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M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
X - English I Paper
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“The Greatest Sin is to Think Yourself Weak”
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M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
M';fpyk; Kjy; jhs; - tpdhj;jhs; Ma;î
gphpTfs; 5
nkhj;j tpdhf;fs; 52
tpdhf;fspd; vz;zpf;if 78
gjpy; ju ntz;oa kjpg;bgz;fs;
nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; 100 (131)
m. nrhy; tiffs; 20 (22)
M. ,yf;fzk; 25 (25)
,. ghlg;gFjp 15 (29)
<. ghly; gFjp 20 (35)
c. nkhopg;gapw;rpfs; 20 (25)
kjpg;bgz;fs; xJf;fPL
1. xU kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 50 (52)
2. ,uz;L kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 30 (34)
3. Ie;J kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 20 (45)
xU kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fSf;F tpdhj;jhspnyna tpilfs; cs;sit – 28
1. Synonyms 5
2. Antonyms 5
3. Abbreviation 1
4. Homophones 1
5. Compound Word 1
6. Singular Plural 1
7. Prefix Suffix 1
8. Phrasal Verb 1
9. Correct Word 1
10. Correct Sentence 1
11. If Clause 1
12. Sentence Pattern 1
13. Question Tag 1
14. Degrees 1
15. Meaningful Sentence 1
16. Complete with Phrase 1
17. Correct Verb form 1
18. Phrasal Preposition 1
19. Article 1
20. Preposition 1
xU kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fSf;F tpdhj;jhspy; tpilfs; ,y;yhjit – 24
1. British – American English 1
2. Syllabification 1
3. Construct a sentence 1
4. Reframe the sentence 1
5. Poem Appreciation 5
6. Literary Appreciation 5
7. Spotting the Errors 5
8. Picture Comprehension 5
,uz;L kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fs; - gjpy; ju ntz;oa tpdhf;fs; - 30 (34)
1. Grammar - 5/5 10
2. Prose – Short Answers – 5/7 10
3. Comprehension – 5/5 10
Ie;J kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fs; - gjpy; juntz;oa tpdhf;fs; - 20 (45)
1. Punctuation 5
2. Prose Paragraph – 1/3 5
3. Poem Paragraph – 1/3 5
4. Memory Poem – ½ 5
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Section – I – Vocabulary (20 Marks) Part I
Question No. 1 – Synonyms (5 Marks):
1. glum – sullen, dejected, displeased
2. ragged – untidy
3. wizened – looking old
4. parchment – a piece of paper
5. piteous – sad, sorrowful
6. coarse – rough cloth
7. alms – offerings
8. forlorn – forsaken, lonely
9. commissioned – ordered
10. popular – well known
11. amazing – surprising
12. battered – beaten out of shape
13. extended – offered
14. patched – sewn up
15. articulate – to express thoughts/feelings
16. rising – replying/responding
17. figure out – make out
18. unquenchable – unsatisfied
19. irreverent – not showing respect
20. reverent – respectful
21. tender – offer
22. discharged – carried out
23. privilege – benefit
24. privileged – prestigious
25. suffice – enough
26. exacting – demanding
27. truism – a true statement
28. invidious – unjust
29. indispensable – essential
30. earnestness – seriousness
31. unsophisticated – simple/natural
32. unfits – unsuits
33. prey – victim
34. acquiescence – acceptance without protest
35. generous – benevolent
36. hostile – opposing
37. accomplishment – ability/skill
38. soaring – rising/increasing
39. scramble – struggle
40. heaving – crowding
41. fanned out – spread out
42. rumour – false story
43. panic – fear
44. corridors – passages
45. erupt – suddenly happen
46. torrent – outpour
47. swarm – crowd
48. jostle – push thoroughly
49. unsustainable – cannot be maintained
50. exodus – mass movement
51. punch – hit
52. decade – a period of ten years
53. pursuit – chase
54. triumphantly – victoriously
55. denied – refused
56. tragedy – sad happening
57. tortured – made to suffer
58. brutality – cruelty
59. hide and seek – evades
60. campaigned – achieve something
61. diligence – a steady effort
62. initiating – starting
63. challenge – a difficult task
64. implementation – carried out
65. penalized – punished
66. valour – bravery
67. scantily – insufficiently
68. notching – quitting
69. contrivances – machines
70. reverence – respect
71. opulence – richness
72. staunch – steadfast
73. magnanimous – splendid
74. grandiose – impressive
75. herculean – mighty
76. patronage- support
77. voyagers – travelers
78. legislated – made into a law
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No. 2 – Antonyms (5 Marks):
1. inability x ability
2. eagerly x indifferently
3. piteous x joyous
4. private x public
5. cursed x blessed
6. friend x enemy/foe
7. fortune x misfortune
8. rare x common
9. popular x unpopular
10. richest x poorest
11. true x false
12. remember x forget
13. loved x hated
14. same x different
15. observable x unobservable
16. permanent x temporary
17. external x internal
18. visible x invisible
19. fortunate x unfortunate
20. famous x unpopular
21. physically x mentally
22. irrelevant x relevant
23. destroyed x created
24. new x old
25. civilian x military
26. peace x war
27. essential x unimportant
28. grateful x ungrateful
29. pleasure x pain
30. life x death
31. certain x uncertain
32. responsibility x irresponsibility
33. obedience x disobedience
34. advantage x disadvantage
35. secure x insecure
36. success x failure
37. indispensable x unimportant
38. naturally x artificially
39. better x worse
40. easy x difficult
41. continue x discontinue
42. reverence x irreverence
43. necessary x unnecessary
44. convenience x inconvenience
45. common x uncommon
46. current x obsolete
47. greater x smaller
48. melting x freezing
49. insecurity x safety/security
50. rarely x frequently/often
51. narrow x wide
52. soaring x lowering
53. darkness x brightness
54. empty x full
55. jamming x pulling
56. arrived x left
57. nearby x far
58. reduce x increase
59. believe x mistrust
60. dirty x tidy
61. bitter x sweet
62. enough x insufficient
63. low x high
64. illegal x legal
65. inhumane x humane
66. denied x accepted
67. brutality x humanity
68. concluded x commenced
69. initiating x finishing
70. minimum x maximum
71. clear x unclear
72. penalized x rewarded
73. strong x weak
74. harsh x polite
75. many x few
76. bondage x freedom
77. accept x refuse
78. lose x gain
79. brave x timid
80. adult x infant
81. young x old
82. several x few
83. ancient x modern
84. traditional x modern
85. valour x timidity
86. impressive x repulsive
87. lifted x lowered
88. perfect x imperfect
89. beautiful x ugly
90. revealed x concealed
91. munificence x meanness
92. praise x curse/blame
93. holy x unholy
94. clean x dirty
95. foreign x local
96. sweet x bitter
97. proud x humble
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No . 3 – Abbreviations (1 Mark):
Abbreviation vd;gJ xU tphptpd; Kjy; vOj;Jf;fis kl;Lk; nfhz;l RUf;fk;. (v.fh. SBI)
Abbreviations Acronyms
1. PA Personal Assistant 1. TAFE Tractor And Farm Equipment
2. PS Personal Secretary / Post Script 2. TANSI Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries
3. BPO Business Process Outsourcing 3. RAM Random Access Memory
4. KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing 4. ROM Read Only Memory
5. B.Tech Bachelor of Technology 5. LAN Local Area Network
6. SBI State Bank of India 6. AIR All India Radio
7. RRB Railway Recruitment Board 7. UNESCO United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural
8. UFO United Fund Organization 8. CAT Career Aptitude Test
9. CA Chartered Accountant 9. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
10. UAE United Arab Emirates 10. WHO World Health Organization
11. NGO Non-Governmental Organization 11. SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
12. SSC Staff Selection Commission
14. PM Prime Minister
15. CM Chief Minister
16 MP Member of Parliament
Question No. 4 – Homophones (1 Mark):
Homophones vd;gJ xNu cr;rhpg;igf; nfhz;l> Mdhy; Spelling kw;Wk; mh;j;jk; NtWgl;l ,uz;L
1. Ramu wants to _____a flat _____ selling his house. (buy/by)
2. Do you ___ the answer?. _____ I don’t. (no/know)
3. I can’t ___ the bell from ____. (here/hear)
4. ____ day on Earth is measured by the ____. (hour/our)
5. The colour of your _____ is the same as that of the __. (hare/hair)
6. The ____ of the ____ is Rs.100. (prize/price)
7. We will set _____ for Japan next week. (sail/sale)
8. We shall ____ you tomorrow. (meat/meet)
9. Everyone must see the ____ (see/sea)
Question No. 5 – American & British English (1 Mark):
British English American English British English American English
Fellow Guy Rise Raise
Jam Jelly Single One way
Bonnet Hood Storm Tempest
Boot Trunk Wash basin Sink
Blind Window Shade Wind screen Wind shield
Chips French Fries Witness box Witness stand
Cutting Clipping Zed Zee
Cot Crib Fire brigade Fire department
Trumpet Horn Torch light Flash light
Jug Pitcher Interval Intermission
Dustbin Trash can Anticlockwise Counterclockwise
Goods train Freight train Shop assistant Sales clerk
Autumn Fall Cupboard Closet
Tap Faucet Film / Cinema Movie
Holiday Vacation Lorry Truck
Sweet Candy Post Mail
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No. 6 – Compound Words (1 Mark):
,U NtW mh;j;jKs;s nrhw;fs; ,ize;J Gjpa nrhy;iyf; nfhLj;jhy; mJ Compound Word MFk;.
Word 1 Word 2 New Word
Head Master Headmaster
Break Fast Breakfast
Child Hood Childhood
Moon Light Moonlight
Car Park Carpark
River Bed Riverbed
Bath Soap Bath soap
Work Shop Work shop
Cricket Ground Cricket ground
Head Light Head Light
Air Port Airport
Fast Food Fastfood
Out Post Outpost
Water Fall Waterfall
Safe Guard Safe Guard
Question No. 7 – Plural Forms (1 Mark):
xUikahff; nfhLf;fg;gLtij gd;ikahf khw;WtNj ,e;j gapw;rpahFk;. fPo;f;fz;l Kiwfspy;
gd;ikahf khw;wyhk;.
epidtpy; itj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;bait
-is -es
Axis Axes
-um -a Datum Data
-a -ae Formula Formulae
-us -i Alumnus Alumni
-oo -ee Tooth Teeth
-x -ces Matrix Matrices
1. Sheep, cattle, deer, aircraft, swine… Mfpatw;Wf;F Singular, Plural xd;Nw.
2. Spectacles, news, premises, species … Mfpatw;Wf;F Singular, Plural xd;Nw.
3. Man-men, woman-women, child-children…. Nghd;w vOj;Jf;fSf;F rpW khw;wq;fs; kl;Lk; Vw;gLj;jTk;.
Question No. 8 – Prefixes and Suffixes (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijf;F Kd;dhy; rpW mirfis Nrh;g;gJ Prefix MFk;. v.fh. Untidy.
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijf;F Kd;dhy; rpW mirfis Nrh;g;gJ Suffix MFk;. v.fh. Cricketer.
Prefix Suffix
Prefix Root Word New Word Suffix Root Word New Word
In Secure Insecure Announce Ment Announcement
Un Fair Unfair Kind Ness Kindness
Ig Noble Ignoble Perform Ance Performance
Un Quenchable Unquenchable Develop Ment Development
In Direct Indirect Hero Ism Heroism
Ultra Violet Ultraviolet Trans Form Transform
Over Load Overload Associate Ion Association
Il Legal Illegal
Ir Responsible Irresponsible
Question No. 10 – Syllabification (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l nrhw;fspy; xd;wpid mirfshfg; gphpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
 nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijia mg;gbNa jkpopy; rhpahd cr;rhpg;Gld; jtwpy;yhky; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
 jkpopy; vOjpa thh;j;ijapy; cs;s Gs;sp itj;j nrhw;fis mbf;f Ntz;Lk;. mbj;jJ Nghf
kPjkpUf;Fk; nrhw;fs; jhd; me;j thh;j;ijapYs;s mirfs; (Syllables).
 v.fh. Determination- bl;lh;kpNd~d; - blkpNd~ - 5 Syllables.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No. 11 – Appropriate Word (1 Mark):
rhpahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thh;j;ijia fz;Lgpbj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;.
1. Cherrapunji people _______ (waste/save) rain water.
2. Raja will ______ (receive/get) a letter next week.
3. He likes to _____ (see/watch) his favourite TV serial the whole hour.
4. He went _____ (abroad/foreign).
5. As the car passed, it _____ (spattered/shook) the rain water.
6. They _____ (prepare/provide) clean drinking water.
7. She _____ (saw/faced) the situation with a positive frame of mind.
8. Vijay is very ______ (handsome/beautiful)
Question No. 12 – Sentence Construction (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l %d;W thh;j;ijfspy; VNjDk; xd;iw Njh;e;njLj;J thf;fpaj;ij mikf;f Ntz;Lk;.
Construct a sentence using one of the words given below:
a) Life b) live c) lively
 I know the meaning of the word life. (Or)
 I like the word Life. (Or)
 Life is an English word.
Question No. 14 – Choose the Correct Sentence (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpw;F ,izahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thf;fpaj;ij nfhLf;fg;gl;l njhFg;gpypUe;J
vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F nghUj;jkhd rpy thh;j;ijfSk; mjd; mh;j;jq;fSk; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.
thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; thh;j;ij mh;j;jk;
Nobody ahUkpy;iy No one xUtUkpy;iy
Somebody rpyh; Someone ahNuh xUth;
Everybody midtUk; Everyone xt;nthUtUk;
Anybody ahuhtJ Anyone ahuhtJ
Never xUNghJk; ,y;iy Nowhere vq;NfAk; ,y;iy
None xd;Wk; ,y;iy Somewhere vq;NfahtJ
Ever vg;NghJk; Everywhere vy;yh ,lj;jpYk;
Always vg;NghJk; Anywhere vq;NfahtJ
Hardly mhpjhf Seldom mG+h;tkha;
Which of the two sentences given below conveys the same meaning?
1. He never listens to me.
a) He hardly listens to me b) He seldom listens to me.
Section – II – Grammar (25 Marks) Part I
Question No. 15 – If Clause (1 Mark):
xU nray; ele;jhy; ,d;ndhU nray; elf;Fk; vd;W nrhy;YtJ If Clause my;yJ Conditional Clause
MFk;. ,jpy; %d;W tiffs; cz;L.
No Types Condition Result
Type 1 Probable / Possible Conditions
(eilngwf;$ba nray;fs;)
If + Verb (Present Form)
(am/is/are/verb+s, es, ies)
Will, won’t, shall, shan’t,
can, can’t, may.
Type 2 Improbable/Imaginary Conditions
(fw;gidahd nray;)
If + Verb (Past form)
(were/verb+d,ed,ied,id/verb’s Past form)
Type 3 Unfulfilled Conditions
(epiwNtwhj nray;fs;)
If + Verb (Past Perfect Forms)
(had+ Verb’s past participle form)
Would have, wouldn’t
have, could have, couldn’t
1. tpidr;nrhy; Present (my;yJ am/is/are/v+s) Mf ,Ue;jhy; will/shall/can MFk;.
2. tpidr;nrhy; Past (ed-Nrh;e;J my;yJ was/were) Mf ,Ue;jhy; would/should/could MFk;.
3. Had + tpidr;nrhy; vd ,Ue;jhy; would have/could have/should have MFk;
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
1. If you waste water a) you would suffer b) you will suffer c) you would have suffered.
2. If I won lottery a) I would buy a BMW b) I will buy a BMW c) I would have bought a BMW car.
3. If I had come earlier a) I will catch the train b) I would catch train c) I would have caught the train.
Question No. 16 – Sentence Pattern (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;ij gphpj;J mjd; thf;fpa mikg;igf; fhz Ntz;Lk;.
Subject (S)
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; VNjDk; egh;> nghUs; my;yJ ,lk; njhlh;Gilajhf
$wg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mJNt me;j thf;fpaj;jpd; Subject MFk;.
Chennai is the hottest city.
The students are playing football now.
Verb (V)
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; cs;s egh;> nghUs; my;yJ ,lk; vd;d Ntiy / nray;
nra;jdh; vd;W nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mJNt me;j thf;fpaj;jpd; Verb MFk;.
Chennai is the hottest city.
The students are playing football now.
Object (O)
Direct Object(DO):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; Verb-I Nehf;fp ahiu? vij? vd;w Nfs;tp Nfl;lhy;
fpilf;Fk; tpilahFk;.
The students are playing football now.
Indirect Object:
nghJthf me, us, him, her, them Mfpa thh;j;ijfisj; jhq;fp tUk; thf;fpak;
ngUk;ghYk; Indirect Object MFk;.
My teacher gave me a pen.
His father gave him his school bag.
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpd; nghUis epiwT nra;a Subject kw;Wk; Verb-Ij; njhlh;e;J
tUk; thh;j;ijfNs Complement MFk;.
 nghJthf Teacher, Prime Minister Nghd;w gjtp kw;Wk; gzpfs; MFk;.
He is a teacher.
 Make, name, call, think, elect, choose, consider, approve Nghd;w Main Verb te;J
mjidj; njhlh;e;J tUk; thh;j;ijfs;.
We called him Hitler.
Adjunct (A)
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; Verb-I Nehf;fp vg;nghOJ? vq;F? vg;gb? Vd;? vt;tsT? vd;w
Nfs;tp Nfl;lhy; fpilf;Fk; tpilNa Adjunct MFk;.
The students are playing football now.
Question No. 17 – Question Tag (1 Mark):
vspjhd tHpKiwfs;:
 nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; Neh;kiwah(Positive)> vjph;kiwah(Negative) vd fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;.
 Neh;kiw vdpy; “Not” Nrh;f;f Ntz;Lk;> vjph;kiw vdpy; vJTk; Nrh;f;f Njitapy;iy.
 nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpYs;s tpidr;nrhy;iyf; (Verb) fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. {is}
 nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpYs;s ngah;r;nrhy;iyf; (Noun) fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. {he}
 “Let us” te;jhy; “Shall we?” vd;W vOj Ntz;Lk;.
 rarely, seldom, never Mfpa thh;j;ijfs; te;jhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; vjph;kiw Negative vd;W
fUj Ntz;Lk;.
 He is my friend – Positive Sentence
 Is + He (Not Nrh;f;f Ntz;Lk;)
 Is + Not He? = Isn’t he?
 He is not my friend – Negative Sentence
 Is + He (Not Nrh;f;f Njitapy;iy)
 Is + He? = Is he?
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No. 18 – Degrees of Comparison (1 Mark):
1. nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; No other / Very few vdj; njhlq;fpdhy; as….as / so….as vd tUk; Positive Degree-
I Njh;T nra;f.
2. thf;fpaj;jpy; than te;jhy; more… / …er vd tUk; Comparative Degree-I Njh;T nra;f.
3. thf;fpaj;jpy; the te;jhy; most… / …est vd tUk; Superlative Degree-I Njh;T nra;f.
4. thf;fpaj;jpy; ___f;Fg;gpd; Plural (s-y; KbAk; thh;j;ij) te;jhy; than many / most other my;yJ one of
the Njh;T nra;f.
1. No other girl in the class is _____ Kamala.
a) most clever as b) more cleverer as c) as clever as
2. Very few boys in the class are _____ Sathish.
a) more brilliant than b) most brilliant c) as brilliant as
3. Lotus is _____ than many other flowers.
a) more beautiful b) as beautiful as c) the most beautiful
4. Rose is one of the ____ flowers.
a) more fragrant b) most fragrant c) as fragrant as
5. The Earth is _____ the moon.
a) as big as b) bigger than c) the biggest
Question No. 19 – Correct meaning (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpw;F ,izahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thf;fpaj;ij nfhLf;fg;gl;l njhFg;gpypUe;J
vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F nghUj;jkhd rpy thh;j;ijfSk; mjd; mh;j;jq;fSk; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.
thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; thh;j;ij mh;j;jk;
Nobody ahUkpy;iy No one xUtUkpy;iy
Somebody rpyh; Someone ahNuh xUth;
Everybody midtUk; Everyone xt;nthUtUk;
Anybody ahuhtJ Anyone ahuhtJ
Never xUNghJk; ,y;iy Nowhere vq;NfAk; ,y;iy
None xd;Wk; ,y;iy Somewhere vq;NfahtJ
Ever vg;NghJk; Everywhere vy;yh ,lj;jpYk;
Always vg;NghJk; Anywhere vq;NfahtJ
Hardly mhpjhf Seldom mG+h;tkha;
Exercise: - Choose the sentence which correctly conveys the meaning of the sentence given below:
1. We shall remain ever grateful to you.
a) We shall never be grateful to you.
b) We shall always remain ungrateful to you.
c) We shall always be grateful to you.
2. Nobody can forget how India won her freedom.
a) Everyone cannot forget how India won her freedom.
b) Everyone can remember how India won her freedom.
c) Everyone cannot remember how India won her freedom.
Question No. 20 – Phrases (1 Mark):
Nfhbl;l ,lq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Phrase nfhz;L epug;g Ntz;Lk;. rpy Kf;fpakhd kw;Wk; mbf;fb
Nfl;ff;$ba Phrases kw;Wk; mjw;fhd mh;j;jq;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning
On account of
Inspite of
Due to Despite
In the event of On behalf of rhh;ghf
Owing to According to fUj;Jg;gb
By dint of Calls on nrd;W re;jpj;jy;
Because of By dint of Gydhf
Choose the correct phrase to complete sentence:
1. _____ the heavy rain, the match continued.
a) Inspite of b) In the event of c) because of
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
2. The flight was cancelled ____ the bad weather condition.
a) Fond of b) due to c) because of
3. _______ Shakespeare all the world is a stage.
a) Because of b) according to c) fond of
Question No. 21 – Correct Verb form (Gerund & Infinitive) (1 Mark):
nfhLf;fg;gl;l Nfs;tpf;F rhpahd tpidr;nrhy; tbtk; (Verb) vOj Ntz;Lk;.
 Present form verb-f;F Kd; ‘to’ tUtJ Infinitive MFk;. (v.fh- to buy, to get…etc).
 Present form verb cld; ‘ing’ Nrh;e;J tUtJ Gerund MFk;. (v.fh- buying, getting…etc)
vspa Kiw:
 Like, dislike, hates, enjoy, about, on, of, ed- Nrh;e;j Verb te;jhy; Gerund (ing Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;f.
 thf;fpaj;jpd; njhlf;fj;jpNyNa _______ te;jhYk;; Gerund (ing Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;ayhk;.
 Agreed, decided, too, let te;jhy; Infinitive (to Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;f.
 Let, make, see, hear, bid, feel, know, watch te;jhy; to NghlhkNyNa Infinitive–Mf vOjyhk;.
Exercise – Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:
1. _______ is a good exercise. a) to walk b) walking c) walk
2. He hates _____ chocolates a) eat b) to eat c) eating
3. He agreed _____ me a computer. a) buying b) to buy c) buy
4. Let us ___ to the movie. a) to go b) go c) going
Question No. 22 – Prepositional Phrase (1 Mark):
Prepositional Phrase vd;gJ nrhw;nwhlh; tbt Kd;dpilr;nrhy;. mJ nrhw;nwhlh; tbtk; nfhz;lJ. ,q;F
nghUj;jkhd Prepositional Phrase nfhz;L epug;g Ntz;Lk;. ,f;Nfs;tpiag; nghUj;jtiu Gj;jfj;jpy; 56-k;
gf;fj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; Nfs;tpfs; kw;Wk; Ke;ija tpdhj;jhs;fspy; Nfl;fg;gl;litfis nra;J
ghh;j;jhNy NghJkhdJ.
Exercise – Choose the correct phrase:
1. They won the match ______ well. a)through playing b) by playing c) on playing
2. She is fond _____ TV. a) for watching b) on watching c) of watching
3. Fools are susceptible ____ a) to flattery b) on flattery c) of flattery
4. He secured the first place ____ hard. a) on working b) of working c) by working
5. Keats is keen ____ poems. a) to writing b) for writing c) on writing
Question No. 23 – Articles (1 Mark):
Articles vd;gjw;F Rl;Lr;nrhw;fs; vd;W nghUs;. ,J ,U tifg;gLk;. 1) Fwpg;G Rl;Lr;nrhy; (Definite
Article – a,an) 2) nghJ Rl;Lr;nrhy; (Indefinite Article – the).
vspa Kiw:
 Dash-f;F gpwF vowel (a,e,I,o,u) sound te;jhy; an-Ij; Njh;T nra;f.
 Dash-f;F gpwF Consonant sound (nka; xyp) te;jhy; a-Ij; Njh;T nra;f.
 Dash-f;F gpwF superlative (est) te;jhy; the-itj; Njh;T nra;f.
 Dash-f;F gpwF plural (s) te;jhy; the-itj; Njh;T nra;f.
 rpwg;ghdtw;iwf; Fwpg;gpl the-itj; Njh;T nra;ayhk;.
a – xU
an – Xh;
the – me;j
An – Exception A – Exception
an hour ago an hour a university a one rupee coin
an honest man an MLA a European a one way
Exercise – Choose the appropriate article:
1. This is ____ book that I wanted to read. a) a b) an c) the
2. She gave me __ one rupee coin. a) a b) an c) the
3. ___ Bible is a holy book. a) a b) an c) the
4. The sun rises in ___ east. a) a b) an c) the
5. She is drinking ___ cup of milk. a) a b) an c) the
Question No. 24 – Preposition (1 Mark):
Preposition vd;gJ xU thh;j;ij. mJ xU thf;fpaj;jpy; xU ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;F (Noun) Kd;Ngh my;yJ
xU gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;F (Pronoun) Kd;Ngh mike;J me;j ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;Fk;> gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;Fk;>
mt;thf;fpaj;jpd; vOtha;f;Fk; (Subject) ,ilNa cs;s njhlh;igf; Fwpf;Fk;.
Word Meaning Sentence
Along (topNa) efh;itf; Fwpf;fpwJ. They move along the highway
At (,y;) Neuk;> ,lk;> efuj;ij Fwpf;fpwJ. Meet me at 10 a.m.
About (gw;wp) xU nghUs;> egiuf; Fwpf;fpwJ. He speaks about Raju.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Above (NkNy) cauj;ijf; Fwpg;gJ. God is above to all.
After (gpwF) Neuk; kw;Wk; egiuf; Fwpg;gJ. We went after him.
Before (Kd;) xd;wpd; Kd;Gwk; ,Ug;gijf; Fwpg;gJ There is a tree before our school.
Beside (mUfpy;) mUfhikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ Raju stands beside Ram
Beyond (mg;ghy;) rpwpJ Jhuk; gw;wp Fwpg;gJ The house is beyond the bridge
By (My;) nraiyr; nra;gth; & Njhuhakhd Neuk; The painting was drawn by Ravi
For (f;fhf) fhyfl;lk;> Nehf;fk;> cjtpiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ This book is for my friend
From (,Ue;J) fpsk;Gk; ,lj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ. I am from Madurai
In (cs;Ns) tUlk; kw;Wk; nghpa ,lj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ His office is in Chennai
Into (cs;) xU nghUs; & ,lj;jpd; cl;gug;G He fell into the river
Near (mUfpy;) mUfhikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ There is a tree near the school
Of (cila) clikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ He is the son of Prem
On (NkNy) Nkw;gug;G> ehs;> Njjpiaf; Fwpg;gpLfpwJ I was born on June 7, 2000.
Since (ypUe;J) nray; njhlf;fj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ I have been waiting since 10 a.m
To (f;F) NrUkplj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ The bus goes to Chennai
Example – Choose the appropriate Preposition:
1. The cat is ___ the wall. a) by b) on c) of
2. He is ___ home. a)in b) off c) at
3. The students are going __ School. a) for b) at c) to
4. There is a park ___ the house. a) near b) in c) up
5. They are talking ___ you. a) on b) about c) since
Part – II – Transformations – 10 Marks
Question No. 25 – Form a Single Sentence (2 Marks):
nfhLf;f;g;gl;l ,uz;L thf;fpaq;fis ,izj;J xNu thf;fpakhf vOj Ntz;Lk;. thf;fpaq;fSf;F
,ilNa and, but, so vOjp ,izg;gJ vspa KiwahFk;.
And - kw;Wk; But - Mdhy; So – mjdhy;
Exercise – From the context of the two sentences given below form a single sentence:
1. The boy is very short. He cannot climb the tree.
Ans : The boy is very short, so he cannot climb the tree.
2. Sathish heard about his victory. Sathish was overjoyed.
Ans : Sathish heard about his victory, so he was overjoyed.
Question No. 26 – Active & Passive Voice (2 Marks):
Active voice – nra;tpid (mtd; ,jidr; nra;jhd;)
Passive voice – nra;ag;ghl;L tpid (,J mtdhy; nra;ag;gl;lJ)
Active Voice to Passive Voice:
Passive voice to Active voice:
1. filrpapy; cs;sij (Subject) Kjypy; vOJ.
2. Is, am, are, was, were, been, being Nghd;w be verb–I ePf;F
3. Be form verb–d; tense-f;F jFe;jhw;Nghy; main verb-I khw;W.
4. ‘By’ vd;w vOj;ij ePf;fTk;.
5. Kjypy; ,Ue;jij (Object) filrpapy; vOJ.
Subject Verb Object
Object Verb Subject
Ravi Plays Football
Football is played by Ravi
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Active and Passive in various tenses:
Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple present Ravi eats a mango A mango is eaten by Ravi
Simple past Ravi played cricket Cricket was played by Ravi
Simple future Ram will drink coffee Coffee will be drunk by Ram
Present continuous Ravi is eating a mango A mango is being eaten by Ravi
Past continuous Ravi was playing cricket Cricket was being played by Ravi
Future continuous Ram will be drinking coffee No Passive
Present perfect Ravi has eaten a mango A mango has been eaten by Ravi
Past perfect Ravi had played cricket Cricket had been played by Ravi
Future perfect Ravi will have played cricket Cricket will have been played by Ravi
Open the door Let the door be opened
Don’t open the door Let the door not be opened
Do this at once Let this be done at once
Don’t do this Let not this be done
Fwpg;G : thf;fpak; verb-y; njhlq;fpdhy; Let vdj; njhlq;fTk;. Don’t vdj;
njhlq;fpdhy; Let not vdj; njhlq;F.
Question No. 27 – Direct & Indirect speech (2 Marks):
Direct speech – xUth; $Wtij mth; nrhy;YtJ NghyNt jpUg;gpr; nrhy;tJ MFk;. (Neh;f;$w;W)
Indirect speech – kw;wth; $wpaij khw;wp ehk; $WtJ Nghy; $WtJ MFk;. (mah;f;$w;W)
Direct to Indirect – tpjpKiwfs;:
Parts of Direct & Indirect Speeches:
Reporting Speech Reported Speech
Raja said to Kannan “I am talking with her now”
Speaker Listener Pronoun Pronoun
Reporting verb Reported verb Time
Raja told Kannan that he was talking with her then.
Tense change
Present form Past form
Am,is,are Was, were
Have, has Had
Past form Had + past participle form
Will, shall, can, may, must Would, should, could, might, had to
Step I:
1. “…” Nkw;Nfhs;Fwpia ePf;fTk;.
2. Reported verb-I thf;fpaj;jpw;F Vw;whh; Nghy; khw;wTk;.
3. thf;fpaj;jpw;F Vw;whh; Nghy Conjuction – I Nrh;f;fTk;.
4. Reported speech – y; cs;s Pronoun – I khw;wTk;.
5. Reported speech – y; cs;s Tense – I khw;wTk;.
6. Interrogative & Exclamatory sentence – fspy; kl;Lk; Reported speech – y; conjuction – f;F gpwF
Kjypy; Subjectk; gpwF Aux verb-k; mikAkhW thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;.
7. Time & Place adverbials-I khw;wTk;.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Time & Place adverbials Change
This (,J) That (mJ)
These (,itfs;) Those (mitfs;)
Here (,q;F) There (mq;F)
Thus (,g;gbahf) So (mg;gbahf)
Now (,g;NghJ) Then (mg;NghJ)
Ago (Kd;dhy;) Before (Kd;djhf)
Today (,d;W) That day (md;W)
Tonight (,d;wpuT) That night (md;wpuT)
Yesterday (New;W) The last day (Ke;ija ehs;)
Last week (nrd;w thuk;) The previous week (Ke;ija thuk;)
Last month (nrd;w khjk;) The previous month (Ke;ija khjk;)
Last year (nrd;w Mz;L) The previous year (Ke;ija Mz;L)
Tomorrow (ehis) The next day (mLj;j ehs;)
Next week (tUk; thuk;) The week after (mjw;F mLj;j thuk;)
Next month (tUk; khjk;) The month after (mjw;F mLj;j khjk;)
Next year (tUk; Mz;;L) The year after (mjw;F mLj;j Mz;L)
Indirect to Direct – tpjpKiwfs;:
Question No. 28 – If clause (2 Marks):
No Types Condition Result
Type 1 Probable / Possible Conditions
(eilngwf;$ba nray;fs;)
If + Verb (Present Form)
(am/is/are/verb+s, es, ies)
Will, won’t, shall, shan’t,
can, can’t, may.
Type 2 Improbable/Imaginary Conditions
(fw;gidahd nray;)
If + Verb (Past form)
(were/verb+d,ed,ied,id/verb’s Past form)
Type 3 Unfulfilled Conditions
(epiwNtwhj nray;fs;)
If + Verb (Past Perfect Forms)
(had+ Verb’s past participle form)
Would have, wouldn’t
have, could have, couldn’t
1. tpidr;nrhy; Present (my;yJ am/is/are/v+s) Mf ,Ue;jhy; will/shall/can MFk;.
2. tpidr;nrhy; Past (ed-Nrh;e;J my;yJ was/were) Mf ,Ue;jhy; would/should/could MFk;.
3. Had + tpidr;nrhy; vd ,Ue;jhy; would have/could have/should have MFk;
vspa Kiw:
 nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpd; Kd; If Nrh;f;fTk;.
 ,U thf;fpaq;fSf;F ,ilNaAs;s Gs;spia vLj;J tpl;L xd;W Nrh;j;J vOjTk;.
 ,U thf;fpaq;fspYk; xNu ngah; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUg;gpd; ,uz;lhtJ thf;fpaj;ij Nrh;j;J vOJk;
NghJ ngah; vOjhky; mjd; gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;iy (Pronoun – he,she,it) vOjTk;.
1. Sita studies well. Sita passes the exam.
Ans : If Sita studies well she passes the exam.
Step I:
1. Told, asked, exclaimed, ordered, requested… f;F gjpyhf said to (if listener) / said NghlTk;.
2. ,ilr;nrhy;iy (that, if/whether, to) ePf;fTk;.
3. Conjuction – I vLj;j ,lj;jpy; “…” Nkw;Nfhs;Fwp NghlTk;.
4. Reported speech – y; cs;s Pronoun – I khw;wTk;.
5. Reported speech – y; cs;s Tense – I khw;wTk;.
6. Interrogative Sentence-y; Reported speech – y; Kjypy; Aux verb-k; gpwF Subject-k; mikAkhW
thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;.
7. Exclamatory sentence–y; Reported speech–y; Kjypy; Complement-k; gpwF Subject-k; gpwF Verb-
k; mikAkhW thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;.
8. Time & Place adverbials-I khw;wTk;.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Question No. 29 – Degrees of Comparison (2 Marks):
Ie;J thf;fpaq;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mtw;wpy; Ie;J tif egh;fs; my;yJ nghUl;fspd; tpguq;fs;
nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mjid gad;gLj;jpf; nfhz;L VNjDk; xU Degree-If; nfhz;l thf;fpak; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
vspa Kiw:
1. nfhLf;fg;gl;l Ie;J thf;fpaq;fspy; cs;s Adjective kw;Wk; ahiu (m) vijg; gw;wp mjpfkhff;
nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ vd;gij fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;.
2. mtw;wpy; mjpfkhf nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;ij kl;Lk; vLj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
3. mjpy; cs;s Adjective cld; Superlative Degree (est) (m) Comparative Degree (er) -I Nrh;j;J vOjpdhy;
4. taijf; Fwpf;f old vd;w adjective te;jhy; comparative-y; elder, superlative-y; eldest vd vOjTk;.
1. Deepa is 5.2 feet tall. {deepa – girl} + {Adjective – tall + est = tallest}
Ans : Deepa is the tallest girl.
2. Ravi is 18 years old. {ravi – boy} + {adjective – old + est = eldest}
Ans : Ravi is the eldest boy.
Part – III – Punctuation (5 Marks)
Question No. 30 – Punctuation (5 Marks):
nghpa vOj;J(A)> Kw;Wg;Gs;sp(.)> Mr;rhpaf;Fwp(!)> Nfs;tpf;Fwp(?) Mfpatw;iw nfhLf;fg;gl;l
thf;fpaj;jpy; Njitahd ,lq;fspy; ,LtNj ,g;gapw;rpahFk;. vspjhf 5 kjpg;ngz;fis ,f;Nfs;tpapd; %yk;
ngwyhk; vd;gjhy; Gj;jfj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaq;fis nra;J ghh;j;Jf; nfhs;tJ KO kjpg;ngz;fs;
fpilf;f toptFf;Fk;.
vspa Kiw:
1. Kjy; vOj;ij nghpa vOj;jhf;F. kw;Wk; ngah;fs; te;jhy; nghpa vOj;jhf;F.
2. thf;fpaj;jpy; i jdpahf te;jhy; nghpa vOj;jhf;F.
3. Neh;f;$w;W thf;fpak; (Direct speech) te;jhy; fPo;f;fz;lthW mikf;f Ntz;Lk;.
He said, “….” Ravi asked, “….”
He said to me, “….” Ravi asked to him, “…”.
Neh;f;$w;W thf;fpaj;jpy; to tutpy;iynad;why; NkNy Kjy; thpapy; cs;sthWk;> to te;jhy;
,uz;lhtJ thpapy; cs;sthWk; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
4. czh;r;rpfisj; njhptpf;Fk; thf;fpaq;fs;> thh;j;ijfs; te;jhy; mjd; ,Wjpapy; tpag;Gf;Fwp (!)
,lTk;. (Oh! Ah! Hurrah! Alas!)
5. Nfs;tp thf;fpaq;fs; te;jhy; mjd; ,Wjpapy; Nfs;tpf;Fwp (?) NghlTk;.
6. thf;fpaj;jpd; filrpapy; Kw;Wg;Gs;sp ,lTk;.
1. mother said to her son dont play with fire
Ans : Mother said to her son, “don’t play with fire.”
2. gee what happened to you
Ans : “Gee! What happened to you?”
Section – III - Prose (15 Marks)
,g;gFjpapy; 2 gphpTfs; cs;sd.
1) ghlg;gFjp tpdhf;fs; (10 kjpg;ngz;fs; - 5 Nfs;tpfs;) Prose – 2 Marks
2) ghlg;gFjp gj;jp tpdhf;fs; (5 kjpg;ngz;fs; - 1 Nfs;tp) Paragraph – 2 Marks
Question No. 31-37 (5 Questions – 10 Marks)
Lesson – 1:
1. What was Hughie’s financial status?
Hughie’s financial status was poor. Because he had no job.
2. What was the condition laid down by the colonel to allow Hughie’s engagement to Laura?
The condition laid down by the colonel was Hughie should get 10,000 pounds.
3. What made the old man look like a typical beggar?
His wrinkled face, sad expression, battered hat and boots made the old man look a typical beggar.
4. How many shillings make a pound?
Twenty shillings make a pound.
5. What was the beggar’s true identity?
The beggar was the richest man in Europe. He was Baron Hausberg.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Lesson – 2:
1. What was the author’s choice of career?
Music was the author’s choice of career.
2. Do you think music is different from entertainment?
Yes, I think music is different from entertainment.
3. How is music different from astronomy?
Astronomy deals with external objects but Music deals with internal objects.
4. What is the significance of art?
Art is an essential part of life. Art is a part survival, soul and human spirit.
5. What artistes can do to save the planet?
Artistes can bring wellness to this planet. They provide peace and equality.
Lesson – 3:
1. Which period of life does Gokhale consider a very happy one?
Gokhale considers students’ life a very happy one.
2. What requires whole hearted devotion?
Acquiring knowledge and character requires whole hearted devotion.
3. What is our primary duty towards yourself?
Acquiring knowledge is our primary duty towards yourself.
4. What is the twofold duty to be acquired while you are a student?
Acquiring knowledge and character is the twofold duty to be acquired by the students.
5. What are the two valuable qualities to be acquired by the students?
Obedience to parents and respect for teachers are the two valuable qualities by the students.
Lesson – 4:
1. Why should Chaya hurry?
Chaya should hurry to fetch water.
2. What is metropolis?
Metropolis is a large and capital city.
3. Why hasn’t Chaya drunk any tea as yet?
Chaya hasn’t drunk any tea as she went in search of water.
4. What can lead the world to violence?
Water scarcity will lead the world to violence.
5. What was their first meal of the day?
Bread and Lentil stew was their first meal of the day.
Lesson – 5:
1. Why is the world of domestic workers invisible?
The domestic workers are denied their rights. So they are invisible.
2. How can Maharatra Bill help the workers?
The Maharastra Bill recognizes the rights of the workers. Thus it helps them.
3. Which are the states in India that have shown concern for the domestic workers?
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, Rajasthan and Mahastra are the states in India
that have shown concern for the domestic workers.
4. Do the labour laws include all age groups of workers?
No, the labour laws do not include all age groups of workers.
5. What are the cause for the increase in domestic workers?
Changes in Economy and policies are the causes for the increase in domestic workers.
Lesson – 6:
1. What do birds do every year during early autumn and early winter?
Birds migrate every year during autumn and early winter.
2. What could be the meaning of the phrase “carrying winter on their back”?
The phrase “carrying winter on their back” means the arrival of winter.
3. Who are the brave little voyagers?
Birds are the brave little voyagers.
4. How far away are the Himalayas from the Nilgris?
The Himalayas are 2400 km from the Nilgris.
5. Which is the smallest of all birds?
The willow warbler is the smallest of all birds.
6. Identify the reasons why birds migrate?
In winter, birds migrate to escape cold and get food, in summer to escape heat and get nestling sites.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Lesson – 7:
1. How old is Brihadeeswarar Temple? Who built it?
The Brihadeeswarar Temple is 1000 years old. King Raja Raja Chola built it.
2. List out the specialities of Tanjore.
a. Tanjore was the capital of the Chola Kings.
b. It is the granary of Tamilnadu.
c. It is the home of Carnatic music, dance and handicrafts.
3. Who built the palace? By who was it renovated?
The Nayaks built the palace. It was renovated by the Marathas.
4. What is the specialty of Vimanam?
The Vimanam is built with stones and without mortar. The topmost stone weighs 80 tons.
5. What were the Pallava and the Chola eras famous for?
The Pallava and the Chola eras famous for their craftsmanship.
6. What did the author see at the Royal Museum?
At the Royal Museum, the author saw drums, urns, perfume bottles, wooden boxes and manuscripts.
7. What were the contributions of the Cholas towards art and culture?
The Big Brihadeeswarar temple and fortress were the contributions of Cholas towards art and culture.
Question No. 38 – Paragraph (5 Marks):
5 Mark Questions – Paragraph
Paragraph -Ig; nghWj;jtiu Kjy; %d;W ghlq;fspd; gj;jpapid (Paragraph) njspthf gbj;Jf;
nfhs;tJ rpwe;jJ. jdpj;jdpg; ghapd;lhf nfhLf;fg;gl;ljd; Nehf;fk; ePq;fs; vspjhd Kiwapy; kdg;ghlk;
nra;J nfhs;syhk; vd;gjw;fhfNt. Njh;Tfspy; vOJk; NghJ jdpj;jdpahf cs;s ghapz;Lfis nkhj;jkhf
Nrh;j;J xU gj;jp (Paragraph) msTf;F vOj Ntz;Lk;. jdpj;jdpg; ghapz;Lfshf vOj Ntz;lhk;.
1. The Model Millionaire – Paragraph:
 Hughie has no job or money.
 He wanted to marry Laura.
 Her father demanded Hughie 10 thousand pounds.
 One day he saw a beggar model.
 He took pity on him and gave him a sovereign.
 But the beggar was a millionaire in Europe.
 He gave Hughie ten thousand pounds as reward.
2. Music – The Hope Raiser – Paragraph:
 Art is an essential part of life.
 It gives meaning to our life.
 Messiaen wrote a music composition in jail.
 Terrorists destroyed twin towers of America.
 Nearly 3000 people died on September 11, 2001.
 In the same evening, the Americans sang “We shall overcome” and “America the Beautiful”.
 Recovery was done by music.
 Thus the art is a part of the human spirit.
3. A Golden Path – Paragraph:
 Success depends upon character.
 A student should get knowledge and character.
 Character gives us energy.
 It should also raise the life of people around us.
 Students should obey their parents, respect their teachers and help the needy.
 Duties of students are
 Duty to himself
 Duty to fellow-students
 Duty to parents and teachers
 Duty to Government
 Duty to world.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
Section – IV – Poetry (20 Marks)
,g;gFjpapy; 4 gphpTfs; cs;sd.
1) kdg;ghlg; gFjp (Quote from memory – 5 lines)
2) ghly; thpfspypUe;J tpdhf;fs; (Poem Comprehension – 5)
3) ghly; eak; fhZjy; (Appreciation Questions – 5)
4) ghly; - gj;jp tpdh (Poem Paragraph – 1)
Question no. 39 - Quote from Memory (5 Marks)
kdg;ghlg;gFjpapy; ,uz;L ghly;fspy; ,Ue;J Nfl;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ie;J thpfs; vOj Ntz;Lk;.
Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s ehd;F kdg;ghlg; ghly;fisg; gbj;J kdg;ghlk; nra;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master;
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster;
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can force your heart, and nerve, and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone;
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the will which says to them “Hold on”.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it,
And, what is more, you’ll be a man, my son.
- Rudyard Kipling
Going for Water
We ran as if to meet the moon
That slowly dawned behind the trees,
The barren boughs without the leaves,
Without the birds, without the breeze.
But once within the wood, we paused
Like gnomes that hid us from the moon,
Ready to run to hiding new
With laughter when she found us soon.
Each laid on the other a staying hand
To listen ere we dared to look,
And in the hush we joined to make
We heard, we knew we heard the brook.
- Robert Frost
The Migrant Bird
The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin
I care not where the skies begin;
I spread my wings through all the din;
Through fears and fright I fly my flight.
No walls for me, no vigil gates,
No flags, no machine guns that blast
Citizens of those border states-
Brothers of her brother’s sons.
No maps, no boundaries to block
My sojourn into unknown lands,
I spawn and splash in distant spills,
I breed my brood where’r I will.
I won’t look down. No I will not.
With speed of wings I hasten past
And close my eyes against the sun
To dream my dreams and make them last.
- Famida Y.Basheer
The Cry of the Children
“For oh,” say the children, “We are weary,
And we cannot run or leap.
If we cared for any meadows, it were merely
To drop down in them and sleep.
Our knees tremble sorely in the stooping---
We fall upon our faces, trying to go;
And, underneath our heavy eyelids drooping,
The reddest flower would look as pale as snow.
For, all day, we drag our burden tiring,
Through the coal-dark, underground---
Or, all day, we drive the wheels of iron
In the factories, round and round
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Question no. 40-43 - Poem Comprehension (5 Marks)
Gj;jfj;;jpy; cs;s midj;J ghly;fspypUe;Jk; Nfs;tpfs; Nfl;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. vdNt ghliy ed;whf
gbj;J itj;Jf; nfhs;tJ ey;yJ. ghliy gbf;Fk; NghJ mjpy; cs;stw;iw njspthf gbj;J itj;Jf;
nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
Beautiful Inside:
1) How does a geode look on the outside?
It looks dull and unattractive on the outside.
1) Can we judge a person by his appearance?
No, we cannot judge a person by his appearance.
2) What is a Geode?
Geode is a spherical rock.
1) Who is the child mentioned in this poet?
The poet himself.
2) What does the word ‘vista’ mean?
‘Vista’ means a beautiful view.
3) Where is the child sitting?
The child is sitting under the piano.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
1) Who are the two impostors?
Success and Failure are the two impostors.
2) How should we treat triumph and disaster?
We should treat just the same.
3) What does the poet mean unforgiving minute?
Time once spent cannot be recovered.
4) What is meant by ‘impostors’?
A person who pretends to cheat others.
Going for Water:
1) Why had the speakers to go to the brook?
To fetch water.
2) Why is the river referred to as silver blade?
It looks like silver in the moonlight.
3) Whom does ‘we’ refer to?
The children.
4) Why were the boughs barren?
Because of the autumn season.
The Cry of the Children:
1) What do the children do all the day?
The children work in the factory.
2) Who does ‘we’ refer to?
We refer to the child labourers.
3) Why do they care for meadows?
Because of tiredness.
4) Where are they working?
They are working in the factories.
5) What is their prayer?
To stop the wheels at least for a day.
Migrant Bird:
1) Who is the speaker in this poem?
The Migrant Bird is the speaker in the poem.
2) What are the boundaries referred to by the poet?
The boundaries of the divided nations.
3) What is mean by the globe and kin?
The Earth and the relatives.
4) What does ‘sojourn’ mean?
It means camp, a stay for a short time.
5) What is meant by “distant spills”?
Water bodies in the distant lands.
1) What do the words ‘throb’ and ‘rhythm’ refer to?
The sharp detached sounds produced by the Shilpi.
2) Why are the tools laid aside?
The work of the day was over. So the tools are laid aside.
3) Why are the eyes bloodshot?
Hardwork of the sculptor makes his eyes very red.
4) What is meant by ‘throb’?
It means to beat or sound with a strong, regular rhythm.
5) What is cacophony?
Cacophony is an irregular, unpleasant
6) Whose eyes are bleary?
The Shilpi’s eyes are bleary.
7) What is a virgin rock?
Virgin rock is the raw stone.
Question no. 44-48 - Appreciation Questions (5 Marks)
Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s ghly; thpfspy; cs;s ,yf;fpa eaq;fis mwpe;J vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,yf;fpa
eaq;fshd Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Onomatopoeic words, Alliteration Nghd;witfisg; Ghpe;J nfhs;s
Ntz;Lk;. mjw;fhd tpsf;fq;fs; kw;Wk; mit fz;lwpAk; Kiw fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.
Some Important Poetic Devices
Simile vd;gJ ,uz;L khWgl;l nghUl;fis Neubahf xg;gpLtJ. ,jpy; xg;gplg; gad;gLk;
thh;j;ijfs; ‘like’ kw;Wk; ‘as’ MFk;. Nghd;w (like) vd;w thh;j;ijAld; xg;gplg;gl;bUf;Fk;.
Ex: 1) The reddest flower would look as pale as snow.
2) I weep like a child for the past.
Metaphor vd;gJ ,uz;L khWgl;l nghUl;fis kiwKfkhf xg;gpLtJ. Mdhy; mit ,uz;bw;Fk;
,ilNa VNjDk; xU xw;Wik ,Uf;Fk;. Nghd;w (like) vd;w thh;j;ij ,y;yhkNy xg;gplg;gl;bUf;Fk;.
Ex: 1) She is coal dark
Personification vd;gJ kdpjg; gz;Gfis capuw;w nghUl;fs; kPJ Vw;wpr; nrhy;tJ MFk;.
Ex: 1) Where an aching generosity? (mq;Fs;s me;j Vq;Fk; jhuhs cs;sk;)
2) With laughter when she found us soon. (mts; vq;fisf; fz;Lgpbj;jNghJ cuf;fr; rphpj;Njhk;.)
4.Onomatopoeic Words:
Onomatopoeic word vd;gJ nghUl;fs; vOg;Gk; rj;jj;NjhL njhlh;Gila xypfs; MFk;.
Ex: 1) A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings
2) I spawn and splash
Alliteration vd;gJ nka;nahypapy; njhlq;Ffpd;w thh;j;ijfs; xNu thpapy; tUtJ MFk;.
Ex: 1) Yet, when a crack causes
2) Close scrutiny, then sharp critical glare.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
6.Rhyming Words:
Rhyming words vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ghly; thpfis cw;WNehf;fp mjd; thpapy; cs;s filrp
thh;j;ijfs; kw;Wk; mt;thh;j;ijfspd; xNu khjphpahd cr;rhpg;G Mfpatw;iwf; nfhz;L fz;Lgpbj;J vOj
Ex: Appearances can be deceptive,
And to the superficial gaze
The outside looks dull and grey
Plain looking in many ways.
7.Rhyme Scheme:
Rhyme scheme vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ghlypd; xt;nthU thpapYk; ,Wjpahf tUk; thh;j;ijfSs;
xNu xypapy; xypf;Fk; thh;j;ijfisf; fz;lwpe;J me;j thh;j;ijfSf;F fPo;f;fhZk; tifapy; vLj;J vOj
Ex: Yes, a warm, glowing inner beauty a
Will emerge before your eyes b
A newly discovered Treasure c
For you to cherish, and to prize. b
Poetic Devices in the Poems
1.Beautiful Inside:
1) May seem plain as plain can be? Simile
2) Where an aching generosity? Personification
3) What gems would we see? Metaphor
4) A newly discovered Treasure. Metaphor
5) Yet, when a crack causes Alliteration
6) Water to seep slowly through Alliteration
7) Piles of purple crystals Alliteration
1) A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings Onomatopoeic word
2) And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano Onomatopoeic word
3) So now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamour Onomatopoeic word
4) Down in the flood of remembrance Metaphor
5) I weep like a child for the past Simile
6) And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide Personification
3. Manliness:
1) If you can dream and not make dreams your master
2) If you can meet with triumph and disaster: Personification
3) And treat those two impostors just the same:
4. Going for water:
1) Like gnomes that hid us from the moon Simile
2) With laughter when she found us soon Personification
3) Like pearls, and now a silver blade Simile
5. The cry of the Children:
1) The reddest flower would look as pale as snow Simile
2) Through the coal dark, underground Metaphor
3) ‘O ye wheels’ ‘Stop! Be silent for to-day!’ Anaphora (Personification)
6. Migrant Bird:
1) The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin Personification
2) I spawn and splash Alliteration
7. Shilpi:
1) Harmonic cacophony to oblivious ears Oxymoron
2) Virgin rock takes form Personification
Question no. 49 – Poem Paragraph (5 Marks)
Poem Paragraph -Ig; nghWj;jtiu Kjy; %d;W ghly;fspd; gj;jpapid (Paragraph) njspthf gbj;Jf;
nfhs;tJ rpwe;jJ. jdpj;jdpg; ghapd;lhf nfhLf;fg;gl;ljd; Nehf;fk; ePq;fs; vspjhd Kiwapy; kdg;ghlk;
nra;J nfhs;syhk; vd;gjw;fhfNt.
 Njh;Tfspy; vOJk; NghJ jdpj;jdpahf cs;s ghapz;Lfis nkhj;jkhf Nrh;j;J
xU gj;jp (Paragraph) msTf;F vOj Ntz;Lk;.
 jdpj;jdpg; ghapz;Lfshf vOj Ntz;lhk;.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
1. Beautiful Inside – Paragraph:
 The inner beauty is important.
 We can’t judge a person by his appearance.
 We find beautiful crystals in an ugly Geode.
 Like that, we find noble virtues in a simple man.
 Thus virtues reveal valuable inner beauty.
2. Piano – Paragraph:
 The poet hears a woman’s song.
 It reminds him if his mother’s song.
 As a child he was sitting under the piano.
 He heard the boom of strings.
 In Sunday evenings, he and his mother sang hymns.
 He remembered his joyful childhood days.
 He weeps for the past.
3. Manliness – Paragraph:
 The poet speaks about the qualities of manliness.
 Action is more important than dreams.
 Success and defeat are the two impostors.
 We should learn good lessons from that.
 We should not give up.
 Then only the world is ours.
Question no. 50 – Comprehension (5 Marks)
nfhLf;fg;gl;l gj;jpapypUe;J Ie;J tpdhf;fs; Nfl;fg;gLk;. tpdhtpidAk; nfhLf;fg;gl;l gj;jpapidAk;
ed;whf gbj;Jg; ghh;j;J Ghpe;J nfhz;L xg;gPL nra;J ghh;j;J nfhz;L tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. vspjhf gj;J
kjpg;ngz;fis vLf;ff; $ba gFjp vd;gjhy; ,g;gFjpf;F rw;W mjpf ftdk; nrYj;jpdhNy NghJk;.
Exercise – 1
Discipline is the most essential virtue you should acquire when you are young. It is a complex quality. It shapes
your mind to religious, social and economic patterns when you grow up to be an active citizen. At a young age, we do not
realize the value of discipline, as children, we merely long for unlimited freedom, without understanding the meaning
of discipline. An athlete disciplines himself and keeps himself fit. He refrains from smoking, observes good food habits
and keeps good health. Discipline increases the human energy and implies control, resistance and adjustment. Our
energy is saved and made vital for a good output.
a) The word ‘essential’ means:
(a) Necessary (b) important (c) compulsory
b) How does discipline aid a citizen?
c) Why don’t children want discipline?
d) Mention some ways in which an athlete maintains discipline.
e) How is discipline beneficial to human beings?
Question no. 51 – Spot the Errors (5 Marks)
,f;Nfs;tpapy; Ie;J thf;fpaq;fs; jtwhf nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ie;J thf;fpaq;fspy; cs;s jtWfis
ePf;fp vOj Ntz;Lk;. vspjhf kdg;ghlk; nra;J nfhs;Sk; tifapy; ,J te;jhy; ,ij jpUj;jp vOJ vd
Kiwfs; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. mij Kaw;rp nra;J kdg;ghlk; nra;jhy; KO kjpg;ngz; ngw;W tplyhk;.
1. …est-y; KbAk; adjective thh;j;ijfSf;F Kd;dhy; the Nrh;j;J vOjNtz;Lk;.
2. Is te;jhy; are vdTk; are te;jhy; is vdTk; khw;Wf.
3. was te;jhy; were vdTk; were te;jhy; was vdTk; khw;Wf.
4. a te;jhy; an vdTk; an te;jhy; a vdTk; khw;Wf.
5. verb, noun – sy; Kbe;jpUe;jhy; mij ePf;Ff. s ,y;iynad;why; Nrh;j;J vOj Ntz;Lk;.
6. ‘than’ te;jhy; mij vLj;J tpl;L to NghlTk;.
7. one of the my;yJ one of these my;yJ each of the te;jhy; mjw;F gpd;dhy; cs;s thh;j;ijAld; s Nrh;j;J
plural-Mf vOj Ntz;Lk;.
8. ‘one of the’ my;yJ one of these my;yJ each of the te;J mjw;Fg; gpd;dhy; cs;s thh;j;ijAld; s
Nrh;e;J te;J mjw;Fg; gpwF are te;jhy; is vdTk;> were te;jhy; was vdTk; khw;wp vOj Ntz;Lk;.
9. has te;jhy; have vd khw;wp vOj Ntz;Lk;.
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309.
An university student has been injured in the accident.
A university student has been injured in the accident.
We met an European yesterday.
We met a European yesterday.
Mala is a M.A. in English
Mala is an M.A. in English
Chennai is one of the hottest city in Tamil Nadu.
Chennai is one of the hottest cities in Tamil Nadu.
I am absent yesterday.
I was absent yesterday.
I have two sister-in-laws.
I have two sisters-in-law.
Ramesh went to abroad.
Ramesh went abroad.
An Europeon stands before us.
A Europeon stands before us.
She is sleeping for five hours.
She has been sleeping for five hours.
He joined an European University.
He joined a European University.
Everyone appreciates a honest man.
Everyone appreciates an honest man.
I prefer coffee than tea.
I prefer coffee to tea.
The police has made several arrests.
The police have made several arrests.
One of the boy is tall.
One of the boys is tall.
Renu prefers coffee than tea.
Renu prefers coffee to tea.
He is tallest in the village.
He is the tallest in the village.
Question no. 52 – Picture Comprehension (5 Marks)
,f;Nfs;tpapy; VjhtJ xU glk; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mg;glj;jpypUe;J Ie;J Nfs;tpfs; Nfl;fg;gLk;.
mf;Nfs;tpfisg; Ghpe;J nfhz;L mit midj;jpw;Fk; rhpahf gjpyspj;jhy; KOjhf Ie;J kjpg;ngz;fisg;
ngw;W tplyhk;. KO kjpg;ngz;izg; ngw Ntz;Lkhdhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l glj;ij ed;whfg; ghh;j;J glj;jpy;
vd;d nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ vd;gij njspthf mwpe;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
Exercise – 1:
a) What is the name of this place? - Tajmahal.
b) Where it is situated? - Agra, Delhi.
c) How many wonders in the world? - Seven
d) Have you ever been to this place? - No/Yes
e) Is it day or night? - Day
®¥Ùm Guß ®iûQ Sm×m
Ø¥Ùm Guß Euû] Sm×!
With Best Wishes…
M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed.,
Graduate Techer (English),
Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Puzhuthipatti,
Sivagangai DT – 630309.

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English sslc english i paper material by m.muthuprabakaran m.a.,b.ed., graduate english teacher, ghss puzhuthipatti, sivagangai 630309

  • 1. 1 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. X - English I Paper Full Material “The Greatest Sin is to Think Yourself Weak” Name : ______________________________ Class : ___________________________ School : ______________________________ Big Thanks to… Way to Success Team & Matro Xerox, Nagamalai Puthukkottai, Madurai – 19.
  • 2. 2 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. M';fpyk; Kjy; jhs; - tpdhj;jhs; Ma;î gphpTfs; 5 nkhj;j tpdhf;fs; 52 tpdhf;fspd; vz;zpf;if 78 gjpy; ju ntz;oa kjpg;bgz;fs; nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; 100 (131) m. nrhy; tiffs; 20 (22) M. ,yf;fzk; 25 (25) ,. ghlg;gFjp 15 (29) <. ghly; gFjp 20 (35) c. nkhopg;gapw;rpfs; 20 (25) kjpg;bgz;fs; xJf;fPL 1. xU kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 50 (52) 2. ,uz;L kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 30 (34) 3. Ie;J kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fs; 20 (45) xU kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fSf;F tpdhj;jhspnyna tpilfs; cs;sit – 28 1. Synonyms 5 2. Antonyms 5 3. Abbreviation 1 4. Homophones 1 5. Compound Word 1 6. Singular Plural 1 7. Prefix Suffix 1 8. Phrasal Verb 1 9. Correct Word 1 10. Correct Sentence 1 11. If Clause 1 12. Sentence Pattern 1 13. Question Tag 1 14. Degrees 1 15. Meaningful Sentence 1 16. Complete with Phrase 1 17. Correct Verb form 1 18. Phrasal Preposition 1 19. Article 1 20. Preposition 1 xU kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fSf;F tpdhj;jhspy; tpilfs; ,y;yhjit – 24 1. British – American English 1 2. Syllabification 1 3. Construct a sentence 1 4. Reframe the sentence 1 5. Poem Appreciation 5 6. Literary Appreciation 5 7. Spotting the Errors 5 8. Picture Comprehension 5 ,uz;L kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fs; - gjpy; ju ntz;oa tpdhf;fs; - 30 (34) 1. Grammar - 5/5 10 2. Prose – Short Answers – 5/7 10 3. Comprehension – 5/5 10 Ie;J kjpg;bgz; tpdhf;fs; - gjpy; juntz;oa tpdhf;fs; - 20 (45) 1. Punctuation 5 2. Prose Paragraph – 1/3 5 3. Poem Paragraph – 1/3 5 4. Memory Poem – ½ 5
  • 3. 3 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Section – I – Vocabulary (20 Marks) Part I Question No. 1 – Synonyms (5 Marks): 1. glum – sullen, dejected, displeased 2. ragged – untidy 3. wizened – looking old 4. parchment – a piece of paper 5. piteous – sad, sorrowful 6. coarse – rough cloth 7. alms – offerings 8. forlorn – forsaken, lonely 9. commissioned – ordered 10. popular – well known 11. amazing – surprising 12. battered – beaten out of shape 13. extended – offered 14. patched – sewn up 15. articulate – to express thoughts/feelings 16. rising – replying/responding 17. figure out – make out 18. unquenchable – unsatisfied 19. irreverent – not showing respect 20. reverent – respectful 21. tender – offer 22. discharged – carried out 23. privilege – benefit 24. privileged – prestigious 25. suffice – enough 26. exacting – demanding 27. truism – a true statement 28. invidious – unjust 29. indispensable – essential 30. earnestness – seriousness 31. unsophisticated – simple/natural 32. unfits – unsuits 33. prey – victim 34. acquiescence – acceptance without protest 35. generous – benevolent 36. hostile – opposing 37. accomplishment – ability/skill 38. soaring – rising/increasing 39. scramble – struggle 40. heaving – crowding 41. fanned out – spread out 42. rumour – false story 43. panic – fear 44. corridors – passages 45. erupt – suddenly happen 46. torrent – outpour 47. swarm – crowd 48. jostle – push thoroughly 49. unsustainable – cannot be maintained 50. exodus – mass movement 51. punch – hit 52. decade – a period of ten years 53. pursuit – chase 54. triumphantly – victoriously 55. denied – refused 56. tragedy – sad happening 57. tortured – made to suffer 58. brutality – cruelty 59. hide and seek – evades 60. campaigned – achieve something 61. diligence – a steady effort 62. initiating – starting 63. challenge – a difficult task 64. implementation – carried out 65. penalized – punished 66. valour – bravery 67. scantily – insufficiently 68. notching – quitting 69. contrivances – machines 70. reverence – respect 71. opulence – richness 72. staunch – steadfast 73. magnanimous – splendid 74. grandiose – impressive 75. herculean – mighty 76. patronage- support 77. voyagers – travelers 78. legislated – made into a law
  • 4. 4 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No. 2 – Antonyms (5 Marks): 1. inability x ability 2. eagerly x indifferently 3. piteous x joyous 4. private x public 5. cursed x blessed 6. friend x enemy/foe 7. fortune x misfortune 8. rare x common 9. popular x unpopular 10. richest x poorest 11. true x false 12. remember x forget 13. loved x hated 14. same x different 15. observable x unobservable 16. permanent x temporary 17. external x internal 18. visible x invisible 19. fortunate x unfortunate 20. famous x unpopular 21. physically x mentally 22. irrelevant x relevant 23. destroyed x created 24. new x old 25. civilian x military 26. peace x war 27. essential x unimportant 28. grateful x ungrateful 29. pleasure x pain 30. life x death 31. certain x uncertain 32. responsibility x irresponsibility 33. obedience x disobedience 34. advantage x disadvantage 35. secure x insecure 36. success x failure 37. indispensable x unimportant 38. naturally x artificially 39. better x worse 40. easy x difficult 41. continue x discontinue 42. reverence x irreverence 43. necessary x unnecessary 44. convenience x inconvenience 45. common x uncommon 46. current x obsolete 47. greater x smaller 48. melting x freezing 49. insecurity x safety/security 50. rarely x frequently/often 51. narrow x wide 52. soaring x lowering 53. darkness x brightness 54. empty x full 55. jamming x pulling 56. arrived x left 57. nearby x far 58. reduce x increase 59. believe x mistrust 60. dirty x tidy 61. bitter x sweet 62. enough x insufficient 63. low x high 64. illegal x legal 65. inhumane x humane 66. denied x accepted 67. brutality x humanity 68. concluded x commenced 69. initiating x finishing 70. minimum x maximum 71. clear x unclear 72. penalized x rewarded 73. strong x weak 74. harsh x polite 75. many x few 76. bondage x freedom 77. accept x refuse 78. lose x gain 79. brave x timid 80. adult x infant 81. young x old 82. several x few 83. ancient x modern 84. traditional x modern 85. valour x timidity 86. impressive x repulsive 87. lifted x lowered 88. perfect x imperfect 89. beautiful x ugly 90. revealed x concealed 91. munificence x meanness 92. praise x curse/blame 93. holy x unholy 94. clean x dirty 95. foreign x local 96. sweet x bitter 97. proud x humble
  • 5. 5 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No . 3 – Abbreviations (1 Mark): Abbreviation vd;gJ xU tphptpd; Kjy; vOj;Jf;fis kl;Lk; nfhz;l RUf;fk;. (v.fh. SBI) Abbreviations Acronyms 1. PA Personal Assistant 1. TAFE Tractor And Farm Equipment 2. PS Personal Secretary / Post Script 2. TANSI Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries 3. BPO Business Process Outsourcing 3. RAM Random Access Memory 4. KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing 4. ROM Read Only Memory 5. B.Tech Bachelor of Technology 5. LAN Local Area Network 6. SBI State Bank of India 6. AIR All India Radio 7. RRB Railway Recruitment Board 7. UNESCO United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization 8. UFO United Fund Organization 8. CAT Career Aptitude Test 9. CA Chartered Accountant 9. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 10. UAE United Arab Emirates 10. WHO World Health Organization 11. NGO Non-Governmental Organization 11. SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test 12. SSC Staff Selection Commission 14. PM Prime Minister 15. CM Chief Minister 16 MP Member of Parliament Question No. 4 – Homophones (1 Mark): Homophones vd;gJ xNu cr;rhpg;igf; nfhz;l> Mdhy; Spelling kw;Wk; mh;j;jk; NtWgl;l ,uz;L nrhw;fshFk;. 1. Ramu wants to _____a flat _____ selling his house. (buy/by) 2. Do you ___ the answer?. _____ I don’t. (no/know) 3. I can’t ___ the bell from ____. (here/hear) 4. ____ day on Earth is measured by the ____. (hour/our) 5. The colour of your _____ is the same as that of the __. (hare/hair) 6. The ____ of the ____ is Rs.100. (prize/price) 7. We will set _____ for Japan next week. (sail/sale) 8. We shall ____ you tomorrow. (meat/meet) 9. Everyone must see the ____ (see/sea) Question No. 5 – American & British English (1 Mark): British English American English British English American English Fellow Guy Rise Raise Jam Jelly Single One way Bonnet Hood Storm Tempest Boot Trunk Wash basin Sink Blind Window Shade Wind screen Wind shield Chips French Fries Witness box Witness stand Cutting Clipping Zed Zee Cot Crib Fire brigade Fire department Trumpet Horn Torch light Flash light Jug Pitcher Interval Intermission Dustbin Trash can Anticlockwise Counterclockwise Goods train Freight train Shop assistant Sales clerk Autumn Fall Cupboard Closet Tap Faucet Film / Cinema Movie Holiday Vacation Lorry Truck Sweet Candy Post Mail
  • 6. 6 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No. 6 – Compound Words (1 Mark): ,U NtW mh;j;jKs;s nrhw;fs; ,ize;J Gjpa nrhy;iyf; nfhLj;jhy; mJ Compound Word MFk;. Word 1 Word 2 New Word Head Master Headmaster Break Fast Breakfast Child Hood Childhood Moon Light Moonlight Car Park Carpark River Bed Riverbed Bath Soap Bath soap Work Shop Work shop Cricket Ground Cricket ground Head Light Head Light Air Port Airport Fast Food Fastfood Out Post Outpost Water Fall Waterfall Safe Guard Safe Guard Question No. 7 – Plural Forms (1 Mark): xUikahff; nfhLf;fg;gLtij gd;ikahf khw;WtNj ,e;j gapw;rpahFk;. fPo;f;fz;l Kiwfspy; gd;ikahf khw;wyhk;. epidtpy; itj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;bait -is -es Example Axis Axes -um -a Datum Data -a -ae Formula Formulae -us -i Alumnus Alumni -oo -ee Tooth Teeth -x -ces Matrix Matrices tpjptpyf;Ffs;: 1. Sheep, cattle, deer, aircraft, swine… Mfpatw;Wf;F Singular, Plural xd;Nw. 2. Spectacles, news, premises, species … Mfpatw;Wf;F Singular, Plural xd;Nw. 3. Man-men, woman-women, child-children…. Nghd;w vOj;Jf;fSf;F rpW khw;wq;fs; kl;Lk; Vw;gLj;jTk;. Question No. 8 – Prefixes and Suffixes (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijf;F Kd;dhy; rpW mirfis Nrh;g;gJ Prefix MFk;. v.fh. Untidy. nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijf;F Kd;dhy; rpW mirfis Nrh;g;gJ Suffix MFk;. v.fh. Cricketer. Prefix Suffix Prefix Root Word New Word Suffix Root Word New Word In Secure Insecure Announce Ment Announcement Un Fair Unfair Kind Ness Kindness Ig Noble Ignoble Perform Ance Performance Un Quenchable Unquenchable Develop Ment Development In Direct Indirect Hero Ism Heroism Ultra Violet Ultraviolet Trans Form Transform Over Load Overload Associate Ion Association Il Legal Illegal Ir Responsible Irresponsible Question No. 10 – Syllabification (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l nrhw;fspy; xd;wpid mirfshfg; gphpf;f Ntz;Lk;.  nfhLf;fg;gl;l thh;j;ijia mg;gbNa jkpopy; rhpahd cr;rhpg;Gld; jtwpy;yhky; vOj Ntz;Lk;.  jkpopy; vOjpa thh;j;ijapy; cs;s Gs;sp itj;j nrhw;fis mbf;f Ntz;Lk;. mbj;jJ Nghf kPjkpUf;Fk; nrhw;fs; jhd; me;j thh;j;ijapYs;s mirfs; (Syllables).  v.fh. Determination- bl;lh;kpNd~d; - blkpNd~ - 5 Syllables.
  • 7. 7 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No. 11 – Appropriate Word (1 Mark): rhpahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thh;j;ijia fz;Lgpbj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. 1. Cherrapunji people _______ (waste/save) rain water. 2. Raja will ______ (receive/get) a letter next week. 3. He likes to _____ (see/watch) his favourite TV serial the whole hour. 4. He went _____ (abroad/foreign). 5. As the car passed, it _____ (spattered/shook) the rain water. 6. They _____ (prepare/provide) clean drinking water. 7. She _____ (saw/faced) the situation with a positive frame of mind. 8. Vijay is very ______ (handsome/beautiful) Question No. 12 – Sentence Construction (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l %d;W thh;j;ijfspy; VNjDk; xd;iw Njh;e;njLj;J thf;fpaj;ij mikf;f Ntz;Lk;. Construct a sentence using one of the words given below: a) Life b) live c) lively  I know the meaning of the word life. (Or)  I like the word Life. (Or)  Life is an English word. Question No. 14 – Choose the Correct Sentence (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpw;F ,izahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thf;fpaj;ij nfhLf;fg;gl;l njhFg;gpypUe;J vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F nghUj;jkhd rpy thh;j;ijfSk; mjd; mh;j;jq;fSk; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; Nobody ahUkpy;iy No one xUtUkpy;iy Somebody rpyh; Someone ahNuh xUth; Everybody midtUk; Everyone xt;nthUtUk; Anybody ahuhtJ Anyone ahuhtJ Never xUNghJk; ,y;iy Nowhere vq;NfAk; ,y;iy None xd;Wk; ,y;iy Somewhere vq;NfahtJ Ever vg;NghJk; Everywhere vy;yh ,lj;jpYk; Always vg;NghJk; Anywhere vq;NfahtJ Hardly mhpjhf Seldom mG+h;tkha; Which of the two sentences given below conveys the same meaning? 1. He never listens to me. a) He hardly listens to me b) He seldom listens to me. Section – II – Grammar (25 Marks) Part I Question No. 15 – If Clause (1 Mark): xU nray; ele;jhy; ,d;ndhU nray; elf;Fk; vd;W nrhy;YtJ If Clause my;yJ Conditional Clause MFk;. ,jpy; %d;W tiffs; cz;L. No Types Condition Result Type 1 Probable / Possible Conditions (eilngwf;$ba nray;fs;) If + Verb (Present Form) (am/is/are/verb+s, es, ies) Will, won’t, shall, shan’t, can, can’t, may. Type 2 Improbable/Imaginary Conditions (fw;gidahd nray;) If + Verb (Past form) (were/verb+d,ed,ied,id/verb’s Past form) Would Type 3 Unfulfilled Conditions (epiwNtwhj nray;fs;) If + Verb (Past Perfect Forms) (had+ Verb’s past participle form) Would have, wouldn’t have, could have, couldn’t have Tips: 1. tpidr;nrhy; Present (my;yJ am/is/are/v+s) Mf ,Ue;jhy; will/shall/can MFk;. 2. tpidr;nrhy; Past (ed-Nrh;e;J my;yJ was/were) Mf ,Ue;jhy; would/should/could MFk;. 3. Had + tpidr;nrhy; vd ,Ue;jhy; would have/could have/should have MFk;
  • 8. 8 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Ex: 1. If you waste water a) you would suffer b) you will suffer c) you would have suffered. 2. If I won lottery a) I would buy a BMW b) I will buy a BMW c) I would have bought a BMW car. 3. If I had come earlier a) I will catch the train b) I would catch train c) I would have caught the train. Question No. 16 – Sentence Pattern (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;ij gphpj;J mjd; thf;fpa mikg;igf; fhz Ntz;Lk;. Subject (S) nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; VNjDk; egh;> nghUs; my;yJ ,lk; njhlh;Gilajhf $wg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mJNt me;j thf;fpaj;jpd; Subject MFk;. Ex: Chennai is the hottest city. The students are playing football now. Verb (V) nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; cs;s egh;> nghUs; my;yJ ,lk; vd;d Ntiy / nray; nra;jdh; vd;W nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mJNt me;j thf;fpaj;jpd; Verb MFk;. Ex: Chennai is the hottest city. The students are playing football now. Object (O) Direct Object(DO): nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; Verb-I Nehf;fp ahiu? vij? vd;w Nfs;tp Nfl;lhy; fpilf;Fk; tpilahFk;. Ex: The students are playing football now. Indirect Object: nghJthf me, us, him, her, them Mfpa thh;j;ijfisj; jhq;fp tUk; thf;fpak; ngUk;ghYk; Indirect Object MFk;. Ex: My teacher gave me a pen. His father gave him his school bag. Complement (C) nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpd; nghUis epiwT nra;a Subject kw;Wk; Verb-Ij; njhlh;e;J tUk; thh;j;ijfNs Complement MFk;.  nghJthf Teacher, Prime Minister Nghd;w gjtp kw;Wk; gzpfs; MFk;. Ex: He is a teacher.  Make, name, call, think, elect, choose, consider, approve Nghd;w Main Verb te;J mjidj; njhlh;e;J tUk; thh;j;ijfs;. Ex: We called him Hitler. Adjunct (A) nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; Verb-I Nehf;fp vg;nghOJ? vq;F? vg;gb? Vd;? vt;tsT? vd;w Nfs;tp Nfl;lhy; fpilf;Fk; tpilNa Adjunct MFk;. Ex: The students are playing football now. Question No. 17 – Question Tag (1 Mark): vspjhd tHpKiwfs;:  nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; Neh;kiwah(Positive)> vjph;kiwah(Negative) vd fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;.  Neh;kiw vdpy; “Not” Nrh;f;f Ntz;Lk;> vjph;kiw vdpy; vJTk; Nrh;f;f Njitapy;iy.  nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpYs;s tpidr;nrhy;iyf; (Verb) fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. {is}  nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpYs;s ngah;r;nrhy;iyf; (Noun) fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. {he}  “Let us” te;jhy; “Shall we?” vd;W vOj Ntz;Lk;.  rarely, seldom, never Mfpa thh;j;ijfs; te;jhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; vjph;kiw Negative vd;W fUj Ntz;Lk;. Example:  He is my friend – Positive Sentence  Is + He (Not Nrh;f;f Ntz;Lk;)  Is + Not He? = Isn’t he? Example:  He is not my friend – Negative Sentence  Is + He (Not Nrh;f;f Njitapy;iy)  Is + He? = Is he?
  • 9. 9 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No. 18 – Degrees of Comparison (1 Mark): 1. nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpak; No other / Very few vdj; njhlq;fpdhy; as….as / so….as vd tUk; Positive Degree- I Njh;T nra;f. 2. thf;fpaj;jpy; than te;jhy; more… / …er vd tUk; Comparative Degree-I Njh;T nra;f. 3. thf;fpaj;jpy; the te;jhy; most… / …est vd tUk; Superlative Degree-I Njh;T nra;f. 4. thf;fpaj;jpy; ___f;Fg;gpd; Plural (s-y; KbAk; thh;j;ij) te;jhy; than many / most other my;yJ one of the Njh;T nra;f. Example: 1. No other girl in the class is _____ Kamala. a) most clever as b) more cleverer as c) as clever as 2. Very few boys in the class are _____ Sathish. a) more brilliant than b) most brilliant c) as brilliant as 3. Lotus is _____ than many other flowers. a) more beautiful b) as beautiful as c) the most beautiful 4. Rose is one of the ____ flowers. a) more fragrant b) most fragrant c) as fragrant as 5. The Earth is _____ the moon. a) as big as b) bigger than c) the biggest Question No. 19 – Correct meaning (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpw;F ,izahd mh;j;jk; nfhz;l thf;fpaj;ij nfhLf;fg;gl;l njhFg;gpypUe;J vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;F nghUj;jkhd rpy thh;j;ijfSk; mjd; mh;j;jq;fSk; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; thh;j;ij mh;j;jk; Nobody ahUkpy;iy No one xUtUkpy;iy Somebody rpyh; Someone ahNuh xUth; Everybody midtUk; Everyone xt;nthUtUk; Anybody ahuhtJ Anyone ahuhtJ Never xUNghJk; ,y;iy Nowhere vq;NfAk; ,y;iy None xd;Wk; ,y;iy Somewhere vq;NfahtJ Ever vg;NghJk; Everywhere vy;yh ,lj;jpYk; Always vg;NghJk; Anywhere vq;NfahtJ Hardly mhpjhf Seldom mG+h;tkha; Exercise: - Choose the sentence which correctly conveys the meaning of the sentence given below: 1. We shall remain ever grateful to you. a) We shall never be grateful to you. b) We shall always remain ungrateful to you. c) We shall always be grateful to you. 2. Nobody can forget how India won her freedom. a) Everyone cannot forget how India won her freedom. b) Everyone can remember how India won her freedom. c) Everyone cannot remember how India won her freedom. Question No. 20 – Phrases (1 Mark): Nfhbl;l ,lq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Phrase nfhz;L epug;g Ntz;Lk;. rpy Kf;fpakhd kw;Wk; mbf;fb Nfl;ff;$ba Phrases kw;Wk; mjw;fhd mh;j;jq;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning On account of fhuzj;jpdhy; Inspite of ,Ue;jNghjpYk; Due to Despite In the event of On behalf of rhh;ghf Owing to According to fUj;Jg;gb By dint of Calls on nrd;W re;jpj;jy; Because of By dint of Gydhf Choose the correct phrase to complete sentence: 1. _____ the heavy rain, the match continued. a) Inspite of b) In the event of c) because of
  • 10. 10 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. 2. The flight was cancelled ____ the bad weather condition. a) Fond of b) due to c) because of 3. _______ Shakespeare all the world is a stage. a) Because of b) according to c) fond of Question No. 21 – Correct Verb form (Gerund & Infinitive) (1 Mark): nfhLf;fg;gl;l Nfs;tpf;F rhpahd tpidr;nrhy; tbtk; (Verb) vOj Ntz;Lk;.  Present form verb-f;F Kd; ‘to’ tUtJ Infinitive MFk;. (v.fh- to buy, to get…etc).  Present form verb cld; ‘ing’ Nrh;e;J tUtJ Gerund MFk;. (v.fh- buying, getting…etc) vspa Kiw:  Like, dislike, hates, enjoy, about, on, of, ed- Nrh;e;j Verb te;jhy; Gerund (ing Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;f.  thf;fpaj;jpd; njhlf;fj;jpNyNa _______ te;jhYk;; Gerund (ing Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;ayhk;.  Agreed, decided, too, let te;jhy; Infinitive (to Nrh;e;jij) Njh;T nra;f.  Let, make, see, hear, bid, feel, know, watch te;jhy; to NghlhkNyNa Infinitive–Mf vOjyhk;. Exercise – Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: 1. _______ is a good exercise. a) to walk b) walking c) walk 2. He hates _____ chocolates a) eat b) to eat c) eating 3. He agreed _____ me a computer. a) buying b) to buy c) buy 4. Let us ___ to the movie. a) to go b) go c) going Question No. 22 – Prepositional Phrase (1 Mark): Prepositional Phrase vd;gJ nrhw;nwhlh; tbt Kd;dpilr;nrhy;. mJ nrhw;nwhlh; tbtk; nfhz;lJ. ,q;F nghUj;jkhd Prepositional Phrase nfhz;L epug;g Ntz;Lk;. ,f;Nfs;tpiag; nghUj;jtiu Gj;jfj;jpy; 56-k; gf;fj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; Nfs;tpfs; kw;Wk; Ke;ija tpdhj;jhs;fspy; Nfl;fg;gl;litfis nra;J ghh;j;jhNy NghJkhdJ. Exercise – Choose the correct phrase: 1. They won the match ______ well. a)through playing b) by playing c) on playing 2. She is fond _____ TV. a) for watching b) on watching c) of watching 3. Fools are susceptible ____ a) to flattery b) on flattery c) of flattery 4. He secured the first place ____ hard. a) on working b) of working c) by working 5. Keats is keen ____ poems. a) to writing b) for writing c) on writing Question No. 23 – Articles (1 Mark): Articles vd;gjw;F Rl;Lr;nrhw;fs; vd;W nghUs;. ,J ,U tifg;gLk;. 1) Fwpg;G Rl;Lr;nrhy; (Definite Article – a,an) 2) nghJ Rl;Lr;nrhy; (Indefinite Article – the). vspa Kiw:  Dash-f;F gpwF vowel (a,e,I,o,u) sound te;jhy; an-Ij; Njh;T nra;f.  Dash-f;F gpwF Consonant sound (nka; xyp) te;jhy; a-Ij; Njh;T nra;f.  Dash-f;F gpwF superlative (est) te;jhy; the-itj; Njh;T nra;f.  Dash-f;F gpwF plural (s) te;jhy; the-itj; Njh;T nra;f.  rpwg;ghdtw;iwf; Fwpg;gpl the-itj; Njh;T nra;ayhk;. mh;j;jq;fs;: a – xU an – Xh; the – me;j An – Exception A – Exception an hour ago an hour a university a one rupee coin an honest man an MLA a European a one way Exercise – Choose the appropriate article: 1. This is ____ book that I wanted to read. a) a b) an c) the 2. She gave me __ one rupee coin. a) a b) an c) the 3. ___ Bible is a holy book. a) a b) an c) the 4. The sun rises in ___ east. a) a b) an c) the 5. She is drinking ___ cup of milk. a) a b) an c) the Question No. 24 – Preposition (1 Mark): Preposition vd;gJ xU thh;j;ij. mJ xU thf;fpaj;jpy; xU ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;F (Noun) Kd;Ngh my;yJ xU gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;F (Pronoun) Kd;Ngh mike;J me;j ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;Fk;> gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;Yf;Fk;> mt;thf;fpaj;jpd; vOtha;f;Fk; (Subject) ,ilNa cs;s njhlh;igf; Fwpf;Fk;. Word Meaning Sentence Along (topNa) efh;itf; Fwpf;fpwJ. They move along the highway At (,y;) Neuk;> ,lk;> efuj;ij Fwpf;fpwJ. Meet me at 10 a.m. About (gw;wp) xU nghUs;> egiuf; Fwpf;fpwJ. He speaks about Raju.
  • 11. 11 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Above (NkNy) cauj;ijf; Fwpg;gJ. God is above to all. After (gpwF) Neuk; kw;Wk; egiuf; Fwpg;gJ. We went after him. Before (Kd;) xd;wpd; Kd;Gwk; ,Ug;gijf; Fwpg;gJ There is a tree before our school. Beside (mUfpy;) mUfhikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ Raju stands beside Ram Beyond (mg;ghy;) rpwpJ Jhuk; gw;wp Fwpg;gJ The house is beyond the bridge By (My;) nraiyr; nra;gth; & Njhuhakhd Neuk; The painting was drawn by Ravi For (f;fhf) fhyfl;lk;> Nehf;fk;> cjtpiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ This book is for my friend From (,Ue;J) fpsk;Gk; ,lj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ. I am from Madurai In (cs;Ns) tUlk; kw;Wk; nghpa ,lj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ His office is in Chennai Into (cs;) xU nghUs; & ,lj;jpd; cl;gug;G He fell into the river Near (mUfpy;) mUfhikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ There is a tree near the school Of (cila) clikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ He is the son of Prem On (NkNy) Nkw;gug;G> ehs;> Njjpiaf; Fwpg;gpLfpwJ I was born on June 7, 2000. Since (ypUe;J) nray; njhlf;fj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ I have been waiting since 10 a.m To (f;F) NrUkplj;ijf; Fwpf;fpwJ The bus goes to Chennai Example – Choose the appropriate Preposition: 1. The cat is ___ the wall. a) by b) on c) of 2. He is ___ home. a)in b) off c) at 3. The students are going __ School. a) for b) at c) to 4. There is a park ___ the house. a) near b) in c) up 5. They are talking ___ you. a) on b) about c) since Part – II – Transformations – 10 Marks Question No. 25 – Form a Single Sentence (2 Marks): nfhLf;f;g;gl;l ,uz;L thf;fpaq;fis ,izj;J xNu thf;fpakhf vOj Ntz;Lk;. thf;fpaq;fSf;F ,ilNa and, but, so vOjp ,izg;gJ vspa KiwahFk;. And - kw;Wk; But - Mdhy; So – mjdhy; Exercise – From the context of the two sentences given below form a single sentence: 1. The boy is very short. He cannot climb the tree. Ans : The boy is very short, so he cannot climb the tree. 2. Sathish heard about his victory. Sathish was overjoyed. Ans : Sathish heard about his victory, so he was overjoyed. Question No. 26 – Active & Passive Voice (2 Marks): Active voice – nra;tpid (mtd; ,jidr; nra;jhd;) Passive voice – nra;ag;ghl;L tpid (,J mtdhy; nra;ag;gl;lJ) Active Voice to Passive Voice: Passive voice to Active voice: 1. filrpapy; cs;sij (Subject) Kjypy; vOJ. 2. Is, am, are, was, were, been, being Nghd;w be verb–I ePf;F 3. Be form verb–d; tense-f;F jFe;jhw;Nghy; main verb-I khw;W. 4. ‘By’ vd;w vOj;ij ePf;fTk;. 5. Kjypy; ,Ue;jij (Object) filrpapy; vOJ. by Subject Verb Object Object Verb Subject Ravi Plays Football Football is played by Ravi
  • 12. 12 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Active and Passive in various tenses: Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice Simple present Ravi eats a mango A mango is eaten by Ravi Simple past Ravi played cricket Cricket was played by Ravi Simple future Ram will drink coffee Coffee will be drunk by Ram Present continuous Ravi is eating a mango A mango is being eaten by Ravi Past continuous Ravi was playing cricket Cricket was being played by Ravi Future continuous Ram will be drinking coffee No Passive Present perfect Ravi has eaten a mango A mango has been eaten by Ravi Past perfect Ravi had played cricket Cricket had been played by Ravi Future perfect Ravi will have played cricket Cricket will have been played by Ravi Commands Open the door Let the door be opened Don’t open the door Let the door not be opened Do this at once Let this be done at once Don’t do this Let not this be done Fwpg;G : thf;fpak; verb-y; njhlq;fpdhy; Let vdj; njhlq;fTk;. Don’t vdj; njhlq;fpdhy; Let not vdj; njhlq;F. Question No. 27 – Direct & Indirect speech (2 Marks): Direct speech – xUth; $Wtij mth; nrhy;YtJ NghyNt jpUg;gpr; nrhy;tJ MFk;. (Neh;f;$w;W) Indirect speech – kw;wth; $wpaij khw;wp ehk; $WtJ Nghy; $WtJ MFk;. (mah;f;$w;W) Direct to Indirect – tpjpKiwfs;: Parts of Direct & Indirect Speeches: Reporting Speech Reported Speech Raja said to Kannan “I am talking with her now” Speaker Listener Pronoun Pronoun Reporting verb Reported verb Time Adverbial Conjuction Raja told Kannan that he was talking with her then. Tense change Present form Past form Am,is,are Was, were Have, has Had Past form Had + past participle form Will, shall, can, may, must Would, should, could, might, had to Step I: 1. “…” Nkw;Nfhs;Fwpia ePf;fTk;. 2. Reported verb-I thf;fpaj;jpw;F Vw;whh; Nghy; khw;wTk;. 3. thf;fpaj;jpw;F Vw;whh; Nghy Conjuction – I Nrh;f;fTk;. 4. Reported speech – y; cs;s Pronoun – I khw;wTk;. 5. Reported speech – y; cs;s Tense – I khw;wTk;. 6. Interrogative & Exclamatory sentence – fspy; kl;Lk; Reported speech – y; conjuction – f;F gpwF Kjypy; Subjectk; gpwF Aux verb-k; mikAkhW thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;. 7. Time & Place adverbials-I khw;wTk;.
  • 13. 13 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Time & Place adverbials Change This (,J) That (mJ) These (,itfs;) Those (mitfs;) Here (,q;F) There (mq;F) Thus (,g;gbahf) So (mg;gbahf) Now (,g;NghJ) Then (mg;NghJ) Ago (Kd;dhy;) Before (Kd;djhf) Today (,d;W) That day (md;W) Tonight (,d;wpuT) That night (md;wpuT) Yesterday (New;W) The last day (Ke;ija ehs;) Last week (nrd;w thuk;) The previous week (Ke;ija thuk;) Last month (nrd;w khjk;) The previous month (Ke;ija khjk;) Last year (nrd;w Mz;L) The previous year (Ke;ija Mz;L) Tomorrow (ehis) The next day (mLj;j ehs;) Next week (tUk; thuk;) The week after (mjw;F mLj;j thuk;) Next month (tUk; khjk;) The month after (mjw;F mLj;j khjk;) Next year (tUk; Mz;;L) The year after (mjw;F mLj;j Mz;L) Indirect to Direct – tpjpKiwfs;: Question No. 28 – If clause (2 Marks): No Types Condition Result Type 1 Probable / Possible Conditions (eilngwf;$ba nray;fs;) If + Verb (Present Form) (am/is/are/verb+s, es, ies) Will, won’t, shall, shan’t, can, can’t, may. Type 2 Improbable/Imaginary Conditions (fw;gidahd nray;) If + Verb (Past form) (were/verb+d,ed,ied,id/verb’s Past form) Would Type 3 Unfulfilled Conditions (epiwNtwhj nray;fs;) If + Verb (Past Perfect Forms) (had+ Verb’s past participle form) Would have, wouldn’t have, could have, couldn’t have Tips: 1. tpidr;nrhy; Present (my;yJ am/is/are/v+s) Mf ,Ue;jhy; will/shall/can MFk;. 2. tpidr;nrhy; Past (ed-Nrh;e;J my;yJ was/were) Mf ,Ue;jhy; would/should/could MFk;. 3. Had + tpidr;nrhy; vd ,Ue;jhy; would have/could have/should have MFk; vspa Kiw:  nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpd; Kd; If Nrh;f;fTk;.  ,U thf;fpaq;fSf;F ,ilNaAs;s Gs;spia vLj;J tpl;L xd;W Nrh;j;J vOjTk;.  ,U thf;fpaq;fspYk; xNu ngah; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUg;gpd; ,uz;lhtJ thf;fpaj;ij Nrh;j;J vOJk; NghJ ngah; vOjhky; mjd; gpujp ngah;r;nrhy;iy (Pronoun – he,she,it) vOjTk;. 1. Sita studies well. Sita passes the exam. Ans : If Sita studies well she passes the exam. Step I: 1. Told, asked, exclaimed, ordered, requested… f;F gjpyhf said to (if listener) / said NghlTk;. 2. ,ilr;nrhy;iy (that, if/whether, to) ePf;fTk;. 3. Conjuction – I vLj;j ,lj;jpy; “…” Nkw;Nfhs;Fwp NghlTk;. 4. Reported speech – y; cs;s Pronoun – I khw;wTk;. 5. Reported speech – y; cs;s Tense – I khw;wTk;. 6. Interrogative Sentence-y; Reported speech – y; Kjypy; Aux verb-k; gpwF Subject-k; mikAkhW thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;. 7. Exclamatory sentence–y; Reported speech–y; Kjypy; Complement-k; gpwF Subject-k; gpwF Verb- k; mikAkhW thf;fpaj;ij vOjTk;. 8. Time & Place adverbials-I khw;wTk;.
  • 14. 14 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Question No. 29 – Degrees of Comparison (2 Marks): Ie;J thf;fpaq;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mtw;wpy; Ie;J tif egh;fs; my;yJ nghUl;fspd; tpguq;fs; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mjid gad;gLj;jpf; nfhz;L VNjDk; xU Degree-If; nfhz;l thf;fpak; vOj Ntz;Lk;. vspa Kiw: 1. nfhLf;fg;gl;l Ie;J thf;fpaq;fspy; cs;s Adjective kw;Wk; ahiu (m) vijg; gw;wp mjpfkhff; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ vd;gij fz;Lgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. 2. mtw;wpy; mjpfkhf nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;ij kl;Lk; vLj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. 3. mjpy; cs;s Adjective cld; Superlative Degree (est) (m) Comparative Degree (er) -I Nrh;j;J vOjpdhy; NghJkhdJ. 4. taijf; Fwpf;f old vd;w adjective te;jhy; comparative-y; elder, superlative-y; eldest vd vOjTk;. Example: 1. Deepa is 5.2 feet tall. {deepa – girl} + {Adjective – tall + est = tallest} Ans : Deepa is the tallest girl. 2. Ravi is 18 years old. {ravi – boy} + {adjective – old + est = eldest} Ans : Ravi is the eldest boy. Part – III – Punctuation (5 Marks) Question No. 30 – Punctuation (5 Marks): nghpa vOj;J(A)> Kw;Wg;Gs;sp(.)> Mr;rhpaf;Fwp(!)> Nfs;tpf;Fwp(?) Mfpatw;iw nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaj;jpy; Njitahd ,lq;fspy; ,LtNj ,g;gapw;rpahFk;. vspjhf 5 kjpg;ngz;fis ,f;Nfs;tpapd; %yk; ngwyhk; vd;gjhy; Gj;jfj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l thf;fpaq;fis nra;J ghh;j;Jf; nfhs;tJ KO kjpg;ngz;fs; fpilf;f toptFf;Fk;. vspa Kiw: 1. Kjy; vOj;ij nghpa vOj;jhf;F. kw;Wk; ngah;fs; te;jhy; nghpa vOj;jhf;F. 2. thf;fpaj;jpy; i jdpahf te;jhy; nghpa vOj;jhf;F. 3. Neh;f;$w;W thf;fpak; (Direct speech) te;jhy; fPo;f;fz;lthW mikf;f Ntz;Lk;. He said, “….” Ravi asked, “….” He said to me, “….” Ravi asked to him, “…”. Neh;f;$w;W thf;fpaj;jpy; to tutpy;iynad;why; NkNy Kjy; thpapy; cs;sthWk;> to te;jhy; ,uz;lhtJ thpapy; cs;sthWk; vOj Ntz;Lk;. 4. czh;r;rpfisj; njhptpf;Fk; thf;fpaq;fs;> thh;j;ijfs; te;jhy; mjd; ,Wjpapy; tpag;Gf;Fwp (!) ,lTk;. (Oh! Ah! Hurrah! Alas!) 5. Nfs;tp thf;fpaq;fs; te;jhy; mjd; ,Wjpapy; Nfs;tpf;Fwp (?) NghlTk;. 6. thf;fpaj;jpd; filrpapy; Kw;Wg;Gs;sp ,lTk;. Example: 1. mother said to her son dont play with fire Ans : Mother said to her son, “don’t play with fire.” 2. gee what happened to you Ans : “Gee! What happened to you?” Section – III - Prose (15 Marks) ,g;gFjpapy; 2 gphpTfs; cs;sd. 1) ghlg;gFjp tpdhf;fs; (10 kjpg;ngz;fs; - 5 Nfs;tpfs;) Prose – 2 Marks 2) ghlg;gFjp gj;jp tpdhf;fs; (5 kjpg;ngz;fs; - 1 Nfs;tp) Paragraph – 2 Marks Question No. 31-37 (5 Questions – 10 Marks) Lesson – 1: 1. What was Hughie’s financial status? Hughie’s financial status was poor. Because he had no job. 2. What was the condition laid down by the colonel to allow Hughie’s engagement to Laura? The condition laid down by the colonel was Hughie should get 10,000 pounds. 3. What made the old man look like a typical beggar? His wrinkled face, sad expression, battered hat and boots made the old man look a typical beggar. 4. How many shillings make a pound? Twenty shillings make a pound. 5. What was the beggar’s true identity? The beggar was the richest man in Europe. He was Baron Hausberg.
  • 15. 15 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Lesson – 2: 1. What was the author’s choice of career? Music was the author’s choice of career. 2. Do you think music is different from entertainment? Yes, I think music is different from entertainment. 3. How is music different from astronomy? Astronomy deals with external objects but Music deals with internal objects. 4. What is the significance of art? Art is an essential part of life. Art is a part survival, soul and human spirit. 5. What artistes can do to save the planet? Artistes can bring wellness to this planet. They provide peace and equality. Lesson – 3: 1. Which period of life does Gokhale consider a very happy one? Gokhale considers students’ life a very happy one. 2. What requires whole hearted devotion? Acquiring knowledge and character requires whole hearted devotion. 3. What is our primary duty towards yourself? Acquiring knowledge is our primary duty towards yourself. 4. What is the twofold duty to be acquired while you are a student? Acquiring knowledge and character is the twofold duty to be acquired by the students. 5. What are the two valuable qualities to be acquired by the students? Obedience to parents and respect for teachers are the two valuable qualities by the students. Lesson – 4: 1. Why should Chaya hurry? Chaya should hurry to fetch water. 2. What is metropolis? Metropolis is a large and capital city. 3. Why hasn’t Chaya drunk any tea as yet? Chaya hasn’t drunk any tea as she went in search of water. 4. What can lead the world to violence? Water scarcity will lead the world to violence. 5. What was their first meal of the day? Bread and Lentil stew was their first meal of the day. Lesson – 5: 1. Why is the world of domestic workers invisible? The domestic workers are denied their rights. So they are invisible. 2. How can Maharatra Bill help the workers? The Maharastra Bill recognizes the rights of the workers. Thus it helps them. 3. Which are the states in India that have shown concern for the domestic workers? Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, Rajasthan and Mahastra are the states in India that have shown concern for the domestic workers. 4. Do the labour laws include all age groups of workers? No, the labour laws do not include all age groups of workers. 5. What are the cause for the increase in domestic workers? Changes in Economy and policies are the causes for the increase in domestic workers. Lesson – 6: 1. What do birds do every year during early autumn and early winter? Birds migrate every year during autumn and early winter. 2. What could be the meaning of the phrase “carrying winter on their back”? The phrase “carrying winter on their back” means the arrival of winter. 3. Who are the brave little voyagers? Birds are the brave little voyagers. 4. How far away are the Himalayas from the Nilgris? The Himalayas are 2400 km from the Nilgris. 5. Which is the smallest of all birds? The willow warbler is the smallest of all birds. 6. Identify the reasons why birds migrate? In winter, birds migrate to escape cold and get food, in summer to escape heat and get nestling sites.
  • 16. 16 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Lesson – 7: 1. How old is Brihadeeswarar Temple? Who built it? The Brihadeeswarar Temple is 1000 years old. King Raja Raja Chola built it. 2. List out the specialities of Tanjore. a. Tanjore was the capital of the Chola Kings. b. It is the granary of Tamilnadu. c. It is the home of Carnatic music, dance and handicrafts. 3. Who built the palace? By who was it renovated? The Nayaks built the palace. It was renovated by the Marathas. 4. What is the specialty of Vimanam? The Vimanam is built with stones and without mortar. The topmost stone weighs 80 tons. 5. What were the Pallava and the Chola eras famous for? The Pallava and the Chola eras famous for their craftsmanship. 6. What did the author see at the Royal Museum? At the Royal Museum, the author saw drums, urns, perfume bottles, wooden boxes and manuscripts. 7. What were the contributions of the Cholas towards art and culture? The Big Brihadeeswarar temple and fortress were the contributions of Cholas towards art and culture. Question No. 38 – Paragraph (5 Marks): 5 Mark Questions – Paragraph Paragraph -Ig; nghWj;jtiu Kjy; %d;W ghlq;fspd; gj;jpapid (Paragraph) njspthf gbj;Jf; nfhs;tJ rpwe;jJ. jdpj;jdpg; ghapd;lhf nfhLf;fg;gl;ljd; Nehf;fk; ePq;fs; vspjhd Kiwapy; kdg;ghlk; nra;J nfhs;syhk; vd;gjw;fhfNt. Njh;Tfspy; vOJk; NghJ jdpj;jdpahf cs;s ghapz;Lfis nkhj;jkhf Nrh;j;J xU gj;jp (Paragraph) msTf;F vOj Ntz;Lk;. jdpj;jdpg; ghapz;Lfshf vOj Ntz;lhk;. 1. The Model Millionaire – Paragraph:  Hughie has no job or money.  He wanted to marry Laura.  Her father demanded Hughie 10 thousand pounds.  One day he saw a beggar model.  He took pity on him and gave him a sovereign.  But the beggar was a millionaire in Europe.  He gave Hughie ten thousand pounds as reward. 2. Music – The Hope Raiser – Paragraph:  Art is an essential part of life.  It gives meaning to our life.  Messiaen wrote a music composition in jail.  Terrorists destroyed twin towers of America.  Nearly 3000 people died on September 11, 2001.  In the same evening, the Americans sang “We shall overcome” and “America the Beautiful”.  Recovery was done by music.  Thus the art is a part of the human spirit. 3. A Golden Path – Paragraph:  Success depends upon character.  A student should get knowledge and character.  Character gives us energy.  It should also raise the life of people around us.  Students should obey their parents, respect their teachers and help the needy.  Duties of students are  Duty to himself  Duty to fellow-students  Duty to parents and teachers  Duty to Government and  Duty to world.
  • 17. 17 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Section – IV – Poetry (20 Marks) ,g;gFjpapy; 4 gphpTfs; cs;sd. 1) kdg;ghlg; gFjp (Quote from memory – 5 lines) 2) ghly; thpfspypUe;J tpdhf;fs; (Poem Comprehension – 5) 3) ghly; eak; fhZjy; (Appreciation Questions – 5) 4) ghly; - gj;jp tpdh (Poem Paragraph – 1) Question no. 39 - Quote from Memory (5 Marks) kdg;ghlg;gFjpapy; ,uz;L ghly;fspy; ,Ue;J Nfl;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ie;J thpfs; vOj Ntz;Lk;. Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s ehd;F kdg;ghlg; ghly;fisg; gbj;J kdg;ghlk; nra;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Manliness If you can dream and not make dreams your master; If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster; And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can force your heart, and nerve, and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone; And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them “Hold on”. If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it, And, what is more, you’ll be a man, my son. - Rudyard Kipling Going for Water We ran as if to meet the moon That slowly dawned behind the trees, The barren boughs without the leaves, Without the birds, without the breeze. But once within the wood, we paused Like gnomes that hid us from the moon, Ready to run to hiding new With laughter when she found us soon. Each laid on the other a staying hand To listen ere we dared to look, And in the hush we joined to make We heard, we knew we heard the brook. - Robert Frost The Migrant Bird The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin I care not where the skies begin; I spread my wings through all the din; Through fears and fright I fly my flight. No walls for me, no vigil gates, No flags, no machine guns that blast Citizens of those border states- Brothers of her brother’s sons. No maps, no boundaries to block My sojourn into unknown lands, I spawn and splash in distant spills, I breed my brood where’r I will. I won’t look down. No I will not. With speed of wings I hasten past And close my eyes against the sun To dream my dreams and make them last. - Famida Y.Basheer The Cry of the Children “For oh,” say the children, “We are weary, And we cannot run or leap. If we cared for any meadows, it were merely To drop down in them and sleep. Our knees tremble sorely in the stooping--- We fall upon our faces, trying to go; And, underneath our heavy eyelids drooping, The reddest flower would look as pale as snow. For, all day, we drag our burden tiring, Through the coal-dark, underground--- Or, all day, we drive the wheels of iron In the factories, round and round - Elizabeth Barrett Browning Question no. 40-43 - Poem Comprehension (5 Marks) Gj;jfj;;jpy; cs;s midj;J ghly;fspypUe;Jk; Nfs;tpfs; Nfl;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. vdNt ghliy ed;whf gbj;J itj;Jf; nfhs;tJ ey;yJ. ghliy gbf;Fk; NghJ mjpy; cs;stw;iw njspthf gbj;J itj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Beautiful Inside: 1) How does a geode look on the outside? It looks dull and unattractive on the outside. 1) Can we judge a person by his appearance? No, we cannot judge a person by his appearance. 2) What is a Geode? Geode is a spherical rock. Piano: 1) Who is the child mentioned in this poet? The poet himself. 2) What does the word ‘vista’ mean? ‘Vista’ means a beautiful view. 3) Where is the child sitting? The child is sitting under the piano.
  • 18. 18 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Manliness: 1) Who are the two impostors? Success and Failure are the two impostors. 2) How should we treat triumph and disaster? We should treat just the same. 3) What does the poet mean unforgiving minute? Time once spent cannot be recovered. 4) What is meant by ‘impostors’? A person who pretends to cheat others. Going for Water: 1) Why had the speakers to go to the brook? To fetch water. 2) Why is the river referred to as silver blade? It looks like silver in the moonlight. 3) Whom does ‘we’ refer to? The children. 4) Why were the boughs barren? Because of the autumn season. The Cry of the Children: 1) What do the children do all the day? The children work in the factory. 2) Who does ‘we’ refer to? We refer to the child labourers. 3) Why do they care for meadows? Because of tiredness. 4) Where are they working? They are working in the factories. 5) What is their prayer? To stop the wheels at least for a day. Migrant Bird: 1) Who is the speaker in this poem? The Migrant Bird is the speaker in the poem. 2) What are the boundaries referred to by the poet? The boundaries of the divided nations. 3) What is mean by the globe and kin? The Earth and the relatives. 4) What does ‘sojourn’ mean? It means camp, a stay for a short time. 5) What is meant by “distant spills”? Water bodies in the distant lands. Shilpi: 1) What do the words ‘throb’ and ‘rhythm’ refer to? The sharp detached sounds produced by the Shilpi. 2) Why are the tools laid aside? The work of the day was over. So the tools are laid aside. 3) Why are the eyes bloodshot? Hardwork of the sculptor makes his eyes very red. 4) What is meant by ‘throb’? It means to beat or sound with a strong, regular rhythm. 5) What is cacophony? Cacophony is an irregular, unpleasant sound. 6) Whose eyes are bleary? The Shilpi’s eyes are bleary. 7) What is a virgin rock? Virgin rock is the raw stone. Question no. 44-48 - Appreciation Questions (5 Marks) Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s ghly; thpfspy; cs;s ,yf;fpa eaq;fis mwpe;J vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. ,yf;fpa eaq;fshd Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Onomatopoeic words, Alliteration Nghd;witfisg; Ghpe;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mjw;fhd tpsf;fq;fs; kw;Wk; mit fz;lwpAk; Kiw fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. Some Important Poetic Devices 1.Simile: Simile vd;gJ ,uz;L khWgl;l nghUl;fis Neubahf xg;gpLtJ. ,jpy; xg;gplg; gad;gLk; thh;j;ijfs; ‘like’ kw;Wk; ‘as’ MFk;. Nghd;w (like) vd;w thh;j;ijAld; xg;gplg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ex: 1) The reddest flower would look as pale as snow. 2) I weep like a child for the past. 2.Metaphor: Metaphor vd;gJ ,uz;L khWgl;l nghUl;fis kiwKfkhf xg;gpLtJ. Mdhy; mit ,uz;bw;Fk; ,ilNa VNjDk; xU xw;Wik ,Uf;Fk;. Nghd;w (like) vd;w thh;j;ij ,y;yhkNy xg;gplg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ex: 1) She is coal dark 3.Personification: Personification vd;gJ kdpjg; gz;Gfis capuw;w nghUl;fs; kPJ Vw;wpr; nrhy;tJ MFk;. Ex: 1) Where an aching generosity? (mq;Fs;s me;j Vq;Fk; jhuhs cs;sk;) 2) With laughter when she found us soon. (mts; vq;fisf; fz;Lgpbj;jNghJ cuf;fr; rphpj;Njhk;.) 4.Onomatopoeic Words: Onomatopoeic word vd;gJ nghUl;fs; vOg;Gk; rj;jj;NjhL njhlh;Gila xypfs; MFk;. Ex: 1) A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings 2) I spawn and splash 5.Alliteration: Alliteration vd;gJ nka;nahypapy; njhlq;Ffpd;w thh;j;ijfs; xNu thpapy; tUtJ MFk;. Ex: 1) Yet, when a crack causes 2) Close scrutiny, then sharp critical glare.
  • 19. 19 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. 6.Rhyming Words: Rhyming words vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ghly; thpfis cw;WNehf;fp mjd; thpapy; cs;s filrp thh;j;ijfs; kw;Wk; mt;thh;j;ijfspd; xNu khjphpahd cr;rhpg;G Mfpatw;iwf; nfhz;L fz;Lgpbj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. Ex: Appearances can be deceptive, And to the superficial gaze The outside looks dull and grey Plain looking in many ways. 7.Rhyme Scheme: Rhyme scheme vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ghlypd; xt;nthU thpapYk; ,Wjpahf tUk; thh;j;ijfSs; xNu xypapy; xypf;Fk; thh;j;ijfisf; fz;lwpe;J me;j thh;j;ijfSf;F fPo;f;fhZk; tifapy; vLj;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. Ex: Yes, a warm, glowing inner beauty a Will emerge before your eyes b A newly discovered Treasure c For you to cherish, and to prize. b Poetic Devices in the Poems 1.Beautiful Inside: 1) May seem plain as plain can be? Simile 2) Where an aching generosity? Personification 3) What gems would we see? Metaphor 4) A newly discovered Treasure. Metaphor 5) Yet, when a crack causes Alliteration 6) Water to seep slowly through Alliteration 7) Piles of purple crystals Alliteration 2.Piano: 1) A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings Onomatopoeic word 2) And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano Onomatopoeic word 3) So now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamour Onomatopoeic word 4) Down in the flood of remembrance Metaphor 5) I weep like a child for the past Simile 6) And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide Personification 3. Manliness: 1) If you can dream and not make dreams your master 2) If you can meet with triumph and disaster: Personification 3) And treat those two impostors just the same: 4. Going for water: 1) Like gnomes that hid us from the moon Simile 2) With laughter when she found us soon Personification 3) Like pearls, and now a silver blade Simile 5. The cry of the Children: 1) The reddest flower would look as pale as snow Simile 2) Through the coal dark, underground Metaphor 3) ‘O ye wheels’ ‘Stop! Be silent for to-day!’ Anaphora (Personification) 6. Migrant Bird: 1) The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin Personification 2) I spawn and splash Alliteration 7. Shilpi: 1) Harmonic cacophony to oblivious ears Oxymoron 2) Virgin rock takes form Personification Question no. 49 – Poem Paragraph (5 Marks) Poem Paragraph -Ig; nghWj;jtiu Kjy; %d;W ghly;fspd; gj;jpapid (Paragraph) njspthf gbj;Jf; nfhs;tJ rpwe;jJ. jdpj;jdpg; ghapd;lhf nfhLf;fg;gl;ljd; Nehf;fk; ePq;fs; vspjhd Kiwapy; kdg;ghlk; nra;J nfhs;syhk; vd;gjw;fhfNt.  Njh;Tfspy; vOJk; NghJ jdpj;jdpahf cs;s ghapz;Lfis nkhj;jkhf Nrh;j;J xU gj;jp (Paragraph) msTf;F vOj Ntz;Lk;.  jdpj;jdpg; ghapz;Lfshf vOj Ntz;lhk;.
  • 20. 20 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. 1. Beautiful Inside – Paragraph:  The inner beauty is important.  We can’t judge a person by his appearance.  We find beautiful crystals in an ugly Geode.  Like that, we find noble virtues in a simple man.  Thus virtues reveal valuable inner beauty. 2. Piano – Paragraph:  The poet hears a woman’s song.  It reminds him if his mother’s song.  As a child he was sitting under the piano.  He heard the boom of strings.  In Sunday evenings, he and his mother sang hymns.  He remembered his joyful childhood days.  He weeps for the past. 3. Manliness – Paragraph:  The poet speaks about the qualities of manliness.  Action is more important than dreams.  Success and defeat are the two impostors.  We should learn good lessons from that.  We should not give up.  Then only the world is ours. Question no. 50 – Comprehension (5 Marks) nfhLf;fg;gl;l gj;jpapypUe;J Ie;J tpdhf;fs; Nfl;fg;gLk;. tpdhtpidAk; nfhLf;fg;gl;l gj;jpapidAk; ed;whf gbj;Jg; ghh;j;J Ghpe;J nfhz;L xg;gPL nra;J ghh;j;J nfhz;L tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. vspjhf gj;J kjpg;ngz;fis vLf;ff; $ba gFjp vd;gjhy; ,g;gFjpf;F rw;W mjpf ftdk; nrYj;jpdhNy NghJk;. Exercise – 1 Discipline is the most essential virtue you should acquire when you are young. It is a complex quality. It shapes your mind to religious, social and economic patterns when you grow up to be an active citizen. At a young age, we do not realize the value of discipline, as children, we merely long for unlimited freedom, without understanding the meaning of discipline. An athlete disciplines himself and keeps himself fit. He refrains from smoking, observes good food habits and keeps good health. Discipline increases the human energy and implies control, resistance and adjustment. Our energy is saved and made vital for a good output. Questions: a) The word ‘essential’ means: (a) Necessary (b) important (c) compulsory b) How does discipline aid a citizen? c) Why don’t children want discipline? d) Mention some ways in which an athlete maintains discipline. e) How is discipline beneficial to human beings? Question no. 51 – Spot the Errors (5 Marks) ,f;Nfs;tpapy; Ie;J thf;fpaq;fs; jtwhf nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. Ie;J thf;fpaq;fspy; cs;s jtWfis ePf;fp vOj Ntz;Lk;. vspjhf kdg;ghlk; nra;J nfhs;Sk; tifapy; ,J te;jhy; ,ij jpUj;jp vOJ vd Kiwfs; fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. mij Kaw;rp nra;J kdg;ghlk; nra;jhy; KO kjpg;ngz; ngw;W tplyhk;. Tips: 1. …est-y; KbAk; adjective thh;j;ijfSf;F Kd;dhy; the Nrh;j;J vOjNtz;Lk;. 2. Is te;jhy; are vdTk; are te;jhy; is vdTk; khw;Wf. 3. was te;jhy; were vdTk; were te;jhy; was vdTk; khw;Wf. 4. a te;jhy; an vdTk; an te;jhy; a vdTk; khw;Wf. 5. verb, noun – sy; Kbe;jpUe;jhy; mij ePf;Ff. s ,y;iynad;why; Nrh;j;J vOj Ntz;Lk;. 6. ‘than’ te;jhy; mij vLj;J tpl;L to NghlTk;. 7. one of the my;yJ one of these my;yJ each of the te;jhy; mjw;F gpd;dhy; cs;s thh;j;ijAld; s Nrh;j;J plural-Mf vOj Ntz;Lk;. 8. ‘one of the’ my;yJ one of these my;yJ each of the te;J mjw;Fg; gpd;dhy; cs;s thh;j;ijAld; s Nrh;e;J te;J mjw;Fg; gpwF are te;jhy; is vdTk;> were te;jhy; was vdTk; khw;wp vOj Ntz;Lk;. 9. has te;jhy; have vd khw;wp vOj Ntz;Lk;.
  • 21. 21 M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate English Teacher, GHSS Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai – 630309. Examples: An university student has been injured in the accident. A university student has been injured in the accident. We met an European yesterday. We met a European yesterday. Mala is a M.A. in English Mala is an M.A. in English Chennai is one of the hottest city in Tamil Nadu. Chennai is one of the hottest cities in Tamil Nadu. I am absent yesterday. I was absent yesterday. I have two sister-in-laws. I have two sisters-in-law. Ramesh went to abroad. Ramesh went abroad. An Europeon stands before us. A Europeon stands before us. She is sleeping for five hours. She has been sleeping for five hours. He joined an European University. He joined a European University. Everyone appreciates a honest man. Everyone appreciates an honest man. I prefer coffee than tea. I prefer coffee to tea. The police has made several arrests. The police have made several arrests. One of the boy is tall. One of the boys is tall. Renu prefers coffee than tea. Renu prefers coffee to tea. He is tallest in the village. He is the tallest in the village. Question no. 52 – Picture Comprehension (5 Marks) ,f;Nfs;tpapy; VjhtJ xU glk; nfhLf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. mg;glj;jpypUe;J Ie;J Nfs;tpfs; Nfl;fg;gLk;. mf;Nfs;tpfisg; Ghpe;J nfhz;L mit midj;jpw;Fk; rhpahf gjpyspj;jhy; KOjhf Ie;J kjpg;ngz;fisg; ngw;W tplyhk;. KO kjpg;ngz;izg; ngw Ntz;Lkhdhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l glj;ij ed;whfg; ghh;j;J glj;jpy; vd;d nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ vd;gij njspthf mwpe;J nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Exercise – 1: a) What is the name of this place? - Tajmahal. b) Where it is situated? - Agra, Delhi. c) How many wonders in the world? - Seven d) Have you ever been to this place? - No/Yes e) Is it day or night? - Day ®¥Ùm Guß ®iûQ Sm×m ¿ Ø¥Ùm Guß Euû] Sm×! With Best Wishes… M.Muthuprabakaran M.A.,B.Ed., Graduate Techer (English), Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Puzhuthipatti, Sivagangai DT – 630309.