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Always a party! Dee, our Queen of
Cakes, thoughtfully remembers
birthdays and brightens our basement.
In the heart of Atlanta, visiting CNN
is always a blast!
Out on the town on bluesy Beale
Street in Memphis, Tennessee.
Fun in the mountains at
Dollywood’s Amusement Park.
15 Years of
A publication of the
ESL Institute
University of Tennessee
at Chattanooga
ESL Fall 2010
The ESL Institute here at UTC has just turned 15 years old. I wanted to take
the opportunity to interview our excellent Director, Jane Womack, in order to
write this article.
How did ESL at UTC begin? Jane Womack started the program in 1995 after
she had been teaching ESL in a community college where she fell in love with
the program. She later visited the University of Texas in Arlington and saw their
ESL program and was advised to start a similar program at UTC. Jane talked to
the Provost of UTC about starting an ESL Institute and she was encouraged to
do it. Jane hired Carolyn Randle to teach with her 20 hours a week. All the
students were in the same class and studied different subjects. The ESL
Institute began with the two teachers and just a few students until it reached
where it is today. Approximately 500 students have attended the program
representing countries from all over the globe.
―We had students from Romania, South Korea, Thailand, and we had Simona
from Italy!‖ Jane remembers. ―I remember her because I picked her up at the
airport and she spoke practically no English and she had a dictionary and my
daughter was with me and we took her to Walmart.‖
Reported by
Abdulaziz Alrasheed
Photo: Jane Womack visits
ESL students in the
Computer Lab at the
University Center: Left to
right, Mindy, Annie, Chang,
Jane, Zhiming, JJ, Aziz,
and Olga.
Carolyn Randle: The ESL
Institute’s First Teacher
Friends, rain or shine. Carolyn and Jane
Jane and Carolyn became friends because of their
mutual love of English. So, naturally, when Jane got the
go-ahead to start up the ESL Institute with the proviso
that she could hire one teacher, she chose Carolyn.
Together they taught the program’s entire twenty hours
per week for the first year. Carolyn is still around,
teaching part-time in the afternoons. Jane says that
Carolyn has always said that teaching ESL at UTC is
the most fun!
Carolyn and Joseph (from Korea) at Dollywood.
15 Years of ESL at UTC (continued from page 1)
By the next summer of 1995 Jane decided to keep the
program going year-round instead of just as a
summer program, so three levels were added.
Future plans? Jane is very hopeful to have an
International House for ESL students to get together
and for better facilities for the ESL students.
Today ESL has more than 10 teachers and the
program has reached a good level with more than 30
students each semester. Jane has kept the program
productive and attractive. Field trips and activities
during the semester take a lot of planning and hard
work that keeps the students interested, having fun,
and yet still learning.
ESL Program Statistics, Fall 2010
by JJ Seo
New Students ReturningStudents
Males Females
ESL Students
Brazil, 2
Cambodia, 1
China, 5
Colombia, 3
Hungary, 1
Japan, 1
South Korea, 6
Saudi Arabia, 6
Taiwan, 1
United States, 1 Venezuela, 2
Page 2 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Since ESL at UTC just turned 15 years old, I thought of
interviewing the Provost of the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga (UTC) to hear more about UTC and the Provost
himself, as he is one of the most important people in the
university. Dr. Oldham is actually very friendly and welcoming.
My meeting with him started with an email from me with a
request to interview the Provost as my ESL project and ended
up with my getting a lot of information about the university and
the kind of tasks that Provosts do.
I went to visit Dr. Oldham in his office at 3:00 on Monday, the
1st of November of 2010. He invited me to have a seat in his
office. Dr. Oldham greeted me and made me feel welcome for
an interview that was meant to be 10 minutes long but lasted
20 minutes of his important time. I asked him if it was O.K to
record the interview. He did not mind.
Abdulaziz: How are you, Sir?
Dr. Oldham: Doing well.
Abdulaziz: Would you mind introducing yourself?
Dr. Oldham: Sure. My name is Phil Oldham. I am the Provost
and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UTC.
Abdulaziz: That is good. What does a provost do?
Dr. Oldham: Gosh, a little bit of everything actually. A provost
here at UTC is one of four vice chancellors and it is my job as
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to pass the
responsibilities of everything academic on campus. All the
schools and colleges, all the academic departments report
thought department heads, deans, or directors and ultimately
to me. So, everything dealing with the academic record of a
student, the admission, the financial aid-- all of those things.
An Interview with
UTC’s Provost
Phil Oldham by Abdulaziz Alrasheed
Abdulaziz: Including international students?
Dr. Oldham: Including international students.
Abdulaziz: That is great!
Dr. Oldham: That is, that is true.
Abdulaziz: I represent a lot of international students
from the ESL program, which happens to be 15 years
old this year.
Dr. Oldham: It’s a good program.
Abdulaziz: It is. It’s a very good program, very good
teachers and an excellent director.
Abdulaziz: So, could you describe a typical work day?
Dr. Oldham: A typical work day? I don't know if I have a
typical work day [He smiles]. Every day is a little
different and actually that is one thing I like about this
job: is it is extremely varied. I can be dealing with
everything from a problem with an individual student
and at one point to be dealing with a financial budget for
an entire college the next hour. So it could range
completely. I may be off campus working with the
leaders from other hiring institutions in the state
of Tennessee on funding formula or articulation
agreements or I may be dealing with a loan aid donor
who is interested in donating funds to the university, so
it’s an extremely varied job.
Abdulaziz: How long have you been Provost of UTC?
Dr. Oldham: I’ve been here a little over three years now.
Prior to that I was the Dean of Art and Sciences
at Mississippi State University.
Abdulaziz: I was about to say how was UTC 15 years
Dr. Oldham: I don’t know how UTC was 15 years ago.
That is a good question. It was certainly smaller that it is
today. I think it was much less developed. It did not
offer the breadth of academic programming that it does
today and it was largely a nonresidential campus. We
did not have nearly the number of residence halls that
we currently do. Now we have about 3000 students that
live on campus. 15 years ago that number would
probably have been 700 or 800. Very different than 15
years ago.
“The real goal is to create an
environment on this campus
with a stronger appreciation for
the global community.”
Page 3 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Provost (continued)
Abdulaziz: How do you see UTC in less than 5 years?
Dr. Oldham: Uh, I think we will continue to grow. I think within
five years we will probably be...somewhere around 13000
students and we will hopefully have some additional graduate
programs beyond what we do today. Probably some, probably
at least more doctoral programs within five years. I think we will
be strengthening our undergraduate programs considerably and
I think we will also have strengthened our international
programs significantly within five years.
Abdulaziz: What will you do with the international programs?
Dr. Oldham: I think they will be stronger in five years.
Abdulaziz: Yeah, that was my next point.
Dr. Oldham: Yeah, there is a couple of pieces today, one of
which is we need to clearly be able to attract more international
students to this campus like yourself. The percentage currently
is relatively small. We need to think in terms of at least doubling
that number--maybe tripling that number--on the campus. But
we have to do that fairly strategically. So we need to bring more
international students to this campus but we also need to be
more aggressive at sending our domestic students abroad to a
greater standard, through study abroad programs, semester
abroad, whatever the case might be. So I think in both cases
the real goal is to create an environment on this campus with a
stronger appreciation for the global community. I mean you
need to do both; you need to send current students out and you
need to bring international students in.
UTC has grown rapidly in the last five to eight years. We need
to grow into this body now that we have created, and by that I
mean that … for a long time, UTC was largely a nonresidential
campus, so when students are commuting to campus back and
forth there is not the same level of expectation for a campus
itself as you have when students are living here seven days a
week, twenty four hours a day. We’ve got to create that kind of
24/7 environment on this campus that students and perspective
students expect from a major university so that when a student
decides to take a break from studying at eleven o’clock on
a Friday night there is something else that is going on they can
do. And that has to do a lot with the surrounding community as
well. The community surrounding the campus needs to be
developed in a more student-friendly manner. And all this leads
to ultimately the real prize is a culture on this campus of real
spirit and, and enthusiasm and expectation for achievement
that pushes the students on to do their best work. You know
that is what I would like to see most evolved, is that level of
campus spirit.
Abdulaziz: Could that be your goal?
Dr. Oldham: Partly, yeah. It’s bigger than me though. It’s bigger
than just academic affairs. It’s the entire campus community.
What buildings we build, where we build them and what
services we provide. You know, what kind of activities and what
kinds of places we have to open where students can get food in
the middle of the night. But I think we are moving in that
direction. I think in the next five years we will see a lot of
noun ˈprō-ˌvōst, ˈprä-vəst, ˈprō-vəst,
especially attributive ˌprō-(ˌ)vō
Definition of PROVOST
1: the chief dignitary of a collegiate or
cathedral chapter
2: the chief magistrate of a Scottish burgh
3: the keeper of a prison
4: a high-ranking university administrative
Origin of PROVOST
Middle English, from Old English profost &
Anglo-French provost, from Medieval Latin
propositus, alteration of praepositus, from
Latin, one in charge, director, from past
participle of praeponere to place at the head
First Known Use: before 12th century
Rhymes with PROVOST
almost, at most, bedpost, compost, crown
roast, doorpost, endmost, foremost, French
toast, gatepost, glasnost, goalpost, gold
coast, Gold Coast, guidepost, headmost,
hindmost, impost, inmost, king post,
lamppost, midmost, milepost, outmost,
outpost, pot roast, queen post, rearmost, rib
roast, riposte, seacoast, signpost, Slave
Coast, sternmost, sternpost, topmost,
upcoast, upmost, utmost
Page 4 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Su Park
Maureen with her students
in Thailand.
Maureen White was a graduate student,
teacher and assistant to Jane Womack
in the ESL Institute from August 2003 to
December 2006. After leaving UTC,
Maureen traveled to Hawaii and
Australia before finding a teaching
opportunity in Thailand. Maureen
returned to the U.S. and moved to
Charlotte, North Carolina in 2008. She
now works in the Office of International
Programs at the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. She designs
programs for students and professionals
from many different countries in the
office of Intercultural Outreach
Programs. Maureen enjoys living in
Charlotte and because her parents still
live in Tennessee, she visits Chattanooga
Maggie Nowak will be graduating from
Chattanooga State this December. She
will soon be a full-fledged EMT, or
Emergency Medical Technician, riding
around in ambulances and saving lives.
If you ever have to dial 911, this is the girl
to ask for!
Khang Nguyen from Vietnam is currently
a sophomore student at UTC majoring in
Math. He studied in the ESL program for
two semesters which he describes as a
“wonderful experience.”
“Not only did I learn English, but also the
different cultures of many countries,
since we had students from everywhere
in the world. We also did a lot of field
trips which helped me to get to know
about America's history a little better.”
Khang likes listening to music and
watching movies. His advice to ESL
students is, “Enjoy your time in ESL
because once you get to the university,
things will be a lot different.”
Su Park is attending the College of The
Desert located in Palm Desert,
California, as a full-time student (over 12
units). His goal is to transfer to a 4-year
university in the fall of 2012. After class,
Su does homework, watches movies,
and surfs the internet. During school
breaks, he can take trips to Los Angeles
and the San Diego area.
Majid is going to apply
for a Master’s Program
in Health Administration
at UTC.
Orsy wants to study for
a Master’s in Business
Administration at UTC.
Mindy is going to apply
for Nursing School at
Chattanooga State
Community College.
Chang is going to apply
for a Master’s Program
in Computer Science,
but he’s not sure where.
JJ is going to return
home to her work in
Chloe is going to study
about Worship Music.
By Abdulaziz Alrasheed
Whatever happened to…
What’s after
ESL class for
Page 5 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
the Incline,
the park,
the city,
and then back
I have been in Chattanooga for one year
and I really like the small town and the
university. This semester we had a trip to
Lookout Mountain on the Incline Railway
with my teachers and classmates. Before
we started our incline trip, we had lunch
together in Mr. T’s Pizza which served
wonderful pizza and salad. We all
enjoyed it very much. After that, we
crossed the street and prepared to ride
the incline. When I got into the train, I
was so excited because I imagined many
times how the train climbed the mountain
in that gradient.
While the train was moving I saw the
trees around the railway pass by and the
houses on the foot of the mountain get
smaller and smaller.
ESL on the edge: ESLers enjoy the fresh mountain air while they pose for a group
shot. Below is a historic view of the river and the city.
Pizza, the incline, Point Park, and ice
cream—what a super day we had.
It was really a wonderful trip, and we
enjoyed it very much. Thanks UTC!
Thanks Jane Womack!
Some girls screamed when the train
almost plumbed the earth—and that
made the trip more exciting.
After 10 minutes, we reached the peak of
Lookout Mountain. We went to the
balcony. The Chattanooga downtown
was below us and we could recognize
some buildings like the arena and so on.
I really liked the fresh air and beautiful
view on the top of Lookout Mountain.
Then, we walked to Point Park.
I saw a monument in the park
which was donated from New
York after the civil war. We
walked in the park and took a lot
of photos.
After the park, we walked back
to the train and waited for our
turn to go down the mountain.
Finally, we went back to Mr. T’s
Pizza to have some ice cream.
Everybody had two choices of
flavors. The ice cream was so
good. I am pretty sure that I will
go back and order some other
We all scream for ice cream!
The Lookout Mountain Railway is ―the steepest
passenger railway in the world.‖ The railway
opened in 1895 to easily whisk residents and
visitors up and down the steepest part of Lookout
The Incline
Changda Li
In the railway car.
Page 6 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Hotel breakfast. Glamor-girl, Mindy.
Elegant Asheville
Field Trip to Asheville, North Carolina
Abdulaziz Alrasheed
Our big field trip to Asheville was fantastic. It started with
the nice scenery on the road and ended with a visit to the
grand Biltmore Estate. Going to the Tupelo Honey Cafe
was great fun, and we got to choose what we wanted
from the menu and it was absolutely a five star
restaurant. I enjoyed the visit to the Biltmore home. We
got to see a remarkable building. I loved the basement
floor and I am still amazed that at that time they had all
those amazing tools, heating systems, ironing, etc. If I go
again, I would love to go through the house one more
time and to theTupelo Honey Cafe twice. :)
The impressive façade.
On the promenade.
The Biltmore skyline.
Deer Park Restaurant.
Tupelo Honey Café.
A lavish Biltmore garden.
Friends: Lina and Winnie.
Chloe: the photographer.
Chang: auto enthusiast.
Page 7 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Killer instincts.
Party guests.
Mindy and Dilnar.
Handsome guy.
Double, double, toil and trouble.
October 31st was Halloween Day in USA, and we had a Halloween
party at Jane’s house. She invited all of the students who are studying in the
ESL institute to attend her party at 5:30 pm. It was my first time to celebrate
this festival and I was excited about it. However, I got a cold on the weekend,
so I was obliged to look at the photographs, which many had taken, to imagine
the funny party.
Everyone who was invited to join the party was requested to wear a
costume. Jane and Anne masqueraded as witches, and they looked like the
witches who were living in an abandoned castle. They might be riding a broom
to meet you at night. And there were two guys from Saudi Arabia, one is
Majid —a handsome vampire, the other is Azeez —an “attractive” guy who has
a big buck tooth-- he was fantastic.
Mindy masqueraded as a sexy catwoman, and Annie masqueraded as an
elf. Dilnar wore her traditional clothes accompanied by her daughter, Dilnaz—
who masqueraded as a cute little witch. Tomoyo’s daughters masqueraded as
a cute rabbit and an elegant witch. Dee masqueraded as a rabbit mother, but
her grandbaby, Rain, was a little “bear”.
It was an interesting mask party, and the costumes were the biggest
highlight of the party. Of course, the delicious food was an indispensable
part of the party, too. The students took some food which they prepared
themselves, and the teachers also prepared many kinds of food. And that was
what I felt the most regret about, because I couldn’t eat these foods and
couldn’t share Chinese food with my friends. Even though we didn’t eat the
delicious food, we hadn’t forgotten how to make aJack-o’-lanterns. They
were made of pumpkin. Firstly, we needed to empty the pumpkin. And then,
we carved its eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, and possibly ears. Every Jack-o’-
lantern had a different face, depending on your imagination.
We had a really good time on Halloween Day. Thank you to our nice
teachers and thank you for the best experience of this October. It would be
a fantastic memory in our life. And I’m sorry I missed this good party.
at Jane’s House
by Zhming Li
by Zhiming Li
Page 8 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
This and That
by Jeongjoo Seo
At the beginning of the semester, the students of ESL have to think hard about choosing classes because
they have no solid ideas about which class is useful for them. Some students need to get a good TOEFL score to
enter a college, and other students, like me, don’t need a TOEFL score.
I chose a class, This and That, for my Wednesday afternoon class. Ms. Dee is teaching us: Annie, Tomoyo,
and me. None of us need a TOEFL score, so we wanted to learn about American culture. We asked our
teacher if we could not study in a classroom, but have an outdoor class for real experience. Teacher Dee
accepted our proposal, and she tries to find a good place for us every week. We went to several restaurants
on our lunchtime. On October 20th, I invited my friend, Kim Thomas, and her daughter, Sarah Thomas. And I
brought my daughter, Gina. Sarah and Gina are schoolmates. I could invite them because they were enjoying
the fall break. Tomoyo brought her daughters, too. And Annie invited Lina. We had a big group. We went to a
restaurant, Genghis Grille. I have already known what I should do for my lunch because Ms. Dee had brought
my daughter and me there before. We enjoyed our lunch, and I could feel learning is very important.
There is a proverb in Korea like this: Watching one time is better than listening one hundred times, and
experiencing one time is better than watching one hundred times. Annie, Tomoyo, and I learned many things
about seating, food, and how to order in a restaurant through this class. I deeply appreciate Ms. Dee to give us
the working knowledge.
Page 9 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
After Graduation by Majid Monif
I like the concept of changing. I think each new experience can help me to live a better life. I can't imagine leaving my hometown forever,
but I may stay gone for a long time
Many things In my hometown make me want to stay in it. First, my family, especially my parents, because they will support and help me at
any time . For instance, once I wanted to open a coffee shop. My father gave me very helpful advice about the location. Secondly, in
business I know what people do and do not like. For example, I would know not to open a suit store because it's not usual to wear a suit in
my home town. Lastly, I know the laws of my home town. I don't need to be careful about my life style.
In regards to living away from my hometown, there are many benefits that I can gain. I'm going to focus on my job. Nothing will distract me
such as my family. In business, I'll have unique ideas and also a different vision. I could open a restaurant for my traditional food because
no one here serves it. I have more freedom than in my home town. I can be creative without caring about the community. If I do something
wrong, the people will excuse me because I'm a foreigner.
I have to be realistic on whether or not I would like to stay in my hometown after graduation. I think trying new experiences from a different
place is very important to help me become more mature. When I think that I'm ready to make a family, my home town is my choice. At this
moment, I'm not ready for the family so I'm enjoying the freedom of living away from home.
Shanghai Expo
Do you know about the Expo? The first World Exposition
was in London in 1851, which marked the coming
Industrial Revolution. Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai,
the most prosperous international metropolis in China,
from May 1–October 31, 2010. It was a good opportunity
for China to show its achievements in the fields of social
construction, science and technology, economy and
culture. The Expo also provided exhibitors all over the
world with a large-scale platform from which to
communicate their successful experiences and
The site of Expo 2010 is located between the Nanpu
Bridge and Lupu Bridge, in the waterfront area on both
sides of the Huangpu River. It covers an area of about
5.28 square kilometers. The main constructions are :
National Pavilion; Theme Pavilions; China Pavilions;
Expo Center; Performance Center; Corporate Pavilions;
Urban Best Practice Area; World Expo museum and
Expo Axis. By the end of the Expo, over 73 million
people had visited, a record attendance and 250
countries and international organizations had
On October 16, 2010, the expo set a single-day
record of having over 1.03 million visitors enter the
exhibition that day. This is the first Expo held by a
developing country, and that it took place under
the shadow of the international financial crisis.
Jean Pierre Lafon, the President of the
International Exhibitions Bureau, the organization
that oversees the world expos, called he Shanghai
Expo a complete success. He delighted the
audience at the closing ceremony by making his
comments in Chinese. Lafon says the Expo is also
China's success.
Annie Huang
Annie Huang
Page 10 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Call me! Text me!
Name E-Mail Address Number
Julian Cardona 423-413-6295
Viviana Carvajal 404-421-9350
Gabriele Mesquita 423-760-0215
Q (Kyu Hwan) Kim 423-994-8141
Hesham Aldosari 202-615-2340
Rayan Basamih 731-335-0108
Laura Kang 423-903-0677
Kiran Park (Chloe) 678-231-1861
Abdulrahman Alghunaiman 202-701-8007
Lina Lin 917-535-5332
Karim Tebbache 423-355-1451
Charles Jeong 423-902-2460
Orsolya Sari (Orsy) 423-255-3652
Wei-Yu Lu 626-253-6980
Dilnar Kurban 423-582-1068
Abdulmajid Almonif 731-332-2408
Randy Peng 562-243-6818
Basil Alfouzan 423-987-2567
Marilena Crow 404-626-6605
Zhiming Li 423-653-1381
Paolo Monico 423-313-1701
Minkyung Park 423-309-0324
Yelena Slavik 423-208-2450
Abdulaziz Alrasheed 423-580-7110
Olga Correa 423-385-6294
Yinghua Huang 423-994-8167
You Keun Lee 423-994-8219
Changda Li 423-802-5210
Jeongjoo Seo 423-667-3750
Tomoyo Tanaka 423-883-4037
Page 11 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
Page 12 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
ESL Globe Staff
Fall 2010
Caety is a sophomore at UTC. She is 20
years old. She is in the honors program,
UHON, and has a student assistantship with
the ESL Institute. She comes to ESL
everyday but Friday.
Q: What do you usually do in your free time?
A: I like sports like swimming and soccer.
I joined Race for the Cure one weekend this
semester. I ran 5 kilometers.
Q: Tell me your favorite place in
A: I like cycling and walking and running. My
favorite place is the Walking Bridge. This is
the blue bridge (the Walnut Street Bridge)
Q: Have you ever been abroad? Tell me
about it.
A: I lived in Germany for 1 year to study
German. After I graduated from high school
in Tennessee, I went to a German high
school. I lived with a host family. After 6
months, I switched to another host family.
Q: What was hard about living in another
A: It was hard being in a new culture and not
knowing the language.
Q: How did you recover from it?
A: I made German friends in high school. My
best friend was a grandmother of the host
family. She taught me to read German. We
cooked and crocheted together.
I became comfortable with her.
Q: Which countries do you want to visit in the
A: I have a plan to live in Chile to study
Spanish for 7 month this next June
Q: Why do you choose Chile?
A: I want to learn Spanish specifically in
South America. Chile is safe and fun.
Q: You are 20 years old now. What were
some other important transitions in your life?
A: Middle school (private) to high school
(public) = small school to a big school.
Also, when I left high school from Germany
and came to UTC.
Q: After you graduate from UTC, what would
you like to do?
A: I would like to go to graduate school to
study Conflict Resolution or Peace Studies.
Caety by Tomoyo
Carter Tanaka
Thank you to
everyone who
helped the Fall 2010
ESL Globe come
together. Thank you
for the articles,
charts and
A special thanks
goes to the student
photographers who
allowed us to use
their photos: Hisham
Thanks to Jane for
the background
story about her
friendship with
Carolyn and the
news of Maureen
White. Thanks to
Linda for the blurb
about Maggie.
Finally, thank you
again to the ESL
Globe Staff for their
work on the
newsletter. A special
thanks goes to
Abdulaziz for his
highly valued
Each of you
deserves a gold

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  • 1. Always a party! Dee, our Queen of Cakes, thoughtfully remembers birthdays and brightens our basement. In the heart of Atlanta, visiting CNN is always a blast! Out on the town on bluesy Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Fun in the mountains at Dollywood’s Amusement Park. 15 Years of ESL at UTC Globe A publication of the ESL Institute University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ESL Fall 2010 The The ESL Institute here at UTC has just turned 15 years old. I wanted to take the opportunity to interview our excellent Director, Jane Womack, in order to write this article. How did ESL at UTC begin? Jane Womack started the program in 1995 after she had been teaching ESL in a community college where she fell in love with the program. She later visited the University of Texas in Arlington and saw their ESL program and was advised to start a similar program at UTC. Jane talked to the Provost of UTC about starting an ESL Institute and she was encouraged to do it. Jane hired Carolyn Randle to teach with her 20 hours a week. All the students were in the same class and studied different subjects. The ESL Institute began with the two teachers and just a few students until it reached where it is today. Approximately 500 students have attended the program representing countries from all over the globe. ―We had students from Romania, South Korea, Thailand, and we had Simona from Italy!‖ Jane remembers. ―I remember her because I picked her up at the airport and she spoke practically no English and she had a dictionary and my daughter was with me and we took her to Walmart.‖ Reported by Abdulaziz Alrasheed Photo: Jane Womack visits ESL students in the Computer Lab at the University Center: Left to right, Mindy, Annie, Chang, Jane, Zhiming, JJ, Aziz, and Olga.
  • 2. Carolyn Randle: The ESL Institute’s First Teacher Friends, rain or shine. Carolyn and Jane Jane and Carolyn became friends because of their mutual love of English. So, naturally, when Jane got the go-ahead to start up the ESL Institute with the proviso that she could hire one teacher, she chose Carolyn. Together they taught the program’s entire twenty hours per week for the first year. Carolyn is still around, teaching part-time in the afternoons. Jane says that Carolyn has always said that teaching ESL at UTC is the most fun! Carolyn and Joseph (from Korea) at Dollywood. 15 Years of ESL at UTC (continued from page 1) By the next summer of 1995 Jane decided to keep the program going year-round instead of just as a summer program, so three levels were added. Future plans? Jane is very hopeful to have an International House for ESL students to get together and for better facilities for the ESL students. Today ESL has more than 10 teachers and the program has reached a good level with more than 30 students each semester. Jane has kept the program productive and attractive. Field trips and activities during the semester take a lot of planning and hard work that keeps the students interested, having fun, and yet still learning. ESL Program Statistics, Fall 2010 by JJ Seo 0 5 10 15 20 25 New Students ReturningStudents 21 10 NumberofStudents ESLStudents 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Males Females 16 15 NumberofStudents ESL Students Algeria,1 Brazil, 2 Cambodia, 1 China, 5 Colombia, 3 Hungary, 1 Japan, 1 South Korea, 6 Saudi Arabia, 6 Taiwan, 1 United States, 1 Venezuela, 2 CountriesRepresented Page 2 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 3. Since ESL at UTC just turned 15 years old, I thought of interviewing the Provost of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) to hear more about UTC and the Provost himself, as he is one of the most important people in the university. Dr. Oldham is actually very friendly and welcoming. My meeting with him started with an email from me with a request to interview the Provost as my ESL project and ended up with my getting a lot of information about the university and the kind of tasks that Provosts do. I went to visit Dr. Oldham in his office at 3:00 on Monday, the 1st of November of 2010. He invited me to have a seat in his office. Dr. Oldham greeted me and made me feel welcome for an interview that was meant to be 10 minutes long but lasted 20 minutes of his important time. I asked him if it was O.K to record the interview. He did not mind. Abdulaziz: How are you, Sir? Dr. Oldham: Doing well. Abdulaziz: Would you mind introducing yourself? Dr. Oldham: Sure. My name is Phil Oldham. I am the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UTC. Abdulaziz: That is good. What does a provost do? Dr. Oldham: Gosh, a little bit of everything actually. A provost here at UTC is one of four vice chancellors and it is my job as Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to pass the responsibilities of everything academic on campus. All the schools and colleges, all the academic departments report thought department heads, deans, or directors and ultimately to me. So, everything dealing with the academic record of a student, the admission, the financial aid-- all of those things. An Interview with UTC’s Provost Phil Oldham by Abdulaziz Alrasheed Abdulaziz: Including international students? Dr. Oldham: Including international students. Abdulaziz: That is great! Dr. Oldham: That is, that is true. Abdulaziz: I represent a lot of international students from the ESL program, which happens to be 15 years old this year. Dr. Oldham: It’s a good program. Abdulaziz: It is. It’s a very good program, very good teachers and an excellent director. Abdulaziz: So, could you describe a typical work day? Dr. Oldham: A typical work day? I don't know if I have a typical work day [He smiles]. Every day is a little different and actually that is one thing I like about this job: is it is extremely varied. I can be dealing with everything from a problem with an individual student and at one point to be dealing with a financial budget for an entire college the next hour. So it could range completely. I may be off campus working with the leaders from other hiring institutions in the state of Tennessee on funding formula or articulation agreements or I may be dealing with a loan aid donor who is interested in donating funds to the university, so it’s an extremely varied job. Abdulaziz: How long have you been Provost of UTC? Dr. Oldham: I’ve been here a little over three years now. Prior to that I was the Dean of Art and Sciences at Mississippi State University. Abdulaziz: I was about to say how was UTC 15 years ago? Dr. Oldham: I don’t know how UTC was 15 years ago. That is a good question. It was certainly smaller that it is today. I think it was much less developed. It did not offer the breadth of academic programming that it does today and it was largely a nonresidential campus. We did not have nearly the number of residence halls that we currently do. Now we have about 3000 students that live on campus. 15 years ago that number would probably have been 700 or 800. Very different than 15 years ago. “The real goal is to create an environment on this campus with a stronger appreciation for the global community.” Page 3 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 4. Provost (continued) Abdulaziz: How do you see UTC in less than 5 years? Dr. Oldham: Uh, I think we will continue to grow. I think within five years we will probably be...somewhere around 13000 students and we will hopefully have some additional graduate programs beyond what we do today. Probably some, probably at least more doctoral programs within five years. I think we will be strengthening our undergraduate programs considerably and I think we will also have strengthened our international programs significantly within five years. Abdulaziz: What will you do with the international programs? Dr. Oldham: I think they will be stronger in five years. Abdulaziz: Yeah, that was my next point. Dr. Oldham: Yeah, there is a couple of pieces today, one of which is we need to clearly be able to attract more international students to this campus like yourself. The percentage currently is relatively small. We need to think in terms of at least doubling that number--maybe tripling that number--on the campus. But we have to do that fairly strategically. So we need to bring more international students to this campus but we also need to be more aggressive at sending our domestic students abroad to a greater standard, through study abroad programs, semester abroad, whatever the case might be. So I think in both cases the real goal is to create an environment on this campus with a stronger appreciation for the global community. I mean you need to do both; you need to send current students out and you need to bring international students in. UTC has grown rapidly in the last five to eight years. We need to grow into this body now that we have created, and by that I mean that … for a long time, UTC was largely a nonresidential campus, so when students are commuting to campus back and forth there is not the same level of expectation for a campus itself as you have when students are living here seven days a week, twenty four hours a day. We’ve got to create that kind of 24/7 environment on this campus that students and perspective students expect from a major university so that when a student decides to take a break from studying at eleven o’clock on a Friday night there is something else that is going on they can do. And that has to do a lot with the surrounding community as well. The community surrounding the campus needs to be developed in a more student-friendly manner. And all this leads to ultimately the real prize is a culture on this campus of real spirit and, and enthusiasm and expectation for achievement that pushes the students on to do their best work. You know that is what I would like to see most evolved, is that level of campus spirit. Abdulaziz: Could that be your goal? Dr. Oldham: Partly, yeah. It’s bigger than me though. It’s bigger than just academic affairs. It’s the entire campus community. What buildings we build, where we build them and what services we provide. You know, what kind of activities and what kinds of places we have to open where students can get food in the middle of the night. But I think we are moving in that direction. I think in the next five years we will see a lot of progress. pro•vost noun ˈprō-ˌvōst, ˈprä-vəst, ˈprō-vəst, especially attributive ˌprō-(ˌ)vō Definition of PROVOST 1: the chief dignitary of a collegiate or cathedral chapter 2: the chief magistrate of a Scottish burgh 3: the keeper of a prison 4: a high-ranking university administrative officer Origin of PROVOST Middle English, from Old English profost & Anglo-French provost, from Medieval Latin propositus, alteration of praepositus, from Latin, one in charge, director, from past participle of praeponere to place at the head First Known Use: before 12th century Rhymes with PROVOST almost, at most, bedpost, compost, crown roast, doorpost, endmost, foremost, French toast, gatepost, glasnost, goalpost, gold coast, Gold Coast, guidepost, headmost, hindmost, impost, inmost, king post, lamppost, midmost, milepost, outmost, outpost, pot roast, queen post, rearmost, rib roast, riposte, seacoast, signpost, Slave Coast, sternmost, sternpost, topmost, upcoast, upmost, utmost Page 4 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 5. Su Park Maureen Maureen with her students in Thailand. Maggie Khang Maureen White was a graduate student, teacher and assistant to Jane Womack in the ESL Institute from August 2003 to December 2006. After leaving UTC, Maureen traveled to Hawaii and Australia before finding a teaching opportunity in Thailand. Maureen returned to the U.S. and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in 2008. She now works in the Office of International Programs at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She designs programs for students and professionals from many different countries in the office of Intercultural Outreach Programs. Maureen enjoys living in Charlotte and because her parents still live in Tennessee, she visits Chattanooga often. Maggie Nowak will be graduating from Chattanooga State this December. She will soon be a full-fledged EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, riding around in ambulances and saving lives. If you ever have to dial 911, this is the girl to ask for! Khang Nguyen from Vietnam is currently a sophomore student at UTC majoring in Math. He studied in the ESL program for two semesters which he describes as a “wonderful experience.” “Not only did I learn English, but also the different cultures of many countries, since we had students from everywhere in the world. We also did a lot of field trips which helped me to get to know about America's history a little better.” Khang likes listening to music and watching movies. His advice to ESL students is, “Enjoy your time in ESL because once you get to the university, things will be a lot different.” Su Park is attending the College of The Desert located in Palm Desert, California, as a full-time student (over 12 units). His goal is to transfer to a 4-year university in the fall of 2012. After class, Su does homework, watches movies, and surfs the internet. During school breaks, he can take trips to Los Angeles and the San Diego area. Majid is going to apply for a Master’s Program in Health Administration at UTC. Orsy wants to study for a Master’s in Business Administration at UTC. Mindy is going to apply for Nursing School at Chattanooga State Community College. Chang is going to apply for a Master’s Program in Computer Science, but he’s not sure where. JJ is going to return home to her work in Korea. Chloe is going to study about Worship Music. By Abdulaziz Alrasheed Whatever happened to… What’s after ESL class for you? Page 5 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 6. UP the Incline, INTO the park, OVER the city, and then back DOWN I have been in Chattanooga for one year and I really like the small town and the university. This semester we had a trip to Lookout Mountain on the Incline Railway with my teachers and classmates. Before we started our incline trip, we had lunch together in Mr. T’s Pizza which served wonderful pizza and salad. We all enjoyed it very much. After that, we crossed the street and prepared to ride the incline. When I got into the train, I was so excited because I imagined many times how the train climbed the mountain in that gradient. While the train was moving I saw the trees around the railway pass by and the houses on the foot of the mountain get smaller and smaller. ESL on the edge: ESLers enjoy the fresh mountain air while they pose for a group shot. Below is a historic view of the river and the city. Pizza, the incline, Point Park, and ice cream—what a super day we had. It was really a wonderful trip, and we enjoyed it very much. Thanks UTC! Thanks Jane Womack! Some girls screamed when the train almost plumbed the earth—and that made the trip more exciting. After 10 minutes, we reached the peak of Lookout Mountain. We went to the balcony. The Chattanooga downtown was below us and we could recognize some buildings like the arena and so on. I really liked the fresh air and beautiful view on the top of Lookout Mountain. Then, we walked to Point Park. I saw a monument in the park which was donated from New York after the civil war. We walked in the park and took a lot of photos. After the park, we walked back to the train and waited for our turn to go down the mountain. Finally, we went back to Mr. T’s Pizza to have some ice cream. Everybody had two choices of flavors. The ice cream was so good. I am pretty sure that I will go back and order some other flavors. We all scream for ice cream! The Lookout Mountain Railway is ―the steepest passenger railway in the world.‖ The railway opened in 1895 to easily whisk residents and visitors up and down the steepest part of Lookout Mountain. The Incline by Changda Li In the railway car. Page 6 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 7. Hotel breakfast. Glamor-girl, Mindy. Elegant Asheville Field Trip to Asheville, North Carolina by Abdulaziz Alrasheed Our big field trip to Asheville was fantastic. It started with the nice scenery on the road and ended with a visit to the grand Biltmore Estate. Going to the Tupelo Honey Cafe was great fun, and we got to choose what we wanted from the menu and it was absolutely a five star restaurant. I enjoyed the visit to the Biltmore home. We got to see a remarkable building. I loved the basement floor and I am still amazed that at that time they had all those amazing tools, heating systems, ironing, etc. If I go again, I would love to go through the house one more time and to theTupelo Honey Cafe twice. :) The impressive façade. On the promenade. The Biltmore skyline. Deer Park Restaurant. Tupelo Honey Café. A lavish Biltmore garden. Friends: Lina and Winnie. Chloe: the photographer. Chang: auto enthusiast. Page 7 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 8. Killer instincts. Party guests. Mindy and Dilnar. Handsome guy. Double, double, toil and trouble. October 31st was Halloween Day in USA, and we had a Halloween party at Jane’s house. She invited all of the students who are studying in the ESL institute to attend her party at 5:30 pm. It was my first time to celebrate this festival and I was excited about it. However, I got a cold on the weekend, so I was obliged to look at the photographs, which many had taken, to imagine the funny party. Everyone who was invited to join the party was requested to wear a costume. Jane and Anne masqueraded as witches, and they looked like the witches who were living in an abandoned castle. They might be riding a broom to meet you at night. And there were two guys from Saudi Arabia, one is Majid —a handsome vampire, the other is Azeez —an “attractive” guy who has a big buck tooth-- he was fantastic. Mindy masqueraded as a sexy catwoman, and Annie masqueraded as an elf. Dilnar wore her traditional clothes accompanied by her daughter, Dilnaz— who masqueraded as a cute little witch. Tomoyo’s daughters masqueraded as a cute rabbit and an elegant witch. Dee masqueraded as a rabbit mother, but her grandbaby, Rain, was a little “bear”. It was an interesting mask party, and the costumes were the biggest highlight of the party. Of course, the delicious food was an indispensable part of the party, too. The students took some food which they prepared themselves, and the teachers also prepared many kinds of food. And that was what I felt the most regret about, because I couldn’t eat these foods and couldn’t share Chinese food with my friends. Even though we didn’t eat the delicious food, we hadn’t forgotten how to make aJack-o’-lanterns. They were made of pumpkin. Firstly, we needed to empty the pumpkin. And then, we carved its eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, and possibly ears. Every Jack-o’- lantern had a different face, depending on your imagination. We had a really good time on Halloween Day. Thank you to our nice teachers and thank you for the best experience of this October. It would be a fantastic memory in our life. And I’m sorry I missed this good party. at Jane’s House by Zhming Li by Zhiming Li Page 8 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 9. This and That by Jeongjoo Seo At the beginning of the semester, the students of ESL have to think hard about choosing classes because they have no solid ideas about which class is useful for them. Some students need to get a good TOEFL score to enter a college, and other students, like me, don’t need a TOEFL score. I chose a class, This and That, for my Wednesday afternoon class. Ms. Dee is teaching us: Annie, Tomoyo, and me. None of us need a TOEFL score, so we wanted to learn about American culture. We asked our teacher if we could not study in a classroom, but have an outdoor class for real experience. Teacher Dee accepted our proposal, and she tries to find a good place for us every week. We went to several restaurants on our lunchtime. On October 20th, I invited my friend, Kim Thomas, and her daughter, Sarah Thomas. And I brought my daughter, Gina. Sarah and Gina are schoolmates. I could invite them because they were enjoying the fall break. Tomoyo brought her daughters, too. And Annie invited Lina. We had a big group. We went to a restaurant, Genghis Grille. I have already known what I should do for my lunch because Ms. Dee had brought my daughter and me there before. We enjoyed our lunch, and I could feel learning is very important. There is a proverb in Korea like this: Watching one time is better than listening one hundred times, and experiencing one time is better than watching one hundred times. Annie, Tomoyo, and I learned many things about seating, food, and how to order in a restaurant through this class. I deeply appreciate Ms. Dee to give us the working knowledge. Page 9 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● After Graduation by Majid Monif I like the concept of changing. I think each new experience can help me to live a better life. I can't imagine leaving my hometown forever, but I may stay gone for a long time Many things In my hometown make me want to stay in it. First, my family, especially my parents, because they will support and help me at any time . For instance, once I wanted to open a coffee shop. My father gave me very helpful advice about the location. Secondly, in business I know what people do and do not like. For example, I would know not to open a suit store because it's not usual to wear a suit in my home town. Lastly, I know the laws of my home town. I don't need to be careful about my life style. In regards to living away from my hometown, there are many benefits that I can gain. I'm going to focus on my job. Nothing will distract me such as my family. In business, I'll have unique ideas and also a different vision. I could open a restaurant for my traditional food because no one here serves it. I have more freedom than in my home town. I can be creative without caring about the community. If I do something wrong, the people will excuse me because I'm a foreigner. I have to be realistic on whether or not I would like to stay in my hometown after graduation. I think trying new experiences from a different place is very important to help me become more mature. When I think that I'm ready to make a family, my home town is my choice. At this moment, I'm not ready for the family so I'm enjoying the freedom of living away from home.
  • 10. Shanghai Expo 2010 Do you know about the Expo? The first World Exposition was in London in 1851, which marked the coming Industrial Revolution. Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai, the most prosperous international metropolis in China, from May 1–October 31, 2010. It was a good opportunity for China to show its achievements in the fields of social construction, science and technology, economy and culture. The Expo also provided exhibitors all over the world with a large-scale platform from which to communicate their successful experiences and accomplishments. The site of Expo 2010 is located between the Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge, in the waterfront area on both sides of the Huangpu River. It covers an area of about 5.28 square kilometers. The main constructions are : National Pavilion; Theme Pavilions; China Pavilions; Expo Center; Performance Center; Corporate Pavilions; Urban Best Practice Area; World Expo museum and Expo Axis. By the end of the Expo, over 73 million people had visited, a record attendance and 250 countries and international organizations had participated. On October 16, 2010, the expo set a single-day record of having over 1.03 million visitors enter the exhibition that day. This is the first Expo held by a developing country, and that it took place under the shadow of the international financial crisis. Jean Pierre Lafon, the President of the International Exhibitions Bureau, the organization that oversees the world expos, called he Shanghai Expo a complete success. He delighted the audience at the closing ceremony by making his comments in Chinese. Lafon says the Expo is also China's success. by Annie Huang by Annie Huang Page 10 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 11. Call me! Text me! Name E-Mail Address Number Julian Cardona 423-413-6295 Viviana Carvajal 404-421-9350 Gabriele Mesquita 423-760-0215 Q (Kyu Hwan) Kim 423-994-8141 Hesham Aldosari 202-615-2340 Rayan Basamih 731-335-0108 Laura Kang 423-903-0677 Kiran Park (Chloe) 678-231-1861 Abdulrahman Alghunaiman 202-701-8007 Lina Lin 917-535-5332 Karim Tebbache 423-355-1451 Charles Jeong 423-902-2460 Orsolya Sari (Orsy) 423-255-3652 Wei-Yu Lu 626-253-6980 Dilnar Kurban 423-582-1068 Abdulmajid Almonif 731-332-2408 Randy Peng 562-243-6818 Basil Alfouzan 423-987-2567 Marilena Crow 404-626-6605 Zhiming Li 423-653-1381 Paolo Monico 423-313-1701 Minkyung Park 423-309-0324 Yelena Slavik 423-208-2450 Abdulaziz Alrasheed 423-580-7110 Olga Correa 423-385-6294 Yinghua Huang 423-994-8167 You Keun Lee 423-994-8219 Changda Li 423-802-5210 Jeongjoo Seo 423-667-3750 Tomoyo Tanaka 423-883-4037 Page 11 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ●
  • 12. Page 12 ● Fall 2010 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● ESL Globe Staff Fall 2010 Aziz JJ Chang Anne Mindy Olga Zhiming David Caety is a sophomore at UTC. She is 20 years old. She is in the honors program, UHON, and has a student assistantship with the ESL Institute. She comes to ESL everyday but Friday. Q: What do you usually do in your free time? A: I like sports like swimming and soccer. I joined Race for the Cure one weekend this semester. I ran 5 kilometers. Q: Tell me your favorite place in Chattanooga. A: I like cycling and walking and running. My favorite place is the Walking Bridge. This is the blue bridge (the Walnut Street Bridge) downtown. Q: Have you ever been abroad? Tell me about it. A: I lived in Germany for 1 year to study German. After I graduated from high school in Tennessee, I went to a German high school. I lived with a host family. After 6 months, I switched to another host family. Q: What was hard about living in another country? A: It was hard being in a new culture and not knowing the language. Q: How did you recover from it? A: I made German friends in high school. My best friend was a grandmother of the host family. She taught me to read German. We cooked and crocheted together. I became comfortable with her. Q: Which countries do you want to visit in the future? A: I have a plan to live in Chile to study Spanish for 7 month this next June Q: Why do you choose Chile? A: I want to learn Spanish specifically in South America. Chile is safe and fun. Q: You are 20 years old now. What were some other important transitions in your life? A: Middle school (private) to high school (public) = small school to a big school. Also, when I left high school from Germany and came to UTC. Q: After you graduate from UTC, what would you like to do? A: I would like to go to graduate school to study Conflict Resolution or Peace Studies. About Caety by Tomoyo Carter Tanaka Thanks Thank you to everyone who helped the Fall 2010 ESL Globe come together. Thank you for the articles, charts and photographs. A special thanks goes to the student photographers who allowed us to use their photos: Hisham Chloe Mindy Orcy Abdulaziz Tomoyo Zhiming JJ Thanks to Jane for the background story about her friendship with Carolyn and the news of Maureen White. Thanks to Linda for the blurb about Maggie. Finally, thank you again to the ESL Globe Staff for their work on the newsletter. A special thanks goes to Abdulaziz for his highly valued technical assistance. Each of you deserves a gold star.