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Film through the ages
By Nayan Chatwani
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 1
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 2
1895-1919: The Birth of
Thomas Edison patented his invention of the Kinetoscope
in 1891 before showing it publicly.
A peep-show device featuring photographic images
included dancing girls, performing animals and men at
Printed on a flexible, semi-transparent celluloid base and
cut into strips.
Based on inventions attributed to the Hyatt brothers and
Hannibal Goodwin.
The Lumière Brothers
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 3
Auguste and Louis Lumière developed
the Cinématographe.
First public viewing was shown in the
world’s first movie theatre - Salon Indien
in Paris.
A 20-minute programme consisting of ten
films recorded with an immobile camera.
Fantasy and Reality
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 4
Conjurer, inventor and mechanic George
Realised the potential for trick photography to
create magical effects.
Developed narrative storylines, stop motion
photography and slow motion into his films.
George Méliès remained in his studio making
fantasy films.
A Trip to the Moon (1902) 20,000 Leagues
Under the Sea (1907)
The Birth of Hollywood Cinema
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 5
American film productions took place in New York
before moving to Hollywood.
D.W. Griffith was dubbed “the master storyteller of
film” who made The Birth of a Nation (1915).
The Great Train Robbery (1903): used fictional
storytelling, long-shots and a final close-up editing.
Creation of standard studio system and star
Worldwide stars such as “Little Mary” Pickford,
Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 6
1920-1929: Silence is Golden
Silent Film era saw the emergence of the studio
Luxurious ‘picture palaces’ seated about 2,000
people and ran 3-4 shows every day.
A wave of scandal broke out among the Hollywood
The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of
America (MPPDA) was formed to promote
acceptable behaviour.
Sin and Sophistication
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 7
“It Girl” Clara Bow and “Flapper” Joan
Crawford entered the Jazz Age.
D.W. Griffith’s melodramas marked the end
of the end of the era, whilst Cecil B. DeMille
made a series of risqué comedies.
European sophistication came into place with
German director Fritz Lang’s futuristic drama
Metropolis (1927).
Hollywood Studios bought artistic, talented
directors and stars from Europe.
The artistic movement called German
Expressionism was formed.
Genres and Stars
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 8
“Genres” were formed.
Westerns were a prototype of film studios like The
Iron Horse (1924).
American comedies reached worldwide fame due
to the comic geniuses of Charlie Chaplin and many
Typecasting was also recognized, in particular,
Rudolph Valentino was cast as the revered Latin
Action and Horror
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 9
Home-grown talent was also evident in
Lon Chaney Sr. known as “the man with a
Thousand Faces” for his make-up skills and
sensitive acting abilities in films such as
The Phantom of the Opera (1925).
Douglas Fairbanks Sr. known for
swashbuckler, fantasy and adventure films,
such as The Mark of Zorro (1920) and The
Thief of Bagdad (1924)
The Coming of Sound
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 10
Came about through the Vitaphone, a
revolutionary synchronized sound-on-disc
system developed by Warner Bros.
The commercially successful picture The Jazz
Singer (1927) featured the first dialogue on-
screen as well as lip-synch recordings of
Western Electric’s more flexible sound-on-film
recording process.
The coming of sound both in Hollywood and
across the world created bigger problems!
The Birth of RKO
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 11
The transition of sound led to the creation of
RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) Pictures in
A pylon transmitting radio signals on a globe.
Its films include first sound musical The
Broadway Melody (1929), monster movie
King Kong (1933) and the Fred Astaire-Ginger
Rogers musicals.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 12
1930-1939: The Cinema
comes of Age
Known as “The Golden Age of Hollywood”.
The decade of sound and Technicolour revolutionized the
advancement of ‘talkies’.
Further development of film genres such as gangster films,
screwball comedies, etc.
A new generation of film stars, including Fred Astaire and
Ginger Rogers, Spencer Tracy, and Clark Gable.
Film-going became a weekly ritual with most theatres during the
Great Depression.
Major Hollywood Studios
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 13
The American film industry was dominated by five
major corporate studios and two minor studios:
• Universal Pictures: known for horror monster
• Twentieth Century Fox: known for its musicals
and prestigious biopics.
• Warner Bros.: gritty gangster/musical films and
• MGM: glamourous, romantic films and having
more big-name movie stars.
• Paramount Studios: more European,
sophisticated comedies and musicals.
• Columbia Pictures: a succession of critical
acclaimed films from Frank Capra.
• Disney Studios: specialized in animation shorts.
Seal of Approval
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 14
Seal of Approval given to films before
distribution by Production Code
Administration (PCA).
Placed restrictions on profanity, nudity and
depictions of sex.
High quality family entertainment.
1939 was the golden year for Hollywood.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 15
1940-1949: The Cinema goes to
The outbreak of World War II in Europe ended the economic
depression of the 1930s and boosted film attendance.
Post-war years were troubled by labour union strikes at studios,
followed by restricted imports, and the notorious anti-Communist
Italian Neo-Realism featured gritty, realistic B&W films including
The Bicycle Thief (1948).
Hollywood’s War Effort
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 16
Hollywood made war-related films like Casablanca
Allied forces made propaganda films, via the Office
of War Information (OWI) for the Government
Other films were also pro-Axis.
Certain Hollywood stars enlisted in the military,
whilst others performed for the troops at bases.
The position of women during wartime was also
affected, like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford who
starred in powerful melodramas.
Shooting Stars
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 17
The biggest stars of this decade included
James Cagney, Clark Gable, Judy Garland,
Bette Davis, Gene Kelly, Spencer Tracy,
Katherine Hepburn, Gary Cooper, Humphrey
Bogart, Cary Grant, and Ingrid Bergman.
Male stars were in short supply.
A new breed of stars arose, including Betty
Grable and Rita Hayworth.
Challenging Authority
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 18
Howard Hughes’ The Outlaw (1943) was controversial.
There were certain drama films that dealt with the social
injustices and concerns, including Gentleman's
Agreement (1947) and The Lost Weekend (1945).
The House of Representatives’ Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC) began witch-hunt investigations
The “Hollywood Ten” were prosecuted for their
communist views.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 19
1950-1959: The
Cinema fights back
As the HUAC was rooting out undesirables, film moguls saw television
sets as the real enemy.
Studios needed creative ways to make money from television.
More hours of film for TV was produced than for feature films.
The best screenplays of the era were provided by the TV studio,
including 12 Angry Men (1957).
Hollywood’s War against Television
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 20
Hollywood studios developed a series of devices and
new tricks.
3-D entertainment was shown with viewers wearing
cheap cardboard, Polaroid spectacles.
The first 3-D Hollywood film was Bwana Devil (1952).
In 1952, Cinerama was introduced as a wrap-around
The first film to use this process was This is Cinerama.
CinemaScope was unveiled as a cheaper process to
create a widescreen effect.
Used firstly in The Robe (1953).
The Movies Mature
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 21
Introducing controversial and adult themes against
the Hay’s Production code.
Delved further into the risky topics that were
avoided in films such as The Moon is Blue (1954)
and Baby Doll (1956).
Liberal themes such as racial intolerance, juvenile
delinquency, drug addiction, and adultery were
also explored.
Hip New Stars
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 22
The age of youth culture
Marlon Brando projected an anti-authoritarian image,
whilst exhibiting a raw acting technique known as
“Method Acting” in The Wild One (1954).
James Dean was the embodiment of adolescent
rebellion, in particular Rebel Without a Cause (1955).
Despite the coming of these new stars, Hollywood still
boasted a number of glamourous stars, such as John
Wayne, Burt Lancaster, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly,
Rock Hudson, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and
many others.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 23
1960-1969: The New Wave
The decade of change.
Remained a turbulent decade of social tragedies yet
monumental advancements.
Due to financial difficulties, major film studios were
taken over by multi-national companies.
Death of the traditional Hollywood system.
The birth of the multiplex cinema.
The Movie-Going Habit
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 24
Million-dollar epic films like Spartacus (1960) and
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) were shown onscreen
due to its excessive advertising.
Cleopatra (1962) became a financial flop for 20th
Century Fox, costing $44 million. Fox managed to
regain a fortune with the hit musical The Sound of
Music (1965).
Hollywood resonated with a youthful audience with
adult tastes and looked for younger, more
experimental filmmakers.
Sex and Violence
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 25
Films started depicting more sexual and
violent topics to satisfy younger audiences.
Brutal violence was shown graphically in
Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and The Wild
Bunch (1969).
Sex comedy The Graduate (1967) centered
on youthful alienation and ‘coming of age’,
had a great appeal among college students.
Cult filmmaker Roger Corman’s two
counterculture films served as a precursor to
the motorcycle hit film Easy Rider (1969).
Bond and Spaghetti
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 26
Many studios took to increasing their filmmaking of
big-budget films outside the country, mostly in
The James Bond films became popular, beginning
with Dr No (1962) was made for less than $1
million and made $6 million.
Thunderball (1965) earned $26 million at the box-
Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western films were shot
in Italy before distributed in the US.
Clint Eastwood became a star with his iconic “Man
With no Name” character from The Good, The Bad
and the Ugly (1966).
French New Wave
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 27
Main change came about with making films was the
French New Wave.
Featured innovative filmmakers from Paris using
hand-held cameras, jump cuts, improvisation and
quotes from literature.
This was aimed at a younger, intellectual audience
with films such as Breathless (1960) and Jules Et Jim
Italian cinema also had its new wave with La Dolce
Vita (1960), 8½ (1963), and L'Avventura (1960).
Became assimilated into mainstream cinema and
transformed the clichés of filmmaking.
Director of 1960s: Alfred Hitchcock
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 28
Known as the “Master of Suspense”.
Pioneered many elements of suspense and
psychological thriller genres.
Signature elements involved camera movement to
mimic a person’s gaze, innovative editing techniques,
mistaken identity, and “icy blonde” female characters.
Famous films include Rear Window (1954), Vertigo
(1958), North by Northwest (1959), Psycho (1960),
and The Birds (1963).
The similar usage of his directorial style and themes
led to the term “Hitchcockian”.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 29
1970-1979: Independence Days
An estimated 15 million audiences visited cinemas each
week during this decade.
A highly, creative point in the US film industry.
The “Renaissance of Hollywood”
Produced some traditional film genres in terms of variety,
richness and intelligence.
Spawned two blockbuster pictures: Jaws (1975) and Star
Wars (1977).
Boosted cinema attendance and increased box-office
profits with more than $100 million in video rentals.
A new generation of filmmakers called the “Movie Brats”
ushered in the New Hollywood.
The Movie Brats
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 30
The “Movie Brats” included youthful, innovative
filmmakers including Francis Ford Coppola, Martin
Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and many others.
Imbued with a passion for classical Hollywood and
foreign cinema.
For example, George Lucas’s Star Wars was
inspired by The Hidden Fortress.
Spielberg’s films aimed primarily at teenagers,
whilst Woody Allen’s films were for mature
Annie Hall (1977) was a breakthrough hit for
focusing on sexual anxiety and urban
Angst and Machismo
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 31
Woody Allen represented Jewish angst,
and Martin Scorsese explored Italian-
American masculinity.
Al Pacino and Robert De Niro key stars of
the decade.
Marlon Brando, still had star power in The
Godfather (1972) and Apocalypse Now
The topic of the Vietnam War was a
sensitive topic for Hollywood as it alienated
most audiences.
The Vexing Issue of Vietnam
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 32
Hollywood made two films in 1978
about Vietnam:
The Deer Hunter and Coming Home
Revealed the horrific scars U.S.
soldiers felt.
The Watergate Scandal of 1974 brought
disillusionment and distrust among the
Reflected in such films as All the
President’s Men (1976) and The
Conversation (1974).
Violence and Sex on Screen
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 33
Violence was shown more in movies like
Dirty Harry (1971), Taxi Driver (1976) and
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974).
A Clockwork Orange (1971), showed rape
and ultraviolence with classical music; was
banned briefly in the UK.
Sex in mainstream films also expanded in
films like Last Tango in Paris (1972),
Emmanuelle (1974), and Pretty Baby
As a result, the MPDA incorporated a series
of revisions in the ratings systems for films.
Stallone and Travolta
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 34
The arrival of two Italian-American stars:
Sylvester Stallone and John Travolta.
Stallone’s archetypal rags-to-riches, boxing film
was Rocky (1976).
John Travolta made it big in the 1970s by
reinvigorating male dancing in Saturday Night
Fever (1977) and Grease (1978).
Director of 1970s: Martin Scorsese
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 35
Seen as the best representation of the Italian-
American identity, and the Italian mafia.
Signature elements include unglamorous
violence, macho posturing, and the gritty New
York location.
Famous films include Mean Streets (1973),
Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980),
Goodfellas (1990), Gangs of New York
(2002), and The Departed (2006).
Actors he has worked with include Robert De
Niro, Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel and Leonardo
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 36
1980-1989: The Blockbuster Years
The advent of VHS video players videocassette tapes
The studios control over TV advertising to sell high-
concept films.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), E.T.: The Extra
Terrestrial (1982), and Back to the Future (1985) were
big hits.
Blockbusters shown on public holiday weekends.
Countless slasher horror films (Friday the 13th) and teen
sex comedies (Porky’s) were the new staples.
The trend for youth films continued with the rise of the
“Brat Pack” as well as the rise of actors like Tom Cruise
and many others.
Birth of the Action Hero
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 37
Characterized by machismo, explosions,
oversized guns and spouting one-liners.
Included Sylvester Stallone, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson.
Most women in action films were only relegated
to supporting bit roles.
MTV produced action-packed, loud, flashy
action sequences.
Consisted of pop promos, with rapid-fire
backbeat montages.
Found its way into films such as Flashdance
(1983) and Top Gun (1986).
Director of 1980s: Steven Spielberg
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 38
Ranked as the greatest Hollywood filmmaker
of all time for sci-fi blockbuster movies before
making later serious films.
Themes in his films often featured a
childhood innocence and wonder,
dysfunctional parent-child relationships, and
Famous films include Jaws (1975), Raiders
of the Lost Ark (1981), E.T.: the Extra
Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993) and
Schindler’s List (1993).
Often works with Tom Hanks.
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 39
1990-present: Celluloid to Digital
A radical technological shift took place with the growth
of multiplexes and digital filmmaking.
Big-budget blockbusters with special effects like Titanic
Independent adult dramas reached wider audiences
both in cinema and on home video.
Disney animated films also regained popularity with
family audiences, starting with The Little Mermaid
(1989) and Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Digital Film-making
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 40
Saw the transition digital systems, with editing
moviolas replacing computers.
Toy Story (1995) was the first feature-length animated
film made entirely on computer.
Jurassic Park (1993) and Forrest Gump (1994)
integrated CGI into live action films.
Set the trend for epic films like Titanic (1997), The
Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Avatar (2009), which
earned billions of dollars.
Also used in The Blair Witch Project (1999), with
footage shot on camcorder and 16mm film.
Filmed on a low-budget and became a hit earning
$248 million worldwide via an Internet marketing
The Independents
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 41
The rise for independent cinema in the US.
The formation of specialty art-house distributors, such
as Miramax, Sony Pictures Classics and Fox World
The indie movement created non-mainstream films from
directors such as Richard Linklater, Kevin Smith, the
Coen brothers, and Quentin Tarantino.
The drug culture of the 1990s also played a big role in
these films.
African-American directors such as John Singleton and
Spike Lee also became popular in the 90s with films like
Boyz N the Hood (1991) and Jungle Fever (1991).
World Cinema
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 42
Some European and Asian film markets maintained
strong local industries.
Asian cinema saw the release of critically-acclaimed
foreign films such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Hollywood looked to Hong Kong thrillers and Japanese
horror films to remake them as their own. For example,
there was The Departed (2006) and The Ring (2002).
Other countries have produced successful films including
Mexico (Amores Perros/Pan’s Labyrinth), Brazil (City of
God), France (Amelie), and Italy (Life is Beautiful).
Digital Downloads
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 43
The Digital Age also saw the introduction of DVDs
Featured sharper resolution pictures, better quality and
durability than videotape, as well as interactive extras.
Today, the film industry has become faced with its next
greatest challenge: the Internet.
Digital downloads of feature films and streamed video-on
demand services including Amazon Prime and Netflix.
Yet today, Hollywood studios continue to survive.
Director of 1990s: Quentin Tarantino
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 44
Worked as a clerk in a video-rental store
Inspired by ultra-violent films, spaghetti
westerns and kung-fu epics.
His creative, filmmaking genius debuted in
Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994)
became a huge success.
Often uses nonlinear storylines, stylish
depiction of violence, and references to pop
Frequently casts Samuel L Jackson, Harvey
Keitel, Michael Madsen and Christoph Waltz.
Timeline of Hollywood eras
29 May 2018 Film through the ages 45
1890s-1910s: Earliest film cameras/projectors and birth of Hollywood
1920s: Height of silent cinema and coming of sound
1930s: Golden Age of Hollywood
1940s-1950s: Age of post-war Hollywood and youth culture
1960s-1970s: End of the Hollywood Studio system and the beginning of Independent
movement and New Hollywood
1980s: Advent of Blockbusters and franchises
1990s-present: Age of digital video, indie film movement and rise of foreign language

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Film through the ages

  • 1. Film through the ages By Nayan Chatwani 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 1
  • 2. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 2 1895-1919: The Birth of Cinema Thomas Edison patented his invention of the Kinetoscope in 1891 before showing it publicly. A peep-show device featuring photographic images included dancing girls, performing animals and men at work! Printed on a flexible, semi-transparent celluloid base and cut into strips. Based on inventions attributed to the Hyatt brothers and Hannibal Goodwin.
  • 3. The Lumière Brothers 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 3 Auguste and Louis Lumière developed the Cinématographe. First public viewing was shown in the world’s first movie theatre - Salon Indien in Paris. A 20-minute programme consisting of ten films recorded with an immobile camera.
  • 4. Fantasy and Reality 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 4 Conjurer, inventor and mechanic George Méliès. Realised the potential for trick photography to create magical effects. Developed narrative storylines, stop motion photography and slow motion into his films. George Méliès remained in his studio making fantasy films. A Trip to the Moon (1902) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1907)
  • 5. The Birth of Hollywood Cinema 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 5 American film productions took place in New York before moving to Hollywood. D.W. Griffith was dubbed “the master storyteller of film” who made The Birth of a Nation (1915). The Great Train Robbery (1903): used fictional storytelling, long-shots and a final close-up editing. Creation of standard studio system and star system. Worldwide stars such as “Little Mary” Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin.
  • 6. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 6 1920-1929: Silence is Golden Silent Film era saw the emergence of the studio system. Luxurious ‘picture palaces’ seated about 2,000 people and ran 3-4 shows every day. A wave of scandal broke out among the Hollywood community. The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) was formed to promote acceptable behaviour.
  • 7. Sin and Sophistication 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 7 “It Girl” Clara Bow and “Flapper” Joan Crawford entered the Jazz Age. D.W. Griffith’s melodramas marked the end of the end of the era, whilst Cecil B. DeMille made a series of risqué comedies. European sophistication came into place with German director Fritz Lang’s futuristic drama Metropolis (1927). Hollywood Studios bought artistic, talented directors and stars from Europe. The artistic movement called German Expressionism was formed.
  • 8. Genres and Stars 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 8 “Genres” were formed. Westerns were a prototype of film studios like The Iron Horse (1924). American comedies reached worldwide fame due to the comic geniuses of Charlie Chaplin and many others. Typecasting was also recognized, in particular, Rudolph Valentino was cast as the revered Latin lover.
  • 9. Action and Horror 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 9 Home-grown talent was also evident in Hollywood. Lon Chaney Sr. known as “the man with a Thousand Faces” for his make-up skills and sensitive acting abilities in films such as The Phantom of the Opera (1925). Douglas Fairbanks Sr. known for swashbuckler, fantasy and adventure films, such as The Mark of Zorro (1920) and The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
  • 10. The Coming of Sound 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 10 Came about through the Vitaphone, a revolutionary synchronized sound-on-disc system developed by Warner Bros. The commercially successful picture The Jazz Singer (1927) featured the first dialogue on- screen as well as lip-synch recordings of songs. Western Electric’s more flexible sound-on-film recording process. The coming of sound both in Hollywood and across the world created bigger problems!
  • 11. The Birth of RKO 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 11 The transition of sound led to the creation of RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) Pictures in 1928. A pylon transmitting radio signals on a globe. Its films include first sound musical The Broadway Melody (1929), monster movie King Kong (1933) and the Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers musicals.
  • 12. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 12 1930-1939: The Cinema comes of Age Known as “The Golden Age of Hollywood”. The decade of sound and Technicolour revolutionized the advancement of ‘talkies’. Further development of film genres such as gangster films, screwball comedies, etc. A new generation of film stars, including Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Spencer Tracy, and Clark Gable. Film-going became a weekly ritual with most theatres during the Great Depression.
  • 13. Major Hollywood Studios 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 13 The American film industry was dominated by five major corporate studios and two minor studios: • Universal Pictures: known for horror monster movies. • Twentieth Century Fox: known for its musicals and prestigious biopics. • Warner Bros.: gritty gangster/musical films and swashbucklers. • MGM: glamourous, romantic films and having more big-name movie stars. • Paramount Studios: more European, sophisticated comedies and musicals. • Columbia Pictures: a succession of critical acclaimed films from Frank Capra. • Disney Studios: specialized in animation shorts.
  • 14. Seal of Approval 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 14 Seal of Approval given to films before distribution by Production Code Administration (PCA). Placed restrictions on profanity, nudity and depictions of sex. High quality family entertainment. 1939 was the golden year for Hollywood.
  • 15. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 15 1940-1949: The Cinema goes to War The outbreak of World War II in Europe ended the economic depression of the 1930s and boosted film attendance. Post-war years were troubled by labour union strikes at studios, followed by restricted imports, and the notorious anti-Communist “witch-hunts”. Italian Neo-Realism featured gritty, realistic B&W films including The Bicycle Thief (1948).
  • 16. Hollywood’s War Effort 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 16 Hollywood made war-related films like Casablanca (1942). Allied forces made propaganda films, via the Office of War Information (OWI) for the Government Other films were also pro-Axis. Certain Hollywood stars enlisted in the military, whilst others performed for the troops at bases. The position of women during wartime was also affected, like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford who starred in powerful melodramas.
  • 17. Shooting Stars 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 17 The biggest stars of this decade included James Cagney, Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Bette Davis, Gene Kelly, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, and Ingrid Bergman. Male stars were in short supply. A new breed of stars arose, including Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.
  • 18. Challenging Authority 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 18 Howard Hughes’ The Outlaw (1943) was controversial. There were certain drama films that dealt with the social injustices and concerns, including Gentleman's Agreement (1947) and The Lost Weekend (1945). The House of Representatives’ Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began witch-hunt investigations The “Hollywood Ten” were prosecuted for their communist views.
  • 19. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 19 1950-1959: The Cinema fights back As the HUAC was rooting out undesirables, film moguls saw television sets as the real enemy. Studios needed creative ways to make money from television. More hours of film for TV was produced than for feature films. The best screenplays of the era were provided by the TV studio, including 12 Angry Men (1957).
  • 20. Hollywood’s War against Television 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 20 Hollywood studios developed a series of devices and new tricks. 3-D entertainment was shown with viewers wearing cheap cardboard, Polaroid spectacles. The first 3-D Hollywood film was Bwana Devil (1952). In 1952, Cinerama was introduced as a wrap-around format. The first film to use this process was This is Cinerama. CinemaScope was unveiled as a cheaper process to create a widescreen effect. Used firstly in The Robe (1953).
  • 21. The Movies Mature 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 21 Introducing controversial and adult themes against the Hay’s Production code. Delved further into the risky topics that were avoided in films such as The Moon is Blue (1954) and Baby Doll (1956). Liberal themes such as racial intolerance, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, and adultery were also explored.
  • 22. Hip New Stars 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 22 The age of youth culture Marlon Brando projected an anti-authoritarian image, whilst exhibiting a raw acting technique known as “Method Acting” in The Wild One (1954). James Dean was the embodiment of adolescent rebellion, in particular Rebel Without a Cause (1955). Despite the coming of these new stars, Hollywood still boasted a number of glamourous stars, such as John Wayne, Burt Lancaster, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly, Rock Hudson, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and many others.
  • 23. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 23 1960-1969: The New Wave The decade of change. Remained a turbulent decade of social tragedies yet monumental advancements. Due to financial difficulties, major film studios were taken over by multi-national companies. Death of the traditional Hollywood system. The birth of the multiplex cinema.
  • 24. The Movie-Going Habit 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 24 Million-dollar epic films like Spartacus (1960) and Lawrence of Arabia (1962) were shown onscreen due to its excessive advertising. Cleopatra (1962) became a financial flop for 20th Century Fox, costing $44 million. Fox managed to regain a fortune with the hit musical The Sound of Music (1965). Hollywood resonated with a youthful audience with adult tastes and looked for younger, more experimental filmmakers.
  • 25. Sex and Violence 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 25 Films started depicting more sexual and violent topics to satisfy younger audiences. Brutal violence was shown graphically in Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and The Wild Bunch (1969). Sex comedy The Graduate (1967) centered on youthful alienation and ‘coming of age’, had a great appeal among college students. Cult filmmaker Roger Corman’s two counterculture films served as a precursor to the motorcycle hit film Easy Rider (1969).
  • 26. Bond and Spaghetti 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 26 Many studios took to increasing their filmmaking of big-budget films outside the country, mostly in Britain. The James Bond films became popular, beginning with Dr No (1962) was made for less than $1 million and made $6 million. Thunderball (1965) earned $26 million at the box- office. Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western films were shot in Italy before distributed in the US. Clint Eastwood became a star with his iconic “Man With no Name” character from The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966).
  • 27. French New Wave 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 27 Main change came about with making films was the French New Wave. Featured innovative filmmakers from Paris using hand-held cameras, jump cuts, improvisation and quotes from literature. This was aimed at a younger, intellectual audience with films such as Breathless (1960) and Jules Et Jim (1962). Italian cinema also had its new wave with La Dolce Vita (1960), 8½ (1963), and L'Avventura (1960). Became assimilated into mainstream cinema and transformed the clichés of filmmaking.
  • 28. Director of 1960s: Alfred Hitchcock 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 28 Known as the “Master of Suspense”. Pioneered many elements of suspense and psychological thriller genres. Signature elements involved camera movement to mimic a person’s gaze, innovative editing techniques, mistaken identity, and “icy blonde” female characters. Famous films include Rear Window (1954), Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest (1959), Psycho (1960), and The Birds (1963). The similar usage of his directorial style and themes led to the term “Hitchcockian”.
  • 29. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 29 1970-1979: Independence Days An estimated 15 million audiences visited cinemas each week during this decade. A highly, creative point in the US film industry. The “Renaissance of Hollywood” Produced some traditional film genres in terms of variety, richness and intelligence. Spawned two blockbuster pictures: Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977). Boosted cinema attendance and increased box-office profits with more than $100 million in video rentals. A new generation of filmmakers called the “Movie Brats” ushered in the New Hollywood.
  • 30. The Movie Brats 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 30 The “Movie Brats” included youthful, innovative filmmakers including Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and many others. Imbued with a passion for classical Hollywood and foreign cinema. For example, George Lucas’s Star Wars was inspired by The Hidden Fortress. Spielberg’s films aimed primarily at teenagers, whilst Woody Allen’s films were for mature audiences. Annie Hall (1977) was a breakthrough hit for focusing on sexual anxiety and urban relationships.
  • 31. Angst and Machismo 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 31 Woody Allen represented Jewish angst, and Martin Scorsese explored Italian- American masculinity. Al Pacino and Robert De Niro key stars of the decade. Marlon Brando, still had star power in The Godfather (1972) and Apocalypse Now (1979). The topic of the Vietnam War was a sensitive topic for Hollywood as it alienated most audiences.
  • 32. The Vexing Issue of Vietnam 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 32 Hollywood made two films in 1978 about Vietnam: The Deer Hunter and Coming Home Revealed the horrific scars U.S. soldiers felt. The Watergate Scandal of 1974 brought disillusionment and distrust among the nation. Reflected in such films as All the President’s Men (1976) and The Conversation (1974).
  • 33. Violence and Sex on Screen 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 33 Violence was shown more in movies like Dirty Harry (1971), Taxi Driver (1976) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). A Clockwork Orange (1971), showed rape and ultraviolence with classical music; was banned briefly in the UK. Sex in mainstream films also expanded in films like Last Tango in Paris (1972), Emmanuelle (1974), and Pretty Baby (1978). As a result, the MPDA incorporated a series of revisions in the ratings systems for films.
  • 34. Stallone and Travolta 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 34 The arrival of two Italian-American stars: Sylvester Stallone and John Travolta. Stallone’s archetypal rags-to-riches, boxing film was Rocky (1976). John Travolta made it big in the 1970s by reinvigorating male dancing in Saturday Night Fever (1977) and Grease (1978).
  • 35. Director of 1970s: Martin Scorsese 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 35 Seen as the best representation of the Italian- American identity, and the Italian mafia. Signature elements include unglamorous violence, macho posturing, and the gritty New York location. Famous films include Mean Streets (1973), Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), Goodfellas (1990), Gangs of New York (2002), and The Departed (2006). Actors he has worked with include Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel and Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • 36. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 36 1980-1989: The Blockbuster Years The advent of VHS video players videocassette tapes The studios control over TV advertising to sell high- concept films. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial (1982), and Back to the Future (1985) were big hits. Blockbusters shown on public holiday weekends. Countless slasher horror films (Friday the 13th) and teen sex comedies (Porky’s) were the new staples. The trend for youth films continued with the rise of the “Brat Pack” as well as the rise of actors like Tom Cruise and many others.
  • 37. Birth of the Action Hero 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 37 Characterized by machismo, explosions, oversized guns and spouting one-liners. Included Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson. Most women in action films were only relegated to supporting bit roles. MTV produced action-packed, loud, flashy action sequences. Consisted of pop promos, with rapid-fire backbeat montages. Found its way into films such as Flashdance (1983) and Top Gun (1986).
  • 38. Director of 1980s: Steven Spielberg 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 38 Ranked as the greatest Hollywood filmmaker of all time for sci-fi blockbuster movies before making later serious films. Themes in his films often featured a childhood innocence and wonder, dysfunctional parent-child relationships, and coming-of-age. Famous films include Jaws (1975), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993) and Schindler’s List (1993). Often works with Tom Hanks.
  • 39. 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 39 1990-present: Celluloid to Digital A radical technological shift took place with the growth of multiplexes and digital filmmaking. Big-budget blockbusters with special effects like Titanic (1997). Independent adult dramas reached wider audiences both in cinema and on home video. Disney animated films also regained popularity with family audiences, starting with The Little Mermaid (1989) and Beauty and the Beast (1991).
  • 40. Digital Film-making 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 40 Saw the transition digital systems, with editing moviolas replacing computers. Toy Story (1995) was the first feature-length animated film made entirely on computer. Jurassic Park (1993) and Forrest Gump (1994) integrated CGI into live action films. Set the trend for epic films like Titanic (1997), The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Avatar (2009), which earned billions of dollars. Also used in The Blair Witch Project (1999), with footage shot on camcorder and 16mm film. Filmed on a low-budget and became a hit earning $248 million worldwide via an Internet marketing campaign.
  • 41. The Independents 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 41 The rise for independent cinema in the US. The formation of specialty art-house distributors, such as Miramax, Sony Pictures Classics and Fox World Cinema. The indie movement created non-mainstream films from directors such as Richard Linklater, Kevin Smith, the Coen brothers, and Quentin Tarantino. The drug culture of the 1990s also played a big role in these films. African-American directors such as John Singleton and Spike Lee also became popular in the 90s with films like Boyz N the Hood (1991) and Jungle Fever (1991).
  • 42. World Cinema 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 42 Some European and Asian film markets maintained strong local industries. Asian cinema saw the release of critically-acclaimed foreign films such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000). Hollywood looked to Hong Kong thrillers and Japanese horror films to remake them as their own. For example, there was The Departed (2006) and The Ring (2002). Other countries have produced successful films including Mexico (Amores Perros/Pan’s Labyrinth), Brazil (City of God), France (Amelie), and Italy (Life is Beautiful).
  • 43. Digital Downloads 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 43 The Digital Age also saw the introduction of DVDs Featured sharper resolution pictures, better quality and durability than videotape, as well as interactive extras. Today, the film industry has become faced with its next greatest challenge: the Internet. Digital downloads of feature films and streamed video-on demand services including Amazon Prime and Netflix. Yet today, Hollywood studios continue to survive.
  • 44. Director of 1990s: Quentin Tarantino 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 44 Worked as a clerk in a video-rental store Inspired by ultra-violent films, spaghetti westerns and kung-fu epics. His creative, filmmaking genius debuted in Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994) became a huge success. Often uses nonlinear storylines, stylish depiction of violence, and references to pop culture. Frequently casts Samuel L Jackson, Harvey Keitel, Michael Madsen and Christoph Waltz.
  • 45. Timeline of Hollywood eras 29 May 2018 Film through the ages 45 1890s-1910s: Earliest film cameras/projectors and birth of Hollywood 1920s: Height of silent cinema and coming of sound 1930s: Golden Age of Hollywood 1940s-1950s: Age of post-war Hollywood and youth culture 1960s-1970s: End of the Hollywood Studio system and the beginning of Independent movement and New Hollywood 1980s: Advent of Blockbusters and franchises 1990s-present: Age of digital video, indie film movement and rise of foreign language films