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                Economic Gardening
     An entrepreneur-oriented approach to economic prosperity

I    t may seem ironic in today’s global
     economy, but place has become
     more important than ever. Natural
resources, low-cost labor and tax
incentives used to be key drivers to
                                           comes in — and why it takes a neutral
                                           third party like the foundation to get
                                           involved and be a catalyst for change.”
                                               Economic gardening takes an
                                           entrepreneurial approach to job
                                                                                         Economic gardening helps establish
                                                                                     an entrepreneurial culture within
                                                                                     communities and sets itself apart from
                                                                                     other economic-development strategies
regional prosperity. Today, however, the   creation. Sometimes referred to as a      by its target audience, tools and timing
ability to support innovative companies    “homegrown” or “inside-out” strategy,     of services.
and entrepreneurs is also a critical       economic gardening focuses on helping         For example, traditional economic-
component to economic growth.              existing growth-oriented companies        development programs offer tax
   “We’re living in a period of            become larger.                            incentives, workforce development
exponential economic change,                   “We’re not saying that attraction     services and infrastructure
which means economic developers            and recruitment activities should         improvements to attract and retain
and community leaders must serve           be discontinued, but they’ve been         companies that may be considering
businesses differently,” says Mark         overemphasized due partly to              relocation — strategies that emphasize
Lange, executive director of the Edward    competitive and political pressures,”     movement rather than growth.
Lowe Foundation in Cassopolis, Mich.       Lange says. “A balanced approach is the       At the other end of the spectrum,
“That’s where economic gardening           key to building effective programs and    there are a variety of small-business-
Edward Lowe Foundation

                        development organizations
                        that serve startups and small
                        businesses by providing
                        assistance with operations and
                        management issues such as
                        business-plan review, cash-
                        flow analysis and succession
                            In contrast, economic
                        gardening deals with
                        companies and strategic
                        issues like penetrating
                        new markets, refining
                        business models,
                        developing teams
                        and embracing new
                        leadership roles. Economic gardening
                        provides information and decision-         less dramatic than gazelles but
                        making assistance to companies that are    remains impressive.
                        transitioning from small to large, with        This growth orientation is a
                        services customized to meet the just-in-   critical distinction that separates
                        time needs of this audience.               entrepreneurs from other types of
                            Communities currently nurture          small businesses. For example, some
                        their economies through economic           individuals may be self-employed              • Market adjustments.
                        development, workforce development         because they like being their own boss,       • Outgrowing early
                        and small-business development. “But       but job creation isn’t part of their game   management teams and their role as
                        there is a fourth dimension we need to     plan. Then there are small businesses       founders.
                        add,” Lange says. “Growth-company          that provide jobs in a community, but         • Scaling business models to handle
                        development is the missing piece, which    their growth is somewhat restricted by      growth.
                        is why the Edward Lowe Foundation is       the local trading area they serve.            • Understanding capital requirements.
                        an advocate for economic gardening.”           In contrast, second-stage                   “It’s hard for entrepreneurs to
                                                                   entrepreneurs are significant job           resolve these issues on their own —
                        Second-stage benefits                      creators because of their focus on          or even identify them accurately,”
                           Some of the greatest returns            growth. And because they often have         says Dino Signore, manager of
                        of economic gardening come                 national or global markets, they bring      program development at the Edward
                        from working with second-stage             outside dollars into the community.         Lowe Foundation. “For one thing,
                        entrepreneurs — companies that have            “It’s time we treat growth-oriented     moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2
                        advanced beyond the startup stage with     entrepreneurs differently than small        brings on an entirely new set of
                        the intent and potential for additional    businesses — giving them their own          challenges. Entrepreneurs face more
                        growth. (Second-stagers typically have     place in the overall scheme of economic     responsibilities, and everything becomes
                        10 to 99 employees and generate about      development,” says Lange. “The              magnified. Their core competencies
                        $1 million to $50 million in annual        foundation can play an important role       become stronger, but so do their
                        revenue, depending on their industry.)     by helping community organizations          weaknesses.”
                           Many people associate second stage      collaborate more effectively to serve           Making things even more difficult,
                        with gazelles (companies with extremely    this audience.”                             changes in markets, management,
                        high growth). Although gazelles pass                                                   business model and money are
                        through second stage, which makes it       Understanding key issues                    interrelated, Signore continues. “Being
                        a good place to find them, they’re only    growth companies face                       out of sync in one area can cause you to
                        part of the story. Second stage also          According to Doug Tatum, author          be out of sync in others.”
                        includes: 1) companies with potential      of “No Man’s Land,” entrepreneurs               These conditions manifest
                        for high growth and 2) companies           face four key challenges as their           themselves in a variety of ways. Some
                        generating steady growth that may be       companies transition from small to big:     common symptoms: not being able
Edward Lowe Foundation

                        to fulfill commitments to customers;        that profile customers or show gaps in       adds. “The ones generating today’s
                        quality problems become more                market coverage.                             breakthroughs will become either
                        pressing; and decisions become               • Search-engine optimization tools can      updated or outdated quickly.”
                        increasingly complex and no longer          raise visibility in search-engine results
                        intuitive. In addition, reporting systems   and increase traffic on Web sites.           The power of connectivity
                        no longer provide good information,          • Social-media monitoring                       The tools and techniques described
                        and founders feel they’re no longer able    applications can track Web sites, blogs      here highlight the “one-to-one”
                        to lead every aspect of the business.       and online communities to see what           approach in economic gardening and
                            To help entrepreneurs resolve           people are saying about companies            set the stage for an ongoing relationship
                        growing pains, economic-gardening           and products — and reveal important          between a support organization and
                        organizations employ a variety of           market influencers.                          individual companies.
                        techniques. These fall into two broad           “Yet it’s important to note that these       Another important aspect of
                        categories: decision making and             tools aren’t a panacea to entrepreneurs’     economic gardening is connectivity (a
                        information.                                problems,” Lange says.                       “one-to-many” approach), which uses
                                                                        Businesses are biological entities,      peer-to-peer networks, recognition
                        Making better decisions                     where there is constant flux due to          events, just-in-time workshops and
                            Entrepreneurs need help with            employees, customers, markets and            discussion groups to attract growth
                        strategy, identifying what they’re good     economic conditions, he explains.            entrepreneurs and serve their
                        at and finding a sustainable competitive    Applying mechanical rules (where the         immediate, pressing needs.
                        advantage.                                  same process always yields the same              “Activities like these are critical to
                            They also need to shift their           output) won’t work. Instead, economic-       launching and maintaining an overall
                        leadership role as the company grows,       gardening specialists leverage these         economic-gardening strategy,” says
                        build a strong management team, create      tools to find new ideas and approaches.      Lange. “They nurture the culture and
                        a clear vision, and then communicate it         “What’s more, economic-gardening         connectivity that is so important to
                        consistently.                               tools are constantly changing,” Lange        growing regional economies.”
                            This is where temperament tools
                        can help. Understanding temperament
                        (personality preferences, such as               Working with entrepreneurs
                        extroversion and introversion or how
                        people process information), can help
                        entrepreneurs recruit high-performance
                                                                                 The need for speed
                        teams that balance their own inherent
                        strengths and weaknesses. Being
                        aware of temperament can also ensure
                                                                        E   conomic-gardening specialists
                                                                            function much like an
                                                                        outsourced team of experts. Their
                                                                                                                     One challenge is getting up to
                                                                                                                 speed with entrepreneurs.
                                                                                                                     During initial meetings,
                        employees are in positions that enable          goal is not to dictate or implement      considerable time is spent
                        them to play to their strengths.                solutions, but to help CEOs identify     discussing an entrepreneur’s
                                                                        issues that might be hindering           background, company structure,
                        Sophisticated information                       growth — and point them to               goals and growth issues. Then, as
                            Economic-gardening specialists can          new tools, business concepts             economic-gardening specialists learn
                        also provide valuable information by            and information to make better           more about each company, they
                        using business-intelligence tools that          decisions.                               become more efficient at delivering
                        smaller or younger companies either                  “Economic gardening is about        actionable information. It’s a back-
                        can’t afford or don’t know about. For           applying just-in-time, high-end          and-forth, ongoing relationship.
                        example:                                        expertise rather than counseling,”            To gain trust and truly make
                          • Sophisticated databases can identify        says Steve Quello, founder of CEO        a difference, economic-gardening
                        market trends, potential partners or            Nexus in Winter Park, Fla. and           organizations must act like the
                        competitors and unknown resources               an economic-gardening expert.            entrepreneurs they serve.
                        often buried deep inside industry               “Entrepreneurs know more about              “That means being nimble and
                        information.                                    their companies than anyone else.        nonbureaucratic,” Quello explains.
                          • Geographic information systems              Give them a better view of the           “Entrepreneurs need answers
                        can track customer expenditures,                big picture, and they can make           in hours or days, not weeks or
                        psychographics and demographics and             adjustments themselves.”                 months.”
                        then create color-shaded, density maps
Edward Lowe Foundation

                        Economic gardening at work

                             A closer look at helping growth companies
                             n November 2008 the Edward Lowe                      Using the Keirsey Temperament PlayStation or Xbox console.
                             Foundation hosted an economic-gardening          Sorter, Santos and Gibbons determined McAlindon was initially trying to
                             workshop led by Chris Gibbons, director of       the manager was an “artisan” (liking
                                                                                                                find game developers in alpha-stage
                        business and industry affairs for Littleton, Colo.,   freedom and movement) while a     development and convince them to
                        who pioneered the concept of economic gardening       “guardian” (who has a preference for
                                                                                                                include Switchblade in their products.
                        in the late 1980s. Assisting Gibbons was the          details and deadlines) was better suited to
                                                                                                                    The JumpStart team began researching
                        JumpStart team (experts in different economic-        his assigned responsibilities.    blogs, portals and other community
                        gardening disciplines who work on projects outside        In response, Santos diverted some of
                                                                                                                sites looking for concentrated groups of
                        of Littleton.) The three-day event focused on         the manager’s tasks to others, allowing the
                                                                                                                people that influence a market. Instead of
                        helping second-stage entrepreneurs from different     manager to play to his strengths. Santos
                                                                                                                game developers, the team recommended
                        industries. Below is a quick look at challenges       also brought in a computer programmer
                                                                                                                that McAlindon target end-users by
                        faced by two participants.                            to design a software application that
                                                                                                                setting up competitions between gamers
                                                                              improves communications between the
                                                                                                                who use keyboards and gamers who use
                        For Victor Santos, CEO of NaturePlex                  firm’s production and sales departments.
                        LLC, strategy was a key issue.                            With many employees contributing   “In the gaming world, it appears to
                            Based in Memphis, Tenn., NaturePlex               information, the application makes it easy
                                                                                                                be about bragging rights,” Gibbons says,
                        produces nutritional supplements,                     to see where NaturePlex is — and where
                                                                                                                noting that opinions run hot and heavy
                        medicated creams, and other health-                   it needs to be, Santos says. “It contains all
                                                                                                                in online blogs — peppered with plenty
                        related products for dollar discount stores.          the small details that can get overlooked
                                                                                                                of four-letter words — as to whether
                        The JumpStart team helped Santos realize              when communicating with someone   a keyboard or controller provides the
                        that while NaturePlex is in a commodity               verbally or even through e-mail.” The
                                                                                                                superior gaming experience.
                        market, the company has established a                 payoff: fewer meetings and less confusion.
                                                                                                                    After working with the JumpStart
                        niche of higher-margin, natural products                  Since working with Gibbons and the
                                                                                                                team, McAlindon began working with
                        that it can expand to bolster growth and              JumpStart team, things have improved
                                                                                                                a company that specializes in online
                        profits.                                              substantially at NaturePlex. “I didn’t
                                                                                                                competitions to build an “arena” for
                                                                                                                             Blue Orb’s Web site, with
                                                                                                                             keyboard-controller contests
                        “    I like the specificity of the JumpStart team’s reports. It’s one thing to
                         suggest viral marketing on Web sites. That’s very different than saying:
                                                                                                                             slated to begin in fall 2009.
                                                                                                                             He expects the competitions
                         Here’s the link, here’s what they do and here’s a contact for you.
                                                                                          — Pete McAlindon
                                                                                                                      ”      to accelerate both visibility
                                                                                                                             and sales for Blue Orb. “Once
                                                                                                                             PC players know they can
                                                                                                                             compete with a controller,
                                                                                                                             they’ll want to download our
                            With that in mind, Santos is launching change my core strategy, but I’m refining    software so they can compete,” he says.
                        a line of all-natural, EPA-approved          it,” Santos says.                              McAlindon says the economic-
                        biopesticides. Santos is also using              Temperament was also an eye-opener,    gardening program differed from
                        sampling to increase sales for high-margin Santos adds: “I knew something was off,      other types of business assistance he
                        items, such as including trial-size portions but I thought it was a matter of me not    has received — with speed being a key
                        of vitamin E cream with antifungal foot      communicating, which proved not to be      hallmark. For example, when McAlindon
                        ointment.                                    the case. After meeting with Chris, it was found the Web-competition developer, he
                            Another concern for Santos: Although like a bolt of lightning hit me.”              asked the JumpStart team if there were
                        talented and hard-working, one of his            For Pete McAlindon, another program other firms he should investigate.
                        managers was not detail-oriented, which      participant, mining social media provided      “They got back to me the same day,
                        was causing production problems.             new insights into business development.    saying “Here are two other companies,
                            “Temperament is a slotting problem,”         CEO of Blue Orb in Maitland, Fla.,     but the one you found appears to be best
                        Gibbons explains. “Every job has certain     McAlindon is targeting the online gaming and here’s why,” McAlindon says.
                        requirements, and every temperament          industry. His company’s Switchblade            “Could I have done this research?
                        has certain strengths and weaknesses,        software maps the functions of a mouse     Perhaps, but it would have taken me
                        depending on the situation. The idea is to and keyboard into a controller (joystick)    two days or longer. They got back to me
                        match the strengths of your employees to that allows people to play online games        within a few hours, which was a huge
                        their job requirements.”                     on their computers as if they were using a benefit.”

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  • 1. Economic Gardening Economic Gardening An entrepreneur-oriented approach to economic prosperity I t may seem ironic in today’s global economy, but place has become more important than ever. Natural resources, low-cost labor and tax incentives used to be key drivers to comes in — and why it takes a neutral third party like the foundation to get involved and be a catalyst for change.” Economic gardening takes an entrepreneurial approach to job strategies.” Economic gardening helps establish an entrepreneurial culture within communities and sets itself apart from other economic-development strategies regional prosperity. Today, however, the creation. Sometimes referred to as a by its target audience, tools and timing ability to support innovative companies “homegrown” or “inside-out” strategy, of services. and entrepreneurs is also a critical economic gardening focuses on helping For example, traditional economic- component to economic growth. existing growth-oriented companies development programs offer tax “We’re living in a period of become larger. incentives, workforce development exponential economic change, “We’re not saying that attraction services and infrastructure which means economic developers and recruitment activities should improvements to attract and retain and community leaders must serve be discontinued, but they’ve been companies that may be considering businesses differently,” says Mark overemphasized due partly to relocation — strategies that emphasize Lange, executive director of the Edward competitive and political pressures,” movement rather than growth. Lowe Foundation in Cassopolis, Mich. Lange says. “A balanced approach is the At the other end of the spectrum, “That’s where economic gardening key to building effective programs and there are a variety of small-business-
  • 2. Edward Lowe Foundation ECONOMIC GARDENING development organizations that serve startups and small businesses by providing assistance with operations and management issues such as business-plan review, cash- flow analysis and succession planning. In contrast, economic gardening deals with growth-oriented companies and strategic issues like penetrating new markets, refining business models, developing teams and embracing new leadership roles. Economic gardening provides information and decision- less dramatic than gazelles but making assistance to companies that are remains impressive. transitioning from small to large, with This growth orientation is a services customized to meet the just-in- critical distinction that separates time needs of this audience. entrepreneurs from other types of Communities currently nurture small businesses. For example, some their economies through economic individuals may be self-employed • Market adjustments. development, workforce development because they like being their own boss, • Outgrowing early and small-business development. “But but job creation isn’t part of their game management teams and their role as there is a fourth dimension we need to plan. Then there are small businesses founders. add,” Lange says. “Growth-company that provide jobs in a community, but • Scaling business models to handle development is the missing piece, which their growth is somewhat restricted by growth. is why the Edward Lowe Foundation is the local trading area they serve. • Understanding capital requirements. an advocate for economic gardening.” In contrast, second-stage “It’s hard for entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs are significant job resolve these issues on their own — Second-stage benefits creators because of their focus on or even identify them accurately,” Some of the greatest returns growth. And because they often have says Dino Signore, manager of of economic gardening come national or global markets, they bring program development at the Edward from working with second-stage outside dollars into the community. Lowe Foundation. “For one thing, entrepreneurs — companies that have “It’s time we treat growth-oriented moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2 advanced beyond the startup stage with entrepreneurs differently than small brings on an entirely new set of the intent and potential for additional businesses — giving them their own challenges. Entrepreneurs face more growth. (Second-stagers typically have place in the overall scheme of economic responsibilities, and everything becomes 10 to 99 employees and generate about development,” says Lange. “The magnified. Their core competencies $1 million to $50 million in annual foundation can play an important role become stronger, but so do their revenue, depending on their industry.) by helping community organizations weaknesses.” Many people associate second stage collaborate more effectively to serve Making things even more difficult, with gazelles (companies with extremely this audience.” changes in markets, management, high growth). Although gazelles pass business model and money are through second stage, which makes it Understanding key issues interrelated, Signore continues. “Being a good place to find them, they’re only growth companies face out of sync in one area can cause you to part of the story. Second stage also According to Doug Tatum, author be out of sync in others.” includes: 1) companies with potential of “No Man’s Land,” entrepreneurs These conditions manifest for high growth and 2) companies face four key challenges as their themselves in a variety of ways. Some generating steady growth that may be companies transition from small to big: common symptoms: not being able
  • 3. Edward Lowe Foundation ECONOMIC GARDENING to fulfill commitments to customers; that profile customers or show gaps in adds. “The ones generating today’s quality problems become more market coverage. breakthroughs will become either pressing; and decisions become • Search-engine optimization tools can updated or outdated quickly.” increasingly complex and no longer raise visibility in search-engine results intuitive. In addition, reporting systems and increase traffic on Web sites. The power of connectivity no longer provide good information, • Social-media monitoring The tools and techniques described and founders feel they’re no longer able applications can track Web sites, blogs here highlight the “one-to-one” to lead every aspect of the business. and online communities to see what approach in economic gardening and To help entrepreneurs resolve people are saying about companies set the stage for an ongoing relationship growing pains, economic-gardening and products — and reveal important between a support organization and organizations employ a variety of market influencers. individual companies. techniques. These fall into two broad “Yet it’s important to note that these Another important aspect of categories: decision making and tools aren’t a panacea to entrepreneurs’ economic gardening is connectivity (a information. problems,” Lange says. “one-to-many” approach), which uses Businesses are biological entities, peer-to-peer networks, recognition Making better decisions where there is constant flux due to events, just-in-time workshops and Entrepreneurs need help with employees, customers, markets and discussion groups to attract growth strategy, identifying what they’re good economic conditions, he explains. entrepreneurs and serve their at and finding a sustainable competitive Applying mechanical rules (where the immediate, pressing needs. advantage. same process always yields the same “Activities like these are critical to They also need to shift their output) won’t work. Instead, economic- launching and maintaining an overall leadership role as the company grows, gardening specialists leverage these economic-gardening strategy,” says build a strong management team, create tools to find new ideas and approaches. Lange. “They nurture the culture and a clear vision, and then communicate it “What’s more, economic-gardening connectivity that is so important to consistently. tools are constantly changing,” Lange growing regional economies.” This is where temperament tools can help. Understanding temperament (personality preferences, such as Working with entrepreneurs extroversion and introversion or how people process information), can help entrepreneurs recruit high-performance The need for speed teams that balance their own inherent strengths and weaknesses. Being aware of temperament can also ensure E conomic-gardening specialists function much like an outsourced team of experts. Their One challenge is getting up to speed with entrepreneurs. During initial meetings, employees are in positions that enable goal is not to dictate or implement considerable time is spent them to play to their strengths. solutions, but to help CEOs identify discussing an entrepreneur’s issues that might be hindering background, company structure, Sophisticated information growth — and point them to goals and growth issues. Then, as Economic-gardening specialists can new tools, business concepts economic-gardening specialists learn also provide valuable information by and information to make better more about each company, they using business-intelligence tools that decisions. become more efficient at delivering smaller or younger companies either “Economic gardening is about actionable information. It’s a back- can’t afford or don’t know about. For applying just-in-time, high-end and-forth, ongoing relationship. example: expertise rather than counseling,” To gain trust and truly make • Sophisticated databases can identify says Steve Quello, founder of CEO a difference, economic-gardening market trends, potential partners or Nexus in Winter Park, Fla. and organizations must act like the competitors and unknown resources an economic-gardening expert. entrepreneurs they serve. often buried deep inside industry “Entrepreneurs know more about “That means being nimble and information. their companies than anyone else. nonbureaucratic,” Quello explains. • Geographic information systems Give them a better view of the “Entrepreneurs need answers can track customer expenditures, big picture, and they can make in hours or days, not weeks or psychographics and demographics and adjustments themselves.” months.” then create color-shaded, density maps
  • 4. Edward Lowe Foundation ECONOMIC GARDENING Economic gardening at work A closer look at helping growth companies I n November 2008 the Edward Lowe Using the Keirsey Temperament PlayStation or Xbox console. Foundation hosted an economic-gardening Sorter, Santos and Gibbons determined McAlindon was initially trying to workshop led by Chris Gibbons, director of the manager was an “artisan” (liking find game developers in alpha-stage business and industry affairs for Littleton, Colo., freedom and movement) while a development and convince them to who pioneered the concept of economic gardening “guardian” (who has a preference for include Switchblade in their products. in the late 1980s. Assisting Gibbons was the details and deadlines) was better suited to The JumpStart team began researching JumpStart team (experts in different economic- his assigned responsibilities. blogs, portals and other community gardening disciplines who work on projects outside In response, Santos diverted some of sites looking for concentrated groups of of Littleton.) The three-day event focused on the manager’s tasks to others, allowing the people that influence a market. Instead of helping second-stage entrepreneurs from different manager to play to his strengths. Santos game developers, the team recommended industries. Below is a quick look at challenges also brought in a computer programmer that McAlindon target end-users by faced by two participants. to design a software application that setting up competitions between gamers improves communications between the who use keyboards and gamers who use For Victor Santos, CEO of NaturePlex firm’s production and sales departments. controllers. LLC, strategy was a key issue. With many employees contributing “In the gaming world, it appears to Based in Memphis, Tenn., NaturePlex information, the application makes it easy be about bragging rights,” Gibbons says, produces nutritional supplements, to see where NaturePlex is — and where noting that opinions run hot and heavy medicated creams, and other health- it needs to be, Santos says. “It contains all in online blogs — peppered with plenty related products for dollar discount stores. the small details that can get overlooked of four-letter words — as to whether The JumpStart team helped Santos realize when communicating with someone a keyboard or controller provides the that while NaturePlex is in a commodity verbally or even through e-mail.” The superior gaming experience. market, the company has established a payoff: fewer meetings and less confusion. After working with the JumpStart niche of higher-margin, natural products Since working with Gibbons and the team, McAlindon began working with that it can expand to bolster growth and JumpStart team, things have improved a company that specializes in online profits. substantially at NaturePlex. “I didn’t competitions to build an “arena” for Blue Orb’s Web site, with keyboard-controller contests “ I like the specificity of the JumpStart team’s reports. It’s one thing to suggest viral marketing on Web sites. That’s very different than saying: slated to begin in fall 2009. He expects the competitions Here’s the link, here’s what they do and here’s a contact for you. — Pete McAlindon ” to accelerate both visibility and sales for Blue Orb. “Once PC players know they can compete with a controller, they’ll want to download our With that in mind, Santos is launching change my core strategy, but I’m refining software so they can compete,” he says. a line of all-natural, EPA-approved it,” Santos says. McAlindon says the economic- biopesticides. Santos is also using Temperament was also an eye-opener, gardening program differed from sampling to increase sales for high-margin Santos adds: “I knew something was off, other types of business assistance he items, such as including trial-size portions but I thought it was a matter of me not has received — with speed being a key of vitamin E cream with antifungal foot communicating, which proved not to be hallmark. For example, when McAlindon ointment. the case. After meeting with Chris, it was found the Web-competition developer, he Another concern for Santos: Although like a bolt of lightning hit me.” asked the JumpStart team if there were talented and hard-working, one of his For Pete McAlindon, another program other firms he should investigate. managers was not detail-oriented, which participant, mining social media provided “They got back to me the same day, was causing production problems. new insights into business development. saying “Here are two other companies, “Temperament is a slotting problem,” CEO of Blue Orb in Maitland, Fla., but the one you found appears to be best Gibbons explains. “Every job has certain McAlindon is targeting the online gaming and here’s why,” McAlindon says. requirements, and every temperament industry. His company’s Switchblade “Could I have done this research? has certain strengths and weaknesses, software maps the functions of a mouse Perhaps, but it would have taken me depending on the situation. The idea is to and keyboard into a controller (joystick) two days or longer. They got back to me match the strengths of your employees to that allows people to play online games within a few hours, which was a huge their job requirements.” on their computers as if they were using a benefit.”