse or partner, while roughly a quarter traveled with children age ten or less. Close to three quarters of Baby Boomers who have taken a domestic vacation in the last 12 months, or a foreign vacation in the last 24 months, traveled with a spouse or partner, while roughly a quarter traveled with children age ten or less. Mintel. Baby Boomers and Vacation. December 2010 28
  • 30. Late Boomers in suburban areas are.. On Media… 43% more likely to read fishing/ hunting magazines. Likes 14% more likely to see daytime TV 24% more likely to read Sunday newspaper On Politics… and 23% more likely to think of themselves as very conservative 14% more likely to think of themselves as somehow conservative. dislikes On Leisure… 53% more likely to schedule leisure activities like birdwatching. 25% more likely to have gone to camping trip. 25% more likely to admit they like to make things out of wood or metal On Travel… 21% less likely to have a valid passport. 13% less likely to participate in a frequent flyers membership And… 50% more likely to have cats 41% more likely to have dogs GfK MRI Doublebase Data 2008 29
  • 31. The Creative “Just you & ALASKA” Client: Alaska Board of Tourism Art Director: David Pham Copywriter: Tuan Le 30
  • 32. Magazine spread with sound (Clip activates when the page is opened) Magazine plastic cover IPhone App “Alaska live” (Connect users to live video and audio feeds of Alaska) 31
  • 34. Food Network was presented as a “safe network” who needed to update its image. The idea was to attrack a more edgier and younger audience. The project also required a testing of the creative work and a ‘case study” type AnAlySIS. 33
  • 36. Why does our client need to advertise? Food Network needs to move away from its image as a safe channel for all demographics, especially older people, in all kinds of settings (e.g., doctor’s office, car dealership) and focus a bit more on a younger, trendier demographic. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We need to create an edgier image that is attractive to a younger demographic of foodies without completely alienating its current audience. Who are we going to connect with? We need to connect with hyper-passionate food lovers between the ages of 18-34. This demographic not only has a large amount of disposable income (up to $3K extra per month), they are also more likely to spend than save—especially those who cook for both pleasure and praise. What are the most insightful things we know about them? Young foodies have developed a whole new approach to their lifestyle. This demographic sees their love of food and food products as a status symbol, in the way that fashion and accessories are to “fashionistas.” Most importantly, they identify with the adrenaline rush of the culinary world, and are attracted to the food industry for its nonconformist subculture, proximity to fire and wielding of knives. Single most effective idea: COOKING AIN’T FOR SISSIES! Tone: Humorous, edgy, trendy, exciting, attractive, upbeat and totally in your face. What is there to know that supports this message? young foodies not only love to dice, chop and grill, they also love the thrill of competition, especially if there’s a chance someone might chop off a finger or light something on fire. The “Gastrosexual” trend is growing between foodies making young cookers feel attractive and cool. 35
  • 38. COOKING DIRTY The Creative Work Sex + Food Is this the perfect combination to generate young foodies attention towards Food Network? According to this research, majority of food lovers between 25 - 34yrs old enjoy watching cooking shows, think cooking is exciting and fun, and believe cooking skills are helpful to impress someone from the opposite sex. “when you read it is really funny! but it looks boring” “I saw it and i didnt’t want to read it, but then I started and it was super interesting... the recipe was full of sex jokes” “I will love this to be an application or facebook thing, where you can send dirty sexy recipes to whom ever you want... haha imagine a Food Network sex recipe generator!” The Research The quantitative research consisted in two questionnaires: pre and post creative work. After the questionnaires, the qualitative research -In-depth interviews- were focused on getting insights from the sample. Results & Recommendations The group finds the “food+sex” idea interesting and funny. The visual layout is unattractive and the copy is too long for a print ad. 87.5% thinks the campaign is funny We recommend applying the idea in mobile and interactive 57.1% says the print is clever vehicles such as website and mobile applications. Research by Gaby Escobar 28.6% thinks the copy is long and too complicated 37
  • 40. FOOD NETWORK Because Cooking ain’t for sissies! The Case Study Study by Gaby Escobar Illustration by pocketcookie 39
  • 41. Blurb Media Plan. Social Media Strategy. Competitive Analysis. 40
  • 42. The objective was to develop a media plan with an emphasis on social media tools. The purpose was to create awareness within the young creative crowd and DIFFErEnTIATIon from the client’s competitors. The project was created for and presented to the VP Online Marketing of Blurb Inc., Lauren Pattison. 41
  • 43. The Deck Check the full presentation at 42
  • 44. Planning Parameters Objective: • Create brand awareness within the young creative audience. • Generate costumer retention. Target Audience: Creative enthusiasts between the ages of 18 to 34. Dates: February to May 2011. Digital Media Approach:  Promote competition between students in the creative field by using Blurb platforms.  Connect with the young creative crowd by facilitating their professional goals.  Create a bond between the brand and the target. 43
  • 45. Target Audience Young creative enthusiasts between 18 - 24 • 75% of young adults enjoy looking at pictures online and 38% enjoy reading blogs. • 51% of young adults between 18 – 24 enjoy taking risks and 34% stand out in a crowd. • This audience is the most eager to take advantage of free or inexpensive entertainment that can be found on the internet (e.g. YouTube). • They are also more likely to be open-minded risk takers and like the idea of unearthing new trends to share with friends. • Young adults often place greater value on innovative designs and concepts. Mintel’s survey indicates WOM campaigns are more likely to influence young adults than older Americans. • Family, friends and coworkers can have a significant influence on one’s decision-making, especially among young adults who have not already formed salient preferences in various product and service categories. Sources: Mintel’s Young Adult Leisure Trends - US - November 2009 Mintel’s Word of Mouth and Viral Marketing - US - April 2009 44
  • 46. Target Audience Young creative enthusiasts between 18 - 25 65+ 55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 Young adults also I am a trendsetter among my friends tend to spend more time blogging, micro-blogging People like to buy the things that I buy on sites like Twitter, or participating in online I like to try different products and then recommend the good ones to my communities, friends and this can lead to recommendations. 0 1 2 3 4 Agree Disagree Source: Mintel ATTITUDES INDICATING INFLUENCERS (MEAN), BY AGE* 45
  • 47. Competition • Strong brand awareness. • 2006 • “Kodak Family” • “Easy to personalize and • Friend publishing solution • For anyone who want to be creative with your for writers who don’t make a creative intimate memories”. want the hassle of an photo gift. • Digital photo storage. editor or publishing • Focus on photobooks and company. calendars but offers a • Photobooks (categories by occasion) and Videos. • Publishes a very wide range variety of products. of subject matter. • Attractive prices and • Strong social media presence (Youtube • Print on demand for promotions. Channel, Twitter, Facebook, conventional books. • Paid photo storage. Blogs, Shutterfly Share). • No storage. • Low product quality. • Strong search strategy. • International presence. • No profit for the author. • Profit for the author. 46
  • 48. SWOT Analysis Blurb Strengths: Weaknesses -Currently Blurb is the only creative publishing -Limited awareness. service that offers high quality bookstore books. -Not professional enough for writers. -Opportunity to create profit with the Blurb -Not cheap or easy enough for general crowd. Bookstore. -Easy to use software – Blurb Book Smart® and Bookify™ -Support from the Blurb community - Blurberati Blog and Blog Forums. Opportunities Threats -According to a 2009 Market Report from -More and more Print on Demand solutions are FutureSource Consulting the photobook market value becoming available. will reach close to $540m US dollars by the end of -Growth of the tablets market and the possibility of a 2010. future where print becomes obsolete. -The Print on Demand market will continue to grow in about 20% next year. -More and more creative professionals are looking for an easy and affordable solution to publish. 47
  • 49. Media Strategy & Potential Partners Connect Brand presence in blogs Bond and sites that relate to Partner with art and the audience in a portfolio schools. Promote creative professional Partner with student or level. Focus on social media young professional and publishers attractive competitions. to the young creative audience. 48
  • 50. Social Strategy Website Make your OWN BOOK! YouTube Channel Blog Tips, events and How-to and event news. testimonials. Twitter Facebook App Updates of sponsored Notification of upload or events and videos. published books. 49
  • 51. University of Phoenix Media Strategy Analysis. Digital Media. Ad Placement. 50
  • 52. The objective was to do an analysis of the DIGITAl MEDIA STrATEGy of University of Phoenix. The purpose was to identify the reasoning behind the media placement and types of ads used, purely based on pattern recognition. 51
  • 53. The Deck Check the full presentation at 52
  • 54. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Analysis of a digital campaign. Strategy, media and placement. 53
  • 56. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX WEBSITE REVIEW  Simple and clean  Very “corporate” and serious look  Offer information about programs, faculty and academic systems.  Testimonials are the focus point of the home page.  Tuition fees and finance info are also highlighted.  Target:  Potential students in a 25 – 45 yrs old age group  Household Income 45K+ 55
  • 59. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX COMMENTS FOR ADS #1 & #2  The style of ad is a simple banner located usually on the middle of a news page.  Simple animation style  Very clear and simple design using the colors of the brand.  Informative purposes with a call to action “Start today”  The type of publisher can be categorized as news & lifestyle with a wide target that captures:  Adults between the ages of 18 to 45 with a household income of 35K+  This is basically everyone who graduated high school  The type of publisher is not necessary attractive to an “educated audience”, although they might have readers with Bachelors degrees.  The landing page is clear and simple offering more information about the programs and details about the teaching style and educational opportunities at the University.  Chat now  Learn more 58
  • 62. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX COMMENTS FOR AD #3  The style of ad is a simple banner located usually on the middle of a news page.  Simple animation style.  Use of the brand colors although the type seems more refined.  Mention of two specific publishers “ The New Yorker” and “Vanity Fair”:  Partnership  The ad can be found just in the online sites of the Conde Nast publications  Awareness and Call to action “Get involved”  The type of publisher can be categorized as fashion & entertainment with a wide target that captures:  Adults between the ages of 25 to 45 with a household income of 65K+  With a Bachelor degree and currently working.  This is not for people looking for an academic program, this is for adults who want to discuss certain national problems, like education.  The landing page is not University of Phoenix; it’s the publisher’s Vanity Fair. (Is this a Conde Nast effort using University of Phoenix as a partner or the other way around?)  Simple and stylish  Offers a daily question that encourages public discussion 61
  • 64. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX SUMMARY  Website and landing page are very similar.  Only difference is layout and presence on Faculty and School news.  The ad looks somehow cheap and cluttered.  Sometimes it can pass as an old style banner normally used by spam and online scams.  The official website has a very clean look that we can associate with a young, up to date institution.  The landing page is something in between website and banner:  Is not interactive, looks boring.  Gives information step by step. They don’t display all the information as they do on the website.  The process ad – landing page is fluid and it makes sense  Some who is interested in the UP and wants to find out about the University (and their identity) will Google it and the search results will direct them to the official website  The ones that find the online ad attractive, might be because of the program offerings and the landing page provides information just about that. 63
  • 65. 64
  • 66. What do you think? Approved or Disapproved Let me know: 510.2205411 @gabylinda 65