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Windover House  St Ann Street 
                                                                    Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2DR
                                                                    Tel: 01722 420920 Fax: 01722 411375
                                                                    TREVOR AUSTRENG CTA                RICHARD ALLEN           SIMON ELLINGHAM              NICK JONES
                                                                    Registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute
                                                                    of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

  Professional Accountancy Matters

Business Update
Client focus                                  SPRING 2012

Voltronik is a small web design
company specialising in Web Design,
Content Management Systems, Brand
Development, Email Newsletters and
                                              PAYE pain
Mobile.                                       In April 2010 HMRC introduced new style penalties for
                                              the late payment of PAYE, certain National Insurance
They are a modern and forward thinking
company who love working with small           Contributions and Construction Industry Scheme
businesses and start-ups; helping them        payments. The liability to a penalty is based
grow online by offering relevant services
                                              on a totting up procedure depending on the
along with pro-active advice.
                                              number of defaults during a tax year.
The owner and creative behind the
business is Jack McConnell - a talented       A penalty is not levied for the first default and then
web designer with a reputation for            rises as follows:
being friendly and fun to work with. “I
have a genuine interest in helping small      •	 up to three defaults - 1% of the total amount of
businesses grow. There’s so much                 those defaults
potential for enhancement online and a        •	 four to six defaults - 2% of the total
website is at the heart of everything. It’s                                                                       and that the PAYE was paid as soon as possible after
a marketing, recruitment, collaboration,      •	 seven to nine defaults - 3% of the total and                     the excuse ended. The rules specifically exclude cash
support tool and more”, he said.              •	 ten or more defaults - 4% of the total.                          flow difficulties as a reasonable excuse unless
                                                                                                                  attributable to events outside of the taxpayer’s control.
Fawcetts met Jack at Salisbury                If any tax is unpaid six months after the penalty date,             Recent cases have held that:
Business Expo in 2011 where we                then a penalty of 5% is levied and a further 5% can be
were demonstrating Xero: a cloud-             levied after 12 months.                                             •	 the lack of warning from HMRC of the build up of
based accounting software that we                                                                                    the penalty was not a reasonable excuse
recommend.                                    HMRC may send a warning letter if a business does
                                              not pay on time for the first time in a tax year – then             •	 the failure of nine specific clients leading to cash
Of Xero and Fawcetts, Jack said, “They        again, they may not!                                                   flow difficulties was a reasonable excuse, as the
introduced me to the magic of Xero                                                                                   business was doing all that it could to collect in its
and I am so pleased they did. Fawcetts        Unfortunately, the penalty system is not automated                     debts and to renegotiate its facilities with its
took the hassle out of managing my            and HMRC did not review the position until after the                   bankers
business finances and have been a             end of 2010/11. As a result it could be 18 months or
                                              more down the line before penalties are imposed in                  •	 a change in payment terms by the company’s only
constant source of help and advice
                                              some instances.                                                        customer which caused the company severe cash
since then.”
                                                                                                                     flow difficulties and which took a significant period
You can see a portfolio of Voltronik’s        A number of cases have now appeared through the                        of time to resolve was a reasonable excuse.
work and their (rather clever) responsive     Tribunal system and it is clear that HMRC are taking a
                                                                                                                  The message is clear. If there is any problem with
website at        hard line.
                                                                                                                  paying over PAYE and similar payments, contact
Jack can be reached directly via              The major let out is if the business can show that                  HMRC in advance and try to negotiate time to pay. Do
07896 023574                                  there was a reasonable excuse for the late paid PAYE                not wait for the bad news to appear.

Swiss rolled-over | P11D pitfalls | Associated companies? | Giving taxpayers time to pay |
Tax credits: challenge and change | Sponsorship - tax deductible or not? | A game of location?
Swiss rolled-over
In a deal made between HMRC and             The agreement also includes the            However, the deal is not the end of         •	 disclose via the Liechtenstein
the Swiss authorities, the funds of         following:                                 matters as it does not necessarily             facility, which does protect from
UK taxpayers in Switzerland will face                                                  cover all past tax arrears. Effectively,       prosecution, or
a one-off deduction of between 19%          •	 an anti-abuse clause to prevent         people have four options:                   •	 withdraw all funds from
and 34% to settle past tax liabilities.        Swiss banks promoting avoidance
                                                                                                                                      Switzerland but risk prosecution
                                            •	 a programme of audits, overseen         •	 make a full disclosure to HMRC
                                                                                                                                      and penalties of up to 200% of
From 2013, a new withholding tax of            by a new UK-Swiss joint                    but there is no guarantee of
                                                                                                                                      the tax if invested in certain other
48% on investment income and 27%               commission, to ensure that banks           non prosecution and no mention
                                                                                                                                      overseas jurisdictions.
on gains applying to those who have            are complying with their obligations       of the level of penalties that may
not previously told HMRC about                                                            be due                                   For any help in this area, please get
                                            •	 that Switzerland will collect data on
these assets will be charged.                                                          •	 retain anonymity and authorise the       in touch with your normal contact.
                                               the destination of funds withdrawn
However, the new charges will not                                                         ‘one-off payment’. The threat of
                                               from the country following the
apply if the taxpayer authorises a full                                                   discovery by HMRC and potential
                                               announcement of this agreement
disclosure of their affairs to HMRC.                                                      future prosecution remains
                                               and will pass this to the UK.

P11D pitfalls                                                                                                             Associated
Trying to get all benefits correctly treated on a P11D can be a minefield but there are
several common areas which HMRC will focus on. We look at a few of these below.                                           The issue of associated companies is an old
                                                                                                                          chestnut but HMRC still continue to make
Business and staff entertaining                             Company credit cards
                                                                                                                          money in this area, purely because the rules
Business entertainment is not an allowable                  Credit cards are often troublesome. Commonly, it is           are widely drawn. If companies are
deduction for a business. This means entertainment          the directors who have the cards and all sorts of             associated, they have to share the
(including hospitality of any kind) provided by a           private expenditure can find its way onto the bills.          corporation tax limits between them and this
person, or by a member of his staff, in connection                                                                        can push some or all of the companies into
with a trade carried on by that person.                     Detailed reviews of credit card statements are
                                                                                                                          higher rates of taxation.
                                                            required, not merely sample checks to identify all
However, staff entertainment is a legitimate business       private payments and to ensure that they have been            Potentially, all worldwide companies which
expense except where:                                       correctly treated for income tax and NIC purposes.            are commonly controlled are associated. In
                                                                                                                          particular, this includes any companies
•	 the provision of staff entertainment is incidental to    Subsistence                                                   owned by spouses, lineal descendants, lineal
   its provision for customers, or
                                                                                                                          ancestors, brothers and sisters. Control
                                                            It is very common for employers to reimburse
•	 the expenditure is not wholly and exclusively for                                                                      means any form of direct or indirect control
                                                            expenses for subsistence when employees are
   the purposes of the employer’s trade.                                                                                  and many people know that they have to
                                                            away from the office. HMRC often use a rule of
                                                                                                                          consider rights held by shares or votes.
                                                            thumb that expenses are only allowable where the
As an allowable business expense, staff
                                                            employee is away from the office for more than five           What is not so commonly understood is that
entertainment should instead, unless specifically
                                                            hours and the journey is more than five miles away.           loan creditors can also be a form of control,
exempted be included as a benefit on form P11D
                                                            A problem can arise particularly in larger                    for example, who is entitled to the majority of
and so taxed on the employee. Alternatively,
                                                            organisations where employees do not need to                  assets in a winding up? A recent case
arrangements can be put in place for inclusion in a
                                                            claim travel expenses as the employer has arranged            illustrates the potential issue.
PAYE Settlement Agreement. Specific exemption is
                                                            the tickets or transport on the employee’s behalf. In
available for staff annual functions which do not
                                                            these situations, HMRC may state that they are                Company 1 was controlled by the father of
exceed a total amount of £150 annually per person.
                                                            unable to identify where the individual was and,              the family. Company 2 had been set up as a
Disallowance or benefit?                                    therefore, they may treat the reimbursed expense as           property development company but could
                                                            being taxable.                                                not get finance from the banks. The father
The difference in establishing whether entertainment                                                                      owned some shares but did not own
is staff or business related is critical to the tax         They may also seek to tax subsistence payments                Company 2 outright. However, he personally
impact and explains why HMRC are likely to check            where no related mileage claim is submitted. It               lent a large amount of money to Company 2,
this area for correct treatment.                            could, however, be the case that the employee                 meaning he would be entitled to the majority
                                                            travelled in a car with a colleague who has claimed           of assets in a winding up due to the loan
If it is business entertainment, the disallowance on a      mileage. It will be clear from this that sufficient           balance and so the two companies were
small company only creates additional tax of 20%,           narrative should be given on the expenses claim               classed as associated.
whereas tax on an employee benefit could be as              form to show where the employee was located.
high as 50% plus 13.8% employer National                                                                                  This loan creditor point can apply to both
Insurance Contributions (NIC).                              So, clear policies and procedures will always help            personal lending and inter-company debt, so
                                                            save tax. Are yours fit for purpose? Contact us for           care must be taken when looking for finance.
                                                                                                                          The major problem is spotting other
                                                                                                                          companies controlled by other family
                                                                                                                          members in the first place, so if you think we
                                                                                                                          might not be aware of any of your family
                                                                                                                          members’ business interests, please do let
                                                                                                                          us know. None of us like unpleasant
Giving taxpayers                                            Tax credits:
time to pay
Individuals and businesses have to pay
their tax on time and HMRC have a legal
duty to ensure that this happens. Whilst
                                                            and change
the vast majority do pay on time HMRC                       HMRC are required under the 2010 Spending
                                                            Review settlement to significantly reduce
are aware that in the current economic
                                                            spending and increase tax revenues. Tax
climate many people and businesses                          Credits and Child Benefit affect working
are struggling to make ends meet, and                       and non-working families alike and
                                                            are specific headline areas that
this includes paying their tax on time.                     continue to attract attention. This is
                                                            due to both the level of expenditure
HMRC helps individuals and businesses with short
                                                            involved and because they potentially affect
term financial difficulties by offering them Time to
                                                            many individuals. As a result, HMRC are
Pay arrangements using the Business Payment
                                                            now charged with making expenditure
Support Service. HMRC have recently issued a
                                                            reductions in Child Benefit, tax credits and
briefing note reminding us about how these
                                                            other welfare benefits of £8.3 billion over the
arrangements are intended to operate.
                                                            four years from 2011/12 to 2014/15.                 The report also indicates that £1.1 billion of
The briefing makes reference to the fact that any                                                               old tax credit debt, some dating back to
                                                            Specifically, the planned changes have been
taxpayer facing difficulty in making a tax payment is                                                           2003/04 has recently been written off but
                                                            outlined as:
potentially eligible to apply, although the vast majority                                                       clearly there may be resistance for any such
of applicants have been businesses, including the           •	 a reduction of almost £2.5 billion from          repeat action of this kind if expenditure
self-employed. Furthermore, the sooner that people             changes to Child Tax Credit (CTC) and            targets are to be met.
contact HMRC the better, as every case is                      Working Tax Credit (WTC) entitlements from
considered on its own merits although some simple              2011/12                                          Tax credit changes 2012/13
conditions need to be met. These include:                   •	 a reduction of £5.5 billion through the          A number of changes affecting entitlement to
                                                               withdrawal of Child Benefit from higher rate     tax credits were implemented for 2011/12.
•	 convincing HMRC that an applicant is genuinely
                                                               taxpayer families from 2013 and
   unable to pay their tax on time                                                                              However, further and arguably more
                                                            •	 a £300 million saving from using Real Time       significant changes commence from 6 April
•	 ensuring that they will be able to keep up with the
                                                               Information to inform the calculation of tax     2012 and it will be critical that claimants are
   tax payments they are offering to make
                                                               credit payments from 2014, thereby               aware of the more significant of these to avoid
•	 the ability to pay other tax bills as they arise.           reducing the level of in-year overpayments       loss of entitlement or be faced with demands
                                                               which need to be recovered.                      for repayments. A summary of the key
Up to June 2011 some 440,400 Time to Pay                                                                        changes are as follows:
arrangements had been made since its launch                 Further, HMRC are also committed to
                                                            reducing losses arising from errors and frauds      •	 the period for which a tax credit claim and
involving tax in excess of £7 billion.
                                                            in tax credits by £2 billion a year.                   certain changes of circumstances can be
It is critical that an agreement is made before any                                                                backdated will be reduced from three
penalties or surcharges become due as HMRC will             HMRC’s challenge                                       months to one month
generally not charge these under such                       As well as the entitlement changes detailed         •	 a disregard of £2,500 will be introduced in
arrangements. However, interest is still charged on         below, HMRC will need to make alterations to           the tax credits system for in-year falls in
outstanding tax.                                            its administrative systems for checking                income
                                                            entitlements and making payments. This is
The briefing comments on recent reports in the                                                                  •	 the separate threshold for tapering the
                                                            because reducing errors and overpayments is
press that HMRC have tightened up on Time to Pay                                                                   family element will disappear altogether
                                                            considered critical to the challenge of
arrangements. HMRC state that this is not the case
                                                            achieving these significant cost reductions. In     •	 there is to be an increase in the joint weekly
and they continue to apply exactly the same criteria
                                                            particular, a recent House of Commons Public           working hours requirement for WTC for
that they have always applied with more than 80%
                                                            Accounts report drew attention to the levels of        couples with children from 16 to 24 hours,
of applicants still being approved. However, they
                                                            debt arising from overpaid tax credits which           with one partner working at least 16 hours,
point out that there has been an increase in the
                                                            has risen year on year since its introduction in       and
proportion of applications who do not meet the              2003/04.
criteria as mentioned above. They give an example                                                               •	 the 50 plus element will be removed from
of businesses which have had a succession of Time           It stated:                                             the WTC.
to Pay arrangements or which have failed to keep up
                                                            ‘Tax credit debt stood at £4.7 billion at the       In addition most rates are frozen for 2012/13
with the terms of a previous arrangement which
                                                            end of March 2011. The Department’s                 with the exception of certain disability
might indicate an unviable business rather than a
                                                            campaign to collect £550 million of newly           elements of WTC and the child element of
business with short term difficulties.
                                                            established tax credit debt has met with            CTC.
Time to Pay arrangements therefore can be valuable          limited success, with only £170 million
                                                            collected or cleared after five months. It          If you require more information about how
but are only a temporary bridge for those businesses
                                                            estimates that £1.7 billion of new tax credit       these changes may affect you for the new tax
and individuals with cashflow difficulties.
                                                            debt will be generated in 2011/12 and that the      year 2012/13 please get in touch with your
Please contact us if we can assist you in making            overall level of debt could increase to £7.4        normal contact.
such an arrangement or if you require other cashflow        billion by 2014/15 without further intervention.’
advice for your business.
Sponsorship - tax deductible or not?
Sponsorship can be a useful tool in promoting a                             Capital expenditure                                                         HMRC guidance gives details of other examples
business. Commercial sponsorship often involves                                                                                                         of non-business purpose including:
some form of advertising of the business name                               Capital expenditure may include assets such as
and products. Association with popular events or                            cars or racehorses. However, a contribution to a                            •	 circumstances where the sponsored person is
persons can enhance reputation, goodwill and                                permanent exhibit could be disallowed if it was                                a relative or close friend of the business owner
public image with resulting commercial benefits.                            considered to be of enduring benefit to the                                    or
This often includes links with sporting or cultural                         business. Depending on the nature of the capital
                                                                                                                                                        •	 circumstances where the business owner has
events such as:                                                             expenditure it might at least be possible for the
                                                                                                                                                           a personal involvement in the sponsored
                                                                            business to instead make a capital allowances
                                                                                                                                                           activity (such involvement often pre-existing
•	 corporate packages – advertised on the club/                             claim or if a company a claim for relief under the
                                                                                                                                                           the sponsorship).
   venue website                                                            intangible assets rules.
•	 sponsor opportunities to individual                                                                                                                  A recent case concerned a company involved in
   productions, players or races                                            Non business purpose                                                        the construction industry that, over a four year
•	 longer term commitments e.g. sponsoring a                                Expenditure which is not wholly and exclusively                             period spent nearly £400,000 on sponsorship
   football club.                                                           for business purposes because there is also a                               fees on rally cars. It just so happened that the
Businesses will be keen to ensure that the cost of                          non-business purpose is not allowable. This is an                           owner of the company had previously been a
sponsorship is tax deductible in arriving at                                area which can cause difficulty because of the                              rally car driver and competed in vehicles owned
taxable profits. However, the costs will not be                             perception of what sponsorship actually means.                              by the sponsored business.
allowable where they are:                                                   At one end of the spectrum, sponsorship can be
                                                                                                                                                        The Tribunal agreed with HMRC that the lack of
                                                                            of a charitable or philanthropic nature such as
•	 capital expenditure                                                                                                                                  commerciality in the transaction inferred that the
                                                                            supporting the arts. Expenditure on this would
•	 expenditure not wholly and exclusively for                                                                                                           sponsorship was not wholly and exclusively for
                                                                            not normally be wholly, let alone exclusively,
   business purposes, or                                                                                                                                the purposes of the trade and was therefore not
                                                                            incurred for the purposes of the sponsor’s
•	 expenditure which is specifically disallowed for                                                                                                     allowable.
                                                                            business. At the other end of the spectrum,
   tax purposes such as entertaining costs.                                 sponsorship could amount to pure advertising or                             If this is an area of interest please contact us for
                                                                            pure public relations. In this situation the quid pro                       further information to ensure your business
An example of the latter could include the
                                                                            quo for the sponsorship payment will be, for                                maximises its allowable business expenditure.
hospitality element of a corporate sponsorship
                                                                            example, the advertising facility and no more.

A game of location?
Following the establishment of 24 new Enterprise Zones (EZ) in 2011 the Government has now announced that selected
zones are to benefit from 100% First Year Allowances (FYA) on qualifying plant and machinery.

What’s to play for?                                                         Exclusions                                                                       to a fundamental change of business product
                                                                                                                                                             or service provided
The advantages of being labelled an EZ                                      Only companies within the charge to corporation
designated area have so far been limited to a                               tax will be able to qualify for these FYA. Care will                         •	 plant must be new, unused and cannot be
business rates discount package, and promised                               also need to be taken as there are a number of                                  replacement expenditure of existing plant.
assistance with simplified planning and superfast                           exclusions. These are:
                                                                                                                                                         If this is an area which interests you and you
broadband access. However, the Government
                                                                            •	 certain companies ‘in difficulty’.                                        require further guidance on eligibility please do
also indicated that they might offer enhanced
                                                                                                                                                         contact us.
capital allowances in limited cases and proposals                           •	 selected industries are excluded such as
on this have now been made.                                                    agricultural production, fisheries, coal and steel.
The proposals apply to expenditure on certain                               •	 expenditure on transport and transport
plant and machinery for use primarily in an EZ                                 equipment for the freight and air transport
area specifically designated at the time the                                   sector are also to be excluded though not other
expenditure is incurred. 100% FYA means the                                    qualifying expenditure for such undertakings.
ability to deduct capital expenditure in full for tax
relief purposes. This may be attractive, given that                         •	 expenditure taken into account for another
in general businesses may only qualify for 100%                                State aid grant/payment is also excluded.
relief on the first £25,000 of expenditure from
April 2012 onwards.                                                         Elite squad conditions
                                                                            The other key conditions include the following:
The winners
                                                                            •	 expenditure must be incurred in the five year
There are 6 locations which have been selected
                                                                               period from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2017
for these proposals. They are the designated
assisted areas within the Black Country, Humber,
Liverpool, North Eastern, Sheffield and Tees                                •	 expenditure must relate to a new business,
Valley Enterprise Zones.                                                       expansion of business or a new activity relating

Disclaimer - for information of users: This newsletter is published for the information of clients. It provides only an overview of the regulations in force at the date of publication and no action should be taken without
consulting the detailed legislation or seeking professional advice. Therefore no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material contained in this newsletter can
be accepted by the authors or the firm.
UK200Group is an association of separate and independently owned and managed accountancy and lawyer firms. UK200Group does not provide client services and it does not accept responsibility or liability for the
acts or omissions of its members. Likewise, the members of UK200Group are separate and independent legal entities, and as such each has no responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of other members.

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Press Release No 97
Fawcetts Sept Newsletter
Fawcetts Sept NewsletterFawcetts Sept Newsletter
Fawcetts Sept Newsletter
Salisbury in bloom
Salisbury in bloomSalisbury in bloom
Salisbury in bloom

Fawcetts (274) Nl

  • 1. Windover House  St Ann Street  Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2DR Tel: 01722 420920 Fax: 01722 411375 e-mail: web: TREVOR AUSTRENG CTA RICHARD ALLEN SIMON ELLINGHAM NICK JONES Registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Professional Accountancy Matters Business Update Client focus SPRING 2012 Voltronik is a small web design company specialising in Web Design, Content Management Systems, Brand Development, Email Newsletters and PAYE pain Mobile. In April 2010 HMRC introduced new style penalties for the late payment of PAYE, certain National Insurance They are a modern and forward thinking company who love working with small Contributions and Construction Industry Scheme businesses and start-ups; helping them payments. The liability to a penalty is based grow online by offering relevant services on a totting up procedure depending on the along with pro-active advice. number of defaults during a tax year. The owner and creative behind the business is Jack McConnell - a talented A penalty is not levied for the first default and then web designer with a reputation for rises as follows: being friendly and fun to work with. “I have a genuine interest in helping small • up to three defaults - 1% of the total amount of businesses grow. There’s so much those defaults potential for enhancement online and a • four to six defaults - 2% of the total website is at the heart of everything. It’s and that the PAYE was paid as soon as possible after a marketing, recruitment, collaboration, • seven to nine defaults - 3% of the total and the excuse ended. The rules specifically exclude cash support tool and more”, he said. • ten or more defaults - 4% of the total. flow difficulties as a reasonable excuse unless attributable to events outside of the taxpayer’s control. Fawcetts met Jack at Salisbury If any tax is unpaid six months after the penalty date, Recent cases have held that: Business Expo in 2011 where we then a penalty of 5% is levied and a further 5% can be were demonstrating Xero: a cloud- levied after 12 months. • the lack of warning from HMRC of the build up of based accounting software that we the penalty was not a reasonable excuse recommend. HMRC may send a warning letter if a business does not pay on time for the first time in a tax year – then • the failure of nine specific clients leading to cash Of Xero and Fawcetts, Jack said, “They again, they may not! flow difficulties was a reasonable excuse, as the introduced me to the magic of Xero business was doing all that it could to collect in its and I am so pleased they did. Fawcetts Unfortunately, the penalty system is not automated debts and to renegotiate its facilities with its took the hassle out of managing my and HMRC did not review the position until after the bankers business finances and have been a end of 2010/11. As a result it could be 18 months or more down the line before penalties are imposed in • a change in payment terms by the company’s only constant source of help and advice some instances. customer which caused the company severe cash since then.” flow difficulties and which took a significant period You can see a portfolio of Voltronik’s A number of cases have now appeared through the of time to resolve was a reasonable excuse. work and their (rather clever) responsive Tribunal system and it is clear that HMRC are taking a The message is clear. If there is any problem with website at hard line. paying over PAYE and similar payments, contact Jack can be reached directly via The major let out is if the business can show that HMRC in advance and try to negotiate time to pay. Do 07896 023574 there was a reasonable excuse for the late paid PAYE not wait for the bad news to appear. IN THIS ISSUE: Swiss rolled-over | P11D pitfalls | Associated companies? | Giving taxpayers time to pay | Tax credits: challenge and change | Sponsorship - tax deductible or not? | A game of location?
  • 2. Swiss rolled-over In a deal made between HMRC and The agreement also includes the However, the deal is not the end of • disclose via the Liechtenstein the Swiss authorities, the funds of following: matters as it does not necessarily facility, which does protect from UK taxpayers in Switzerland will face cover all past tax arrears. Effectively, prosecution, or a one-off deduction of between 19% • an anti-abuse clause to prevent people have four options: • withdraw all funds from and 34% to settle past tax liabilities. Swiss banks promoting avoidance Switzerland but risk prosecution • a programme of audits, overseen • make a full disclosure to HMRC and penalties of up to 200% of From 2013, a new withholding tax of by a new UK-Swiss joint but there is no guarantee of the tax if invested in certain other 48% on investment income and 27% commission, to ensure that banks non prosecution and no mention overseas jurisdictions. on gains applying to those who have are complying with their obligations of the level of penalties that may not previously told HMRC about be due For any help in this area, please get • that Switzerland will collect data on these assets will be charged. • retain anonymity and authorise the in touch with your normal contact. the destination of funds withdrawn However, the new charges will not ‘one-off payment’. The threat of from the country following the apply if the taxpayer authorises a full discovery by HMRC and potential announcement of this agreement disclosure of their affairs to HMRC. future prosecution remains and will pass this to the UK. P11D pitfalls Associated Trying to get all benefits correctly treated on a P11D can be a minefield but there are companies? several common areas which HMRC will focus on. We look at a few of these below. The issue of associated companies is an old chestnut but HMRC still continue to make Business and staff entertaining Company credit cards money in this area, purely because the rules Business entertainment is not an allowable Credit cards are often troublesome. Commonly, it is are widely drawn. If companies are deduction for a business. This means entertainment the directors who have the cards and all sorts of associated, they have to share the (including hospitality of any kind) provided by a private expenditure can find its way onto the bills. corporation tax limits between them and this person, or by a member of his staff, in connection can push some or all of the companies into with a trade carried on by that person. Detailed reviews of credit card statements are higher rates of taxation. required, not merely sample checks to identify all However, staff entertainment is a legitimate business private payments and to ensure that they have been Potentially, all worldwide companies which expense except where: correctly treated for income tax and NIC purposes. are commonly controlled are associated. In particular, this includes any companies • the provision of staff entertainment is incidental to Subsistence owned by spouses, lineal descendants, lineal its provision for customers, or ancestors, brothers and sisters. Control It is very common for employers to reimburse • the expenditure is not wholly and exclusively for means any form of direct or indirect control expenses for subsistence when employees are the purposes of the employer’s trade. and many people know that they have to away from the office. HMRC often use a rule of consider rights held by shares or votes. thumb that expenses are only allowable where the As an allowable business expense, staff employee is away from the office for more than five What is not so commonly understood is that entertainment should instead, unless specifically hours and the journey is more than five miles away. loan creditors can also be a form of control, exempted be included as a benefit on form P11D A problem can arise particularly in larger for example, who is entitled to the majority of and so taxed on the employee. Alternatively, organisations where employees do not need to assets in a winding up? A recent case arrangements can be put in place for inclusion in a claim travel expenses as the employer has arranged illustrates the potential issue. PAYE Settlement Agreement. Specific exemption is the tickets or transport on the employee’s behalf. In available for staff annual functions which do not these situations, HMRC may state that they are Company 1 was controlled by the father of exceed a total amount of £150 annually per person. unable to identify where the individual was and, the family. Company 2 had been set up as a Disallowance or benefit? therefore, they may treat the reimbursed expense as property development company but could being taxable. not get finance from the banks. The father The difference in establishing whether entertainment owned some shares but did not own is staff or business related is critical to the tax They may also seek to tax subsistence payments Company 2 outright. However, he personally impact and explains why HMRC are likely to check where no related mileage claim is submitted. It lent a large amount of money to Company 2, this area for correct treatment. could, however, be the case that the employee meaning he would be entitled to the majority travelled in a car with a colleague who has claimed of assets in a winding up due to the loan If it is business entertainment, the disallowance on a mileage. It will be clear from this that sufficient balance and so the two companies were small company only creates additional tax of 20%, narrative should be given on the expenses claim classed as associated. whereas tax on an employee benefit could be as form to show where the employee was located. high as 50% plus 13.8% employer National This loan creditor point can apply to both Insurance Contributions (NIC). So, clear policies and procedures will always help personal lending and inter-company debt, so save tax. Are yours fit for purpose? Contact us for care must be taken when looking for finance. help. The major problem is spotting other companies controlled by other family members in the first place, so if you think we might not be aware of any of your family members’ business interests, please do let us know. None of us like unpleasant surprises!
  • 3. Giving taxpayers Tax credits: time to pay challenge Individuals and businesses have to pay their tax on time and HMRC have a legal duty to ensure that this happens. Whilst and change the vast majority do pay on time HMRC HMRC are required under the 2010 Spending Review settlement to significantly reduce are aware that in the current economic spending and increase tax revenues. Tax climate many people and businesses Credits and Child Benefit affect working are struggling to make ends meet, and and non-working families alike and are specific headline areas that this includes paying their tax on time. continue to attract attention. This is due to both the level of expenditure HMRC helps individuals and businesses with short involved and because they potentially affect term financial difficulties by offering them Time to many individuals. As a result, HMRC are Pay arrangements using the Business Payment now charged with making expenditure Support Service. HMRC have recently issued a reductions in Child Benefit, tax credits and briefing note reminding us about how these other welfare benefits of £8.3 billion over the arrangements are intended to operate. four years from 2011/12 to 2014/15. The report also indicates that £1.1 billion of The briefing makes reference to the fact that any old tax credit debt, some dating back to Specifically, the planned changes have been taxpayer facing difficulty in making a tax payment is 2003/04 has recently been written off but outlined as: potentially eligible to apply, although the vast majority clearly there may be resistance for any such of applicants have been businesses, including the • a reduction of almost £2.5 billion from repeat action of this kind if expenditure self-employed. Furthermore, the sooner that people changes to Child Tax Credit (CTC) and targets are to be met. contact HMRC the better, as every case is Working Tax Credit (WTC) entitlements from considered on its own merits although some simple 2011/12 Tax credit changes 2012/13 conditions need to be met. These include: • a reduction of £5.5 billion through the A number of changes affecting entitlement to withdrawal of Child Benefit from higher rate tax credits were implemented for 2011/12. • convincing HMRC that an applicant is genuinely taxpayer families from 2013 and unable to pay their tax on time However, further and arguably more • a £300 million saving from using Real Time significant changes commence from 6 April • ensuring that they will be able to keep up with the Information to inform the calculation of tax 2012 and it will be critical that claimants are tax payments they are offering to make credit payments from 2014, thereby aware of the more significant of these to avoid • the ability to pay other tax bills as they arise. reducing the level of in-year overpayments loss of entitlement or be faced with demands which need to be recovered. for repayments. A summary of the key Up to June 2011 some 440,400 Time to Pay changes are as follows: arrangements had been made since its launch Further, HMRC are also committed to reducing losses arising from errors and frauds • the period for which a tax credit claim and involving tax in excess of £7 billion. in tax credits by £2 billion a year. certain changes of circumstances can be It is critical that an agreement is made before any backdated will be reduced from three penalties or surcharges become due as HMRC will HMRC’s challenge months to one month generally not charge these under such As well as the entitlement changes detailed • a disregard of £2,500 will be introduced in arrangements. However, interest is still charged on below, HMRC will need to make alterations to the tax credits system for in-year falls in outstanding tax. its administrative systems for checking income entitlements and making payments. This is The briefing comments on recent reports in the • the separate threshold for tapering the because reducing errors and overpayments is press that HMRC have tightened up on Time to Pay family element will disappear altogether considered critical to the challenge of arrangements. HMRC state that this is not the case achieving these significant cost reductions. In • there is to be an increase in the joint weekly and they continue to apply exactly the same criteria particular, a recent House of Commons Public working hours requirement for WTC for that they have always applied with more than 80% Accounts report drew attention to the levels of couples with children from 16 to 24 hours, of applicants still being approved. However, they debt arising from overpaid tax credits which with one partner working at least 16 hours, point out that there has been an increase in the has risen year on year since its introduction in and proportion of applications who do not meet the 2003/04. criteria as mentioned above. They give an example • the 50 plus element will be removed from of businesses which have had a succession of Time It stated: the WTC. to Pay arrangements or which have failed to keep up ‘Tax credit debt stood at £4.7 billion at the In addition most rates are frozen for 2012/13 with the terms of a previous arrangement which end of March 2011. The Department’s with the exception of certain disability might indicate an unviable business rather than a campaign to collect £550 million of newly elements of WTC and the child element of business with short term difficulties. established tax credit debt has met with CTC. Time to Pay arrangements therefore can be valuable limited success, with only £170 million collected or cleared after five months. It If you require more information about how but are only a temporary bridge for those businesses estimates that £1.7 billion of new tax credit these changes may affect you for the new tax and individuals with cashflow difficulties. debt will be generated in 2011/12 and that the year 2012/13 please get in touch with your Please contact us if we can assist you in making overall level of debt could increase to £7.4 normal contact. such an arrangement or if you require other cashflow billion by 2014/15 without further intervention.’ advice for your business.
  • 4. Sponsorship - tax deductible or not? Sponsorship can be a useful tool in promoting a Capital expenditure HMRC guidance gives details of other examples business. Commercial sponsorship often involves of non-business purpose including: some form of advertising of the business name Capital expenditure may include assets such as and products. Association with popular events or cars or racehorses. However, a contribution to a • circumstances where the sponsored person is persons can enhance reputation, goodwill and permanent exhibit could be disallowed if it was a relative or close friend of the business owner public image with resulting commercial benefits. considered to be of enduring benefit to the or This often includes links with sporting or cultural business. Depending on the nature of the capital • circumstances where the business owner has events such as: expenditure it might at least be possible for the a personal involvement in the sponsored business to instead make a capital allowances activity (such involvement often pre-existing • corporate packages – advertised on the club/ claim or if a company a claim for relief under the the sponsorship). venue website intangible assets rules. • sponsor opportunities to individual A recent case concerned a company involved in productions, players or races Non business purpose the construction industry that, over a four year • longer term commitments e.g. sponsoring a Expenditure which is not wholly and exclusively period spent nearly £400,000 on sponsorship football club. for business purposes because there is also a fees on rally cars. It just so happened that the Businesses will be keen to ensure that the cost of non-business purpose is not allowable. This is an owner of the company had previously been a sponsorship is tax deductible in arriving at area which can cause difficulty because of the rally car driver and competed in vehicles owned taxable profits. However, the costs will not be perception of what sponsorship actually means. by the sponsored business. allowable where they are: At one end of the spectrum, sponsorship can be The Tribunal agreed with HMRC that the lack of of a charitable or philanthropic nature such as • capital expenditure commerciality in the transaction inferred that the supporting the arts. Expenditure on this would • expenditure not wholly and exclusively for sponsorship was not wholly and exclusively for not normally be wholly, let alone exclusively, business purposes, or the purposes of the trade and was therefore not incurred for the purposes of the sponsor’s • expenditure which is specifically disallowed for allowable. business. At the other end of the spectrum, tax purposes such as entertaining costs. sponsorship could amount to pure advertising or If this is an area of interest please contact us for pure public relations. In this situation the quid pro further information to ensure your business An example of the latter could include the quo for the sponsorship payment will be, for maximises its allowable business expenditure. hospitality element of a corporate sponsorship example, the advertising facility and no more. package. A game of location? Following the establishment of 24 new Enterprise Zones (EZ) in 2011 the Government has now announced that selected zones are to benefit from 100% First Year Allowances (FYA) on qualifying plant and machinery. What’s to play for? Exclusions to a fundamental change of business product or service provided The advantages of being labelled an EZ Only companies within the charge to corporation designated area have so far been limited to a tax will be able to qualify for these FYA. Care will • plant must be new, unused and cannot be business rates discount package, and promised also need to be taken as there are a number of replacement expenditure of existing plant. assistance with simplified planning and superfast exclusions. These are: If this is an area which interests you and you broadband access. However, the Government • certain companies ‘in difficulty’. require further guidance on eligibility please do also indicated that they might offer enhanced contact us. capital allowances in limited cases and proposals • selected industries are excluded such as on this have now been made. agricultural production, fisheries, coal and steel. The proposals apply to expenditure on certain • expenditure on transport and transport plant and machinery for use primarily in an EZ equipment for the freight and air transport area specifically designated at the time the sector are also to be excluded though not other expenditure is incurred. 100% FYA means the qualifying expenditure for such undertakings. ability to deduct capital expenditure in full for tax relief purposes. This may be attractive, given that • expenditure taken into account for another in general businesses may only qualify for 100% State aid grant/payment is also excluded. relief on the first £25,000 of expenditure from April 2012 onwards. Elite squad conditions The other key conditions include the following: The winners • expenditure must be incurred in the five year There are 6 locations which have been selected period from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2017 for these proposals. They are the designated inclusive assisted areas within the Black Country, Humber, Liverpool, North Eastern, Sheffield and Tees • expenditure must relate to a new business, Valley Enterprise Zones. expansion of business or a new activity relating Disclaimer - for information of users: This newsletter is published for the information of clients. It provides only an overview of the regulations in force at the date of publication and no action should be taken without consulting the detailed legislation or seeking professional advice. Therefore no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material contained in this newsletter can be accepted by the authors or the firm. UK200Group is an association of separate and independently owned and managed accountancy and lawyer firms. UK200Group does not provide client services and it does not accept responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of its members. Likewise, the members of UK200Group are separate and independent legal entities, and as such each has no responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of other members.