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Ethics In Classroom Management Essay
Running head: Implications for Classroom Management
Legal and Ethical Implications for Classroom Management
Phedelia Singleton
Grand Canyon University
EDU–536 Classroom Engagement and Management
December 21, 2011
Ethics is a word for human behavior which includes classroom behavior. Ethical behavior is a realm of classroom ethics. In every complex society
proper ethical is difficult, but it starts when a child is young. The implications below are a few of many ethical principles in the classroom which are
significant among our students today.
Teaching Ethics: The Role of the Classroom Teacher For many years, ethical development (children's character or moral development) has been a
controversial topic. more content...
The silence would be detrimental because a student who is not responding would become bored, experience apathy towards the teaching process and
deprived themselves the benefit of strategic learning and engaging. The student would be self – absorbed, have a need for compassion and encourage
participating. The possible reason students participate in silence the classroom is because they are experiencing low self – esteem.
Developing an Ethic of Care in the Classroom Teacher step into the classroom of making a difference in students' lives by demonstrating. The care
maybe demonstrated by a number of ways depending on the teaching style. Caldwell (1999) noted, "Teachers show students that care were reflected in
four distinctive themes. Student–Oriented, Work Oriented, Engaging Students and Active. These themes can be useful insights into students gaining
care from their teacher. The Student– Oriented Teacher treats students with respect through individual uniqueness. A person name gives the student a
sense of identity. Often teacher will get names confused by calling students a family member name. Modeling to students is another way of showing
respect. As well as sharing compliments through repetition. Respect is not naturally given by students in the classroom setting. A student oriented
teacher shows their students that they believe in them.
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Classroom Management Essay
Purpose Classroom management plays an important role in effective teaching by providing a desirable environment which promotes better learning and
student growth. The most important effect that classroom management has on student behavior is that it promotes better learning because students can
better focus when their environment is free from distraction and conflict. When a teacher provides a well–organized and controlled environment,
student's academics interest and performance increase while behavioral issues decreased (Pope, 2010). One classroom management technique I plan to
use in my future classroom setting will include the use of cooperative learning. According to Maher (2010), cooperation learning leads to higher group more content...
Other methods I plan to use to evaluate student performance will include the use of observation logs, checklists, questionnaires, and self–efficacy
scales. These methods will help me to keep track of students working cooperatively, students sharing strategies, actively listening to other group
members, and class work being finished by the end of the hour (Maher, 2010). Data Collection I will collect data by using a teacher observation log to
track small group interaction as students work together on a given task. Collection will be in three areas; they will be in student achievement,
motivation, and attitudes toward jigsaw learning in class activities. They will follow in: grades, student questionnaire, checklists, observation logs and
self–efficacy scales. Student Questionnaire will determine students' opinions about working with partners (Maher, 2010). Observation logs will be
used to record observations of students' attitudes and to record feedback from class activities. On the questionnaire there will be ten questions about
jigsaw learning and about the activity. Students will be asked to respond by answering yes, no, or sometimes. A checklist will be used to establish the
presence of on–task behavior and participation of the students during class activities. A self–efficacy survey will also be used to determine whether
students feel that
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Essay Student Diversity and Classroom Management
Running head: Student Diversity and Classroom Management
Student Diversity and Classroom Management Maintaining order in the classroom is the number one challenge that new teachers face. In the past few
years due to children maturing faster and many coming from broken homes this problem has intensified. Students seem to be more defiant and teachers
are more intimidated and unprepared to deal with the issues in the classroom. This usually results in poor classroom management. With the
implementation of an effective plan the teacher can make modifications to the classroom to ensure the students are under control and the environment
is set for students to excel. There are several strategies that have captured my attention more content...
Elementary school aged children need a more structured environment with plenty of guidance. The third method is Morrish's Real Discipline Model.
"Morrish contends that today's popular discipline systems are inefficient because they expect student to make decisions they are not yet ready to make,
resulting in an overabundance of negotiating and haggling between teachers and students" (Charles, 2008). This model supports guidance for students
and teaches the students right from wrong. Morrish believes that discipline is used as a deterrent for misbehavior. In other words, discipline is used to
prevent misbehavior not something that is done when a student misbehaves. I do believe that this method could work for all ages. However, with the
younger students it could be most effective. During their beginning years, students need more guidance and rely on the teacher to make decisions that
are in their best interest. They also rely on the teacher to instruct them on how to act and behave. For example, if a Kindergartner were standing in their
chair and yelling in class the teacher would need to intervene and correct that student. Ahigh school student can already determine that this type of
behavior would be considered inappropriate and would be less likely to engage in such. The fourth model for classroom management is Wong's
Pragmatic Classroom. Harry Wong believes that discipline
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Classroom Management Essay examples
People go to college for many different reasons; some go because they want to further their education in order to pursue a desired career, some go
because they feel it is what is expected of them, and others go because they feel they have no other choice. No matter the reason, there always seems
to be a problem in the classroom; the teacher will be lecturing while only a few students are responding. "In Nunn's (1996) observational study of
participation in college classrooms, on average less than 6 percent of class time involved student interaction. That's three minutes of student talk per 50
minutes of class time." (Tomorrows Professor, 2006) There are numerous causes to this problem; students simply don't want to pay attention, have a more content...
They have more of an opportunity to take in asking questions, and participating in discussion but the students often don't, thus leading to the same
problem of not paying attention.
I take five college classes, only one of which is a large lecture hall course, chemistry; my other four are smaller classes with about thirty students
each, math, composition, literature, and spanish. Every day that I go into my math class all my fellow students and I do the same thing; we sit
down, listen to our professor work out math problems from our course webpage for fifty minuets, and then leave. No one in my class ever ask
questions and I rarely see anyone write anything down because all of what it being lecture is readily available to us through the course website. This
leads to students to sleep, (the lights are off because the projector is always on), text, or simply not show up because they feel there is no reason to.
There will be students who walk in, turn in their homework and leave without any consequence other than what they might miss in that days lecture. In
comparison to my lecture class, it's closely the same thing; students come and few pay attention and questions are rarely asked.
The solution that I feel will strongly help solve this problem is dealing directly with the teachers style of
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A Reflection On Classroom Management
Reflective Essay
When the words "classroom management" arise, most people imagine how the teacher controls behavior in the classroom. However, classroom
management encompasses a variety of areas that focus on creating strong, positive communities that support the holistic growth of the student.
Although, I considered myself to have a few good techniques I used in my classroom, after five years of teaching, I would score myself as average. I
have found my space on the type of teacher I desire to be, as well as the type of environment I want my classroom to have; yet, there is room for
improvement and this course has given me a new perspective on classroom management that aids the student and teacher become better individuals. For more content...
I understand the minor disruptions could add up and when left unattended students begin to lose the trust that the teacher is capable of providing a safe
and comfortable learning environment.
Hence, there is a need to refine are my rules and expectations. At the beginning of the school year, time will be spent on class expectations. Students
must understand the importance of the standards and guidelines in the classroom. As a class, we will discuss the characteristics of a "good" learning
environment and what rules should be set in place in order to accomplish that atmosphere. I believe at the secondary level, democracy in the classroom
is a chief factor in gaining student trust. Ultimately, the decisions and consequences of the class fall on the teacher, but adolescents yearn for autonomy
and appreciate it when a teacher gives them a voice. Research on effective classroom management shows in order to prevent confusion or
misunderstanding, the teacher's expectations need to be explicit, discussed among the class, modeled by the teacher and adequately practiced by the
students (Weinstein, Curran, & Tomlinson– Clarke, 2003).
Additionally, I will model the correct way students should carry themselves in the classroom and allow time for practice. In a setting such as high school
, where students must commit to a number of
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Classroom Management Issues Essay
Classroom Management Issues
Classroom management issues are looked at from a variety of ways. In other words, regardless of what medium a teacher will use to manage a
classroom, there are several main objectives that must be met. These objectives are outlined in an article written by Charles E. Backes and Iris C.
Ellis called "The Secret of Classroom Management." All of their ideas pivot around three central ideas: respect for the students, preparation, and a
passion for education. For instance, a few of their tips are to "Pick your battles carefully," "Fill each period with activity," and "Care about the
students," (Backes and Ellis–2005). I plan on delving into each of these three main pivot points to discuss how they more content...
Regardless of how a teacher goes about making a lesson plan, or how he or she chooses to schedule the school day, preparation is key. When there
is a class period with an insufficient amount of activity, disciplinary issues often occur. This claim is corroborated by Backes and Ellis, who claim:
"Most problems occur at the beginning of class or at the end of class when students are not on task," (The Secret to Classroom Management paragraph
14 – 2005).
Respect for Students and Teaching
While preparation is a key element of classroom management, only so much can be done without a healthy and proper level of respect for the students.
Students must be dealt with in the classroom context. Terri Husted claims "students are more receptive if they know other students are not watching or
listening," (Classroom Management, paragraph 9 – 2005). Therefore, it would be wise to speak with a child about a particular incident or disciplinary
issue after class rather than broaching the topic with the students' peers watching the entire ordeal. Husted further claims that one of the best ways to
solve disciplinary problems is to get to know each student very well, and showing each student that you are glad to have them in your class.
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Essay on My Classroom Management Philosophy
Classroom Management Plan Theoretical Introduction Philosophy of Classroom Management My personal belief is that teaching is not just the
profession of spitting out information to students that they in turn regurgitate to me. I think that teaching is a process of life learning for these
students. I believe there are four extremely important factors that distinguish a well–disciplined class from others. They include the following factors:
classroom environment, expectations and procedures, student–teacher relationships, and active learning. First, the environment in which learning takes
place should be appealing. Regardless of the size of the room––whether small or overcrowded––there are a number of ways to create more
More importantly, creating positive student–teacher relationships can prevent discipline issues from arising. By establishing a persistent tone of mutual
respect, students will participate in class activities with confidence that they and their opinions are valued. Students also should be taught how to
appreciate the unique contributions each student brings to the class, as well as how to effectively resolve issues that may arise. I believe that
demonstrating genuine respect to students and showing interest in their concerns will allow the effective use of instructional time, positive
relationships to prevail, and minimal discipline problems to avail. Lastly, by actively engaging students in a variety of interesting activities that
encourage critical thinking and discovery, time misbehavior is minimized. The key is preparation and participation. Having activities and lessons
prepared will negate the acts of sleeping, misbehavior, and/or sitting idly for the bell to ring. Furthermore, collaborative strategies can be used to help
students become self–reliant learners that take responsibility for their own learning. For instance, when students explain the purpose of learning the
material, they can assess their own progress and the relevancy to their lives. Overall, I believe that teachers must be consistent, fair, and firm in their
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Classroom Management In The Classroom
Classroom management is one of the most essential elements of teaching. Classroom management refers to "the wide variety of skills and techniques
that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class". Therefore, without good
classroom management the classroom will not be an environment of learning, rather it will be an environment of chaos. My personal philosophy of
education pulls elements from three different models–assertive discipline, CHAMPS, and capturing kids' hearts. The main goal of the assertive
discipline model is to put the teacher in charge of the classroom. However, teachers are also expected to treat students as their allies in the learning
experience. Although there are elements of assertive discipline that I do not agree with, my idea of discipline in the classroom aligns best with this
model. When using assertive discipline, the teacher decides on the class rules before school begins. The teacher also has a system of both positive and
negative consequences in place. Additionally, consequences occur in a hierarchy system, known as the discipline hierarchy. The discipline hierarchy is
a system of between 3–6 different consequences that become harsher as a student continues to misbehave. For a first offense, the student is simply
given a warning. If the student continues to misbehave than the second and third time they are taken out of an activity. The fourth time the parents are
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Reflect on Classroom Management and Organization Strategies The significance of classroom management and organization strategies is the
responsibility of each teacher to implement an effective Classroom Organization and Management Plan (COMP). Effective teachers influence their
students in the classroom and at home by providing them with incremental steps that support foundations for academic growth and success. Therefore,
many theorists have contributed to developing effective models designed to assist teachers in their daily efforts to promote student learning. Per
Hardin, students that were in well–organized classrooms demonstrated improvements in their academics (2012). In these instances, the teacher could
evaluate their student 's needs by understanding procedures that improved student motivation, enveloped the community, and effectively used Assertive
Discipline. Furthermore, teacher collaboration sharing best practices in their classroom management styles not only provides analysis of their student
needs but also demonstrates support for Classroom Organization and Management Plan. For this week's assignment, I will include my personal
reflections on classroom management and organization strategies that encompass the following:
How has reading about effective classroom management affected you, and how has this changed your beliefs about classroom management?
What specific parts of the readings changed or did not change the way you think about classroom
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Reflective Essay On Classroom Management
Classroom management is a term to encompass the skills and techniques teachers use to establish control over the classroom environment to maintain
an academically productive workplace. In order to establish well–structured and obedient classroom, a teacher must remain level headed when in the
face of adversity to assert control.
As an aspiring educator, there are many fears and anxieties I experience in reference to classroom management that I must overcome if I am to be
successful in my career. Of these perceived problems lie defining my role as an educator, facilitating a brave space, and adapting my impulsive nature
into structured decisions. After critical evaluation, I have established anticipated solutions to quell my anxiety.
My initial anxiety is in the responsibility of determining parameters of my role as an educator. Arao and Clemens state, "we aim to encourage
participants to be brave in exploring context that pushes them to the edges of their comfort zones to maximize learning" (35). My concern is that I may
overstep my boundaries as an educator when urging students to question the metanarrative. Encouraging students to push the boundaries of their
comfort zones makes me anxious, but is largely a contributing factor in my drive to teach.
After critical evaluation of this perceived problem, I have come to realize age–appropriate guidelines are easily accessible. These socially approved
aids will serve as a guide in lesson plan development, and direct classroom conversations
Upon further exploration of my role as an educator I have discovered the importance of facilitating instead of dictating. As a facilitator within the
classroom, my role is to create a healthy and communicative environment. Likely, I am to do this through the facilitation of discussion to determine the
distinctions between respect and disrespect. As an intended early childhood education teacher, there are quite a few ways I could shape this discussion
of respect to serve as an ice breaker and an activity to set ground rules. At the start of the academic year, the class may gather and discuss the
distinction of respectful interaction and disrespectful interaction to have the cues separated on a chart to display in the classroom.
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Case Study On Classroom Management
SSC Case Study
What is effective classroom management? It is a class that has rules, expectations, and standards. An effective instructor will create a safe environment
where lessons run efficiently in which each learner can succeed and participate in the learning (Characteristics of Effective Teachers, 2014). Before
watching the SSC Classroom Management Case Study #1, these are the questions I used to determine effective/ineffective classroom management
strategies used by the instructor:
1.Is there a sense of engagement in learning and teaching?
2.Are there well defined classroom rules? Do the students understand what kinds of behaviours are acceptable in the classroom?
3.Does the instructor communicate the course objectives? Can the students monitor themselves and gauge their performance?
4.Is feedback provided immediately and is it positive?
5.Is there an environment of mutual respect? more content...
Managing Small Group Activities Effectively. Although an instructor's role should be minimized during an activity, it still must be managed. The
groups should be divided by the instructor, the participants should know which topic they are working on, and the activity should be timed. I would
have liked some kind of verbal instruction that helped all of the student know the learning outcome and why this task should be performed. The
continual questions from the group could have been minimized with a little more intervention.
3.Dealing with Classroom Disruptors. What I noticed throughout this video is the instructor used inconsistent classroom expectations. Disruptive
classroom behaviours were either ignored or dealt with inappropriately. Students who were talking or texting or sleeping were ignored. Instead of
pulling aside a student he participated in an angry discussion that disrupted the class. He focused on the student instead of the behaviour for something
that could have easily been resolved privately.
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Essay about Classroom Management
Decades ago, a world – renown educational philosopher, Harry K. Wong defined classroom management as, "the practises and procedures that allow
teachers to teach and students to learn" (Starr, 2005). Harry K. Wong also describes that classroom managements is something that refers to all of the
necessary things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that learning can occur efficiently. This management includes
fostering students' full participation, plus their overall commitment and contribution in the productive classroom activities that are being carried out in
the active working environment. Becoming a skilled and talented skilled classroom manager and facilitator allows a teacher to be adequately prepared more content...
Through this, we can view that, in order to control students' behaviour and discipline problems, teachers need to come out with alternative plans of
strategies, techniques and approaches in accordance with all the theories and models such as B.F Skinner Modification Approach, William Glasser's
Choice Theory and Quality Schools, Jacob Kounin's Instructional / Cluster Management, Dreikurs Model of Logical Consequences and finally Canter
Model's of Assertive Discipline in Malaysian context of current education system, so as good quality trade of students can be produced in future.
Therefore, in this essay, we will see the 2 different scenarios of problems facing by both teachers in handling students discipline problems, discuss on
the effectiveness of discipline strategies used by the teachers with arguments referring to the models and finally suggest ways on how the teachers can
overcome the problems based on theories and models.
First and foremost, through viewing the two different scenarios of the cases above, Ms. Anita is a new teacher been posted into a suburban school
area. As we all know, urban areas usually depict the lives of highly luxurious people whose mostly at times, will send their children to school with
higher expectations, yet the children due to their parents' backgrounds and current live styles will create disruptive behaviours and havoc in schools, as
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An Effective Classroom Management Plan Essay
An effective classroom management plan creates an inviting environment in which all students have the opportunity to engage in a learning experience
which includes both socially acceptable behavior and content core material. The strategies within the proposal allows the teacher to reach the personal,
psychological, and learning needs of the student while encouraging positive, productive behavior in order to reach students' personal goals (Jones &
Jones, 2013, p. 1). One's philosophy of classroom management becomes individualized because of the personal experiences and perspective which each
instructor brings into the classroom setting. Therefore, the components which encapsulate one's philosophy of classroom management includes an
understanding of why students misbehave, what makes a classroom plan affective, keys to student engagement, and how one's personal experiences
shape one's interpretation of the theory of classroom management. Typically, teachers will contribute student's misbehavior to either the psychological
developmental stages students' progress through or external factors like socioeconomic, mental, physical, or emotional issues. However, order or the
lack thereof, within the classroom setting makes a profound impact on the students' behavioral issues which ones experiences within their classroom
setting. Therefore students' misbehavior can be attributed to the classroom management police not meeting the basic needs of their students (Jones &
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My Classroom Management Plan Essay
I have heard that for many beginning teachers, classroom management can be one of the most challenging aspects of their new career. Knowing this, I
decided to experiment with many classroom management approaches during my student teaching to find one that fit both my students and myself.
Based on these experiences, I designed a classroom management plan that I will implement in my classroom as a beginning teacher. It is important to
note, however, that my classroom management philosophy will be evolving as necessary as I gain more experience and insight into the field of
teaching. Also, my classroom management plan may need to be altered to fit my specific group of students.
Implementing a Student–Centered Classroom more content...
While student teaching, I planned many small group activities, hands–on science lessons, and math lessons using manipulatives. I planned for each
possible classroom management issue so that I could avoid problems. For example, when introducing base ten blocks to the first graders, I knew these
brand new manipulatives could be a distraction. To avoid this, I allowed the students to use bellwork time (the first 15 minutes of school) to explore
and play with these new math manipulatives. When the time came for our math lesson that afternoon, I stressed that students had an opportunity to play
with the base ten blocks this morning, but now it was time for us to use these as our math tools, not math toys. Our lesson ended up being a very
productive one.
Being Positive in my Classroom Management Approach
My classroom management approach will be a positive one. By using positive reinforcement and by creating positive relationships with my students, it
will again eliminate many behavior issues before they occur. While student teaching, I tried a new classroom management technique focusing on
positive reinforcement for good behavior with the first graders. I placed a jar in the front of the classroom, and explained that every time I caught the
students being good, I would drop a marble into the jar. Once the jar was completely full, the students could choose a reward for their good behavior.
Immediately after implementing this new plan, I
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Essay on Effective Classroom Management
Both teacher and student success can often be traced back to the ability of the teacher to effectively manage the classroom. Research shows that
effective classroom management and organization during the first few weeks of class are crucial in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and
procedures that will set the tone for the rest of the year. Effective classroom management is essential in maintaining an organized, and civil classroom.
You want students' to develop an understanding of mutual respect by making expectations clear, and providing written ideas of how the classroom
should be managed. The keys to effective classroom management are; organization of procedures and resources, a well arranged classroom
environment, more content...
Also, it is important to have resources scheduled and available when needed. For example if your classroom is doing research on a certain animal that
each student must research and present to the classroom, a helpful resource during this research would be, the Internet. With this being said it is
important to schedule research time in the computer lab so that students can use resources on the Internet to expand there research limitations, while
also allowing students' to ask questions and become more computer savvy. A well arranged classroom environment is the next key in effective
classroom management. Successful teachers understand that classrooms must be both stimulating and inviting. Room arrangements must be both
attractive and functional. It is important to catch the students' eye but to also allowing students to use the classroom to learn. Some things that you
must consider before designing your classroom are traffic flow for the teacher and students, proximity of the desks to other areas, desks must be
arranged to promote maximum visibility, and limit distractibility, and also create a room environment that allows for flexibility for classroom activities
that may require movement. Prior to the first day of class
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Essay on Classroom Management Discipline
Classroom Management & Discipline
Emily Rickertsen
EIS 450G: Classroom Management
Dr. Georg Gunzenhauser
Fall 2014
Classroom Management Related to Discipline
Teacher–Student Relationship Student–teacher relationship is a vital role in managing a classroom and discipline. As a teacher, being able to connect
with students is a key to academic instructional success; students are more likely to show respect to a teacher if that teacher has a connection with the
students. Every teacher is bound to encounter a time when discipline must be used in some way. How is this discipline going to affect the
student–teacher relationship? Jong, Mainhard, Tartwijk, Veldman, Verloop, & Wubbels (2013) explored how student
– more content...
This consists of posting, no more than four rules in the classroom and having a list of 6 consequences that build upon one another, beginning with a
warning, followed by writing the student's name on the board, and ending with having a parent come to the school for a parent–teacher conference
(Logan, 2003). That discipline technique was aimed at middle and high school students; the author also suggests a similar technique for elementary age
students. "Watch the Signs!" is a discipline program that utilized color–coded paper for each student to signal the students behavior: green= satisfactory,
blue= needs to improve, yellow=needs to improve, red= unsatisfactory (Logan, 2003, p. 16–17). Each color, with the exception of green, also has a
repercussion ranging from a 10 minute time–out to a phone call to a parent to an out of classroom timeout (Logan, 2003). A large part of having an
effective classroom and discipline program is communicating the classroom expectation early and clearly. Along with the expectations, communicating
the consequences for misbehavior to all students. By having clear consequences for students, there is no question that by doing behavior X, the
student will be held accountable and be disciplined by consequence Y. I agree with the framework that Logan did with the discipline programs in this
article. I would change some of the consequence progressions in some of the examples provided
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My Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay
My classroom management philosophy is a constant work in progress, but based off of personal experiences and major management theorists I have
developed a basic philosophy to guide me through student teaching and the early years as a teacher. The core principles of my philosophy are rooted in
establishing a classroom community and mutual respect between students and the teacher. The following essay outlines the theorists that have
impacted my philosophy as well as ways I plan to implement my management philosophy.
The foundation of an effective classroom is a strong, supportive classroom management plan. The first hurdle many new teachers have to overcome is
the ability to maintain control more content...
It is also important that I establish a laid back environment while also balancing the rules and procedures that are important for the successful
classroom. I am a laid back person who enjoys humor, and while I want the atmosphere of my classroom to reflect this it is important that the class
follows fundamental rules and procedures to create an effective environment for learning. Finally it is important for me that the classroom functions as
an active learning community. Students learn the best when they feel invested and responsible for the classroom community that they inhabit.
For students to feel as though they are a part of a community it is important that all of their basic
needs are met and they feel as if they are respected by the teacher. Mutual respect is once again at the core of my classroom management philosophy.
Harry and Rosemary Wong preach the importance of firsts. Their classroom theory is based around the first day of school, the first impression, and the
first minutes of the classroom.
It is imperative to first establish rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year (Charles
2010). Rules and procedures should be established around main principles. First rules should be consistent, fair, and firm. There should also be a
predetermined hierarchy of consequences established to maintain consistent enforcement. The third principle is establishing positive
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Classroom Management Philosophy Statement
My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be
responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and
respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student–centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom
rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student–centered the teacher
should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and
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The aspects of withitness, momentum and smoothness, group alerting, overlapping, and challenge arousal are all important when trying to reduce
classroom misbehavior. The teacher's ability to know what's going on in all parts of the classroom at all times is essential and makes the students pay
attention because they never know if the teacher is watching them. The factor of momentum and smoothness is also important because the teacher
needs to get lessons started promptly, smoothly, and provide transitions. Other factors such as keeping students alert, actively involve in their learning,
and holding students responsible for their learning helps classroom management.
Another theory that clarifies my perspective is Canter's Assertive Discipline. The focus of this theory is to show teachers how to establish a classroom
climate in which needs are met by maintaining a calm, productive classroom environment. To achieve this goal the teacher must attend to students'
needs, establish understandable class rules for behavior, and establishing a climate of understanding and trust. I believe that when students and teachers
respect one another the climate of the classroom is more pleasant than in classrooms where there is no respect from both the students and the teacher.
Canter says that this type of relationship is developed through speaking respectfully to students, a true sense of fairness, and giving
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Effective Classroom Management Essay
Classroom management is a key element to establish a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan
creates a positive learning environment. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behavior. Students' behavior
is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006). Teachers need a diverse
array of classroom management skills to facilitate learning. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more
time in learning. Students in effectively managed classrooms know and follow clearly defined rules and routines. A classroom management plan
should more content...
Frequent communication with families which includes positive information makes school wide discipline effective (T.L.Musy, Personal communication,
October 3rd, 2006). Consistency is an important element in school wide discipline. Rules applied consistently through out the school are easy for
students to learn. An effective teacher learns school rules and procedures before the year begins. This would be helpful for the teacher to set up her/his
own classroom discipline plan (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006).
Teachers should have a discipline plan before the school year begins. Effective discipline plan includes various techniques to avoid, support, and correct
inappropriate behavior in the classroom.
Preventive discipline
Preventing misbehavior is widely preferable rather than dealing with it after it has occurred. A Preventive discipline plan involves steps taken in a
classroom to avoid disciplinary problems. Potentially this discipline deals with the distractions in the classroom and how a classroom environment can
be modified so it is more compatible with the learning needs of its children (Edwards, 2004). Preventive discipline plan refers to the strategies that can
be implemented to inhibit inappropriate behaviors from occurring in the first place (T.L.Musy, Personal communication, October 10th, 2006). Kounin's
concepts of withitness and overlapping skills of a teacher help in preventing discipline problems (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham,
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Ethics In Classroom Management Essay

  • 1. Ethics In Classroom Management Essay Running head: Implications for Classroom Management Legal and Ethical Implications for Classroom Management Phedelia Singleton Grand Canyon University EDU–536 Classroom Engagement and Management December 21, 2011 Ethics is a word for human behavior which includes classroom behavior. Ethical behavior is a realm of classroom ethics. In every complex society proper ethical is difficult, but it starts when a child is young. The implications below are a few of many ethical principles in the classroom which are significant among our students today. Teaching Ethics: The Role of the Classroom Teacher For many years, ethical development (children's character or moral development) has been a controversial topic. more content... The silence would be detrimental because a student who is not responding would become bored, experience apathy towards the teaching process and deprived themselves the benefit of strategic learning and engaging. The student would be self – absorbed, have a need for compassion and encourage participating. The possible reason students participate in silence the classroom is because they are experiencing low self – esteem. Developing an Ethic of Care in the Classroom Teacher step into the classroom of making a difference in students' lives by demonstrating. The care maybe demonstrated by a number of ways depending on the teaching style. Caldwell (1999) noted, "Teachers show students that care were reflected in four distinctive themes. Student–Oriented, Work Oriented, Engaging Students and Active. These themes can be useful insights into students gaining care from their teacher. The Student– Oriented Teacher treats students with respect through individual uniqueness. A person name gives the student a sense of identity. Often teacher will get names confused by calling students a family member name. Modeling to students is another way of showing respect. As well as sharing compliments through repetition. Respect is not naturally given by students in the classroom setting. A student oriented teacher shows their students that they believe in them.
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  • 3. Classroom Management Essay Purpose Classroom management plays an important role in effective teaching by providing a desirable environment which promotes better learning and student growth. The most important effect that classroom management has on student behavior is that it promotes better learning because students can better focus when their environment is free from distraction and conflict. When a teacher provides a well–organized and controlled environment, student's academics interest and performance increase while behavioral issues decreased (Pope, 2010). One classroom management technique I plan to use in my future classroom setting will include the use of cooperative learning. According to Maher (2010), cooperation learning leads to higher group more content... Other methods I plan to use to evaluate student performance will include the use of observation logs, checklists, questionnaires, and self–efficacy scales. These methods will help me to keep track of students working cooperatively, students sharing strategies, actively listening to other group members, and class work being finished by the end of the hour (Maher, 2010). Data Collection I will collect data by using a teacher observation log to track small group interaction as students work together on a given task. Collection will be in three areas; they will be in student achievement, motivation, and attitudes toward jigsaw learning in class activities. They will follow in: grades, student questionnaire, checklists, observation logs and self–efficacy scales. Student Questionnaire will determine students' opinions about working with partners (Maher, 2010). Observation logs will be used to record observations of students' attitudes and to record feedback from class activities. On the questionnaire there will be ten questions about jigsaw learning and about the activity. Students will be asked to respond by answering yes, no, or sometimes. A checklist will be used to establish the presence of on–task behavior and participation of the students during class activities. A self–efficacy survey will also be used to determine whether students feel that Get more content on
  • 4. Essay Student Diversity and Classroom Management Running head: Student Diversity and Classroom Management Student Diversity and Classroom Management Maintaining order in the classroom is the number one challenge that new teachers face. In the past few years due to children maturing faster and many coming from broken homes this problem has intensified. Students seem to be more defiant and teachers are more intimidated and unprepared to deal with the issues in the classroom. This usually results in poor classroom management. With the implementation of an effective plan the teacher can make modifications to the classroom to ensure the students are under control and the environment is set for students to excel. There are several strategies that have captured my attention more content... Elementary school aged children need a more structured environment with plenty of guidance. The third method is Morrish's Real Discipline Model. "Morrish contends that today's popular discipline systems are inefficient because they expect student to make decisions they are not yet ready to make, resulting in an overabundance of negotiating and haggling between teachers and students" (Charles, 2008). This model supports guidance for students and teaches the students right from wrong. Morrish believes that discipline is used as a deterrent for misbehavior. In other words, discipline is used to prevent misbehavior not something that is done when a student misbehaves. I do believe that this method could work for all ages. However, with the younger students it could be most effective. During their beginning years, students need more guidance and rely on the teacher to make decisions that are in their best interest. They also rely on the teacher to instruct them on how to act and behave. For example, if a Kindergartner were standing in their chair and yelling in class the teacher would need to intervene and correct that student. Ahigh school student can already determine that this type of behavior would be considered inappropriate and would be less likely to engage in such. The fourth model for classroom management is Wong's Pragmatic Classroom. Harry Wong believes that discipline Get more content on
  • 5. Classroom Management Essay examples People go to college for many different reasons; some go because they want to further their education in order to pursue a desired career, some go because they feel it is what is expected of them, and others go because they feel they have no other choice. No matter the reason, there always seems to be a problem in the classroom; the teacher will be lecturing while only a few students are responding. "In Nunn's (1996) observational study of participation in college classrooms, on average less than 6 percent of class time involved student interaction. That's three minutes of student talk per 50 minutes of class time." (Tomorrows Professor, 2006) There are numerous causes to this problem; students simply don't want to pay attention, have a more content... They have more of an opportunity to take in asking questions, and participating in discussion but the students often don't, thus leading to the same problem of not paying attention. I take five college classes, only one of which is a large lecture hall course, chemistry; my other four are smaller classes with about thirty students each, math, composition, literature, and spanish. Every day that I go into my math class all my fellow students and I do the same thing; we sit down, listen to our professor work out math problems from our course webpage for fifty minuets, and then leave. No one in my class ever ask questions and I rarely see anyone write anything down because all of what it being lecture is readily available to us through the course website. This leads to students to sleep, (the lights are off because the projector is always on), text, or simply not show up because they feel there is no reason to. There will be students who walk in, turn in their homework and leave without any consequence other than what they might miss in that days lecture. In comparison to my lecture class, it's closely the same thing; students come and few pay attention and questions are rarely asked. The solution that I feel will strongly help solve this problem is dealing directly with the teachers style of Get more content on
  • 6. A Reflection On Classroom Management Reflective Essay When the words "classroom management" arise, most people imagine how the teacher controls behavior in the classroom. However, classroom management encompasses a variety of areas that focus on creating strong, positive communities that support the holistic growth of the student. Although, I considered myself to have a few good techniques I used in my classroom, after five years of teaching, I would score myself as average. I have found my space on the type of teacher I desire to be, as well as the type of environment I want my classroom to have; yet, there is room for improvement and this course has given me a new perspective on classroom management that aids the student and teacher become better individuals. For more content... I understand the minor disruptions could add up and when left unattended students begin to lose the trust that the teacher is capable of providing a safe and comfortable learning environment. Hence, there is a need to refine are my rules and expectations. At the beginning of the school year, time will be spent on class expectations. Students must understand the importance of the standards and guidelines in the classroom. As a class, we will discuss the characteristics of a "good" learning environment and what rules should be set in place in order to accomplish that atmosphere. I believe at the secondary level, democracy in the classroom is a chief factor in gaining student trust. Ultimately, the decisions and consequences of the class fall on the teacher, but adolescents yearn for autonomy and appreciate it when a teacher gives them a voice. Research on effective classroom management shows in order to prevent confusion or misunderstanding, the teacher's expectations need to be explicit, discussed among the class, modeled by the teacher and adequately practiced by the students (Weinstein, Curran, & Tomlinson– Clarke, 2003). Additionally, I will model the correct way students should carry themselves in the classroom and allow time for practice. In a setting such as high school , where students must commit to a number of Get more content on
  • 7. Classroom Management Issues Essay Classroom Management Issues Classroom management issues are looked at from a variety of ways. In other words, regardless of what medium a teacher will use to manage a classroom, there are several main objectives that must be met. These objectives are outlined in an article written by Charles E. Backes and Iris C. Ellis called "The Secret of Classroom Management." All of their ideas pivot around three central ideas: respect for the students, preparation, and a passion for education. For instance, a few of their tips are to "Pick your battles carefully," "Fill each period with activity," and "Care about the students," (Backes and Ellis–2005). I plan on delving into each of these three main pivot points to discuss how they more content... Regardless of how a teacher goes about making a lesson plan, or how he or she chooses to schedule the school day, preparation is key. When there is a class period with an insufficient amount of activity, disciplinary issues often occur. This claim is corroborated by Backes and Ellis, who claim: "Most problems occur at the beginning of class or at the end of class when students are not on task," (The Secret to Classroom Management paragraph 14 – 2005). Respect for Students and Teaching While preparation is a key element of classroom management, only so much can be done without a healthy and proper level of respect for the students. Students must be dealt with in the classroom context. Terri Husted claims "students are more receptive if they know other students are not watching or listening," (Classroom Management, paragraph 9 – 2005). Therefore, it would be wise to speak with a child about a particular incident or disciplinary issue after class rather than broaching the topic with the students' peers watching the entire ordeal. Husted further claims that one of the best ways to solve disciplinary problems is to get to know each student very well, and showing each student that you are glad to have them in your class. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on My Classroom Management Philosophy Classroom Management Plan Theoretical Introduction Philosophy of Classroom Management My personal belief is that teaching is not just the profession of spitting out information to students that they in turn regurgitate to me. I think that teaching is a process of life learning for these students. I believe there are four extremely important factors that distinguish a well–disciplined class from others. They include the following factors: classroom environment, expectations and procedures, student–teacher relationships, and active learning. First, the environment in which learning takes place should be appealing. Regardless of the size of the room––whether small or overcrowded––there are a number of ways to create more content... More importantly, creating positive student–teacher relationships can prevent discipline issues from arising. By establishing a persistent tone of mutual respect, students will participate in class activities with confidence that they and their opinions are valued. Students also should be taught how to appreciate the unique contributions each student brings to the class, as well as how to effectively resolve issues that may arise. I believe that demonstrating genuine respect to students and showing interest in their concerns will allow the effective use of instructional time, positive relationships to prevail, and minimal discipline problems to avail. Lastly, by actively engaging students in a variety of interesting activities that encourage critical thinking and discovery, time misbehavior is minimized. The key is preparation and participation. Having activities and lessons prepared will negate the acts of sleeping, misbehavior, and/or sitting idly for the bell to ring. Furthermore, collaborative strategies can be used to help students become self–reliant learners that take responsibility for their own learning. For instance, when students explain the purpose of learning the material, they can assess their own progress and the relevancy to their lives. Overall, I believe that teachers must be consistent, fair, and firm in their Get more content on
  • 9. Classroom Management In The Classroom Classroom management is one of the most essential elements of teaching. Classroom management refers to "the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class". Therefore, without good classroom management the classroom will not be an environment of learning, rather it will be an environment of chaos. My personal philosophy of education pulls elements from three different models–assertive discipline, CHAMPS, and capturing kids' hearts. The main goal of the assertive discipline model is to put the teacher in charge of the classroom. However, teachers are also expected to treat students as their allies in the learning experience. Although there are elements of assertive discipline that I do not agree with, my idea of discipline in the classroom aligns best with this model. When using assertive discipline, the teacher decides on the class rules before school begins. The teacher also has a system of both positive and negative consequences in place. Additionally, consequences occur in a hierarchy system, known as the discipline hierarchy. The discipline hierarchy is a system of between 3–6 different consequences that become harsher as a student continues to misbehave. For a first offense, the student is simply given a warning. If the student continues to misbehave than the second and third time they are taken out of an activity. The fourth time the parents are Get more content on
  • 10. Reflect on Classroom Management and Organization Strategies The significance of classroom management and organization strategies is the responsibility of each teacher to implement an effective Classroom Organization and Management Plan (COMP). Effective teachers influence their students in the classroom and at home by providing them with incremental steps that support foundations for academic growth and success. Therefore, many theorists have contributed to developing effective models designed to assist teachers in their daily efforts to promote student learning. Per Hardin, students that were in well–organized classrooms demonstrated improvements in their academics (2012). In these instances, the teacher could evaluate their student 's needs by understanding procedures that improved student motivation, enveloped the community, and effectively used Assertive Discipline. Furthermore, teacher collaboration sharing best practices in their classroom management styles not only provides analysis of their student needs but also demonstrates support for Classroom Organization and Management Plan. For this week's assignment, I will include my personal reflections on classroom management and organization strategies that encompass the following: How has reading about effective classroom management affected you, and how has this changed your beliefs about classroom management? What specific parts of the readings changed or did not change the way you think about classroom Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Essay On Classroom Management Classroom management is a term to encompass the skills and techniques teachers use to establish control over the classroom environment to maintain an academically productive workplace. In order to establish well–structured and obedient classroom, a teacher must remain level headed when in the face of adversity to assert control. As an aspiring educator, there are many fears and anxieties I experience in reference to classroom management that I must overcome if I am to be successful in my career. Of these perceived problems lie defining my role as an educator, facilitating a brave space, and adapting my impulsive nature into structured decisions. After critical evaluation, I have established anticipated solutions to quell my anxiety. My initial anxiety is in the responsibility of determining parameters of my role as an educator. Arao and Clemens state, "we aim to encourage participants to be brave in exploring context that pushes them to the edges of their comfort zones to maximize learning" (35). My concern is that I may overstep my boundaries as an educator when urging students to question the metanarrative. Encouraging students to push the boundaries of their comfort zones makes me anxious, but is largely a contributing factor in my drive to teach. After critical evaluation of this perceived problem, I have come to realize age–appropriate guidelines are easily accessible. These socially approved aids will serve as a guide in lesson plan development, and direct classroom conversations Upon further exploration of my role as an educator I have discovered the importance of facilitating instead of dictating. As a facilitator within the classroom, my role is to create a healthy and communicative environment. Likely, I am to do this through the facilitation of discussion to determine the distinctions between respect and disrespect. As an intended early childhood education teacher, there are quite a few ways I could shape this discussion of respect to serve as an ice breaker and an activity to set ground rules. At the start of the academic year, the class may gather and discuss the distinction of respectful interaction and disrespectful interaction to have the cues separated on a chart to display in the classroom. Get more content on
  • 12. Case Study On Classroom Management CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SSC Case Study INTRODUCTION What is effective classroom management? It is a class that has rules, expectations, and standards. An effective instructor will create a safe environment where lessons run efficiently in which each learner can succeed and participate in the learning (Characteristics of Effective Teachers, 2014). Before watching the SSC Classroom Management Case Study #1, these are the questions I used to determine effective/ineffective classroom management strategies used by the instructor: 1.Is there a sense of engagement in learning and teaching? 2.Are there well defined classroom rules? Do the students understand what kinds of behaviours are acceptable in the classroom? 3.Does the instructor communicate the course objectives? Can the students monitor themselves and gauge their performance? 4.Is feedback provided immediately and is it positive? 5.Is there an environment of mutual respect? more content... Managing Small Group Activities Effectively. Although an instructor's role should be minimized during an activity, it still must be managed. The groups should be divided by the instructor, the participants should know which topic they are working on, and the activity should be timed. I would have liked some kind of verbal instruction that helped all of the student know the learning outcome and why this task should be performed. The continual questions from the group could have been minimized with a little more intervention. 3.Dealing with Classroom Disruptors. What I noticed throughout this video is the instructor used inconsistent classroom expectations. Disruptive classroom behaviours were either ignored or dealt with inappropriately. Students who were talking or texting or sleeping were ignored. Instead of pulling aside a student he participated in an angry discussion that disrupted the class. He focused on the student instead of the behaviour for something that could have easily been resolved privately. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Classroom Management Decades ago, a world – renown educational philosopher, Harry K. Wong defined classroom management as, "the practises and procedures that allow teachers to teach and students to learn" (Starr, 2005). Harry K. Wong also describes that classroom managements is something that refers to all of the necessary things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that learning can occur efficiently. This management includes fostering students' full participation, plus their overall commitment and contribution in the productive classroom activities that are being carried out in the active working environment. Becoming a skilled and talented skilled classroom manager and facilitator allows a teacher to be adequately prepared more content... Through this, we can view that, in order to control students' behaviour and discipline problems, teachers need to come out with alternative plans of strategies, techniques and approaches in accordance with all the theories and models such as B.F Skinner Modification Approach, William Glasser's Choice Theory and Quality Schools, Jacob Kounin's Instructional / Cluster Management, Dreikurs Model of Logical Consequences and finally Canter Model's of Assertive Discipline in Malaysian context of current education system, so as good quality trade of students can be produced in future. Therefore, in this essay, we will see the 2 different scenarios of problems facing by both teachers in handling students discipline problems, discuss on the effectiveness of discipline strategies used by the teachers with arguments referring to the models and finally suggest ways on how the teachers can overcome the problems based on theories and models. First and foremost, through viewing the two different scenarios of the cases above, Ms. Anita is a new teacher been posted into a suburban school area. As we all know, urban areas usually depict the lives of highly luxurious people whose mostly at times, will send their children to school with higher expectations, yet the children due to their parents' backgrounds and current live styles will create disruptive behaviours and havoc in schools, as Get more content on
  • 14. An Effective Classroom Management Plan Essay An effective classroom management plan creates an inviting environment in which all students have the opportunity to engage in a learning experience which includes both socially acceptable behavior and content core material. The strategies within the proposal allows the teacher to reach the personal, psychological, and learning needs of the student while encouraging positive, productive behavior in order to reach students' personal goals (Jones & Jones, 2013, p. 1). One's philosophy of classroom management becomes individualized because of the personal experiences and perspective which each instructor brings into the classroom setting. Therefore, the components which encapsulate one's philosophy of classroom management includes an understanding of why students misbehave, what makes a classroom plan affective, keys to student engagement, and how one's personal experiences shape one's interpretation of the theory of classroom management. Typically, teachers will contribute student's misbehavior to either the psychological developmental stages students' progress through or external factors like socioeconomic, mental, physical, or emotional issues. However, order or the lack thereof, within the classroom setting makes a profound impact on the students' behavioral issues which ones experiences within their classroom setting. Therefore students' misbehavior can be attributed to the classroom management police not meeting the basic needs of their students (Jones & Jones, Get more content on
  • 15. My Classroom Management Plan Essay I have heard that for many beginning teachers, classroom management can be one of the most challenging aspects of their new career. Knowing this, I decided to experiment with many classroom management approaches during my student teaching to find one that fit both my students and myself. Based on these experiences, I designed a classroom management plan that I will implement in my classroom as a beginning teacher. It is important to note, however, that my classroom management philosophy will be evolving as necessary as I gain more experience and insight into the field of teaching. Also, my classroom management plan may need to be altered to fit my specific group of students. Implementing a Student–Centered Classroom more content... While student teaching, I planned many small group activities, hands–on science lessons, and math lessons using manipulatives. I planned for each possible classroom management issue so that I could avoid problems. For example, when introducing base ten blocks to the first graders, I knew these brand new manipulatives could be a distraction. To avoid this, I allowed the students to use bellwork time (the first 15 minutes of school) to explore and play with these new math manipulatives. When the time came for our math lesson that afternoon, I stressed that students had an opportunity to play with the base ten blocks this morning, but now it was time for us to use these as our math tools, not math toys. Our lesson ended up being a very productive one. Being Positive in my Classroom Management Approach My classroom management approach will be a positive one. By using positive reinforcement and by creating positive relationships with my students, it will again eliminate many behavior issues before they occur. While student teaching, I tried a new classroom management technique focusing on positive reinforcement for good behavior with the first graders. I placed a jar in the front of the classroom, and explained that every time I caught the students being good, I would drop a marble into the jar. Once the jar was completely full, the students could choose a reward for their good behavior. Immediately after implementing this new plan, I Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Effective Classroom Management Both teacher and student success can often be traced back to the ability of the teacher to effectively manage the classroom. Research shows that effective classroom management and organization during the first few weeks of class are crucial in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and procedures that will set the tone for the rest of the year. Effective classroom management is essential in maintaining an organized, and civil classroom. You want students' to develop an understanding of mutual respect by making expectations clear, and providing written ideas of how the classroom should be managed. The keys to effective classroom management are; organization of procedures and resources, a well arranged classroom environment, more content... Also, it is important to have resources scheduled and available when needed. For example if your classroom is doing research on a certain animal that each student must research and present to the classroom, a helpful resource during this research would be, the Internet. With this being said it is important to schedule research time in the computer lab so that students can use resources on the Internet to expand there research limitations, while also allowing students' to ask questions and become more computer savvy. A well arranged classroom environment is the next key in effective classroom management. Successful teachers understand that classrooms must be both stimulating and inviting. Room arrangements must be both attractive and functional. It is important to catch the students' eye but to also allowing students to use the classroom to learn. Some things that you must consider before designing your classroom are traffic flow for the teacher and students, proximity of the desks to other areas, desks must be arranged to promote maximum visibility, and limit distractibility, and also create a room environment that allows for flexibility for classroom activities that may require movement. Prior to the first day of class Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Classroom Management Discipline Classroom Management & Discipline Emily Rickertsen EIS 450G: Classroom Management Dr. Georg Gunzenhauser Fall 2014 Classroom Management Related to Discipline Teacher–Student Relationship Student–teacher relationship is a vital role in managing a classroom and discipline. As a teacher, being able to connect with students is a key to academic instructional success; students are more likely to show respect to a teacher if that teacher has a connection with the students. Every teacher is bound to encounter a time when discipline must be used in some way. How is this discipline going to affect the student–teacher relationship? Jong, Mainhard, Tartwijk, Veldman, Verloop, & Wubbels (2013) explored how student – more content... This consists of posting, no more than four rules in the classroom and having a list of 6 consequences that build upon one another, beginning with a warning, followed by writing the student's name on the board, and ending with having a parent come to the school for a parent–teacher conference (Logan, 2003). That discipline technique was aimed at middle and high school students; the author also suggests a similar technique for elementary age students. "Watch the Signs!" is a discipline program that utilized color–coded paper for each student to signal the students behavior: green= satisfactory, blue= needs to improve, yellow=needs to improve, red= unsatisfactory (Logan, 2003, p. 16–17). Each color, with the exception of green, also has a repercussion ranging from a 10 minute time–out to a phone call to a parent to an out of classroom timeout (Logan, 2003). A large part of having an effective classroom and discipline program is communicating the classroom expectation early and clearly. Along with the expectations, communicating the consequences for misbehavior to all students. By having clear consequences for students, there is no question that by doing behavior X, the student will be held accountable and be disciplined by consequence Y. I agree with the framework that Logan did with the discipline programs in this article. I would change some of the consequence progressions in some of the examples provided Get more content on
  • 18. My Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay Abstract My classroom management philosophy is a constant work in progress, but based off of personal experiences and major management theorists I have developed a basic philosophy to guide me through student teaching and the early years as a teacher. The core principles of my philosophy are rooted in establishing a classroom community and mutual respect between students and the teacher. The following essay outlines the theorists that have impacted my philosophy as well as ways I plan to implement my management philosophy. The foundation of an effective classroom is a strong, supportive classroom management plan. The first hurdle many new teachers have to overcome is the ability to maintain control more content... It is also important that I establish a laid back environment while also balancing the rules and procedures that are important for the successful classroom. I am a laid back person who enjoys humor, and while I want the atmosphere of my classroom to reflect this it is important that the class follows fundamental rules and procedures to create an effective environment for learning. Finally it is important for me that the classroom functions as an active learning community. Students learn the best when they feel invested and responsible for the classroom community that they inhabit. For students to feel as though they are a part of a community it is important that all of their basic needs are met and they feel as if they are respected by the teacher. Mutual respect is once again at the core of my classroom management philosophy. Harry and Rosemary Wong preach the importance of firsts. Their classroom theory is based around the first day of school, the first impression, and the first minutes of the classroom. It is imperative to first establish rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year (Charles 2010). Rules and procedures should be established around main principles. First rules should be consistent, fair, and firm. There should also be a predetermined hierarchy of consequences established to maintain consistent enforcement. The third principle is establishing positive outcomes
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  • 20. Classroom Management Philosophy Statement My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student–centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student–centered the teacher should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and more content... The aspects of withitness, momentum and smoothness, group alerting, overlapping, and challenge arousal are all important when trying to reduce classroom misbehavior. The teacher's ability to know what's going on in all parts of the classroom at all times is essential and makes the students pay attention because they never know if the teacher is watching them. The factor of momentum and smoothness is also important because the teacher needs to get lessons started promptly, smoothly, and provide transitions. Other factors such as keeping students alert, actively involve in their learning, and holding students responsible for their learning helps classroom management. Another theory that clarifies my perspective is Canter's Assertive Discipline. The focus of this theory is to show teachers how to establish a classroom climate in which needs are met by maintaining a calm, productive classroom environment. To achieve this goal the teacher must attend to students' needs, establish understandable class rules for behavior, and establishing a climate of understanding and trust. I believe that when students and teachers respect one another the climate of the classroom is more pleasant than in classrooms where there is no respect from both the students and the teacher. Canter says that this type of relationship is developed through speaking respectfully to students, a true sense of fairness, and giving Get more content on
  • 21. Effective Classroom Management Essay Classroom management is a key element to establish a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan creates a positive learning environment. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behavior. Students' behavior is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006). Teachers need a diverse array of classroom management skills to facilitate learning. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning. Students in effectively managed classrooms know and follow clearly defined rules and routines. A classroom management plan should more content... Frequent communication with families which includes positive information makes school wide discipline effective (T.L.Musy, Personal communication, October 3rd, 2006). Consistency is an important element in school wide discipline. Rules applied consistently through out the school are easy for students to learn. An effective teacher learns school rules and procedures before the year begins. This would be helpful for the teacher to set up her/his own classroom discipline plan (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006). Teachers should have a discipline plan before the school year begins. Effective discipline plan includes various techniques to avoid, support, and correct inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Preventive discipline Preventing misbehavior is widely preferable rather than dealing with it after it has occurred. A Preventive discipline plan involves steps taken in a classroom to avoid disciplinary problems. Potentially this discipline deals with the distractions in the classroom and how a classroom environment can be modified so it is more compatible with the learning needs of its children (Edwards, 2004). Preventive discipline plan refers to the strategies that can be implemented to inhibit inappropriate behaviors from occurring in the first place (T.L.Musy, Personal communication, October 10th, 2006). Kounin's concepts of withitness and overlapping skills of a teacher help in preventing discipline problems (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, Get more content on