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Exploring Twitter’s
Finagle technology stack
for microservices
Tomasz Kogut / @almendar
XII Tricity Scala User Group Meetup
About me:
• Software Engineer at
• Working in the internet advertisement
• I try to create distributed, highly performant
systems that will run on the JVM
• Programming in Scala since ~2011
Who uses μ-services approach?
Who has a system that would like to break down into smaller pieces?
What we already know?
• Working on huge monolithic projects is hard
• Complexity and interdependencies become
incomprehensible at some point
• We all fell in our guts that breaking it down
is a way to go
• Single responsibility principle but for
The plan
1. Create multiple git repositories
2. Create/copy/move code around repos
3. Pour it all with a fair share of
4. Extract common code/models into libs
5. Run it!
Let’s go to production!
So what
Paying for the lunch
• Easy to develop
• Hard to operate
• More fine-grained services boost both
Things to address
• A lot of stuff from “Fallacies of distributed computing"
• Tracing request across different services
• Service discovery and tracing service topology
• Message serialization
• Distributing load across nodes
• Measuring performance and finding bottlenecks is not easy
• Interface contracts can introduce hidden coupling
• Duplication of effort
• Historically we were a .Net shop
• Think spring-like approach
• Moved to API first approach (although we were
running some kind of μ-service approach to some
• Splitting one of the business features into small-
chunks using whatever tech stack we want so we
went akka/akka-http
• We didn’t want to use akka clustering
• Recreating utils e.g. request retry
• Establishing new project = work upfront before creating
any business value e.g. metrics
• Every project had it’s own structure - mental context
• REST is good but other protocols might be better
• Fighting the “spray DSL” and marshallers 😀
• Creating json is annoying and automatic derivation from
classes was useless most of the time
• We had to think how to properly version our apis and hold
backward compatibility
• We had situations where multiple services needed to be
deployed for the solution to work (hidden monolith)
• How do I run this service locally?
What is it?
• Protocol agnostic RPC system for JVM
• Based on Netty
• Allows for building servers and clients
• Core platform on which Twitter is build
• "Your Server as a Function" by Marius
• Futures
• Services
• Filters
• NOT the Scala one unfortunately but very close
• Some api differences
- import com.twitter.util.Future
- Future.value == Future.successful
- Future.exception == Future.failed
- Future.collect == Future.sequence
• Usual monadic composition with flatMap and map
• There is also twitter’s Try, Duration and a bunch of others…
• Basic building block in Finagle
• Just a function that returns a Future
• Servers implement services to which Finagle dispatches incoming requests
• Finagle furnishes clients with instances of Service representing either virtual or
concrete remote servers
abstract class Service[-Req, +Rep] extends (Req =>
Example local service (1)
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.util.Future
val lengthService =[String, Int] { req =>
lengthService("Hello TSUG").foreach(println)
import com.twitter.finagle.http
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.finagle.Http
val service = new Service[http.Request, http.Response] {
def apply(req: http.Request): Future[http.Response] =
http.Response(req.version, http.Status.Ok)
val server = Http.serve(":8080", service)
Example http server (2)
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Method.Get
import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response}
import com.twitter.finagle.service.FailFastFactory.FailFast
import com.twitter.util.Future
val productServiceHttpClient: Service[Request, Response] =
val response: Future[Response] =
response.foreach{ response =>
Example http client (3)
Other protocols client
var memCache = ClientBuilder()
val mySqlClient = Mysql.client
.withCredentials(username(), password())
.newRichClient("%s:%d".format(host().getHostName, host().getPort))
Services represents
clients and servers
Please notice that:
• Again a function that returns a Future
• Filters are always attached to Services altering their
• Used for application agnostic concerns such as: timeouts,
retry policies, service statistics, and authentication
abstract class Filter[-ReqIn, +RepOut, +ReqOut, -RepIn]
extends ((ReqIn, Service[ReqOut, RepIn]) => Future[RepOut])
• Filters just like any other functions
• There is a andThen method that chains
different filters with each other and in the
end with service
Local service filter
import com.twitter.finagle.{Filter, Service}
import com.twitter.util.Future
val someStringMetrics =[String,Int] { req =>
val evenMetricsFilter = new Filter[Float, Boolean, String, Int] {
override def apply(input: Float,
stringMetricsService: Service[String, Int]): Future[Boolean] = {
stringMetricsService(input.toString).map(_ % 2 == 0)
(evenMetricsFilter andThen someStringMetrics)(1.234f)
import com.twitter.finagle.{Http,Service, Filter}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request,Response}
import com.twitter.finagle.service.TimeoutFilter
import com.twitter.util.MockTimer
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
val httpClient: Service[Request, Response] =
val timeoutFilter: Filter[Request, Response, Request, Response] =
new TimeoutFilter[Request, Response](30.seconds, new MockTimer)
val httpClientWithTimeout: Service[Request, Response] =
timeoutFilter andThen httpClient
Filter example http client
This is only a showcase, timeouts for http clients are best configured by Http.client object
How to implement
Stacking filters
recordHandletime andThen
traceRequest andThen
collectJvmStats andThen
parseRequest andThen
logRequest andThen
recordClientStats andThen
sanitize andThen
respondToHealthCheck andThen
applyTrafficControl andThen
Fronted webservers configuration at twitter:
Cool client filters
(or wannabe-filters)
• MonitorFilter - handling exceptions
• StatsFilter - exposing metrics
• RetryFilter - retying calls with configured budget and a back-off policy
• TimeoutFilter - mentioned earlier, for different aspects like idle time, request
time, connection time ect.
• LoadBalancing (not really a filter) - distributed load across nodes, just pass
multiple host values
• FailFast (not really a filter) - mark node as dead for a certain period of time
• Unfortunately not all functionality can be
expressed with Filters
• Some things are a bit hairy - e.g. request
• Beneath implementations is non-trivial but
• But the good part is that it all works out to the
box for free with almost none configuration!
There is more in Finagle to
• Thrift protocol
• Mux - multiplexing RPC
• ZooKeeper support
• Network location naming
Even more goodies
Twitter Server
• A “template” for finagle-based server
• Flags
• Logging
• Metrics
• Admin interface
Flags (1)
• Cmd line arguments passed to the
• A remedy to “How do I start this thing
and what are the options?”
• Smart with type inference and parsing
Flags (2)
val addr = flag("bind", new InetSocketAddress(0), "Bind address")
val durations = flag("alarms", (1.second, 5.second), "2 alarm durations")
$ java -jar target/myserver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -help
-alarm_durations='1.seconds,5.seconds': 2 alarm durations
-help='false': Show this help
-admin.port=':9990': Admin http server port
-bind=':0': Network interface to use
-log.level='INFO': Log level
-log.output='/dev/stderr': Output file
-what='hello': String to return
Option for fail fast when missing a flag
• Twitter server provides a logging trait
• It can be configured with standard flags
• Can be tuned on-the-fly
Admin interface loggers
• Defining own statistics
• JVM stats
• Processing and network stats
• Linting your server for problems
• Looking at threads
• Profiling
Admin interface
What is it?
• Finatra is build atop Finagle and Twitter
• Finatra does all the heavy-lifting that one
needs to do when working only with
Finatra features
• Dependency injection using Guice
• JSON handling with Jackson
• Mustache support
• Routing
• Integrates it all together nicely
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.ClientTracingFilter.TracingFilter
import com.twitter.finatra.http.Controller
import com.twitter.finatra.request._
import com.twitter.inject.Logging
import{RecommendationCmd, RecommendationEngine}
case class RecommendationFromCookieRequest(@Inject request: Request,
@RouteParam cookieId: Int,
@RouteParam eshopId: Int,
@Header `x-auth`: String)
class RecommendationController @Inject()
(recommendationEngine: RecommendationEngine)
extends Controller with Logging {
get("/recommend/:eshop_id/:cookie_id") { r: RecommendationFromCookieRequest =>
infoResult("Hello") {
TracingFilter("RecommendationEngine") andThen
recommendationEngine apply
RecommendationCmd(r.cookieId, r.eshopId)
Unified error reporting
➜ finagle-spike git:(master) ✗ curl -v
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 2001 (#0)
> GET /recommend/32/wsf HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Server: Finatra
< Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 07:05:53 +00:00
< Content-Length: 79
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"errors":["cookie_id: 'wsf' is not a valid int","x-auth: header is required"]}%
JSON Support
• Build on jackson-module-scala
• Support for case classes (de)serlialization
• Integrated with Joda
• Error accumulation (instead of fail-fast)
• Integration with routing
• Most of the cases just return object
Customizing Json
class Server extends HttpServer {
override def jacksonModule = CustomJacksonModule
object CustomJacksonModule extends FinatraJacksonModule {
override val additionalJacksonModules = Seq(
new SimpleModule {
override val serializationInclusion = Include.NON_EMPTY
override val propertyNamingStrategy = CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy
override def additionalMapperConfiguration(mapper: ObjectMapper) {
mapper.configure(Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS, true)
import com.twitter.finatra.validation._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
case class GroupRequest(@NotEmpty name: String,
description: Option[String],
tweetIds: Set[Long],
dates: Dates) {
def validateName = {
"name must start with 'grp-'")
case class Dates(@PastTime start: DateTime,
@PastTime end: DateTime)
Also checked at routing time
Testing (1)
• Based on ScalaTest
• Feature testing (both black box and white box)
- looking at external interface of our service
• Integration tests - only a subset of modules is
instantiated and tested
• Finatra does not provide anything for unit
Testing (2)
• Smart JSON diff
• Integration with DI
• Easy mocking
• Embedded http server with our service
last but not
What is it?
• Distributed request tracing
• Based on Google Dapper paper
• Helps getting insight on how the services
Python pyramid_zipkin
Pyramid Http
Http (B3) Kafka | Scribe Yes
py2, py3
Java brave
Http (B3)
Http, Kafka,
Java 6 or
Scala finagle-zipkin Finagle
Http (B3),
Scribe Yes
Ruby zipkin-tracer Rack Http (B3)
Http, Kafka,
lc support.
Ruby 2.0 or
ZipkinTracerM OWIN,
Http (B3) Http Yes
lc support.
Not tied to finagle
Zipkin Architecture
1 GetProducts
2 GetPromotedProducts
CookieId, Eshop
Thank you!

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Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices

  • 1. Exploring Twitter’s Finagle technology stack for microservices Tomasz Kogut / @almendar XII Tricity Scala User Group Meetup
  • 2. About me: • Software Engineer at • Working in the internet advertisement industry • I try to create distributed, highly performant systems that will run on the JVM • Programming in Scala since ~2011
  • 4. questionnaire Who uses μ-services approach? Who has a system that would like to break down into smaller pieces?
  • 5. What we already know? • Working on huge monolithic projects is hard • Complexity and interdependencies become incomprehensible at some point • We all fell in our guts that breaking it down is a way to go • Single responsibility principle but for services
  • 6. The plan 1. Create multiple git repositories 2. Create/copy/move code around repos 3. Pour it all with a fair share of REST/HTTP 4. Extract common code/models into libs 5. Run it!
  • 7. Let’s go to production!
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 11.
  • 12. Paying for the lunch • Easy to develop • Hard to operate • More fine-grained services boost both traits
  • 13. Things to address • A lot of stuff from “Fallacies of distributed computing" • Tracing request across different services • Service discovery and tracing service topology • Message serialization • Distributing load across nodes • Measuring performance and finding bottlenecks is not easy • Interface contracts can introduce hidden coupling • Duplication of effort
  • 14.
  • 15. • Historically we were a .Net shop • Think spring-like approach • Moved to API first approach (although we were running some kind of μ-service approach to some extend) • Splitting one of the business features into small- chunks using whatever tech stack we want so we went akka/akka-http
  • 16. • We didn’t want to use akka clustering • Recreating utils e.g. request retry • Establishing new project = work upfront before creating any business value e.g. metrics • Every project had it’s own structure - mental context switching • REST is good but other protocols might be better • Fighting the “spray DSL” and marshallers 😀
  • 17. • Creating json is annoying and automatic derivation from classes was useless most of the time • We had to think how to properly version our apis and hold backward compatibility • We had situations where multiple services needed to be deployed for the solution to work (hidden monolith) • How do I run this service locally?
  • 18.
  • 19. What is it? • Protocol agnostic RPC system for JVM • Based on Netty • Allows for building servers and clients • Core platform on which Twitter is build • "Your Server as a Function" by Marius Eriksen
  • 21. Future • NOT the Scala one unfortunately but very close • Some api differences - import com.twitter.util.Future - Future.value == Future.successful - Future.exception == Future.failed - Future.collect == Future.sequence • Usual monadic composition with flatMap and map • There is also twitter’s Try, Duration and a bunch of others…
  • 22. Service • Basic building block in Finagle • Just a function that returns a Future • Servers implement services to which Finagle dispatches incoming requests • Finagle furnishes clients with instances of Service representing either virtual or concrete remote servers abstract class Service[-Req, +Rep] extends (Req => Future[Rep])
  • 23. Example local service (1) import com.twitter.finagle.Service import com.twitter.util.Future val lengthService =[String, Int] { req => Future.value(req.length) } lengthService("Hello TSUG").foreach(println)
  • 24. import com.twitter.finagle.http import com.twitter.finagle.Service import com.twitter.util.Future import com.twitter.finagle.Http val service = new Service[http.Request, http.Response] { def apply(req: http.Request): Future[http.Response] = Future.value( http.Response(req.version, http.Status.Ok) ) } val server = Http.serve(":8080", service) Example http server (2)
  • 25. import com.twitter.finagle.http.Method.Get import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service} import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response} import com.twitter.finagle.service.FailFastFactory.FailFast import com.twitter.util.Future val productServiceHttpClient: Service[Request, Response] = Http.client.configured(FailFast(false)).newClient("", "productService").toService val response: Future[Response] = productServiceHttpClient(Request(Get,"/products/22")) response.foreach{ response => println(response.statusCode) println(response.contentString) } Example http client (3)
  • 26. Other protocols client examples var memCache = ClientBuilder() .name("mc") .codec(Memcached()) .hostConnectionLimit(config.concurrency()) .hosts(config.hosts()) val mySqlClient = Mysql.client .withCredentials(username(), password()) .withDatabase(dbname()) .newRichClient("%s:%d".format(host().getHostName, host().getPort))
  • 27. Services represents clients and servers symmetrically Please notice that:
  • 28. Filter • Again a function that returns a Future • Filters are always attached to Services altering their behavior • Used for application agnostic concerns such as: timeouts, retry policies, service statistics, and authentication abstract class Filter[-ReqIn, +RepOut, +ReqOut, -RepIn] extends ((ReqIn, Service[ReqOut, RepIn]) => Future[RepOut])
  • 29. Filter • Filters just like any other functions compose • There is a andThen method that chains different filters with each other and in the end with service
  • 30. Local service filter import com.twitter.finagle.{Filter, Service} import com.twitter.util.Future val someStringMetrics =[String,Int] { req => Future.value(req.length) } val evenMetricsFilter = new Filter[Float, Boolean, String, Int] { override def apply(input: Float, stringMetricsService: Service[String, Int]): Future[Boolean] = { stringMetricsService(input.toString).map(_ % 2 == 0) } } (evenMetricsFilter andThen someStringMetrics)(1.234f)
  • 31. import com.twitter.finagle.{Http,Service, Filter} import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request,Response} import com.twitter.finagle.service.TimeoutFilter import com.twitter.util.MockTimer import com.twitter.conversions.time._ val httpClient: Service[Request, Response] = Http.client.newService("") val timeoutFilter: Filter[Request, Response, Request, Response] = new TimeoutFilter[Request, Response](30.seconds, new MockTimer) val httpClientWithTimeout: Service[Request, Response] = timeoutFilter andThen httpClient Filter example http client WARNING This is only a showcase, timeouts for http clients are best configured by Http.client object How to implement this?
  • 32. Stacking filters recordHandletime andThen traceRequest andThen collectJvmStats andThen parseRequest andThen logRequest andThen recordClientStats andThen sanitize andThen respondToHealthCheck andThen applyTrafficControl andThen virtualHostServer Fronted webservers configuration at twitter:
  • 33. Cool client filters (or wannabe-filters) • MonitorFilter - handling exceptions • StatsFilter - exposing metrics • RetryFilter - retying calls with configured budget and a back-off policy • TimeoutFilter - mentioned earlier, for different aspects like idle time, request time, connection time ect. • LoadBalancing (not really a filter) - distributed load across nodes, just pass multiple host values • FailFast (not really a filter) - mark node as dead for a certain period of time
  • 34. • Unfortunately not all functionality can be expressed with Filters • Some things are a bit hairy - e.g. request cancelation • Beneath implementations is non-trivial but comprehensible • But the good part is that it all works out to the box for free with almost none configuration!
  • 35. There is more in Finagle to explore: • Thrift protocol • Mux - multiplexing RPC • ZooKeeper support • Network location naming
  • 37. Twitter Server • A “template” for finagle-based server • Flags • Logging • Metrics • Admin interface
  • 38. Flags (1) • Cmd line arguments passed to the application • A remedy to “How do I start this thing and what are the options?” • Smart with type inference and parsing capabilities
  • 39. Flags (2) val addr = flag("bind", new InetSocketAddress(0), "Bind address") val durations = flag("alarms", (1.second, 5.second), "2 alarm durations") $ java -jar target/myserver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -help AdvancedServer -alarm_durations='1.seconds,5.seconds': 2 alarm durations -help='false': Show this help -admin.port=':9990': Admin http server port -bind=':0': Network interface to use -log.level='INFO': Log level -log.output='/dev/stderr': Output file -what='hello': String to return Option for fail fast when missing a flag
  • 40. Logging • Twitter server provides a logging trait • It can be configured with standard flags • Can be tuned on-the-fly
  • 42. Metrics • Defining own statistics • JVM stats • Processing and network stats
  • 43.
  • 44. Others • Linting your server for problems • Looking at threads • Profiling
  • 47. What is it? • Finatra is build atop Finagle and Twitter Server • Finatra does all the heavy-lifting that one needs to do when working only with Finagle
  • 48. Finatra features • Dependency injection using Guice • JSON handling with Jackson • Mustache support • Routing • Integrates it all together nicely
  • 49. package import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.ClientTracingFilter.TracingFilter import com.twitter.finatra.http.Controller import com.twitter.finatra.request._ import com.twitter.inject.Logging import{RecommendationCmd, RecommendationEngine} case class RecommendationFromCookieRequest(@Inject request: Request, @RouteParam cookieId: Int, @RouteParam eshopId: Int, @Header `x-auth`: String) @Singleton class RecommendationController @Inject() (recommendationEngine: RecommendationEngine) extends Controller with Logging { get("/recommend/:eshop_id/:cookie_id") { r: RecommendationFromCookieRequest => infoResult("Hello") { TracingFilter("RecommendationEngine") andThen recommendationEngine apply RecommendationCmd(r.cookieId, r.eshopId) } } }
  • 50. Unified error reporting ➜ finagle-spike git:(master) ✗ curl -v * Trying * Connected to ( port 2001 (#0) > GET /recommend/32/wsf HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.43.0 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 < Server: Finatra < Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 07:05:53 +00:00 < Content-Length: 79 < * Connection #0 to host left intact {"errors":["cookie_id: 'wsf' is not a valid int","x-auth: header is required"]}%
  • 51. JSON Support • Build on jackson-module-scala • Support for case classes (de)serlialization • Integrated with Joda • Error accumulation (instead of fail-fast) • Integration with routing • Most of the cases just return object
  • 52. Customizing Json class Server extends HttpServer { override def jacksonModule = CustomJacksonModule ... } object CustomJacksonModule extends FinatraJacksonModule { override val additionalJacksonModules = Seq( new SimpleModule { addSerializer(LocalDateParser) }) override val serializationInclusion = Include.NON_EMPTY override val propertyNamingStrategy = CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy override def additionalMapperConfiguration(mapper: ObjectMapper) { mapper.configure(Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS, true) } }
  • 53. Validation import com.twitter.finatra.validation._ import org.joda.time.DateTime case class GroupRequest(@NotEmpty name: String, description: Option[String], tweetIds: Set[Long], dates: Dates) { @MethodValidation def validateName = { ValidationResult.validate( name.startsWith("grp-"), "name must start with 'grp-'") } } case class Dates(@PastTime start: DateTime, @PastTime end: DateTime) Also checked at routing time
  • 54. Testing (1) • Based on ScalaTest • Feature testing (both black box and white box) - looking at external interface of our service • Integration tests - only a subset of modules is instantiated and tested • Finatra does not provide anything for unit testing
  • 55. Testing (2) • Smart JSON diff • Integration with DI • Easy mocking • Embedded http server with our service
  • 57.
  • 58. What is it? • Distributed request tracing • Based on Google Dapper paper • Helps getting insight on how the services interact
  • 59.
  • 60. Zipkin Python pyramid_zipkin Pyramid Http (B3) Http (B3) Kafka | Scribe Yes py2, py3 support. Java brave Jersey, RestEASY, JAXRS2, Apache HttpClient, Mysql Http (B3) Http, Kafka, Scribe Yes Java 6 or higher Scala finagle-zipkin Finagle Http (B3), Thrift Scribe Yes Ruby zipkin-tracer Rack Http (B3) Http, Kafka, Scribe Yes lc support. Ruby 2.0 or higher C# ZipkinTracerM OWIN, Http (B3) Http Yes lc support. Not tied to finagle
  • 62. DEMO APP Recommendation ProductsService UserProfile 1 GetProducts 2 GetPromotedProducts GetUser CookieId, Eshop

Editor's Notes

  1. Name - host -grateful Finagle foundation of Twitter’s services Finagle - ease pain of distributed computing
  2. micorservices commond ground challanges/benefits
  3. People that raised their hand twice, are interesting
  4. Using old tools -> bad Guily of charge of doing this The same happens when you create services from scratch
  5. when I do a http post to some endpoint…bla bla bla. Run first services locally, the second one ect.
  6. Both are hard, finding and repairing that may involve many places where you need to make changes
  7. first time see - laugh hard single incomprehensible into multiple incomprehensible
  8. Funny thing is that simple languages thrive in micro services as you don’t need that much of a advanced constructs as single parts are small and should be exchangeable within two weeks
  9. Some of those could be addressed by framework your using The fallacies are The network is reliable. Latency is zero. Bandwidth is infinite. The network is secure. Topology doesn't change. There is one administrator. Transport cost is zero. The network is homogeneous.
  10. Big company - kilo-services
  11. Clustering - means closing inside technology.
  12. Don’t bend your model to the needs of your framework Adding field, removing field, making it optional
  13. Protocol angostic means it can be http but also memcache and mysql Finagle is low level
  14. Function that returns a A => Future
  15. Metoda mk vs apply + new
  16. We use the same base abstract building block for modeling both ends of the distributed So we can create utils that will work on both
  17. External traffic reverse proxy
  18. Future is immutable and one way flow.
  19. Network location naming - different protocols like DNS or ZK, with Dtab (delegation table) rewriting of the urls. We can delegate the request graph to rewrite some url to point to dev server Mux is a session-layer protocol, maximize bandwidth, avoid head-of-line blocking (response can get back out-of-order)