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Dear Reader,
This Book describe the virtues and associated principles that will help to
achieve spiritual satisfaction and material success. I am writing to invite
you to join me, and potentially millions of others worldwide, in the Global
Network, which will be based on the daily practice of these powerful
guiding principles.
Participation in the Network is open to anyone who chooses to practice
and if we collectively put our attention on the same each day, we could
soon reach a critical mass of successful people that could transform life on
planet earth. Please help to publicity and campaign.
Start a study group of family, friends, or co-workers where members meet
once a week to discuss their experiences with the spiritual laws and will
fixed action.
With love and best wishes,
Book and e-book are available: English / Bangle and other language.
Price: 250/-
Pro Makers
38, banglabazar, dhaka.
Wisdom Of Atheism And Religion
Mr & Ms Miah.
Dedicated To
To parents whose sincere, tireless efforts and austerity have made us as a
full-fledged man and from whom we have inherited a good ideology.
We are remembering those, whose clear guidelines have inspired us to
write this book. Mentioning the names of the reference books will enlarge
the size of the book, as such we have avoided it. Besides that we express
our heartiest gratitude to all, whose direct and indirect cooperation have
enriched this book.
i. Introduction (1)
ii. Things To Do (7)
iii. Writer introduce (46)
1.Be Helpful 1
2.Be Philanthropic 3
3.Be Forgiving 4
4.Be Hospitable 6
5.Be Unvarying 7
6.Be Sacrificing 9
7.Be Altruistic 12
8.Be Thankful 13
9.Be Trustworthy 15
10.Be Attractive 18
11.Be Impressive 21
12.Be Fairspoken 24
13.Be Veracious 28
14.Be Honest 32
15.Be Social 33
16.Be United 36
17.Be Self-constituted 40
18.Be Intent 48
19.Be Selfcontrolled 53
20.Be Calm 56
21.Be Worldly 59
22.Be Tiptop 67
23.Be Sober 74
24.Be Devoted 88
25.Be Careful 96
26.Be Liberal 103
27.Be Polite 105
28.Be Virtuous 107
29.Be Superexcellent 111
30.Be Ideal 113
31.Be Extraordinary 119
32.Be Voluntary 126
33.Be Natural 133
34.Be Youthful 136
35.Be Habitual 138
36.Be Healthy 140
37.Be Strong 143
38.Be Searching 146
39.Be Steadfast 150
40.Be Selfconfident 153
41.Be Self-made 157
42.Be Selfsupporting 160
43.Be Capable 164
44.Be Pragmatic 166
45.Be Skillful 169
46.Be Veteran 171
47.Be Punctual 172
48.Be Industrious 176
49.Be Labourious 177
50.Be Spirited 179
51.Be Inspiring 181
52.Be Strenuous 183
53.Be Active 185
54.Be Diligent 187
55.Be Expeditious 188
56.Be Successful 189
57.Be Economical 191
58.Be Solvent 192
59.Be Earning 198
60.Be Professional 206
61.Be Established 215
62.Be Powerful 221
63.Be Independent 231
64.Be Inducible 236
65.Be Famous 241
66.Be Advisory 244
67.Be Moral 247
68.Be Corrected 254
69.Be Reformative 267
70.Be Adapted 269
71.Be Travelling 273
72.Be Productive 276
73.Be Constructive 284
74.Be Creative 292
75.Be Rising 295
76.Be Progressive 298
77.Be Civillized 299
78.Be Expanded 303
79.Be Promoter 306
80.Be Learned 311
81.Be Educated 313
82.Be Known 320
83.Be Wise 324
84.Be Foresseeing 327
85.Be Considerate 328
86.Be Positive 331
87.Be Neutral 332
88.Be Reasonable 333
89.Be Fearless 335
90.Be Brave 338
91.Be Unhesitating 340
92.Be Careful 344
93.Be Cautious 347
94.Be Sentient 351
95.Be Anxiousfree 353
96.Be Steady 355
97.Be Patient 358
98.Be Determined 359
99.Be Watchfull 365
100.Be Invincible 366
101.Be Tactful 371
102.Be Aimfull 376
103.Be Multiplex 382
104.Be Self-restraint 386
105.Be Changed 388
106.Be Forbearing 391
107.Be Satisfied 395
108.Be Peaceful 403
109.Be Philanthropic 406
110.Be Monotheism 419
111.Be Self-existent 425
(i) Introduction
Before reading about any subject, we should know properly about its aims and
objectives. For example a man selects his career before studying medical science or
law. Likely, before going through a religious book, we should have a clear idea about
our intention. Not depending on the fame or obscurity of an author, but we should
read a book with the love for truth. It is important what the author has written.
Meaning of each word and sentence of this book is clear, while reading a book we
should try to understand the substance of a book. While reading something, one
should try to understand the meaning of each sentence and be patience. He should
think over what each sentence means. Gist of a reading material can be understood
through education, imagination, grammar, realizing the unwritten opinions, following
the rhythm and punctuations of the written material and keeping in view the overall
place, time and the system. Purpose of writing this book is to express clearly what its
writer thinks and likes. Transparency of a writers thought is not evident when his
way of expression is not clear. An easily readable and understandable book always
gets popularity. Nobody can realise a book of deep knowledge, unless he, himself
sees or undergoes such practice. Books give advices only but don't compel anybody
to do anything. It is useless to read a religious book till its advices are not followed.
Religious books are not attractive at sight or its sayings are also not attractive to
pronounce but when somebody wants to understand its gist and try to follow it, he
will get an unlimited treasure in it. It is a complete precept. Its aim is to accept an
ideology and to make it easy accessible to mankind for implementing in their daily
life. He who follows it wholly, really loves himself. If you want everlasting benefit
by this book, you should read it and try to follow it regularly. After reading you
should research on the subject matter. You should read the book wholly at least once
in every month. After reading you are to educate yourself on the subject and you
should try your best to implement its ideologies in your practical life and should
educate others on the subject. Everybody should convey the messages to others.
Often you should read the book and practice its advices in your practical life. You
should write down the dates, names, occurrences and effects cited in your personal
diary. In this world there is a common book, a child reads it like a book of rhymes, a
young man reads it like an epic and an old man reads it like a religious book itself.
The citizens of the world are facing dangers now. Nuclear weapons, financial disaster
side by side with the increase of population and the natural disaster. Society is like a
body, any part of it found in problem, the whole becomes inactive. The impact
infected the other parts if any part is in danger. Present we are facing extremely
downfall. Capitalistic system has introduced an attitude of competition for personal
progress in the peoples mind. This tendency of competition prevails among the
family members, neighbours, workers of all organizations, businessmen,
intellectuals, officers, employees, politicians and among all other groups of people.
That creates a sense of selfishness, individualism and separation among all the
members of a society. As a result, a pure pleasure is not found in our life. Mankind is
gradually going away from the normal way of life. Frustration is being developed
among them, rate of addiction and crime tendency are increasing day by day, they
can't find out the meaning of life. They think that they are unwanted by their families
and societies and there is no significance in their lives. From these despondency
arises moral degradation, deviation, and exile of every kind of human values, and
every kind of social, inhuman negative activities. Life should be made meaningful,
because as a matter of fact, life has no meaning itself. Science, philosophy, arts and
culture and many thing else are vain endeavour to make our meaningless lives into a
meaningful one. All the performance, reputation, education, literatures, arts all are
the various results of the efforts for compromising the conflicts among different
classes of people. History of mankind proceeded through social studies, political
science and religious studies, is the history of adjustments. Life is full of artificial,
mechanic and controlled. Due to mechanical and materialistic civilization, now a
days mankind have become disgusted to the social system and they are no more
getting any charm among all these affairs. In the materialistic civilization gradually
increasing poverty in resources, frustration in luxury and uncertainty in abundance.
Sensuality tendency has created a kind of restlessness in the society. Every innocent
soul is groan for a complete and calm state in mind every moment. Mankind has
become restless due to poverty and ignorance. Established individual characteristics
good relation in body and mind could avoide this pain. Mankind could not get peace,
even they are the owner of power, of property, even of knowledge, due to absence of
perfect philosophy for life, cofusion of lives reality and ability, careless to values,
tempered materialistic mentality. All we are peculiar characteristics, everyone want
to express as clean characteristics. Tendency arise to blame the mankind and also to
the God from sorrow for commited crime. Philosophy and ontology may take high
places, till there will be the faith in God, until death remain in earth, until
helplessness remain in human hearts, until utmost helplessness rise cry from core of
human mind. We do not faith in religion till we suffer or resist. When serious
disorder rise in life, when there is no affection in own life, when serious dislike
comes on artificial, when disgust grows upon deception, only then begins the
religion. Truth revealed, after disappoint from everydays cipher worldly concerns
disappear. Does anybody can sit without scurry while got thirst? People do not get
thirst, so they sit and sink in world. When heart fills with stroke of sorrow and
hardness in world, living being think baseless due to death of own people, life is
agitated due to coming impassable hard gloomy future life, then the living being is
forwarded for the religion. We can say great talk, but when stroke comes in life, then
we can see how weak we are. Time will must come, when our games will be break,
then we will go to religion. Atheism religion is not in any idealist religion, the
greatest religion of the world is faith in humanity. Different rules and regulation of
religion should be explain farther due to modern situation. Who am I? Where I came
from? Where will I go? How created the universe? What is its goal? What is the
relation to world with me? What is my status, responsibility, duty and object for
world planning? How is such contrariety in the same religion? Why those questions
came to mind which have no answer? Creation of world and its need, origin and
intention of human life and over all what is the purpose etc. all are the fundamental
question for all the time. Making difference in soul and body to keeping conflict of
class those days are going to be ended. Those who consciously or unconsciously
inimical present life, go away from them. The world is place for cheating. Should be
kept away from all fraudulent. Seems those who should be demonstrator are such
frauds. This situation is not only in this country, it is whole over world. Cause of
ignorance and lack of learning we are driven towards the path of falsehood. One who
cannot control himself is driven by other. It is to be remembered that it is the
derogatory, slavish mentality of one’s ownself the lifeless existence and lives of the
insects that inspires the savage, reactions, all destroying power of other. In a critical
situation, to surrender before that situation, instead of winning that is equivalent to
become the idol of unchanged rule. The fate of weak lost itself on the way itself. That
means, it is the outcome of the inactive, unproductive, introvert thought. Because of
the looting system, the government goes bankrupt, industrialization and agriculture
halts and all other sectors stand still. So where the youth, students, mass people
would go, what will they do? Future is uncertain, all the avenues to develop career is
closed. But, in the declaration of growth rate by the politics of development and the
international economic organization celebrate through air and sky. This trend of
development is faraway from the cottages of poor families and confined within the
limit of sky scraper building of city life. Despite all these we should struggle forward
for the foods, cloths and earnings. Rising of proper humanity are not possible only by
the formal education or traditional worship. Activities of mankind and religion have
changed in different manner with the era. Fundamental functions of religion are the
same in all the religion not a single point changed. Religion should be made a unity
with philosophy, science, specially reality. You have heard only the explanation of
world from different views. Now it needs to change the world. You should to be time
preditor. Religious old boat is not strong enough for present, we should make
dynamic new boat. Require new commentator due to co-ordination with ever
changing world. We are to invent and discover the aims and objectives which make
our unsuccessful life into a successful one, by meditation and experience. We should
always remain alert for all the time including during meditation, thinking, working,
sacrificing and enjoying. We should express the truth, beauty and divine qualities
within ourselves through our creations. It is needed to learn how to love oneself, one
has to love oneself, in a healthy, bold and complete way. By exploiting your love,
light of knowledge, and full ability you have to make the world meaningful. Life land
is enough fertile but, before that fertility gets barren, we have to sow the seeds of
great expectation in time. Improvement means to overcome oneself, to do better than
the present state of oneself. You have to stand upwards on your own heart, energy,
power, courage, and eligibility. To reach the target, the students, youth and the
professional power have to be organized to build up new social system in conducting
production, distribution and exchange. The joint labourer will be invested in the
development of human happiness and humanity, in the form of necessary labour,
suitable labour and favourable labour. The youth and young generation are to be
encouraged to be sacrificing in the struggle for the redemption and advancement of
the society. No more terrorism, addiction, corruption or anarchy, only self
development through developing the society through meaningful freedom. That’s
why you need to be struggling creator, today you are alone but one day you will be
united. Out of them great men will be created. It is the power of will that give relief
to human being. The end of wish is the end of evaluation and creation. Be conscious
so that fantasy does not cheat the imagination or wish. You are yet to discover
yourselves, do it hurriedly. Those who have nothing to give, become ashamed to
receive, discard the habit of receiving. Don’t wish anything impossible to yourself.
Don’t proceed to be great beyond your own capability. If you have passion for
greatness, exploit your own worth. So raising capacity at improving mechanisms for
accountability are important. The world is to be developed in your own way, the
intellect is to be perceived, this creation will be only for pleasure. Function of
creation is to devise the way of getting relieve of the woe and misery. Sickness,
mourning and mental shocks will go away with our lively touches and we shall give
everybody of the world the taste of delight. We have come to the world to create
something with our hopes, zeal sacrificing tendency and courage. We create
something with our physical mental and lively efforts and with our intelligence,
because we get pleasure in this way. We should establish our working centers
everywhere. Apart from development planning they will build ‘united resistance’
against various offences. Community manager would be taken from different
professionals, through a broad-based understanding. If we fail to control our
tendencies towards crime and other alike affairs we shall fall victim to death. We
should unite the zealous workers and to grow amity and integrity among them.
Conflict of socio-economic and political ideologies will get no chance to flourish
there. Our motto should be to establish humanity instead of establishing a particular
political or social system. A real honest, bold and consensus man has no company, he
has to struggle for ideology and truth in a secluded, adverse environmental condition.
You have to start the journey to the ever alone path, have to transform the softest to
the hardest one. The language of beauty is mild but to awake the sluggish sleeping,
thunder like expression is needed. Prepare yourself for great enemy, that’s why you
have to overlook insignificant things. No more betray to own independence, your
true intelligence is your tools. Sharpen your own tools, wake up, fight against the
enemy. Get ready, either life or death. In this situation, we need conscious madcap
persons who are brave and who do not care for their personal damage. Learn to avoid
the earth. This need proper ideology and leadership. We have to be co-warrior of
society not the service renders. Shake off despondency, shame, failure, foolishness to
be a perfect predator. This is aimed at inviting people to wake up whose consciences
are sleeping but not dead. This ideology is for courageous people. Who want to
change the direction of wind, fight with the current of the seas and to divert its
direction, they keep real courage and boldness. For those who dare to divert the
direction of a society. This ideology is not meant for any coward. This ideology is
not for those who are slaves of their habits, are like the straws which keep on flying
always in favour of the wind, and like the insects which always move in favour of the
current of water, not for those who change their decision at every moment and those
who are habituated to conduct themselves always in favour of the prevailing social
customs. These guidelines are for those who are ready to keep faith in Allah, trust
and ideology always upright to conduct themselves to the straight and right path with
confidence. The social system about which we think over is that where righteousness
is the motto and where Allah has forbidden injustice between two persons. The
society where we are entering is that where we must fight against the enemies of
mankind, because, counter attack is the best way of defense. We shall carry out our
duties after verifying the evidences for and against the offenders and the innocents,
determining the facts and without being prejudiced by the destructive elements of the
society. First of all, we shall work to weaken the people having negative attitudes
alongwith their followers. To attain this goal, we are required to identify the people
having negative attitudes to locate their positions and to end up the supports behind
them in a planned way. Good war ennobles every ideology. ‘Know your enemy’ is
one of the most accepted maxims regarding war. Win the war of doctrines to support
democratic values and to promote economic freedom needs win an idealistic war.
Peoples are integrated into a world consistent with the interests and values we share
with our partners, values such as human dignity, rule of law, respect for individual
liberties, open and free economies, and religious tolerance. With the disappearance of
the down falling social values or communitie's degenerate system, problems like
anarchy, poverty, discontent, insecurity, injustice and inequality will disappear too
and the world will become a place of peace and plenty. The streets will be safe again,
the legal system will deliver justice and everybody will benefit according to their
need from education and health services. All artistic works will be recognized,
standard of living of mass people will rise a great progress will come in the field of
science and technology, people will get closer with each other with love and regards
and the rate of crime will go down dramatically. The interests of the community for
the standard of living will rise, or everyone have an equal share in the rewards of
wealth, science and technology. Wealth becoming accessible to the population at
large or that there should be improvement in the distribution of wealth. Country
should begin to achieve social stability and security. We must not forget that to
implement this plan, we should have earnest desire as well as to keep on working
accordingly. If the believers in Allah tries sincerely and firmly to spread religious
ethics then Allah will also help them. Allah says that if the honest and sincere people
do not work unitedly and make chaos in each group then the world will become such
a place where life will become intolerable and everybody will suffer. As such, we
should pass this message to people massively and to warn them about the heinous
plans of the wicked people. If anybody is found to be involved in any crime he must
be brought to the court of law and to be punished according to proper legal process.
Moral consciousness of the people should raised by bringing proper reforms in
education and through spread of moral education with the aid of media. No comment
can be made on any nation or people without evaluating its mental attitudes, social
and economic conditions and environment. A particular doctrine may be useful for a
particular territory or nation, again it may not be useful for another. It is better to
bring people under a particular process after creating a tendency in their minds to
abide by the laws of the land and making a revolutionary change in their mentalities.
Otherwise the objectives may not be successful. If the supreme power of the social
activities, opinion any address to some elementary change is designed through
consultation and discussion, that might not be successful. Rather to prove through
credible proof and precept that you are able to materialize your hopes and
aspirations, it is only then you will be successful. Success is a must by proper social
conscious and right step. The confidence and the inspiration of the fellowmen make a
person successful and as per the feature of the letter period, he has to establish
dominance over the condition through hardship and justice. He makes other
confident that it is possible to fulfill their emotional desire and only he can care that
through strong determination. For this it is needed to create a disciplinary attitude of
the equation to socioeconomic problems. Every problem has its certain local
characteristics, which make it diferent from problems in other areas. And solution to
a problem also lies in that locality. Only local unity as social capital can develop
human capital, which is an alternative to financial capital. However the quality of
leadership remains as a precondition for getting better deliveries. To eradicate the
root of the problem, the solution is to be cultivated, arrangement should be made for
cultivation, making land, sowing seed, fertilizer insecticide, irrigation clearing weds,
opinion of specialists, medicine, sufficient natural elements, harvesting the crops and
threshing that, after processing comes storing, marketing. Instead of being dependent
to others in resolving problem it is necessary to take integrated steps with self-
enterprise through thought and search. The main target would be determining
financial condition and searching the way of change. It is essential to collect data
through investigation, survey for development of the present economic condition.
The local people are to be organized for their economical redemption and the
necessary elements are to be collected by individual entrepreneur. Taking opinion
with the local leaders, youths, discussion is to be held house to house in villages.
This makes easy the opinion, advice, work procedures, to be evaluated more
convenient. All are old but you should know it as new, we have done our duty
completely. Could be create a new path only with faith, patience and self-confidence,
when all the ways came to shut. We are not day dremer. We do demand by ourself as
a welldone hopeful man. Please, help ‘To build a survival generation’. -Writer
(ii) Things To Do
Introduction: There is no problem of mankind except death, which cannot be solved.
No matter, how much a problem is critical but if we try to solve it and know the ways
and means to solve it, we can easily solve the problem. As there are stars in the sky,
there are possibilities in a life. But you are to try and awaken it. Keep on solving a
problem, keeping the possible danger in mind, take measures according to the
situation. While taking a decision for solving a problem, we are to carefully, consider
the nature of the occurrences, policies followed by others in the similar cases and
powers and efficiency of our own. Efforts for solving a problem are to be continued
in different ways instead of trying to solve it uselessly in old and inactive methods. If
a problem is not solve in a particular way, adopt some other way to solve. Collection
of data pinpointing a problems, approval and determination of a substitute taking
action and selecting substitute taking up provisionally, application or
implementation, evaluation, cancellation and renewal, solving the problem
considering deeply, are considered as the factors of taking a decision. Objectives,
standard of activities, pinpointing the problems, determining several substitutes,
decision (sense of values, standard of education, politics, emotion), evaluation,
implementation and control, feed back, comparison and rectification, are the model
factors of taking a correct decision. We should not be emotional while taking an
important decision. A decision is to be measured with the measuring sticks of
number, effectiveness, justification and stability. A decision without implementation
can never be called a decision. Its common formula is to be discoursed following
upward and downward methods. A theory is to be applied to a particular case after
collecting data in support of the theory.
Support us- There are many ways you can support us. Fund raise and make a
donation or investment to help finance a project. We are committed to directing all
donations or investment to the community level. Your donations or investment will
improve the lives of communities. Ongoing projects and programs we are providing
much needed assistance for the most needy people. ex: A donation of just US $ 30
can put a child through school for 1 year. A donation of just US $ 40 can provide a
tube-well and safe water supply for a small village. A donation of just US $ 20 can
provide seeds and training to cultivate a vegetable garden. A donation of just US $ 30
can provide a sanitary latrine to improve hygiene and reduce diseases. A donation of
just US $ 40 can provide a disabled person with a caretaker for a whole year. It can
also purchase a wheelchair or such device. Alternatively, by making a regular
donation you can help finance one of the many programs or projects. If you wish to
make a donation please contact us.
Welcome and thank you for your interest in serving. The program provides a unique
opportunity to learn more about the daily operations of general people. In addition to
normal office duties, interns attend weekly lectures, volunteer at special events,
participate in tours, and contribute to a community service project in the area.
Percipients are unpaid positions and participants are responsible for arranging their
own activities. We invite you to apply. It can help you determine your areas of
interest and assist you in making an capability which might fit your qualifications.
D”P Approximately few interns are chosen each time to participate in this highly
competitive program. Interns will be selected based on their application and
demonstrated interest in service. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Those
are undergraduate or graduate at a college or university, attach resume and letters of
recommendation. The success will depend on the quality appointees we choose to
join us to lead this nation in the years ahead, we will look for people who are willing
to work hard to do what is best for the country, who examine the facts and do what is
right whether or not it is popular. We will look for people from across the country
and from every walk of life. We welcome all who are ready for this great challenge
to apply.
: Positions for Counselors:
: Homeland, Security and Peace,
: Defense,
: Law, Justice and Administration,
: Foreign Affairs,
: Establishment, Election and Special Affairs,
: Finance and Treasury, Economic Planning, Cooperation and Logistics
Development, Budget, Internal Revenue, Credit, Endowment, Reserve, Invest,
: Commerce, Trade and Industry, Energy, Agriculture, Harmonization in the Internal
Market, Patent Designs and Trademark,
: Communities and Local Government, Social and Family Affairs, Veterans Affairs,
Senior Citizens, Child and Youth, Women and Gender Equality, Fundamental- Civil
and Legal Rights, Intelligent Network,
: Education, Training, Standards & Technology, Science and Research,
: Mental and physical health, Disease Prevention and Control, Medicines, Drugs and
Drug Addiction, and Firearms.
: Food, Consumer Protection, Agrifood Production, Community Food Safety, Aids,
: Housing, Building and Development, Reconstruction and Historic Preservation,
: Work, Labour and Skills, Equal Employment, Safety and Health at Work, Social
Security and Pensions,
: Transport, Communication, Media and Press, Printing, Archives and Records,
Information and Information Security, Entertainment and Sport, Tourism, Religion,
: Environmental Property and Nature Conservation, wildlife- forest- land- water- air-
bird- animal and fish service, Chemical Hazard and Safety,
The duties of the counselor- can be summed upto receive complaints and claims for
damages and decide on financial compensation for such damages. Act as the gov.
ombudsman in the supervision of the authorities and the civil servants, and to take
action in cases of abuse. Settling complaints on the work of state agencies or state
officials. i.e. cases of maladministration, in which constitutional rights or freedoms
of individuals have been violated with individual acts or measures. Act as the
guardian for the protection of privacy in different fields. Ensuring that authorities
fulfil the obligations deriving from the principles of the rule of law and protection of
human and social rights, human dignity, freedom, equality and democracy. The habit
of quick understanding, taking decision instantly, strong will power, sharp and of
meaningful speech are the quality of a general and a diplomat, that makes a person
executive in the real sense of the term.
Factors to Consider: To serve a country as a member will be both an honour and a
privilege but it is not for everyone. Anyone thinking about applying should be aware
that. Your information will be kept on file and you will be considered for the
position(s) or subject area(s) in which you have expressed an interest whenever
openings occur. Most applicants under serious consideration must be disclosed for an
appointment will go through a full background check in which their employment,
profession, personal, travel, medical, financial holdings, sources of income, legal,
military and educational histories will be reviewed and scrutinized.
Narrative Responses: Why would you be a good representative of the service? What
would you contribute to the intern program? Which of the policies is most important
to you, why? What do you consider your most significant accomplishment, why?
Appointments: Select men and women of the greatest ability and highest ethical and
professional integrity to serve in policymaking and key administrative positions in
communities administration.
Executive Summury: The need is built a network system as a informative
infrastructure. First lunch a campaign to the local community. Motivate them to inter
act with us for their purpose. After few months this program will operate as
coordinator among their supply and demand, and the system will be self-existence.
The expected outcomes and achievements of the ministry is more or less like a e-
govt. and this will be operating successfully because of peoples best participation.
This communication infrastructure will also produce a general fund. Only needs
center base computer operator and a postal, currier, mobile, network services. Throw
community worker and member this structure will focus to a developed life standard
among religion, social, economical, political etc. to the millennium people. This
communication starts a new era for the civilization. Expenditure of a community
depend of peoples dedication it may very Tk 5,000 to Tk 50,000 per annual.
Commission will distribute in few tiers. Example for a task: 1st
- 10% to a liaison
person, who makes to join a new member. 2nd
- 25% to a writer person who cast &
write data according format and send to local base. 3rd
- 20% to a local community
counselor who coordinate final supply and demand through analytical feed back.
Rest 45% will be reserved as a common fund for further step. Per week is a reporting
period for a particular task.
Startup- A group of visionary community workers as a voluntary, through
community development we endeavours to raise the socio-economic condition of
numerous disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Through human resource
development we mobilizes local resources in a dynamic way. By involving people in
their own health, education, rights, economic, agricultural and community
development we strives for sustainability. We collaborates with development ideas,
strategies and approaches. Thorough project planning involves assessment of
community needs, development of implementation strategies and realistic forecasting
of productivity and potential for sustainability. Projects are implemented in
partnership with local communities. Our relations with civil society have been
changing in keeping with the shift in our overall objectives, with emphasis moving
from work at a project level to an increasingly strategic engagement to support
achievement of these goals. As part of this we are taking a much more dynamic look
at the role of civil society in pushing for social, economic and political change. We
have been engaging directly with a wider range of organisations across civil society
seeking to support them in their role of helping to enhance their capacity to organise
and get their voice heard, and to demand better services and better access to them.
Vision- We aims to empower individuals and encourage them to participate in
integrated sustainable community development. To implement innovative result
oriented projects everywhere for the betterment. To have a staff of people that will be
doing their best to provide all related services.
Mission- Create an honest and loyal platform, so interested could help rural people
through their contribution and involvement, arrange structural social improvement in
the grass root level. We aims to develop and increase the skills of local communities
by inspiring people to become actively involved in programs and projects.
Consequently, the capacity to strive for social and economic security and sustainable
development is increased. We seek to grow and develop towards being recognized as
the service provider, furthermore we aim to be the most admired and professional
solution provider. To provide the needed tools and winning edge over competition to
help in penetrating the market.
Values: Commitment- Diversity and believes that serving together creates
opportunities for people to appreciate their differences and creates a platform for
mutual respect. Responsibility- Civic engagement and believes that service
transforms individuals into active citizens and leaders who take an increasingly
greater role in the community. Courtesy- Believes that cultivating volunteers
dedication and passion leads to providing excellent service and programs.
Competence- We are competent and strive to continuously develop and improve our
skills and business practices. Integrity- We have integrity as individuals and as teams
our decisions are characterised by honesty and fairness. Opportunity- Empower local
people more effectively. Use more detailed, culturally specific knowledge to impact
on local policies. Improve innovation and a responsiveness to local issues, involve
the people more directly, make a difference at a grass-roots level.
Goal: Idea, innovation, model sharing, advice, needs, wants, crisis, etc. consequence
fact finding for governing and mass management practice. Personal, family, social,
national, international problems and solutions, awareness building, coordination,
knowledge sharing, education and training, concept, creativity, idealism exchange
etc. and create a fact finding data bank.
Purpose: To serve a informative interaction to feedback national and global prospect
within community.
Results and Output: All information will be placed classified and categorically and
action will take place through automatic hierarchy system.
Efficiency: All networks of administration can make a channel jointly to improve the
overall efficiency.
Feasibility: Between virtual and realistic communication it is far more easier.
Innovation: It’s a totally new and unique method. This may include arrangements
and responsibilities. And processes in place for ensuring new knowledge and best
practice arising from the project are incorporated into future projects.
Networking: To include mechanisms for dissemination outside project stakeholders,
who are the direct beneficiaries (primary stakeholders) and others (secondary
stakeholders) who will be affected by or involved in the project.
Accountability: Describe the nature of work. Its mission through a variety of
activities, like legal support and program analyses.
Reliability: Describe goal for how its work. Produce high quality reports, legal
opinion, and other program and services that are timely, accurate, useful, clear and
Integrity: Describe the standards of its work. It takes fact based and balanced
approach to all of its activities. Integrity is the foundation of reputation.
Work location: Every level of constituency is the working location for the statement
that the people make.
Risk: There is a risk for available suitable implementation and monitoring. We are
asking to the local community members, other field worker, local organized
association and existing different syndicates for franchise and partnership work
dilemma. Major cause of a problem is lack of knowledge. Talk to others in the
community to hear different views that will enable to form new holistic strategy.
The constitution: Motto- Every individual will maintain religious formalities and
work according to his individual choice which will bring solvency a positive result
for national works program, which will be regulated and enforced by the law of the
state. Liberty- without any disparity. Human rights- irrespective of his status, class
and community, with effectively participate in production and equitable distribution
of wealth. Ownership of wealth and resources of the communities are for financial
activities in conducting the administration of the state. A planed economic
development, raised productivity through on continuers process and raised of living
standard with material, cultural, mental standard by cooperative system through the
comparative backward people. Basic human rights and facilities, opportunity for
employment, sufficient rest recreation and vacation should be established. Above all,
social security should be ensured. Revolution- progress is to be brought in the lives
of all walks of people, specially that of the far flung areas through raising their
standard of life by improving agricultural, educational, technological, computer,
communication and network systems. Education- five year primary education should
be progress oriented, compulsory and free for all age and sex. Law- should erasure
that everybody completes his education within a period and no family is having more
than one child. Remuneration- everybody should get for his work according to his
qualification and work. Intellectual and physical works should be aimed at creativity
and establishment of humanity in the society. Pattern- historical objects and places
and naturally beautiful spots should be properly maintained. Security- (6m- man,
money, market, material, machine, method) International relations should be
peacefully solved and the backward communities should be inspired to co-operate in
the justified struggle of the suppressed and oppressed people following the method.
Equity- people should be led to progress attaining moral character and to be regardful
to discipline and easy access to get the shelter of law. Opportunity- everybody should
have an easy access to employment according to his eligibility. Matters regarding
daily essential commodities and services, control and management of markets, proper
administration and communication, specially water and land transportation, and
welfare of the retired personnel etc. should be given due importance and necessary
actions for implementation of the schemes. People should have trust, loyalty and
support in favour of this practice, directly or indirectly without sufficient reasons
they should perform duties properly with secrecy, trust, honesty and sincerity.
Our services- We are providing a variety of solutions and services. We provide
operations with outsourced logistics such in service customization and packaging and
back to back applications to further ease the business with dealers channel. Future
Plan- We have already established a world class standard center and in future we will
establish decntralised standard service center. Broad outcomes- obtain and maintain
employment, be addiction free, be violence free, reach their full potential provides
for the healthy development, achieve financial independence, good health, and
personal stability. Services build on client strengths. Services are easy to access and
are available. The community is the natural environment for individuals to live,
learn, work and play. Service delivery builds on community plans, services, and
delivery systems. We understand our common and separate goals within that
environment. We plan services and share resources with our partners to meet shared
goals most effectively. We use client and outcome data to direct resources. We
suspend relationships with non-performers. Our diversity strengthens our decision
making, our services and our communication. We provide an excellent value. Keep
funders informed, to ensure continued funding.
Major activities: A member & community developer will enounce through their
channels to the local communities and individuals. The candidate may proceed direct
to the operator or may through them. Especially every religious and educational spots
will be the center for all community members. We will focus our efforts on three
pillars. First, we will expand our law enforcement effort to capture, detain, and
prosecute known and suspected negativers. Second, we will focus decisive military
power and specialized intelligence resources to defeat problems. Finally, with the
cooperation of its partners and appropriate international organizations, we will
continue our aggressive plan to eliminate the sources of problems.
Place, interest and intention base community:
Every community consists of various social classes separated by divides, these
divides are in general defined by the moral values, life styles, world-view, cultural
standards and economic means of the classes in question. Generally speaking, the
leading elite of community have a more degenerate lifestyle whereas the majority of
people try to stay clear and safe of this decadence. The characteristics common to
most members of this leading elite are arrogance because of their wealth, status,
office, property, beauty or fame and the fact that they are leading figures of a
decadent way of life. Corruption, injustice, prostitution, drug dealing, arms
smuggling, murders, conflict and chaos, immorality, insecurity, fear and anxiety,
discretion and secrecy etc are the criminal code of the underworld fraternity,
solidarity is only based on self-interest. Lies, deceit and slander are most cunning
tactics to getting office, status and material wealth and also power. People are thus
judged by wealth rather than character. They will respect even the most contemptible
people in the world provided they are rich and powerful and can benefit them. To
side with people whom they regard as powerful is one of their typical character traits.
According to this false logic, ‘might is right’. Therefore, when those considered to be
powerful do injustices, break the law or repeatedly commit crimes. At the base,
underlying conditions such as poverty, corruption, religious conflict and ethnic strife
create opportunities for negetivers to exploit, they use these conditions to justify their
actions and expand their support. Some of these conditions are real and some
manufactured. They belief that terror is a legitimate means to address such conditions
and effect political change is a fundamental problem enabling terrorism to develop
and grow. The international environment defines the boundaries within which
terrorists’ strategies take shape. As a result of freer, more open borders this
environment unwillingly provides access to havens, capabilities, and other support to
terrorists. But access alone is not enough, those must have a physical base from
which to operate. Both physical (e.g., safe houses, training grounds) and virtual (e.g.,
reliable communication and financial networks) that terrorists need to plan, organize,
train, and conduct their operations. Once entrenched in a safe operating environment,
the organization can begin to solidify and expand. Organization’s structure,
membership, resources, and security determine its capabilities and reach. At the top
of the structure, the negative leadership provides the overall direction and strategy
that links all these factors and thereby breathes life into a negative campaign. The
leadership becomes the catalyst for negative action. The loss of the leadership can
cause many organizations to collapse. Some groups however, are more resilient and
can promote new leadership should be original fall or fail. Still others have adopted a
more decentralized organization with largely autonomous cells. In this environment,
terrorists work together in funding, sharing intelligence, training, logistics, planning,
and executing attacks. Linked by ideology, resources, common enemy, mutual
support, sponsorship, result and synergy. Hardcore members are the most dangerous
and violence prone, these are the leaders, enforcers, and shooters. They completely
committed to gang life and have numerous contacts with the system. Frequently, not
more than ten percent of members are hardcore. Associate members are criminally
active, generally in their teens, associates tend to exhibit violent or aggressive
behaviour and often commit crimes to elevate their status within the gang. Often on
the fringes of criminal activity, wannabes sometimes act as runners or weapons
holders, and some can become dangerous in their attempts to impress gang members.
There is a hierarchical structure within the society, there are the leaders and their
supporters. Every member's responsibilities are clearly defined. As a principle, they
act as one body in a highly organized fashion. There is also a task sharing mechanism
in place between members where every member knows what to do without it being
explicitly stated. Yet another member will protect him if something goes wrong.
Defensive as well as offensive activities are carried out in complete unanimity. The
unanimity in the community is an instinctive necessity based on the individual's fear
that ‘I could be next’. Besides all these fears there is also the fear of losing
everything for reasons of social change. Another important fear of the community is,
as mentioned, the loss of benefits. One of the best-known fears of the community
members is that of losing their place in the community and thus being faced with
isolation. Apart from losing their share in the collective profits, to be alone means
that the community member cannot continue to exist. He will have lost the protection
and support of the community which increases certain downfall. There is yet another
fear that haunts community members, that the community should lose its authority.
Their solidarity is the consequence of positive moral qualities like loyalty, devotion,
faithfulness and love. All the members unite in the face of danger to its source, and
continue to act as one body until it is certain that the danger has passed. To defend
the other means to defend oneself. Every member feels responsible for covering up
the other's morality and non crimes. For the community, numbers are important and
it wants to increase them constantly. The more community members there are, the
greater the extent of the propaganda. In the case of danger, each individual member
will act for the community. It will become easier to suppress opposing voices and
therefore easier to protect itself. This is why anyone who has had any dealings with
the community is quickly sucked in and then never again permitted to leave. For
these people, values like patience, devotion, loyalty and good character mean
The majority of people come under the spell of this mass psychology and become
part of the system. The community has developed a highly comprehensive and
complex defense mechanism in order to protect its existing structure, to preserve its
power and to prevent potential harm. In morally degenerate societies all over the
world, there are people who protect the community in various media organizations,
in the security forces and from within the justice system. These people cover up the
perversions and criminal activities of the community and make financial gains at the
same time. They are used in intrigues for the purpose of destabilizing the enemy and
to clear the name of the community. Staging conspiracies is where the community is
most successful and it is the most frequently used method when faced with the threat
of danger. They make detailed plans in their secret meetings to eliminate anything
considered a potential threat to themselves or their system. Then they take all the
necessary precautions for the smooth running of the conspiracies they plan. To
achieve their missions, they prepare evidence if needed and act out the most
incredible scenarios with the aid of witnesses. It is not difficult for the community
leader to find the actors to play out these scenarios because there is no shortage of
suitable candidates within the community. Young people who give into the
community soon become totally dependent on the community’s activities to survive
and find themselves in a emerging goal. Group of people depend on the communities
continuity for their own existence and rely on the protection of the communities
leaders. It is one of their responsibilities to make the frontline in the battle against the
community’s enemies. Everybody in totalitarian societies knows deep down that the
dictator ruling them is tyrannical and merciless, they witness the inconsistencies and
inequalities, but never rebel against the leader who seems to be so powerful. These
are under the total control of the community, obedient to their leaders, they move as
Methodology: Doctrine of necessities is the concise expression of how forces
contribute to campaigns, major operations, and engagements. It is a guide to action.
It provides a common frame of reference across the system. It helps standardize
operations, facilitating readiness by establishing common ways of accomplishing
tasks. Doctrine links theory, history, experimentation, and practice. Its objective is to
foster initiative and creative thinking. Doctrine provides an authoritative body of
statements on how forces conduct operations and provides a common lexicon for use
by planners and leaders. Logistics is the art and science of planning and carrying out
the movement and maintenance of forces.
In its most comprehensive sense, it is those aspects or operations that deal with:
Design, development, acquisition, storage, distribution and disposition of materiel.
Movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel. Acquisition or construction,
maintenance, operation and disposition of facilities. Acquisition or furnishing of
services. Our judgments must be based not only upon professional knowledge of the
numerous aspects of logistics itself but also upon an understanding of the interplay of
closely related considerations such as strategy, tactics, intelligence, training,
personnel and finance. However, case studies have shown that more quantitative,
statistical analysis are often a significant improvement on human judgment. Strategy
is the art of distributing and applying means to fulfill the ends of policy, it
encompasses the management of the resources of an entire community in the conduct
of action. In the environment of the grand strategy, the component is largely reduced
to operational strategy, the planning and control of large units such as corps and
Fundamental to grand strategy is the diplomacy through which a community might
forge alliances or pressure another community into compliance, thereby achieving
victory without resorting to combat. Another element of grand strategy is the
management of the post-action peace. Hence, both gave the preeminence to political
aims over goals, ensuring civilian control. Objective- it is direct operation towards a
clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective. Offensive- seize, retain, and
exploit the initiative. Mass- it concentrate combat power at the decisive place and
time. Economy of Force- it allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary
efforts. Maneuver- it place the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the
flexible application of combat power. Unity of Command- for every objective,
ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander. Security- never permit the
enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage. Surprise - strike the enemy at a time, at a
place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared. Simplicity- prepare clear,
uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding.
Offensive strategies: Ambush- An attack on an opponent usually involving surprise.
Blitzkrieg- A bombardment immediately followed by a lightning swift attack by
mobile forces. Charge- Direct attack, usually by running upto the opponent.
Counterattac- An attack when an enemy has attacked, usually when the enemy is
weak or complacent. Encirclement- To isolate and surround enemy forces. Flanking
maneuver- This strategy involves attacking the opponent from the side, or rear, flank.
Human wave attack- Humans used to attack in continuous waves, almost in a
desperation move. Penetration- A direct attack through the enemy lines, then attack
the rear once through. Pincer maneuver- Allowing the enemy to attack the center,
sometimes in a charge, then attacking the flanks of the charge. Raiding- Attacking
with the purpose of removing enemy's supply or provisions. Siege- Continuous
attack by bombardment on a fortified position, usually by artillery. Some practices
have not changed since the dawn of warfare: ambushes, seeking and turning flanks,
maintaining reconnaissance, creating and using obstacles and defences infinitum.
Using ground to best advantage has not changed much either, heights, rivers and
swamps, passes and choke points, natural cover, all of these can be used in multiple
ways. What does change constantly is the technological dimension, as well as the
sociology of combatants.
Principles of tactics: Identification of objectives- Also referred to as 'selection and
maintenance of the aim'. Tactics should be directed to achieve a particular outcome
such as the capture of a hill, a successful disengagement from an advancing enemy.
Or merely causing a greater proportional loss to the enemy than to your own force
(attrition). Force concentration- A blade is edged so that it lands with more energy
per square centimeter than an equal width blunt object. Concentration of effort is a
fighting force's edge. Once an aim is identified, time, resources and effort are
expended to achieve it. Once an aim is identified, earmark enough resources to
achieve it and focus them on the task. Exploiting prevailing weather- Exploiting
night, again this is not a principle of war, but a temporary advantage of technology.
Maintenance of reserves- It allows a tactician to exploit new opportunities, or react
quickly to reverses and unexpected developments. Economy of force- The attentive
knows his troops, equipment and supplies must be husbanded and used carefully,
only if there is a good chance of success. Force protection- Another component is the
principle of security. A unit or formation must always have sentries or
reconnaissance deployed, specialized weapons against specific attacks such as anti-
aircraft defences today. Must always be carefully sited and available, even if halted
for only a short period, defensive measures should be taken. Force dispersal- It is
interesting to consider that in a kilometer wide battlefield today's forces might use
less than a 100. Camouflage- it is an ancient measure designed to deceive opponents
and protect one's forces. Outlines have to be broken up textures disguised, and
reflective surfaces dulled. Deception- A wise commander takes measures to let his
opponent only react to the wrong circumstances. Diversionary attacks, feints, decoys
there are thousands of tricks that have successfully used, and still have a role in the
Multiple axis of movement: Patrolling- reconnaissance patrol, fighting patrol,
standing patrol (OP/LP). Ambush- linear ambush, 'L' ambush, area ambush.
Guerrilla- human wave attack, shock and awe, swarming (military). Planned attack-
use of supporting fire, indirect fire support, base of fire, flying wedge, the refuse
(cavalry formation), frontal assault, penetration or infiltration, pincer movement,
flanking maneuver, attrition warfare. Interdiction- severing or disrupting lines of
communication and supply, air interdiction. Control- Main supply routes.
Envelopment tactics- circumvallation, encircling, siege. Vertical envelopment-
airborne forces, air mobile forces. Rapid deployment- capturing key points, airborne
operations, air mobile operations, amphibious operations, motorized operations, tank
desant, mechanized operations, armored operations, raiding, preemptive strike.
Disrupting communications- electronic countermeasures, radar jamming, radio
jamming, network jamming. Divide and conquer. Counter attack- counter battery
fire, rapid reaction force. Delaying defence- Break contact. Hedgehog defence.
Attrition warfare is a tactic in which a belligerent attempts to win a war by wearing
down its enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and
material. To wear down the enemy until it lost its ‘will to fight’. Tactics is a shifting
amalgam of psychology, physics, and statistics. 'Drills' try to promote automatic
responses to given situations. Action is not merely a political act, but also a real
political instrument, a continuation of policy carried out by other means. Victory
could be achieved by occupying the enemy's territory rather than destroying others
force. Psychological warfare is often used in modern situations, such as the dropping
of leaflets and propaganda, campaigns. Psychological warfare could be considered a
type of unconventional warfare, this is also known as information wars. This is
because it attempts to influence the mind of the enemy rather than destroy. The press
is one of the most commonly used weapons for spreading propaganda. Network-
centric operations (NCO) seeks to translate an information advantage. Enabled in
part by information technology into a competitive war fighting advantage through the
robust networking of well informed geographically dispersed forces. This
networking, combined with changes in technology, organization, processes, and
people may allow new forms of organizational behaviour. Specifically, the theory
contains the following four tenets in its hypotheses: A robustly networked force
improves information sharing, Information sharing enhances the quality of
information and shared situational awareness, Shared situational awareness enables
collaboration and self-synchronization, and enhances sustainability and speed of
command. And these in turn dramatically increase mission effectiveness
4D strategy- Defeat, Deny, Diminish and Defend. Indicators should be brief as
‘SMART’ Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Total time, or indicators
should be brief as ‘TQQLT’ Target group, Quality, Quantity, Location, Total time.
3C: Communication, Command, Control. Creating awareness, changing mindsets
and removing stigmas towards survivors is also crucial in preventing the vicious
cycle from continuing. We are cheated into this life, not knowing what we are for.
Diplomatic strategy -Diplomacy has traditionally been heavily influenced by hard
power. There are also incentives in diplomacy to act reasonably, especially if the
support of other actors is needed. The gain from winning one negotiation can be
much less than the increased hostility from other parts, this is also called soft power.
Assurance- is the level of guarantee that a security system will behave as expected.
Countermeasure- is a way to stop a threat from triggering a risk event. Defense in
depth- never rely on one single security measure alone. Exploit- a vulnerability that
has been triggered by a threat a risk. Risk- is a possible event which could cause a
loss. Threat- is a method of triggering a risk event that is dangerous. Vulnerability - a
weakness in a target that can potentially be exploited by a threat. We should protect
our personnel, installations, operations during Human Intelligence (HUMINT),
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Measurement and
Signature Intelligence (MASINT), Technical Intelligence (TECHINT), Open Source
Intelligence (OSINT). Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) includes a wide variety of
information and sources: Media - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and
computer-based information. Web based communities and user generated content-
social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies. Public
data - government reports, official data such as budgets and demographics, hearings,
legislative debates, press conferences, speeches, marine and aeronautical safety
warnings, environmental impact statements, contract awards. Observation and
reporting- amateur airplane spotters, radio monitors and satellite observers (e.g.,
Google Earth). Professional and academic- conferences, symposia, professional
associations, academic papers, and subject matter experts. Open source include hard
and softcopy maps, atlases, gazetteers, port plans, gravity data, aeronautical data,
navigation data, geodetic data, human terrain data (cultural and economic),
environmental data, commercial imagery, hyper and multi-spectral data, airborne
imagery, geo-names, geo-features, urban terrain, vertical obstruction data, boundary
marker data, geospatial mashups, spatial databases, and web services, etc.
Investigations typically involve examining the scene and securing all physical
evidence. Seeking out and obtaining the cooperation of witnesses and taking their
statements. Submitting an investigation brief, once all of the facts are gathered, there
are reasonable grounds to lay a charge against that. Concept of information is closely
related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction,
knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception and representation.
Four factors of subjects attitudes- 1) The source's mental and physical state. Is the
source injured, angry, crying, arrogant, cocky, or frightened? 2) The source's
background, age and level of military or civilian experience? Consider cultural,
ethnic, and religious factors. 3) The objective of the HUMINT collection. How
valuable is the source's potential information? Is it beneficial to spend more effort
convincing this source to talk? 4) The HUMINT collector himself, what abilities
does he have that can be brought into play? What weaknesses does he have that may
interfere with the HUMINT collection? Are there social or ethnic barriers to
communication? Can his personality adapt to the personality of the source?
System for prioritizing interview subjects: Cooperation level and code- Responds to
direct questions (c1), Responds hesitantly (c2), Does not respond (c3).
Knowledgeability level and code- Very likely to have pertinent information (cA),
May have pertinent information (cB), Unlikely to have pertinent information (cC).
Types of interviews- in argumentative theory, interrogation is a form of information-
seeking dialogue, but also can include other kinds of dialogue, such as negotiation.
Principles of questioning- the amount of time spent on this phase will depend mostly
on the probable quantity and value of information the source possesses, the
availability of other sources with knowledge on the same topics, and available time.
At the initial contact, a businesslike relationship should be maintained. As the source
assumes a cooperative attitude, a more relaxed atmosphere may be advantageous.
The HUMINT collector must carefully determine which of the various approach
techniques to employ. Be more willing to discuss a topic about which the HUMINT
collector demonstrates identical or related experience or knowledge. Appreciate
flattery and exoneration from guilt. Attach less importance to a topic if it is treated
routinely by the HUMINT collector. Resent having someone or something they
respect belittled, especially by someone they dislike. Collection techniques- perhaps
most common are operations that exploit business relationships, including the
marketing and sales phase. There are also efforts targeted at individuals with
sensitive knowledge. From a psychological standpoint, the HUMINT collector must
be cognizant of the following behaviours.
Interrogation techniques- there are multiple possible methods of interrogation
including deception, torture, increasing suggestibility, and using mind-altering drugs,
good cop/bad cop, empathy (empathetic interrogation). Interrogation is a skilled
technique, which often involves building rapport with the subject. In an intelligence
context, interrogators should be trained specialists, although they may work with
linguists and subject matter experts. To keep the initiative, the interrogator may not
need to be harsh, it can allow polite domination of the conversation. The
interrogation process itself is a HUMINT collection, not analysis technique. It may
well be that the interrogator, after the interview, does analysis, cross-checking
statements made against name indices and wiring diagrams of social networks. The
interrogator checks his notes against the finished report to ensure that the report
contains and identifies the information as heard, seen, or assumed by the source.
The reid nine steps of interrogation- 1) Direct confrontation. Lead the suspect to
understand that the evidence has led to the individual as a suspect. Offer the person
an early opportunity to explain why the offence took place. 2) Try to shift the blame
away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted
the suspect to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will
justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to
which the accused is most responsive. 3) Never allow the suspect to deny guilt. If
you’ve let him talk and say the words ‘I didn’t do it’, and the more often a person
says ‘I didn’t do it’, the more difficult it is to get a confession. 4) At this point, the
accused will often give a reason why he or she did not or could not commit the
crime. Try to use this to move towards the confession. 5) Reinforce sincerity to
ensure that the suspect is receptive. 6) The suspect will become quieter and listen,
move the theme discussion towards offering alternatives. If the suspect cries at this
point, infer guilt. 7) Pose the alternative question, giving two choices for what
happened; one more socially acceptable than the other. The suspect is expected to
choose the easier option but whichever alternative the suspect chooses, guilt is
admitted. 8) Lead the suspect to repeat the admission of guilt infront of witnesses. 9)
Document the suspect's admission and have him or her sign a confession. Records
investigation -detectives may use public and private records to provide background
information on a subject. Detectives can also search through credit card records and
bank statements, hotel registration information, credit reports, answer machine
messages, and phone conversations. The best way is to obtain a confession from the
suspect. Detectives may lie, mislead and psychologically pressure a suspect into an
admission or confession as long as they do this within procedural boundaries and
without the threat of violence or promises outside their control.
Biases can creep into decision making processes, be careful. Below is a list of some
of the more commonly debated cognitive and personal biases: 1) Selective search for
evidence - we tend to be willing to gather facts that support certain conclusions but
disregard other facts that support different conclusions. 2) Premature termination of
search for evidence- We tend to accept the first alternative that looks like it might
work. 3) Inertia- Unwillingness to change thought patterns that we have used in the
past in the face of new circumstances. 4) Selective perception- we actively screen-out
information that we do not think is salient. 5) Wishful thinking or optimism- we tend
to want to see things in a positive light and this can distort our perception and
thinking. 6) Choice supportive- it occurs when we distort our memories of chosen
and rejected options to make the chosen options seem relatively more attractive. 7)
Recency or Primacy effect- we tend to place more attention on more recent
information and either ignore or forget more distant information. 8) Repetition- a
willingness to believe what we have been told most often and by the greatest number
of different of sources. 9) Anchoring and adjustment- decisions are unduly
influenced by initial information that shapes our view of subsequent information. 10)
Group think - peer pressure to conform to the opinions held by the group. 11) Source
credibility - we reject something if we have a bias against the person, organization, or
group to which the person belongs. We are inclined to accept a statement by
someone we like. 12) Incremental decision making and escalating commitment- we
look at a decision as a small step in a process and this tends to perpetuate a series of
similar decisions. 13) Attribution asymmetry - we tend to attribute our success to our
abilities and talents, but we attribute our failures to bad luck and external factors. We
attribute other's success to good luck, and their failures to their mistakes. 14) Role
fulfillment (self fulfilling prophecy)- we conform to the decision making
expectations that others have of someone in our position. 15) Underestimating
uncertainty and the illusion of control- we tend to underestimate future uncertainty
because we tend to believe we have more control over events than we really do. We
believe we have control to minimize potential problems in our decisions. Street
work- majority of cases are solved by the interrogation of suspects and the
interviewing of witnesses, which takes time. Besides interrogations, detectives may
rely on a network of informants they have cultivated over the years. Informants often
have connections with persons a detective would not be able to approach formally.
Evidence collection and preservation can also help in identifying a potential
suspect(s). In criminal investigations, once a detective has suspects in mind, the next
step is to produce evidence that will stand up in a court of law.
Tribunal: 1) Judge & Jury face lawyers. 2) Confession at different circumstance
acceptation. 3) Statement of witness face cross examined 4) Public trial 5) The
sentence is for a better humanity. Verifying the veracity of the allegation in tribunal,
at first financial punishment or physical labour is to be enforced in social action
compulsorily and in case of remediless incident assistance should be provided from
the general fund.
Its aim by attacking their sanctuaries, leadership, command, control, and
communications, material support and finances to implement a coordinated effort to
squeeze, tighten, and isolate the negativers. Well-coordinated efforts are required to
achieve this goal. We must first act to reduce their scope and capability. This effort
requires us to identify the terrorists, locate their sanctuaries and destroy their ability
to plan and operate. The goal of this front is to choke off the lifeblood of terrorist
groups- their access to territory, funds, equipment, training, technology and
unimpeded transit. This approach will therefore weaken terrorist organizations and
their ability to conduct operations.
The facts who have been victimized are often vulnerable to being, so again. Four
‘R’s- Rescue, Rehabilitation, Repatriation, and Reintegration. Rescue process is a
non violent and sensitive manner, it follow certain guidelines such as up holding the
dignity of victims, providing supports, maintaining privacy. Rehabilitation includes
counseling, medical and psychical care, shelter etc. minimum standard care must be
provided for victims. Voluntary return to original base is Repatriation. An alternative
sustainable livelihood for the survivors is both socio-economic Reintegration.
Problem analysis and decision making: As part of a comprehensive program, risk and
decision issues need to be addressed at a variety of levels of analysis and
aggregation. Micro-level, involving decision-making and actions undertaken by
individuals. Meso-level, encompassing groups, public and private organizations,
social networks, and local communities. Macro-level, encompassing national and
international institutions, the professions, and public policy arenas. A primary goal is
to identify obstacles to effective use of existing findings and tools, to suggest ways of
overcoming these obstacles. And to identify crucial areas for future. Develop
possible general guidelines for how to present and interpret risk analysis (and models
in general). Invention a alternate way to risk asses. Examples include recognizing
uncertainties, presenting sensitivity analyses, and stating that no analysis yields the
definitive 'answer' to a policy problem. Investigate ways that it would become
politically correct for politicians to clearly address their viewpoints about the
complex issues inherent in risky decisions of concern. Politician should for instance,
recognize significant uncertainties and value tradeoffs and perhaps even express their
judgment on these. Develop methodologies to incorporate civil liberties and rights as
objectives in decisions that may be faced regarding negativism. We want ways to
measure the degrees to which civil liberties and rights are limited or expanded by
various acts. We need to understand the tradeoffs of civil liberties and rights versus
the right to safety, life, and the pursuit of happiness, we need to have ways to
indicate which groups of people or individuals have their liberties and rights affected
in different ways and address the equity concerns of those. Challenges here include a
range of economic and regulatory questions, those include methodological issues
related to evaluation, choice under conditions and ambiguity use and legitimating of
model based assessments new data analysis methods such as data mining and A.I.
techniques, the performance based regulation and other familiar topics. New
institutional forms are arising in the economy that are using new methods for
integration of business activities. From investment, to marketing to supply chain
management and beyond product use to environmental impacts of ultimate recovery
or disposal of products, based on our understanding of decision making for different
type of risks, needed to improve the risk management process. There is a need for
research on the expected benefits and costs of different types of public private
partnerships for specific risk related problems. Analyses can include presentation of
information, types of economic incentives (e.g. subsidies, fines), collective choice
approaches and social norms as well as the use of regulations and standards. We are
not well understood in characterizing people’s behaviour toward risks. Tipping
behaviour- actions of one individual or a small group may cause others to change
their behaviour. Role of social norms and coordinating mechanisms in improving
risk-related decisions (e.g. organizational associations and their roles), impact of
short-time horizons and high discount rates in inhibiting certain behaviour and how
one can overcome them. These include processes that separate value determination,
probability determination and decision into more different processes. Included also
are processes or organization that involve the delegation of decisions, systems of
advisors (multiple principles and multiple agents), aggregation of beliefs, or
information processing institutions. In all such processes there exist the possibility of
conflict of interest. Information screening and other phenomena that might result in
poor decisions. The theory is rapidly developing insights about institutions that work
‘properly’ in spite of such problems. Suppose one individual ‘fails/ gets infected/
overloads/ experiences error/ bankrupts’ there is a high probability that the
neighbours will have the same experience, because each individual is connect to
another through a network. Thus, each producer pushes the ‘local’ system to a proper
balancing of risks and profit. However, if neighbours are unaware of the risks taken
by those on whom they depend there is an uninsured and unprotected exposure to the
risk of catastrophic system failure.
Modern technologies, including rapid communication and computation capacities,
are being used to design institutions, instruments and processes that were never
possible before. Suggested new institutions such can be studied more completely
through the use of experimental testbeds, thereby lowering the cost and facilitating
the consensus needed for successful policy implementation. There is already much
evidence that outcomes are often evaluated differently from these different
perspectives. One stream of work shows that experienced utility does not always
follow predicted utility or decision utility. For example, when evaluating the impact
of possible changes in circumstances people often fail to appreciate the role of
adaptation. Should we focus on giving people what they want (decision utility) or on
making their lives better (improve experienced or remembered utility)? In some
cases, these objectives are probably aligned, but in others, as we have seen, they
Malicious, usurping or sucker-oriented, external unintended, self-created categorized
problem’s and decision analysis. 1) Problem structure, probabilities and values are
central. 2) Subjectivity is respected and incorporated into the analysis. 3) Models the
multidimensional views and values of interested and affected parties. 4) Seeks
acceptable level of risk as a standard to attain across problem domains. Formation of
the topic with scientific processes- evidence of localization, iIdentification of origin
date, identification of integrity, recognition of authorship, attribution of credibility,
gathering of data, analysis of data, test, hypothesis, revising of hypothesis,
conceptual definitions, operational definitions, conclusion or iteration if necessary.
Certain concepts recur throughout different fields of security. Methods- exploratory
research, which structures and identifies new problems. Constructive research, which
develops solutions to a problem. Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a
solution using empirical evidence. Fail to apply or remember lessons they may have
been taught regarding security if confronted with a disorganized or strange situation.
To win the war on violence, community departments must have detailed about the
following. We should have the knowledge about the power and the weakness of our
enemies as we know about ourselves. Environment in which the problem exists.
Resources available to combat the problem. Help develop or improve a computerized
database. Provide baseline information for developing performance standards and
evaluation measures. Three basic types of analysis- crime analysis, including analysis
of problems that contribute to crime but are non criminal in themselves, investigative
analysis and strategic analysis. Crime analysis involves analyzing data from the past
(for example, a series of crimes committed in a particular geographic area).
Traditionally, crime analysts have compiled such data from arrest reports, offense
reports, computer-assisted dispatch records of calls for service, and other official
records. Investigative analysis involves analyzing current data that may be useful in
completing an ongoing investigation or prosecution. This term actually encompasses
many types of analyses. Strategic analysis is conducted outside the course of a
specific investigation and is concerned with a particular criminal group or criminal
activity. The aim is to give decision makers information about trends, predictions
about future crimes, and recommendations for strategies and policy. Several basic
tasks are involved in assessing criminal activity. These include determining the
nature and extent of the problem, considering patterns and trends of activity,
examining the environment in which operate, and using various information sources
to collect useful raw data.
Ex. General information: Number and names and their subgroups (or sets), member
profile of each gang member, especially the hardcore, information on specific
members, names of leaders, violent members, and key associates (include
information such as identifying characteristics, criminal history, names, affiliations,
associates, monikers, criminal histories, methods of operation (MO’s), identifying
marks, and addresses. Number of members and associates. Gang members on bail,
probation, and parole (including their release conditions) and gang members with
outstanding warrants. Have changes activity or crimes coincided with the
imprisonment or release of key members? Identifying signs (for example, graffiti,
tattoos, and colours or hand signs). Age range of members, gender of members.
Ethnic composition. Organizational structure, rituals, members’ citizenship status,
and whether the gang is turf oriented or entrepreneurial and indigenous or new to the
jurisdiction. Recruiting process. Does the little group have changed? Are they larger
or smaller? Are they more organized, more fragmented, or about the same? Are
recruiting younger persons than in the past? Have significant shifts occurred in
leadership? What changes occurred in leadership or personnel? What effect did these
changes have? History of gang presence in the neighbourhood (for example, have
gangs existed there since the turn of the century or are they a recent phenomenon).
Geographic range of criminal activity, extent of involvement in other crimes,
methods of operation (MO’s), locations of crime, types of crime, victims of crime.
Nature and extent of the problem, streets maps (computer generated pin maps) depict
types and locations of gang crimes during specified periods. Ex- murder, every
occurrence of the street. Relationships with other locals. Linkages to other
jurisdictions. Have the neighbourhoods targeted by shifted or remained the same?
Have crimes increased or decreased in the past 5 years? Do members tend to live in
one jurisdiction and commit crimes in another? Are there seasonal variations in the
level or type of activity? Has the number of sets changed? Is activity confined to
specific neighbourhoods, or is it a community wide problem? Why do some
communities have problems while others do not? Why there is problems in the
society, which have not in the other society. What factors have permitted to gain a
foothold in particular jurisdictions? What conditions have made specific
neighbourhoods particularly vulnerable to gangs? Transportation systems by which
members and/ or drugs enter and leave the jurisdiction, along with current
interdiction efforts. Political climate (for example, public acknowledgment or denial
of a gang problem and history of police relationships with the community).
Demographic changes in the neighbourhood (for example, changes in average age of
the population). Changes in social conditions, educational opportunities, and
recreational and other resources for residents and their children, changes in economic
conditions and employment opportunities in the neighbourhood. Physical condition
of dwellings- streets and common areas (for example, abandoned and boarded-up
buildings, abandoned cars, accumulated trash, and broken lighting), crack houses,
types of businesses (for example, bars and liquor stores). Controlling each area.
Some dishonest traders take the opportunity of absence of implementation of law in
some particular areas. For example there are some backward areas which are not
easily accessible are the best centers for these dishonest traders. Ownership of
buildings in which gang members reside or gang activity takes place.
Ex. Information sources: Call for service data, field contact cards or reports,
confidential informants. A formal task force agreement can help participants avoid
misunderstandings pertaining to interagency issues such as command and control,
responsibilities, objectives, asset sharing, overtime, liability, insurance, access to
confidential information. The administration should find out the correct information
and should not be misguided by the dishonest and incapable informers. What
problems were encountered in implementing objectives? How were they resolved?
Effectiveness of prior enforcement strategies and tactics. Have all planned activities
been implemented? If not, what remains to be done? Were they accomplished on
schedule? If objectives, plans, or timetables were revised, why was this necessary?
What new objectives were added and why? What costs were incurred? Did they
exceed initial projections? What was the level of resident support in targeted
neighbourhoods? How did this affect the overall enforcement effort? What lessons
have been learned that might be useful to other? How and from which sources
information's are to be collected and these information's will be conveyed to the
concerned persons? Points to be included in the procedure of collecting
information's- name, registration, organization, crime history, procedure of its
activities, specification and address. A proper method is to be prepared for collecting
information and to circulate it further. Casting and expand of external data source.
Extant, nature, kind, working spots, necessary information's, matters under and
judicial process and out of the same process, extension of market, sources of
information, customers, and sources of production and procurement the materials and
victims regarding the criminals involved in the crimes related with narcotics, arms,
abduction of women and children and gambling, are to be found out. Patterns of
spending or investing profits of crime (for example, purchases of luxury items,
investment in real estate or legitimate business, and transportation/ transfer of funds
out of the country). What observations or data can schools provide about gangs,
violence, drugs, and guns on school, college, university and community grounds or
involving students?
Work Style: Activities of any system depend on a successful and effective networked
communication. Direct and indirect personal communication, family based, religious
and social structures, structures like parliament and bureaucracy, trade unions,
structures like merchants association and public relations medias play the different
roles of public relations. A successful communication system can be introduced
through uniformity and flow of information, keeping the volume and flow of
informations subjectwise, reasonable, evident and sensible. United feelings,
decisions, mutual co-operation and good manners are introduced only through
communication. Co-ordination between environment and livelihood is possible
through collection of news and proper action on the basis of the news. A
communication should be passed in time, so that necessary action on the message can
be taken in due time. A communication may be formal or informal, upward or
downward but it should be clear and not contradictory, so that it becomes meaningful
to the receiver. When a feedback process is effective in communication system, it
will maintain a both way communication. Problem needs to be solved and serve for
open discussion through writing a data and store the data to a server at different
ministry level. Few advisors/ consultants may guide the staff for the data. All
services provided are tailored to the needs through participatory planning and
programs designing. The project may contributed to the national and international
prospects like antiterrorism, informative, educative, antiwar campaigning, human
rights, awareness building, global security, etc. Group formation, local resource
mobilization, networking, area of involvement is awareness raising on various
segmented social issues like social, economical, general and administrative, also
religious and political. All these shall be built upon universal humanistic values like
Justice, Solidarity, Equality. Goodgovernance/ democracy partnership, responsive
and accountable governance. Local government initiatives and strengthening.
Advocacy social, legal & financial. State of the art technique for humanitarian
services. Cultural development and sport activities. Human resource development
and capacity building. Development- rural and urban, evaluation and documentation.
Reporting and regular publication. Policy research on key issues, evaluation and
monitoring. Local lever business institution building, development and income
generation. Advocacy and lobbying for legislation for consumers protection.
Capacity building programs like partner, small and medium level NGOs. Liaison is
the primary point of contact between the members and executive of state, local, tribal
governments. Receives, responds and processes all correspondence addressed to
promotes public interest groups manages placement, benefits, and other concerning
matters. Application, selection and placement process of each class and the day to
day operation of the program. The office also plans, coordinates and hosts activities
that comprise the program, coordinates all logistical with respect to domestic and
international issues, ensures that domestic policy decisions and programs are
effective And consistent with the goals and efforts to empower community and
working to confront poverty and social needs. Responsible for the planning and
production, focuses on both policy development and community outreach. Promotes
initiatives and projects, publicizes events, planning schedule of activities and assists
with correspondence with the public. This includes organization and implementation
of daily and long range schedules, planning, briefings, meetings, documents and
maintains an archive of events and large events. Strategic initiatives plans and
coordinates a long-range strategy for achieving priorities. Manages the daily
operations, this includes budget, purchasing, facility and asset management, travel
and other administrative support for staff. Through process and discussions, that
helped us to produce our strategic plan for fiscal years. Provide timely, quality
service, to maximize the value of community. Implemented recommendations correct
the underlying causes of problems, weaknesses in internal controls, failures to
comply with laws or regulations, or other matters impeding effective and efficient
performance. Because our recommendations are not legally binding, their value is
indicated by how many are implemented and when they are implemented. To
measure our performance on our qualitative goals, we will use two standards- meets
expectations and exceeds expectations. Our performance meets expectations when
we provide information or make recommendations on the key efforts when viewed
collectively. Cultivate and foster effective client relations. We also plan to develop a
feedback system and track references to our work by the media, universities and
other organizations. Implement a model strategic and annual planning and reporting
process. Align human capital policies and practices to support mission. Develop
efficient and responsive business processes and build an integrated and reliable
information technology infrastructure. We help improve the performance and
accountability by providing accurate, objective, fact based, nonpartisan, and non
ideological information combined with original data collection and analysis. Conduct
policy analyses to assess needed actions and the implications of proposed actions and
provide related assistance in support of its oversight and decision making. The key
efforts we intend to undertake to achieve a particular performance goal and the
potential outcomes are discussed in detail in the relevant strategic objective plan. We
recognize that we can meet our goals and objectives more efficiently and effectively
if our work complements that of others. To ensure that we target the right issues,
provide balanced perspectives, and develop practical recommendations, we work
with members of the accountability community. The continued credibility of our
services depends on our meeting goals related to major management challenges. To
facilitate government wide management and institutional reforms, we will continue
to develop and promote best practices to build and sustain high-performing
organizations. We also plan to develop guidance on a human capital framework that
improves economy, efficiency and effectiveness. A subcommittee of local
professional will be our auxiliary helper. This framework will focus on strategic
planning, organizational alignment, leadership, talent, and a performance-based
culture. The framework will serve as the basis for human capital self-assessments,
through which, with our encouragement and assistance. And working with the office
of personnel management, agencies can determine the extent to which their human
capital systems support organizational missions and goals. Ultimately, a high-
performing government requires that agencies incorporate best management practices
into the way they conduct their day to day business. Learning by doing can be an
effective way of incorporating best practices, and we have continued to work more in
constructive engagements with others to maximize the value of our work. We will
continue to coordinate extensively with the accountability community at all levels.
Using this approach, we have worked with executive agencies and congressional
staff on a real-time basis to resolve problems. So that corrective actions can be taken
without compromising our independence and objectivity. They also identify, solve
problems, or accomplish projects that are of mutual benefit to audit organizations at
all levels of government. We participate in professional conferences and discussions
with the leadership of professional evaluation associations and evaluation offices,
participate in interagency forums and professional conferences to share new
developments, discuss emerging issues, and help improve government wide
procurement practices. We will continue to monitor international events, work
closely with our congressional clients, and maintain broad-based staff expertise so
that we can quickly adjust the focus of our work to meet emerging needs.
Achieving our internal performance goals depends primarily on the availability of
sufficient human, physical, information technology, and budgetary resources. We
plan to rely primarily on in-house expertise to achieve these goals. But will also need
assistance from external consultants where such expertise is simply not available.
Data are provided to managers for decision making, and their feedback helps to
ensure that the data are properly recorded. A variety of independent reviews
conducted by both internal and external groups help ensure that all of our work is
consistent with generally accepted government auditing standards and our policies
and procedures. We are also in the process of identifying possible external entities to
conduct a peer review of our performance auditing. Value of our institutional
knowledge in assisting communities decision making. For this reason, we
complement our quantitative goals with qualitative goals to be achieved over a 2 year
period, 104 week only. Automated mission and assignment tracking system, which is
used to monitor job progress on an ongoing basis. We maintain an internal quality
control system to provide reasonable assurance that we adhere to applicable auditing
policies and procedures. Each report is assessed and rated on nine factors by
independent internal reviewers using a scale of 1 to 5, a score of 3 is assigned to
reports that meet quality standards. A score above 3 represents reports that not only
conform to standards but also reflect good communications principles. If a report
exhibited major problems that raised questions about accuracy, reasonableness, or
objectivity, it would receive a score of 1. The measure is the average score for all
reports reviewed. Developing or improving a macro-level intelligence database,
establishing realistic goals and objectives to counter problems, and developing
strategies to meet objectives. Information and intelligence systems, which gather,
input, and disseminate detailed (micro-level) database information. Method of an
effective administration is to be prepared and the controlling procedure of
organization should also be effective, its activities and strategies should be strong
enough. Careful observation on the administration is to be continued and regular
supervision of the process of administration management different features and
achievement of goals on the current schemes are to be carried out. An operation
becomes fully successful when the forces and the local people work together.
Resources from local and foreign sources are to be procured and kept reserved to
solve a problem in time.
Demand assessment:
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First Name Middle Name Last Name Nickname
Mobile Phone Other Phone Fax E-mail
Holdings Street-Village Postal
District-City Country
Fathers Name Mothers Name Spouses Name
Brother Sister Boys Girls
Friends Associates Cousin Bro Cousin Sis
Date of Birth Place of Birth Gender: Male/Female
Height Weight Blood group
Colour Race Religion Language Nationality

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  • 1.
  • 2. Dear Reader, This Book describe the virtues and associated principles that will help to achieve spiritual satisfaction and material success. I am writing to invite you to join me, and potentially millions of others worldwide, in the Global Network, which will be based on the daily practice of these powerful guiding principles. Participation in the Network is open to anyone who chooses to practice and if we collectively put our attention on the same each day, we could soon reach a critical mass of successful people that could transform life on planet earth. Please help to publicity and campaign. Start a study group of family, friends, or co-workers where members meet once a week to discuss their experiences with the spiritual laws and will fixed action. With love and best wishes, Dec/2010 Book and e-book are available: English / Bangle and other language. Price: 250/- Pro Makers 38, banglabazar, dhaka. i
  • 3. Wisdom Of Atheism And Religion Mr & Ms Miah.
  • 4. Dedicated To To parents whose sincere, tireless efforts and austerity have made us as a full-fledged man and from whom we have inherited a good ideology. Gratitudes We are remembering those, whose clear guidelines have inspired us to write this book. Mentioning the names of the reference books will enlarge the size of the book, as such we have avoided it. Besides that we express our heartiest gratitude to all, whose direct and indirect cooperation have enriched this book. i
  • 5. Contents i. Introduction (1) ii. Things To Do (7) iii. Writer introduce (46) 1.Be Helpful 1 2.Be Philanthropic 3 3.Be Forgiving 4 4.Be Hospitable 6 5.Be Unvarying 7 6.Be Sacrificing 9 7.Be Altruistic 12 8.Be Thankful 13 9.Be Trustworthy 15 10.Be Attractive 18 11.Be Impressive 21 12.Be Fairspoken 24 13.Be Veracious 28 14.Be Honest 32 15.Be Social 33 16.Be United 36 17.Be Self-constituted 40 18.Be Intent 48 19.Be Selfcontrolled 53 20.Be Calm 56 21.Be Worldly 59 i
  • 6. 22.Be Tiptop 67 23.Be Sober 74 24.Be Devoted 88 25.Be Careful 96 26.Be Liberal 103 27.Be Polite 105 28.Be Virtuous 107 29.Be Superexcellent 111 30.Be Ideal 113 31.Be Extraordinary 119 32.Be Voluntary 126 33.Be Natural 133 34.Be Youthful 136 35.Be Habitual 138 36.Be Healthy 140 37.Be Strong 143 38.Be Searching 146 39.Be Steadfast 150 40.Be Selfconfident 153 41.Be Self-made 157 42.Be Selfsupporting 160 43.Be Capable 164 44.Be Pragmatic 166 45.Be Skillful 169 46.Be Veteran 171 47.Be Punctual 172 48.Be Industrious 176 49.Be Labourious 177 ii
  • 7. 50.Be Spirited 179 51.Be Inspiring 181 52.Be Strenuous 183 53.Be Active 185 54.Be Diligent 187 55.Be Expeditious 188 56.Be Successful 189 57.Be Economical 191 58.Be Solvent 192 59.Be Earning 198 60.Be Professional 206 61.Be Established 215 62.Be Powerful 221 63.Be Independent 231 64.Be Inducible 236 65.Be Famous 241 66.Be Advisory 244 67.Be Moral 247 68.Be Corrected 254 69.Be Reformative 267 70.Be Adapted 269 71.Be Travelling 273 72.Be Productive 276 73.Be Constructive 284 74.Be Creative 292 75.Be Rising 295 76.Be Progressive 298 77.Be Civillized 299 iii
  • 8. 78.Be Expanded 303 79.Be Promoter 306 80.Be Learned 311 81.Be Educated 313 82.Be Known 320 83.Be Wise 324 84.Be Foresseeing 327 85.Be Considerate 328 86.Be Positive 331 87.Be Neutral 332 88.Be Reasonable 333 89.Be Fearless 335 90.Be Brave 338 91.Be Unhesitating 340 92.Be Careful 344 93.Be Cautious 347 94.Be Sentient 351 95.Be Anxiousfree 353 96.Be Steady 355 97.Be Patient 358 98.Be Determined 359 99.Be Watchfull 365 100.Be Invincible 366 101.Be Tactful 371 102.Be Aimfull 376 103.Be Multiplex 382 104.Be Self-restraint 386 105.Be Changed 388 iv
  • 9. 106.Be Forbearing 391 107.Be Satisfied 395 108.Be Peaceful 403 109.Be Philanthropic 406 110.Be Monotheism 419 111.Be Self-existent 425 v
  • 10. (i) Introduction (1) Before reading about any subject, we should know properly about its aims and objectives. For example a man selects his career before studying medical science or law. Likely, before going through a religious book, we should have a clear idea about our intention. Not depending on the fame or obscurity of an author, but we should read a book with the love for truth. It is important what the author has written. Meaning of each word and sentence of this book is clear, while reading a book we should try to understand the substance of a book. While reading something, one should try to understand the meaning of each sentence and be patience. He should think over what each sentence means. Gist of a reading material can be understood through education, imagination, grammar, realizing the unwritten opinions, following the rhythm and punctuations of the written material and keeping in view the overall place, time and the system. Purpose of writing this book is to express clearly what its writer thinks and likes. Transparency of a writers thought is not evident when his way of expression is not clear. An easily readable and understandable book always gets popularity. Nobody can realise a book of deep knowledge, unless he, himself sees or undergoes such practice. Books give advices only but don't compel anybody to do anything. It is useless to read a religious book till its advices are not followed. Religious books are not attractive at sight or its sayings are also not attractive to pronounce but when somebody wants to understand its gist and try to follow it, he will get an unlimited treasure in it. It is a complete precept. Its aim is to accept an ideology and to make it easy accessible to mankind for implementing in their daily life. He who follows it wholly, really loves himself. If you want everlasting benefit by this book, you should read it and try to follow it regularly. After reading you should research on the subject matter. You should read the book wholly at least once in every month. After reading you are to educate yourself on the subject and you should try your best to implement its ideologies in your practical life and should educate others on the subject. Everybody should convey the messages to others. Often you should read the book and practice its advices in your practical life. You should write down the dates, names, occurrences and effects cited in your personal diary. In this world there is a common book, a child reads it like a book of rhymes, a young man reads it like an epic and an old man reads it like a religious book itself. The citizens of the world are facing dangers now. Nuclear weapons, financial disaster side by side with the increase of population and the natural disaster. Society is like a body, any part of it found in problem, the whole becomes inactive. The impact infected the other parts if any part is in danger. Present we are facing extremely downfall. Capitalistic system has introduced an attitude of competition for personal progress in the peoples mind. This tendency of competition prevails among the family members, neighbours, workers of all organizations, businessmen, intellectuals, officers, employees, politicians and among all other groups of people. That creates a sense of selfishness, individualism and separation among all the members of a society. As a result, a pure pleasure is not found in our life. Mankind is gradually going away from the normal way of life. Frustration is being developed among them, rate of addiction and crime tendency are increasing day by day, they can't find out the meaning of life. They think that they are unwanted by their families and societies and there is no significance in their lives. From these despondency arises moral degradation, deviation, and exile of every kind of human values, and every kind of social, inhuman negative activities. Life should be made meaningful,
  • 11. (2) because as a matter of fact, life has no meaning itself. Science, philosophy, arts and culture and many thing else are vain endeavour to make our meaningless lives into a meaningful one. All the performance, reputation, education, literatures, arts all are the various results of the efforts for compromising the conflicts among different classes of people. History of mankind proceeded through social studies, political science and religious studies, is the history of adjustments. Life is full of artificial, mechanic and controlled. Due to mechanical and materialistic civilization, now a days mankind have become disgusted to the social system and they are no more getting any charm among all these affairs. In the materialistic civilization gradually increasing poverty in resources, frustration in luxury and uncertainty in abundance. Sensuality tendency has created a kind of restlessness in the society. Every innocent soul is groan for a complete and calm state in mind every moment. Mankind has become restless due to poverty and ignorance. Established individual characteristics good relation in body and mind could avoide this pain. Mankind could not get peace, even they are the owner of power, of property, even of knowledge, due to absence of perfect philosophy for life, cofusion of lives reality and ability, careless to values, tempered materialistic mentality. All we are peculiar characteristics, everyone want to express as clean characteristics. Tendency arise to blame the mankind and also to the God from sorrow for commited crime. Philosophy and ontology may take high places, till there will be the faith in God, until death remain in earth, until helplessness remain in human hearts, until utmost helplessness rise cry from core of human mind. We do not faith in religion till we suffer or resist. When serious disorder rise in life, when there is no affection in own life, when serious dislike comes on artificial, when disgust grows upon deception, only then begins the religion. Truth revealed, after disappoint from everydays cipher worldly concerns disappear. Does anybody can sit without scurry while got thirst? People do not get thirst, so they sit and sink in world. When heart fills with stroke of sorrow and hardness in world, living being think baseless due to death of own people, life is agitated due to coming impassable hard gloomy future life, then the living being is forwarded for the religion. We can say great talk, but when stroke comes in life, then we can see how weak we are. Time will must come, when our games will be break, then we will go to religion. Atheism religion is not in any idealist religion, the greatest religion of the world is faith in humanity. Different rules and regulation of religion should be explain farther due to modern situation. Who am I? Where I came from? Where will I go? How created the universe? What is its goal? What is the relation to world with me? What is my status, responsibility, duty and object for world planning? How is such contrariety in the same religion? Why those questions came to mind which have no answer? Creation of world and its need, origin and intention of human life and over all what is the purpose etc. all are the fundamental question for all the time. Making difference in soul and body to keeping conflict of class those days are going to be ended. Those who consciously or unconsciously inimical present life, go away from them. The world is place for cheating. Should be kept away from all fraudulent. Seems those who should be demonstrator are such frauds. This situation is not only in this country, it is whole over world. Cause of ignorance and lack of learning we are driven towards the path of falsehood. One who cannot control himself is driven by other. It is to be remembered that it is the derogatory, slavish mentality of one’s ownself the lifeless existence and lives of the insects that inspires the savage, reactions, all destroying power of other. In a critical
  • 12. (3) situation, to surrender before that situation, instead of winning that is equivalent to become the idol of unchanged rule. The fate of weak lost itself on the way itself. That means, it is the outcome of the inactive, unproductive, introvert thought. Because of the looting system, the government goes bankrupt, industrialization and agriculture halts and all other sectors stand still. So where the youth, students, mass people would go, what will they do? Future is uncertain, all the avenues to develop career is closed. But, in the declaration of growth rate by the politics of development and the international economic organization celebrate through air and sky. This trend of development is faraway from the cottages of poor families and confined within the limit of sky scraper building of city life. Despite all these we should struggle forward for the foods, cloths and earnings. Rising of proper humanity are not possible only by the formal education or traditional worship. Activities of mankind and religion have changed in different manner with the era. Fundamental functions of religion are the same in all the religion not a single point changed. Religion should be made a unity with philosophy, science, specially reality. You have heard only the explanation of world from different views. Now it needs to change the world. You should to be time preditor. Religious old boat is not strong enough for present, we should make dynamic new boat. Require new commentator due to co-ordination with ever changing world. We are to invent and discover the aims and objectives which make our unsuccessful life into a successful one, by meditation and experience. We should always remain alert for all the time including during meditation, thinking, working, sacrificing and enjoying. We should express the truth, beauty and divine qualities within ourselves through our creations. It is needed to learn how to love oneself, one has to love oneself, in a healthy, bold and complete way. By exploiting your love, light of knowledge, and full ability you have to make the world meaningful. Life land is enough fertile but, before that fertility gets barren, we have to sow the seeds of great expectation in time. Improvement means to overcome oneself, to do better than the present state of oneself. You have to stand upwards on your own heart, energy, power, courage, and eligibility. To reach the target, the students, youth and the professional power have to be organized to build up new social system in conducting production, distribution and exchange. The joint labourer will be invested in the development of human happiness and humanity, in the form of necessary labour, suitable labour and favourable labour. The youth and young generation are to be encouraged to be sacrificing in the struggle for the redemption and advancement of the society. No more terrorism, addiction, corruption or anarchy, only self development through developing the society through meaningful freedom. That’s why you need to be struggling creator, today you are alone but one day you will be united. Out of them great men will be created. It is the power of will that give relief to human being. The end of wish is the end of evaluation and creation. Be conscious so that fantasy does not cheat the imagination or wish. You are yet to discover yourselves, do it hurriedly. Those who have nothing to give, become ashamed to receive, discard the habit of receiving. Don’t wish anything impossible to yourself. Don’t proceed to be great beyond your own capability. If you have passion for greatness, exploit your own worth. So raising capacity at improving mechanisms for accountability are important. The world is to be developed in your own way, the intellect is to be perceived, this creation will be only for pleasure. Function of creation is to devise the way of getting relieve of the woe and misery. Sickness, mourning and mental shocks will go away with our lively touches and we shall give
  • 13. (4) everybody of the world the taste of delight. We have come to the world to create something with our hopes, zeal sacrificing tendency and courage. We create something with our physical mental and lively efforts and with our intelligence, because we get pleasure in this way. We should establish our working centers everywhere. Apart from development planning they will build ‘united resistance’ against various offences. Community manager would be taken from different professionals, through a broad-based understanding. If we fail to control our tendencies towards crime and other alike affairs we shall fall victim to death. We should unite the zealous workers and to grow amity and integrity among them. Conflict of socio-economic and political ideologies will get no chance to flourish there. Our motto should be to establish humanity instead of establishing a particular political or social system. A real honest, bold and consensus man has no company, he has to struggle for ideology and truth in a secluded, adverse environmental condition. You have to start the journey to the ever alone path, have to transform the softest to the hardest one. The language of beauty is mild but to awake the sluggish sleeping, thunder like expression is needed. Prepare yourself for great enemy, that’s why you have to overlook insignificant things. No more betray to own independence, your true intelligence is your tools. Sharpen your own tools, wake up, fight against the enemy. Get ready, either life or death. In this situation, we need conscious madcap persons who are brave and who do not care for their personal damage. Learn to avoid the earth. This need proper ideology and leadership. We have to be co-warrior of society not the service renders. Shake off despondency, shame, failure, foolishness to be a perfect predator. This is aimed at inviting people to wake up whose consciences are sleeping but not dead. This ideology is for courageous people. Who want to change the direction of wind, fight with the current of the seas and to divert its direction, they keep real courage and boldness. For those who dare to divert the direction of a society. This ideology is not meant for any coward. This ideology is not for those who are slaves of their habits, are like the straws which keep on flying always in favour of the wind, and like the insects which always move in favour of the current of water, not for those who change their decision at every moment and those who are habituated to conduct themselves always in favour of the prevailing social customs. These guidelines are for those who are ready to keep faith in Allah, trust and ideology always upright to conduct themselves to the straight and right path with confidence. The social system about which we think over is that where righteousness is the motto and where Allah has forbidden injustice between two persons. The society where we are entering is that where we must fight against the enemies of mankind, because, counter attack is the best way of defense. We shall carry out our duties after verifying the evidences for and against the offenders and the innocents, determining the facts and without being prejudiced by the destructive elements of the society. First of all, we shall work to weaken the people having negative attitudes alongwith their followers. To attain this goal, we are required to identify the people having negative attitudes to locate their positions and to end up the supports behind them in a planned way. Good war ennobles every ideology. ‘Know your enemy’ is one of the most accepted maxims regarding war. Win the war of doctrines to support democratic values and to promote economic freedom needs win an idealistic war. Peoples are integrated into a world consistent with the interests and values we share with our partners, values such as human dignity, rule of law, respect for individual liberties, open and free economies, and religious tolerance. With the disappearance of
  • 14. (5) the down falling social values or communitie's degenerate system, problems like anarchy, poverty, discontent, insecurity, injustice and inequality will disappear too and the world will become a place of peace and plenty. The streets will be safe again, the legal system will deliver justice and everybody will benefit according to their need from education and health services. All artistic works will be recognized, standard of living of mass people will rise a great progress will come in the field of science and technology, people will get closer with each other with love and regards and the rate of crime will go down dramatically. The interests of the community for the standard of living will rise, or everyone have an equal share in the rewards of wealth, science and technology. Wealth becoming accessible to the population at large or that there should be improvement in the distribution of wealth. Country should begin to achieve social stability and security. We must not forget that to implement this plan, we should have earnest desire as well as to keep on working accordingly. If the believers in Allah tries sincerely and firmly to spread religious ethics then Allah will also help them. Allah says that if the honest and sincere people do not work unitedly and make chaos in each group then the world will become such a place where life will become intolerable and everybody will suffer. As such, we should pass this message to people massively and to warn them about the heinous plans of the wicked people. If anybody is found to be involved in any crime he must be brought to the court of law and to be punished according to proper legal process. Moral consciousness of the people should raised by bringing proper reforms in education and through spread of moral education with the aid of media. No comment can be made on any nation or people without evaluating its mental attitudes, social and economic conditions and environment. A particular doctrine may be useful for a particular territory or nation, again it may not be useful for another. It is better to bring people under a particular process after creating a tendency in their minds to abide by the laws of the land and making a revolutionary change in their mentalities. Otherwise the objectives may not be successful. If the supreme power of the social activities, opinion any address to some elementary change is designed through consultation and discussion, that might not be successful. Rather to prove through credible proof and precept that you are able to materialize your hopes and aspirations, it is only then you will be successful. Success is a must by proper social conscious and right step. The confidence and the inspiration of the fellowmen make a person successful and as per the feature of the letter period, he has to establish dominance over the condition through hardship and justice. He makes other confident that it is possible to fulfill their emotional desire and only he can care that through strong determination. For this it is needed to create a disciplinary attitude of the equation to socioeconomic problems. Every problem has its certain local characteristics, which make it diferent from problems in other areas. And solution to a problem also lies in that locality. Only local unity as social capital can develop human capital, which is an alternative to financial capital. However the quality of leadership remains as a precondition for getting better deliveries. To eradicate the root of the problem, the solution is to be cultivated, arrangement should be made for cultivation, making land, sowing seed, fertilizer insecticide, irrigation clearing weds, opinion of specialists, medicine, sufficient natural elements, harvesting the crops and threshing that, after processing comes storing, marketing. Instead of being dependent to others in resolving problem it is necessary to take integrated steps with self- enterprise through thought and search. The main target would be determining
  • 15. financial condition and searching the way of change. It is essential to collect data through investigation, survey for development of the present economic condition. The local people are to be organized for their economical redemption and the necessary elements are to be collected by individual entrepreneur. Taking opinion with the local leaders, youths, discussion is to be held house to house in villages. This makes easy the opinion, advice, work procedures, to be evaluated more convenient. All are old but you should know it as new, we have done our duty completely. Could be create a new path only with faith, patience and self-confidence, when all the ways came to shut. We are not day dremer. We do demand by ourself as a welldone hopeful man. Please, help ‘To build a survival generation’. -Writer <> (6)
  • 16. (ii) Things To Do Introduction: There is no problem of mankind except death, which cannot be solved. No matter, how much a problem is critical but if we try to solve it and know the ways and means to solve it, we can easily solve the problem. As there are stars in the sky, there are possibilities in a life. But you are to try and awaken it. Keep on solving a problem, keeping the possible danger in mind, take measures according to the situation. While taking a decision for solving a problem, we are to carefully, consider the nature of the occurrences, policies followed by others in the similar cases and powers and efficiency of our own. Efforts for solving a problem are to be continued in different ways instead of trying to solve it uselessly in old and inactive methods. If a problem is not solve in a particular way, adopt some other way to solve. Collection of data pinpointing a problems, approval and determination of a substitute taking action and selecting substitute taking up provisionally, application or implementation, evaluation, cancellation and renewal, solving the problem considering deeply, are considered as the factors of taking a decision. Objectives, standard of activities, pinpointing the problems, determining several substitutes, decision (sense of values, standard of education, politics, emotion), evaluation, implementation and control, feed back, comparison and rectification, are the model factors of taking a correct decision. We should not be emotional while taking an important decision. A decision is to be measured with the measuring sticks of number, effectiveness, justification and stability. A decision without implementation can never be called a decision. Its common formula is to be discoursed following upward and downward methods. A theory is to be applied to a particular case after collecting data in support of the theory. Support us- There are many ways you can support us. Fund raise and make a donation or investment to help finance a project. We are committed to directing all donations or investment to the community level. Your donations or investment will improve the lives of communities. Ongoing projects and programs we are providing much needed assistance for the most needy people. ex: A donation of just US $ 30 can put a child through school for 1 year. A donation of just US $ 40 can provide a tube-well and safe water supply for a small village. A donation of just US $ 20 can provide seeds and training to cultivate a vegetable garden. A donation of just US $ 30 can provide a sanitary latrine to improve hygiene and reduce diseases. A donation of just US $ 40 can provide a disabled person with a caretaker for a whole year. It can also purchase a wheelchair or such device. Alternatively, by making a regular donation you can help finance one of the many programs or projects. If you wish to make a donation please contact us. Advertisement: (7) Welcome and thank you for your interest in serving. The program provides a unique opportunity to learn more about the daily operations of general people. In addition to normal office duties, interns attend weekly lectures, volunteer at special events, participate in tours, and contribute to a community service project in the area. Percipients are unpaid positions and participants are responsible for arranging their own activities. We invite you to apply. It can help you determine your areas of interest and assist you in making an capability which might fit your qualifications. D”P Approximately few interns are chosen each time to participate in this highly
  • 17. competitive program. Interns will be selected based on their application and demonstrated interest in service. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Those are undergraduate or graduate at a college or university, attach resume and letters of recommendation. The success will depend on the quality appointees we choose to join us to lead this nation in the years ahead, we will look for people who are willing to work hard to do what is best for the country, who examine the facts and do what is right whether or not it is popular. We will look for people from across the country and from every walk of life. We welcome all who are ready for this great challenge to apply. : Positions for Counselors: : Homeland, Security and Peace, : Defense, : Law, Justice and Administration, : Foreign Affairs, : Establishment, Election and Special Affairs, : Finance and Treasury, Economic Planning, Cooperation and Logistics Development, Budget, Internal Revenue, Credit, Endowment, Reserve, Invest, : Commerce, Trade and Industry, Energy, Agriculture, Harmonization in the Internal Market, Patent Designs and Trademark, : Communities and Local Government, Social and Family Affairs, Veterans Affairs, Senior Citizens, Child and Youth, Women and Gender Equality, Fundamental- Civil and Legal Rights, Intelligent Network, : Education, Training, Standards & Technology, Science and Research, : Mental and physical health, Disease Prevention and Control, Medicines, Drugs and Drug Addiction, and Firearms. : Food, Consumer Protection, Agrifood Production, Community Food Safety, Aids, : Housing, Building and Development, Reconstruction and Historic Preservation, : Work, Labour and Skills, Equal Employment, Safety and Health at Work, Social Security and Pensions, : Transport, Communication, Media and Press, Printing, Archives and Records, Information and Information Security, Entertainment and Sport, Tourism, Religion, Culture, : Environmental Property and Nature Conservation, wildlife- forest- land- water- air- bird- animal and fish service, Chemical Hazard and Safety, The duties of the counselor- can be summed upto receive complaints and claims for damages and decide on financial compensation for such damages. Act as the gov. ombudsman in the supervision of the authorities and the civil servants, and to take action in cases of abuse. Settling complaints on the work of state agencies or state officials. i.e. cases of maladministration, in which constitutional rights or freedoms of individuals have been violated with individual acts or measures. Act as the guardian for the protection of privacy in different fields. Ensuring that authorities fulfil the obligations deriving from the principles of the rule of law and protection of human and social rights, human dignity, freedom, equality and democracy. The habit of quick understanding, taking decision instantly, strong will power, sharp and of (8)
  • 18. meaningful speech are the quality of a general and a diplomat, that makes a person executive in the real sense of the term. Factors to Consider: To serve a country as a member will be both an honour and a privilege but it is not for everyone. Anyone thinking about applying should be aware that. Your information will be kept on file and you will be considered for the position(s) or subject area(s) in which you have expressed an interest whenever openings occur. Most applicants under serious consideration must be disclosed for an appointment will go through a full background check in which their employment, profession, personal, travel, medical, financial holdings, sources of income, legal, military and educational histories will be reviewed and scrutinized. Narrative Responses: Why would you be a good representative of the service? What would you contribute to the intern program? Which of the policies is most important to you, why? What do you consider your most significant accomplishment, why? Appointments: Select men and women of the greatest ability and highest ethical and professional integrity to serve in policymaking and key administrative positions in communities administration. Executive Summury: The need is built a network system as a informative infrastructure. First lunch a campaign to the local community. Motivate them to inter act with us for their purpose. After few months this program will operate as coordinator among their supply and demand, and the system will be self-existence. The expected outcomes and achievements of the ministry is more or less like a e- govt. and this will be operating successfully because of peoples best participation. This communication infrastructure will also produce a general fund. Only needs center base computer operator and a postal, currier, mobile, network services. Throw community worker and member this structure will focus to a developed life standard among religion, social, economical, political etc. to the millennium people. This communication starts a new era for the civilization. Expenditure of a community depend of peoples dedication it may very Tk 5,000 to Tk 50,000 per annual. Commission will distribute in few tiers. Example for a task: 1st - 10% to a liaison person, who makes to join a new member. 2nd - 25% to a writer person who cast & write data according format and send to local base. 3rd - 20% to a local community counselor who coordinate final supply and demand through analytical feed back. Rest 45% will be reserved as a common fund for further step. Per week is a reporting period for a particular task. (9) Startup- A group of visionary community workers as a voluntary, through community development we endeavours to raise the socio-economic condition of numerous disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Through human resource development we mobilizes local resources in a dynamic way. By involving people in their own health, education, rights, economic, agricultural and community development we strives for sustainability. We collaborates with development ideas, strategies and approaches. Thorough project planning involves assessment of community needs, development of implementation strategies and realistic forecasting of productivity and potential for sustainability. Projects are implemented in
  • 19. partnership with local communities. Our relations with civil society have been changing in keeping with the shift in our overall objectives, with emphasis moving from work at a project level to an increasingly strategic engagement to support achievement of these goals. As part of this we are taking a much more dynamic look at the role of civil society in pushing for social, economic and political change. We have been engaging directly with a wider range of organisations across civil society seeking to support them in their role of helping to enhance their capacity to organise and get their voice heard, and to demand better services and better access to them. Vision- We aims to empower individuals and encourage them to participate in integrated sustainable community development. To implement innovative result oriented projects everywhere for the betterment. To have a staff of people that will be doing their best to provide all related services. Mission- Create an honest and loyal platform, so interested could help rural people through their contribution and involvement, arrange structural social improvement in the grass root level. We aims to develop and increase the skills of local communities by inspiring people to become actively involved in programs and projects. Consequently, the capacity to strive for social and economic security and sustainable development is increased. We seek to grow and develop towards being recognized as the service provider, furthermore we aim to be the most admired and professional solution provider. To provide the needed tools and winning edge over competition to help in penetrating the market. Values: Commitment- Diversity and believes that serving together creates opportunities for people to appreciate their differences and creates a platform for mutual respect. Responsibility- Civic engagement and believes that service transforms individuals into active citizens and leaders who take an increasingly greater role in the community. Courtesy- Believes that cultivating volunteers dedication and passion leads to providing excellent service and programs. Competence- We are competent and strive to continuously develop and improve our skills and business practices. Integrity- We have integrity as individuals and as teams our decisions are characterised by honesty and fairness. Opportunity- Empower local people more effectively. Use more detailed, culturally specific knowledge to impact on local policies. Improve innovation and a responsiveness to local issues, involve the people more directly, make a difference at a grass-roots level. Goal: Idea, innovation, model sharing, advice, needs, wants, crisis, etc. consequence fact finding for governing and mass management practice. Personal, family, social, national, international problems and solutions, awareness building, coordination, knowledge sharing, education and training, concept, creativity, idealism exchange etc. and create a fact finding data bank. Purpose: To serve a informative interaction to feedback national and global prospect within community. (10) Results and Output: All information will be placed classified and categorically and action will take place through automatic hierarchy system.
  • 20. Efficiency: All networks of administration can make a channel jointly to improve the overall efficiency. Feasibility: Between virtual and realistic communication it is far more easier. Innovation: It’s a totally new and unique method. This may include arrangements and responsibilities. And processes in place for ensuring new knowledge and best practice arising from the project are incorporated into future projects. Networking: To include mechanisms for dissemination outside project stakeholders, who are the direct beneficiaries (primary stakeholders) and others (secondary stakeholders) who will be affected by or involved in the project. Accountability: Describe the nature of work. Its mission through a variety of activities, like legal support and program analyses. Reliability: Describe goal for how its work. Produce high quality reports, legal opinion, and other program and services that are timely, accurate, useful, clear and candid. Integrity: Describe the standards of its work. It takes fact based and balanced approach to all of its activities. Integrity is the foundation of reputation. Work location: Every level of constituency is the working location for the statement that the people make. Risk: There is a risk for available suitable implementation and monitoring. We are asking to the local community members, other field worker, local organized association and existing different syndicates for franchise and partnership work dilemma. Major cause of a problem is lack of knowledge. Talk to others in the community to hear different views that will enable to form new holistic strategy. (11) The constitution: Motto- Every individual will maintain religious formalities and work according to his individual choice which will bring solvency a positive result for national works program, which will be regulated and enforced by the law of the state. Liberty- without any disparity. Human rights- irrespective of his status, class and community, with effectively participate in production and equitable distribution of wealth. Ownership of wealth and resources of the communities are for financial activities in conducting the administration of the state. A planed economic development, raised productivity through on continuers process and raised of living standard with material, cultural, mental standard by cooperative system through the comparative backward people. Basic human rights and facilities, opportunity for employment, sufficient rest recreation and vacation should be established. Above all, social security should be ensured. Revolution- progress is to be brought in the lives of all walks of people, specially that of the far flung areas through raising their standard of life by improving agricultural, educational, technological, computer, communication and network systems. Education- five year primary education should
  • 21. be progress oriented, compulsory and free for all age and sex. Law- should erasure that everybody completes his education within a period and no family is having more than one child. Remuneration- everybody should get for his work according to his qualification and work. Intellectual and physical works should be aimed at creativity and establishment of humanity in the society. Pattern- historical objects and places and naturally beautiful spots should be properly maintained. Security- (6m- man, money, market, material, machine, method) International relations should be peacefully solved and the backward communities should be inspired to co-operate in the justified struggle of the suppressed and oppressed people following the method. Equity- people should be led to progress attaining moral character and to be regardful to discipline and easy access to get the shelter of law. Opportunity- everybody should have an easy access to employment according to his eligibility. Matters regarding daily essential commodities and services, control and management of markets, proper administration and communication, specially water and land transportation, and welfare of the retired personnel etc. should be given due importance and necessary actions for implementation of the schemes. People should have trust, loyalty and support in favour of this practice, directly or indirectly without sufficient reasons they should perform duties properly with secrecy, trust, honesty and sincerity. Our services- We are providing a variety of solutions and services. We provide operations with outsourced logistics such in service customization and packaging and back to back applications to further ease the business with dealers channel. Future Plan- We have already established a world class standard center and in future we will establish decntralised standard service center. Broad outcomes- obtain and maintain employment, be addiction free, be violence free, reach their full potential provides for the healthy development, achieve financial independence, good health, and personal stability. Services build on client strengths. Services are easy to access and are available. The community is the natural environment for individuals to live, learn, work and play. Service delivery builds on community plans, services, and delivery systems. We understand our common and separate goals within that environment. We plan services and share resources with our partners to meet shared goals most effectively. We use client and outcome data to direct resources. We suspend relationships with non-performers. Our diversity strengthens our decision making, our services and our communication. We provide an excellent value. Keep funders informed, to ensure continued funding. Major activities: A member & community developer will enounce through their channels to the local communities and individuals. The candidate may proceed direct to the operator or may through them. Especially every religious and educational spots will be the center for all community members. We will focus our efforts on three pillars. First, we will expand our law enforcement effort to capture, detain, and prosecute known and suspected negativers. Second, we will focus decisive military power and specialized intelligence resources to defeat problems. Finally, with the cooperation of its partners and appropriate international organizations, we will continue our aggressive plan to eliminate the sources of problems. Place, interest and intention base community: (12)
  • 22. (13) Every community consists of various social classes separated by divides, these divides are in general defined by the moral values, life styles, world-view, cultural standards and economic means of the classes in question. Generally speaking, the leading elite of community have a more degenerate lifestyle whereas the majority of people try to stay clear and safe of this decadence. The characteristics common to most members of this leading elite are arrogance because of their wealth, status, office, property, beauty or fame and the fact that they are leading figures of a decadent way of life. Corruption, injustice, prostitution, drug dealing, arms smuggling, murders, conflict and chaos, immorality, insecurity, fear and anxiety, discretion and secrecy etc are the criminal code of the underworld fraternity, solidarity is only based on self-interest. Lies, deceit and slander are most cunning tactics to getting office, status and material wealth and also power. People are thus judged by wealth rather than character. They will respect even the most contemptible people in the world provided they are rich and powerful and can benefit them. To side with people whom they regard as powerful is one of their typical character traits. According to this false logic, ‘might is right’. Therefore, when those considered to be powerful do injustices, break the law or repeatedly commit crimes. At the base, underlying conditions such as poverty, corruption, religious conflict and ethnic strife create opportunities for negetivers to exploit, they use these conditions to justify their actions and expand their support. Some of these conditions are real and some manufactured. They belief that terror is a legitimate means to address such conditions and effect political change is a fundamental problem enabling terrorism to develop and grow. The international environment defines the boundaries within which terrorists’ strategies take shape. As a result of freer, more open borders this environment unwillingly provides access to havens, capabilities, and other support to terrorists. But access alone is not enough, those must have a physical base from which to operate. Both physical (e.g., safe houses, training grounds) and virtual (e.g., reliable communication and financial networks) that terrorists need to plan, organize, train, and conduct their operations. Once entrenched in a safe operating environment, the organization can begin to solidify and expand. Organization’s structure, membership, resources, and security determine its capabilities and reach. At the top of the structure, the negative leadership provides the overall direction and strategy that links all these factors and thereby breathes life into a negative campaign. The leadership becomes the catalyst for negative action. The loss of the leadership can cause many organizations to collapse. Some groups however, are more resilient and can promote new leadership should be original fall or fail. Still others have adopted a more decentralized organization with largely autonomous cells. In this environment, terrorists work together in funding, sharing intelligence, training, logistics, planning, and executing attacks. Linked by ideology, resources, common enemy, mutual support, sponsorship, result and synergy. Hardcore members are the most dangerous and violence prone, these are the leaders, enforcers, and shooters. They completely committed to gang life and have numerous contacts with the system. Frequently, not more than ten percent of members are hardcore. Associate members are criminally active, generally in their teens, associates tend to exhibit violent or aggressive behaviour and often commit crimes to elevate their status within the gang. Often on the fringes of criminal activity, wannabes sometimes act as runners or weapons holders, and some can become dangerous in their attempts to impress gang members. There is a hierarchical structure within the society, there are the leaders and their
  • 23. supporters. Every member's responsibilities are clearly defined. As a principle, they act as one body in a highly organized fashion. There is also a task sharing mechanism in place between members where every member knows what to do without it being explicitly stated. Yet another member will protect him if something goes wrong. Defensive as well as offensive activities are carried out in complete unanimity. The unanimity in the community is an instinctive necessity based on the individual's fear that ‘I could be next’. Besides all these fears there is also the fear of losing everything for reasons of social change. Another important fear of the community is, as mentioned, the loss of benefits. One of the best-known fears of the community members is that of losing their place in the community and thus being faced with isolation. Apart from losing their share in the collective profits, to be alone means that the community member cannot continue to exist. He will have lost the protection and support of the community which increases certain downfall. There is yet another fear that haunts community members, that the community should lose its authority. Their solidarity is the consequence of positive moral qualities like loyalty, devotion, faithfulness and love. All the members unite in the face of danger to its source, and continue to act as one body until it is certain that the danger has passed. To defend the other means to defend oneself. Every member feels responsible for covering up the other's morality and non crimes. For the community, numbers are important and it wants to increase them constantly. The more community members there are, the greater the extent of the propaganda. In the case of danger, each individual member will act for the community. It will become easier to suppress opposing voices and therefore easier to protect itself. This is why anyone who has had any dealings with the community is quickly sucked in and then never again permitted to leave. For these people, values like patience, devotion, loyalty and good character mean everything. (14) The majority of people come under the spell of this mass psychology and become part of the system. The community has developed a highly comprehensive and complex defense mechanism in order to protect its existing structure, to preserve its power and to prevent potential harm. In morally degenerate societies all over the world, there are people who protect the community in various media organizations, in the security forces and from within the justice system. These people cover up the perversions and criminal activities of the community and make financial gains at the same time. They are used in intrigues for the purpose of destabilizing the enemy and to clear the name of the community. Staging conspiracies is where the community is most successful and it is the most frequently used method when faced with the threat of danger. They make detailed plans in their secret meetings to eliminate anything considered a potential threat to themselves or their system. Then they take all the necessary precautions for the smooth running of the conspiracies they plan. To achieve their missions, they prepare evidence if needed and act out the most incredible scenarios with the aid of witnesses. It is not difficult for the community leader to find the actors to play out these scenarios because there is no shortage of suitable candidates within the community. Young people who give into the community soon become totally dependent on the community’s activities to survive and find themselves in a emerging goal. Group of people depend on the communities continuity for their own existence and rely on the protection of the communities leaders. It is one of their responsibilities to make the frontline in the battle against the
  • 24. community’s enemies. Everybody in totalitarian societies knows deep down that the dictator ruling them is tyrannical and merciless, they witness the inconsistencies and inequalities, but never rebel against the leader who seems to be so powerful. These are under the total control of the community, obedient to their leaders, they move as directed. Methodology: Doctrine of necessities is the concise expression of how forces contribute to campaigns, major operations, and engagements. It is a guide to action. It provides a common frame of reference across the system. It helps standardize operations, facilitating readiness by establishing common ways of accomplishing tasks. Doctrine links theory, history, experimentation, and practice. Its objective is to foster initiative and creative thinking. Doctrine provides an authoritative body of statements on how forces conduct operations and provides a common lexicon for use by planners and leaders. Logistics is the art and science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. In its most comprehensive sense, it is those aspects or operations that deal with: Design, development, acquisition, storage, distribution and disposition of materiel. Movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel. Acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation and disposition of facilities. Acquisition or furnishing of services. Our judgments must be based not only upon professional knowledge of the numerous aspects of logistics itself but also upon an understanding of the interplay of closely related considerations such as strategy, tactics, intelligence, training, personnel and finance. However, case studies have shown that more quantitative, statistical analysis are often a significant improvement on human judgment. Strategy is the art of distributing and applying means to fulfill the ends of policy, it encompasses the management of the resources of an entire community in the conduct of action. In the environment of the grand strategy, the component is largely reduced to operational strategy, the planning and control of large units such as corps and divisions. Fundamental to grand strategy is the diplomacy through which a community might forge alliances or pressure another community into compliance, thereby achieving victory without resorting to combat. Another element of grand strategy is the management of the post-action peace. Hence, both gave the preeminence to political aims over goals, ensuring civilian control. Objective- it is direct operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective. Offensive- seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Mass- it concentrate combat power at the decisive place and time. Economy of Force- it allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts. Maneuver- it place the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power. Unity of Command- for every objective, ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander. Security- never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage. Surprise - strike the enemy at a time, at a place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared. Simplicity- prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding. (15) Offensive strategies: Ambush- An attack on an opponent usually involving surprise. Blitzkrieg- A bombardment immediately followed by a lightning swift attack by
  • 25. mobile forces. Charge- Direct attack, usually by running upto the opponent. Counterattac- An attack when an enemy has attacked, usually when the enemy is weak or complacent. Encirclement- To isolate and surround enemy forces. Flanking maneuver- This strategy involves attacking the opponent from the side, or rear, flank. Human wave attack- Humans used to attack in continuous waves, almost in a desperation move. Penetration- A direct attack through the enemy lines, then attack the rear once through. Pincer maneuver- Allowing the enemy to attack the center, sometimes in a charge, then attacking the flanks of the charge. Raiding- Attacking with the purpose of removing enemy's supply or provisions. Siege- Continuous attack by bombardment on a fortified position, usually by artillery. Some practices have not changed since the dawn of warfare: ambushes, seeking and turning flanks, maintaining reconnaissance, creating and using obstacles and defences infinitum. Using ground to best advantage has not changed much either, heights, rivers and swamps, passes and choke points, natural cover, all of these can be used in multiple ways. What does change constantly is the technological dimension, as well as the sociology of combatants. Principles of tactics: Identification of objectives- Also referred to as 'selection and maintenance of the aim'. Tactics should be directed to achieve a particular outcome such as the capture of a hill, a successful disengagement from an advancing enemy. Or merely causing a greater proportional loss to the enemy than to your own force (attrition). Force concentration- A blade is edged so that it lands with more energy per square centimeter than an equal width blunt object. Concentration of effort is a fighting force's edge. Once an aim is identified, time, resources and effort are expended to achieve it. Once an aim is identified, earmark enough resources to achieve it and focus them on the task. Exploiting prevailing weather- Exploiting night, again this is not a principle of war, but a temporary advantage of technology. Maintenance of reserves- It allows a tactician to exploit new opportunities, or react quickly to reverses and unexpected developments. Economy of force- The attentive knows his troops, equipment and supplies must be husbanded and used carefully, only if there is a good chance of success. Force protection- Another component is the principle of security. A unit or formation must always have sentries or reconnaissance deployed, specialized weapons against specific attacks such as anti- aircraft defences today. Must always be carefully sited and available, even if halted for only a short period, defensive measures should be taken. Force dispersal- It is interesting to consider that in a kilometer wide battlefield today's forces might use less than a 100. Camouflage- it is an ancient measure designed to deceive opponents and protect one's forces. Outlines have to be broken up textures disguised, and reflective surfaces dulled. Deception- A wise commander takes measures to let his opponent only react to the wrong circumstances. Diversionary attacks, feints, decoys there are thousands of tricks that have successfully used, and still have a role in the future. (16) Multiple axis of movement: Patrolling- reconnaissance patrol, fighting patrol, standing patrol (OP/LP). Ambush- linear ambush, 'L' ambush, area ambush. Guerrilla- human wave attack, shock and awe, swarming (military). Planned attack- use of supporting fire, indirect fire support, base of fire, flying wedge, the refuse (cavalry formation), frontal assault, penetration or infiltration, pincer movement,
  • 26. flanking maneuver, attrition warfare. Interdiction- severing or disrupting lines of communication and supply, air interdiction. Control- Main supply routes. Envelopment tactics- circumvallation, encircling, siege. Vertical envelopment- airborne forces, air mobile forces. Rapid deployment- capturing key points, airborne operations, air mobile operations, amphibious operations, motorized operations, tank desant, mechanized operations, armored operations, raiding, preemptive strike. Disrupting communications- electronic countermeasures, radar jamming, radio jamming, network jamming. Divide and conquer. Counter attack- counter battery fire, rapid reaction force. Delaying defence- Break contact. Hedgehog defence. Attrition warfare is a tactic in which a belligerent attempts to win a war by wearing down its enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and material. To wear down the enemy until it lost its ‘will to fight’. Tactics is a shifting amalgam of psychology, physics, and statistics. 'Drills' try to promote automatic responses to given situations. Action is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of policy carried out by other means. Victory could be achieved by occupying the enemy's territory rather than destroying others force. Psychological warfare is often used in modern situations, such as the dropping of leaflets and propaganda, campaigns. Psychological warfare could be considered a type of unconventional warfare, this is also known as information wars. This is because it attempts to influence the mind of the enemy rather than destroy. The press is one of the most commonly used weapons for spreading propaganda. Network- centric operations (NCO) seeks to translate an information advantage. Enabled in part by information technology into a competitive war fighting advantage through the robust networking of well informed geographically dispersed forces. This networking, combined with changes in technology, organization, processes, and people may allow new forms of organizational behaviour. Specifically, the theory contains the following four tenets in its hypotheses: A robustly networked force improves information sharing, Information sharing enhances the quality of information and shared situational awareness, Shared situational awareness enables collaboration and self-synchronization, and enhances sustainability and speed of command. And these in turn dramatically increase mission effectiveness 4D strategy- Defeat, Deny, Diminish and Defend. Indicators should be brief as ‘SMART’ Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Total time, or indicators should be brief as ‘TQQLT’ Target group, Quality, Quantity, Location, Total time. 3C: Communication, Command, Control. Creating awareness, changing mindsets and removing stigmas towards survivors is also crucial in preventing the vicious cycle from continuing. We are cheated into this life, not knowing what we are for. (17) Diplomatic strategy -Diplomacy has traditionally been heavily influenced by hard power. There are also incentives in diplomacy to act reasonably, especially if the support of other actors is needed. The gain from winning one negotiation can be much less than the increased hostility from other parts, this is also called soft power. Assurance- is the level of guarantee that a security system will behave as expected. Countermeasure- is a way to stop a threat from triggering a risk event. Defense in depth- never rely on one single security measure alone. Exploit- a vulnerability that has been triggered by a threat a risk. Risk- is a possible event which could cause a loss. Threat- is a method of triggering a risk event that is dangerous. Vulnerability - a
  • 27. weakness in a target that can potentially be exploited by a threat. We should protect our personnel, installations, operations during Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT), Technical Intelligence (TECHINT), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) includes a wide variety of information and sources: Media - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and computer-based information. Web based communities and user generated content- social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies. Public data - government reports, official data such as budgets and demographics, hearings, legislative debates, press conferences, speeches, marine and aeronautical safety warnings, environmental impact statements, contract awards. Observation and reporting- amateur airplane spotters, radio monitors and satellite observers (e.g., Google Earth). Professional and academic- conferences, symposia, professional associations, academic papers, and subject matter experts. Open source include hard and softcopy maps, atlases, gazetteers, port plans, gravity data, aeronautical data, navigation data, geodetic data, human terrain data (cultural and economic), environmental data, commercial imagery, hyper and multi-spectral data, airborne imagery, geo-names, geo-features, urban terrain, vertical obstruction data, boundary marker data, geospatial mashups, spatial databases, and web services, etc. Investigations typically involve examining the scene and securing all physical evidence. Seeking out and obtaining the cooperation of witnesses and taking their statements. Submitting an investigation brief, once all of the facts are gathered, there are reasonable grounds to lay a charge against that. Concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception and representation. Four factors of subjects attitudes- 1) The source's mental and physical state. Is the source injured, angry, crying, arrogant, cocky, or frightened? 2) The source's background, age and level of military or civilian experience? Consider cultural, ethnic, and religious factors. 3) The objective of the HUMINT collection. How valuable is the source's potential information? Is it beneficial to spend more effort convincing this source to talk? 4) The HUMINT collector himself, what abilities does he have that can be brought into play? What weaknesses does he have that may interfere with the HUMINT collection? Are there social or ethnic barriers to communication? Can his personality adapt to the personality of the source? System for prioritizing interview subjects: Cooperation level and code- Responds to direct questions (c1), Responds hesitantly (c2), Does not respond (c3). Knowledgeability level and code- Very likely to have pertinent information (cA), May have pertinent information (cB), Unlikely to have pertinent information (cC). Types of interviews- in argumentative theory, interrogation is a form of information- seeking dialogue, but also can include other kinds of dialogue, such as negotiation. (18) Principles of questioning- the amount of time spent on this phase will depend mostly on the probable quantity and value of information the source possesses, the availability of other sources with knowledge on the same topics, and available time. At the initial contact, a businesslike relationship should be maintained. As the source
  • 28. assumes a cooperative attitude, a more relaxed atmosphere may be advantageous. The HUMINT collector must carefully determine which of the various approach techniques to employ. Be more willing to discuss a topic about which the HUMINT collector demonstrates identical or related experience or knowledge. Appreciate flattery and exoneration from guilt. Attach less importance to a topic if it is treated routinely by the HUMINT collector. Resent having someone or something they respect belittled, especially by someone they dislike. Collection techniques- perhaps most common are operations that exploit business relationships, including the marketing and sales phase. There are also efforts targeted at individuals with sensitive knowledge. From a psychological standpoint, the HUMINT collector must be cognizant of the following behaviours. Interrogation techniques- there are multiple possible methods of interrogation including deception, torture, increasing suggestibility, and using mind-altering drugs, good cop/bad cop, empathy (empathetic interrogation). Interrogation is a skilled technique, which often involves building rapport with the subject. In an intelligence context, interrogators should be trained specialists, although they may work with linguists and subject matter experts. To keep the initiative, the interrogator may not need to be harsh, it can allow polite domination of the conversation. The interrogation process itself is a HUMINT collection, not analysis technique. It may well be that the interrogator, after the interview, does analysis, cross-checking statements made against name indices and wiring diagrams of social networks. The interrogator checks his notes against the finished report to ensure that the report contains and identifies the information as heard, seen, or assumed by the source. (19) The reid nine steps of interrogation- 1) Direct confrontation. Lead the suspect to understand that the evidence has led to the individual as a suspect. Offer the person an early opportunity to explain why the offence took place. 2) Try to shift the blame away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted the suspect to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to which the accused is most responsive. 3) Never allow the suspect to deny guilt. If you’ve let him talk and say the words ‘I didn’t do it’, and the more often a person says ‘I didn’t do it’, the more difficult it is to get a confession. 4) At this point, the accused will often give a reason why he or she did not or could not commit the crime. Try to use this to move towards the confession. 5) Reinforce sincerity to ensure that the suspect is receptive. 6) The suspect will become quieter and listen, move the theme discussion towards offering alternatives. If the suspect cries at this point, infer guilt. 7) Pose the alternative question, giving two choices for what happened; one more socially acceptable than the other. The suspect is expected to choose the easier option but whichever alternative the suspect chooses, guilt is admitted. 8) Lead the suspect to repeat the admission of guilt infront of witnesses. 9) Document the suspect's admission and have him or her sign a confession. Records investigation -detectives may use public and private records to provide background information on a subject. Detectives can also search through credit card records and bank statements, hotel registration information, credit reports, answer machine messages, and phone conversations. The best way is to obtain a confession from the suspect. Detectives may lie, mislead and psychologically pressure a suspect into an
  • 29. admission or confession as long as they do this within procedural boundaries and without the threat of violence or promises outside their control. Biases can creep into decision making processes, be careful. Below is a list of some of the more commonly debated cognitive and personal biases: 1) Selective search for evidence - we tend to be willing to gather facts that support certain conclusions but disregard other facts that support different conclusions. 2) Premature termination of search for evidence- We tend to accept the first alternative that looks like it might work. 3) Inertia- Unwillingness to change thought patterns that we have used in the past in the face of new circumstances. 4) Selective perception- we actively screen-out information that we do not think is salient. 5) Wishful thinking or optimism- we tend to want to see things in a positive light and this can distort our perception and thinking. 6) Choice supportive- it occurs when we distort our memories of chosen and rejected options to make the chosen options seem relatively more attractive. 7) Recency or Primacy effect- we tend to place more attention on more recent information and either ignore or forget more distant information. 8) Repetition- a willingness to believe what we have been told most often and by the greatest number of different of sources. 9) Anchoring and adjustment- decisions are unduly influenced by initial information that shapes our view of subsequent information. 10) Group think - peer pressure to conform to the opinions held by the group. 11) Source credibility - we reject something if we have a bias against the person, organization, or group to which the person belongs. We are inclined to accept a statement by someone we like. 12) Incremental decision making and escalating commitment- we look at a decision as a small step in a process and this tends to perpetuate a series of similar decisions. 13) Attribution asymmetry - we tend to attribute our success to our abilities and talents, but we attribute our failures to bad luck and external factors. We attribute other's success to good luck, and their failures to their mistakes. 14) Role fulfillment (self fulfilling prophecy)- we conform to the decision making expectations that others have of someone in our position. 15) Underestimating uncertainty and the illusion of control- we tend to underestimate future uncertainty because we tend to believe we have more control over events than we really do. We believe we have control to minimize potential problems in our decisions. Street work- majority of cases are solved by the interrogation of suspects and the interviewing of witnesses, which takes time. Besides interrogations, detectives may rely on a network of informants they have cultivated over the years. Informants often have connections with persons a detective would not be able to approach formally. Evidence collection and preservation can also help in identifying a potential suspect(s). In criminal investigations, once a detective has suspects in mind, the next step is to produce evidence that will stand up in a court of law. Tribunal: 1) Judge & Jury face lawyers. 2) Confession at different circumstance acceptation. 3) Statement of witness face cross examined 4) Public trial 5) The sentence is for a better humanity. Verifying the veracity of the allegation in tribunal, at first financial punishment or physical labour is to be enforced in social action compulsorily and in case of remediless incident assistance should be provided from the general fund. (20)
  • 30. Its aim by attacking their sanctuaries, leadership, command, control, and communications, material support and finances to implement a coordinated effort to squeeze, tighten, and isolate the negativers. Well-coordinated efforts are required to achieve this goal. We must first act to reduce their scope and capability. This effort requires us to identify the terrorists, locate their sanctuaries and destroy their ability to plan and operate. The goal of this front is to choke off the lifeblood of terrorist groups- their access to territory, funds, equipment, training, technology and unimpeded transit. This approach will therefore weaken terrorist organizations and their ability to conduct operations. The facts who have been victimized are often vulnerable to being, so again. Four ‘R’s- Rescue, Rehabilitation, Repatriation, and Reintegration. Rescue process is a non violent and sensitive manner, it follow certain guidelines such as up holding the dignity of victims, providing supports, maintaining privacy. Rehabilitation includes counseling, medical and psychical care, shelter etc. minimum standard care must be provided for victims. Voluntary return to original base is Repatriation. An alternative sustainable livelihood for the survivors is both socio-economic Reintegration. (21) Problem analysis and decision making: As part of a comprehensive program, risk and decision issues need to be addressed at a variety of levels of analysis and aggregation. Micro-level, involving decision-making and actions undertaken by individuals. Meso-level, encompassing groups, public and private organizations, social networks, and local communities. Macro-level, encompassing national and international institutions, the professions, and public policy arenas. A primary goal is to identify obstacles to effective use of existing findings and tools, to suggest ways of overcoming these obstacles. And to identify crucial areas for future. Develop possible general guidelines for how to present and interpret risk analysis (and models in general). Invention a alternate way to risk asses. Examples include recognizing uncertainties, presenting sensitivity analyses, and stating that no analysis yields the definitive 'answer' to a policy problem. Investigate ways that it would become politically correct for politicians to clearly address their viewpoints about the complex issues inherent in risky decisions of concern. Politician should for instance, recognize significant uncertainties and value tradeoffs and perhaps even express their judgment on these. Develop methodologies to incorporate civil liberties and rights as objectives in decisions that may be faced regarding negativism. We want ways to measure the degrees to which civil liberties and rights are limited or expanded by various acts. We need to understand the tradeoffs of civil liberties and rights versus the right to safety, life, and the pursuit of happiness, we need to have ways to indicate which groups of people or individuals have their liberties and rights affected in different ways and address the equity concerns of those. Challenges here include a range of economic and regulatory questions, those include methodological issues related to evaluation, choice under conditions and ambiguity use and legitimating of model based assessments new data analysis methods such as data mining and A.I. techniques, the performance based regulation and other familiar topics. New institutional forms are arising in the economy that are using new methods for integration of business activities. From investment, to marketing to supply chain management and beyond product use to environmental impacts of ultimate recovery or disposal of products, based on our understanding of decision making for different
  • 31. type of risks, needed to improve the risk management process. There is a need for research on the expected benefits and costs of different types of public private partnerships for specific risk related problems. Analyses can include presentation of information, types of economic incentives (e.g. subsidies, fines), collective choice approaches and social norms as well as the use of regulations and standards. We are not well understood in characterizing people’s behaviour toward risks. Tipping behaviour- actions of one individual or a small group may cause others to change their behaviour. Role of social norms and coordinating mechanisms in improving risk-related decisions (e.g. organizational associations and their roles), impact of short-time horizons and high discount rates in inhibiting certain behaviour and how one can overcome them. These include processes that separate value determination, probability determination and decision into more different processes. Included also are processes or organization that involve the delegation of decisions, systems of advisors (multiple principles and multiple agents), aggregation of beliefs, or information processing institutions. In all such processes there exist the possibility of conflict of interest. Information screening and other phenomena that might result in poor decisions. The theory is rapidly developing insights about institutions that work ‘properly’ in spite of such problems. Suppose one individual ‘fails/ gets infected/ overloads/ experiences error/ bankrupts’ there is a high probability that the neighbours will have the same experience, because each individual is connect to another through a network. Thus, each producer pushes the ‘local’ system to a proper balancing of risks and profit. However, if neighbours are unaware of the risks taken by those on whom they depend there is an uninsured and unprotected exposure to the risk of catastrophic system failure. Modern technologies, including rapid communication and computation capacities, are being used to design institutions, instruments and processes that were never possible before. Suggested new institutions such can be studied more completely through the use of experimental testbeds, thereby lowering the cost and facilitating the consensus needed for successful policy implementation. There is already much evidence that outcomes are often evaluated differently from these different perspectives. One stream of work shows that experienced utility does not always follow predicted utility or decision utility. For example, when evaluating the impact of possible changes in circumstances people often fail to appreciate the role of adaptation. Should we focus on giving people what they want (decision utility) or on making their lives better (improve experienced or remembered utility)? In some cases, these objectives are probably aligned, but in others, as we have seen, they diverge. (22) Malicious, usurping or sucker-oriented, external unintended, self-created categorized problem’s and decision analysis. 1) Problem structure, probabilities and values are central. 2) Subjectivity is respected and incorporated into the analysis. 3) Models the multidimensional views and values of interested and affected parties. 4) Seeks acceptable level of risk as a standard to attain across problem domains. Formation of the topic with scientific processes- evidence of localization, iIdentification of origin date, identification of integrity, recognition of authorship, attribution of credibility, gathering of data, analysis of data, test, hypothesis, revising of hypothesis, conceptual definitions, operational definitions, conclusion or iteration if necessary.
  • 32. Certain concepts recur throughout different fields of security. Methods- exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems. Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem. Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. Fail to apply or remember lessons they may have been taught regarding security if confronted with a disorganized or strange situation. To win the war on violence, community departments must have detailed about the following. We should have the knowledge about the power and the weakness of our enemies as we know about ourselves. Environment in which the problem exists. Resources available to combat the problem. Help develop or improve a computerized database. Provide baseline information for developing performance standards and evaluation measures. Three basic types of analysis- crime analysis, including analysis of problems that contribute to crime but are non criminal in themselves, investigative analysis and strategic analysis. Crime analysis involves analyzing data from the past (for example, a series of crimes committed in a particular geographic area). Traditionally, crime analysts have compiled such data from arrest reports, offense reports, computer-assisted dispatch records of calls for service, and other official records. Investigative analysis involves analyzing current data that may be useful in completing an ongoing investigation or prosecution. This term actually encompasses many types of analyses. Strategic analysis is conducted outside the course of a specific investigation and is concerned with a particular criminal group or criminal activity. The aim is to give decision makers information about trends, predictions about future crimes, and recommendations for strategies and policy. Several basic tasks are involved in assessing criminal activity. These include determining the nature and extent of the problem, considering patterns and trends of activity, examining the environment in which operate, and using various information sources to collect useful raw data. (23) Ex. General information: Number and names and their subgroups (or sets), member profile of each gang member, especially the hardcore, information on specific members, names of leaders, violent members, and key associates (include information such as identifying characteristics, criminal history, names, affiliations, associates, monikers, criminal histories, methods of operation (MO’s), identifying marks, and addresses. Number of members and associates. Gang members on bail, probation, and parole (including their release conditions) and gang members with outstanding warrants. Have changes activity or crimes coincided with the imprisonment or release of key members? Identifying signs (for example, graffiti, tattoos, and colours or hand signs). Age range of members, gender of members. Ethnic composition. Organizational structure, rituals, members’ citizenship status, and whether the gang is turf oriented or entrepreneurial and indigenous or new to the jurisdiction. Recruiting process. Does the little group have changed? Are they larger or smaller? Are they more organized, more fragmented, or about the same? Are recruiting younger persons than in the past? Have significant shifts occurred in leadership? What changes occurred in leadership or personnel? What effect did these changes have? History of gang presence in the neighbourhood (for example, have gangs existed there since the turn of the century or are they a recent phenomenon). Geographic range of criminal activity, extent of involvement in other crimes, methods of operation (MO’s), locations of crime, types of crime, victims of crime.
  • 33. Nature and extent of the problem, streets maps (computer generated pin maps) depict types and locations of gang crimes during specified periods. Ex- murder, every occurrence of the street. Relationships with other locals. Linkages to other jurisdictions. Have the neighbourhoods targeted by shifted or remained the same? Have crimes increased or decreased in the past 5 years? Do members tend to live in one jurisdiction and commit crimes in another? Are there seasonal variations in the level or type of activity? Has the number of sets changed? Is activity confined to specific neighbourhoods, or is it a community wide problem? Why do some communities have problems while others do not? Why there is problems in the society, which have not in the other society. What factors have permitted to gain a foothold in particular jurisdictions? What conditions have made specific neighbourhoods particularly vulnerable to gangs? Transportation systems by which members and/ or drugs enter and leave the jurisdiction, along with current interdiction efforts. Political climate (for example, public acknowledgment or denial of a gang problem and history of police relationships with the community). Demographic changes in the neighbourhood (for example, changes in average age of the population). Changes in social conditions, educational opportunities, and recreational and other resources for residents and their children, changes in economic conditions and employment opportunities in the neighbourhood. Physical condition of dwellings- streets and common areas (for example, abandoned and boarded-up buildings, abandoned cars, accumulated trash, and broken lighting), crack houses, types of businesses (for example, bars and liquor stores). Controlling each area. Some dishonest traders take the opportunity of absence of implementation of law in some particular areas. For example there are some backward areas which are not easily accessible are the best centers for these dishonest traders. Ownership of buildings in which gang members reside or gang activity takes place. (24) Ex. Information sources: Call for service data, field contact cards or reports, confidential informants. A formal task force agreement can help participants avoid misunderstandings pertaining to interagency issues such as command and control, responsibilities, objectives, asset sharing, overtime, liability, insurance, access to confidential information. The administration should find out the correct information and should not be misguided by the dishonest and incapable informers. What problems were encountered in implementing objectives? How were they resolved? Effectiveness of prior enforcement strategies and tactics. Have all planned activities been implemented? If not, what remains to be done? Were they accomplished on schedule? If objectives, plans, or timetables were revised, why was this necessary? What new objectives were added and why? What costs were incurred? Did they exceed initial projections? What was the level of resident support in targeted neighbourhoods? How did this affect the overall enforcement effort? What lessons have been learned that might be useful to other? How and from which sources information's are to be collected and these information's will be conveyed to the concerned persons? Points to be included in the procedure of collecting information's- name, registration, organization, crime history, procedure of its activities, specification and address. A proper method is to be prepared for collecting information and to circulate it further. Casting and expand of external data source. Extant, nature, kind, working spots, necessary information's, matters under and judicial process and out of the same process, extension of market, sources of
  • 34. information, customers, and sources of production and procurement the materials and victims regarding the criminals involved in the crimes related with narcotics, arms, abduction of women and children and gambling, are to be found out. Patterns of spending or investing profits of crime (for example, purchases of luxury items, investment in real estate or legitimate business, and transportation/ transfer of funds out of the country). What observations or data can schools provide about gangs, violence, drugs, and guns on school, college, university and community grounds or involving students? (25) Work Style: Activities of any system depend on a successful and effective networked communication. Direct and indirect personal communication, family based, religious and social structures, structures like parliament and bureaucracy, trade unions, structures like merchants association and public relations medias play the different roles of public relations. A successful communication system can be introduced through uniformity and flow of information, keeping the volume and flow of informations subjectwise, reasonable, evident and sensible. United feelings, decisions, mutual co-operation and good manners are introduced only through communication. Co-ordination between environment and livelihood is possible through collection of news and proper action on the basis of the news. A communication should be passed in time, so that necessary action on the message can be taken in due time. A communication may be formal or informal, upward or downward but it should be clear and not contradictory, so that it becomes meaningful to the receiver. When a feedback process is effective in communication system, it will maintain a both way communication. Problem needs to be solved and serve for open discussion through writing a data and store the data to a server at different ministry level. Few advisors/ consultants may guide the staff for the data. All services provided are tailored to the needs through participatory planning and programs designing. The project may contributed to the national and international prospects like antiterrorism, informative, educative, antiwar campaigning, human rights, awareness building, global security, etc. Group formation, local resource mobilization, networking, area of involvement is awareness raising on various segmented social issues like social, economical, general and administrative, also religious and political. All these shall be built upon universal humanistic values like Justice, Solidarity, Equality. Goodgovernance/ democracy partnership, responsive and accountable governance. Local government initiatives and strengthening. Advocacy social, legal & financial. State of the art technique for humanitarian services. Cultural development and sport activities. Human resource development and capacity building. Development- rural and urban, evaluation and documentation. Reporting and regular publication. Policy research on key issues, evaluation and monitoring. Local lever business institution building, development and income generation. Advocacy and lobbying for legislation for consumers protection. Capacity building programs like partner, small and medium level NGOs. Liaison is the primary point of contact between the members and executive of state, local, tribal governments. Receives, responds and processes all correspondence addressed to promotes public interest groups manages placement, benefits, and other concerning matters. Application, selection and placement process of each class and the day to day operation of the program. The office also plans, coordinates and hosts activities that comprise the program, coordinates all logistical with respect to domestic and
  • 35. (26) international issues, ensures that domestic policy decisions and programs are effective And consistent with the goals and efforts to empower community and working to confront poverty and social needs. Responsible for the planning and production, focuses on both policy development and community outreach. Promotes initiatives and projects, publicizes events, planning schedule of activities and assists with correspondence with the public. This includes organization and implementation of daily and long range schedules, planning, briefings, meetings, documents and maintains an archive of events and large events. Strategic initiatives plans and coordinates a long-range strategy for achieving priorities. Manages the daily operations, this includes budget, purchasing, facility and asset management, travel and other administrative support for staff. Through process and discussions, that helped us to produce our strategic plan for fiscal years. Provide timely, quality service, to maximize the value of community. Implemented recommendations correct the underlying causes of problems, weaknesses in internal controls, failures to comply with laws or regulations, or other matters impeding effective and efficient performance. Because our recommendations are not legally binding, their value is indicated by how many are implemented and when they are implemented. To measure our performance on our qualitative goals, we will use two standards- meets expectations and exceeds expectations. Our performance meets expectations when we provide information or make recommendations on the key efforts when viewed collectively. Cultivate and foster effective client relations. We also plan to develop a feedback system and track references to our work by the media, universities and other organizations. Implement a model strategic and annual planning and reporting process. Align human capital policies and practices to support mission. Develop efficient and responsive business processes and build an integrated and reliable information technology infrastructure. We help improve the performance and accountability by providing accurate, objective, fact based, nonpartisan, and non ideological information combined with original data collection and analysis. Conduct policy analyses to assess needed actions and the implications of proposed actions and provide related assistance in support of its oversight and decision making. The key efforts we intend to undertake to achieve a particular performance goal and the potential outcomes are discussed in detail in the relevant strategic objective plan. We recognize that we can meet our goals and objectives more efficiently and effectively if our work complements that of others. To ensure that we target the right issues, provide balanced perspectives, and develop practical recommendations, we work with members of the accountability community. The continued credibility of our services depends on our meeting goals related to major management challenges. To facilitate government wide management and institutional reforms, we will continue to develop and promote best practices to build and sustain high-performing organizations. We also plan to develop guidance on a human capital framework that improves economy, efficiency and effectiveness. A subcommittee of local professional will be our auxiliary helper. This framework will focus on strategic planning, organizational alignment, leadership, talent, and a performance-based culture. The framework will serve as the basis for human capital self-assessments, through which, with our encouragement and assistance. And working with the office of personnel management, agencies can determine the extent to which their human capital systems support organizational missions and goals. Ultimately, a high- performing government requires that agencies incorporate best management practices
  • 36. into the way they conduct their day to day business. Learning by doing can be an effective way of incorporating best practices, and we have continued to work more in constructive engagements with others to maximize the value of our work. We will continue to coordinate extensively with the accountability community at all levels. Using this approach, we have worked with executive agencies and congressional staff on a real-time basis to resolve problems. So that corrective actions can be taken without compromising our independence and objectivity. They also identify, solve problems, or accomplish projects that are of mutual benefit to audit organizations at all levels of government. We participate in professional conferences and discussions with the leadership of professional evaluation associations and evaluation offices, participate in interagency forums and professional conferences to share new developments, discuss emerging issues, and help improve government wide procurement practices. We will continue to monitor international events, work closely with our congressional clients, and maintain broad-based staff expertise so that we can quickly adjust the focus of our work to meet emerging needs. Achieving our internal performance goals depends primarily on the availability of sufficient human, physical, information technology, and budgetary resources. We plan to rely primarily on in-house expertise to achieve these goals. But will also need assistance from external consultants where such expertise is simply not available. Data are provided to managers for decision making, and their feedback helps to ensure that the data are properly recorded. A variety of independent reviews conducted by both internal and external groups help ensure that all of our work is consistent with generally accepted government auditing standards and our policies and procedures. We are also in the process of identifying possible external entities to conduct a peer review of our performance auditing. Value of our institutional knowledge in assisting communities decision making. For this reason, we complement our quantitative goals with qualitative goals to be achieved over a 2 year period, 104 week only. Automated mission and assignment tracking system, which is used to monitor job progress on an ongoing basis. We maintain an internal quality control system to provide reasonable assurance that we adhere to applicable auditing policies and procedures. Each report is assessed and rated on nine factors by independent internal reviewers using a scale of 1 to 5, a score of 3 is assigned to reports that meet quality standards. A score above 3 represents reports that not only conform to standards but also reflect good communications principles. If a report exhibited major problems that raised questions about accuracy, reasonableness, or objectivity, it would receive a score of 1. The measure is the average score for all reports reviewed. Developing or improving a macro-level intelligence database, establishing realistic goals and objectives to counter problems, and developing strategies to meet objectives. Information and intelligence systems, which gather, input, and disseminate detailed (micro-level) database information. Method of an effective administration is to be prepared and the controlling procedure of organization should also be effective, its activities and strategies should be strong enough. Careful observation on the administration is to be continued and regular supervision of the process of administration management different features and achievement of goals on the current schemes are to be carried out. An operation becomes fully successful when the forces and the local people work together. (27)
  • 37. Resources from local and foreign sources are to be procured and kept reserved to solve a problem in time. Demand assessment: Full Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Nickname Mobile Phone Other Phone Fax E-mail Full Address Holdings Street-Village Postal Code Present Permanent Other Office District-City Country Fathers Name Mothers Name Spouses Name Brother Sister Boys Girls Friends Associates Cousin Bro Cousin Sis Date of Birth Place of Birth Gender: Male/Female Height Weight Blood group (28) Colour Race Religion Language Nationality