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Family Home Advice
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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On
- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the
man who will win." Roger Bannister
- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that
endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur."
Vince Lombardi
- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the
work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often
accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous
- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu
- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple.
Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker
- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone
would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to
have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn
- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is
measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all
beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish
Table of Contents:
- What You Should Know About Adoption..........................................................................6
- When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant...........................................................................7
- Choosing Your Baby Nursery Theme.................................................................................8
- Baby Shower Planning Guidelines.....................................................................................8
- Saving Money On Baby Food............................................................................................9
- Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler................................................................................10
- How to Host a Superb Kid Birthday Party........................................................................11
- How to Detect Autism in Child.........................................................................................12
- How To Be A Closer Family..............................................................................................14
- Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft..................................................................................15
- What a Family Should Do When an Emergency Strikes..................................................16
- Discount Wedding Favors.................................................................................................17
- How To Interview A Wedding Photographer....................................................................18
- The Common Wedding Etiquette Explained....................................................................19
- How to be Happy In a Marriage.......................................................................................21
- How to Getaway From an Abusive Relationships............................................................23
- What Is The Best Online Dating Service?........................................................................24
- Online Dating Tips for Single Parents..............................................................................25
- How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women...............................................................26
- Why Every Family Needs A Budget.................................................................................27
- Steps For Balancing Work And Home..............................................................................28
- Genealogy - Trace Your Family's History.........................................................................29
- How to Care for Elderly Parents.......................................................................................30
- What You Need to Know About Senior’s Health..............................................................31
- How to Ease Home Bug Bites with Easy Herbs...............................................................32
- How To Care For Your Home............................................................................................34
- Home Improvement Projects Made Easy..........................................................................35
- How to Decorate Your Kitchen On a Budget....................................................................36
- Feng Shui in the Home......................................................................................................37
- Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaning Tips................................................................................38
- Refrigerant For Air Conditioners For The Environment...................................................39
- Home Energy Audit – Fireplaces, Attics and More...........................................................41
- Great Home Office Decorating Ideas................................................................................42
- A Layman’s Guide to Home Security................................................................................43
- Home Security For Your Peace Of Mind..........................................................................44
- Owning A Home Swimming Pool.....................................................................................45
- Preparing To Build Wooden Fences..................................................................................46
- Steps To A Better Lawn And Garden................................................................................47
- The Basic Rose Types for Rose Gardens..........................................................................48
- Steps to Growing a Butterfly Garden................................................................................49
- Growing Your Own Fruits And Vegetables.......................................................................50
- How To Plant Your Own Herb Garden.............................................................................51
- How Green Is Your Home.................................................................................................52
- How to Build a Green-House............................................................................................53
- How to Make the Needed Repairs as a Home Seller........................................................54
- Investing in Commercial Real Estate................................................................................56
- Honing Your Parenting Skills And Teaching Manners.....................................................57
- How to Get Involved In Your Child's Education..............................................................58
- Be a Step Ahead and Career Plan.....................................................................................58
- Why You Need a College Degree.....................................................................................59
- Guide To Searching For Scholarships..............................................................................60
- How to Ready Your Kids Ready for College...................................................................61
- Guide To Choosing A College Major...............................................................................62
- Time Management In College..........................................................................................63
- How To Make Reading Fun.............................................................................................64
- Study Skills To Help You Get Straight A's......................................................................65
- Effective Ways to Sharpen Memory in Children.............................................................67
- You Can Teach Your Child At Home...............................................................................68
- Choosing Home Schooling Over Traditional Schooling.................................................69
- How To Be A Public Speaker..........................................................................................70
What You Should Know About Adoption
What is Adoption?
Adoption occurs when a person takes full parental
custody of a child that is not naturally theirs.
The natural parent(s) give the adoptive parents full
rights and responsibilities of the child(ren) and
relinquishes all rights of their own.
There are a variety of circumstances that may have
occurred and the child was placed for adoption either
privately or through an agency.
A natural parent may wish to give their child a better
life than what they feel they can provide them. The death of the natural parent(s) may also create the
need for adoption either by family members or by an adoptive parent.
Whatever the reason for the adoption, the adoptee becomes the legal child of the adoptive parents.
There is no real difference between a child who lives with his or her biological parents or with adoptive
parents. When adoption occurs the adoptive parents assumes all rights and responsibilities when it
comes to the care and well-being of the child(ren)
Why do people adopt?
The reasons people choose adoption vary a great deal. Some people may choose to adopt because they
cannot conceive a child of their own with either natural or medical methods. This is probably the most
common reason that a couple chooses to adopt a child. Some older couples will seek adoption after
their own natural children have left home because they loved raising children and want to help another
child. Couples that are gay or lesbian also choose adoption because having their own child naturally is
not a possibility, yet they long to have a child and raise them together in a loving environment.
Another reason many people choose to adopt is out of the goodness of their own hearts. Many people
who have children or have the ability to have children naturally still seek adoption because there is
such a need for adoptive parents in the world.
What are the different practices of adoption?
There are three general categories of adoption, private adoption, public adoption and international
adoption. Private adoption occurs when the natural parent decides to place their child up for adoption,
however, they want the choice of who the adoptive parents are. Typically, the adoptive parents place an
advertisement and the natural parent will respond. This type of adoption generally includes the
adoptive parents taking care of all costs and possibly the medical costs associated with the birth of the
A public adoption is performed through an agency. In general, older children and those with disabilities
are placed with a public adoption agency. These children very often have some emotional, physical, or
mental disorders that will need attention.
An international adoption takes place outside of the country where the adoptive parents live. Many
people are choosing this type of adoption more and more.
While it is a little more expensive and requires a lot of extra work, the adoption of an international
child is a loving choice. Many of these children do not have enough food to eat, medical attention or
families for one reason or another.
When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant
Are there better days to get pregnant? When is the best time
to get pregnant during the reproductive cycle?
The best days to get pregnant will generally be the time
when ovulation occurs. To better understand when is the best
time to get pregnant, here are tips that are related to getting
1. Know your most fertile time - generally, ovulation
occurs about 14 days before your next menstrual period
begins. That means if your menstrual cycle is a 28-day one,
that could make day #14 your most fertile day (day #1 is the
first day that your last period began).
If yours is a 30-day cycle, day #16 could be the time to go for it. A 32-day cycle would have day #18 as
one of the best days to get pregnant.
2. Track your basal body temperature - an inexpensive basal thermometer can be purchased and
used to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day that signal when
is the best time to get pregnant. The increases in basal temperature may only be a tenth of a degree or
so, but a basal thermometer can detect this kind of minor temperature change.
3. Monitor your cervical mucus - ovulation causes a change in the appearance and consistency of
cervical mucus. By checking yourself each day, you'll be able to see the 'egg-white-like' vaginal
discharge that indicates ovulation and which are the best days to get pregnant.
4. Obtain and read a good fertility book - learn as much as possible about fertility, getting
pregnant, pregnancy and having a healthy baby.
5. Use an ovulation predictor kit - these inexpensive kits predict ovulation in advance so you
definitely know when is the best time to get pregnant. This test has proven very accurate in detecting
the increase in luteinizing hormone which usually occurs in women 24-48 hours before ovulation.
Making the decision to get pregnant and have a child can be an exciting and good experience. While
this journey is often unpredictable, choices you make now can definitely affect your health and the
health of your baby. The better your health as you are getting pregnant, the healthier your baby will be.
Choosing Your Baby Nursery Theme
Planning a baby nursery is a big task. There is furniture to choose,
walls to paint, safety to take into consideration. Probably the most
exciting part of planning your baby nursery though, will be choosing
your nursery’s theme.
The theme you decide on will set the tone for the whole room so it will
certainly need to be one of the first decisions that you make when your
start the planning process.
There are an almost endless supply of themes available for a baby’s
room. You could choose to go with something gender specific, a girl
themed room for a girl and a boy themed room for a boy, or you may
want to consider choosing a gender neutral theme if you plan to have
more children.
This will save you the trouble of possibly having to remodel the nursery when the next baby comes
along. A pink princess themed nursery won’t work so well if your next child is a boy. Likewise, a girl
will seem out of place in a nursery decorated with cars.
If you want to plan a nursery that will stimulate your baby as they grow, consider bright primary colors
and geometric shapes and patterns. Red, blue, and yellow have been found to be the colors that help
stimulate young infants. Bedding and wall décor with geometric shapes and patterns will also do this
especially if the shapes and patterns are large. This will make it easier for the baby to see since it takes
many months for an infant’s vision to completely develop.
Whatever theme you decide on for your nursery, be prepared to live with it for a few years. Most
babies are not ready for a toddler room until they are two to three years old. If you want to save
money, choose a theme that will grow with them into their toddler room. Since toddler beds take the
same size mattress and bedding as a crib, you could continue to use the theme and bedding you choose
in a toddler room if you wanted to.
No matter what theme you decide on, remember to have fun while taking on the whole nursery
planning process. This is a joyous time in your life that you will always be able to look back on fondly.
Baby Shower Planning Guidelines
The arrival of a newborn family member is one of the most exciting
times in a parents life. They would usually spend each waking hour
counting the ticks of the clock, the droplets that tap on the window
pane, and the days in the calendar just to confirm how many days are
still left before the baby’s due arrival.
In order to lessen the anticipation of the parents, having a baby shower
is one of the most feasible ways to cut back the long-wait.
A baby shower is actually one type of party wherein money or gifts are
given to the expectant mother in lieu of the baby’s arrival. The
relatives or friends of the parents are the ones who usually organize the
It has not been founded in any historical events and is slowly taking recognition in the United States
and in countries where the way of life in the U.S. are incorporated.
The basic purpose of organizing baby showers is to help the parents manage and organize the items
needed for the baby’s due arrival. It is also one way of celebrating the joy and excitement of having a
new member in the family — the baby.
Hence, it is important for the organizers to come up with ideas or themes that they think would best suit
the mother’s personality or the tone of the occasion. And because it is one type of merrymaking,
themes that will be use in the baby shower should reflect the joy and happiness being felt by
In reality, coming up with a good theme for the baby shower can be very tedious for the organizers.
There are so many considerations that you have to take into account before deciding on a specific
theme. Best of all, it has to suit the gender of the baby. Planning for the baby shower and getting some
solid information for remarkable baby shower ideas would be a lot easier if the sex of the baby is
known. It really helps a lot.
In this manner, you will be able to know which colors to use, what kind of games to play, and what
theme to integrate. However, there are instances wherein the sex of the baby is not known. In turn,
organizers will be having a difficult time organizing things and arranging the details of the baby
But this should not discourage the organizers like you in coming up with an excellent and fascinating
baby shower. All you have to do is to do your homework and search for some generalized and yet
amusing baby shower ideas. From games to party favors, you can make the party worth your guests’
Where to Get Baby Shower Ideas?
For most people, coming up with great baby shower ideas is a breeze. They can easily think of
something that can be really appealing.
However, there are people who really cannot generate feasible and remarkable baby shower ideas. And
so, it is best that they seek the help of some magazines, advices from relatives and friends, and the
Internet. Indeed, with the advent of information technology, coming up with a notable baby shower
idea is not difficult. With tons of web sites that cater to those who are planning to organize a baby
shower, you can never run out of great baby shower ideas.
Boiled down, people should always remember that whatever baby shower ideas they will use in the
party, it is best if they will always reflect the joy and happiness of everybody for the baby’s arrival.
Saving Money On Baby Food
Infant formula has become very costly in some instances, in some
areas around the world. Indeed, no matter where you are located on
the globe, high quality baby formula is not particularly cheap.
Once in a while you can find formula on sale for a reasonable price.
However, and as a rule, the better quality products are rather costly
The Internet has proven to be a good resource for a parent who
wishes to save money on the costs associated with infant formula.
Through the Internet, a parent can make the purchase of infant formula in bulk or larger quantities. By
making such purchases, a parent definitely can save money on the costs associated with infant formula
-- both in the short and the long run.
Once your baby begins moving beyond using infant formula, you will find yourself in the market for
other types of baby food products and items. As with infant formula, the costs associated with high
quality baby food products. Indeed, many parents shudder when they think about the amount of money
that they have to spend on baby food products.
As with infant formula, parents can save a great deal of money on other baby food products by
shopping and making purchases on the Internet and the World Wide Web. As with formula, a parent can
purchase other types of baby food products in bulk online and save a great deal of money over time.
Another benefit to making the purchase of baby food online is convenience. In addition to saving
money through the purchase of baby food on the Net, shopping online is very convenient. By shopping
on the Net, you can make purchases of infant formula and other baby food products any time of day,
whenever shopping is convenient for you.
As an aside, a growing number of parents are becoming interested in buying and using natural food and
formula products for their babies. The Internet is proving to be a tremendous resource for people who
are interested in making the purchase of natural food items, including natural baby formula and food
products. Oftentimes, a diligent parent can find these natural baby food products online for a price far
cheaper than what might be found in a natural food grocery market in the proverbial brick and mortar
In the end, when looking for all types of food products for your baby, the Internet very well may be
your very best resource.
Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler
Getting your toddler to perform toileting independently is a welcome
milestone for any parent. Few of us want to be changing diapers much
past the child’s second birthday.
However, children vary greatly in their adoption of the potty routine
which is influenced by a child’s innate ability, aptitude and maturity.
However, there several tips and techniques you can use to hasten the
blessed day when your toddler says: “Mommy, I did potty by myself”.
1) Get your child ready - explain to your child that it's time to do
"pee-pee" and "poo-poo" in the potty. Promote the benefits of being
trained such as no more diaper rash, interruptions for diaper changing,
being clean and dry. Discuss training as an important stage of growing up.
2) Make it fun – first and foremost, make this a game. Children will naturally resist anything which
is not framed as a fun learning experience. Use play, music, toys, and stories as part of the experience
to keep the child from getting bored or distracted.
3) Create a ritual – try to make the experience repeatable so your child knows what to expect each
time and gets into the routine of sitting and staying on the potty.
4) Use props – use of books, toys, videos and music all help create an atmosphere of fun and
enjoyment which is so essential.
5) Time it right – Try repeating the process every hour for 2 to 4 minutes. If you can do this close to
times your child usually has a bowel movement or urination, such as just after a meal, even better.
6) Be prepared - If you are traveling or away from home, bring a folding, plastic adapter ring that
fits onto an adult toilet seat is useful. Extra tissue and wipes will be useful in bathrooms that are short
on supplies.
7) Give praise – give you child social praise for sitting on the potty patiently or for staying dry. If
the potty routine is successful, consider some reward (e.g. special prize, book or foods) that are
especially valued.
8) Show your child how to clean up - demonstrate how to wash hands and dry hands on a towel.
Remember that training you child takes patience and perseverance. Staying on task and being
consistent send an important message to your child. Above all, don’t let your child feel forced. It’s
important to keep the whole experience fun and enjoyable for the best results.
How to Host a Superb Kid Birthday Party
How do you plan a children’s birthday party... and still
remain sane?
Relax, don’t panic and keep it as simple as possible is
the answer.
Kids don’t care if the room has been vacuumed and
cleaned. Think about it for a moment, kid's will make
the tidiest of room’s look like a disaster zone within
minutes of turning up. They won’t care whether the
table napkins match or what time it is!... all they will
want to do is have fun, play games and eat lots of
So, what’s the best way to ensure that your child's birthday party is one to remember? (at least until the
next party invitation arrives!)
Firstly, take a little time to think about the party theme. Will it be an outing to the local burger house, a
trip to an amusement park or will you have a theme party at home. With sufficient forward planning,
you won’t be losing any sleep worrying about the party.
Make a list of who is coming to the party? The general rule of thumb is to invite as many guests as you
feel comfortable catering for.
Ask the birthday child what they would like to do. Don’t be tempted to pressure them into having the
sort of party YOU would like... it is their special day after all! Once you have decided on a theme, then
the party activities to keep the kids happy become a priority. Many traditional games can be adapted to
fit just about any party theme.
If the party is to at the local restaurant, go along and speak to the manager to agree the food menu and
leave the rest to them. An outing to the amusement park or zoo may require additional party planning,
with transport being just one item needing consideration. Many of these venues have party facilities
available so all you need to provide is the children and a credit card to pay the bill.
If the party is to be at home, then selecting a theme can be fun. Whether it’s Pirates, Finding Nemo or
Dora the Explorer... this is your opportunity to get creative!
With so many character theme party goods available, the choice is endless. If you’re planning to hold
the party outdoors, it would be a good idea to have at least one room inside your home decorated, in
case of rain. Try to limit the party activities to pre-designated party areas (as much as possible), so you
are able to relax and enjoy the party without worrying about the mess being made.
Ok, it’s now time to get ready for the party! You’ve decided on the party theme and how many guests
will be invited... Now the preparations and fun begin!
Don’t forget to keep your birthday kid involved whenever possible. Get them to suggest party game
ideas, then choose the decorations and food together. Feeling relaxed? Hope so, because organizing a
kid birthday party should be fun for everyone!
Allocate a budget for the party and decide whether you hire a professional entertainer or enlist the help
of friends and neighbors? Don’t be afraid to ask a friend to help clear empty dishes, run a game or two
and even take the some party photos.
Set a time for the party. Two or three hours should be plenty of time. If the children are under 5 years
old, then one and half hours should be time enough. One great tip is to hold a toddler party in the
morning, as youngsters tend to get a bit “cranky” when they get tired!
Plan your party games in 15-20 minute intervals. If you find the kids are happy playing a particular
game let them carry on... why spoil their fun? On the other hand plan more activities than you think
you will need. Some games may be greeted with a “groan” and you may well need to play another
game sooner than you expected.
Send out your birthday party invitations 2 to 3 weeks in advance of the party date, then make a follow-
up confirmation phone calls after about a week. People tend to be very busy nowadays and a small
invitation can get easily forgotten, usually under a mountain of junk-mail!
Don’t spend more time or energy than necessary on things that don’t really matter. When organising the
party food keep snacks plain and simple. Remember that kids love eating food with their fingers and
your party day could be a great day to let them do just that! Buy an undecorated cake from your local
baker and decorate it yourself, making a terrific party theme cake... or get the bakers to make a
completely finished themed birthday cake!
Finally, imagine that the big day is here and your first guest arrives for your child’s birthday party.
Stay calm, keep a good sense of humor and enjoy the precious party time with your guests. Above all,
keep the party flowing and let the children set the pace.
You will look back afterwards, when flicking through your fabulous party photo’s, with the immortal
words... “It was well worth the effort”
How to Detect Autism in Child
Every parent wants the best for his or her kid, wishing only
the best, good health, bright future and prosperous life to the
But one morning it just hit you, your child is turning 3 years
old next month but still remains unresponsive to you.
Your child is not as interactive as other kids would usually
be. 'Could my child be autistic?'
Any parent would be alarmed.
Autism may sound familiar to you. It is however important to first establish that this is not an infection
or a contagious disease.
This is actually a condition where the brain of the child has developed differently, resulting to certain
ramifications that affected the system of the child and manifesting in the lack of interpersonal skills of
the child.
This condition occurs to 1 child in every 700 in the population. It was found also that this is most likely
to occur among the boys. The signs manifest at an early stage in a child's life. It is necessary that you
be cautious of your child's behavior and responses.
How does one detect autism?
The signs of autism may be observed as early as 18 months to 3 years age of the kid.
If your child is experiencing difficulty in the following aspects, it would be helpful to consult a doctor
or an expert:
- Looking at others - Can he or she not look at you straight to the eye when you try to communicate?
- Playing with other kids - Does he or she avoid other kids or automatically shies away?
- Imagining - Can he or she not handle make-believe games?
- Communicating - Are there words that he or she cannot say or will have to be said over and over
before he or she can grasp it?
- Repetition - Are there mannerisms or motor movements that he or she keeps repeating for no apparent
reason or purpose?
- Changes - Is he or she inflexible to changes? Does he or she get alarmed when you change a certain
routine, like waking up while it is still dark?
Some babies can actually manifest signs of autism
- Babies that do not look in the eye can be displaying signs of autism, especially if they would rather
stare at moving mechanical objects or parts of it.
- Too calm babies should also be observed. Are they able to lie for hours without crying?
- When babies do not play or do not interact with other babies.
How does one address this condition of autism?
The cause of autism is still unknown. That is why parents should not blame themselves if they feel that
they had been negligent in taking care of their kids during infancy, or if a mother thinks she might not
have properly taken care of herself during pregnancy.
Just as the definite cause is still unknown, there is no definite treatment to get rid of autism.
Even if the parent may not be able to free his or her child from the condition, the best option to the
parents of an autistic child is to address the problem. It is best to consult an expert on this field. Know
the various peculiarities of the kid.
The family may have to stick to a definite lifestyle to adjust to the needs of the child. This would
require extra patience also. Send the child to a special education school. If the autism of the child is
relatively mild, be sure that you inform ahead the teacher or the principal of the condition.
You have a special child. The kid is special, because his or her abilities are different from the ordinary
kid her age. Provide special treatment and care needed. Give your attention. Stay by his or her side.
More than anything else; simply make the child feel your loving care.
How To Be A Closer Family
Family should always be first, but it's easy to forget what
matters most in today's hectic world.
The greatest gift we can give our children is being part of a
healthy, loving family as it is their foundation and security
especially in times of need.
Children will always need a safe haven and the home should
provide that for them.
Creating a happy and safe environment is easier than most
people think. I hope the following will help get you started.
Give your children the opportunity to speak openly and freely
about their concerns and troubles. This is a sure-fire way to increase your family's closeness.
Maintain honesty and you will find that problems get solved quickly and easily. Instilling open
communication in your children will also help them in all aspects of their lives later on.
"Listen" with an open heart and a willing spirit. Don't judge the thoughts and feelings of other family
members. Instead, try to understand where they are coming from and figure out solutions to ease their
Spend quality time together each week. Many parents have full-time jobs and it's difficult to fit in time
for relaxation and leisure, however, it's very important you make time for your family. Discuss what
things the family would like to do together.
Try to pick activities that encourage talking and interaction like bowling for example will enhance
relations better than silently watching a movie in a theater. Try to keep the activity lighthearted and fun.
Laughter bonds better than anything and its affects will ripple throughout your life.
Chores doesn't sound like it will bring a family closer, but one would be amazed to see what it can do.
Having a clearly defined list of responsibilities for each member of the family will ease frustration and
It will also encourage family members to get involved with household responsibilities and teach them
that teamwork is important. Be sure to put the list up in a place that everyone will see easily and make a
point of congratulating people when they do something well.
There are many ways to gain closeness within your family. These three steps are designed to give you a
head start and help you create the family life you have always wanted.
Initiate conversation with your family and get their ideas and suggestions for gaining a closer
relationship. Always be open and willing to listen and work together. It won't always be easy, but it will
always be worth it.
Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft
Identity theft commonly begins with the loss or theft of a wallet
or purse. But there are many or high-tech and low-tech ways
criminals can get their hands on your personal and financial
information in order to commit identity theft.
When someone uses your name or personal information, such as
your credit card number, driver's license number, Social Security
number, telephone number, or other account numbers, without
your permission, you become a victim of identity theft.
Thieves steal your personal information and use it to open credit
accounts, bank accounts, telephone service accounts, and make
major purchases in your name.
These criminals use your sensitive information to take over existing accounts, or open new accounts.
Their criminal activities can result in damage to your credit rating and denials to credit and job offers.
Protecting Your Identity While there are no guarantees that your identity will never be stolen or
compromised, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risks.
Here are a few of them:
Before you discard your personal information that you no longer need, such as credit card receipts,
billing statements, and pre-approved credit card offers, shred them using, at best, a diagonal-cut
Create unique passwords and personal identification numbers (PINS) and avoid using easily
available information such as mother's maiden name, date of birth, or last four digits of your Social
Security number.
Do not give your Social Security number to people or companies that you do not know.
Guard your mail from theft. Promptly remove your incoming mail from your mailbox and place
outgoing mail in locked collection boxes at your local Post Office.
As an extra measure of security, install a lock on your mailbox, even if mail theft is not an identified
problem in your neighborhood.
Before disclosing personal information, even to people you know where you shop or do business,
insist on knowing the reason(s) your personal information is required and how it will be used.
Low-Tech Rip-offs: Thieves can do much damage with what they remove from your mailbox.
Criminals are increasingly creative in the methods they use to get their hands or eyes on your personal
information, and ultimately, your money.
Here are some of the low-tech techniques they employ:
Dumpster Diving, one of the easiest ways for them to appropriate your personal information.
Mail Theft from unsecured residential mailboxes. According to statistics, mail theft most often takes
place at unprotected and easily accessible mailboxes in public places.
Shoulder surfing takes place when a thief watches or listens literally over your shoulder as you enter
your PIN into an ATM machine. They may even follow you home or your place of work to gather
additional information about you.
High-Tech Techniques: Data transferred across the Internet can be intercepted during its journey.
Phishing and Pharming: While phishing is a scam in which consumers are tricked into entering
their personal information via a bogus email and website form, pharming occurs where hackers steal
personal information from numerous people simultaneously through something known as "domain
spoofing". They take over a DNS server and redirect user information to a new website that they use to
gather, collect, "pharm" illegal information.
Skimming: Thieves quickly and temporarily steal a credit card and run it through a skimmer, a
credit card reader that has been reprogrammed to steal information off the card.
Fight Back: Reduce the Risks
Make education about the scams, schemes, and frauds criminal use to steal your identity your priority
in view of the rising occurrence of this multi-million-dollar-problem. With education comes prevention.
Here are some prevention tips to help reduce the risks:
Safeguard your personal information. Never take simple things for granted.
Carry with your only the information you need. Always keep your personal information and
documents in a safe and secured place of your choosing.
Order and review a copy of your credit report at least once a year.
Shred documents containing your sensitive information before discarding them.
What a Family Should Do When an Emergency Strikes
When it comes to emergency preparedness, it's easy to
get lulled into a sense of complacency.
It's difficult to face the reality that disaster could strike
close to home, even though we've witnessed the
devastation that comes from disasters like Hurricane
Katrina, the Asian tsunami, the tornado that flattened a
Kansas town, and terrorist attacks like those on 9/11.
The unfortunate truth is that earthquake, fire, flood,
and storms can cause injuries, death, and destruction.
More importantly - and more hopefully - much of the
unbearable heartache and loss associated with disasters can be avoided with the proper disaster survival
Emergency preparedness doesn't mean seeing the world through the eyes of doom and gloom. It doesn't
mean that there is a disaster looming around every corner. Having the proper disaster survival gear
simply means acknowledging that the world is an unpredictable place, and that it's best to be prepared.
After all, when you buy a box of Band-Aids and tuck it away in a cupboard, you don't wake up each
morning certain that a loved one will suffer a cut or scrape; it just means that you have Band-Aids on
hand if a minor injury occurs.
The same holds true for disaster survival gear. Once you have it, you don't have to worry about it.
Hopefully, you'll never need to use it, but if the need arises, you'll be prepared.
Survival Kits for Every Location
When you consider purchasing disaster survival gear, it's important to remember that you don't know
where you and your loved ones will be when an emergency strikes. Perhaps you'll be at home, but
maybe you'll be at work or in the car, and your children may be at school. It's important to make sure
that each location has the necessary disaster survival gear to improve the odds of making it through
whatever natural or man made emergency occurs.
Home Disaster Survival Gear
Your home emergency preparedness kit should contain enough food, water, shelter, sanitation, first aid,
lighting and communication supplies necessary for the number of people in your family. Because a
catastrophic event often means no running water or electricity, and because it can impact the livability
of your home, it's important to have the supplies necessary to be self-sufficient.
Critical supplies to include are food bars and water boxes for three days, thermal blankets designed to
retain body heat, ponchos with hoods, tissue packs, work gloves, a tube tent, water purification tablets,
dust masks, vinyl gloves, a solar radio and flashlight with generator, first aid kit, light sticks, can
opener, nylon cord, contact cards, gas shut-off wrench, Swiss Army knife, waterproof matches,
emergency candles, toilet bags and chemicals, duct tape, and whistle.
When preparing your disaster survival gear, it's important not to forget your pets. Include a collar and
leash, toys, food and water bowls, food and water, a thermal blanket, a pet first aid kit, and a decal that
can alert rescue workers to the presence of a pet.
DIY or Ready-Made?
The reason many people hesitate to prepare for emergencies is that it's a hassle to put together your
own disaster survival gear. The idea of having to go to different stores and pick up supplies makes it
easy to procrastinate. Plus, there's the question of the shelf life of different items, particularly food and
Many people opt to buy ready-made emergency preparedness kits. Not only is it less hassle, but the
best ready-made kits have a five-year shelf life and come in a sealed bucket. Just like buying that box
of Band-Aids, a ready-made kit of disaster survival gear is easy to buy and tuck away. Hopefully, you'll
never have to use it, but you'll rest easier knowing that, if emergency does strike, it could save your life
and the lives of those you love.
Discount Wedding Favors
If you want wedding favors that are truly unique, take the
time to develop your ideas and make your own. It has
become increasingly popular for brides to design their
own wedding favors.
You will save money and it shows that you have an
interest in the guests that came to share in your very
special day. It is also an opportunity for the bridal party
to become actively involved in the preparations of the
Search through bridal magazines to get an idea of the
different types of wedding favors you can create.
Remember, you do not have to exactly duplicate the item, just get an idea and then adapt it to your
specific needs.
Browse through local craft stores to get an idea. You can talk to the staff and work with them to help
you create the perfect wedding favor. Then, you can purchase the necessary supplies and make the
remainder. Make the wedding favor as simple as possible so that it is easy to assemble at the last
Once you have decided on the wedding favor, you can make your favor fit the theme of your wedding.
Whatever you choose, the important fact is that it was hand-crafted by you for your guests. There are a
variety of inexpensive wedding favors that you can enhance by creating a decorative label. This
decorative label may include your names and the date of your wedding and can be attached to your
wedding favors. Items such as
Candy tins or gift bags filled with Jordan almonds, mints or chocolate kisses. Dove chocolate shaped as
a long stemmed red rose. Votive candle. Personalized scrolls that have your name and wedding date
with a beautiful poem relating to the bride and future groom.
If you are too busy or not inclined to take the time to make your own personalized wedding favors,
there are many different wedding favors that can be purchased with a minimal budget. You can shop
around to find many different types of wedding favors.
The possibilities are endless. Another option is to do internet research to find discount wedding
favors. Many internet sites offer a variety of items for sale. If you only need a few wedding favors,
there is also the possibility of closeout items at a greatly reduced price.
How To Interview A Wedding Photographer
The photographer is going to be your employee in
many ways, so you will need to be absolutely sure that
this is a person that you can trust with your wedding
pictures. Treat him or her like a job applicant and see
how you interact with each other.
Making a list
You can find a list of wedding photographers in your
local phone book, but it’s much easier to get onto a
wedding website and see who local people
This list is much shorter and can lead you to higher quality people without having to call everyone from
A to Z.
Once you have a list of photographers, start to call them to set up appointments. Try not to schedule
them too close to each other so that you can spend as much time as you need with each one. If you’re
rushed, you may forget to ask particular questions and you may also forget which photographer said
Make a list of questions that you want to ask. You can ask about pricing, hourly fees, added costs,
location costs, various developing techniques, and more. Try to think of every question that you and
your soon-to-be spouse can, even if you think they sound silly. No question is too silly, and if the
photographer has been around long enough, then they will have heard them all.
Your interview style
One of the things that works best in talking with photographers is to try to make sure that you are
leading the conversation. You want to make sure that you are getting your opinion into the talks, rather
than being told what other couples are doing and saying about them and how much their fees are.
If you feel like you’re being sold a product, rather than an opportunity to have some great pictures, then
you can cut the appointment off and leave. You have no obligation to choose anyone until you’re
completely satisfied with your choice.
Look at the samples carefully and make sure that you’re looking at ones that are recent. Sometimes
photographers will try to show you older photos, but if that’s not your style, then it’s really not
applicable. Study the quality of the pictures and look for poses that you like.
Your pictures will serve as a reminder of the happiness and joy of your wedding day. You need to find
someone who will create masterpieces of your photos. Take your time in finding someone, but do it
early—if you live in a smaller town, these professionals can book up early.
The Common Wedding Etiquette Explained
As one of the biggest and most potentially stressful events of your life,
getting engaged and subsequently planning a wedding brings with it an
onslaught of questions. As times change and weddings evolve,
traditional rules of etiquette have followed suit, only adding to the
To gain perspective, first understand that "etiquette" is above all about
treating people with courtesy and making them feel comfortable.
When an etiquette question arises, consider the feelings of those who
will be affected.
To steer you through the fog of questions, I've compiled a quick look
at the top five most common wedding etiquette dilemmas: Family
Etiquette, Invitation Etiquette, Gift Etiquette, Attire Etiquette and The Cash Bar Issue.
Family Etiquette:
Introducing Your Parents - If the bride and groom's parents have not met prior to the engagement,
tradition dictates that the groom's family calls and introduces themselves to the bride's family and
arranges a meeting. If the groom's parents do not make the first introduction, then the bride's parents
should. Nowadays, who makes the first call is irrelevant; all that really matters is that the parents meet.
If meeting face to face is impossible, a letter or phone call will suffice.
Introducing Divorced Parents - If the groom's parents are divorced, the parent with the closest
relationship to the groom should take the first step in meeting the bride's parents. If both sets are
divorced, the parent closest to the groom should first contact the bride's suggested parent. If no one
begins the introduction process, the couple should step in and ensure that everyone meets, while
refraining from forcing potentially awkward situations.
Your In-Laws - The groom's parents often feel left out of the planning process. To avoid this, invite
your future in-laws into the initial dialogue. You should immediately inform them of your ideas
regarding location, date, size and style of the wedding. Take queues on their desired level of
involvement and include them accordingly. Let them make offers to pitch in with finances or planning.
Above all, keep them informed throughout your engagement.
Invitation Etiquette:
Inviting partners and guests - If an invited guest is married, engaged or living with a significant other,
that partner must be included in the invitation. A single invitation addressed to both individuals should
be sent to spouses or couples who live together, while separate invitations should be sent to each
member of an engaged or long term couple who don't live together.
Inviting single guests with a date is a thoughtful gesture, but one that is not required. If you are inviting
a single guest with a date, try to find out the name of your friend's intended date and include that
person's name on the invitation. Otherwise, inner envelopes may include "And Guest," indicating that
he or she may bring any chosen escort or friend.
Guests Who Ask to Bring a Guest - Your guests should know better! It is never appropriate for a guest
to ask to bring a date, and you have every right to politely say no. However, if you discover that a guest
is engaged or living with a significant other, you should extend a written or verbal invitation.
Invitations to out-of-town guests - Many brides ponder whether or not it's appropriate to invite long
distance guests for whom it may be impossible to attend. Use your best judgment. Is this person truly a
close friend who would want to attend your celebration?
If so, failing to extend an invitation may be insulting. Remember, these days friends and family are
often spread all over the country, and people are accustomed to traveling. On the other hand, if you
haven't spoken in years, an invitation may look like no more than a request for a gift. In those cases,
send a wedding announcement instead, which carries no gift-giving obligation.
Gift-giving Etiquette:
Yes, we all love to receive gifts, and weddings are a perfect occasion for gift-giving. Friends and loved
ones customarily honor the commitment of the newly betrothed by showering them with gifts. As the
happy couple, just remember to always feel privileged—not entitled. So, let's review a bit of etiquette
as it relates to wedding gifts...
1) Never mention gifts (gift choices or gift registry) on the invitation.
2) Publicize your registry information by word of mouth. It's also acceptable to include it on a wedding
website or shower invitation (since showers are not typically hosted by the bride or groom)
3) There is no polite way to ask for cash gifts. This can only be done through word of mouth.
4) Honeymoon registries are appropriate.
5) Do not use any gifts until after a wedding.
6) All gifts, even shower gifts, must be returned if the wedding is cancelled or annulled before living
together as a married couple.
7) Gift giving for vow renewal, reaffirmation ceremonies or encore weddings is not mandatory, but is a
nice gesture.
8) There is no special formula for determining the appropriate amount a guest should spend on a gift.
The idea that each gift should cost as much as one plate at the reception is an impractical
Attire Etiquette:
While rules for modern wedding attire have evolved with the times, there are still traditional standards
for fabrics, lengths and styles. Here are some guidelines:
The formality of your bridesmaids' dresses should match that of your wedding dress. Although
traditionally the dresses were the same length as the wedding gown, the rise in popularity of tea- and
knee-length bridesmaids' dresses has relaxed that rule. As long as the fabric and overall style matches
the formality of your floor-length gown, shorter bridesmaids' dresses are perfectly acceptable.
For evening weddings, guests should dress for a nice dinner or event - which includes suits (or black
tie) for men and dresses or skirts in sophisticated colors and fabrics for women. Lengths can vary
according to the style of the event and location. Female guests may now wear black, but never white.
The Cash Bar Issue:
Yes, weddings are expensive. Yes, couples should be on the lookout for budget saving tips. Yes,
weddings are expensive - we know. But never - under any circumstances - should you ever consider
hosting a cash bar at your reception.
Think about it - you would never ask anyone to pay for a cocktail in your own home. People at your
reception are still your guests, even if the event is not held in your house. That said, if a full bar is not
within your budget, consider these alternatives:
Host a soft bar, in which guests can order champagne, beer and wine.
Find a reception site that allows you to bring in your own alcohol; you will save serious cash, and
anything unopened can be returned for a full refund.
Cut down the size of your guest list - the only significant way to reduce wedding costs in the first place.
How to be Happy In a Marriage
“Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long , intricate, intimate dance
together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and
your choice of partner.” ---- Amy Bloom
Norman and Samantha are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary.
The past nine years cannot be called married bliss even if they were
madly in love with each other. Like any other couples, they have had
their share of conflicts and trials. But Norman and Samantha's main
problem is that they are extreme opposites.
Samantha likes the finer things in life while Norman is like the cowboy
who likes to get his hands dirty and enjoys the simple pleasure of the
outdoors and sports.
There are things that get into each other's nerves and they both end up in a shouting match. This
pattern of behavior had resulted in stress and anxiety. Many have told them to work on their
communication skills if they want their marriage to remain intact.
Like Norman and Samantha, thousands of couples struggle with communication. The way we
communicate plays a big part in marriage. It defines how we relate to our spouses and to our children.
Poor communication can actually lead a marriage to utter failure.
Long-lasting marriages are usually characterized by open, encouraging, and positive communication
between the man and woman. Learning how to properly identify issues that must be resolved is also a
communication skill that no married person can afford not to have.
There are a number of ways to communicate with your spouse. Why not improve on your
communication style by reading the following methods or types of communication:
Types of Communication:
- The Discussion Type- Having a discussion gives you time to see each other's point of view a lot
better. You must learn how to talk and listen attentively, clarify issues, and acknowledge each other's
thoughts and feelings.
- The Confrontational Type – As the worst type of communication, if it can be called communication at
all, is confrontational. This usually involves shouting matches in the heat of an argument.
- The Non-Confrontational – You simply do nothing, ignore your misunderstandings, and prefer to be
silent about an issue in your marriage. It is a type of “non-communication” that does not lead to the
resolution of a problem.
Types of Conflict Resolution
Couples should also try to learn and practice conflict resolution techniques. Marriage cannot survive if
problems are not discussed and resolved completely. It is important for couples to know about the
ways people approach a conflict.
These approaches are as follows:
1. The Avoidant Type – This type avoids all hot issues or topics and actually cause a problem to get
worse. Couples who avoid conflict usually value each other's private space and tend to live in a placid
manner without the intense passion. However, the way they avoid discussing issues can sometimes
complicate their problems.
2. The Validating Type – This entails affirming one another's feelings, considering all points of view,
and coming to an amicable settlement. Couples who maintain this type of communication see each
other as friends and value the collaborative nature of their relationship rather than their selfish
3. The Volatile Type- When couples don't listen to each other's point of view but try to convince each
other that he or she is right have the perfect ingredient for divorce or separation. When couples see each
other as equals and respect each other's individuality and independence, they are able to discuss
constructively without resorting to heated arguments and “volatile” actions.
Tips for a Successful Partnership
It is important for couples to know that the success of their marriage depends a lot on good
communication and the ability to talk constructively as partners. These tips are simple yet can do a lot
to make a marriage last:
- Being affectionate
- Showing your concern or how much you care
- Being thoughtful by giving gifts even when there is no occasion
- Being appreciative
- Having a healthy sense of humor
- Sharing each other's joy
To keep marriage strong, couples must share their interests and explore new things together. They must
also learn to accept each other's weaknesses and perspectives even if they do not agree. Indeed,
marriage is a matter of give-and-take. Whether it's having an argument or making a marriage work, it
does take “ two to tango.”
How to Getaway From an Abusive Relationships
This article is meant to be a general guide to planning your
escape. It does not contain addresses, contacts, and phone
numbers. It is not specific to one state or country.
Rather, it describes options and institutions which are common
the world over. You should be the one to "fill in the blanks"
and locate the relevant shelters and agencies in your domicile.
Do not leave unprepared. Study and execute every detail of
your getaway. This is especially important if your partner is
violent. Be sure to make a Safety Plan - how to get out of the
house unnoticed and the indispensable minimum items that
you should carry with you, even on a short notice.
Here are the recommendations of the Province of Alberta in Canada:
Long before you actually leave, copy all important documents and store them in a safe place. These
include: identity cards, health care and social insurance or security Cards, driver's license/registration,
credit cards and bank cards, other personal identification (including picture ID), birth certificate,
immunization card for the children, custody order, personal chequebook, last banking statement, and
mortgage papers. Make a list of all computer passwords and access codes (for instance: ATM PINs).
When you leave the house, take with you these copied documents as well as the following personal
items: prescribed medication, personal hygiene products, glasses/contact lenses, money (borrow from
family members, a neighbour, colleague, or friends, if you have to), several changes of clothing (don't
forget night wear and underwear), heirlooms, jewellery, photo albums (pictures that you want to keep),
craft, needle work, hobby work.
The situation is inevitably more complicated if you are fleeing with your children. In this case, be sure
to bring with you their various medications, soother, bottles, favourite toy or blanket, and clothing
(again: night wear, underwear). Older kids may carry their own clothes and school books.
Make a list of the following and have it on you at all times: addresses and phone numbers of domestic
violence shelters, police stations, night courts, community social services, schools in the vicinity, major
media, and address and phone and fax numbers of your lawyer and his attorneys. Secure a detailed
public transportation map.
Your best bet is to apply to a shelter for a safe place to stay the first few days and nights. Read more
about shelters here - Domestic Violence Shelters.
If you can afford to, your next step should be to hire a divorce attorney and file for interim custody.
Your divorce papers can be served much later. Your first concern is to keep the children with you safely
and legally. Your husband is likely to claim that you have kidnapped them.
But your escape should be only the tip of a long period of meticulous preparations.
We already mentioned that you should make copies of all important documents (see above). Don't
escape from your predicament penniless! Secretly put aside cash for an Escape Fund. Your husband is
likely to block your checking account and credit cards. Ask around where you can stay the first week.
Will your family or friends accept you? Apply to a domestic violence shelter and wait to be accepted.
Be sure to know where you are going!
Make extra sets of keys and documents. Bundle these up with some clothes and keep these "reserve
troves" with friends and family. Put one such "trove" in a safety deposit box and give the key to
someone you trust. Secure transportation for the day or night of escape. Agree on codes and signals
with friends and family ("If I don't call you by 10 PM, something has gone wrong", "If I call you and
say that Ron is home, call the police").
You should wait until he is gone and only then leave home. Avoid confrontation over your departure. It
can end badly. Do not inform him of your plans. Make excuses to slip away in the days and months
before you actually leave. Get him used to your absence.
What Is The Best Online Dating Service?
Welcome to the club. Online dating services are the best way
nowadays to meeting new people for any purpose, but you have
probably noticed that there are so many of them.
Honestly, most of the people are so confused that they give it up,
and return to desperately trying to meet people the old ways.
Well, we are here to help you find the best online dating service.
In order to find it you will have to answer two major
1. What are you looking for? There are many niche online
dating services which are much better than the big ones. You
must define your partner:
Religion: Are you looking for a Christian singles dating web site, Jewish single one or maybe a Muslim
Nationality: Are you looking for a US dating service, Canadian personals or for an online UK dating
Other special preferences: Are you looking gay personals or gay dating services, are you looking for
senior dating services?
2. How much money are you ready to invest on finding a partner? Are you looking for 100% free
dating sites (free dating services) or are you willing to spend up to hundred dollars to find your lifetime
That’s all. You have finished the ugly part. Now all you have got to do is finding the best online dating
service according to your answers. You have two options.
The first one is typing your requested dating site preferences in one of the search engines like Google
or Yahoo. Then you will have to go through about a dozen dating sites, until you will find the best one.
The second and better option will be using others people researches and recommendations. There are
several online services which compare the online dating services and rank them relatively. Have a good
luck in finding your perfect partner.
Online Dating Tips for Single Parents
Are you single again? Getting back into the dating scene
after being away from it for a while can be tough.
Tougher yet if you have kids involved. There are a
number of new challenges involved in dating with
With working all day, taking the kids to one event or the
other. Spending the weekends with homework, house
cleaning and grocery shopping, where's the time?
Plus, what about the cost, babysitters, dinners out, the
whole idea can be quite overwhelming.
The first thing you need to do is the same as everyone else. Start by making a list of what you are
looking for. Maybe at this point you are really only looking for someone to spend time with.
Maybe go see a movie that doesn’t have talking animals in it? Have dinner without a happy meal? We
all need that adult time. Follow the same rules for creating your profile. But you need to include in your
ad that you have children. Let people know if they are with you full time or part time.
Many ads say “my children are number one” This is a great way to let people know how important
family is to you. There will always be people scared off by the fact you have children, but you probably
don’t want to date them anyway. Believe it or not, there are people who would love to find a great
person with children because they love family as much as you do. When browsing ads look for people
who are interested in “family activities” or “enjoy family time”.
When you do find someone special enough to spend time with, they should be someone who can love
your children too. Remember, they are part of a package deal. You, and your kids together. You may
want to start even more slowly online than someone who doesn’t have kids. Your children and their
safety are your first priority. Any action you take is going to affect their lives as well.
So they'll need to be happy with your new friend also. You'll need to be up front with them, on a level
they can understand for their age group. Just listen to your heart, you'll know when it's the right time to
introduce your friend to your kids. Start slowly having your children spend time with the two of you
Don't spend time with anyone who can't love your children too. As I said earlier you are part of a
package deal. You must remember that giving out your personal information to someone you still don't
really know not only gives them access to you, but to your children as well. And, of course as parents
we all want to be protective of our kids.
So, don't give your personal information out until you've met this person a few times offline, and you
feel comfortable with them. The first few times they are with you and your children watch for any signs
that they may not actually like children, how do thy act?, how do they talk to your children?, do they
make any inappropriate comments? Anything that doesn’t sit well, any gut feeling, show them the door.
Your children always come first.
For any long-term relationship or even marriage it's you and your kids. New challenges will come
when trying to coordinate schedules and time together. Blending families can be a real challenge and
not one to be taken lightly. Respect your children’s feelings.
If the other person has children also, it might be nice to have similar custody schedules so that your
children and their children are together on the same weekends. That way you can plan family activities
together and on your “off” weekends you can schedule time together for the two of you.
Remember, when dating someone with children, you need to accept them as part of the package. That
package will probably include the ex and shared custody with them. You need to be flexible and
accepting of their past and everything that goes with that. Dating again as a single parent can be
exciting, overwhelming, frustrating and very rewarding.
How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women
Don’t worry about. Many men are shy with women. Some don’t
really get over it, but the good news is, most men do. Its just about
self-confidence. Most men are shy because they fear rejection.
Being rejected or turn away can be quite an embarrassing situation,
but if you handle it right there’s nothing to it. This is a very normal
reaction, but if you never take the risk, you risk losing the woman
who might very well be the right one for you. Shyness shouldn’t hold
you back.
If you continue to be dominated with your shyness you will live a life
that is lonely and depressed. It will interfere with the natural ability to
coexist with the opposite sex, you will just be holding yourself back
from enjoying their company.
If you are shy with women, you will lose the ability to communicate well with them, you will be too
preoccupied with their reaction and your actions, in other words, you’ll be uptight. Shyness is easily
noticeable, women will perceive this as a sign of weakness, thus losing the chance to really get to know
you better. You don’t want that. Here are some tips and guides on how to get over shyness with women.
Build up your confidence. Do not be afraid of rejections. One good way in building confidence in
getting over shyness with women is picking up or meeting women for others. When you do this, you
eliminate the factor of the fear of being rejected. Since it is not for you, they may say no not because of
you, but because of your friend. If you have mastered this, you may soon be picking or meeting up a
girl for yourself.
Casually open up yourself to everybody, not just to women. Learn to smile a lot more, smiling is much
more contagious than the flu. But don’t be too over eager do it gradually. In time you’ll be open up to
everybody, even the women.
Don’t look at women as another being, treat her as a more refined guy friend. Be causal at firs, don’t
look at her as a sexual object. Have a nice casual talk and things will just develop later on. If all your
after is getting laid, women will see right through you. Be gentle with the women but don’t look a her
as a goddess as well. If you act like the woman is too nice for you, you’ll never go anywhere. She will
sense it and think as well.
Do not expect anything. If you get into her face expecting so much, you’ll be in for a lot of
disappointment. This is how jerks are classified. Being too confident is also a bane in the dating scene.
Just go with the flow of everything and enjoy yourself.
Do not be afraid of getting rejected. If you don’t take the risk you’ll never know if you could have had
her as a great friend. The key in doing this is to stop taking things personally.
Sometimes, there are people who don’t really mean what they say. You cannot be bothered if you don’t
take it personally. Just don’t be too self-conscious, and soon enough you’ll get over your shyness with
Getting over shyness with women is not an easy task, but not impossible. You will just have to learn to
trust yourself, try to socialize more. Get out and explore. Everything starts and depends with you.
Why Every Family Needs A Budget
There is not one family in the world that could not benefit from a budget.
A lot of people feel that a budget is a waste of their time because they
have enough money to go around.
Even though this may be true, there are still many advantages that go
along with keeping a strict budget. It is not very difficult to do if you are
aware of what you are trying to accomplish, and how much money you
have to work with.
Regardless of how much money you have, you can still set a budget. The
only difference is that wealthy people will have a higher budget than those
who are trying to watch their money.
The number one advantage of going on a budget is that you will know exactly where all of your money
is going. This is often times one of the biggest problems for people.
They have money to spend, but are not exactly sure where it goes every month. To aid this problem, all
you need to do is allot a certain amount of cash each month to every activity or bill that you have.
This means that if you like to eat out a lot, you will need to set a budget that allots a certain amount of
money to this activity. This way you will not end up spending more money than you want or have.
Going on a budget is also a great way to save money. If you are looking to save for retirement, a new
car, or a new home, going on a budget is a great way to save money so that you can reach your goal.
All you need to do is determine how much money you need, and how much you can save each month
by going on a budget. This will then determine how long it will take you to reach your savings goal.
A budget is something that should be taken very seriously. Many people start a budget just to break it
the next month. They usually do this because they find something that they “cannot live without.”
If you are going to go on a budget you need to have a lot of self control and discipline. Even though it
may be difficult at first, if you learn how to live by the rules of your budget you should have no
problems at all in the long run.
Steps For Balancing Work And Home
Most people understand how difficult it can be to
balance their work and home lives once they get
married and have children.
Somehow it seems that work life or home life is
always encroaching on the other and causing problems
at work, at home, and many times both. However the
following five tips are great options to help with
balancing work and home.
Make a Schedule
The best thing to do when trying to balance work and
home is to make a schedule.
Know how much time you have and schedule your work time and your home time. Then, you will
know when you need to schedule work and home events. This will make your life significantly easier
and you will know which activities fit into which time frame. Just make sure you stick to your
Share Responsibilities
Many times work and home responsibilities can become overwhelming because one spouse is handling
more of the responsibilities than the other. So, learn to share responsibilities at home and each spouse
can be responsible for their work. Also, older children should have some home responsibilities as well
to help parents balance work and home.
Leave Work at Work
Balancing home and work can be difficult because it is so easy to take work home. If you really want to
balance work and home then you will always leave work at work and keep home a sacred place for
family and home activities.
Dedicate Weekends to Home Activities
A great way to keep home and work separate is to always focus on home activities during weekends, or
at least on days off from work if you happen to work on weekends. When certain days are home days
and other days are work days then it makes balancing work and home considerably easier.
The best way to balance work and home is to always make a plan. There are tons of tips that will help
you, but there is nothing like making a plan and then following the plan to really balance work and
home. It might be difficult, but if you have it planned out and follow the plan you will be surprised how
easy you can find a balance.
Genealogy - Trace Your Family's History
Did you ever consider that your great-great-grandfather may
have fought in the civil war?
Perhaps your great-great-great grandfather made his way here
from the "old country" on a great old sailing ship with just a
few pence in his pocket. What of your grandmother?
Perhaps she was the local librarian in her town. Once they start
a genealogy search most people find tracing their family
history fascinating.
What may start with the simple desire to know a few names
and dates turns into nothing short of a fascinating
archaeological "dig" of sorts.
There are many ways to get tidbits on your family history. Perhaps you're lucky like me and your
family never threw any scrap of paper away. You may have a handwritten birth certificate, as I do, for
my great-great-grandfather who was born in England in the 1800's.
Birth, death and marriage records are generally easy to find, especially if the family members you are
searching about were born here in this country.
Maybe you have letters sent back and forth that have information about your ancestors in them. I have
a bible that belonged to my great-great-grandmother that has in the back pages where she recorded
family births, deaths and marriages.
My father was interested in our family history and had quite a collection of information about our
When my sister took over the work on the family tree that my father had started one thing she did was
to contact the local historical society in the town where we knew my great-grandparents lived. They
were able to give some family history as my great-grandfather was a rather prominent citizen.
From there she contacted the cemetery where family members were buried and was able to get birth
dates and dates of death. When she made a visit to another town where some of our ancestors lived she
took a camera to the cemetery and took pictures of the tomb stones.
The internet is a great starting point for your genealogy search. You can visit a website where you can
check the passenger arrival records from Ellis Island.
AOL has a site where you can type in name, birth and death info on your ancestors to see if there is any
information online. Some sites offer genealogy information by country.
There are some sights that offer the ability to see information that others have already searched out.
Some of these are paid membership sites. You may even find out that you have an unknown family
member out there doing the same search on your family members.
How to Care for Elderly Parents
Joanne’s mother, Betty, had rheumatoid arthritis for
years. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Betty was disabled
by the pain, fatigue and limited mobility that she had
feared since her diagnosis.
Joanne convinced her fiercely independent mother that
living alone was no longer an option. And Joanne, the
eldest of four children, knew that caring for her sick
mother fell on her shoulders.
Joanne was a legend in the circles of her family,
friends and colleagues for her ability to act with grace
under pressure.
Joanne took two weeks of vacation from her job and cooked and froze meals for her husband and three
As she flew to her hometown, she wondered how she would coordinate her mother’s care from a
distance. Supporting her husband as he built his new business, nurturing her kids and directing a major
project at work already made her feel that she was running on empty.
You may relate to Joanne’s story. One out of four Americans cares for a friend or relative who is sick,
disabled or frail. That’s 46 million Americans who offer unpaid help to a loved one. If they were paid
caregivers’ compensation would exceed last year’s Medicare budget! And if you become a caregiver,
you, like Joanne, may try to do it alone, shrouded in secrecy.
Solo care giving compromises your ability to nurture yourself and others. Let’s take care giving out
from behind closed doors. For your sake and the sake of those who count on you, please get some
help. Caregivers are competent people who feel that they should be able to do this job.
Yet, many soon find themselves unprepared and ill-equipped to manage the sometimes daunting tasks,
such as managing a complex medical regimen or remodeling a house so it’s wheel-chair accessible or
even finding someone to stay with their loved ones so they can go out to a movie without worrying
their relatives will fall on the way to the fridge.
If you are a caregiver, you know that this act of love has its costs. You stand to forfeit up to $650,000
in lost wages, pension and social security. Add to that is the personal cost to your well being, as your
new demands leave you less time for your family and friends.
You may give up vacations, hobbies and social activities. Finally, caregiving places a burden on your
health. Caregivers are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, depressed immune function and even
Instead of reaching out, caregivers become isolated. Many who assume the caregiving burden fit the
profile of the giving family member, like Joanne, who does not want to trouble others with their
problems. Some fear the consequences of disclosing their new demands to coworkers or employers.
Caregivers are further challenged by the cultural conspiracy of silence. Our youth-centered society
turns a blind eye to the unpleasant and inevitable reality that all of us age and die. This leaves both
caregivers and care recipients unprepared. Look no further than the path of Hurricane Katrina to
witness the consequences of a lack of planning.
What can you do? Start talking about the "what ifs" and make a plan.
'1. Start with yourself.' What will happen to you and your family if you become disabled or die
unexpectedly? Do you have disability insurance? Do you have a will? Do you have a living will, and
have you identified the person who will make the medical choices you would make if you are not in the
position to do so?
'2. Approach healthy family members.' Say, "I hope that you live many happy years in which you
enjoy all of the pleasures you worked so hard to create." Have you thought about what would happen
to you in the event that you cannot live independently any more? If some medical event befalls you,
who would make your medical choices?
'3. Look into community resources that support caregiving.' A day program, for example, helps
your loved one by providing social connections with peers. Your community may even offer
transportation to and from the program. Getting out of the house offers the additional benefit of getting
bodies moving. Socializing and exercise are the two most powerful interventions that help your loved
ones stay at their best.
'4. Make specific suggestions to friends, family members and neighbors who want to help.' You
may even want to keep a "help list." When they say, "Let me know what I can do," you have a
response: "Could you take Mom to her physical therapy appointment this week?" "When you’re at the
store, could you pick up some oranges and blueberries?" "Could you watch the kids for an hour so I
can get to the gym?" Your giving friends will appreciate specific ideas about how they can help.
'5. Take care of your health.' Get good nutrition, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise to stay in
top health. Wash your hands regularly to prevent colds and flu. Manage your stress with laughter, a
prayer or even a deep breath. Nourish your soul with a taste of activities that recharge your batteries
such as writing in your journal or gardening. Finally, talk to your doctor if you feel depressed or
The best strategies for effective caregiving include preparation, acts of self-care and reaching out for
help. That begins with the courage to start talking openly about caregiving.
What You Need to Know About Senior’s Health
As one progresses in age, he retreats in health or fitness.
Though senior citizens are counseled to stay fit, it is
barely the case like. Numerous natural transformations
occur in the body as it moves towards fragility.
For instance, the bones and muscles lose their potential
reducing the stamina of the body, the kidneys and other
internal organs start malfunctioning and the vigor of the
skin recedes.
But the fact is that health is wealth at every stage of life.
It is more crucial when one enters into the senior
citizens category because there are few caretakers in
those times.
So, the elderly should concentrate on fitness as much as possible. There are quite a few ways in which
the aged can enjoy a good physical and mental health.
1. Health Insurance - it is the first and foremost requirement of every senior citizen. A medical
insurance is the greatest friend in the time of need. It can provide you and your family the financial aid
in worst times of your life.
But one should be pretty careful in purchasing a health care policy. The plan that facilitates maximum
benefits should be taken up.
2. Diet and Exercise - the diet of individual varies with the age along with other factors. But at an
older age, a person should be extra careful in matters of eating. This is because, the antibodies or the
immunity system receives a setback in this age and one becomes more prone to all sorts of illnesses.
The diet therefore should be thriving in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Fats should be
strictly avoided as they make one susceptible to numerous diseases particularly heart problems. There
must be an extra intake of calcium to support the diluting bones.
But a rich diet is not enough. Some exercises should be a part of daily routine in this age. Individuals
need to be extra cautious about movements of their limbs for the natural strength and the disease
fighting ability of the body keeps on retiring in older ages.
3. Those who have a family history of ailments like prostrate and colon cancer, the diseases that
most likely hit men in fifties and above, should get regular medical check ups done. They must follow
the doctor’s advice and all the injunctions and prohibitions.
4. Women are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. They also are vulnerable to other
diseases due to menopause. Though the course of destiny can never be averted yet prevention should
never be ignored. There are some medicines that women should take after menopause in order to
minimize the risk factor.
5. Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia are even threatening for women. The former is a fall in
certain cognitive brain functions. It is a type of dementia. Dementia impedes an individual’s intellectual
functioning and capability to work. These diseases mostly affect women in sixties and above that. Such
women gradually become forgetful and incompetent in doing skilful work.
As soon as some of these symptoms are evident, doctor should be consulted without delay. Drugs at
early stage might stop the situation from worsening.
6. Avoid stress. Stress is as harmful as any other contagious disease. Don’t stoop to drugs so called
stress busters. Consult a psychiatrist if conditions run out of control.
How to Ease Home Bug Bites with Easy Herbs
Summertime means insect bites and stings. Ouch! Take a leaf
from Susun S. Weed's storehouse of natural remedies: Soothe,
heal, and prevent bites with safe herbal remedies that grow right
where you live: north or south, east or west, city or country. The
best natural remedies for insect bites are right underfoot.
'Plantain', also called ribwort, pig's ear, and the band-aid plant, is a
common weed of lawns, driveways, parks and playgrounds.
Identify it by the five parallel veins running the length of each
leaf. (Most leaves have a central vein with smaller ones branching
out from it.)
You may find broad leaf plantain ('Plantago majus'), with wide leaves and a tall seed head, or narrow
leaf plantain ('Plantago lanceolata'), with long thin leaves and a small flower head that looks like a
flying saucer. Many 'Plantago' species have seeds and leaves that can be used as food or medicine. A
South American variety ('Plantago psyllium') is used to make Metamucil.
How to use plantain? Make a fresh leaf poultice. Pick a leaf, chew it well and put it on the bite. "Like
magic" the pain, heat, and swelling - even allergic reactions - disappear, fast! (Yes, you can dry plantain
leaves and carry them in your first aid kit. Chew like you would fresh leaves.)
'Poultices' ease pain, reduce swelling, and help heal. No wonder they're the number one natural choice
for treating insect bites, bee and wasp stings.
'' 'Mud' is the oldest and simplest poultice. Powdered white clay, which should be mixed with a little
water or herb tea, can be applied directly to the sting as soon as possible. Clay can be kept on hand at
all times and is less likely to contain fungal spores than the real thing. Finely ground grains such as rice
or oatmeal, or bland starchy substances like mallow root, grated potato, or arrowroot powder are also
used as soothing poultices to ease itching and pain from insect bites.
' 'Fresh-herb poultices' are a little more complicated, but not by much. Just find a healing leaf, pluck it,
chew it, and apply it directly to the sting/bite. If you wish, use a large leaf or an adhesive bandage to
hold the poultice in place. Plantain, comfrey ('Symphytum uplandica x'), yellow dock ('Rumex'
species), wild geranium ('Geranium maculatum'), wild mallow ('Malva neglecta'), chickweed ('Stellaria
media'), and yarrow are only a few of the possibilities.'
In the woods, you can take a 'leaf' from a tree, chew it and apply that to the bite. Any tree will do in an
emergency, but if you have a choice, the best leaves are those from 'witch hazel, willow, oak' or 'maple'.
Play it safe: learn to recognize witch hazel (Hamamelis virginia) and willow ('Salix' species) leaves
before you chew on them.
Maple (Acer) or oak ('Quercus') leaves are easier to recognize and safer to chew - unless you live
where poison oak grows. If uncertain, avoid all shrubs and any trees with slick or shiny leaves. If the
leaf you are chewing tastes extremely bitter or burns your mouth, spit it out at once.
To repel ticks, mosquitoes, and black flies, try a diluted tincture of yarrow (Alchellia millefolium)
flowers directly on all exposed skin. A recent US Army study showed yarrow tincture to be more
effective than DEET as an insect repellent.
If you’ve spent the day in an area where lyme disease is common, take a shower right away and scrub
yourself with a bodybrush. Have a friend check you out for ticks. Also, it takes the tick some time to
make up its mind where to bite, so most are unattached and will wash off.
"If the worst happens and I do get a bite, I help my immune system by taking a daily dose of 2-6
dropperfuls of Echinacea tincture. I avoid Goldenseal as I believe it could have adverse effects. If I
have symptoms, I use a dropperful of St. Joan's wort (Hypericum) tincture three times a day to ensure
the lyme's organism is inactive."
How To Care For Your Home
Home care is a type of health care that is provided in the
home of the patient. While it may sometimes be provided by
doctors and nurses, it may also be provided by family
members as well.
While home care will often refer to people who are not
medically trained, the term home health care will often refer
to treatment that is given to the patient in their homes by
licensed doctors or nurses.
In the Unite States, both terms are used to refer to care that
is given by both non-licensed caregivers and doctors or
The purpose of home care is to allow a patient to receive care at home instead of being admitted to an
institution such as a hospital. The health care professionals will visit the patient, and will help them
with a number of different tasks.
Some of these tasks include dressing, hygiene, shopping, cooking, or assistance with taking medication.
The type of home care that is offered will vary in different nations. For example, there are substantial
differences in home care between the United States and The United Kingdom. In the US, health care
professionals will visit the patient based on a schedule that is determined by a doctor who is licensed.
The insurance the patient has will also play a role in this as well. In the UK, the care will be provided
two times a day. The US is one of the most informal places to receive home care. The vast majority of
care that is given to a patient will be provided by their friends or family.
Some of the professionals that may work with these families are social workers, mental health
specialists, and respiratory therapists. In some cases, the primary doctor may visit patients. In most
situations, home care will be paid by either employer insurance or public organizations such as
Medicaid or Medicare. The patient or their families may also pay as well.
To determine the amount of care a patient needs, there are six factors that must be taken into
consideration, and these are called activities of daily living. These activities are eating, restroom usage,
dressing, bathing, walking, and transferring.
In addition to these factors, a patient may also need help shopping, cooking, or handling their own
money. To be a home care worker, there are a number of qualifications that a person must have. They
must have a high school diploma or GED, and some organizations will require workers to have a year
of experience, and they will need to take examinations.
Home care workers must understand safety procedures, and they must also know how to properly give
personal care. They should be skilled with using equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, or
lifts. They should understand the importance of being sanitary, and they should be proficient in
preparing or handling food.
In addition to this, health workers must be able to monitor and record any changes in the condition of
the patient they're caring for. A lot of the necessary requirements involve common sense. Many people
who become home care workers will have experience working in Nursing homes, and may become
Certified Nursing Assistants as well.
Home Improvement Projects Made Easy
Where to Start
People want to do home improvement projects all the time to
increase the value of their home. Many people, however, do
not know which project to tackle first when they have multiple
projects to be done.
Picking which project to do first can be decided by a number
of things. Money and urgency are the biggest factors in this.
If you have a hole in your roof, obviously you need to get that
fixed before putting a shed up in your yard. But if you need
new windows because the old ones are older than you and your
bathroom looks like it’s stuck in the 70’s, you have a choice.
Some home improvements will be more time consuming than others and that should be taken into
consideration before starting anything.
Before you Start
Do your research before starting anything. Whether you plan to do the project yourself or hire someone
to do it for you, make sure you know what you are getting into before buying anything or signing any
contract. Any home improvement job can be done by yourself or a company.
Depending on the job will depend on what you need to not only get it done, but also how much it will
cost. Check out different home improvement stores for varying prices as well as professionals. Ask
your neighbors who did their project and how much it cost, if they are willing to tell you the price. If
they did it themselves, ask how long it took and if they ran into any problems they didn’t believe they
would encounter. If they did encounter problems, ask them how they fixed them.
On the other hand if they used a professional ask what they thought of the work the professional did.
Knowing what you might be getting into is the best knowledge of all. And if it is possible, ask more
than one home owner about the same project so you can compare notes.
Do It Yourself versus Professional
You have decided what project you want to do. You have done your research and have an idea what it
should cost and how long it should take. Now you must decide if you want to do it yourself or hire a
professional crew to do it for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Doing it yourself
can be much cheaper because you aren’t paying labor costs that are added to the professionals’ prices.
However you have to know that you will have ample time to fix complete the project and that you can
live in your home comfortably enough while you do finish.
Also if you run into a complication, you have to know how to fix it quickly so as not to lose any more
time on completing the project. This can get expensive if you don’t know how to fix it or are on limited
time and money.
Having a professional do it can cost thousands more, depending on the project, but you will have an
estimate time of completion. And, the best part of all, if there are any mess ups, you are not responsible
for fixing them. Well for the most part you won’t be responsible. You will need to read the fine print on
any contract you sign with a professional. Another advantage of having a professional is that the work
is warranted.
Using the Professional
Once you decide to go with a professional, you should get multiple quotes before making your choice
of who to use. Even if the company that did your neighbors windows comes highly recommended, your
house is different and they may have different pricing specials now than when your neighbors had their
windows put in. Get at least four or five quotes to see exactly what the professionals cost and the
differences in how they do business, their warranty works, estimate for when they can start your
project, and completion time frame.
Don’t go for just the big ads in the phone book. The smaller companies can be just as good and cost
less than a big name. Most places give free estimates nowadays. No matter what, don’t let any
professional push you into using them before you have all the estimates you want. They may sound
great as the first or second, but their job is to get you sign with them and convince you they are better
than anyone else out there. Take everything they say with a grain of salt.
How to Decorate Your Kitchen On a Budget
Kitchen's can be one of the most expensive rooms in the
house to remodel and decorate. However, there is a way to
do this without spending tons of money. You can decorate
your kitchen on a shoestring budget!
With patience, persistence, and a little time, there is one
place to find decorative items for mere pennies. Where is
this "magic" place?
Yard sales! Granted, this will take much more effort than
walking into a "Kirkland's? or "Country Treasures" store at
the local mall, but the money spent will be so much less.
Plus, some really interesting and unique pieces will be
added to your house.
It is amazing what items can be found at yard sales that will go with any kitchen décor under the sun. If
you love a country style kitchen, search for baskets, pitchers, and pottery. These items can be placed
above cabinets, as centerpieces for the kitchen table, or filled with fresh fruit or wildflowers and then
placed on the counter.
If you love the retro style kitchen, yard sales are fantastic shopping spots. It is easy to find many
kitchen items from the 1960's-1970's in good condition. While some are excellent collectible pieces,
others can be purchased for sheer fun! Some cool pieces to look for old breadboxes, canister sets, and
wall clocks.
If you your taste runs back to the 1940's era, finding vintage pieces could be a bit more of a challenge.
However, once items are found, they turn out to be well worth the time it took to hunt for them!
Kitchens from the 1940's call for vintage linens, which can be used as tablecloths or displayed by
hanging from the store.
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Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
Family home advice
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Family home advice

  • 2. © Copyright Home Family Advice - All Rights Reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expression written, dated and signed permission from the authors. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. Know Anyone Who Is Interested In This Guide! You are granted full rights to give away or distribute this report to your friends, customers, subscribers, as a products, gift to your website visitors or/and gift on your newsletter.
  • 3. Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On - "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister - "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi - "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous - "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb - "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker - The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn - "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin
  • 4. Table of Contents: Family - What You Should Know About Adoption..........................................................................6 - When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant...........................................................................7 - Choosing Your Baby Nursery Theme.................................................................................8 - Baby Shower Planning Guidelines.....................................................................................8 - Saving Money On Baby Food............................................................................................9 - Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler................................................................................10 - How to Host a Superb Kid Birthday Party........................................................................11 - How to Detect Autism in Child.........................................................................................12 - How To Be A Closer Family..............................................................................................14 - Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft..................................................................................15 - What a Family Should Do When an Emergency Strikes..................................................16 - Discount Wedding Favors.................................................................................................17 - How To Interview A Wedding Photographer....................................................................18 - The Common Wedding Etiquette Explained....................................................................19 - How to be Happy In a Marriage.......................................................................................21 - How to Getaway From an Abusive Relationships............................................................23 - What Is The Best Online Dating Service?........................................................................24 - Online Dating Tips for Single Parents..............................................................................25 - How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women...............................................................26 - Why Every Family Needs A Budget.................................................................................27 - Steps For Balancing Work And Home..............................................................................28 - Genealogy - Trace Your Family's History.........................................................................29 - How to Care for Elderly Parents.......................................................................................30 - What You Need to Know About Senior’s Health..............................................................31 - How to Ease Home Bug Bites with Easy Herbs...............................................................32 Home - How To Care For Your Home............................................................................................34 - Home Improvement Projects Made Easy..........................................................................35 - How to Decorate Your Kitchen On a Budget....................................................................36 - Feng Shui in the Home......................................................................................................37 - Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaning Tips................................................................................38 - Refrigerant For Air Conditioners For The Environment...................................................39 - Home Energy Audit – Fireplaces, Attics and More...........................................................41 - Great Home Office Decorating Ideas................................................................................42 - A Layman’s Guide to Home Security................................................................................43 - Home Security For Your Peace Of Mind..........................................................................44 - Owning A Home Swimming Pool.....................................................................................45 - Preparing To Build Wooden Fences..................................................................................46 - Steps To A Better Lawn And Garden................................................................................47 - The Basic Rose Types for Rose Gardens..........................................................................48 - Steps to Growing a Butterfly Garden................................................................................49
  • 5. - Growing Your Own Fruits And Vegetables.......................................................................50 - How To Plant Your Own Herb Garden.............................................................................51 - How Green Is Your Home.................................................................................................52 - How to Build a Green-House............................................................................................53 - How to Make the Needed Repairs as a Home Seller........................................................54 - Investing in Commercial Real Estate................................................................................56 Educational - Honing Your Parenting Skills And Teaching Manners.....................................................57 - How to Get Involved In Your Child's Education..............................................................58 - Be a Step Ahead and Career Plan.....................................................................................58 - Why You Need a College Degree.....................................................................................59 - Guide To Searching For Scholarships..............................................................................60 - How to Ready Your Kids Ready for College...................................................................61 - Guide To Choosing A College Major...............................................................................62 - Time Management In College..........................................................................................63 - How To Make Reading Fun.............................................................................................64 - Study Skills To Help You Get Straight A's......................................................................65 - Effective Ways to Sharpen Memory in Children.............................................................67 - You Can Teach Your Child At Home...............................................................................68 - Choosing Home Schooling Over Traditional Schooling.................................................69 - How To Be A Public Speaker..........................................................................................70
  • 6. Family What You Should Know About Adoption What is Adoption? Adoption occurs when a person takes full parental custody of a child that is not naturally theirs. The natural parent(s) give the adoptive parents full rights and responsibilities of the child(ren) and relinquishes all rights of their own. There are a variety of circumstances that may have occurred and the child was placed for adoption either privately or through an agency. A natural parent may wish to give their child a better life than what they feel they can provide them. The death of the natural parent(s) may also create the need for adoption either by family members or by an adoptive parent. Whatever the reason for the adoption, the adoptee becomes the legal child of the adoptive parents. There is no real difference between a child who lives with his or her biological parents or with adoptive parents. When adoption occurs the adoptive parents assumes all rights and responsibilities when it comes to the care and well-being of the child(ren) Why do people adopt? The reasons people choose adoption vary a great deal. Some people may choose to adopt because they cannot conceive a child of their own with either natural or medical methods. This is probably the most common reason that a couple chooses to adopt a child. Some older couples will seek adoption after their own natural children have left home because they loved raising children and want to help another child. Couples that are gay or lesbian also choose adoption because having their own child naturally is not a possibility, yet they long to have a child and raise them together in a loving environment. Another reason many people choose to adopt is out of the goodness of their own hearts. Many people who have children or have the ability to have children naturally still seek adoption because there is such a need for adoptive parents in the world. What are the different practices of adoption? There are three general categories of adoption, private adoption, public adoption and international adoption. Private adoption occurs when the natural parent decides to place their child up for adoption, however, they want the choice of who the adoptive parents are. Typically, the adoptive parents place an advertisement and the natural parent will respond. This type of adoption generally includes the adoptive parents taking care of all costs and possibly the medical costs associated with the birth of the child. A public adoption is performed through an agency. In general, older children and those with disabilities are placed with a public adoption agency. These children very often have some emotional, physical, or mental disorders that will need attention.
  • 7. An international adoption takes place outside of the country where the adoptive parents live. Many people are choosing this type of adoption more and more. While it is a little more expensive and requires a lot of extra work, the adoption of an international child is a loving choice. Many of these children do not have enough food to eat, medical attention or families for one reason or another. When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant Are there better days to get pregnant? When is the best time to get pregnant during the reproductive cycle? The best days to get pregnant will generally be the time when ovulation occurs. To better understand when is the best time to get pregnant, here are tips that are related to getting pregnant: 1. Know your most fertile time - generally, ovulation occurs about 14 days before your next menstrual period begins. That means if your menstrual cycle is a 28-day one, that could make day #14 your most fertile day (day #1 is the first day that your last period began). If yours is a 30-day cycle, day #16 could be the time to go for it. A 32-day cycle would have day #18 as one of the best days to get pregnant. 2. Track your basal body temperature - an inexpensive basal thermometer can be purchased and used to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day that signal when is the best time to get pregnant. The increases in basal temperature may only be a tenth of a degree or so, but a basal thermometer can detect this kind of minor temperature change. 3. Monitor your cervical mucus - ovulation causes a change in the appearance and consistency of cervical mucus. By checking yourself each day, you'll be able to see the 'egg-white-like' vaginal discharge that indicates ovulation and which are the best days to get pregnant. 4. Obtain and read a good fertility book - learn as much as possible about fertility, getting pregnant, pregnancy and having a healthy baby. 5. Use an ovulation predictor kit - these inexpensive kits predict ovulation in advance so you definitely know when is the best time to get pregnant. This test has proven very accurate in detecting the increase in luteinizing hormone which usually occurs in women 24-48 hours before ovulation. Making the decision to get pregnant and have a child can be an exciting and good experience. While this journey is often unpredictable, choices you make now can definitely affect your health and the health of your baby. The better your health as you are getting pregnant, the healthier your baby will be.
  • 8. Choosing Your Baby Nursery Theme Planning a baby nursery is a big task. There is furniture to choose, walls to paint, safety to take into consideration. Probably the most exciting part of planning your baby nursery though, will be choosing your nursery’s theme. The theme you decide on will set the tone for the whole room so it will certainly need to be one of the first decisions that you make when your start the planning process. There are an almost endless supply of themes available for a baby’s room. You could choose to go with something gender specific, a girl themed room for a girl and a boy themed room for a boy, or you may want to consider choosing a gender neutral theme if you plan to have more children. This will save you the trouble of possibly having to remodel the nursery when the next baby comes along. A pink princess themed nursery won’t work so well if your next child is a boy. Likewise, a girl will seem out of place in a nursery decorated with cars. If you want to plan a nursery that will stimulate your baby as they grow, consider bright primary colors and geometric shapes and patterns. Red, blue, and yellow have been found to be the colors that help stimulate young infants. Bedding and wall décor with geometric shapes and patterns will also do this especially if the shapes and patterns are large. This will make it easier for the baby to see since it takes many months for an infant’s vision to completely develop. Whatever theme you decide on for your nursery, be prepared to live with it for a few years. Most babies are not ready for a toddler room until they are two to three years old. If you want to save money, choose a theme that will grow with them into their toddler room. Since toddler beds take the same size mattress and bedding as a crib, you could continue to use the theme and bedding you choose in a toddler room if you wanted to. No matter what theme you decide on, remember to have fun while taking on the whole nursery planning process. This is a joyous time in your life that you will always be able to look back on fondly. Baby Shower Planning Guidelines The arrival of a newborn family member is one of the most exciting times in a parents life. They would usually spend each waking hour counting the ticks of the clock, the droplets that tap on the window pane, and the days in the calendar just to confirm how many days are still left before the baby’s due arrival. In order to lessen the anticipation of the parents, having a baby shower is one of the most feasible ways to cut back the long-wait. A baby shower is actually one type of party wherein money or gifts are given to the expectant mother in lieu of the baby’s arrival. The relatives or friends of the parents are the ones who usually organize the party.
  • 9. It has not been founded in any historical events and is slowly taking recognition in the United States and in countries where the way of life in the U.S. are incorporated. The basic purpose of organizing baby showers is to help the parents manage and organize the items needed for the baby’s due arrival. It is also one way of celebrating the joy and excitement of having a new member in the family — the baby. Hence, it is important for the organizers to come up with ideas or themes that they think would best suit the mother’s personality or the tone of the occasion. And because it is one type of merrymaking, themes that will be use in the baby shower should reflect the joy and happiness being felt by everybody. In reality, coming up with a good theme for the baby shower can be very tedious for the organizers. There are so many considerations that you have to take into account before deciding on a specific theme. Best of all, it has to suit the gender of the baby. Planning for the baby shower and getting some solid information for remarkable baby shower ideas would be a lot easier if the sex of the baby is known. It really helps a lot. In this manner, you will be able to know which colors to use, what kind of games to play, and what theme to integrate. However, there are instances wherein the sex of the baby is not known. In turn, organizers will be having a difficult time organizing things and arranging the details of the baby shower. But this should not discourage the organizers like you in coming up with an excellent and fascinating baby shower. All you have to do is to do your homework and search for some generalized and yet amusing baby shower ideas. From games to party favors, you can make the party worth your guests’ time. Where to Get Baby Shower Ideas? For most people, coming up with great baby shower ideas is a breeze. They can easily think of something that can be really appealing. However, there are people who really cannot generate feasible and remarkable baby shower ideas. And so, it is best that they seek the help of some magazines, advices from relatives and friends, and the Internet. Indeed, with the advent of information technology, coming up with a notable baby shower idea is not difficult. With tons of web sites that cater to those who are planning to organize a baby shower, you can never run out of great baby shower ideas. Boiled down, people should always remember that whatever baby shower ideas they will use in the party, it is best if they will always reflect the joy and happiness of everybody for the baby’s arrival. Saving Money On Baby Food Infant formula has become very costly in some instances, in some areas around the world. Indeed, no matter where you are located on the globe, high quality baby formula is not particularly cheap. Once in a while you can find formula on sale for a reasonable price. However, and as a rule, the better quality products are rather costly overall. The Internet has proven to be a good resource for a parent who wishes to save money on the costs associated with infant formula.
  • 10. Through the Internet, a parent can make the purchase of infant formula in bulk or larger quantities. By making such purchases, a parent definitely can save money on the costs associated with infant formula -- both in the short and the long run. Once your baby begins moving beyond using infant formula, you will find yourself in the market for other types of baby food products and items. As with infant formula, the costs associated with high quality baby food products. Indeed, many parents shudder when they think about the amount of money that they have to spend on baby food products. As with infant formula, parents can save a great deal of money on other baby food products by shopping and making purchases on the Internet and the World Wide Web. As with formula, a parent can purchase other types of baby food products in bulk online and save a great deal of money over time. Another benefit to making the purchase of baby food online is convenience. In addition to saving money through the purchase of baby food on the Net, shopping online is very convenient. By shopping on the Net, you can make purchases of infant formula and other baby food products any time of day, whenever shopping is convenient for you. As an aside, a growing number of parents are becoming interested in buying and using natural food and formula products for their babies. The Internet is proving to be a tremendous resource for people who are interested in making the purchase of natural food items, including natural baby formula and food products. Oftentimes, a diligent parent can find these natural baby food products online for a price far cheaper than what might be found in a natural food grocery market in the proverbial brick and mortar world. In the end, when looking for all types of food products for your baby, the Internet very well may be your very best resource. Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler Getting your toddler to perform toileting independently is a welcome milestone for any parent. Few of us want to be changing diapers much past the child’s second birthday. However, children vary greatly in their adoption of the potty routine which is influenced by a child’s innate ability, aptitude and maturity. However, there several tips and techniques you can use to hasten the blessed day when your toddler says: “Mommy, I did potty by myself”. 1) Get your child ready - explain to your child that it's time to do "pee-pee" and "poo-poo" in the potty. Promote the benefits of being trained such as no more diaper rash, interruptions for diaper changing, being clean and dry. Discuss training as an important stage of growing up. 2) Make it fun – first and foremost, make this a game. Children will naturally resist anything which is not framed as a fun learning experience. Use play, music, toys, and stories as part of the experience to keep the child from getting bored or distracted. 3) Create a ritual – try to make the experience repeatable so your child knows what to expect each time and gets into the routine of sitting and staying on the potty. 4) Use props – use of books, toys, videos and music all help create an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment which is so essential.
  • 11. 5) Time it right – Try repeating the process every hour for 2 to 4 minutes. If you can do this close to times your child usually has a bowel movement or urination, such as just after a meal, even better. 6) Be prepared - If you are traveling or away from home, bring a folding, plastic adapter ring that fits onto an adult toilet seat is useful. Extra tissue and wipes will be useful in bathrooms that are short on supplies. 7) Give praise – give you child social praise for sitting on the potty patiently or for staying dry. If the potty routine is successful, consider some reward (e.g. special prize, book or foods) that are especially valued. 8) Show your child how to clean up - demonstrate how to wash hands and dry hands on a towel. Remember that training you child takes patience and perseverance. Staying on task and being consistent send an important message to your child. Above all, don’t let your child feel forced. It’s important to keep the whole experience fun and enjoyable for the best results. How to Host a Superb Kid Birthday Party How do you plan a children’s birthday party... and still remain sane? Relax, don’t panic and keep it as simple as possible is the answer. Kids don’t care if the room has been vacuumed and cleaned. Think about it for a moment, kid's will make the tidiest of room’s look like a disaster zone within minutes of turning up. They won’t care whether the table napkins match or what time it is!... all they will want to do is have fun, play games and eat lots of goodies! So, what’s the best way to ensure that your child's birthday party is one to remember? (at least until the next party invitation arrives!) Firstly, take a little time to think about the party theme. Will it be an outing to the local burger house, a trip to an amusement park or will you have a theme party at home. With sufficient forward planning, you won’t be losing any sleep worrying about the party. Make a list of who is coming to the party? The general rule of thumb is to invite as many guests as you feel comfortable catering for. Ask the birthday child what they would like to do. Don’t be tempted to pressure them into having the sort of party YOU would like... it is their special day after all! Once you have decided on a theme, then the party activities to keep the kids happy become a priority. Many traditional games can be adapted to fit just about any party theme. If the party is to at the local restaurant, go along and speak to the manager to agree the food menu and leave the rest to them. An outing to the amusement park or zoo may require additional party planning, with transport being just one item needing consideration. Many of these venues have party facilities available so all you need to provide is the children and a credit card to pay the bill. If the party is to be at home, then selecting a theme can be fun. Whether it’s Pirates, Finding Nemo or Dora the Explorer... this is your opportunity to get creative!
  • 12. With so many character theme party goods available, the choice is endless. If you’re planning to hold the party outdoors, it would be a good idea to have at least one room inside your home decorated, in case of rain. Try to limit the party activities to pre-designated party areas (as much as possible), so you are able to relax and enjoy the party without worrying about the mess being made. Ok, it’s now time to get ready for the party! You’ve decided on the party theme and how many guests will be invited... Now the preparations and fun begin! Don’t forget to keep your birthday kid involved whenever possible. Get them to suggest party game ideas, then choose the decorations and food together. Feeling relaxed? Hope so, because organizing a kid birthday party should be fun for everyone! Allocate a budget for the party and decide whether you hire a professional entertainer or enlist the help of friends and neighbors? Don’t be afraid to ask a friend to help clear empty dishes, run a game or two and even take the some party photos. Set a time for the party. Two or three hours should be plenty of time. If the children are under 5 years old, then one and half hours should be time enough. One great tip is to hold a toddler party in the morning, as youngsters tend to get a bit “cranky” when they get tired! Plan your party games in 15-20 minute intervals. If you find the kids are happy playing a particular game let them carry on... why spoil their fun? On the other hand plan more activities than you think you will need. Some games may be greeted with a “groan” and you may well need to play another game sooner than you expected. Send out your birthday party invitations 2 to 3 weeks in advance of the party date, then make a follow- up confirmation phone calls after about a week. People tend to be very busy nowadays and a small invitation can get easily forgotten, usually under a mountain of junk-mail! Don’t spend more time or energy than necessary on things that don’t really matter. When organising the party food keep snacks plain and simple. Remember that kids love eating food with their fingers and your party day could be a great day to let them do just that! Buy an undecorated cake from your local baker and decorate it yourself, making a terrific party theme cake... or get the bakers to make a completely finished themed birthday cake! Finally, imagine that the big day is here and your first guest arrives for your child’s birthday party. Stay calm, keep a good sense of humor and enjoy the precious party time with your guests. Above all, keep the party flowing and let the children set the pace. You will look back afterwards, when flicking through your fabulous party photo’s, with the immortal words... “It was well worth the effort” How to Detect Autism in Child Every parent wants the best for his or her kid, wishing only the best, good health, bright future and prosperous life to the child. But one morning it just hit you, your child is turning 3 years old next month but still remains unresponsive to you. Your child is not as interactive as other kids would usually be. 'Could my child be autistic?'
  • 13. Any parent would be alarmed. Autism may sound familiar to you. It is however important to first establish that this is not an infection or a contagious disease. This is actually a condition where the brain of the child has developed differently, resulting to certain ramifications that affected the system of the child and manifesting in the lack of interpersonal skills of the child. This condition occurs to 1 child in every 700 in the population. It was found also that this is most likely to occur among the boys. The signs manifest at an early stage in a child's life. It is necessary that you be cautious of your child's behavior and responses. How does one detect autism? The signs of autism may be observed as early as 18 months to 3 years age of the kid. If your child is experiencing difficulty in the following aspects, it would be helpful to consult a doctor or an expert: - Looking at others - Can he or she not look at you straight to the eye when you try to communicate? - Playing with other kids - Does he or she avoid other kids or automatically shies away? - Imagining - Can he or she not handle make-believe games? - Communicating - Are there words that he or she cannot say or will have to be said over and over before he or she can grasp it? - Repetition - Are there mannerisms or motor movements that he or she keeps repeating for no apparent reason or purpose? - Changes - Is he or she inflexible to changes? Does he or she get alarmed when you change a certain routine, like waking up while it is still dark? Some babies can actually manifest signs of autism - Babies that do not look in the eye can be displaying signs of autism, especially if they would rather stare at moving mechanical objects or parts of it. - Too calm babies should also be observed. Are they able to lie for hours without crying? - When babies do not play or do not interact with other babies. How does one address this condition of autism? The cause of autism is still unknown. That is why parents should not blame themselves if they feel that they had been negligent in taking care of their kids during infancy, or if a mother thinks she might not have properly taken care of herself during pregnancy. Just as the definite cause is still unknown, there is no definite treatment to get rid of autism. Even if the parent may not be able to free his or her child from the condition, the best option to the parents of an autistic child is to address the problem. It is best to consult an expert on this field. Know the various peculiarities of the kid. The family may have to stick to a definite lifestyle to adjust to the needs of the child. This would require extra patience also. Send the child to a special education school. If the autism of the child is relatively mild, be sure that you inform ahead the teacher or the principal of the condition.
  • 14. You have a special child. The kid is special, because his or her abilities are different from the ordinary kid her age. Provide special treatment and care needed. Give your attention. Stay by his or her side. More than anything else; simply make the child feel your loving care. How To Be A Closer Family Family should always be first, but it's easy to forget what matters most in today's hectic world. The greatest gift we can give our children is being part of a healthy, loving family as it is their foundation and security especially in times of need. Children will always need a safe haven and the home should provide that for them. Creating a happy and safe environment is easier than most people think. I hope the following will help get you started. Give your children the opportunity to speak openly and freely about their concerns and troubles. This is a sure-fire way to increase your family's closeness. Maintain honesty and you will find that problems get solved quickly and easily. Instilling open communication in your children will also help them in all aspects of their lives later on. "Listen" with an open heart and a willing spirit. Don't judge the thoughts and feelings of other family members. Instead, try to understand where they are coming from and figure out solutions to ease their problems. Spend quality time together each week. Many parents have full-time jobs and it's difficult to fit in time for relaxation and leisure, however, it's very important you make time for your family. Discuss what things the family would like to do together. Try to pick activities that encourage talking and interaction like bowling for example will enhance relations better than silently watching a movie in a theater. Try to keep the activity lighthearted and fun. Laughter bonds better than anything and its affects will ripple throughout your life. Chores doesn't sound like it will bring a family closer, but one would be amazed to see what it can do. Having a clearly defined list of responsibilities for each member of the family will ease frustration and resentment. It will also encourage family members to get involved with household responsibilities and teach them that teamwork is important. Be sure to put the list up in a place that everyone will see easily and make a point of congratulating people when they do something well. There are many ways to gain closeness within your family. These three steps are designed to give you a head start and help you create the family life you have always wanted. Initiate conversation with your family and get their ideas and suggestions for gaining a closer relationship. Always be open and willing to listen and work together. It won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it.
  • 15. Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft Identity theft commonly begins with the loss or theft of a wallet or purse. But there are many or high-tech and low-tech ways criminals can get their hands on your personal and financial information in order to commit identity theft. When someone uses your name or personal information, such as your credit card number, driver's license number, Social Security number, telephone number, or other account numbers, without your permission, you become a victim of identity theft. Thieves steal your personal information and use it to open credit accounts, bank accounts, telephone service accounts, and make major purchases in your name. These criminals use your sensitive information to take over existing accounts, or open new accounts. Their criminal activities can result in damage to your credit rating and denials to credit and job offers. Protecting Your Identity While there are no guarantees that your identity will never be stolen or compromised, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risks. Here are a few of them: Before you discard your personal information that you no longer need, such as credit card receipts, billing statements, and pre-approved credit card offers, shred them using, at best, a diagonal-cut shredder. Create unique passwords and personal identification numbers (PINS) and avoid using easily available information such as mother's maiden name, date of birth, or last four digits of your Social Security number. Do not give your Social Security number to people or companies that you do not know. Guard your mail from theft. Promptly remove your incoming mail from your mailbox and place outgoing mail in locked collection boxes at your local Post Office. As an extra measure of security, install a lock on your mailbox, even if mail theft is not an identified problem in your neighborhood. Before disclosing personal information, even to people you know where you shop or do business, insist on knowing the reason(s) your personal information is required and how it will be used. Low-Tech Rip-offs: Thieves can do much damage with what they remove from your mailbox. Criminals are increasingly creative in the methods they use to get their hands or eyes on your personal information, and ultimately, your money. Here are some of the low-tech techniques they employ: Dumpster Diving, one of the easiest ways for them to appropriate your personal information. Mail Theft from unsecured residential mailboxes. According to statistics, mail theft most often takes place at unprotected and easily accessible mailboxes in public places. Shoulder surfing takes place when a thief watches or listens literally over your shoulder as you enter your PIN into an ATM machine. They may even follow you home or your place of work to gather additional information about you.
  • 16. High-Tech Techniques: Data transferred across the Internet can be intercepted during its journey. Phishing and Pharming: While phishing is a scam in which consumers are tricked into entering their personal information via a bogus email and website form, pharming occurs where hackers steal personal information from numerous people simultaneously through something known as "domain spoofing". They take over a DNS server and redirect user information to a new website that they use to gather, collect, "pharm" illegal information. Skimming: Thieves quickly and temporarily steal a credit card and run it through a skimmer, a credit card reader that has been reprogrammed to steal information off the card. Fight Back: Reduce the Risks Make education about the scams, schemes, and frauds criminal use to steal your identity your priority in view of the rising occurrence of this multi-million-dollar-problem. With education comes prevention. Here are some prevention tips to help reduce the risks: Safeguard your personal information. Never take simple things for granted. Carry with your only the information you need. Always keep your personal information and documents in a safe and secured place of your choosing. Order and review a copy of your credit report at least once a year. Shred documents containing your sensitive information before discarding them. What a Family Should Do When an Emergency Strikes When it comes to emergency preparedness, it's easy to get lulled into a sense of complacency. It's difficult to face the reality that disaster could strike close to home, even though we've witnessed the devastation that comes from disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the Asian tsunami, the tornado that flattened a Kansas town, and terrorist attacks like those on 9/11. The unfortunate truth is that earthquake, fire, flood, and storms can cause injuries, death, and destruction. More importantly - and more hopefully - much of the unbearable heartache and loss associated with disasters can be avoided with the proper disaster survival gear. Emergency preparedness doesn't mean seeing the world through the eyes of doom and gloom. It doesn't mean that there is a disaster looming around every corner. Having the proper disaster survival gear simply means acknowledging that the world is an unpredictable place, and that it's best to be prepared. After all, when you buy a box of Band-Aids and tuck it away in a cupboard, you don't wake up each morning certain that a loved one will suffer a cut or scrape; it just means that you have Band-Aids on hand if a minor injury occurs. The same holds true for disaster survival gear. Once you have it, you don't have to worry about it. Hopefully, you'll never need to use it, but if the need arises, you'll be prepared.
  • 17. Survival Kits for Every Location When you consider purchasing disaster survival gear, it's important to remember that you don't know where you and your loved ones will be when an emergency strikes. Perhaps you'll be at home, but maybe you'll be at work or in the car, and your children may be at school. It's important to make sure that each location has the necessary disaster survival gear to improve the odds of making it through whatever natural or man made emergency occurs. Home Disaster Survival Gear Your home emergency preparedness kit should contain enough food, water, shelter, sanitation, first aid, lighting and communication supplies necessary for the number of people in your family. Because a catastrophic event often means no running water or electricity, and because it can impact the livability of your home, it's important to have the supplies necessary to be self-sufficient. Critical supplies to include are food bars and water boxes for three days, thermal blankets designed to retain body heat, ponchos with hoods, tissue packs, work gloves, a tube tent, water purification tablets, dust masks, vinyl gloves, a solar radio and flashlight with generator, first aid kit, light sticks, can opener, nylon cord, contact cards, gas shut-off wrench, Swiss Army knife, waterproof matches, emergency candles, toilet bags and chemicals, duct tape, and whistle. When preparing your disaster survival gear, it's important not to forget your pets. Include a collar and leash, toys, food and water bowls, food and water, a thermal blanket, a pet first aid kit, and a decal that can alert rescue workers to the presence of a pet. DIY or Ready-Made? The reason many people hesitate to prepare for emergencies is that it's a hassle to put together your own disaster survival gear. The idea of having to go to different stores and pick up supplies makes it easy to procrastinate. Plus, there's the question of the shelf life of different items, particularly food and water. Many people opt to buy ready-made emergency preparedness kits. Not only is it less hassle, but the best ready-made kits have a five-year shelf life and come in a sealed bucket. Just like buying that box of Band-Aids, a ready-made kit of disaster survival gear is easy to buy and tuck away. Hopefully, you'll never have to use it, but you'll rest easier knowing that, if emergency does strike, it could save your life and the lives of those you love. Discount Wedding Favors If you want wedding favors that are truly unique, take the time to develop your ideas and make your own. It has become increasingly popular for brides to design their own wedding favors. You will save money and it shows that you have an interest in the guests that came to share in your very special day. It is also an opportunity for the bridal party to become actively involved in the preparations of the wedding. Search through bridal magazines to get an idea of the different types of wedding favors you can create.
  • 18. Remember, you do not have to exactly duplicate the item, just get an idea and then adapt it to your specific needs. Browse through local craft stores to get an idea. You can talk to the staff and work with them to help you create the perfect wedding favor. Then, you can purchase the necessary supplies and make the remainder. Make the wedding favor as simple as possible so that it is easy to assemble at the last minute. Once you have decided on the wedding favor, you can make your favor fit the theme of your wedding. Whatever you choose, the important fact is that it was hand-crafted by you for your guests. There are a variety of inexpensive wedding favors that you can enhance by creating a decorative label. This decorative label may include your names and the date of your wedding and can be attached to your wedding favors. Items such as Candy tins or gift bags filled with Jordan almonds, mints or chocolate kisses. Dove chocolate shaped as a long stemmed red rose. Votive candle. Personalized scrolls that have your name and wedding date with a beautiful poem relating to the bride and future groom. If you are too busy or not inclined to take the time to make your own personalized wedding favors, there are many different wedding favors that can be purchased with a minimal budget. You can shop around to find many different types of wedding favors. The possibilities are endless. Another option is to do internet research to find discount wedding favors. Many internet sites offer a variety of items for sale. If you only need a few wedding favors, there is also the possibility of closeout items at a greatly reduced price. How To Interview A Wedding Photographer The photographer is going to be your employee in many ways, so you will need to be absolutely sure that this is a person that you can trust with your wedding pictures. Treat him or her like a job applicant and see how you interact with each other. Making a list You can find a list of wedding photographers in your local phone book, but it’s much easier to get onto a wedding website and see who local people recommend. This list is much shorter and can lead you to higher quality people without having to call everyone from A to Z. Once you have a list of photographers, start to call them to set up appointments. Try not to schedule them too close to each other so that you can spend as much time as you need with each one. If you’re rushed, you may forget to ask particular questions and you may also forget which photographer said what. Make a list of questions that you want to ask. You can ask about pricing, hourly fees, added costs, location costs, various developing techniques, and more. Try to think of every question that you and your soon-to-be spouse can, even if you think they sound silly. No question is too silly, and if the photographer has been around long enough, then they will have heard them all.
  • 19. Your interview style One of the things that works best in talking with photographers is to try to make sure that you are leading the conversation. You want to make sure that you are getting your opinion into the talks, rather than being told what other couples are doing and saying about them and how much their fees are. If you feel like you’re being sold a product, rather than an opportunity to have some great pictures, then you can cut the appointment off and leave. You have no obligation to choose anyone until you’re completely satisfied with your choice. Look at the samples carefully and make sure that you’re looking at ones that are recent. Sometimes photographers will try to show you older photos, but if that’s not your style, then it’s really not applicable. Study the quality of the pictures and look for poses that you like. Your pictures will serve as a reminder of the happiness and joy of your wedding day. You need to find someone who will create masterpieces of your photos. Take your time in finding someone, but do it early—if you live in a smaller town, these professionals can book up early. The Common Wedding Etiquette Explained As one of the biggest and most potentially stressful events of your life, getting engaged and subsequently planning a wedding brings with it an onslaught of questions. As times change and weddings evolve, traditional rules of etiquette have followed suit, only adding to the confusion. To gain perspective, first understand that "etiquette" is above all about treating people with courtesy and making them feel comfortable. When an etiquette question arises, consider the feelings of those who will be affected. To steer you through the fog of questions, I've compiled a quick look at the top five most common wedding etiquette dilemmas: Family Etiquette, Invitation Etiquette, Gift Etiquette, Attire Etiquette and The Cash Bar Issue. Family Etiquette: Introducing Your Parents - If the bride and groom's parents have not met prior to the engagement, tradition dictates that the groom's family calls and introduces themselves to the bride's family and arranges a meeting. If the groom's parents do not make the first introduction, then the bride's parents should. Nowadays, who makes the first call is irrelevant; all that really matters is that the parents meet. If meeting face to face is impossible, a letter or phone call will suffice. Introducing Divorced Parents - If the groom's parents are divorced, the parent with the closest relationship to the groom should take the first step in meeting the bride's parents. If both sets are divorced, the parent closest to the groom should first contact the bride's suggested parent. If no one begins the introduction process, the couple should step in and ensure that everyone meets, while refraining from forcing potentially awkward situations. Your In-Laws - The groom's parents often feel left out of the planning process. To avoid this, invite your future in-laws into the initial dialogue. You should immediately inform them of your ideas regarding location, date, size and style of the wedding. Take queues on their desired level of involvement and include them accordingly. Let them make offers to pitch in with finances or planning. Above all, keep them informed throughout your engagement.
  • 20. Invitation Etiquette: Inviting partners and guests - If an invited guest is married, engaged or living with a significant other, that partner must be included in the invitation. A single invitation addressed to both individuals should be sent to spouses or couples who live together, while separate invitations should be sent to each member of an engaged or long term couple who don't live together. Inviting single guests with a date is a thoughtful gesture, but one that is not required. If you are inviting a single guest with a date, try to find out the name of your friend's intended date and include that person's name on the invitation. Otherwise, inner envelopes may include "And Guest," indicating that he or she may bring any chosen escort or friend. Guests Who Ask to Bring a Guest - Your guests should know better! It is never appropriate for a guest to ask to bring a date, and you have every right to politely say no. However, if you discover that a guest is engaged or living with a significant other, you should extend a written or verbal invitation. Invitations to out-of-town guests - Many brides ponder whether or not it's appropriate to invite long distance guests for whom it may be impossible to attend. Use your best judgment. Is this person truly a close friend who would want to attend your celebration? If so, failing to extend an invitation may be insulting. Remember, these days friends and family are often spread all over the country, and people are accustomed to traveling. On the other hand, if you haven't spoken in years, an invitation may look like no more than a request for a gift. In those cases, send a wedding announcement instead, which carries no gift-giving obligation. Gift-giving Etiquette: Yes, we all love to receive gifts, and weddings are a perfect occasion for gift-giving. Friends and loved ones customarily honor the commitment of the newly betrothed by showering them with gifts. As the happy couple, just remember to always feel privileged—not entitled. So, let's review a bit of etiquette as it relates to wedding gifts... 1) Never mention gifts (gift choices or gift registry) on the invitation. 2) Publicize your registry information by word of mouth. It's also acceptable to include it on a wedding website or shower invitation (since showers are not typically hosted by the bride or groom) 3) There is no polite way to ask for cash gifts. This can only be done through word of mouth. 4) Honeymoon registries are appropriate. 5) Do not use any gifts until after a wedding. 6) All gifts, even shower gifts, must be returned if the wedding is cancelled or annulled before living together as a married couple. 7) Gift giving for vow renewal, reaffirmation ceremonies or encore weddings is not mandatory, but is a nice gesture. 8) There is no special formula for determining the appropriate amount a guest should spend on a gift. The idea that each gift should cost as much as one plate at the reception is an impractical misconception. Attire Etiquette: While rules for modern wedding attire have evolved with the times, there are still traditional standards for fabrics, lengths and styles. Here are some guidelines:
  • 21. The formality of your bridesmaids' dresses should match that of your wedding dress. Although traditionally the dresses were the same length as the wedding gown, the rise in popularity of tea- and knee-length bridesmaids' dresses has relaxed that rule. As long as the fabric and overall style matches the formality of your floor-length gown, shorter bridesmaids' dresses are perfectly acceptable. For evening weddings, guests should dress for a nice dinner or event - which includes suits (or black tie) for men and dresses or skirts in sophisticated colors and fabrics for women. Lengths can vary according to the style of the event and location. Female guests may now wear black, but never white. The Cash Bar Issue: Yes, weddings are expensive. Yes, couples should be on the lookout for budget saving tips. Yes, weddings are expensive - we know. But never - under any circumstances - should you ever consider hosting a cash bar at your reception. Think about it - you would never ask anyone to pay for a cocktail in your own home. People at your reception are still your guests, even if the event is not held in your house. That said, if a full bar is not within your budget, consider these alternatives: Host a soft bar, in which guests can order champagne, beer and wine. Find a reception site that allows you to bring in your own alcohol; you will save serious cash, and anything unopened can be returned for a full refund. Cut down the size of your guest list - the only significant way to reduce wedding costs in the first place. How to be Happy In a Marriage “Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long , intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.” ---- Amy Bloom Norman and Samantha are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary. The past nine years cannot be called married bliss even if they were madly in love with each other. Like any other couples, they have had their share of conflicts and trials. But Norman and Samantha's main problem is that they are extreme opposites. Samantha likes the finer things in life while Norman is like the cowboy who likes to get his hands dirty and enjoys the simple pleasure of the outdoors and sports. There are things that get into each other's nerves and they both end up in a shouting match. This pattern of behavior had resulted in stress and anxiety. Many have told them to work on their communication skills if they want their marriage to remain intact. Like Norman and Samantha, thousands of couples struggle with communication. The way we communicate plays a big part in marriage. It defines how we relate to our spouses and to our children. Poor communication can actually lead a marriage to utter failure. Long-lasting marriages are usually characterized by open, encouraging, and positive communication between the man and woman. Learning how to properly identify issues that must be resolved is also a communication skill that no married person can afford not to have.
  • 22. There are a number of ways to communicate with your spouse. Why not improve on your communication style by reading the following methods or types of communication: Types of Communication: - The Discussion Type- Having a discussion gives you time to see each other's point of view a lot better. You must learn how to talk and listen attentively, clarify issues, and acknowledge each other's thoughts and feelings. - The Confrontational Type – As the worst type of communication, if it can be called communication at all, is confrontational. This usually involves shouting matches in the heat of an argument. - The Non-Confrontational – You simply do nothing, ignore your misunderstandings, and prefer to be silent about an issue in your marriage. It is a type of “non-communication” that does not lead to the resolution of a problem. Types of Conflict Resolution Couples should also try to learn and practice conflict resolution techniques. Marriage cannot survive if problems are not discussed and resolved completely. It is important for couples to know about the ways people approach a conflict. These approaches are as follows: 1. The Avoidant Type – This type avoids all hot issues or topics and actually cause a problem to get worse. Couples who avoid conflict usually value each other's private space and tend to live in a placid manner without the intense passion. However, the way they avoid discussing issues can sometimes complicate their problems. 2. The Validating Type – This entails affirming one another's feelings, considering all points of view, and coming to an amicable settlement. Couples who maintain this type of communication see each other as friends and value the collaborative nature of their relationship rather than their selfish aspirations. 3. The Volatile Type- When couples don't listen to each other's point of view but try to convince each other that he or she is right have the perfect ingredient for divorce or separation. When couples see each other as equals and respect each other's individuality and independence, they are able to discuss constructively without resorting to heated arguments and “volatile” actions. Tips for a Successful Partnership It is important for couples to know that the success of their marriage depends a lot on good communication and the ability to talk constructively as partners. These tips are simple yet can do a lot to make a marriage last: - Being affectionate - Showing your concern or how much you care - Being thoughtful by giving gifts even when there is no occasion - Being appreciative - Having a healthy sense of humor - Sharing each other's joy To keep marriage strong, couples must share their interests and explore new things together. They must also learn to accept each other's weaknesses and perspectives even if they do not agree. Indeed, marriage is a matter of give-and-take. Whether it's having an argument or making a marriage work, it does take “ two to tango.”
  • 23. How to Getaway From an Abusive Relationships This article is meant to be a general guide to planning your escape. It does not contain addresses, contacts, and phone numbers. It is not specific to one state or country. Rather, it describes options and institutions which are common the world over. You should be the one to "fill in the blanks" and locate the relevant shelters and agencies in your domicile. Do not leave unprepared. Study and execute every detail of your getaway. This is especially important if your partner is violent. Be sure to make a Safety Plan - how to get out of the house unnoticed and the indispensable minimum items that you should carry with you, even on a short notice. Here are the recommendations of the Province of Alberta in Canada: Long before you actually leave, copy all important documents and store them in a safe place. These include: identity cards, health care and social insurance or security Cards, driver's license/registration, credit cards and bank cards, other personal identification (including picture ID), birth certificate, immunization card for the children, custody order, personal chequebook, last banking statement, and mortgage papers. Make a list of all computer passwords and access codes (for instance: ATM PINs). When you leave the house, take with you these copied documents as well as the following personal items: prescribed medication, personal hygiene products, glasses/contact lenses, money (borrow from family members, a neighbour, colleague, or friends, if you have to), several changes of clothing (don't forget night wear and underwear), heirlooms, jewellery, photo albums (pictures that you want to keep), craft, needle work, hobby work. The situation is inevitably more complicated if you are fleeing with your children. In this case, be sure to bring with you their various medications, soother, bottles, favourite toy or blanket, and clothing (again: night wear, underwear). Older kids may carry their own clothes and school books. Make a list of the following and have it on you at all times: addresses and phone numbers of domestic violence shelters, police stations, night courts, community social services, schools in the vicinity, major media, and address and phone and fax numbers of your lawyer and his attorneys. Secure a detailed public transportation map. Your best bet is to apply to a shelter for a safe place to stay the first few days and nights. Read more about shelters here - Domestic Violence Shelters. If you can afford to, your next step should be to hire a divorce attorney and file for interim custody. Your divorce papers can be served much later. Your first concern is to keep the children with you safely and legally. Your husband is likely to claim that you have kidnapped them. But your escape should be only the tip of a long period of meticulous preparations. We already mentioned that you should make copies of all important documents (see above). Don't escape from your predicament penniless! Secretly put aside cash for an Escape Fund. Your husband is likely to block your checking account and credit cards. Ask around where you can stay the first week. Will your family or friends accept you? Apply to a domestic violence shelter and wait to be accepted. Be sure to know where you are going!
  • 24. Make extra sets of keys and documents. Bundle these up with some clothes and keep these "reserve troves" with friends and family. Put one such "trove" in a safety deposit box and give the key to someone you trust. Secure transportation for the day or night of escape. Agree on codes and signals with friends and family ("If I don't call you by 10 PM, something has gone wrong", "If I call you and say that Ron is home, call the police"). You should wait until he is gone and only then leave home. Avoid confrontation over your departure. It can end badly. Do not inform him of your plans. Make excuses to slip away in the days and months before you actually leave. Get him used to your absence. What Is The Best Online Dating Service? Welcome to the club. Online dating services are the best way nowadays to meeting new people for any purpose, but you have probably noticed that there are so many of them. Honestly, most of the people are so confused that they give it up, and return to desperately trying to meet people the old ways. Well, we are here to help you find the best online dating service. In order to find it you will have to answer two major questions: 1. What are you looking for? There are many niche online dating services which are much better than the big ones. You must define your partner: Religion: Are you looking for a Christian singles dating web site, Jewish single one or maybe a Muslim one? Nationality: Are you looking for a US dating service, Canadian personals or for an online UK dating service? Other special preferences: Are you looking gay personals or gay dating services, are you looking for senior dating services? 2. How much money are you ready to invest on finding a partner? Are you looking for 100% free dating sites (free dating services) or are you willing to spend up to hundred dollars to find your lifetime partner. That’s all. You have finished the ugly part. Now all you have got to do is finding the best online dating service according to your answers. You have two options. The first one is typing your requested dating site preferences in one of the search engines like Google or Yahoo. Then you will have to go through about a dozen dating sites, until you will find the best one. The second and better option will be using others people researches and recommendations. There are several online services which compare the online dating services and rank them relatively. Have a good luck in finding your perfect partner.
  • 25. Online Dating Tips for Single Parents Are you single again? Getting back into the dating scene after being away from it for a while can be tough. Tougher yet if you have kids involved. There are a number of new challenges involved in dating with children. With working all day, taking the kids to one event or the other. Spending the weekends with homework, house cleaning and grocery shopping, where's the time? Plus, what about the cost, babysitters, dinners out, the whole idea can be quite overwhelming. The first thing you need to do is the same as everyone else. Start by making a list of what you are looking for. Maybe at this point you are really only looking for someone to spend time with. Maybe go see a movie that doesn’t have talking animals in it? Have dinner without a happy meal? We all need that adult time. Follow the same rules for creating your profile. But you need to include in your ad that you have children. Let people know if they are with you full time or part time. Many ads say “my children are number one” This is a great way to let people know how important family is to you. There will always be people scared off by the fact you have children, but you probably don’t want to date them anyway. Believe it or not, there are people who would love to find a great person with children because they love family as much as you do. When browsing ads look for people who are interested in “family activities” or “enjoy family time”. When you do find someone special enough to spend time with, they should be someone who can love your children too. Remember, they are part of a package deal. You, and your kids together. You may want to start even more slowly online than someone who doesn’t have kids. Your children and their safety are your first priority. Any action you take is going to affect their lives as well. So they'll need to be happy with your new friend also. You'll need to be up front with them, on a level they can understand for their age group. Just listen to your heart, you'll know when it's the right time to introduce your friend to your kids. Start slowly having your children spend time with the two of you together. Don't spend time with anyone who can't love your children too. As I said earlier you are part of a package deal. You must remember that giving out your personal information to someone you still don't really know not only gives them access to you, but to your children as well. And, of course as parents we all want to be protective of our kids. So, don't give your personal information out until you've met this person a few times offline, and you feel comfortable with them. The first few times they are with you and your children watch for any signs that they may not actually like children, how do thy act?, how do they talk to your children?, do they make any inappropriate comments? Anything that doesn’t sit well, any gut feeling, show them the door. Your children always come first. For any long-term relationship or even marriage it's you and your kids. New challenges will come when trying to coordinate schedules and time together. Blending families can be a real challenge and not one to be taken lightly. Respect your children’s feelings.
  • 26. If the other person has children also, it might be nice to have similar custody schedules so that your children and their children are together on the same weekends. That way you can plan family activities together and on your “off” weekends you can schedule time together for the two of you. Remember, when dating someone with children, you need to accept them as part of the package. That package will probably include the ex and shared custody with them. You need to be flexible and accepting of their past and everything that goes with that. Dating again as a single parent can be exciting, overwhelming, frustrating and very rewarding. How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women Don’t worry about. Many men are shy with women. Some don’t really get over it, but the good news is, most men do. Its just about self-confidence. Most men are shy because they fear rejection. Being rejected or turn away can be quite an embarrassing situation, but if you handle it right there’s nothing to it. This is a very normal reaction, but if you never take the risk, you risk losing the woman who might very well be the right one for you. Shyness shouldn’t hold you back. If you continue to be dominated with your shyness you will live a life that is lonely and depressed. It will interfere with the natural ability to coexist with the opposite sex, you will just be holding yourself back from enjoying their company. If you are shy with women, you will lose the ability to communicate well with them, you will be too preoccupied with their reaction and your actions, in other words, you’ll be uptight. Shyness is easily noticeable, women will perceive this as a sign of weakness, thus losing the chance to really get to know you better. You don’t want that. Here are some tips and guides on how to get over shyness with women. Build up your confidence. Do not be afraid of rejections. One good way in building confidence in getting over shyness with women is picking up or meeting women for others. When you do this, you eliminate the factor of the fear of being rejected. Since it is not for you, they may say no not because of you, but because of your friend. If you have mastered this, you may soon be picking or meeting up a girl for yourself. Casually open up yourself to everybody, not just to women. Learn to smile a lot more, smiling is much more contagious than the flu. But don’t be too over eager do it gradually. In time you’ll be open up to everybody, even the women. Don’t look at women as another being, treat her as a more refined guy friend. Be causal at firs, don’t look at her as a sexual object. Have a nice casual talk and things will just develop later on. If all your after is getting laid, women will see right through you. Be gentle with the women but don’t look a her as a goddess as well. If you act like the woman is too nice for you, you’ll never go anywhere. She will sense it and think as well. Do not expect anything. If you get into her face expecting so much, you’ll be in for a lot of disappointment. This is how jerks are classified. Being too confident is also a bane in the dating scene. Just go with the flow of everything and enjoy yourself.
  • 27. Do not be afraid of getting rejected. If you don’t take the risk you’ll never know if you could have had her as a great friend. The key in doing this is to stop taking things personally. Sometimes, there are people who don’t really mean what they say. You cannot be bothered if you don’t take it personally. Just don’t be too self-conscious, and soon enough you’ll get over your shyness with women. Getting over shyness with women is not an easy task, but not impossible. You will just have to learn to trust yourself, try to socialize more. Get out and explore. Everything starts and depends with you. Why Every Family Needs A Budget There is not one family in the world that could not benefit from a budget. A lot of people feel that a budget is a waste of their time because they have enough money to go around. Even though this may be true, there are still many advantages that go along with keeping a strict budget. It is not very difficult to do if you are aware of what you are trying to accomplish, and how much money you have to work with. Regardless of how much money you have, you can still set a budget. The only difference is that wealthy people will have a higher budget than those who are trying to watch their money. The number one advantage of going on a budget is that you will know exactly where all of your money is going. This is often times one of the biggest problems for people. They have money to spend, but are not exactly sure where it goes every month. To aid this problem, all you need to do is allot a certain amount of cash each month to every activity or bill that you have. This means that if you like to eat out a lot, you will need to set a budget that allots a certain amount of money to this activity. This way you will not end up spending more money than you want or have. Going on a budget is also a great way to save money. If you are looking to save for retirement, a new car, or a new home, going on a budget is a great way to save money so that you can reach your goal. All you need to do is determine how much money you need, and how much you can save each month by going on a budget. This will then determine how long it will take you to reach your savings goal. A budget is something that should be taken very seriously. Many people start a budget just to break it the next month. They usually do this because they find something that they “cannot live without.” If you are going to go on a budget you need to have a lot of self control and discipline. Even though it may be difficult at first, if you learn how to live by the rules of your budget you should have no problems at all in the long run.
  • 28. Steps For Balancing Work And Home Most people understand how difficult it can be to balance their work and home lives once they get married and have children. Somehow it seems that work life or home life is always encroaching on the other and causing problems at work, at home, and many times both. However the following five tips are great options to help with balancing work and home. Make a Schedule The best thing to do when trying to balance work and home is to make a schedule. Know how much time you have and schedule your work time and your home time. Then, you will know when you need to schedule work and home events. This will make your life significantly easier and you will know which activities fit into which time frame. Just make sure you stick to your schedule. Share Responsibilities Many times work and home responsibilities can become overwhelming because one spouse is handling more of the responsibilities than the other. So, learn to share responsibilities at home and each spouse can be responsible for their work. Also, older children should have some home responsibilities as well to help parents balance work and home. Leave Work at Work Balancing home and work can be difficult because it is so easy to take work home. If you really want to balance work and home then you will always leave work at work and keep home a sacred place for family and home activities. Dedicate Weekends to Home Activities A great way to keep home and work separate is to always focus on home activities during weekends, or at least on days off from work if you happen to work on weekends. When certain days are home days and other days are work days then it makes balancing work and home considerably easier. Plan The best way to balance work and home is to always make a plan. There are tons of tips that will help you, but there is nothing like making a plan and then following the plan to really balance work and home. It might be difficult, but if you have it planned out and follow the plan you will be surprised how easy you can find a balance.
  • 29. Genealogy - Trace Your Family's History Did you ever consider that your great-great-grandfather may have fought in the civil war? Perhaps your great-great-great grandfather made his way here from the "old country" on a great old sailing ship with just a few pence in his pocket. What of your grandmother? Perhaps she was the local librarian in her town. Once they start a genealogy search most people find tracing their family history fascinating. What may start with the simple desire to know a few names and dates turns into nothing short of a fascinating archaeological "dig" of sorts. There are many ways to get tidbits on your family history. Perhaps you're lucky like me and your family never threw any scrap of paper away. You may have a handwritten birth certificate, as I do, for my great-great-grandfather who was born in England in the 1800's. Birth, death and marriage records are generally easy to find, especially if the family members you are searching about were born here in this country. Maybe you have letters sent back and forth that have information about your ancestors in them. I have a bible that belonged to my great-great-grandmother that has in the back pages where she recorded family births, deaths and marriages. My father was interested in our family history and had quite a collection of information about our ancestors. When my sister took over the work on the family tree that my father had started one thing she did was to contact the local historical society in the town where we knew my great-grandparents lived. They were able to give some family history as my great-grandfather was a rather prominent citizen. From there she contacted the cemetery where family members were buried and was able to get birth dates and dates of death. When she made a visit to another town where some of our ancestors lived she took a camera to the cemetery and took pictures of the tomb stones. The internet is a great starting point for your genealogy search. You can visit a website where you can check the passenger arrival records from Ellis Island. AOL has a site where you can type in name, birth and death info on your ancestors to see if there is any information online. Some sites offer genealogy information by country. There are some sights that offer the ability to see information that others have already searched out. Some of these are paid membership sites. You may even find out that you have an unknown family member out there doing the same search on your family members.
  • 30. How to Care for Elderly Parents Joanne’s mother, Betty, had rheumatoid arthritis for years. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Betty was disabled by the pain, fatigue and limited mobility that she had feared since her diagnosis. Joanne convinced her fiercely independent mother that living alone was no longer an option. And Joanne, the eldest of four children, knew that caring for her sick mother fell on her shoulders. Joanne was a legend in the circles of her family, friends and colleagues for her ability to act with grace under pressure. Joanne took two weeks of vacation from her job and cooked and froze meals for her husband and three children. As she flew to her hometown, she wondered how she would coordinate her mother’s care from a distance. Supporting her husband as he built his new business, nurturing her kids and directing a major project at work already made her feel that she was running on empty. You may relate to Joanne’s story. One out of four Americans cares for a friend or relative who is sick, disabled or frail. That’s 46 million Americans who offer unpaid help to a loved one. If they were paid caregivers’ compensation would exceed last year’s Medicare budget! And if you become a caregiver, you, like Joanne, may try to do it alone, shrouded in secrecy. Solo care giving compromises your ability to nurture yourself and others. Let’s take care giving out from behind closed doors. For your sake and the sake of those who count on you, please get some help. Caregivers are competent people who feel that they should be able to do this job. Yet, many soon find themselves unprepared and ill-equipped to manage the sometimes daunting tasks, such as managing a complex medical regimen or remodeling a house so it’s wheel-chair accessible or even finding someone to stay with their loved ones so they can go out to a movie without worrying their relatives will fall on the way to the fridge. If you are a caregiver, you know that this act of love has its costs. You stand to forfeit up to $650,000 in lost wages, pension and social security. Add to that is the personal cost to your well being, as your new demands leave you less time for your family and friends. You may give up vacations, hobbies and social activities. Finally, caregiving places a burden on your health. Caregivers are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, depressed immune function and even hospitalization. Instead of reaching out, caregivers become isolated. Many who assume the caregiving burden fit the profile of the giving family member, like Joanne, who does not want to trouble others with their problems. Some fear the consequences of disclosing their new demands to coworkers or employers. Caregivers are further challenged by the cultural conspiracy of silence. Our youth-centered society turns a blind eye to the unpleasant and inevitable reality that all of us age and die. This leaves both caregivers and care recipients unprepared. Look no further than the path of Hurricane Katrina to witness the consequences of a lack of planning.
  • 31. What can you do? Start talking about the "what ifs" and make a plan. '1. Start with yourself.' What will happen to you and your family if you become disabled or die unexpectedly? Do you have disability insurance? Do you have a will? Do you have a living will, and have you identified the person who will make the medical choices you would make if you are not in the position to do so? '2. Approach healthy family members.' Say, "I hope that you live many happy years in which you enjoy all of the pleasures you worked so hard to create." Have you thought about what would happen to you in the event that you cannot live independently any more? If some medical event befalls you, who would make your medical choices? '3. Look into community resources that support caregiving.' A day program, for example, helps your loved one by providing social connections with peers. Your community may even offer transportation to and from the program. Getting out of the house offers the additional benefit of getting bodies moving. Socializing and exercise are the two most powerful interventions that help your loved ones stay at their best. '4. Make specific suggestions to friends, family members and neighbors who want to help.' You may even want to keep a "help list." When they say, "Let me know what I can do," you have a response: "Could you take Mom to her physical therapy appointment this week?" "When you’re at the store, could you pick up some oranges and blueberries?" "Could you watch the kids for an hour so I can get to the gym?" Your giving friends will appreciate specific ideas about how they can help. '5. Take care of your health.' Get good nutrition, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise to stay in top health. Wash your hands regularly to prevent colds and flu. Manage your stress with laughter, a prayer or even a deep breath. Nourish your soul with a taste of activities that recharge your batteries such as writing in your journal or gardening. Finally, talk to your doctor if you feel depressed or anxious. The best strategies for effective caregiving include preparation, acts of self-care and reaching out for help. That begins with the courage to start talking openly about caregiving. What You Need to Know About Senior’s Health As one progresses in age, he retreats in health or fitness. Though senior citizens are counseled to stay fit, it is barely the case like. Numerous natural transformations occur in the body as it moves towards fragility. For instance, the bones and muscles lose their potential reducing the stamina of the body, the kidneys and other internal organs start malfunctioning and the vigor of the skin recedes. But the fact is that health is wealth at every stage of life. It is more crucial when one enters into the senior citizens category because there are few caretakers in those times. So, the elderly should concentrate on fitness as much as possible. There are quite a few ways in which the aged can enjoy a good physical and mental health.
  • 32. 1. Health Insurance - it is the first and foremost requirement of every senior citizen. A medical insurance is the greatest friend in the time of need. It can provide you and your family the financial aid in worst times of your life. But one should be pretty careful in purchasing a health care policy. The plan that facilitates maximum benefits should be taken up. 2. Diet and Exercise - the diet of individual varies with the age along with other factors. But at an older age, a person should be extra careful in matters of eating. This is because, the antibodies or the immunity system receives a setback in this age and one becomes more prone to all sorts of illnesses. The diet therefore should be thriving in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Fats should be strictly avoided as they make one susceptible to numerous diseases particularly heart problems. There must be an extra intake of calcium to support the diluting bones. But a rich diet is not enough. Some exercises should be a part of daily routine in this age. Individuals need to be extra cautious about movements of their limbs for the natural strength and the disease fighting ability of the body keeps on retiring in older ages. 3. Those who have a family history of ailments like prostrate and colon cancer, the diseases that most likely hit men in fifties and above, should get regular medical check ups done. They must follow the doctor’s advice and all the injunctions and prohibitions. 4. Women are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. They also are vulnerable to other diseases due to menopause. Though the course of destiny can never be averted yet prevention should never be ignored. There are some medicines that women should take after menopause in order to minimize the risk factor. 5. Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia are even threatening for women. The former is a fall in certain cognitive brain functions. It is a type of dementia. Dementia impedes an individual’s intellectual functioning and capability to work. These diseases mostly affect women in sixties and above that. Such women gradually become forgetful and incompetent in doing skilful work. As soon as some of these symptoms are evident, doctor should be consulted without delay. Drugs at early stage might stop the situation from worsening. 6. Avoid stress. Stress is as harmful as any other contagious disease. Don’t stoop to drugs so called stress busters. Consult a psychiatrist if conditions run out of control. How to Ease Home Bug Bites with Easy Herbs Summertime means insect bites and stings. Ouch! Take a leaf from Susun S. Weed's storehouse of natural remedies: Soothe, heal, and prevent bites with safe herbal remedies that grow right where you live: north or south, east or west, city or country. The best natural remedies for insect bites are right underfoot. 'Plantain', also called ribwort, pig's ear, and the band-aid plant, is a common weed of lawns, driveways, parks and playgrounds. Identify it by the five parallel veins running the length of each leaf. (Most leaves have a central vein with smaller ones branching out from it.)
  • 33. You may find broad leaf plantain ('Plantago majus'), with wide leaves and a tall seed head, or narrow leaf plantain ('Plantago lanceolata'), with long thin leaves and a small flower head that looks like a flying saucer. Many 'Plantago' species have seeds and leaves that can be used as food or medicine. A South American variety ('Plantago psyllium') is used to make Metamucil. How to use plantain? Make a fresh leaf poultice. Pick a leaf, chew it well and put it on the bite. "Like magic" the pain, heat, and swelling - even allergic reactions - disappear, fast! (Yes, you can dry plantain leaves and carry them in your first aid kit. Chew like you would fresh leaves.) 'Poultices' ease pain, reduce swelling, and help heal. No wonder they're the number one natural choice for treating insect bites, bee and wasp stings. '' 'Mud' is the oldest and simplest poultice. Powdered white clay, which should be mixed with a little water or herb tea, can be applied directly to the sting as soon as possible. Clay can be kept on hand at all times and is less likely to contain fungal spores than the real thing. Finely ground grains such as rice or oatmeal, or bland starchy substances like mallow root, grated potato, or arrowroot powder are also used as soothing poultices to ease itching and pain from insect bites. ' 'Fresh-herb poultices' are a little more complicated, but not by much. Just find a healing leaf, pluck it, chew it, and apply it directly to the sting/bite. If you wish, use a large leaf or an adhesive bandage to hold the poultice in place. Plantain, comfrey ('Symphytum uplandica x'), yellow dock ('Rumex' species), wild geranium ('Geranium maculatum'), wild mallow ('Malva neglecta'), chickweed ('Stellaria media'), and yarrow are only a few of the possibilities.' In the woods, you can take a 'leaf' from a tree, chew it and apply that to the bite. Any tree will do in an emergency, but if you have a choice, the best leaves are those from 'witch hazel, willow, oak' or 'maple'. Play it safe: learn to recognize witch hazel (Hamamelis virginia) and willow ('Salix' species) leaves before you chew on them. Maple (Acer) or oak ('Quercus') leaves are easier to recognize and safer to chew - unless you live where poison oak grows. If uncertain, avoid all shrubs and any trees with slick or shiny leaves. If the leaf you are chewing tastes extremely bitter or burns your mouth, spit it out at once. To repel ticks, mosquitoes, and black flies, try a diluted tincture of yarrow (Alchellia millefolium) flowers directly on all exposed skin. A recent US Army study showed yarrow tincture to be more effective than DEET as an insect repellent. If you’ve spent the day in an area where lyme disease is common, take a shower right away and scrub yourself with a bodybrush. Have a friend check you out for ticks. Also, it takes the tick some time to make up its mind where to bite, so most are unattached and will wash off. "If the worst happens and I do get a bite, I help my immune system by taking a daily dose of 2-6 dropperfuls of Echinacea tincture. I avoid Goldenseal as I believe it could have adverse effects. If I have symptoms, I use a dropperful of St. Joan's wort (Hypericum) tincture three times a day to ensure the lyme's organism is inactive."
  • 34. Home How To Care For Your Home Home care is a type of health care that is provided in the home of the patient. While it may sometimes be provided by doctors and nurses, it may also be provided by family members as well. While home care will often refer to people who are not medically trained, the term home health care will often refer to treatment that is given to the patient in their homes by licensed doctors or nurses. In the Unite States, both terms are used to refer to care that is given by both non-licensed caregivers and doctors or nurses. The purpose of home care is to allow a patient to receive care at home instead of being admitted to an institution such as a hospital. The health care professionals will visit the patient, and will help them with a number of different tasks. Some of these tasks include dressing, hygiene, shopping, cooking, or assistance with taking medication. The type of home care that is offered will vary in different nations. For example, there are substantial differences in home care between the United States and The United Kingdom. In the US, health care professionals will visit the patient based on a schedule that is determined by a doctor who is licensed. The insurance the patient has will also play a role in this as well. In the UK, the care will be provided two times a day. The US is one of the most informal places to receive home care. The vast majority of care that is given to a patient will be provided by their friends or family. Some of the professionals that may work with these families are social workers, mental health specialists, and respiratory therapists. In some cases, the primary doctor may visit patients. In most situations, home care will be paid by either employer insurance or public organizations such as Medicaid or Medicare. The patient or their families may also pay as well. To determine the amount of care a patient needs, there are six factors that must be taken into consideration, and these are called activities of daily living. These activities are eating, restroom usage, dressing, bathing, walking, and transferring. In addition to these factors, a patient may also need help shopping, cooking, or handling their own money. To be a home care worker, there are a number of qualifications that a person must have. They must have a high school diploma or GED, and some organizations will require workers to have a year of experience, and they will need to take examinations. Home care workers must understand safety procedures, and they must also know how to properly give personal care. They should be skilled with using equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, or lifts. They should understand the importance of being sanitary, and they should be proficient in preparing or handling food.
  • 35. In addition to this, health workers must be able to monitor and record any changes in the condition of the patient they're caring for. A lot of the necessary requirements involve common sense. Many people who become home care workers will have experience working in Nursing homes, and may become Certified Nursing Assistants as well. Home Improvement Projects Made Easy Where to Start People want to do home improvement projects all the time to increase the value of their home. Many people, however, do not know which project to tackle first when they have multiple projects to be done. Picking which project to do first can be decided by a number of things. Money and urgency are the biggest factors in this. If you have a hole in your roof, obviously you need to get that fixed before putting a shed up in your yard. But if you need new windows because the old ones are older than you and your bathroom looks like it’s stuck in the 70’s, you have a choice. Some home improvements will be more time consuming than others and that should be taken into consideration before starting anything. Before you Start Do your research before starting anything. Whether you plan to do the project yourself or hire someone to do it for you, make sure you know what you are getting into before buying anything or signing any contract. Any home improvement job can be done by yourself or a company. Depending on the job will depend on what you need to not only get it done, but also how much it will cost. Check out different home improvement stores for varying prices as well as professionals. Ask your neighbors who did their project and how much it cost, if they are willing to tell you the price. If they did it themselves, ask how long it took and if they ran into any problems they didn’t believe they would encounter. If they did encounter problems, ask them how they fixed them. On the other hand if they used a professional ask what they thought of the work the professional did. Knowing what you might be getting into is the best knowledge of all. And if it is possible, ask more than one home owner about the same project so you can compare notes. Do It Yourself versus Professional You have decided what project you want to do. You have done your research and have an idea what it should cost and how long it should take. Now you must decide if you want to do it yourself or hire a professional crew to do it for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Doing it yourself can be much cheaper because you aren’t paying labor costs that are added to the professionals’ prices. However you have to know that you will have ample time to fix complete the project and that you can live in your home comfortably enough while you do finish. Also if you run into a complication, you have to know how to fix it quickly so as not to lose any more time on completing the project. This can get expensive if you don’t know how to fix it or are on limited time and money.
  • 36. Having a professional do it can cost thousands more, depending on the project, but you will have an estimate time of completion. And, the best part of all, if there are any mess ups, you are not responsible for fixing them. Well for the most part you won’t be responsible. You will need to read the fine print on any contract you sign with a professional. Another advantage of having a professional is that the work is warranted. Using the Professional Once you decide to go with a professional, you should get multiple quotes before making your choice of who to use. Even if the company that did your neighbors windows comes highly recommended, your house is different and they may have different pricing specials now than when your neighbors had their windows put in. Get at least four or five quotes to see exactly what the professionals cost and the differences in how they do business, their warranty works, estimate for when they can start your project, and completion time frame. Don’t go for just the big ads in the phone book. The smaller companies can be just as good and cost less than a big name. Most places give free estimates nowadays. No matter what, don’t let any professional push you into using them before you have all the estimates you want. They may sound great as the first or second, but their job is to get you sign with them and convince you they are better than anyone else out there. Take everything they say with a grain of salt. How to Decorate Your Kitchen On a Budget Kitchen's can be one of the most expensive rooms in the house to remodel and decorate. However, there is a way to do this without spending tons of money. You can decorate your kitchen on a shoestring budget! With patience, persistence, and a little time, there is one place to find decorative items for mere pennies. Where is this "magic" place? Yard sales! Granted, this will take much more effort than walking into a "Kirkland's? or "Country Treasures" store at the local mall, but the money spent will be so much less. Plus, some really interesting and unique pieces will be added to your house. It is amazing what items can be found at yard sales that will go with any kitchen décor under the sun. If you love a country style kitchen, search for baskets, pitchers, and pottery. These items can be placed above cabinets, as centerpieces for the kitchen table, or filled with fresh fruit or wildflowers and then placed on the counter. If you love the retro style kitchen, yard sales are fantastic shopping spots. It is easy to find many kitchen items from the 1960's-1970's in good condition. While some are excellent collectible pieces, others can be purchased for sheer fun! Some cool pieces to look for old breadboxes, canister sets, and wall clocks. If you your taste runs back to the 1940's era, finding vintage pieces could be a bit more of a challenge. However, once items are found, they turn out to be well worth the time it took to hunt for them! Kitchens from the 1940's call for vintage linens, which can be used as tablecloths or displayed by hanging from the store.