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Essay about Lung Cancer
Cancer of the lung was nearly nonexistent in the early 1900's. By the middle of the 20th century an epidemic became apparent throughout the United
States and the rest of the world. It is primarily correlated with the widespread abundance of cigarette smoking in the world. The tobacco industry has
multiplied its production immediately prior to World War I. There was a typical 20 to 30 year lagging period between the initiation of cigarette
smoking and the actual tumor formation in the lungs. Lung cancer is the cancer that originates in the tissues of the lungs. It occurs when cells in the
lung start to grow rapidly in an uncontrolled manner. Lung cancer can start anywhere in the lungs and affect any part of the respiratory system. Most of more content...
Asbestos can cause a wide variety of lung diseases, including lung cancer. Asbestos and tobacco smoking will combine together to form lung
cancer in the body. Radon gas, which is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen, tasted or smelled, can also play a big role in developing lung cancer.
Radon gas is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium found in the earth's crust. Radon exposure is the second main cause of lung cancer
after smoking. A couple other minor risk factors of lung cancer include family history, air pollution, and vitamin A deficiency. People who do not
get enough vitamin A are at an increased risk of lung cancer. Taking too much vitamin A may also increase your lung cancer risk (Bryant, 2008).
There are several ways to reduce the risk of getting lung cancer. Some include not smoking, avoiding second hand smoke, making your home and
workplace safe and eating fruits and vegetables. Eliminating tobacco smoking is the primary goal in the prevention of lung cancer. It lowers a
person's risk of developing the disease drastically. Many states have prevention programs that work together to reduce tobacco smoking in their states.
Many states are finally eliminating smoking in public areas such as restaurants and workplaces in the world. This helps people feel safer in the world
and not be in contact with second hand smoke as often.
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College Essay On Lung Cancer
Lungs are located in the either side of your chest. When you breathe, air goes through your nose, down your windpipe, and into the lungs where it
spreads through tubes called bronchi. Most lung cancer cells begin in the cells that line these tubes. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells in one or both lungs ( In biology, I learned that a cancer cell is basically a dead cell. The cancer cell is a failed cell,
it doesn't work, or it just doesn't reproduce at all. Although researchers found that it takes series of mutation to create a lung cancer cell
( Lung cancer takes more lives each year than colon, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancer combined. That's alot of lives that have been
taken by this disease, my grandfather including. Although he never smoked, doesn't mean you can still can't be able to get lung cancer. People who
smoke, have a higher risk of getting lung cancer. If you quit smoking, even after you quit smoking for many years, you can significantly reduce your
chances of developing lung cancer. Although, this doesn't exactly disappear the chance of more content...
No less than 3 stages is what each cancer type has, mainly stage 1 is not that bad. Stage 2 is more critical, but stage 3 is dangerously critical. My best
friend is diagnosed with leukemia and she's in stage 1. Hopefully, will stay like that for awhile with the medications that she's taking. So I've had
experienced with all these numbers. Life expectancy can be determined with the patient's overall health and the statistics. For example, a 5–year
survival rate of 25 percent means that over 5 years, 25 out of every 100 people with lung cancer will be alive. Overall, the life expectancy of a lung
cancer patient will be 40 years, although long–term survival remains
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Treatment Of Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world in recent decades. An estimated 1.8 million new cases were reported in 2012 (12.9% of the
total), with 58% in less developed regions (WHO, 2017). Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and the second most commonly
diagnosed cancer among men and women in the United States. Most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage, resulting in a very low survival rate
at 5 years (ASCO, 2015). In 2011, 14% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths were due to lung cancer. However, after increasing for
decades, lung cancer rates decline nationally as fewer people smoke cigarettes (CDC, 2014).
Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of more content...
Every day in Illinois, 24 people are diagnosed with lung cancer (Illinois Department of Public Health, 2013). In DuPage County, the incidence rate is
56.1 cases per 100,000 population and 529 average annual cases over 2009–2013. The majority of living lung cancer patients has been diagnosed
within the last five years. Lung cancer is mostly a disease of the elderly. Eighty tree percent of those living with lung cancer were 60 years of age or
older. More men are diagnosed with lung cancer each year, but more women live with the disease (National Cancer Institute, n.d., 2003). In 2003, the
rate of new cases revealed that men develop lung cancer more than women. Black men and women are more likely to develop and die from lung
cancer than other groups of persons. All criteria combined, lung cancer in black men is almost 28 percent higher than in whites, although their
exposure to tobacco is lower (National Cancer Institute,
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Speech On Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer: Awareness & Prevention
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women in the Bangladesh, according to the Bangladesh Lung Foundation.
The treatment of this disease is not up to the mark in Bangladesh. Lack of good facilities, skilled manpower and physical infrastructure, ineffective and
inefficient treatment, corruption in the health management, politics among the health service providers, disparity in production of drugs etc are the
reasons why our country is lagging behind.
However there is an option how you can avail medical treatment in abroad. With the help of GD Assist you can easily have your medical treatment in
In this blog we are going to focus the in depth details of what lung cancer is, main reasons behind the cancer, more content...
But there are many of the risk factors for these cancers.
Smoking tobacco is one of the main causes of lung cancer. More than 8 out of 10 lung cancers (80%) are caused by smoking. This also includes
breathing in other people's cigarette smoke. Even occasional smoking increases the risk of lung cancer.
Passive smoking also causes lung cancer. Many people with lung cancer are former smokers, but many others never smoked at all.
c.Changes to the gene
Certain changes in the DNA of lung cells can lead to lung cancer. These changes can lead to abnormal cell growth and, sometimes, cancer.
d.Chemicals and workplace risk
Some substances increase the risk of lung cancer. These include asbestos, silica, and diesel exhaust. People can be exposed to these through their work.
e.Exposure to radon gas
Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from tiny amounts of uranium present in all rocks and soils. Radon gas can build up in
homes and other buildings.
f.Air Pollution
We know that air pollution can cause lung cancer. The risk depends on the levels of air pollution you are regularly exposed
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lung cancer Essay
Lung cancer is the most common cancer–related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to
become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be
detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future.
Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily diagnose and assess cancer patients.
Lung cancer takes many years to develop. The characteristics of lung cancer the same as any type of cancer but it effects the lungs. Lung cancer is
caused by expose to more content...
Some symptoms of lung cancer are chronic cough, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing, swelling in the face and neck, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite,
and shortness of breath.
A doctor can diagnose lung cancer through many tests. The doctor can have x–rays and CAT scans done to see what the inside of the lungs look like.
By doing this that doctor is able to see what stage the cancer is in. A doctor may also do a test called a bronchoscope. This test allows the doctor to
look inside the bronchial tubes and biopsy the tumor. The doctor then can take a small amount of the cells to study them to determine if the unusual
cells are cancerous. If the cells turn out to be cancerous then the patient is in for many months even years of harsh treatment.
Surgery is the most common method used to treat lung cancer followed by chemotherapy or radiation. Surgery can be used if the cancer is benign.
Surgery removes the cancer inside the patient. Although surgery is the most popular method, the chance of the doctor being able to remove all of
the cancer is highly unlikely. Since the cells are so small and there are thousands of them it is very difficult to remove every one. When a patient
uses surgery to treat the cancer, the cancer has a good chance it can come back, because it only takes a few bad cells to spread and create a tumor.
One other treatment for lung cancer is radiation. Doctors can use radiation before surgery to shrink a tumor. After
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Lung Cancer: A Case Study
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), lung cancer begins in the lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other
organs in the body. Lung cancer is categorized into two main types, but the most common type is non–small cell lung cancer. This type name is based
on how the cancer cell shape looks under a microscope. Lung cancer is considered a deadly disease for both genders. According to the American Lung
Association (ALA) (n.d.), in this current year, 13% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths in the United States have been because of the
lung cancer disease. In addition, in this year, approximately 158,040 people in America, both men and women, are estimated to die from lung cancer.
The more content...
2 out of 5 cancer cases are lung cancer. Furthermore, a quarter of all the cancer deaths come from lung cancer. In this current year, 158,040 people are
estimated to die from this cancer, (ALA, n.d). Those people have one type of lung cancer; whether it is non–small or small cell, but non–small cell is
the most common diagnosed type. This disease can emerge from the lungs and develop, or spread into the lungs from other organs. The most common
pathogen that triggers lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. However, other catalysts can trigger it too. This cancer is latent in some cases, but when it
becomes active, the syndromes that are in the chest, infrequent to occur, and deteriorating are signs that have to get medical attention. These symptoms
can happen with other illnesses, too. However, noticing these symptoms, the person should talk to a doctor, who can help find the cause and the
appropriate treatment from the four main treatments. The bright side of this disease that the people's awareness has increased; as a consequence, the
lung cancer cases are feasibly decreasing
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Smoking and Lung Cancer Essay
Smoking and Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer accounts for fifteen percent of all cancer cases, and an estimated 170,000 people in the United States get lung cancer a year. (5)About
155,000 of those people die from the cancer. Recently, the rate of women affected by lung cancer has increased, while the rate of men affected has
decreased. However, lung cancer is the leading cancer that kills both women and men. (1) So, what is lung cancer? Lung cancer is the uncontrollable
growth of abnormal cells in the lung. (5) There are two main types of lung cancer: non–small cell and small– cell lung cancer. Non–small cell lung
cancer (or NSCLC) is more common than small–cell lung cancer (SCLC) and occurs in about 80% of all lung cancer cases. (3) more content...
(5) SCLC, also known as oat cell carcinoma, has no divisions. It starts in the large breathing tubes, and grows fairly rapidly. This type of lung cancer is
usually very large by the time it is diagnosed. (5)
There are also different stages of lung cancer. For NSCLC, there are four main stages. Stage I A/B is when the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes
that are associated with the lung. (2) Stage II A/B is when the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes in the tracheal area, including the chest wall and the
diaphragm. Stage III A is when the tumor has spread to lymph nodes on the opposite lung or on the neck. Finally, Stage IV, the most severe stage, is
when the tumor has spread beyond the chest. (2) On the other hand, SCLC only has two stages of cancer growth. Limited is when the tumor is only
found in one lung and the nearby lymph nodes. Extensive is when the tumor has spread beyond the lung into other organs.
The treatments for lung cancer depend on the type, location, and size of the cancer. (3) One option is to remove the tumor through surgery; however,
it depends on the location of the tumor. A surgeon can perform a resection, which is a removal of part of the lung. The removal of the entire lobe of
the lung is called a lobectomy. (3) In addition, there is a surgery called a pneumonectomy, which removes the entire lung. Each kind of surgery is
performed according to how advanced the cancer is and how much of the lung
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Lung Cancer Paper
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), lung cancer begins in lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other
organs in the body, lung cancer is categorized into two main types, but the most common type is non–small cell lung cancer. This type's name is based
on how the cancer cell shapes under a microscope. Lung cancer is considered a deadly disease for both genders. According to the American Lung
Association (n.d.), in this current year, 13% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths in the United States have been because of the lung
cancer disease. In addition, in this year, approximately 158,040 people in America, both men and women, are estimated to die from lung cancer. The
principal reason more content...
In this current year, 158,040 people are estimated to die from this cancer. Those people have one type of lung cancer's type whether it is non–small or
small cell, but non–small cell is the common diagnosed type. This disease can emerge from the lungs and develop, or spread into the lungs from other
organs. The most common pathogen that triggers lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. However, other catalysts trigger it too. This cancer is latent in
some cases, but when it becomes active, the syndromes that are in the chest, unusual to occur, and deteriorating are signs that have to get a medical
attention. These symptoms can happen with other illnesses, too. If the patient has some of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can help find the
cause and the appropriate treatment from the four main treatments. The bright side of this disease that lung cancer is decreasing decade–by–decade
because of the awareness of people and because of the professional doctors and their state–of–the–art
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Lung Cancer Essay
Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer known throughout the world. The most common suspect of that is smoking, then what happens to the
people who inhales the smokers' smoke? Are they also at risk for developing lung cancer from being a victim? The answer to that right now is that
secondhand smoke alone is just a risk factor, there are no evidence right now that currently show that secondhand smoke alone can cause lung cancer by
itself. This means that we need to encourage studies that are accurate with only secondhand smoke as the center, but this doesn't mean that secondhand
smoke doesn't cause lung cancer the only reason that it can't be considered as a cause right now because there is no definite study that shows it does. I
also encourage our government to help the public, especially schools and hospitals that have the most vulnerable people in regards to health, may they
be more strict and tough on implementing the law in regards to smoking on these premises.
Possibility of Lung Cancer by Second Hand Smoke
Smoking is defined as someone who uses any tobacco products willingly. Some examples of tobacco products are cigarettes, cigar or anything that is
smoked and inhaled that have tobacco substance within. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) society in the United States has an
elevated risk of smoking than the rest of U.S. population. (Max & Stark, 2016) Some known common causes of smoking is to reduce anxiety or to
reduce weight because people
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Essay on Lung Cancer
Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. During 1995, approximately 2.1 million people in developed countries died as a result
of smoking. One tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for
current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never–smoker.
In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas,
uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder. Smoking accounts for at least 29% of all cancer deaths, is a major cause ofheart disease, and is associated with
conditions ranging from colds and more content...
It also causes respiratory problems in nonsmokers such as, coughing, phlegm, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function. Each year, exposure to
secondhand smoke causes 150,000 to 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in U.S. infants and children younger then 18 Page 2 months of age.
These infections result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations every year.
Children exposed to secondhand smoke at home are more likely to have middle–ear disease and reduced lung function. Secondhand smoke increases
the number of asthma attacks and the severity of asthma in about 20% of this country's two to five million asthmatic children. The number of people
who die or suffer illness because of its use, best measure tobacco costs to our society.Tobacco use also drains the US economy of more than $100
billion in health care costs and lost productivity. Tobacco costs Medicare more than $10 billion and Medicaid more than $5 billion per year. Lost
economic productivity causes by smoking costs the US economy $47.2 billion in 1990.
The total economic costs of smoking are more than $100 billion per year. People, who quit, regardless of age, live longer than people who continue
to smoke. Smokers who quit before the age of 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke. Quitting
smoking substantially decreases the risk of lung laryngeal, esophageal, oral, pancreatic, bladder, and cervical
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Informative Essay On Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Each year there are about one million three hundred seventy thousand deaths worldwide from lung cancer. Lung cancer is a particular type of cancer
that is more deadly and common with other types of cancer. Lung cancer for most people can be avoided because cigarette smoking is the primary
cause of lung cancer. Of course, there are other ways that increase the chance of lung cancer that can't be avoided, like if it runs in the family. There are
two different types of lung cancer small cell lung cancer, and non–small cell lung cancer. In order to determine what the specific type is it needs to be
looked at under a microscope as the two types have different treatments. There are many symptoms that may be associated with lung cancer, not all are
present in the chest, some symptoms occur in different regions of the body. Lung cancer had a variety of treatment options. The patient's doctor will
decide what treatment is best for them depending on their type of cancer and what stage of cancer they have. In the novel The Longest Ride Ira
Levinson, a ninety–one–year–old man had been battling lung cancer for the past few months. Sadly his cancer did not get found early enough, so his
last few years turned into only a few more weeks.
About Lung Cancer Lung cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs, it can occur in only one lung or both. When cells in the lungs divide
uncontrollably it eventually forms a tumor in the lungs. Tumors are a mass of the build–up
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Literature Review On Lung Cancer
1.0Literature review
1.0.1Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a dangerous health problem which affects many people (Thomas, 2013). It becomes the top killer among other types of cancers in the
world (Molina, Yang, Cassivi, Schild & Adjei, 2008). According to the statistics made by National Institute of Health, more than 161, 000 cases were
reported in U.S. involving death caused by lung cancer in 2008 (Samet, Tang, Boffetta, Hannan, Marston, Thun et, al., 2009). Despite the decreasing
trends of lung cancer incidence rates for men in the 1980s and for women in the late 1990s, still the lung and bronchus cancer remain the significant
cause of cancer mortality in the United States, with an estimation of 87,750 and 72,590 deaths to occur in men and women, respectively, in 2012 (Field
& Withers, 2012) American Lung Association (2015) has defined lung cancer as a growth of abnormal cells in the lungs without control,
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This may occur to the old cells, to be replaced by new ones. This is denoted as a natural process. Cell death may also occur due to localized injury and
disease (Martes, 2014). There are two ways a cell death can occur which are necrosis and apoptosis.
Necrosis occurs due to the harm caused by an external force, such as bodily injury, poison and infection. When the body cells die due to necrosis, it
causes serious inflammation and further injury in the body (Martes, 2014). The other way of cell death is apoptosis. It is also called as programmed
cell death. It follows a predictable and control routine (Kogel & Prehn, 2013).
Abnormal apoptosis, either too much or too little of it can cause many serious diseases in human such as neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune
disorders, ischemic damage and many types of cancer (Elmore, 2007). Therefore, the field of apoptosis is gaining attention in the research to analyze
the signaling pathways of
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Informative Essay On Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer, do you know what lung cancer really is? Well many people deal with lung cancer. It can be deadly and it cannot be deadly. It's one of the
most common and feared illness. It's important to realize everything that comes with lung cancer, like treatments, what happens in their life. What ways
it can be prevented, how to avoid getting it. All of the battles they face and what have to change in their life. Lung Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells (Lung Cancer ). Where lung cancer does starts off? In one or both lungs. A tumor starts to get larger and larger, and will soon after
becomes more numerous. They undermine the lungs ability to provide the blood stream with oxygen (Lung Cancer ). These can be detected by a
few symptoms you might have if you have lung cancer. What can cause this horrible illness? Exposers too high level of diesel fumes. Also smoking
tobacco could be a result of lung cancer. The tar and nicotine can do something to your lugs which can cause lung cancer. Radioactive gas that is a
natural decay products (Laden, 2004). That decays and sends off radiation. Even some of the pollution in the air they say but it's not always from
that. It can be caused from anything that can tamper with your lungs and cause a cell to stop providing and become a tumor. If exposed to one of
these things, it may cause lung cancer, which could kill someone and also put someone through a lot of pain. It can get quite expensive when it
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Lung Cancer Outline
Lung Cancer
|General Purpose: |To inform |
|Specific Purpose: |To inform readers on the causes, effects and treatments of lung cancer. |
| | |
I.What is lung cancer? 
 A. Definition of lung Cancer 1. Medical terminology definition – cancer of a highly malignant form that affects the lungs.
2. Team definition of lung Cancer – a group of abnormal cells that more content...
Lung diseases 1.Tuberculosis 2.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Transition: we have discussed the causes, lets look at the risk factors including
some environmental ones.)
II.Risk Factors for Lung Cancer A.Controllable risk factors 1.Smoking 2.Second–hand Smoke 3.Radiation Therapy 4.Asbestos exposure
B.Uncontrollable risk Factors 1.Radon exposure in the environment a.Uranium in ground water, rocks, or soil 2.Family History of lung disease
III.Diagnosis A.Lung cancer can become suspected after a spot is seen on an x–ray that may have been taken due to a persistent cough, chest pain, etc.
B.If Lung Cancer is suspected a few other tests can be used in conjunction to make a final determination of lung cancer 1.X–ray 2.CT Scan 3.MRI
4.Needle Biopsy 5.Sputum Cytology 6.Bronchoscopy
IV.Stages of Lung Cancer A.Stage 1 Cancer is confined to just the lungs. B.Stage 2 and Stage 3 cancer has invaded the chest (if large tumors are
present its stage 3) C.Stage 4 Cancer has spread to other parts of the body
V.Pictures of Healthy and Cancerous
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Lung Cancer Essay
Brief Description: Lung cancer, as with all cancers, is an uncontrollable increase of cells. It happens within the lung tissue, but it could also go on to
affect other nearby tissue and spread to further out than just the lungs.
Cellular / Molecular Basis: Lung cancer has two types; small cell and non small cell. The two types can be identified by their appearance when
looked at with a microscope. It usually affects the cells that are lined along air passages in the lungs.
Causes: The foremost reason for lung cancer is cigarette smoking which causes around 90% of all deaths caused by lung cancer in the world. However,
smoking is not the only way to get it. The second most frequent cause of lung cancer is exposure to radon gas, more content...
Treatment: As long as the cancer has not spread to outside of the lung, it can be removed with surgical resection. There are now less invasive ways
to remove cancer from the lungs, such as using a small video camera to see inside the chest, resulting in smaller incisions. There has very recently
been a new way to treat non small cell lung cancer that would otherwise be inoperable. Shown to be more effective than normal radiation therapy and
simply observing the cancers progress, stereotatic body radiation therapy can ???. Laser treatment is sometimes used to unblock air passages that are
blocked by a tumour and attempt to control some spreading of the cancer cells. It is different to the other 'treatments' as it doesn't actually provide a
solution to getting rid of the cancer, but makes the symptoms more bearable for the patient.
Preventative Measures: The main way to avoid having lung cancer is not to smoke and to avoid taking in second hand smoke, but also stay away
from radon gas and asbestos. Certain types of mining and farming can cause exposure to harmful asbestos and radon. It is best to stay away from these
kinds of fumes, dust and other dangerous chemicals. A certain nutrient called phytoestrogen which is found in legumes, whole grains, soy products and
vegetables reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Coal products,
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Lung Cancer: A Short Story
When I was 14 I was staying in a double room in Memorial with another girl. She was 16 and had lung cancer, which at this point was quickly
spreading to the rest of her body with the doctors at a loss on how to stop it. Her name was Melissa and we very quickly became friends. She was
checked in about 3 weeks before I arrived, and it certainly didn't seem like she was leaving anytime soon, despite how badly she protested that how
she was living wasn't actually living. We didn't really talk much the first couple of days I was there but on the fifth day she asked me the most asked
question among patients in hospital, "So what are you in here for?"
"Thyroid with mets in my lungs. You?" I replied
"Lung cancer. It sucks. Well my lungs don't more content...
She told me to give it to you when you finished the book." The nurse said before leaving the room to give me time to read the note.
Dear Hazel,
I do so wish we could spend more time getting to know each other before I leave this world but my time is almost out. You should know that I am
leaving this book with you because the doctors have advised me that I have about a week left to live. I know that it would have been smart for me to
stay in hospital maybe add another week to my life but I needed to tick some things off my bucket list before I kick the bucket and I wasn't going to
die without a sick legacy (pun intended).
This book means the absoloute world to me and I hope it means the same to you know that you have read it. Keep this copy; my family doesn't need one
more thing to throw out of mine. If you should ever get the chance, do please contact Mr. Van Houten. I have been writing him letters for years and
have yet to receive a reply. Hazel, you still have life left in you, please go out there and do something rather than just sit in hospital, it helps! For your
information, I have written you a bucket list of things that you simply must do here in Indiana before you
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Lung Cancer (Non Small Cell)
Lung cancer (non small cell)
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in developed countries. Normally, our cells grow and multiply, as and when the body needs it. In
lung cancer (as in other types of cancer), some cells may be damaged so as to start to grow and reproduce uncontrollably and, in most cases, faster than
the normal cells. Lung cancer non–small cell (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer and affects about eight out of 10 patients with the
NSCLC is caused by small round cells that form polypoid prominences, usually in the larger airways. It is very rare in non–smokers. The cells of this
type of lung cancer divide and multiply very rapidly, to the point that they are often already arrived to affect the lymph nodes and / or other organs of
the body at the time of more content...
tumor size: the larger tumors are often more difficult to treat;
2.location of the tumor: If the tumor is very close to the windpipe, major blood vessels or another vital structure, curative treatment may be difficult;
3.tumor stage: to define a number of tests are performed;
4.type of tumor (eg. small cell or non–small cell): therapy changes depending on the tumor type.
Chemotherapy is the general term to indicate the treatment with the use of drugs. Ideally, they should kill cancer cells without harming normal cells.
There are several types of chemotherapeutic agents that can be used alone or, more commonly, in combination. Patients with different types of lung
cancer usually receive different combinations of chemotherapy.
Radiotherapy is the general term to indicate the treatment with the use of x–rays. The tumor area that requires therapy is treated with high–energy
beams painless. The radiotherapy kills cancer cells and can be used either alone or in combination with surgery and / or chemotherapy.
If you're a chain smoker or even like to smoke occasionally, this is the time to quit. Moreover, avoid second hand
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Personal Narrative Essay: Cancer (Lung
Cancer (Lung) I had been feeling so tired for weeks I just thought it was because of my busy schedule but, all I wanted to do was sleep. I then
became week and started losing weight I figured it must just be stress or the fact that I was coming down with a cold. I had the worst cough that just
wouldn't go away combined with the discomfort in my chest I thought it was time to call the doctor. At the doctor's office the he listened to my lungs
and then wanted to run additional tests. The first he wanted to run a CT scan, a 3–dimensional view to see what was going on in my lungs. The doctor
did find a large mass and wanted a Bronchoscopy done right away. I had no idea what that entailed. The doctor told me I would be put under
anesthesia while
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Essay Smoking and Lung Cancer
Oscar Wilde was quoted as saying, "A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can
one want?" Unfortunately, Oscar Wilde had no idea that smoking caused lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the most preventable diseases that exist,
yet people continue to voluntarily put themselves at risk, and it still has tragic effects on the person and their family even though there are ways to
treat it. The disease itself is categorized into two types, but both are eventually fatal. The cancer has several causes, but is mainly due to smoking. It has
many numerous effects, both physical and emotional. However, there are still treatments and options that can prolong a more content...
Aside from the obvious cause of lung cancer, which is smoking, there are several others. However, almost all of these can be avoided. Preventable
risk factors include smoking marijuana, inhaling certain chemicals like gasoline fuel or diesel exhaust, undergoing radiation therapy, and having a
poor diet. But, the American Cancer Society affirms that about 87% of lung cancer cases are a result of smoking tobacco, and that some of the
other 13% are caused by secondhand smoke (11). Out of all the risk factors for lung cancer, smoking has the biggest impact. This is also ironic, as
smoking is the easiest factor to avoid. Theoretically this should be the least prominent factor, as it is a voluntary decision to start smoking and is
easier to avoid than any of the other factors. Yet, about 47.1 million people in the United States smoke (American Heart Association), and willingly
put themselves at risk for lung cancer. At the same time though, people do not start smoking just because they want to develop lung cancer later in
life; there are numerous factors that play into their decision. For example, people are influenced to smoke for reasons such as peer pressure, a way to
deal with stress, and people they look up to that smoke (Bonas). They think it will help them relieve stress, or fit in, and they do not think about the
consequences that come with their newfound hobby. Eventually smokers find that they cannot quit, for both physical and psychological
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Essay About Lung Cancer

  • 1. Essay about Lung Cancer Cancer of the lung was nearly nonexistent in the early 1900's. By the middle of the 20th century an epidemic became apparent throughout the United States and the rest of the world. It is primarily correlated with the widespread abundance of cigarette smoking in the world. The tobacco industry has multiplied its production immediately prior to World War I. There was a typical 20 to 30 year lagging period between the initiation of cigarette smoking and the actual tumor formation in the lungs. Lung cancer is the cancer that originates in the tissues of the lungs. It occurs when cells in the lung start to grow rapidly in an uncontrolled manner. Lung cancer can start anywhere in the lungs and affect any part of the respiratory system. Most of more content... Asbestos can cause a wide variety of lung diseases, including lung cancer. Asbestos and tobacco smoking will combine together to form lung cancer in the body. Radon gas, which is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen, tasted or smelled, can also play a big role in developing lung cancer. Radon gas is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium found in the earth's crust. Radon exposure is the second main cause of lung cancer after smoking. A couple other minor risk factors of lung cancer include family history, air pollution, and vitamin A deficiency. People who do not get enough vitamin A are at an increased risk of lung cancer. Taking too much vitamin A may also increase your lung cancer risk (Bryant, 2008). There are several ways to reduce the risk of getting lung cancer. Some include not smoking, avoiding second hand smoke, making your home and workplace safe and eating fruits and vegetables. Eliminating tobacco smoking is the primary goal in the prevention of lung cancer. It lowers a person's risk of developing the disease drastically. Many states have prevention programs that work together to reduce tobacco smoking in their states. Many states are finally eliminating smoking in public areas such as restaurants and workplaces in the world. This helps people feel safer in the world and not be in contact with second hand smoke as often. Get more content on
  • 2. College Essay On Lung Cancer Lungs are located in the either side of your chest. When you breathe, air goes through your nose, down your windpipe, and into the lungs where it spreads through tubes called bronchi. Most lung cancer cells begin in the cells that line these tubes. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs ( In biology, I learned that a cancer cell is basically a dead cell. The cancer cell is a failed cell, it doesn't work, or it just doesn't reproduce at all. Although researchers found that it takes series of mutation to create a lung cancer cell ( Lung cancer takes more lives each year than colon, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancer combined. That's alot of lives that have been taken by this disease, my grandfather including. Although he never smoked, doesn't mean you can still can't be able to get lung cancer. People who smoke, have a higher risk of getting lung cancer. If you quit smoking, even after you quit smoking for many years, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing lung cancer. Although, this doesn't exactly disappear the chance of more content... No less than 3 stages is what each cancer type has, mainly stage 1 is not that bad. Stage 2 is more critical, but stage 3 is dangerously critical. My best friend is diagnosed with leukemia and she's in stage 1. Hopefully, will stay like that for awhile with the medications that she's taking. So I've had experienced with all these numbers. Life expectancy can be determined with the patient's overall health and the statistics. For example, a 5–year survival rate of 25 percent means that over 5 years, 25 out of every 100 people with lung cancer will be alive. Overall, the life expectancy of a lung cancer patient will be 40 years, although long–term survival remains Get more content on
  • 3. Treatment Of Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world in recent decades. An estimated 1.8 million new cases were reported in 2012 (12.9% of the total), with 58% in less developed regions (WHO, 2017). Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men and women in the United States. Most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage, resulting in a very low survival rate at 5 years (ASCO, 2015). In 2011, 14% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths were due to lung cancer. However, after increasing for decades, lung cancer rates decline nationally as fewer people smoke cigarettes (CDC, 2014). Definition Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of more content... Every day in Illinois, 24 people are diagnosed with lung cancer (Illinois Department of Public Health, 2013). In DuPage County, the incidence rate is 56.1 cases per 100,000 population and 529 average annual cases over 2009–2013. The majority of living lung cancer patients has been diagnosed within the last five years. Lung cancer is mostly a disease of the elderly. Eighty tree percent of those living with lung cancer were 60 years of age or older. More men are diagnosed with lung cancer each year, but more women live with the disease (National Cancer Institute, n.d., 2003). In 2003, the rate of new cases revealed that men develop lung cancer more than women. Black men and women are more likely to develop and die from lung cancer than other groups of persons. All criteria combined, lung cancer in black men is almost 28 percent higher than in whites, although their exposure to tobacco is lower (National Cancer Institute, Get more content on
  • 4. Speech On Lung Cancer Lung Cancer: Awareness & Prevention Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women in the Bangladesh, according to the Bangladesh Lung Foundation. The treatment of this disease is not up to the mark in Bangladesh. Lack of good facilities, skilled manpower and physical infrastructure, ineffective and inefficient treatment, corruption in the health management, politics among the health service providers, disparity in production of drugs etc are the reasons why our country is lagging behind. However there is an option how you can avail medical treatment in abroad. With the help of GD Assist you can easily have your medical treatment in abroad. In this blog we are going to focus the in depth details of what lung cancer is, main reasons behind the cancer, more content... But there are many of the risk factors for these cancers. a.Smoking Smoking tobacco is one of the main causes of lung cancer. More than 8 out of 10 lung cancers (80%) are caused by smoking. This also includes breathing in other people's cigarette smoke. Even occasional smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. b.Non–Smokers Passive smoking also causes lung cancer. Many people with lung cancer are former smokers, but many others never smoked at all. c.Changes to the gene Certain changes in the DNA of lung cells can lead to lung cancer. These changes can lead to abnormal cell growth and, sometimes, cancer. d.Chemicals and workplace risk Some substances increase the risk of lung cancer. These include asbestos, silica, and diesel exhaust. People can be exposed to these through their work. e.Exposure to radon gas Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from tiny amounts of uranium present in all rocks and soils. Radon gas can build up in homes and other buildings. f.Air Pollution We know that air pollution can cause lung cancer. The risk depends on the levels of air pollution you are regularly exposed
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  • 6. lung cancer Essay Lung cancer is the most common cancer–related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily diagnose and assess cancer patients. Lung cancer takes many years to develop. The characteristics of lung cancer the same as any type of cancer but it effects the lungs. Lung cancer is caused by expose to more content... Some symptoms of lung cancer are chronic cough, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing, swelling in the face and neck, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath. A doctor can diagnose lung cancer through many tests. The doctor can have x–rays and CAT scans done to see what the inside of the lungs look like. By doing this that doctor is able to see what stage the cancer is in. A doctor may also do a test called a bronchoscope. This test allows the doctor to look inside the bronchial tubes and biopsy the tumor. The doctor then can take a small amount of the cells to study them to determine if the unusual cells are cancerous. If the cells turn out to be cancerous then the patient is in for many months even years of harsh treatment. Surgery is the most common method used to treat lung cancer followed by chemotherapy or radiation. Surgery can be used if the cancer is benign. Surgery removes the cancer inside the patient. Although surgery is the most popular method, the chance of the doctor being able to remove all of the cancer is highly unlikely. Since the cells are so small and there are thousands of them it is very difficult to remove every one. When a patient uses surgery to treat the cancer, the cancer has a good chance it can come back, because it only takes a few bad cells to spread and create a tumor. One other treatment for lung cancer is radiation. Doctors can use radiation before surgery to shrink a tumor. After Get more content on
  • 7. Lung Cancer: A Case Study According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), lung cancer begins in the lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body. Lung cancer is categorized into two main types, but the most common type is non–small cell lung cancer. This type name is based on how the cancer cell shape looks under a microscope. Lung cancer is considered a deadly disease for both genders. According to the American Lung Association (ALA) (n.d.), in this current year, 13% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths in the United States have been because of the lung cancer disease. In addition, in this year, approximately 158,040 people in America, both men and women, are estimated to die from lung cancer. The more content... 2 out of 5 cancer cases are lung cancer. Furthermore, a quarter of all the cancer deaths come from lung cancer. In this current year, 158,040 people are estimated to die from this cancer, (ALA, n.d). Those people have one type of lung cancer; whether it is non–small or small cell, but non–small cell is the most common diagnosed type. This disease can emerge from the lungs and develop, or spread into the lungs from other organs. The most common pathogen that triggers lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. However, other catalysts can trigger it too. This cancer is latent in some cases, but when it becomes active, the syndromes that are in the chest, infrequent to occur, and deteriorating are signs that have to get medical attention. These symptoms can happen with other illnesses, too. However, noticing these symptoms, the person should talk to a doctor, who can help find the cause and the appropriate treatment from the four main treatments. The bright side of this disease that the people's awareness has increased; as a consequence, the lung cancer cases are feasibly decreasing Get more content on
  • 8. Smoking and Lung Cancer Essay Smoking and Lung Cancer Lung Cancer accounts for fifteen percent of all cancer cases, and an estimated 170,000 people in the United States get lung cancer a year. (5)About 155,000 of those people die from the cancer. Recently, the rate of women affected by lung cancer has increased, while the rate of men affected has decreased. However, lung cancer is the leading cancer that kills both women and men. (1) So, what is lung cancer? Lung cancer is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the lung. (5) There are two main types of lung cancer: non–small cell and small– cell lung cancer. Non–small cell lung cancer (or NSCLC) is more common than small–cell lung cancer (SCLC) and occurs in about 80% of all lung cancer cases. (3) more content... (5) SCLC, also known as oat cell carcinoma, has no divisions. It starts in the large breathing tubes, and grows fairly rapidly. This type of lung cancer is usually very large by the time it is diagnosed. (5) There are also different stages of lung cancer. For NSCLC, there are four main stages. Stage I A/B is when the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes that are associated with the lung. (2) Stage II A/B is when the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes in the tracheal area, including the chest wall and the diaphragm. Stage III A is when the tumor has spread to lymph nodes on the opposite lung or on the neck. Finally, Stage IV, the most severe stage, is when the tumor has spread beyond the chest. (2) On the other hand, SCLC only has two stages of cancer growth. Limited is when the tumor is only found in one lung and the nearby lymph nodes. Extensive is when the tumor has spread beyond the lung into other organs. The treatments for lung cancer depend on the type, location, and size of the cancer. (3) One option is to remove the tumor through surgery; however, it depends on the location of the tumor. A surgeon can perform a resection, which is a removal of part of the lung. The removal of the entire lobe of the lung is called a lobectomy. (3) In addition, there is a surgery called a pneumonectomy, which removes the entire lung. Each kind of surgery is performed according to how advanced the cancer is and how much of the lung Get more content on
  • 9. Lung Cancer Paper According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2014), lung cancer begins in lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, lung cancer is categorized into two main types, but the most common type is non–small cell lung cancer. This type's name is based on how the cancer cell shapes under a microscope. Lung cancer is considered a deadly disease for both genders. According to the American Lung Association (n.d.), in this current year, 13% of all cancer diagnoses and 27% of all cancer deaths in the United States have been because of the lung cancer disease. In addition, in this year, approximately 158,040 people in America, both men and women, are estimated to die from lung cancer. The principal reason more content... In this current year, 158,040 people are estimated to die from this cancer. Those people have one type of lung cancer's type whether it is non–small or small cell, but non–small cell is the common diagnosed type. This disease can emerge from the lungs and develop, or spread into the lungs from other organs. The most common pathogen that triggers lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. However, other catalysts trigger it too. This cancer is latent in some cases, but when it becomes active, the syndromes that are in the chest, unusual to occur, and deteriorating are signs that have to get a medical attention. These symptoms can happen with other illnesses, too. If the patient has some of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can help find the cause and the appropriate treatment from the four main treatments. The bright side of this disease that lung cancer is decreasing decade–by–decade because of the awareness of people and because of the professional doctors and their state–of–the–art Get more content on
  • 10. Lung Cancer Essay Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer known throughout the world. The most common suspect of that is smoking, then what happens to the people who inhales the smokers' smoke? Are they also at risk for developing lung cancer from being a victim? The answer to that right now is that secondhand smoke alone is just a risk factor, there are no evidence right now that currently show that secondhand smoke alone can cause lung cancer by itself. This means that we need to encourage studies that are accurate with only secondhand smoke as the center, but this doesn't mean that secondhand smoke doesn't cause lung cancer the only reason that it can't be considered as a cause right now because there is no definite study that shows it does. I also encourage our government to help the public, especially schools and hospitals that have the most vulnerable people in regards to health, may they be more strict and tough on implementing the law in regards to smoking on these premises. Possibility of Lung Cancer by Second Hand Smoke Smoking is defined as someone who uses any tobacco products willingly. Some examples of tobacco products are cigarettes, cigar or anything that is smoked and inhaled that have tobacco substance within. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) society in the United States has an elevated risk of smoking than the rest of U.S. population. (Max & Stark, 2016) Some known common causes of smoking is to reduce anxiety or to reduce weight because people Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Lung Cancer Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. During 1995, approximately 2.1 million people in developed countries died as a result of smoking. One tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never–smoker. In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder. Smoking accounts for at least 29% of all cancer deaths, is a major cause ofheart disease, and is associated with conditions ranging from colds and more content... It also causes respiratory problems in nonsmokers such as, coughing, phlegm, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function. Each year, exposure to secondhand smoke causes 150,000 to 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in U.S. infants and children younger then 18 Page 2 months of age. These infections result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations every year. Children exposed to secondhand smoke at home are more likely to have middle–ear disease and reduced lung function. Secondhand smoke increases the number of asthma attacks and the severity of asthma in about 20% of this country's two to five million asthmatic children. The number of people who die or suffer illness because of its use, best measure tobacco costs to our society.Tobacco use also drains the US economy of more than $100 billion in health care costs and lost productivity. Tobacco costs Medicare more than $10 billion and Medicaid more than $5 billion per year. Lost economic productivity causes by smoking costs the US economy $47.2 billion in 1990. The total economic costs of smoking are more than $100 billion per year. People, who quit, regardless of age, live longer than people who continue to smoke. Smokers who quit before the age of 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke. Quitting smoking substantially decreases the risk of lung laryngeal, esophageal, oral, pancreatic, bladder, and cervical Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay On Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Each year there are about one million three hundred seventy thousand deaths worldwide from lung cancer. Lung cancer is a particular type of cancer that is more deadly and common with other types of cancer. Lung cancer for most people can be avoided because cigarette smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer. Of course, there are other ways that increase the chance of lung cancer that can't be avoided, like if it runs in the family. There are two different types of lung cancer small cell lung cancer, and non–small cell lung cancer. In order to determine what the specific type is it needs to be looked at under a microscope as the two types have different treatments. There are many symptoms that may be associated with lung cancer, not all are present in the chest, some symptoms occur in different regions of the body. Lung cancer had a variety of treatment options. The patient's doctor will decide what treatment is best for them depending on their type of cancer and what stage of cancer they have. In the novel The Longest Ride Ira Levinson, a ninety–one–year–old man had been battling lung cancer for the past few months. Sadly his cancer did not get found early enough, so his last few years turned into only a few more weeks. About Lung Cancer Lung cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs, it can occur in only one lung or both. When cells in the lungs divide uncontrollably it eventually forms a tumor in the lungs. Tumors are a mass of the build–up Get more content on
  • 13. Literature Review On Lung Cancer 1.0Literature review 1.0.1Lung Cancer Lung cancer is a dangerous health problem which affects many people (Thomas, 2013). It becomes the top killer among other types of cancers in the world (Molina, Yang, Cassivi, Schild & Adjei, 2008). According to the statistics made by National Institute of Health, more than 161, 000 cases were reported in U.S. involving death caused by lung cancer in 2008 (Samet, Tang, Boffetta, Hannan, Marston, Thun et, al., 2009). Despite the decreasing trends of lung cancer incidence rates for men in the 1980s and for women in the late 1990s, still the lung and bronchus cancer remain the significant cause of cancer mortality in the United States, with an estimation of 87,750 and 72,590 deaths to occur in men and women, respectively, in 2012 (Field & Withers, 2012) American Lung Association (2015) has defined lung cancer as a growth of abnormal cells in the lungs without control, more content... This may occur to the old cells, to be replaced by new ones. This is denoted as a natural process. Cell death may also occur due to localized injury and disease (Martes, 2014). There are two ways a cell death can occur which are necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis occurs due to the harm caused by an external force, such as bodily injury, poison and infection. When the body cells die due to necrosis, it causes serious inflammation and further injury in the body (Martes, 2014). The other way of cell death is apoptosis. It is also called as programmed cell death. It follows a predictable and control routine (Kogel & Prehn, 2013). Abnormal apoptosis, either too much or too little of it can cause many serious diseases in human such as neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders, ischemic damage and many types of cancer (Elmore, 2007). Therefore, the field of apoptosis is gaining attention in the research to analyze the signaling pathways of Get more content on
  • 14. Informative Essay On Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Lung cancer, do you know what lung cancer really is? Well many people deal with lung cancer. It can be deadly and it cannot be deadly. It's one of the most common and feared illness. It's important to realize everything that comes with lung cancer, like treatments, what happens in their life. What ways it can be prevented, how to avoid getting it. All of the battles they face and what have to change in their life. Lung Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells (Lung Cancer ). Where lung cancer does starts off? In one or both lungs. A tumor starts to get larger and larger, and will soon after becomes more numerous. They undermine the lungs ability to provide the blood stream with oxygen (Lung Cancer ). These can be detected by a few symptoms you might have if you have lung cancer. What can cause this horrible illness? Exposers too high level of diesel fumes. Also smoking tobacco could be a result of lung cancer. The tar and nicotine can do something to your lugs which can cause lung cancer. Radioactive gas that is a natural decay products (Laden, 2004). That decays and sends off radiation. Even some of the pollution in the air they say but it's not always from that. It can be caused from anything that can tamper with your lungs and cause a cell to stop providing and become a tumor. If exposed to one of these things, it may cause lung cancer, which could kill someone and also put someone through a lot of pain. It can get quite expensive when it Get more content on
  • 15. Lung Cancer Outline Lung Cancer |General Purpose: |To inform | |Specific Purpose: |To inform readers on the causes, effects and treatments of lung cancer. | | | | INTRODUCTION SLIDES I.What is lung cancer? 
 A. Definition of lung Cancer 1. Medical terminology definition – cancer of a highly malignant form that affects the lungs. 2. Team definition of lung Cancer – a group of abnormal cells that more content... Lung diseases 1.Tuberculosis 2.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Transition: we have discussed the causes, lets look at the risk factors including some environmental ones.) II.Risk Factors for Lung Cancer A.Controllable risk factors 1.Smoking 2.Second–hand Smoke 3.Radiation Therapy 4.Asbestos exposure B.Uncontrollable risk Factors 1.Radon exposure in the environment a.Uranium in ground water, rocks, or soil 2.Family History of lung disease III.Diagnosis A.Lung cancer can become suspected after a spot is seen on an x–ray that may have been taken due to a persistent cough, chest pain, etc. B.If Lung Cancer is suspected a few other tests can be used in conjunction to make a final determination of lung cancer 1.X–ray 2.CT Scan 3.MRI 4.Needle Biopsy 5.Sputum Cytology 6.Bronchoscopy IV.Stages of Lung Cancer A.Stage 1 Cancer is confined to just the lungs. B.Stage 2 and Stage 3 cancer has invaded the chest (if large tumors are present its stage 3) C.Stage 4 Cancer has spread to other parts of the body V.Pictures of Healthy and Cancerous
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  • 17. Lung Cancer Essay Brief Description: Lung cancer, as with all cancers, is an uncontrollable increase of cells. It happens within the lung tissue, but it could also go on to affect other nearby tissue and spread to further out than just the lungs. Cellular / Molecular Basis: Lung cancer has two types; small cell and non small cell. The two types can be identified by their appearance when looked at with a microscope. It usually affects the cells that are lined along air passages in the lungs. Causes: The foremost reason for lung cancer is cigarette smoking which causes around 90% of all deaths caused by lung cancer in the world. However, smoking is not the only way to get it. The second most frequent cause of lung cancer is exposure to radon gas, more content... Treatment: As long as the cancer has not spread to outside of the lung, it can be removed with surgical resection. There are now less invasive ways to remove cancer from the lungs, such as using a small video camera to see inside the chest, resulting in smaller incisions. There has very recently been a new way to treat non small cell lung cancer that would otherwise be inoperable. Shown to be more effective than normal radiation therapy and simply observing the cancers progress, stereotatic body radiation therapy can ???. Laser treatment is sometimes used to unblock air passages that are blocked by a tumour and attempt to control some spreading of the cancer cells. It is different to the other 'treatments' as it doesn't actually provide a solution to getting rid of the cancer, but makes the symptoms more bearable for the patient. Preventative Measures: The main way to avoid having lung cancer is not to smoke and to avoid taking in second hand smoke, but also stay away from radon gas and asbestos. Certain types of mining and farming can cause exposure to harmful asbestos and radon. It is best to stay away from these kinds of fumes, dust and other dangerous chemicals. A certain nutrient called phytoestrogen which is found in legumes, whole grains, soy products and vegetables reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Coal products, Get more content on
  • 18. Lung Cancer: A Short Story When I was 14 I was staying in a double room in Memorial with another girl. She was 16 and had lung cancer, which at this point was quickly spreading to the rest of her body with the doctors at a loss on how to stop it. Her name was Melissa and we very quickly became friends. She was checked in about 3 weeks before I arrived, and it certainly didn't seem like she was leaving anytime soon, despite how badly she protested that how she was living wasn't actually living. We didn't really talk much the first couple of days I was there but on the fifth day she asked me the most asked question among patients in hospital, "So what are you in here for?" "Thyroid with mets in my lungs. You?" I replied "Lung cancer. It sucks. Well my lungs don't more content... She told me to give it to you when you finished the book." The nurse said before leaving the room to give me time to read the note. Dear Hazel, I do so wish we could spend more time getting to know each other before I leave this world but my time is almost out. You should know that I am leaving this book with you because the doctors have advised me that I have about a week left to live. I know that it would have been smart for me to stay in hospital maybe add another week to my life but I needed to tick some things off my bucket list before I kick the bucket and I wasn't going to die without a sick legacy (pun intended). This book means the absoloute world to me and I hope it means the same to you know that you have read it. Keep this copy; my family doesn't need one more thing to throw out of mine. If you should ever get the chance, do please contact Mr. Van Houten. I have been writing him letters for years and have yet to receive a reply. Hazel, you still have life left in you, please go out there and do something rather than just sit in hospital, it helps! For your information, I have written you a bucket list of things that you simply must do here in Indiana before you Get more content on
  • 19. Lung Cancer (Non Small Cell) Lung cancer (non small cell) Overview: Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in developed countries. Normally, our cells grow and multiply, as and when the body needs it. In lung cancer (as in other types of cancer), some cells may be damaged so as to start to grow and reproduce uncontrollably and, in most cases, faster than the normal cells. Lung cancer non–small cell (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer and affects about eight out of 10 patients with the disease. Causes: NSCLC is caused by small round cells that form polypoid prominences, usually in the larger airways. It is very rare in non–smokers. The cells of this type of lung cancer divide and multiply very rapidly, to the point that they are often already arrived to affect the lymph nodes and / or other organs of the body at the time of more content... tumor size: the larger tumors are often more difficult to treat; 2.location of the tumor: If the tumor is very close to the windpipe, major blood vessels or another vital structure, curative treatment may be difficult; 3.tumor stage: to define a number of tests are performed; 4.type of tumor (eg. small cell or non–small cell): therapy changes depending on the tumor type. Chemotherapy is the general term to indicate the treatment with the use of drugs. Ideally, they should kill cancer cells without harming normal cells. There are several types of chemotherapeutic agents that can be used alone or, more commonly, in combination. Patients with different types of lung cancer usually receive different combinations of chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is the general term to indicate the treatment with the use of x–rays. The tumor area that requires therapy is treated with high–energy beams painless. The radiotherapy kills cancer cells and can be used either alone or in combination with surgery and / or chemotherapy.
  • 20. Prevention: If you're a chain smoker or even like to smoke occasionally, this is the time to quit. Moreover, avoid second hand Get more content on
  • 21. Personal Narrative Essay: Cancer (Lung Cancer (Lung) I had been feeling so tired for weeks I just thought it was because of my busy schedule but, all I wanted to do was sleep. I then became week and started losing weight I figured it must just be stress or the fact that I was coming down with a cold. I had the worst cough that just wouldn't go away combined with the discomfort in my chest I thought it was time to call the doctor. At the doctor's office the he listened to my lungs and then wanted to run additional tests. The first he wanted to run a CT scan, a 3–dimensional view to see what was going on in my lungs. The doctor did find a large mass and wanted a Bronchoscopy done right away. I had no idea what that entailed. The doctor told me I would be put under anesthesia while Get more content on
  • 22. Essay Smoking and Lung Cancer Oscar Wilde was quoted as saying, "A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?" Unfortunately, Oscar Wilde had no idea that smoking caused lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the most preventable diseases that exist, yet people continue to voluntarily put themselves at risk, and it still has tragic effects on the person and their family even though there are ways to treat it. The disease itself is categorized into two types, but both are eventually fatal. The cancer has several causes, but is mainly due to smoking. It has many numerous effects, both physical and emotional. However, there are still treatments and options that can prolong a more content... Aside from the obvious cause of lung cancer, which is smoking, there are several others. However, almost all of these can be avoided. Preventable risk factors include smoking marijuana, inhaling certain chemicals like gasoline fuel or diesel exhaust, undergoing radiation therapy, and having a poor diet. But, the American Cancer Society affirms that about 87% of lung cancer cases are a result of smoking tobacco, and that some of the other 13% are caused by secondhand smoke (11). Out of all the risk factors for lung cancer, smoking has the biggest impact. This is also ironic, as smoking is the easiest factor to avoid. Theoretically this should be the least prominent factor, as it is a voluntary decision to start smoking and is easier to avoid than any of the other factors. Yet, about 47.1 million people in the United States smoke (American Heart Association), and willingly put themselves at risk for lung cancer. At the same time though, people do not start smoking just because they want to develop lung cancer later in life; there are numerous factors that play into their decision. For example, people are influenced to smoke for reasons such as peer pressure, a way to deal with stress, and people they look up to that smoke (Bonas). They think it will help them relieve stress, or fit in, and they do not think about the consequences that come with their newfound hobby. Eventually smokers find that they cannot quit, for both physical and psychological Get more content on