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IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia - ENCA
Communications Strategy
for the ENCA Region 2014-2016
Last updated: January 27, 2015
Contributors IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia Region and Headquarters
Secretariat (Alphabetically):
Aleksandra Nikodinovic, Angelika Pullen, Anna Knee,
Constantine Makris, Lourdes Lázaro Marín, Luis Pinto, Nicole
Gooderson, Richard Ainston, Sebastià Semene-Guitart.
Chairs of IUCN National Committees (Alphabetically):
Ann-Katrine Garn Blom, IUCN National Committee Denmark;
Aybars Altiparmak, IUCN National Committee of Turkey;
Bertrand de Montmollin, IUCN National Committee Switzerland;
Corrado Teofili, IUCN National Committee Italy; Rustam Sagitov,
IUCN National Committee Russia.
Author, design &
photo cover
Michelle Cartín Delgado
ENCA Communications Vision
Through integrated and collaborative work, IUCN
constituents develop unified and trusted messages to
enable conservation action for the Europe, North and
Central Asia region and its people.
Important notice:
This document is the Communications Strategy for IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia and
is meant to be a dynamic document to be updated on a continuous basis. While the
document might use the term “Europe” for ease of reference, it refers to the two statutory
regions: “West Europe”, “East Europe and North and Central Asia”.
Introduction 4
Constituency of IUCN ENCA 4
a) Secretariat 5
b) Commissions 6
c) Membership 7
Communication tools 8
Online presence 8
Press releases 9
Printed material 9
Key Messages 9
Communication Objectives 10
ENCA Communication Activities 12
… IUCN strives to influence changes based on a cycle of knowledge, policy
influence and action. IUCN Europe will continue to generate new knowledge
in order to empower people in the governance of natural resources for
human well-being.”
Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 2013- 2016 in Europe
Communication activities contribute to awareness, uptake and adoption of IUCN’s work in
Europe, by identifying and facilitating opportunities for substantive collaboration with and
within European National Committees and Members in order to build a European
programme that fully reflects the diverse nature and interests of IUCN’s constituents in
The IUCN ENCA Communication Strategy 2015-2016 is intended to provide a framework for
the European Coordination Unit to guide the development and delivery of communication
activities in Europe, and in collaboration with the different IUCN offices in the region. Its
main objective is to establish concrete mechanisms for greater participation and better
integration of the different components of the Union in the region. In order for this strategy
to truly reflect the diversity of the Region, extensive consultations took place during
October and November 20141
, which involved gathering the vision and objectives of IUCN
Member organizations, National Committees, Commission members and the Secretariat.
This strategy is a first step towards developing the next European Implementation Plan of
the IUCN Programme 2017-2020 and is a dynamic document to be periodically updated in
order to reflect the continually evolving nature of our work and take advantage of events
and partnerships.
Constituency of IUCN ENCA
IUCN has three main constituent parts: IUCN Members, Commissions, and the Secretariat.
IUCN Members and Commissions are considered the backbone of the Union. They form
IUCN’s broad decision making body and knowledge base and are fundamental to the
successful implementation of the IUCN Programme.
Driving the implementation of IUCN’s Programme throughout the world, the Secretariat is
led by a Director General, accountable to the IUCN Council. The Secretariat has a
decentralized structure with regional, outpost, country and project offices around the
Consultations have been both in writing, on-line and face-to-face.
a) Secretariat
IUCN established the first regional office for Europe in 1999 and has offices in Serbia,
Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain and Georgia. Some of these offices
have specific mandates, beyond regional matters; but all of them, together with the Global
Thematic Programmes contribute to the implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe,
in collaboration with IUCN Members and Commissions in the region.
IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia – ENCA, is a new programmatic region created as a
result of a restructure process that started in 2012 with the establishment of the European
Union Representative Office (former Regional Office for Europe), and the European
Coordination Unit.
Statutorily, the IUCN ENCA region includes two administrative regions:
- West Europe, and
- East Europe, North and Central Asia.
Figure 1: Map of the IUCN ENCA region
i) Offices
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC):
Based in Bonn, Germany since 1970, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre has become an
important link between the World Commission of Environmental Law, its Members
worldwide, and other Commissions who the Secretariat works with. The ELC is an out-posted
unit of the IUCN Secretariat, with a global mandate, linked to the Global Policy Unit. It is
therefore not compelled by the present communication strategy.
IUCN Species Programme Office:
As part of the IUCN Secretariat, the Global Species Programme is based at IUCN’s
headquarters in Gland, Switzerland but its staff is based in two other locations - Cambridge,
UK, and Washington DC, USA. As the IUCN Species Programme Office is an out-posted unit of
the Global Species Programme, with a specific mandate on the IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species, it is part of the Global Species Programme’s Communications Strategy.
IUCN European Union Representative Office:
With premises located in Brussels, Belgium, the main focus of this office is on EU policy and
fundraising. The IUCN European Union Representative Office is an out-posted Headquarters
unit providing global services to the organization, nevertheless, given the importance and
impact of the European Union both regionally and globally, the EU Representative Office is
part of the European Programme and therefore their communications efforts shall be
coordinated with IUCN global communications, the European Coordination Unit and the
Programme and Project Implementation Offices in the region.
IUCN Programme and Project implementation Offices:
The Mediterranean Cooperation Centre, in Malaga, Spain; the Programme Office for South-
Eastern Europe, in Belgrade, Serbia; and the Caucasus Cooperation Centre, in Tbilisi, Georgia;
have programme implementation as their main responsibility. The majority of these offices
communication actions are linked to project activities. The achievements and results of these
offices are promoted through the global and regional channels of IUCN, while messages are
coordinated with IUCN global communications and the European Coordination Unit.
b) Commissions
IUCN has six thematic volunteer Commissions covering a range of issues relevant to nature
conservation, with more than 11,000 experts globally. The Commissions are as follows:
• Commission on Education and Communications (CEC);
• Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM);
• Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP);
• Species Survival Commission (SSC);
• World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL);
• World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
The six Commissions constitute the expert base of IUCN and help generate scientific
knowledge, shape policies and implement the IUCN Programme. They are essential in
establishing and maintaining the knowledge-policy-action cycle. All six Commissions are
represented in Europe.
c) Membership
IUCN Members are a key component towards achieving IUCN’s vision and mission. They
actively contribute to the implementation of the IUCN Programme, both in the region and
globally. Members participate in the work of IUCN according to their priorities and depending
on available resources and capacities.
As of November 2014, IUCN has 386 Members and 5159 individual Commission members in
Europe. National Committees of IUCN Members (or equivalent structures) have been
established in 17 countries. These National Committees facilitate cooperation among
Members, coordination of the components of IUCN at national level and the participation of
Members in the Programme and governance of IUCN2
Diagram 1: IUCN ENCA in Europe, as of Nov. 2014. *one person can be a member of several Commissions
IUCN Statutes: Part VII - The National and Regional Committees and Regional Fora. 66.
Communication tools
The heart of conservation, environmentalism, and environmental science is
the communication of knowledge.”
- Andrew David Thaler
IUCN ENCA and its multiple offices and National Committees use four main communication
tools: websites, social media, press releases and printed material. Social media is the least
used due to the time consumption of building a network or the inexperience of the
organization with using such platforms. Along with social media, translation of
communication products to national languages has been identified as one of the top
priorities for IUCN’s communication work in the ENCA Region.
Online presence
The IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia website ( is used as the
landing page to showcase IUCN´s work in the region. It also works as the mother page for all
programme offices and the IUCN EU representative office and is currently managed by the
EU representative office and the European Coordination Unit. This main page is fed by the
news posted from the programme offices and the EU representative office, whose
frequency widely differs. In this sense, if one of the offices posts more information than the
others, the ENCA main page will be swayed with one office´s information, thus not reflecting
the whole region. In order to promote the work of IUCN and the use of the Union Portal as
the main tool for sharing internal information, the preparation and dissemination of
“Secretariat Guidelines for Europe´s website and Union Portal use” has been scheduled in
this strategy for the beginning of 2015.4
All IUCN Project and Programme implementation offices have their own website where they
publish regular news and updates highlighting their project milestones and achievements. In
addition, these offices publish regular newsletters and e-bulletins, sharing regionally
important information and also aiming at promoting Projects´ and/or Members’ activities.
The stories produced by these offices also appear on the Union Portal and, when relevant,
on global websites and newsletters reaching a worldwide audience. Regarding social media,
the Mediterranean Cooperation Centre is the only programme office that uses Twitter, with
approximately 1400 followers between those of the Cooperation Centre and the
Communications Manager herself. The account is managed by this Communications
Manager along with a trainee.
The IUCN European Union Representative Office, in addition to their website and
newsletters, produces an EU policy update every two weeks, which is sent to IUCN
Members in the EU or with representation Offices in Brussels. IUCN Secretariat Offices that
could benefit from potential funding, political institutions and other stakeholders also
receive the update. In mid-2014, the EU Office launched its Facebook page and created a
Twitter account, although their use has not yet been optimized.
Thaler, A., Zelnio, K., Freitag, A., MacPherson, R., Shiffman, D., Bik, H., Goldstein, M., & McClain, C. (2012). Digital environmentalism:
Tools and strategies for the evolving online ecosystem. In Deborah Rigling Gallagher (Ed.), Environmental leadership: A reference
handbook. (pp. 364-373). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
See Europe Communication Activities, Goal 1, Europe short-term Objective 1, Activity 3.
When it comes to IUCN National Committees, the way each Committee communicates its
messages is unique and characteristic of their own beliefs, culture and organization, while
also reflecting geographic constraints. Most National Committees have a website in their
local language as well as in English and use it to showcase the benefits of being an IUCN
Member as well as the work of the Committee and its Members.
Social media has transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences and
as the global communications landscape becomes more complex and interactive, the
world´s population has greater access to information and organizations do not only express
their messages but truly interact with external audiences. Platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter and Google+ are now an essential part of communicating, and a series of actions will
be taken during 2015 in order to promote IUCN work through social media channels5
Press releases
Press releases are disseminated for project milestones and IUCN announcements and
achievements. The IUCN regional media contact network is growing, and building media
relations would be the following step.
Printed material
In most cases, printed material results from implemented projects and office activities. The
materials include publications (guidelines, case studies, etc.) and project leaflets and
pullouts. Material is available online, distributed at regional events and, on occasion, made
available to partners.
Key Messages
The ENCA Region seeks to “influence, encourage and assist societies in Europe to conserve
the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is
equitable and ecologically sustainable”. Strong cooperative work with IUCN Offices in the
Region and the rest of IUCN´s network is key to achieving transboundary impacts and
Some of the key messages of IUCN’s communications work in the ENCA region, identified
during the development of this strategy, can be summarized as follows6
 Healthy ecosystems are essential to life;
 IUCN is the leading voice on biodiversity conservation in the region;
 IUCN is a reliable source of knowledge and provides access to state-of the-art
solutions and trends on biodiversity;
 IUCN’s work is based on the principle that the whole is always greater than the sum of
its parts;
 Boarders may restrict and separate, but nature makes the bridges and links us
Europe Communication Activities, Goal 4, Europe short-term Objective 4, Activities 1 to 3.
These messages should be further refined and unified by key communication actors in Europe to make sure they are promoted in a
unified way and communicate adequately the nature of IUCN’s work.
Communication Objectives
Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted
messages will always have an audience."
- Steve Burnett
As IUCN Constituents execute the different Implementation Plans of the IUCN Programme in
Europe, four broad communications needs have been identified to ensure IUCN’s effective
operations in the region. These relate to: supporting information sharing between all
Constituents, creating a differentiated but common vision of IUCN within the region;
building brand recognition of IUCN and its regional work and facilitating stakeholder
participation in programme design and delivery.
Within this setting, the overall goals and corresponding objectives of this communication
strategy are as follows:
Communications Goal 1: Strengthen Internal Communications so that Secretariat,
Members and Commissions share a common vision, strategy and programme for ENCA.
Communications Objective 1: By 2016, at least four communications products based on
regional approach are prepared and disseminated in collaboration with IUCN Constituents.
 IUCN ENCA Secretariat Guidelines for website and Union Portal´s use are developed
and agreed among the European Coordination Unit and Project and Programme
implementation offices, helping to understand the different roles and responsibilities
of communicators in the Region.
 Tailored Union Portal User Guide for National Committees are generated in IUCN’s
three official languages (English, French and Spanish) and opportunities for
translation to other languages such as Italian and Russian are studied.
 Union Portal National Committees Groups are created and used between country
Members as major channel for sharing information and consultations.
 2015-2016 calendar of key communication events and opportunities for IUCN ENCA
is established, and includes regular coordination meetings among all
communication-related Secretariat in the region.
Communications Goal 2: Help establish IUCN as a credible and trusted authority and
source for technical information and policy advice on biodiversity conservation in the
Communications Objective 2: By 2016, key and strategic stakeholders and decision makers
are well-informed and keen to support constituents with the Implementation of the IUCN
Programme in Europe, North and Central Asia.
 At least once a week, news, overviews, position papers and success stories for
internal and external audiences are produced and disseminated.
Steve Burnett, The Burnett Group. (1999). In Bill Meyers, "Wizards of the Web Partners blend talents to create new Internet
uses." Chicago Sun-Times. Sun-Times News Group. Inc. doi:
 Communication support is given to Members during key internal meetings and
technical workshops and events; giving priority to small National Committees.
 Members, Programme Offices and Thematic Units are supported in production and
dissemination of communication materials such as articles, videos, photos and
 Commission Experts in the countries are invited to Member´s events.
 Sharing of technical knowledge and expertise (within the ENCA region and with
external audiences), by building on and supporting existing mechanisms for
information exchange such as the Union Portal, websites, newsletters and printed
Communications Goal 3: Support the work of all elements of the Union that relate to
ENCA, including Headquarters programmes and Secretariat in the region, Commissions
and Members.
Communications Objective 3: By 2016, full participation by Members and other
stakeholders in aspects of programme design and implementation is facilitated.
 The number of IUCN Members in the different membership categories is increased.
 IUCN Constituents in the region maintain and increase periodic consultations;
therefore creating opportunities for Member and stakeholder participation in the
Implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe.
 Communication products are translated into national languages when required.
 Full participation of ENCA IUCN Members in the governance of the Union
(attendance at Congress, formulation of motions, participation in elections) is
Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of ENCA within IUCN and the broader society,
contributing to the work of the Union in the Region and seeking public engagement.
Communications Objective 4: By 2016, larger audiences are reached through new media,
public awareness is raised and IUCN conservation efforts are promoted in partnership with
IUCN Offices and Members in and outside the region.
 The IUCN ENCA website is reorganized and reflects and equally showcases the work
of the different offices, promoting a regional approach to the implementation of the
IUCN Programme.
 IUCN National Committees have websites to showcase their country efforts towards
the implementation of the IUCN Programme as well as their Member organizations.
 Social media is integrated into traditional communication and Twitter and Facebook
accounts are used daily to support a range of communications and marketing
activities such as broadcasting news, promoting events and monitoring and
responding to feedback and enquiries.
ENCA Communication Activities
Communications Goal 1: Strengthen Internal Communications so that Secretariat, Members and Commissions share a common vision, strategy and programme for ENCA.
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 1: By
2016, at least four
products based on
regional approach
are prepared and
disseminated in
collaboration with
IUCN Constituents.
January 2015; then
updated after major
events as RCF, WCC
and adoption of new
Implementation Plan
of the IUCN
- IUCN Europe Programme
- EU Representative Office
- European Coordination
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Online meetings
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- Distribution to IUCN
Secretariat and
Members at key events
- External Consultant
- European Support
- European
- Presence of Strategy on
newsletters and Union
- Dissemination of
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Links to strategy on IUCN
newsletters, Global
Programme and Members´
groups on Union Portal
January 2015, then
updated on a regular
2. Calendar of key
events and
opportunities for
IUCN in Europe,
North and Central
- IUCN Europe Programme
- EU Representative Office
- European Coordination
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- Regional newsletters
- European Support
Communications staff
in the Region
- Members
- Calendar of key
communication events
kept regularly updated
- Presence of Calendar
on newsletters and
Union Portal
- Dissemination of
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Links to calendar on IUCN
newsletters, Global
Programme and Members´
groups on Union Portal
February 2015
3. Secretariat
Guidelines for IUCN
ENCA website and
Union Portal use
- IUCN Europe Programme
- EU Representative Office
- European Coordination
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European Support
- Global
Communications staff
in the Region
- Guidelines are used by
- Presence of Guidelines
on newsletters and
Union Portal
- Dissemination of
- Union Portal, Programme
implementation offices
and Regional websites are
updated according to
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Links to Guidelines on
Secretariat´ groups on
Union Portal
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 1: By
2016, at least four
products based on
regional approach
are prepared and
disseminated in
collaboration with
IUCN Constituents
May 2015
4. Tailored Union
Portal User Guide
for Members
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Online meetings
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- Member specific -web
training workshops
- Distribution to
Members at key events
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Global Membership
- User Guide is consulted
by Members
- Presence of User Guide
on newspapers and
Union Portal
- Dissemination of User
- Document downloads
- Links to User Guide on
IUCN newspapers and
National Committees
Union Portal groups
Communications Goal 2: Help establish IUCN as a credible and trusted authority and source for technical information and policy advice on biodiversity conservation in the region.
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 2: By
2016, key and
stakeholders and
decision makers are
well-informed and
keen to support
Constituents on the
Implementation of
the IUCN Programme
in Europe, North and
Central Asia.
As produced
1. Production and
dissemination of
press releases,
news, overviews and
position papers.
- Environment ministries
and relevant government
- Research and scientific
- Authorities responsible
for the management of
biodiversity – local,
national, and regional
- Natural resource
- NGOs
- Donor agencies
- Partners
- Media
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- Distribution to
stakeholders at key
- IUCN global and
regional websites
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Press releases
- IUCN Secretariat in
the Region
- Global
- European Support
- Media intern
- IUCN Press Releases
are picked up by the
- IUCN approached by
the media for comment
on regional and national
- Presence of IUCN on
the IUCN Europe website
- Dissemination of
communication material
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Analysis of media
- Links to communication
materials on IUCN
newspapers and websites
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Facebook and Twitter
As produced
2. Collaborate with
Members and
Programmes in the
production of
materials (content,
videos, photos) of
events and support
its dissemination.
External/Internal - Environment ministries
and relevant government
- Research and scientific
- Authorities responsible
for the management of
biodiversity – local,
national, and regional
- Natural resource
- NGOs
- Donor agencies
- Partners
- Media
- IUCN Constituents
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- Distribution to
stakeholders at key
- IUCN global and
regional websites
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Press releases
- IUCN Secretariat in
the Region
- Global
- European Support
- Media intern
- Member´s Press
Releases are picked up
by the media
- Members and National
Committees approached
by the media for
comment on national
- Presence of IUCN
Constituents on the
IUCN Europe website
and programme
implementation offices
- Dissemination of
communication material
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Analysis of media
- Links to communication
materials on IUCN
newspapers and websites
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Facebook and Twitter
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 2: By
2016, key and
stakeholders and
decision makers are
well-informed and
keen to support
Constituents on the
Implementation of
the IUCN Programme
in Europe.
Starting May 2015,
bimestrial periodicity
3. Production and
online publication of
a series of
Success stories in
Europe, North and
Central Asia" news
- Potential Members
- IUCN Constituents
- Regional Conservation
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- IUCN global and
regional websites
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Global
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Presence of news
stories on the IUCN
Europe websites
- Dissemination of
communication material
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Links to communication
materials on IUCN
newsletters and websites
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Facebook and Twitter
January 2016
4. Production and
publication of
"IUCN: A history of
shared success in
Europe, North and
Central Asia"
- Donor agencies, potential
- Partners, potential
- Potential Members
- IUCN Constituents
- World Conservation
- Distribution to
stakeholders at key
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- IUCN global and
regional websites
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Global
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Presence of booklet on
IUCN Europe website
and programme
implementation offices
- Dissemination of
communication material
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Links to booklet on IUCN
newsletters and websites
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Facebook and Twitter
Communications Goal 3: Support the work of all organs and elements of the Union that relate to Europe, including Headquarters programmes and Secretariat in the region,
Commissions and Members.
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 3: By
2016, full
participation by
members and other
stakeholders in
aspects of
programme design
and implementation
is facilitated.
Starting January
1. Preparation of
"Implementation of
the IUCN
Programme 2017-
2020 in Europe"
- IUCN Europe Programme
- EU Representative Office
- European Coordination
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- IUCN National
Committees Chairs
- Presence of draft on
Union Portal
- Inputs from
Constituents are
- Links to draft on Union
- Draft version of
Implementation Plan is
discussed at Regional
Conservation Fora
March 2015 (along
with User Guide)
2. Creation of Union
Portal National
Committees Groups
- IUCN Membership Unit
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Regional National
- Union Portal groups
are created and used by
- Number of Union Portal
groups matches number of
National Committees in
the region
- Groups are used by
Members as main tool to
disseminate documents
and have consultations
April 2015 (after
User Guide)
3. Member specific -
web training
workshops on Union
Portal use
- IUCN Membership Unit
- IUCN European Members
and National Committees
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Number of assistants - Workshop report
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 3: By
2016, full
participation by
members and other
stakeholders in
aspects of
programme design
and implementation
is facilitated.
TBC - During the
Conservation Forum
4. Member specific
training workshops
on Union Portal use
- IUCN Membership Unit
- IUCN European Members
- E-mail
- Regional Conservation
- Union Portal
- European Support
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- Number of assistants - Workshop report
December 2016
5. Preparation and
dissemination of
Plan of the IUCN
Programme 2017-
2020 in Europe"
- Environment ministries
and relevant government
- Research and scientific
- Authorities responsible
for the management of
biodiversity – local,
national, and regional
- Natural resource
- NGOs
- Donor agencies, potential
- Partners, potential
- Media
- IUCN Constituents
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- Regional Newsletters
- Distribution to
stakeholders at key
- IUCN global and
regional websites
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Press releases
- European
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- IUCN National
Committees Chairs
- Media intern
- Press Releases are
picked up by the media
- IUCN Constituents
approached by the
media for comment on
national issues
- Presence of
Implementation Plan on
the IUCN Europe website
and programme
implementation offices
- Dissemination of
communication material
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Final version of
Implementation Plan is
endorsed at IUCN World
Conservation Congress
Analysis of media coverage
- Links to communication
materials on IUCN
newspapers and websites
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Facebook and Twitter
Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of Europe within IUCN and society, contributing to the Constituency labor in the Region and seeking public engagement.
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 4: By
2016, larger
audiences are
reached through
new media, public
awareness is raised
and IUCN
conservation efforts
are promoted in
partnership with
IUCN Offices and
Members in and
outside the region.
Structure design is
ready by February
2015; Global
implements by June
1. Reorganization of
- Young people, especially
those in their early teens
- Politicians especially
policy makers
- Conservation enthusiasts
- Potential donors
- Potential partners
- Potential new members
- IUCN Constituents
- Website
- European Support
- IUCN Secretariat in
the Region
- IUCN Global
- IUCN European
website is reorganized
and equally showcases
the work of the different
- The main website has a
new structure
- European Programme
Implementation Offices
and EU Office websites
follow the same structure
July 2015
2. Organization of
“Importance of
Social Media”
- IUCN Programme
implementation offices
- IUCN EU Representative
- European Coordination
- IUCN Members in the
Region and National
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European Support
- External Presenters
- Number of assistants - Workshop report
August 2015
3. Preparation and
dissemination of a
“Social Media
Beginner’s Guide”
- IUCN Programme
implementation offices
- IUCN EU Representative
- European Coordination
- E-mail
- Face to face and online
- Union Portal
- European Support
- Global
- Presence of Guide on
newsletters and Union
- Dissemination of Guide
- Web page traffic and
document downloads
- Links to Guide on IUCN
newsletters, Global
Programme and Members´
groups on Union Portal
Starting September
2015, updated as
events take place
4. Publicity of events
and dissemination of
news is increased
through Twitter and
- Young people, especially
those in their early teens
- Media
- Politicians, especially
policy makers
- Conservation enthusiasts
- Potential donors
- Potential partners
- Potential new members
- IUCN Constituents
- European Support
- IUCN Secretariat in
the Region
- Media intern
- Facebook likes, shares
and number of viewers
- Re-tweets
- Analysis of media
- Facebook and Twitter
Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of Europe within IUCN and society, contributing to the Constituency labor in the Region and seeking public engagement.
Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification
Europe short-term
Objective 4: By
2016, larger
audiences are
reached through
new media, public
awareness is raised
and IUCN
conservation efforts
are promoted in
partnership with
IUCN Offices and
Members in and
outside the region.
Structure design is
ready by June 2015;
implements by
August 2015
5. Creation of IUCN
- Politicians especially
policy makers
- Conservation enthusiasts
- Potential donors
- Potential partners
- Potential new members
- IUCN Constituents
- Website
- European Support
- IUCN Global
- Regional Membership
Support Office
- IUCN National
Committees Chairs
- European National
Committees websites
are created and
translated to local
language when required
- Number of websites
matches number of
National Committees in
the region

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Europe North and Central Asia Comms Strategy_27 Jan

  • 1. IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia - ENCA Communications Strategy for the ENCA Region 2014-2016 Last updated: January 27, 2015
  • 2. 2 Acknowledgements Contributors IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia Region and Headquarters Secretariat (Alphabetically): Aleksandra Nikodinovic, Angelika Pullen, Anna Knee, Constantine Makris, Lourdes Lázaro Marín, Luis Pinto, Nicole Gooderson, Richard Ainston, Sebastià Semene-Guitart. Chairs of IUCN National Committees (Alphabetically): Ann-Katrine Garn Blom, IUCN National Committee Denmark; Aybars Altiparmak, IUCN National Committee of Turkey; Bertrand de Montmollin, IUCN National Committee Switzerland; Corrado Teofili, IUCN National Committee Italy; Rustam Sagitov, IUCN National Committee Russia. Author, design & photo cover Michelle Cartín Delgado ENCA Communications Vision Through integrated and collaborative work, IUCN constituents develop unified and trusted messages to enable conservation action for the Europe, North and Central Asia region and its people.
  • 3. 3 Important notice: This document is the Communications Strategy for IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia and is meant to be a dynamic document to be updated on a continuous basis. While the document might use the term “Europe” for ease of reference, it refers to the two statutory regions: “West Europe”, “East Europe and North and Central Asia”. Introduction 4 Constituency of IUCN ENCA 4 a) Secretariat 5 b) Commissions 6 c) Membership 7 Communication tools 8 Online presence 8 Press releases 9 Printed material 9 Key Messages 9 Communication Objectives 10 ENCA Communication Activities 12 Contents
  • 4. 4 Introduction … IUCN strives to influence changes based on a cycle of knowledge, policy influence and action. IUCN Europe will continue to generate new knowledge in order to empower people in the governance of natural resources for human well-being.” Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 2013- 2016 in Europe Communication activities contribute to awareness, uptake and adoption of IUCN’s work in Europe, by identifying and facilitating opportunities for substantive collaboration with and within European National Committees and Members in order to build a European programme that fully reflects the diverse nature and interests of IUCN’s constituents in Europe. The IUCN ENCA Communication Strategy 2015-2016 is intended to provide a framework for the European Coordination Unit to guide the development and delivery of communication activities in Europe, and in collaboration with the different IUCN offices in the region. Its main objective is to establish concrete mechanisms for greater participation and better integration of the different components of the Union in the region. In order for this strategy to truly reflect the diversity of the Region, extensive consultations took place during October and November 20141 , which involved gathering the vision and objectives of IUCN Member organizations, National Committees, Commission members and the Secretariat. This strategy is a first step towards developing the next European Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 2017-2020 and is a dynamic document to be periodically updated in order to reflect the continually evolving nature of our work and take advantage of events and partnerships. Constituency of IUCN ENCA IUCN has three main constituent parts: IUCN Members, Commissions, and the Secretariat. IUCN Members and Commissions are considered the backbone of the Union. They form IUCN’s broad decision making body and knowledge base and are fundamental to the successful implementation of the IUCN Programme. Driving the implementation of IUCN’s Programme throughout the world, the Secretariat is led by a Director General, accountable to the IUCN Council. The Secretariat has a decentralized structure with regional, outpost, country and project offices around the world. 1 Consultations have been both in writing, on-line and face-to-face. “
  • 5. 5 a) Secretariat IUCN established the first regional office for Europe in 1999 and has offices in Serbia, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain and Georgia. Some of these offices have specific mandates, beyond regional matters; but all of them, together with the Global Thematic Programmes contribute to the implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe, in collaboration with IUCN Members and Commissions in the region. IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia – ENCA, is a new programmatic region created as a result of a restructure process that started in 2012 with the establishment of the European Union Representative Office (former Regional Office for Europe), and the European Coordination Unit. Statutorily, the IUCN ENCA region includes two administrative regions: - West Europe, and - East Europe, North and Central Asia. Figure 1: Map of the IUCN ENCA region i) Offices IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC): Based in Bonn, Germany since 1970, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre has become an important link between the World Commission of Environmental Law, its Members worldwide, and other Commissions who the Secretariat works with. The ELC is an out-posted unit of the IUCN Secretariat, with a global mandate, linked to the Global Policy Unit. It is therefore not compelled by the present communication strategy.
  • 6. 6 IUCN Species Programme Office: As part of the IUCN Secretariat, the Global Species Programme is based at IUCN’s headquarters in Gland, Switzerland but its staff is based in two other locations - Cambridge, UK, and Washington DC, USA. As the IUCN Species Programme Office is an out-posted unit of the Global Species Programme, with a specific mandate on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, it is part of the Global Species Programme’s Communications Strategy. IUCN European Union Representative Office: With premises located in Brussels, Belgium, the main focus of this office is on EU policy and fundraising. The IUCN European Union Representative Office is an out-posted Headquarters unit providing global services to the organization, nevertheless, given the importance and impact of the European Union both regionally and globally, the EU Representative Office is part of the European Programme and therefore their communications efforts shall be coordinated with IUCN global communications, the European Coordination Unit and the Programme and Project Implementation Offices in the region. IUCN Programme and Project implementation Offices: The Mediterranean Cooperation Centre, in Malaga, Spain; the Programme Office for South- Eastern Europe, in Belgrade, Serbia; and the Caucasus Cooperation Centre, in Tbilisi, Georgia; have programme implementation as their main responsibility. The majority of these offices communication actions are linked to project activities. The achievements and results of these offices are promoted through the global and regional channels of IUCN, while messages are coordinated with IUCN global communications and the European Coordination Unit. b) Commissions IUCN has six thematic volunteer Commissions covering a range of issues relevant to nature conservation, with more than 11,000 experts globally. The Commissions are as follows: • Commission on Education and Communications (CEC); • Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM); • Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP); • Species Survival Commission (SSC); • World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL); • World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). The six Commissions constitute the expert base of IUCN and help generate scientific knowledge, shape policies and implement the IUCN Programme. They are essential in establishing and maintaining the knowledge-policy-action cycle. All six Commissions are represented in Europe.
  • 7. 7 c) Membership IUCN Members are a key component towards achieving IUCN’s vision and mission. They actively contribute to the implementation of the IUCN Programme, both in the region and globally. Members participate in the work of IUCN according to their priorities and depending on available resources and capacities. As of November 2014, IUCN has 386 Members and 5159 individual Commission members in Europe. National Committees of IUCN Members (or equivalent structures) have been established in 17 countries. These National Committees facilitate cooperation among Members, coordination of the components of IUCN at national level and the participation of Members in the Programme and governance of IUCN2 . Diagram 1: IUCN ENCA in Europe, as of Nov. 2014. *one person can be a member of several Commissions 2 IUCN Statutes: Part VII - The National and Regional Committees and Regional Fora. 66.
  • 8. 8 Communication tools The heart of conservation, environmentalism, and environmental science is the communication of knowledge.” - Andrew David Thaler 3 IUCN ENCA and its multiple offices and National Committees use four main communication tools: websites, social media, press releases and printed material. Social media is the least used due to the time consumption of building a network or the inexperience of the organization with using such platforms. Along with social media, translation of communication products to national languages has been identified as one of the top priorities for IUCN’s communication work in the ENCA Region. Online presence The IUCN Europe, North and Central Asia website ( is used as the landing page to showcase IUCN´s work in the region. It also works as the mother page for all programme offices and the IUCN EU representative office and is currently managed by the EU representative office and the European Coordination Unit. This main page is fed by the news posted from the programme offices and the EU representative office, whose frequency widely differs. In this sense, if one of the offices posts more information than the others, the ENCA main page will be swayed with one office´s information, thus not reflecting the whole region. In order to promote the work of IUCN and the use of the Union Portal as the main tool for sharing internal information, the preparation and dissemination of “Secretariat Guidelines for Europe´s website and Union Portal use” has been scheduled in this strategy for the beginning of 2015.4 All IUCN Project and Programme implementation offices have their own website where they publish regular news and updates highlighting their project milestones and achievements. In addition, these offices publish regular newsletters and e-bulletins, sharing regionally important information and also aiming at promoting Projects´ and/or Members’ activities. The stories produced by these offices also appear on the Union Portal and, when relevant, on global websites and newsletters reaching a worldwide audience. Regarding social media, the Mediterranean Cooperation Centre is the only programme office that uses Twitter, with approximately 1400 followers between those of the Cooperation Centre and the Communications Manager herself. The account is managed by this Communications Manager along with a trainee. The IUCN European Union Representative Office, in addition to their website and newsletters, produces an EU policy update every two weeks, which is sent to IUCN Members in the EU or with representation Offices in Brussels. IUCN Secretariat Offices that could benefit from potential funding, political institutions and other stakeholders also receive the update. In mid-2014, the EU Office launched its Facebook page and created a Twitter account, although their use has not yet been optimized. 3 Thaler, A., Zelnio, K., Freitag, A., MacPherson, R., Shiffman, D., Bik, H., Goldstein, M., & McClain, C. (2012). Digital environmentalism: Tools and strategies for the evolving online ecosystem. In Deborah Rigling Gallagher (Ed.), Environmental leadership: A reference handbook. (pp. 364-373). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 4 See Europe Communication Activities, Goal 1, Europe short-term Objective 1, Activity 3. “
  • 9. 9 When it comes to IUCN National Committees, the way each Committee communicates its messages is unique and characteristic of their own beliefs, culture and organization, while also reflecting geographic constraints. Most National Committees have a website in their local language as well as in English and use it to showcase the benefits of being an IUCN Member as well as the work of the Committee and its Members. Social media has transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences and as the global communications landscape becomes more complex and interactive, the world´s population has greater access to information and organizations do not only express their messages but truly interact with external audiences. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are now an essential part of communicating, and a series of actions will be taken during 2015 in order to promote IUCN work through social media channels5 . Press releases Press releases are disseminated for project milestones and IUCN announcements and achievements. The IUCN regional media contact network is growing, and building media relations would be the following step. Printed material In most cases, printed material results from implemented projects and office activities. The materials include publications (guidelines, case studies, etc.) and project leaflets and pullouts. Material is available online, distributed at regional events and, on occasion, made available to partners. Key Messages The ENCA Region seeks to “influence, encourage and assist societies in Europe to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable”. Strong cooperative work with IUCN Offices in the Region and the rest of IUCN´s network is key to achieving transboundary impacts and results. Some of the key messages of IUCN’s communications work in the ENCA region, identified during the development of this strategy, can be summarized as follows6 :  Healthy ecosystems are essential to life;  IUCN is the leading voice on biodiversity conservation in the region;  IUCN is a reliable source of knowledge and provides access to state-of the-art solutions and trends on biodiversity;  IUCN’s work is based on the principle that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts;  Boarders may restrict and separate, but nature makes the bridges and links us together. 5 Europe Communication Activities, Goal 4, Europe short-term Objective 4, Activities 1 to 3. 6 These messages should be further refined and unified by key communication actors in Europe to make sure they are promoted in a unified way and communicate adequately the nature of IUCN’s work.
  • 10. 10 Communication Objectives Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted messages will always have an audience." - Steve Burnett 7 As IUCN Constituents execute the different Implementation Plans of the IUCN Programme in Europe, four broad communications needs have been identified to ensure IUCN’s effective operations in the region. These relate to: supporting information sharing between all Constituents, creating a differentiated but common vision of IUCN within the region; building brand recognition of IUCN and its regional work and facilitating stakeholder participation in programme design and delivery. Within this setting, the overall goals and corresponding objectives of this communication strategy are as follows: Communications Goal 1: Strengthen Internal Communications so that Secretariat, Members and Commissions share a common vision, strategy and programme for ENCA. Communications Objective 1: By 2016, at least four communications products based on regional approach are prepared and disseminated in collaboration with IUCN Constituents.  IUCN ENCA Secretariat Guidelines for website and Union Portal´s use are developed and agreed among the European Coordination Unit and Project and Programme implementation offices, helping to understand the different roles and responsibilities of communicators in the Region.  Tailored Union Portal User Guide for National Committees are generated in IUCN’s three official languages (English, French and Spanish) and opportunities for translation to other languages such as Italian and Russian are studied.  Union Portal National Committees Groups are created and used between country Members as major channel for sharing information and consultations.  2015-2016 calendar of key communication events and opportunities for IUCN ENCA is established, and includes regular coordination meetings among all communication-related Secretariat in the region. Communications Goal 2: Help establish IUCN as a credible and trusted authority and source for technical information and policy advice on biodiversity conservation in the region. Communications Objective 2: By 2016, key and strategic stakeholders and decision makers are well-informed and keen to support constituents with the Implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe, North and Central Asia.  At least once a week, news, overviews, position papers and success stories for internal and external audiences are produced and disseminated. 7 Steve Burnett, The Burnett Group. (1999). In Bill Meyers, "Wizards of the Web Partners blend talents to create new Internet uses." Chicago Sun-Times. Sun-Times News Group. Inc. doi: “
  • 11. 11  Communication support is given to Members during key internal meetings and technical workshops and events; giving priority to small National Committees.  Members, Programme Offices and Thematic Units are supported in production and dissemination of communication materials such as articles, videos, photos and publications.  Commission Experts in the countries are invited to Member´s events.  Sharing of technical knowledge and expertise (within the ENCA region and with external audiences), by building on and supporting existing mechanisms for information exchange such as the Union Portal, websites, newsletters and printed material. Communications Goal 3: Support the work of all elements of the Union that relate to ENCA, including Headquarters programmes and Secretariat in the region, Commissions and Members. Communications Objective 3: By 2016, full participation by Members and other stakeholders in aspects of programme design and implementation is facilitated.  The number of IUCN Members in the different membership categories is increased.  IUCN Constituents in the region maintain and increase periodic consultations; therefore creating opportunities for Member and stakeholder participation in the Implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe.  Communication products are translated into national languages when required.  Full participation of ENCA IUCN Members in the governance of the Union (attendance at Congress, formulation of motions, participation in elections) is promoted. Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of ENCA within IUCN and the broader society, contributing to the work of the Union in the Region and seeking public engagement. Communications Objective 4: By 2016, larger audiences are reached through new media, public awareness is raised and IUCN conservation efforts are promoted in partnership with IUCN Offices and Members in and outside the region.  The IUCN ENCA website is reorganized and reflects and equally showcases the work of the different offices, promoting a regional approach to the implementation of the IUCN Programme.  IUCN National Committees have websites to showcase their country efforts towards the implementation of the IUCN Programme as well as their Member organizations.  Social media is integrated into traditional communication and Twitter and Facebook accounts are used daily to support a range of communications and marketing activities such as broadcasting news, promoting events and monitoring and responding to feedback and enquiries.
  • 12. 12 ENCA Communication Activities Communications Goal 1: Strengthen Internal Communications so that Secretariat, Members and Commissions share a common vision, strategy and programme for ENCA. Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 1: By 2016, at least four communications products based on regional approach are prepared and disseminated in collaboration with IUCN Constituents. January 2015; then updated after major events as RCF, WCC and adoption of new Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 1. ENCA Communications Strategy Internal - IUCN Europe Programme Offices - EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Online meetings - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - Distribution to IUCN Secretariat and Members at key events - External Consultant - European Support Officer - European Coordinator - Presence of Strategy on newsletters and Union Portal - Dissemination of Strategy - Web page traffic and document downloads - Links to strategy on IUCN newsletters, Global Programme and Members´ groups on Union Portal January 2015, then updated on a regular basis 2. Calendar of key communication events and opportunities for IUCN in Europe, North and Central Asia Internal - IUCN Europe Programme Offices - EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - Regional newsletters - European Support Officer - IUCN Communications staff in the Region - Members - Calendar of key communication events kept regularly updated - Presence of Calendar on newsletters and Union Portal - Dissemination of Calendar - Web page traffic and document downloads - Links to calendar on IUCN newsletters, Global Programme and Members´ groups on Union Portal February 2015 3. Secretariat Guidelines for IUCN ENCA website and Union Portal use Internal - IUCN Europe Programme Offices - EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Support Officer - Global Communications - IUCN Communications staff in the Region - Guidelines are used by Secretariat - Presence of Guidelines on newsletters and Union Portal - Dissemination of Guidelines - Union Portal, Programme implementation offices and Regional websites are updated according to Guidelines - Web page traffic and document downloads - Links to Guidelines on Secretariat´ groups on Union Portal
  • 13. 13 Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 1: By 2016, at least four communications products based on regional approach are prepared and disseminated in collaboration with IUCN Constituents May 2015 4. Tailored Union Portal User Guide for Members Internal - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Online meetings - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - Member specific -web training workshops - Distribution to Members at key events - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Global Membership Unit - User Guide is consulted by Members - Presence of User Guide on newspapers and Union Portal - Dissemination of User Guide - Document downloads - Links to User Guide on IUCN newspapers and National Committees Union Portal groups
  • 14. 14 Communications Goal 2: Help establish IUCN as a credible and trusted authority and source for technical information and policy advice on biodiversity conservation in the region. Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 2: By 2016, key and strategic stakeholders and decision makers are well-informed and keen to support Constituents on the Implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe, North and Central Asia. As produced 1. Production and dissemination of press releases, news, overviews and position papers. External - Environment ministries and relevant government agencies - Research and scientific institutions - Authorities responsible for the management of biodiversity – local, national, and regional - Natural resource managers - NGOs - Donor agencies - Partners - Media - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - Distribution to stakeholders at key events - IUCN global and regional websites - Facebook - Twitter - Press releases - IUCN Secretariat in the Region - Global Communications - European Support Officer - Media intern - IUCN Press Releases are picked up by the media - IUCN approached by the media for comment on regional and national issues - Presence of IUCN on the IUCN Europe website - Dissemination of communication material - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Analysis of media coverage - Links to communication materials on IUCN newspapers and websites - Web page traffic and document downloads - Facebook and Twitter insights As produced 2. Collaborate with Members and Thematic Programmes in the production of communications materials (content, videos, photos) of events and support its dissemination. External/Internal - Environment ministries and relevant government agencies - Research and scientific institutions - Authorities responsible for the management of biodiversity – local, national, and regional - Natural resource managers - NGOs - Donor agencies - Partners - Media - IUCN Constituents - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - Distribution to stakeholders at key events - IUCN global and regional websites - Facebook - Twitter - Press releases - IUCN Secretariat in the Region - Global Communications - European Support Officer - Media intern - Member´s Press Releases are picked up by the media - Members and National Committees approached by the media for comment on national issues - Presence of IUCN Constituents on the IUCN Europe website and programme implementation offices websites - Dissemination of communication material - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Analysis of media coverage - Links to communication materials on IUCN newspapers and websites - Web page traffic and document downloads - Facebook and Twitter insights
  • 15. 15 Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 2: By 2016, key and strategic stakeholders and decision makers are well-informed and keen to support Constituents on the Implementation of the IUCN Programme in Europe. Starting May 2015, bimestrial periodicity 3. Production and online publication of a series of "Conservation Success stories in Europe, North and Central Asia" news stories External/Internal - Potential Members - IUCN Constituents - Regional Conservation Forum - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - IUCN global and regional websites - Facebook - Twitter - Global Communications - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Presence of news stories on the IUCN Europe websites - Dissemination of communication material - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Links to communication materials on IUCN newsletters and websites - Web page traffic and document downloads - Facebook and Twitter insights January 2016 4. Production and publication of "IUCN: A history of shared success in Europe, North and Central Asia" booklet External/Internal - Donor agencies, potential donors - Partners, potential partners - Potential Members - IUCN Constituents - World Conservation Congress - Distribution to stakeholders at key events - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - IUCN global and regional websites - Facebook - Twitter - Global Communications - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Presence of booklet on IUCN Europe website and programme implementation offices websites - Dissemination of communication material - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Links to booklet on IUCN newsletters and websites - Web page traffic and document downloads - Facebook and Twitter insights
  • 16. 16 Communications Goal 3: Support the work of all organs and elements of the Union that relate to Europe, including Headquarters programmes and Secretariat in the region, Commissions and Members. Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 3: By 2016, full participation by members and other stakeholders in aspects of programme design and implementation is facilitated. Starting January 2015 1. Preparation of "Implementation of the IUCN Programme 2017- 2020 in Europe" Internal - IUCN Europe Programme Offices - EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Coordinator - Regional Membership Support Office - IUCN National Committees Chairs - Presence of draft on Union Portal - Inputs from Constituents are received - Links to draft on Union Portal - Draft version of Implementation Plan is discussed at Regional Conservation Fora March 2015 (along with User Guide) 2. Creation of Union Portal National Committees Groups Internal - IUCN Membership Unit - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Regional National Committees - Union Portal groups are created and used by Members - Number of Union Portal groups matches number of National Committees in the region - Groups are used by Members as main tool to disseminate documents and have consultations April 2015 (after User Guide) 3. Member specific - web training workshops on Union Portal use Internal - IUCN Membership Unit - IUCN European Members and National Committees - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Number of assistants - Workshop report
  • 17. 17 Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 3: By 2016, full participation by members and other stakeholders in aspects of programme design and implementation is facilitated. TBC - During the Regional Conservation Forum 4. Member specific training workshops on Union Portal use Internal - IUCN Membership Unit - IUCN European Members - E-mail - Regional Conservation Forum - Union Portal - European Support Officer - Regional Membership Support Office - Number of assistants - Workshop report December 2016 5. Preparation and dissemination of "Implementation Plan of the IUCN Programme 2017- 2020 in Europe" External/Internal - Environment ministries and relevant government agencies - Research and scientific institutions - Authorities responsible for the management of biodiversity – local, national, and regional - Natural resource managers - NGOs - Donor agencies, potential donors - Partners, potential partners - Media - IUCN Constituents - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - Regional Newsletters - Distribution to stakeholders at key events - IUCN global and regional websites - Facebook - Twitter - Press releases - European Coordinator - Regional Membership Support Office - IUCN National Committees Chairs - Media intern - Press Releases are picked up by the media - IUCN Constituents approached by the media for comment on national issues - Presence of Implementation Plan on the IUCN Europe website and programme implementation offices websites - Dissemination of communication material - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Final version of Implementation Plan is endorsed at IUCN World Conservation Congress Analysis of media coverage - Links to communication materials on IUCN newspapers and websites - Web page traffic and document downloads - Facebook and Twitter insights
  • 18. 18 Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of Europe within IUCN and society, contributing to the Constituency labor in the Region and seeking public engagement. Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 4: By 2016, larger audiences are reached through new media, public awareness is raised and IUCN conservation efforts are promoted in partnership with IUCN Offices and Members in and outside the region. Structure design is ready by February 2015; Global Communications implements by June 2015 1. Reorganization of the IUCN ENCA website External/Internal - Young people, especially those in their early teens - Politicians especially policy makers - Conservation enthusiasts - Potential donors - Potential partners - Potential new members - IUCN Constituents - Website - European Support Officer - IUCN Secretariat in the Region - IUCN Global Communications - IUCN European website is reorganized and equally showcases the work of the different offices - The main website has a new structure - European Programme Implementation Offices and EU Office websites follow the same structure July 2015 2. Organization of “Importance of Social Media” workshop Internal - IUCN Programme implementation offices - IUCN EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - IUCN Members in the Region and National Committees - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Support Officer - External Presenters - Number of assistants - Workshop report August 2015 3. Preparation and dissemination of a “Social Media Beginner’s Guide” Internal - IUCN Programme implementation offices - IUCN EU Representative Office - European Coordination Unit - E-mail - Face to face and online meetings - Union Portal - European Support Officer - Global Communications - Presence of Guide on newsletters and Union Portal - Dissemination of Guide - Web page traffic and document downloads - Links to Guide on IUCN newsletters, Global Programme and Members´ groups on Union Portal Starting September 2015, updated as events take place 4. Publicity of events and dissemination of news is increased through Twitter and Facebook External/Internal - Young people, especially those in their early teens - Media - Politicians, especially policy makers - Conservation enthusiasts - Potential donors - Potential partners - Potential new members - IUCN Constituents Twitter Facebook - European Support Officer - IUCN Secretariat in the Region - Media intern - Facebook likes, shares and number of viewers reached - Re-tweets - Analysis of media coverage - Facebook and Twitter Insights
  • 19. 19 Communications goal 4: Increase visibility of Europe within IUCN and society, contributing to the Constituency labor in the Region and seeking public engagement. Objective When Activity Target audience Channel Person responsible Verifiable indicator Means of verification Europe short-term Objective 4: By 2016, larger audiences are reached through new media, public awareness is raised and IUCN conservation efforts are promoted in partnership with IUCN Offices and Members in and outside the region. Structure design is ready by June 2015; Global Communications implements by August 2015 5. Creation of IUCN National Committees websites External/Internal - Politicians especially policy makers - Conservation enthusiasts - Potential donors - Potential partners - Potential new members - IUCN Constituents - Website - European Support Officer - IUCN Global Communications - Regional Membership Support Office - IUCN National Committees Chairs - European National Committees websites are created and translated to local language when required - Number of websites matches number of National Committees in the region