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Exegetical Paper On Jesus
In the first act of Mark in the Bible Project beings with Mark telling how everyone is blown away by Jesus' claims and His teachings. But, because of
what Jesus is saying they are wondering who Jesus really is and if He is who He says He is. Then Mark tells about how John is the messenger that will
prepare the way for Jesus. When Jesus is getting baptized by John, the sky opens and a voice, which is God, declares Jesus His beloved Son. Later
on, Jesus goes to Galilee to preach the good news that God's kingdom has come close and is near. Also, Jesus heals those who are sick and He
forgives sins, which according to the Jews, only God can do. Jesus talks about the parables of the Four Soils and the Mustard Seed. Jesus point is
that He really is the Messiah bringing God's kingdom to earth. Mark ends this act by saying that everyone thinks that Jesus' Kingdom will be filled
with violence and that He had come to fight the Romans. But, Jesus says that it will be different from what they expect. It will be filled with love
and joy instead of evil. Even the disciples are confused about what His Kingdom is and who Jesus really more content...
I think that these things can also happen to us today. People read about all the miraculous things Jesus did in the Bible and what He did for us, but
they don't really know who He is. It might be because they don't have a relationship with Jesus or that what Jesus did in the Bible is impossible
and the refuse to believe it. I think that if we want to have a relationship with Jesus, instead of denying it, we need to pray to Him. Jesus will reveal
Himself to us we just have to ask. Jesus died for us because He loves us so much, and that to me is a very good reason to believe in
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Exegetical Essay: Drawing Near To The Old Law
Drawing Near to The Lord
The Hebrew Christians were quite familiar with the Old Law; therefore, the writer of the Hebrew letter, whom we believe to be Paul, made numerous
references to the Old Testament as he taught and illustrated the Gospel of Christ. For example, in order to teach and encourage Jewish Christians to
draw near to the Lord, he compared the gospel plan of salvation with various acts of obedience in the Old Law. (Ref. Adam Clarke Commentary,
Volume VI)
"Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure
water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:22–23) more content...
2)Full assurance of faith is required. Believing "with all your heart" that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 8:37) and that all scripture is the inspired Word
of God. (II Timothy 3:16)
3)Having one's heart sprinkled from an evil conscience refers to repentance, which is required for a person to be near God. (Luke 13:3) In the Old
Testament animal blood was sprinkled on the altars. Christ died for our sins and now His blood is applied to our hearts. (Romans 6:3–5)
4)And our body washed with pure water [nothing added] signifies baptism into Jesus Christ. The washing of the Old Testament involved "The water
of purification" and it was not pure water. (Exodus 19) No person can draw near to God without going through Jesus and the only way to get into
Christ is to be baptized into Him. (Galatians 3:27)
5)The process by which one remains near God is holding fast [faithfulness]. It is simply the determination to live and die in the faith. Not to grow
weak and give up; rather, growing closer to God through Christ and the church that He purchased with His blood. (Acts 20:28)
Within verse 22 one can learn the formula for drawing near and verse 23 describes how one can continue that
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Exegetical Paper
"Unity in the Body of Christ"
An Exegetical Paper on Ephesians 4:1–6
Main Idea and Outline
Ephesians 4: 1–6 Paul urges the church in Ephesus to live according to what God has called them to and to keep the unity of the Spirit. I. Paul reminds
the church that they should live in unity according to God's calling (4:1–3) A. Live a life worthy of the calling you have received (v.1) B. Be humble,
gentle, patient, and love everyone (v.2) C. Keep the unity of the Spirit through peace (v. 3) II. Paul explains that unity comes from spiritual oneness
(4:4–6) A. There is only one body and one spirit (v.4) B. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism (v.5) C. There is one God and more content...
The effect is how we live our lives to glorify God for saving us and making us new (Duvall 71).
Paul reminds the church that they should live in unity according to God's calling (4:1–3)
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing
with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Paul begins his statement in 4:1 to the Ephesians by stating his imprisonment (As a prisoner for the Lord) before saying anything else. It seems as
though Paul is saying this to show that he is literally living and dying for the sake of Jesus Christ and that he knows what they as believers are going
through. He may be saying this as a form of encouragement to the church in Ephesus because he is physically in prison, but he is still doing
everything he can to glorify God and make Jesus Christ known. Paul could have been using a double meaning or figure of speech when he wrote
this because he was both "a prisoner of Christ and a prisoner for Christ, both bound to him by the chains of love and in custody out of loyalty to his
gospel" (Stott 146). Then Paul exhorts the believers in Ephesus to live according to what God has commanded them at salvation. We should notice that
he uses past tense when he writes the calling you have received. This is to emphasize that he is not referring to each
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Exegetical Essay: A Brief Summary Of The Bible
Patricia tells the whack–a mole story, often we are fighting the wrong enemy, with our natural abilities. , we find ourselves wasiting time and energy
fighting people and circumstances. She reminds us, that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but the real corporate is the principalities, powers, the
rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. None of these attacks are accidental, it's the enemy stirring things up in the
heavenly realm (Eph 6:12).
The bible tells us to put on the full armor of God, to be strong in the Lord and His might, so we will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil
(Eph 6:10–11).
Belt of Truth: Truth is God's word which is the standard of his living. Using the Bible to align our lives more content...
Through the name of Jesus, in prayer, with our spiritual armour, victory is already ours.
Through Christ, Satan has already been :
Disarmed and embarrassed (Col. 2:15)
Overruled (Eph. 1:20–22)
Mastered (Phil. 2:9–11)
Rendered powerless (Heb. 2:14)
All his hard work destroyed (1 John 3:8) Π²Π‚β€’ Priscilla Shirer, Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer pg 49
Once you have exposed the enemy 's tactics , you can lift your focus away from the people, places, and events that have always seemed like the main
culprits of your drama, and stop wasting your time and energy on methods that's ineffective and exhausting ( Π²Π‚β€’ Priscilla Shirer, Fervent: A Woman's
Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer pg 50).
Has there been a time when you played real life whack a mole? blaming people, places, or events for your situation? How can you change this thought
Think of a situation you thought would change if: you would try harder, got up earlier, changed locations or jobs, or just gave someone a piece of
your mind. How was the outcome of your human
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Exegetical Paper On Jeremiah 31-31
I chose Jeremiah 31:31–37, and to be honest I do not know why. I found it during my initial research, and I thought it looked like it would be an easy
section of scripture to tear apart. I think I was drawn into it because it was full of promises from God, and it is a giant decree from the Lord. While
the passage seems fairly easy to understand on the surface, I quickly realized that there was a lot more under the surface.
Discovering The Text Jeremiah was a prophet from 628– 580 BC. This means that most of his writings took place during the final siege of Jerusalem.
Most of the book, Jeremiah is calling the nation of Judah to repent, and then announcing the exile to Babylon. However, chapter 31 takes a drastic
change. Chapter 31 is all about Restoration and the New Covenant. In the first Thirty verses of Chapter 31 The Lord is promising to return His nation
to the promised land after the exile more content...
It is the first place in the Old Testament that the "New Covenant" is mentioned. This covenant would be to the whole, reunited nation of Israel. This
New Covenant was when what God agreed to do in Genesis 3 became a reality in that this new covenant would be sealed with the blood of Jesus, who
is the only mediator between God and his people. It has been called "the Gospel before the Gospel" because it is the closest approach to the New
Testament faith in the Old Testament.
Often times, Bible commentators have said that this section of scripture is the apogee of Jeremiah's spiritual journey. It is also one of the most moving
and profoundest passages in the Bible.
This passage comes at a very important time for Jeremiah and the Jews. The covenant had caved in because the people habitually broken it. Because
of this, a question had arose, how can a holy God maintain a relationship with a sinful nation that had been deprived of a country and then sent into
captivity? There was only one solution: a New
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Exodus Exegetical Paper
Exegetical Paper: Exodus 3:2–12 The following assignment is an analysis of the book of Exodus, chapter 3, verses 2–12. In this particular passage God
calls on Moses to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites. In examination of Exodus 3:2–12, there are multiple aspects of this verse that should be
studied. Below I have explained the importance of this passage to it's original audience and it's current audience. I have also illustrated its
cultural–historical background, the literary genre and context of the passage, as well as highlighted keywords and phrases within the passage. To the
Israelites (the original audience), Exodus 3:2–12 had many important meanings. First, the Israelites learn that God was coming to save them, because
he loves them and he has heard their cries for help. Second, the verse reflects the first time the Israelites have the opportunity to understand their God
and who He is. Robinson (1997) reflects, that "the miracle of the bush that burns but is not consumed is of a piece with the marvels soon to be
worked in Egypt...", this serves to mark God as totally in control of the natural forces. Robinson (1997) further explains, "He who controls the elements
is Lord more content...
The angle of the Lord appears to Moses in a flaming bush. Moses sees the bush is burning however is not consumed (Exodus 3:2). "3 And Moses said,
'I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned', Moses was confused as to why the bush was on fire, yet undestroyed (Exodus 3:4).
God calls Moses, Moses responds to God (Exodus 3:5). Then in verse 5 God tells Moses, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the
place on which you are standing is holy ground"(Exodus 3:5). In verse 6 God introduces himself by saying, '"I am the God of your father, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' And [in response] Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God"(Exodus
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Exegetical Paper On The Book Of Exodus
This paper will examine the Biblical passage found in Exodus commonly referred to as "The Call of Moses" and referenced as Exodus 3–4:17. The
passage will be considered both for its literary content and historical background. The format of the call narrative as developed by Habel will be
discussed, as well as perspectives which differ from Habel regarding Moses' call. The purpose of this paper is to show that whether one receives a call
or commission, it is the affirmative response to the call which matters in the context of pastoral ministry preaching and teaching.
First, we shall consider Exodus in its entirety for literary form. Osborn and Hatton provide a clear explanation of the overarching theme:
The book of Exodus has been called "the Gospel of the Old Testament," for it records God's grace as well as God's law. It tells the good news of how
God miraculously delivered the descendants of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and set them on a journey to the Promised more content...
However, Exodus is also capable of standing as an independent literary work, for
It clearly begins with a prologue, and it ends with an epilogue. There is a definite plot to the book that builds up to a climax, and there is an overall
theme that deals with how Yahweh, the God on Mount Sinai, came to dwell with his people and prepare them for their journey through the
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Exegetical Essay Chapters 1-11
(4) "Again they must believe the thieves took plenty of time to fold the grave clothes and place them neatly to one side."
(5) "They must also believe that the disciples would risk their lives for a dead impostor when they would not for a living Saviour."
Angels were seen at the tomb. Have you ever saw an angel? Angels are 100% pure spirits with no material bodies, and cannot be seen unless they
manifest them self in a form. Here God sent pure spirits from Heaven to show the tomb was empty. God is He "Who maketh His angels spirits"
Psalm 104:4. At times angels assumed bodies for the purpose of carrying out duties given to them by God, such as in Genesis 19; 32:1 Numbers
22:31–35; and elsewhere. John 20:12 tells of these more content...
They remembered the words that were told them, returned to tell the disciples, and not only them but all the rest. On the way, Jesus met them and said
All hail. They came and held Him by the feet worshiping Him. Christ told them to not be afraid, but continue on and tell His brethren to meet Him in
When Mary Magdalene arrived to tell Peter and the other disciple they got up and ran to the tomb. They desired to see if the report was so. She
also returned, anxious to know if anything could be found about where the Lord had been laid. Peter stooped down and looked inside. He saw the
linen clothes that were neatly folded and left the tomb wondering what had taken place but believed her report. They did not yet recall the words of
Jesus that He would rise again from the dead, so they went away into their own home (John 20:1–10).
Mary Magdalene, however, returned and stayed behind weeping, but stooped down and looked into the tomb, and saw two angels dressed in white.
One was at the head and the other at the
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English Bible Exegetical Paper
Who report are you going to believe in the English Bible there are 17 different books a prophecy diseases the writer of these books are considered
major and minor prophets major meaning the longest meaning as we begin to focus on one major prophet this problem will be a sale I'll see you
Isaiah is justly accounted for the greatest of all prophets he is quoted more frequently throughout all the New Testament readings than any of the
prophets the prophet Isaiah theme was about the telling of the coming Messiah so he prophesied for about 50 years just was doing the very critical
times of both kingdoms Israel and Judah what's the kingdoms and what she processes which is prophecy was focused these this land possess that of
the Jews God's chosen
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Examples Of Exegetical Fallacies
Your post on Exegetical Fallacies was insightful and thought–provoking. Before learning Greek, hearing preachers use Greek words throughout their
sermons fascinated me, and that pushed me to do more research and learn. As time moved on, I felt inclined to include Greek in my sermons
especially after Greek I. It seemed easy to research a passage, throw out a few Greek words, and move on. After studying Greek further, I discovered
that most preachers were misinterpreting and misapplying Greek words within their sermons. I have to agree that often times, even now; I may find
myself guilty of some of Carson's fallacies. Your example of the disciples and apostles misinterpretation shows how important it is to determine the true
meaning in the correct
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Exegesis of John 3:16
Literary Criticism 1. Context In the verses leading up to John 3:16 through 3:21, we see Jesus in conversation with Nicodemus, who is not yet
willing to accept Jesus as the son of God or as his lord and savior, and who is equally unwilling to make a decision on such a topic. We see a man
who has not yet seized the opportunity to enhance his own life by letting Jesus into it. Nicodemus only sees the greatness of his own life and does not
see the wisdom, truth, or virility that can be provided to him by Jesus. He is a man, not too much unlike doubters of today, who wants more proof
and who believes that his current way of being is working and will get him to a better afterlife. For moments he seems to come to the light and accept
Jesus, more content...
The parallelism of John 4:9 to John 3:16 as described above allows the reader to gain deeper understanding of 3:16, as 4:9 essentially is the same
message with slightly varied words which, when contextually applied, give meaning or definition to the words of 3:16. The lines therein help the
reader to gain an understanding of words such as "us", "world", and living "through him", where we can now ascertain that "us" refers to believers
and "through him" refers to the eternal life that can be gained through acceptance. 4. Redaction Criticism The passage of John 3:16 through 3:19 has
seen in its wording and its use of pronouns over the course of time, both to aid in the general understanding of the passage as well as to give specific
manifestation to the greater significance of God. The original King James version of the New Testament refers to God as "he" and to Jesus as "his
Son" and in neither case is the pronoun referring to God capitalized. The New American Standard version changes that such that pronouns referring to
God are capitalized. It can be argued that this change gives greater significance to God, separating him from mere mortals where the previous
lower–cased words made God too common and too similar to regular mortal men. The New American Standard version also changes "saved" to "saved
through Him", making it more
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Exegetical Summary Of The Military
Having briefly offered some exegetical notes on the original parable I will now offer a retelling of the parable for a modern military audience. In
this retelling I will attempt to capture the vividness, the realism and the shock of the original. There was once a Marine that was sent into Iraq to fight
for his country. One day on a routine trip through occupied Bagdad, the Marine's convey fell under heavy fire and their vehicle was destroyed. The
Marine was knocked to the ground–dying and unconscious–while a firefight broke out. After a while a soldier from the army came by. Thinking that
he was dead, the soldier left him and continued fighting. Some more time passed and finally a Marine came by. Thinking that he was dead, the fellow
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Exegetical Essay: Rubilee Prayer
The Bible says that the fervent effectual prayers of righteous people avail much. In the same passage we are given the example of Elijah. He prayed
that it would be no rain and his prayer was answered. It did not rain for three years and six months. One again, he prayed that it would rain and his
prayer was answered – how awesome. We are told that he was just like us. In other words, although he was a great prophet, we have just as great of
a standing before the Lord when it comes to having our prayers answered. We can be like Elijah, being righteous and praying earnestly and see our
prayers answered. Jubilee Music Enrichment needs righteous partners to diligently pray for this ministry as we commence programs in our new
building. We can see
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Exegetical Discourse
When returning from a month in Ghana, West Africa, I sat down at the kitchen table with my mother. She asked me if I, a third year Bible College
student, could help her understand a passage of scripture she read earlier that day. The passage was 1 Peter 3:18–22. We discussed the confusion
surrounding the strange mentioning of Noah, spirits, Jesus descending in Hell and suffering for righteousness sake. When I could not answer my
mother's questions surrounding this seemingly peculiar passage, I decided to do something about it.
Like all humans, I come with baggage. In my exegetical, biases may emerge from my preunderstanding that impact my interpretation of scripture. To
help navigate this exegetical with clarity and truthfulness, I have included
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Essay about Exegesis on Ephesians
Exegetical Paper of Ephesians 2:14–22 In Ephesians 2:14–22, Paul writes a letter to the people of Ephesus both Jews and Gentiles of the time, telling
them that Christ had broken down the wall of hostility so that they can live in peace and unity. Within this paper, there will be an extensive
exegetical look at the history of the passage; what the significance of this passage is to the biblical audience, and the differences between the biblical
audience and today's audience. By studying this passage, people today can grasp the meaning and apply it to their lives. Historical Context The City
of Ephesus was a city of wealth, and was impacted by Christians greatly for centuries. "Ephesus was founded by Ionian Greeks at a location where more content...
Ephesians 2:14–22 contains three key concepts that's portrayed throughout the whole book; unity in Christ, grace through faith and a holy way of
living. These three concepts go more into depth within the overall book of Ephesians but are summed up within verses 2:14–22. The paragraph before
the passage addresses that the Gentiles were different from the Jews and that they were living apart from Christ, but are to live as one people,
together in unity. In the paragraph after the passage, Paul reiterates that the Gentiles are to be treated equally with the Jews and that they have grace
through their faith in Christ. There are three words that play an important role within this text. They are hostility, body and cornerstone. These three
words are important to look at because they tap into the key concepts within the passage; they are words that are pivotal in Paul's message. Paul uses
the word hostility (echthra), as a noun, referencing the word as a "thing" that is dividing the two groups of people. Paul addresses that there is no
more hostility between the Jews and Gentiles because Christ has brought peace to them through his own death on the cross. The two groups of people
are untied into one nation, the word hostility is pivotal because it is a key word that shows how unity is of significance in this passage. The fact that
the separation between the
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Exegetical Paper On Isaiah
Linda, it's obvious that your research on Isaiah is going to generate a tremendous amount of information that will help to define this man of God.
What makes the Book of Isaiah unique is that it can be compare to the Bible because it has 66 chapters and the Bible has 66 books, and I suggest that
it has vastly impacted the theological comprehension of Christianity. With that being said, may I recommend the implementation of the type culture that
existed doing the time of Isaiah's calling, and some form of historical context that influence his decision, so that the readers would have a place of
origin. Klein states, "The correct interpretation of a biblical passage will be consistent with the historical–cultural background of the passage. There
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Exegetical Essay: Paul's Controversy
Paul's mission and writing was for the sake of guiding God's people to a life of righteousness. Paul's opponents, believed, that the law of Moses', (to
be circumcision is the way to salvation) , Paul, taught about the Law of Christ is the way to salvation.
Judaizer The acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian faith be regulated and in order to enter into the covenant people of Yahweh, they must be
circumcised and keep the law of Moses in order to earn salvation.
Paul/Barnabas Paul was correct in addressing and rebuking Peter for overly focusing on early Christianity (Judaizer ) or follow the Laws of Moses.
Paul reminds us all that the Law of Christ is the righteousness and atonement of God.
Debate the Judaizer Issue/ more content...
According, to Jeremiah, he told them to "Circumcise the foreskin of your heart," he was telling them to cut away the thickening around their hearts,"
so it is just as important as a physical circumcision. In Jeremiah 4 :4; 9:25, is what God was trying to get the church of Galatians and Romans, to cut
the thickened around their hearts. This is a very important thing to do. Because, we are to have a heart as God's.
In the debate, the covenant was Not for all generation. Circumcision was the sign for keeping the covenant. Which, contradicts, the response to the
responder, saying, it is Not for all generation. It is the breathe of life, when Christ died, on the cross and was resurrected, was the opportunity for the
unbelievers to mend their heart to God. By cutting away the thicken from their hearts.
In the debate, Paul is truly a man of God, indeed, Paul's life set an example of how God, can change a person to become victorious, in the name of
the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God wants His people to sell out to him on a daily base. We have victory in the name ofJesus Christ.
The Debaters Candidate:
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Exegetical Paper Ephesians 6:10-20
CONTEXT6CONTENT7 The Offensive Comes From God7 The Defensive Comes From God7 The Battle is Vast8 The Armor of God is for
Protection8 The Alert Believer Prays11 APPLICATION15 BIBLIOGRAPHY13
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against more
44. gospel of peace (vs. 15)
45. shield of faith (vs. 16)
46. flaming arrows (vs. 16)
47. helmet of salvation (vs. 17)
48. sword of the Spirit (vs. 17)
49.Word of God (vs. 17)
Reference to the Trinity
50. Lord – where strength comes from (v. 10)
51. Him – source of might power (v. 10)
52. God – source of armor (v. 11)
53. God – source of all the armor (v. 13)
54. Spirit – source of defense (v. 17)
55. God – source of the word (v. 17)
56. Spirit – power of prayer (v.18)
57. Lord's – ownership of believers (v. 18)
58. Be strong (vs. 10)
59. Put on (vs. 11, 13)
60. Take (vs. 11, 17)
61. Struggle (vs. 12)
62. Come (vs. 13)
63. Stand (vs. 13, 13, 14)
64. Have done (vs. 13)
65. Fitted (vs. 15)
66. Take up (vs. 16)
67. Extinguish (vs. 16)
68. Pray (vs. 18, 19)
69. Be alert (vs. 18)
70. Speak (vs. 19)
71. Declare (vs. 20)
God makes provision for believers to advance the mystery of the Gospel.
I. The Offensive comes from God (10) –The Power of God Advances the Believer in Battle
II. The Defensive comes God (11)– The Armor enables the Believer to hold Position
III. The Battle is Vast (12) A. The Battle is not Flesh– nothing we are able to battle alone B. The Battle is Supernatural – Powerful, numerous,
prepared, and Evil
IV. The Armor of God is for protection (13–17) A. All parts are required to Stand Firm vs 13 B. Belt of Truth14– Holds the armor together C. Breast
Plate of Righteousness 14 – Protects vital areas of life –Heart D. Shoes
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Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1-11
–11 is being submitted to: DR: LEO
PERCER Π’Π’In partial fulfilment for the requirement of the course NBST 610 (HERMENEUTICS) SUBMITTED BY: STEPHEN GEDDAM
L26282842 CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3
HISTORICAL CONTEXT –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4 EXPOSITION
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5 1) The Genuine Humility Lows Down
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 2) God is the real source of exaltation
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 9 3) The more content...
Well we have seen in this above with the introduction that this deals with the humility when it is genuinely exercised and the rewards that are
awarded by God. Well let's discuss through this Philippians chapter two, one through eleven. Before going into the deeper first let us discuss what it
says in the first five verses of this chapter. Well though it is always good to hear from the scholars. To say that in the verse one it clearly states that
this chapter was linked to the previous chapter, because this chapter was started with "Therefore" which indicates that Paul began with the unity that
was ended up in 1:27. This shows that it has four clauses which deals with the Philippians sharing and as well as their experiences. These are stated to
promote unity especially through experiences in the people of Philippians. Richard R. Melick Jr. stated in his book of Philippians, Colossians,
Philemon commentaries that, "These four "Ifs" clauses, though, should not be interpreted as a mere possibility, but as an assumptions of the truth of
the statements."6 In verse two we can find the second half of the conditional statement of Paul which was given. The means of fulfilling this command
is then given in four clauses which emphasize unity by synonymous expressions.7 The way in which the Philippians can "fulfil" Paul's joy is by
having "the same mind", "the same love", being "one
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Exegetical Paper On Jesus

  • 1. Exegetical Paper On Jesus In the first act of Mark in the Bible Project beings with Mark telling how everyone is blown away by Jesus' claims and His teachings. But, because of what Jesus is saying they are wondering who Jesus really is and if He is who He says He is. Then Mark tells about how John is the messenger that will prepare the way for Jesus. When Jesus is getting baptized by John, the sky opens and a voice, which is God, declares Jesus His beloved Son. Later on, Jesus goes to Galilee to preach the good news that God's kingdom has come close and is near. Also, Jesus heals those who are sick and He forgives sins, which according to the Jews, only God can do. Jesus talks about the parables of the Four Soils and the Mustard Seed. Jesus point is that He really is the Messiah bringing God's kingdom to earth. Mark ends this act by saying that everyone thinks that Jesus' Kingdom will be filled with violence and that He had come to fight the Romans. But, Jesus says that it will be different from what they expect. It will be filled with love and joy instead of evil. Even the disciples are confused about what His Kingdom is and who Jesus really more content... I think that these things can also happen to us today. People read about all the miraculous things Jesus did in the Bible and what He did for us, but they don't really know who He is. It might be because they don't have a relationship with Jesus or that what Jesus did in the Bible is impossible and the refuse to believe it. I think that if we want to have a relationship with Jesus, instead of denying it, we need to pray to Him. Jesus will reveal Himself to us we just have to ask. Jesus died for us because He loves us so much, and that to me is a very good reason to believe in Get more content on
  • 2. Exegetical Essay: Drawing Near To The Old Law Drawing Near to The Lord The Hebrew Christians were quite familiar with the Old Law; therefore, the writer of the Hebrew letter, whom we believe to be Paul, made numerous references to the Old Testament as he taught and illustrated the Gospel of Christ. For example, in order to teach and encourage Jewish Christians to draw near to the Lord, he compared the gospel plan of salvation with various acts of obedience in the Old Law. (Ref. Adam Clarke Commentary, Volume VI) "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:22–23) more content... 2)Full assurance of faith is required. Believing "with all your heart" that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 8:37) and that all scripture is the inspired Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16) 3)Having one's heart sprinkled from an evil conscience refers to repentance, which is required for a person to be near God. (Luke 13:3) In the Old Testament animal blood was sprinkled on the altars. Christ died for our sins and now His blood is applied to our hearts. (Romans 6:3–5) 4)And our body washed with pure water [nothing added] signifies baptism into Jesus Christ. The washing of the Old Testament involved "The water of purification" and it was not pure water. (Exodus 19) No person can draw near to God without going through Jesus and the only way to get into Christ is to be baptized into Him. (Galatians 3:27) 5)The process by which one remains near God is holding fast [faithfulness]. It is simply the determination to live and die in the faith. Not to grow weak and give up; rather, growing closer to God through Christ and the church that He purchased with His blood. (Acts 20:28) Within verse 22 one can learn the formula for drawing near and verse 23 describes how one can continue that Get more content on
  • 3. Exegetical Paper "Unity in the Body of Christ" An Exegetical Paper on Ephesians 4:1–6 Main Idea and Outline Ephesians 4: 1–6 Paul urges the church in Ephesus to live according to what God has called them to and to keep the unity of the Spirit. I. Paul reminds the church that they should live in unity according to God's calling (4:1–3) A. Live a life worthy of the calling you have received (v.1) B. Be humble, gentle, patient, and love everyone (v.2) C. Keep the unity of the Spirit through peace (v. 3) II. Paul explains that unity comes from spiritual oneness (4:4–6) A. There is only one body and one spirit (v.4) B. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism (v.5) C. There is one God and more content... The effect is how we live our lives to glorify God for saving us and making us new (Duvall 71). Content Paul reminds the church that they should live in unity according to God's calling (4:1–3) As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Paul begins his statement in 4:1 to the Ephesians by stating his imprisonment (As a prisoner for the Lord) before saying anything else. It seems as though Paul is saying this to show that he is literally living and dying for the sake of Jesus Christ and that he knows what they as believers are going through. He may be saying this as a form of encouragement to the church in Ephesus because he is physically in prison, but he is still doing everything he can to glorify God and make Jesus Christ known. Paul could have been using a double meaning or figure of speech when he wrote this because he was both "a prisoner of Christ and a prisoner for Christ, both bound to him by the chains of love and in custody out of loyalty to his gospel" (Stott 146). Then Paul exhorts the believers in Ephesus to live according to what God has commanded them at salvation. We should notice that he uses past tense when he writes the calling you have received. This is to emphasize that he is not referring to each Get more content on
  • 4. Exegetical Essay: A Brief Summary Of The Bible Patricia tells the whack–a mole story, often we are fighting the wrong enemy, with our natural abilities. , we find ourselves wasiting time and energy fighting people and circumstances. She reminds us, that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but the real corporate is the principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. None of these attacks are accidental, it's the enemy stirring things up in the heavenly realm (Eph 6:12). The bible tells us to put on the full armor of God, to be strong in the Lord and His might, so we will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil (Eph 6:10–11). Belt of Truth: Truth is God's word which is the standard of his living. Using the Bible to align our lives more content... Through the name of Jesus, in prayer, with our spiritual armour, victory is already ours. Through Christ, Satan has already been : Disarmed and embarrassed (Col. 2:15) Overruled (Eph. 1:20–22) Mastered (Phil. 2:9–11) Rendered powerless (Heb. 2:14) All his hard work destroyed (1 John 3:8) Π²Π‚β€’ Priscilla Shirer, Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer pg 49 Once you have exposed the enemy 's tactics , you can lift your focus away from the people, places, and events that have always seemed like the main culprits of your drama, and stop wasting your time and energy on methods that's ineffective and exhausting ( Π²Π‚β€’ Priscilla Shirer, Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer pg 50).
  • 5. Has there been a time when you played real life whack a mole? blaming people, places, or events for your situation? How can you change this thought pattern? Think of a situation you thought would change if: you would try harder, got up earlier, changed locations or jobs, or just gave someone a piece of your mind. How was the outcome of your human Get more content on
  • 6. Exegetical Paper On Jeremiah 31-31 I chose Jeremiah 31:31–37, and to be honest I do not know why. I found it during my initial research, and I thought it looked like it would be an easy section of scripture to tear apart. I think I was drawn into it because it was full of promises from God, and it is a giant decree from the Lord. While the passage seems fairly easy to understand on the surface, I quickly realized that there was a lot more under the surface. Discovering The Text Jeremiah was a prophet from 628– 580 BC. This means that most of his writings took place during the final siege of Jerusalem. Most of the book, Jeremiah is calling the nation of Judah to repent, and then announcing the exile to Babylon. However, chapter 31 takes a drastic change. Chapter 31 is all about Restoration and the New Covenant. In the first Thirty verses of Chapter 31 The Lord is promising to return His nation to the promised land after the exile more content... It is the first place in the Old Testament that the "New Covenant" is mentioned. This covenant would be to the whole, reunited nation of Israel. This New Covenant was when what God agreed to do in Genesis 3 became a reality in that this new covenant would be sealed with the blood of Jesus, who is the only mediator between God and his people. It has been called "the Gospel before the Gospel" because it is the closest approach to the New Testament faith in the Old Testament. Often times, Bible commentators have said that this section of scripture is the apogee of Jeremiah's spiritual journey. It is also one of the most moving and profoundest passages in the Bible. This passage comes at a very important time for Jeremiah and the Jews. The covenant had caved in because the people habitually broken it. Because of this, a question had arose, how can a holy God maintain a relationship with a sinful nation that had been deprived of a country and then sent into captivity? There was only one solution: a New Get more content on
  • 7. Exodus Exegetical Paper Exegetical Paper: Exodus 3:2–12 The following assignment is an analysis of the book of Exodus, chapter 3, verses 2–12. In this particular passage God calls on Moses to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites. In examination of Exodus 3:2–12, there are multiple aspects of this verse that should be studied. Below I have explained the importance of this passage to it's original audience and it's current audience. I have also illustrated its cultural–historical background, the literary genre and context of the passage, as well as highlighted keywords and phrases within the passage. To the Israelites (the original audience), Exodus 3:2–12 had many important meanings. First, the Israelites learn that God was coming to save them, because he loves them and he has heard their cries for help. Second, the verse reflects the first time the Israelites have the opportunity to understand their God and who He is. Robinson (1997) reflects, that "the miracle of the bush that burns but is not consumed is of a piece with the marvels soon to be worked in Egypt...", this serves to mark God as totally in control of the natural forces. Robinson (1997) further explains, "He who controls the elements is Lord more content... The angle of the Lord appears to Moses in a flaming bush. Moses sees the bush is burning however is not consumed (Exodus 3:2). "3 And Moses said, 'I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned', Moses was confused as to why the bush was on fire, yet undestroyed (Exodus 3:4). God calls Moses, Moses responds to God (Exodus 3:5). Then in verse 5 God tells Moses, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground"(Exodus 3:5). In verse 6 God introduces himself by saying, '"I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' And [in response] Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God"(Exodus Get more content on
  • 8. Exegetical Paper On The Book Of Exodus This paper will examine the Biblical passage found in Exodus commonly referred to as "The Call of Moses" and referenced as Exodus 3–4:17. The passage will be considered both for its literary content and historical background. The format of the call narrative as developed by Habel will be discussed, as well as perspectives which differ from Habel regarding Moses' call. The purpose of this paper is to show that whether one receives a call or commission, it is the affirmative response to the call which matters in the context of pastoral ministry preaching and teaching. LITERARY CONTENT First, we shall consider Exodus in its entirety for literary form. Osborn and Hatton provide a clear explanation of the overarching theme: The book of Exodus has been called "the Gospel of the Old Testament," for it records God's grace as well as God's law. It tells the good news of how God miraculously delivered the descendants of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and set them on a journey to the Promised more content... However, Exodus is also capable of standing as an independent literary work, for It clearly begins with a prologue, and it ends with an epilogue. There is a definite plot to the book that builds up to a climax, and there is an overall theme that deals with how Yahweh, the God on Mount Sinai, came to dwell with his people and prepare them for their journey through the Get more content on
  • 9. Exegetical Essay Chapters 1-11 (4) "Again they must believe the thieves took plenty of time to fold the grave clothes and place them neatly to one side." (5) "They must also believe that the disciples would risk their lives for a dead impostor when they would not for a living Saviour." Angels were seen at the tomb. Have you ever saw an angel? Angels are 100% pure spirits with no material bodies, and cannot be seen unless they manifest them self in a form. Here God sent pure spirits from Heaven to show the tomb was empty. God is He "Who maketh His angels spirits" Psalm 104:4. At times angels assumed bodies for the purpose of carrying out duties given to them by God, such as in Genesis 19; 32:1 Numbers 22:31–35; and elsewhere. John 20:12 tells of these more content... They remembered the words that were told them, returned to tell the disciples, and not only them but all the rest. On the way, Jesus met them and said All hail. They came and held Him by the feet worshiping Him. Christ told them to not be afraid, but continue on and tell His brethren to meet Him in Galilee. When Mary Magdalene arrived to tell Peter and the other disciple they got up and ran to the tomb. They desired to see if the report was so. She also returned, anxious to know if anything could be found about where the Lord had been laid. Peter stooped down and looked inside. He saw the linen clothes that were neatly folded and left the tomb wondering what had taken place but believed her report. They did not yet recall the words of Jesus that He would rise again from the dead, so they went away into their own home (John 20:1–10). Mary Magdalene, however, returned and stayed behind weeping, but stooped down and looked into the tomb, and saw two angels dressed in white. One was at the head and the other at the Get more content on
  • 10. English Bible Exegetical Paper Who report are you going to believe in the English Bible there are 17 different books a prophecy diseases the writer of these books are considered major and minor prophets major meaning the longest meaning as we begin to focus on one major prophet this problem will be a sale I'll see you Isaiah is justly accounted for the greatest of all prophets he is quoted more frequently throughout all the New Testament readings than any of the prophets the prophet Isaiah theme was about the telling of the coming Messiah so he prophesied for about 50 years just was doing the very critical times of both kingdoms Israel and Judah what's the kingdoms and what she processes which is prophecy was focused these this land possess that of the Jews God's chosen Get more content on
  • 11. Examples Of Exegetical Fallacies Your post on Exegetical Fallacies was insightful and thought–provoking. Before learning Greek, hearing preachers use Greek words throughout their sermons fascinated me, and that pushed me to do more research and learn. As time moved on, I felt inclined to include Greek in my sermons especially after Greek I. It seemed easy to research a passage, throw out a few Greek words, and move on. After studying Greek further, I discovered that most preachers were misinterpreting and misapplying Greek words within their sermons. I have to agree that often times, even now; I may find myself guilty of some of Carson's fallacies. Your example of the disciples and apostles misinterpretation shows how important it is to determine the true meaning in the correct Get more content on
  • 12. Exegesis of John 3:16 Literary Criticism 1. Context In the verses leading up to John 3:16 through 3:21, we see Jesus in conversation with Nicodemus, who is not yet willing to accept Jesus as the son of God or as his lord and savior, and who is equally unwilling to make a decision on such a topic. We see a man who has not yet seized the opportunity to enhance his own life by letting Jesus into it. Nicodemus only sees the greatness of his own life and does not see the wisdom, truth, or virility that can be provided to him by Jesus. He is a man, not too much unlike doubters of today, who wants more proof and who believes that his current way of being is working and will get him to a better afterlife. For moments he seems to come to the light and accept Jesus, more content... The parallelism of John 4:9 to John 3:16 as described above allows the reader to gain deeper understanding of 3:16, as 4:9 essentially is the same message with slightly varied words which, when contextually applied, give meaning or definition to the words of 3:16. The lines therein help the reader to gain an understanding of words such as "us", "world", and living "through him", where we can now ascertain that "us" refers to believers and "through him" refers to the eternal life that can be gained through acceptance. 4. Redaction Criticism The passage of John 3:16 through 3:19 has seen in its wording and its use of pronouns over the course of time, both to aid in the general understanding of the passage as well as to give specific manifestation to the greater significance of God. The original King James version of the New Testament refers to God as "he" and to Jesus as "his Son" and in neither case is the pronoun referring to God capitalized. The New American Standard version changes that such that pronouns referring to God are capitalized. It can be argued that this change gives greater significance to God, separating him from mere mortals where the previous lower–cased words made God too common and too similar to regular mortal men. The New American Standard version also changes "saved" to "saved through Him", making it more Get more content on
  • 13. Exegetical Summary Of The Military Having briefly offered some exegetical notes on the original parable I will now offer a retelling of the parable for a modern military audience. In this retelling I will attempt to capture the vividness, the realism and the shock of the original. There was once a Marine that was sent into Iraq to fight for his country. One day on a routine trip through occupied Bagdad, the Marine's convey fell under heavy fire and their vehicle was destroyed. The Marine was knocked to the ground–dying and unconscious–while a firefight broke out. After a while a soldier from the army came by. Thinking that he was dead, the soldier left him and continued fighting. Some more time passed and finally a Marine came by. Thinking that he was dead, the fellow Marine Get more content on
  • 14. Exegetical Essay: Rubilee Prayer The Bible says that the fervent effectual prayers of righteous people avail much. In the same passage we are given the example of Elijah. He prayed that it would be no rain and his prayer was answered. It did not rain for three years and six months. One again, he prayed that it would rain and his prayer was answered – how awesome. We are told that he was just like us. In other words, although he was a great prophet, we have just as great of a standing before the Lord when it comes to having our prayers answered. We can be like Elijah, being righteous and praying earnestly and see our prayers answered. Jubilee Music Enrichment needs righteous partners to diligently pray for this ministry as we commence programs in our new building. We can see Get more content on
  • 15. Exegetical Discourse When returning from a month in Ghana, West Africa, I sat down at the kitchen table with my mother. She asked me if I, a third year Bible College student, could help her understand a passage of scripture she read earlier that day. The passage was 1 Peter 3:18–22. We discussed the confusion surrounding the strange mentioning of Noah, spirits, Jesus descending in Hell and suffering for righteousness sake. When I could not answer my mother's questions surrounding this seemingly peculiar passage, I decided to do something about it. Like all humans, I come with baggage. In my exegetical, biases may emerge from my preunderstanding that impact my interpretation of scripture. To help navigate this exegetical with clarity and truthfulness, I have included Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Exegesis on Ephesians Exegetical Paper of Ephesians 2:14–22 In Ephesians 2:14–22, Paul writes a letter to the people of Ephesus both Jews and Gentiles of the time, telling them that Christ had broken down the wall of hostility so that they can live in peace and unity. Within this paper, there will be an extensive exegetical look at the history of the passage; what the significance of this passage is to the biblical audience, and the differences between the biblical audience and today's audience. By studying this passage, people today can grasp the meaning and apply it to their lives. Historical Context The City of Ephesus was a city of wealth, and was impacted by Christians greatly for centuries. "Ephesus was founded by Ionian Greeks at a location where more content... Ephesians 2:14–22 contains three key concepts that's portrayed throughout the whole book; unity in Christ, grace through faith and a holy way of living. These three concepts go more into depth within the overall book of Ephesians but are summed up within verses 2:14–22. The paragraph before the passage addresses that the Gentiles were different from the Jews and that they were living apart from Christ, but are to live as one people, together in unity. In the paragraph after the passage, Paul reiterates that the Gentiles are to be treated equally with the Jews and that they have grace through their faith in Christ. There are three words that play an important role within this text. They are hostility, body and cornerstone. These three words are important to look at because they tap into the key concepts within the passage; they are words that are pivotal in Paul's message. Paul uses the word hostility (echthra), as a noun, referencing the word as a "thing" that is dividing the two groups of people. Paul addresses that there is no more hostility between the Jews and Gentiles because Christ has brought peace to them through his own death on the cross. The two groups of people are untied into one nation, the word hostility is pivotal because it is a key word that shows how unity is of significance in this passage. The fact that the separation between the Get more content on
  • 17. Exegetical Paper On Isaiah Linda, it's obvious that your research on Isaiah is going to generate a tremendous amount of information that will help to define this man of God. What makes the Book of Isaiah unique is that it can be compare to the Bible because it has 66 chapters and the Bible has 66 books, and I suggest that it has vastly impacted the theological comprehension of Christianity. With that being said, may I recommend the implementation of the type culture that existed doing the time of Isaiah's calling, and some form of historical context that influence his decision, so that the readers would have a place of origin. Klein states, "The correct interpretation of a biblical passage will be consistent with the historical–cultural background of the passage. There Get more content on
  • 18. Exegetical Essay: Paul's Controversy Paul's mission and writing was for the sake of guiding God's people to a life of righteousness. Paul's opponents, believed, that the law of Moses', (to be circumcision is the way to salvation) , Paul, taught about the Law of Christ is the way to salvation. Judaizer The acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian faith be regulated and in order to enter into the covenant people of Yahweh, they must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses in order to earn salvation. Paul/Barnabas Paul was correct in addressing and rebuking Peter for overly focusing on early Christianity (Judaizer ) or follow the Laws of Moses. Paul reminds us all that the Law of Christ is the righteousness and atonement of God. Debate the Judaizer Issue/ more content... According, to Jeremiah, he told them to "Circumcise the foreskin of your heart," he was telling them to cut away the thickening around their hearts," so it is just as important as a physical circumcision. In Jeremiah 4 :4; 9:25, is what God was trying to get the church of Galatians and Romans, to cut the thickened around their hearts. This is a very important thing to do. Because, we are to have a heart as God's. In the debate, the covenant was Not for all generation. Circumcision was the sign for keeping the covenant. Which, contradicts, the response to the responder, saying, it is Not for all generation. It is the breathe of life, when Christ died, on the cross and was resurrected, was the opportunity for the unbelievers to mend their heart to God. By cutting away the thicken from their hearts. In the debate, Paul is truly a man of God, indeed, Paul's life set an example of how God, can change a person to become victorious, in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God wants His people to sell out to him on a daily base. We have victory in the name ofJesus Christ. The Debaters Candidate: Chad
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  • 20. Exegetical Paper Ephesians 6:10-20 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY EXEGETICAL PAPER EPHESIANS 6:10–20 A PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. LUCAS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COURSE NBST 652 HERMENEUTICS LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY KELLY TODD LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 2012 CONTENTS OBSESERVATIONS1 MAIN IDEA3 OUTLINE3 INTRODUCTION4 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTENT5 LITERARY CONTEXT6CONTENT7 The Offensive Comes From God7 The Defensive Comes From God7 The Battle is Vast8 The Armor of God is for Protection8 The Alert Believer Prays11 APPLICATION15 BIBLIOGRAPHY13 OBSERVATIONS 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against more content... 15) 44. gospel of peace (vs. 15)
  • 21. 45. shield of faith (vs. 16) 46. flaming arrows (vs. 16) 47. helmet of salvation (vs. 17) 48. sword of the Spirit (vs. 17) 49.Word of God (vs. 17) Reference to the Trinity 50. Lord – where strength comes from (v. 10) 51. Him – source of might power (v. 10) 52. God – source of armor (v. 11) 53. God – source of all the armor (v. 13) 54. Spirit – source of defense (v. 17) 55. God – source of the word (v. 17) 56. Spirit – power of prayer (v.18) 57. Lord's – ownership of believers (v. 18) Verbs 58. Be strong (vs. 10) 59. Put on (vs. 11, 13) 60. Take (vs. 11, 17) 61. Struggle (vs. 12) 62. Come (vs. 13) 63. Stand (vs. 13, 13, 14) 64. Have done (vs. 13) 65. Fitted (vs. 15) 66. Take up (vs. 16) 67. Extinguish (vs. 16) 68. Pray (vs. 18, 19) 69. Be alert (vs. 18) 70. Speak (vs. 19) 71. Declare (vs. 20) MAIN IDEA God makes provision for believers to advance the mystery of the Gospel. OUTLINE I. The Offensive comes from God (10) –The Power of God Advances the Believer in Battle
  • 22. II. The Defensive comes God (11)– The Armor enables the Believer to hold Position III. The Battle is Vast (12) A. The Battle is not Flesh– nothing we are able to battle alone B. The Battle is Supernatural – Powerful, numerous, prepared, and Evil IV. The Armor of God is for protection (13–17) A. All parts are required to Stand Firm vs 13 B. Belt of Truth14– Holds the armor together C. Breast Plate of Righteousness 14 – Protects vital areas of life –Heart D. Shoes Get more content on
  • 23. Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1-11 LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: EXEGETICAL PAPER Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1 –11 is being submitted to: DR: LEO PERCER Π’Π’In partial fulfilment for the requirement of the course NBST 610 (HERMENEUTICS) SUBMITTED BY: STEPHEN GEDDAM L26282842 CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3 HISTORICAL CONTEXT –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4 EXPOSITION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5 1) The Genuine Humility Lows Down ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 2) God is the real source of exaltation –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 9 3) The more content... Well we have seen in this above with the introduction that this deals with the humility when it is genuinely exercised and the rewards that are awarded by God. Well let's discuss through this Philippians chapter two, one through eleven. Before going into the deeper first let us discuss what it says in the first five verses of this chapter. Well though it is always good to hear from the scholars. To say that in the verse one it clearly states that this chapter was linked to the previous chapter, because this chapter was started with "Therefore" which indicates that Paul began with the unity that was ended up in 1:27. This shows that it has four clauses which deals with the Philippians sharing and as well as their experiences. These are stated to promote unity especially through experiences in the people of Philippians. Richard R. Melick Jr. stated in his book of Philippians, Colossians, Philemon commentaries that, "These four "Ifs" clauses, though, should not be interpreted as a mere possibility, but as an assumptions of the truth of the statements."6 In verse two we can find the second half of the conditional statement of Paul which was given. The means of fulfilling this command is then given in four clauses which emphasize unity by synonymous expressions.7 The way in which the Philippians can "fulfil" Paul's joy is by having "the same mind", "the same love", being "one Get more content on