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Texas Elections
Essay #3
In Texas elections serve an important and vital role in how the state functions. They are the people's
way of expressing their right to democracy. It is through these elections that we are able select
public officials who will represent our state and work towards making it better. They also allow
voters to vote on potential changes to the Texas Constitution. Something that can help to improve the
policies that we currently have in our state (Champagne and Harpham 135).
One type of election in Texas is the primary election. This election uses a ballot voting system and
allows for the people to select who they want their party's nominee to be for the general election
(Champagne and Harpham 135). The primary election is usually the more content...
These particular groups work to protect the interest of professionals, such as teachers, accountants,
and doctors. An example is the Texas Medical Association, which is a professional group
representing the interest of doctors within the Texas government (Champagne and Harpham 166).
In the case of teachers, professional interests groups work to protect their "...job security,
qualifications of teachers, health insurance, pensions, salaries, and other matters... " (Champagne
and Harpham 166). A second type of interest group is those that aim to spread awareness of civil
rights. In many cases these groups are working to protect and ensure the rights of minority groups.
Some of these groups are well known organizations such as the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People or the NAACP which works for the civil rights of African
Americans. Other civil rights interest groups include the League of United Latin American Citizens
and the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund. Both of which work towards protecting and
improving the lives of Latin and Mexican Americans (Champagne and Harpham 166). Organizations
like these have made some significant progress over the years with informing and changing the
minds of the public. As well as influencing policy makers of Texas (Champagne and Harpham
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Election In Nepal Essay
Recently, Nepal has completed two phases of local elections in six provinces covering 67 districts
out of 75 districts, leaving the 8 districts in the province 2 for the third phase. The election result has
imparted important, some expected and some unexpected, lessons for Nepali politics.
First, people were eager to participate in the elections. The overall participation level reached 71
percent. It was only expected in view of the fact that local elections were not conducted for almost
two decades and local bodies were run by bureaucrats throughout that period.
Second, there was a clear disconnect between Madheshi political leaders –– now organized around
the Rashtriya Janata Party–Nepal –– and Madheshi voters. RJP leaders more content...
Franklin D. Roosevelt has said, "In our personal ambitions we are individualists." It explains the
growing disconnect between the RJP leaders and Madheshi voters. The leaders have been pursuing
their personal ambitions that do not reflect the desire of the voters for better schools, hospitals,
sanitation facilities and roads. So the Madheshi voters have supported those political parties that
could deliver what they want.
Indeed, identity politics has relevance for the oppressed people. As the Standford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy suggests, also "has troubling implications for models of the self, political inclusiveness,
and our possibilities for solidarity and resistance" It appears that it has dawned on the Nepali voters
before on the Nepali leaders that the politics of identity is not good for the country. It is reflected in
the local election result.
The CPN (UML), a broad–based party, has secured the most impressive result in the election. The
result surprised the RJP leaders who had gone out of the way to call the UML leader KP Oli insane
and dubbed the party as anti–Madhesh. According to some assessments, the UML is likely to repeat
its impressive performance in the remaining 8 Terai districts, the heartland of Madheshi uprising
since 2006, when the vote will be held in on 18
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Ethical Issues In Elections
People have relied on many forms of media when it comes to politics. This year's election was a
step in a different direction. The path that this election was carving was one that was beginning
to be heavily traveled. It was the road that many people gained their information about the
election their reliance of social media. With the candidates of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic
Party and Donald Trump for the Republican Party, many people were uncertain who they were
going to vote for as their next Commander in Chief. Some of the people who were uncertain who
would get their vote knew about the ethical problems that Hillary had and the inexperience in the
realm of government for Trump. I was one of the many people who were left uncertain about who
would get my vote. I was initially going to vote for Ben Carson because I was a firm supporter of
his beliefs and he was a major figure in the medical field. Once he dropped out, I didn't know what
to do. I couldn't really vote against my party, let alone vote for a man with a poor temperament. I
had to think about my decision and thought that I would have to go with the lesser of the two evils.
Other voters had opinions on issues that they cared about. One voter had concerns on how the
candidates would protect Social more content...
With this year's election being as big as it is already, the media somehow finds a way for
themselves to turn the tables. For example, people of special needs were up in arms when Donald
Trump made fun of a reporter with a disability. Another example of the press going after Hillary is
when she was getting constant backlash about her email scandal, Benghazi incident and the fact that
she was the wife of former President Bill Clinton, who was caught having an affair with Monica
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Election Problems Essay
Election Problems
Even though my experience may be limited in politics, I still understand how grave of a situation it
is having everything controlled by the republicans, because with total domination of one party the
democratic system is weighed heavily to one side. Even some republicans agree that dominance
over every branch is a problem. It is false hope for the President and his colleagues to think that just
because they won the election that every person who voted for them is supporting their
conservative ways and plans. This distorted image could possibly have been humbled if the
electoral system was different. In many states Bush only won by 2% but all of the electoral votes
went to him, despite the fact that 50% of more content...
During the time in which the Electoral College was established the world was very different. Neither
African Americans nor women could vote. The framers of the constitution set up this system so they
would always have their hand in on the election. Even those who placed the actual Electoral College
vote were not elected at the time. The framers of the constitution assumed that they, the most
educated men, should choose the president. Obviously there is a problem with that. As the times
change so should the way things are done. Updating the Electoral College is a prime example.
This year Colorado tried to pass an amendment to the states constitution that would change the way
the nine electoral votes in Colorado would be distributed. The amendment presents the idea of
splitting the electoral votes to correspond with the popular votes. Critics of this argue that even
though they think the Electoral College is fine, a switch such as this might upset the entire process.
While the critics of this process have a point, so do the people of Colorado. The entire point of
changing the way the votes are counted is to upset the Electoral College; this is the first step in
changing the way we elect our president.
Another argument in favor of the Electoral College states that in years past certain states have
changed the way the votes are counted from being traditional to "district plans". Changing the way
the votes are counted may sway the state
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General Election Essay
Acharya 4
Shishir Acharya Government 2306–71003 Professor Sharifian 30 October 2017 Road to an Election
Running for a Texas Senate is a challenging job. At first, you must win a primary election and get
nominated from a party which you are affiliated to. After that, there comes a general election where
you must fight against the other party's nominees. In this campaign, a strong financial support is
required. Candidates use their half of budget to gain voters by boosting media supports and spends
other half to make voters aware about their party's motto. The amount of money varies with different
candidates. 1 "The amount a candidate spends per vote is based on three variables: how much a
candidate fundraises, how much a candidate more content...
I should create fundraising events to go door to door of different interest groups and business
organization having similar political affiliation.
My political affiliation is towards Democratic party. 2 It stands for the women right to make a
decision regarding her pregnancy. Abortion is a personal decision made by a woman, her family and
her doctor so there should not be any interference of a political party or government. My platform
would be legalization of abortion. 3 Interest groups that would support me in this campaign are
NARAL pro–choice Texas and Planned Parenthood Texas. Both interest groups stand for the right
of women to make a decision on her pregnancy. 4 Interest groups that would oppose me are Texas
right to life committee and Republican National Coalition for life PAC. Their motto is to defend
the life of innocent human being. They believe that our life is a gift from God and he has only the
power to take the life from us.
Campaign SLOGAN is very essential to reach out to the voters. It incorporates the summary of the
party principle. My SLOGAN would be "Let us bring a change together".
Everyone of us should stand together for the right of women to make her choice on abortion. There
should be no any barrier to stop her in making her personal decision.
Newspaper, official and celebrity has a high following of people, so it will be very easy for me to get
my message to the voters. I will try my best to aware people about my party goals through
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Election Campaign Essay
Kc 2
Sabina K C Professor Sharifian GOVT 2306 October 26, 2017
Election Campaign Any candidate will need a strong financial support to run for office in Texas.
Sometimes, candidate may not win the election even after spending a lot. That means election
victory does not only depend on spending, it depends on right party selection and popularity or
recognition. In 2016 general elections for Texas Senate, "Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa got elected with
131,973 votes spending $435,471.91 total i.e. $3.30 per vote, whereas, Brandon Creighton got
elected with 239,640 votes spending $93,194.21 total i.e. $0.39 per vote" (The Texas Tribune).
According to me, a candidate must have investment of minimum $500,000 to run for office.
As per the Texas more content...
Thus, I think this interest group matches my views and can support my campaign. The NAACP is
an interest group that maintains equality among the citizens based on different sectors. It opposes
racial discrimination and makes people aware about their rights and helps them to achieve them.
My ideas match with the goals that NAACP carries. Thus, this could be one of the group that can
support my campaign. Talking about the interest groups that seem to oppose my campaign, Texas
Conservative Coalition (TCC) would be one of them. It holds traditional values about change and
supports conservative vision for its respective government. For me, change is equal to
development. So, this group is totally against my perception and is likely to oppose my campaign.
While I was going through the description provided by Texas Christian Coalition, I found out that
they wholly support Christians in Texas. They work to preserve their legal rights, their traditional
values and to support them in any legal issues. But it also shows that they are biased regarding their
religion and would not support any other religion. Whereas, my campaign would work for all the
races, religion and ethnic group without looking at their religious background. These are the reasons
why this interest group would not support my campaign.
The slogan I would like to use is, "Education and Equality for Evolution". The platform I choose
mainly focuses on
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How Important Was The Election Of 1800?
The presidential election of 1800 was between President John Adams and Vice–President Thomas
Jefferson. Adams, the incumbent, was running for his second term after beating Jefferson four
years prior. The importance of this election is not that Jefferson winning, but it is Adams losing.
During this time period, democracy was not prevalent in the world as now, so the peaceful change
of power was a huge step to American democracy and to democracy around the world. James Roger
Sharp argues that the election of 1800 is the most important election because of which a president
was set by President John Adams. Washington, the first president of the country ran two terms then
leaving the white house deciding not to run for a third term, which more content...
Leading up to the election, tensions were high as the issues over slavery and which states would be
allowed slavery in them. This issue, since America's founding had been swept under the rug, even
being excluded from the US constitution. Since countries like Great Britain, France, Canada, and
other western countries have outlawed it and new public support had against slavery put on the
forefront of the American Political sphere. The Republicans nominated former Congressman
Abraham Lincoln, an anti–slavery advocate from Illinois. He ran against Northern Democrat Stephen
A Douglass, Southern Democrat John C Breckinridge, and Constitutional Union Party candidate
John Bell. In a very close and divisive election, Abraham Lincoln won with 180 electoral votes and
around thirty–nine percent of the popular vote. The south viewed Lincoln and his policies as
irreconcilable and South Carolina seceded the Union. Next came other states like Mississippi,
Florida then others. Robert J Cook of Louisiana State University argues in his book, Civil War
Senator, that the Election of 1860 was the most influential in our history because of the long lasting
impact on our nation with emancipation proclamation, reconstruction and effects on political
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Essay On The Election
A TIME Magazine article from October of the election year highlighted the main issues and how
the candidates were proposing to remedy them. It was these issues, overcrowded schools, bad
highways, "restive" minorities, rising welfare costs, and rising taxes, increased crime, drought,
smog, and race riots, that formed the platform for both candidates. (TIME) As the incumbent,
Brown was in the hot seat for these issues and was being blamed. As Reagan was a political newbie
with no advertising experience, his team hired the McCann–Erickson firm. McCann–Erickson
framed Reagan's platform as "common sense answers to California's problems." (MCKENNA 33).
Of the issues that were of most concern, money issues drew the most ire among the people. As more content...
On the issue race relations, Reagan was against discrimination but was predicted to benefit from
"white black lash votes" more than Brown. Brown was indecisive on issues concerning race, such as
open–housing. He began to work on the issue but backed away and later suggested the issue be
banned from discussion in the campaign. The Los Angeles Watts race riots in 1965 led to a call for
"law and order." (MCKENNA 5) The week–long riots occurred in August of 1965 and led to the
deaths of thirty–four people. What began with an arrest quickly turned into a race war when African
Americans began to vent their frustration over the poor conditions of the Watts district. A number of
African Americans began attacking whites and white–owned businesses, enacting a million dollars
worth of damage. Governor Brown was vacationing out of the country at the time but returned home.
His perception and remarks on the riots quickly aligned him with the rioters in the public's eyes
(MCKENNA 18). His comments seemed to justify the actions of the rioters and people "forgot his
commitment to law and order." (MCKENNA 18). The student demonstrations at the USC Berkeley
campus in 1966 became a central focus of the Reagan campaign. The demonstrations sparked student
radicalism as a campaign issue. Matthew Dallek in The Right Moment, contends that Berkeley and
Watts provided
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2016 Election Essay
Major Issues in the 2016 Election During the 2016 general election, there were many issues to be
discussed. Among these issues are Health Care, Immigration, Economics, The Supreme Court
Appointments, and National Security.These Issues defined who voted for the candidates and what
the other's supporters had to say about them in hateful comments to their peers and on social
media. In an election filled with slander and hate these are the real issues igniting the fire in the
souls of supporters on both sides of that old red and blue line. A HUGE issue in in the 2016
election was of course, Immigration. Catch my cheap shot? Immigration is one of the most divisive
topics in American Politics. It is a topic that has further divided more content...
One promise she made is to establish the first ever federal government agency strictly to handle
immigration. During the race she constantly criticized Trump's immigration ideas as
"Discriminatory and Counterproductive." Another Big Issue in the '16 election was the Supreme
Court. The person who won the race would get to immediately get to nominate one Justice to the
seat that has been vacant since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. Along with
the one initial Justice, there are 3 more current Justices, Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer, who are
at or over the age of 79 years old, very close to retirement age. With this said, the person elected to
office in 2016 would get to nominate one Justice for sure and very possible up to 4. Of course, the
senate would have to approve the Presidential Nominee. However, the President would possibly be
able to swing the Supreme Court either more liberal or more conservative.Most likely, President
Trump will pick more conservative Justices to nominate, following along with his party's lines.
Clinton, on the other hand would have selected very liberal Justices to nominate. The impact that
the future President had over the supreme court in 2016 drove a lot of Americans to vote the way
they did. With a majority liberal, Hillary Clinton appointed supreme court, they would vote to accept
several highly controversial topics such as marriage equality and
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Election In 2008 Essay
As we know, 2008 is the big year for everyone in the United States. The presidential election in
2008 was the most racially diverse in U.S. history, there were almost one–in–four votes cast by
non–whites. The presidential election in 2008 bring the surprise result for all of the people in U.S.
Barack Obama became the first African–American elected president of the United States, and Joe
Biden became the first Roman Catholic elected vice president. I think the record of voter
participation in 2008 U.S presidential election is the anomaly. Obama won a decisive victory over
McCain, He was winning in both the electoral college and the popular vote, with 365 electoral
votes to McCain's 173; There was the largest percentage of popular vote for the Democrat since
B.Johnson in 1964. Obama's win in obtaining a major party' more content...
The entitled black voters increased 4.9 percentage, It rate from 60.3% in 2004 to 65.2% in 2008,
almost same as the voter turnout rate of white allowed voters many of black voter contribution in
2008 was increased by the participation of younger voters and black women. The voter rate of
qualified black female increased 5.1 percentage, there was 63.7% in 2004 increased to 68.8% in
2008. General, amid all ethnic, gender groups and racial, black women had the highest vote in 2008
election. There were many factors encourage voters to participate and discourage them from
participating. In the textbook page 410, " participation in politics may be increasing, in particular on
the Internet." People went online to get the new and information; they post comments for others
people read. It influenced the psychology of many people and made they want to participate or not
participate. Furthermore, some of the reason for the people not voting were out of town, illness or
disability did not like the candidates, or not
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Candidate-Centered Election
A "Candidate–Centered" election is when candidates focus on themselves and the issues they believe
are important. Candidate–Centered election started with the legislative reforms of the 1970s. At this
time members started to focus more on the constituents and less on political party. Congress
members started working more in the areas they represented. Members focused more on projects for
their constituents and using more resources to enhance the quality of life, so they could get
reelected. The projects members did were pork barrel project–dams and highways. The projects were
paid with federal installations, but only the Congress member constituents enjoyed the benefits.
During "Candidate–Centered" election members started spending more in
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Midterm Elections
The midterm elections of 2014 brought a measly 36.3 percent of all eligible American voters to
the polls. A low of this proportion has not been exceeded since the federal election of 1942, which
had a turnout rate of 33.9 percent. Since 1942, voter accessibility has improved and we no longer
find ourselves amidst World War II (NY Times). Midtermelections generally have lower turnout
rates, however, 2014 is no outlier, with voter turnout in theUnited States having steadily decreased
over recent decades. The 2012 election only brought 53.6 percent of eligible voters to the polls.
When compared to most developed nations, this number is tremendously low (DeSilver). While
voter turnout is decreasing, more and more voters are registering as more
Rarely successful in electoral victory, nonetheless, many accomplished their goals by serving as
protest statements and rallying points and by making an influence (Schneider 1200). Minor
parties have majorly influenced political and social changes. Abolition, child labor laws,
prohibition, women's suffrage, direct election of senate members and the minimum wage all
have their origins in third party movements (Cramm, Ness XIX). Many of these ideas were left
unconsidered or unfavored by either of the major parties and had it not been for the influence of
third parties, who is to say what our country would be today. Professor Frances Fox Piven writes
"Third parties can breathe life into American politics, stirring the political enthusiasm of groups
that are ordinarily marginalized and ignored, and reinvigorating belief in democracy with bold
proposals for reforms" and "they are the agencies that bring to life the deep reciprocity and
interdependence between voters and the state on which the democratic idea rests." (as cited in
Ness, XIII) This calls to mind the intended purpose of political parties in a democracy. They fill
the void between the governed individuals and the government. They empower voters, and amplify
the voices of the people. That is, of course, if they are doing their job correctly, or allowed to do
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Incumbents In Congressional Elections Essay
Assess the extent to which incumbents have an adage over challengers in congressional elections.
Congressional elections occur every two years and it is when members if the House of
Representatives and Senate are elected. An incumbent is when a congressman is up for re–election
but is currently still holding office. We have long known that US incumbents enjoy profound
electoral advantages in congressional elections. However contrary to speculation some evidence
shows that they are on an equal playing field with contesters who are not incumbents.
One of the advantages that incumbents enjoy in congressional elections is due to "Pork barrel
politics" this term is used when congressmen and senators focus government funds into their home more content...
For example in Chicago's fourth district where a grassy strip of land is stuck between two
expressways which connect the top and bottom halves of a district is designed to keep a Hispanic
in Congress. This congressional line protects Chicago's Hispanic representation in Congress but
it also ensures a safe Democrat seat for Democrat representative Luis Vicente Gutierrez who has
now served since 1993. In 2014 this form of gerrymandering known as "Packing" was so
widespread that it was thought just 51 of 435 House Representatives seats were actually
competitive. Incumbency rates are over 80 % in the senate and over 90% in the House on average.
However these figures dropped to 67% in 2010 but this is still considerably high showing
incumbents do have an
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Election Essay Topics

  • 1. Texas Elections Essay #3 In Texas elections serve an important and vital role in how the state functions. They are the people's way of expressing their right to democracy. It is through these elections that we are able select public officials who will represent our state and work towards making it better. They also allow voters to vote on potential changes to the Texas Constitution. Something that can help to improve the policies that we currently have in our state (Champagne and Harpham 135). One type of election in Texas is the primary election. This election uses a ballot voting system and allows for the people to select who they want their party's nominee to be for the general election (Champagne and Harpham 135). The primary election is usually the more content... These particular groups work to protect the interest of professionals, such as teachers, accountants, and doctors. An example is the Texas Medical Association, which is a professional group representing the interest of doctors within the Texas government (Champagne and Harpham 166). In the case of teachers, professional interests groups work to protect their "...job security, qualifications of teachers, health insurance, pensions, salaries, and other matters... " (Champagne and Harpham 166). A second type of interest group is those that aim to spread awareness of civil rights. In many cases these groups are working to protect and ensure the rights of minority groups. Some of these groups are well known organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People or the NAACP which works for the civil rights of African Americans. Other civil rights interest groups include the League of United Latin American Citizens and the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund. Both of which work towards protecting and improving the lives of Latin and Mexican Americans (Champagne and Harpham 166). Organizations like these have made some significant progress over the years with informing and changing the minds of the public. As well as influencing policy makers of Texas (Champagne and Harpham Get more content on
  • 2. Election In Nepal Essay Recently, Nepal has completed two phases of local elections in six provinces covering 67 districts out of 75 districts, leaving the 8 districts in the province 2 for the third phase. The election result has imparted important, some expected and some unexpected, lessons for Nepali politics. First, people were eager to participate in the elections. The overall participation level reached 71 percent. It was only expected in view of the fact that local elections were not conducted for almost two decades and local bodies were run by bureaucrats throughout that period. Second, there was a clear disconnect between Madheshi political leaders –– now organized around the Rashtriya Janata Party–Nepal –– and Madheshi voters. RJP leaders more content... Franklin D. Roosevelt has said, "In our personal ambitions we are individualists." It explains the growing disconnect between the RJP leaders and Madheshi voters. The leaders have been pursuing their personal ambitions that do not reflect the desire of the voters for better schools, hospitals, sanitation facilities and roads. So the Madheshi voters have supported those political parties that could deliver what they want. Indeed, identity politics has relevance for the oppressed people. As the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy suggests, also "has troubling implications for models of the self, political inclusiveness, and our possibilities for solidarity and resistance" It appears that it has dawned on the Nepali voters before on the Nepali leaders that the politics of identity is not good for the country. It is reflected in the local election result. The CPN (UML), a broad–based party, has secured the most impressive result in the election. The result surprised the RJP leaders who had gone out of the way to call the UML leader KP Oli insane and dubbed the party as anti–Madhesh. According to some assessments, the UML is likely to repeat its impressive performance in the remaining 8 Terai districts, the heartland of Madheshi uprising since 2006, when the vote will be held in on 18 Get more content on
  • 3. Ethical Issues In Elections People have relied on many forms of media when it comes to politics. This year's election was a step in a different direction. The path that this election was carving was one that was beginning to be heavily traveled. It was the road that many people gained their information about the election their reliance of social media. With the candidates of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party and Donald Trump for the Republican Party, many people were uncertain who they were going to vote for as their next Commander in Chief. Some of the people who were uncertain who would get their vote knew about the ethical problems that Hillary had and the inexperience in the realm of government for Trump. I was one of the many people who were left uncertain about who would get my vote. I was initially going to vote for Ben Carson because I was a firm supporter of his beliefs and he was a major figure in the medical field. Once he dropped out, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't really vote against my party, let alone vote for a man with a poor temperament. I had to think about my decision and thought that I would have to go with the lesser of the two evils. Other voters had opinions on issues that they cared about. One voter had concerns on how the candidates would protect Social more content... With this year's election being as big as it is already, the media somehow finds a way for themselves to turn the tables. For example, people of special needs were up in arms when Donald Trump made fun of a reporter with a disability. Another example of the press going after Hillary is when she was getting constant backlash about her email scandal, Benghazi incident and the fact that she was the wife of former President Bill Clinton, who was caught having an affair with Monica Get more content on
  • 4. Election Problems Essay Election Problems Even though my experience may be limited in politics, I still understand how grave of a situation it is having everything controlled by the republicans, because with total domination of one party the democratic system is weighed heavily to one side. Even some republicans agree that dominance over every branch is a problem. It is false hope for the President and his colleagues to think that just because they won the election that every person who voted for them is supporting their conservative ways and plans. This distorted image could possibly have been humbled if the electoral system was different. In many states Bush only won by 2% but all of the electoral votes went to him, despite the fact that 50% of more content... During the time in which the Electoral College was established the world was very different. Neither African Americans nor women could vote. The framers of the constitution set up this system so they would always have their hand in on the election. Even those who placed the actual Electoral College vote were not elected at the time. The framers of the constitution assumed that they, the most educated men, should choose the president. Obviously there is a problem with that. As the times change so should the way things are done. Updating the Electoral College is a prime example. This year Colorado tried to pass an amendment to the states constitution that would change the way the nine electoral votes in Colorado would be distributed. The amendment presents the idea of splitting the electoral votes to correspond with the popular votes. Critics of this argue that even though they think the Electoral College is fine, a switch such as this might upset the entire process. While the critics of this process have a point, so do the people of Colorado. The entire point of changing the way the votes are counted is to upset the Electoral College; this is the first step in changing the way we elect our president. Another argument in favor of the Electoral College states that in years past certain states have changed the way the votes are counted from being traditional to "district plans". Changing the way the votes are counted may sway the state Get more content on
  • 5. General Election Essay Acharya 4 Shishir Acharya Government 2306–71003 Professor Sharifian 30 October 2017 Road to an Election Running for a Texas Senate is a challenging job. At first, you must win a primary election and get nominated from a party which you are affiliated to. After that, there comes a general election where you must fight against the other party's nominees. In this campaign, a strong financial support is required. Candidates use their half of budget to gain voters by boosting media supports and spends other half to make voters aware about their party's motto. The amount of money varies with different candidates. 1 "The amount a candidate spends per vote is based on three variables: how much a candidate fundraises, how much a candidate more content... I should create fundraising events to go door to door of different interest groups and business organization having similar political affiliation. My political affiliation is towards Democratic party. 2 It stands for the women right to make a decision regarding her pregnancy. Abortion is a personal decision made by a woman, her family and her doctor so there should not be any interference of a political party or government. My platform would be legalization of abortion. 3 Interest groups that would support me in this campaign are NARAL pro–choice Texas and Planned Parenthood Texas. Both interest groups stand for the right of women to make a decision on her pregnancy. 4 Interest groups that would oppose me are Texas right to life committee and Republican National Coalition for life PAC. Their motto is to defend the life of innocent human being. They believe that our life is a gift from God and he has only the power to take the life from us. Campaign SLOGAN is very essential to reach out to the voters. It incorporates the summary of the party principle. My SLOGAN would be "Let us bring a change together". Everyone of us should stand together for the right of women to make her choice on abortion. There should be no any barrier to stop her in making her personal decision. Newspaper, official and celebrity has a high following of people, so it will be very easy for me to get my message to the voters. I will try my best to aware people about my party goals through Get more content on
  • 6. Election Campaign Essay Kc 2 Sabina K C Professor Sharifian GOVT 2306 October 26, 2017 Election Campaign Any candidate will need a strong financial support to run for office in Texas. Sometimes, candidate may not win the election even after spending a lot. That means election victory does not only depend on spending, it depends on right party selection and popularity or recognition. In 2016 general elections for Texas Senate, "Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa got elected with 131,973 votes spending $435,471.91 total i.e. $3.30 per vote, whereas, Brandon Creighton got elected with 239,640 votes spending $93,194.21 total i.e. $0.39 per vote" (The Texas Tribune). According to me, a candidate must have investment of minimum $500,000 to run for office. As per the Texas more content... Thus, I think this interest group matches my views and can support my campaign. The NAACP is an interest group that maintains equality among the citizens based on different sectors. It opposes racial discrimination and makes people aware about their rights and helps them to achieve them. My ideas match with the goals that NAACP carries. Thus, this could be one of the group that can support my campaign. Talking about the interest groups that seem to oppose my campaign, Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC) would be one of them. It holds traditional values about change and supports conservative vision for its respective government. For me, change is equal to development. So, this group is totally against my perception and is likely to oppose my campaign. While I was going through the description provided by Texas Christian Coalition, I found out that they wholly support Christians in Texas. They work to preserve their legal rights, their traditional values and to support them in any legal issues. But it also shows that they are biased regarding their religion and would not support any other religion. Whereas, my campaign would work for all the races, religion and ethnic group without looking at their religious background. These are the reasons why this interest group would not support my campaign. The slogan I would like to use is, "Education and Equality for Evolution". The platform I choose mainly focuses on Get more content on
  • 7. How Important Was The Election Of 1800? The presidential election of 1800 was between President John Adams and Vice–President Thomas Jefferson. Adams, the incumbent, was running for his second term after beating Jefferson four years prior. The importance of this election is not that Jefferson winning, but it is Adams losing. During this time period, democracy was not prevalent in the world as now, so the peaceful change of power was a huge step to American democracy and to democracy around the world. James Roger Sharp argues that the election of 1800 is the most important election because of which a president was set by President John Adams. Washington, the first president of the country ran two terms then leaving the white house deciding not to run for a third term, which more content... Leading up to the election, tensions were high as the issues over slavery and which states would be allowed slavery in them. This issue, since America's founding had been swept under the rug, even being excluded from the US constitution. Since countries like Great Britain, France, Canada, and other western countries have outlawed it and new public support had against slavery put on the forefront of the American Political sphere. The Republicans nominated former Congressman Abraham Lincoln, an anti–slavery advocate from Illinois. He ran against Northern Democrat Stephen A Douglass, Southern Democrat John C Breckinridge, and Constitutional Union Party candidate John Bell. In a very close and divisive election, Abraham Lincoln won with 180 electoral votes and around thirty–nine percent of the popular vote. The south viewed Lincoln and his policies as irreconcilable and South Carolina seceded the Union. Next came other states like Mississippi, Florida then others. Robert J Cook of Louisiana State University argues in his book, Civil War Senator, that the Election of 1860 was the most influential in our history because of the long lasting impact on our nation with emancipation proclamation, reconstruction and effects on political Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On The Election A TIME Magazine article from October of the election year highlighted the main issues and how the candidates were proposing to remedy them. It was these issues, overcrowded schools, bad highways, "restive" minorities, rising welfare costs, and rising taxes, increased crime, drought, smog, and race riots, that formed the platform for both candidates. (TIME) As the incumbent, Brown was in the hot seat for these issues and was being blamed. As Reagan was a political newbie with no advertising experience, his team hired the McCann–Erickson firm. McCann–Erickson framed Reagan's platform as "common sense answers to California's problems." (MCKENNA 33). Of the issues that were of most concern, money issues drew the most ire among the people. As more content... On the issue race relations, Reagan was against discrimination but was predicted to benefit from "white black lash votes" more than Brown. Brown was indecisive on issues concerning race, such as open–housing. He began to work on the issue but backed away and later suggested the issue be banned from discussion in the campaign. The Los Angeles Watts race riots in 1965 led to a call for "law and order." (MCKENNA 5) The week–long riots occurred in August of 1965 and led to the deaths of thirty–four people. What began with an arrest quickly turned into a race war when African Americans began to vent their frustration over the poor conditions of the Watts district. A number of African Americans began attacking whites and white–owned businesses, enacting a million dollars worth of damage. Governor Brown was vacationing out of the country at the time but returned home. His perception and remarks on the riots quickly aligned him with the rioters in the public's eyes (MCKENNA 18). His comments seemed to justify the actions of the rioters and people "forgot his commitment to law and order." (MCKENNA 18). The student demonstrations at the USC Berkeley campus in 1966 became a central focus of the Reagan campaign. The demonstrations sparked student radicalism as a campaign issue. Matthew Dallek in The Right Moment, contends that Berkeley and Watts provided Get more content on
  • 9. 2016 Election Essay Major Issues in the 2016 Election During the 2016 general election, there were many issues to be discussed. Among these issues are Health Care, Immigration, Economics, The Supreme Court Appointments, and National Security.These Issues defined who voted for the candidates and what the other's supporters had to say about them in hateful comments to their peers and on social media. In an election filled with slander and hate these are the real issues igniting the fire in the souls of supporters on both sides of that old red and blue line. A HUGE issue in in the 2016 election was of course, Immigration. Catch my cheap shot? Immigration is one of the most divisive topics in American Politics. It is a topic that has further divided more content... One promise she made is to establish the first ever federal government agency strictly to handle immigration. During the race she constantly criticized Trump's immigration ideas as "Discriminatory and Counterproductive." Another Big Issue in the '16 election was the Supreme Court. The person who won the race would get to immediately get to nominate one Justice to the seat that has been vacant since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. Along with the one initial Justice, there are 3 more current Justices, Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer, who are at or over the age of 79 years old, very close to retirement age. With this said, the person elected to office in 2016 would get to nominate one Justice for sure and very possible up to 4. Of course, the senate would have to approve the Presidential Nominee. However, the President would possibly be able to swing the Supreme Court either more liberal or more conservative.Most likely, President Trump will pick more conservative Justices to nominate, following along with his party's lines. Clinton, on the other hand would have selected very liberal Justices to nominate. The impact that the future President had over the supreme court in 2016 drove a lot of Americans to vote the way they did. With a majority liberal, Hillary Clinton appointed supreme court, they would vote to accept several highly controversial topics such as marriage equality and Get more content on
  • 10. Election In 2008 Essay As we know, 2008 is the big year for everyone in the United States. The presidential election in 2008 was the most racially diverse in U.S. history, there were almost one–in–four votes cast by non–whites. The presidential election in 2008 bring the surprise result for all of the people in U.S. Barack Obama became the first African–American elected president of the United States, and Joe Biden became the first Roman Catholic elected vice president. I think the record of voter participation in 2008 U.S presidential election is the anomaly. Obama won a decisive victory over McCain, He was winning in both the electoral college and the popular vote, with 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173; There was the largest percentage of popular vote for the Democrat since B.Johnson in 1964. Obama's win in obtaining a major party' more content... The entitled black voters increased 4.9 percentage, It rate from 60.3% in 2004 to 65.2% in 2008, almost same as the voter turnout rate of white allowed voters many of black voter contribution in 2008 was increased by the participation of younger voters and black women. The voter rate of qualified black female increased 5.1 percentage, there was 63.7% in 2004 increased to 68.8% in 2008. General, amid all ethnic, gender groups and racial, black women had the highest vote in 2008 election. There were many factors encourage voters to participate and discourage them from participating. In the textbook page 410, " participation in politics may be increasing, in particular on the Internet." People went online to get the new and information; they post comments for others people read. It influenced the psychology of many people and made they want to participate or not participate. Furthermore, some of the reason for the people not voting were out of town, illness or disability did not like the candidates, or not Get more content on
  • 11. Candidate-Centered Election A "Candidate–Centered" election is when candidates focus on themselves and the issues they believe are important. Candidate–Centered election started with the legislative reforms of the 1970s. At this time members started to focus more on the constituents and less on political party. Congress members started working more in the areas they represented. Members focused more on projects for their constituents and using more resources to enhance the quality of life, so they could get reelected. The projects members did were pork barrel project–dams and highways. The projects were paid with federal installations, but only the Congress member constituents enjoyed the benefits. During "Candidate–Centered" election members started spending more in Get more content on
  • 12. Midterm Elections The midterm elections of 2014 brought a measly 36.3 percent of all eligible American voters to the polls. A low of this proportion has not been exceeded since the federal election of 1942, which had a turnout rate of 33.9 percent. Since 1942, voter accessibility has improved and we no longer find ourselves amidst World War II (NY Times). Midtermelections generally have lower turnout rates, however, 2014 is no outlier, with voter turnout in theUnited States having steadily decreased over recent decades. The 2012 election only brought 53.6 percent of eligible voters to the polls. When compared to most developed nations, this number is tremendously low (DeSilver). While voter turnout is decreasing, more and more voters are registering as more content... Rarely successful in electoral victory, nonetheless, many accomplished their goals by serving as protest statements and rallying points and by making an influence (Schneider 1200). Minor parties have majorly influenced political and social changes. Abolition, child labor laws, prohibition, women's suffrage, direct election of senate members and the minimum wage all have their origins in third party movements (Cramm, Ness XIX). Many of these ideas were left unconsidered or unfavored by either of the major parties and had it not been for the influence of third parties, who is to say what our country would be today. Professor Frances Fox Piven writes "Third parties can breathe life into American politics, stirring the political enthusiasm of groups that are ordinarily marginalized and ignored, and reinvigorating belief in democracy with bold proposals for reforms" and "they are the agencies that bring to life the deep reciprocity and interdependence between voters and the state on which the democratic idea rests." (as cited in Ness, XIII) This calls to mind the intended purpose of political parties in a democracy. They fill the void between the governed individuals and the government. They empower voters, and amplify the voices of the people. That is, of course, if they are doing their job correctly, or allowed to do Get more content on
  • 13. Incumbents In Congressional Elections Essay Assess the extent to which incumbents have an adage over challengers in congressional elections. (25marks) Congressional elections occur every two years and it is when members if the House of Representatives and Senate are elected. An incumbent is when a congressman is up for re–election but is currently still holding office. We have long known that US incumbents enjoy profound electoral advantages in congressional elections. However contrary to speculation some evidence shows that they are on an equal playing field with contesters who are not incumbents. One of the advantages that incumbents enjoy in congressional elections is due to "Pork barrel politics" this term is used when congressmen and senators focus government funds into their home more content... For example in Chicago's fourth district where a grassy strip of land is stuck between two expressways which connect the top and bottom halves of a district is designed to keep a Hispanic in Congress. This congressional line protects Chicago's Hispanic representation in Congress but it also ensures a safe Democrat seat for Democrat representative Luis Vicente Gutierrez who has now served since 1993. In 2014 this form of gerrymandering known as "Packing" was so widespread that it was thought just 51 of 435 House Representatives seats were actually competitive. Incumbency rates are over 80 % in the senate and over 90% in the House on average. However these figures dropped to 67% in 2010 but this is still considerably high showing incumbents do have an Get more content on