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Patent proof of rising innovation                                                                                                                                                                                            Inside this issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The awards
Asia has made strides,                                                                                                                                                                 year. First, Italy and Spain          category
                                                                                                                                                                                       restated their political opposi-      winner
but progress is uneven                                                                                                                                                                 tion to the language rules for        Jens Dall
in the campaign to                                                                                                                                                                     the proposed unitary EU patent,       Bentzen is pictured, above)
                                                                                                                                                                                       which they said would unfairly        are a riposte to those who
protect inventions,                                                                                                                                                                    favour English, French and Ger-       regard the creation and
writes Clive Cookson                                                                                                                                                                   man.                                  protection of intellectual
                                                                                                                                                                                          Then, more fundamentally,          property as boring Page 2

         atents are back in fash-                                                                                                                                                      the European Court of Justice
         ion. The World Intellec-                                                                                                                                                      said an essential ingredient in       Award winners Fate has
         tual Property Organisa-                                                                                                                                                       the unitary system – enabling a       smiled on dental innovator
         tion (Wipo) and the                                                                                                                                                           new European Patent Court             Per­Ingvar Brånemark; gene
European and US patent offices                                                                                                                                                         instead of national courts to         pioneer Christine Van
all reported a big increase in                                                                                                                                                         rule on the validity of European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Broeckhoven has had to
applications in 2010, after a                                                                                                                                                          patents – was incompatible with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             fight her corner; Ashok
decline in 2009 related to the                                                                                                                                                         existing EU law.
economic downturn, and they                                                                                                                                                               But Mr Battistelli refuses to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gadgil and Vikas Garud are
expect to receive another record                                                                                                                                                       be discouraged. “I see the glass      bringing clean water to the
number of filings this year.                                                                                                                                                           as half-full, not half-empty,” he     world’s poorest; Ann
  The growth should be good                                                                                                                                                            says. “I am still optimistic that     Lambrechts gives concrete
news for the long-term future of                                                                                                                                                       it will be possible to introduce      a makeover Page 2
the global economy, given the                                                                                                                                                          the unitary patent by the end of
vital role that patents play in                                                                                                                                                        this year.”                                           Clean tech
industrial innovation – handing                                                                                                                                                           This could be a momentous                          patents
inventors the incentive to com-                                                                                                                                                        year in the US too. The long                          A new way
mercialise a product or process,                                                                                                                                                       process of reforming the Ameri-                       to search
by granting a 20-year monopoly                                                                                                                                                         can patent system and bringing                        for patents
in exchange for full disclosure                                                                                                                                                        it more into line with the rest                       will help
of the invention’s technical                                                                                                                                                           of the world is expected to come                      policy­
details.                                                                                                                                                                               to fruition, with Congress                            makers
  But the increase in patent                                                                                                                                                           poised to pass legislation with       choose the best ideas
activity is far from evenly dis-                                                                                                                                                       support from both political           Page 3
tributed around the world. No                                                                                                                                                          parties and the Obama adminis-
one who has followed the                                                                                                                                                               tration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             China Beijing is looking to
extraordinary rise in research                                                                                                                                                            The Patent Reform Act of 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the nation to roll up its
and development spending in                                                                                                                                                            would simplify and streamline
Asia recently will be surprised                                                                                                                                                        the US system in many ways.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sleeves and surpass the
to learn that the most spectacu-                                                                                                                                                          Most importantly for interna-      west on innovation Page 4
lar growth in patenting is tak-                                                                                                                                                        tional harmonisation, it would
ing place there, too.               Wheels of invention: modern patents have their origins in the Italy of Leonardo da Vinci                                                   Alamy   replace the current “first to         US Little seems to stand in
  The total volume of applica-                                                                                                                                                         invent” rule with the “first to       the way of the most
tions under the international       out Renaissance Europe. An          erty, which came into force in       the Patent Co-operation Treaty,       As Benoît Battistelli, EPO          file” criterion used in the rest of   significant patents overhaul
Patent Co-operation Treaty rose     internationally co-ordinated pat-   1884 to give protection beyond       which provides a more system-       president, says, “a patent holder     the world. The date of filing is      since 1952 Page 4
5.7 per cent in 2010 to reach       ent system began to emerge in       the country where an invention       atic way to obtain international    choosing to have Europe-wide          far more clear-cut than the date
164,300, says Wipo, but those       the late 19th century.              was originally patented.             protection than the old Paris       protection ends up with a bun-        of invention, which may be hard       Europe
originating in China and India        The key moment, according to         Although the Paris Conven-        Convention, with less duplica-      dle of 40 European patents cov-       to pin down when there are            The EPO
increased by 55.6 per cent and      Wipo, came in 1873, when for-       tion still provides the bedrock of   tion of effort.                     ering territories speaking 29 lan-    competing claims.                     (Benoît
36.6 per cent respectively.         eign exhibitors refused to attend   cross-border protection and            Meanwhile, also in the 1970s,     guages and subject to 40 court           However, even without big          Battistelli,
  Indeed, Asia became the big-      the International Exhibition of     mutual recognition of patents, it    Europe took a big step towards      jurisdictions . . . It is much more   set-piece advances such as the        president,
gest filing region for the first    Inventions in Vienna because        has been supplemented over the       regional unification of patents     difficult and costly for European     US reform legislation, technical      right) has
time, followed by North Amer-       they were afraid their ideas        past century by several other        through the creation of the         entities to protect their innova-     progress to harmonise the inter-      linked with
ica and then Europe.                would be stolen and exploited       international agreements.            European Patent Office in           tions in their home market than       national patent system and            Google to
  Historians place the origins of   commercially in other countries.       Most important was the estab-     Munich. But the dreams of the       for their main competitors.”          make life easier for inventors is     iron out translation issues
modern patents in 15th-century        Subsequent negotiations led       lishment in the 1970s of Wipo        EPO’s founders that this would        The long drive to introduce a       going well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 4
Italy, and patent laws in some      to the Paris Convention for the     under the auspices of the United     lead to a single European patent    single European Union patent
form were introduced through-       Protection of Industrial Prop-      Natioins in Geneva, followed by      remain tantalisingly unfulfilled.   suffered two new setbacks this                    Continued on Page 3
2                                                                                               ★                                                                                                                    FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY MAY 20 2011

Engineering the Future | European Inventor Awards

Developments that make a difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jens Dall Bentzen won the
Background                                                                                                                                                                                                          SME category of this year’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    awards for his biomass
Clive Cookson sets the                                                                                                                                                                                              furnaces
scene as this year’s five                                                                                                                                                                                           countries), including 18 EPO patents.
winners are announced                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nobel Biocare, the implant company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    founded on Mr Brånemark’s work,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    had revenues of €576m and pre-tax

          he European Inventor Awards                                                                                                                                                                               profits of €100m last year. Though his
          are a very visible riposte to                                                                                                                                                                             original patents have long expired, it
          those who regard the creation                                                                                                                                                                             still holds an estimated 21 per cent of
          and protection of intellectual                                                                                                                                                                            the growing global market for dental
property as a boring, specialist activ-                                                                                                                                                                             implants and is regarded as a technol-
ity of little interest to the general pub-                                                                                                                                                                          ogy leader. The whole field of tita-
lic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                nium implants has around 100 patent
   Established by the European Patent                                                                                                                                                                               applications per year.
Office in 2006, they aim to “give a                                                                                                                                                                                    Although inventing and patenting
face” to patents by honouring individ-                                                                                                                                                                              have traditionally been seen as male
ual innovators with a prestigious                                                                                                                                                                                   activities, the female presence is
prize, while raising awareness of the                                                                                                                                                                               growing. This year two of the five
role of patents in promoting eco-                                                                                                                                                                                   award winners are women, both coin-
nomic, social and technological                                                                                                                                                                                     cidentally from Belgium.
progress.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ann Lambrechts of Bekaert, the
   The 15 finalists and five winners                                                                                                                                                                                Belgian building materials company,
this year highlight a range of appeal-                                                                                                                                                                              took the industry prize. She has given
ing developments that have made a                                                                                                                                                                                   a new look to the urban landscape
difference to the lives of people                                                                                                                                                                                   with her Dramix steel fibres, which
around the world – and in the process                                                                                                                                                                               increase the tensile strength of con-
made money for their inventors.                                                                                                                                                                                     crete. This enables architects to
   The        winning        innovations,                                                                                                                                                                           design spectacular new structures,
announced in Budapest, Hungary,                                                                                                                                                                                     such as the CCTV headquarters in
yesterday involve strengthening con-                                                                                                                                                                                Beijing, which would not have been
crete (in the industry category), burn-                                                                                                                                                                             possible with the previous generation
ing biofuels (SMEs), identifying Alzhe-                                                                                                                                                                             of steel-reinforced concrete.
imer’s genes (research), implanting                                                                                                                                                                                    Christine Van Broeckhoven of the
teeth (lifetime achievement) and dis-                                                                                                                                                                               Flanders Institute for Biotechnology
infecting water (non-European). Four                                                                                                                                                                                is a pioneer of research into the genes
are profiled in separate articles below.                                                                                                                                                                            and proteins that cause Alzheimer’s
   The awards attracted 170 entries                                                                                                                                                                                 disease, with 12 patents dating back
this year, proposed both by members                                                                                                                                                                                 to 1991. “We had lots of discussions on
of the public and by specialist patent                                                                                                                                                                              the relevance of patenting, who owns
examiners at the EPO and national            ents, typically filed between five and    burn biomass containing up to 60 per       As the Technopolis analysis points         Most other shortlisted and winning     it, whether it would be for the benefit
patent offices. These were whittled          15 years ago, so that a long enough       cent moisture, without having to dry     out, Mr Bentzen stands out in the         inventors have broadly similar tales      of society,” she recalls, “but in the
down on the basis of legal and techni-       period has elapsed to judge their com-    it out first.                            biomass furnace industry, where the       to tell, even if they work in quite       end, patents are the vehicle which
cal criteria to a longlist of 30 entries     mercial potential.                           Having run a successful 2MW pilot     level of patenting and innovation is      different industries – though of course   attracts money.”
that was put to a high-profile interna-        For example, Jens Dall Bentzen, the     plant, Mr Bentzen’s company Dall         generally low. He gives several rea-      those in the lifetime achievement cat-       Alzheimer’s is so complex that there
tional jury headed by Jerzy Buzek,           Danish engineer who won the SME           Energy has completed this month an       sons for patenting. Besides the univer-   egory have a much longer record.          are still no drugs or even diagnostic
president of the European Parliament         category of this year’s awards, has       8MW plant to demonstrate the tech-       sal function of patents in protecting        Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the winner,      tests on the market for the degenera-
and former prime minister of Poland.         applied since 2000 for five patents for   nology on a commercial scale, for        inventions and keeping competitors at     filed his first patent for titanium-      tive brain disease – but when they do
   The selection process included a          biomass furnaces that greatly extend      Bogense District Heating Company on      a distance, they are a valuable part of   based dental implants in 1968, nine       emerge, Dr Van Broeckhoven’s
thorough economic analysis of each           the range of fuels that can be burnt,     the island of Funen, Denmark. Market     a branding strategy, to indicate an       years before EPO came into existence.     research is likely to play a role in
proposal by Technopolis, a European          while reducing associated pollution       analysis suggests a total demand in      innovative business to potential cus-     Since then he has generated 57 patent     their commercialisation. In biomedi-
research consultancy. Most of the            and increasing energy efficiency.         Europe for 275 such plants per year,     tomers, and they help persuade inves-     “families” (patents based on the same     cine, patents can take a very long
entries rely on small groups of pat-           In particular his power plant can       with a total value of €370m.             tors to fund a new company.               invention but applied for in different    time to make an impact.

Bringing clean water to the world’s poorest people                                                                                                                                     Concrete gets a
Non­European award
Ashok Gadgil
                                      colleague in India – a low-cost
                                      device that destroys infectious
                                      agents in water that cause
                                      cholera, typhoid, gastroenteritis
                                                                          organism non-viable.
                                                                             “It’s like a jammed zipper,”
                                                                          explains Mr Gadgil. “DNA has
                                                                          two strands and [these] have to
                                                                                                                Its low energy consumption
                                                                                                              means that, with the aid of a
                                                                                                              car battery or solar panel, it is
                                                                                                              suitable for communities
                                                                                                                                                  teased me, calling it a stainless
                                                                                                                                                  steel coffin, because it was
                                                                                                                                                  about that size,” he says.
                                                                                                                                                    When the team tested it in
                                                                                                                                                                                       wiry makeover
                                      and dysentery.                      be unzipped for replication. If     without access to grid power.       Uttar Pradesh, India, the
What Ashok Gadgil learnt                 Water purification was not       they get jammed, the                  And compared with                 feedback was that people                                                 constructed using Ms
when working on a low-cost            originally Mr Gadgil’s area of      organisms can’t multiply and        traditional purification            wanted something much                Industry                            Lambrechts’ steel wire
water purification device is          expertise, although he had          so are unable to cause disease.”    methods, the system uses a          smaller, lighter, more compact       Ann Lambrechts                      elements.
that successful innovation is         been gathering data about use          Ultraviolet light purification   tiny amount of energy. “When        and cheaper. “That was one of                                               The building was made from
about more than science and           of light for disinfection for       systems did exist. However,         you boil water, you have to         the lessons for me,” says Dr                                             six horizontal and vertical
technology – particularly when        some years. Then in 1993, a         these were expensive because        raise the temperature of all the    Gadgil. “You have to pay             For the most used man-made          sections that form a continuous
designing products for some of        disastrous cholera epidemic         they required complex pumping       water and most of the               attention to what users want.”       product on earth, concrete          loop covering 473,000 sq m of
the world’s poorest people.           broke out in India and spread       systems and, since they were        molecules are harmless,” says         The device now weighs just         commands a low profile among        floor space. The structure, which
  “It requires going outside          to Bangladesh and Thailand.         used underwater, needed             Mr Gadgil. “Here, you use           15lb and, after WaterHealth          the world’s inventive elite.        locals have said resembles a
your comfort zone and area of         “Some 10,000 people died in one     frequent cleaning.                  extremely small amounts of          International licensed the             Discovering innovative            large pair of boxer shorts, was
expertise, and takes a lot of         month,” he says. “So this              Instead Dr Gadgil and Dr         energy because all you’re           technology, Dr Gadgil and Dr         solutions on how to improve         possible only because of the
collaboration,” says Mr Gadgil,       caused me to take note.”            Garud designed a lamp that is       destroying is the DNA.”             Garud helped the India-based         the grey building material          high tensile strength that Ms
director of the environmental            The purification technique he    placed above water tanks. The         However, Dr Gadgil admits         company refine the product for       lacks the allure of medical         Lambrechts’ steel elements gave
energy technologies division at       developed works in a way that       system uses gravity and             he made mistakes before             use in developing countries.         science or the possible riches of   the concrete.
the Lawrence Berkeley                 is relatively simple. Ultraviolet   hydraulics to generate a            getting the technology right.         By 2010, the systems were          technology. It sits, instead, in       However, as well as enabling
National Laboratory, California.      light of a particular wavelength    pump-free flow of water,            Initially, for example, the units   bringing affordable clean water      the pantheon of essential but       high-profile buildings, the steel
  Mr Gadgil, who also teaches         transmits easily though water       making it extremely energy-         were extremely large, made of       to more than 2m people in            unglamorous everyday                wires have also become a
at University of California,          and is readily absorbed by          efficient – a 40W ultraviolet       stainless steel and designed to     more than 10 countries.              products.                           feature of mass-market
Berkeley, has developed – with        DNA. In the process, the DNA        light bulb can disinfect            handle a flow of up to 50 litres                                           “Concrete is everywhere and       concrete use.
the help of Vikas Garud, a            is modified, making the             1,000 litres of water per hour.     per minute. “My colleague                         Sarah Murray           we are talking about                   “You need to develop a
                                                                                                                                                                                       reinforcing it in a more            market gradually but now the
                                                                                                                                                                                       efficient way,” says Ann            steel fibres are used in one in

Fate smiled on                                                                                                                                                                         Lambrechts, a nominee for this
                                                                                                                                                                                       year’s Engineering the Future
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ms Lambrechts’ innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           every three concrete floors in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Europe,” Ms Lambrechts says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              When she first came up with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the idea for the hooked and

dental innovator                                                                                                                                                                       steel fibres are used to boost
                                                                                                                                                                                       the tensile strength of concrete
                                                                                                                                                                                       structures and are, pound for
                                                                                                                                                                                       pound, 32 per cent stronger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           flattened wires in 1998, Ms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lambrechts and her team at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bekaert, the Belgian building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           materials group, used X-ray
                                                                                                                                                                                       than the traditional                machines to observe how the
                                        His scientific discoveries                                                                                                                     construction method of using        wires and concrete reacted
Lifetime achievement                  were commercialised by a                                                                                                                         steel mesh or reinforcing bars,     under different stresses.
Per­Ingvar                            company called Nobelpharma,                                                                                                                      or rebars.                             Ms Lambrechts adds that the
                                      now Nobel Biocare, which                                                                                                                           The pieces of wire, 55mm in       idea of using fibres to give
Brånemark                             today commands about 35 per                                                                                                                      length, are slightly hooked at      added strength to a wet
                                      cent of the global dental                                               Clockwise from left:                                                     the ends and flattened in the       building material can be traced
Millions of patients around the       implant market.                                                         Per­Ingvar Brånemark                                                     middle. The unusual shape           back as far as the 19th century,
world have benefited from the           Mr Brånemark has spent the                                            (Lifetime achievement);                                                  means that when the concrete        when builders began using
scientific breakthroughs made         past three decades working                                              Christine Van Broeckhoven                                                sets it is anchored to each         horsehair to strengthen plaster.
by Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the          with surgeons in more than 100                                          (Research); Ann Lambrechts                                               individual piece of wire,              The move to use smaller
Swedish orthopaedic surgeon.          hospitals around the world                                              (Industry) and Ashok Gadgil                                              strengthening the core and          wires in the concrete mix,
   Yet his innovations in the         promoting his techniques.                                               (Non­European countries)                                                 giving more resistance to           rather that mesh and rebars,
field of dental implants and            Now 82, he is no longer as                                                                                                                     movement than rebars or             has also improved on-site
prosthetic technology might           active in the surgery room but                                                                                                                   mesh.                               safety for builders.
never have happened without a         continues developing his ideas,                                                                                                                    This change in design has            The wires can be poured into
twist of fate when applying for       together with his son, Rickard,                                                                                                                  opened up possibilities for         the wet concrete and the mix
university.                           who is focused on advancing                                                                                                                      using concrete in a new kind of     is then sprayed by robots into
   Mr Brånemark put his name          the use of titanium fixtures in                                                                                                                  architecture, where large-scale     foundation piles, tunnel walls
forward for undergraduate             prosthetic arms and legs.                                                                                                                        buildings with intricate designs    and floors.
courses in medicine and                 Mr Brånemark highlights the                                                                                                                    can be fashioned from the rigid        In dismantling old buildings,
engineering with no clear idea        case of a Finnish student who                                                                                                                    material, where in the past         the wires are also easier to
which field he would rather           had two artificial limbs fused                                                                                                                   steel, or another easy-to-          salvage from crushed concrete
pursue.                               into her femur bones after                                                                                                                       manipulate material, would be       than meshes and reinforcing
   The medical school at Lund         losing her legs in a collision                                                                                                                   used. China Central                 bars.
University was first to respond       with a tram. The technology                                                                                                                      Television’s headquarters, the
with a firm offer and that was        has allowed her to resume an                                                                                                                     44-storey, 234m skyscraper, was                   Ed Hammond
enough for Mr Brånemark to            almost normal life and to feel
commit his future to medical          some of the sensations of
science. “If the engineering
department had been quicker I
would probably have become
                                      walking – such as the different
                                      feelings of a soft carpet and a
                                      hard floor.
                                                                          Gene pioneer who had to fight corner for her sex
an engineer,” he says.                  Looking back over his career,
   Instead, Mr Brånemark went         Mr Brånemark says his most                                                Ms Van Broeckhoven,               patients with Down’s syndrome        run a very family-friendly          before could they understand
on to become a pioneer in the         important quality has been           Research                           director of the department of       and Alzheimer’s, she focused         environment with a lot of           and estimate the benefits.”
development of titanium               patience. It took 10 years from      Christine Van                      molecular genetics at the           on chromosome 21, identifying        flexibility.”                         Ms Van Broeckhoven
implants that can be                  the first use of his technique                                          University of Antwerp, part of      a mutation causing proteins to          She was briefly a member of      recognises the importance of
permanently anchored in               on a human dental patient in         Broeckhoven                        VIB, the Flanders-based life        aggregate in the brain tissue;       the Belgian parliament,             patents to incentivise corporate
human bone – overcoming the           1965 to build enough evidence                                           sciences research institution,      and then highlighting the            agreeing so that she could          research, while stressing the
body’s usual rejection of             to publish his findings.                                                studied for a doctorate in          importance of progranulin as a       work on “the greying of             importance of limiting
foreign objects.                        One of the biggest challenges,    Christine Van Broeckhoven has       molecular biology. She was          common gene causing                  society”, drawing up a              commercial secrecy to
   His work has paved the way         he says, has been persuading        dabbled in business and             initially interested in metabolic   neurodegeneration.                   dementia plan. Having               stimulate academics to co-
for dental implants to replace        surgeons to ditch what he calls     politics, but always for short      diseases, but breakthroughs in        Looking back on her career,        achieved her policy and learnt      operate fully. She remains
damaged teeth – transforming          the aggressive “saw bone” style     periods in the service of her       the early 1980s in genetics and     during which she has                 how to lobby ministers – “you       cautious on the rapid
the lives of patients who would       of some orthopaedic surgeons        long-term passion and greatest      the link with neurology             accumulated awards including         have to give them something         emergence of Alzheimer’s
previously have required              in favour of a more sensitive       contribution: scientific            motivated her to switch tack.       the American Academy of              they can use directly for their     drugs, with recent clinical-trial
removable dentures – and a            approach to bone tissue.            research.                             “It was a pioneering time,”       Neurology’s Potamkin Prize,          own benefit to be re-elected” –     disappointments.
range of bone-anchored                  But his main advice applies         A pioneer in genetics, she        she recalls. “Instruments were      she recognises the challenge         she returned to research.             “You can feel companies are
prosthetic applications.              equally to all medical              has received a number of            becoming available to               for women in science. “It was           She has also worked for two      reducing their investments,”
   “I started looking into micro      scientists: never lose sight of     European patents for her work       manipulate DNA in a test tube,      considered a male thing. I was       pharmaceutical companies over       she says. “There is a feeling –
circulation in bone tissue and        how much is still not               on neurodegenerative brain          and work began on examining         protected in the beginning           the years, with mixed feelings.     not completely incorrect – that
bone marrow to understand             understood about the human          diseases including Alzheimer’s,     genetic markers in humans.          because I didn’t realise that. I     “I was surprised that               the neurodegenerative process
what happens inside a bone            body. “We should never start        some of which have been taken       People then were convinced          wanted to study, and was             everything went so slowly,          is too complicated for us to
when you drill into it,” he           believing we know better than       up by pharmaceutical                that senility was just due to       supported by my parents.             with so much bureaucracy. It        understand. There is not
recalls. “My feeling was that         mother nature,” he says. “We        companies seeking to develop        the ageing process. There was         “Only later when I was             was a bit of a disappointment,      enough investment in trying to
you have to treat bone not as a       need to have some humility.”        innovative medicines in an          no belief in Alzheimer’s as a       confronted by science policy         although it was a pioneering        understand a normal brain.”
piece of wood but as a living                                             important but frustratingly         disease.”                           did I realise that I had to fight.   time in genetics when
part of the human being.”                            Andrew Ward          slow-moving field.                    Studying parallels between        But I’m a very good fighter. I       companies were investing                           Andrew Jack
FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY MAY 20 2011                                                                 ★    †                                                                                                                                                            3

                                                                                                                                                                                         Engineering the Future

Information helps
clear the air on
renewables policy
                                 what are the technologies        signing of the Kyoto proto-
Clean technologies               that are patented within         col in 1997, there was a
                                 this context?”                   surge of patenting of renew-
Patent classification              Until the launch of the        able energy inventions.
will help politicians            classification, such ques-       “The political decisions that
make right choices,              tions were impossible to
                                 answer. “Part of the prob-
                                                                  create frameworks that ena-
                                                                  ble long-term investment
says Sarah Murray                lem was that, as these pat-      make a huge difference,”
                                 ents were recorded, they         says Mr Karachalios.
                                 weren’t tagged in terminol-        Governments have cer-          Turning power: after the signing of the Kyoto protocol in 1997, there was a surge in renewable energy patents                                          Charlie Bibby

         y 2050, renewables      ogy that was relevant from       tainly recognised the impor-
         could meet almost       a clean-energy perspective,”     tance of supporting the pat-     but where governments            researching into clean tech    little resistance to licensing.   entific capacity to develop     be bottlenecks, where they
         80 per cent of glo-     explains Benjamin Sim-           ent filing process. As part of   have got into difficulty is in   and lots of patents are        Some 70 per cent of               the technologies.               could export technologies,”
         bal energy demand,      mons, head of the trade,         the US government’s stimu-       which [clean technologies]       being granted,” he says.       respondents       said    they      Mr Karachalios argues         he says.
if supported by appropriate      policy and planning unit in      lus package, for example,        to back and whether any of       “But the big issue is how to   would be prepared to be           that, without readily availa-      “All these questions are
public policies, said the        the economics and trade          the commerce department’s        them lead to actual pay-         get the flow of capital to     more flexible when licens-        ble, searchable information,    very important.”
Intergovernmental Panel on       branch of the UN Environ-        patent and trademark office      back,”     says     Jonathan     take those ideas to proto-     ing to developing countries       policymakers cannot make           And while the new classi-
Climate Change in a report       ment Programme (UNEP).           introduced a pilot pro-          Johns, director of Climate       type, then to demonstration    with limited ability to pay       decisions on where to           fication means it is now
released last month.               Traditionally, says Mr         gramme to accelerate the         Change Matters, a UK-based       and then to commercialisa-     high prices.                      invest to address these bar-    easier to identify clean-tech
   To design those policies,     Simmons, tracking down all       review of “green” technol-       consultancy.                     tion.”                            Yet the report found that      riers.                          patents, this does not mean
however,       policymakers      the patents filed for a par-     ogy patent applications.            Mr Johns argues that the        A further issue, particu-    willingness to out-license          “Governments need to          it is possible to tell which of
need access to relevant          ticular technology in the        And in the UK, the govern-       filing of patents is only one    larly for developing coun-     was not reflected in actual       know worldwide who is           those patents have been
information on clean tech-       clean-tech field would have      ment recently introduced a       part of the process of pro-      tries, is how easy it is to    volumes of licensing. Other       developing these technolo-      developed and are making
nology innovations. The          taken a specialised lawyer       preferential rate on income      moting technologies that         obtain licences for new        barriers emerged, such as         gies, what national entities    it to market. This, says Mr
launch of a new classifica-      six to nine months. “Now         from patents.                    contribute to a low-carbon       technologies and how much      transaction costs, the diffi-     are developing these tech-      Simmons, is the next step
tion scheme for clean-tech       someone can conduct the            “There are various poli-       economy. “Yes, a lot of uni-     they cost. The report found    culty of identifying a suita-     nologies, where are the cor-    in filling the information
patents therefore represents     search in a matter of min-       cies that governments use        versities in the west are        that there was surprisingly    ble partner and lack of sci-      porations, where there may      gap.
a big step forward.              utes,” he says.
   Until the launch of the         The database was devel-
classification scheme –          oped as part of a joint
which facilitates online         research project conducted
searches of patents data-        by the EPO, the UNEP and
bases – global climate           the International Centre for
change debates were ham-         Trade     and    Sustainable
pered by a serious obstacle:     Development. It resulted in
the inability to distinguish     the report “Patents and
clean-tech innovations from      clean energy: bridging the
the millions of patents          gap between evidence and
being filed every year.          policy”.
   “For us the question was        With intellectual property
whether it would be possi-       rights recently emerging as
ble to produce data to           a particularly contentious
inform the political negotia-    issue in climate change
tion process so we can con-      debates (some countries
centrate on the real prob-       argue that related technolo-
lems,” says Konstantinos         gies should be royalty-free
Karachalios, public policy       since they are in the public
specialist at the European       good), the report set out to
Patents Office and leader of     look at the role of patents
the EPO’s work on the data-      in the transfer of climate
base. “If you talk about         change mitigation technolo-
smart grids, for instance,       gies.
what is a smart grid? And          It found that after the

Patent proof of
rising innovation
Continued from Page 1            input, rather than the out-
  For example the so-called         The real value of patents
IP5 group – representing         lies in the extent to which a
the European, US, Japa-          company can commercialise
nese, Chinese and Korean         them to develop new busi-
intellectual property offices,   ness. At worst, Mr Zentner
which handle 90 per cent of      says, “patenting can be a
the world’s patents – is run-    time-wasting      distraction
ning 10 projects to reconcile    and a hurdle to business
their procedures, from the       success.”
way patents are classified          Sometimes a company
to the format required for       sees trade secrecy as an
applications.                    alternative to patenting.
  All this is likely to drive    But Mr Battistelli says this
further increases in patent-     may be misguided. “It is as
ing. But, as Mr Battistelli      complicated to organise
says, an efficient and grow-     secrecy as to apply for a
ing patent system “is not a      patent,” he says. “In fact, it
goal in itself, it is an eco-    can be more difficult to
nomic tool to promote inno-      enforce      secrecy    right
vation”. That requires pat-      through the company, its
                                 suppliers and contacts, than
               Intellectual      to patent.”
               property is a        Ideological opposition to
               means to an       the patent system seems to
               end: business     be     declining,   although
               growth, says      many people still believe
               Larry Zentner     the scope of patents is too
                                 broad. The most conten-
                                 tious area is in the life sci-
ent offices to do more work      ences, as to whether biolog-
disseminating the techno-        ical constructs such as
logical information con-         genes, life forms and stem
tained in applications.          cells can be patented. In
  Equally, for the inventor,     general, Europe has taken a
obtaining a patent is just       more restrictive line on
the start of the exploitation    such questions than the US.
process. Patents are some-          For Mr Battistelli, how-
times treated by analysts of     ever, the most important
the innovation process as        issue is “patent quality” –
an “output” of research and      making sure that patents
development spending – the       meet all the legal criteria,
industrial equivalent of the     such     as    inventiveness,
scientific papers and cita-      before they are granted.
tions produced by academic          Only 42 per cent of appli-
researchers.                     cants to EPO end up with
  “Intellectual property is a    valid patents (and in bio-
means to an end: business        technology the granting
growth,” says Larry Zent-        rate is just 28 per cent).
ner, founding director of           If the world’s patent
Inzenka, the UK-based man-       offices can ensure quality,
agement consultancy.             growth in activity is almost
  “In other words, it is an      guaranteed.

 Clive Cookson                   Nikki Tait
 Science Editor                  Brussels Correspondent

 David Gelles                    Andrew Ward
 US Media and Marketing          Nordic Bureau Chief
                                 Sarah Murray
 Ed Hammond                      FT Contributor
 UK Companies
 Reporter                        Andrew Baxter
                                 Commissioning Editor
 Kathrin Hille                   Steven Bird
 Beijing Correspondent           Designer
                                 Andy Mears
 Andrew Jack                     Picture Editor
 Correspondent                   For advertising, contact:
                                 Liam Sweeney
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Engineering the future

  • 1. ENGINEERING THE FUTURE FINANCIAL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT | Friday May 20 2011­future­may2011 | Patent proof of rising innovation Inside this issue European Inventor Awards The awards (SME Asia has made strides, year. First, Italy and Spain category restated their political opposi- winner but progress is uneven tion to the language rules for Jens Dall in the campaign to the proposed unitary EU patent, Bentzen is pictured, above) which they said would unfairly are a riposte to those who protect inventions, favour English, French and Ger- regard the creation and writes Clive Cookson man. protection of intellectual Then, more fundamentally, property as boring Page 2 P atents are back in fash- the European Court of Justice ion. The World Intellec- said an essential ingredient in Award winners Fate has tual Property Organisa- the unitary system – enabling a smiled on dental innovator tion (Wipo) and the new European Patent Court Per­Ingvar Brånemark; gene European and US patent offices instead of national courts to pioneer Christine Van all reported a big increase in rule on the validity of European Broeckhoven has had to applications in 2010, after a patents – was incompatible with fight her corner; Ashok decline in 2009 related to the existing EU law. economic downturn, and they But Mr Battistelli refuses to Gadgil and Vikas Garud are expect to receive another record be discouraged. “I see the glass bringing clean water to the number of filings this year. as half-full, not half-empty,” he world’s poorest; Ann The growth should be good says. “I am still optimistic that Lambrechts gives concrete news for the long-term future of it will be possible to introduce a makeover Page 2 the global economy, given the the unitary patent by the end of vital role that patents play in this year.” Clean tech industrial innovation – handing This could be a momentous patents inventors the incentive to com- year in the US too. The long A new way mercialise a product or process, process of reforming the Ameri- to search by granting a 20-year monopoly can patent system and bringing for patents in exchange for full disclosure it more into line with the rest will help of the invention’s technical of the world is expected to come policy­ details. to fruition, with Congress makers But the increase in patent poised to pass legislation with choose the best ideas activity is far from evenly dis- support from both political Page 3 tributed around the world. No parties and the Obama adminis- one who has followed the tration. China Beijing is looking to extraordinary rise in research The Patent Reform Act of 2011 the nation to roll up its and development spending in would simplify and streamline Asia recently will be surprised the US system in many ways. sleeves and surpass the to learn that the most spectacu- Most importantly for interna- west on innovation Page 4 lar growth in patenting is tak- tional harmonisation, it would ing place there, too. Wheels of invention: modern patents have their origins in the Italy of Leonardo da Vinci Alamy replace the current “first to US Little seems to stand in The total volume of applica- invent” rule with the “first to the way of the most tions under the international out Renaissance Europe. An erty, which came into force in the Patent Co-operation Treaty, As Benoît Battistelli, EPO file” criterion used in the rest of significant patents overhaul Patent Co-operation Treaty rose internationally co-ordinated pat- 1884 to give protection beyond which provides a more system- president, says, “a patent holder the world. The date of filing is since 1952 Page 4 5.7 per cent in 2010 to reach ent system began to emerge in the country where an invention atic way to obtain international choosing to have Europe-wide far more clear-cut than the date 164,300, says Wipo, but those the late 19th century. was originally patented. protection than the old Paris protection ends up with a bun- of invention, which may be hard Europe originating in China and India The key moment, according to Although the Paris Conven- Convention, with less duplica- dle of 40 European patents cov- to pin down when there are The EPO increased by 55.6 per cent and Wipo, came in 1873, when for- tion still provides the bedrock of tion of effort. ering territories speaking 29 lan- competing claims. (Benoît 36.6 per cent respectively. eign exhibitors refused to attend cross-border protection and Meanwhile, also in the 1970s, guages and subject to 40 court However, even without big Battistelli, Indeed, Asia became the big- the International Exhibition of mutual recognition of patents, it Europe took a big step towards jurisdictions . . . It is much more set-piece advances such as the president, gest filing region for the first Inventions in Vienna because has been supplemented over the regional unification of patents difficult and costly for European US reform legislation, technical right) has time, followed by North Amer- they were afraid their ideas past century by several other through the creation of the entities to protect their innova- progress to harmonise the inter- linked with ica and then Europe. would be stolen and exploited international agreements. European Patent Office in tions in their home market than national patent system and Google to Historians place the origins of commercially in other countries. Most important was the estab- Munich. But the dreams of the for their main competitors.” make life easier for inventors is iron out translation issues modern patents in 15th-century Subsequent negotiations led lishment in the 1970s of Wipo EPO’s founders that this would The long drive to introduce a going well. Page 4 Italy, and patent laws in some to the Paris Convention for the under the auspices of the United lead to a single European patent single European Union patent form were introduced through- Protection of Industrial Prop- Natioins in Geneva, followed by remain tantalisingly unfulfilled. suffered two new setbacks this Continued on Page 3
  • 2. 2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY MAY 20 2011 Engineering the Future | European Inventor Awards Developments that make a difference Jens Dall Bentzen won the Background SME category of this year’s awards for his biomass Clive Cookson sets the furnaces scene as this year’s five countries), including 18 EPO patents. winners are announced Nobel Biocare, the implant company founded on Mr Brånemark’s work, had revenues of €576m and pre-tax T he European Inventor Awards profits of €100m last year. Though his are a very visible riposte to original patents have long expired, it those who regard the creation still holds an estimated 21 per cent of and protection of intellectual the growing global market for dental property as a boring, specialist activ- implants and is regarded as a technol- ity of little interest to the general pub- ogy leader. The whole field of tita- lic. nium implants has around 100 patent Established by the European Patent applications per year. Office in 2006, they aim to “give a Although inventing and patenting face” to patents by honouring individ- have traditionally been seen as male ual innovators with a prestigious activities, the female presence is prize, while raising awareness of the growing. This year two of the five role of patents in promoting eco- award winners are women, both coin- nomic, social and technological cidentally from Belgium. progress. Ann Lambrechts of Bekaert, the The 15 finalists and five winners Belgian building materials company, this year highlight a range of appeal- took the industry prize. She has given ing developments that have made a a new look to the urban landscape difference to the lives of people with her Dramix steel fibres, which around the world – and in the process increase the tensile strength of con- made money for their inventors. crete. This enables architects to The winning innovations, design spectacular new structures, announced in Budapest, Hungary, such as the CCTV headquarters in yesterday involve strengthening con- Beijing, which would not have been crete (in the industry category), burn- possible with the previous generation ing biofuels (SMEs), identifying Alzhe- of steel-reinforced concrete. imer’s genes (research), implanting Christine Van Broeckhoven of the teeth (lifetime achievement) and dis- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology infecting water (non-European). Four is a pioneer of research into the genes are profiled in separate articles below. and proteins that cause Alzheimer’s The awards attracted 170 entries disease, with 12 patents dating back this year, proposed both by members to 1991. “We had lots of discussions on of the public and by specialist patent the relevance of patenting, who owns examiners at the EPO and national ents, typically filed between five and burn biomass containing up to 60 per As the Technopolis analysis points Most other shortlisted and winning it, whether it would be for the benefit patent offices. These were whittled 15 years ago, so that a long enough cent moisture, without having to dry out, Mr Bentzen stands out in the inventors have broadly similar tales of society,” she recalls, “but in the down on the basis of legal and techni- period has elapsed to judge their com- it out first. biomass furnace industry, where the to tell, even if they work in quite end, patents are the vehicle which cal criteria to a longlist of 30 entries mercial potential. Having run a successful 2MW pilot level of patenting and innovation is different industries – though of course attracts money.” that was put to a high-profile interna- For example, Jens Dall Bentzen, the plant, Mr Bentzen’s company Dall generally low. He gives several rea- those in the lifetime achievement cat- Alzheimer’s is so complex that there tional jury headed by Jerzy Buzek, Danish engineer who won the SME Energy has completed this month an sons for patenting. Besides the univer- egory have a much longer record. are still no drugs or even diagnostic president of the European Parliament category of this year’s awards, has 8MW plant to demonstrate the tech- sal function of patents in protecting Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the winner, tests on the market for the degenera- and former prime minister of Poland. applied since 2000 for five patents for nology on a commercial scale, for inventions and keeping competitors at filed his first patent for titanium- tive brain disease – but when they do The selection process included a biomass furnaces that greatly extend Bogense District Heating Company on a distance, they are a valuable part of based dental implants in 1968, nine emerge, Dr Van Broeckhoven’s thorough economic analysis of each the range of fuels that can be burnt, the island of Funen, Denmark. Market a branding strategy, to indicate an years before EPO came into existence. research is likely to play a role in proposal by Technopolis, a European while reducing associated pollution analysis suggests a total demand in innovative business to potential cus- Since then he has generated 57 patent their commercialisation. In biomedi- research consultancy. Most of the and increasing energy efficiency. Europe for 275 such plants per year, tomers, and they help persuade inves- “families” (patents based on the same cine, patents can take a very long entries rely on small groups of pat- In particular his power plant can with a total value of €370m. tors to fund a new company. invention but applied for in different time to make an impact. Bringing clean water to the world’s poorest people Concrete gets a Non­European award Ashok Gadgil colleague in India – a low-cost device that destroys infectious agents in water that cause cholera, typhoid, gastroenteritis organism non-viable. “It’s like a jammed zipper,” explains Mr Gadgil. “DNA has two strands and [these] have to Its low energy consumption means that, with the aid of a car battery or solar panel, it is suitable for communities teased me, calling it a stainless steel coffin, because it was about that size,” he says. When the team tested it in wiry makeover and dysentery. be unzipped for replication. If without access to grid power. Uttar Pradesh, India, the What Ashok Gadgil learnt Water purification was not they get jammed, the And compared with feedback was that people constructed using Ms when working on a low-cost originally Mr Gadgil’s area of organisms can’t multiply and traditional purification wanted something much Industry Lambrechts’ steel wire water purification device is expertise, although he had so are unable to cause disease.” methods, the system uses a smaller, lighter, more compact Ann Lambrechts elements. that successful innovation is been gathering data about use Ultraviolet light purification tiny amount of energy. “When and cheaper. “That was one of The building was made from about more than science and of light for disinfection for systems did exist. However, you boil water, you have to the lessons for me,” says Dr six horizontal and vertical technology – particularly when some years. Then in 1993, a these were expensive because raise the temperature of all the Gadgil. “You have to pay For the most used man-made sections that form a continuous designing products for some of disastrous cholera epidemic they required complex pumping water and most of the attention to what users want.” product on earth, concrete loop covering 473,000 sq m of the world’s poorest people. broke out in India and spread systems and, since they were molecules are harmless,” says The device now weighs just commands a low profile among floor space. The structure, which “It requires going outside to Bangladesh and Thailand. used underwater, needed Mr Gadgil. “Here, you use 15lb and, after WaterHealth the world’s inventive elite. locals have said resembles a your comfort zone and area of “Some 10,000 people died in one frequent cleaning. extremely small amounts of International licensed the Discovering innovative large pair of boxer shorts, was expertise, and takes a lot of month,” he says. “So this Instead Dr Gadgil and Dr energy because all you’re technology, Dr Gadgil and Dr solutions on how to improve possible only because of the collaboration,” says Mr Gadgil, caused me to take note.” Garud designed a lamp that is destroying is the DNA.” Garud helped the India-based the grey building material high tensile strength that Ms director of the environmental The purification technique he placed above water tanks. The However, Dr Gadgil admits company refine the product for lacks the allure of medical Lambrechts’ steel elements gave energy technologies division at developed works in a way that system uses gravity and he made mistakes before use in developing countries. science or the possible riches of the concrete. the Lawrence Berkeley is relatively simple. Ultraviolet hydraulics to generate a getting the technology right. By 2010, the systems were technology. It sits, instead, in However, as well as enabling National Laboratory, California. light of a particular wavelength pump-free flow of water, Initially, for example, the units bringing affordable clean water the pantheon of essential but high-profile buildings, the steel Mr Gadgil, who also teaches transmits easily though water making it extremely energy- were extremely large, made of to more than 2m people in unglamorous everyday wires have also become a at University of California, and is readily absorbed by efficient – a 40W ultraviolet stainless steel and designed to more than 10 countries. products. feature of mass-market Berkeley, has developed – with DNA. In the process, the DNA light bulb can disinfect handle a flow of up to 50 litres “Concrete is everywhere and concrete use. the help of Vikas Garud, a is modified, making the 1,000 litres of water per hour. per minute. “My colleague Sarah Murray we are talking about “You need to develop a reinforcing it in a more market gradually but now the efficient way,” says Ann steel fibres are used in one in Fate smiled on Lambrechts, a nominee for this year’s Engineering the Future awards. Ms Lambrechts’ innovative every three concrete floors in Europe,” Ms Lambrechts says. When she first came up with the idea for the hooked and dental innovator steel fibres are used to boost the tensile strength of concrete structures and are, pound for pound, 32 per cent stronger flattened wires in 1998, Ms Lambrechts and her team at Bekaert, the Belgian building materials group, used X-ray than the traditional machines to observe how the His scientific discoveries construction method of using wires and concrete reacted Lifetime achievement were commercialised by a steel mesh or reinforcing bars, under different stresses. Per­Ingvar company called Nobelpharma, or rebars. Ms Lambrechts adds that the now Nobel Biocare, which The pieces of wire, 55mm in idea of using fibres to give Brånemark today commands about 35 per length, are slightly hooked at added strength to a wet cent of the global dental Clockwise from left: the ends and flattened in the building material can be traced Millions of patients around the implant market. Per­Ingvar Brånemark middle. The unusual shape back as far as the 19th century, world have benefited from the Mr Brånemark has spent the (Lifetime achievement); means that when the concrete when builders began using scientific breakthroughs made past three decades working Christine Van Broeckhoven sets it is anchored to each horsehair to strengthen plaster. by Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the with surgeons in more than 100 (Research); Ann Lambrechts individual piece of wire, The move to use smaller Swedish orthopaedic surgeon. hospitals around the world (Industry) and Ashok Gadgil strengthening the core and wires in the concrete mix, Yet his innovations in the promoting his techniques. (Non­European countries) giving more resistance to rather that mesh and rebars, field of dental implants and Now 82, he is no longer as movement than rebars or has also improved on-site prosthetic technology might active in the surgery room but mesh. safety for builders. never have happened without a continues developing his ideas, This change in design has The wires can be poured into twist of fate when applying for together with his son, Rickard, opened up possibilities for the wet concrete and the mix university. who is focused on advancing using concrete in a new kind of is then sprayed by robots into Mr Brånemark put his name the use of titanium fixtures in architecture, where large-scale foundation piles, tunnel walls forward for undergraduate prosthetic arms and legs. buildings with intricate designs and floors. courses in medicine and Mr Brånemark highlights the can be fashioned from the rigid In dismantling old buildings, engineering with no clear idea case of a Finnish student who material, where in the past the wires are also easier to which field he would rather had two artificial limbs fused steel, or another easy-to- salvage from crushed concrete pursue. into her femur bones after manipulate material, would be than meshes and reinforcing The medical school at Lund losing her legs in a collision used. China Central bars. University was first to respond with a tram. The technology Television’s headquarters, the with a firm offer and that was has allowed her to resume an 44-storey, 234m skyscraper, was Ed Hammond enough for Mr Brånemark to almost normal life and to feel commit his future to medical some of the sensations of science. “If the engineering department had been quicker I would probably have become walking – such as the different feelings of a soft carpet and a hard floor. Gene pioneer who had to fight corner for her sex an engineer,” he says. Looking back over his career, Instead, Mr Brånemark went Mr Brånemark says his most Ms Van Broeckhoven, patients with Down’s syndrome run a very family-friendly before could they understand on to become a pioneer in the important quality has been Research director of the department of and Alzheimer’s, she focused environment with a lot of and estimate the benefits.” development of titanium patience. It took 10 years from Christine Van molecular genetics at the on chromosome 21, identifying flexibility.” Ms Van Broeckhoven implants that can be the first use of his technique University of Antwerp, part of a mutation causing proteins to She was briefly a member of recognises the importance of permanently anchored in on a human dental patient in Broeckhoven VIB, the Flanders-based life aggregate in the brain tissue; the Belgian parliament, patents to incentivise corporate human bone – overcoming the 1965 to build enough evidence sciences research institution, and then highlighting the agreeing so that she could research, while stressing the body’s usual rejection of to publish his findings. studied for a doctorate in importance of progranulin as a work on “the greying of importance of limiting foreign objects. One of the biggest challenges, Christine Van Broeckhoven has molecular biology. She was common gene causing society”, drawing up a commercial secrecy to His work has paved the way he says, has been persuading dabbled in business and initially interested in metabolic neurodegeneration. dementia plan. Having stimulate academics to co- for dental implants to replace surgeons to ditch what he calls politics, but always for short diseases, but breakthroughs in Looking back on her career, achieved her policy and learnt operate fully. She remains damaged teeth – transforming the aggressive “saw bone” style periods in the service of her the early 1980s in genetics and during which she has how to lobby ministers – “you cautious on the rapid the lives of patients who would of some orthopaedic surgeons long-term passion and greatest the link with neurology accumulated awards including have to give them something emergence of Alzheimer’s previously have required in favour of a more sensitive contribution: scientific motivated her to switch tack. the American Academy of they can use directly for their drugs, with recent clinical-trial removable dentures – and a approach to bone tissue. research. “It was a pioneering time,” Neurology’s Potamkin Prize, own benefit to be re-elected” – disappointments. range of bone-anchored But his main advice applies A pioneer in genetics, she she recalls. “Instruments were she recognises the challenge she returned to research. “You can feel companies are prosthetic applications. equally to all medical has received a number of becoming available to for women in science. “It was She has also worked for two reducing their investments,” “I started looking into micro scientists: never lose sight of European patents for her work manipulate DNA in a test tube, considered a male thing. I was pharmaceutical companies over she says. “There is a feeling – circulation in bone tissue and how much is still not on neurodegenerative brain and work began on examining protected in the beginning the years, with mixed feelings. not completely incorrect – that bone marrow to understand understood about the human diseases including Alzheimer’s, genetic markers in humans. because I didn’t realise that. I “I was surprised that the neurodegenerative process what happens inside a bone body. “We should never start some of which have been taken People then were convinced wanted to study, and was everything went so slowly, is too complicated for us to when you drill into it,” he believing we know better than up by pharmaceutical that senility was just due to supported by my parents. with so much bureaucracy. It understand. There is not recalls. “My feeling was that mother nature,” he says. “We companies seeking to develop the ageing process. There was “Only later when I was was a bit of a disappointment, enough investment in trying to you have to treat bone not as a need to have some humility.” innovative medicines in an no belief in Alzheimer’s as a confronted by science policy although it was a pioneering understand a normal brain.” piece of wood but as a living important but frustratingly disease.” did I realise that I had to fight. time in genetics when part of the human being.” Andrew Ward slow-moving field. Studying parallels between But I’m a very good fighter. I companies were investing Andrew Jack
  • 3. FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY MAY 20 2011 ★ † 3 Engineering the Future Information helps clear the air on renewables policy what are the technologies signing of the Kyoto proto- Clean technologies that are patented within col in 1997, there was a this context?” surge of patenting of renew- Patent classification Until the launch of the able energy inventions. will help politicians classification, such ques- “The political decisions that make right choices, tions were impossible to answer. “Part of the prob- create frameworks that ena- ble long-term investment says Sarah Murray lem was that, as these pat- make a huge difference,” ents were recorded, they says Mr Karachalios. weren’t tagged in terminol- Governments have cer- Turning power: after the signing of the Kyoto protocol in 1997, there was a surge in renewable energy patents Charlie Bibby B y 2050, renewables ogy that was relevant from tainly recognised the impor- could meet almost a clean-energy perspective,” tance of supporting the pat- but where governments researching into clean tech little resistance to licensing. entific capacity to develop be bottlenecks, where they 80 per cent of glo- explains Benjamin Sim- ent filing process. As part of have got into difficulty is in and lots of patents are Some 70 per cent of the technologies. could export technologies,” bal energy demand, mons, head of the trade, the US government’s stimu- which [clean technologies] being granted,” he says. respondents said they Mr Karachalios argues he says. if supported by appropriate policy and planning unit in lus package, for example, to back and whether any of “But the big issue is how to would be prepared to be that, without readily availa- “All these questions are public policies, said the the economics and trade the commerce department’s them lead to actual pay- get the flow of capital to more flexible when licens- ble, searchable information, very important.” Intergovernmental Panel on branch of the UN Environ- patent and trademark office back,” says Jonathan take those ideas to proto- ing to developing countries policymakers cannot make And while the new classi- Climate Change in a report ment Programme (UNEP). introduced a pilot pro- Johns, director of Climate type, then to demonstration with limited ability to pay decisions on where to fication means it is now released last month. Traditionally, says Mr gramme to accelerate the Change Matters, a UK-based and then to commercialisa- high prices. invest to address these bar- easier to identify clean-tech To design those policies, Simmons, tracking down all review of “green” technol- consultancy. tion.” Yet the report found that riers. patents, this does not mean however, policymakers the patents filed for a par- ogy patent applications. Mr Johns argues that the A further issue, particu- willingness to out-license “Governments need to it is possible to tell which of need access to relevant ticular technology in the And in the UK, the govern- filing of patents is only one larly for developing coun- was not reflected in actual know worldwide who is those patents have been information on clean tech- clean-tech field would have ment recently introduced a part of the process of pro- tries, is how easy it is to volumes of licensing. Other developing these technolo- developed and are making nology innovations. The taken a specialised lawyer preferential rate on income moting technologies that obtain licences for new barriers emerged, such as gies, what national entities it to market. This, says Mr launch of a new classifica- six to nine months. “Now from patents. contribute to a low-carbon technologies and how much transaction costs, the diffi- are developing these tech- Simmons, is the next step tion scheme for clean-tech someone can conduct the “There are various poli- economy. “Yes, a lot of uni- they cost. The report found culty of identifying a suita- nologies, where are the cor- in filling the information patents therefore represents search in a matter of min- cies that governments use versities in the west are that there was surprisingly ble partner and lack of sci- porations, where there may gap. a big step forward. utes,” he says. Until the launch of the The database was devel- classification scheme – oped as part of a joint which facilitates online research project conducted searches of patents data- by the EPO, the UNEP and bases – global climate the International Centre for change debates were ham- Trade and Sustainable pered by a serious obstacle: Development. It resulted in the inability to distinguish the report “Patents and clean-tech innovations from clean energy: bridging the the millions of patents gap between evidence and being filed every year. policy”. “For us the question was With intellectual property whether it would be possi- rights recently emerging as ble to produce data to a particularly contentious inform the political negotia- issue in climate change tion process so we can con- debates (some countries centrate on the real prob- argue that related technolo- lems,” says Konstantinos gies should be royalty-free Karachalios, public policy since they are in the public specialist at the European good), the report set out to Patents Office and leader of look at the role of patents the EPO’s work on the data- in the transfer of climate base. “If you talk about change mitigation technolo- smart grids, for instance, gies. what is a smart grid? And It found that after the Patent proof of rising innovation Continued from Page 1 input, rather than the out- put.” For example the so-called The real value of patents IP5 group – representing lies in the extent to which a the European, US, Japa- company can commercialise nese, Chinese and Korean them to develop new busi- intellectual property offices, ness. At worst, Mr Zentner which handle 90 per cent of says, “patenting can be a the world’s patents – is run- time-wasting distraction ning 10 projects to reconcile and a hurdle to business their procedures, from the success.” way patents are classified Sometimes a company to the format required for sees trade secrecy as an applications. alternative to patenting. All this is likely to drive But Mr Battistelli says this further increases in patent- may be misguided. “It is as ing. But, as Mr Battistelli complicated to organise says, an efficient and grow- secrecy as to apply for a ing patent system “is not a patent,” he says. “In fact, it goal in itself, it is an eco- can be more difficult to nomic tool to promote inno- enforce secrecy right vation”. That requires pat- through the company, its suppliers and contacts, than Intellectual to patent.” property is a Ideological opposition to means to an the patent system seems to end: business be declining, although growth, says many people still believe Larry Zentner the scope of patents is too broad. The most conten- tious area is in the life sci- ent offices to do more work ences, as to whether biolog- disseminating the techno- ical constructs such as logical information con- genes, life forms and stem tained in applications. cells can be patented. In Equally, for the inventor, general, Europe has taken a obtaining a patent is just more restrictive line on the start of the exploitation such questions than the US. process. Patents are some- For Mr Battistelli, how- times treated by analysts of ever, the most important the innovation process as issue is “patent quality” – an “output” of research and making sure that patents development spending – the meet all the legal criteria, industrial equivalent of the such as inventiveness, scientific papers and cita- before they are granted. tions produced by academic Only 42 per cent of appli- researchers. cants to EPO end up with “Intellectual property is a valid patents (and in bio- means to an end: business technology the granting growth,” says Larry Zent- rate is just 28 per cent). ner, founding director of If the world’s patent Inzenka, the UK-based man- offices can ensure quality, agement consultancy. growth in activity is almost “In other words, it is an guaranteed. Contributors Clive Cookson Nikki Tait Science Editor Brussels Correspondent David Gelles Andrew Ward US Media and Marketing Nordic Bureau Chief Correspondent Sarah Murray Ed Hammond FT Contributor UK Companies Reporter Andrew Baxter Commissioning Editor Kathrin Hille Steven Bird Beijing Correspondent Designer Andy Mears Andrew Jack Picture Editor Pharmaceuticals Correspondent For advertising, contact: Liam Sweeney James Politi Phone +44 020 7873 4148, US Economic and Trade Correspondent e­mail