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Alyssa Simmons
Griffin Grunewald
Chelsea Schumann
Taylor Vasquez
Creative Brief
Key Fact or Basis for Opportunity
The FiLIP watch is the ONLY product of it’s kind. It is the only locating device that uses
the simplest parts of a cell phone and is designed specifically for the needs of kids and
parents. FiLIP has the advantage to advertise toward parents and families specifically,
unlike other GPS locating devices and cell phones.
Principal Competition
FiLIP’s number one competitor is just a typical cell phone. Due to the high price of the
FiLIP, many parents would rather just purchase a cell phone for their child. There are
other competitors such as the hereO, which is similar to the FiLIP because it is a
wearable watch. However, this watch is only a locator and has no calling or texting
features. Parents may like the hereO for much younger kids who are not old enough to
use the calling and texting the FiLIP has. There are also the options of the Tinitell,
Securus, eZoom, Amber Alert GPS and PocketFinder. The Tinitell is the most similar to the
FiLIP because it is a phone and locator but without a screen and no texting capabilities.
All other competitors are simply GPS devices only, which makes the FiLIP watch a stand
out competitor. All other competitors’ prices are in the same range as the FiLIP watch.
Target Consumer/Prospect Profile
Since FiLIP is a product designed for parents and their kids, that is exactly who our
target consumer is. The parents we are targeting are focused on their lives with their
kids and are constantly concerned about their kids’ whereabouts. These parents and
families are constantly shuffling kids around or trying to keep up with their busy work
schedule. Our Target Consumer is dedicated to the safety of their kids and wants to
use a product that is specifically created for the needs they have. The Single
Moms/Dads are important prospects because many have to divide the child’s time
between two homes. The FiLIP would greatly benefit these Single Moms/Dads lives by
allowing them to have communication and location of their child even while they are
with another parental unit. The Stay at Home Parent will be a slightly more difficult
target because they typically always know the location of their child. However,
play-­dates and field trips occur and once their child starts school it would be of great
satisfaction for the Stay at Home Parent to be able to locate their child. The Workers
are the families with two very busy, working parents. The FiLIP Watch has the main
benefit to these families, which is constant communication. Constant communication
is something these parents might not normally have time for in their busy schedule. But
with the FiLIP, they can communicate with their child through quick and short text
messages throughout the day.
Consumer Benefit
The FiLIP Watch instills a feeling of safety and contentment in the prospect. After
purchasing a FiLIP, the prospect has the power to “Tame Your Tiny Monster” by having
constant communication with their tyke. Not only does the FiLIP allow the prospect to
keep up with their child, it allows them to see the location of the child at all times using
GPS, GSM and WiFi. The number one consumer benefit is the sense of safety it brings to
loving parents.
Advertising Problem or Consumer Barrier
The key advertising problem with the FiLIP watch is due to the high price. Many of our
target consumers would rather just purchase a cell phone for their child. However, the
Key Fact comes in and works in our favor because many parents want to give their
child something simple, uncomplicated and designed for kids. Parents also want the
Consumer Benefit feeling of security in their safety. Cell phones have the great
constant communication but many lack great locating unlike the FiLIP, which uses
three different triangulations to locate your child.
Advertising/Creative Objective Statement
Our advertising will show parents a kid friendly communication and locating device
that provides a sense of security in their child’s safety compared to a cell phone or GPS
device that only has one of the many benefits FiLIP has to offer.
Support Statement
Our objective is supported by the GPS, GSM and WiFi locating capabilities paired with
the simplicity of short messages and quick phone calls. These provide the best sense of
safety for a parent and child.
Tone or Character
As a product designed for kids, the FiLIP advertising will have a goofy yet serious tone.
The side view of the FiLIP watch resembles a smiling face with two goofy different sized
and colored eyes. We want to use this face to go along with the “Tame Your Tiny
Monster” slogan and create it as a character that kids and parents will recognize. We
want to create advertisements that portray the many scary and embarrassing things
that can happen when your Tiny Monster gets loose, explaining why you should “tame
yours” using the FiLIP watch. This tone and character will bring a sense of humor to the
seriousness of the safety of your children.
Mandatories/Slogan: Track Your Tiny Monster
Magazine Ads
Parents Magazine
Our FiLIP Technology advertising print campaign will be primarily shared in
Parents magazine, a magazine that helps moms and dads understand issues and
challenges that are important when raising their children. According to the magazine’s
media kit for 2013, Parents reached 13.9 million adults, 11.9 million of them being
women. Of this audience 78 percent have two or more children in their household, the
average age being seven years old. The median home income is $184,476, 61 percent
have attended or graduated college and are employed. 2,052,503 people have paid
and verified subscriptions to Parents magazine.
The target market includes parents between the ages of 25-­49, which have
a middle-­class income; college educated and has an average of two children. Parents
magazine targets an audience that reaches out to two-­parent and single-­parent
families and provides a way to modernize their parenting style. Parents magazine
easily reaches our target market in the largest way possible. It has similar values the
FiLIP brand has and is a perfect fit for FiLIP.
Headline: #MonsterWatch
Subhead: Monsters are still out there!
Body Copy: Know yours is safe with help from FiLIP Technology.
Visit for more information. FiLIP uses GPS, GSM and WiFi to
ensure the safety of your child.
Product Name: FiLIP Watch
Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster
Monster Map AdVisual Description:
The blending together of a modern day road map with the FiLIP Smart Locator icon
and an old fashioned “monster map” from fables and fary tales.
Headline: #MonsterWatch
Subhead: Can you find your tiny monster?
Body Copy: FiLIP Technology can. Our Smart Locator and short messaging
make it faster than ever. Visit for more information.
Product Name: FiLIP Watch
Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster
FILIP Technology can. Our Smart Locator
and short messaging make it faster than ever.
Locator AdVisual Description:
A “sea of monsters” or children dressed as monsters in a green grassy park. There
is a locator icon over one child, mimicking the Smart Locator on the FiLIP Watch.
Ripped Page AdVisual Description:
A large, four clawed rip in the ad opening up to see a park scene with a kid’s
playground underneath.
Headline: #MonsterWatch
Subhead: Let your kids tear up the town!
Body Copy: FiLIP Technology lets your little monster roam free with the safety of
FiLIP’s Smart Locator and Voice Calling. Visit for more information.
Product Name: FiLIP Watch
Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster
FiLIP Technology lets your little monster roam free
with the safety of FiLIP’s Smart Locator and Voice Calling.
Radio AdsTitle: Hide and SeeK, Time: 60 seconds, Date: Sept. 2014 -­ Dec. 2014
We have chosen to broadcast this Situational ad on KJ103 for the Oklahoma
area. We feel this station will reach our target market age group best.
SFX: Door opening and closing.
SFX: Feet shuffling in grass.
SFX: Phone Swipe… Phone calling Tone.
SFX: Faded FiLIP Ringtone...Footsteps on
leaves grows louder.
SFX: FiLIP Ringtone getting louder…Child
SFX: Mother prying open the bush.
SFX: Mother and Child Laughing.
Child, giggling:
END: 60
…8…9…10. Ready or not here I come, Kevin!
(6 Seconds)
Kids are masters of hide and seek… (4 Seconds)
(3 Seconds)
Kevin, you know you aren’t supposed to hide
outside! Where are you, silly? (3 Seconds)
(2 Seconds)
I don’t know what I’d do if he didn’t have his
FiLIP Smart Watch on. Without the built-­in locator,
he could hide anywhere! I’m going to call him…
(8 Seconds)
(3 Seconds)
I’m going to find you, Kevin! (2 Seconds)
(3 Seconds)
Now where could he be? (3 Seconds)
(2 Seconds)
Keeeeeeevin… (2 Seconds)
(1 Second)
RAAAAAWR!! (2 Seconds)
Oh! Kevin you scared me! (2 Seconds)
(1 Second)
There are countless hiding places in the world for
your tiny monster. FiLIP Technology can help
keep yours safe. Track your tiny monster with
FiLIP. Visit or your local AT&T Store.
(10 Seconds)
Now it’s your turn, mommy! (3 Seconds
Radio AdsTitle: Monsters Running Loose, Time: 60 seconds, Dates: Oct. 2014 -­ Jan. 2015
For this Pitch ad we have chosen to broadcast it on 88.5 FM KZTH The House FM in the
Oklahoma City area that we believe a majority of our audience will be listening in to.
SFX: Monster footsteps.
Mother (announcer):
SFX:Monster footsteps growing closer.
Mother (announcer):
SFX: Louder footsteps, things breaking and
monster laughing.
Mother (announcer):
SFX: Distant monster voice calling for “mom.”
Mother (announcer):
Footsteps still growing louder.
Monster/child (faded into background)
Mother (announcer):
SFX: More monster footsteps, front door
opening and closing.
Mother (announcer):
END: 60
(3 Seconds)
Everyone loves their kids, but sometimes they
can be little monsters! (5 Seconds)
(3 Seconds)
In their minds they are having an adventure.
But to us moms, they’re running loose and
making trouble. (5 Seconds)
(4 Seconds)
Even if I can tame my tiny monster, who
knows what would happen if he ever got
loose. I need a way to track him. (5 Seconds)
(2 Seconds)
With FiLIP Technology’s Smart Locator, now I
can know exactly where my tiny monster is,
wherever he decides to roam. (6 Seconds)
(2 Seconds)
Mom, I’m going to Timmy’s house! (4 Sec-­
The app makes it easy to know my tiny mon-­
ster is safe with easy-­to-­use communication
options like messaging and quick calling.
Since the child-­friendly technology is a wrist-­
watch, it helps me be sure he’ll never lose it.
(10 Seconds)
(4 Seconds)
It feels good to be a tech-­savvy mom! Track
your tiny monster with FiLIP. Visit
or your local AT&T store for more information.
(7 Seconds)
Television AdTitle: Monster Park, Time: 30 seconds, Airdate: 11/15/2014
[1] CU/SM – GRASSY PARK -­ Child’s feet in
monster costume stomping.
[2] KS/SM/LA – Child in monster costume raises
arms while stomping around, roaring.
in monster costume walking
[4] FS – SIDE VIEW – woman running through
park in supposed fear.
woman unlock phone, pause music and open
FiLIP app. Shows FiLIP app features (GPS, etc.)
Presses buttons. Raises phone
to ear.
[6] FS/SM – kid dramatically posing on a rock,
roaring and pounding chest until watch sounds
[7] ECU – colorful FiLIP watch on furry monster
arm with the words MOM CALLING on display
screen, kid hand in monster glove presses
button to answer
[8] FS – same shot as scene 8, less dramatic –
child who was once in monster costume is
now revealed in normal clothes on a park
playground with other kids
[9] LS – Child and mother ordering and
enjoying ice cream in a small shop.
END: 30
sirens, yelling, etc.)
as it turns out, the mom was listening to)
[7] WOMAN (MOTHER): Hey honey, I’m
done running. Want to go get ice cream?
[8] CHILD: OK mom!
gives him the freedom to let his inner mon-­
ster out and gives me the time I need to
escape. Only for a little while.
[9] Whether it’s running for pleasure or
running for my life, the GPS locator and
phone-­to-­watch calling lets me track my
tiny monster again.
Child’s feet in monster costume
SFX: Dramatic footsteps,
panicking city sounds.
(2) KS/SM/DU -­
SFX: Roaring and continued
stomping and city panic (car
horns, sirens, etc.)
“There is a monster
terrorizing central park. All citizens
are instruct...” FADE OUT.
(4) FS -­ SIDE VIEW of woman.
SFX: Heavy breathing and
running sounds in park.
Woman using FiLIP features in app.
SFX: Phone clicking noises, ambient
background noise, in-­phone ringing
(6) FS/SM -­ Child dramatically
posing on a rock and pounding
chest until watch rings.
SFX: Dramatic monster roar, city
panic sounds, FiLIP Watch ringing
(7) ECU -­ Colorful FiLIP Watch on
furry monster arm with “MOM
CALLING” on display.
Mom asks child to go get ice
(8) FS -­ Flashback to scene 8, less
dramatic, child in normal clothes
in the park.
SFX: Upbeat ambient music, child
agrees to ice cream.
(9) LS/SM -­
Child running to mother. Mother
voice-­over, “FiLIP Technology...”
(10) LS -­ Child and mother ordering
ice cream. Website and
#MonsterWatch fade in.
Mother voice-­over, “Whether
it’s running...”
(11) CU -­ Watch and logo then
fades out.
SFX: Upbeat ambiet music fades.
Outdoor Ads
We chose to create eight billboards. Four of these are
Monster themed and four are simple product advertisments.
Monster Billboards
Our Monster billboards show a child dressed up in a monster costume and
doing all kinds of funny things like creating racks, painting #MonsterWatch
and even sitting on top of the billboard! These ads are eyecatching using
the bright signature FiLIP colors and then the little monster also creates a
fun billboard to look at while driving by.
Product Billboards
Our billboards that advertise the product itself use the same recognizable
colors as the Monster ads. The copy in these billboards is written to show
the parents how much the FiLIP watch can be of use to them and be a
helpful in their lives.
Wherever they go...
Lose Something?
Not every monster’s
tracks are this obvious.
THE watch they want.
safety they need.
Freedom they want.
Security you need.
They won’t lose this
phone... Just watch.
Let FiLIP give
you a hand.
HULU AdWe have chosen to show our HULU ad on the show
Modern Family due to the huge popularity amongst
families including the children.
[1] ES: Tropical island on the horizon, wide
ocean surrounding. Birds fly away from trees
as leaves shake. (:03)
[2]MS/SM: Giant monster (kid in monster
costume) roams through island trees. Other
kid-­monsters are seen in background romp-­
ing around. (:02)
[3] H&S/TS: Main giant kid-­monster is head-­
ing toward beach/ocean of island, camera
shakes with dramatic footsteps, kid splashes
in water.(:02)
[4] MS: Cut to a mother-­figure in a house,
preparing dinner. (:01)
[5]CU/OVER-­SHOULDER: Mother-­figure
touches a few buttons on the FiLIP app
after seeing a notification reading “Kevin is
reaching the edge of the safety zone” and
puts phone to ear. (:04)
[6] FS: Monster-­kid on beach cuts into same
child without monster costume in a park.
Answers FiLIP watch. (:08)
[7] LS: Kid waves to friends and starts trotting
home. (:02)
[8]FS/IN-­HOUSE SHOT: Kid door and greets
mother with a hug. Kevin and mom walk in
to kitchen and begin to help with dinner in
background (FiLIP logo, #MonsterWatch
and website fades in). (:08)
[1] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music.
SFX: Monster roaring in distance.
[2] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music.
SFX: kids laughing, playing, squealing.
[3] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music.
SFX: Splashing sounds, dramatic footsteps,
happy monster “roar.”
[4] MUSIC: Brassy music cuts.
SFX: Mother-­figure’s phone chimes.
[5] SFX: FiLIP app alert sounds, button clicking.
[6] SFX: FiLIP watch ringing.
Kevin: “Hi mom!”
Mom: “Kevin you left your safe zone! Just
come on home, dinner’s almost ready!”
Kevin: “Sorry mom, what’s for dinner?”
Mom: “It’s your favorite, I’ll see you soon!”
[7] MUSIC: (fades in) Cheery, whimsical tones
begin playing.
[8] MUSIC: Cheery, whimsical tones.
Mom Voice-­Over: “FiLIP Technology makes
tracking your tiny monster easier and gives
them the freedom to play. Visit
for more information.”
Banner Ad
Our banner visuals show a child (monster) with the kid
locator like the one parents see on the FiLIP app, hovering over
his head. He is playing in a park with friends and he keeps
moving around the screen. Once the user clicks on the little
blue monster the banner changes to show the slogan, hashtag
and FiLIP website for them to go to and learn more about FiLIP.
Game/App Ad
We have created a mobile app with two fun,
unique games to play. There is also an option
on the homescreen that will take the users to
the FiLIP website to purchase the FiLIP watch.
The first game is simple. A fun way for users to
turn themselves into the FiLIP monster with
different colors, choose which color watch
they want to wear and then post to social
media. This is fun for kids and adults alike.
watch color
Game/App Ad
This next game included in the app is called Mon-­
ster City. In Monster City parents and kids play a
game where they hop across the city skyline,
collecting FiLIP watches on ledges above. Each
different color watch has it’s own “power up” to
make you speed up, slow down and jump higher!
They have to tap the screen and keep constantly
jumping to collect as many watches as possible to
reach a high score!

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  • 2. Creative Brief Key Fact or Basis for Opportunity The FiLIP watch is the ONLY product of it’s kind. It is the only locating device that uses the simplest parts of a cell phone and is designed specifically for the needs of kids and parents. FiLIP has the advantage to advertise toward parents and families specifically, unlike other GPS locating devices and cell phones. Principal Competition FiLIP’s number one competitor is just a typical cell phone. Due to the high price of the FiLIP, many parents would rather just purchase a cell phone for their child. There are other competitors such as the hereO, which is similar to the FiLIP because it is a wearable watch. However, this watch is only a locator and has no calling or texting features. Parents may like the hereO for much younger kids who are not old enough to use the calling and texting the FiLIP has. There are also the options of the Tinitell, Securus, eZoom, Amber Alert GPS and PocketFinder. The Tinitell is the most similar to the FiLIP because it is a phone and locator but without a screen and no texting capabilities. All other competitors are simply GPS devices only, which makes the FiLIP watch a stand out competitor. All other competitors’ prices are in the same range as the FiLIP watch. Target Consumer/Prospect Profile Since FiLIP is a product designed for parents and their kids, that is exactly who our target consumer is. The parents we are targeting are focused on their lives with their kids and are constantly concerned about their kids’ whereabouts. These parents and families are constantly shuffling kids around or trying to keep up with their busy work schedule. Our Target Consumer is dedicated to the safety of their kids and wants to use a product that is specifically created for the needs they have. The Single Moms/Dads are important prospects because many have to divide the child’s time between two homes. The FiLIP would greatly benefit these Single Moms/Dads lives by allowing them to have communication and location of their child even while they are with another parental unit. The Stay at Home Parent will be a slightly more difficult target because they typically always know the location of their child. However, play-­dates and field trips occur and once their child starts school it would be of great satisfaction for the Stay at Home Parent to be able to locate their child. The Workers are the families with two very busy, working parents. The FiLIP Watch has the main benefit to these families, which is constant communication. Constant communication is something these parents might not normally have time for in their busy schedule. But with the FiLIP, they can communicate with their child through quick and short text messages throughout the day.
  • 3. Consumer Benefit The FiLIP Watch instills a feeling of safety and contentment in the prospect. After purchasing a FiLIP, the prospect has the power to “Tame Your Tiny Monster” by having constant communication with their tyke. Not only does the FiLIP allow the prospect to keep up with their child, it allows them to see the location of the child at all times using GPS, GSM and WiFi. The number one consumer benefit is the sense of safety it brings to loving parents. Advertising Problem or Consumer Barrier The key advertising problem with the FiLIP watch is due to the high price. Many of our target consumers would rather just purchase a cell phone for their child. However, the Key Fact comes in and works in our favor because many parents want to give their child something simple, uncomplicated and designed for kids. Parents also want the Consumer Benefit feeling of security in their safety. Cell phones have the great constant communication but many lack great locating unlike the FiLIP, which uses three different triangulations to locate your child. Advertising/Creative Objective Statement Our advertising will show parents a kid friendly communication and locating device that provides a sense of security in their child’s safety compared to a cell phone or GPS device that only has one of the many benefits FiLIP has to offer. Support Statement Our objective is supported by the GPS, GSM and WiFi locating capabilities paired with the simplicity of short messages and quick phone calls. These provide the best sense of safety for a parent and child. Tone or Character As a product designed for kids, the FiLIP advertising will have a goofy yet serious tone. The side view of the FiLIP watch resembles a smiling face with two goofy different sized and colored eyes. We want to use this face to go along with the “Tame Your Tiny Monster” slogan and create it as a character that kids and parents will recognize. We want to create advertisements that portray the many scary and embarrassing things that can happen when your Tiny Monster gets loose, explaining why you should “tame yours” using the FiLIP watch. This tone and character will bring a sense of humor to the seriousness of the safety of your children. Mandatories/Slogan: Track Your Tiny Monster
  • 4. Magazine Ads Parents Magazine Our FiLIP Technology advertising print campaign will be primarily shared in Parents magazine, a magazine that helps moms and dads understand issues and challenges that are important when raising their children. According to the magazine’s media kit for 2013, Parents reached 13.9 million adults, 11.9 million of them being women. Of this audience 78 percent have two or more children in their household, the average age being seven years old. The median home income is $184,476, 61 percent have attended or graduated college and are employed. 2,052,503 people have paid and verified subscriptions to Parents magazine. The target market includes parents between the ages of 25-­49, which have a middle-­class income; college educated and has an average of two children. Parents magazine targets an audience that reaches out to two-­parent and single-­parent families and provides a way to modernize their parenting style. Parents magazine easily reaches our target market in the largest way possible. It has similar values the FiLIP brand has and is a perfect fit for FiLIP.
  • 5. Headline: #MonsterWatch Subhead: Monsters are still out there! Body Copy: Know yours is safe with help from FiLIP Technology. Visit for more information. FiLIP uses GPS, GSM and WiFi to ensure the safety of your child. Product Name: FiLIP Watch Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster Monster Map AdVisual Description: The blending together of a modern day road map with the FiLIP Smart Locator icon and an old fashioned “monster map” from fables and fary tales.
  • 6. Headline: #MonsterWatch Subhead: Can you find your tiny monster? Body Copy: FiLIP Technology can. Our Smart Locator and short messaging make it faster than ever. Visit for more information. Product Name: FiLIP Watch Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster CAN YOU FIND YOUR TINY MONSTER? FILIP Technology can. Our Smart Locator and short messaging make it faster than ever. Locator AdVisual Description: A “sea of monsters” or children dressed as monsters in a green grassy park. There is a locator icon over one child, mimicking the Smart Locator on the FiLIP Watch.
  • 7. Ripped Page AdVisual Description: A large, four clawed rip in the ad opening up to see a park scene with a kid’s playground underneath. Headline: #MonsterWatch Subhead: Let your kids tear up the town! Body Copy: FiLIP Technology lets your little monster roam free with the safety of FiLIP’s Smart Locator and Voice Calling. Visit for more information. Product Name: FiLIP Watch Tagline: Track Your Tiny Monster LET YOUR KIDS TEAR UP THE TOWN! FiLIP Technology lets your little monster roam free with the safety of FiLIP’s Smart Locator and Voice Calling.
  • 8. Radio AdsTitle: Hide and SeeK, Time: 60 seconds, Date: Sept. 2014 -­ Dec. 2014 We have chosen to broadcast this Situational ad on KJ103 for the Oklahoma area. We feel this station will reach our target market age group best. Mother: Announcer: SFX: Door opening and closing. Mother: SFX: Feet shuffling in grass. Mother: SFX: Phone Swipe… Phone calling Tone. Mother: SFX: Faded FiLIP Ringtone...Footsteps on leaves grows louder. Mother: SFX: FiLIP Ringtone getting louder…Child giggles. Mother: SFX: Mother prying open the bush. Child: Mother: SFX: Mother and Child Laughing. Announcer: Child, giggling: END: 60 …8…9…10. Ready or not here I come, Kevin! (6 Seconds) Kids are masters of hide and seek… (4 Seconds) (3 Seconds) Kevin, you know you aren’t supposed to hide outside! Where are you, silly? (3 Seconds) (2 Seconds) I don’t know what I’d do if he didn’t have his FiLIP Smart Watch on. Without the built-­in locator, he could hide anywhere! I’m going to call him… (8 Seconds) (3 Seconds) I’m going to find you, Kevin! (2 Seconds) (3 Seconds) Now where could he be? (3 Seconds) (2 Seconds) Keeeeeeevin… (2 Seconds) (1 Second) RAAAAAWR!! (2 Seconds) Oh! Kevin you scared me! (2 Seconds) (1 Second) There are countless hiding places in the world for your tiny monster. FiLIP Technology can help keep yours safe. Track your tiny monster with FiLIP. Visit or your local AT&T Store. (10 Seconds) Now it’s your turn, mommy! (3 Seconds ###
  • 9. Radio AdsTitle: Monsters Running Loose, Time: 60 seconds, Dates: Oct. 2014 -­ Jan. 2015 For this Pitch ad we have chosen to broadcast it on 88.5 FM KZTH The House FM in the Oklahoma City area that we believe a majority of our audience will be listening in to. SFX: Monster footsteps. Mother (announcer): SFX:Monster footsteps growing closer. Mother (announcer): SFX: Louder footsteps, things breaking and monster laughing. Mother (announcer): SFX: Distant monster voice calling for “mom.” Mother (announcer): Footsteps still growing louder. Monster/child (faded into background) Mother (announcer): SFX: More monster footsteps, front door opening and closing. Mother (announcer): END: 60 (3 Seconds) Everyone loves their kids, but sometimes they can be little monsters! (5 Seconds) (3 Seconds) In their minds they are having an adventure. But to us moms, they’re running loose and making trouble. (5 Seconds) (4 Seconds) Even if I can tame my tiny monster, who knows what would happen if he ever got loose. I need a way to track him. (5 Seconds) (2 Seconds) With FiLIP Technology’s Smart Locator, now I can know exactly where my tiny monster is, wherever he decides to roam. (6 Seconds) (2 Seconds) Mom, I’m going to Timmy’s house! (4 Sec-­ onds) The app makes it easy to know my tiny mon-­ ster is safe with easy-­to-­use communication options like messaging and quick calling. Since the child-­friendly technology is a wrist-­ watch, it helps me be sure he’ll never lose it. (10 Seconds) (4 Seconds) It feels good to be a tech-­savvy mom! Track your tiny monster with FiLIP. Visit or your local AT&T store for more information. (7 Seconds) ###
  • 10. Television AdTitle: Monster Park, Time: 30 seconds, Airdate: 11/15/2014 [1] CU/SM – GRASSY PARK -­ Child’s feet in monster costume stomping. [2] KS/SM/LA – Child in monster costume raises arms while stomping around, roaring. [3] FS – FROM DIAGONAL ANGLE REAR – child in monster costume walking [4] FS – SIDE VIEW – woman running through park in supposed fear. [5] ECU OVER WOMANS SHOULDER – see woman unlock phone, pause music and open FiLIP app. Shows FiLIP app features (GPS, etc.) Presses buttons. Raises phone to ear. [6] FS/SM – kid dramatically posing on a rock, roaring and pounding chest until watch sounds [7] ECU – colorful FiLIP watch on furry monster arm with the words MOM CALLING on display screen, kid hand in monster glove presses button to answer [8] FS – same shot as scene 8, less dramatic – child who was once in monster costume is now revealed in normal clothes on a park playground with other kids [9] LS – Child and mother ordering and enjoying ice cream in a small shop. WEBSITE FADE IN WITH #MONSTERWATCH [10] FADE TO BLACK, FiLIP WATCH IN CENTER – LOGO UNDERNEATH END: 30 [1] SFX: DRAMATIC FOOTSTEP SOUND, SOUND OF A CITY-­WIDE PANIC IN BACK-­ GROUND, DRAMATIC MONSTER MUSIC [2] SFX: DRAMATIC ROARING, CONTINUED STOMPING AND CITY PANIC (car horns, sirens, yelling, etc.) [3] PANICKED NEWS REPORTER: “THERE IS A MONSTER TERRORIZING CENTRAL PARK. ALL CITIZENS ARE INSTRUC…” FADE OUT, WITH DRAMATIC MUSIC FADING [4] SFX: HEAVY BREATHING AND RUNNING SOUNDS IN A PEACEFUL-­SOUNDING PARK [5] SFX: DRAMATIC MONSTER MUSIC (that, as it turns out, the mom was listening to) STARTS AGAIN AND ENDS. PHONE CLICKING SOUND, AMBIENT BACKGROUND NOISES, IN-­PHONE RINGING SOUNDS [6] SFX: MORE CITY PANIC SOUND, DRAMAT-­ IC MONSTER ROAR, FiLIP WATCH [7] WOMAN (MOTHER): Hey honey, I’m done running. Want to go get ice cream? [8] CHILD: OK mom! UPBEAT MUSIC BEGINS IN BACKGROUND MOTHER VOICE-­OVER: FiLIP Technology gives him the freedom to let his inner mon-­ ster out and gives me the time I need to escape. Only for a little while. [9] Whether it’s running for pleasure or running for my life, the GPS locator and phone-­to-­watch calling lets me track my tiny monster again. [10] SFX: UPBEAT MUSIC FADE OUT ### VIDEO AUDIO
  • 11. (1) CU/SM -­ GRASSY PARK -­ Child’s feet in monster costume stomping. SFX: Dramatic footsteps, panicking city sounds. (2) KS/SM/DU -­ SFX: Roaring and continued stomping and city panic (car horns, sirens, etc.) (3) FS -­ FROM DIAGONAL REAR ANGLE -­ “There is a monster terrorizing central park. All citizens are instruct...” FADE OUT. (4) FS -­ SIDE VIEW of woman. SFX: Heavy breathing and running sounds in park.
  • 12. (5) ECU OVER WOMAN’S SHOULDER Woman using FiLIP features in app. SFX: Phone clicking noises, ambient background noise, in-­phone ringing sounds. (6) FS/SM -­ Child dramatically posing on a rock and pounding chest until watch rings. SFX: Dramatic monster roar, city panic sounds, FiLIP Watch ringing sounds. (7) ECU -­ Colorful FiLIP Watch on furry monster arm with “MOM CALLING” on display. Mom asks child to go get ice cream. (8) FS -­ Flashback to scene 8, less dramatic, child in normal clothes in the park. SFX: Upbeat ambient music, child agrees to ice cream.
  • 13. (9) LS/SM -­ Child running to mother. Mother voice-­over, “FiLIP Technology...” (10) LS -­ Child and mother ordering ice cream. Website and #MonsterWatch fade in. Mother voice-­over, “Whether it’s running...” (11) CU -­ Watch and logo then fades out. SFX: Upbeat ambiet music fades.
  • 14. Outdoor Ads We chose to create eight billboards. Four of these are Monster themed and four are simple product advertisments. Monster Billboards Our Monster billboards show a child dressed up in a monster costume and doing all kinds of funny things like creating racks, painting #MonsterWatch and even sitting on top of the billboard! These ads are eyecatching using the bright signature FiLIP colors and then the little monster also creates a fun billboard to look at while driving by. Product Billboards Our billboards that advertise the product itself use the same recognizable colors as the Monster ads. The copy in these billboards is written to show the parents how much the FiLIP watch can be of use to them and be a helpful in their lives.
  • 16. Lose Something? Not every monster’s tracks are this obvious.
  • 17. THE watch they want. safety they need. Freedom they want. Security you need.
  • 18. They won’t lose this phone... Just watch. Let FiLIP give you a hand.
  • 19. HULU AdWe have chosen to show our HULU ad on the show Modern Family due to the huge popularity amongst families including the children. [1] ES: Tropical island on the horizon, wide ocean surrounding. Birds fly away from trees as leaves shake. (:03) [2]MS/SM: Giant monster (kid in monster costume) roams through island trees. Other kid-­monsters are seen in background romp-­ ing around. (:02) [3] H&S/TS: Main giant kid-­monster is head-­ ing toward beach/ocean of island, camera shakes with dramatic footsteps, kid splashes in water.(:02) [4] MS: Cut to a mother-­figure in a house, preparing dinner. (:01) [5]CU/OVER-­SHOULDER: Mother-­figure touches a few buttons on the FiLIP app after seeing a notification reading “Kevin is reaching the edge of the safety zone” and puts phone to ear. (:04) [6] FS: Monster-­kid on beach cuts into same child without monster costume in a park. Answers FiLIP watch. (:08) [7] LS: Kid waves to friends and starts trotting home. (:02) [8]FS/IN-­HOUSE SHOT: Kid door and greets mother with a hug. Kevin and mom walk in to kitchen and begin to help with dinner in background (FiLIP logo, #MonsterWatch and website fades in). (:08) [9] FADE OUT [1] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music. SFX: Monster roaring in distance. [2] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music. SFX: kids laughing, playing, squealing. [3] MUSIC: brassy dramatic-­tone music. SFX: Splashing sounds, dramatic footsteps, happy monster “roar.” [4] MUSIC: Brassy music cuts. SFX: Mother-­figure’s phone chimes. [5] SFX: FiLIP app alert sounds, button clicking. [6] SFX: FiLIP watch ringing. Kevin: “Hi mom!” Mom: “Kevin you left your safe zone! Just come on home, dinner’s almost ready!” Kevin: “Sorry mom, what’s for dinner?” Mom: “It’s your favorite, I’ll see you soon!” [7] MUSIC: (fades in) Cheery, whimsical tones begin playing. [8] MUSIC: Cheery, whimsical tones. Mom Voice-­Over: “FiLIP Technology makes tracking your tiny monster easier and gives them the freedom to play. Visit for more information.” VIDEO AUDIO
  • 20. Banner Ad Our banner visuals show a child (monster) with the kid locator like the one parents see on the FiLIP app, hovering over his head. He is playing in a park with friends and he keeps moving around the screen. Once the user clicks on the little blue monster the banner changes to show the slogan, hashtag and FiLIP website for them to go to and learn more about FiLIP.
  • 21. Game/App Ad We have created a mobile app with two fun, unique games to play. There is also an option on the homescreen that will take the users to the FiLIP website to purchase the FiLIP watch. The first game is simple. A fun way for users to turn themselves into the FiLIP monster with different colors, choose which color watch they want to wear and then post to social media. This is fun for kids and adults alike. Choose watch color
  • 22. Game/App Ad This next game included in the app is called Mon-­ ster City. In Monster City parents and kids play a game where they hop across the city skyline, collecting FiLIP watches on ledges above. Each different color watch has it’s own “power up” to make you speed up, slow down and jump higher! They have to tap the screen and keep constantly jumping to collect as many watches as possible to reach a high score!