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Following you will find spiritual warfare prayers and Psalms for the past three days that were
selected by YAHWEH‟s HOLY SPIRIT. I also included information relative to what was going on
with JT and I surrounding these demonic attacks.


JT and I received revelation that YAHUSHUA ordained Mary Magdalene as His Twelfth Apostle
(she replaced Judas Iscariot who committed suicide) while He hung on the cross. The Apostle
John, Mother Mary, her sister, and Mary Magdalene, being present at His crucifixion, were privy
to this declaration. Please visit my previous writing called The Truth About Mary Magdalene.

We also were given insight about the Gospel of Matthew not being that of the Apostle Matthew.
The Mathew from the Bible was impersonating the Apostle Matthew. He was part of a conspiracy
to undermine YAHUSHUA‟s Gospel. The elite directed their Roman and Roman-Jewish lackeys
to fund “Paul” and other scribes to plagiarize and cannibalize ancient doctrines that have been
hidden at the Vatican. „Pauline Doctrine‟ is responsible for twenty-thousand plus sects of
„Christianity,‟ and the popular false doctrine, „once saved always saved.‟

As you read the details of JT‟s dream from last night you can see that it was further confirmation
of the above insight.


* The asterisks denote the intensity of the HOLY SPIRIT’S movement in me. The prayers in
italics denote those that are new to me selected by the HOLY SPIRIT


I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH ** (Acts 26:18)

Release the power of Elijah through your prophet (Luke 1:17)


I bind and cast out any spirit of Absalom that would try to steal my heart from YAHWEH’s
ordained leadership * (2 Sam. 15:6)

Let a mantle of power rest upon my life ** (2 Kings 2:8)


I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH * (Acts 26:18)

I bind the thief from stealing, killing, or destroying in my life *** (John 10:10)

I bind and rebuke all wrath of the devil directed against my life *** (Rev.12:12)

I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 9:11)

I am redeemed from destruction *** (Ps. 103:4)

The destroyer cannot come into my life or family in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Exod.12:23)


I bind and rebuke every black horse that would come against me in the name of
YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 6:5)

I bind and rebuke every red horse that would come against me in the name of
YAHUSHUA ** (Rev. 6:4)

I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of
YAHUSHUA *** (Rev. 6:8)


I bind and rebuke every Goliath that would challenge me in the valley * (1 Sam.17:1-4)

I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA * (2 Kings 14:7)

I smite Amalek and destroy him in the valley ** (1 Sam. 15:3-5)


I release the rod of YAHWEH to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the
name of YAHUSHUA * (Exod. 7:12)

I bind and rebuke every cobra that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA


I bind and rebuke Beelzebub, the lord of the flies in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Matt.12:24)


I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing * (2 Pet.1:2)


I have the keys to the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is
loosed in heaven I loose on earth *** (Matt. 16:19)

Psalm 121: My Help Comes From YAHWEH *
Psalm 142: You Are My Refuge *


The HOLY SPIRIT was attempting to awaken me during the middle of the night. He has a
different method He uses, rather than „warm currents,‟ He sends „cold currents‟ through my body.
Usually this works to awaken me, but this night I was so tired I brushed it off as a drop in outside
temperature and thus pulled my covers closer to my body. However, in the early morning, as
soon as I sat up in bed to start my prayers, He grabbed a hold of me with great intensity to alert
me to get me immediately into warfare. Not only was I being attacked, but my family as well.
Some of the demons attempting to destroy me were ones I have never dealt with until today.

Throughout the day, the place where I am residing at would remain unusually cold, and despite
layers of clothing, I could not get warmed-up. Our Internet connection continued to be down. It
wasn‟t until JT and I began our praising and dancing that the HOLY SPIRIT alerted me to a
demon in the place. I could not understand how He got in because JT are very vigilant. I
proceeded to cast Him out, and shortly afterwards our Internet connection came back on. This
entity was responsible for our Internet disruption – He was attempting to keep us from writing any
further important information on our blogs.

I would find out the next day that this entity is Apollyon, who has recently been given full authority
on earth! This explains the frigid temperature at our residency – this demon is very, very evil!
Read below how he attempted to kill JT. He is after me because of my strong spiritual


Attacks & Dream (February 2, 2013)

Last night, I was attacked twice by demonic entities – once in my bedroom and once in my sleep.
Their intent was to prevent me from receiving a very important dream from our Creator, Yahweh.
This dream would end up being the final confirmation of everything my mother and I have been
shown the past few days. Please allow me to share the attacks so you can see how serious the
enemy is about keeping this information quiet.

Attack One: I was awakened around midnight due to an eerie silence that settled over my
bedroom. Normally, silence would not be alarming. However, I sleep with my humidifier on
overnight, which radiates a constant humming noise. The humming sound is like background
music and actually helps me sleep. I opened my eyes and noticed the humidifier stopped
working. My initial thought was that we had just experienced a power outage, but shortly
thereafter, my humidifier resumed working. It sounded strange and began emitting a red warning
light. I immediately switched the dial to „off‟ and got out of bed. I turned on the lights in my
bedroom, verifying that the electricity was working. Upon inspection, I noticed a portion of my
sweater, which had been lying around the device, was wedged between the humidifier‟s basin
and electronic bottom half – on BOTH sides. This caused an electric surge that caused my
humidifier to malfunction. I unplugged the device from the outlet so no further damage could be
accomplished. Had I not been awakened this very well could have caused a fire! Folks, it was not
me who put the sweater under my humidifier! My heart skipped a few beats at this realization
because I knew a demon had gained access to my room. I thanked Yahweh for keeping me safe
during such a vulnerable moment.

Attack Two: During the first part of my dream I felt a cold, heavy presence fall on me as I slept. It
began to drag me across my bed and envelop me with darkness. I experienced extreme fear and
helplessness, as I lay paralyzed in this entity‟s grasp. In my mind, I began calling out the Name
“YAHUSHUA.” However, this did not seem to have any affect on the demon!! * I quickly switched
from saying “YAHUSHUA” to “YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH” (Yahushua, The Anointed One).
The entity paused the first time I said YAHUSHUA‟S full Name and then it disappeared the
second time I said it. I managed to recover and pull myself out of bed to pray. I verbally bound
any entities in my room and cast them out in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH‟S Name and through
the power of His HOLY SPIRIT. After this was accomplished I returned to bed and had a very
telling dream. In the morning my mother sensed this demon was actually in my room (as opposed
to my dream). Upon entering, the HOLY SPIRIT strongly lit-her up to confirm her suspicions. She
proceeded to cast him out.

*As I have stated in a previous writing, there is a higher anointing in the name YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. Believers MUST use His full Name, during Tribulation, in order to defend
themselves from powerful demons. The Holy Spirit confirmed it was the Chief Demon of the
Abyss, Apollyon, who attacked me last night. We are entering a time period where Yahweh has
given him increased authority over mankind. And soon the rest of his demonic army will be
released from the Abyss to cause destruction on Earth (Revelation 9). These demons are more
powerful than anything people have EVER encountered.

Dream: The dream began with me attending a Catholic University, as a graduate
student. My group of friends was comprised of intelligent outcasts who did not fit in
with the popular crowd.

One day, we were reading our Bibles when I noticed that certain verses seemed to
be missing. I left our group study and found my Professor. I showed him my Bible
and the clues indicating original manuscripts had been purposely removed. He
pulled out his magnifying glass and began to examine the pages. A concerned look
came over his face as he said, “File paperwork with the Vatican to officially request
these missing sections.”

I went through the appropriate channels to make the desired request. However, the
Vatican’s main office soon informed me that those manuscripts did not exist. Of
course, I knew they were lying so I decided to go undercover and spy on the Pope!

The scene switched and I was sitting in a Cathedral, directly across from Pope
Ratzinger and his henchman, Cardinal Klovenback. They were conducting service
for our University’s student body. As soon as the service ended I snuck into their
limousine, which was parked and waiting out front. I sat toward the back and began
changing my attire so I would be less conspicuous. The Pope and Klovenback
entered the vehicle and began talking about something sinister. But they suddenly
paused when they saw me in the rearview mirror, struggling with getting a shirt
over my head! Klovenback said something to me along the lines of, “It looks like
you’re having some trouble back there.” I laughed it off and pretended to play along
with their mockery.

The scene switched and I was amongst my group of friends telling them what
happened. We decided to concoct a scheme to infiltrate the Vatican and reclaim the
stolen biblical manuscripts. The plot involved one of our Black (Hebrew) friends
disguising himself as a janitor in the Vatican’s main vault area. Over the course of
several weeks he was supposed to steal small segments of the manuscript at a time
and deposit them with another friend who would be nearby. Once all the pieces
were re-assembled we intended to present all our findings to our Professor and the
entire class.

After several weeks of carrying out this plan, a few of the guys in our group became
nervous that the scheme was taking too long. They were also worried that someone
might slip up and spill secrets. That would leave us vulnerable to plagiarism,
whereby others could steal our hard work and present it as their own. These
concerns caused us to proceed with a sense of urgency.

As soon as these concerns were voiced our fears were soon realized! A Black
(Hebrew) security guard busted our friend who was playing the janitor role. The
guard had asked him a seemingly innocent question, “Hey, did you take care of that
thing I asked you about the other week?” Our friend answered “yes,” but did not
realize it was a trick question. The guard responded and asked our friend to show
him what he purchased. At that point, our friend realized he was busted so he
shrugged his shoulders and had a defeated look on his face. The security guard
quickly figured out what our friend was doing and why. But, rather than report him
to the authorities he had a change of heart! He looked at our friend and said, “Just
remember the next time that it was a car you were going to purchase.”

The scene switched again and I was back with my friends. We had finally
accomplished reclaiming all the missing manuscripts. We spread out the various
pieces across the floor in an effort to appropriately link them together.

One of our friends, the leader of the group, noticed that many of the manuscripts
included photos of a football game. The images were taken from different angles and
at varying distances; some were close-ups of a player’s foot touching down on the
27-yard marker. We suddenly realized that all the clues were pointing us to
something that was covered up at a football game! We hustled to gather all the
evidence and decided we would present our findings in class the next day.

The following afternoon, we arrived in class brimming over with excitement!
However, our joy soon turned to dismay when another group of students went to
the front of the class armed with our same presentation. They had stolen and
plagiarized our work! The most disturbing aspect of their performance was that
they were dressed to mimic our group. In particular, there was one young lady who
was badly attempting to copy me by wearing a short, pink tutu. I took notice that she
also had red hair (The Jezebel demon has red hair). Her entire outfit was meant to
distract the Professor and it worked!

Initially, our group was downcast after this turn of events. But as we listened to the
imposters’ presentation we realized they had not given an entirely accurate
portrayal of events. Our group stood up and left the auditorium. We had a renewed
determination to uncover more clues and reveal a hidden mystery.

There was one gentleman, in particular, who took a leading role within our group
(he looked a lot like Clay Eudaly from the above video!). He was an absolute genius at
revisiting evidence and determining correct formulas that would crack the case.

The next day, we gave an amazing presentation, along with supporting evidence. We
solved the football mystery and then I awoke!

 1. My mother and I recently discovered that the Vatican is hiding many original
manuscripts from Yahushua’s true Apostles. Those that are missing include writings
from Apostle Mary Magdalene and the entire Book of Eve. This is the association
with Pope Ratzinger and Cardinal Klovenback. Interestingly, it is actually Cardinal
Klovenback who is considered the Black Pope amongst the secretive Jesuit Order.
Ratzinger takes his orders from Klovenback, while Klovenback remains hidden on
the sidelines.

2. Me being busted in the limousine indicates I got as far as I could with exposing the
enemy’s plans on my website. The remaining work would need to be a consolidated
effort between many of Yahweh’s Prophets and Apostles, many of whom my mother
and I have never spoken to or met.

3. The Black Hebrew friend is indicative of Yahweh’s true Israelites. The Holy Spirit
confirmed that my mother and I, Clay, and Jonathan Kleck represent a number of
Yahweh’s Lost Tribes. We were on a mission to uncover the truth about our identity
and about Yahweh’s hidden scriptures.

4. The Black Security Guard represents true Israelites who are currently skeptics,
but who will soon awaken to their identity and convert (or leave churches). They
will indeed have a change of heart!

5. The Football game mystery consists of the enemy’s plans for the Super Bowl.
Yahweh is alerting his Prophets so we can be one step ahead! HalleluYah! Of
particular interest is the 27-yard marker I saw in one of the photographs. It was a
confirmation that ties together what Tom Cruise said at the 11:27 time code in the
above video. It was at this point he mentioned that one of the football players threw
a “Hail Mary” during the game. As my mother mentioned in her writing, she had a
dream of a large, open field where an apparition of the Mary demon appeared!
(worship of Mother Mary as a deity is satanic! She is not God!) This further indicates
that something demonic will take place at the Superbowl.

6. The imposter group of students represents mainstream media, churches and false
prophets who will spin what happens in order to distract people from the truth.

7. The last sentence shows that Yahweh has given his people foreknowledge so that
all who seek it may know the truth!


I release the power and authority of YAHWEH against all demons I encounter in the name of
YAHUSHUA * (Matt.10:1)

I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH ** (Acts 26:18)

Let me be amazed at Your power ** (Acts 26:18)

Release the power of Elijah through Your prophet * (Luke 1:17)


I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by
any means hurt me (Luke 10:19)

I bind and rebuke the angel of light in the name of YAHUSHUA * (2 Cor.11:14)

I put on my beautiful garments * (Isa.52:1)

Let a mantle of power rest upon my life (2 Kings 2:8)


I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev.9:11)

I am redeemed from destruction ** (Ps.103:4)


I release the sword of YAHWEH upon the horses and chariots * (Jer. 50:37)

I bind and rebuke every black horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA *
(Rev. 6:5)

I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA
(Rev. 6:8)


I loose myself from every Delilah spirit operating in the valley * (Judg.16:4)

I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (2 Kings 14:7)


I tread upon the lion in the name of YAHUSHUA (Ps: 91:3)

I walk in holiness, and no lion can dwell in my life * (Isa. 35:9)

Let the Lion of the tribe of Judah roar through me against my enemies *******


I bind and cast out all flies that would attempt to affect my anointing in the name of YAHUSHUA

I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing (2 Pet.1:2)


I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is
loosed in heaven I loose on earth *

I bind all sickness and disease released against my mind and body *


Let those who seek after my soul be ashamed and confounded; let those who desire my hurt be
turned backward and put to confusion * (Ps. 70:2)

Psalm 2: The Reign of YAHWEH‟s Anointed
Psalm 18: YAHWEH Is My Rock And My Fortress
Psalm 94: YAHWEH Will Not Forsake His People

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

This morning, I awakened with nausea and a headache that ran down my neck. This is very
unusual for me. The HOLY SPIRIT immediately alerted me that I was under attack, before I even
started on my regular prayers and worship. I immediately got into spiritual warfare, and shortly
after ending my prayers, the headache was gone! HalleluYAH!

The prayers in italics are new ones I have never said before.


I release the power and authority of YAHWEH against all demons I encounter in the name of
YAHUSHUA * (Matt.10:1)

Release the power of Elijah through Your prophet


I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH (Act 26:18)


I bind and rebuke all spirits of jealousy directed against my life in the name of YAHUSHUA

I quench every fire of wickedness sent against my life in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Isa.9:18)


I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 9:11)

The destroyer cannot come into my life or family in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Exod. 12:23)

I rebuke all destruction from my gates in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Isa.24:12)

I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts * (2 Kings 9:30-33)

I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven *

I cut off the assignment of Jezebel against the ministers of YAHWEH * (1 King 19:2)

I rebuke and cut off the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed * (2 Kings 11:1)

I come against the spirit of Herodias and cut off the assignment to kill the prophets ***
(Mark 6:22-24)


I bind and rebuke the screech owl in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Isa. 34:14)

I rebuke the beasts of the desert, every doleful creature, every satyr, and every dragon from
operating in my life ** (Isa. 13:21-22)


Let the chariots and horsemen be burned with Your fire * (Nah. 2:13)

I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA

Let the horse be cut by Your power, O YAHWEH * (2 Sam.8:4)


Let every Achan in my life be destroyed in the valley * (Josh.7:24-26)

I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA (2 Kings 14:7)

I smite Amalek and destroy him in the valley ** (1 Sam 15:3-5)

I smite all the Midianites in the valley ** (Judg.6:33-34)


I bind and rebuke the cormorant (the vomiting pelican) from operating against my life in the name
of YAHUSHUA (Isa. 34:11)

I bind and rebuke any demonic eagle and hawk sent against my life, and I command their nests
to be destroyed in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Job 39:26-30)

Let Your presence drive every unclean bird away from my life (Jer.4:25-26)


I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing (2 Pet.1:2)

I have the keys to the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is
loosed in heaven I loose on earth

I bind the strongman and spoil his goods (Matt.12:29)

Psalm 64: Hide Me From The Wicked
Psalm 125: YAHWEH Surrounds His People

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Sekolah Sabat - Triwulan 4 2022 - Pelajaran 11
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SE2561 Jacobean Shakespeare
SE2561 Jacobean ShakespeareSE2561 Jacobean Shakespeare
SE2561 Jacobean Shakespeare
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English spiritual warfare prayers

  • 1. SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYERS: JANUARY 31 THRU FEBRUARY 2, 2013 Following you will find spiritual warfare prayers and Psalms for the past three days that were selected by YAHWEH‟s HOLY SPIRIT. I also included information relative to what was going on with JT and I surrounding these demonic attacks. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, SABBATH OBSERVANCE: JT and I received revelation that YAHUSHUA ordained Mary Magdalene as His Twelfth Apostle (she replaced Judas Iscariot who committed suicide) while He hung on the cross. The Apostle John, Mother Mary, her sister, and Mary Magdalene, being present at His crucifixion, were privy to this declaration. Please visit my previous writing called The Truth About Mary Magdalene. We also were given insight about the Gospel of Matthew not being that of the Apostle Matthew. The Mathew from the Bible was impersonating the Apostle Matthew. He was part of a conspiracy to undermine YAHUSHUA‟s Gospel. The elite directed their Roman and Roman-Jewish lackeys to fund “Paul” and other scribes to plagiarize and cannibalize ancient doctrines that have been hidden at the Vatican. „Pauline Doctrine‟ is responsible for twenty-thousand plus sects of „Christianity,‟ and the popular false doctrine, „once saved always saved.‟ As you read the details of JT‟s dream from last night you can see that it was further confirmation of the above insight. _____________________________________________________________________________ WARFARE PRAYERS – THRUSDAY - JANUARY 31 * The asterisks denote the intensity of the HOLY SPIRIT’S movement in me. The prayers in italics denote those that are new to me selected by the HOLY SPIRIT RELEASING THE FIRE OF YAHWEH I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH ** (Acts 26:18) Release the power of Elijah through your prophet (Luke 1:17) WARFARE PRAYERS * I bind and cast out any spirit of Absalom that would try to steal my heart from YAHWEH’s ordained leadership * (2 Sam. 15:6) Let a mantle of power rest upon my life ** (2 Kings 2:8) PRAYERS AGAINST SATAN I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH * (Acts 26:18) I bind the thief from stealing, killing, or destroying in my life *** (John 10:10) I bind and rebuke all wrath of the devil directed against my life *** (Rev.12:12) PRAYERS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF DESTRUCTION
  • 2. I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 9:11) I am redeemed from destruction *** (Ps. 103:4) The destroyer cannot come into my life or family in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Exod.12:23) PRAYERS AGAINST DEMONIC HORSEMEN I bind and rebuke every black horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 6:5) I bind and rebuke every red horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Rev. 6:4) I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA *** (Rev. 6:8) PRAYERS AGAINST SPIRITS OF THE VALLEY I bind and rebuke every Goliath that would challenge me in the valley * (1 Sam.17:1-4) I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA * (2 Kings 14:7) I smite Amalek and destroy him in the valley ** (1 Sam. 15:3-5) DELIVERANCE FROM SERPENTS I release the rod of YAHWEH to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Exod. 7:12) I bind and rebuke every cobra that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA DELIVERANCE FROM FLIES I bind and rebuke Beelzebub, the lord of the flies in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Matt.12:24) APOSTOLIC PRAYERS I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing * (2 Pet.1:2) BINDING AND LOOSING I have the keys to the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is loosed in heaven I loose on earth *** (Matt. 16:19) Psalm 121: My Help Comes From YAHWEH * Psalm 142: You Are My Refuge * WARFARE PRAYERS - FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 1 The HOLY SPIRIT was attempting to awaken me during the middle of the night. He has a different method He uses, rather than „warm currents,‟ He sends „cold currents‟ through my body. Usually this works to awaken me, but this night I was so tired I brushed it off as a drop in outside
  • 3. temperature and thus pulled my covers closer to my body. However, in the early morning, as soon as I sat up in bed to start my prayers, He grabbed a hold of me with great intensity to alert me to get me immediately into warfare. Not only was I being attacked, but my family as well. Some of the demons attempting to destroy me were ones I have never dealt with until today. Throughout the day, the place where I am residing at would remain unusually cold, and despite layers of clothing, I could not get warmed-up. Our Internet connection continued to be down. It wasn‟t until JT and I began our praising and dancing that the HOLY SPIRIT alerted me to a demon in the place. I could not understand how He got in because JT are very vigilant. I proceeded to cast Him out, and shortly afterwards our Internet connection came back on. This entity was responsible for our Internet disruption – He was attempting to keep us from writing any further important information on our blogs. I would find out the next day that this entity is Apollyon, who has recently been given full authority on earth! This explains the frigid temperature at our residency – this demon is very, very evil! Read below how he attempted to kill JT. He is after me because of my strong spiritual anointing. _____________________________________________________________________________ Attacks & Dream (February 2, 2013) By JT Last night, I was attacked twice by demonic entities – once in my bedroom and once in my sleep. Their intent was to prevent me from receiving a very important dream from our Creator, Yahweh. This dream would end up being the final confirmation of everything my mother and I have been shown the past few days. Please allow me to share the attacks so you can see how serious the enemy is about keeping this information quiet. Attack One: I was awakened around midnight due to an eerie silence that settled over my bedroom. Normally, silence would not be alarming. However, I sleep with my humidifier on overnight, which radiates a constant humming noise. The humming sound is like background music and actually helps me sleep. I opened my eyes and noticed the humidifier stopped working. My initial thought was that we had just experienced a power outage, but shortly thereafter, my humidifier resumed working. It sounded strange and began emitting a red warning light. I immediately switched the dial to „off‟ and got out of bed. I turned on the lights in my bedroom, verifying that the electricity was working. Upon inspection, I noticed a portion of my sweater, which had been lying around the device, was wedged between the humidifier‟s basin and electronic bottom half – on BOTH sides. This caused an electric surge that caused my humidifier to malfunction. I unplugged the device from the outlet so no further damage could be accomplished. Had I not been awakened this very well could have caused a fire! Folks, it was not me who put the sweater under my humidifier! My heart skipped a few beats at this realization because I knew a demon had gained access to my room. I thanked Yahweh for keeping me safe during such a vulnerable moment. Attack Two: During the first part of my dream I felt a cold, heavy presence fall on me as I slept. It began to drag me across my bed and envelop me with darkness. I experienced extreme fear and helplessness, as I lay paralyzed in this entity‟s grasp. In my mind, I began calling out the Name “YAHUSHUA.” However, this did not seem to have any affect on the demon!! * I quickly switched from saying “YAHUSHUA” to “YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH” (Yahushua, The Anointed One). The entity paused the first time I said YAHUSHUA‟S full Name and then it disappeared the second time I said it. I managed to recover and pull myself out of bed to pray. I verbally bound any entities in my room and cast them out in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH‟S Name and through the power of His HOLY SPIRIT. After this was accomplished I returned to bed and had a very telling dream. In the morning my mother sensed this demon was actually in my room (as opposed
  • 4. to my dream). Upon entering, the HOLY SPIRIT strongly lit-her up to confirm her suspicions. She proceeded to cast him out. *As I have stated in a previous writing, there is a higher anointing in the name YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Believers MUST use His full Name, during Tribulation, in order to defend themselves from powerful demons. The Holy Spirit confirmed it was the Chief Demon of the Abyss, Apollyon, who attacked me last night. We are entering a time period where Yahweh has given him increased authority over mankind. And soon the rest of his demonic army will be released from the Abyss to cause destruction on Earth (Revelation 9). These demons are more powerful than anything people have EVER encountered. Dream: The dream began with me attending a Catholic University, as a graduate student. My group of friends was comprised of intelligent outcasts who did not fit in with the popular crowd. One day, we were reading our Bibles when I noticed that certain verses seemed to be missing. I left our group study and found my Professor. I showed him my Bible and the clues indicating original manuscripts had been purposely removed. He pulled out his magnifying glass and began to examine the pages. A concerned look came over his face as he said, “File paperwork with the Vatican to officially request these missing sections.” I went through the appropriate channels to make the desired request. However, the Vatican’s main office soon informed me that those manuscripts did not exist. Of course, I knew they were lying so I decided to go undercover and spy on the Pope! The scene switched and I was sitting in a Cathedral, directly across from Pope Ratzinger and his henchman, Cardinal Klovenback. They were conducting service for our University’s student body. As soon as the service ended I snuck into their limousine, which was parked and waiting out front. I sat toward the back and began changing my attire so I would be less conspicuous. The Pope and Klovenback entered the vehicle and began talking about something sinister. But they suddenly paused when they saw me in the rearview mirror, struggling with getting a shirt over my head! Klovenback said something to me along the lines of, “It looks like you’re having some trouble back there.” I laughed it off and pretended to play along with their mockery. The scene switched and I was amongst my group of friends telling them what happened. We decided to concoct a scheme to infiltrate the Vatican and reclaim the stolen biblical manuscripts. The plot involved one of our Black (Hebrew) friends disguising himself as a janitor in the Vatican’s main vault area. Over the course of several weeks he was supposed to steal small segments of the manuscript at a time and deposit them with another friend who would be nearby. Once all the pieces were re-assembled we intended to present all our findings to our Professor and the entire class. After several weeks of carrying out this plan, a few of the guys in our group became nervous that the scheme was taking too long. They were also worried that someone
  • 5. might slip up and spill secrets. That would leave us vulnerable to plagiarism, whereby others could steal our hard work and present it as their own. These concerns caused us to proceed with a sense of urgency. As soon as these concerns were voiced our fears were soon realized! A Black (Hebrew) security guard busted our friend who was playing the janitor role. The guard had asked him a seemingly innocent question, “Hey, did you take care of that thing I asked you about the other week?” Our friend answered “yes,” but did not realize it was a trick question. The guard responded and asked our friend to show him what he purchased. At that point, our friend realized he was busted so he shrugged his shoulders and had a defeated look on his face. The security guard quickly figured out what our friend was doing and why. But, rather than report him to the authorities he had a change of heart! He looked at our friend and said, “Just remember the next time that it was a car you were going to purchase.” The scene switched again and I was back with my friends. We had finally accomplished reclaiming all the missing manuscripts. We spread out the various pieces across the floor in an effort to appropriately link them together. One of our friends, the leader of the group, noticed that many of the manuscripts included photos of a football game. The images were taken from different angles and at varying distances; some were close-ups of a player’s foot touching down on the 27-yard marker. We suddenly realized that all the clues were pointing us to something that was covered up at a football game! We hustled to gather all the evidence and decided we would present our findings in class the next day. The following afternoon, we arrived in class brimming over with excitement! However, our joy soon turned to dismay when another group of students went to the front of the class armed with our same presentation. They had stolen and plagiarized our work! The most disturbing aspect of their performance was that they were dressed to mimic our group. In particular, there was one young lady who was badly attempting to copy me by wearing a short, pink tutu. I took notice that she also had red hair (The Jezebel demon has red hair). Her entire outfit was meant to distract the Professor and it worked! Initially, our group was downcast after this turn of events. But as we listened to the imposters’ presentation we realized they had not given an entirely accurate portrayal of events. Our group stood up and left the auditorium. We had a renewed determination to uncover more clues and reveal a hidden mystery. There was one gentleman, in particular, who took a leading role within our group (he looked a lot like Clay Eudaly from the above video!). He was an absolute genius at revisiting evidence and determining correct formulas that would crack the case. The next day, we gave an amazing presentation, along with supporting evidence. We solved the football mystery and then I awoke!
  • 6. Interpretation: 1. My mother and I recently discovered that the Vatican is hiding many original manuscripts from Yahushua’s true Apostles. Those that are missing include writings from Apostle Mary Magdalene and the entire Book of Eve. This is the association with Pope Ratzinger and Cardinal Klovenback. Interestingly, it is actually Cardinal Klovenback who is considered the Black Pope amongst the secretive Jesuit Order. Ratzinger takes his orders from Klovenback, while Klovenback remains hidden on the sidelines. 2. Me being busted in the limousine indicates I got as far as I could with exposing the enemy’s plans on my website. The remaining work would need to be a consolidated effort between many of Yahweh’s Prophets and Apostles, many of whom my mother and I have never spoken to or met. 3. The Black Hebrew friend is indicative of Yahweh’s true Israelites. The Holy Spirit confirmed that my mother and I, Clay, and Jonathan Kleck represent a number of Yahweh’s Lost Tribes. We were on a mission to uncover the truth about our identity and about Yahweh’s hidden scriptures. 4. The Black Security Guard represents true Israelites who are currently skeptics, but who will soon awaken to their identity and convert (or leave churches). They will indeed have a change of heart! 5. The Football game mystery consists of the enemy’s plans for the Super Bowl. Yahweh is alerting his Prophets so we can be one step ahead! HalleluYah! Of particular interest is the 27-yard marker I saw in one of the photographs. It was a confirmation that ties together what Tom Cruise said at the 11:27 time code in the above video. It was at this point he mentioned that one of the football players threw a “Hail Mary” during the game. As my mother mentioned in her writing, she had a dream of a large, open field where an apparition of the Mary demon appeared! (worship of Mother Mary as a deity is satanic! She is not God!) This further indicates that something demonic will take place at the Superbowl. 6. The imposter group of students represents mainstream media, churches and false prophets who will spin what happens in order to distract people from the truth. 7. The last sentence shows that Yahweh has given his people foreknowledge so that all who seek it may know the truth! WARFARE PRAYERS ON FRIDAY- FEBRUARY 1 RELEASING THE POWER OF YAHWEH
  • 7. I release the power and authority of YAHWEH against all demons I encounter in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Matt.10:1) I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH ** (Acts 26:18) Let me be amazed at Your power ** (Acts 26:18) Release the power of Elijah through Your prophet * (Luke 1:17) WARFARE PRAYERS * I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19) I bind and rebuke the angel of light in the name of YAHUSHUA * (2 Cor.11:14) I put on my beautiful garments * (Isa.52:1) Let a mantle of power rest upon my life (2 Kings 2:8) PRAYERS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF DESTRUCTION I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev.9:11) I am redeemed from destruction ** (Ps.103:4) DEMONIC HORSEMEN I release the sword of YAHWEH upon the horses and chariots * (Jer. 50:37) I bind and rebuke every black horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 6:5) I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA (Rev. 6:8) PRAYERS AGAINST SPIRITS OF THE VALLEY I loose myself from every Delilah spirit operating in the valley * (Judg.16:4) I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (2 Kings 14:7) DELIVERANCE FROM LIONS I tread upon the lion in the name of YAHUSHUA (Ps: 91:3) I walk in holiness, and no lion can dwell in my life * (Isa. 35:9) Let the Lion of the tribe of Judah roar through me against my enemies ******* DELIVERANCE FROM FLIES * I bind and cast out all flies that would attempt to affect my anointing in the name of YAHUSHUA (Eccles.10:1)
  • 8. APOSTOLIC PRAYERS I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing (2 Pet.1:2) BINDING AND LOOSING I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is loosed in heaven I loose on earth * I bind all sickness and disease released against my mind and body * RELEASING SHAME UPON THE ENEMY Let those who seek after my soul be ashamed and confounded; let those who desire my hurt be turned backward and put to confusion * (Ps. 70:2) Psalm 2: The Reign of YAHWEH‟s Anointed Psalm 18: YAHWEH Is My Rock And My Fortress Psalm 94: YAHWEH Will Not Forsake His People ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- WARFARE PRAYERS ON SATAURDAY FEBRUARY 2 This morning, I awakened with nausea and a headache that ran down my neck. This is very unusual for me. The HOLY SPIRIT immediately alerted me that I was under attack, before I even started on my regular prayers and worship. I immediately got into spiritual warfare, and shortly after ending my prayers, the headache was gone! HalleluYAH! The prayers in italics are new ones I have never said before. RELEASING THE POWER OF YAHWEH I release the power and authority of YAHWEH against all demons I encounter in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Matt.10:1) Release the power of Elijah through Your prophet PRAYERS AGAINST SATAN (THE DEVIL) I am delivered from the power of Satan unto YAHWEH (Act 26:18) QUENCHING THE FIRE OF THE ENEMY I bind and rebuke all spirits of jealousy directed against my life in the name of YAHUSHUA I quench every fire of wickedness sent against my life in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Isa.9:18) PRAYERS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF DESTRUCTION I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Rev. 9:11) The destroyer cannot come into my life or family in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Exod. 12:23) I rebuke all destruction from my gates in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Isa.24:12)
  • 9. PRAYERS AGAINST JEZEBEL I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts * (2 Kings 9:30-33) I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven * I cut off the assignment of Jezebel against the ministers of YAHWEH * (1 King 19:2) I rebuke and cut off the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed * (2 Kings 11:1) I come against the spirit of Herodias and cut off the assignment to kill the prophets *** (Mark 6:22-24) DEALING WITH SPIRITS OF THE DESERT I bind and rebuke the screech owl in the name of YAHUSHUA * (Isa. 34:14) I rebuke the beasts of the desert, every doleful creature, every satyr, and every dragon from operating in my life ** (Isa. 13:21-22) PRAYERS AGAINST DEMONIC HORSEMEN Let the chariots and horsemen be burned with Your fire * (Nah. 2:13) I bind and rebuke every pale horse that would come against me in the name of YAHUSHUA (Rev.6:8) Let the horse be cut by Your power, O YAHWEH * (2 Sam.8:4) PRAYERS AGAINST SPIRITS OF THE VALLEY ** Let every Achan in my life be destroyed in the valley * (Josh.7:24-26) I destroy every Edomite spirit in the valley in the name of YAHUSHUA (2 Kings 14:7) I smite Amalek and destroy him in the valley ** (1 Sam 15:3-5) I smite all the Midianites in the valley ** (Judg.6:33-34) DEALING WITH SPIRIT BIRDS I bind and rebuke the cormorant (the vomiting pelican) from operating against my life in the name of YAHUSHUA (Isa. 34:11) I bind and rebuke any demonic eagle and hawk sent against my life, and I command their nests to be destroyed in the name of YAHUSHUA ** (Job 39:26-30) Let Your presence drive every unclean bird away from my life (Jer.4:25-26) APOSTOLIC PRAYERS I receive multiplied grace and peace through the apostolic anointing (2 Pet.1:2)
  • 10. BIND AND LOOSING I have the keys to the kingdom, and whatever is bound in heaven I bind on earth, and whatever is loosed in heaven I loose on earth I bind the strongman and spoil his goods (Matt.12:29) Psalm 64: Hide Me From The Wicked Psalm 125: YAHWEH Surrounds His People