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Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia
             y Tecnología

             Composition I

              I CO – 2011

             -- ESSAYS--

  Student:    Carlos Roberto Mora P.

  Professor: Laura Gang.

Composition I

                                                                  I CO – 2011

                                                                    Essay #1.

                                                       Carlos Roberto Mora P.

                             Save the whales

        The protection of the whales in our days is an important action

that human and some organizations need pay attention, whales need our

protection now. Also humans are destroying the environment where the

whales live and the problem every time is growing. Nobody denies that

human have the fault because we are aware that nature and animals need

us and we need them too. In the life all is a cycle and we are inside it, in

our hands is the responsibility to care the environment and their

components. Whales also are beings that need protection, food, care and

reproduce themselves but if we kill them or we not care their world, their

final is coming.

          The whales are beautiful animals. Also whales are large,

intelligent, aquatic mammals and they have sleek, streamlined bodies that

move easily through the water. Also whales have wonderful colors and

they make a special sound and it is like the way that they have to

communicate with other animals. Whales belong to the group of

mammals called cetaceans, they are a part of this group along with

dolphins. They are strong and have the ability to travel long distances.

Whales are known to teach, learn, cooperate, scheme, and even grieve. In

other words, they are very special. For many reasons whales are amongst

the most enigmatic and fascinating of all creatures.

          Whales live in open sea, where human has gone and they have

invaded their space. The kill of whales is an activity that happens every

day around the world and there are a lot of people inside this business, a

dark and illegal business. There are many species of whales that are in

danger of going extinct and it seems that this situation does not concern

us. Whales are killed by their meat, fins, fat and only for pleasure. The

main countries that kill whales are Japan, Russia, China, Norway,

Denmark, Iceland, Korea, Finland, Australia, Nicaragua and Panama.

Whaling is a cruel practice in every sense, as the hunters resort to using

explosive harpoons shot and left by these large mammals in agony, in

some cases, for about an hour while waiting for a painful death.

          Today, the main reason why whaling is to obtain meat, although

in ancient times to the early twentieth century, there were also other

reasons, such as heating and lighting (oil), cosmetics and pharmaceutical

products. Whaling is not the only threat to these species. The oceans, or

even more, the human impact on oceans, have changed dramatically

during the half century since whales are protected. Among the known

environmental threats to whales include global climate change, pollution,

overfishing, the weakening of the ozone layer, noise from sonar devices,

and collisions with ships. The industrial scale fishing threatens the food

supply deals whales and a physical risk to them getting caught in fishing

nets. The pollution of the sea every year is more. For example the oil spill

is a dangerous problem for all species. And in all the cases human have the

responsibility on these acts.

          Unquestionably we have to do something with this serious

problem. It is not possible that many species die for our fault. If a whale

can be very intelligent and also dolphins very smart, with all reason the

human we can be it. So, what happens with us? The answer is in our

hands, and we know what is, the answer is today, tomorrow could be too


                       ---The nature is a God's gift---


Composition I

       I CO – 2011

       Essay #2.

       Carlos Roberto Mora P.

                Places that I have visited at Different Moments

  I had never before had the opportunity to travel outside the country
until two years ago and it was so good. Many people believe that if you
want take a trip wherever you need a lot of money or maybe you need to
have good luck to do it. However if we work so hard we can do everything
that we wish. In my case I had the opportunity visit two countries, both
new for me and the experience that I had was unforgettable. Is good to
have the opportunity to know new places and to expand our horizons in
different moments in our life.

  In 2008 Ivisited San Andres Island on the Caribbean. San Andres Island is
close to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, nevertheless that Island is property of
Colombia. I remember that the flight to go there was so short, 45 minutes
approximately. One can visit San Andres by plane or boat. How this Island
is very close you can decide how go there. San Andres is a little island with
many people and few opportunities to work. The principal activity to make
money or work is tourism. In San Andres I saw beautiful beaches with
clean water; also in this place the weather is very good. I have bought
some things there because some things are very cheap.

The following year I visited El Salvado,r a poor country but so beautiful.
I was in the coast that its name was Salinitas. Salinitas always has had
many mountains and nice beaches where the people can go and enjoy
their vacation. You can go there by plane or bus because there is an
important road that is called Interamericana Street or American Street.

El Salvador is next to Nicaragua and Nicaragua is next to Costa Rica, so the
trip is short. The coin in this country is the dollar, and that is good because
no matter if the country is small they use a big coin. The culture in this
country was very interesting because they had many traditions and
customs. I was in that place where a mortal earthquake happened; today
is a mountain, a forgotten mountain. The town that was there was Santa

  Also in Costa Rica we have many beautiful places where we can find
beaches, mountains, rivers, volcanoes and historical places. I like the
mountain so much. However I have traveled to the beaches and to many
traditional towns. Our country is a good destiny to many people that live
in other countries, has a good position, good weather, friendly people and
is a country where the peace exists. For example in my town there are
many mountains and every time that I go there I feel so happy, because
mountain is one of my favorite places.

  There is a specific place to a specific moment. The most important is
feeling ourselves very happy no matter the place where we are or with
whom we are there. Every country has a beautiful places, has a culture
and traditions that are part of people. Travelling is good and is a nice
experience, however to know new people and new things about a specific
country is good opportunity. Every place can teach us something new,

each person can show something else that we know about them. In every
place where I have been, they were important for me and also they gave
me knowledge, fun and entertainment. It is good when I know a place and
later I hope will there again. That is living!

Composition I, by Carlos Mora P. I CO - 2011

                           A different Word

        Today, in our world, there are many situations that are changing

our reality, so all the situations that are happening can affect us in many

ways. All the actions that we make have a cause and therefore an effect.

Humans need to take a responsible position towards their actions. It is

good think fist and act second. Consequently, we know that we are in

constant develop but also, all the decisions that taken are important for us

no matter if we are agree or not. The result is important for us and for

everybody. It is time to make a different world, we need it and the planet

needs it because we are living in a false world where money and oil are

more important than our lives and families.

Humans always have been very ambitious and for that reason,

have looked for many ways to make grow up their interests. Pitifully the

humans do not have had care in their acts and they have acted in an

irresponsible way. The advancements of the person and of cities are good

but in a good measure. Also each person is responsible of his or her

actions, we can decide what is good and if something is not good for us we

can say no or not do it. Our planet needs a change right now, is not

possible see around the world destruction all side.

         Another point is globalization. Certainly permits an increase in

the level of global output but also it makes that our lives and our world

change. Globalization must be expected to influence the distribution of

income as well as its level on each country and it expects that all countries

will benefit and of course also people. But by the moment that all that

process happens, poverty is growing. The destruction of many forests to

build happen everyday. The impact of the globalization is eminent. We

can see it and many people in the entire world are benefit and others not.

Another problem is the destruction of the ozone layer is a big

problem, because the global warming affects the entire planet. There are

many factories that their pollute is too much and that affect rivers, air,

towns, sea, animals and obviously persons. Some people kill animals to

sell their meat or for many reasons. Many animals are endangered and

human do not care them. But human not only destroy things, they destroy

themselves. How? Killing with wars. Today many countries are suffering

wars and for that reason thousands of people die. Why wars? There are

many reasons, money (oil), politics, religion, territory and for the power.

        We need to imagine a peaceful world, a world full of peace and

full of love. Today children need a clean planet, animals need forests with

life and we need to have sustainable development. This land is our world,

we need to care for it. Our planet and our life is a God gift, so we need to

be conscious with our reality and our position and our responsibility.

Today is when, tomorrow could be too late.

Composition I, Carlos Mora P.

The Review Essay

                                Dead Poets Society

         There is an interesting movie that its principal idea is change the

thinking way that we sometimes have. The author is very clear in his way

to say o express the ideas. This movie was made in 1989 by Peter Weir

and a time where in many colleges there was a bounded way to

expression and thinking. The gender of this film is drama. The movie does

a strong critic in the academic process that there are in many schools and

insists that is necessary to change it to improve itself.

          The film exposes the adolescent awakening to the pleasure of

poetic language, the romantic, the search for identity and the channeling

of vocational possibilities. The movie becomes indispensable for teachers

concerned about the education of children and young people, either for

purely vocational and motivational level of the mind or analyze teaching

models and teaching methods in the teaching proceed, and to offer

information on a rigid period but not very common, possibly to continue

taking place in some schools, high school and boarding. The main theme

challenges the rigid and rote practice of traditional schools are contrasted

and challenged by this former student now become a teacher, who is

determined to break these forms of teaching and learning. But more than

teaching as a personal initiative, it does so as a personal need to save

these young people how harmful it can be a bad formation. One teacher

cannot focus only in one area and close by himself, he needs create new

methods or strategies that can help all the students.

         The film shows some conflicts facing young students in

classrooms where teachers impose their authority, leaving aside the real

interest in education. It also exposes the conflict of their students and

their parents, the difficult situation that many teenagers have in their

homes, because their parents are authoritarian in a high level. Today

children and teenagers are exposed to many situations that can affect

them in many ways. For example drugs, sex, money, pornography, smoke

and others vicious that are very dangerous. So here is the importance and

the important role that parents have in the way that educate their sons

and their daughters. In the movie we can see a parent that he is very strict

with his son and for that reason he decides commit suicide because he

believes that he has not exit. It is clear; the pressure that his father has

over him is too much.

         Finally the teaching that movie gives us is the importance of the

quality at schools, the academic preparation of teachers and obviously of

the way that schools use for teach. No matter if the school is public or

private, the message is for all. The education is the base of the knowledge

and for that reason it needs to be very prepared with good methods and

responding to the necessities that the school community have. Is very

important be aware that education is essential in each person, but not

only is go to the school and no more, also the education at home is

important because it make us better people and it incorporate to us in the

society and there we can fight by a better world.

Composition I, I CO – 2011.

Carlos Mora P.

                                Teen driving

         There is a problem in many countries with teenagers that are

driving irresponsibly. The problem is that many teens are not aware that

drive a car is a big responsibility and they only think that have a car is joy

and fun. They need to understand that a car is not a fashion, a car is a

transport that is helpful but we need be careful with that. Today the

streets are very dangerous and we have not security there because there

are many crazy people driving to their whim. It is time to be very aware

with this problem, parents and laws have the responsibility to stop the

party that many teens have in the streets.

         We can see on the news that everyday happen many accidents on

the street and many times the guilty are teenagers that are driving the

family's car or another car. Also many people die on the street victims of

these irresponsible people in a bad and sad way; they could be people

with family, with sons and daughters. Also the murderer that was driving

the car dies, and is victim of his or her tap. Obviously, the pain is for both

families, because they suffer the accident and for that reason the

consequences of that. It is very sad to see the pain of one person that

loses a loved person for the fault of crazy and neglected driver.

       Another important point in this problem is the drunks that are

driving and drinking alcohol. Many people are beginning drinking at

younger ages and they are more likely to drunk. Driving and alcohol-

related crashes involvement is for alcohol dependence is not acceptable.

Young drivers are over-represented in alcohol related driving accidents,

and is only for a bad driver education. The reasons why teens and other

young people are driving very drunk are because they are inexperienced

drivers, they are relatively inexperienced consumers of alcohol, also they

are more likely to use illegal drugs and also they have a false sense of

invincibility and immortality.

      Nevertheless, the responsibility is not only of teens, also parents

have an important position in teen's lives. Many parents think that the

most important is the money for their kids and they work a lot only to

make money. But what about the home education of children and teens?

Unquestionably in that way, teens and children have a lot of freedom. On

the other hand the government needs create new laws that be very strict.

Here in our country we hear many things about the new law of transit and

some people think that all those laws are too much. But in the same time

many people are dying in our streets for the fault to bad drivers. Certainly

one driving license is not only the most important thing that we need to

drive, also we need two things more: responsibility and knowledge.

       In conclusion, it is time to stop this slaughter that there is in our

streets. Each person have the responsibility when is walking on the street

or when that person is driving. How much time we need to wait for see

something new about this problem? How many deaths more we need

heard? This country has the tools to do something about it, buy what

happens? There are the tools but the people with courage not yet. No

more, no way! Now is when, tomorrow could be too late, we have family

and also we have rights, we have a voice that needs be heard. We require

respect for us, for our families and for all the people.

Composition I

                                                                FINAL ESSAY

                                                                 I CO – 2011.

                         Addictions on people

          There are different addictions and each one has different
effects. However, before it is important known what is the meaning of the
word addiction. An addiction is when somebody starts doing something
and every time is more and more. Usually one addiction requires much
time for do it or in different times by day. In general addictions are very
dangerous and can destroy to the person that is addict and their family.

          Inside on this topic we have many addictions. For example the
following: gambling, alcoholism, pornography, drugs, sex, food, beauty,
television, internet, video games, smoking, marijuana and more. All
these bad habits are very common today. It is amazing that children,
teenagers and adults be are within the addiction´s world. Gambling is very
common in the casino. Nevertheless people that have this addiction they
carry the casino to their houses and there they play every night. Also this
people play betting a lot of money. After, they bet cars, houses, jewels
and other things with of value. Usually when the person is playing is
smoking and drinking. Three addictions together!

          Alcoholism is a serious problem. It is when the people drink
alcohol, beers or wine a lot. This people lose their control and they do not
know that are doing or saying. It is very common to see on the street
people that drink a lot because they do not have house or their families

they left them. This people are called drunks. This addiction is frequent in
adults and sometimes in teenagers.

            Pornography is when the person sees sex material. For example
magazines, movies, web sites. The person needs think in sex. When the
person sees pornography feels the need to have sex. Moreover the sex
addiction sometimes is the product of to see pornography. The sex
addiction it is common in men and women. The age is not an important
aspect. But this addiction is very dangerous. Why? Because there are
many sexual Illnesses, for example AIDS. The condom it is useful but not is

            Drugs addiction is an international problem. Every time there
are many people consuming drugs around the world. There are many
types of drugs. For example: cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin and others.
Also, marijuana is a drug. Sometimes we talk about of legal or illegal drugs,
but it depend of the country that we are talking. Sometimes some drugs
can help to the people that are sick. But in others cases the drugs are
consumed for pleasure. The buy and sale of drugs is a big business in the
entire world. There are many bands called drug traffickers. They have
serious problems with the law. These bands commit crimes and murders.
The jails are full of them. Smoking is another addiction very common in
teenagers and adult. These people smoke for the need of to have the
nicotine inside. The best characteristic is the anxiety in these people.
When the person smokes the smoke affect their selves and ourselves. The
organs that are affecting are the lungs. After appears the lung cancer. It is
the similar with the marijuana but the effects can be different. The
marijuana affects the brain and the smoke to the lungs too.

Finally we have the food addiction. Some people eat but a lot!
They eat many times in one day. The person is sedentary and for that is
very fat. The person does not makes exercises, not goes to the gym, only
eats and sleeps. In their free time, when is not eating or sleeping, is
playing video games or watching TV. The obesity is also a disease.
Assuredly, with about the food there are two diseases: bulimia and
anorexia. Both are very dangerous and fatal.

          In conclusion, is good to have free time and sometimes to be
very busy. But in both cases we need to be careful with that we are doing.
The stress is not good and some people say that for the stress they have a
specific addiction. Depending of the addiction the person could need
professional help. The addictions always have causes. One reason is that
starts and another is the consequence. We need care of ourselves, of our
family, of our bodies and our money. It is great to have a good self-
esteem. That can help us. One addiction can destroy everything. For that
be careful with it we are doing. May be we think that is normal because
everybody do it, but that thing that we are doing could be an addiction.
And after can be too late for us.

Out lines
                                                                              Composition I

                                                                                   I CO – 2011

                                                                       Carlos Roberto Mora



           Topic: Teen driving

I. Introduction

A. Hook

              Teen driving is problem that affects to all.

B. Connecting information

              Driving a car is a big responsibility.

C. Thesis

           All the people, especially parents have the responsibility to teach in a good
way their kids, people to drive with security, and the government everything about

II. Body


              Alcohol / Drunks, drugs

              General responsibility

              Laws in our country

III. Conclusion

                  Reflexion of why is important to have a good driver education.

                  Life's respect

Composition I

                                                                             I CO – 2011

                                                                    Carlos Roberto Mora



I. Introduction

A. Hook

                           A travel is a good opportunity.

                           My personal opportunity.

B.Connecting information

                           Different places

C. Thesis

                           Expand our horizons is good for us

II. Body

                           The places that I knew




                           Similarities in places

                           Comparisons in places (countries)

                           Traditions and people

III. Conclusion

                           Why travel is a good chance and why is good for us.

Composition I

                                                                               I CO – 2011

                                                                      Carlos Roberto Mora



I. Introduction

                              Something about the movie

-A. Hook

       1. An interesting movie that its principal idea is changes the thinking way.

-B. Connecting information

                           1. About the author        2. Date        3. Kind of movie

-C. Thesis

 The educational system that there is in many schools, that is necessary to change it.

II. Body

             1. How are some schools (academic system)

             2. The influence of the parents

             3. The problematic that have teenagers

             4. Learning

III. Conclusion

1. The importance of a good education

Composition I

                                                                              I CO – 2011

                                                                    Carlos Roberto Mora



                    Topic: Addictions on people (Final Essay)

I. Introduction

A. Hook

             Addictions are a problem that affects many people.

B. Connecting information

              Kind of addictions and different problems with each one.

C. Thesis

            Addictions are very dangerous and they can destroy our lives.

II. Body

             Name of some addictions


             People affected

             The most common kind of addictions

III. Conclusion

  Addictions on people can affect the life, body, feelings and more. Do not consume

                      drugs and be careful with those problems.


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Grammar 3 gerunds and infinitives- i co-2011.


  • 1. Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología Composition I I CO – 2011 -- ESSAYS-- Student: Carlos Roberto Mora P. Professor: Laura Gang. 1
  • 2. Composition I I CO – 2011 Essay #1. Carlos Roberto Mora P. Save the whales The protection of the whales in our days is an important action that human and some organizations need pay attention, whales need our protection now. Also humans are destroying the environment where the whales live and the problem every time is growing. Nobody denies that human have the fault because we are aware that nature and animals need us and we need them too. In the life all is a cycle and we are inside it, in our hands is the responsibility to care the environment and their components. Whales also are beings that need protection, food, care and reproduce themselves but if we kill them or we not care their world, their final is coming. The whales are beautiful animals. Also whales are large, intelligent, aquatic mammals and they have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. Also whales have wonderful colors and 2
  • 3. they make a special sound and it is like the way that they have to communicate with other animals. Whales belong to the group of mammals called cetaceans, they are a part of this group along with dolphins. They are strong and have the ability to travel long distances. Whales are known to teach, learn, cooperate, scheme, and even grieve. In other words, they are very special. For many reasons whales are amongst the most enigmatic and fascinating of all creatures. Whales live in open sea, where human has gone and they have invaded their space. The kill of whales is an activity that happens every day around the world and there are a lot of people inside this business, a dark and illegal business. There are many species of whales that are in danger of going extinct and it seems that this situation does not concern us. Whales are killed by their meat, fins, fat and only for pleasure. The main countries that kill whales are Japan, Russia, China, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Korea, Finland, Australia, Nicaragua and Panama. Whaling is a cruel practice in every sense, as the hunters resort to using explosive harpoons shot and left by these large mammals in agony, in some cases, for about an hour while waiting for a painful death. Today, the main reason why whaling is to obtain meat, although in ancient times to the early twentieth century, there were also other 3
  • 4. reasons, such as heating and lighting (oil), cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Whaling is not the only threat to these species. The oceans, or even more, the human impact on oceans, have changed dramatically during the half century since whales are protected. Among the known environmental threats to whales include global climate change, pollution, overfishing, the weakening of the ozone layer, noise from sonar devices, and collisions with ships. The industrial scale fishing threatens the food supply deals whales and a physical risk to them getting caught in fishing nets. The pollution of the sea every year is more. For example the oil spill is a dangerous problem for all species. And in all the cases human have the responsibility on these acts. Unquestionably we have to do something with this serious problem. It is not possible that many species die for our fault. If a whale can be very intelligent and also dolphins very smart, with all reason the human we can be it. So, what happens with us? The answer is in our hands, and we know what is, the answer is today, tomorrow could be too late. ---The nature is a God's gift--- Charly 4
  • 5. Composition I I CO – 2011 Essay #2. Carlos Roberto Mora P. Places that I have visited at Different Moments I had never before had the opportunity to travel outside the country until two years ago and it was so good. Many people believe that if you want take a trip wherever you need a lot of money or maybe you need to have good luck to do it. However if we work so hard we can do everything that we wish. In my case I had the opportunity visit two countries, both new for me and the experience that I had was unforgettable. Is good to have the opportunity to know new places and to expand our horizons in different moments in our life. In 2008 Ivisited San Andres Island on the Caribbean. San Andres Island is close to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, nevertheless that Island is property of Colombia. I remember that the flight to go there was so short, 45 minutes approximately. One can visit San Andres by plane or boat. How this Island is very close you can decide how go there. San Andres is a little island with many people and few opportunities to work. The principal activity to make money or work is tourism. In San Andres I saw beautiful beaches with clean water; also in this place the weather is very good. I have bought some things there because some things are very cheap. 5
  • 6. The following year I visited El Salvado,r a poor country but so beautiful. I was in the coast that its name was Salinitas. Salinitas always has had many mountains and nice beaches where the people can go and enjoy their vacation. You can go there by plane or bus because there is an important road that is called Interamericana Street or American Street. El Salvador is next to Nicaragua and Nicaragua is next to Costa Rica, so the trip is short. The coin in this country is the dollar, and that is good because no matter if the country is small they use a big coin. The culture in this country was very interesting because they had many traditions and customs. I was in that place where a mortal earthquake happened; today is a mountain, a forgotten mountain. The town that was there was Santa Tecla. Also in Costa Rica we have many beautiful places where we can find beaches, mountains, rivers, volcanoes and historical places. I like the mountain so much. However I have traveled to the beaches and to many traditional towns. Our country is a good destiny to many people that live in other countries, has a good position, good weather, friendly people and is a country where the peace exists. For example in my town there are many mountains and every time that I go there I feel so happy, because mountain is one of my favorite places. There is a specific place to a specific moment. The most important is feeling ourselves very happy no matter the place where we are or with whom we are there. Every country has a beautiful places, has a culture and traditions that are part of people. Travelling is good and is a nice experience, however to know new people and new things about a specific country is good opportunity. Every place can teach us something new, 6
  • 7. each person can show something else that we know about them. In every place where I have been, they were important for me and also they gave me knowledge, fun and entertainment. It is good when I know a place and later I hope will there again. That is living! 7
  • 8. Composition I, by Carlos Mora P. I CO - 2011 A different Word Today, in our world, there are many situations that are changing our reality, so all the situations that are happening can affect us in many ways. All the actions that we make have a cause and therefore an effect. Humans need to take a responsible position towards their actions. It is good think fist and act second. Consequently, we know that we are in constant develop but also, all the decisions that taken are important for us no matter if we are agree or not. The result is important for us and for everybody. It is time to make a different world, we need it and the planet needs it because we are living in a false world where money and oil are more important than our lives and families. 8
  • 9. Humans always have been very ambitious and for that reason, have looked for many ways to make grow up their interests. Pitifully the humans do not have had care in their acts and they have acted in an irresponsible way. The advancements of the person and of cities are good but in a good measure. Also each person is responsible of his or her actions, we can decide what is good and if something is not good for us we can say no or not do it. Our planet needs a change right now, is not possible see around the world destruction all side. Another point is globalization. Certainly permits an increase in the level of global output but also it makes that our lives and our world change. Globalization must be expected to influence the distribution of income as well as its level on each country and it expects that all countries will benefit and of course also people. But by the moment that all that process happens, poverty is growing. The destruction of many forests to build happen everyday. The impact of the globalization is eminent. We can see it and many people in the entire world are benefit and others not. 9
  • 10. Another problem is the destruction of the ozone layer is a big problem, because the global warming affects the entire planet. There are many factories that their pollute is too much and that affect rivers, air, towns, sea, animals and obviously persons. Some people kill animals to sell their meat or for many reasons. Many animals are endangered and human do not care them. But human not only destroy things, they destroy themselves. How? Killing with wars. Today many countries are suffering wars and for that reason thousands of people die. Why wars? There are many reasons, money (oil), politics, religion, territory and for the power. We need to imagine a peaceful world, a world full of peace and full of love. Today children need a clean planet, animals need forests with life and we need to have sustainable development. This land is our world, we need to care for it. Our planet and our life is a God gift, so we need to be conscious with our reality and our position and our responsibility. Today is when, tomorrow could be too late. 10
  • 11. Composition I, Carlos Mora P. The Review Essay Dead Poets Society There is an interesting movie that its principal idea is change the thinking way that we sometimes have. The author is very clear in his way to say o express the ideas. This movie was made in 1989 by Peter Weir and a time where in many colleges there was a bounded way to expression and thinking. The gender of this film is drama. The movie does a strong critic in the academic process that there are in many schools and insists that is necessary to change it to improve itself. The film exposes the adolescent awakening to the pleasure of poetic language, the romantic, the search for identity and the channeling of vocational possibilities. The movie becomes indispensable for teachers concerned about the education of children and young people, either for purely vocational and motivational level of the mind or analyze teaching models and teaching methods in the teaching proceed, and to offer 11
  • 12. information on a rigid period but not very common, possibly to continue taking place in some schools, high school and boarding. The main theme challenges the rigid and rote practice of traditional schools are contrasted and challenged by this former student now become a teacher, who is determined to break these forms of teaching and learning. But more than teaching as a personal initiative, it does so as a personal need to save these young people how harmful it can be a bad formation. One teacher cannot focus only in one area and close by himself, he needs create new methods or strategies that can help all the students. The film shows some conflicts facing young students in classrooms where teachers impose their authority, leaving aside the real interest in education. It also exposes the conflict of their students and their parents, the difficult situation that many teenagers have in their homes, because their parents are authoritarian in a high level. Today children and teenagers are exposed to many situations that can affect them in many ways. For example drugs, sex, money, pornography, smoke 12
  • 13. and others vicious that are very dangerous. So here is the importance and the important role that parents have in the way that educate their sons and their daughters. In the movie we can see a parent that he is very strict with his son and for that reason he decides commit suicide because he believes that he has not exit. It is clear; the pressure that his father has over him is too much. Finally the teaching that movie gives us is the importance of the quality at schools, the academic preparation of teachers and obviously of the way that schools use for teach. No matter if the school is public or private, the message is for all. The education is the base of the knowledge and for that reason it needs to be very prepared with good methods and responding to the necessities that the school community have. Is very important be aware that education is essential in each person, but not only is go to the school and no more, also the education at home is important because it make us better people and it incorporate to us in the society and there we can fight by a better world. 13
  • 14. Composition I, I CO – 2011. Carlos Mora P. Teen driving There is a problem in many countries with teenagers that are driving irresponsibly. The problem is that many teens are not aware that drive a car is a big responsibility and they only think that have a car is joy and fun. They need to understand that a car is not a fashion, a car is a transport that is helpful but we need be careful with that. Today the streets are very dangerous and we have not security there because there are many crazy people driving to their whim. It is time to be very aware with this problem, parents and laws have the responsibility to stop the party that many teens have in the streets. We can see on the news that everyday happen many accidents on the street and many times the guilty are teenagers that are driving the family's car or another car. Also many people die on the street victims of these irresponsible people in a bad and sad way; they could be people with family, with sons and daughters. Also the murderer that was driving the car dies, and is victim of his or her tap. Obviously, the pain is for both 14
  • 15. families, because they suffer the accident and for that reason the consequences of that. It is very sad to see the pain of one person that loses a loved person for the fault of crazy and neglected driver. Another important point in this problem is the drunks that are driving and drinking alcohol. Many people are beginning drinking at younger ages and they are more likely to drunk. Driving and alcohol- related crashes involvement is for alcohol dependence is not acceptable. Young drivers are over-represented in alcohol related driving accidents, and is only for a bad driver education. The reasons why teens and other young people are driving very drunk are because they are inexperienced drivers, they are relatively inexperienced consumers of alcohol, also they are more likely to use illegal drugs and also they have a false sense of invincibility and immortality. Nevertheless, the responsibility is not only of teens, also parents have an important position in teen's lives. Many parents think that the most important is the money for their kids and they work a lot only to make money. But what about the home education of children and teens? Unquestionably in that way, teens and children have a lot of freedom. On the other hand the government needs create new laws that be very strict. Here in our country we hear many things about the new law of transit and 15
  • 16. some people think that all those laws are too much. But in the same time many people are dying in our streets for the fault to bad drivers. Certainly one driving license is not only the most important thing that we need to drive, also we need two things more: responsibility and knowledge. In conclusion, it is time to stop this slaughter that there is in our streets. Each person have the responsibility when is walking on the street or when that person is driving. How much time we need to wait for see something new about this problem? How many deaths more we need heard? This country has the tools to do something about it, buy what happens? There are the tools but the people with courage not yet. No more, no way! Now is when, tomorrow could be too late, we have family and also we have rights, we have a voice that needs be heard. We require respect for us, for our families and for all the people. 16
  • 17. Composition I FINAL ESSAY I CO – 2011. Addictions on people There are different addictions and each one has different effects. However, before it is important known what is the meaning of the word addiction. An addiction is when somebody starts doing something and every time is more and more. Usually one addiction requires much time for do it or in different times by day. In general addictions are very dangerous and can destroy to the person that is addict and their family. Inside on this topic we have many addictions. For example the following: gambling, alcoholism, pornography, drugs, sex, food, beauty, television, internet, video games, smoking, marijuana and more. All these bad habits are very common today. It is amazing that children, teenagers and adults be are within the addiction´s world. Gambling is very common in the casino. Nevertheless people that have this addiction they carry the casino to their houses and there they play every night. Also this people play betting a lot of money. After, they bet cars, houses, jewels and other things with of value. Usually when the person is playing is smoking and drinking. Three addictions together! Alcoholism is a serious problem. It is when the people drink alcohol, beers or wine a lot. This people lose their control and they do not know that are doing or saying. It is very common to see on the street people that drink a lot because they do not have house or their families 17
  • 18. they left them. This people are called drunks. This addiction is frequent in adults and sometimes in teenagers. Pornography is when the person sees sex material. For example magazines, movies, web sites. The person needs think in sex. When the person sees pornography feels the need to have sex. Moreover the sex addiction sometimes is the product of to see pornography. The sex addiction it is common in men and women. The age is not an important aspect. But this addiction is very dangerous. Why? Because there are many sexual Illnesses, for example AIDS. The condom it is useful but not is security. Drugs addiction is an international problem. Every time there are many people consuming drugs around the world. There are many types of drugs. For example: cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin and others. Also, marijuana is a drug. Sometimes we talk about of legal or illegal drugs, but it depend of the country that we are talking. Sometimes some drugs can help to the people that are sick. But in others cases the drugs are consumed for pleasure. The buy and sale of drugs is a big business in the entire world. There are many bands called drug traffickers. They have serious problems with the law. These bands commit crimes and murders. The jails are full of them. Smoking is another addiction very common in teenagers and adult. These people smoke for the need of to have the nicotine inside. The best characteristic is the anxiety in these people. When the person smokes the smoke affect their selves and ourselves. The organs that are affecting are the lungs. After appears the lung cancer. It is the similar with the marijuana but the effects can be different. The marijuana affects the brain and the smoke to the lungs too. 18
  • 19. Finally we have the food addiction. Some people eat but a lot! They eat many times in one day. The person is sedentary and for that is very fat. The person does not makes exercises, not goes to the gym, only eats and sleeps. In their free time, when is not eating or sleeping, is playing video games or watching TV. The obesity is also a disease. Assuredly, with about the food there are two diseases: bulimia and anorexia. Both are very dangerous and fatal. In conclusion, is good to have free time and sometimes to be very busy. But in both cases we need to be careful with that we are doing. The stress is not good and some people say that for the stress they have a specific addiction. Depending of the addiction the person could need professional help. The addictions always have causes. One reason is that starts and another is the consequence. We need care of ourselves, of our family, of our bodies and our money. It is great to have a good self- esteem. That can help us. One addiction can destroy everything. For that be careful with it we are doing. May be we think that is normal because everybody do it, but that thing that we are doing could be an addiction. And after can be too late for us. 19
  • 20. Out lines Composition I I CO – 2011 Carlos Roberto Mora ULACIT Outline Topic: Teen driving I. Introduction A. Hook Teen driving is problem that affects to all. B. Connecting information Driving a car is a big responsibility. C. Thesis All the people, especially parents have the responsibility to teach in a good way their kids, people to drive with security, and the government everything about laws. II. Body Accidents Alcohol / Drunks, drugs General responsibility Laws in our country III. Conclusion Reflexion of why is important to have a good driver education. Life's respect 20
  • 21. Composition I I CO – 2011 Carlos Roberto Mora ULACIT Outline I. Introduction A. Hook A travel is a good opportunity. My personal opportunity. B.Connecting information Different places C. Thesis Expand our horizons is good for us II. Body The places that I knew Names Ages Descriptions Similarities in places Comparisons in places (countries) Traditions and people III. Conclusion Why travel is a good chance and why is good for us. 21
  • 22. Composition I I CO – 2011 Carlos Roberto Mora ULACIT Outline I. Introduction Something about the movie -A. Hook 1. An interesting movie that its principal idea is changes the thinking way. -B. Connecting information 1. About the author 2. Date 3. Kind of movie -C. Thesis The educational system that there is in many schools, that is necessary to change it. II. Body 1. How are some schools (academic system) 2. The influence of the parents 3. The problematic that have teenagers 4. Learning III. Conclusion 1. The importance of a good education 22
  • 23. Composition I I CO – 2011 Carlos Roberto Mora ULACIT Outline Topic: Addictions on people (Final Essay) I. Introduction A. Hook Addictions are a problem that affects many people. B. Connecting information Kind of addictions and different problems with each one. C. Thesis Addictions are very dangerous and they can destroy our lives. II. Body Name of some addictions Consequences People affected The most common kind of addictions III. Conclusion Addictions on people can affect the life, body, feelings and more. Do not consume drugs and be careful with those problems. 23