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Dear traders,
Egerfish is a trading and manufacturing company based in the Czech Republic. Our main
objective is to provide services for fishing tackle distributors. We want our customers to
receive their goods on time, in the best quality, for a fair price. For the satisfaction of our
customers we have a well-coordinated team with 25 years of experience in the fishing
tackle field.
We are distributor for many brands, which are aimed for Czech market only. You can find
them on the next pages. Beside these brands we promote our own brands SURETTI, SEMA
and Rollo. In the products with these brands are contained our own ideas, our now-how,
years on the market and experience of our fisherman. We would like to introduce these
brands to fisherman outside of Czech Republic. For those we are seeking active
distributors. We are able to offer attractive solutions and conditions.
A significant part of the company is manufacturing of fishing weights and feeders. Part of
the production program you can find on the other part of our catalogue.
We wish all anglers to have nice experiences on the water. Our joy will be even greater if
products distributed by our company contribute to this.
Dear traders,
In this section we would like to offer goods from our factory. Factory is based in Czech Republic. There are mostly fishing
weights and feeders. Our facilities are equipped with modern technologies including cover coating. Quality control will
not allow to receive poor quality product.
Our main activity in manufacturing is production on demand of customer. We can make products according to your own
design with your own logo or original color combinations (OEM). There are also options for various types of packaging –
header cards, OPP bags, blister packaging.
On next pages you can see only part of our assortment, which we constantly keep in stock and can be delivered
immediately. On our web pages click on link fishing weights here you will see more products in our
fishing weights catalogue.
Company details:
EGERFISH Ltd. • 5. Kvetna 435 • 440 01 Dobromerice • Czech Republic • tel: +420 775 877 881
• • VAT.No: CZ28750641
Copyright ©2014 Egerfish s.r.o., all rights reserved. Egerfish, Suretti, SEMA, Traper, Meiho, Vesus, Lynx, Knot2Kinky, Dynabait a Aquatek is registreed trade marks.
Beside these assortments we have many other products in our range, but they are made only on individual demands of
customers. With us you can take all advantages of European supplier:
- Regular and prompt delivery = smaller inventory costs
- Same time zones gives same day response
- No minimum order value required
- Fast and trouble free deliveries within the EU
We wish all anglers to have nice experiences on the water.
Company details:
EGERFISH Ltd. • 5. Kvetna 435 • 440 01 Dobromerice • Czech Republic • tel: +420 775 877 881
• • VAT.No: CZ28750641
Copyright ©2014 Egerfish s.r.o., all rights reserved. Egerfish, Suretti, SEMA, Traper, Meiho, Vesus, Lynx, Knot2Kinky, Dynabait a Aquatek is registreed trade marks.
Invisa obratlík – transparentní obratlík. Velmi odolný,
flexibilní a ve vodě téměř neviditelný transparentní
obratlík vyrobený z fluorocarbonového monofilu. Není
vyroben z kovu, proto nerezne a neovlivňuje navázanou
sestavu. Koncové adaptéry zajistí vždy rovné vedení
navázaného vlasce.
Nickel Titanová lanka 7x1 a Single jsou velmi elastická,
při 80% zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%. Přestože
jsou kovová, mají shock absorber efekt. Díky jejich
elastičnosti je lze jednoduše navázart. Mají velkou
tvarovou paměť, takže jsou stále rovné a výborně vedou
nástrahu. Protože neobsahují železo, nekorodují a lze
je proto použít i při lovu na moři. Celkově jsou velmi
odolná a vydrží déle než obyčejná lanka.
Návazce Lynx jsou vyráběny bezuzlovou technologií,
která zachovává 100% nosnosti, oproti klasicky
vázaným návazcům, kde uzel snižuje nosnost vlasce
či lanka někdy o více jak 50%. Při použití návazců Lynx
tak můžete použít návazec s poloviční nosností než u
klasicky navázaného. Zvýšíte si tak šanci na ulovení
velkých trofejních ryb, které jsou velmi opatrné a velmi
* Only Czech Market
Široký sortiment kufrů a krabiček
všech velikostí, které lze různě
kombinovat. Vyrobené z velmi kvalitních
nárazuvzdorných materiálů, netečných
na gumové nástrahy a konstruované se
smyslem pro detail. Kufry mají dvojité
zámky proti otevření, krabičky variabilní
přepážky s mikrožebrováním, aby prostor
uvnitř byl maximálně využit.
Novinkou je kufr VS7070 ve kterém
naleznete dva úložné prostory – spodní
hlavní a prostor ve víku. Odklopením
víka, které je podepřené rukojetí, získáte
odkládací stolek. Do jednotlivých prostorů
lze vložit krabičky typu RunGun W, SFC L,
VS 3010 a VS 3020.
Nově je v nabídce oboustranná krabička
RunGun W vyrobená z Worm Proof
materiálu s 18 variabilními přepážkami,
které umožní vytvořit 24 různě velkých
* Only Czech Market
Moderní krmení Method Mix bylo vyvinuto za účelem splnění
nejnáročnějších kritérií rybářů, jež se specializují na lov velkých kaprů.
Směs se skládá z těch nejbohatších ingrediencí, jako jsou tepelně
zpracovaná zrna obilí a vybrané moučky s vysokým obsahem
bílkovin. Perfektního výsledku bylo dosaženo dodáním
olejových částic rovněž tepelně zpracovaných.
Method Mix lze do krmítka připravit přidáním
vody, oleje nebo tekutého aromatu. Při použití v
PVA materiálu lze přidat pouze Booster, který nerozpouští
PVA materiál. Method Mix velmi rychle přiláká ryby a ty se pak krmí na
lovném místě velmi dlouhou dobu.
Hlavní úlohou posilovačů je rychlejší přilákání ryb do místa lovu, a právě proto mají
své nezastupitelné místo při přípravě receptur. Rybář by však měl mít na paměti, že méně
znamená více. Příliš velké množství posilovače ve vnadící směsi ryby sice přiláká, ale
následně zpravidla (ne vždy) odpudí. Posilovače v zásadě rozdělujeme na tekuté a sypké.
Výhodou tekutých posilovačů je jejich schopnost se optimálně spojit se základním
krmením. Výhodou sypkých posilovačů je zejména možnost přidávat
posilovač do již hotového krmení, aniž by rybář změnil konzistenci
své vnadící směsi a nasazuje se např.při rybářských závodech
v poslední hodině lovu, kdy klesá aktivita ryb. Jedním z velmi
zajímavých posilovačů je Booster, který se dá použít na různé druhy
nástrah jako boilie, pelety nebo zrno. Pro rybu je velmi jemný,
avšak nepřehlédnutelný, rybu skutečně vábí ale nedráždí, zvyšuje
její chuť k jídlu. Expert Booster lze použít i na PVA materiál,
který nerozpouští.
Sušené červy a žížaly jsou výbornou variantou jak mít živočišnou nástrahu
stále u sebe. Toto živočišná nástraha je vysušena hlubokým zmrazením,
takže si i po vysušení zachovává svou atraktivitu i pachou stopu. Nástrahu
jednoduše vložte do vody až je vláčná, doba se může lišit podle velikosti,
pak ji vyndejte a napíchněte na háček. Pokud ji nechcete použít ihned,
udržujte ji stále ve vlhkém prostředí.
* Only Czech Market
Reels	5
Feeder rods	 6 - 13
Feeder tips	 12 - 13
Carp rods	 14 - 15
Sea and catfish rods	 16 - 17
Match rods	 18 - 19
Telescopic rods	 20 - 21
Rod rings	 22 - 24
Braids	 24 - 26
Lines	 27 - 29
PVA	 30 - 31
Ni-Ti wire Knot2Kinky	 32 - 33
Wire rigs	 33
Catfish rigs	 34
Carp rigs	 35
Boilie rigs	 36 - 37
Feeder rigs	 38
Knotless rigs Lynx	 39 - 49
Hooks	 50 - 53
Swivel and snaps	 54 - 60
Tubes and beads	 61 - 62
Lead clip	 62
Ledger	63
Stoppers	63
Boilie stops	 64
Catfish floats	 65
Bells	66
Digital alarms	 67
Rod rests	 68 - 69
Tripods	70
Landing nets	 71 - 74
Keep nets	 75 - 77
Waders	79
Umbrellas	 80 - 81
Bivvy	 82 - 86
Sleeping bags	 87 - 88
Seats and chairs	 89 - 91
Bedchairs	 92 - 93
Holdalls	 94 - 95
Unhoking mat	 96
Boilie sack	 96
Accessory bags	 97
Polarized glasses	 98
Bite fish kettle	 99
Air pump	 99
Buckets	99
Versus boxes	 100 - 115
Meiho boxes and cases	 114 - 125
Tools	 126 - 128
Knifes	129
Scales	130
Lamps	130
Traper baits	 130
Groundbaits	 131 - 135
Groundbaits pellets	 136 - 137
Baits	 138 - 140
Additives, boosters	 141 - 144
Freeze-dried baits Dyna Bait	 145
Code		Item	 Capacity	 ratio	 Weight	 BB	 Unit	Note
SE4311420	 Balance RD 420	 195 m/0,20 mm	 5,5:1	 297 g	 4	 1 pcs
SE4311430	 Balance RD 430	 170m/0,30 mm	 5,2:1	 350 g	 4	 1 pcs
SE4311440	 Balance RD 440	 195 m/0,30 mm	 5,2:1	 363 g	 4	 1 pcs
SE4311450	 Balance RD 450	 275 m/0,35 mm	 5,2:1	 465 g	 4	 1 pcs
* 2 ball bearings
* sensitive rear drag
* large roller with Anti-twist system limiting line twist
* electronically balanced rotor and handle guaranteeing
perfect stability
* instant stop anti-reverse
* spare spool
Balance RD4
Balance RD2
* 4 ball bearings
* sensitive rear drag
* large roller with Anti-twist system limiting
line twist
* electronically balanced rotor and handle
guaranteeing perfect stability
* aluminium spool
* plastic spare spool
Code		Item	 Capacity	 ratio	 Weight	 BB	 Unit	Note
SE4311220	 Balance RD 220	 195 m/0,20 mm	 5,5:1	 269 g	 2	 1 pcs
SE4311230	 Balance RD 230	 170 m/0,30 mm	 5,2:1	 322 g	 2	 1 pcs
SE4311240	 Balance RD 240	 195 m/0,30 mm	 5,2:1	 335 g	 2	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3941390	 3,90 m	 3+4	 50-90 g	 137 cm	 268 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3943360	 3,60/3,30 m	 4+4	 50-90 g	 127 cm	 259 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3943390	 3,90/3,60 m	 4+4	 50-90 g	 137 cm	 287 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3940330	 3,30 m	 3+4	 30-70 g	 117 cm	 213 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3940360	 3,60 m	 3+4	 30-70 g	 127 cm	 244 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3940390	 3,90 m	 3+4	 30-70 g	 137 cm	 260 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3942360	 3,60 m	 3+4	 70-110 g	 127 cm	 272 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3942390	 3,90 m	 3+4	 70-110 g	 137 cm	 283 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Amnesia Feeder
Amnesia Feeder L
Amnesia Feeder H
Amnesia Feeder
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3903330	 3,30 m	 3+3	 70 g	 118 cm	 234 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
SE3903360	 3,60 m	 3+3	 70 g	 127 cm	 225 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Cartel Feeder Medium
Cartel Feeder Medium rods are intended for more universal use. It features carbon with reinforcing braiding, SiC guides
and a high-quality cork handle. It can be used for medium to long casts on both still and flowing waters. The rods are
composed of three parts with three feeder tips placed in a protective tube, which are universal. Replacement ones from
series SE3900 ... can also be purchased.
Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
feeder RODS
* Diameter under reel seat
Feeder fishing is very gentle and sensitive way of fishing with anglers maximum contact with the fish. However, it is
necessary that the angler has a quick and accurate strike. Have a possibility of a greater burden of feeding and keeping
the assembly in higher current. Amnesie were designed in collaboration with FEEDER Team, which won a nationwide
competition. Members of our winning team feeder caught on prototypes and gradually fine tuned to meet all their
requirements . Special attention was devoted to action and selection tips. For this reason, Amnesie are supplied with
4 types , where the finest works from 1/4 oz ( 7 g) ! Utilizing this rod is thus possible from still water to fast running
waters (Berounka). Lightweight rod blank that has a lot of power , then allows the use of the medium and long distances
. Especially length of 3.9 meters allows long distance accurate and confident strike. To the rods can be purchased tips
Emotion (1971 *** ES, ES 1981 *** 1982 *** ES).
Included feeder tips: 1/4oz, 1oz, 3oz, 4oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3913330	 3,30 m	 3+3	 80 g	 117 cm	 242 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Cartel Feeder Heavy
Cartel Feeder Heavy rods are intended for longer casts and more extreme use on waters with a strong current. High
Modulus Carbon, SiC guides and a high-quality cork handle were used to manufacture the blank. The rods are composed
of three parts with three feeder tips placed in a protective tube, which are universal. Replacement ones from series
SE3900 ... can also be purchased.
Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1oz, 2oz
feeder RODS
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3912330	 3,30 m	 3+3	 80 g	 117 cm	 242 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
SE3912360	 3,60 m	 3+3	 80 g	 127 cm	 262 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Cartel Special Feeder rods are manufactured for long-range casts and extreme use in
strong currents. High Modulus Carbon blank and SIC rings. High-quality cork handle.
These rods have three parts and three feeder ends fitted in a protective tube. The feeder
tips are universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range.
Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz, 2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3904330	 3,30 m	 3+3	 35-70 g	 117 cm	 327 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
In more economic Therapy rods - as well as in Amnesias - we followed requests of some
feeder anglers concerning rods with a harder action, which is necessary in running waters,
at long distance angling or in situations when fish is to be jammed and overcome quickly. It
is possible to purchase additional Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES).
Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3902360	 3,60 m	 3+3	 70 g	 118 cm	 226 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Z-Force Feeder rods have universal use thanks to the 70g action. These rods are
constructed of Carbon with a reinforced weave and fitted with SIC rings. The handle is
made of quality cork. This rod range can be used for medium-length casting in still water
or running water. The rods are three-piece, with three feeder ends that are universal and
they come with a protective tube. You can also buy spare feeder tips from our SE3900 ..
range. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3901300	 3,00m	 3+3	 50 g	 106 cm	 250 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3901330	 3,30m	 3+3	 50 g	 116 cm	 270 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
X-Force Feeder rods are designed mainly for short range work and for use of light and
fine fittings. These rods are available in a three-piece model with three feeder tips that are
universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range.
Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3918290	 2,90 m	 3+3	 40 g	 102 cm	 239 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3918320	 3,20 m	 3+3	 50 g	 112 cm	 247 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3918350	 3,50 m	 3+3	 50 g	 122 cm	 273 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Feeder rods are designed mainly for short range work and for use of light and
fine fittings. These rods are available in a three-piece model with three feeder tips that are
universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range.
Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
feeder RODS
* Diameter under reel seat
Cartel Special Feeder
Therapy Feeder
Z-Force Feeder
x-Force Feeder
Balance Feeder
feeder RODS
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
Basic Feeder L
SE3914300	 3,00 m	 3+2	 20-50 g	 106 cm	 250 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3914330	 3,30 m	 3+2	 20-50 g	 116 cm	 300 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Basic Feeder M
SE3915330	 3,30 m	 3+2	 30-70 g	 116 cm	 318 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
SE3915360	 3,60 m	 3+2	 30-70 g	 127 cm	 380 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
Basic Feeder H
SE3916330	 3,30 m	 3+2	 40-90 g	 116 cm	 355 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
SE3916360	 3,60 m	 3+2	 40-90 g	 127 cm	 401 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
Three sections feeder rod made from Multifibre material with two feeder tips that are
universal and you can buy spare tips from our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES.
Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1 1/2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3917270	 2,70 m	 2+2	 10-30 g	 140 cm	 243 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
SE3917300	 3,00 m	 2+2	 15-35 g	 154 cm	 274 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Two sections Picker with two feeder tips that are universal and you can buy spare tips from
our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES.
Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
Therapy Tele Feeder
SE3905330	 3,30 m	 5+3	 35-70 g	 95 cm	 294 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
SE3905360	 3,60 m	 5+3	 35-70 g	 95 cm	 300 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Therapy Tele Feeder H
SE3918330	 3,30 m	 5+3	 90 g	 98 cm	 292 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
SE3918360	 3,60 m	 5+3	 90 g	 99 cm	 326 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3906300	 3,00 m	 6+3	 10-40 g	 65 cm	 232 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3906330	 3,30 m	 6+3	 10-40 g	 73 cm	 277 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3906360	 3,60 m	 7+3	 10-40 g	 70 cm	 362 g	 3,5 cm	 1 pcs
This economic version of the feeder telescope is designed for beginners and opportune
anglers. Rods are suitable in stagnant or mildly running waters at short distances. The
place of angling can be additionally fed by hand. It is possible to purchase additional
Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES). Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
feeder RODS
* Diameter under reel seat
Basic Feeder
Basic Picker
Therapy Tele Feeder
Balance Tele Feeder
This rod is not dedicated to orthodox feeder anglers. It is made for those, who want to have their feeder rod together with other
telescopes. We tried to make a rod resembling dividers by both its action and behavior. We were successful. Throwing is simple; better
materials have provided less weight (on a very good level). This rod exactly answers at jamming and overcoming without vibrations. It is
possible to purchase additional Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES) tips. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz
feeder RODS
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
Basic Tele Feeder L
SE3909300	 3,00 m	 4+2	 50 g	 92 cm	 239 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3909330	 3,30 m	 5+2	 50 g	 92 cm	 266 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
Basic Tele Feeder M
SE3910330	 3,30 m	 5+2	 70 g	 92 cm	 283 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3910360	 3,60 m	 5+2	 70 g	 92 cm	 324 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
Basic Tele Feeder H
SE3911330	 3,30 m	 5+2	 90 g	 93 cm	 296 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3911360	 3,60 m	 5+2	 90 g	 94 cm	 349 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
Telescopic feeder rod made from Multifibre material with two feeder tips that are universal
and you can buy spare tips from our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES.
Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz
Code	Action	Plug dia.	 Length	 Color	 Unit	Note
SE3900007	 1/4 oz	 3,3 mm	 52cm	 white-red	 1 pcs
SE3900014	 1/2 oz	 3,3 mm	 52 cm	 white	 1 pcs
SE3900021	 3/4 oz	 3,3 mm	 52 cm	 orange	 1 pcs
SE3900028	 1 oz	 3,3 mm	 52 cm	 red	 1 pcs
SE3900042	 1 1/2 oz	 3,3 mm	 52 cm	 green	 1 pcs
SE3900056	 2 oz	 3,3 mm	 52 cm	 yellow	 1 pcs
Trade packaging: 5pcs
Force Feeder tips compatibility:
SE3918 *** 	 Balance Feeder
SE3901 *** 	 X-Force Feeder
SE3902 *** 	 Z-Force Feeder
SE3912 *** 	 Cartel Special Feeder
SE3903 *** 	 Cartel Feeder Medium
SE3913 *** 	 Cartel Feeder Heavy.
There is a description on the feeder tips, which
means minimal weight of empty feeder or leads
which you should use to be sure that tips will be
in balance with your montage E.g.: tip 1oz = 28 g
minimal weight.
Code	 Length	Diameter	Unit	Note
SE9210755	 55 cm	 20 mm	 1 pcs
SE9210770	 70 cm	 20 mm	 1 pcs
Trade packaging: 5pcs
Feeder tips TUBE
Feeder tips
Basic Tele Feeder
Emotion Feeder tips compatibility:
SE3940 *** 	 Amnesia Feeder L
SE3941 *** 	 Amnesia Feeder
SE3942 *** 	 Amnesia Feeder H
SE3943 *** 	 Amnesia Feeder Adjust
SE3904 *** 	 Therapy Feeder
SE3914 *** 	 Basic Feeder L
SE3915 *** 	 Basic Feeder M
SE3916 *** 	 Basic Feeder H
SE3917 ***	 Basic Picker
SE3905 *** 	 Therapy Tele Feeder
SE3918 *** 	 Therapy Tele Feeder H
SE3906 *** 	 Balance Tele Feeder
SE3909 *** 	 Basic Tele Feeder L
SE3910 *** 	 Basic Tele Feeder M
SE3911 *** 	 Basic Tele Feeder H
Code	Action	Plug dia.	 Length	 Color	 Unit	Note
1971007ES	 1/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 white-red	 1 pcs
1971014ES	 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 white	 1 pcs
1971021ES	 3/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 orange	 1 pcs
1971028ES	 1 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 red	 1 pcs
1971042ES	 1 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 green	 1 pcs
1971056ES	 2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 yellow	 1 pcs
Trade packaging: 5pcs
Code	Action	Plug dia.	 Length	 Color	 Unit	Note
1981007ES	 1/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 red	 1 pcs
1981014ES	 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 white	 1 pcs
1981021ES	 3/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 blue	 1 pcs
1981028ES	 1 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 orange	 1 pcs
1981042ES	 1 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 green	 1 pcs
1981056ES	 2 oz	 3,47 mm	 52 cm	 violet	 1 pcs
Trade packaging: 5pcs	
Emotion Carbon
Code	Action	Plug dia.	 Length	 Color	 Unit	Note
1982007ES	 1/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 red	 1 pcs
1982014ES	 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 white	 1 pcs
1982021ES	 3/4 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 blue	 1 pcs
1982028ES	 1 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 orange	 1 pcs
1982042ES	 1 1/2 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 green	 1 pcs
1982056ES	 2 oz	 3,47 mm	 64 cm	 violet	 1 pcs
Trade packaging: 5pcs
Emotion SH
Feeder tips
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3710362	 3,60 m	 7	 2,75 lbs	 102 cm	 399 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3710363	 3,60 m	 7	 3,00 lbs	 104 cm	 411 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3710393	 3,90 m	 7	 3,00 lbs	 103 cm	 444 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3710395	 3,90 m	 7	 3,50 lbs	 106 cm	 456 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Therapy Tele Carp
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3709363	 3,60 m	 7	 3,00 lbs	 91 cm	 361 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3709393	 3,90 m	 7	 3,00 lbs	 91 cm	 380 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3709395	 3,90 m	 7	 3,50 lbs	 91 cm	 380 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
Cartel Tele Carp
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3711363	 3,60 m	 7	 3,00 lbs	 91 cm	 377 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3715331	 3,30 m	 5	 2,50 lbs	 93 cm	 255 g	 2,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715332	 3,30 m	 5	 2,75 lbs	 93 cm	 323 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715333	 3,30 m	 5	 3,00 lbs	 93 cm	 349 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715361	 3,60 m	 6	 2,50 lbs	 93 cm	 362 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715362	 3,60 m	 6	 2,75 lbs	 93 cm	 372 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715363	 3,60 m	 6	 3,00 lbs	 93 cm	 445 g	 2,5 cm	 1 pcs
SE3715393	 3,90 m	 6	 3,00 lbs	 93 cm	 456 g	 2,6 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Tele Carp
Carp rods
* Diameter under reel seat
Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry
divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very
sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to
control them very quickly.
Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry
divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very
sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to
control them very quickly.
Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry
divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very
sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to
control them very quickly.
Telescopic Carp rods from High Modulus Carbon Crossed Multifibre material. The combination of both material makes
rod with excelent features for reasonable price. Rod is with SiC guides, EVA handle up and down of reel seat and bottom is
with antisliding rubber finish.
Carp rods
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3610210	 2,10 m	 2	 300 g	 112 cm	 629 g	 2,1 cm	 1 pcs
SE3610240	 2,40 m	 2	 300 g	 126 cm	 728 g	 3,1 cm	 1 pcs
Raptor Unlimited 300
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3620210	 2,10 m	 2	 500 g	 112 cm	 789 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3620240	 2,40 m	 2	 500 g	 126 cm	 946 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
Raptor Unlimited 500
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3609210	 2,10 m	 2	 300 g	 113 cm	 398 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3609240	 2,40 m	 2	 300 g	 127 cm	 483 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3609270	 2,70 m	 2	 300 g	 144 cm	 557 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Boat 300
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3619210	 2,10 m	 2	 500 g	 113 cm	 568 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3619240	 2,40 m	 2	 500 g	 127 cm	 696 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Boat 500
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3621210	 2,10 m	 2	 500 g	 112 cm	 720 g	 3,1 cm	 1 pcs
SE3621240	 2,40 m	 2	 500 g	 125 cm	 851 g	 3,1 cm	 1 pcs
Raptor Unlimited 500 E
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3622210	 2,10 m	 2	 500 g	 113 cm	 530 g	 3,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3622240	 2,40 m	 2	 500 g	 131 cm	 684 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3622270	 2,70 m	 2	 500 g	 146 cm	 782 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Boat G 500
Sea and catfish rods
* Diameter under reel seat
Raptor Unlimited rods are designed for extreme sea fishing. They can also be used when fishing for catfish. The blank
is manufactured of full fibreglass, ensuring extreme solidity and shock resistance and rough-handling resistance. The
rod pieces are connected with a metal screw joint with blocking. The butt end is fitted with an adaptor for the Butt Pad
underneath the rubber cap. The 500 models are fitted with massive double bells (instead of rings) allowing the use of the
reel in both the top and low positions.
The increasingly popular fishing in the Norwegian fjords has required the manufacture of the Balance Boat 500g and 300g.
These rods, unlike the Raptor range, are made of hollow fibreglass so they are not heavy and they have one extra recessed
EVA handle that helps when playing big fish from extreme depths. The Balance Boat 300 is fitted with braced rings and the
Balance 500g is fitted with double bells, which replace the top and low rings.
Sea and catfish rods
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3922450	 4,50 m	 8	 5-30 g	 88 cm	 250 g	 2,1 cm	 1 pcs
Zephyr Emotion
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3921400	 4,00 m	 8	 5-25 g	 80 cm	 240 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Zephyr BlueSky
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3931300	 3,00 m	 3	 20 g	 121 cm	 155 g	 1,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3931400	 4,00 m	 4	 20 g	 121 cm	 248 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3931500	 5,00 m	 5	 20 g	 121 cm	 390 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
Basic 20
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3930300	 3,00 m	 3		 115 cm	 136 g	 2,0 cm	 1 pcs
SE3930400	 4,00 m	 4		 115 cm	 238 g	 2,5 cm	 1 pcs
SE3930500	 5,00 m	 5		 115 cm	 337 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3930600	 6,00 m	 6		 115 cm	 524 g	 3,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3930700	 7,00 m	 7		 115 cm	 627 g	 3,5 cm	 1 pcs
Bič Basic
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3701165	 1,65 m	 5	 5-15 g	 54 cm	 135 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
SE3702210	 2,10 m	 6	 20-40 g	 58 cm	 173 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3702240	 2,40 m	 6	 25-50 g	 64 cm	 200 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
SE3702270	 2,70 m	 6	 30-60 g	 64 cm	 210 g	 2,9 cm	 1 pcs
Balance Tele Spin
Match rods
* Diameter under reel seat
Zephyr Emotion carbon rods are designed for every angler. Almost every angler sometimes needs a float fishing rod to fish
for bait fish, or simply just to try out a light rod. Zephyr Emotion rods are light-weight thanks to the simple, easy-fasten
spool. The handle is only a blank with anti-skid design. Light-weight long legged SIC rings keep the line off the rod body.
The blank is High Modulus Carbon. The transport length, similar to Zephyr BlueSky model, is very short with respect to
the designation and total rod length.
Zephyr BlueSky carbon rods are designed for every angler. Almost every angler sometimes needs a float fishing rod to fish
for bait fish, or simply just to try out a light rod. The Zephyr BlueSky is equipped with a light EVA handle and an elegant
holding reel. Light-weight, long-eyelet SIC rings keep the line off the rod body. The blank is High Modulus Carbon. The
transport length, with respect to the designation and total rod length, is very short.
Series of basic match rods is intended for young und beginning anglers for bait fish in lengths 3 - 5 m.
Series of basic match poles is intended for young und beginning anglers or to fish for bait fish in lengths 3 - 7 m. These
rods have ring for leaders on the rod tip.
Balance Tele Spin rods are equipped with an EVA handle in cork colour, light-weight SIC rings with a large diameter and
a fibreglass blank. Young and undemanding, beginning anglers in particular will be pleased with the quality construction,
modern design and very favourable Price/Unit.
Match rods
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3816300	 3,00 m	 6	 60-120 g	 91 cm	 321 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3816330	 3,30 m	 6	 60-120 g	 91 cm	 334 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3816360	 3,60 m	 7	 60-120 g	 92 cm	 412 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Therapy 120
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3817360	 3,60 m	 7	 80-150 g	 92 cm	 426 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
Therapy 150
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3705270	 2,70 m	 5	 30-60 g	 87 cm	 282 g	 2,3 cm	 1 pcs
SE3705360	 3,60 m	 6	 30-60 g	 88 cm	 440 g	 2,7 cm	 1 pcs
Balance 60
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3706270	 2,70 m	 5	 40-80 g	 86 cm	 308 g	 2,5 cm	 1 pcs
SE3706300	 3,00 m	 5	 40-80 g	 87 cm	 324 g	 2,5 cm	 1 pcs
Balance 80
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3712240	 2,40 m	 5	 30-50 g	 91 cm	 250 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3712270	 2,70 m	 5	 30-50 g	 96 cm	 280 g	 2,2 cm	 1 pcs
SE3712300	 3,00 m	 5	 30-50 g	 96 cm	 300 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
Z Force 50
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3713300	 3,00 m	 5	 40-70 g	 96 cm	 310 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3713330	 3,30 m	 6	 40-70 g	 103 cm	 410 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
Z Force 70
Code	 Length	Sections	Action	Tr.length	 Weight	Dia *	 Unit	Note
SE3714300	 3,00 m	 5	 50-90 g	 96 cm	 330 g	 2,4 cm	 1 pcs
SE3714330	 3,30 m	 6	 50-90 g	 103 cm	 460 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
SE3714360	 3,60 m	 6	 50-90 g	 103 cm	 480 g	 2,8 cm	 1 pcs
Z Force 90
Telescopic rods
* Diameter under reel seat
Rods called Therapy 120 and 150 are natural successors of the Cartel serie. The serie 120 is optimal for medium waters
and the serie 150 is ideal for long distances. Rods have been modernized; they have a short transporting length, a very
pleasant, durable and easily maintainable grip, as well as lite rings of large inner diameters. The first ring is situated
in the optimum distance of 90cm (from the reel); this minimizes the hair friction and elongates throwing distances. The
terminal ring is folded over the mounting – this protects a hair from damages at pulling.
Fiberglass rods (60 / 80g) in lengths 2,7 – 3,6m are to satisfy most of not ambitious anglers, who hunt on creeks, pools,
ponds and other freshwaters of a less area. Rods have a very short transporting length; their rings (without plastic lining)
are well positioned, having large inner diameters and a pleasant look. This all is enhanced by a cork handle – in this class
of rods it means a solution above standards.
General fishing rods in a camo version, with a very comfortable wrap and firm guides.
Telescopic rods
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1650025	 2,5 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650028	 2,8 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650030	 3,0 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650032	 3,2 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650035	 3,5 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650038	 3,8 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650040	 4,0 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650045	 4,5 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650050	 5,0 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650055	 5,5 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650060	 6,0 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650065	 6,5 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650070	 7,0 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650075	 7,5 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650080	 8,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650085	 8,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650090	 9,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650095	 9,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650100	 10,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650105	 10,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650110	 11,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650115	 11,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
Universal telescopic rings are suitable
for almost all kinds of rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Plastic brasque colour: wine red.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging: 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1650120	 12,0 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650125	 12,5 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650130	 13,0 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650135	 13,5 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650140	 14,0 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650145	 14,5 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650150	 15,0 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650155	 15,5 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650160	 16,0 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650165	 16,5 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650170	 17,0 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650175	 17,5 mm	 15,3 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650180	 18,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650185	 18,5 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650190	 19,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650195	 19,5 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650200	 20,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650210	 21,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650220	 22,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650230	 23,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650240	 24,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1650250	 25,0 mm	 20,5 mm	 1 pcs
SIC ring
Universal telescopic SIC rings are
suitable for almost all kinds of rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging: 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1660025	 2,5 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660028	 2,8 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660030	 3,0 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660032	 3,2 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660035	 3,5 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660038	 3,8 mm	 5,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660040	 4,0 mm	 6,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660045	 4,5 mm	 6,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660050	 5,0 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660055	 5,5 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660060	 6,0 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660065	 6,5 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660070	 7,0 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660075	 7,5 mm	 7,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660080	 8,0 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660085	 8,5 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660090	 9,0 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660095	 9,5 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660100	 10,0 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660110	 11,0 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660115	 11,5 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660120	 12,0 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660125	 12,5 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660130	 13,0 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660135	 13,5 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1660140	 14,0 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660145	 14,5 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660150	 15,0 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660155	 15,5 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660160	 16,0 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660165	 16,5 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660170	 17,0 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660175	 17,5 mm	 17,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660180	 18,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660185	 18,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660190	 19,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660195	 19,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660200	 20,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660205	 20,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660210	 21,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660215	 21,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660220	 22,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660225	 22,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660230	 23,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660235	 23,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660240	 24,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660245	 24,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660250	 25,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660255	 25,5 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1660260	 26,0 mm	 23,1 mm	 1 pcs
Rod rings
Code	 	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1655008		 8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655010		 10 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655012		 12 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655016		 16 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655020		 20 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655025		 25 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655030		 30 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655040		 40 mm	 1 pcs
SE1655050		 50 mm	 1 pcs
Intermediate rings
* Sleeve black, ceramics black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
SIC end rings
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1661014	 1,4 mm	 3,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661016	 1,6 mm	 3,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661018	 1,8 mm	 3,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661020	 2,0 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661022	 2,2 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661024	 2,4 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661026	 2,6 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661028	 2,8 mm	 6,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661030	 3,0 mm	 6,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661036	 3,6 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661038	 3,8 mm	 10,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661040	 4,0 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661042	 4,2 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1661045	 4,5 mm	 13,7 mm	 1 pcs
SIC end rings are suitable for majority
of rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1668010	 1,0 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668015	 1,5 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668020	 2,0 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668025	 2,5 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668120	 2,0 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668125	 2,5 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668130	 3,0 mm	 5,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668225	 2,5 mm	 6,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668230	 3,0 mm	 6,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668235	 3,5 mm	 6,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668240	 4,0 mm	 6,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668245	 4,5 mm	 6,7 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668330	 3,0 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668335	 3,5 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668340	 4,0 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668345	 4,5 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668350	 5,0 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1668355	 5,5 mm	 8,8 mm	 1 pcs
SIC carp end rings
SIC carp end rings with ceramics bend
over the sleeve are suitable for majority
of rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1662090	 0,9 mm	 4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1662100	 1,00 mm	 4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1662105	 1,05 mm	 4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1662110	 1,10 mm	 4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1662120	 1,20 mm	 4 mm	 1 pcs
Feeder tips
end rings
SIC feeder tips end rings are suitable for
majority of match and feeder rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1656020	 2,0 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656022	 2,2 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656024	 2,4 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656026	 2,6 mm	 4,4 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656028	 2,8 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656030	 3,0 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656032	 3,2 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656035	 3,5 mm	 5,5 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656040	 4,0 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656045	 4,5 mm	 6,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656050	 5,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656055	 5,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656060	 6,0 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656065	 6,5 mm	 8,9 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656070	 7,0 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
SE1656075	 7,5 mm	 11,8 mm	 1 pcs
End rings
Universal rod end rings with various
diameters are suitable for majority
kinds of tips.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Plastic brasque colour: wine red.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Code	Tube dia.	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1665012	 1,2 mm	 2,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1665014	 1,4 mm	 2,0 mm	 1 pcs
SE1665016	 1,6 mm	 2,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1665018	 1,8 mm	 2,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1665020	 2,0 mm	 2,6 mm	 1 pcs
SE1665022	 2,2 mm	 2,6 mm	 1 pcs
SIC match end rings
SIC match end rings are suitable for
majority of match and feeder rods.
* Sleeve colour: black.
* Ceramics colour: black.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Rod rings
Code 	Ring dia.	 Unit	Note
SE1675041	 4,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1675051	 5,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1675061	 6,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1675071	 7,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1675081	 8,1 mm	 1 pcs
SE1675091	 9,1 mm	 1 pcs
Roller end rings
Roller end rings are suitable for trolling
and boat rods. Colour: glossy chrome.
* Trade packaging 5pc
Plate reel seat
Code	 Length	Unit	Note
SE1713014	 10 cm	 1 pcs
SE1713018	 12 cm	 1 pcs
Plate reel seat
Code	 Length	Unit	Note
SE1713214	 10 cm	 1 pcs
SE1713218	 12 cm	 1 pcs
Rod rings
Black plate reel seat, which can be used to repair the old rod or the pole,
which subsequently can be set up with rings.
Silver plate reel seat which can be used to repair the old rod or the pole,
which subsequently can be set up with rings.
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2411020ES	 20 lbs	 9,1 kg	 20 m
2411025ES	 25 lbs	 11,4 kg	 20 m
A fine sinking braid twisted of Dyneema
and polyester fibres with none stretch,
good abrasion resistance and very
high knot strength. The braid is green
combined with the black color. Its hollow
braiding enables knot-free stitching by
means of needle and thus creation of a
wide scale of various hook links.
* Color: green-black
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2410020ES	 20 lbs	 9,1 kg	 20 m
2410030ES	 30 lbs	 13,6 kg	 20 m
A super fast sinking braid twisted of
Dyneema and hydrogen-fluoride fibres
(without lead) with high strength,
suppleness and good abrasion
resistance. This braid spreads exactly on
a bottom, stays under bait and has good
camouflage colouring.
* Color: black-yellow-green
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2412020ES	 20 lbs	 9,1 kg	 20 m
2412025ES	 25 lbs	 11,4 kg	 20 m
A fast sinking Dyneema braid, extremely
fine and soft with very good abrasion
resistance, in the brown-green color,
intended for hook links creation. Its
properties enable that the bait can
naturally blend with the surroundings.
* Color: brown-green
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2413025ES	 25 lbs	 11,4 kg	 20 m
2413030ES	 30 lbs	 13,6 kg	 20 m
A floatable Dyneema braid is of the
green color combined of two shades.
It is very fine and supple, with high
abrasion resistance, intended for hook
links creation during fishing on indented
stony and grassy terrain.
* Color: green-white
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2414020ES	 20 lbs	 9,1 kg	 20 m
2414030ES	 30 lbs	 13,6 kg	 20 m
A fast sinking Dyneema braid with
its silky softness enables natural
movement of the bait. It has very high
abrasion resistance and it fits especially
to sandy or stony and grassy bottom. It
is of clay grey color.
* Color: black-white
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2415025ES	 25 lbs	 11,4 kg	 20 m
2415035ES	 35 lbs	 15,9 kg	 20 m
Extremely hard line from polyester
and Dyneema fibres, it shelters inside
lead core. It is ideal for creation of
combination with using floating or
floatable bait. It is possible to take
out and set the place for move of bait.
Its hollow braiding enables knot-free
stitching by means of needle and thus
creation of wide scale of various hook
* Color: brown
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2416150ES	 150 lbs	 68,0 kg	 20 m
2416200ES	 200 lbs	 91,0 kg	 20 m
A super strong braid is intended for
Catfish rigs. Despite of its high strenth
Wonderbraid Catfish is very fine and
silky soft and for these quality it acts
naturally in water.
* Color: darkly green
* Capacity: 20m Trade packaging: 10
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2417010ES	 10 lbs	 4,5 kg	 20 m
2417015ES	 15 lbs	 7,0 kg	 20 m
A super strong very fine braid with none
stretch and good abrasion resistance in
the green colour is intended for feeder
* Color: green
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2418010ES	 10 lbs	 4,5 kg	 20 m
2418020ES	 20 lbs	 9,1 kg	 20 m
2418035ES	 35 lbs	 15,9 kg	 20 m
2418045ES	 45 lbs	 20,4 kg	 20 m
2418055ES	 55 lbs	 24,9 kg	 20 m
2418065ES	 65 lbs	 29,5 kg	 20 m
Sinking braided line with black-white
* Color: black-white
* Capacity: 20m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
WonderbraiD Shock & Heavy shock
Polyester and Dyneema fibres were used during the production. This combination ensures its sinking, high resistance,
abrasion resistance and any dilatability and shape remember. It is ideal like a casting braid or for making of shock rigs.
You can use it as well as for trolling and for making of various rigs.
Shock: green-yellow
HeavyShock: black-white
Capacity: 50m
Trade packaging: 10 spools (500m)
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2400025ES	 25 lbs	 11,4 kg	 50 m
2400030ES	 30 lbs	 13,6 kg	 50 m
2400035ES	 35 lbs	 15,9 kg	 50 m
2400040ES	 40 lbs	 18,2 kg	 50 m
Code	 LBS	 KG	 Unit	Note
2401030ES	 30 lbs	 13,6 kg	 50 m
2401035ES	 35 lbs	 15,9 kg	 50 m
2401040ES	 40 lbs	 18,2 kg	 50 m
Heavy Shock
Code	Diameter	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE2821016	 0,16 mm	 3,2 kg	 100 m
SE2821018	 0,18 mm	 4,0 kg	 100 m
SE2821020	 0,20 mm	 4,7 kg	 100 m
SE2821022	 0,22 mm	 6,1 kg	 100 m
SE2821025	 0,25 mm	 6,9 kg	 100 m
SE2821028	 0,28 mm	 8,6 kg	 100 m
SE2821030	 0,30 mm	 9,7 kg	 100 m
SE2821035	 0,35 mm	 14,9 kg	 100 m
SE2821040	 0,40 mm	 18,6 kg	 100 m
SE2821050	 0,50 mm	 27,4 kg	 100 m
SE2821060	 0,60 mm	 38,5 kg	 100 m
Supron Carp
Supron Carp is in the brown colour. The brown colour in diameters 0,22-0,35
mm is very popular colour for carp fishing, because carps are most often
fish on the places with a muddy bottoms. Diameters 0,32-0,60 mm enable
fish as well as predators (catfishes, pikes and zanders) on the similar places.
Diameters 0,16-0,25 mm are suitable for float fishing and spinning. Lines are
continuously wound on 100 m spools so that everyone can take only as many
as meters they need.
* Color: brown
* Capacity: 100m
* Trade packaging: 5 spools (500m)
Code	Diameter	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE2830016	 0,16 mm	 2,9 kg	 100 m
SE2830018	 0,18 mm	 3,7 kg	 100 m
SE2830020	 0,20 mm	 5,1 kg	 100 m
SE2830025	 0,25 mm	 7,0 kg	 100 m
SE2830030	 0,30 mm	 8,7 kg	 100 m
SE2830035	 0,35 mm	 10,9 kg	 100 m
SE2830040	 0,40 mm	 12,7 kg	 100 m
Supron Evo Fluorocarbon
Supron EVO Camo line is our hot newcomer. It has the same structure and
diameters as Supron EVO Carp, only in different colours. There are only a
few places where the bottom is one colour. Most of the time, the bottom is
a combination of mud, sand, water vegetation, gravel etc. This is why we
now offer the lines in three basic camouflages. The first is a combination of
brown and green. This is the most common colour combination of a muddy
bottom with water vegetation, with both fresh green plants and rotten brown
stems. The second camouflage is red and black. At first glance, this colour
combination might seem illogical, but we know that outside the colour
spectrum, red is the first to disappear in a water column with diminishing
sunlight, i.e. at greater depths. This colour combination is therefore ideal for
depths of more than 2 m, where the line will be invisible to fish.
* Capacity: 600m
* Trade packaging: 6 spools
green/brown	Red/Black	Diameter	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE2841022	 SE2843022	 0,22 mm	 6,1 kg	 600 m
SE2841025	 SE2843025	 0,25 mm	 6,9 kg	 600 m
SE2841028	 SE2843028	 0,28 mm	 8,6 kg	 600 m
SE2841030	 SE2843030	 0,30 mm	 9,7 kg	 600 m
SE2841032	 SE2843032	 0,32 mm	 11,4 kg	 600 m
SE2841035	 SE2843035	 0,35 mm	 14,9 kg	 600 m
Supron EVO Camo
Supron EVO Camo line is our hot newcomer. It has the same structure and diameters as Supron EVO Carp, only in different colours.
There are only a few places where the bottom is one colour. Most of the time, the bottom is a combination of mud, sand, water vegetation,
gravel etc. This is why we now offer the lines in three basic camouflages. The first is a combination of brown and green. This is the most
common colour combination of a muddy bottom with water vegetation, with both fresh green plants and rotten brown stems. The second
camouflage is red and black. At first glance, this colour combination might seem illogical, but we know that outside the colour spectrum,
red is the first to disappear in a water column with diminishing sunlight, i.e. at greater depths. This colour combination is therefore ideal
for depths of more than 2 m, where the line will be invisible to fish.
* Capacity: 600m
* Trade packaging: 6 spools
Supron EVO Feeder
Feeder is very specific way of fishing that requires specific equipment, including lines. Semax Feeder lines fully conform to these
requirements. The structure of 300 m is sufficient for most feeder reels. Diameters ranging from 0.16 to 0.22 mm also satisfy all fans of
this brilliant fishing technique. The lines are stronger, allowing more direct contact with the fish and a more certain catch. We offer a red
colour which is the first colour in the colour spectrum to disappear in a water column and thus the line becomes invisible to fish.
* Color: red
* Capacity: 300m
* Trade packaging: 6 spools
Code	Diameter	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE2849016	 0,16 mm	 3,2 kg	 300 m
SE2849018	 0,18 mm	 4,0 kg	 300 m
SE2849020	 0,20 mm	 4,7 kg	 300 m
SE2849022	 0,22 mm	 6,1 kg	 300 m
green / brown red / black
Fluo-yellow	Brown	Diameter	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE2844022	 SE2846022	 0,22 mm	 6,1 kg	 600 m
SE2844025	 SE2846025	 0,25 mm	 6,9 kg	 600 m
SE2844028	 SE2846028	 0,28 mm	 8,6 kg	 600 m
SE2844030	 SE2846030	 0,30 mm	 9,7 kg	 600 m
SE2844032	 SE2846032	 0,32 mm	 11,4 kg	 600 m
SE2844035	 SE2846035	 0,35 mm	 14,9 kg	 600 m
Supron EVO Carp
Carp angling requires specific equipment. So does the line. The Supron EVO Carp line is available spooled in a 600m length that is
sufficient for high-capacity reels used for this type of angling. We offer a range of dimensions suitable for all specific techniques used
for carp angling. Choose from the 0.22 mm, ideal for 2-2.5 lbs rods, to to the 0.35 mm, suitable for long distance casting with heavy bait.
We selected the colours very carefully and thus we offer fluorescent yellow for those who want to have constant control over the direction
of the line, i.e. where the fish swims when being played. Brown, the most popular colour for carp anglers, blends with the bottom where
carp occur most frequently.
* Capacity: 600m
* Trade packaging: 6 spools
Semax Feeder Elastic
Feeder Elastic is an important moderating element for feeder rigs. Thanks to Feeder Elastic can be tie up also harder feeders to thinner
* Color: transparent
* Capacity: 10m
* Trade packaging: 10 spools
Code	Diameter	MJ		Note
SE2001080	 0,80 mm	 10 m
SE2001100	 1,00 mm	 10 m
SE2001130	 1,30 mm	 10 m
fluo-yellow brown
PVA string
Dissolvable line used for the distribution of bait close
to the hook. Simply string the bait on the line and place
on the hook. As soon as the line reaches the bottom, it
dissolves, leaving the bait lying free by the hook.
Code	Solubility	Brand	 Length	Note
2900110ES	 15 s	 Suretti	 50 m
2900120ES	 30 s	 Suretti	 20 m
2900130ES	 50 s	 Suretti	 20 m
SE2900110	 15 s	 Sema	 50 m
SE2900130	 50 s	 Sema	 20 m
PVA bag
This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait
in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble
strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom;
the bait then lies at the hook.
Code	 Width	 Length	Unit	Note
2900310ES	 70 mm	 200 mm	 10 pcs
2900320ES	 100 mm	 150 mm	 10 pcs
PVA bag perforated
This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait
in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble
strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom;
the bait then lies at the hook.
This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait
in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble
strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom;
the bait then lies at the hook.
Code	 Width	 Length	Unit	Note
2900330ES	 60 mm	 150 mm	 10 pcs
2900340ES	 70 mm	 190 mm	 10 pcs
* Pour dry, loose bait, such as pellets or crushed boilies, into a bag. Fill more than half the bag.
* Place a weight in one side of the bag and the hook with the bait in the other.
* Fill up the rest of the bag with bait in an amount so that you will be able to close and tie it.
* Roll the bag between your palms into a ball and tie the top with PVA tape.
* Turn the bag upside down, pour the mix out of the corners, wet the corners and stick them to the bottom of the bag to
prevent resistance when casting.
PVA tape
PVA strip necessary to tie PVA bags and mesh tubes.
Code	 Width	 Brand	 Length	Note
2900230ES	 3 mm	 Suretti	 5 m
SE2900230	 3 mm	 Sema	 5 m
PVA mesh tube
This soluble mesh tube enables distributing a larger amount of the bait in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble strings,
the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom; the bait then freely lies at the hook.
Code	 Width	 Length	Unit	Note
2900410ES	 25 mm	 5 m	 1 pcs
2900420ES	 37 mm	 5 m	 1 pcs
* Tie the nylon at the bottom part. You can make a knot
directly on the nylon, or use PVA tape.
* Pour the required amount of dry bait into a tube.
* Stuff the bait from the tube into the nylon.
* Tie the nylon above the bait. Again, you can make a knot
directly on the nylon, or simply use PVA tape. Cut the
nylon just above the knot.
* Now you are ready to bait your fishing area.
PVA mesh tube on spool
Code	 Width	 Length	Unit	Note
2900411ES	 25 mm	 5 m	 1 spool
2900421ES	 37 mm	 5 m	 1 spool
Nickel-Titanium leader
Code	 B/S	 Length	 Unit	Note
K2K015061	 6,8 kg	 15 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
K2K015121	 6,8 kg	 30 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
K2K030061	 13,6 kg	 15 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
K2K030121	 13,6 kg	 30 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
K2K100121	 45,4 kg	 30 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
K2K100181	 45,4 kg	 46 cm	 1 ks	 CZ *
Návazec je vyrobený z Nickel-Titanium
lanka, které je velmi elastické, při 80%
zatížení se prodlouží o 10 až 15%. Lanko má
velkou tvarovou paměť, takže se nekudrnatí,
je stále rovné a výborně vede nástrahu.
Protože neobsahuje železo, nekoroduje,
je velmi odolné a vydrží déle než obyčejné
lanko. Mořská karabinka má dvojí zámek
proti otevření, takže i po jejím přetížení
nedojde ke ztrátě ryby a ze stejného
důvodu je ložiskový obratlík osazený dvěma
svařenými kroužky. Očka na lanku jsou
potažena smršťovací hadičkou, aby při
použití došlo k minimálnímu opotřebení.
Nickel - Titanium wire 7×1
Code	 B/S	Unit	Note
K2KNT1X700610	 2,7 kg	 3 m	 CZ *
K2KNT1X701210	 5,4 kg	 3 m	 CZ *
K2KNT1X701810	 8,2 kg	 3 m	 CZ *
K2KNT1X702510	 11,3 kg	 3 m	 CZ *
Nickel - Titanium wire single
Code	 B/S	Unit	Note
K2KNT00715C	 2,7 kg	 4,6 m	 CZ *
K2KNT00815C	 5,4 kg	 4,6 m	 CZ *
K2KNT00915C	 8,2 kg	 4,6 m	 CZ *
K2KNT01015C	 11,3 kg	 4,6 m	 CZ *
K2KNT02615C	 45,4 kg	 4,6 m	 CZ *
Ni-Ti wire Knot2Kinky
* Ni-Ti lanka jsou velmi elastická, při 80%
zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%.
* Přestože jsou kovová, mají shock
absorber efekt.
* Díky jejich elastičnosti je lze jednoduše
* Mají velkou tvarovou paměť, takže jsou
stále rovné a výborně vedou nástrahu.
* Neobsahují železo, nekorodují.
* Jsou velmi odolná, vydrží déle než
obyčejné lanko.
* Ni-Ti lanka jsou velmi elastická, při 80%
zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%.
* Přestože jsou kovová, mají shock
absorber efekt.
* Díky jejich elastičnosti je lze jednoduše
* Mají velkou tvarovou paměť, takže jsou
stále rovné a výborně vedou nástrahu.
* Neobsahují železo, nekorodují.
* Jsou velmi odolná, vydrží déle než
obyčejné lanko.
* Only Czech Market
Wire rigs
Wolfram leader
Code	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8112121	 15 cm	 10 kg	 2 ks
SE8112122	 25 cm	 10 kg	 2 ks
SE8112123	 35 cm	 10 kg	 2 ks
A very fine wire for predatory fish
braided from fibres made of very strong
tungsten steel. Suitable as a leader for
large and cautious predators. The wire
offers minimal resistance and is almost
unnoticeable to the fish.
Wire leader
at the card
Code	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8112001	 30-30-30 cm	 9-12-15 kg	 24+24+24 ks
SE8112002	 15-21-30 cm	 9-12-15 kg	 24+24+24 ks
A wire leader with braided eyes on both sides is made of
coated braided steel wire 7x1. Trade packaging: 10bag
Trade packaging: 10bag
Catfish rigs
A universal rig for wels catfish with a single hook and treble
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8121021	 100 cm	 100 kg	 4/0 + 6/0	 1 pcs
SE8121022	 100 cm	 100 kg	 6/0 + 8/0	 1 pcs
67 cm / 100 kg 33 cm / 100 kg
4/0 - 6/0 6/0 - 8/0
Underwater Float
A universal rig for wels catfish with a single hook, treble hook
and underwater float. The underwater float buoys the line above
the baitfish, thus limiting the possibility of the terminal tackle
becoming tangled.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8121031	 180 cm	 100 kg	 4/0 + 6/0	 1 pcs
SE8121032	 180 cm	 100 kg	 6/0 + 8/0	 1 pcs
157 cm / 100 kg 23 cm / 100 kg
11 cm 4/0 - 6/0 6/0 - 8/0
A special rig for wels catfish with a single hook and two treble
hooks. The rig makes it possible to bait a large baitfish for
specimen catfish.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8121041	 110 cm	 100 kg	 4/0 + 6/0	 1 pcs
SE8121042	 110 cm	 100 kg	 6/0 + 8/0	 1 pcs
62 cm / 100 kg
4/0 - 6/0
23 cm / 100 kg 25 cm / 100 kg
6/0 - 8/0 6/0 - 8/0
Carp rigs
Double rig
A very popular carp rig after the feeder. Thanks to its short
length, after a cast the hook with the bait are exactly at the place
of the feed spilled from the feeder. Fish sucking in the feed
will then suck in the hook with the bait as well. This leader is
analogous to „srkačka” (a terminal wire feeder with a hook on
both ends of it) but in the event that the rig is torn off, the fish
does not drag the entire feeder but only the hooks which will fall
out of it in the course of time.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8122016	 8 cm	 11,4 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8122015	 8 cm	 11,4 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8122014	 8 cm	 11,4 kg	 2	 2 pcs
5 cm / 11,4 kg 3 cm / 11,4 kg
size 1/0 - 1 - 2 size 1/0 - 1 - 2
End rig
A terminal double rig that is fastened to the terminal line, and
a sinker or feeder is hung on the end. The leader is designed in
such a way to prevent the leaders with hooks from tangling on
the central line. It is used mainly where fish bite very subtly, on a
muddy or weedy bottom.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8122026	 20 cm	 11,4 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
9 cm / 11,4 kg 9 cm / 11,4 kg22 cm / 11,4 kg
10 cm 10 cm
Evolution Vamp
A boilie leader suitable for both classic and floating types of
boilies. It is fastened to a Vamp line with black-and-white
camouflage and with an extra hook developed for carp fishing.
The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A fast sinking
Dyneema braid with its silky softness enables natural movement
of the bait. It has very high abrasion resistance and it fits
especially to sandy or stony and grassy bottom.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123036	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123035	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123034	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 2	 2 pcs
size 8 28 cm Vamp / 11,4 kg 4,5 cm
size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Specialist Invisible
A boilie leader suitable for most types of boilies. It is fastened to
an Invisible line with a black-and-yellow camouflage and with an
Iseama-type hook. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip.
A super fast sinking braid twisted of Dyneema and hydrogen-
fluoride fibres (without lead) with high strength, suppleness
and good abrasion resistance. This braid spreads exactly on a
bottom, stays under bait and has good camouflage colouring.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123026	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123025	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123024	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 2	 2 pcs
size 8 28 cm Invisible / 13,6 kg 4,5 cm
size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Specialist Vamp
A boilie leader suitable for most types of boilies. It is fastened
to a Vamp line with black-and-white camouflage and with
an Iseama-type hook. The size of the swivel is chosen for
lead clip. A fast sinking Dyneema braid with its silky softness
enables natural movement of the bait. It has very high abrasion
resistance and it fits especially to sandy or stony and grassy
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123016	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123015	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123014	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 2	 2 pcs
size 8 28 cm Vamp / 11,4 kg 4,5 cm
size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Boilie rigs
Weed Phantom
A boilie leader suitable for stretches with a dense stand of
aquatic grasses or with a muddy bottom. It is fastened to a
strong monofilament line and Phantom line with green-and-
white camouflage and with a China hook. The size of the swivel
is chosen for lead clip. A floatable Dyneema braid is of the green
color combined of two shades. It is very fine and supple, with
high abrasion resistance, intended for hook links creation during
fishing on indented stony and grassy terrain.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123066	 32 cm	 13,6 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123065	 32 cm	 13,6 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123064	 32 cm	 13,6 kg	 2	 2 pcs
16 cm / 7,5 kgsize 8 16 cm Phantom / 13,6 kg 4 cm
size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Evolution Phantom
A boilie leader suitable for both classic and floating types of
boilies. It is fastened to a Phantom line with green-and-white
camouflage and with an extra hook developed for carp fishing.
The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A floatable
Dyneema braid is of the green color combined of two shades. It
is very fine and supple, with high abrasion resistance, intended
for hook links creation during fishing on indented stony and
grassy terrain.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123046	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123045	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123044	 28 cm	 13,6 kg	 2	 2 pcs
size 8 28 cm Phantom / 13,6 kg 4,5 cm
size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Boilie rigs
D-ring Assembler
A boilie leader suitable mainly in the event that fish bite very
cautiously and spit the bait out when there is the slightest
resistance. Hanging of the bait on a ring does not rotate the
hook, which is then set better. It is used when fishing with a
„Snowman rig” or with floating boilies. A fine sinking braid
twisted of Dyneema and polyester fibres with none stretch, good
abrasion resistance and very high knot strength.
Code	 Length	 B/S	Hook	 Unit	Note
SE8123076	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1/0	 2 pcs
SE8123075	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 1	 2 pcs
SE8123074	 28 cm	 11,4 kg	 2	 2 pcs
28 cm Assembler / 11,4 kgsize 8 size 1/0 - 1 - 2
Feeder rigs
A shock leader for feeder fishing, absorbing the weight of the
feeder with feed during casting.
Code		 Length	Diameter	 Unit	Note
SE8132002		 20 cm	 0,80 mm	 1 ks
Side Run
Univerzální feederový návazec s bočním vedením zátěže dávající
rybě při nasávání nástrahy dostatek volnosti. Po záběru a
následném úniku pak provede první dostatečný zásek.
Code		 Length	Diameter	 Unit	Note
SE8132012		 30 cm-32 cm	 0,25 mm	 3 ks
28 cm / 0,25 mm / 5,4 kg 32 cm / 0,25 mm / 5,4 kg size 16
size 16
20 cm Feeder Elastic / 0,80 mm / 8,7 kg
size 0
Twin Treble Trace wire 1x19
LYNX® návazec Twin Treble Trace je dlouhý 50cm a
je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19
s nosností 30lb. Unikátní trojháčky Precision, jsou od
sebe vzdáleny 10cm, aby je bylo možno použít buď na
hlavu nebo na ocas nástrahy. Velikosti háčků 2, 4, 6 a 8
pokrývají většinu situací, které mohou při lovu dravců
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPTT2B	 2	 50 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPTT4B	 4	 50 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPTT6B	 6	 50 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPTT8B	 8	 50 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené
* Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy
a její aretaci na háčku
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Single Treble Trace wire 1x19
LYNX® návazec Single Treble Trace je dlouhý 40cm a
je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s
nosností 30lb. Ideální na živou nebo mrtvou nástrahu.
Velikosti háčků 4 a 6 pokrývají většinu situací, které
mohou při lovu dravců nastat.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPST4B	 4	 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPST6B	 6	 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené
* Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy
a její aretaci na háčku
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
50 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32mmObratlík 80 lb vzdálenost mezi háčky 10cm
40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32mmObratlík 80 lb
Knotless rigs Lynx
39* Only Czech Market
Knotless rigs Lynx
Paternoster Trace - wire 1×19
LYNX® návazec Paternoster Trace je dlouhý 25cm a je vyroben
ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 40lb.
Použitím 40lb lanka je návazec tužší, nemotá se, a přesto
poskytuje nástraze dostatek volnosti k jejímu přirozenému
pohybu. Unikátní trojháčky Precision, jsou od sebe vzdáleny
10cm, aby je bylo možno použít buď na hlavu nebo na ocas
nástrahy. Velikosti háčků 4, 6 a 8 pokrývají většinu situací,
které mohou při lovu dravců nastat. Konstruován na LYNX®
Paternostrer Up Trace.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPPT4B	 4	 25 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPPT6B	 6	 25 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPPT8B	 8	 25 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené
* Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy
a její aretaci na háčku
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Paternoster Up Trace - wire 1×19
LYNX® návazec Paternoster Up Trace je dlouhý 60cm
a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s
nosností 40lb. Konstruován na použití s LYNX® návazcem
Paternoster Trace. Systém dovoluje lovit s přírodní
nástrahou bez zamotávání se a bez ztracených záběrů.
Code	 	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPPUT		 60 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu
* Lanko s nylonovým povlakem chránící jej před
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
25 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,38mmKarabinka 80 lb vzdálenost mezi háčky 10cm
60 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,60 mmObratlík 80 lb Obratlík 80 lb Obratlík 80 lb
* Only Czech Market
Single Hook Trace - wire 1×19
LYNX® návazec Single Hook Trace je dlouhý 40cm a
je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s
nosností 30 nebo 40lb v závislosti na velikosti háčku.
Použitím jednoháčků Precision o velikostech 1, 2, 4 a 6 je
ideální na lov v místech kde jsou trojháčky zakázány.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSHT1B	 1	 40 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSHT2B	 2	 40 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSHT4B	 4	 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSHT6B	 6	 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů
* Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu
* Lze použít na jakoukoliv vaši sestavu
* Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy
a její aretaci na háčku
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Angli
Wire Lure Trace - wire 1×19
LYNX® návazec Wire Lure Trace je dlouhý 40cm a je
vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19, s
nosnostmi 10, 20, 30 a 40lb. Je ideální na umělé nástrahy
všech typů a velikostí.
Code	 	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPWLT10		 40 cm	 10 lbs/4,5 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPWLT20		 40 cm	 20 lbs/9 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPWLT30		 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPWLT40		 40 cm	 40 lbs/20,4 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů
* Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Knotless rigs Lynx
40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32 / 0,38 mmObratlík 80 lb
40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,19 / 0,25 / 0,32 / 0,38 mmObratlík 80 lb
* Only Czech Market
Knotless rigs Lynx
Titanium Lure Trace - titan wire
LYNX® návazec Titanium Lure Trace je dlouhý 40cm a
je vyroben ze super jemného pleteného titanového lanka
1x7 s nosnostmi 30 a 50lb. Je ideální na umělé nástrahy
všech typů a velikostí.
Code	 	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPTLT30		 40 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPTLT50		 40 cm	 50 lbs/22,7 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů
* Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu
* Všechny návazce je použito ultra jemné titanové lanko
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Titanium Jerkbait Trace - titan wire
LYNX® návazec Titanium Jerkbait Trace je dlouhý 20 a
30cm a je vyroben z velmi odolného titanového lanka 1x1
s nosností 100lb. Je ideální na všechny umělé nástrahy.
Code	 	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPTJT20		 20 cm	 100 lbs/45 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPTJT30		 30 cm	 100 lbs/45 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu
* Všechny návazce jsou vyrobeny z velmi odolného
nekroutícího se titanového lanka
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
40 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 / 0,56 mmObratlík 80 lb
20 / 30 cm titanové lanko 1x1 Ø 0,70 mm
* Only Czech Market
Single Treble wire 1x19
LYNX® návazce s trojháčkem jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze super
ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu
jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku
nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSS005	 6	 6 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS010	 6	 8 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS015	 4	 10 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS020	 2	 10 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Super jemné pletené lanko 1x19
* Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology®
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Single Treble Titanium wire 1x7
LYNX® návazce s trojháčkem jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze super
jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah
dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při
nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSS025	 6	 6 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS030	 6	 8 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS035	 4	 10 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSS040	 2	 10 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7
* Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology®
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Knotless rigs Lynx
6 / 8 / 10 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,38 mm háčky 2 / 4 / 6
6 / 8 / 10 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 2 / 4 / 6
* Only Czech Market
Double Treble wire 1x19
Vyrábí se ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc
tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na
jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu.
Code	Hook	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSD005	 4 & 4	 10 cm & 5 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSD010	 2 & 2	 14 cm & 8 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Super jemné pletené lanko 1x19
* Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology®
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Double Treble Titanium wire 1x7
Vyrábí se ze super jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých
gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho
ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu.
Code	Hook	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSD015	 4 & 4	 10 cm & 5 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSD020	 2 & 2	 14 cm & 8 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7
* Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology®
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Knotless rigs Lynx
10 / 14 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32 mm háčky 2 + 2 / 4 + 4
10 / 14 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 2 + 2 / 4 + 4
* Only Czech Market
LYNX® návazce se dvěma trojháčky jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze
super jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových
nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Horní háček je posuvný v celé délce návazce, tedy od spodního trojháčku až
k hornímu očku a dovoluje jeho optimální umístění na jakoukoliv nástrahu, aniž by ovlivňoval její chod. Jemné očko je potaženo super
tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLPSDA005	 6 & 8	 12 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSDA010	 4 & 6	 14 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLPSDA015	 2 & 4	 16 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
Double Treble Titanium wire adjustable
Knotless rigs Lynx
12 / 14 / 16 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 6 + 8 / 4 + 6 / 2 + 4
* Ideální na lov štik a candátů
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7
* Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou
* Stavitelný horní háček umožňuje nastavení do optimální
pozice na jakékoliv nástraze
* Háček lze posouvat po celé délce od spodního háčku až po
horní očko
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology®
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
* Only Czech Market
Two Hook Rig
LYNX® De-Tach Two Hook Rig je ideální na lov z lodě či ze
břehu pokud lovíme za nějakou terénní překážkou. Systémek
je dodáván s klipy na háčky, které se vkládají do připravených
gumových hadiček na hlavním vlasci. Háčky se vkládají do klipů,
aby se při náhozu nezamotaly do sebe nebo na hlavní vlasec.
Uživatel si pak může rozhodnout podle situace zda je použije a i
v jakém směru bude boční návace do klipů vkládat – oba nahoru,
dolů nebo jeden nahoru a druhý dolu. Inovativní a všestranný
systémek LYNX® De-Tach Two Hook Rig prezentuje dvě návnady
blízko sebe, takže se zvyšuje jejich atraktivita. Navíc lze rychle
vyměnit boční návazce a přizpůsobit se tak změně situace.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDRR020	 2x1/0	 130/35 cm	 70/30 lbs	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov okounů, tresek a mnoha dalších
* Lze použít ve většině situacích
* Skvělý při současné prezentaci dvou různých nástrah
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Dodávané s klipy na háčky, uživatel má tak možnost
* Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach
Three Hook Rig
LYNX® systémek De-Tach Three Hook Rig je ideální na lov z lodě
nebo ze břehu na čistém nebo kombinovaném dnu, kde velká
vzdálenost není rozhodující, ale je důležitá možnost prezentace
více nástrah. Systémek LYNX® De-Tach Three Hook Rig nabízí
tři nástrahy což zvyšuje pachovou stopu a tedy i pravděpodobnost
záběru. Díky jeho konstrukci je systémek oblíben zejména u
soutěžních rybářů a s menšími háčky na vláčení po dně.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDRR025	 3x1/0	 150/35 cm	 70/30 lbs	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov okounů, tresek, platýsů a mnoha dalších
* Ideální na čisté nebo kombinované dno
* Skvělý při současné prezentaci tří různých nástrah
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach
Knotless rigs Lynx
110 lb obratlík
50 lb obratlík 50 lb obratlík
50 lb Lynx klip 50 lb Lynx klip
1/0 háček 1/0 háček
35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb
35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb
42 cm 42 cm 42 cm
110 lb obratlík
70 lb obratlík
50 lb Lynx klip
1/0 háček
35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb
30 cm 55 cm 15 cm50 cm
* Only Czech Market
Long Pennel side Rig
LYNX® návazce Pennel jsou ideální pro lov těžce
bojujících druhů jako jsou tresky, rejnoci a mnoho dalších.
Dvouháčkový návazec umožňuje umístit větší návnadu a
poskytuje vyšší šanci na zaháčkování. Sortiment sestává
ze dvou 75cm, 60 liberních verzí (jedna s 4/0 XS háčkem a
3/0 Pennel háčkem, druhá s 3/0 Aberdeen háčkem a 3/0
Pennel háčkem).
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDS015	 4/0 & 3/0	 75 cm	 60 lbs/27,2 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS020	 3/0 & 3/0	 45 cm	 60 lbs/27,2 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální pro druhy s velkou tlamou
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Xtra Strong side Rig
LYNX® boční návazec Xtra Strong je cílený na tvrdě
bojující rybu jako je treska, okoun, rejnok, máčka a
mnoho dalších. Velký extra pevný háček 4/0 dovoluje lovit
a větší nástrahou, ale díky tomu, že je jen jeden snižuje
riziko vázky při zdolávání. Oba dostupné návazce jsou
dlouhé 75cm, jeden je na 60lb vlasci, druhý na 40lb.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDS025	 4/0	 75 cm	 60 lbs/27,2 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS030	 4/0	 75 cm	 40 lbs/18,1 kg	 2 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov tvdě bojujících ryb
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček
* Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach
Knotless rigs Lynx
Háček 3/0 Pennel
Háček 4/0 XS /
Háček 3/0 Aberdeen
60lb / 0,70mm / 75cm
Háček 4/0 XS
60lb / 0,70mm / 75cm
40lb / 0,59mm / 75cm
80 lb Lynx klip
80 lb Lynx klip
* Only Czech Market
Aberdeen side Rig
LYNX® návazec Aberdeen Hook je vhodný na čisté nebo
kombinované dno při lovu tresek, okounů, rejnoků,
platýsů a mnoha dalších. Všechny návazce jsou dlouhé
75cm na 30lb vlasci s háčkem 3/0, 2/0 nebo 1/0.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDS035	 3/0	 75 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS040	 2/0	 75 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS045	 1/0	 75 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov středně velkých ryb
* Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky bez oček
* Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Medium Aberdeen side Rig
LYNX® návazec Aberdeen Hook je vhodný na čisté
nebo kombinované dno při lovu tresek, okounů, máček,
parmic, platýsů a mnoha dalších. Návazce jsou dlouhé
35cm na vlasci 30, 20 nebo 15lb s háčky velikosti 3/0, 2/0,
1/0, 1 a 2. Vhodné jsou na lov z lodě i ze břehu.
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSDS055	 3/0	 35 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS060	 2/0	 35 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS065	 1/0	 35 cm	 30 lbs/13,6 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS070	 1	 35 cm	 20 lbs/9,1 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
LYLSDS075	 2	 35 cm	 15 lbs/6,8 kg	 3 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální při lovu menších ryb
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky bez oček
* Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach
* Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Knotless rigs Lynx
Háček Aberdeen 3/0, 2/0 nebo 1/0
30 lb / 0,50 mm / 75 cm
Háček Aberdeen 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, 1nebo 2
15 lb / 0,34 mm / 35 cm nebo
20 lb / 0,40 mm / 35 cm nebo
30 lb / 0,50 mm / 35 cm
50 lb nebo 25 lb Lynx klip
50 lb Lynx klip
* Only Czech Market
Uptide Pennel Rig
LYNX® systémek Uptide Pennet Rig je ideální na lov
s velkou nástrahou z lodě. Konstrukce zvyšuje sílu
záseku a díky dvěma háčkům zvyšuje jistotu udržení
velké nástrahy jako je krab nebo chobotnice. Systémek
obsahuje adaptér na zavěšení, který snižuje riziko
zamotání a délka návazce zase dovoluje přirozený pohyb
Code	Hook	Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSB015	 4/0	 120/110 cm	 70/40 lbs	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov rejnoků, máček, tresek a žraloků
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky
* Háčky bez oček, které neponičí nástrahu
* Dodáváno s dvěma korálky a adaptérem Zip Slider
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Three Hook Flapper
LYNX® systémek Three Hook Flapper Rig je univerzální
systémek umožňující nastražení třech nástrah a
maximalizuje tak šanci chytit ryby v hejnech. Konstrukce
rovněž dovoluje umístění třech stejných nástrah blízko
sebe což zvyšuje pachovou stopu a nebo experimentovat
a zkoušet až tři různé nástrahy najednou.
Code	Hook	 Length	 B/S	 Unit	Note
LYLSB030	 3x1/0	 130/40/30/30 cm	 70/30/30/30 lbs	 1 pcs	 CZ *
* Ideální na lov platýsů, platýsů velkých, tresek a mnoha
* Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent
* Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky
* Háčky bez oček, které neponičí nástrahu
* 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra
* Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii
Knotless rigs Lynx
110 lb obratlík 80 lb obratlík Háček Aberdeen 3/0 Háček XS 4/0
70lb / 0,80mm / 120cm 40lb / 0,59mm / 110cm
110 lb obratlík
80 lb obratlík
1/0 háček Aberdeen
40 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb
30 cm 40 cm 20 cm40 cm
* Only Czech Market
Carp Delta Iseama
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3001001ES	 1	 8 pcs
3001002ES	 2	 8 pcs
3001003ES	 3	 9 pcs
3001004ES	 4	 9 pcs
3001005ES	 5	 9 pcs
3001110ES	 1/0	 7 pcs
Black nickel hook blade
„Trust Grip” a tip „Triple
Edge”. Sturdy hook is ideal
for creating a variety of
carp rigs.
Sure hooks
Ultra-stiff forged Japanese Sure hooks are made of
high-carbon steel. Their precisely shaped point has
fast and precise penetration, anti-corrosive coating and
a high level of flexibility. Any fish that feels this hook
will have no way to get out. This hook will penetrate
the fish’s mouth at the speed of a bullet.
Triple Edge - The point formed of three blades. The whole point is
formed of three blades with different angles making the spike not
only sharp but also stiff, flexible and durable. A sharp tip pierces
without resistance, as do the other tips, then the sharp edges impale their
way smoothly without resistance.
Trust Grip - another very important part of the hook is the eye, the
place for attaching the line. Although providing that the knot is tied
perfectly, monofilament tends to strangle, which lowers its capacity.
That is why the eye has a notch for leading the line. Thanks to anchoring, the
reduction of the cut is minimized and the knot strength is increased.
Carp Delta Chinu
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3000001ES	 1	 9 pcs
3000002ES	 2	 9 pcs
3000003ES	 3	 10 pcs
3000004ES	 4	 11 pcs
3000110ES	 1/0	 8 pcs
3000210ES	 2/0	 7 pcs
The shape is optimized to
harmful angle was minimal.
Due to its shape and point
„Triple Edge” very good
jams and when fighting is
minimal chance of escaping
fish. The shape of the bend
is particularly suitable for
crop bait, but it can also be
used on livestock.
Double barb
Arm barb Nickel
Reversed Flatted Black Nickel
Kirbed Ringed Teflon
hooks trade packaging is 10 bags
Carp SB Chinu
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3002001ES	 1	 11 pcs
3002002ES	 2	 11 pcs
3002003ES	 3	 12 pcs
3002004ES	 4	 12 pcs
3002110ES	 1/0	 10 pcs
3002210ES	 2/0	 10 pcs
Nickel forged and flatted
hook. Very strong hook with
a short shank is ideal for
plant, cooked and extruded
Carp Chinu TF
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3008001ES	 1	 13 pcs
3008002ES	 2	 14 pcs
3008003ES	 3	 15 pcs
3008004ES	 4	 18 pcs
3008110ES	 1/0	 9 pcs
3008210ES	 2/0	 8 pcs
It is the most popular
and most used hook for
carp. Can it create rigs for
carp, use it to animal or
plant bait and you never
disappoint. The hook has
an optimum shape is well
balanced with minimal
harmful angle and is very
Carp Iseama
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3003001ES	 1	 13 pcs
3003002ES	 2	 14 pcs
3003003ES	 3	 16 pcs
3003004ES	 4	 16 pcs
3003110ES	 1/0	 10 pcs
3003210ES	 2/0	 9 pcs
Black nickel hook has bend
with minimal harmful angle
has powerful material
with a short shank. These
properties make it a
favorite for creating various
carp rigs.
Carp Maruseigo
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3004001ES	 1	 14 pcs
3004002ES	 2	 16 pcs
3004003ES	 3	 18 pcs
3004004ES	 4	 19 pcs
3004110ES	 1/0	 12 pcs
3004210ES	 2/0	 8 pcs
Black nickel hook has
barbed shank, designed
for carp fishing with
earthworm and maggots.
Hook has minimal harmful
angle and straight tip to the
well strike.
Boilie Carp
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3005001ES	 1	 12 pcs
3005110ES	 1/0	 10 pcs
3005210ES	 2/0	 9 pcs
Black nickel ringed hook
is specially designed for
creating boilie rigs. The
hook is in the areas of
greatest stress forged to
prevent its deformation. If
a fish hook this one sucks,
does not it have a leak.
HooksreAl SIZE
Products on this double page
are shown in actual size
Boilie Chinu
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3006001ES	 1	 9 pcs
3006002ES	 2	 12 pcs
3006003ES	 3	 13 pcs
3006110ES	 1/0	 7 pcs
3006210ES	 3	 6 pcs
3006310ES	 3/0	 5 pcs
It is the most popular and
most used hook for carp.
Can it make pop up boilie
rig, use it to animal or
plant bait and you never
disappoint. The hook has
an optimum shape is well
balanced with minimal
harmful angle is very
Boilie Iseama
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3007001ES	 1	 9 pcs
3007002ES	 2	 10 pcs
3007003ES	 3	 11 pcs
3007004ES	 4	 12 pcs
3007110ES	 1/0	 8 pcs
3007210ES	 2/0	 6 pcs
Black nickel ringed robust
hook with classic shape.
Perfect for creating various
carp and boilie rigs.
Boilie Iseama TF
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3009001ES	 1	 11 pcs
3009002ES	 2	 13 pcs
3009003ES	 3	 14 pcs
3009004ES	 4	 15 pcs
3009110ES	 1/0	 9 pcs
3009210ES	 2/0	 8 pcs
Teflon, ringed, strong hook
with classic shape. The
hook is very catchy thanks
to the Teflon finishing and
it can be use to build carp
and boilie rigs.
Feeder Keiryu
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3300006ES	 6	 17 pcs
3300008ES	 8	 17 pcs
3300009ES	 9	 17 pcs
3300011ES	 11	 17 pcs
3300012ES	 12	 17 pcs
3300015ES	 15	 17 pcs
Black nickel, flatted hook
from very fine wire. In
the water poses minimal
resistance and affects bait.
Feeder Iseama
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3301005ES	 5	 15 pcs
3301006ES	 6	 16 pcs
3301007ES	 7	 16 pcs
3301008ES	 8	 16 pcs
3301011ES	 11	 16 pcs
3301012ES	 12	 16 pcs
Very powerful hook, silver,
ringed, short shank and
curved point to minimize
harmful angle. The shape
of the hook is particularly
suitable to plant bait.
Feeder Chika
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3302004ES	 4	 22 pcs
3302005ES	 5	 23 pcs
3302006ES	 6	 23 pcs
3302007ES	 7	 23 pcs
3302008ES	 8	 23 pcs
3302009ES	 9	 23 pcs
Very fine hook, flatted, with
longer shank and direct a
sharp point. Suitable for
match and feeder fishing.
Feeder Koaji
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3303003ES	 3	 16 pcs
3303004ES	 4	 17 pcs
3303005ES	 5	 18 pcs
3303006ES	 6	 18 pcs
3303007ES	 7	 18 pcs
3303008ES	 8	 18 pcs
Very fine hook, flatted,
nickel. Suitable for match
and feeder fishing with
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3600001ES	 1	 5 pcs
3600002ES	 2	 6 pcs
3600004ES	 4	 7 pcs
3600006ES	 6	 7 pcs
Black nickel double hook
with a round bend and
straight points. Suitable
for creating leaders for
predators. Double hook is
very strong, flexible and
holds its shape.
Treble BN
Code	Size	 Unit	Note
3610001ES	 1	 6 pcs
3610002ES	 2	 7 pcs
3610004ES	 4	 8 pcs
3610110ES	 1/0	 5 pcs
3610210ES	 2/0	 4 pcs
3610310ES	 3/0	 4 pcs
Nickel treble hook for freshwater fishing. Round bends with straight points keep its shape even under heavy load. The hook can be used directly or for the
creation leaders.
Sharpening stone
Code:	SE9155001
Unit:	 1 pcs
The sharpening stone for hooks.
HooksreAl SIZE
Products on this double page
are shown in actual size
012345 000
2/0 1/0 1 2 3
12 10 8 7
781012 6 5
Hooked snap
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4101004ES	 4	 40 kg	 10 pcs
4101006ES	 6	 35 kg	 10 pcs
4101008ES	 8	 28 kg	 10 pcs
4101010ES	 10	 20 kg	 10 pcs
4101012ES	 12	 12 kg	 10 pcs
Ring clip
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4111006ES	 7	 15 kg	 10 pcs
Ring clip with internal wire gate makes
them quick and easy to use. Versatile
clips make it easy to quickly change.
Colour: Černý antireflexní
Trade packaging: 10bag
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8317205	 5	 3 kg	 20 pcs
SE8317206	 6	 5 kg	 20 pcs
SE8317207	 7	 8 kg	 20 pcs
SE8317208	 8	 15 kg	 20 pcs
SE8317210	 10	 20 kg	 20 pcs
SE8317212	 12	 25 kg	 20 pcs
Rings made of spring steel
to connect lures.
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8350002	 5	 50 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350004	 4	 40 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350006	 3	 35 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350008	 2	 28 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350010	 1	 20 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350012	 0	 12 kg	 10 pcs
SE8350014	 000	 4 kg	 10 pcs
Universal snap in the color black nickel. With its open shape it can be
used on almost anything. It can be deployed on a swivel, ring, lead or
feeder with an eye or on the antitangle beads or floats. Tip: use size 4 on a
key ring, so you get a very simple folder for your swivels and snaps.
Sea snap Double insurance
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4102001ES	 1	 40 kg	 3 pcs	
4102002ES	 2	 28 kg	 3 pcs	
4102003ES	 3	 15 kg	 3 pcs	
4102110ES	 1/0	 55 kg	 3 pcs	
4102210ES	 2/0	 70 kg	 3 pcs	
Nickel plated snap Double Insurance has a double lock, so the overload
although deformed, but still will stick. With its open shape it can be used
in almost every rigs. We recommend to use in combination with Nickel
Titanium wire or Sea swivel.
Spring ring
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4121007ES	 7	 15 kg	 10 pcs	
4121008ES	 8	 20 kg	 10 pcs	
4121010ES	 10	 25 kg	 10 pcs	
4121012ES	 12	 30 kg	 10 pcs	
C Clip
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4112006ES			 10 pcs
The internal wire gate makes them quick
and easy to use and they can be covered
with silicone tube or an Anti Tangle
Sleeve. Versatile clips make it easy to
quickly change rigs or leads.
Colour: Černý antireflexní
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Swivel and snaps
121098 14 16
6 7 8 9 10 11
5 7
8 4 7
Invisa swivel transparent
Code		 B/S	 Unit	Note
K2KIN1272C		 5,4 kg	 5 pcs	
K2KIN2572C		 11,3 kg	 5 pcs	
K2KIN3572C		 15,9 kg	 5 pcs	
K2KIN5572C		 24,9 kg	 5 pcs	
Invisa Swivel is an innovative product
that offers a number of advantages
over traditional metal swivels. Firstly,
they are extremely flexible and can
be bent or twisted without breaking
or losing any strength.
Barrel swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4201008ES	 8	 20 kg	 10 pcs	
4201009ES	 9	 18 kg	 10 pcs	
4201010ES	 10	 16 kg	 10 pcs	
4201012ES	 12	 14 kg	 10 pcs	
4201014ES	 14	 10 kg	 10 pcs	
4201016ES	 16	 8 kg	 10 pcs	
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8356008	 8	 20 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356009	 9	 18 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356010	 10	 16 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356012	 12	 14 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356014	 14	 8 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356016	 16	 7 kg	 10 pcs
For faster handling, use in combination with Ring Clip or C Clip. Use
Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is
better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher
knot strength.
Rolling swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4211006ES	 6	 43 kg	 10 pcs
4211007ES	 7	 40 kg	 10 pcs
4211008ES	 8	 35 kg	 10 pcs
4211009ES	 9	 32 kg	 10 pcs
4211010ES	 10	 27 kg	 10 pcs
4211011ES	 11	 22 kg	 10 pcs
Strength Rolling swivel with anti-reflective black.Use Clinch knot, do not
forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do
not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. To protect
the knot, use Rubber Bead or bead Tapered Bore.
Colour: Clear
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Matt Black
Trade packaging: 10bag
Diamond eye swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8356905	 5	 30 kg	 10 pcs
SE8356907	 7	 19 kg	 10 pcs
Rolling Swivel DiamondRound knurled
in nickel. Knurling body better holds
shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve,
Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet.
Diamond eye is smaller, easier to put
into beads and better leads attached
fishing line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do
not forgot moisten the line before tight
the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not
damage the line and you achieve a higher
knot strength.
Colour: Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Swivel with ring
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4215008ES	 8	 45 kg	 10 pcs
Anti-reflective black swivel with ring size
4 fits into the classic Lead Clips. It can be
used to make a end rigs or for Helicopter
system in combination with Buffer Ball.
Colour: Matt Black
Trade packaging: 10bag
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8316904	 4	 45 kg	 10 pcs
SE8316907	 7	 25 kg	 10 pcs
Swivel and snapsreAl SIZE
Products on this double page
are shown in actual size
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16
6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11
8 10 12
Impressed rolling swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4221006ES	 6	 43 kg	 10 pcs
4221007ES	 7	 40 kg	 10 pcs
4221008ES	 8	 35 kg	 10 pcs
4221009ES	 9	 32 kg	 10 pcs
4221010ES	 10	 27 kg	 10 pcs
4221011ES	 11	 22 kg	 10 pcs
4221012ES	 12	 19 kg	 10 pcs
4221014ES	 14	 14 kg	 10 pcs
4221016ES	 16	 9 kg	 10 pcs
Strength Impressed Rolling swivel with anti-reflective black. Knurling
of body better holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve and Tail
Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the
line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the
line and you achieve a higher knot strength.
Diamond eye swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4212006ES	 6	 40 kg	 10 pcs
4212007ES	 7	 35 kg	 10 pcs
4212008ES	 8	 32 kg	 10 pcs
4212009ES	 9	 27 kg	 10 pcs
4212010ES	 10	 22 kg	 10 pcs
4212011ES	 11	 19 kg	 10 pcs
Rolling Swivel DiamondRound knurled in black. Knurling body better
holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve, Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or
Bullet. Diamond eye is smaller, easier to put into beads and better leads
attached fishing line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the
line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the
line and you achieve a higher knot strength.
Diamond eye impressed rolling swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4222006ES	 6	 40 kg	 10 pcs
4222007ES	 7	 35 kg	 10 pcs
4222008ES	 8	 32 kg	 10 pcs
4222009ES	 9	 27 kg	 10 pcs
4222010ES	 10	 22 kg	 10 pcs
4222011ES	 11	 19 kg	 10 pcs
Rolling Swivel Diamond knurled in black. Knurling of body better holds
shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve and Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or
Bullet. Diamond eyes are smaller, easier to deploy into beads and better
leads line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before
tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you
achieve a higher knot strength.
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
Colour: Matt Black
Trade packaging: 10bag Cross-line barrel swivel
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
4202008ES	 8	 20 kg	 10 pcs
4202010ES	 10	 16 kg	 10 pcs
4202012ES	 12	 14 kg	 10 pcs
Colour: Matt Black
Trade packaging: 10bag
Code	Size	 B/S	 Unit	Note
SE8316108	 8	 20 kg	 10 pcs
SE8316110	 10	 16 kg	 10 pcs
SE8316112	 12	 14 kg	 10 pcs
Colour: Black Nickel
Trade packaging: 10bag
The three-way swivel in black or black-nickel. It is mainly used to
establish the side rigs or two end rigs. To avoid tangling, use silicone Anti
Tangle Sleeves.
Swivel and snaps
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
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Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
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Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
Egerfish 2014 Catalogue
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Egerfish 2014 Catalogue

  • 2. Dear traders, Egerfish is a trading and manufacturing company based in the Czech Republic. Our main objective is to provide services for fishing tackle distributors. We want our customers to receive their goods on time, in the best quality, for a fair price. For the satisfaction of our customers we have a well-coordinated team with 25 years of experience in the fishing tackle field. We are distributor for many brands, which are aimed for Czech market only. You can find them on the next pages. Beside these brands we promote our own brands SURETTI, SEMA and Rollo. In the products with these brands are contained our own ideas, our now-how, years on the market and experience of our fisherman. We would like to introduce these brands to fisherman outside of Czech Republic. For those we are seeking active distributors. We are able to offer attractive solutions and conditions. A significant part of the company is manufacturing of fishing weights and feeders. Part of the production program you can find on the other part of our catalogue. We wish all anglers to have nice experiences on the water. Our joy will be even greater if products distributed by our company contribute to this. EGERFISH Team Dear traders, In this section we would like to offer goods from our factory. Factory is based in Czech Republic. There are mostly fishing weights and feeders. Our facilities are equipped with modern technologies including cover coating. Quality control will not allow to receive poor quality product. Our main activity in manufacturing is production on demand of customer. We can make products according to your own design with your own logo or original color combinations (OEM). There are also options for various types of packaging – header cards, OPP bags, blister packaging. On next pages you can see only part of our assortment, which we constantly keep in stock and can be delivered immediately. On our web pages click on link fishing weights here you will see more products in our fishing weights catalogue. Company details: EGERFISH Ltd. • 5. Kvetna 435 • 440 01 Dobromerice • Czech Republic • tel: +420 775 877 881 • • VAT.No: CZ28750641 Copyright ©2014 Egerfish s.r.o., all rights reserved. Egerfish, Suretti, SEMA, Traper, Meiho, Vesus, Lynx, Knot2Kinky, Dynabait a Aquatek is registreed trade marks. Distributor: Beside these assortments we have many other products in our range, but they are made only on individual demands of customers. With us you can take all advantages of European supplier: - Regular and prompt delivery = smaller inventory costs - Same time zones gives same day response - No minimum order value required - Fast and trouble free deliveries within the EU We wish all anglers to have nice experiences on the water. EGERFISH Team Packaging: BLISTER OPPBAG HEADERCARD Company details: EGERFISH Ltd. • 5. Kvetna 435 • 440 01 Dobromerice • Czech Republic • tel: +420 775 877 881 • • VAT.No: CZ28750641 Copyright ©2014 Egerfish s.r.o., all rights reserved. Egerfish, Suretti, SEMA, Traper, Meiho, Vesus, Lynx, Knot2Kinky, Dynabait a Aquatek is registreed trade marks.
  • 3. Invisa obratlík – transparentní obratlík. Velmi odolný, flexibilní a ve vodě téměř neviditelný transparentní obratlík vyrobený z fluorocarbonového monofilu. Není vyroben z kovu, proto nerezne a neovlivňuje navázanou sestavu. Koncové adaptéry zajistí vždy rovné vedení navázaného vlasce. Nickel Titanová lanka 7x1 a Single jsou velmi elastická, při 80% zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%. Přestože jsou kovová, mají shock absorber efekt. Díky jejich elastičnosti je lze jednoduše navázart. Mají velkou tvarovou paměť, takže jsou stále rovné a výborně vedou nástrahu. Protože neobsahují železo, nekorodují a lze je proto použít i při lovu na moři. Celkově jsou velmi odolná a vydrží déle než obyčejná lanka. Návazce Lynx jsou vyráběny bezuzlovou technologií, která zachovává 100% nosnosti, oproti klasicky vázaným návazcům, kde uzel snižuje nosnost vlasce či lanka někdy o více jak 50%. Při použití návazců Lynx tak můžete použít návazec s poloviční nosností než u klasicky navázaného. Zvýšíte si tak šanci na ulovení velkých trofejních ryb, které jsou velmi opatrné a velmi plaché. * Only Czech Market
  • 4. Široký sortiment kufrů a krabiček všech velikostí, které lze různě kombinovat. Vyrobené z velmi kvalitních nárazuvzdorných materiálů, netečných na gumové nástrahy a konstruované se smyslem pro detail. Kufry mají dvojité zámky proti otevření, krabičky variabilní přepážky s mikrožebrováním, aby prostor uvnitř byl maximálně využit. Novinkou je kufr VS7070 ve kterém naleznete dva úložné prostory – spodní hlavní a prostor ve víku. Odklopením víka, které je podepřené rukojetí, získáte odkládací stolek. Do jednotlivých prostorů lze vložit krabičky typu RunGun W, SFC L, VS 3010 a VS 3020. Nově je v nabídce oboustranná krabička RunGun W vyrobená z Worm Proof materiálu s 18 variabilními přepážkami, které umožní vytvořit 24 různě velkých přihrádek. * Only Czech Market
  • 5. Moderní krmení Method Mix bylo vyvinuto za účelem splnění nejnáročnějších kritérií rybářů, jež se specializují na lov velkých kaprů. Směs se skládá z těch nejbohatších ingrediencí, jako jsou tepelně zpracovaná zrna obilí a vybrané moučky s vysokým obsahem bílkovin. Perfektního výsledku bylo dosaženo dodáním olejových částic rovněž tepelně zpracovaných. Method Mix lze do krmítka připravit přidáním vody, oleje nebo tekutého aromatu. Při použití v PVA materiálu lze přidat pouze Booster, který nerozpouští PVA materiál. Method Mix velmi rychle přiláká ryby a ty se pak krmí na lovném místě velmi dlouhou dobu. Hlavní úlohou posilovačů je rychlejší přilákání ryb do místa lovu, a právě proto mají své nezastupitelné místo při přípravě receptur. Rybář by však měl mít na paměti, že méně znamená více. Příliš velké množství posilovače ve vnadící směsi ryby sice přiláká, ale následně zpravidla (ne vždy) odpudí. Posilovače v zásadě rozdělujeme na tekuté a sypké. Výhodou tekutých posilovačů je jejich schopnost se optimálně spojit se základním krmením. Výhodou sypkých posilovačů je zejména možnost přidávat posilovač do již hotového krmení, aniž by rybář změnil konzistenci své vnadící směsi a nasazuje se např.při rybářských závodech v poslední hodině lovu, kdy klesá aktivita ryb. Jedním z velmi zajímavých posilovačů je Booster, který se dá použít na různé druhy nástrah jako boilie, pelety nebo zrno. Pro rybu je velmi jemný, avšak nepřehlédnutelný, rybu skutečně vábí ale nedráždí, zvyšuje její chuť k jídlu. Expert Booster lze použít i na PVA materiál, který nerozpouští. Sušené červy a žížaly jsou výbornou variantou jak mít živočišnou nástrahu stále u sebe. Toto živočišná nástraha je vysušena hlubokým zmrazením, takže si i po vysušení zachovává svou atraktivitu i pachou stopu. Nástrahu jednoduše vložte do vody až je vláčná, doba se může lišit podle velikosti, pak ji vyndejte a napíchněte na háček. Pokud ji nechcete použít ihned, udržujte ji stále ve vlhkém prostředí. * Only Czech Market
  • 6. 4 cONTENT Reels 5 Feeder rods 6 - 13 Feeder tips 12 - 13 Carp rods 14 - 15 Sea and catfish rods 16 - 17 Match rods 18 - 19 Telescopic rods 20 - 21 Rod rings 22 - 24 Braids 24 - 26 Lines 27 - 29 PVA 30 - 31 Ni-Ti wire Knot2Kinky 32 - 33 Wire rigs 33 Catfish rigs 34 Carp rigs 35 Boilie rigs 36 - 37 Feeder rigs 38 Knotless rigs Lynx 39 - 49 Hooks 50 - 53 Swivel and snaps 54 - 60 Tubes and beads 61 - 62 Lead clip 62 Ledger 63 Stoppers 63 Boilie stops 64 Catfish floats 65 Bells 66 Digital alarms 67 Rod rests 68 - 69 Tripods 70 Landing nets 71 - 74 Keep nets 75 - 77 Waders 79 Umbrellas 80 - 81 Bivvy 82 - 86 Sleeping bags 87 - 88 Seats and chairs 89 - 91 Bedchairs 92 - 93 Holdalls 94 - 95 Unhoking mat 96 Boilie sack 96 Accessory bags 97 Polarized glasses 98 Bite fish kettle 99 Air pump 99 Buckets 99 Versus boxes 100 - 115 Meiho boxes and cases 114 - 125 Tools 126 - 128 Knifes 129 Scales 130 Lamps 130 Traper baits 130 Groundbaits 131 - 135 Groundbaits pellets 136 - 137 Baits 138 - 140 Additives, boosters 141 - 144 Freeze-dried baits Dyna Bait 145
  • 7. 5 Code Item Capacity ratio Weight BB Unit Note SE4311420 Balance RD 420 195 m/0,20 mm 5,5:1 297 g 4 1 pcs SE4311430 Balance RD 430 170m/0,30 mm 5,2:1 350 g 4 1 pcs SE4311440 Balance RD 440 195 m/0,30 mm 5,2:1 363 g 4 1 pcs SE4311450 Balance RD 450 275 m/0,35 mm 5,2:1 465 g 4 1 pcs * 2 ball bearings * sensitive rear drag * large roller with Anti-twist system limiting line twist * electronically balanced rotor and handle guaranteeing perfect stability * instant stop anti-reverse * spare spool Balance RD4 Balance RD2 * 4 ball bearings * sensitive rear drag * large roller with Anti-twist system limiting line twist * electronically balanced rotor and handle guaranteeing perfect stability * aluminium spool * plastic spare spool Code Item Capacity ratio Weight BB Unit Note SE4311220 Balance RD 220 195 m/0,20 mm 5,5:1 269 g 2 1 pcs SE4311230 Balance RD 230 170 m/0,30 mm 5,2:1 322 g 2 1 pcs SE4311240 Balance RD 240 195 m/0,30 mm 5,2:1 335 g 2 1 pcs rEELS
  • 8. 6 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3941390 3,90 m 3+4 50-90 g 137 cm 268 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3943360 3,60/3,30 m 4+4 50-90 g 127 cm 259 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3943390 3,90/3,60 m 4+4 50-90 g 137 cm 287 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3940330 3,30 m 3+4 30-70 g 117 cm 213 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3940360 3,60 m 3+4 30-70 g 127 cm 244 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3940390 3,90 m 3+4 30-70 g 137 cm 260 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3942360 3,60 m 3+4 70-110 g 127 cm 272 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3942390 3,90 m 3+4 70-110 g 137 cm 283 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs Amnesia Feeder Amnesia Feeder L Amnesia Feeder H Amnesia Feeder Adjust Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3903330 3,30 m 3+3 70 g 118 cm 234 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs SE3903360 3,60 m 3+3 70 g 127 cm 225 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Cartel Feeder Medium Cartel Feeder Medium rods are intended for more universal use. It features carbon with reinforcing braiding, SiC guides and a high-quality cork handle. It can be used for medium to long casts on both still and flowing waters. The rods are composed of three parts with three feeder tips placed in a protective tube, which are universal. Replacement ones from series SE3900 ... can also be purchased. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz feeder RODS * Diameter under reel seat
  • 9. 7 Amnesia Feeder Feeder fishing is very gentle and sensitive way of fishing with anglers maximum contact with the fish. However, it is necessary that the angler has a quick and accurate strike. Have a possibility of a greater burden of feeding and keeping the assembly in higher current. Amnesie were designed in collaboration with FEEDER Team, which won a nationwide competition. Members of our winning team feeder caught on prototypes and gradually fine tuned to meet all their requirements . Special attention was devoted to action and selection tips. For this reason, Amnesie are supplied with 4 types , where the finest works from 1/4 oz ( 7 g) ! Utilizing this rod is thus possible from still water to fast running waters (Berounka). Lightweight rod blank that has a lot of power , then allows the use of the medium and long distances . Especially length of 3.9 meters allows long distance accurate and confident strike. To the rods can be purchased tips Emotion (1971 *** ES, ES 1981 *** 1982 *** ES). Included feeder tips: 1/4oz, 1oz, 3oz, 4oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3913330 3,30 m 3+3 80 g 117 cm 242 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Cartel Feeder Heavy Cartel Feeder Heavy rods are intended for longer casts and more extreme use on waters with a strong current. High Modulus Carbon, SiC guides and a high-quality cork handle were used to manufacture the blank. The rods are composed of three parts with three feeder tips placed in a protective tube, which are universal. Replacement ones from series SE3900 ... can also be purchased. Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1oz, 2oz feeder RODS
  • 10. 8 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3912330 3,30 m 3+3 80 g 117 cm 242 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs SE3912360 3,60 m 3+3 80 g 127 cm 262 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Cartel Special Feeder rods are manufactured for long-range casts and extreme use in strong currents. High Modulus Carbon blank and SIC rings. High-quality cork handle. These rods have three parts and three feeder ends fitted in a protective tube. The feeder tips are universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range. Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz, 2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3904330 3,30 m 3+3 35-70 g 117 cm 327 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs In more economic Therapy rods - as well as in Amnesias - we followed requests of some feeder anglers concerning rods with a harder action, which is necessary in running waters, at long distance angling or in situations when fish is to be jammed and overcome quickly. It is possible to purchase additional Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES). Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3902360 3,60 m 3+3 70 g 118 cm 226 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Z-Force Feeder rods have universal use thanks to the 70g action. These rods are constructed of Carbon with a reinforced weave and fitted with SIC rings. The handle is made of quality cork. This rod range can be used for medium-length casting in still water or running water. The rods are three-piece, with three feeder ends that are universal and they come with a protective tube. You can also buy spare feeder tips from our SE3900 .. range. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3901300 3,00m 3+3 50 g 106 cm 250 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3901330 3,30m 3+3 50 g 116 cm 270 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs X-Force Feeder rods are designed mainly for short range work and for use of light and fine fittings. These rods are available in a three-piece model with three feeder tips that are universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3918290 2,90 m 3+3 40 g 102 cm 239 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3918320 3,20 m 3+3 50 g 112 cm 247 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3918350 3,50 m 3+3 50 g 122 cm 273 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs Balance Feeder rods are designed mainly for short range work and for use of light and fine fittings. These rods are available in a three-piece model with three feeder tips that are universal and can be purchased from the SE3900 ... range. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz feeder RODS * Diameter under reel seat
  • 11. 9 Cartel Special Feeder Therapy Feeder Z-Force Feeder x-Force Feeder Balance Feeder feeder RODS
  • 12. 10 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note Basic Feeder L SE3914300 3,00 m 3+2 20-50 g 106 cm 250 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3914330 3,30 m 3+2 20-50 g 116 cm 300 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Basic Feeder M SE3915330 3,30 m 3+2 30-70 g 116 cm 318 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs SE3915360 3,60 m 3+2 30-70 g 127 cm 380 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs Basic Feeder H SE3916330 3,30 m 3+2 40-90 g 116 cm 355 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs SE3916360 3,60 m 3+2 40-90 g 127 cm 401 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs Three sections feeder rod made from Multifibre material with two feeder tips that are universal and you can buy spare tips from our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1 1/2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3917270 2,70 m 2+2 10-30 g 140 cm 243 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs SE3917300 3,00 m 2+2 15-35 g 154 cm 274 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Two sections Picker with two feeder tips that are universal and you can buy spare tips from our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES. Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note Therapy Tele Feeder SE3905330 3,30 m 5+3 35-70 g 95 cm 294 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs SE3905360 3,60 m 5+3 35-70 g 95 cm 300 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Therapy Tele Feeder H SE3918330 3,30 m 5+3 90 g 98 cm 292 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs SE3918360 3,60 m 5+3 90 g 99 cm 326 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3906300 3,00 m 6+3 10-40 g 65 cm 232 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs SE3906330 3,30 m 6+3 10-40 g 73 cm 277 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs SE3906360 3,60 m 7+3 10-40 g 70 cm 362 g 3,5 cm 1 pcs This economic version of the feeder telescope is designed for beginners and opportune anglers. Rods are suitable in stagnant or mildly running waters at short distances. The place of angling can be additionally fed by hand. It is possible to purchase additional Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES). Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz feeder RODS * Diameter under reel seat
  • 13. 11 Basic Feeder Basic Picker Therapy Tele Feeder Balance Tele Feeder This rod is not dedicated to orthodox feeder anglers. It is made for those, who want to have their feeder rod together with other telescopes. We tried to make a rod resembling dividers by both its action and behavior. We were successful. Throwing is simple; better materials have provided less weight (on a very good level). This rod exactly answers at jamming and overcoming without vibrations. It is possible to purchase additional Emotion (1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES) tips. Included feeder tips: 1/2oz, 1oz, 1 1/2oz feeder RODS
  • 14. 12 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note Basic Tele Feeder L SE3909300 3,00 m 4+2 50 g 92 cm 239 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3909330 3,30 m 5+2 50 g 92 cm 266 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs Basic Tele Feeder M SE3910330 3,30 m 5+2 70 g 92 cm 283 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3910360 3,60 m 5+2 70 g 92 cm 324 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs Basic Tele Feeder H SE3911330 3,30 m 5+2 90 g 93 cm 296 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3911360 3,60 m 5+2 90 g 94 cm 349 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs Telescopic feeder rod made from Multifibre material with two feeder tips that are universal and you can buy spare tips from our 1971***ES, 1981***ES, 1982***ES. Included feeder tips: 3/4oz, 1 1/2oz Code Action Plug dia. Length Color Unit Note SE3900007 1/4 oz 3,3 mm 52cm white-red 1 pcs SE3900014 1/2 oz 3,3 mm 52 cm white 1 pcs SE3900021 3/4 oz 3,3 mm 52 cm orange 1 pcs SE3900028 1 oz 3,3 mm 52 cm red 1 pcs SE3900042 1 1/2 oz 3,3 mm 52 cm green 1 pcs SE3900056 2 oz 3,3 mm 52 cm yellow 1 pcs Trade packaging: 5pcs Force Feeder tips compatibility: SE3918 *** Balance Feeder SE3901 *** X-Force Feeder SE3902 *** Z-Force Feeder SE3912 *** Cartel Special Feeder SE3903 *** Cartel Feeder Medium SE3913 *** Cartel Feeder Heavy. Force Feeder tips There is a description on the feeder tips, which means minimal weight of empty feeder or leads which you should use to be sure that tips will be in balance with your montage E.g.: tip 1oz = 28 g minimal weight. Code Length Diameter Unit Note SE9210755 55 cm 20 mm 1 pcs SE9210770 70 cm 20 mm 1 pcs Trade packaging: 5pcs Feeder tips TUBE Feeder tips
  • 15. 13 Basic Tele Feeder Emotion Feeder tips compatibility: SE3940 *** Amnesia Feeder L SE3941 *** Amnesia Feeder SE3942 *** Amnesia Feeder H SE3943 *** Amnesia Feeder Adjust SE3904 *** Therapy Feeder SE3914 *** Basic Feeder L SE3915 *** Basic Feeder M SE3916 *** Basic Feeder H SE3917 *** Basic Picker SE3905 *** Therapy Tele Feeder SE3918 *** Therapy Tele Feeder H SE3906 *** Balance Tele Feeder SE3909 *** Basic Tele Feeder L SE3910 *** Basic Tele Feeder M SE3911 *** Basic Tele Feeder H Code Action Plug dia. Length Color Unit Note 1971007ES 1/4 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm white-red 1 pcs 1971014ES 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm white 1 pcs 1971021ES 3/4 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm orange 1 pcs 1971028ES 1 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm red 1 pcs 1971042ES 1 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm green 1 pcs 1971056ES 2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm yellow 1 pcs Trade packaging: 5pcs Emotion Code Action Plug dia. Length Color Unit Note 1981007ES 1/4 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm red 1 pcs 1981014ES 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm white 1 pcs 1981021ES 3/4 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm blue 1 pcs 1981028ES 1 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm orange 1 pcs 1981042ES 1 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm green 1 pcs 1981056ES 2 oz 3,47 mm 52 cm violet 1 pcs Trade packaging: 5pcs Emotion Carbon Code Action Plug dia. Length Color Unit Note 1982007ES 1/4 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm red 1 pcs 1982014ES 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm white 1 pcs 1982021ES 3/4 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm blue 1 pcs 1982028ES 1 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm orange 1 pcs 1982042ES 1 1/2 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm green 1 pcs 1982056ES 2 oz 3,47 mm 64 cm violet 1 pcs Trade packaging: 5pcs Emotion SH Feeder tips Feeder tips
  • 16. 14 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3710362 3,60 m 7 2,75 lbs 102 cm 399 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3710363 3,60 m 7 3,00 lbs 104 cm 411 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3710393 3,90 m 7 3,00 lbs 103 cm 444 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3710395 3,90 m 7 3,50 lbs 106 cm 456 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs Therapy Tele Carp Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3709363 3,60 m 7 3,00 lbs 91 cm 361 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs SE3709393 3,90 m 7 3,00 lbs 91 cm 380 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs SE3709395 3,90 m 7 3,50 lbs 91 cm 380 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs Cartel Tele Carp Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3711363 3,60 m 7 3,00 lbs 91 cm 377 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs CartelLightTeleCarp Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3715331 3,30 m 5 2,50 lbs 93 cm 255 g 2,0 cm 1 pcs SE3715332 3,30 m 5 2,75 lbs 93 cm 323 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs SE3715333 3,30 m 5 3,00 lbs 93 cm 349 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3715361 3,60 m 6 2,50 lbs 93 cm 362 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3715362 3,60 m 6 2,75 lbs 93 cm 372 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3715363 3,60 m 6 3,00 lbs 93 cm 445 g 2,5 cm 1 pcs SE3715393 3,90 m 6 3,00 lbs 93 cm 456 g 2,6 cm 1 pcs Balance Tele Carp Carp rods * Diameter under reel seat
  • 17. 15 Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to control them very quickly. Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to control them very quickly. Many carp anglers do not want to accept transporting lengths of rod dividers or they do not have any possibility to carry divided rods. Rods passed tests very well. They even complied with an extreme baiting; however, they retained a very sensitive reaction at overcoming. An experienced angler can use them at long-distance angling; less skilled people are to control them very quickly. Telescopic Carp rods from High Modulus Carbon Crossed Multifibre material. The combination of both material makes rod with excelent features for reasonable price. Rod is with SiC guides, EVA handle up and down of reel seat and bottom is with antisliding rubber finish. Carp rods
  • 18. 16 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3610210 2,10 m 2 300 g 112 cm 629 g 2,1 cm 1 pcs SE3610240 2,40 m 2 300 g 126 cm 728 g 3,1 cm 1 pcs Raptor Unlimited 300 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3620210 2,10 m 2 500 g 112 cm 789 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs SE3620240 2,40 m 2 500 g 126 cm 946 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs Raptor Unlimited 500 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3609210 2,10 m 2 300 g 113 cm 398 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3609240 2,40 m 2 300 g 127 cm 483 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3609270 2,70 m 2 300 g 144 cm 557 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs Balance Boat 300 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3619210 2,10 m 2 500 g 113 cm 568 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs SE3619240 2,40 m 2 500 g 127 cm 696 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs Balance Boat 500 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3621210 2,10 m 2 500 g 112 cm 720 g 3,1 cm 1 pcs SE3621240 2,40 m 2 500 g 125 cm 851 g 3,1 cm 1 pcs Raptor Unlimited 500 E Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3622210 2,10 m 2 500 g 113 cm 530 g 3,0 cm 1 pcs SE3622240 2,40 m 2 500 g 131 cm 684 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs SE3622270 2,70 m 2 500 g 146 cm 782 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs Balance Boat G 500 Sea and catfish rods * Diameter under reel seat
  • 19. 17 Raptor Unlimited rods are designed for extreme sea fishing. They can also be used when fishing for catfish. The blank is manufactured of full fibreglass, ensuring extreme solidity and shock resistance and rough-handling resistance. The rod pieces are connected with a metal screw joint with blocking. The butt end is fitted with an adaptor for the Butt Pad underneath the rubber cap. The 500 models are fitted with massive double bells (instead of rings) allowing the use of the reel in both the top and low positions. The increasingly popular fishing in the Norwegian fjords has required the manufacture of the Balance Boat 500g and 300g. These rods, unlike the Raptor range, are made of hollow fibreglass so they are not heavy and they have one extra recessed EVA handle that helps when playing big fish from extreme depths. The Balance Boat 300 is fitted with braced rings and the Balance 500g is fitted with double bells, which replace the top and low rings. Sea and catfish rods
  • 20. 18 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3922450 4,50 m 8 5-30 g 88 cm 250 g 2,1 cm 1 pcs Zephyr Emotion Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3921400 4,00 m 8 5-25 g 80 cm 240 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Zephyr BlueSky Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3931300 3,00 m 3 20 g 121 cm 155 g 1,8 cm 1 pcs SE3931400 4,00 m 4 20 g 121 cm 248 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3931500 5,00 m 5 20 g 121 cm 390 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs Basic 20 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3930300 3,00 m 3 115 cm 136 g 2,0 cm 1 pcs SE3930400 4,00 m 4 115 cm 238 g 2,5 cm 1 pcs SE3930500 5,00 m 5 115 cm 337 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3930600 6,00 m 6 115 cm 524 g 3,2 cm 1 pcs SE3930700 7,00 m 7 115 cm 627 g 3,5 cm 1 pcs Bič Basic Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3701165 1,65 m 5 5-15 g 54 cm 135 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs SE3702210 2,10 m 6 20-40 g 58 cm 173 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3702240 2,40 m 6 25-50 g 64 cm 200 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs SE3702270 2,70 m 6 30-60 g 64 cm 210 g 2,9 cm 1 pcs Balance Tele Spin Match rods * Diameter under reel seat
  • 21. 19 Zephyr Emotion carbon rods are designed for every angler. Almost every angler sometimes needs a float fishing rod to fish for bait fish, or simply just to try out a light rod. Zephyr Emotion rods are light-weight thanks to the simple, easy-fasten spool. The handle is only a blank with anti-skid design. Light-weight long legged SIC rings keep the line off the rod body. The blank is High Modulus Carbon. The transport length, similar to Zephyr BlueSky model, is very short with respect to the designation and total rod length. Zephyr BlueSky carbon rods are designed for every angler. Almost every angler sometimes needs a float fishing rod to fish for bait fish, or simply just to try out a light rod. The Zephyr BlueSky is equipped with a light EVA handle and an elegant holding reel. Light-weight, long-eyelet SIC rings keep the line off the rod body. The blank is High Modulus Carbon. The transport length, with respect to the designation and total rod length, is very short. Series of basic match rods is intended for young und beginning anglers for bait fish in lengths 3 - 5 m. Series of basic match poles is intended for young und beginning anglers or to fish for bait fish in lengths 3 - 7 m. These rods have ring for leaders on the rod tip. Balance Tele Spin rods are equipped with an EVA handle in cork colour, light-weight SIC rings with a large diameter and a fibreglass blank. Young and undemanding, beginning anglers in particular will be pleased with the quality construction, modern design and very favourable Price/Unit. Match rods
  • 22. 20 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3816300 3,00 m 6 60-120 g 91 cm 321 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3816330 3,30 m 6 60-120 g 91 cm 334 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3816360 3,60 m 7 60-120 g 92 cm 412 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Therapy 120 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3817360 3,60 m 7 80-150 g 92 cm 426 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs Therapy 150 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3705270 2,70 m 5 30-60 g 87 cm 282 g 2,3 cm 1 pcs SE3705360 3,60 m 6 30-60 g 88 cm 440 g 2,7 cm 1 pcs Balance 60 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3706270 2,70 m 5 40-80 g 86 cm 308 g 2,5 cm 1 pcs SE3706300 3,00 m 5 40-80 g 87 cm 324 g 2,5 cm 1 pcs Balance 80 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3712240 2,40 m 5 30-50 g 91 cm 250 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs SE3712270 2,70 m 5 30-50 g 96 cm 280 g 2,2 cm 1 pcs SE3712300 3,00 m 5 30-50 g 96 cm 300 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs Z Force 50 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3713300 3,00 m 5 40-70 g 96 cm 310 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3713330 3,30 m 6 40-70 g 103 cm 410 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs Z Force 70 Code Length Sections Action Tr.length Weight Dia * Unit Note SE3714300 3,00 m 5 50-90 g 96 cm 330 g 2,4 cm 1 pcs SE3714330 3,30 m 6 50-90 g 103 cm 460 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs SE3714360 3,60 m 6 50-90 g 103 cm 480 g 2,8 cm 1 pcs Z Force 90 Telescopic rods * Diameter under reel seat
  • 23. 21 Rods called Therapy 120 and 150 are natural successors of the Cartel serie. The serie 120 is optimal for medium waters and the serie 150 is ideal for long distances. Rods have been modernized; they have a short transporting length, a very pleasant, durable and easily maintainable grip, as well as lite rings of large inner diameters. The first ring is situated in the optimum distance of 90cm (from the reel); this minimizes the hair friction and elongates throwing distances. The terminal ring is folded over the mounting – this protects a hair from damages at pulling. Fiberglass rods (60 / 80g) in lengths 2,7 – 3,6m are to satisfy most of not ambitious anglers, who hunt on creeks, pools, ponds and other freshwaters of a less area. Rods have a very short transporting length; their rings (without plastic lining) are well positioned, having large inner diameters and a pleasant look. This all is enhanced by a cork handle – in this class of rods it means a solution above standards. General fishing rods in a camo version, with a very comfortable wrap and firm guides. Telescopic rods
  • 24. 22 Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1650025 2,5 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650028 2,8 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650030 3,0 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650032 3,2 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650035 3,5 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650038 3,8 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1650040 4,0 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650045 4,5 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650050 5,0 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650055 5,5 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650060 6,0 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650065 6,5 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650070 7,0 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650075 7,5 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1650080 8,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650085 8,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650090 9,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650095 9,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650100 10,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650105 10,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650110 11,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1650115 11,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs Telescopic ring Universal telescopic rings are suitable for almost all kinds of rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Plastic brasque colour: wine red. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging: 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1650120 12,0 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650125 12,5 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650130 13,0 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650135 13,5 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650140 14,0 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650145 14,5 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1650150 15,0 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650155 15,5 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650160 16,0 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650165 16,5 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650170 17,0 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650175 17,5 mm 15,3 mm 1 pcs SE1650180 18,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650185 18,5 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650190 19,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650195 19,5 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650200 20,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650210 21,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650220 22,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650230 23,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650240 24,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs SE1650250 25,0 mm 20,5 mm 1 pcs Telescopic SIC ring Universal telescopic SIC rings are suitable for almost all kinds of rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging: 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1660025 2,5 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660028 2,8 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660030 3,0 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660032 3,2 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660035 3,5 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660038 3,8 mm 5,0 mm 1 pcs SE1660040 4,0 mm 6,5 mm 1 pcs SE1660045 4,5 mm 6,5 mm 1 pcs SE1660050 5,0 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660055 5,5 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660060 6,0 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660065 6,5 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660070 7,0 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660075 7,5 mm 7,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660080 8,0 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660085 8,5 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660090 9,0 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660095 9,5 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660100 10,0 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660110 11,0 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660115 11,5 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660120 12,0 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660125 12,5 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660130 13,0 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660135 13,5 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1660140 14,0 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660145 14,5 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660150 15,0 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660155 15,5 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660160 16,0 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660165 16,5 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660170 17,0 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660175 17,5 mm 17,7 mm 1 pcs SE1660180 18,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660185 18,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660190 19,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660195 19,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660200 20,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660205 20,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660210 21,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660215 21,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660220 22,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660225 22,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660230 23,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660235 23,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660240 24,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660245 24,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660250 25,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660255 25,5 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs SE1660260 26,0 mm 23,1 mm 1 pcs Rod rings
  • 25. 23 Code Ring dia. Unit Note SE1655008 8 mm 1 pcs SE1655010 10 mm 1 pcs SE1655012 12 mm 1 pcs SE1655016 16 mm 1 pcs SE1655020 20 mm 1 pcs SE1655025 25 mm 1 pcs SE1655030 30 mm 1 pcs SE1655040 40 mm 1 pcs SE1655050 50 mm 1 pcs Intermediate rings * Sleeve black, ceramics black. * Trade packaging 5pc SIC end rings Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1661014 1,4 mm 3,5 mm 1 pcs SE1661016 1,6 mm 3,5 mm 1 pcs SE1661018 1,8 mm 3,5 mm 1 pcs SE1661020 2,0 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1661022 2,2 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1661024 2,4 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1661026 2,6 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1661028 2,8 mm 6,5 mm 1 pcs SE1661030 3,0 mm 6,5 mm 1 pcs SE1661036 3,6 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1661038 3,8 mm 10,1 mm 1 pcs SE1661040 4,0 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1661042 4,2 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SE1661045 4,5 mm 13,7 mm 1 pcs SIC end rings are suitable for majority of rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1668010 1,0 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1668015 1,5 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1668020 2,0 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1668025 2,5 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1668120 2,0 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668125 2,5 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668130 3,0 mm 5,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668225 2,5 mm 6,7 mm 1 pcs SE1668230 3,0 mm 6,7 mm 1 pcs SE1668235 3,5 mm 6,7 mm 1 pcs SE1668240 4,0 mm 6,7 mm 1 pcs SE1668245 4,5 mm 6,7 mm 1 pcs SE1668330 3,0 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668335 3,5 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668340 4,0 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668345 4,5 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668350 5,0 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SE1668355 5,5 mm 8,8 mm 1 pcs SIC carp end rings SIC carp end rings with ceramics bend over the sleeve are suitable for majority of rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1662090 0,9 mm 4 mm 1 pcs SE1662100 1,00 mm 4 mm 1 pcs SE1662105 1,05 mm 4 mm 1 pcs SE1662110 1,10 mm 4 mm 1 pcs SE1662120 1,20 mm 4 mm 1 pcs Feeder tips end rings SIC feeder tips end rings are suitable for majority of match and feeder rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1656020 2,0 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1656022 2,2 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1656024 2,4 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1656026 2,6 mm 4,4 mm 1 pcs SE1656028 2,8 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1656030 3,0 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1656032 3,2 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1656035 3,5 mm 5,5 mm 1 pcs SE1656040 4,0 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1656045 4,5 mm 6,6 mm 1 pcs SE1656050 5,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1656055 5,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1656060 6,0 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1656065 6,5 mm 8,9 mm 1 pcs SE1656070 7,0 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs SE1656075 7,5 mm 11,8 mm 1 pcs End rings Universal rod end rings with various diameters are suitable for majority kinds of tips. * Sleeve colour: black. * Plastic brasque colour: wine red. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging 5pc Code Tube dia. Ring dia. Unit Note SE1665012 1,2 mm 2,0 mm 1 pcs SE1665014 1,4 mm 2,0 mm 1 pcs SE1665016 1,6 mm 2,6 mm 1 pcs SE1665018 1,8 mm 2,6 mm 1 pcs SE1665020 2,0 mm 2,6 mm 1 pcs SE1665022 2,2 mm 2,6 mm 1 pcs SIC match end rings SIC match end rings are suitable for majority of match and feeder rods. * Sleeve colour: black. * Ceramics colour: black. * Trade packaging 5pc Rod rings
  • 26. 24 Code Ring dia. Unit Note SE1675041 4,1 mm 1 pcs SE1675051 5,1 mm 1 pcs SE1675061 6,1 mm 1 pcs SE1675071 7,1 mm 1 pcs SE1675081 8,1 mm 1 pcs SE1675091 9,1 mm 1 pcs Roller end rings Roller end rings are suitable for trolling and boat rods. Colour: glossy chrome. * Trade packaging 5pc Plate reel seat Code Length Unit Note SE1713014 10 cm 1 pcs SE1713018 12 cm 1 pcs Plate reel seat Code Length Unit Note SE1713214 10 cm 1 pcs SE1713218 12 cm 1 pcs WonderbraiD Rod rings Black plate reel seat, which can be used to repair the old rod or the pole, which subsequently can be set up with rings. Silver plate reel seat which can be used to repair the old rod or the pole, which subsequently can be set up with rings.
  • 27. 25 Code LBS KG Unit Note 2411020ES 20 lbs 9,1 kg 20 m 2411025ES 25 lbs 11,4 kg 20 m Assembler A fine sinking braid twisted of Dyneema and polyester fibres with none stretch, good abrasion resistance and very high knot strength. The braid is green combined with the black color. Its hollow braiding enables knot-free stitching by means of needle and thus creation of a wide scale of various hook links. * Color: green-black * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2410020ES 20 lbs 9,1 kg 20 m 2410030ES 30 lbs 13,6 kg 20 m Invisible A super fast sinking braid twisted of Dyneema and hydrogen-fluoride fibres (without lead) with high strength, suppleness and good abrasion resistance. This braid spreads exactly on a bottom, stays under bait and has good camouflage colouring. * Color: black-yellow-green * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2412020ES 20 lbs 9,1 kg 20 m 2412025ES 25 lbs 11,4 kg 20 m Leader A fast sinking Dyneema braid, extremely fine and soft with very good abrasion resistance, in the brown-green color, intended for hook links creation. Its properties enable that the bait can naturally blend with the surroundings. * Color: brown-green * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2413025ES 25 lbs 11,4 kg 20 m 2413030ES 30 lbs 13,6 kg 20 m Phantom A floatable Dyneema braid is of the green color combined of two shades. It is very fine and supple, with high abrasion resistance, intended for hook links creation during fishing on indented stony and grassy terrain. * Color: green-white * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2414020ES 20 lbs 9,1 kg 20 m 2414030ES 30 lbs 13,6 kg 20 m Vamp A fast sinking Dyneema braid with its silky softness enables natural movement of the bait. It has very high abrasion resistance and it fits especially to sandy or stony and grassy bottom. It is of clay grey color. * Color: black-white * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2415025ES 25 lbs 11,4 kg 20 m 2415035ES 35 lbs 15,9 kg 20 m Solid Extremely hard line from polyester and Dyneema fibres, it shelters inside lead core. It is ideal for creation of combination with using floating or floatable bait. It is possible to take out and set the place for move of bait. Its hollow braiding enables knot-free stitching by means of needle and thus creation of wide scale of various hook lines. * Color: brown * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Braids
  • 28. 26 Code LBS KG Unit Note 2416150ES 150 lbs 68,0 kg 20 m 2416200ES 200 lbs 91,0 kg 20 m Catfish A super strong braid is intended for Catfish rigs. Despite of its high strenth Wonderbraid Catfish is very fine and silky soft and for these quality it acts naturally in water. * Color: darkly green * Capacity: 20m Trade packaging: 10 spols Code LBS KG Unit Note 2417010ES 10 lbs 4,5 kg 20 m 2417015ES 15 lbs 7,0 kg 20 m Feeder A super strong very fine braid with none stretch and good abrasion resistance in the green colour is intended for feeder rigs. * Color: green * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code LBS KG Unit Note 2418010ES 10 lbs 4,5 kg 20 m 2418020ES 20 lbs 9,1 kg 20 m 2418035ES 35 lbs 15,9 kg 20 m 2418045ES 45 lbs 20,4 kg 20 m 2418055ES 55 lbs 24,9 kg 20 m 2418065ES 65 lbs 29,5 kg 20 m Excel Sinking braided line with black-white camouflage. * Color: black-white * Capacity: 20m * Trade packaging: 10 spools WonderbraiD Shock & Heavy shock Polyester and Dyneema fibres were used during the production. This combination ensures its sinking, high resistance, abrasion resistance and any dilatability and shape remember. It is ideal like a casting braid or for making of shock rigs. You can use it as well as for trolling and for making of various rigs. Shock: green-yellow HeavyShock: black-white Capacity: 50m Trade packaging: 10 spools (500m) Code LBS KG Unit Note 2400025ES 25 lbs 11,4 kg 50 m 2400030ES 30 lbs 13,6 kg 50 m 2400035ES 35 lbs 15,9 kg 50 m 2400040ES 40 lbs 18,2 kg 50 m Shock Code LBS KG Unit Note 2401030ES 30 lbs 13,6 kg 50 m 2401035ES 35 lbs 15,9 kg 50 m 2401040ES 40 lbs 18,2 kg 50 m Heavy Shock Braids
  • 29. 27 Code Diameter B/S Unit Note SE2821016 0,16 mm 3,2 kg 100 m SE2821018 0,18 mm 4,0 kg 100 m SE2821020 0,20 mm 4,7 kg 100 m SE2821022 0,22 mm 6,1 kg 100 m SE2821025 0,25 mm 6,9 kg 100 m SE2821028 0,28 mm 8,6 kg 100 m SE2821030 0,30 mm 9,7 kg 100 m SE2821035 0,35 mm 14,9 kg 100 m SE2821040 0,40 mm 18,6 kg 100 m SE2821050 0,50 mm 27,4 kg 100 m SE2821060 0,60 mm 38,5 kg 100 m Supron Carp Supron Carp is in the brown colour. The brown colour in diameters 0,22-0,35 mm is very popular colour for carp fishing, because carps are most often fish on the places with a muddy bottoms. Diameters 0,32-0,60 mm enable fish as well as predators (catfishes, pikes and zanders) on the similar places. Diameters 0,16-0,25 mm are suitable for float fishing and spinning. Lines are continuously wound on 100 m spools so that everyone can take only as many as meters they need. * Color: brown * Capacity: 100m * Trade packaging: 5 spools (500m) Code Diameter B/S Unit Note SE2830016 0,16 mm 2,9 kg 100 m SE2830018 0,18 mm 3,7 kg 100 m SE2830020 0,20 mm 5,1 kg 100 m SE2830025 0,25 mm 7,0 kg 100 m SE2830030 0,30 mm 8,7 kg 100 m SE2830035 0,35 mm 10,9 kg 100 m SE2830040 0,40 mm 12,7 kg 100 m Supron Evo Fluorocarbon Supron EVO Camo line is our hot newcomer. It has the same structure and diameters as Supron EVO Carp, only in different colours. There are only a few places where the bottom is one colour. Most of the time, the bottom is a combination of mud, sand, water vegetation, gravel etc. This is why we now offer the lines in three basic camouflages. The first is a combination of brown and green. This is the most common colour combination of a muddy bottom with water vegetation, with both fresh green plants and rotten brown stems. The second camouflage is red and black. At first glance, this colour combination might seem illogical, but we know that outside the colour spectrum, red is the first to disappear in a water column with diminishing sunlight, i.e. at greater depths. This colour combination is therefore ideal for depths of more than 2 m, where the line will be invisible to fish. * Capacity: 600m * Trade packaging: 6 spools Lines
  • 30. 28 green/brown Red/Black Diameter B/S Unit Note SE2841022 SE2843022 0,22 mm 6,1 kg 600 m SE2841025 SE2843025 0,25 mm 6,9 kg 600 m SE2841028 SE2843028 0,28 mm 8,6 kg 600 m SE2841030 SE2843030 0,30 mm 9,7 kg 600 m SE2841032 SE2843032 0,32 mm 11,4 kg 600 m SE2841035 SE2843035 0,35 mm 14,9 kg 600 m Supron EVO Camo Supron EVO Camo line is our hot newcomer. It has the same structure and diameters as Supron EVO Carp, only in different colours. There are only a few places where the bottom is one colour. Most of the time, the bottom is a combination of mud, sand, water vegetation, gravel etc. This is why we now offer the lines in three basic camouflages. The first is a combination of brown and green. This is the most common colour combination of a muddy bottom with water vegetation, with both fresh green plants and rotten brown stems. The second camouflage is red and black. At first glance, this colour combination might seem illogical, but we know that outside the colour spectrum, red is the first to disappear in a water column with diminishing sunlight, i.e. at greater depths. This colour combination is therefore ideal for depths of more than 2 m, where the line will be invisible to fish. * Capacity: 600m * Trade packaging: 6 spools Supron EVO Feeder Feeder is very specific way of fishing that requires specific equipment, including lines. Semax Feeder lines fully conform to these requirements. The structure of 300 m is sufficient for most feeder reels. Diameters ranging from 0.16 to 0.22 mm also satisfy all fans of this brilliant fishing technique. The lines are stronger, allowing more direct contact with the fish and a more certain catch. We offer a red colour which is the first colour in the colour spectrum to disappear in a water column and thus the line becomes invisible to fish. * Color: red * Capacity: 300m * Trade packaging: 6 spools Code Diameter B/S Unit Note SE2849016 0,16 mm 3,2 kg 300 m SE2849018 0,18 mm 4,0 kg 300 m SE2849020 0,20 mm 4,7 kg 300 m SE2849022 0,22 mm 6,1 kg 300 m green / brown red / black Lines
  • 31. 29 Fluo-yellow Brown Diameter B/S Unit Note SE2844022 SE2846022 0,22 mm 6,1 kg 600 m SE2844025 SE2846025 0,25 mm 6,9 kg 600 m SE2844028 SE2846028 0,28 mm 8,6 kg 600 m SE2844030 SE2846030 0,30 mm 9,7 kg 600 m SE2844032 SE2846032 0,32 mm 11,4 kg 600 m SE2844035 SE2846035 0,35 mm 14,9 kg 600 m Supron EVO Carp Carp angling requires specific equipment. So does the line. The Supron EVO Carp line is available spooled in a 600m length that is sufficient for high-capacity reels used for this type of angling. We offer a range of dimensions suitable for all specific techniques used for carp angling. Choose from the 0.22 mm, ideal for 2-2.5 lbs rods, to to the 0.35 mm, suitable for long distance casting with heavy bait. We selected the colours very carefully and thus we offer fluorescent yellow for those who want to have constant control over the direction of the line, i.e. where the fish swims when being played. Brown, the most popular colour for carp anglers, blends with the bottom where carp occur most frequently. * Capacity: 600m * Trade packaging: 6 spools Semax Feeder Elastic Feeder Elastic is an important moderating element for feeder rigs. Thanks to Feeder Elastic can be tie up also harder feeders to thinner lines. * Color: transparent * Capacity: 10m * Trade packaging: 10 spools Code Diameter MJ Note SE2001080 0,80 mm 10 m SE2001100 1,00 mm 10 m SE2001130 1,30 mm 10 m Lines fluo-yellow brown
  • 32. 30 PVA string Dissolvable line used for the distribution of bait close to the hook. Simply string the bait on the line and place on the hook. As soon as the line reaches the bottom, it dissolves, leaving the bait lying free by the hook. Code Solubility Brand Length Note 2900110ES 15 s Suretti 50 m 2900120ES 30 s Suretti 20 m 2900130ES 50 s Suretti 20 m SE2900110 15 s Sema 50 m SE2900130 50 s Sema 20 m PVA bag This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom; the bait then lies at the hook. Code Width Length Unit Note 2900310ES 70 mm 200 mm 10 pcs 2900320ES 100 mm 150 mm 10 pcs PVA bag perforated This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom; the bait then lies at the hook. This soluble sack enables distributing the powdery bait in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom; the bait then lies at the hook. Code Width Length Unit Note 2900330ES 60 mm 150 mm 10 pcs 2900340ES 70 mm 190 mm 10 pcs * Pour dry, loose bait, such as pellets or crushed boilies, into a bag. Fill more than half the bag. * Place a weight in one side of the bag and the hook with the bait in the other. * Fill up the rest of the bag with bait in an amount so that you will be able to close and tie it. * Roll the bag between your palms into a ball and tie the top with PVA tape. * Turn the bag upside down, pour the mix out of the corners, wet the corners and stick them to the bottom of the bag to prevent resistance when casting. Using: PVA
  • 33. 31 PVA tape PVA strip necessary to tie PVA bags and mesh tubes. Code Width Brand Length Note 2900230ES 3 mm Suretti 5 m SE2900230 3 mm Sema 5 m PVA mesh tube This soluble mesh tube enables distributing a larger amount of the bait in a close distance from the hook. As well as the soluble strings, the sack dissolves after reaching the bottom; the bait then freely lies at the hook. Code Width Length Unit Note 2900410ES 25 mm 5 m 1 pcs 2900420ES 37 mm 5 m 1 pcs * Tie the nylon at the bottom part. You can make a knot directly on the nylon, or use PVA tape. * Pour the required amount of dry bait into a tube. * Stuff the bait from the tube into the nylon. * Tie the nylon above the bait. Again, you can make a knot directly on the nylon, or simply use PVA tape. Cut the nylon just above the knot. * Now you are ready to bait your fishing area. Using: PVA mesh tube on spool Code Width Length Unit Note 2900411ES 25 mm 5 m 1 spool 2900421ES 37 mm 5 m 1 spool PVA
  • 34. 32 Nickel-Titanium leader Code B/S Length Unit Note K2K015061 6,8 kg 15 cm 1 ks CZ * K2K015121 6,8 kg 30 cm 1 ks CZ * K2K030061 13,6 kg 15 cm 1 ks CZ * K2K030121 13,6 kg 30 cm 1 ks CZ * K2K100121 45,4 kg 30 cm 1 ks CZ * K2K100181 45,4 kg 46 cm 1 ks CZ * Návazec je vyrobený z Nickel-Titanium lanka, které je velmi elastické, při 80% zatížení se prodlouží o 10 až 15%. Lanko má velkou tvarovou paměť, takže se nekudrnatí, je stále rovné a výborně vede nástrahu. Protože neobsahuje železo, nekoroduje, je velmi odolné a vydrží déle než obyčejné lanko. Mořská karabinka má dvojí zámek proti otevření, takže i po jejím přetížení nedojde ke ztrátě ryby a ze stejného důvodu je ložiskový obratlík osazený dvěma svařenými kroužky. Očka na lanku jsou potažena smršťovací hadičkou, aby při použití došlo k minimálnímu opotřebení. Nickel - Titanium wire 7×1 Code B/S Unit Note K2KNT1X700610 2,7 kg 3 m CZ * K2KNT1X701210 5,4 kg 3 m CZ * K2KNT1X701810 8,2 kg 3 m CZ * K2KNT1X702510 11,3 kg 3 m CZ * Nickel - Titanium wire single Code B/S Unit Note K2KNT00715C 2,7 kg 4,6 m CZ * K2KNT00815C 5,4 kg 4,6 m CZ * K2KNT00915C 8,2 kg 4,6 m CZ * K2KNT01015C 11,3 kg 4,6 m CZ * K2KNT02615C 45,4 kg 4,6 m CZ * Ni-Ti wire Knot2Kinky * Ni-Ti lanka jsou velmi elastická, při 80% zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%. * Přestože jsou kovová, mají shock absorber efekt. * Díky jejich elastičnosti je lze jednoduše navázat. * Mají velkou tvarovou paměť, takže jsou stále rovné a výborně vedou nástrahu. * Neobsahují železo, nekorodují. * Jsou velmi odolná, vydrží déle než obyčejné lanko. * Ni-Ti lanka jsou velmi elastická, při 80% zatížení se prodlouží o 10-15%. * Přestože jsou kovová, mají shock absorber efekt. * Díky jejich elastičnosti je lze jednoduše navázat. * Mají velkou tvarovou paměť, takže jsou stále rovné a výborně vedou nástrahu. * Neobsahují železo, nekorodují. * Jsou velmi odolná, vydrží déle než obyčejné lanko. * Only Czech Market
  • 35. 33 Wire rigs Wolfram leader Code Length B/S Unit Note SE8112121 15 cm 10 kg 2 ks SE8112122 25 cm 10 kg 2 ks SE8112123 35 cm 10 kg 2 ks A very fine wire for predatory fish braided from fibres made of very strong tungsten steel. Suitable as a leader for large and cautious predators. The wire offers minimal resistance and is almost unnoticeable to the fish. Wire leader at the card Code Length B/S Unit Note SE8112001 30-30-30 cm 9-12-15 kg 24+24+24 ks SE8112002 15-21-30 cm 9-12-15 kg 24+24+24 ks A wire leader with braided eyes on both sides is made of coated braided steel wire 7x1. Trade packaging: 10bag Trade packaging: 10bag
  • 36. 34 Catfish rigs Boat A universal rig for wels catfish with a single hook and treble hook. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8121021 100 cm 100 kg 4/0 + 6/0 1 pcs SE8121022 100 cm 100 kg 6/0 + 8/0 1 pcs 67 cm / 100 kg 33 cm / 100 kg 4/0 - 6/0 6/0 - 8/0 Underwater Float A universal rig for wels catfish with a single hook, treble hook and underwater float. The underwater float buoys the line above the baitfish, thus limiting the possibility of the terminal tackle becoming tangled. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8121031 180 cm 100 kg 4/0 + 6/0 1 pcs SE8121032 180 cm 100 kg 6/0 + 8/0 1 pcs 157 cm / 100 kg 23 cm / 100 kg 11 cm 4/0 - 6/0 6/0 - 8/0 Big A special rig for wels catfish with a single hook and two treble hooks. The rig makes it possible to bait a large baitfish for specimen catfish. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8121041 110 cm 100 kg 4/0 + 6/0 1 pcs SE8121042 110 cm 100 kg 6/0 + 8/0 1 pcs 62 cm / 100 kg 4/0 - 6/0 23 cm / 100 kg 25 cm / 100 kg 6/0 - 8/0 6/0 - 8/0
  • 37. 35 Carp rigs Double rig A very popular carp rig after the feeder. Thanks to its short length, after a cast the hook with the bait are exactly at the place of the feed spilled from the feeder. Fish sucking in the feed will then suck in the hook with the bait as well. This leader is analogous to „srkačka” (a terminal wire feeder with a hook on both ends of it) but in the event that the rig is torn off, the fish does not drag the entire feeder but only the hooks which will fall out of it in the course of time. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8122016 8 cm 11,4 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8122015 8 cm 11,4 kg 1 2 pcs SE8122014 8 cm 11,4 kg 2 2 pcs 5 cm / 11,4 kg 3 cm / 11,4 kg size 1/0 - 1 - 2 size 1/0 - 1 - 2 End rig A terminal double rig that is fastened to the terminal line, and a sinker or feeder is hung on the end. The leader is designed in such a way to prevent the leaders with hooks from tangling on the central line. It is used mainly where fish bite very subtly, on a muddy or weedy bottom. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8122026 20 cm 11,4 kg 1/0 2 pcs 9 cm / 11,4 kg 9 cm / 11,4 kg22 cm / 11,4 kg 10 cm 10 cm 1/01/0
  • 38. 36 Evolution Vamp A boilie leader suitable for both classic and floating types of boilies. It is fastened to a Vamp line with black-and-white camouflage and with an extra hook developed for carp fishing. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A fast sinking Dyneema braid with its silky softness enables natural movement of the bait. It has very high abrasion resistance and it fits especially to sandy or stony and grassy bottom. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123036 28 cm 11,4 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123035 28 cm 11,4 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123034 28 cm 11,4 kg 2 2 pcs size 8 28 cm Vamp / 11,4 kg 4,5 cm size 1/0 - 1 - 2 Specialist Invisible A boilie leader suitable for most types of boilies. It is fastened to an Invisible line with a black-and-yellow camouflage and with an Iseama-type hook. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A super fast sinking braid twisted of Dyneema and hydrogen- fluoride fibres (without lead) with high strength, suppleness and good abrasion resistance. This braid spreads exactly on a bottom, stays under bait and has good camouflage colouring. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123026 28 cm 13,6 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123025 28 cm 13,6 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123024 28 cm 13,6 kg 2 2 pcs size 8 28 cm Invisible / 13,6 kg 4,5 cm size 1/0 - 1 - 2 Specialist Vamp A boilie leader suitable for most types of boilies. It is fastened to a Vamp line with black-and-white camouflage and with an Iseama-type hook. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A fast sinking Dyneema braid with its silky softness enables natural movement of the bait. It has very high abrasion resistance and it fits especially to sandy or stony and grassy bottom. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123016 28 cm 11,4 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123015 28 cm 11,4 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123014 28 cm 11,4 kg 2 2 pcs size 8 28 cm Vamp / 11,4 kg 4,5 cm size 1/0 - 1 - 2 Boilie rigs
  • 39. 37 Weed Phantom A boilie leader suitable for stretches with a dense stand of aquatic grasses or with a muddy bottom. It is fastened to a strong monofilament line and Phantom line with green-and- white camouflage and with a China hook. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A floatable Dyneema braid is of the green color combined of two shades. It is very fine and supple, with high abrasion resistance, intended for hook links creation during fishing on indented stony and grassy terrain. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123066 32 cm 13,6 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123065 32 cm 13,6 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123064 32 cm 13,6 kg 2 2 pcs 16 cm / 7,5 kgsize 8 16 cm Phantom / 13,6 kg 4 cm size 1/0 - 1 - 2 Evolution Phantom A boilie leader suitable for both classic and floating types of boilies. It is fastened to a Phantom line with green-and-white camouflage and with an extra hook developed for carp fishing. The size of the swivel is chosen for lead clip. A floatable Dyneema braid is of the green color combined of two shades. It is very fine and supple, with high abrasion resistance, intended for hook links creation during fishing on indented stony and grassy terrain. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123046 28 cm 13,6 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123045 28 cm 13,6 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123044 28 cm 13,6 kg 2 2 pcs size 8 28 cm Phantom / 13,6 kg 4,5 cm size 1/0 - 1 - 2 Boilie rigs D-ring Assembler A boilie leader suitable mainly in the event that fish bite very cautiously and spit the bait out when there is the slightest resistance. Hanging of the bait on a ring does not rotate the hook, which is then set better. It is used when fishing with a „Snowman rig” or with floating boilies. A fine sinking braid twisted of Dyneema and polyester fibres with none stretch, good abrasion resistance and very high knot strength. Code Length B/S Hook Unit Note SE8123076 28 cm 11,4 kg 1/0 2 pcs SE8123075 28 cm 11,4 kg 1 2 pcs SE8123074 28 cm 11,4 kg 2 2 pcs 28 cm Assembler / 11,4 kgsize 8 size 1/0 - 1 - 2
  • 40. 38 Feeder rigs Shock A shock leader for feeder fishing, absorbing the weight of the feeder with feed during casting. Code Length Diameter Unit Note SE8132002 20 cm 0,80 mm 1 ks Side Run Univerzální feederový návazec s bočním vedením zátěže dávající rybě při nasávání nástrahy dostatek volnosti. Po záběru a následném úniku pak provede první dostatečný zásek. Code Length Diameter Unit Note SE8132012 30 cm-32 cm 0,25 mm 3 ks 28 cm / 0,25 mm / 5,4 kg 32 cm / 0,25 mm / 5,4 kg size 16 size 16 20 cm Feeder Elastic / 0,80 mm / 8,7 kg size 0
  • 41. Twin Treble Trace wire 1x19 LYNX® návazec Twin Treble Trace je dlouhý 50cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 30lb. Unikátní trojháčky Precision, jsou od sebe vzdáleny 10cm, aby je bylo možno použít buď na hlavu nebo na ocas nástrahy. Velikosti háčků 2, 4, 6 a 8 pokrývají většinu situací, které mohou při lovu dravců nastat. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPTT2B 2 50 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPTT4B 4 50 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPTT6B 6 50 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPTT8B 8 50 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené * Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy a její aretaci na háčku * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Single Treble Trace wire 1x19 LYNX® návazec Single Treble Trace je dlouhý 40cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 30lb. Ideální na živou nebo mrtvou nástrahu. Velikosti háčků 4 a 6 pokrývají většinu situací, které mohou při lovu dravců nastat. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPST4B 4 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPST6B 6 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené * Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy a její aretaci na háčku * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii 50 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32mmObratlík 80 lb vzdálenost mezi háčky 10cm 40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32mmObratlík 80 lb Knotless rigs Lynx 39* Only Czech Market
  • 42. 40 Knotless rigs Lynx Paternoster Trace - wire 1×19 LYNX® návazec Paternoster Trace je dlouhý 25cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 40lb. Použitím 40lb lanka je návazec tužší, nemotá se, a přesto poskytuje nástraze dostatek volnosti k jejímu přirozenému pohybu. Unikátní trojháčky Precision, jsou od sebe vzdáleny 10cm, aby je bylo možno použít buď na hlavu nebo na ocas nástrahy. Velikosti háčků 4, 6 a 8 pokrývají většinu situací, které mohou při lovu dravců nastat. Konstruován na LYNX® Paternostrer Up Trace. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPPT4B 4 25 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPPT6B 6 25 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPPT8B 8 25 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené * Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy a její aretaci na háčku * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Paternoster Up Trace - wire 1×19 LYNX® návazec Paternoster Up Trace je dlouhý 60cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 40lb. Konstruován na použití s LYNX® návazcem Paternoster Trace. Systém dovoluje lovit s přírodní nástrahou bez zamotávání se a bez ztracených záběrů. Code Length B/S Unit Note LYLPPUT 60 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu * Lanko s nylonovým povlakem chránící jej před poškozením * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii 25 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,38mmKarabinka 80 lb vzdálenost mezi háčky 10cm 60 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,60 mmObratlík 80 lb Obratlík 80 lb Obratlík 80 lb * Only Czech Market
  • 43. 41 Single Hook Trace - wire 1×19 LYNX® návazec Single Hook Trace je dlouhý 40cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 s nosností 30 nebo 40lb v závislosti na velikosti háčku. Použitím jednoháčků Precision o velikostech 1, 2, 4 a 6 je ideální na lov v místech kde jsou trojháčky zakázány. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSHT1B 1 40 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPSHT2B 2 40 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPSHT4B 4 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * LYLPSHT6B 6 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů * Lze použít na živou či mrtvou nástrahu * Lze použít na jakoukoliv vaši sestavu * Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Dodávané s přívěskem na zvýšení atraktivity nástrahy a její aretaci na háčku * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Angli Wire Lure Trace - wire 1×19 LYNX® návazec Wire Lure Trace je dlouhý 40cm a je vyroben ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19, s nosnostmi 10, 20, 30 a 40lb. Je ideální na umělé nástrahy všech typů a velikostí. Code Length B/S Unit Note LYLPWLT10 40 cm 10 lbs/4,5 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPWLT20 40 cm 20 lbs/9 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPWLT30 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPWLT40 40 cm 40 lbs/20,4 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů * Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Knotless rigs Lynx 40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32 / 0,38 mmObratlík 80 lb 40 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,19 / 0,25 / 0,32 / 0,38 mmObratlík 80 lb * Only Czech Market
  • 44. 42 Knotless rigs Lynx Titanium Lure Trace - titan wire LYNX® návazec Titanium Lure Trace je dlouhý 40cm a je vyroben ze super jemného pleteného titanového lanka 1x7 s nosnostmi 30 a 50lb. Je ideální na umělé nástrahy všech typů a velikostí. Code Length B/S Unit Note LYLPTLT30 40 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPTLT50 40 cm 50 lbs/22,7 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik, candátů a okounů * Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu * Všechny návazce je použito ultra jemné titanové lanko * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Titanium Jerkbait Trace - titan wire LYNX® návazec Titanium Jerkbait Trace je dlouhý 20 a 30cm a je vyroben z velmi odolného titanového lanka 1x1 s nosností 100lb. Je ideální na všechny umělé nástrahy. Code Length B/S Unit Note LYLPTJT20 20 cm 100 lbs/45 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPTJT30 30 cm 100 lbs/45 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Lze použít na jakoukoliv umělou nástrahu * Všechny návazce jsou vyrobeny z velmi odolného nekroutícího se titanového lanka * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii 40 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 / 0,56 mmObratlík 80 lb 20 / 30 cm titanové lanko 1x1 Ø 0,70 mm * Only Czech Market
  • 45. 43 Single Treble wire 1x19 LYNX® návazce s trojháčkem jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSS005 6 6 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS010 6 8 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS015 4 10 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS020 2 10 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Super jemné pletené lanko 1x19 * Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Single Treble Titanium wire 1x7 LYNX® návazce s trojháčkem jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze super jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSS025 6 6 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS030 6 8 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS035 4 10 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSS040 2 10 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7 * Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Knotless rigs Lynx 6 / 8 / 10 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,38 mm háčky 2 / 4 / 6 6 / 8 / 10 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 2 / 4 / 6 * Only Czech Market
  • 46. 44 Double Treble wire 1x19 Vyrábí se ze super ohebného pleteného lanka 1x19 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSD005 4 & 4 10 cm & 5 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSD010 2 & 2 14 cm & 8 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Super jemné pletené lanko 1x19 * Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Double Treble Titanium wire 1x7 Vyrábí se ze super jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSD015 4 & 4 10 cm & 5 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSD020 2 & 2 14 cm & 8 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7 * Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Knotless rigs Lynx 10 / 14 cm pletené lanko 1x19 Ø 0,32 mm háčky 2 + 2 / 4 + 4 10 / 14 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 2 + 2 / 4 + 4 * Only Czech Market
  • 47. 45 LYNX® návazce se dvěma trojháčky jsou nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého seriózního rybáře pokud vláčí gumové nástrahy. Vyrábí se ze super jemného nekroutícího se pleteného Titanového lanka 1x7 v různých délkách a mohou být použity se spoustou různých gumových nástrah dávajíc tak lovci výhodu jistějšího záseku při záběru. Horní háček je posuvný v celé délce návazce, tedy od spodního trojháčku až k hornímu očku a dovoluje jeho optimální umístění na jakoukoliv nástrahu, aniž by ovlivňoval její chod. Jemné očko je potaženo super tenkou smršťovací hadičkou k jeho ochraně při nasazení na jigovou hlavičku nebo jinou vláčecí nástrahu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLPSDA005 6 & 8 12 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSDA010 4 & 6 14 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLPSDA015 2 & 4 16 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 2 pcs CZ * Double Treble Titanium wire adjustable Knotless rigs Lynx 12 / 14 / 16 cm titanové lanko 1x7 Ø 0,43 mm háčky 6 + 8 / 4 + 6 / 2 + 4 * Ideální na lov štik a candátů * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Super jemné, nekroutící se pletené Titanové lanko 1x7 * Super tenké očko potažené smršťovací hadičkou * Stavitelný horní háček umožňuje nastavení do optimální pozice na jakékoliv nástraze * Háček lze posouvat po celé délce od spodního háčku až po horní očko * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii * Only Czech Market
  • 48. 46 Two Hook Rig LYNX® De-Tach Two Hook Rig je ideální na lov z lodě či ze břehu pokud lovíme za nějakou terénní překážkou. Systémek je dodáván s klipy na háčky, které se vkládají do připravených gumových hadiček na hlavním vlasci. Háčky se vkládají do klipů, aby se při náhozu nezamotaly do sebe nebo na hlavní vlasec. Uživatel si pak může rozhodnout podle situace zda je použije a i v jakém směru bude boční návace do klipů vkládat – oba nahoru, dolů nebo jeden nahoru a druhý dolu. Inovativní a všestranný systémek LYNX® De-Tach Two Hook Rig prezentuje dvě návnady blízko sebe, takže se zvyšuje jejich atraktivita. Navíc lze rychle vyměnit boční návazce a přizpůsobit se tak změně situace. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDRR020 2x1/0 130/35 cm 70/30 lbs 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov okounů, tresek a mnoha dalších * Lze použít ve většině situacích * Skvělý při současné prezentaci dvou různých nástrah * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Dodávané s klipy na háčky, uživatel má tak možnost konfigurace * Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach Three Hook Rig LYNX® systémek De-Tach Three Hook Rig je ideální na lov z lodě nebo ze břehu na čistém nebo kombinovaném dnu, kde velká vzdálenost není rozhodující, ale je důležitá možnost prezentace více nástrah. Systémek LYNX® De-Tach Three Hook Rig nabízí tři nástrahy což zvyšuje pachovou stopu a tedy i pravděpodobnost záběru. Díky jeho konstrukci je systémek oblíben zejména u soutěžních rybářů a s menšími háčky na vláčení po dně. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDRR025 3x1/0 150/35 cm 70/30 lbs 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov okounů, tresek, platýsů a mnoha dalších * Ideální na čisté nebo kombinované dno * Skvělý při současné prezentaci tří různých nástrah * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach Knotless rigs Lynx 110 lb obratlík 50 lb obratlík 50 lb obratlík 50 lb Lynx klip 50 lb Lynx klip 1/0 háček 1/0 háček 35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb 35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb 42 cm 42 cm 42 cm 110 lb obratlík 70 lb obratlík 50 lb Lynx klip 1/0 háček 35 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb 30 cm 55 cm 15 cm50 cm * Only Czech Market
  • 49. 47 Long Pennel side Rig LYNX® návazce Pennel jsou ideální pro lov těžce bojujících druhů jako jsou tresky, rejnoci a mnoho dalších. Dvouháčkový návazec umožňuje umístit větší návnadu a poskytuje vyšší šanci na zaháčkování. Sortiment sestává ze dvou 75cm, 60 liberních verzí (jedna s 4/0 XS háčkem a 3/0 Pennel háčkem, druhá s 3/0 Aberdeen háčkem a 3/0 Pennel háčkem). Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDS015 4/0 & 3/0 75 cm 60 lbs/27,2 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLSDS020 3/0 & 3/0 45 cm 60 lbs/27,2 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální pro druhy s velkou tlamou * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Xtra Strong side Rig LYNX® boční návazec Xtra Strong je cílený na tvrdě bojující rybu jako je treska, okoun, rejnok, máčka a mnoho dalších. Velký extra pevný háček 4/0 dovoluje lovit a větší nástrahou, ale díky tomu, že je jen jeden snižuje riziko vázky při zdolávání. Oba dostupné návazce jsou dlouhé 75cm, jeden je na 60lb vlasci, druhý na 40lb. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDS025 4/0 75 cm 60 lbs/27,2 kg 2 pcs CZ * LYLSDS030 4/0 75 cm 40 lbs/18,1 kg 2 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov tvdě bojujících ryb * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní háčky chemicky ostřené bez oček * Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach Knotless rigs Lynx Háček 3/0 Pennel Háček 4/0 XS / Háček 3/0 Aberdeen 60lb / 0,70mm / 75cm Háček 4/0 XS 60lb / 0,70mm / 75cm 40lb / 0,59mm / 75cm 80 lb Lynx klip 80 lb Lynx klip * Only Czech Market
  • 50. 48 Aberdeen side Rig LYNX® návazec Aberdeen Hook je vhodný na čisté nebo kombinované dno při lovu tresek, okounů, rejnoků, platýsů a mnoha dalších. Všechny návazce jsou dlouhé 75cm na 30lb vlasci s háčkem 3/0, 2/0 nebo 1/0. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDS035 3/0 75 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS040 2/0 75 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS045 1/0 75 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov středně velkých ryb * Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky bez oček * Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Medium Aberdeen side Rig LYNX® návazec Aberdeen Hook je vhodný na čisté nebo kombinované dno při lovu tresek, okounů, máček, parmic, platýsů a mnoha dalších. Návazce jsou dlouhé 35cm na vlasci 30, 20 nebo 15lb s háčky velikosti 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, 1 a 2. Vhodné jsou na lov z lodě i ze břehu. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSDS055 3/0 35 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS060 2/0 35 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS065 1/0 35 cm 30 lbs/13,6 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS070 1 35 cm 20 lbs/9,1 kg 3 pcs CZ * LYLSDS075 2 35 cm 15 lbs/6,8 kg 3 pcs CZ * * Ideální při lovu menších ryb * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky bez oček * Vyměnitelné boční návazce De-Tach * Vyrobeno technologií Precision Compresion Technology® * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Knotless rigs Lynx Háček Aberdeen 3/0, 2/0 nebo 1/0 30 lb / 0,50 mm / 75 cm Háček Aberdeen 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, 1nebo 2 15 lb / 0,34 mm / 35 cm nebo 20 lb / 0,40 mm / 35 cm nebo 30 lb / 0,50 mm / 35 cm 50 lb nebo 25 lb Lynx klip 50 lb Lynx klip * Only Czech Market
  • 51. 49 Uptide Pennel Rig LYNX® systémek Uptide Pennet Rig je ideální na lov s velkou nástrahou z lodě. Konstrukce zvyšuje sílu záseku a díky dvěma háčkům zvyšuje jistotu udržení velké nástrahy jako je krab nebo chobotnice. Systémek obsahuje adaptér na zavěšení, který snižuje riziko zamotání a délka návazce zase dovoluje přirozený pohyb nástrahy. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSB015 4/0 120/110 cm 70/40 lbs 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov rejnoků, máček, tresek a žraloků hladkých * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky * Háčky bez oček, které neponičí nástrahu * Dodáváno s dvěma korálky a adaptérem Zip Slider * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Three Hook Flapper LYNX® systémek Three Hook Flapper Rig je univerzální systémek umožňující nastražení třech nástrah a maximalizuje tak šanci chytit ryby v hejnech. Konstrukce rovněž dovoluje umístění třech stejných nástrah blízko sebe což zvyšuje pachovou stopu a nebo experimentovat a zkoušet až tři různé nástrahy najednou. Code Hook Length B/S Unit Note LYLSB030 3x1/0 130/40/30/30 cm 70/30/30/30 lbs 1 pcs CZ * * Ideální na lov platýsů, platýsů velkých, tresek a mnoha dalších * Unikátní matná antireflexní úprava všech komponent * Vysoce kvalitní chemicky ostřené háčky * Háčky bez oček, které neponičí nástrahu * 100% pevnost spojení, 100% konzistence, 100% důvěra * Vyrobeno ručně v Alnwicku v Anglii Knotless rigs Lynx 110 lb obratlík 80 lb obratlík Háček Aberdeen 3/0 Háček XS 4/0 70lb / 0,80mm / 120cm 40lb / 0,59mm / 110cm 110 lb obratlík 80 lb obratlík 1/0 háček Aberdeen 40 cm Ø 0,50 mm / 30 lb 30 cm 40 cm 20 cm40 cm * Only Czech Market
  • 52. 2/01/01234 1/012345 50 Carp Delta Iseama Code Size Unit Note 3001001ES 1 8 pcs 3001002ES 2 8 pcs 3001003ES 3 9 pcs 3001004ES 4 9 pcs 3001005ES 5 9 pcs 3001110ES 1/0 7 pcs Black nickel hook blade „Trust Grip” a tip „Triple Edge”. Sturdy hook is ideal for creating a variety of carp rigs. Sure hooks Ultra-stiff forged Japanese Sure hooks are made of high-carbon steel. Their precisely shaped point has fast and precise penetration, anti-corrosive coating and a high level of flexibility. Any fish that feels this hook will have no way to get out. This hook will penetrate the fish’s mouth at the speed of a bullet. Triple Edge - The point formed of three blades. The whole point is formed of three blades with different angles making the spike not only sharp but also stiff, flexible and durable. A sharp tip pierces without resistance, as do the other tips, then the sharp edges impale their way smoothly without resistance. Trust Grip - another very important part of the hook is the eye, the place for attaching the line. Although providing that the knot is tied perfectly, monofilament tends to strangle, which lowers its capacity. That is why the eye has a notch for leading the line. Thanks to anchoring, the reduction of the cut is minimized and the knot strength is increased. Carp Delta Chinu Code Size Unit Note 3000001ES 1 9 pcs 3000002ES 2 9 pcs 3000003ES 3 10 pcs 3000004ES 4 11 pcs 3000110ES 1/0 8 pcs 3000210ES 2/0 7 pcs The shape is optimized to harmful angle was minimal. Due to its shape and point „Triple Edge” very good jams and when fighting is minimal chance of escaping fish. The shape of the bend is particularly suitable for crop bait, but it can also be used on livestock. Double barb Forged Arm barb Nickel Reversed Flatted Black Nickel Kirbed Ringed Teflon Pictograms: Hooks hooks trade packaging is 10 bags
  • 53. 2/01/01234 2/01/01234 2/01/01234 2/01/01234 2/01/01 51 Carp SB Chinu Code Size Unit Note 3002001ES 1 11 pcs 3002002ES 2 11 pcs 3002003ES 3 12 pcs 3002004ES 4 12 pcs 3002110ES 1/0 10 pcs 3002210ES 2/0 10 pcs Nickel forged and flatted hook. Very strong hook with a short shank is ideal for plant, cooked and extruded baits. Carp Chinu TF Code Size Unit Note 3008001ES 1 13 pcs 3008002ES 2 14 pcs 3008003ES 3 15 pcs 3008004ES 4 18 pcs 3008110ES 1/0 9 pcs 3008210ES 2/0 8 pcs It is the most popular and most used hook for carp. Can it create rigs for carp, use it to animal or plant bait and you never disappoint. The hook has an optimum shape is well balanced with minimal harmful angle and is very catchy. Carp Iseama Code Size Unit Note 3003001ES 1 13 pcs 3003002ES 2 14 pcs 3003003ES 3 16 pcs 3003004ES 4 16 pcs 3003110ES 1/0 10 pcs 3003210ES 2/0 9 pcs Black nickel hook has bend with minimal harmful angle has powerful material with a short shank. These properties make it a favorite for creating various carp rigs. Carp Maruseigo Code Size Unit Note 3004001ES 1 14 pcs 3004002ES 2 16 pcs 3004003ES 3 18 pcs 3004004ES 4 19 pcs 3004110ES 1/0 12 pcs 3004210ES 2/0 8 pcs Black nickel hook has barbed shank, designed for carp fishing with earthworm and maggots. Hook has minimal harmful angle and straight tip to the well strike. Boilie Carp Code Size Unit Note 3005001ES 1 12 pcs 3005110ES 1/0 10 pcs 3005210ES 2/0 9 pcs Black nickel ringed hook is specially designed for creating boilie rigs. The hook is in the areas of greatest stress forged to prevent its deformation. If a fish hook this one sucks, does not it have a leak. HooksreAl SIZE Products on this double page are shown in actual size
  • 54. 3/01/0123 2/01/01234 2/01/01234 689111215 56781112 52 Boilie Chinu Code Size Unit Note 3006001ES 1 9 pcs 3006002ES 2 12 pcs 3006003ES 3 13 pcs 3006110ES 1/0 7 pcs 3006210ES 3 6 pcs 3006310ES 3/0 5 pcs It is the most popular and most used hook for carp. Can it make pop up boilie rig, use it to animal or plant bait and you never disappoint. The hook has an optimum shape is well balanced with minimal harmful angle is very catchy. Boilie Iseama Code Size Unit Note 3007001ES 1 9 pcs 3007002ES 2 10 pcs 3007003ES 3 11 pcs 3007004ES 4 12 pcs 3007110ES 1/0 8 pcs 3007210ES 2/0 6 pcs Black nickel ringed robust hook with classic shape. Perfect for creating various carp and boilie rigs. Boilie Iseama TF Code Size Unit Note 3009001ES 1 11 pcs 3009002ES 2 13 pcs 3009003ES 3 14 pcs 3009004ES 4 15 pcs 3009110ES 1/0 9 pcs 3009210ES 2/0 8 pcs Teflon, ringed, strong hook with classic shape. The hook is very catchy thanks to the Teflon finishing and it can be use to build carp and boilie rigs. Feeder Keiryu Code Size Unit Note 3300006ES 6 17 pcs 3300008ES 8 17 pcs 3300009ES 9 17 pcs 3300011ES 11 17 pcs 3300012ES 12 17 pcs 3300015ES 15 17 pcs Black nickel, flatted hook from very fine wire. In the water poses minimal resistance and affects bait. Feeder Iseama Code Size Unit Note 3301005ES 5 15 pcs 3301006ES 6 16 pcs 3301007ES 7 16 pcs 3301008ES 8 16 pcs 3301011ES 11 16 pcs 3301012ES 12 16 pcs Very powerful hook, silver, ringed, short shank and curved point to minimize harmful angle. The shape of the hook is particularly suitable to plant bait. Hooks
  • 55. 456789 345678 1246 3/02/01/0124 53 Feeder Chika Code Size Unit Note 3302004ES 4 22 pcs 3302005ES 5 23 pcs 3302006ES 6 23 pcs 3302007ES 7 23 pcs 3302008ES 8 23 pcs 3302009ES 9 23 pcs Very fine hook, flatted, with longer shank and direct a sharp point. Suitable for match and feeder fishing. Feeder Koaji Code Size Unit Note 3303003ES 3 16 pcs 3303004ES 4 17 pcs 3303005ES 5 18 pcs 3303006ES 6 18 pcs 3303007ES 7 18 pcs 3303008ES 8 18 pcs Very fine hook, flatted, nickel. Suitable for match and feeder fishing with maggots. Double Code Size Unit Note 3600001ES 1 5 pcs 3600002ES 2 6 pcs 3600004ES 4 7 pcs 3600006ES 6 7 pcs Black nickel double hook with a round bend and straight points. Suitable for creating leaders for predators. Double hook is very strong, flexible and holds its shape. Treble BN Code Size Unit Note 3610001ES 1 6 pcs 3610002ES 2 7 pcs 3610004ES 4 8 pcs 3610110ES 1/0 5 pcs 3610210ES 2/0 4 pcs 3610310ES 3/0 4 pcs Nickel treble hook for freshwater fishing. Round bends with straight points keep its shape even under heavy load. The hook can be used directly or for the creation leaders. Sharpening stone Code: SE9155001 Unit: 1 pcs The sharpening stone for hooks. HooksreAl SIZE Products on this double page are shown in actual size
  • 56. 012345 000 2/0 1/0 1 2 3 12 10 8 7 1210864 781012 6 5 54 Hooked snap Code Size B/S Unit Note 4101004ES 4 40 kg 10 pcs 4101006ES 6 35 kg 10 pcs 4101008ES 8 28 kg 10 pcs 4101010ES 10 20 kg 10 pcs 4101012ES 12 12 kg 10 pcs Ring clip Code Size B/S Unit Note 4111006ES 7 15 kg 10 pcs Ring clip with internal wire gate makes them quick and easy to use. Versatile clips make it easy to quickly change. Colour: Černý antireflexní Trade packaging: 10bag Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8317205 5 3 kg 20 pcs SE8317206 6 5 kg 20 pcs SE8317207 7 8 kg 20 pcs SE8317208 8 15 kg 20 pcs SE8317210 10 20 kg 20 pcs SE8317212 12 25 kg 20 pcs Rings made of spring steel to connect lures. Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8350002 5 50 kg 10 pcs SE8350004 4 40 kg 10 pcs SE8350006 3 35 kg 10 pcs SE8350008 2 28 kg 10 pcs SE8350010 1 20 kg 10 pcs SE8350012 0 12 kg 10 pcs SE8350014 000 4 kg 10 pcs Universal snap in the color black nickel. With its open shape it can be used on almost anything. It can be deployed on a swivel, ring, lead or feeder with an eye or on the antitangle beads or floats. Tip: use size 4 on a key ring, so you get a very simple folder for your swivels and snaps. Sea snap Double insurance Code Size B/S Unit Note 4102001ES 1 40 kg 3 pcs 4102002ES 2 28 kg 3 pcs 4102003ES 3 15 kg 3 pcs 4102110ES 1/0 55 kg 3 pcs 4102210ES 2/0 70 kg 3 pcs Nickel plated snap Double Insurance has a double lock, so the overload although deformed, but still will stick. With its open shape it can be used in almost every rigs. We recommend to use in combination with Nickel Titanium wire or Sea swivel. Spring ring Code Size B/S Unit Note 4121007ES 7 15 kg 10 pcs 4121008ES 8 20 kg 10 pcs 4121010ES 10 25 kg 10 pcs 4121012ES 12 30 kg 10 pcs C Clip Code Size B/S Unit Note 4112006ES 10 pcs The internal wire gate makes them quick and easy to use and they can be covered with silicone tube or an Anti Tangle Sleeve. Versatile clips make it easy to quickly change rigs or leads. Colour: Černý antireflexní Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Swivel and snaps
  • 57. 121098 14 16 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 7 8 4 7 55 Invisa swivel transparent Code B/S Unit Note K2KIN1272C 5,4 kg 5 pcs K2KIN2572C 11,3 kg 5 pcs K2KIN3572C 15,9 kg 5 pcs K2KIN5572C 24,9 kg 5 pcs Invisa Swivel is an innovative product that offers a number of advantages over traditional metal swivels. Firstly, they are extremely flexible and can be bent or twisted without breaking or losing any strength. Barrel swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4201008ES 8 20 kg 10 pcs 4201009ES 9 18 kg 10 pcs 4201010ES 10 16 kg 10 pcs 4201012ES 12 14 kg 10 pcs 4201014ES 14 10 kg 10 pcs 4201016ES 16 8 kg 10 pcs Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8356008 8 20 kg 10 pcs SE8356009 9 18 kg 10 pcs SE8356010 10 16 kg 10 pcs SE8356012 12 14 kg 10 pcs SE8356014 14 8 kg 10 pcs SE8356016 16 7 kg 10 pcs For faster handling, use in combination with Ring Clip or C Clip. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. Rolling swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4211006ES 6 43 kg 10 pcs 4211007ES 7 40 kg 10 pcs 4211008ES 8 35 kg 10 pcs 4211009ES 9 32 kg 10 pcs 4211010ES 10 27 kg 10 pcs 4211011ES 11 22 kg 10 pcs Strength Rolling swivel with anti-reflective black.Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. To protect the knot, use Rubber Bead or bead Tapered Bore. Colour: Clear Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Matt Black Trade packaging: 10bag Diamond eye swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8356905 5 30 kg 10 pcs SE8356907 7 19 kg 10 pcs Rolling Swivel DiamondRound knurled in nickel. Knurling body better holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve, Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet. Diamond eye is smaller, easier to put into beads and better leads attached fishing line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. Colour: Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Swivel with ring Code Size B/S Unit Note 4215008ES 8 45 kg 10 pcs Anti-reflective black swivel with ring size 4 fits into the classic Lead Clips. It can be used to make a end rigs or for Helicopter system in combination with Buffer Ball. Colour: Matt Black Trade packaging: 10bag Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8316904 4 45 kg 10 pcs SE8316907 7 25 kg 10 pcs Swivel and snapsreAl SIZE Products on this double page are shown in actual size
  • 58. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 10 12 56 Impressed rolling swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4221006ES 6 43 kg 10 pcs 4221007ES 7 40 kg 10 pcs 4221008ES 8 35 kg 10 pcs 4221009ES 9 32 kg 10 pcs 4221010ES 10 27 kg 10 pcs 4221011ES 11 22 kg 10 pcs 4221012ES 12 19 kg 10 pcs 4221014ES 14 14 kg 10 pcs 4221016ES 16 9 kg 10 pcs Strength Impressed Rolling swivel with anti-reflective black. Knurling of body better holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve and Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. Diamond eye swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4212006ES 6 40 kg 10 pcs 4212007ES 7 35 kg 10 pcs 4212008ES 8 32 kg 10 pcs 4212009ES 9 27 kg 10 pcs 4212010ES 10 22 kg 10 pcs 4212011ES 11 19 kg 10 pcs Rolling Swivel DiamondRound knurled in black. Knurling body better holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve, Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet. Diamond eye is smaller, easier to put into beads and better leads attached fishing line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. Diamond eye impressed rolling swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4222006ES 6 40 kg 10 pcs 4222007ES 7 35 kg 10 pcs 4222008ES 8 32 kg 10 pcs 4222009ES 9 27 kg 10 pcs 4222010ES 10 22 kg 10 pcs 4222011ES 11 19 kg 10 pcs Rolling Swivel Diamond knurled in black. Knurling of body better holds shrinking tube, bead, Anti Tangle Sleeve and Tail Rubber, Buffer Ball or Bullet. Diamond eyes are smaller, easier to deploy into beads and better leads line or wire. Use Clinch knot, do not forgot moisten the line before tight the knot. It is better to tighten, you do not damage the line and you achieve a higher knot strength. Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag Colour: Matt Black Trade packaging: 10bag Cross-line barrel swivel Code Size B/S Unit Note 4202008ES 8 20 kg 10 pcs 4202010ES 10 16 kg 10 pcs 4202012ES 12 14 kg 10 pcs Colour: Matt Black Trade packaging: 10bag Code Size B/S Unit Note SE8316108 8 20 kg 10 pcs SE8316110 10 16 kg 10 pcs SE8316112 12 14 kg 10 pcs Colour: Black Nickel Trade packaging: 10bag The three-way swivel in black or black-nickel. It is mainly used to establish the side rigs or two end rigs. To avoid tangling, use silicone Anti Tangle Sleeves. Swivel and snaps