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© 2014 | 1
Technical Specs
Item Category
Recipe Category
Order Template
Requisition Template
Spot Check
3rd Party Interface
Processing Step & Flows
Multi Languages
Multi Currency
Costing Method
Business Unit
Delivery Point
Store (Cost Centre)
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Technical Spec
1. What is BEEEES Development Framework and why does BEEEES use it?
Our clients enjoy the benefits of the combination of the latest and greatest Web frameworks and
the powerful industry-standard JVM.
Ruby on Rails: The Power of Java plus the simplicity of Ruby on Rails. Ruby, the full-featured
object-oriented dynamic (scripting) language, with strong support for functional programming
and metaprogramming, has drawn attention recently for its flexibility and ease of development.
JRuby, a JVM-based interpreter for Ruby, combines the ease of the Ruby language with
execution in the powerful JVM, including full integration to and from Java libraries.
Find more information about the Power of JRuby and Ruby on Rails:
2. On which Server Operating System can BEEEES system be installed?
Our clients are very satisfied with the Apache Tomcat Web Server which is an Open Source Web
Server and Servlet Container that was developed by Apache Foundation (ASF). Apache Tomcat
Web Server can be installed on major Operating System i.e.: Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac.
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4. What is BEEEES Minimum Specification and Requirements for a Server?
•	 OS - Windows Server 2003/2008 or Linux Ubuntu 12/13 64 Bits
•	 RAM = Min 8GB
•	 Minimum Storage = 500GB Min 7200 rpm for HDD or SSD
•	 CPU - Minimum 4 Cores
Note: This above standard is based on hotels with 500 rooms, 15 outlets and 150 users in Total
(15 concurrent users).
For more information and assistance, please contact BEEEES Business Partner in your Country/
Region ( or contact or contact us
using “Contact Us” on our website.
3. What is the BEEEES Database and why does BEEEES use it?
BEEEES clients demand a database with security, scalability and a business/mission critical
PostgreSQL, often simply “Postgres”, is an object-relational database management system
(ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. As a database server,
its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices, and retrieve later,
as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running
on another computer across a network (including the Internet). BEEEES Database can handle
workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications
with many concurrent users. Recent versions also provide replication of the database itself for
security and scalability.
In Summary, PostgreSQL is
•	 100% Open Source, no License Fees.
•	 High Standard Quality, Security and Reliability
•	 Successfully operating in many business/mission critical environment around the globe
Organization using PostgreSQL i.e.: HP, Nasa, CME, Instagram, Skype, VMWare, NTT, Heroku,...
For more information about PostgreSQL visit (
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6. Which Browsers are supported by the BEEEES application?
7. What is BEEEES Minimum Specification Requirement for Client PCs?
8. Can BEEEES system be accessed via Internet from outside of client hotels?
9. Does BEEEES system support https?
5. Do BEEEES Clients need to install any application on their PC?
Most major browsers that contain HTML5 and CSS3 functions are supported (i.e.: Google Chrome
34 and above; Firefox 28 and above; Internet Explorer 10 and above; Safari 7 and above).
•	 CPU - Minimum Speed 1GHz
•	 RAM = Min 2GB
•	 Screen Resolution - Minimum 1152 x 800
•	 Browser: Major browser which support HTML5 and CSS3 (i.e.: Google Chrome 34 and
above; Firefox 28 and above; Internet Explorer 10 and above; Safari 7 and above.)
Yes, BEEEES is a web application. If a hotel has public IP assigned or Port Forward to the
Server, the BEEEES system application can be accessed from outside of the hotels via internet.
The BEEEES system does not require any additional purchase of remote access tools.
Apache Tomcat Web Server support https and the BEEEES system can be configured to use
https but a trusted SSL Certificate from SSL Certificate Provider is highly recommended. (i.e.,,
As BEEEES system is a Web Application, the application can be used from any Major Browser
(which support HTML5 and CSS3) installed on a PC. If report printing is required, then PDF
Reader should be installed.
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1. How do I contact the BEEEES Sales Team?
3. Can BEEEES visit us to present a Software Demonstration?
1. Do we need to create and upload a Master List manually into the BEEEES
2. Can BEEEES provide access to a Demo Application for a pre-purchase review
of the BEEEES application?
We at BEEEES are happy to assist you. Please contact our Business Partner in your Country/
Region ( or contact or contact us
using “Contact Us” on our website.
We are happy to visit your hotel for a Software Demonstration. Please feel free to contact
our Business Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website.
BEEEES will provide a template file to prepare client data and BEEEES will help uploading
master lists such as: Business Units/Departments, Delivery Points, Stores(Cost Centres), Taxes,
Currencies, Vendors, Item Categories, Items and Users Lists.
BEEEES is happy to provide you demo access. Please contact our Business Partner in your
Country/Region ( or contact or
contact us using “Contact Us” on our website.
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2. How many days is required for implementation, training and progression to go
BEEEES Standard Implementation is 15 - 20 Days depending on the size of the hotel and total
number of users to be trained.
•	 3 - 5 Days for Server Installation & Master Data Setup
•	 3 - 5 Days for Training of Key Users (Purchasing, Cost Control, Store, Receiving)
•	 3 Days for Training of Order & Requisition Requestor from All Departments (i.e.: Kitchen,
F&B and All Department Secretaries)
•	 1 Day for Training of Order & Requisition Approval for Management Team (i.e - Dept Head,
Management Team, FC, GM)
•	 1 Day for Training of Recipe Creation, Interface with 3rd Party Products
•	 2 Days for Standby Go Live
•	 2 - 3 Days for Training of Month End Closing and Stand By
Note: The above standard is based on a hotel with 500 Rooms, 15 outlets and 150 users in total.
For details and a customization implementation schedule, please contact our Business Partner
in your Country/Region ( or contact or
contact us using “Contact Us” on our website.
1. After the Implementation and Go-Live, how can we get support?
Once BEEEES system goes live, there will be approximately 1 - 2 months of support which
provide concentrated care and monitoring your daily activities and usage of the BEEEES system
etc. This includes direct communication to the Key Person (i.e.: Cost Control, Purchasing Team
for consulting, guidance etc., by BEEEES Senior Consultant to ensure client’s daily operations
are running smoothly.
After the initial period, a normal support channel will be opened and the first level support will
be provided by BEEEES Local Business Partner in your Country/Region (
ness_partners) or contact directly to
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3. Will you provide 24hours/7 day a week support?
4. What is BEEEES Service Level Agreement for Support?
The nature of the application does not require 24/7 support. Our normal support is provided
during office hours on weekdays by BEEEES Local Business Partner in your Country/Region.
However, we do provide 24/7 support for Critical Issues (Your System has become Unavailable
and causing a substantial business impact and there is no work around solutions) and for
standby support on weekends for Month End Closing and Year End Closing.
•	 Critical Issues – Client System has become Unavailable
•	 Urgent Issues - Causing a substantial business impact and there is no work around solutions
•	 Important Issues - Causing a substantial business impact and there is work around solutions
•	 Minor Issues - Not causing a substantial business impact and there is a work around
•	 Questions - Questions on existing system functionality
Response Times:
•	 Critical Issues - Response within 30 Minutes
•	 Urgent Issues - Response within 1 Hours
•	 Important Issues - Response within 1 Working Day
•	 Minor Issues - Response within 2 Working Days
•	 Question - Response within 3 Working Days
2. When clients have suggestions for enhancements and/or require new features
or new reports, do you customize as part of your service?
We value our customer feedback and suggestions as this will help us grow and making our
application stronger. If the enhancements and/or new features requirement is reasonable and
useful for other customers, we normally provide customization free of charge. However, if the
requirement is very specific only to your organization, we will customize for a reasonable price.
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Processing Step & Flows
2. Can we use different approval flows for different types of items?
1. Can BEEEES Approval Flow be Customized?
Requisition Approval Work Flow Order or Purchase Order Approval Work Flow can be
customized according to the organizational needs.
Different work flows can be setup for different types of items. But it is not necessary to setup a
workflow for each item.
3. Can we use different approval flows for same item but order from different
Stores(Cost Centres)?
BEEEES has you covered on this requirement. The approval flow can be setup separately for
different Stores(Cost Centres) for the same item.
5. If we use only 1 Flow for every item, do we need to setup for each Category?
4. Is it necessary to setup Work Flow for each Item of each Store(Cost Centre) if
they are using the same Flow?
If they are all using the same Flow, we can easily setup the Approval Flow at Category Level. (If
some item has a specific Flow, we can just override the Flow for that specific item and others will
inherit the Flow setup in Category Level.
If there is only 1 flow, we can simply setup the Flow in Business Unit and all Items will inherit the
Approval Flow from Business Unit. But this can be overridden by Category Level or Item Level
of each Store(Cost Centre)
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8. Can we setup to display the electronic signature on the Print Purchase Order?
6. Can we setup an Optional Approval Step in the Flow i.e.: to be approved by
General Manager if the Amount is over a certain value?
An Optional Approval Step can setup based on the certain value of Total Order or certain value
of Total Amount of same Vendor per Order.
7. Can we send a notification to the next person for the approval by email?
Setup can be customized to notify next person by email when work is approved and dispatched
to next person for next level approval.
Setup can be customized whether to display electronic signature of each approval step on the
Purchase Order. (i.e.: we can setup not to display Dept Head Signature for Market list Order but
display Dept Head Signature for all other Orders etc.)
1. Can System Lock the Screen if user does not use the system for long time?
If user does not use the system for 60 minutes, it will ask user whether to extend the session. If
there is no action taken, the screen will lock and system will ask for login.
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Multi Languages
1. How many languages can be used in the System?
Any language with Unicode standard can be used in the system.
1. What is the format of Date/Time that the system supports?
Date/Time format can be defined for each Customer based on the preference. (Default Date
Time format is DD/MM/YYYY)
2. Can all of the system descriptions be used in local language?
At this moment, only English language is available and translations are in process for local
Multi Currency
1. Does system support Multi Currencies?
Multiple Currencies are fully supported and multiple Exchange Rates can also be setup based
on the effective date.
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1. What costing method can be used in the system?
2. Does BEEEES System support FIFO method for costing?
Weighted Average Price is the most widely used costing method and standard in the hospitality
industry. We fully support Weighted Average Price. We can define Weighted Average Price for
the whole system or Weighted Average Price per Business Unit or Weighted Average Price per
Store(Cost Centre) based on the organization’s requirement.
For more information of Weighted Average Price, please visit
Weighted Average Price is most widely used costing method and standard in the Industry, There
are not any plans for the FIFO costing method at this time.
Costing Method
2. Can we use currencies and numbers without decimals?
It is not necessary to use a decimal value in some country (i.e. Vietnam, Indonesia) and the
display formatcan be defined as per the Local Requirement. (i.e. 1,000,000.000 or 1000000.00
or 1,000,000 or 1.000.000 etc.)
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1. How many Business Units can be setup?
An unlimited amount of Business Units can be setup with the additional purchase of Licenses
2. Can we use different Address, Billing Instruction, Terms & Conditions, Delivery
Terms and Payment Terms for each Business Unit?
Each Business Unit can be defined; each Address, Billing Instruction, Terms & Conditions,
Delivery Terms and Payment Terms can be set-up independently.
Business Unit
3. Can we use different Logos for each Business Unit?
Each Business Unit can use its own logo which will then appear on the Purchase Order.
Delivery Point
1. Can we define multiple Delivery Points?
An unlimited number of Delivery Points can be setup and displayed on the Purchase Order so
that vendors will have delivery information for each order (i.e.: Receiving Area, Gas Storage
Area, Head Office, Pre Opening Office etc.).
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4. Can we define Minimum / Maximum Stock Level of each Item for each Store
(Cost Centre)?
Minimum / Maximum Stock Level can be defined for each Item for each Store(Cost Centre) so
that each Store, Outlet can have their own Minimum / Maximum Stock Level.
3. Can we define the Account Code of Back Office (Accounting System) for each
Store(Cost Centre)?
Each Store(Cost Centre) can be defined for Account Code and Sub Account Code to be used
for the Interface with Back Office (Accounting System).
2. How many types of E.O.P. (End of Period) methods are available in the
There are three E.O.P. (End of Period) Methods available:
1.	 Default System - It will carry forward current closing stock values to next period opening
2.	 Default Zero - It will set all closing stock values to 0
3.	 Enter Counted Stock - It will set User inputted Inventory Count Stock values to next period
Store (Cost Centre)
1. How many Stores(Cost Centres) can be set-up?
An unlimited number of Stores can be set-up with different types of E.O.P. (End of Period)
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5. Will every user have the ability to make an order / requisition for every Store
(Cost Centre)?
Each Store(Cost Centre) will be only accessible by Users which are authorized to be used by that
particular User. (i.e.: Users who can create Orders or create Requisitions or create both Orders
& Requisitions).
6. Will every user have the ability to make orders / requisitions for every item?
Each Store(Cost Centre) will only be able to make orders / requisitions for related Items. (i.e:
Main Kitchen will not be able to order/requisition Engineering Items. Staff Canteen will not be
able to order/requisition Premium Imported Beef etc.).
1. Can we setup multiple Taxes?
An unlimited number of Taxes can be setup and each Tax can be defined for the Account Code
used for the Interface with Back Office (Accounting System).
2. Can we define Account Code of Back Office (Accounting System) for each
Each Vendor can be defined for Account Codes to be used for Interface with Back Office
(Accounting System).
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2. Which type of Document can be attached for Quotation and how many
documents can be attached?
Any type of document can be attached and an unlimited number of documents can be attached.
3. Can one quotation be shared by Multiple Business Units?
Quotations can be shared by all Business Units or Limited only to a Single Business Unit to be
exclusively used by that Business Unit.
4. Can Discounts be setup in the Quotation?
Either Discount Amount or Discount Percentage can be setup in the Quotation.
1. Can we use different Payment Terms and Delivery Terms for each Vendor?
Each Vendor can be set-up with unique Payment Terms and Delivery Terms.
1. Can a Quotation be attached with the Original Document from Vendor?
An Original Document from Vendor can be attached to Each Quotation and then input into
system for reference.
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6. Can Tax be setup separately for each Quotation?
7. Can Quotations be setup for Quote Price with Included Tax?
8. Can Firm Order Commitment (FOC) Quanty be setup for the Quotation?
9. Can we easily create a Quote for New Period or same Quote from Other
Different Tax can be setup for each Quotation (i.e.: Quotes from Local Vendors may have Tax
while Quotes from Oversea Vendor may not have Tax etc.,).
Each Quoted Price can be defined as Include Tax or Exclude Tax (i.e.: - One Vendor may be
quoted with Inclusive Tax and another Vendor may be quoted with Normal Price + VAT).
If Quotation has FOC Items, those items can be setup in Quotation. (i.e.: Buy 10 and Get 1 Free
If you already have existing Quote, it can easily be copied to New Quote and the Quote Effective
Date and/or change to new Vendor.
5. Can the Quotation be setup separately for different Quantity (i.e: 1 - 10 Unit for
1 Price and Over 10 Unit for different Price etc.)?
Quotations can be setup based on “Quantity From” and “Quantity To” Range.
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2. How Many Numbers of Categories can be created in each Level?
3. Can we Limit Access to a User for some Item Categories?
The User can be Limited so not to be able to access some Item Categories (i.e.: - User from
Engineering may not have access to any Food or Beverage Category)
There is no limit for the Number of Categories in each Level.
10. Does Quote support Multi Currency?
Quote can be in Local Currency or any other Currency.
11. Can we check all the Old Expired Quotations?
All Expired Quotation can be easily accessible and filtered by Vendor, Date From, Date To etc.
Item Category
1. How Many Levels can we define for Item Category?
There are 3 Category Levels: Higher Category, Secondary Category and Primary Category (i.e.:
Food -> Seafood -> Fish Fresh)
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1. How Many Types of Units can be defined for each Item?
There are 4 Types of Units that can be defined for each Item as follows:
•	 Order Unit -> To be used for the Purchase Order, Receiving
•	 Stock Unit -> To be used for Internal Movement, Stock Control etc.,
•	 Recipe Unit -> To be used for the calculation of Recipe
•	 Inventory Count Unit -> To be used for the Physical Inventory Taking
The Calculation Factor for each Unit must be defined.
3. Can we use Local Language for the Item Name?
Local Language can be used as Item Names. However, the best practice is to use English for
Item Name and then Use Alternate Item Name in the Local Language
2. Is there any limit for the number of characters for the Item Name?
There is no limit for the number of characters for the Item Name.
4. Can we copy an existing Item to create a new Item?
A new item can easily be made by copying an existing Item to create new Item. All the
associations of the original item can be brought along as well. (i.e.: Link to Store, Template etc.)
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2. Can we Limit Access to the User for some Recipe Category?
We can Limit the user so to not to be able to access some Recipe Category (i.e.: User from Bar
will not have access to any Food Category etc.)
Recipe Category
1. How Many Levels we can define for Recipe Category?
There is no Limit for the Levels of Category for Recipes.
2. Can a Recipe be printed with or without a Price?
A Recipe can be printed with or without a Price.
1. Can a Recipe be printed with or without Pictures?
Pictures can be attached to the Recipe and the Recipe can be printed with or without a Picture.
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3. Can we add Preparation and Serving Information?
Preparation Steps and Serving Information can be added and printed with the Recipe Card with
information so that the Recipe Card can be used for Training , Reference Purposes, etc.
4. Is the Recipe Price always up to date?
5. Can we save the Recipe with Current Price?
The calculation of the Recipe Price is always based on the up to date price i.e: (Average Price,
Last Price, Quote Price)
A Recipe can be saved with the current price so that it can be reviewed later to compare the
historical price with the current price.
7. Can we define the Currency of the Recipe?
6. How many Costing Methods we are available for the Recipe Calculation?
There are 4 costing methods:
1.	 Average Price (Use the current average price)
2.	 Last Price (Use the current last purchase price)
3.	 Quote Price (Use the price of current valid quotation)
4.	 Free Price (User can input the price manually based on the market price to calculate the
selling price)
Each Recipe can be defined with a unique Currency as the Selling Price.
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8. Can the Tax Amount and Service Charge be calculated within the Recipe?
The Tax Amount and Service Charge also can be calculated for the Recipe.
9. Can we add a Spoilage Factor for the Calculation of the Recipe?
10. Can we also see the Contribution Margin (CM) of each Ingredient?
Each Ingredient in the Recipe can be calculated with a Spoilage Factor in Total Quanty of
Spoilage or as a Spoilage percentage.
Contribution Margin of Each Ingredient can also be easily analyzed on the Recipe Screen.
11. Can we define which Ingredient can be Deducted from Stock or not to
Deduct from Stock while Transferring Recipe from One Store(Cost Centre)
to another?
Each Ingredient can defined as to whether to Deduct from Stock Level or not to Deduct from
the Stock Level. (This will be useful when there is no Inventory Stock for the some Food Items
such as Salt, Pepper etc.)
12. Can we copy an existing Recipe to create a New Recipe?
An existing Recipe can easily be copied to create a New Recipe so that time can be saved for a
user creating a similar Recipe.
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1. Can we input Budget Amount into system?
1. Can we prepare Order Template with the Quantity?
2. Do we need to type Item by Item to create Order Template?
2. Is the Budget Period same as Calendar Year?
3. Can Budget be defined for each Store(Cost Centre)?
Monthly or Yearly Budget Amount can be input to system for the Budget Amount by Item or
Budget Amount by Category so that it can control the expenses.
Order Template can be created with or without Quantity.
Order Template can be easily create by choosing the require Item from the Category with Item
Budget Period can be define whether Calendar Year or Fiscal Year based on the Organisation
Budget can be defined for each Store(Cost Centre)
Order Template
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A Requisition Template can be easily created by choosing the required Item from the Category
within the Item Tree.
A Requisition Template can be created with or without a Quantity.
Both Items and Recipes can be combined together to create a Requisition Template.
Requisition Template
1. Can we prepare a Requisition Template with a Quantity?
3. Can we create a Requisition Template with both Items and Recipes?
2. Do we need to type Item-by- Item to create a Requisition Template?
User Rights can be control by assigning a User Role. And User Rights can also be given special
permission directly to the Users if Users need additional Access Rights among the Users who
have the same User Role, thus eliminating the need for creating multiple User Roles with similar
Access Rights.
1. Are Access Rights controlled by a User Role?
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Assigning authorized department approvals can be created so that Department Heads of each
Section will be able to approve the Order / Requisition created by their own department.
A Complex Password policy is supported with features as follows:
Each Password must include at least
•	 One Lowercase Letter (a - z)
•	 One Uppercase Letter (A - Z)
•	 One Numeric (1 - 9)
•	 A Minimum of 6 Characters
Password must be changed every 60 Days
The same password cannot be used repeatedly.
6 attempts of a login with a wrong password will lockout the user.
3. Can we define which User is authorized to approve for specific departments?
4. Does system support a Complex Password Policy?
Each User (especially a User who needs to do Approval / Authorization) can attach a signature
directly to the User profile so that their electronic signature will appear on the POs which they
have approved.
2. Can we attach a unique Signature for each of the Users?
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Orders can be created by using one of the following methods:
1.	 Create Order from Empty -> User can directly choose Store(Cost Centre) and Item to create
2.	 Create Order from Template -> User can choose a predefined Template to create an Order.
1. What are the methods for creating an order?
In the future, there will be more methods for creating an order (i.e.: Create Order From Min/Max,
Create Order from Requisition, Create Order from Recipe, Create Order from Budget)
If you have access to more than one Order Store, you can order from multiple Stores(Cost Centres)
within the same Order.
2. Are there any other methods to create an order?
3. Can I order from different Stores Cost Centres) in same Order?
4. I’ve started making an order but I need to go to a meeting. Can I save my
work and resume sometime later?
During the Order Creation, you can save your work and it will be saved as Pre Order. And the
work can be resumed by opening the saved Order from the Pre Order Screen which is easily
accessible from the Dashboard.
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You can choose a different Delivery Date for each Item in the same Order.
9. Can I choose a different Delivery Date for each Item in same Order?
8. How can I check the approval status of the Order I have created and send for
“My Order History” will display all the Orders you have created along with the statuses of each
Order so that tracking orders and needed follow up is easily determined.
More than one Template can be used to create an Order.
5. Can an order use more than one Template in that same Order?
Items which are not yet input into a template can easily be added directly into the order.
6. Can more Items be added manually when creating Orders from Templates?
7. I have more than 20 Items in the Template but I need to order only 5 items,
do I need to remove them manually?
It is not necessary to remove each unneeded item manually. When orders are dispatched, every
item with a zero (0) Quantity or a Blank Qty will be ignored and will not be included with the order
or sent for approval.
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When creating an Order, the Last Price will be displayed as well as the Estimated Net Amount
based on the criteria below:
If there is a last price, the Estimated Net Amount will be calculated based on the Last Price
multiplied by the Requested Quantity. If there is no last purchase price, it will be calculated based
on Best Quoted Price x Request Quantity.
10. Can I see the Estimated Price of the Order before I send for the Approval?
11. Can I send a Special Note/ Message/Instructions to other Users for the
Order that I am creating?
Messages can be sent to other Users while creating the Order in order to communicate with the
Department Head, Purchasing or other involved users.
12. Can I attach any picture or document with the Order?
Any type of document or picture can be attached with an Order and anyone involved with the
approval or process of the order are able to view the attachment.
13. Can a Department Head change the Quantity before Approval?
A Department Head can increase or decrease the Quantity requested before it is approved and
dispatched for next step.
14. Can an Approver see the Last Price and Last Purchase Vendor?
Department Heads can review the Last Price as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on the
criteria below:
•	 If there is last price, Estimated Net Amount will be calculated based on Last Price x Approved
•	 If there is no last purchase price, it will calculated based on Best Quoted Price x Approved
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15. Can an Approver see the Available Quote of an Order Item?
An Approver can review the current available Quote for each Item.
16. Can an Approver see the Purchase History of the Order Item?
17. Can an Approver review what time the Order was sent for approval?
An Approver can review the history of each Item.
A Department Head can review a Log which displays the Users’ Names, Dates and Times that
any Order was dispatched for approval.
18. Can an Order be Rejected?
19. Can an Order be sent back to the Requestor or a previous Approver?
20. Can one Order be allocated to different Buyer?
Each Approval Step can be defined as authorized to Reject. (i.e.: a General Manager may have
the authority to reject, but a Financial Controller may not have authority to reject etc.)
Every Item in the Order or selected Item in the Order can be send back to every approval step of
the Approval Flow or original requestor to take necessary action.
It can allocated so that a different buyer is assigned for each item on the same Order.
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An Approver can approve some items or all of the items and dispatch to next step of the process.
The remaining items can be approved later or send back to previous approver or rejected.
21. Can an Approver approve only selected Items instead of approving all
items of the order at same time?
22. Can a Buyer Transfer his Order to other Buyers?
After allocating the Orders to a Buyer, a Buyer may transfer the Order to Other Buyers.
24. How is the Best Quote chosen?
The Best Quote is chosen based on the following criteria:
Vendor Rank described in the Quote (From 1,2,3 .. so on and 1 is the Best Quote) If all available
Quote has same Vendor Rank, the Best Quote will be decided based on Lowest Price.
If all available Quotes has same Vendor Rank and same Price, Best Quote will be decided based
on which Quotation is created in the system first.
23. How Can a Buyer Allocate Vendor to the Order?
Buyer can Allocate Vendor to Order in one of the following methods:
•	 Allocate Last Purchase - Allocate the same Vendor same price of last purchased.
•	 Manual Allocate Quote - Choose the Quote manually from available Quote.
•	 Auto Allocate Quote - Allocate the Best Quote from the available Quote.
•	 Input Manually – manual input of Vendor, Price etc.
25. Can a Buyer create a new Quote directly from Allocated Vendor Screen?
There is an option to create a Quote from the selected order item.
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26. Can a Buyer Print the Selected Item to Request for Quotation?
A Buyer can print the selected Item and choose the Vendors and print the Request for Quotation
then send the file via fax or email to suppliers.
27. Can Buyer Split the Quantity of the Order Items?
The buyer can split the Quantities of the Order Items. There may be cases when 10 Qty is ordered
but 1 supplier can supply only 6 Qty. In this case, a buyer can split the Order Item into 6 and 4 then
allocate the balance quantity to different vendor.
29. Can an Approver change the Quantity of the Order after Buyer has
allocated the order to a Vendor?
Once a Buyer has Allocated an order to a Vendor, the Approver should not change the Quantity
and the order must be sent back to the Buyer to take the necessary action.
30. After a PO is printed, can it be reprinted?
Once the PO is printed, it can be reprinted from the Reprint PO screen with the title “Reprint
Purchase Order”.
28. Can a Buyer Merge Order Items from Different Orders?
There may be cases when the same item is ordered from different departments in different orders,
but a Buyer may need to combine into one order. In this case, buyer can merge from different
orders into one order.
© 2014 | 31
31. Can we send the PO to Vendors by Email?
Once the PO is printed, a Portable Document Format(PDF) file is then generated and may be
attached to an email and sent to a Supplier.
32. When an Order ready for printing has more than one Vendor will the PO and
PDF file be generated separately for each Vendor?
When a PO is ready to print, the Vendor can be selected to print the PDF file for each vendor.
Hence, each Vendor will have separate PDF file and you can send only the PO portion that is
related to the specific Vendor.
2. Can we receive more than one PO in same Invoice?
1. If the price or vendor on the PO is wrong, can Receiving make corrections?
Receiving is not authorized to make changes but Receiving can forward the PO to the Buyer. The
Buyer will then make the necessary changes and the Order can continue through the approval
Multiple POs can be selected to be received against one Invoice.
© 2014 | 32
3. Can we receive partial Delivery?
4. Can I cancel the PO from Receiving?
If supplier delivered less than Actual PO Quantity, a partial delivery can received and the remaining
quantity will be open and available to receive in the future.
If the PO is partially received and not required to receive anymore than it can be canceled easily
from Receiving screen.
5. Can I receive without a Purchase Order?
Invoices can be received with Purchase Order but this function is controlled by the user rights and
allows only for an authorized user to receive without PO.
6. Can I Return an Item to Supplier?
7. Can I Return an Item to Supplier if I have no Quantity On Hand?
Both a Credit Note and a Return to Supplier can be processed through the system.
If there is no Quantity On Hand, you could not be able to Return to Supplier.
© 2014 | 33
8. Can I post only a Credit Note without Quantity?
If supplier has given discount or maybe wrong price is posted, it can a post Credit Note without
1. How many methods can we use to create a Requisition?
2. Are there any other methods to create a Requisition?
A Requisition can be created by using one of the following methods:
1.	 Create Requisition from Empty -> User can directly choose From Store(Cost Centre) and To
Store(Cost Centre) and Item to create Requisition.
2.	 Create Requisition from Template -> User can choose predefined Template to create
In the future, there will be more methods of creating requisitions (i.e.: Create Requisition from Min/
Max, Create Requisition from POS Sales, Create Requisition from Recipe).
3. I’ve started making a requisition but I need to go to a meeting. Can I save my
work and resume after the meeting?
During the Requisition Creation, work can be saved as a Pre Requisition. And you can resume
the work by opening your saved Requisition from Pre Requisition Screen which can be easily
accessible from your Dashboard.
© 2014 | 34
4. Can I request from a different Store(Cost Centre) in same Requisition?
5. Can I request more than 1 Template in same Requisition?
If you have access to more than 1 Requisition Store, you can requisition from multiple Stores(Cost
Centres) in the same Requisition.
You can choose more than 1 Template to create the requisition.
6. Can I request both Item and Recipe together in the same Requisition?
If you are creating a requisition from template and you need to request items which are not yet
input in the template, you can easily add items directly in the requisition.
7. I have more than 20 Items in the Template but I need to request only 5 items,
do I need to remove them manually?
It is not necessary to remove manually; when you dispatch your requisition, every item with 0
Quantity or Blank Quantity will be ignored and will not be sent for approval.
8. Can I choose different Delivery Dates for each Item in same Requisition?
You can choose different Delivery Dates for each Item in the same Requisition.
© 2014 | 35
9. Can I see the Estimated Price of the Requisition before I send for Approval?
11. Can I attach any picture or document with the Requisition?
When you are creating the Requisition, it will display the Average Price as well as the Estimated Net
Amount based on Average Price x Request Qty.
You can attach any type of document, picture with the Requisition and anyone who will do the
approval or process your requisition will be able to view the attachment.
10. Can I send Special Note/ Message to other Users for the Requisition that
I am creating?
A Message can be sent to other Users while creating the Requisition in order to communicate with
the Dept Head or Storekeeper etc.
13. Can a Dept Head change the Requested Quantity before Approval?
Dept Head can increase or decrease the Quantity requested by the Requestor before it is
approved and then dispatch for the next step.
12. How can I check the approval status of the Requisition I have created and
send for approval?
“My Requisition History” will display all the Requisition you have created and the status of the
Requisition so that you always can track your requisition and know who you will need to contact
in order to follow up.
© 2014 | 36
14. Can Approver see the Estimated Amount of the Requisition?
15. Can Approver see what time the Requisition is sent for approval?
16. Can a Requisition be Rejected?
17. Can Requisition be sent back to the Requestor or previous Approver?
A Dept Head can see the Average Price as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on the Average
Price x Approved Qty.
A Dept Head can review the Log which displays the User Name and Date Time of the Requisition
dispatch for approval.
We can define each Approval Step whether they are authorized to Reject. (i.e.: General Manager
may have authority to reject but Financial Controller may not have authority to reject etc.).
Every Item in the Requisition or selected Item in the Requisition can be send back to every approval
step of the Approval Flow or original requestor to take necessary action.
18. Can Approver approve only selected Items instead of approving all items
of the Requisition at same time?
An Approver can approve some item or all item and dispatch to next step for the process. The
remaining items can be approved later or send back to previous approver or rejected.
© 2014 | 37
19. After the Approved Requisition is printed, can it be reprinted?
Once the Approved Requisition is printed, it can be reprinted from the Reprint Requisition screen
with the Title “Reprint Requisition”.
2. Can I Transfer without a Requisition?
A Transfer can be made from a Requisition as well as a Manual Transfer. However, these functions
are controlled by the User Rights and a user must be authorized to transfer manually.
1. Can we Transfer more than 1 Requisition in same Transfer?
3. Can I Transfer if I have no Quantity On Hand?
4. Can I Transfer a Recipe if one of the Ingredients has no Quantity On Hand?
Multiple Requisitions can be posted together in 1 Transfer.
If there is not enough Quantity On Hand, it will not be able to transfer.
When creating a Recipe, you can define which Ingredient stock need to be deducted and which
ingredients are not. Hence, Recipes must be adjusted as necessary to be able to transfer the
recipe which one or more ingredients may not have enough stock.
© 2014 | 38
3. When I create the Inventory, can I choose how to sort the Counted Sheet?
When creating Inventory to print the Counted Sheet, you can sort by Item Code, Item Name, Alt
Item Name. Then the inventory will be created according to the sorting method you choose.
1. Can I create an Inventory Schedule separately for each Business Unit?
4. After I created and printed the Inventory, Can I reprint again?
An Inventory Schedule must be created separately for each Business Unit as some Business Units
may have different Inventory Periods.
It is required to create the Inventory only for the Store(Cost Centre) which E.O.P.(End of Period)
Type is Enter Counted Stock.
After Inventory is created, it is also able to be reprinted again.
2. Do I need to create an Invertory for All Stores (Cost Centres) even they are set
to Default Zero or Default System?
Once Inventory is created and when you have more Invoices or Transfers Posting for the same
period, it will automatically update the Inventory Evaluated QoH.
5. We have already created the Inventory but we still need to post some
Invoices or Transfers for that Inventory Period. Can we do that?
© 2014 | 39
Once you have input the Counted Quantity, you can print an Inventory Difference Report.
We have provided all the reports to prepare your month end report without closing the inventory
period in system. But you must input all of the Physical Counted Quantity into the system, then
prepare your monthly report and then you can do the month end closing once everything is
Once Physical Counted Quantity is Input, you would be able to print QoH (Quantity on Hand)
Value so that you could start preparing your “Month End Reconciliation Report”, before closing the
Inventory Period.
It does not necessary to stop the Posting as every posting for the new period will not be updated
to current Inventory Evaluated QoH.
7. While we are processing Inventory, do we need to stop posting Invoices and
Transfers for new period?
8. After I’ve input the Physical Counted Quantity, can I print the Inventory
10. Do I need to close Inventory in the system first to prepare for my Month End
9. After I’ve input Physical Counted Quantity, Can I print the Quantity on Hand
Value Report?
It is not necessary to ask any user to logout from system; you can proceed to close Inventory.
6. Do we need to ask all users to logout from system when we need to close the
© 2014 | 40
3. Can I conduct Spot Check for All Stores(Cost Centres)?
All the Stores(Cost Centres) which E.O.P.(End of Period) Type is Default System or Enter Counted
Stock will be able to conduct Spot Check and update into System.
Spot Check
1. Can we conduct Spot Check and update into system?
Spot Check can be used to update the stock balance after conducting physical stock at any time
before the Inventory is created.
Unlike other systems, it is not necessary to create Dummy Vendor to input all the opening balance
as Receiving Posting. We can directly update the stock balance by using a Spot Check Count
Function where you can also directly update the Average Price. However, your IT administrator
needs to set the appropriate permission to update average price and it can be revoked anytime
2. The system is recently implemented and we need to update the current stock
into system but we have not yet purchased anything through system and all
the average prices are at 0. How easily we can update average prices into system.
You can filter the item by typing any content of the item name in filter box. You can also search by
Item Code or Alternate Item Name.
11. While I’m Inputting Physical Counted Stock into the system, can I easily
search items?
© 2014 | 41
Inventory and Spot Check cannot be created for the same Store(Cost Centre) at the same time.
Spot Check or Inventory has to be completed and closed first.
4. Can I create Spot Check and Inventory for the same Store(Cost Centre) at the
same time?
7. After I created and printed the Spot Check, Can I reprint again?
After Spot Check is created, it can be reprinted again.
6. When I create the Spot Check, can I choose how to sort the Counted Sheet?
When creating Spot Check to print Counted Sheet, you can choose to sort by Item Code, Item
Name, Alt Item Name and the Spot check will be created according to the sorting method you
Once Spot Check is created and when you have more Invoices or Transfers Posting for the
previous day before Spot Check is created, it will automatically update the Spot Check Evaluated
8. We have already created the Spot Check, but we still need to post some
Invoices or Transfers for the previous day before Spot Check is created.
Can we do that?
5. Can I create Spot Check only for some Items from the Store(Cost Centre)?
You can create Spot Check for All Items or Selected Items from the Store(Cost Centre).
© 2014 | 42
Once Physical Counted Quantity is Input, you would be able to print QoH (Quantity on Hand) so
that you can reconcile your stock Balance, before closing the Spot Check.
11. After I’ve input Physical Spot Check Counted Quantity, can I print the
Quantity on Hand Value Report?
12. I have created Spot Check for 3 Stores(Cost Centres), Do I need to close
all of them together?
13. While I’m Inputting Physical Spot Check Counted Stock into system, can I
easily search item?
Unlike Inventory Closing, Spot Checks are independent and you can close each Store(Cost
Centre) individually.
You can filter the item by typing any content of the item name in filter box. You can also search by
Item Code or Alternate Item Name.
It is not necessary to stop the Posting as every posting for the date after the Spot Check created
will not be updated to current Spot Check Evaluated QoH.
Once you have input the Counted Quantity, you can print the Spot Check Difference Report.
9. While we are processing Spot Check, do we need to stop posting Invoice and
Transfer for the date after the Spot Check created?
10. After I’ve input Physical Spot Check Counted Quantity, can I print
Spot Check Difference?
© 2014 | 43
14. Do we need to ask all user to logout from system when we need to close the
Spot Check?
It is not necessary to ask any user to logout from system so that you can process to close Spot
3rd Party Interface
1. Is your system able to interface with Back Office Accounting Systems?
There are 4 Type of Transactions we can interface to Back Office Accounting System.
1.	 Invoice & Credit Note -> Daily posting of Invoice and Credit Note can be export and import to
Back Office System so that Account Payable can save time by posting manually again at Back
Office Accounting System.
2.	 Requisition & Transfer (Optional) -> Daily posting of Requisition & Transfer can also be export
and import to Back Office System.
3.	 Inventory Voucher (Optional) -> Inventory Difference can also be export and import to Back
Office System.
4.	 Spot Check Voucher (Optional) -> Spot Check Difference can also be export and import to
Back Office System.
However, most of the Hotels do not practice Option 2,3,4 as this will import all the transactions
and consume more disk space for Back Office Accounting System.
As all the transactions are already available in our System for further analysis, most of the Hotels
practice to prepare Month End Cost Board and prepare JV by Cost Controller at the end of the
month and update into Back Office Accounting System for Actual Consumption.
2. Which Back Office Accounting Systems are supported?
Most Back Office Accounting Systems which are widely used in the Industry are supported (i.e.:
Sun Back Office Accounting).
© 2014 | 44
4. If my Back Office Accounting System does not support an interface, will
you provide one?
Our Interface Framework is ready to interface with any 3rd Party Back Office Accounting System.
And with your collaboration, we shall coordinate with your Back Office Accounting Vendor for the
possibilities of the Interface.
5. Is your system able to interface with a Point of Sales System?
6. Which Point of Sales Systems are supported?
7. Is my Point of Sales System ready for interface?
Daily Sales Transactions from a POS system can be imported to our System for the analysis of
Potential Cost as well as the Stock Deduction.
Most Point of Sales System which are widely used in the Industry are supported (i.e.: Infrasys,
As we are frequently adding more Point of Sales System for Interface, please let us know the Name
and Version of your Point of Sales System. We are happy to assist in providing more information.
3. Is my Back Office Accounting System ready for interface?
As we are adding more Back Office Accounting System for Interface, please let us know the Name
and Version of your Accounting System. We are happy to assist you in providing more information.
© 2014 | 45
8. If my Point of Sales System does not support an interface, will you
provide one?
Our interface Framework is ready to interface with any 3rd Party Point of Sales System and
with the help of your collaboration, we shall coordinate with your Point of Sales Vendor for the
possibilities of the Interface.
We are happy to provide you with sample reports and please feel free to contact our Business
Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact sales@beeees.
com or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website.
Over 100 Reports are available ranging from Daily Reports such as Receiving, Order Pending,
Deviation, Internal Movement and Month End Reconciliation Report to In depth analysis of
Consumption, Purchase Analysis, Cost Analysis etc. for Management and Owners.
Please request the latest full list and sample reports from our Business Partner in your Country/
Region ( or contact or contact us using
“Contact Us” on our website.
1. Can I see samples of All Reports?
2. How many Reports are available in your System?
© 2014 | 46
15th Fl, Sathorn Thani 1 Building 90/40-41
North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Tel: +662 610 3189

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  • 1. © 2014 | 1 BEEEES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Technical Specs Quotation Item Category Item Recipe Category Recipe Budget Order Template Requisition Template User Procurement Receiving Requisition Transfers Inventory Spot Check 3rd Party Interface Reports Sales Implementation Support Processing Step & Flows Security Multi Languages Locale Multi Currency Costing Method Business Unit Delivery Point Store (Cost Centre) Tax Vendor
  • 2. © 2014 | 2 BEEEES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Technical Spec 1. What is BEEEES Development Framework and why does BEEEES use it? Our clients enjoy the benefits of the combination of the latest and greatest Web frameworks and the powerful industry-standard JVM. Ruby on Rails: The Power of Java plus the simplicity of Ruby on Rails. Ruby, the full-featured object-oriented dynamic (scripting) language, with strong support for functional programming and metaprogramming, has drawn attention recently for its flexibility and ease of development. JRuby, a JVM-based interpreter for Ruby, combines the ease of the Ruby language with execution in the powerful JVM, including full integration to and from Java libraries. Find more information about the Power of JRuby and Ruby on Rails: wiki/JRuby 2. On which Server Operating System can BEEEES system be installed? Our clients are very satisfied with the Apache Tomcat Web Server which is an Open Source Web Server and Servlet Container that was developed by Apache Foundation (ASF). Apache Tomcat Web Server can be installed on major Operating System i.e.: Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac.
  • 3. © 2014 | 3 4. What is BEEEES Minimum Specification and Requirements for a Server? • OS - Windows Server 2003/2008 or Linux Ubuntu 12/13 64 Bits • RAM = Min 8GB • Minimum Storage = 500GB Min 7200 rpm for HDD or SSD • CPU - Minimum 4 Cores Note: This above standard is based on hotels with 500 rooms, 15 outlets and 150 users in Total (15 concurrent users). For more information and assistance, please contact BEEEES Business Partner in your Country/ Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. 3. What is the BEEEES Database and why does BEEEES use it? BEEEES clients demand a database with security, scalability and a business/mission critical environment. PostgreSQL, often simply “Postgres”, is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. As a database server, its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices, and retrieve later, as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). BEEEES Database can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. Recent versions also provide replication of the database itself for security and scalability. In Summary, PostgreSQL is • 100% Open Source, no License Fees. • High Standard Quality, Security and Reliability • Successfully operating in many business/mission critical environment around the globe Organization using PostgreSQL i.e.: HP, Nasa, CME, Instagram, Skype, VMWare, NTT, Heroku,... For more information about PostgreSQL visit (
  • 4. © 2014 | 4 6. Which Browsers are supported by the BEEEES application? 7. What is BEEEES Minimum Specification Requirement for Client PCs? 8. Can BEEEES system be accessed via Internet from outside of client hotels? 9. Does BEEEES system support https? 5. Do BEEEES Clients need to install any application on their PC? Most major browsers that contain HTML5 and CSS3 functions are supported (i.e.: Google Chrome 34 and above; Firefox 28 and above; Internet Explorer 10 and above; Safari 7 and above). • CPU - Minimum Speed 1GHz • RAM = Min 2GB • Screen Resolution - Minimum 1152 x 800 • Browser: Major browser which support HTML5 and CSS3 (i.e.: Google Chrome 34 and above; Firefox 28 and above; Internet Explorer 10 and above; Safari 7 and above.) Yes, BEEEES is a web application. If a hotel has public IP assigned or Port Forward to the Server, the BEEEES system application can be accessed from outside of the hotels via internet. The BEEEES system does not require any additional purchase of remote access tools. Apache Tomcat Web Server support https and the BEEEES system can be configured to use https but a trusted SSL Certificate from SSL Certificate Provider is highly recommended. (i.e.,, As BEEEES system is a Web Application, the application can be used from any Major Browser (which support HTML5 and CSS3) installed on a PC. If report printing is required, then PDF Reader should be installed.
  • 5. © 2014 | 5 Sales 1. How do I contact the BEEEES Sales Team? 3. Can BEEEES visit us to present a Software Demonstration? 1. Do we need to create and upload a Master List manually into the BEEEES system? 2. Can BEEEES provide access to a Demo Application for a pre-purchase review of the BEEEES application? We at BEEEES are happy to assist you. Please contact our Business Partner in your Country/ Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. We are happy to visit your hotel for a Software Demonstration. Please feel free to contact our Business Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. BEEEES will provide a template file to prepare client data and BEEEES will help uploading master lists such as: Business Units/Departments, Delivery Points, Stores(Cost Centres), Taxes, Currencies, Vendors, Item Categories, Items and Users Lists. BEEEES is happy to provide you demo access. Please contact our Business Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. Implementation
  • 6. © 2014 | 6 2. How many days is required for implementation, training and progression to go live? BEEEES Standard Implementation is 15 - 20 Days depending on the size of the hotel and total number of users to be trained. • 3 - 5 Days for Server Installation & Master Data Setup • 3 - 5 Days for Training of Key Users (Purchasing, Cost Control, Store, Receiving) • 3 Days for Training of Order & Requisition Requestor from All Departments (i.e.: Kitchen, F&B and All Department Secretaries) • 1 Day for Training of Order & Requisition Approval for Management Team (i.e - Dept Head, Management Team, FC, GM) • 1 Day for Training of Recipe Creation, Interface with 3rd Party Products • 2 Days for Standby Go Live • 2 - 3 Days for Training of Month End Closing and Stand By Note: The above standard is based on a hotel with 500 Rooms, 15 outlets and 150 users in total. For details and a customization implementation schedule, please contact our Business Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. Support 1. After the Implementation and Go-Live, how can we get support? Once BEEEES system goes live, there will be approximately 1 - 2 months of support which provide concentrated care and monitoring your daily activities and usage of the BEEEES system etc. This includes direct communication to the Key Person (i.e.: Cost Control, Purchasing Team for consulting, guidance etc., by BEEEES Senior Consultant to ensure client’s daily operations are running smoothly. After the initial period, a normal support channel will be opened and the first level support will be provided by BEEEES Local Business Partner in your Country/Region ( ness_partners) or contact directly to
  • 7. © 2014 | 7 3. Will you provide 24hours/7 day a week support? 4. What is BEEEES Service Level Agreement for Support? The nature of the application does not require 24/7 support. Our normal support is provided during office hours on weekdays by BEEEES Local Business Partner in your Country/Region. However, we do provide 24/7 support for Critical Issues (Your System has become Unavailable and causing a substantial business impact and there is no work around solutions) and for standby support on weekends for Month End Closing and Year End Closing. • Critical Issues – Client System has become Unavailable • Urgent Issues - Causing a substantial business impact and there is no work around solutions • Important Issues - Causing a substantial business impact and there is work around solutions • Minor Issues - Not causing a substantial business impact and there is a work around solutions • Questions - Questions on existing system functionality Response Times: • Critical Issues - Response within 30 Minutes • Urgent Issues - Response within 1 Hours • Important Issues - Response within 1 Working Day • Minor Issues - Response within 2 Working Days • Question - Response within 3 Working Days 2. When clients have suggestions for enhancements and/or require new features or new reports, do you customize as part of your service? We value our customer feedback and suggestions as this will help us grow and making our application stronger. If the enhancements and/or new features requirement is reasonable and useful for other customers, we normally provide customization free of charge. However, if the requirement is very specific only to your organization, we will customize for a reasonable price.
  • 8. © 2014 | 8 Processing Step & Flows 2. Can we use different approval flows for different types of items? 1. Can BEEEES Approval Flow be Customized? Requisition Approval Work Flow Order or Purchase Order Approval Work Flow can be customized according to the organizational needs. Different work flows can be setup for different types of items. But it is not necessary to setup a workflow for each item. 3. Can we use different approval flows for same item but order from different Stores(Cost Centres)? BEEEES has you covered on this requirement. The approval flow can be setup separately for different Stores(Cost Centres) for the same item. 5. If we use only 1 Flow for every item, do we need to setup for each Category? 4. Is it necessary to setup Work Flow for each Item of each Store(Cost Centre) if they are using the same Flow? If they are all using the same Flow, we can easily setup the Approval Flow at Category Level. (If some item has a specific Flow, we can just override the Flow for that specific item and others will inherit the Flow setup in Category Level. If there is only 1 flow, we can simply setup the Flow in Business Unit and all Items will inherit the Approval Flow from Business Unit. But this can be overridden by Category Level or Item Level of each Store(Cost Centre)
  • 9. © 2014 | 9 8. Can we setup to display the electronic signature on the Print Purchase Order? 6. Can we setup an Optional Approval Step in the Flow i.e.: to be approved by General Manager if the Amount is over a certain value? An Optional Approval Step can setup based on the certain value of Total Order or certain value of Total Amount of same Vendor per Order. 7. Can we send a notification to the next person for the approval by email? Setup can be customized to notify next person by email when work is approved and dispatched to next person for next level approval. Setup can be customized whether to display electronic signature of each approval step on the Purchase Order. (i.e.: we can setup not to display Dept Head Signature for Market list Order but display Dept Head Signature for all other Orders etc.) 1. Can System Lock the Screen if user does not use the system for long time? If user does not use the system for 60 minutes, it will ask user whether to extend the session. If there is no action taken, the screen will lock and system will ask for login. Security
  • 10. © 2014 | 10 Multi Languages 1. How many languages can be used in the System? Any language with Unicode standard can be used in the system. Locale 1. What is the format of Date/Time that the system supports? Date/Time format can be defined for each Customer based on the preference. (Default Date Time format is DD/MM/YYYY) 2. Can all of the system descriptions be used in local language? At this moment, only English language is available and translations are in process for local languages. Multi Currency 1. Does system support Multi Currencies? Multiple Currencies are fully supported and multiple Exchange Rates can also be setup based on the effective date.
  • 11. © 2014 | 11 1. What costing method can be used in the system? 2. Does BEEEES System support FIFO method for costing? Weighted Average Price is the most widely used costing method and standard in the hospitality industry. We fully support Weighted Average Price. We can define Weighted Average Price for the whole system or Weighted Average Price per Business Unit or Weighted Average Price per Store(Cost Centre) based on the organization’s requirement. For more information of Weighted Average Price, please visit age_cost_method Weighted Average Price is most widely used costing method and standard in the Industry, There are not any plans for the FIFO costing method at this time. Costing Method 2. Can we use currencies and numbers without decimals? It is not necessary to use a decimal value in some country (i.e. Vietnam, Indonesia) and the display formatcan be defined as per the Local Requirement. (i.e. 1,000,000.000 or 1000000.00 or 1,000,000 or 1.000.000 etc.)
  • 12. © 2014 | 12 1. How many Business Units can be setup? An unlimited amount of Business Units can be setup with the additional purchase of Licenses required. 2. Can we use different Address, Billing Instruction, Terms & Conditions, Delivery Terms and Payment Terms for each Business Unit? Each Business Unit can be defined; each Address, Billing Instruction, Terms & Conditions, Delivery Terms and Payment Terms can be set-up independently. Business Unit 3. Can we use different Logos for each Business Unit? Each Business Unit can use its own logo which will then appear on the Purchase Order. Delivery Point 1. Can we define multiple Delivery Points? An unlimited number of Delivery Points can be setup and displayed on the Purchase Order so that vendors will have delivery information for each order (i.e.: Receiving Area, Gas Storage Area, Head Office, Pre Opening Office etc.).
  • 13. © 2014 | 13 4. Can we define Minimum / Maximum Stock Level of each Item for each Store (Cost Centre)? Minimum / Maximum Stock Level can be defined for each Item for each Store(Cost Centre) so that each Store, Outlet can have their own Minimum / Maximum Stock Level. 3. Can we define the Account Code of Back Office (Accounting System) for each Store(Cost Centre)? Each Store(Cost Centre) can be defined for Account Code and Sub Account Code to be used for the Interface with Back Office (Accounting System). 2. How many types of E.O.P. (End of Period) methods are available in the System? There are three E.O.P. (End of Period) Methods available: 1. Default System - It will carry forward current closing stock values to next period opening 2. Default Zero - It will set all closing stock values to 0 3. Enter Counted Stock - It will set User inputted Inventory Count Stock values to next period opening. Store (Cost Centre) 1. How many Stores(Cost Centres) can be set-up? An unlimited number of Stores can be set-up with different types of E.O.P. (End of Period) Methods.
  • 14. © 2014 | 14 5. Will every user have the ability to make an order / requisition for every Store (Cost Centre)? Each Store(Cost Centre) will be only accessible by Users which are authorized to be used by that particular User. (i.e.: Users who can create Orders or create Requisitions or create both Orders & Requisitions). 6. Will every user have the ability to make orders / requisitions for every item? Each Store(Cost Centre) will only be able to make orders / requisitions for related Items. (i.e: Main Kitchen will not be able to order/requisition Engineering Items. Staff Canteen will not be able to order/requisition Premium Imported Beef etc.). Tax 1. Can we setup multiple Taxes? An unlimited number of Taxes can be setup and each Tax can be defined for the Account Code used for the Interface with Back Office (Accounting System). 2. Can we define Account Code of Back Office (Accounting System) for each Vendor? Each Vendor can be defined for Account Codes to be used for Interface with Back Office (Accounting System).
  • 15. © 2014 | 15 2. Which type of Document can be attached for Quotation and how many documents can be attached? Any type of document can be attached and an unlimited number of documents can be attached. 3. Can one quotation be shared by Multiple Business Units? Quotations can be shared by all Business Units or Limited only to a Single Business Unit to be exclusively used by that Business Unit. 4. Can Discounts be setup in the Quotation? Either Discount Amount or Discount Percentage can be setup in the Quotation. Vendor 1. Can we use different Payment Terms and Delivery Terms for each Vendor? Each Vendor can be set-up with unique Payment Terms and Delivery Terms. Quotation 1. Can a Quotation be attached with the Original Document from Vendor? An Original Document from Vendor can be attached to Each Quotation and then input into system for reference.
  • 16. © 2014 | 16 6. Can Tax be setup separately for each Quotation? 7. Can Quotations be setup for Quote Price with Included Tax? 8. Can Firm Order Commitment (FOC) Quanty be setup for the Quotation? 9. Can we easily create a Quote for New Period or same Quote from Other Vendor? Different Tax can be setup for each Quotation (i.e.: Quotes from Local Vendors may have Tax while Quotes from Oversea Vendor may not have Tax etc.,). Each Quoted Price can be defined as Include Tax or Exclude Tax (i.e.: - One Vendor may be quoted with Inclusive Tax and another Vendor may be quoted with Normal Price + VAT). If Quotation has FOC Items, those items can be setup in Quotation. (i.e.: Buy 10 and Get 1 Free etc.) If you already have existing Quote, it can easily be copied to New Quote and the Quote Effective Date and/or change to new Vendor. 5. Can the Quotation be setup separately for different Quantity (i.e: 1 - 10 Unit for 1 Price and Over 10 Unit for different Price etc.)? Quotations can be setup based on “Quantity From” and “Quantity To” Range.
  • 17. © 2014 | 17 2. How Many Numbers of Categories can be created in each Level? 3. Can we Limit Access to a User for some Item Categories? The User can be Limited so not to be able to access some Item Categories (i.e.: - User from Engineering may not have access to any Food or Beverage Category) There is no limit for the Number of Categories in each Level. 10. Does Quote support Multi Currency? Quote can be in Local Currency or any other Currency. 11. Can we check all the Old Expired Quotations? All Expired Quotation can be easily accessible and filtered by Vendor, Date From, Date To etc. Item Category 1. How Many Levels can we define for Item Category? There are 3 Category Levels: Higher Category, Secondary Category and Primary Category (i.e.: Food -> Seafood -> Fish Fresh)
  • 18. © 2014 | 18 Item 1. How Many Types of Units can be defined for each Item? There are 4 Types of Units that can be defined for each Item as follows: • Order Unit -> To be used for the Purchase Order, Receiving • Stock Unit -> To be used for Internal Movement, Stock Control etc., • Recipe Unit -> To be used for the calculation of Recipe • Inventory Count Unit -> To be used for the Physical Inventory Taking The Calculation Factor for each Unit must be defined. 3. Can we use Local Language for the Item Name? Local Language can be used as Item Names. However, the best practice is to use English for Item Name and then Use Alternate Item Name in the Local Language 2. Is there any limit for the number of characters for the Item Name? There is no limit for the number of characters for the Item Name. 4. Can we copy an existing Item to create a new Item? A new item can easily be made by copying an existing Item to create new Item. All the associations of the original item can be brought along as well. (i.e.: Link to Store, Template etc.)
  • 19. © 2014 | 19 2. Can we Limit Access to the User for some Recipe Category? We can Limit the user so to not to be able to access some Recipe Category (i.e.: User from Bar will not have access to any Food Category etc.) Recipe Category 1. How Many Levels we can define for Recipe Category? There is no Limit for the Levels of Category for Recipes. 2. Can a Recipe be printed with or without a Price? A Recipe can be printed with or without a Price. Recipe 1. Can a Recipe be printed with or without Pictures? Pictures can be attached to the Recipe and the Recipe can be printed with or without a Picture.
  • 20. © 2014 | 20 3. Can we add Preparation and Serving Information? Preparation Steps and Serving Information can be added and printed with the Recipe Card with information so that the Recipe Card can be used for Training , Reference Purposes, etc. 4. Is the Recipe Price always up to date? 5. Can we save the Recipe with Current Price? The calculation of the Recipe Price is always based on the up to date price i.e: (Average Price, Last Price, Quote Price) A Recipe can be saved with the current price so that it can be reviewed later to compare the historical price with the current price. 7. Can we define the Currency of the Recipe? 6. How many Costing Methods we are available for the Recipe Calculation? There are 4 costing methods: 1. Average Price (Use the current average price) 2. Last Price (Use the current last purchase price) 3. Quote Price (Use the price of current valid quotation) 4. Free Price (User can input the price manually based on the market price to calculate the selling price) Each Recipe can be defined with a unique Currency as the Selling Price.
  • 21. © 2014 | 21 8. Can the Tax Amount and Service Charge be calculated within the Recipe? The Tax Amount and Service Charge also can be calculated for the Recipe. 9. Can we add a Spoilage Factor for the Calculation of the Recipe? 10. Can we also see the Contribution Margin (CM) of each Ingredient? Each Ingredient in the Recipe can be calculated with a Spoilage Factor in Total Quanty of Spoilage or as a Spoilage percentage. Contribution Margin of Each Ingredient can also be easily analyzed on the Recipe Screen. 11. Can we define which Ingredient can be Deducted from Stock or not to Deduct from Stock while Transferring Recipe from One Store(Cost Centre) to another? Each Ingredient can defined as to whether to Deduct from Stock Level or not to Deduct from the Stock Level. (This will be useful when there is no Inventory Stock for the some Food Items such as Salt, Pepper etc.) 12. Can we copy an existing Recipe to create a New Recipe? An existing Recipe can easily be copied to create a New Recipe so that time can be saved for a user creating a similar Recipe.
  • 22. © 2014 | 22 1. Can we input Budget Amount into system? 1. Can we prepare Order Template with the Quantity? 2. Do we need to type Item by Item to create Order Template? 2. Is the Budget Period same as Calendar Year? 3. Can Budget be defined for each Store(Cost Centre)? Monthly or Yearly Budget Amount can be input to system for the Budget Amount by Item or Budget Amount by Category so that it can control the expenses. Order Template can be created with or without Quantity. Order Template can be easily create by choosing the require Item from the Category with Item Tree. Budget Period can be define whether Calendar Year or Fiscal Year based on the Organisation Requirement. Budget can be defined for each Store(Cost Centre) Budget Order Template
  • 23. © 2014 | 23 A Requisition Template can be easily created by choosing the required Item from the Category within the Item Tree. A Requisition Template can be created with or without a Quantity. Both Items and Recipes can be combined together to create a Requisition Template. Requisition Template 1. Can we prepare a Requisition Template with a Quantity? 3. Can we create a Requisition Template with both Items and Recipes? 2. Do we need to type Item-by- Item to create a Requisition Template? User User Rights can be control by assigning a User Role. And User Rights can also be given special permission directly to the Users if Users need additional Access Rights among the Users who have the same User Role, thus eliminating the need for creating multiple User Roles with similar Access Rights. 1. Are Access Rights controlled by a User Role?
  • 24. © 2014 | 24 Assigning authorized department approvals can be created so that Department Heads of each Section will be able to approve the Order / Requisition created by their own department. A Complex Password policy is supported with features as follows: Each Password must include at least • One Lowercase Letter (a - z) • One Uppercase Letter (A - Z) • One Numeric (1 - 9) • A Minimum of 6 Characters Password must be changed every 60 Days The same password cannot be used repeatedly. 6 attempts of a login with a wrong password will lockout the user. 3. Can we define which User is authorized to approve for specific departments? 4. Does system support a Complex Password Policy? Each User (especially a User who needs to do Approval / Authorization) can attach a signature directly to the User profile so that their electronic signature will appear on the POs which they have approved. 2. Can we attach a unique Signature for each of the Users?
  • 25. © 2014 | 25 Orders can be created by using one of the following methods: 1. Create Order from Empty -> User can directly choose Store(Cost Centre) and Item to create Order. 2. Create Order from Template -> User can choose a predefined Template to create an Order. 1. What are the methods for creating an order? Procurement In the future, there will be more methods for creating an order (i.e.: Create Order From Min/Max, Create Order from Requisition, Create Order from Recipe, Create Order from Budget) If you have access to more than one Order Store, you can order from multiple Stores(Cost Centres) within the same Order. 2. Are there any other methods to create an order? 3. Can I order from different Stores Cost Centres) in same Order? 4. I’ve started making an order but I need to go to a meeting. Can I save my work and resume sometime later? During the Order Creation, you can save your work and it will be saved as Pre Order. And the work can be resumed by opening the saved Order from the Pre Order Screen which is easily accessible from the Dashboard.
  • 26. © 2014 | 26 You can choose a different Delivery Date for each Item in the same Order. 9. Can I choose a different Delivery Date for each Item in same Order? 8. How can I check the approval status of the Order I have created and send for approval? “My Order History” will display all the Orders you have created along with the statuses of each Order so that tracking orders and needed follow up is easily determined. More than one Template can be used to create an Order. 5. Can an order use more than one Template in that same Order? Items which are not yet input into a template can easily be added directly into the order. 6. Can more Items be added manually when creating Orders from Templates? 7. I have more than 20 Items in the Template but I need to order only 5 items, do I need to remove them manually? It is not necessary to remove each unneeded item manually. When orders are dispatched, every item with a zero (0) Quantity or a Blank Qty will be ignored and will not be included with the order or sent for approval.
  • 27. © 2014 | 27 When creating an Order, the Last Price will be displayed as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on the criteria below: If there is a last price, the Estimated Net Amount will be calculated based on the Last Price multiplied by the Requested Quantity. If there is no last purchase price, it will be calculated based on Best Quoted Price x Request Quantity. 10. Can I see the Estimated Price of the Order before I send for the Approval? 11. Can I send a Special Note/ Message/Instructions to other Users for the Order that I am creating? Messages can be sent to other Users while creating the Order in order to communicate with the Department Head, Purchasing or other involved users. 12. Can I attach any picture or document with the Order? Any type of document or picture can be attached with an Order and anyone involved with the approval or process of the order are able to view the attachment. 13. Can a Department Head change the Quantity before Approval? A Department Head can increase or decrease the Quantity requested before it is approved and dispatched for next step. 14. Can an Approver see the Last Price and Last Purchase Vendor? Department Heads can review the Last Price as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on the criteria below: • If there is last price, Estimated Net Amount will be calculated based on Last Price x Approved Qty. • If there is no last purchase price, it will calculated based on Best Quoted Price x Approved Qty.
  • 28. © 2014 | 28 15. Can an Approver see the Available Quote of an Order Item? An Approver can review the current available Quote for each Item. 16. Can an Approver see the Purchase History of the Order Item? 17. Can an Approver review what time the Order was sent for approval? An Approver can review the history of each Item. A Department Head can review a Log which displays the Users’ Names, Dates and Times that any Order was dispatched for approval. 18. Can an Order be Rejected? 19. Can an Order be sent back to the Requestor or a previous Approver? 20. Can one Order be allocated to different Buyer? Each Approval Step can be defined as authorized to Reject. (i.e.: a General Manager may have the authority to reject, but a Financial Controller may not have authority to reject etc.) Every Item in the Order or selected Item in the Order can be send back to every approval step of the Approval Flow or original requestor to take necessary action. It can allocated so that a different buyer is assigned for each item on the same Order.
  • 29. © 2014 | 29 An Approver can approve some items or all of the items and dispatch to next step of the process. The remaining items can be approved later or send back to previous approver or rejected. 21. Can an Approver approve only selected Items instead of approving all items of the order at same time? 22. Can a Buyer Transfer his Order to other Buyers? After allocating the Orders to a Buyer, a Buyer may transfer the Order to Other Buyers. 24. How is the Best Quote chosen? The Best Quote is chosen based on the following criteria: Vendor Rank described in the Quote (From 1,2,3 .. so on and 1 is the Best Quote) If all available Quote has same Vendor Rank, the Best Quote will be decided based on Lowest Price. If all available Quotes has same Vendor Rank and same Price, Best Quote will be decided based on which Quotation is created in the system first. 23. How Can a Buyer Allocate Vendor to the Order? Buyer can Allocate Vendor to Order in one of the following methods: • Allocate Last Purchase - Allocate the same Vendor same price of last purchased. • Manual Allocate Quote - Choose the Quote manually from available Quote. • Auto Allocate Quote - Allocate the Best Quote from the available Quote. • Input Manually – manual input of Vendor, Price etc. 25. Can a Buyer create a new Quote directly from Allocated Vendor Screen? There is an option to create a Quote from the selected order item.
  • 30. © 2014 | 30 26. Can a Buyer Print the Selected Item to Request for Quotation? A Buyer can print the selected Item and choose the Vendors and print the Request for Quotation then send the file via fax or email to suppliers. 27. Can Buyer Split the Quantity of the Order Items? The buyer can split the Quantities of the Order Items. There may be cases when 10 Qty is ordered but 1 supplier can supply only 6 Qty. In this case, a buyer can split the Order Item into 6 and 4 then allocate the balance quantity to different vendor. 29. Can an Approver change the Quantity of the Order after Buyer has allocated the order to a Vendor? Once a Buyer has Allocated an order to a Vendor, the Approver should not change the Quantity and the order must be sent back to the Buyer to take the necessary action. 30. After a PO is printed, can it be reprinted? Once the PO is printed, it can be reprinted from the Reprint PO screen with the title “Reprint Purchase Order”. 28. Can a Buyer Merge Order Items from Different Orders? There may be cases when the same item is ordered from different departments in different orders, but a Buyer may need to combine into one order. In this case, buyer can merge from different orders into one order.
  • 31. © 2014 | 31 31. Can we send the PO to Vendors by Email? Once the PO is printed, a Portable Document Format(PDF) file is then generated and may be attached to an email and sent to a Supplier. 32. When an Order ready for printing has more than one Vendor will the PO and PDF file be generated separately for each Vendor? When a PO is ready to print, the Vendor can be selected to print the PDF file for each vendor. Hence, each Vendor will have separate PDF file and you can send only the PO portion that is related to the specific Vendor. 2. Can we receive more than one PO in same Invoice? 1. If the price or vendor on the PO is wrong, can Receiving make corrections? Receiving is not authorized to make changes but Receiving can forward the PO to the Buyer. The Buyer will then make the necessary changes and the Order can continue through the approval process. Receiving Multiple POs can be selected to be received against one Invoice.
  • 32. © 2014 | 32 3. Can we receive partial Delivery? 4. Can I cancel the PO from Receiving? If supplier delivered less than Actual PO Quantity, a partial delivery can received and the remaining quantity will be open and available to receive in the future. If the PO is partially received and not required to receive anymore than it can be canceled easily from Receiving screen. 5. Can I receive without a Purchase Order? Invoices can be received with Purchase Order but this function is controlled by the user rights and allows only for an authorized user to receive without PO. 6. Can I Return an Item to Supplier? 7. Can I Return an Item to Supplier if I have no Quantity On Hand? Both a Credit Note and a Return to Supplier can be processed through the system. If there is no Quantity On Hand, you could not be able to Return to Supplier.
  • 33. © 2014 | 33 8. Can I post only a Credit Note without Quantity? If supplier has given discount or maybe wrong price is posted, it can a post Credit Note without Quantity. 1. How many methods can we use to create a Requisition? 2. Are there any other methods to create a Requisition? A Requisition can be created by using one of the following methods: 1. Create Requisition from Empty -> User can directly choose From Store(Cost Centre) and To Store(Cost Centre) and Item to create Requisition. 2. Create Requisition from Template -> User can choose predefined Template to create Requisition. In the future, there will be more methods of creating requisitions (i.e.: Create Requisition from Min/ Max, Create Requisition from POS Sales, Create Requisition from Recipe). Requisition 3. I’ve started making a requisition but I need to go to a meeting. Can I save my work and resume after the meeting? During the Requisition Creation, work can be saved as a Pre Requisition. And you can resume the work by opening your saved Requisition from Pre Requisition Screen which can be easily accessible from your Dashboard.
  • 34. © 2014 | 34 4. Can I request from a different Store(Cost Centre) in same Requisition? 5. Can I request more than 1 Template in same Requisition? If you have access to more than 1 Requisition Store, you can requisition from multiple Stores(Cost Centres) in the same Requisition. You can choose more than 1 Template to create the requisition. 6. Can I request both Item and Recipe together in the same Requisition? If you are creating a requisition from template and you need to request items which are not yet input in the template, you can easily add items directly in the requisition. 7. I have more than 20 Items in the Template but I need to request only 5 items, do I need to remove them manually? It is not necessary to remove manually; when you dispatch your requisition, every item with 0 Quantity or Blank Quantity will be ignored and will not be sent for approval. 8. Can I choose different Delivery Dates for each Item in same Requisition? You can choose different Delivery Dates for each Item in the same Requisition.
  • 35. © 2014 | 35 9. Can I see the Estimated Price of the Requisition before I send for Approval? 11. Can I attach any picture or document with the Requisition? When you are creating the Requisition, it will display the Average Price as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on Average Price x Request Qty. You can attach any type of document, picture with the Requisition and anyone who will do the approval or process your requisition will be able to view the attachment. 10. Can I send Special Note/ Message to other Users for the Requisition that I am creating? A Message can be sent to other Users while creating the Requisition in order to communicate with the Dept Head or Storekeeper etc. 13. Can a Dept Head change the Requested Quantity before Approval? Dept Head can increase or decrease the Quantity requested by the Requestor before it is approved and then dispatch for the next step. 12. How can I check the approval status of the Requisition I have created and send for approval? “My Requisition History” will display all the Requisition you have created and the status of the Requisition so that you always can track your requisition and know who you will need to contact in order to follow up.
  • 36. © 2014 | 36 14. Can Approver see the Estimated Amount of the Requisition? 15. Can Approver see what time the Requisition is sent for approval? 16. Can a Requisition be Rejected? 17. Can Requisition be sent back to the Requestor or previous Approver? A Dept Head can see the Average Price as well as the Estimated Net Amount based on the Average Price x Approved Qty. A Dept Head can review the Log which displays the User Name and Date Time of the Requisition dispatch for approval. We can define each Approval Step whether they are authorized to Reject. (i.e.: General Manager may have authority to reject but Financial Controller may not have authority to reject etc.). Every Item in the Requisition or selected Item in the Requisition can be send back to every approval step of the Approval Flow or original requestor to take necessary action. 18. Can Approver approve only selected Items instead of approving all items of the Requisition at same time? An Approver can approve some item or all item and dispatch to next step for the process. The remaining items can be approved later or send back to previous approver or rejected.
  • 37. © 2014 | 37 19. After the Approved Requisition is printed, can it be reprinted? Once the Approved Requisition is printed, it can be reprinted from the Reprint Requisition screen with the Title “Reprint Requisition”. 2. Can I Transfer without a Requisition? A Transfer can be made from a Requisition as well as a Manual Transfer. However, these functions are controlled by the User Rights and a user must be authorized to transfer manually. Transfers 1. Can we Transfer more than 1 Requisition in same Transfer? 3. Can I Transfer if I have no Quantity On Hand? 4. Can I Transfer a Recipe if one of the Ingredients has no Quantity On Hand? Multiple Requisitions can be posted together in 1 Transfer. If there is not enough Quantity On Hand, it will not be able to transfer. When creating a Recipe, you can define which Ingredient stock need to be deducted and which ingredients are not. Hence, Recipes must be adjusted as necessary to be able to transfer the recipe which one or more ingredients may not have enough stock.
  • 38. © 2014 | 38 Inventory 3. When I create the Inventory, can I choose how to sort the Counted Sheet? When creating Inventory to print the Counted Sheet, you can sort by Item Code, Item Name, Alt Item Name. Then the inventory will be created according to the sorting method you choose. 1. Can I create an Inventory Schedule separately for each Business Unit? 4. After I created and printed the Inventory, Can I reprint again? An Inventory Schedule must be created separately for each Business Unit as some Business Units may have different Inventory Periods. It is required to create the Inventory only for the Store(Cost Centre) which E.O.P.(End of Period) Type is Enter Counted Stock. After Inventory is created, it is also able to be reprinted again. 2. Do I need to create an Invertory for All Stores (Cost Centres) even they are set to Default Zero or Default System? Once Inventory is created and when you have more Invoices or Transfers Posting for the same period, it will automatically update the Inventory Evaluated QoH. 5. We have already created the Inventory but we still need to post some Invoices or Transfers for that Inventory Period. Can we do that?
  • 39. © 2014 | 39 Once you have input the Counted Quantity, you can print an Inventory Difference Report. We have provided all the reports to prepare your month end report without closing the inventory period in system. But you must input all of the Physical Counted Quantity into the system, then prepare your monthly report and then you can do the month end closing once everything is completed. Once Physical Counted Quantity is Input, you would be able to print QoH (Quantity on Hand) Value so that you could start preparing your “Month End Reconciliation Report”, before closing the Inventory Period. It does not necessary to stop the Posting as every posting for the new period will not be updated to current Inventory Evaluated QoH. 7. While we are processing Inventory, do we need to stop posting Invoices and Transfers for new period? 8. After I’ve input the Physical Counted Quantity, can I print the Inventory Difference? 10. Do I need to close Inventory in the system first to prepare for my Month End Report? 9. After I’ve input Physical Counted Quantity, Can I print the Quantity on Hand Value Report? It is not necessary to ask any user to logout from system; you can proceed to close Inventory. 6. Do we need to ask all users to logout from system when we need to close the inventory?
  • 40. © 2014 | 40 3. Can I conduct Spot Check for All Stores(Cost Centres)? All the Stores(Cost Centres) which E.O.P.(End of Period) Type is Default System or Enter Counted Stock will be able to conduct Spot Check and update into System. Spot Check 1. Can we conduct Spot Check and update into system? Spot Check can be used to update the stock balance after conducting physical stock at any time before the Inventory is created. Unlike other systems, it is not necessary to create Dummy Vendor to input all the opening balance as Receiving Posting. We can directly update the stock balance by using a Spot Check Count Function where you can also directly update the Average Price. However, your IT administrator needs to set the appropriate permission to update average price and it can be revoked anytime later. 2. The system is recently implemented and we need to update the current stock into system but we have not yet purchased anything through system and all the average prices are at 0. How easily we can update average prices into system. You can filter the item by typing any content of the item name in filter box. You can also search by Item Code or Alternate Item Name. 11. While I’m Inputting Physical Counted Stock into the system, can I easily search items?
  • 41. © 2014 | 41 Inventory and Spot Check cannot be created for the same Store(Cost Centre) at the same time. Spot Check or Inventory has to be completed and closed first. 4. Can I create Spot Check and Inventory for the same Store(Cost Centre) at the same time? 7. After I created and printed the Spot Check, Can I reprint again? After Spot Check is created, it can be reprinted again. 6. When I create the Spot Check, can I choose how to sort the Counted Sheet? When creating Spot Check to print Counted Sheet, you can choose to sort by Item Code, Item Name, Alt Item Name and the Spot check will be created according to the sorting method you choose. Once Spot Check is created and when you have more Invoices or Transfers Posting for the previous day before Spot Check is created, it will automatically update the Spot Check Evaluated QoH. 8. We have already created the Spot Check, but we still need to post some Invoices or Transfers for the previous day before Spot Check is created. Can we do that? 5. Can I create Spot Check only for some Items from the Store(Cost Centre)? You can create Spot Check for All Items or Selected Items from the Store(Cost Centre).
  • 42. © 2014 | 42 Once Physical Counted Quantity is Input, you would be able to print QoH (Quantity on Hand) so that you can reconcile your stock Balance, before closing the Spot Check. 11. After I’ve input Physical Spot Check Counted Quantity, can I print the Quantity on Hand Value Report? 12. I have created Spot Check for 3 Stores(Cost Centres), Do I need to close all of them together? 13. While I’m Inputting Physical Spot Check Counted Stock into system, can I easily search item? Unlike Inventory Closing, Spot Checks are independent and you can close each Store(Cost Centre) individually. You can filter the item by typing any content of the item name in filter box. You can also search by Item Code or Alternate Item Name. It is not necessary to stop the Posting as every posting for the date after the Spot Check created will not be updated to current Spot Check Evaluated QoH. Once you have input the Counted Quantity, you can print the Spot Check Difference Report. 9. While we are processing Spot Check, do we need to stop posting Invoice and Transfer for the date after the Spot Check created? 10. After I’ve input Physical Spot Check Counted Quantity, can I print Spot Check Difference?
  • 43. © 2014 | 43 14. Do we need to ask all user to logout from system when we need to close the Spot Check? It is not necessary to ask any user to logout from system so that you can process to close Spot Check. 3rd Party Interface 1. Is your system able to interface with Back Office Accounting Systems? There are 4 Type of Transactions we can interface to Back Office Accounting System. 1. Invoice & Credit Note -> Daily posting of Invoice and Credit Note can be export and import to Back Office System so that Account Payable can save time by posting manually again at Back Office Accounting System. 2. Requisition & Transfer (Optional) -> Daily posting of Requisition & Transfer can also be export and import to Back Office System. 3. Inventory Voucher (Optional) -> Inventory Difference can also be export and import to Back Office System. 4. Spot Check Voucher (Optional) -> Spot Check Difference can also be export and import to Back Office System. However, most of the Hotels do not practice Option 2,3,4 as this will import all the transactions and consume more disk space for Back Office Accounting System. As all the transactions are already available in our System for further analysis, most of the Hotels practice to prepare Month End Cost Board and prepare JV by Cost Controller at the end of the month and update into Back Office Accounting System for Actual Consumption. 2. Which Back Office Accounting Systems are supported? Most Back Office Accounting Systems which are widely used in the Industry are supported (i.e.: Sun Back Office Accounting).
  • 44. © 2014 | 44 4. If my Back Office Accounting System does not support an interface, will you provide one? Our Interface Framework is ready to interface with any 3rd Party Back Office Accounting System. And with your collaboration, we shall coordinate with your Back Office Accounting Vendor for the possibilities of the Interface. 5. Is your system able to interface with a Point of Sales System? 6. Which Point of Sales Systems are supported? 7. Is my Point of Sales System ready for interface? Daily Sales Transactions from a POS system can be imported to our System for the analysis of Potential Cost as well as the Stock Deduction. Most Point of Sales System which are widely used in the Industry are supported (i.e.: Infrasys, Micros). As we are frequently adding more Point of Sales System for Interface, please let us know the Name and Version of your Point of Sales System. We are happy to assist in providing more information. 3. Is my Back Office Accounting System ready for interface? As we are adding more Back Office Accounting System for Interface, please let us know the Name and Version of your Accounting System. We are happy to assist you in providing more information.
  • 45. © 2014 | 45 8. If my Point of Sales System does not support an interface, will you provide one? Our interface Framework is ready to interface with any 3rd Party Point of Sales System and with the help of your collaboration, we shall coordinate with your Point of Sales Vendor for the possibilities of the Interface. We are happy to provide you with sample reports and please feel free to contact our Business Partner in your Country/Region ( or contact sales@beeees. com or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. Over 100 Reports are available ranging from Daily Reports such as Receiving, Order Pending, Deviation, Internal Movement and Month End Reconciliation Report to In depth analysis of Consumption, Purchase Analysis, Cost Analysis etc. for Management and Owners. Please request the latest full list and sample reports from our Business Partner in your Country/ Region ( or contact or contact us using “Contact Us” on our website. 1. Can I see samples of All Reports? 2. How many Reports are available in your System? Reports
  • 46. © 2014 | 46 BEEEES 15th Fl, Sathorn Thani 1 Building 90/40-41 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: +662 610 3189 Email: WWW.BEEEES.COM