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Farganne wrote:
In keeping with your observations on the anti-God agenda --
"Questions to the White House on this new initiative went unanswered, but West Wing staff confirmed
on background that the administration is currently focus-grouping a policy shift toward a religion-free,
sexuality-neutral military.
Referencing the recent repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the all-army memorandum (called an
ALARACT) says the Army will “lead the way in further bringing the military into a future where all
servicemembers are free of bigotry, exclusion and intolerance, and where all identities, family
structures and lifestyles are celebrated and supported equally.”
It then goes on to declare that the existence of official officers of faith within the ranks is “inconsistent
with a new directive … there is no place for mythology and superstition in a 21st-century military,
especially when these extreme beliefs are used to justify an unequal work and operating
Also, given your uber-TI (Targeted Individual) status, I URGE YOU to review the following article
originally published in Pravda in 2001. It contains claims about satellite-facilitated mind control
technologies that older technically-oriented friends tell me were once fairly common knowledge, but
are being expunged from the internet.
And its follow-up:
I am not qualified to verify the technological feasibility / reality of all these claims, but I will tell you,
OF EMF HARASSMENT OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. It also explains a period of extremely
high weirdness I lived through in the winter / spring of 2010, when I "experienced alien contact" and
nearly had my life destroyed as a result.
Taking for granted the premise that individuals can be targeted, tracked, and tweaked via their unique
"electromagnetic signatures", and given research that I have found on the subjects of meditation,
prayer, and a related phenomenon called neuroplasticity, I am working on compiling an array of
techniques whereby people of different belief systems and mental proclivities can defend themselves
against remote neural monitoring and other forms of psychotronic manipulation; in short, call bullshit
on the title of the following article published in the journal of the Army War College:
I guess you still don't trust me enough to let me back into the forum, but I still check your site every
day and always wish the best for you.
My response: All of this is bang on, and I have let you back into the forum already long ago
but I can't get ahold of you, every time I send a message Yandex bounces it no matter what
account I use. They just tell me I am banned/blocked as a threat. Part of that wonderful new
web I guess . . . . . Is Yandex Russian? That would be quite telling of the real Russian scenario,
if it is indeed Russia running all this mind wipe crap in America they would want me blocked.
There is a reason I never went to Russia. Snowden is a fool that is alive only because it is
politically beneficial to Russia and he is rock stupid beyond his immediate sphere.
Jade Helm News? Anyone.
Wordpress blogs are only being able to be read on site and are not posted to emails anymore. Really
cuts down on their exposure.
mean a HUGE ONE. Here is what Wordpress really is, along with what it pretends to be:
Wordpress is a "web authoring tool" which, even when installed and run from your own server forms a
bridge to the Wordpress server so they can access, change/deny anything on your system in
exchange for the use of their free web authoring software which "makes it all easy and neat" and in
reality therefore makes Wordpress no better than a Facebook account even if it is run apparently
completely from your own server.
I always knew Wordpress was a trap that would eventually be used to trash the web. The sudden
silence from ALL wordpress sites that at one time linked to this web site is telling, Wordpress is now
using their central server to block links and content, to block mails and more, (just as this reader has
warned) and it was all written into their terms of service to begin with. I knew what Wordpress was
from day one and avoided it like the plague, I knew it was an up and coming scourge.
Why on earth would anyone pay to have their own server set up, use it to run Wordpress, and then be
subject to their terms and conditions?
And worse, every time I have logged into the old web server it
has practically tried to force me to convert the old web site over to Wordpress, this
started happening after the FCC took over the web and I am
going to warn people now once and for all: WORDPRESS IS
If you want your links to work and your content to be found and read, wordpress is NOT AN OPTION
Mind control
Do you know anything about this subject? A quick search indicates most articles were 2010. First site that
comes up says:
Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis -- which
doesn't portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by "flickering
faster than the eye can see."
I ask because my son has done a lot of research out of curiosity as to why my eyes see TV and
computer screens differently than others he works with, and why his cousin/my niece was recently
diagnosed with tritanopia, a rare form of color blindness -- I had always wondered why her
drawings/paintings were so heavily orange and purple. He discovered that we all indeed see
differently and it has nothing to do with 20/20 vision. He mentioned we have different abilities to see
varying flicker rates also. Today when he was here repairing my computer, installing the new parts, I
pointed out to him the rapid flicker rate in the popular Home and Garden TV channel programs. He
was totally Unable To See It!@#$^&* Yet he has perfect eyesight. I however find it so blatant as to
wonder how on earth everybody does not see it? I know that DARPA was working on it many years
ago. In the HGTV programs it appears in several of the letters in the lightly shaded words of what's
coming up next, or in the drapery patterns or windows or vases or .... It fascinates me that I see it
right away and find it ridiculous, when friends and visitors and my son cannot see it at all even right
on top of the screen.
My response: I busted them for messing with the dithering patterns in computer screens in 2012,
and actually forced them to change this. Some of the early readers of this web site might remember
when that went on. I noticed after clearly publishing this that somehow an update went through and
they stopped the manipulation via the dithering sequences, and have recently noticed (3 years later)
that on a few systems it is returning.
Here is my original post on this topic, from 2012
Jun 5 2012, updated June 14 2012
Mind control via electronic manipulation
Because mind control is a classified topic, it is impossible to nail the subject dead
on. However, this article was revealing enough to have created a very strong
response from the powers that be. I will soon post an updated video which better
explains how Windows 7 and the new LCD display chipsets may be configured for
mind control.
This article is getting repeatedly hacked. That should say how important it is. If you
see any stupid looking "mistakes" check back later because that is the form the
hacks are taking. Joe Vialls died while in the process of producing a report like this,
and I would bet this is somewhere close to where he was going to take this topic.
This article received a MAJOR update on Thursday, June 14, 2011.
The brain is a computer, and like a computer it has a clock frequency that all thoughts, your existence, is
centered around. This is a little basic because your brain in reality has multiple simultaneous clock frequencies
which interact with each other and serve different purposes for biological function, whereas a microprocessor
normally has only one central clock that everything in it synchronizes with. For example, your visual cortex may
process at a different frequency than the section of your brain which regulates your heart beat. Feelings and
thoughts will run at another frequency.
Because your brain is an ultra parallel computer, it can accomplish a lot while using frequencies that
are far lower than would be practical in a microprocessor, and these frequencies are in the ELF
(extended low frequency) range.
The fact that your brain operates on frequencies leaves it open to manipulation via electronic means.
Since different moods are reflected by different frequencies, it is possible to electronically force
people to be relaxed when they should be angry, laugh when they should be appalled, and give
loyalty when they should rebel. There are a number of ways that this can be accomplished, and this
report will touch on a few of them.
The switch to digital television was un precedented, rapid, and illegal. It was a direct violation of long
established standards regulation, which, by the book, required backwards compatibility with legacy
devices. It was illegal because it FORCED stations to change format, whether they wanted to or not.
Television was not the same as computers, where standards can change in a day and be perfectly
legal, because television utilized the electromagnetic spectrum - VHF and UHF, and there were long
standing laws in place which clearly stated that there would be no forced changes permitted with
regard to how the well established radio frequency bands were used. IF a station, under its own free
will CHOSE to start broadcasting digital only, that was up to them, and would have been permitted.
The illegal aspect of the switch was the fact that it was forced on everyone, wanted or not.
And "they" had a reason.
For background, I suggest you read a brilliant article by Joe Vialls that is preserved on this site. In it,
he shows a device Hollywood used to manipulate people's response to what was being broadcast
over analog television. But the NTSC signal, which all standard definition televisions operated on,
really was an ultra stable and hard to manipulate signal standard. This made analog manipulation of
people's psychological responses to what was on the screen difficult to achieve in a perfectly uniform
fashion. Televisions were designed to reject spurious modulations in the signal, so depending upon
each television receiver's differences, you got a different level of effectiveness.
This would not do well enough to subdue the population during the final crush of America. They HAD
TO get the switch to digital, where things could be manipulated with perfect and predictable digital
accuracy. And I have caught them at it, and will tell you how to as well.
The method -
Vialls believed that they would manipulate public response by getting the correct color flicker at
random places on the screen, and he died before they forced the switch to digital television. As it
turned out in reality, that is not entirely how they are doing it. Instead, if you look closely at any mid
tone area on the screen (an area that is not totally white or totally black, and this will move around the
screen depending upon the scene) you will notice a snow effect, which on average makes a perfect
picture, but the picture itself is really in fact a subtly modulated "snow storm" where the "snow" always
takes upon itself the color of whatever the image is supposed to be in that spot. Gray areas are by far
the best place to look for this. The snow will be moving and modulating and circling at the frequency
that triggers whatever feeling they want you to have for whatever is on the screen. Keep in mind that
there should be NO SUCH THING AS SNOW IN A DIGITAL PICTURE, yet it is there.
It is not in all broadcasts. I suggest you observe the screen during any program where they are
bragging about being Jewish, are pushing a gay agenda, or are airing a political topic - especially
campaign ads and politically weighted news. Anything of a political nature.
How to observe the screen -
The effect is not obvious. You have to get tricky to see it. So go beneath the TV, up very close to it, at
an angle where the picture does not show right. You have to be able to see the sub tones only. And
THEN you will see the snow. Computers will do the color shift as well. Take your (LCD) computer
screen, for practice before trying it on a big clumsy LCD television, and tilt the screen back until you
see a shift in the way the colors are displayed. Many of you have already noticed this. It is at that
angle you have to look at the TV, from below and not the side. This will not work on a plasma TV. But
on an LCD tv, you will see what I am talking about. Windows 7 will also create and modulate a similar
"snow" on computer screens, even in a still picture or desktop image. This is something new, I have
always had the latest and greatest computers, and this weird effect only showed up with Windows 7.
It is creepy.
And I have now learned exactly what that effect is from. It is something I never expected.
Back in 2004, technology was more advanced than it is now. Therefore, my Toshiba laptop I had
back then had a better screen, with full 24 bit color resolution, which featured 8 bit color for each of
the color channels. This enabled it to display 16.7 million colors, and as a result there was no need
for an early 1990's technology called dithering to be used to prevent the screen from pixelation due to
lack of ability to display a separate color for each pixel. Dithering is a random scattering or movement
of pixels to simulate the presence of a greater ability to display color.
But when Windows 7 came out, all of a sudden we forgot how to make a good display, and instead of
advancing on to 12 bits per color channel (which would have made 36 bit color instead of the 24 bit
color we had in the late 90's,) we had to step backwards to six bits per color channel because we just
could not produce a video chip for an LCD screen that was capable of doing it anymore. Damn those
public schools. But wait, China is advancing, so that cannot be it. That ends the sarcasm.
Folks, they sabotaged the screens. Now we are eating trash. Lots of people have noticed and there is
a very good reason for them to have sabotaged the screens. Keep in mind that this sabotage
coincided precisely with the release of Windows 7 and the forced switch to digital television, which
was totally illegal in the way it was carried out. This sabotage gave them a "reason" to put a
modulation effect called dithering into every computer display, an effect which can no doubt be used
for mind control.
I am going to show you a little math. I will keep it simple and not do any binary (even though that is
simple if you just sit down and rationalize it out). But since everyone reading this understands base
10, I will do the math in base 10, and you will just have to trust my knowledge of binary.
8 bits of binary will represent 255 different values, plus zero, for a total of 256, including zero. Six bits
of binary can represent 63 different numeric values, plus zero, for a total of 64. So by dropping the
displays from 8 color bits per channel to 6 color bits per channel, they took a display that was capable
of 256X256X256 colors, for a total of 16.7 million colors, and made it into a display that was capable
of 64x64x64 colors, for a total of 262,000 colors. For the most part, the most basic of all displays
nowadays has a resolution of 1366X768. 1366 X 768 = 1,049,000 pixels. So the most basic of all
monitors on the market now, with six bit color depth, can only display 1/4th of the needed colors for
it's resolution. This means you HAVE TO modulate the pixels with dithering, especially on a nice
screen which displays at 1920X1080, which equals 2,073,000 pixels or you will get a blotchy or grainy
off colored look to any color picture displayed on the screen.
Why would they willfully choose to have all displays take a quantum leap backwards (in this case
approximately 12 years) when there was no feasible economic reason to do it? LCD technology is old
now, there is no reason to be stuck in the last century with it, unless, of course, you wanted to make
an EXCUSE and provide a VENUE through which a mind control effect could be added to any online
content or offline program. Digital television provided them with a way to bypass the NTSC limitations
and lunge forward with full on mind control embedded in a picture, and having a computer be a refuge
from this simply would not do. Now we have irritating noisy screens, and there is no rational
reasonable explanation for it other than clandestine intent. And it is interesting that the new Mac
Books do not do it, only PC computers do. Why?. Ask Microsoft.
Two years ago we had 8 bit color depth per channel. Now we have 6 bit color depth per channel. And
there are three channels. Three channels with six bits of color depth each = 666, and that's just
perfect for the luciferian cabal in power, at the Bilderberg conference where what the little people
are going to have gets decided on. Want to know what REALLY CAME OUT OF BILDERBERG?
It's six bit per channel color depth, when public choice, the true free market, would have
driven it upward to 12 instead of downwards. And why? It's because it gave them a plausible
explanation for the modulations on the screen that many would notice, and some GEEK would
just stand up and say, OH, don't worry, it's just DITHERING. And with that big word as an
explanation, everyone would just shut up. Shut up and forget about the 80's and 90's, where it
would have actually been needed. And if anyone wants to argue this I suggest first grabbing a
Windows XP laptop and try to find this effect. Try to find it on a 10 year old laptop. That ought to make
you wish for the good old days.
Nowadays, your "urgent windows update" could be nothing but a new dithering algorithm that is
based upon your psychiatric "needs" as defined by an elite few, a decision based upon what you
read, surf, write . . . . . . . .
I am going to post an updated version of the previous video, which explains this, but I have to finish it
Update May 18 2013 - the dithering video got removed from Youtube, and lost in a
hard drive crash but I found it in a backup and will re-post it here shortly. I think I
am going to update this report and front page it again.
Other things to look for - They can also simply flicker the entire screen in a subtle way (this would be with a TV
only because with a computer it would be too obvious). To observe this, turn off all the lights and leave the
room the television is in, and while able to see into the room the television is playing in, but not able to see the
TV itself, turn to the side and observe the light coming from the TV with your peripheral vision, which is
sensitive to flickering. If they are modulating the entire screen, you should be able to see it this way, and it will
be a very rapid and even flicker, like a fast strobe. I would expect this to not be as commonly used, but used
sparingly when it is needed most to form public opinion, like after a terror attack. Obviously strobing the entire
screen is more effective than the snow approach, but it is also a lot riskier. Fortunately for them, during
emotional times like after 911, people are very unlikely to notice because they are too caught up in the event.
There is something fishy with the cell towers
Beyond a doubt, the cell towers in America are NOT what we have been told they are.
A reader sent me this: . . . . .“Jim, Years ago I owned a telecommunication and underground utilities
construction company, and many of the contracts involved bringing electricity, fiber optics, etc to
underground bases in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, and Texas.
I had to go through a lot of background investigations and sign documents saying I would not divulge
where I “my company” was bringing these utilities to.
My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they had us bring so
much electrical power to these cell towers.
Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp.
(editor's note, HXXrp is a communications protocol I heard about at the NSA. I tried googling it
to no avail, all that comes up is coincidence hits.) I believe they can control the weather. Also, all
of us have a frequency pattern we emit and these cell and wifi towers can interfere with those
frequencies." . . . . .
I can just visualize Physicist bob, rolling his eyes as he read that about the cell towers affecting
people. After all, Cell towers operate in the Ghz range, and clearly the brain cannot interface with
THAT high of a frequency. But to that end, Physicist Bob is a lot like idiot Joe.
How a Ghz signal can be used to interface directly with the brain
All frequencies have a penetration depth, and typically, in water, you will hit 100 percent attenuation
at one half wavelength. For a 1 GHZ signal, this will be approximately 7 inches. Most people will write
that when microwaves hit water they turn into heat. But there is another step, that description is too
simplistic. In reality, when any electromagnetic wave gets absorbed into a conductive medium, it does
so by turning into electricity, which shorts itself out in the conductive medium, and the resulting
current flow is what causes the heating. A radio antenna is tuned to approximate the frequency that is
most expected and therefore rather than short out within itself, it passes the frequencies to the tuner
So now we know how an electric current can be induced into the brain via a 1 GHZ radio signal,
which will fully absorb at a depth of approximately 7 inches. Obviously then, higher frequencies with
shorter wavelengths can be used, because you do not need 7 inches of penetration depth. For
practical application, the frequency range is between 500 MHZ and 3 GHZ.
We have not yet answered the question of how such a high frequency can interface with the brain. It
cannot. However, there are different types of modulation you can put on a wave form, and the two
most common are AM and FM. For the purpose of interfacing with the brain, we will be discussing
Amplitude modulation involves the use of a fixed frequency wave form called a carrier, which has its
intensity increased and decreased. An amplitude modulated wave form appears to change it's height
on an oscilloscope while maintaining it's frequency. If you have a very low frequency AM modulation
on a high frequency carrier you can watch the amplitude of the carrier go to max on an oscilloscope,
and then drop, all the way to flatline before returning to maximum if the modulation is strong enough
and the modulating frequency is low enough to not just look like a blur.
So earlier, I established how you can use a radio wave to deliver electricity. Now, take that ghz wave
form from a cell tower, which will penetrate approximately seven inches into the skull and put
unintelligible high frequency electricity there, and modulate that unintelligible frequency with an ELF
frequency the brain can interface with. Bam - o, you get cell phone tower induced mind control. And
it's a piece of cake, it works better than any other method, you see,
If you transmit an ELF wave form by itself, it will need a many miles long antenna to pick it up
properly, it will not interface with the body very well because your body is not a big enough antenna
for the ELF wave to efficiently "short out" in. You would need a really intense signal to do anything.
But if you can take that ELF frequency and use it to modulate a super high frequency carrier, that
carrier will drop all of it's energy directly into your skull, and let the modulation of that energy do the
rest. Of course, there are other factors, like a single side or asymmetric carrier, but to avoid getting
too complex I have said enough here to give you the idea and certainly enough to put an evil genius
on the right path.
The following video shows this being done to some test monkeys a little way in. Obviously in this
case, the power levels are very high. Unfortunately the video has a bit of a crazy aspect to it, and it is
very outdated, which is to be expected with anything of this nature that is actually allowed to stay
Now onto WHY ON EARTH American cell towers have so much juice going to them.
This is a serious topic.
In America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit power and often even with that tiny
amount you can connect from hundreds of feet away with no special antennas or hardware. Your cell
phone can transmit 300 milliwatts. That's well over 10 times the power, and the range of your cell
phone is that much better. All that is needed to make a great cellular node is a 10 watt transmitter (to
make sure it gets real good penetration into the surrounding buildings,) and a receiver that is more
sensitive than the one in your cell phone because you are talking back with a lot less than 10 watts.
10 watts is 500 times as strong as your wireless N router that comes in perfect everywhere. A lucky
neighbor might snag your unsecured router with only 20 milliwatts of output from over a block away
with just a cheap netbook. Why then, since 10 watts will clearly do the job, are there these
ENORMOUS out in the open giant goose invading "cell towers" in America that are obviously capable
of pumping many thousands of watts?
It's because the cell towers in America have a totally different purpose than stated. Sure, the tower
does indeed accomplish the job of supporting cell phone service, but it is not needed at all for that
purpose. They are there to hide something clandestine right in the great wide open.
My reader stated: "My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they had
us bring so much electrical power to these cell towers." He NAILED IT. As a technical type, I paid
attention to the cell towers, and noticed that they always seem to have a 400KVA or bigger
transformer feeding them (I never actually walked up and looked at the data plate). 400KVA is
approximately 400,000 watts. And I never really thought about it, why on earth they always got fed so
much juice. Sometimes you just need to wake up and start thinking. Mexico confirms this - cell
technology is totally passe' and a perfectly functional legitimate node can be stuck in a yard
decoration powered by less juice than needed by an average Ipod dock.
Another comment came in stating that American cell towers in fact only get anywhere from
twenty thousand to sixty thousand watts, complete with verified documentation that that is
"all it is". Ok, Fine then. WLS in Chicago broadcasts with 50,000 watts, and with a good radio
you can hear it anywhere in the world when conditions are right. To sometimes pump even
more than that into a single American neighborhood via the local tower which is serving only
a two mile area is far beyond suspicious. It is case proven. Those cell towers ARE NOT WHAT
WE HAVE BEEN TOLD and I am certain that even 60,000 watts would be a conservative
estimate for many of them.
Why pump so many watts?
The antenna arrays on the cell towers are highly directional. That's obvious. So since the signal from
them is confined to a zone, rather than going out omnidirectionally, whatever is in that zone will get
extremely high R.F. levels. Maybe you need that much for mind control, but I seriously doubt it. With
such an ability to confine the signal to within a zone, I would expect a mind control beam to not need
more than a couple thousand watts. Where is the rest of that power going?
My guess, is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas Mexico. Whatever earthquake or disaster "they"
need to accomplish a political objective. And there is something you need to know about radio wave
propagation - it can be steered. So just because a cell tower appears to only be able place all it's RF
output within a confined zone, it does not mean that signal cannot be diverted and sent elsewhere.
This is because a neighboring cell tower can be synchronized in such a way that it steers the output
from surrounding towers to a new remote area. And that is how Haarp works, BET ON IT.
American cell towers then, I believe in this order, have multiple purposes. The first is EMF mind
control. Ever wonder why on some mornings EVERYONE seems to be happy, and on others
EVERYONE seems to be grouchy? People don't just naturally fall into a mold like that, yet you see it
all the time. And you never used to. This is a new phenomenon. Back in the 70's and 80's moods
were totally random. Not anymore. There are happy days when everyone is happy, and grouchy days
and indifferent days. If you have not noticed this, start paying attention. People's lives are random,
and there should be absolutely no reason for their moods to all be similar for any reason other than
outside manipulation. The second purpose is an occasional one - I believe that occasionally the
towers will be switched up to full output to eat a nuclear reactor in Japan via a phony earthquake
scenario, or to make good and sure a hurricane is useful for a social experiment in New Orleans. But
you cannot have them humming away at full output all the time without it becoming obvious, so the
ability is likely saved for special occasions. Furthermore, with as many as there are around, it
probably does not take more than a few percent of them at any one time to pull off something big.
And this is exactly why, as my reader also stated, "Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install
frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. I believe they can control the weather." Why, pray tell,
would the Corps of Engineers show up and install something in a "civilian" cell tower? Think about
that. We all know the "elite" can trigger earthquakes. We all know they can tweak the weather. The
question is then, since there is no GIANT UFO in the sky doing it, where is their system located?
And the third purpose is B.S. - "cell phone service". That's as close as it can get to a lie, because any
telephone pole, attic, or yard decoration would do the job as well. Mexico PROVES IT.
I also received the comment: "how do the elite prevent themselves from getting beamed"? That
answer is easy. The elite live in tight little enclaves that are pretty much set apart from the rest of
society. Keeping the happy ray off them is as easy as simply not having the local cell tower deliver it
to their isolated little pocket. To find out where YOU can live and get away from it all, pick up the
phone book and move RIGHT TO THE CENTER of where all the synagogues are, that is, IF you can
get in there. If you are not one of "them", count on paying a price 4x higher than the community
average. Their communities are insanely expensive for outsiders, and yet even the poorest one of
them can not only live there, but get ahead while doing so.
Audio noise modulation, and "poppers"
During the Iraq war, America seized control of all the Iraqi transmitters, and started broadcasting propaganda.
Normally, people would reject it outright. But America knew this, so under every broadcast they put a layer of
noise. They did nothing to the audio people listened to, but they modulated the background noise prevalent in
any radio signal (and in these broadcasts the injected noise was higher than usual, but not extreme,) and to
get the Iraqis to accept what was being broadcast, even though often it was an obvious lie, the injected noise
in the radio signal was modulated with a waveform that put people's brains into a mode of acceptance, and it
worked spectacularly well.
But that was not enough to satisfy American desire, so,
they dropped AM modulated microwave transmitters called "poppers" onto the rooftops and into
various areas where they were not likely to be discovered. Soldiers were usually put in place to guard
them. If the "poppers" were discovered, and anyone tried to de-activate them they would be shot.
These worked even better than the noise modulated radio signal, and the Iraqis, who had never been
exposed to such manipulation knew something was up and absolutely hated them. They figured out
that the "poppers" emitted a mind control beam. But after long enough exposure, because they would
be killed if they messed with the devices, they eventually succumbed and complied.
So I have covered here three different ways frequencies can be used to manipulate the mind. The
first is through the manipulation of a video signal. The second is manipulation of an audio signal, and
the third, and worst, is to beam it straight into your head. And the psychological warfare is extremely
cruel surrounding this as well. "tinfoil hat" has been used as a phrase to designate "crazies". Let me
ask you, WHY?. "they are beaming me, and putting thoughts in my head" has been used to define
"crazy". Let me ask you WHY? I will tell you why, and it is because uncovering any great conspiracy
HAS TO BE DEFINED AS "CRAZY" or the game is up. As long as people who know the truth are
successfully designated as whack jobs, the truth will remain in an isolated pocket and reality will then
successfully smash everyone who is deemed "sane".
I am sure a few people will respond, saying that cell tower frequencies have a limited range. This is
bogus - it is common for microwave frequencies to link at distances over 50 miles. That's a lot more
than what is needed for mind control beams, when the nearest cell tower is usually less than 2 miles
And I can easily see that the antennas on these cell towers are not limited to high
frequencies alone. Their size is suspicious, and all it would take is a coil of wire
inside one of those arrays to drop the transmit frequency WAY DOWN, into a more
effective range for weather modification and other nasties, and the antenna would
not need to be physically large at all.
For reference, the longest possible antenna needed for ANY cell activity in the U.S. is around 20 inches, for the
lowest possible cell related frequencies. More common would be 9 inch antennas. Why then are the antennas
which adorn cell towers up to eight feet long? you can easily make a high powered coil antenna suitable for low
MHZ frequencies with that much room to work with. Perhaps you should ask the Corps of Engineers why the
size of the arrays does not match the stated function, because the Corps of Engineers has no legitimate
business on a civilian tower yet is prevalent everywhere according to one of my readers who worked with this
stuff and happened to know the name of a military protocol only an insider would know.
Alleged KC Jew 'Hater' Only Shot and Killed Gentiles
In April 2014, the 'anti-Semite' Jew-hating F. Glenn Miller shot and killed three GENTILES outside the
Jewish Community Center and the Village Shalom care center in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of
Kansas City.
When this psyops first hit the fan, the original story had a witness state that she heard Miller ask
people if they were Jews or Christians before shooting them. So we have an 'anti-Semite' who only
shoots three GENTILES, leaving the Jews alone.
That got cut out of the online KC Star and I lost the paper edition that had that story, so it was gone.
But not yet, here's the TRUTH back front and center, showing the the 'anti-Semite,' F. Glenn Miller,
went out of his way to avoid shooting Jews, the TRUTH which came out during a pretrial hearing....
My response: Yep, more "victim truth" from the tribe!
Fluoridated salt
Lupe wrote:
Remember, that as per UN mandate for the last decade, table salt in Mexico is "fortified" with sodium
Flouride. While it is obviously not enough to totally zombify the populous, it can be avoided.
3 or 4 years ago, while still living in central Mexico, my mind was slowly but obviously going. I was
losing the most basic memory and it was embarrasing not remembering names of people close to
That was when I eliminated Flouride from my salt and toothpaste, and started taking 50 to 200 mg of
potassium iodide per day, and all that turned around, I got my memory back, and in fact greater
mental acuity than perhaps I have had most of my adult life.
While you are in Mexico City, at a major Farmacia or Botica, such as Farmacia Paris on El Salvador
near the presidencia, you may purchase, pure lab-grade Sodium Chloride (Cloruro de Sodio), and
pure lab grade Potassium Iodide (Yoduro de Potasio)
Best Wishes, God Bless You, Take Care
My response: I guess there must have been a religious exemption, because at a few of the upper
class stores you can buy KOSHER NON FLUORIDATED SALT. And that is what I get. I did notice
that the fluoridated salt kicks in the stupid factor really quick. I wondered how bad it was and tried it,
and noticed a huge drop in brainpower within only a few meals. Hard to believe, but true, the salt in
Mexico has got to be spiked really hard. Anyway, I have found the good stuff.
Tornado Alley
Hi Jim, re your comments about building houses out of brick and concrete, It certainly answers my
question as why they don't use earth covered concrete homes in the tornado ally in the US.
My family reckon I'm nuts because I want to build an above ground cave home out of structural plate,
the corrugated steel they use for pedestrian under passes, and cover it with earth. Safe, secure and
warm. What else does one need in home.
My response: The fact that homes are not secure from tornado destruction in tornado alley is cold
hard proof the government is and has been the enemy for a very long time. It is so easy to make a
tornado safe home, cheaper than wood to boot. Wood is by far the most expensive and resource
depleting option of all, WHY, even in the name of the environment, has there not been any stone /
concrete building projects in tornado alley? Well, if you hit this web site much, the answer is not hard
to find.
Up in smoke
Hi, Jim,
My computer literally went up in smoke last Monday early morning. I had gotten a message maybe a
week earlier purportedly from Microsoft saying one of my discs was "corrupted" and I needed to do a
... forget the term. On Monday I turned it on at the surge protector, went into the other room, returned
to find the house entirely engulfed in bluish smoke smelling like electrical wiring. I was unable to turn
on power supply on the black box containing the soft and hardware. My son came down this weekend
and found no fire or smoke damage, looked at the specs and noted it was running extremely slowly,
couldn't even get Windows running for several minutes. He's out looking for parts and I vacuumed out
all the dust etc, turned it on again and waited several minutes to get to my email. Any knowledge of a
computer not yet booted up but turned on only at the wall outlet actually sending out LOTS of smoke?
I will not have a computer for a few weeks until he can take it home and fix it, just wondering about
possibilities. He says it would be impossible for anybody to ruin a computer from remote -- he does
websites for a living, administers them, the works, but I've heard, right or wrong, that it can indeed be
done from remote, that it is possible to send it a surge that overheats or overloads the computer and
breaks it?????
As usual, thanks for all you do and I hope the father in law is getting better!!!
My response: Your power cord went bad. That happened to me once, blue smoke and all. They CAN
destroy computers via remote MANY MANY MANY different ways, but in your case that is not what
Change the cord.
Multicultural invasion Hey Jim, Let me preface by saying wow, I am glad we are making a
difference in peoples lives. Spreading the truth has blessed me to find more of it and learn of the truly
backwards way of "western" and "eastern" society. This site is one of the few with the audicity to
share it all uncut and un-remorseful toward the hypocritical lying 'elite'. THEY KNOW THEIR DAYS
ARE NUMBERED. THE MOST HIGH CALLS, all we need is to have ears to listen, and discern what
must be done to go forward with ACTION. Love and INFINITE Blessings in the time of TAKING BACK
I just got a message saying I won't talk about the third worlders invading Europe! Ok, well then lookie
here, (I have linked this and similar many times.)
IS NOT LINKING FOR ME AND PROBABLY OTHERS.( People need to search the title possibly or
the link address:
*****MUST SEE*****
Moving forward, I'm headed south to Costa Rica to unplug from the American beast, much love and
hope to keep this commo line alive and well throughout the next million miles my friends in this
My bad on that link, I forgot the http:// part. Server out?
Hi Jim.
Sebastián from Quito, Ecuador.
In past days I entered your web page typing: I can´t do it any more, a message appear
server out. I tried to enter typing: freelance but only some permalink pages appear.
After trying some web links I get in, in my adress bar appear: What can you tell
ecuadorians about CIA, NSA infiltrations in the country. Can you give us some names. I really
appreciate your work and your eforts, if you need any help from this small country in the iddle of the
world, just ask, Best Regards.
My response: There have been no server outages. So I would like to remind people that the DNS
servers can be told to say "server out" when a web site still exists. To circumvent DNS attacks on this
web site just drop the numbers into your browser to circumvent blockages to this web
site (that bypasses DNS) and I set this particular web site up that way on purpose after the FCC took
over the web. . . . . .And about CIA operations in Ecuador I don't know much, other than that they are
there. They hate Ecuador with a purple passion.
Here's a good one:
Is it true that some states are pushing to have laws made so that people can choose their official
gender just by saying that they self identify themselves as a female or male (sometimes neither or
both)? I've heard that some universities are allowing that.
So what happens when draft-dodgers simply say "I identify as a female so I refuse to
register/enlist"? I bet the powers-that-be won't let that stand for a minute. That would be the start to
the smack-down of all of that transgender stuff. I'd love to see thousands of 18 year old men refusing
to register with selective services because they self-identify as female. I'll bet that it's already
happening and they're letting it side and not allowing any press coverage of these cases in the hopes
of it not becoming a growing movement.
My response: This would be a great meme to get started!
I need to give you and your readers a heads up.
After reading this it will become apparent that Russia is in on the whole ‘the Zionists want to get rid of
us’ theme.
In the last week I have sent your website address to three people. This was done as plain text in the
body of the email itself.
After seeing the email bounce back after being sent to an AOL account (and later in the week from 2
hotmail accounts), which completely floored me as it showed the extent of cooperation amongst the
big boys, I tried telling my Dad what had happened and he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it so I
told him to go to various websites which is when his computer locked up and couldn’t be used to go to
those URLs.
I said to myself, ‘Ok, You fuckers if this is how you play then screw you.’ I then got him to use
Teamviewer to see my desktop while I went to those websites I was trying to get him to go to and I
was able to do so. The next thing I did was to create a new email and in the body of the email typed
your website address in and then sent it to a friend’s AOL account. This bounced back immediately
with a reason why (I was doing this while explaining to my dad what he was seeing).
The next thing I did was to go to the AOL link to show him what the AOL link said. It stated that the
email was prevented from being delivered because it contained a URL that people had complained
about (!). I showed my dad the underlying code of your site and pointed out that there was absolutely
no malicious code in the page at all. I then showed him one of the reasons why your site is blacklisted
by going to the pages about Jenin and told him (while showing him) that your site was the only one
that I knew of that had this info on it. He was pretty much floored when he saw those images as he
had never seen any of them.
Russia is playing part in this
Ok. Moving forward a week or so…… I have now begun to have severe problems with my MAIN email address
that I have used for 18 years in that some fucker(s) in Russia are now using it as a spam relay and I have been
unable to use it consistently for about a week now. In the last hour (when this really took off) I have had over
200 emails bounce back with at least 10 emails per incident trying to be sent from ‘my’ email address. This
also ties in with me moving my hosting from one company in the USA to another in the USA. This was done
because the first one started gouging me for how much they were charging me for the hosting.
So if anyone thinks that the Russians are the ‘white knights’ they are falling for the masterful ‘smoke
and mirrors’ being played out on the world scene. These guys are the foil to the West and it’s
decadence, amorality and decline. I need to qualify this by saying that when I refer to the Russians I
refer to the same breed of scum that infest the West (Zionist/Khazarian filth), not the Russian
Your thoughts Jim?
My response: there is no way to configure Cpanel to prevent this, Cpanel is server and the web is
the problem. However, RUSSIA is definitely part of this game, Russia never fell, they just
needed an excuse to explain why so much of the government vanished, and these people
went straight into the U.S. government to smash it down. Make no mistake, when I address the
Jewish community or the greater problem with America it is these people I am addressing, I
have said this numerous times on this site - that the Jews who destroyed Russia changed
tactics and were sent to the U.S. after the hoax of the Russian collapse. Who knows if Putin
will really block them from returning. I doubt he will.
My gut says we will see Russia spring back up once the final death sentence of America has
been carried out. And it is all a Jewish operation, control of nations, that is all they do. The
problem is much much bigger than people think.
Interesting . . .
Dear Jim Stone:
You don't know me, I'm an internet mini-star on G+, and a lot of people trust me for my
knowledge, because I speak from experience & what I've learned from trusted sources, and
though I'm not a college grad or former NSA employee, I did however qualify for Army
Intelligence, but I ended up getting kicked out because I'm not a brainless murderer, sorry...
Anyway, one thing I'd like to bring to your attention is, almost all electronic parts are
manufactured in China, with the exception of the critical pieces like the CPU (Haifa
Israel/UK?), and I believe this is done on purpose to ensure the elite have their back door.
Also, I believe that with all of these allegations of Chinese hacking, let's get real a firewall will
detect a lot of China IP addresses pinging them constantly, I'm led to believe that Israel or the
UK (Read Corporate Interest in China) have done the proverbial...
Also, I believe that these routers we get from China may also be the "Broadcast Box", letting
them see you are online... There truly is no telling what these people could be embedding into
the hardware code of electronics, considering China has the world's fastest super computer,
I'd be willing to bet that the plans of the globalist are to operate out of China with "The Beast",
e.g. the NWO Computer Network that they plan to use to handle digital banking / finance...
I've already seen a significant amount of Asian accountants here in the US, it makes you
wonder with the H1B1 if they didn't simply send them to America to train them, export them
back to their country to teach, and grow a network of highly intelligent Anti-American
(Not to mention Anti-EU cells as well)
Spain to grant citizenship to descendants of Jews it persecuted in 1492 and billions in reparations.
My response: A good way to know when Kikes have totally usurped a nation's government is
to just see when those nations start "paying reparations". They got away with this with
Germany, now they are going right down the list and will have ALL NATIONS eventually
paying them reparations to such an extent that all nations will be destroyed if they can get
away with it.
Little problem here - HE SAYS HE WILL LET YOU DO THIS, but also says HE WILL
hang yourselves FIRST!
look into the Federal Reserve scam, I am in fact bang on with that!
Playing dead You should play dead for a 3 month period without internet or banks or anything. keep
the website as it is , without updates. find out for yourself what will happen in case they take you out.
you need to be in hiding anyways until the cost clears. .
My response: I won't do that, going silent would be exactly what they would want. It is much
better to have people be waiting for daily updates, there is a huge amount of safety afforded
by that.
I have been looking into this John Kerry thing and what i can say is the photo released of him
in the hospital on the phone is probably an old photo certainly he has no broken femur. One
leg is bent off to the side and he is resting a file on the other there is no sign of a cast or of
bandages and if he had surgery as stated because of a shattered femur we would at least see
a cast of some sort If he is alive and well then why would they fake the photo? It is out there
for anyone to see and clearly he is not suffering from a broken femur. Probably an older photo
of him in the hospital for something else he has on a denim shirt and anyone that has been
hospitalized know that after you are admitted and have had surgery you will be wearing a
hospital gown of some sort. Anyone fooled by this photo is a lost cause I am not sure what
did happen but am certain this is not a current photo of a 71 year old kerry recovering from a
broken femur. It is said that a broken femur is the worst pain a man can feel (natural child birth
for women) Stay safe and keep up the good work
More Kerry You don't need me or anyone else to say this - affirming your own sentiments
expressed here - that John Kerry's leg injury from a bicycle accident would have allowed a
bedside media event, at a minimum, by now. The injury was on May 30th, it has been 13 days.
Apart from strokes or fatal complications, you have had people with open heart surgery able
to at least wave at the cameras and smile in considerably less than 13 days. WHAT will the
Obama administration do for a press release in, say, another two weeks? "Secretary Kerry fell
out of his bed and down the stairs, sustaining a boo boo on the forehead. He's been flown to a
boo boo specialist in South Africa - or is it Tajikistan? - and we'll get back to you all later"?
Bullet wounds can be tricky, of course, but many of those, too, would allow for a reassuring
hospital room media blurb after a couple weeks. So are they doin' a facial on his up and
coming double? If not, the only possible alternative is they are preparing some really rum
scandalous materiel to be found on Kerry's computer, e-mail, whatever that will go along with
his disappearance. I don't know. This may prove to be one of the great stories of our day.
God If you do not like my God/Bible post it wont do any good for you to send links to how
magicians in contact with aliens wrote the bible or other things, I have one thing to say on this
topic, GOD IS REAL and whatever religion you practice is second after you get the first part
right. END OF DISCUSSION on this topic.
We all know this story -
about life in america:
girl needs a permit to sell lemonade in texas.
Black helicopter witness The black helicopter is worrisome. When I was in the service a navy
seal told me a story about how his team was flown to Mexico to take out targets in a home in
Mexico city. He said the family - young kids, wife and husband - were all English speaking -
likely americans. He was ordered to eliminate them because they were extreme threats to the
american government. This happened not long after 9/11 so his whole team was gung ho
against all threats - but it never set right for him. They took a helicopter in the middle of night
to a house/compound and did their "job" much like was shown for the Osama hit. I am not
trying to fear monger here - just saying that prayer may be your best weapon if you don't plan
on moving soon. Prayer works - so ask Jesus to confuse your enemy and hide you away from
HAVE A HUGE VOICE YET. This web site is actually protection because if I vanish people will
ask questions. The worst predicament is to know of evil and be alone in that knowledge, that
way when they kill you no one will know why it happened.
Air rifles
"No air rifle has broken the sound barrier yet" Yes there are, sounds like the crack of .22...
My response - That is interesting, I have not checked up on them lately and if there are any
that can break the sound barrier and match a 22 long in impact I am IN. THAT would be a
worthy purchase . . .
Trans gender
The NWO is ramming all of this trans gender acceptance because they must be expecting an
exlposion of sexually confused humans in the not so distant future. They are training the
children to accept other sexually confused children. Could it be that all the the endocrine
disruptors (roundup, phalates, BTA etc are producing the "new" type of amorphic humans
that the elite have been talking about for so many years? They have known for many years
that endcrine disruptors can change the sexuality of a embryo. This could also be a result of
something in the vaccines as well. Any thoughts on that?
My response- Some good thinking there. Yep, I bet that along with brain damage the vaccines
are likely to be gender benders as well. Never thought of that, but probably true.
Something I knew about but never mentioned
Jim, I thought you might find this interesting if you haven't already heard about it. It's about an
incident from two years ago. Very revealing and frightening for what it says about the
deviousness of and dangerous way of implicating Goyim in criminal activity.
My response - Yep, false flagging and framing up everyone, this is how they operate. This
actually happened a couple years ago unless this is yet another repeat.
An aspect of solar panels I did not cover recently
Jim look at amorphous vs crystalline solar panels... amorphous is super efficient and works in
part sun whilst the crystalline only works in full sun. The scam is clear. Push the inefficient
solar and crush the efficient so the sheeples get inferior tech. Do a search on ebay for
amorphous solar panel and then do one for crytalline and you will get an idea. Cheers SigeB
from Au
My respònse - One thing I have not covered is the difference between amorphous and silicon
solar panels. Amorphous are less efficient but will work with any light. Polycrystalline are
approximately twice as efficient but they wont work when it is cloudy, and if so much as a fly
lands on a polycrystalline panel it can cut the output by a huge amount. A single leave can
completely turn a polycrystalline panel off. Any shade on any portion of a polycrystalline
panel renders it totally useless. So there are huge differences between the two, if you are
willing to maintain your panels on a regular basis and pretty much always have good sun,
Polycrystalline will be better but if the going gets rough, amorphous are often better.
LINUX AND MORE Hi Jim. It's Walking Turtle.
So: Anonymous wrote: ..."For the truly suspicious, there's one which you compile yourself
from source (sorry, I forget the name)."
It's called "Linux from Scratch". is the go-to spot for that distro. I think
it's the ONLY distro that the savvy end-user can readily do their own security audit on. Sure to
be a time-consuming process for the proficient, doubtless with a steep learning curve for the
novice. I'd need to gin-up Yet Another Box to manage it without disrupting this office. (So time
constraints keep YT runnin' on a fine Mepis+Debian "Hybrid" installation for now, BUT.)
Stay alive and vocal, Jim. This world needs you - and many more of your kind - to survive.
Heaven bless you forever for all you have done for the Rest of Us!
By the way: Is there any easy way you might be able to change the text on that "SUBMIT"
button to "SEND"? Those two words, of course, carry near-diametrically opposite
connotations. (I am no submissive one. Nor are you, Brother.) Moreover, with that wee tweak,
two whole bytes of precious bandwidth would be conserved with every page-load - GOOD for
the Web if EVERYONE did it but we all know what gang o'thugz demands that we all SUBMIT
to THEIR will in all things... Go figger.
Net effect: The "fit" of that change on this site, of all sites, would additionally (to my own
atypical sensibilities) be PERFECT. IMHO (for, thank Heaven, I am not a degree'd
psychologist) that move would prove to be VERY GOOD for the truth-reading public's mind.
Thanks again for having consented to be born onto this hellion-hijacked planet, just when you
are most needed! One must always remember that ALL those hellions STILL have authentic
personal names, verifiable physical addresses, traceable phones, FAX machines, motor
vehicles etc. (Useful Holes in the Armor, hm.)
FWIW: Frank Zappa's "It Can't Happen Here" number from his "Freak Out" album rises to mind
in that context. Another sharp-minded Mil Intel Brat - reckon he also hit the DU issue spot-on,
DECADES before anyone else, due to the little-considered Dinner Table Effect.
Then the fire turned green. And here we are today. No need to publish all this ramblin' but
there's your Pure Source Linux distro at any rate.
Much love always! And that is all. 0{:-)o[
My response - I cannot change that button because it is just what the browser puts up. The
mail window uses the code in your browser to do everything, and to make it work in this case I
cannot have what I want, er, eh, on another topic I would really like more time right now but I
have to go tend my father in law, (and cannot get back online with the laptop because
someone will not allow it!)
Startpage What's happened to StartPage??? Beside its search bar it now says "enhanced by
Google" and it is providing more limited content than it used to?
My response: "powered by Google is nothing to brag about anymore, I am not surprised it is
now "limited", and truth be told, huge sectors of the web are more than "limited", they are
Powered by Google now means: We are either complicit in the destruction of information
knowingly, or far too stupid to ever know what "enhanced" means in that perspective!
BTW, I started using duck duck go recently and have discovered that the web opened back up
again, it seems all Google wants to up front now is sponsored garbage and stuff posted by
kikes because they get a higher trust score page rank, garbage or not. Google turned to trash,
sort of like that "free" DVD someone handed out that was just a big ad from start to finish,
Google is the resource for the enemy and only feeds the enemy traffic now. If I try to do
ANYTHING with Google now all I hit is content that is devoid of real info and instead fronts for
one commercial interest or organization or another and sometimes the veil of concealment is
quite thin. Now Google will show you exactly who the elite favor. Good boycott tool. Just diss
anything Google turns up. Time for change.
Here`s a good one
Jim, I love your work, keep up the good fight. So, I have a Samsung Galaxy S4; In
settings+more+security, I scrolled down to "trusted credentials". Since searching for some of these on
Al Gore's internet turned up nothing... I disabled the entire list. This made my smartphone, well dumb.
Nothing worked nor could i search on any internet based app. Long story short, re-enabling 6 "trusted
credentials" named "Geotrust####" resulted in a fully functional internet based search app working
again. My question is what is;
"(c) TURKTRUST BILGI llestisim ve....
A-Trust GES. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr...."
"China Internet Network Information Center"
"E-Tugra EBG Bilisim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A S"
"Japanese Government"
to name a few "Trusted Credentials"
So in summary 6 out of 160 "Trusted Credentials" made my smart phone fully functional.. WFT
My comment: Don't know what to make of this, other than that people should know and that
Samsung makes that beloved smart TV where they openly admit they are going to spy and the
freaking thing has a camera that is always on. Way to go Samsung! HA! No Samsung for me
Bruce Jenner
How can the Olympic Committee change Jenner's name? Isn't that falsifying records? More
and more I'm hearing how the youth don't have issues or bias towards lgbt because they have
been "educated" about it. On the sports talk radio they were discussing how a parent may be
shocked to see a transgender man in the woman's restroom but the 7 year old daughter
wouldn't give it a second thought. All four of the host are parents and they all agreed how
good it is that the youth are being taught to accept these things. Sellouts everyone one of
My comment: It is all phoney. On Sports Talk Radio they will all be part of the agenda, and it is
their job to sway as many dufus eaters as they can into the trash bin. Anyone with an ounce of
wit will call it for what it is, thank God people like you prove that they are not going to just get
this easily.
Jenner Olympic name change???!!!@!¿¿!!
Another Mexico comment
You forgot to mention that the migrants can come up here and work in the orchards of Michigan for
six months or more (expert workers) and then return to Mexico with their houses intact, while
neighbors or relatives keep an eye on the house, and it isn't taxed out of existence. Yes I love Mexico
too in spite of some thievery and bribery. Parents tell me that their children are safer in Mexico than in
the USA (meaning California)
My comment: If the people only knew. I have had many spooky encounters in American cities and
never once had one in Mexico, really, it is a much safer place. Just stay out of the border zone, that's
a bad spot.
Google Fudge factor
Aha! - So,Google is fudging numbers..... Interesting!
James Corbett is discussing the fact that Google is impeding alternative media. Alternative
viewpoints. Alternative editorials etc., Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Green Crow
picked up on that also
In a way, oddly enough, that's reassuring.It helps me understand the why of post reading counts,
literally disappearing. Rather then scratch my head- I now know with more certainty it's just
censorship, Meted out by google, as they carry out tyranny's bidding.
My response: It is indeed bad for the Alt media. Here is a little tidbit though - I have received
messages from others in the alt media who have said their traffic fell off by 80 percent after Google
made the switch. However, my numbers did not drop (other than by what is now being spoofed)
because Google never sent me more than 0.0075 percent of hits, and if they say they sent more it is
a LIE. Obviously they pump numbers on their side, but factually, actually Google never meant
anything to me at all. What did it? The TSUNAMI BOMB, prior to that, when the web site was
photography, many of my photos were PRECISE FIRST hit in Google. That changed with the
Fukushima report . . . . .
I could care less about Google, the tweaking did not do jack. And they never allowed adsense here
Black helicopter I find it hard to believe american/israeli black hightech helicopter would let you
escape. they captured and killed bin ladden in Pakistan and give him a solemn religious sea burial, 14
years after his natural death and his body disintegrated, then you could be riddled with bullets from
above or captured any time. I don't think you can Split fast enough to escape from sealteam 666.
My response: Stupidity like yours is a problem for all of us. Some people do not "get it".
Obviously the black helicopter was sent to see if my cell modem really was associated with
that address. It no doubt had equipment on board that picked up the signal and confirmed my
location while I was online accessing locations they know are mine.
I doubt it was the Mexican government that did that. Most likely the chopper belonged to a billionaire
kike that outfitted it with all the gizmos and it had no guns mounted because you can't fly a war
aircraft anywhere and get away with it. And even if it was officially Mexican, they can't just haul off
and frag a house in plain sight in the middle of a city, where they will die on the stage of public
opinion for doing so!
You have a problem. You live in a little fantasy world where nothing is considered other than
your immediate intellectual gas, you can`t see the big picture and are clueless about how this
1. Overfly the house, nail the cell modem, confirm location.
2. Send secret agents to case out the house and learn entry/exit patterns.
3. If these patterns can be successfully determined, then plant drugs or other criminal evidence while
the target is away.
4. When your target is confirmed home, storm it with police and do a "bust".
5. Under the plausible cover provided by this, dispose of your undesirable.
Dear reader who sent that idiotic 3rd class slam, if you are too stupid to know THAT is how it is done,
please smash your keyboard in a million pieces and use your MOUSE ONLY to surf porn and click
through games, we don't need you puffing smoked horse shit into the public conscience.
I have been safe where I normally am BECAUSE: MY HOUSE has triple barricaded
solid steel entry and armed guards. The first totally impassable steel entry is 20 feet
away from the house in plain sight of the armed guards and you can't just go
through that to plant evidence without definitely getting noticed and you can't go
over it because it has stabbers along the entire length. And once past that, the real
challenge starts with dogs that are proven biters and much harder barricades on
the house itself that you have to cut through while getting bit if you don't want to
attract attention by shooting the dogs. NO SHIT. I did it right you stupid dork, GET A
LIFE, God that pissed me off!
I have not previously stated how I really set things up to stay safe, believe me, my survival is not a delusion or
by accident! The main problem is that this house I am at now has no security guards (which is why I am there,
DOH!), and could be accessed fairly easily because it does not have even ONE barricade that is as good as
the weakest one in my normal home. I therefore have to get "safety" by making what is going on public
knowledge, because they only work in secret and if the gig is up, they back off. If you do not know
even that much, please smash your keyboard and . . . . .
U.S. homes
Jim:Your comments about usa bs "homes" is spot on.Take a look at this funny story about a "quality
home" meets the armed gestapo.Hysterical!
My response: No link came through but I can imagine what is in the video - you can cut an American
home in half and make it fall over with a single chain fed AK-47 or other endlessly supplied small
automatic rifle in approximately 45 seconds, nothing more is needed. The bullet stream will simply cut
the home in half and from there whether or not it falls is all up to balance . . . . . . in the examples I
have seen of this being done the homes fell in on themselves.
Hard to believe? Figure this then:
Most automatic rifles will go 25 rounds per second or more. 25 rounds times 45 seconds equals 1,125
rounds. If the home is 100 feet long (almost none are) that equals almost 1 bullet per linear inch of
house, and the bullets from an AK will go all the way through and out the back wall in most places.
Now think for a moment - this means that in 22.5 seconds over 550 rounds (enough to put a bullet
through almost every linear inch of a 50 foot house) and it would not take 1 bullet per inch to do the
job, it would take more like 1 bullet every 2 inches or so because the bullets shred what they hit. AK
vs American home? How about more like 15 seconds .. . . . the situation really is that bad. Results
would vary, but in no case would most American homes survive more than 30 seconds. And what if
that AK is loaded with tracer rounds? Then you have 1,000 little fires to put out IF the home is still
standing. What about a more probable scenario - 5 or more AK`s?
No brainer: Tyranny LOVES your predicament! No AK would get through a Mexican
home without sitting there and chipping away at it for a while.
Jim, Do you want an idea of how far down the crapper America has gone?
They still think its the 50s were any hardworking young man can easily pay for a house, a car, and a
family. Despite years, and years, and years of job searching for a good job (with a qualified resume),
they think my problem is a lack of motivation, and I'm just not "looking in the right places" or "talking to
the right people".
My response: This is because the CNN B.S. wash has cleaned their minds with aplomb!
Kicking butt. . . .
Jim:you're spot on about Amerika.About breaking those "laws"(ROFL).Having traveled the road over
2 score years,some observations.There are communities in the US Reich that are no go zones.No
crime problem and don't try a smooth legal maneuver.They know where you live.Vets make up some
of those communities.The criminals(street or city hall)know of their existence and avoid them.Wrong
home swat raid?Not with that bunch.Back in the 80's,Seattle,drug dealers made a major mistake an
set up a drug house down the street from a certain home.When Saturday rolled around,don't know
who let the first round fly.Drug dealers versus Army Rangers.It was a hoot:-).For an OS,try Puppy
Linux.There's a version for BC to AD.Secure as you want to make it.Always pull your wifi card and
use a wifi dongle.Now,what's wrong with Amerika?Recommended study at the following links.( ++ ++ **(CE 025 cd )
I've been checking in on your site now for a while and wanted to ask you a question about vaccines. I
read with interest your post about the H1N1 vaccine as well as the T4 bacteriophage article you
posted a while ago and I am now concerned about my children who are 5 and 4 years old
respectively and have both received all vaccinations recommended by the NHS (I live in the UK). We
did get a recommendation that my son received the H1N1 vaccine a year or two ago but we didn't
take up the offer thankfully and my daughter hasn't had it either. I really wish I had become aware of
the vaccine information before but do you think standard vaccines in the UK are tainted or are the
experiments confined to vaccines like H1N1 or the HPV vaccine (they try to give girls aged 13 in the
UK). I certainly won't be allowing my children to receive any more vaccines but am interested in your
thoughts on the UK and its vaccination program and how it compares to the USA.
My response: I have no answer for the UK, what are the autism rates like? That would be your
answer. Moving to Mexico Fran wrote:
Jim, I love your website. The more I read I want to sell my house,pack up and move to Mexico. I am
semi retired and work part-time for a school system as no one in the good old USA can really retire
comfortably. I am fortunate as I have been a gardener,canner and baker for 35 years and know
where to buy non GMO meats and pork. I think my sister would agree. I don't see much of a future in
the US and would have bailed out years ago if it weren't for my 88 year old mother and my grand
I have a lot on my plate and would love to find a peaceful oasis to truly retire to. Thank you for
keeping us informed. I have had no problems viewing your site for 3 years here in NC. God Bless and
keep you safe. Fran
My response: Check out San Miguel in the state of Guanajuato. That would be a great
retirement destination. If you need a warm climate there are lots of gringos in puerto vallarta
but as a town well, it is bunk.
More on Mexico (this is a good one)
Hi Jim, Good work! This is "Guadalupe", a regular reader. I am a US expat and have been living happily in
central and southern Mexico for over a decade. The readers should know that everything Jim Stone says about
Mexican culture is spot-on. There is an obvious US (CIA) media campaign to always paint Mexico in a bad or
stupid light, and those impressions usually either only apply to the frontier region, which is a whole differient
world than the rest of Mexico, or it is flat out and 180 degrees wrong.
Mexicans on the average are far wealthier than the US when one studies reality, but they are
freedom loving and independent by nature, so not as much of the wealth shows on the
outside as in the US and when it is shown, it is usually real, not borrowed wealth. Most
Mexican wealth is hidden both from the public AND from their own government. The poverty is mostly
just a error of data collection which appears on official accounts of secretive people, although there
are many Mexican who are only too willing to promote that myth so that they can skim more fat from
government agencies. It seems that in fact most of the economy is off the books. Most Mexicans
carry far less debit load than the US also.
Also just because they passed laws against guns, does not REALLY mean that most Mexicans
gave up their guns... al-contrario! My response: Gotta laugh, 100 percent spot on!
From Germany:
Hi Jim! Best regards from germany!! Today we "enjoy" the G7 Meeting in Germany and then the Bilderberg
Meeting in Austria! Many people are protesting now in Garmisch-Partenkirchen against G7, the war in Ukraine
and the Bilderberg-Meeting!
And we enjoined a historical act. First Time in history of Bilderberg was an member from the steering
commitee of Bilderberg guest on a TV Broadcast and tried to explain, how harmless this Club of
Monsters is!! Haha! Many people in Germany make a run to the authorities and asked how necessary
the high security costs are? We don´t want to pay for crimanals! That was the clear message and
they are going more afraid! That´s wonderful and it is only possible, cause people like you have had
the spot on these guys! Thanks Jim and stay alive!
Anonymous wrote: I hope you are filtering your input... script alert(1); /script ' OR 1=1--
My response: Learn something new every day. Thanks!
Anonymous wrote: "There are plenty of good Linux distros which are not based on Ubuntu. Most of
them are based on Debian. I like Manjaro best, then Mint (LMDE), then Arch. No doubt there are
dozens of other good ones. For the truly suspicious, there's one which you compile yourself from
source (sorry, I forget the name). My nephew the IT professor uses it because he can tailor it to have
just the SW that he wants. Then there's always the *BSD crowd."
My response: I'd like the one I compile myself to run live. It would definitely be MINUS SUDO,
which was in reality written as an experiment to see if a package could totally compromise
Linux. It definitely does, Sudo is DEATH.
The black helicopter
2 years ago I was watching a friends house in South Seattle. I would always see military helicopters
and even the occasional black unmarked helicopter. This did not concern me because there are
many military bases in Western Washington.
HOWEVER! One day I looked out the back window and I saw 3 HELICOPTERS THAT WERE SO
MODERN THEY LOOKED STRAIGHT OUT OF HALF-LIFE 2! What was even creepier was that they
were doing a low flying swoop around me. They were close enough to hit with a BB gun.
I dont know if it meant anything, but it goes to show that there is whole hidden world out there that
people are too apathetic to notice.
My response: This helicopter was obviously built for speed. It looked way more modern than an
Apache, was totally jet black and had no visible markings. It came and left at a great speed. Even at a
great speed its rotor tips were not breaking the sound barrier (no classic helicopter sound) which
means it had to have been very advanced. Who has that type of gear? I would not expect that
particular helicopter to be a normal Mexican item. The approach and retreat was totally (and I mean
totally obviously for that house. The subsequent total stoppage of internet service was too much, I
SPLIT. Photographed the house to document what it is and left within minutes.
It made an Apache look so 70`s, there was not a single place on this particular helicopter for the wind
to catch anything, it was totally sleek. Far more advanced than an Apache and approximately the
same size, no wheels or skids, retractable landing gear. I was spooked to say the least.
Hunchback wrote:
Hi Jim, I read your article about Mexico freedom. You asked “How much freedom has American
ownership of firearms given Americans, when they are all too sissy to use them appropriately?...” My
reply: The Citizens of the United States have been buying guns and ammo for the last five years. I
don’t think it’s for hunting deer You say sissy for not using them appropriately. Define appropriately
breaking the law, and you have a point. I think more appropriately would be protecting yourself when
all goes south. We can’t start the war we can only finish the war. The Zionist have spent over 100
years getting us into the position we are in. We didn’t do it. We do not have the freedoms we once
had, but this is still the last country stopping them from world domination. Once the USA goes under
Mexico will follow in the blink of an eye as well as the rest of the world.
Why if Mexico has so much freedom do they come to the United States or is it because they believe
their teachers when they say we stole this country from them (point being they are starting to get lied
to in their schools). Is it because they want the handouts Obama is giving the illegals. They are
more than willing to break our laws. I have listened to them brag up here that we don’t have to
follow your traffic laws we are guests. They broke our immigration laws. They are getting a
free ride here and I don’t blame them for taking it. I watched a dishwasher send $50,000 home
to Mexico in about eight years. I couldn’t save $50,000 in forty years. I know the Zionist don’t
want us to have anything and have seen to it. I have had my home stolen from me after thirty
years paying for it. I have watched my Dad talk to people from the time I was fifteen to his
death. I have spent fifty-five years talking to people myself. Fact is I didn’t chose to be born
here or anywhere else. Fact is until people quit fighting each other and treating each other so
condescendingly (really Joe Cool) we will never stand a chance.
I have watched the right wing for 55yrs fighting each other. They all want to make money and be the
leader. For ten years now they have tried fear tactics to get their membership up. Remember y2k I
think the fear ploy started there. My Dad said ”don’t get bitter” to me more than once. I feel sad for our
nation and the people. When this turns into the mess it will it won’t be good for man or animal. I wish
they would all wake up, but with the years passing it just gets worse. The people need a leader and
not a scorner. God blessed this nation and brought us the leaders in the past. When it gets bad
enough the people will turn back to God and beg for their lives. The Bible says every knee shall bow.
I have to say this I am new here, but I pay attention. You fled to Mexico because the Jews tried to kill
you. You talk to us about using the guns appropriately? Why didn’t you. In ending this I want you to
think about that. You would have been breaking the law. Obama is about to give our sovereignty
away with TPP and the right wing worries about the latest distraction. Jade Helm. Regards
My response: The crap Mexicans went to the U.S. and the real Mexicans often state that
openly. Many will not come up for a free handout. The police have indeed been told to not
enforce any laws against Mexicans, so they get to see America be the same as Mexico and
never see the tyranny. That works. You are correct here in much of what you say,but my main
point stands:
the opposite was true. What changed in America? Kikedom took over, but to be real, Mexico won't fall
THEM. Gun ban? what a laugh! and the police here won't go along with crushing their beloved
families, everything is connected, the military is not going to stand up and crush the population here,
families are intact and EVERYONE "GETS IT". You are approximately 35 percent correct. I`d say the
Mexican police will probably be the number 1 barrier to a horrible clamp down on Mexico, they all
have automatic weapons, are a dime a dozen and don't give anyone shit because there is just too
much love for everyone here. Love and families will totally screw kikedom over in Mexico. If there is a
clamp down and people here figure out where it came from, there will be kike-b-q festivals on every
The kikes are trying to unify the police force and only have one police force in Mexico rather than the
thousands that currently exist so they can control the police easily. I have seen absolutely no luck
with that one!
And Mexicans are far smarter than I realized with the last election. There was this "movmiento
Naranja which had brilliant ads targeted at stupid people, with an absolutely awesome hypnotizing
song and I thought "uh-oh, that is a very bad movement, it will wreck Mexico!" and I thought Mexicans
would just like the nice song and vote for it. This was not the case, I walked down to where they post
the election results and despite having huge media coverage Movmiento Naranja and many other
horrible options totally flopped. Happily, Morena obviously came in at number 1 but PRI did way too
well for comfort. Morena would obviously save Mexico if he got elected and he is far more wanted
than I thought. That is good news for Mexico. A couple years ago I did a report on Morena on this
web site, I will paste it below here, and time is up.
If your message is not here (practically all are not over the last few days) I did not have time to get to
it, sorry!
Oh, one more quickie "What in your estimation is the ETA of the collapse of the USA?"
My response: Call America as dead as a Ford Mustang that was run up to 150 MPH with no oil in the
engine that just threw a rod as a result and is now coasting to a permanent stop. The situation is
THAT BAD and there will be no rebuild.
On to Morena - this is a report I did in support of Morena a couple years ago:
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, April 22 2012, Mexico City, Mexico
I had a laptop battery problem I needed to solve, and on my way to the Centro de la Technologia,
(a major computer swap meet) I came across Nael Penniman of the Morena Movimiento
Regeneracion Nacional. This organization is attempting to oust the CIA drug lords from Mexico
and restore Mexico to a fully sovereign state.
He spoke fairly good English, and after some time I was able to get his message clearly; and it is:
We know it's the CIA feeding the drug problems in Mexico, We know it is America providing the
weapons to the drug lords and escalating the violence in mexico, and we want America OUT of
Mexico, we don't want the problems, the violence, we want Mexico restored to what it was before
America went into our country and caused so many problems.
He was also aware that the war on drugs was a fraud perpetrated by the same U.S. government that
spawned all the problems to begin with.
He was on his way to a meeting regarding this issue, and was very intelligent and well kept.
As an American who has his own set of problems with said agencies, I would also like to ask the CIA
to stop messing around with other people's countries and get the HELL out of Mexico too!
Mike wrote: Great front page pic of the guy hanging himself! When will America wake up? I just can't
believe ordinary people love having all this shit shoved down their throats. Does anyone have critical
thinking skills anymore or even half a brain? Bruce Jenner? Come on people, don't you get it yet!
How many clues do you need before you figure out your entire world is contrived?
My response: Yep, David Dees nailed it with this one:
Here's a good one - Mexico freedom
Mexico freedom:
In response to my writing about how much more freedom Mexico has, totally unaware wrote:
"How much freedom does Mexico give its citizens to own firearms?"
My response: How much freedom has American ownership of firearms given Americans, when they
are all too sissy to use them appropriately? Let's compare apples to apples:
In Mexico, Pedro put an addition onto his house without government permission and enjoyed it for the
last 50 years of his life. In America, Joe Cool put an addition on his house without getting
government permission, never got to enjoy it, the government came and demolished it, made
him pay for the demolition, gave him a little jail time and then said THANK YOU for paying that
$50,000 fine on top of it all simply because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO SEE TYRANNY
In Mexico, an F4 tornado went through Pedro's neighborhood and because the government allows
brick and concrete homes (which is all you will ever find in Mexico), nothing happened to SOLID
BRICK AND CONCRETE houses that were not hit by flying cars. Those that were hit by flying cars
were damaged by the flying car, but wow, life as normal fairly quickly for almost everyone. In
America, after the government charged Joe Cool $50,000 to rip that cool addition off of Joe
Cool's wooden house , (which is the only thing you can get permission to build practically
everywhere) an F4 tornado hit, blew away his entire town without a trace and now "freedom"
joe cool can't find his gun anyway.
A tornado took his gun away, it did not take the BATF to do that because Joe Cool WAS TOO BIG A
After the tornado, Pedro was without a car because it visited the neighbor (with force), so he decided
to sell tamales to get over his losses, in an aluminum pot on the back of a bicycle (the way lots of
mexicans do) and ended up clearing $50 USD per day in profit. WOW, after three months of peddling
his bicycle in the evenings selling tamales, he had $4,500 for another half way decent car BECAUSE
In America, JOE COOL decided to sift through the debris for a few posessions to sell, and
when he tried to sell them the government counted, One day, Two days, DAY THREE BAM,
laws, that really is the way it is, garage sales and yard sales started requiring permits which
were only issued two days per year about 10 years ago. This happend because JOE COOL
government is not full of total A-holes, Pedro did better than Joe Cool without a gun.
And Joe Cool never got permission for that hot dog stand, which he never had the guts to ask for, nor
the finances to start up with because the heavy handed government makes those practically
impossible practically everywhere. In Mexico, you can get tacos and tamales and other great food
everywhere, just walk out the door. How easy is it to walk out the door for only a minute or so and
come back with similar in America? There is your freedom answer. If Joe Cool lived in a free country,
he would have been able to dig a grill out of the rubble, set it up with a few packs of hot dogs on a
busy street, sell them and begin the process of survival and putting his life back together
Try THAT in America. THERE IS YOUR "freedom" ANSWER.
The mind control in America was so well done that everything was lost as the flag waved, the football was
kicked, the fish were hooked, and the National Anthem was sung. It is far to late to save the nation now, what
good did owning guns do when there were so many other things that were better to do than protect your
Face it, it is LOST, in America after obamacare is fully implemented you will not even be able to get
private medical anymore. At least in Mexico if you hate their obamacare you can go to as many other
doctors as you want, starting at only $30 pesos, ($2.00) and the doctors are decent! AHH yes,
starting at 30 pesos because the doctor can make a profit at that price because he does not have to
fill out 9,000 forms and pay 50 fees per patient TO THE GOVERNMENT, LIKE YOU HAVE TO IN
Get where I am going here? WAKE UP!
John Lear
John Lear, Dad was Bill Lear, was once asked why they don't kill him and his reply was "they would
go after my parents, wife and children long before they would kill me." Now he was supposedly an X
CIA operative pilot and commercial pilot (Captain).
Much healing energy is heading his way!
My response: Once again I would like to repeat that there is probably no possible way this was any
sort of hit, this was an accident pure and simple. However, I strongly believe they took advantage of
this by making administering the web site hell right at a difficult time.
Jenner joke?
"Bruce Jenner thing is just to get us ready for the BIG announcement that the magic couple in the
White House are weird too"
My response - chuckle
Farganne wrote:
You have just said that "there are probably only 500 people world wide that know of the vaccine
scam" and that the Iranian government is likely to be clueless about it. How does this square with
previous claims that "Tainted Nightmare" went viral and caused governments to change vaccine
My response The warning was for the swine flu vaccine, and that report was specifically about the
swine flu scam. Nowhere in that report did I ever mention that the MMR was tainted, nor Tetanus, nor
other vaccines, that particular report covered the swine flu formulation ONLY.
The policy changes were against forced vaccinations and the swine flu vaccine, in this case
"changing policy" simply meant that various governments were not going to go along with a forced
vaccination campaign for the swine flu. You might remember this was discussed and pushed, and
then suddenly the swine flu just went away. If governments had made the decision that there was too
great of a chance of it all being clandestine and stopped all talk about forced vaccination, it would put
a stop to it all, would it not?
Unfortunately there is still a huge trust in the medical community, and enough time has passed for the
short attention span factor to take over and for more positions to be infiltrated in various governments.
The threat now is actually far worse than it was back then. Don't expect a safe haven anywhere.
Vaccines in Iran
Peter wrote:
Hi Jim,
I looked at news report regarding vaccines in Iran
( and wondered if you know whether or not they
are generally safer there than in the West? I can't imagine Iran wants to brain damage it's entire
populace and render itself even weaker when faced by international sanctions and eventual war
against it. It seems that their rates of autism are less than the West, so that's a positive indicator.
My response: Vaccines are not likely to be one bit safer in Iran than they are in the U.S. because
even people in the American government, as corrupt as it is, are totally unaware of the vaccine scam
taking place. If autism rates are lower it is probably because of a lower vaccination rate.
The scam is being fronted from the full prior well deserved credibility of the medical community, as it
was before it got over run by scamming kikes. The Jewish people are infiltrators and subverters, they
find key segments of a society to infiltrate, and then only infiltrate them in the key positions. In this
case, with the vaccines, there are probably only 500 people world wide that know of the vaccine scam
and are making it happen. These would be the technicians at the pharmaceutical companies
formulating what gets made, but not the people actually making it. It would be the key people at the
top of the FDA making the final decision, not the people enforcing that decision. It would be the key
people at the top of the medical community, (and I am definitely talking Bill Gates here) and not his
stupid following of windows 10 users. It would be the editors at Pub Med and the Lancet, and those
feeding the college professors with defective data.
Since Iran still has a few lessons to learn, and because Iran still trusts these sources, you can safely
bet that a vaccine in Iran is every bit as hazardous, unless (obviously) I missed something.
Interesting comments on Raytheon and more: Barbara wrote:
Jim -- Thanks so much for the info on Cohen's 1997 DOD Conference + cell phone tower power (that
would make a good website name Tower Power) + + + -- I've cut and pasted it to my email so I can
try to memorize it and share it with the neighbor. I was aware of what you said, had just completely
forgotten it.
A friend here was the co-author of the International Bioiniative that began when the utilities tried to
place a giant cell phone tower at a grammar school in Montecito -- bad idea, the wealthy have the
money and power to accomplish good when they are aware, and she is very aware. France has
outlawed the very low frequencies now, discovering they are far worse for us than the higher ones,
however the US is installing them right and left. Though my intuitions are good and I have lots of
education to back them up, I lost my ability to retain much so can't come up with all the great info you
do since I had an MTBI with spinal injuries -- has its upsides, but the downside is frustrating.
My brother is a nano engineer here (former UCSB Physics also) who is NOT on our page, but does
say Raytheon is pure evil and all it does is destructive, yet this brother does not realize the things he
is inventing (microscopes which can measure nano particles and more) also are being used for evil,
sigh. He and my older Stanford EE brother believe microwaves are harmless, geezo! People are so
goofy we're in big trouble. On the upside, at a giant family picnic this last weekend a non-blood
relative shared how 3 of his family died of cancer before 2 more got cancer and got wise, went
to Mexico and were completely cured of Stage 4's there several years ago and still living
today. Several there ARE awake, including 2 very close cousins I'd not seen in 15 years, just not my
nuclear family.
Thanks again!
My comment: Mexico has clinics that cure cancer all the time. Most are on the border. They use
cesium chloride (which is as harmless as table salt) and it seems to cure people every time and is dirt
cheap compared to absolutely phoney chemo. The periodic table also strongly implies potassium
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  • 4.
  • 5. 1.51 GB!UANDUbKQ!z06QRExWKaQ319BceKpFzGRMNDvSTA1urWWr-F2huW8 Farganne wrote: In keeping with your observations on the anti-God agenda -- MY INSERT: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY KEY, PARAMOUNT, AND NO SMALL ISSUE, THE DISBANDMENT OF THE CHAPLAIN CORPS IS AN EPIC SIGN OF THE END TIMES "Questions to the White House on this new initiative went unanswered, but West Wing staff confirmed on background that the administration is currently focus-grouping a policy shift toward a religion-free, sexuality-neutral military.
  • 6. Referencing the recent repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the all-army memorandum (called an ALARACT) says the Army will “lead the way in further bringing the military into a future where all servicemembers are free of bigotry, exclusion and intolerance, and where all identities, family structures and lifestyles are celebrated and supported equally.” It then goes on to declare that the existence of official officers of faith within the ranks is “inconsistent with a new directive … there is no place for mythology and superstition in a 21st-century military, especially when these extreme beliefs are used to justify an unequal work and operating environment.” Also, given your uber-TI (Targeted Individual) status, I URGE YOU to review the following article originally published in Pravda in 2001. It contains claims about satellite-facilitated mind control technologies that older technically-oriented friends tell me were once fairly common knowledge, but are being expunged from the internet. And its follow-up: I am not qualified to verify the technological feasibility / reality of all these claims, but I will tell you, THAT ARTICLE EXPLAINS EVERY SINGLE NASTY AWFUL SYMPTOM I HAVE EXPERIENCED OF EMF HARASSMENT OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. It also explains a period of extremely high weirdness I lived through in the winter / spring of 2010, when I "experienced alien contact" and nearly had my life destroyed as a result. Taking for granted the premise that individuals can be targeted, tracked, and tweaked via their unique "electromagnetic signatures", and given research that I have found on the subjects of meditation, prayer, and a related phenomenon called neuroplasticity, I am working on compiling an array of techniques whereby people of different belief systems and mental proclivities can defend themselves against remote neural monitoring and other forms of psychotronic manipulation; in short, call bullshit on the title of the following article published in the journal of the Army War College: I guess you still don't trust me enough to let me back into the forum, but I still check your site every day and always wish the best for you. Farganne My response: All of this is bang on, and I have let you back into the forum already long ago but I can't get ahold of you, every time I send a message Yandex bounces it no matter what account I use. They just tell me I am banned/blocked as a threat. Part of that wonderful new web I guess . . . . . Is Yandex Russian? That would be quite telling of the real Russian scenario, if it is indeed Russia running all this mind wipe crap in America they would want me blocked. There is a reason I never went to Russia. Snowden is a fool that is alive only because it is politically beneficial to Russia and he is rock stupid beyond his immediate sphere. BEWARE OF WORDPRESS
  • 7. Jade Helm News? Anyone. Wordpress blogs are only being able to be read on site and are not posted to emails anymore. Really cuts down on their exposure. MY RESPONSE: IMPORTANT AND A LONG OVERDUE WARNING: Wordpress is a SCAM, and I mean a HUGE ONE. Here is what Wordpress really is, along with what it pretends to be: Wordpress is a "web authoring tool" which, even when installed and run from your own server forms a bridge to the Wordpress server so they can access, change/deny anything on your system in exchange for the use of their free web authoring software which "makes it all easy and neat" and in reality therefore makes Wordpress no better than a Facebook account even if it is run apparently completely from your own server. I always knew Wordpress was a trap that would eventually be used to trash the web. The sudden silence from ALL wordpress sites that at one time linked to this web site is telling, Wordpress is now using their central server to block links and content, to block mails and more, (just as this reader has warned) and it was all written into their terms of service to begin with. I knew what Wordpress was from day one and avoided it like the plague, I knew it was an up and coming scourge. Why on earth would anyone pay to have their own server set up, use it to run Wordpress, and then be subject to their terms and conditions? And worse, every time I have logged into the old web server it has practically tried to force me to convert the old web site over to Wordpress, this started happening after the FCC took over the web and I am going to warn people now once and for all: WORDPRESS IS DEATH FOR THE TRUTH MOVEMENT. IF YOU GOT CAUGHT IN THE WORDPRESS TRAP IT IS TIME TO UNINSTALL IT AND USE WEEBLY OR SOME OTHER WEB AUTHORING TOOL TO DO THE JOB, IT WOULD BE BETTER TO KISS ALL PAST CONTENT A FINE ADIOS THAN TO DIE BECAUSE EVERYTHING NEW YOU POST IS NOW RENDERED IRRELEVANT IF IT DOES NOT GO ALONG WITH THE OFFICIAL STORY LINE. If you want your links to work and your content to be found and read, wordpress is NOT AN OPTION ANYMORE. Mind control Do you know anything about this subject? A quick search indicates most articles were 2010. First site that comes up says:
  • 8. Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis -- which doesn't portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by "flickering faster than the eye can see." I ask because my son has done a lot of research out of curiosity as to why my eyes see TV and computer screens differently than others he works with, and why his cousin/my niece was recently diagnosed with tritanopia, a rare form of color blindness -- I had always wondered why her drawings/paintings were so heavily orange and purple. He discovered that we all indeed see differently and it has nothing to do with 20/20 vision. He mentioned we have different abilities to see varying flicker rates also. Today when he was here repairing my computer, installing the new parts, I pointed out to him the rapid flicker rate in the popular Home and Garden TV channel programs. He was totally Unable To See It!@#$^&* Yet he has perfect eyesight. I however find it so blatant as to wonder how on earth everybody does not see it? I know that DARPA was working on it many years ago. In the HGTV programs it appears in several of the letters in the lightly shaded words of what's coming up next, or in the drapery patterns or windows or vases or .... It fascinates me that I see it right away and find it ridiculous, when friends and visitors and my son cannot see it at all even right on top of the screen. My response: I busted them for messing with the dithering patterns in computer screens in 2012, and actually forced them to change this. Some of the early readers of this web site might remember when that went on. I noticed after clearly publishing this that somehow an update went through and they stopped the manipulation via the dithering sequences, and have recently noticed (3 years later) that on a few systems it is returning. Here is my original post on this topic, from 2012 Jun 5 2012, updated June 14 2012 Mind control via electronic manipulation Because mind control is a classified topic, it is impossible to nail the subject dead on. However, this article was revealing enough to have created a very strong response from the powers that be. I will soon post an updated video which better explains how Windows 7 and the new LCD display chipsets may be configured for mind control. This article is getting repeatedly hacked. That should say how important it is. If you see any stupid looking "mistakes" check back later because that is the form the hacks are taking. Joe Vialls died while in the process of producing a report like this, and I would bet this is somewhere close to where he was going to take this topic. ____________________________________________________________ This article received a MAJOR update on Thursday, June 14, 2011. The brain is a computer, and like a computer it has a clock frequency that all thoughts, your existence, is centered around. This is a little basic because your brain in reality has multiple simultaneous clock frequencies which interact with each other and serve different purposes for biological function, whereas a microprocessor normally has only one central clock that everything in it synchronizes with. For example, your visual cortex may
  • 9. process at a different frequency than the section of your brain which regulates your heart beat. Feelings and thoughts will run at another frequency. Because your brain is an ultra parallel computer, it can accomplish a lot while using frequencies that are far lower than would be practical in a microprocessor, and these frequencies are in the ELF (extended low frequency) range. The fact that your brain operates on frequencies leaves it open to manipulation via electronic means. Since different moods are reflected by different frequencies, it is possible to electronically force people to be relaxed when they should be angry, laugh when they should be appalled, and give loyalty when they should rebel. There are a number of ways that this can be accomplished, and this report will touch on a few of them. The switch to digital television was un precedented, rapid, and illegal. It was a direct violation of long established standards regulation, which, by the book, required backwards compatibility with legacy devices. It was illegal because it FORCED stations to change format, whether they wanted to or not. Television was not the same as computers, where standards can change in a day and be perfectly legal, because television utilized the electromagnetic spectrum - VHF and UHF, and there were long standing laws in place which clearly stated that there would be no forced changes permitted with regard to how the well established radio frequency bands were used. IF a station, under its own free will CHOSE to start broadcasting digital only, that was up to them, and would have been permitted. The illegal aspect of the switch was the fact that it was forced on everyone, wanted or not. And "they" had a reason. For background, I suggest you read a brilliant article by Joe Vialls that is preserved on this site. In it, he shows a device Hollywood used to manipulate people's response to what was being broadcast over analog television. But the NTSC signal, which all standard definition televisions operated on, really was an ultra stable and hard to manipulate signal standard. This made analog manipulation of people's psychological responses to what was on the screen difficult to achieve in a perfectly uniform fashion. Televisions were designed to reject spurious modulations in the signal, so depending upon each television receiver's differences, you got a different level of effectiveness. This would not do well enough to subdue the population during the final crush of America. They HAD TO get the switch to digital, where things could be manipulated with perfect and predictable digital accuracy. And I have caught them at it, and will tell you how to as well. The method - Vialls believed that they would manipulate public response by getting the correct color flicker at random places on the screen, and he died before they forced the switch to digital television. As it turned out in reality, that is not entirely how they are doing it. Instead, if you look closely at any mid tone area on the screen (an area that is not totally white or totally black, and this will move around the screen depending upon the scene) you will notice a snow effect, which on average makes a perfect picture, but the picture itself is really in fact a subtly modulated "snow storm" where the "snow" always takes upon itself the color of whatever the image is supposed to be in that spot. Gray areas are by far the best place to look for this. The snow will be moving and modulating and circling at the frequency that triggers whatever feeling they want you to have for whatever is on the screen. Keep in mind that there should be NO SUCH THING AS SNOW IN A DIGITAL PICTURE, yet it is there.
  • 10. It is not in all broadcasts. I suggest you observe the screen during any program where they are bragging about being Jewish, are pushing a gay agenda, or are airing a political topic - especially campaign ads and politically weighted news. Anything of a political nature. How to observe the screen - The effect is not obvious. You have to get tricky to see it. So go beneath the TV, up very close to it, at an angle where the picture does not show right. You have to be able to see the sub tones only. And THEN you will see the snow. Computers will do the color shift as well. Take your (LCD) computer screen, for practice before trying it on a big clumsy LCD television, and tilt the screen back until you see a shift in the way the colors are displayed. Many of you have already noticed this. It is at that angle you have to look at the TV, from below and not the side. This will not work on a plasma TV. But on an LCD tv, you will see what I am talking about. Windows 7 will also create and modulate a similar "snow" on computer screens, even in a still picture or desktop image. This is something new, I have always had the latest and greatest computers, and this weird effect only showed up with Windows 7. It is creepy. And I have now learned exactly what that effect is from. It is something I never expected. Back in 2004, technology was more advanced than it is now. Therefore, my Toshiba laptop I had back then had a better screen, with full 24 bit color resolution, which featured 8 bit color for each of the color channels. This enabled it to display 16.7 million colors, and as a result there was no need for an early 1990's technology called dithering to be used to prevent the screen from pixelation due to lack of ability to display a separate color for each pixel. Dithering is a random scattering or movement of pixels to simulate the presence of a greater ability to display color. But when Windows 7 came out, all of a sudden we forgot how to make a good display, and instead of advancing on to 12 bits per color channel (which would have made 36 bit color instead of the 24 bit color we had in the late 90's,) we had to step backwards to six bits per color channel because we just could not produce a video chip for an LCD screen that was capable of doing it anymore. Damn those public schools. But wait, China is advancing, so that cannot be it. That ends the sarcasm. Folks, they sabotaged the screens. Now we are eating trash. Lots of people have noticed and there is a very good reason for them to have sabotaged the screens. Keep in mind that this sabotage coincided precisely with the release of Windows 7 and the forced switch to digital television, which was totally illegal in the way it was carried out. This sabotage gave them a "reason" to put a modulation effect called dithering into every computer display, an effect which can no doubt be used for mind control. I am going to show you a little math. I will keep it simple and not do any binary (even though that is simple if you just sit down and rationalize it out). But since everyone reading this understands base 10, I will do the math in base 10, and you will just have to trust my knowledge of binary. 8 bits of binary will represent 255 different values, plus zero, for a total of 256, including zero. Six bits of binary can represent 63 different numeric values, plus zero, for a total of 64. So by dropping the displays from 8 color bits per channel to 6 color bits per channel, they took a display that was capable of 256X256X256 colors, for a total of 16.7 million colors, and made it into a display that was capable of 64x64x64 colors, for a total of 262,000 colors. For the most part, the most basic of all displays nowadays has a resolution of 1366X768. 1366 X 768 = 1,049,000 pixels. So the most basic of all monitors on the market now, with six bit color depth, can only display 1/4th of the needed colors for it's resolution. This means you HAVE TO modulate the pixels with dithering, especially on a nice
  • 11. screen which displays at 1920X1080, which equals 2,073,000 pixels or you will get a blotchy or grainy off colored look to any color picture displayed on the screen. Why would they willfully choose to have all displays take a quantum leap backwards (in this case approximately 12 years) when there was no feasible economic reason to do it? LCD technology is old now, there is no reason to be stuck in the last century with it, unless, of course, you wanted to make an EXCUSE and provide a VENUE through which a mind control effect could be added to any online content or offline program. Digital television provided them with a way to bypass the NTSC limitations and lunge forward with full on mind control embedded in a picture, and having a computer be a refuge from this simply would not do. Now we have irritating noisy screens, and there is no rational reasonable explanation for it other than clandestine intent. And it is interesting that the new Mac Books do not do it, only PC computers do. Why?. Ask Microsoft. Two years ago we had 8 bit color depth per channel. Now we have 6 bit color depth per channel. And there are three channels. Three channels with six bits of color depth each = 666, and that's just perfect for the luciferian cabal in power, at the Bilderberg conference where what the little people are going to have gets decided on. Want to know what REALLY CAME OUT OF BILDERBERG? It's six bit per channel color depth, when public choice, the true free market, would have driven it upward to 12 instead of downwards. And why? It's because it gave them a plausible explanation for the modulations on the screen that many would notice, and some GEEK would just stand up and say, OH, don't worry, it's just DITHERING. And with that big word as an explanation, everyone would just shut up. Shut up and forget about the 80's and 90's, where it would have actually been needed. And if anyone wants to argue this I suggest first grabbing a Windows XP laptop and try to find this effect. Try to find it on a 10 year old laptop. That ought to make you wish for the good old days. Nowadays, your "urgent windows update" could be nothing but a new dithering algorithm that is based upon your psychiatric "needs" as defined by an elite few, a decision based upon what you read, surf, write . . . . . . . . I am going to post an updated version of the previous video, which explains this, but I have to finish it first Update May 18 2013 - the dithering video got removed from Youtube, and lost in a hard drive crash but I found it in a backup and will re-post it here shortly. I think I am going to update this report and front page it again. Other things to look for - They can also simply flicker the entire screen in a subtle way (this would be with a TV only because with a computer it would be too obvious). To observe this, turn off all the lights and leave the room the television is in, and while able to see into the room the television is playing in, but not able to see the TV itself, turn to the side and observe the light coming from the TV with your peripheral vision, which is sensitive to flickering. If they are modulating the entire screen, you should be able to see it this way, and it will be a very rapid and even flicker, like a fast strobe. I would expect this to not be as commonly used, but used sparingly when it is needed most to form public opinion, like after a terror attack. Obviously strobing the entire screen is more effective than the snow approach, but it is also a lot riskier. Fortunately for them, during emotional times like after 911, people are very unlikely to notice because they are too caught up in the event. There is something fishy with the cell towers Beyond a doubt, the cell towers in America are NOT what we have been told they are.
  • 12. A reader sent me this: . . . . .“Jim, Years ago I owned a telecommunication and underground utilities construction company, and many of the contracts involved bringing electricity, fiber optics, etc to underground bases in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, and Texas. I had to go through a lot of background investigations and sign documents saying I would not divulge where I “my company” was bringing these utilities to. My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they had us bring so much electrical power to these cell towers. Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. (editor's note, HXXrp is a communications protocol I heard about at the NSA. I tried googling it to no avail, all that comes up is coincidence hits.) I believe they can control the weather. Also, all of us have a frequency pattern we emit and these cell and wifi towers can interfere with those frequencies." . . . . . I can just visualize Physicist bob, rolling his eyes as he read that about the cell towers affecting people. After all, Cell towers operate in the Ghz range, and clearly the brain cannot interface with THAT high of a frequency. But to that end, Physicist Bob is a lot like idiot Joe. How a Ghz signal can be used to interface directly with the brain All frequencies have a penetration depth, and typically, in water, you will hit 100 percent attenuation at one half wavelength. For a 1 GHZ signal, this will be approximately 7 inches. Most people will write that when microwaves hit water they turn into heat. But there is another step, that description is too simplistic. In reality, when any electromagnetic wave gets absorbed into a conductive medium, it does so by turning into electricity, which shorts itself out in the conductive medium, and the resulting current flow is what causes the heating. A radio antenna is tuned to approximate the frequency that is most expected and therefore rather than short out within itself, it passes the frequencies to the tuner amplifier. So now we know how an electric current can be induced into the brain via a 1 GHZ radio signal, which will fully absorb at a depth of approximately 7 inches. Obviously then, higher frequencies with shorter wavelengths can be used, because you do not need 7 inches of penetration depth. For practical application, the frequency range is between 500 MHZ and 3 GHZ. We have not yet answered the question of how such a high frequency can interface with the brain. It cannot. However, there are different types of modulation you can put on a wave form, and the two most common are AM and FM. For the purpose of interfacing with the brain, we will be discussing AM. Amplitude modulation involves the use of a fixed frequency wave form called a carrier, which has its intensity increased and decreased. An amplitude modulated wave form appears to change it's height on an oscilloscope while maintaining it's frequency. If you have a very low frequency AM modulation on a high frequency carrier you can watch the amplitude of the carrier go to max on an oscilloscope, and then drop, all the way to flatline before returning to maximum if the modulation is strong enough and the modulating frequency is low enough to not just look like a blur. So earlier, I established how you can use a radio wave to deliver electricity. Now, take that ghz wave form from a cell tower, which will penetrate approximately seven inches into the skull and put unintelligible high frequency electricity there, and modulate that unintelligible frequency with an ELF
  • 13. frequency the brain can interface with. Bam - o, you get cell phone tower induced mind control. And it's a piece of cake, it works better than any other method, you see, If you transmit an ELF wave form by itself, it will need a many miles long antenna to pick it up properly, it will not interface with the body very well because your body is not a big enough antenna for the ELF wave to efficiently "short out" in. You would need a really intense signal to do anything. But if you can take that ELF frequency and use it to modulate a super high frequency carrier, that carrier will drop all of it's energy directly into your skull, and let the modulation of that energy do the rest. Of course, there are other factors, like a single side or asymmetric carrier, but to avoid getting too complex I have said enough here to give you the idea and certainly enough to put an evil genius on the right path. The following video shows this being done to some test monkeys a little way in. Obviously in this case, the power levels are very high. Unfortunately the video has a bit of a crazy aspect to it, and it is very outdated, which is to be expected with anything of this nature that is actually allowed to stay online. Now onto WHY ON EARTH American cell towers have so much juice going to them. This is a serious topic. In America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit power and often even with that tiny amount you can connect from hundreds of feet away with no special antennas or hardware. Your cell phone can transmit 300 milliwatts. That's well over 10 times the power, and the range of your cell phone is that much better. All that is needed to make a great cellular node is a 10 watt transmitter (to make sure it gets real good penetration into the surrounding buildings,) and a receiver that is more sensitive than the one in your cell phone because you are talking back with a lot less than 10 watts. 10 watts is 500 times as strong as your wireless N router that comes in perfect everywhere. A lucky neighbor might snag your unsecured router with only 20 milliwatts of output from over a block away with just a cheap netbook. Why then, since 10 watts will clearly do the job, are there these ENORMOUS out in the open giant goose invading "cell towers" in America that are obviously capable of pumping many thousands of watts? It's because the cell towers in America have a totally different purpose than stated. Sure, the tower does indeed accomplish the job of supporting cell phone service, but it is not needed at all for that purpose. They are there to hide something clandestine right in the great wide open. My reader stated: "My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they had us bring so much electrical power to these cell towers." He NAILED IT. As a technical type, I paid attention to the cell towers, and noticed that they always seem to have a 400KVA or bigger transformer feeding them (I never actually walked up and looked at the data plate). 400KVA is approximately 400,000 watts. And I never really thought about it, why on earth they always got fed so much juice. Sometimes you just need to wake up and start thinking. Mexico confirms this - cell technology is totally passe' and a perfectly functional legitimate node can be stuck in a yard decoration powered by less juice than needed by an average Ipod dock. Another comment came in stating that American cell towers in fact only get anywhere from twenty thousand to sixty thousand watts, complete with verified documentation that that is "all it is". Ok, Fine then. WLS in Chicago broadcasts with 50,000 watts, and with a good radio you can hear it anywhere in the world when conditions are right. To sometimes pump even
  • 14. more than that into a single American neighborhood via the local tower which is serving only a two mile area is far beyond suspicious. It is case proven. Those cell towers ARE NOT WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD and I am certain that even 60,000 watts would be a conservative estimate for many of them. Why pump so many watts? The antenna arrays on the cell towers are highly directional. That's obvious. So since the signal from them is confined to a zone, rather than going out omnidirectionally, whatever is in that zone will get extremely high R.F. levels. Maybe you need that much for mind control, but I seriously doubt it. With such an ability to confine the signal to within a zone, I would expect a mind control beam to not need more than a couple thousand watts. Where is the rest of that power going? My guess, is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas Mexico. Whatever earthquake or disaster "they" need to accomplish a political objective. And there is something you need to know about radio wave propagation - it can be steered. So just because a cell tower appears to only be able place all it's RF output within a confined zone, it does not mean that signal cannot be diverted and sent elsewhere. This is because a neighboring cell tower can be synchronized in such a way that it steers the output from surrounding towers to a new remote area. And that is how Haarp works, BET ON IT. American cell towers then, I believe in this order, have multiple purposes. The first is EMF mind control. Ever wonder why on some mornings EVERYONE seems to be happy, and on others EVERYONE seems to be grouchy? People don't just naturally fall into a mold like that, yet you see it all the time. And you never used to. This is a new phenomenon. Back in the 70's and 80's moods were totally random. Not anymore. There are happy days when everyone is happy, and grouchy days and indifferent days. If you have not noticed this, start paying attention. People's lives are random, and there should be absolutely no reason for their moods to all be similar for any reason other than outside manipulation. The second purpose is an occasional one - I believe that occasionally the towers will be switched up to full output to eat a nuclear reactor in Japan via a phony earthquake scenario, or to make good and sure a hurricane is useful for a social experiment in New Orleans. But you cannot have them humming away at full output all the time without it becoming obvious, so the ability is likely saved for special occasions. Furthermore, with as many as there are around, it probably does not take more than a few percent of them at any one time to pull off something big. And this is exactly why, as my reader also stated, "Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. I believe they can control the weather." Why, pray tell, would the Corps of Engineers show up and install something in a "civilian" cell tower? Think about that. We all know the "elite" can trigger earthquakes. We all know they can tweak the weather. The question is then, since there is no GIANT UFO in the sky doing it, where is their system located? And the third purpose is B.S. - "cell phone service". That's as close as it can get to a lie, because any telephone pole, attic, or yard decoration would do the job as well. Mexico PROVES IT. I also received the comment: "how do the elite prevent themselves from getting beamed"? That answer is easy. The elite live in tight little enclaves that are pretty much set apart from the rest of society. Keeping the happy ray off them is as easy as simply not having the local cell tower deliver it to their isolated little pocket. To find out where YOU can live and get away from it all, pick up the phone book and move RIGHT TO THE CENTER of where all the synagogues are, that is, IF you can get in there. If you are not one of "them", count on paying a price 4x higher than the community average. Their communities are insanely expensive for outsiders, and yet even the poorest one of them can not only live there, but get ahead while doing so.
  • 15. Audio noise modulation, and "poppers" During the Iraq war, America seized control of all the Iraqi transmitters, and started broadcasting propaganda. Normally, people would reject it outright. But America knew this, so under every broadcast they put a layer of noise. They did nothing to the audio people listened to, but they modulated the background noise prevalent in any radio signal (and in these broadcasts the injected noise was higher than usual, but not extreme,) and to get the Iraqis to accept what was being broadcast, even though often it was an obvious lie, the injected noise in the radio signal was modulated with a waveform that put people's brains into a mode of acceptance, and it worked spectacularly well. But that was not enough to satisfy American desire, so, they dropped AM modulated microwave transmitters called "poppers" onto the rooftops and into various areas where they were not likely to be discovered. Soldiers were usually put in place to guard them. If the "poppers" were discovered, and anyone tried to de-activate them they would be shot. These worked even better than the noise modulated radio signal, and the Iraqis, who had never been exposed to such manipulation knew something was up and absolutely hated them. They figured out that the "poppers" emitted a mind control beam. But after long enough exposure, because they would be killed if they messed with the devices, they eventually succumbed and complied. So I have covered here three different ways frequencies can be used to manipulate the mind. The first is through the manipulation of a video signal. The second is manipulation of an audio signal, and the third, and worst, is to beam it straight into your head. And the psychological warfare is extremely cruel surrounding this as well. "tinfoil hat" has been used as a phrase to designate "crazies". Let me ask you, WHY?. "they are beaming me, and putting thoughts in my head" has been used to define "crazy". Let me ask you WHY? I will tell you why, and it is because uncovering any great conspiracy HAS TO BE DEFINED AS "CRAZY" or the game is up. As long as people who know the truth are successfully designated as whack jobs, the truth will remain in an isolated pocket and reality will then successfully smash everyone who is deemed "sane". I am sure a few people will respond, saying that cell tower frequencies have a limited range. This is bogus - it is common for microwave frequencies to link at distances over 50 miles. That's a lot more than what is needed for mind control beams, when the nearest cell tower is usually less than 2 miles away. And I can easily see that the antennas on these cell towers are not limited to high frequencies alone. Their size is suspicious, and all it would take is a coil of wire inside one of those arrays to drop the transmit frequency WAY DOWN, into a more effective range for weather modification and other nasties, and the antenna would not need to be physically large at all. For reference, the longest possible antenna needed for ANY cell activity in the U.S. is around 20 inches, for the lowest possible cell related frequencies. More common would be 9 inch antennas. Why then are the antennas which adorn cell towers up to eight feet long? you can easily make a high powered coil antenna suitable for low MHZ frequencies with that much room to work with. Perhaps you should ask the Corps of Engineers why the size of the arrays does not match the stated function, because the Corps of Engineers has no legitimate business on a civilian tower yet is prevalent everywhere according to one of my readers who worked with this stuff and happened to know the name of a military protocol only an insider would know. _______________________________________________
  • 16. DING DING DING DING DING! Alleged KC Jew 'Hater' Only Shot and Killed Gentiles In April 2014, the 'anti-Semite' Jew-hating F. Glenn Miller shot and killed three GENTILES outside the Jewish Community Center and the Village Shalom care center in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. When this psyops first hit the fan, the original story had a witness state that she heard Miller ask people if they were Jews or Christians before shooting them. So we have an 'anti-Semite' who only shoots three GENTILES, leaving the Jews alone. That got cut out of the online KC Star and I lost the paper edition that had that story, so it was gone. But not yet, here's the TRUTH back front and center, showing the the 'anti-Semite,' F. Glenn Miller, went out of his way to avoid shooting Jews, the TRUTH which came out during a pretrial hearing.... My response: Yep, more "victim truth" from the tribe! Fluoridated salt Lupe wrote: Remember, that as per UN mandate for the last decade, table salt in Mexico is "fortified" with sodium Flouride. While it is obviously not enough to totally zombify the populous, it can be avoided. 3 or 4 years ago, while still living in central Mexico, my mind was slowly but obviously going. I was losing the most basic memory and it was embarrasing not remembering names of people close to me. That was when I eliminated Flouride from my salt and toothpaste, and started taking 50 to 200 mg of potassium iodide per day, and all that turned around, I got my memory back, and in fact greater mental acuity than perhaps I have had most of my adult life. While you are in Mexico City, at a major Farmacia or Botica, such as Farmacia Paris on El Salvador near the presidencia, you may purchase, pure lab-grade Sodium Chloride (Cloruro de Sodio), and pure lab grade Potassium Iodide (Yoduro de Potasio) Best Wishes, God Bless You, Take Care My response: I guess there must have been a religious exemption, because at a few of the upper class stores you can buy KOSHER NON FLUORIDATED SALT. And that is what I get. I did notice that the fluoridated salt kicks in the stupid factor really quick. I wondered how bad it was and tried it, and noticed a huge drop in brainpower within only a few meals. Hard to believe, but true, the salt in Mexico has got to be spiked really hard. Anyway, I have found the good stuff. Tornado Alley Hi Jim, re your comments about building houses out of brick and concrete, It certainly answers my question as why they don't use earth covered concrete homes in the tornado ally in the US.
  • 17. My family reckon I'm nuts because I want to build an above ground cave home out of structural plate, the corrugated steel they use for pedestrian under passes, and cover it with earth. Safe, secure and warm. What else does one need in home. My response: The fact that homes are not secure from tornado destruction in tornado alley is cold hard proof the government is and has been the enemy for a very long time. It is so easy to make a tornado safe home, cheaper than wood to boot. Wood is by far the most expensive and resource depleting option of all, WHY, even in the name of the environment, has there not been any stone / concrete building projects in tornado alley? Well, if you hit this web site much, the answer is not hard to find. Up in smoke Hi, Jim, My computer literally went up in smoke last Monday early morning. I had gotten a message maybe a week earlier purportedly from Microsoft saying one of my discs was "corrupted" and I needed to do a ... forget the term. On Monday I turned it on at the surge protector, went into the other room, returned to find the house entirely engulfed in bluish smoke smelling like electrical wiring. I was unable to turn on power supply on the black box containing the soft and hardware. My son came down this weekend and found no fire or smoke damage, looked at the specs and noted it was running extremely slowly, couldn't even get Windows running for several minutes. He's out looking for parts and I vacuumed out all the dust etc, turned it on again and waited several minutes to get to my email. Any knowledge of a computer not yet booted up but turned on only at the wall outlet actually sending out LOTS of smoke? I will not have a computer for a few weeks until he can take it home and fix it, just wondering about possibilities. He says it would be impossible for anybody to ruin a computer from remote -- he does websites for a living, administers them, the works, but I've heard, right or wrong, that it can indeed be done from remote, that it is possible to send it a surge that overheats or overloads the computer and breaks it????? As usual, thanks for all you do and I hope the father in law is getting better!!! My response: Your power cord went bad. That happened to me once, blue smoke and all. They CAN destroy computers via remote MANY MANY MANY different ways, but in your case that is not what happened. Change the cord. Multicultural invasion Hey Jim, Let me preface by saying wow, I am glad we are making a difference in peoples lives. Spreading the truth has blessed me to find more of it and learn of the truly backwards way of "western" and "eastern" society. This site is one of the few with the audicity to share it all uncut and un-remorseful toward the hypocritical lying 'elite'. THEY KNOW THEIR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. THE MOST HIGH CALLS, all we need is to have ears to listen, and discern what must be done to go forward with ACTION. Love and INFINITE Blessings in the time of TAKING BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS>> WORLDWIDE < I just got a message saying I won't talk about the third worlders invading Europe! Ok, well then lookie here, (I have linked this and similar many times.) IS NOT LINKING FOR ME AND PROBABLY OTHERS.( People need to search the title possibly or the link address:
  • 18. *****MUST SEE***** Moving forward, I'm headed south to Costa Rica to unplug from the American beast, much love and hope to keep this commo line alive and well throughout the next million miles my friends in this journey, WHOLENESS, ROCKITT My bad on that link, I forgot the http:// part. Server out? Hi Jim. Sebastián from Quito, Ecuador. In past days I entered your web page typing: I can´t do it any more, a message appear server out. I tried to enter typing: freelance but only some permalink pages appear. After trying some web links I get in, in my adress bar appear: What can you tell ecuadorians about CIA, NSA infiltrations in the country. Can you give us some names. I really appreciate your work and your eforts, if you need any help from this small country in the iddle of the world, just ask, Best Regards. My response: There have been no server outages. So I would like to remind people that the DNS servers can be told to say "server out" when a web site still exists. To circumvent DNS attacks on this web site just drop the numbers into your browser to circumvent blockages to this web site (that bypasses DNS) and I set this particular web site up that way on purpose after the FCC took over the web. . . . . .And about CIA operations in Ecuador I don't know much, other than that they are there. They hate Ecuador with a purple passion. Here's a good one: Jim, Is it true that some states are pushing to have laws made so that people can choose their official gender just by saying that they self identify themselves as a female or male (sometimes neither or both)? I've heard that some universities are allowing that. So what happens when draft-dodgers simply say "I identify as a female so I refuse to register/enlist"? I bet the powers-that-be won't let that stand for a minute. That would be the start to the smack-down of all of that transgender stuff. I'd love to see thousands of 18 year old men refusing to register with selective services because they self-identify as female. I'll bet that it's already happening and they're letting it side and not allowing any press coverage of these cases in the hopes of it not becoming a growing movement. Pete My response: This would be a great meme to get started! THIS IS IMPORTANT I need to give you and your readers a heads up. After reading this it will become apparent that Russia is in on the whole ‘the Zionists want to get rid of us’ theme.
  • 19. In the last week I have sent your website address to three people. This was done as plain text in the body of the email itself. After seeing the email bounce back after being sent to an AOL account (and later in the week from 2 hotmail accounts), which completely floored me as it showed the extent of cooperation amongst the big boys, I tried telling my Dad what had happened and he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it so I told him to go to various websites which is when his computer locked up and couldn’t be used to go to those URLs. I said to myself, ‘Ok, You fuckers if this is how you play then screw you.’ I then got him to use Teamviewer to see my desktop while I went to those websites I was trying to get him to go to and I was able to do so. The next thing I did was to create a new email and in the body of the email typed your website address in and then sent it to a friend’s AOL account. This bounced back immediately with a reason why (I was doing this while explaining to my dad what he was seeing). The next thing I did was to go to the AOL link to show him what the AOL link said. It stated that the email was prevented from being delivered because it contained a URL that people had complained about (!). I showed my dad the underlying code of your site and pointed out that there was absolutely no malicious code in the page at all. I then showed him one of the reasons why your site is blacklisted by going to the pages about Jenin and told him (while showing him) that your site was the only one that I knew of that had this info on it. He was pretty much floored when he saw those images as he had never seen any of them. Russia is playing part in this Ok. Moving forward a week or so…… I have now begun to have severe problems with my MAIN email address that I have used for 18 years in that some fucker(s) in Russia are now using it as a spam relay and I have been unable to use it consistently for about a week now. In the last hour (when this really took off) I have had over 200 emails bounce back with at least 10 emails per incident trying to be sent from ‘my’ email address. This also ties in with me moving my hosting from one company in the USA to another in the USA. This was done because the first one started gouging me for how much they were charging me for the hosting. So if anyone thinks that the Russians are the ‘white knights’ they are falling for the masterful ‘smoke and mirrors’ being played out on the world scene. These guys are the foil to the West and it’s decadence, amorality and decline. I need to qualify this by saying that when I refer to the Russians I refer to the same breed of scum that infest the West (Zionist/Khazarian filth), not the Russian peoples. Your thoughts Jim? My response: there is no way to configure Cpanel to prevent this, Cpanel is server and the web is the problem. However, RUSSIA is definitely part of this game, Russia never fell, they just needed an excuse to explain why so much of the government vanished, and these people went straight into the U.S. government to smash it down. Make no mistake, when I address the Jewish community or the greater problem with America it is these people I am addressing, I have said this numerous times on this site - that the Jews who destroyed Russia changed tactics and were sent to the U.S. after the hoax of the Russian collapse. Who knows if Putin will really block them from returning. I doubt he will.
  • 20. My gut says we will see Russia spring back up once the final death sentence of America has been carried out. And it is all a Jewish operation, control of nations, that is all they do. The problem is much much bigger than people think. Interesting . . . Dear Jim Stone: You don't know me, I'm an internet mini-star on G+, and a lot of people trust me for my knowledge, because I speak from experience & what I've learned from trusted sources, and though I'm not a college grad or former NSA employee, I did however qualify for Army Intelligence, but I ended up getting kicked out because I'm not a brainless murderer, sorry... Anyway, one thing I'd like to bring to your attention is, almost all electronic parts are manufactured in China, with the exception of the critical pieces like the CPU (Haifa Israel/UK?), and I believe this is done on purpose to ensure the elite have their back door. Also, I believe that with all of these allegations of Chinese hacking, let's get real a firewall will detect a lot of China IP addresses pinging them constantly, I'm led to believe that Israel or the UK (Read Corporate Interest in China) have done the proverbial... Also, I believe that these routers we get from China may also be the "Broadcast Box", letting them see you are online... There truly is no telling what these people could be embedding into the hardware code of electronics, considering China has the world's fastest super computer, I'd be willing to bet that the plans of the globalist are to operate out of China with "The Beast", e.g. the NWO Computer Network that they plan to use to handle digital banking / finance... I've already seen a significant amount of Asian accountants here in the US, it makes you wonder with the H1B1 if they didn't simply send them to America to train them, export them back to their country to teach, and grow a network of highly intelligent Anti-American networks... (Not to mention Anti-EU cells as well) Reparations Spain to grant citizenship to descendants of Jews it persecuted in 1492 and billions in reparations. My response: A good way to know when Kikes have totally usurped a nation's government is to just see when those nations start "paying reparations". They got away with this with Germany, now they are going right down the list and will have ALL NATIONS eventually paying them reparations to such an extent that all nations will be destroyed if they can get away with it. OMG, I THINK I WANT TO PUKE! REPARATIONS FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED 500 YEARS AGO? WHOS TO SAY THEY DID NOT DESERVE WHAT SPAIN DID, SUCK MY @! DEAR JEWISH COMMUNITY, I WANT REPARATIONS FOR 911 AFTER THOSE FIVE DANCING ISRAELIS AND YOU ALSO
  • 21. OWE REPARATIONS TO ALL MUSLIMS YOU DESTROYED IN THE NAME OF 911!. I WANT REPARATIONS FOR ALL THE CHILDREN YOU DESTROYED WITH INTENTIONALLY TAINTED VACCINES YOU FORMULATED TO MAKE THEM STUPID AND NO COMPETITION FOR THE JEW, AND AUTISM STATS PROVE IT. I WANT REPARATIONS FOR FUKUSHIMA, YOU SHOULD BE REBUILDING JAPAN AFTER THAT ONE. BUT NO, SATAN RULES THE DAY, AND THAT IS WHO YOU WORSHIP, LET'S SEE IF YOUR GOD SAVES YOU FROM MY GOD AFTER YOU HAVE FINISHED SHITCANNING ALL GOOD IN THIS WORLD! Little problem here - HE SAYS HE WILL LET YOU DO THIS, but also says HE WILL KICK YOU TO THE INFERNO AFTER YOU PROVE HOW FILTHY YOU ARE. Gotta hang yourselves FIRST! OMG, I JUST FIGURED IT OUT, AMERICA IS PAYING JEWS "REPARATIONS" VIA THE INCOME TAX! Just look into the Federal Reserve scam, I am in fact bang on with that! Playing dead You should play dead for a 3 month period without internet or banks or anything. keep the website as it is , without updates. find out for yourself what will happen in case they take you out. you need to be in hiding anyways until the cost clears. . My response: I won't do that, going silent would be exactly what they would want. It is much better to have people be waiting for daily updates, there is a huge amount of safety afforded by that. Kerry I have been looking into this John Kerry thing and what i can say is the photo released of him in the hospital on the phone is probably an old photo certainly he has no broken femur. One leg is bent off to the side and he is resting a file on the other there is no sign of a cast or of bandages and if he had surgery as stated because of a shattered femur we would at least see a cast of some sort If he is alive and well then why would they fake the photo? It is out there for anyone to see and clearly he is not suffering from a broken femur. Probably an older photo of him in the hospital for something else he has on a denim shirt and anyone that has been hospitalized know that after you are admitted and have had surgery you will be wearing a hospital gown of some sort. Anyone fooled by this photo is a lost cause I am not sure what did happen but am certain this is not a current photo of a 71 year old kerry recovering from a broken femur. It is said that a broken femur is the worst pain a man can feel (natural child birth for women) Stay safe and keep up the good work More Kerry You don't need me or anyone else to say this - affirming your own sentiments expressed here - that John Kerry's leg injury from a bicycle accident would have allowed a bedside media event, at a minimum, by now. The injury was on May 30th, it has been 13 days. Apart from strokes or fatal complications, you have had people with open heart surgery able
  • 22. to at least wave at the cameras and smile in considerably less than 13 days. WHAT will the Obama administration do for a press release in, say, another two weeks? "Secretary Kerry fell out of his bed and down the stairs, sustaining a boo boo on the forehead. He's been flown to a boo boo specialist in South Africa - or is it Tajikistan? - and we'll get back to you all later"? Bullet wounds can be tricky, of course, but many of those, too, would allow for a reassuring hospital room media blurb after a couple weeks. So are they doin' a facial on his up and coming double? If not, the only possible alternative is they are preparing some really rum scandalous materiel to be found on Kerry's computer, e-mail, whatever that will go along with his disappearance. I don't know. This may prove to be one of the great stories of our day. God If you do not like my God/Bible post it wont do any good for you to send links to how magicians in contact with aliens wrote the bible or other things, I have one thing to say on this topic, GOD IS REAL and whatever religion you practice is second after you get the first part right. END OF DISCUSSION on this topic. We all know this story - about life in america: girl needs a permit to sell lemonade in texas. sell-lemonade-permit/story?id=31667943 Black helicopter witness The black helicopter is worrisome. When I was in the service a navy seal told me a story about how his team was flown to Mexico to take out targets in a home in Mexico city. He said the family - young kids, wife and husband - were all English speaking - likely americans. He was ordered to eliminate them because they were extreme threats to the american government. This happened not long after 9/11 so his whole team was gung ho against all threats - but it never set right for him. They took a helicopter in the middle of night to a house/compound and did their "job" much like was shown for the Osama hit. I am not trying to fear monger here - just saying that prayer may be your best weapon if you don't plan on moving soon. Prayer works - so ask Jesus to confuse your enemy and hide you away from them. MY RESPONSE - OBVIOUSLY THIS FAMILY KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT 911 AND DID NOT HAVE A HUGE VOICE YET. This web site is actually protection because if I vanish people will ask questions. The worst predicament is to know of evil and be alone in that knowledge, that way when they kill you no one will know why it happened. Air rifles "No air rifle has broken the sound barrier yet" Yes there are, sounds like the crack of .22... My response - That is interesting, I have not checked up on them lately and if there are any that can break the sound barrier and match a 22 long in impact I am IN. THAT would be a worthy purchase . . . Trans gender The NWO is ramming all of this trans gender acceptance because they must be expecting an exlposion of sexually confused humans in the not so distant future. They are training the children to accept other sexually confused children. Could it be that all the the endocrine disruptors (roundup, phalates, BTA etc are producing the "new" type of amorphic humans
  • 23. that the elite have been talking about for so many years? They have known for many years that endcrine disruptors can change the sexuality of a embryo. This could also be a result of something in the vaccines as well. Any thoughts on that? My response- Some good thinking there. Yep, I bet that along with brain damage the vaccines are likely to be gender benders as well. Never thought of that, but probably true. Something I knew about but never mentioned Jim, I thought you might find this interesting if you haven't already heard about it. It's about an incident from two years ago. Very revealing and frightening for what it says about the deviousness of and dangerous way of implicating Goyim in criminal activity. Hoax My response - Yep, false flagging and framing up everyone, this is how they operate. This actually happened a couple years ago unless this is yet another repeat. An aspect of solar panels I did not cover recently Jim look at amorphous vs crystalline solar panels... amorphous is super efficient and works in part sun whilst the crystalline only works in full sun. The scam is clear. Push the inefficient solar and crush the efficient so the sheeples get inferior tech. Do a search on ebay for amorphous solar panel and then do one for crytalline and you will get an idea. Cheers SigeB from Au My respònse - One thing I have not covered is the difference between amorphous and silicon solar panels. Amorphous are less efficient but will work with any light. Polycrystalline are approximately twice as efficient but they wont work when it is cloudy, and if so much as a fly lands on a polycrystalline panel it can cut the output by a huge amount. A single leave can completely turn a polycrystalline panel off. Any shade on any portion of a polycrystalline panel renders it totally useless. So there are huge differences between the two, if you are willing to maintain your panels on a regular basis and pretty much always have good sun, Polycrystalline will be better but if the going gets rough, amorphous are often better. LINUX AND MORE Hi Jim. It's Walking Turtle. So: Anonymous wrote: ..."For the truly suspicious, there's one which you compile yourself from source (sorry, I forget the name)." It's called "Linux from Scratch". is the go-to spot for that distro. I think it's the ONLY distro that the savvy end-user can readily do their own security audit on. Sure to be a time-consuming process for the proficient, doubtless with a steep learning curve for the novice. I'd need to gin-up Yet Another Box to manage it without disrupting this office. (So time constraints keep YT runnin' on a fine Mepis+Debian "Hybrid" installation for now, BUT.) Stay alive and vocal, Jim. This world needs you - and many more of your kind - to survive. Heaven bless you forever for all you have done for the Rest of Us! By the way: Is there any easy way you might be able to change the text on that "SUBMIT" button to "SEND"? Those two words, of course, carry near-diametrically opposite connotations. (I am no submissive one. Nor are you, Brother.) Moreover, with that wee tweak,
  • 24. two whole bytes of precious bandwidth would be conserved with every page-load - GOOD for the Web if EVERYONE did it but we all know what gang o'thugz demands that we all SUBMIT to THEIR will in all things... Go figger. Net effect: The "fit" of that change on this site, of all sites, would additionally (to my own atypical sensibilities) be PERFECT. IMHO (for, thank Heaven, I am not a degree'd psychologist) that move would prove to be VERY GOOD for the truth-reading public's mind. Thanks again for having consented to be born onto this hellion-hijacked planet, just when you are most needed! One must always remember that ALL those hellions STILL have authentic personal names, verifiable physical addresses, traceable phones, FAX machines, motor vehicles etc. (Useful Holes in the Armor, hm.) FWIW: Frank Zappa's "It Can't Happen Here" number from his "Freak Out" album rises to mind in that context. Another sharp-minded Mil Intel Brat - reckon he also hit the DU issue spot-on, DECADES before anyone else, due to the little-considered Dinner Table Effect. Then the fire turned green. And here we are today. No need to publish all this ramblin' but there's your Pure Source Linux distro at any rate. Much love always! And that is all. 0{:-)o[ My response - I cannot change that button because it is just what the browser puts up. The mail window uses the code in your browser to do everything, and to make it work in this case I cannot have what I want, er, eh, on another topic I would really like more time right now but I have to go tend my father in law, (and cannot get back online with the laptop because someone will not allow it!) _________________________________ Startpage What's happened to StartPage??? Beside its search bar it now says "enhanced by Google" and it is providing more limited content than it used to? My response: "powered by Google is nothing to brag about anymore, I am not surprised it is now "limited", and truth be told, huge sectors of the web are more than "limited", they are ELIMINATED. Powered by Google now means: We are either complicit in the destruction of information knowingly, or far too stupid to ever know what "enhanced" means in that perspective! BTW, I started using duck duck go recently and have discovered that the web opened back up again, it seems all Google wants to up front now is sponsored garbage and stuff posted by kikes because they get a higher trust score page rank, garbage or not. Google turned to trash, sort of like that "free" DVD someone handed out that was just a big ad from start to finish, Google is the resource for the enemy and only feeds the enemy traffic now. If I try to do ANYTHING with Google now all I hit is content that is devoid of real info and instead fronts for one commercial interest or organization or another and sometimes the veil of concealment is quite thin. Now Google will show you exactly who the elite favor. Good boycott tool. Just diss anything Google turns up. Time for change. Here`s a good one
  • 25. Jim, I love your work, keep up the good fight. So, I have a Samsung Galaxy S4; In settings+more+security, I scrolled down to "trusted credentials". Since searching for some of these on Al Gore's internet turned up nothing... I disabled the entire list. This made my smartphone, well dumb. Nothing worked nor could i search on any internet based app. Long story short, re-enabling 6 "trusted credentials" named "Geotrust####" resulted in a fully functional internet based search app working again. My question is what is; "(c) TURKTRUST BILGI llestisim ve.... A-Trust GES. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr...." "China Internet Network Information Center" "E-Tugra EBG Bilisim Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A S" "Japanese Government" to name a few "Trusted Credentials" So in summary 6 out of 160 "Trusted Credentials" made my smart phone fully functional.. WFT Over.' My comment: Don't know what to make of this, other than that people should know and that Samsung makes that beloved smart TV where they openly admit they are going to spy and the freaking thing has a camera that is always on. Way to go Samsung! HA! No Samsung for me anymore!. Bruce Jenner How can the Olympic Committee change Jenner's name? Isn't that falsifying records? More and more I'm hearing how the youth don't have issues or bias towards lgbt because they have been "educated" about it. On the sports talk radio they were discussing how a parent may be shocked to see a transgender man in the woman's restroom but the 7 year old daughter wouldn't give it a second thought. All four of the host are parents and they all agreed how good it is that the youth are being taught to accept these things. Sellouts everyone one of them. Eliphaz My comment: It is all phoney. On Sports Talk Radio they will all be part of the agenda, and it is their job to sway as many dufus eaters as they can into the trash bin. Anyone with an ounce of wit will call it for what it is, thank God people like you prove that they are not going to just get this easily. Jenner Olympic name change???!!!@!¿¿!! Another Mexico comment You forgot to mention that the migrants can come up here and work in the orchards of Michigan for six months or more (expert workers) and then return to Mexico with their houses intact, while neighbors or relatives keep an eye on the house, and it isn't taxed out of existence. Yes I love Mexico too in spite of some thievery and bribery. Parents tell me that their children are safer in Mexico than in the USA (meaning California) Agnes
  • 26. My comment: If the people only knew. I have had many spooky encounters in American cities and never once had one in Mexico, really, it is a much safer place. Just stay out of the border zone, that's a bad spot. Google Fudge factor Aha! - So,Google is fudging numbers..... Interesting! James Corbett is discussing the fact that Google is impeding alternative media. Alternative viewpoints. Alternative editorials etc., Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Green Crow picked up on that also In a way, oddly enough, that's reassuring.It helps me understand the why of post reading counts, literally disappearing. Rather then scratch my head- I now know with more certainty it's just censorship, Meted out by google, as they carry out tyranny's bidding. My response: It is indeed bad for the Alt media. Here is a little tidbit though - I have received messages from others in the alt media who have said their traffic fell off by 80 percent after Google made the switch. However, my numbers did not drop (other than by what is now being spoofed) because Google never sent me more than 0.0075 percent of hits, and if they say they sent more it is a LIE. Obviously they pump numbers on their side, but factually, actually Google never meant anything to me at all. What did it? The TSUNAMI BOMB, prior to that, when the web site was photography, many of my photos were PRECISE FIRST hit in Google. That changed with the Fukushima report . . . . . I could care less about Google, the tweaking did not do jack. And they never allowed adsense here anyway. Black helicopter I find it hard to believe american/israeli black hightech helicopter would let you escape. they captured and killed bin ladden in Pakistan and give him a solemn religious sea burial, 14 years after his natural death and his body disintegrated, then you could be riddled with bullets from above or captured any time. I don't think you can Split fast enough to escape from sealteam 666. My response: Stupidity like yours is a problem for all of us. Some people do not "get it". Obviously the black helicopter was sent to see if my cell modem really was associated with that address. It no doubt had equipment on board that picked up the signal and confirmed my location while I was online accessing locations they know are mine. I doubt it was the Mexican government that did that. Most likely the chopper belonged to a billionaire kike that outfitted it with all the gizmos and it had no guns mounted because you can't fly a war aircraft anywhere and get away with it. And even if it was officially Mexican, they can't just haul off and frag a house in plain sight in the middle of a city, where they will die on the stage of public opinion for doing so! You have a problem. You live in a little fantasy world where nothing is considered other than your immediate intellectual gas, you can`t see the big picture and are clueless about how this world works. HERE IS THE PROBABLE OUTCOME IF THAT HELICOPTER WAS OFFICIAL: 1. Overfly the house, nail the cell modem, confirm location. 2. Send secret agents to case out the house and learn entry/exit patterns. 3. If these patterns can be successfully determined, then plant drugs or other criminal evidence while
  • 27. the target is away. 4. When your target is confirmed home, storm it with police and do a "bust". 5. Under the plausible cover provided by this, dispose of your undesirable. Dear reader who sent that idiotic 3rd class slam, if you are too stupid to know THAT is how it is done, please smash your keyboard in a million pieces and use your MOUSE ONLY to surf porn and click through games, we don't need you puffing smoked horse shit into the public conscience. I have been safe where I normally am BECAUSE: MY HOUSE has triple barricaded solid steel entry and armed guards. The first totally impassable steel entry is 20 feet away from the house in plain sight of the armed guards and you can't just go through that to plant evidence without definitely getting noticed and you can't go over it because it has stabbers along the entire length. And once past that, the real challenge starts with dogs that are proven biters and much harder barricades on the house itself that you have to cut through while getting bit if you don't want to attract attention by shooting the dogs. NO SHIT. I did it right you stupid dork, GET A LIFE, God that pissed me off! I have not previously stated how I really set things up to stay safe, believe me, my survival is not a delusion or by accident! The main problem is that this house I am at now has no security guards (which is why I am there, DOH!), and could be accessed fairly easily because it does not have even ONE barricade that is as good as the weakest one in my normal home. I therefore have to get "safety" by making what is going on public knowledge, because they only work in secret and if the gig is up, they back off. If you do not know even that much, please smash your keyboard and . . . . . U.S. homes Jim:Your comments about usa bs "homes" is spot on.Take a look at this funny story about a "quality home" meets the armed gestapo.Hysterical! My response: No link came through but I can imagine what is in the video - you can cut an American home in half and make it fall over with a single chain fed AK-47 or other endlessly supplied small automatic rifle in approximately 45 seconds, nothing more is needed. The bullet stream will simply cut the home in half and from there whether or not it falls is all up to balance . . . . . . in the examples I have seen of this being done the homes fell in on themselves. Hard to believe? Figure this then: Most automatic rifles will go 25 rounds per second or more. 25 rounds times 45 seconds equals 1,125 rounds. If the home is 100 feet long (almost none are) that equals almost 1 bullet per linear inch of house, and the bullets from an AK will go all the way through and out the back wall in most places. Now think for a moment - this means that in 22.5 seconds over 550 rounds (enough to put a bullet through almost every linear inch of a 50 foot house) and it would not take 1 bullet per inch to do the job, it would take more like 1 bullet every 2 inches or so because the bullets shred what they hit. AK vs American home? How about more like 15 seconds .. . . . the situation really is that bad. Results would vary, but in no case would most American homes survive more than 30 seconds. And what if that AK is loaded with tracer rounds? Then you have 1,000 little fires to put out IF the home is still standing. What about a more probable scenario - 5 or more AK`s?
  • 28. No brainer: Tyranny LOVES your predicament! No AK would get through a Mexican home without sitting there and chipping away at it for a while. BAM! THIS ONE NAILS IT! Jim, Do you want an idea of how far down the crapper America has gone? MY OWN PARENTS, MEMBERS OF THE "1%", CANNOT EVEN TAKE NOTICE THAT THEIR OWN GODDAMNED CHILDREN LITERALLY CANNOT AFFORD TO EAT, EVEN WITH FULL TIME "JOBS". They still think its the 50s were any hardworking young man can easily pay for a house, a car, and a family. Despite years, and years, and years of job searching for a good job (with a qualified resume), they think my problem is a lack of motivation, and I'm just not "looking in the right places" or "talking to the right people". My response: This is because the CNN B.S. wash has cleaned their minds with aplomb! Kicking butt. . . . Jim:you're spot on about Amerika.About breaking those "laws"(ROFL).Having traveled the road over 2 score years,some observations.There are communities in the US Reich that are no go zones.No crime problem and don't try a smooth legal maneuver.They know where you live.Vets make up some of those communities.The criminals(street or city hall)know of their existence and avoid them.Wrong home swat raid?Not with that bunch.Back in the 80's,Seattle,drug dealers made a major mistake an set up a drug house down the street from a certain home.When Saturday rolled around,don't know who let the first round fly.Drug dealers versus Army Rangers.It was a hoot:-).For an OS,try Puppy Linux.There's a version for BC to AD.Secure as you want to make it.Always pull your wifi card and use a wifi dongle.Now,what's wrong with Amerika?Recommended study at the following links.( ++ ++ **(CE 025 cd ) Vaccines I've been checking in on your site now for a while and wanted to ask you a question about vaccines. I read with interest your post about the H1N1 vaccine as well as the T4 bacteriophage article you posted a while ago and I am now concerned about my children who are 5 and 4 years old respectively and have both received all vaccinations recommended by the NHS (I live in the UK). We did get a recommendation that my son received the H1N1 vaccine a year or two ago but we didn't take up the offer thankfully and my daughter hasn't had it either. I really wish I had become aware of the vaccine information before but do you think standard vaccines in the UK are tainted or are the experiments confined to vaccines like H1N1 or the HPV vaccine (they try to give girls aged 13 in the UK). I certainly won't be allowing my children to receive any more vaccines but am interested in your thoughts on the UK and its vaccination program and how it compares to the USA. My response: I have no answer for the UK, what are the autism rates like? That would be your answer. Moving to Mexico Fran wrote: Jim, I love your website. The more I read I want to sell my house,pack up and move to Mexico. I am semi retired and work part-time for a school system as no one in the good old USA can really retire comfortably. I am fortunate as I have been a gardener,canner and baker for 35 years and know
  • 29. where to buy non GMO meats and pork. I think my sister would agree. I don't see much of a future in the US and would have bailed out years ago if it weren't for my 88 year old mother and my grand babies. I have a lot on my plate and would love to find a peaceful oasis to truly retire to. Thank you for keeping us informed. I have had no problems viewing your site for 3 years here in NC. God Bless and keep you safe. Fran My response: Check out San Miguel in the state of Guanajuato. That would be a great retirement destination. If you need a warm climate there are lots of gringos in puerto vallarta but as a town well, it is bunk. More on Mexico (this is a good one) Hi Jim, Good work! This is "Guadalupe", a regular reader. I am a US expat and have been living happily in central and southern Mexico for over a decade. The readers should know that everything Jim Stone says about Mexican culture is spot-on. There is an obvious US (CIA) media campaign to always paint Mexico in a bad or stupid light, and those impressions usually either only apply to the frontier region, which is a whole differient world than the rest of Mexico, or it is flat out and 180 degrees wrong. Mexicans on the average are far wealthier than the US when one studies reality, but they are freedom loving and independent by nature, so not as much of the wealth shows on the outside as in the US and when it is shown, it is usually real, not borrowed wealth. Most Mexican wealth is hidden both from the public AND from their own government. The poverty is mostly just a error of data collection which appears on official accounts of secretive people, although there are many Mexican who are only too willing to promote that myth so that they can skim more fat from government agencies. It seems that in fact most of the economy is off the books. Most Mexicans carry far less debit load than the US also. Also just because they passed laws against guns, does not REALLY mean that most Mexicans gave up their guns... al-contrario! My response: Gotta laugh, 100 percent spot on! From Germany: Hi Jim! Best regards from germany!! Today we "enjoy" the G7 Meeting in Germany and then the Bilderberg Meeting in Austria! Many people are protesting now in Garmisch-Partenkirchen against G7, the war in Ukraine and the Bilderberg-Meeting! And we enjoined a historical act. First Time in history of Bilderberg was an member from the steering commitee of Bilderberg guest on a TV Broadcast and tried to explain, how harmless this Club of Monsters is!! Haha! Many people in Germany make a run to the authorities and asked how necessary the high security costs are? We don´t want to pay for crimanals! That was the clear message and they are going more afraid! That´s wonderful and it is only possible, cause people like you have had the spot on these guys! Thanks Jim and stay alive! Walter Anonymous wrote: I hope you are filtering your input... script alert(1); /script ' OR 1=1-- My response: Learn something new every day. Thanks!
  • 30. Linux Anonymous wrote: "There are plenty of good Linux distros which are not based on Ubuntu. Most of them are based on Debian. I like Manjaro best, then Mint (LMDE), then Arch. No doubt there are dozens of other good ones. For the truly suspicious, there's one which you compile yourself from source (sorry, I forget the name). My nephew the IT professor uses it because he can tailor it to have just the SW that he wants. Then there's always the *BSD crowd." My response: I'd like the one I compile myself to run live. It would definitely be MINUS SUDO, which was in reality written as an experiment to see if a package could totally compromise Linux. It definitely does, Sudo is DEATH. The black helicopter 2 years ago I was watching a friends house in South Seattle. I would always see military helicopters and even the occasional black unmarked helicopter. This did not concern me because there are many military bases in Western Washington. HOWEVER! One day I looked out the back window and I saw 3 HELICOPTERS THAT WERE SO MODERN THEY LOOKED STRAIGHT OUT OF HALF-LIFE 2! What was even creepier was that they were doing a low flying swoop around me. They were close enough to hit with a BB gun. I dont know if it meant anything, but it goes to show that there is whole hidden world out there that people are too apathetic to notice. My response: This helicopter was obviously built for speed. It looked way more modern than an Apache, was totally jet black and had no visible markings. It came and left at a great speed. Even at a great speed its rotor tips were not breaking the sound barrier (no classic helicopter sound) which means it had to have been very advanced. Who has that type of gear? I would not expect that particular helicopter to be a normal Mexican item. The approach and retreat was totally (and I mean totally obviously for that house. The subsequent total stoppage of internet service was too much, I SPLIT. Photographed the house to document what it is and left within minutes. It made an Apache look so 70`s, there was not a single place on this particular helicopter for the wind to catch anything, it was totally sleek. Far more advanced than an Apache and approximately the same size, no wheels or skids, retractable landing gear. I was spooked to say the least. Hunchback wrote: Hi Jim, I read your article about Mexico freedom. You asked “How much freedom has American ownership of firearms given Americans, when they are all too sissy to use them appropriately?...” My reply: The Citizens of the United States have been buying guns and ammo for the last five years. I don’t think it’s for hunting deer You say sissy for not using them appropriately. Define appropriately breaking the law, and you have a point. I think more appropriately would be protecting yourself when all goes south. We can’t start the war we can only finish the war. The Zionist have spent over 100 years getting us into the position we are in. We didn’t do it. We do not have the freedoms we once had, but this is still the last country stopping them from world domination. Once the USA goes under Mexico will follow in the blink of an eye as well as the rest of the world. Why if Mexico has so much freedom do they come to the United States or is it because they believe their teachers when they say we stole this country from them (point being they are starting to get lied to in their schools). Is it because they want the handouts Obama is giving the illegals. They are
  • 31. more than willing to break our laws. I have listened to them brag up here that we don’t have to follow your traffic laws we are guests. They broke our immigration laws. They are getting a free ride here and I don’t blame them for taking it. I watched a dishwasher send $50,000 home to Mexico in about eight years. I couldn’t save $50,000 in forty years. I know the Zionist don’t want us to have anything and have seen to it. I have had my home stolen from me after thirty years paying for it. I have watched my Dad talk to people from the time I was fifteen to his death. I have spent fifty-five years talking to people myself. Fact is I didn’t chose to be born here or anywhere else. Fact is until people quit fighting each other and treating each other so condescendingly (really Joe Cool) we will never stand a chance. I have watched the right wing for 55yrs fighting each other. They all want to make money and be the leader. For ten years now they have tried fear tactics to get their membership up. Remember y2k I think the fear ploy started there. My Dad said ”don’t get bitter” to me more than once. I feel sad for our nation and the people. When this turns into the mess it will it won’t be good for man or animal. I wish they would all wake up, but with the years passing it just gets worse. The people need a leader and not a scorner. God blessed this nation and brought us the leaders in the past. When it gets bad enough the people will turn back to God and beg for their lives. The Bible says every knee shall bow. I have to say this I am new here, but I pay attention. You fled to Mexico because the Jews tried to kill you. You talk to us about using the guns appropriately? Why didn’t you. In ending this I want you to think about that. You would have been breaking the law. Obama is about to give our sovereignty away with TPP and the right wing worries about the latest distraction. Jade Helm. Regards Hunchback My response: The crap Mexicans went to the U.S. and the real Mexicans often state that openly. Many will not come up for a free handout. The police have indeed been told to not enforce any laws against Mexicans, so they get to see America be the same as Mexico and never see the tyranny. That works. You are correct here in much of what you say,but my main point stands: Mexico is FAR FAR FREER AND A MUCH NICER PLACE TO LIVE THAN THE U.S. and in the past the opposite was true. What changed in America? Kikedom took over, but to be real, Mexico won't fall easily just because America fell, ALMOST ALL MEXICANS HAVE GUNS PLUS THE BALLS TO USE THEM. Gun ban? what a laugh! and the police here won't go along with crushing their beloved families, everything is connected, the military is not going to stand up and crush the population here, families are intact and EVERYONE "GETS IT". You are approximately 35 percent correct. I`d say the Mexican police will probably be the number 1 barrier to a horrible clamp down on Mexico, they all have automatic weapons, are a dime a dozen and don't give anyone shit because there is just too much love for everyone here. Love and families will totally screw kikedom over in Mexico. If there is a clamp down and people here figure out where it came from, there will be kike-b-q festivals on every street. The kikes are trying to unify the police force and only have one police force in Mexico rather than the thousands that currently exist so they can control the police easily. I have seen absolutely no luck with that one! And Mexicans are far smarter than I realized with the last election. There was this "movmiento Naranja which had brilliant ads targeted at stupid people, with an absolutely awesome hypnotizing song and I thought "uh-oh, that is a very bad movement, it will wreck Mexico!" and I thought Mexicans would just like the nice song and vote for it. This was not the case, I walked down to where they post the election results and despite having huge media coverage Movmiento Naranja and many other horrible options totally flopped. Happily, Morena obviously came in at number 1 but PRI did way too
  • 32. well for comfort. Morena would obviously save Mexico if he got elected and he is far more wanted than I thought. That is good news for Mexico. A couple years ago I did a report on Morena on this web site, I will paste it below here, and time is up. If your message is not here (practically all are not over the last few days) I did not have time to get to it, sorry! Oh, one more quickie "What in your estimation is the ETA of the collapse of the USA?" My response: Call America as dead as a Ford Mustang that was run up to 150 MPH with no oil in the engine that just threw a rod as a result and is now coasting to a permanent stop. The situation is THAT BAD and there will be no rebuild. On to Morena - this is a report I did in support of Morena a couple years ago: NO ALTO A LA VIOLENCIA Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, April 22 2012, Mexico City, Mexico I had a laptop battery problem I needed to solve, and on my way to the Centro de la Technologia, (a major computer swap meet) I came across Nael Penniman of the Morena Movimiento Regeneracion Nacional. This organization is attempting to oust the CIA drug lords from Mexico and restore Mexico to a fully sovereign state. He spoke fairly good English, and after some time I was able to get his message clearly; and it is: We know it's the CIA feeding the drug problems in Mexico, We know it is America providing the weapons to the drug lords and escalating the violence in mexico, and we want America OUT of Mexico, we don't want the problems, the violence, we want Mexico restored to what it was before America went into our country and caused so many problems. He was also aware that the war on drugs was a fraud perpetrated by the same U.S. government that spawned all the problems to begin with. He was on his way to a meeting regarding this issue, and was very intelligent and well kept. As an American who has his own set of problems with said agencies, I would also like to ask the CIA to stop messing around with other people's countries and get the HELL out of Mexico too! _______________________________________________ Mike wrote: Great front page pic of the guy hanging himself! When will America wake up? I just can't believe ordinary people love having all this shit shoved down their throats. Does anyone have critical thinking skills anymore or even half a brain? Bruce Jenner? Come on people, don't you get it yet! How many clues do you need before you figure out your entire world is contrived?
  • 33. Mike My response: Yep, David Dees nailed it with this one: Here's a good one - Mexico freedom Mexico freedom: In response to my writing about how much more freedom Mexico has, totally unaware wrote: "How much freedom does Mexico give its citizens to own firearms?" My response: How much freedom has American ownership of firearms given Americans, when they are all too sissy to use them appropriately? Let's compare apples to apples: In Mexico, Pedro put an addition onto his house without government permission and enjoyed it for the last 50 years of his life. In America, Joe Cool put an addition on his house without getting government permission, never got to enjoy it, the government came and demolished it, made him pay for the demolition, gave him a little jail time and then said THANK YOU for paying that $50,000 fine on top of it all simply because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO SEE TYRANNY AND PUT A STOP TO IT WITH HIS GUN WHEN HE HAD A CHANCE.
  • 34. In Mexico, an F4 tornado went through Pedro's neighborhood and because the government allows brick and concrete homes (which is all you will ever find in Mexico), nothing happened to SOLID BRICK AND CONCRETE houses that were not hit by flying cars. Those that were hit by flying cars were damaged by the flying car, but wow, life as normal fairly quickly for almost everyone. In America, after the government charged Joe Cool $50,000 to rip that cool addition off of Joe Cool's wooden house , (which is the only thing you can get permission to build practically everywhere) an F4 tornado hit, blew away his entire town without a trace and now "freedom" joe cool can't find his gun anyway. A tornado took his gun away, it did not take the BATF to do that because Joe Cool WAS TOO BIG A SISSY to USE THAT GUN to enforce his right to BUILD A FREAKING HOME THAT COULD TAKE A TORNADO THE WAY A MEXICAN HOME CAN. Mexicans are not rich, HOW CAN THEY BUILD SO WELL? FREEDOM. After the tornado, Pedro was without a car because it visited the neighbor (with force), so he decided to sell tamales to get over his losses, in an aluminum pot on the back of a bicycle (the way lots of mexicans do) and ended up clearing $50 USD per day in profit. WOW, after three months of peddling his bicycle in the evenings selling tamales, he had $4,500 for another half way decent car BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT LET HIM DO IT. In America, JOE COOL decided to sift through the debris for a few posessions to sell, and when he tried to sell them the government counted, One day, Two days, DAY THREE BAM, YOU ARE RUNNING A BUSINESS SELLING AND NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY A FINE. Check the laws, that really is the way it is, garage sales and yard sales started requiring permits which were only issued two days per year about 10 years ago. This happend because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO USE HIS GUN WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE. And since the Mexican government is not full of total A-holes, Pedro did better than Joe Cool without a gun. And Joe Cool never got permission for that hot dog stand, which he never had the guts to ask for, nor the finances to start up with because the heavy handed government makes those practically impossible practically everywhere. In Mexico, you can get tacos and tamales and other great food everywhere, just walk out the door. How easy is it to walk out the door for only a minute or so and come back with similar in America? There is your freedom answer. If Joe Cool lived in a free country, he would have been able to dig a grill out of the rubble, set it up with a few packs of hot dogs on a busy street, sell them and begin the process of survival and putting his life back together Try THAT in America. THERE IS YOUR "freedom" ANSWER. The mind control in America was so well done that everything was lost as the flag waved, the football was kicked, the fish were hooked, and the National Anthem was sung. It is far to late to save the nation now, what good did owning guns do when there were so many other things that were better to do than protect your freedom? Face it, it is LOST, in America after obamacare is fully implemented you will not even be able to get private medical anymore. At least in Mexico if you hate their obamacare you can go to as many other doctors as you want, starting at only $30 pesos, ($2.00) and the doctors are decent! AHH yes, starting at 30 pesos because the doctor can make a profit at that price because he does not have to fill out 9,000 forms and pay 50 fees per patient TO THE GOVERNMENT, LIKE YOU HAVE TO IN "FREE" AMERICA OR THEY WILL SHUT YOU DOWN AND PROBABLY JAIL YOU. Get where I am going here? WAKE UP!
  • 35. John Lear John Lear, Dad was Bill Lear, was once asked why they don't kill him and his reply was "they would go after my parents, wife and children long before they would kill me." Now he was supposedly an X CIA operative pilot and commercial pilot (Captain). Much healing energy is heading his way! Holly My response: Once again I would like to repeat that there is probably no possible way this was any sort of hit, this was an accident pure and simple. However, I strongly believe they took advantage of this by making administering the web site hell right at a difficult time. Jenner joke? "Bruce Jenner thing is just to get us ready for the BIG announcement that the magic couple in the White House are weird too" My response - chuckle Farganne wrote: You have just said that "there are probably only 500 people world wide that know of the vaccine scam" and that the Iranian government is likely to be clueless about it. How does this square with previous claims that "Tainted Nightmare" went viral and caused governments to change vaccine policies? My response The warning was for the swine flu vaccine, and that report was specifically about the swine flu scam. Nowhere in that report did I ever mention that the MMR was tainted, nor Tetanus, nor other vaccines, that particular report covered the swine flu formulation ONLY. The policy changes were against forced vaccinations and the swine flu vaccine, in this case "changing policy" simply meant that various governments were not going to go along with a forced vaccination campaign for the swine flu. You might remember this was discussed and pushed, and then suddenly the swine flu just went away. If governments had made the decision that there was too great of a chance of it all being clandestine and stopped all talk about forced vaccination, it would put a stop to it all, would it not? Unfortunately there is still a huge trust in the medical community, and enough time has passed for the short attention span factor to take over and for more positions to be infiltrated in various governments. The threat now is actually far worse than it was back then. Don't expect a safe haven anywhere. Vaccines in Iran Peter wrote: Hi Jim, I looked at news report regarding vaccines in Iran ( and wondered if you know whether or not they
  • 36. are generally safer there than in the West? I can't imagine Iran wants to brain damage it's entire populace and render itself even weaker when faced by international sanctions and eventual war against it. It seems that their rates of autism are less than the West, so that's a positive indicator. My response: Vaccines are not likely to be one bit safer in Iran than they are in the U.S. because even people in the American government, as corrupt as it is, are totally unaware of the vaccine scam taking place. If autism rates are lower it is probably because of a lower vaccination rate. The scam is being fronted from the full prior well deserved credibility of the medical community, as it was before it got over run by scamming kikes. The Jewish people are infiltrators and subverters, they find key segments of a society to infiltrate, and then only infiltrate them in the key positions. In this case, with the vaccines, there are probably only 500 people world wide that know of the vaccine scam and are making it happen. These would be the technicians at the pharmaceutical companies formulating what gets made, but not the people actually making it. It would be the key people at the top of the FDA making the final decision, not the people enforcing that decision. It would be the key people at the top of the medical community, (and I am definitely talking Bill Gates here) and not his stupid following of windows 10 users. It would be the editors at Pub Med and the Lancet, and those feeding the college professors with defective data. Since Iran still has a few lessons to learn, and because Iran still trusts these sources, you can safely bet that a vaccine in Iran is every bit as hazardous, unless (obviously) I missed something. Interesting comments on Raytheon and more: Barbara wrote: Jim -- Thanks so much for the info on Cohen's 1997 DOD Conference + cell phone tower power (that would make a good website name Tower Power) + + + -- I've cut and pasted it to my email so I can try to memorize it and share it with the neighbor. I was aware of what you said, had just completely forgotten it. A friend here was the co-author of the International Bioiniative that began when the utilities tried to place a giant cell phone tower at a grammar school in Montecito -- bad idea, the wealthy have the money and power to accomplish good when they are aware, and she is very aware. France has outlawed the very low frequencies now, discovering they are far worse for us than the higher ones, however the US is installing them right and left. Though my intuitions are good and I have lots of education to back them up, I lost my ability to retain much so can't come up with all the great info you do since I had an MTBI with spinal injuries -- has its upsides, but the downside is frustrating. My brother is a nano engineer here (former UCSB Physics also) who is NOT on our page, but does say Raytheon is pure evil and all it does is destructive, yet this brother does not realize the things he is inventing (microscopes which can measure nano particles and more) also are being used for evil, sigh. He and my older Stanford EE brother believe microwaves are harmless, geezo! People are so goofy we're in big trouble. On the upside, at a giant family picnic this last weekend a non-blood relative shared how 3 of his family died of cancer before 2 more got cancer and got wise, went to Mexico and were completely cured of Stage 4's there several years ago and still living today. Several there ARE awake, including 2 very close cousins I'd not seen in 15 years, just not my nuclear family. Thanks again! My comment: Mexico has clinics that cure cancer all the time. Most are on the border. They use cesium chloride (which is as harmless as table salt) and it seems to cure people every time and is dirt cheap compared to absolutely phoney chemo. The periodic table also strongly implies potassium