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CIS 111Lab 3: EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
Lab 3: EasyPHP and MySQL Setup
Due Week 5 and worth 75 points
• Install EasyPHP and MySQL and take a screen shot that shows the
MySQL prompt on your screen. (Note: You must include the
screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on your
computer as part of your assignment. An installation guide to aid
the installation of EasyPHP and MySQL is located here.
• Research the capabilities of MySQL.
Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
1. Describe your experiences related to your setup of MySQL.
Include any difficulties or issues that you had encountered during
the installation.
2. Based on your post-installation research, describe the main
capabilities of MySQL.
3. Describe the approach that you would take to go from a conceptual
or logical model that you created in Visio to the implementation of
that database structure in MySQL. Determine the additional
information that you will need to implement the database design in
a database management system.
4. Include the screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on
your computer.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12),
with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must
follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor
for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the stud
ent’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The
cover page and the reference page are not included in the required
assignment page length.
Hello! You did the last assignment for me and I would be grateful if you
could take care of this one for me on short notice. This one is much
quicker. Thank you!
CIS 115So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for
an array
So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for an array, and
when would you use a FOR loop? Why?
Why wouldn't you always use a FOR LOOP?
CIS 312Week 6 Discussion: Pre-Built or Custom-Built?
Week 6 Discussion: Pre-Built or Custom-Built?
"Pre-Built or Custom-Built?" Please respond to the following:
If can be very overwhelming trying to find the right computer to
purchase. For example, maybe your customer wants a computer that has
3 HDMI outputs for three different monitors on their workstation. You
are aware from your education here that integrated graphics cards can be
disabled, and you can plug in a peripheral graphics card to handle the
additional output. However, you won’t get the fastest and best
performance with this configuration. It’s best to use a motherboard
without integrated graphics.
When a client sends you specific requirements for a computer; the
easiest thing to do is find an off-the-shelf computer that meets all the
requirements. If they want an i7 processor with 16 GB of DDR RAM,
that’s easy, but what about if they want a 1TB SSD with a 2TB HDD
and four internal DVD R/W drives? That might be a little more
difficult. You may also want to consider building the computer yourself,
as this can be more cost effective. Choose one of the following questions
sets to address.
• Describe three considerations, that you've learned about this
week when researching hardware integration.
• What strategy would you use to determine which system
would be less expensive:pre-built or custom-built?
• Describe your experience with building a computer from
scratch or what you’d expect to encounter if you have never
built one.
• ****************************************************
CIS 375 Week 5 assignment 2
CIS 375 Week 5 assignment 2
Please review the following
In a virtual world (VW) of massively multiplayer online role-playing
games (MMORPGs), collaboration and communication are provided
through the Internet between MMORPG-ready devices such as the
Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation, and by using the Web browser.
Gamers around the world can play against other gamers without seeing
their opponent face-to-face. The Internet and MMORPG devices have
become a social phenomenon. For example, a mobile game, called
“Game of War” enables players to play against each other anywhere
around the world.
The following Website might be helpful when writing this assignment:
• Spades card game
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
1. Describe cognitive social phenomena that occur specifically to the
context of the MMORPG that wouldn’t happen in a face-to-face
checkers game.
2. Compare and contrast the MMORPG user interaction environment
and a face-to-face environment where Spades is being played.
Next, identify whether or not the environment has an impact on the
player’s ability to play Spades in this environment.
3. Outline and describe the user interface requirements that a game
designer needs to include in order to engage players in a
MMORPG environment.
4. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note:
Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality
5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting
1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,
the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and
the date. The cover page is not included in the required page
Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA
format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
Write a program that generates a series of random equations and
prompts the user to answer each equation generated.
Write a program that generates a series of random equations and
prompts the user to answer each equation generated. The program
should keep track of each equation and whether or not the equation was
answered correctly. If an equation is generated that has already been
presented to the user, the program should check if the equation was
previously answered correctly. If it was answered correctly, the equation
should be ignored and a new equation generated. If the equation was not
answered correctly, the user should be prompted to answer it.
The program should implement 4 levels of difficulty based on the range
of operands that can be generated at each level.
Level 1: 0 - 10
Level 2: 0 - 25
Level 3: 10 - 25
Level 4: -25 - 25
The program should begin at Level 1. After ten (10) equations in a row
have been answered correctly, the program should prompt the user with
the following list of options:
Continue at the current level.
Go to the next level.
Display summary statistics for the current level.
If the user chooses to continue at the current level, the program should
continue generating equations until the user correctly answers in a row
the next ten (10) equations generated and then follow with the menu
options. If the user chooses to increase the level, the minimum and
maximum range should be updated accordingly and the program should
continue to generate equations. If the user chooses to see summary
statistics, the program should display the following information:
% of addition equations correctly answered,
% of subtraction equations correctly answered,
% of multiplication equations correctly answered,
% of division equations correctly answered
at the current level. The user should then be presented with the menu
options again and proceed accordingly.
Note that when calculating the summary statistics an equation generated
a second time should only be included in the summary if the equation
was answered incorrectly previously and the user prompted to answer
If the user chooses to quit the program, the program should display
summary statistics for each of the levels the game was played on and
exit politely.
CMIS 102Homework 3 – Create your own Loop application
Homework 3 – Create your own Loop application Create your own
unique While-End or (For End) repetition C code. You decide the theme.
sure to provide an overview of what your repetition structure is doing.
Please keep the design
simple for this exercise. Just a few lines of code is all that is needed for
this response. This
should be code you wrote for an application that is interesting to you. In
other words, make it
your own and have fun with it.
Provide the C code and a screen capture showing the results of testing
your code in an online
compiler. Be sure to test your code with several test cases and show your
test case table.
Submit your word or PDF file to your assignments folder no later than
the due date. Grading guidelines
Unique C code for simple While or For loop was provided and compiles
Screen captures provided showing test results for each test case.
Test cases represent a wide variety of possible input values (e.g. large
small numbers (0), negative, or unexpected non-number entries).
Total Points
COP 1000C Intro Programming Concepts. DR Archibald Videos
COP 1000C Intro Programming Concepts. DR Archibald Videos
• Watch Video Lecture Segment 10 Mixed Type Expressions. Near
the end of Segment 10 there are some practice exercises. This is
Slide 10.7. Try them with a pencil. Then write a C program to
verify your answers.
• Watch Video Lecture Segment: 11 Problem Solving with
Repetition. There are 3 problems solved. Test Scores, Gas
Mileage, and Factorials. Type along with the video, pausing where
necessary. Get each of these programs to work. Walk through the
code in the debugger.
3- Include the use of ++, += in a program that achieves the following
using loops. (You can do these in one program or each one in a small
program, it doesn’t matter)
A- Create a loop that will output all the multiples of 5 that are greater
than zero and less than 60 (do not include 60). 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50, 55
B- Create a loop that will output all the numbers less than 200 that are
evenly divisible by both 2 and 7. 14 28 … C. Create a loop that will
calculate the sum of the multiples of 8 that are between 100 and 500.
Output the sum only. D. Create a loop that will output the sum of all odd
numbers between 20 and 100.
COSC 1436In this question, you will design an application for a
Java Program
In this question, you will design an application for a company that
creates personalized house signs to compute the prices of customer
orders based on the following factors:
The minimum charge (base price) for all type of sign is $20.•
If the sign is made of wood, add an extra charge $10, if it is a plastic,
add an extra charge $5. No extra charge for aluminum.•
The first 5 letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there
is an extra $2 charge for each additional character. (Space shouldn't be
counted as a character.In order to check if a character is a space or not,
you can use isSpaceChar()method of Character class.)•
Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is
an additional $8 charge for colored lettering.•
If the total charge is more than $100, provide 25 percent of discount on
total price.•
Write a program that accepts data in the following order: order number,
customer name, sign type(wood or plastic), the number of characters,
and color of characters. The program should continue as long as a
customer wants to order another sign.
Display all the entered data, number of the orders, and the final price for
the customer to pay.* Note : You use a Scanner class's method (nextInt
or nextDouble) to read a primitive value (int or double type values,
And then, if you use nextLine method toread a String, a problem (with
hard-to-find reason) would occur. In this case, the Stringis never read
from the keyboard (no chance for the user to enter a string) since
thenextLine method is not designed to skip over an initial newline
Here are the solutions to overcome this problem: (For details, see the
textbook Page88)1) Before getting user's input as a String, just consume
the previous remaining newline using the following
statement:keyboard.nextLine();OR2) Instead of using nextLine method,
you can use next method to read a String
COSC 2315- Implement a program that will use a stack structure
- Implement a program that will use a stack structure to check for correct
placement of parentheses in an algebraic expression. Allow the use of
( ) [ ] { } characters as grouping symbols. Make sure that an error is
reported for an expression of a form (...]. In addition report other
possible parentheses related errors (too many levels, too many right
paren., too many left paren.). Make sure to use 'silent error reporting'
(and report any possible errors outside the main scanner loop).
Hint - start with the program that checks '(...)' and when all the common
errors are correctly reported, expand the parentheses syntax to ([{...}])
CPSC 1045Lab Tutorial: 7-Segment Display App Objectives
CPSC 1045 Lab Tutorial: 7-Segment Display App Objectives:
In this lab we are exploring how to use Arrays in JavaScript. We will
build a simple 7Segment Display app in the canvas to learn: •
• to use an Array to store a collection of items; to define an “Map” to
map key codes onto 7-segment display codes; more practice writing and
understanding functions and interactive apps; Getting started:
Make a copy of the “JS Canvas Template” as a starting point for this lab
project. Set up your workspace as usual, with the Console open, JS
loaded in editor. We will need the Coord2D object constructor and from previous lab: /**
* Construct(x, y) Coordinate object representing a point on a 2D plane
*/ function Coord2D(x_ordinate, y_ordinate) {
return {
x : x_ordinate,
y : y_ordinate
} = new Coord2D(theCanvas.width/2,
theCanvas.height/2); Step 1: Define the Segment Objects A “Segment”
in this app is very similar to a “Light” in the Traffic Light app – except it
is a rectangle that can be switched “on” and “off”. The only other
difference is that a segment may be displayed in either Vertical or
Horizontal orientation. This is a perfect application for a simple “data-
only” object: // A 2D Segment object: a rectangle representing one
display segment
function Segment(x, y, isVertical) {
segment = {
coord : new Coord2D(x, y),
isOn : false
if (isVertical) {
segment.width = SEGMENT_BREADTH;
segment.height = SEGMENT_LENGTH;
return segment;
} Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Note that you will
need to define a pair of global constants (variables) to define the
“View” function to display a Segment object in the canvas. Add the
Segment Object Constructor, above, along with this display function to
your JS code and test it in the console: function drawSegment(segment)
ctx.fillStyle = 'lightgrey';
if (segment.isOn) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(segment.coord.x, segment.coord.y,
segment.width, segment.height); } Step 2: Assemble the 7-Segment
Display First we’ll need to compute the coordinates for the locations of
the 7 segments. Since
we want the display centered in the Canvas, you will compute these
locations relative to (as we did for the Traffic Light).
• draw a picture (on paper) of the 7-segment display, identifying the X-
and Yordinates you’ll need to compute for each segment.
You may layout the segments in any sensible way.
• define a constant with the value of each important ordinate, E.g.: var
SEGMENT_BREADTH; An Array of Segments!
Next we need to define an array of Segment objects that make up the
display. Develop
an “Array Literal” that calls on the Segment Object Constructor to
construct the 7
Segment objects, each with the correct coordinate and orientation. E.g.:
varSevenSegDisplay = [
new Segment(LEFT_X, TOP_Y, false), // segment A ...
; Also, write a “View” function to draw a visual representation of the
// Draw the 7-Segment Display function drawSevenSegDisplay( ) { ...
• You’ll need a for-loop over all Segments in the array. Recall that array
run from 0 to length-1, and that you can get the array length like this:
For each Segment in the array, simply call the drawSegment() function
defined above. Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Step 3: A
Segment ‘Switch State’ Encoding for the 10 numeric digits Examine the
“Display Encoding” table at the Wikipedia page for 7-Segment
This table shows an encoding of the ‘switch state’ (on / off) for each
segment to display a
given digit, 0 – 9. You should code this table as a “Map” (see previous
lab). Each element
in this “Switch Encoding” maps a key (e.g., ‘4’) onto an array of 7
Booleans, indicating
the switch state (on/off) for each of the 7 segments. Here’s part of that
definition to get
you started – finish it by adding the encoding for all the other digits, 1 –
var ON = true;
var OFF = false;
// Map event.key onto an encoding of the switch state for each segment
'0' : [ ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON,OFF], ...
}; Draw the 7-Segment Display for a given ‘key’:
Modify your drawSevenSegDisplay function to add a “key” parameter:
// Draw the 7-Segment Display function drawSevenSegDisplay(key) { ...
If a valid key is passed in, use it to get the matching ‘switch state’
encoding, like this:
if (SWITCH_ENCODING.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var switches = SWITCH_ENCODING[key];
} Use the key’s ‘switch state’ encoding array to “switch” the matching
segments on or off
before drawing them.
Tip: since the SevenSegDisplay and the SWITCH_ENCODING arrays
are defined ‘in
parallel’ (i.e., both length 7 with matching elements), you can access the
elements from both arrays using the single loop index (this is called
“parallel array”
processing) .
You will find you also need to define a default ‘switch state’ array to
encode what is
displayed if the key passed in is not supported (e.g., an array with all 7
segments “OFF”).
Test it: save your work and refresh the page in the browser. At the
console call your
drawSevenSegDisplay function, passing in a key code, like: ‘4’.
If it does not work, open the console, add some console.log() messages,
and start
debugging! Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Step 4: The
app “Controller” – adding a ‘key press’ event-handler The interaction on
this app will occur when the user presses a key on the keyboard. To
make this app interactive, we need to write an event-handler that passes
the event.key
to our drawSevenSegDisplay function.
Write the event handler function and assign it to document.onkeydown
Tip: this is simple simple – a one-line function! But you must remember
to pass along
the value of event.key as an argument to drawSevenSegDisplay.
Test it: save your work and refresh the page in the browser. Press some
number keys
and the number should show in the display!! If not, time to start
CS 20A#include "DynamicIntArray.h&quot
#include "DynamicIntArray.h"
namespace cs20a
DynamicIntArray::DynamicIntArray(int size)
elements=new int[capacity];
DynamicIntArray:: DynamicIntArray(constDynamicIntArray&d)
elements=new int [capacity];
for(int i=0; i<used; i++)
delete elements;
(constDynamicIntArray& rhs)
int * new_elements;
return *this;
if(this != &rhs)
intnew_used, new_capacity, i;
new_elements=new int[new_capacity];
for(i=0; i<new_used; i++)
{ new_elements[i]=rhs.elements[i]; }
delete elements;
return *this;
boolDynamicIntArray::isEmpty() const
return true;
return false;
intDynamicIntArray::getUsed() const
return used;
intDynamicIntArray::getCapacity() const
return capacity;
void DynamicIntArray::add(int element)
int*temp=new int[capacity+1];
for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
delete elements;
capacity++; }
void DynamicIntArray::insert(int i, int element)
int x;
CS 215Stack.h output.out input.txt makefile Please
Stack.h output.out input.txt makefile Please comment with
detail especially for these functions so I can learn from
these comments.=>There will be tip for that
To implement the Stack class by using STL queues.
Input, output, header and main files are provided above.
Stack.h contains the definition of the Stack class.
Implement this Stack class in In, the main
The driver program works with an input file input.txt.
In the implementation of the class, use queue1 and queue2 to store
and manipulate data. Keep all elements in one of the queues at any time.
More details are described as comments in
Do NOT change any existing code from any files.
To test your program, execute “./Stack.exe < input.txt >output.out
2>&1”, which will put the output and error in file output.out.
input.txt is the input file.
The sample output is provided.
• Make a Makefile so that we can invoke the command “make” to
source file and produce the executable file Stack.exe.
CS 321A person uses the following code segment as evidence
that the readability
A person uses the following code segment as evidence that the
readability of some code with gotos is better than the equivalent code
without gotos. This code finds the first row of an n by n integer matrix
named x that has nothing but zero values.
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (x[i][j] != 0)
goto reject;
println ('First allzero row is:', i);
Rewrite this code without gotos in any one of the following languages;
C, C++, Java, C#, or Ada. Make sure your code does not perform any
unnecessary loops.
Compare the readability of your code to that of the example code.
CS 331 Spring 2017 Assignment #2
Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity
CS 331, Spring 2017 Assignment #2
Greg Plaxton
January 31, 2017
For this assignment, you are required to turn in solutions to any two of
Problems 1
through 4, which appear in Section 2 below. Your solutions are due at
the beginning of class
on Thursday, February 9. Please refer to the course syllabus for the
ground rules concerning
collaboration, and for the slack day policy governing lateness.
Any corrections or clarifications related to this assignment will be
announced in the
lectures and on Piazza. You are responsible for being aware of any such
announcements. 1 Exercises The following textbook exercises are
recommended to help you to prepare for the tests. We
will not be grading your solutions to these exercises, so you do not need
to turn anything in.
1. Exercise 3.10, page 110.
2. Exercise 3.12, page 112.
3. Exercise 4.15, page 196.
4. Exercise 4.28, page 203. 2 Programming &amp; Problem Solving In
this part of the assignment, we continue our investigation of the SMI
problem introduced
in Assignment 1.
In the first lecture (see also Section 1.1 of the textbook), we described
the deferred
acceptance algorithm for the SM problem. We showed that given any
instance I of the SM
problem, the deferred acceptance algorithm produces a stable matching.
In Problem 3 of
Assignment 1, we showed that there is a natural way to modify the
deferred acceptance
algorithm so that it produces a stable matching on any given SMI
When we discussed the deferred acceptance algorithm for the SM
problem, we showed
that the stable matching µ it produces is “man-optimal” in the sense that
each man likes
1 University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity
CS 331, Spring 2017 his partner in µ at least as well as his partner in any
other stable matching. The concept of
man-optimality is easily adapted to the context of the SMI problem; in
this context, we just
need to bear in mind that an agent’s partner in a given matching might
be “no partner”, i.e.,
being single is a possible outcome. Using arguments similar to the
corresponding arguments
for SM, it can be shown that for the SMI problem, the stable matching
produced by the
deferred acceptance algorithm (i.e., the version that we developed in
Problem 3 of Assignment 1) is man-optimal. It follows that even though
the deferred acceptance algorithm is
nondeterministic — and hence can execute in many different ways on a
given SMI instance
— the final output is uniquely determined; in the problem hints below,
we refer to this as
the “confluence property” of the deferred acceptance algorithm.
For any instance I of the SMI problem, we define da(I) as the stable
matching produced
by the deferred acceptance algorithm, and we define matched (I) as the
set of men who are
matched (i.e., not single) in da(I).
For any SMI instance I, any woman q in I, and any man p who is not in
I, we define
add (I, p, q) as the set of all SMI instances that are the same as I except
that (1) p is added
to the set of men, (2) the preferences of p are such that q is acceptable to
p and all other
women are unacceptable to p, and (3) the preferences of each woman in
I are augmented to
incorporate p. To clarify (3), consider a woman q 0 in I who finds ` of
the men in I to be
acceptable. There are ` + 2 ways for q 0 to augment her preferences to
incorporate p: she can
classify p as acceptable, in which case there are ` + 1 different ways she
can insert p into her
strict ranking of acceptable men, or she she can classify p as
In the statement of Problem 1 below, we use the symbol ∅ as follows: If
we say that a
woman q prefers a man p to ∅, we mean that q considers p to be
acceptable; conversely, if
we say that q prefers ∅ to p, it means that q considers p to be
Problem 1. Let I be an SMI instance and let q be a woman in I. Prove
that there is a
unique element x of matched (I)+∅ such that the following conditions
hold for any man p who
is not in I and any SMI instance I 0 in add (I, p, q): if q prefers p to x in I
0 , then p is matched
to q in da(I 0 ); otherwise, p is single in da(I 0 ). Hints: (1) Use the
confluence property of the
deferred acceptance algorithm; (2) Observe that once execution of the
deferred acceptance
algorithm reaches a state where there is exactly one single man who has
not proposed to all
of his acceptable women, the rest of the execution is deterministic.
Definition: For any SMI instance I and any woman q in I, we define the
unique element
x identified in Problem 1 as threshold (I, q).
Problem 2. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be a
man who is
not in I, and let I 0 be an SMI instance in add (I, p, q). Prove that no
woman q 0 in I prefers
threshold (I, q 0 ) to threshold (I 0 , q 0 ). Hints: (1) Use proof by
contradiction, i.e., assume that
there is a woman q 0 who prefers threshold (I, q 0 ) to threshold (I 0 , q 0
), and derive a contradiction;
(2) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm.
Problem 3. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be a
man who
is not in I, and let I 0 be an SMI instance in add (I, p, q). Prove that if p
is single in
2 University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity
CS 331, Spring 2017 da(I 0 ), then threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) = threshold (I, q
0 ) for every woman q 0 in I. Hints: (1) Use
proof by contradiction, i.e., assume p is single in da(I 0 ) and there is a
woman q 0 such that
threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) 6= threshold (I, q 0 ), and derive a contradiction; (2)
Use the result of Problem 2;
(3) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm.
Problems 1 through 3 above are concerned with modifying an SMI
instance I by adding
a new man. We now consider a way to modify an SMI instance without
adding a new agent.
For any SMI instance I, any woman q in I, and any man p in I who is
single in da(I)
and considers q to be unacceptable, we define extend (I, p, q) as the SMI
instance I 0 that is
identical to I except the preferences of man p are modified as follows:
man p moves woman q
from his unacceptable set to the the least-preferred position in his
ordered list of acceptable
The arguments used for solving Problems 1, 2, and 3 are easily adapted
to establish
Lemma Extend below; the proof is omitted.
Lemma Extend. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be
a man in I
who is single in da(I) and considers q to be unacceptable, and let I 0
denote the SMI instance
extend (I, p, q). If q prefers p to threshold (I, q), then p is matched to q in
da(I 0 ); otherwise,
p is single in da(I 0 ) and threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) = threshold (I, q 0 ) for
every woman q 0 in I.
For any SMI instance I and man p, let instances(I, p) denote the set of all
SMI instances
I 0 that are identical to I except for the preferences expressed by man p.
Problem 4 below
asks you to prove that the deferred acceptance algorithm is
“strategyproof for the men”
which means that for any SMI instance I, any man p in I, and any SMI
instance I 0 in
instances(I, p), man p likes the outcome he obtains in da(I) at least as
well as the outcome
he obtains in da(I 0 ). Informally, this property means that no man can
benefit by lying when
he provides preference information to the deferred acceptance algorithm.
(In Exercise 1.8
of the text, which appeared on Assignment 1 as a recommended
exercise, this property is
referred to as truthfulness.)
Problem 4. Prove that the deferred acceptance algorithm for the SMI
problem is
strategyproof for the men. Hints: (1) Use the confluence property of the
deferred acceptance
algorithm; (2) Use Lemma Extend. 3
CS 2400Exercise F5
Assume given the following definition of function process
Exercise F5
Assume given the following definition of function process:
void process(intvnum, int& rnum1, int& rnum2)
vnum = vnum + 5;
rnum1 = rnum1 + 10;
rnum2 = vnum + rnum1;
And that local variables are defined in function main as follows:
int num1 = 6, num2 = 9, num3 = 12;
Indicate whether each of the following calls of function process is valid
or invalid. Also give the reason why a call is invalid.
a. process( 15, num2, num3 );
b. process( 21, num1 + 3, num2 );
c. process( num3, num1, num2 );
d. process( num1, 10, num3 );
e. process( 3, num1, 25 );
f. process( num1, num2, num3 + 4);
g. process( num2, num1 );
h. process( num1 + 3, num2, num3);
i. process( 5, num3 );
j. process( num1, num1, num3 );
Exercise F6
Assume given the following definition of function process:
void process(intvnum, int& rnum1, int& rnum2)
vnum = vnum + 5;
rnum1 = rnum1 + 10;
rnum2 = vnum + rnum1;
And that local variables are defined in function main as follows:
int num1 = 6, num2 = 9, num3 = 12;
1. For each of the following calls of function process, show the body of
function process in the way it is executed after the call.
2. For each of the following calls, execute function process and display
the corresponding output.
a. process( 15, num2, num3 );
cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=”
<< num3;
b. process( num1, num2, num3 );
cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=”
<< num3;
c. process( num1 + 3, num2, num3);
cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=”
<< num3;
Exercise F7
Assume given the following definition of function computeAreaPeri2
that computes the area and the perimeter of a rectangle given its length
and width:
void computeAreaPeri2( double len, double wid, double &ar, double
&peri )
ar = len * wid;
peri = 2 * ( len + wid );
a. Write the sequence of statements to compute and print the area and
the perimeter of a rectangle with length 70 and width 45.
b. Write the sequence of statements to read the length and the width of a
rectangle and to compute and print its area and perimeter.
CSC 220- You need to implement MyFraction class which is
within package
You need to implement MyFraction class which is within package PJ1
See PJ1/ and PJ1/ for
- Use to test correctness of your proggram
- Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):
javac PJ1/*.java
- Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):
// Run tests in MyFraction class
java PJ1.MyFraction
// Run main test program
java PJ1_Test
CSC520Project 4 Lewis 1 AAR
Project 4 Lewis 1 AAR
Shenavia Lewis
CYB 610 9050 Cyberspace and Cybersecurity Foundations
February 25, 2017 Project 4 Lewis 2 Medstar attack was one of the
attacks that was found to be ransom ware and hacking was
in much demand. The criminals had said that they were to unlock about
45 Bit coins and at the
same time gave the hospital an option of paying only 3 bit coins all else
they would not unlock
any single computer. This led to the closure of the patient’s records and
health computer system
in the Medstar health facilities. The feedback was that the attack was
ransom and the employees
were forced to pay about 45 bit coins which was about 19 dollars order
for them to get a digital
key and unlock the data. The data was very important to the company
and could not afford losing
all these records for the sake of the health sector.
The malware is a big disadvantage to the health sector because they
cannot access the
information in the records. This is also causing the patient not to access
the facilities because the
data is not available. The criminals have gone ahead and demand the 45
bitcoins to only unlock
one computer that is locked. This is forcing the health sector to send
messages to the workers to
help in the contribution in order to pay the money and have the computer
unlocked to access the
data. There are only ten days given by the criminals for them to be able
to access their computer Project 4 Lewis 3 unlocked and their long time
stored data. In case they fail to provide the money the criminal will
remove the private key and they will no longer access their data and the
most important files the
sector was using in their medication processes.
By the end of last week the Medstar health sector said that most of its
sectors were
functioning. By Friday the provider made a notification that they were
already accessing 90
percent of their information. Later on the Medstar said that the only
system functioning was the
inpatients and out patients EHRs in their scheduling and registration
process. The reporter went
ahead and said that the remaining system is still being worked upon.
Most of these systems were
clinical and administrative systems which were not yet back to the track.
These net works are
very important because they connect to the local network of the clinical
health department.
The FBI is not left behind in the investigations and continues to do more
research and
other attacks. There have been several attacks on the health sectors
where the data have been
hacked and the log in keys denied. The United States schools have been
attacked in California,
Maryland and district of Coloumbia as well.
Most of the tools used by the hackers in cyber attacks include geeks and
engineering application. Specific scanners are one of the tools that are
used in hacking. These
scanners are used in scanning the document needed and access to the
There are also the
debuggers encryption tools that are used in the hacking. The tools are
used into the hacking of
passwords. Firewalls are another tool that is highly used in hacking of
passwords in the cyber.
Fussers and forensics is also an example of a commonly used tool in
hacking especially in cyber
business. There is the traffic monitoring tools that also criminals use in
following your data
which is very dangerous when it comes to the personal data.
Multipurpose tools are also used in Project 4 Lewis 4 cyber hacking
where computers are posed to vulnerability of losing their information.
network mapper is used in many cyber as a free hacker’s tool. The tool
is widely used in for
network discovery and at the same time for security auditing . Many of
the security admins use
this nmap for network inventory and at the same time check for any
open ports to manage
services while upgrading the schedules. The Nmap is mostly needed
when the raw IP packets is
used in creative ways what the host is available and the information the
host is providing about
the operating systems.
There is metasploit project is one of the widely and popular hacking
framework. The
project is widely used by the cyber security that provides the user will
very useful information
that us regarding a known security vulnerability and at the same time
this will help in penetrating
a to a certain useful information of testing the IDs plans .This will also
help in the strategies and
methodologies especially for the exploitation. There is also a large
number of useful metasploit…..
CSE 11 Winter 2017 Program Assignment #3
CSE 11
Winter 2017
Program Assignment #3 (100 points) START EARLY! Due: 27
February 2017 at 1159pm (2359, Pacific Standard Time)
PROGRAM #3: Trains
assignment, you will be honing your skills for
1. Working with java interfaces
2. Working with arrays one and two-dimensional
3. Using public methods in classes for communication
4. Further developing testing skills
5. Writing your own javadoc
This is a longer assignment than either #1 or #2, You should start early.
An english description overview of objects and how things work.
There are four “kinds” of objects in this assignment
1. TrainCar. These are cars of a cargo-carrying train. Each car has
maximum weight to
hold cargo.
2. Trains. Trains have multiple cars. Cars may have identical cargo
capacity or
differing cargo capacities
3. Items. These are various kinds of goods that we want to be able to
load onto a
cargo train. An item could be any object that support a specific and
formal java
4. Loader - A person (actually algorithm) that decides if an an item can
be loaded onto
a train. Different Loaders use different algorithms. For example, one
might load
from the front to the back, another might load from back to front. You
will be
implementing four different loading algorithms.
In addition to these four kinds of objects, we are supplying you with a
java program that
allows you to write tests to see how your program, similar to assignment
#2. We want
you to focus mostly on four objects above.
So how do things fit together (Again, in English, more programmatic
details follow in this
● a Train is created with a specific Loader algorithm
● Train Cars are added to the train to give it cargo capacity ● Items are
loaded onto the train
Some things to note: When a particular train is created, the loader
algorithm never
changes for that Train. There might be multiple trains, each with their
own loader.
Train cars can be added at anytime to a Train. Items can be loaded at any
time. This
means that I might create a Train, add some cars, load some items, add
some more cars
and load some more items. Cars are never removed from a train. Items
are never
removed. Cars are numbered starting at 0. The first car added is Car 0,
then next car is
Car 1, etc.
Once a Train has been loaded I might request the following of the Train:
● What is the total weight of Cargo in the train
● What is the total weight of Cargo of a particular car in the train
● Give me a 2D array of all the items in the train. The row index is the
car#, the
columns of that row reference the Items in the order in which they were
● GIve me a 1D array of all the items of a single car in the train
● Tell how many item of a particular type are loaded in the car, or train.
Not all of the code distributed to you will initially compile. Specifically
and Train will NOT compile because TrainCar does not exist. Your first
task is to
implement TrainCar.
TASK 1 : Read The definition of the Item interface and implement
Your are being provided with
4. javadoc of
You will not need to change or turn in Item, Automobile, or Ford. You
cannot redefine It is a formal interface definition and that is the interface for
which we will test
your homework. Automobile and Ford are classes that implement the
Item interface. You
should be able to answer the following questions about this code
● given these definitions, is the statement new Automobile() allowed in
any java
● Does implement the Item interface? That is, is the statement
Item it =
new Ford(“mustang”); legal?
● How is the constructor of Automobile invoked in
● Why do you think that the method model2weight in needs
be declared
as a class method?
Implementing TrainCarTrainCar implements some straightforward
methods. Its job is to store references to objects
of type Item. Since Item is an interface, this means store objects that
implement the Item
● A TrainCar has a maximum weight.
● It has a method, canLoad() that returns a boolean to say if an item can
be loaded
● Is has a method, load(), that adds an item to the “contents” of the
TrainCar. load()
should check the result of canLoad() before loading.
● Items are stored sequentially (in an internal array or ArrayList). The
first item
loaded is index 0, second is index 1, etc.
● getContents() returns an array of Items that have been successfully
loaded. It returns
in the order in which they were loaded.
● getWeight() returns the sum of the weights of all the Items it contains
● See the TrainCar.pdf for the javadoc generated from our
implementation. You are being provided javadoc for TrainCar, but no
starter code. We expect your version of
TrainCar to reasonably reproduce the javadoc, that means that you have
to write your own
javadoc comments in your version of We are not
concerned about
character-by-character reproduction of your javadoc comments when
compared to the
supplied javadoc webpage. However,
1. All methods and constructors must be documented in the javadoc
2. % javadoc should produce no errors or warnings about
missing documentation.
Other requirements of TrainCar:
1. Implement all of the public methods
2. Define no other public methods, constructors, or fields
3. You may use ArrayList or the Arrays class internally to your
implementation, but that
is not required. The assignment is easily done with standard arrays.
4. you may add any number of private variables or methods
5. To compile TrainCar, only Item.class should need to already be
A strategy for developing and testing TrainCar
You should create a small program that creates a TrainCar instance,
some instances of Ford
and then loads the TrainCar with your Automobile (Ford) instances.
Finally it should print
out the item descriptions. We are not grading this and you are not
handing in the small
program. It’s up to you to figure out what you want to test to verify that
your TrainCar
methods are working properly. You shouldn’t skip this step, or other
parts of the
assignment will take longer. Your small program will allow you to
become familiar with
the Item interface. Don’t forget to test edge conditions, like trying to
load more into
already full car, or trying to load into a car with no cargo capacity.
In order to get started with the file, you should make sure
to write a working “stub” for each method in the javadoc. That is, write
a method that returns some (probably
incorrect) value that matches the return type, like -1 for an int, or null for
an array. This
will make sure you have a class definition that can compile with the
other pieces of the
project sooner rather than later.
Task 2 - Create an Electronics class that Implements Item
You are to create an Electronics class that implements Item. The
constructor should have
the following signature:
public Electronics (String description, double weight)
You should override the toString() method of Object so that the string
returned has the
following format:
“Electronics: &lt;description&gt; (&lt;weight&gt; KG)”
Where &lt;description&gt; and &lt;weight&gt; are the String description
passed in the constructor and
&lt;weight&gt; is the weight passed into the constructor. Example
toString Output:
“Electronics: SystemZ-Desktop (6.2 KG)”
would the String return with the following statement
new Electronics(“SystemZ-Desktop”, 6.2).toString()
There are no other requirements of the Electronics class.
Suggested testing of Electronics
modify your small test program above and add the creation of some
number of Electronics
objects and add them to the TrainCar instance. (TrainCar itself should
need NO
modification to accommodate Electronics, why?) You should only need
to modify a few
lines of code of your test program to construct a TrainCar instance that
now has Fords and
Electronics packed.
You will turn in
It should be documented with javadoc, implement the Item interface,
and provide the
appropriate constructor and toString() method. There are no other
requirements of
Electronics. java (the class be will short, 15-20 lines total).
Task 3: and
We are providing you with a starter It has been documented
using javadoc
comments and you should look at these and (if it helps you) generate the
doc for reference.
We are also providing and is
simple Loader algorithm. You should develop in steps. It’s
important to reason about how the Loader is being used, how to add
TrainCars to the Train instance, how to
return the various Item and Item arrays being asked for, computing total
weight of
the train, and the like. is testing program that requires Train, TrainCar, one or
more classes
the implement Loader, one or more classes that implement Item. It is
pretty complete, but
you need to read it. Like PR#2 you will turnin in some testing scenarios
that use the
commands defined in There are several lines marked
FIXME in -- these indicate places where, once you implement
some other piece, you
can remove the comments and enable some new functionality. For
example, when you
implement the Electronics class, you can then use the code in the
electronics command to
construct and load those items. The same goes for the different loaders.
TrainMain has several commands you can use; a few examples are in
● manifest -- Prints out the number of cars, total train weight, and a
summary for each car
containing the number of items and total weight (using the methods you
implement to
get this information, so if you haven’t implemented one of the
appropriate methods, the
wrong information will print)
● manifest n -- Prints out all the items in the car at index n
● add-cars n w -- Adds n cars each with weight capacity w to the train
● electronics desc w n -- Attempts to load n electronics items, each with
weight w and
description desc (you can enable this once you implement Electronics)
● ford model n -- Attempts to load n Fords of the given model onto the
train, each with
the given model
When TrainMain starts up, it prompts the user which of the four loaders
they’d like to use.
One of the given loader type is instantiated, and the Train constructor is
called with the
given loader. Initially, only FrontLoader is available; you can enable the
other three as you
implement them (see below for more on loaders).
We suggest the following order of development
● Put in default values for the return of each existing method
● Implement/Debug the Train Constructor
● Implement/Debug addCars (test by just adding a single car)
● create and add some items to the Train (since it is a single car at stage
is should behave
just like adding items in Task 1).
● Implement/Debug the getContents(int car) method
● Implement/Debug the getWeight(int car) method ● Add multiple cars
to the train.
● Create and add items to the Train. add enough items that the
FrontLoader will have to
eventually choose to load items into the second and third car.
● Verify that getContents/getWeight work for all cars
● Implement/Debug getWeight() - weight of all cargo
● Implement/Debug getContents() - All contents, car by car.
Note that all of this testing is being done with just a single Loader
algorithm, the
FrontLoader. You should be able to manually verify the output.
Task 4: Develop three more Classes that implement Loader
There are three more classes that you are to define to implement
different loaders
They are
Since these are just “strategies” for which car to choose when loading,
they each have
different goals. Note that,,,, do not have to change at all as you
create new classes
that implement Loader. In our setup only needs to know
how to create a
specific Loader and then instantiate a Train with that loader. Please re-
read this
paragraph, understanding why this works (via runtime polymorphism) is
key to gaining
insight into a key feature of any object-oriented language.
The following gives rules/examples of how each Loader strategy fills a
train. For this
Train has 5 cars, Cars have the following weight Capacities:
0: 10 KG
1: 8 KG
2: 6 KG
3: 4 KG
4: 3 KG
We will load Items A-Z, in that order. All items are 3KG in weight. The
train has a
maximum capacity of 31 KG.
RearLoader -- Loads from rear of the Train first
Loading A - Z (we cannot load all), the train will loaded as follows. This
the output from a simple test program that loads electronics classes into
a train with cargo capacities above
=== Train Weighs 27.000000 KG ===
==== CAR 0 (9.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: G (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: H (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: I (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 1 (6.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: E (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: F (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: C (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: D (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 3 (3.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: B (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A (3.000000 KG)
RoundRobinLoader -- Starting from the front it loads the first item in car
0, next item in
car 1, … when it gets to car 4, the next car loaded is 0. If there is no
capacity in the car that
should be next, it keeps trying in round-robin fashion until it exhausts all
possibilities. The
RoundRobinLoader must remember the last car it selected for
chooseCar. Below is output
of one of our simple test programs that is loading electronics using the
== Train Weighs 27.000000 KG ===
==== CAR 0 (9.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: F (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: I (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 1 (6.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: B (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: G (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: C (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: H (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 3 (3.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: D (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: E (3.000000 KG) FairLoader - Each time chooseCar is
invoked, FairLoader starts at the front of the train
(car 0) and finds the first least-loaded car in which the cargo will also fit.
In the example
A-Z and cars, FairLoader will give the identical results as
RoundRobinLoader. However,
that is not always True. Suppose we now load a sequence of items:
A, A1, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, E, E1, F, F1,....
Where the “1” versions of the items are 1KG, but we have the same Car
capacity as before.
In our test program that generated the following output, it stopped
adding items the first
time it encountered an item that would not fit in any car.
RoundRobinLoaderFairLoader === Train Weighs 28.000000 KG ===
==== CAR 0 (8.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: C1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: E1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: G (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 1 (8.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: D (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: F (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: G1 (1.000000 KG)
==== CAR 2 (5.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: B (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: D1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: F1 (1.000000 KG)
==== CAR 3 (4.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: B1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: E (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: C (3.000000 KG) === Train Weighs 31.000000 KG ===
==== CAR 0 (10.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: E (3.000000 KG)
Electronics: G1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: H (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 1 (8.000000 KG) ====
Electronics: A1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: C1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: D1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: E1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: F1 (1.000000 KG)
Electronics: G (3.000000 KG)
==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ====
DBM 380Write a 700- to 1,050-word informal paper
Write a 700- to 1,050-word informal paper using Microsoft®
Word in
which you address the following:
• Accurately definethe terms "database system" and "relational
database architecture".
• In your Learning Team next week, you will have a defined
application for a database that you will construct together, but this
week, think about what you personally could use a database for in
your personal life. Choose a subject from your work/home/hobby
that requires the keeping of multiple records; e.g., music
collections, sales records, inventory. You will not be creating this
database in this course, but will use the idea this week to practice
the skills required to take an idea into the planning of a database.
• Completelydefine the objectives for the database application
that would provide a solution for your record keeping
• List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three
entities with attributes).
• List at least two constraints and assumptions for your
• Describe at least two basic database functions that a
spreadsheet cannot perform.
• Accuratelyexplain why a relational database management
system would offer the most robust solution for your
Include two or three references.
Format your paper and citations using APA format.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab
ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
Name: Date: Instructions:
Complete the three parts—Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of Lab 1. When you
have completed each part,
answer the questions and transcribe/transfer the test results recorded in
the lab manual’s tables to the
tables provided.
Part 1—Common Emitter (CE) Amplifier Theory:
1. What type of bias is used in the common-emitter amplifier shown in
Figure 8-1(a)?
2. Explain the reason(s) why the AC equivalent circuit appears as it does
in Figure 8-1(b).
3. What values must be calculated to determine the DC operating
4. What information can be obtained by determining the DC load line of
an amplifier?
5. What values must be calculated to determine the AC operating
6. What information can be obtained by determining the AC load line of
an amplifier?
7. Why is the current higher in the AC equivalent circuit? 8. What does
the dynamic resistance represent? 9. What amplifier components does
the AC emitter-collector current flow through in the CE amplifier in
Figure 8-1? 10. What amplifier components does the AC base-emitter
current flow through in the CE amplifier in
Figure 8-1? 1 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
11. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 8-1 to the table
RL Listed Value
10 k Ohm
4.7 k Ohm
100 Ohm
330 Ohm
1 k Ohm
10 k Ohm
Table 8-1 Measured Value Test Procedure:
12. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 8-2 to the
table below.
DC Computed Value Measured Value Parameter
Actua IE l VC
Table 8-2
13. Why is the calculated value emitter current different from the actual
emitter current? Why is it
important to use the actual emitter current when calculating the AC
14. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 8-3 to the
table below.
Vin = Vb
Rin(total) Computed Value Measured Value 300 mVpp Table 8-3
15. What is the CE amplifier’s phase relationship for its input and output
16. Use the parameters from Tables 8-2 and 8-3 to plot the DC and AC
load lines on Plot 3-1.
See Figure 3-34 and Section 3-4 of the textbook.
o 2 Identify VCE(cutoff), IC(sat), VCEQ, ICQ, and Q-point. VCEQ is
equal to VCE in a quiescent circuit, VCEQ = VCE. ICQ is equal to the
IE in a quiescent circuit, ICQ = IE. ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
o Calculate Rac and record the value. ' Rac =r e+ ℜ1+( RC∨¿ RL)
Rac = o Use Rac to determine VCE(cutoff) and IC(sat) for the circuit in
Figure 8-1: Plot 3-1
17. Explain why the input resistance is measured indirectly. Why is the
AC output voltage adjusted to be
50% of the amplifier’s output?
18. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance
with C2 open?
19. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance
with R L reduced to 1.0 k Ohm? 3 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
20. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance
with R E1 open? Is the transistor in
cutoff or saturation mode? Explain.
21. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance
with R2 open? Is the transistor incutoff or saturation mode? Explain. 22.
Explain the reason the gain is affected when the bypass capacitor, C2, is
23. In the lab, you adjusted input resistance while monitoring the change
in output voltage. Why is this
procedure better than monitoring the base voltage?
24. Assume the amplifier shown in Figure 3-3 has +1.8 V DC measured
on the base, +1.1 V DC
measured on the emitter, and +1.1 V DC measured on the collector.
Figure 8-3: Common Emitter Amplifier
(a) Is this normal?
(b) If not, what is the most likely cause of the problem?
25. For the circuit above, if C2 were shorted,
(a) What DC base voltage would you expect? ________________
(b) What DC collector voltage would you expect? ________________ 4
ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
26. Explain a simple test to determine if a transistor is in saturation or
cutoff mode.
Part 2—Common Collector (CC) Amplifier Theory:
27. Why is the CC amplifier’s voltage gain approximately 1?
28. What is the advantage of connecting the output of a CE amplifier to
the input to a CC amplifier?
29. What values must be calculated to determine the DC operating
30. What values must be calculated to determine the AC operating
31. What amplifier components does the AC emitter-collector current
flow through in the CC amplifier in
Figure 9-1? 32. What amplifier components does the AC base-emitter
current flow through in the CC amplifier in
Figure 9-1?
33. What formula is used to calculate the output power of a CC
amplifier? Preparation:
34. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 9-1 to the table
RL Listed Value
33 k Ohm
10 k Ohm
1 k Ohm
1 k Ohm
Table 9-1 Measured Value Test Procedure:
35. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 9-2 to the
table below.
DC 5 Computed Value Measured Value ET1310: Module 3 BJT
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
Actua IE l VCE
Table 9-2
36. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 9-3 to the
table below.
AC Computed Value Parameter
Vin = Vb
Rac Measured Value 1 Vpp Table 9-3
37. What is the CC amplifier’s phase relationship for its input and output
38. Use the parameters from Tables 8-2 and 8-3 to plot the DC and AC
load lines on Plot 3-2.
See Figure 3-34 and Section 3-4 of the textbook.
o o 6 Identify VCE(cutoff), IC(sat), VCEQ, ICQ, and Q-point. VCEQ is
equal to VCE in a quiescent circuit, VCEQ = VCE. ICQ is equal to IE in
a quiescent circuit, ICQ = IE. Identify VCE(cutoff) and IC(sat), Rac for
the circuit in Figure 9-1: Rin(tot) = R1 || R2 || βac(r’e + RE || RL) Rac =
r’e + RE || RL ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report Plot 3-2 39. Transcribe your fault observations and
findings from Table 9-4 to the table below.
Open 7 DC Predictions
VCE DC Measurements
VCE Effect of Trouble on Vout ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
Table 9-4
40. Describe your observations when increasing and decreasing RL to
values larger and smaller than 1 k
Ohm. Why are the output values clipped?
41. In the lab, you observed the CC amplifier’s phase relationship
between the input and output
waveforms. Would the phase relationship you observed be the same for
an NPN circuit? Explain.
42. The circuit used in this experiment used a voltage-divider bias.
(a) Compared to the base bias, what is the advantage?
(b) What disadvantage does it have?
43. Explain why common-collector amplifiers do not have voltage gain
but still provide power gain. 44. The figure below shows a CC amplifier
with a voltage-divider bias. Assume βac = βdc = 100.
Compute the recorded DC and AC parameters in the table. 8 DC AC
VCE Parameters
AP ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report Part 3—Transistor Switches Theory:
45. When transistors are used in switching applications, in what modes
are they operated?
46. What is the primary advantage to adding hysteresis to a switching
circuit? 47. Give at least three advantages of transistor-switching circuits
over mechanical switches.
48. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 10-1 to the
table below.
RE Listed Value
10 k Ohm
1 k Ohm
10 k Ohm
330 Ohm
Table 10-1 Measured Value Test Procedure:
49. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 10-2 to the
table below. 9 Paramete Computed Measured r
VCE(cutoff) Value Value ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report
Table 10-2
50. What is the purpose of RB in the circuit for Figure 10-1?
51. Assume you wanted to determine the base current in this circuit.
What voltage measurement would
you make to do this indirectly?
52. Transcribe the measurements from Table 10-3 to the table below.
Measured Value
VIN (LED on)
VIN (threshold)
VOUT (threshold)
Table 10-3
53. What is the relationship between cutoff and saturation for the two
transistors in the circuit for Figure
54. Transcribe the measurements from Table 10-4 to the table below.
Measured Value
VIN (LED on)
VIN (upper threshold)
VOUT (upper threshold)
VIN (lower threshold)
VOUT (lower threshold)
Table 10-4
55. Why is the Vout value higher when Vin is set to 0 V in the circuit for
Figure 10-3?
56. Why is the saturation current for the two transistors different?
57. Assume you measured the collector current in a saturated transistor
as 10 mA and the base current
as 0.25 mA. Why can’t these measurements be used to determine the
βDC of the transistor? 10 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications
Lab/ BJT Amplifiers
Lab 3.1 Report 11
IE 332 - Homework #1
IE 332 - Homework #1
Due: Feb 15, 11:59pm Read Carefully. Important!
As outlined in the course syllabus this homework is worth 6% of your
final grade. The maximum attainable
mark on this homework is 60. As was also outlined in the syllabus, there
is a zero tolerance policy for
any form of academic misconduct. This is an individual assignment.
By electronically uploading this assignment to Blackboard you
acknowledge these statements and accept
any repercussions if in any violation of ANY Purdue Academic
Misconduct policies. You must upload your
homework on time for it to be graded. No late assignments will be
accepted. Only the last uploaded
version of your assignment will be graded. Page i of i IE 332 Homework
#1 Due: Feb 15 2016 1. The purpose of this question is to provide
insight into how numbers are stored electronically, and how
to translate to/from sequences of bits and the decimal number system.
(a) Converting a binary number to a decimal number is necessary in
order for a result obtained from
the CPU to be more easily understand by humans. For binary number B
= bn−1 bn−2
. . . b0 , where
bi=1,...,n−1 ∈ {0, 1}, the corresponding decimal value is computed
according to
i=0 bi 2 . For
example, if B = 100 then the corresponding decimal value will be
computed as 0·2 +0·2 +1·22 = 4.
Convert the following binary numbers to decimal, showing your work.
i. (2 points) 11100000101
ii. (2 points) 110101101
(b) There are different algorithms for converting a decimal number to a
binary number. One approach
is based on successively subtracting the largest powers of two until a
zero is reached. For each
power, a 1 will appear in the binary notation, otherwise a 0 will appear.
For example, consider the
decimal number 44. We know 26 = 64, which means we will need six
bits to store the number 44
as a binary number. Then, we proceed as:
4. the
the largest power of two ≤ 44 is 25 = 32, and subtracting from 44 will be
44 − 32 = 12.
largest power of two ≤ 12 is 23 = 8, and subtracting from 12 will be 4.
largest power of two ≤ 4 is 22 = 4. Subtraction results in 0.
process then terminates with the resulting binary number 101100.
Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, and show all of your
i. (2 points) 1003
ii. (2 points) 6248
2. (3 points) A common strategy to reduce the execution time of an
algorithm is to program it in such a
way that parts of it can be run simultaneously in parallel (i.e., on
different CPUs at the same time).
Consider a program that requires 1000 seconds to execute on a single
processor CPU where the first 40%
of the code cannot benefit from executing in a parallel. However, the
remaining 60% can be parallelized.
What will be the theoretically best total computation time if running on a
quad-core CPU?
3. The SIR model is used by epidemiologists to calculate the theoretical
number of Susceptible, Infected
and Recovered individuals in a host population during a pandemic. It
can be expressed by the following
differential equations due to Kermack and McKendrick in 1927:
dt = −βIS (1) = γI
= −
dt (2)
(3) where S, I, R represent proportions of individuals in a population of
size N , β is the rate at which aninfected person infects a susceptible
person, and γ is the rate at which people recover from the disease.
An assumption of this model is that after recovery from the disease the
host cannot become susceptible
again. Assume that γ = 0.1, β = 0.6 and that the initial number of
infected individuals is ten from a
population size of five million.
You must ONLY use the R programming language for this question.
You cannot use any
R simulation or differential equation solver libraries. (a) (6 points) In
lecture we discussed the forward Euler method for approximating the
solution to the
above system. However, an improvement to that algorithm (given
below) typically yields a better
result. Specifically, the calculation is
yˆi+1 = yi + ∆tf (ti , yi )
(f (ti , yi ) + f (ti+1 , yˆi+1 ))
yi+1 = yi +
2 (4)
(5) Provide an approximation to the system given in Equations (1)-(3)
using this alternative approach.
Run the approximation for 100 simulated days in step increments of 1
day by setting ∆t = 1 (i.e.,
t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 100). Note, each S, I, R value will need to be
independently solved (see last semester
A1 for a hint).
(b) (8 points) The SIR model stated above does not consider
randomness, which is not realistic. In
this question you will create a Monte Carlo simulation of the the SIR
model that accounts for some
real-world randomness. That is, we want to estimate the number of S, I,
R at each time point using
a Monte Carlo simulation instead of the numerical method approach
used in part (a). In doing
so, each simulation of this model can be thought of as representing a
potential outcome that could
happen in the real world (of course only one actually will). By including
this stochastic component
it is possible to gain more insight into the variability of disease spread.
At each time point a randomly selected susceptible person remains
uninfected if they either avoid
contact with an infected individual or if contact was made then no
disease transmission occurred:
if ρ is the probability of contact, then these calculation will be (1 − ρ)
and ρ(1 − β), respectively.
Assuming that contacts occur independently of each other, the
probability of a susceptible individual
remains uninfected at time t + 1 will be P[not infected] = (1 − ρ + ρ(1 −
β))T [t] .
A susceptible individual will either become infected on a given day or
not. Hence, the number of
susceptible individuals S(t) that remain susceptible at S(t + 1) will equal
the number of individuals
who did not become infected, which can be modeled using a Binomial
distribution (useful for
modeling the number of successes in a sequence of “success or fail”
events) having parameters S[t]
and 1 − P[not infected], respectively. Similarly, the number of newly
recovered individuals from I(t)
to R(t + 1) can also be modeled using a Binomial distribution, where a
“success” is equivalent to
a “recovery” and occurs with probability γ.
Create a Monte Carlo simulation according to the above description with
ρ ∈ [0.00000015, 0.00000035]
according to a uniform distribution. The code should be wrapped within
a function (HINT: let
the function return a matrix with 3 columns corresponding to S, I, R
values and each row being
a different time point. You will need to use the rbinom function. The
function should not require
more than 15 lines of code.):
MCsir&lt;- function(beta, gamma, rho, initS, initI, timePoints) {
(c) (3 points) You will create three plots, one for each of S, I, R curves
as a function of time. Within
each plot you will show the results from (a) and (b). Specifically, curves
from part a (each having
width 3) that correspond to S, I, R will be colored blue, red and green,
respectively. You will
also run 10 replications of your simulation from (b), yielding ten
realizations of S, I and R values
that will be added to the corresponding plots (each having width of 1 and
color gray). Therefore,
each of the three plots should have 11 curves (one from (a) and ten from
(b)). Be sure to include
appropriate legend and axes labels. IE 332 Homework #1 Page 2 of 3 4.
It is common practice for banks to record account transactions in the
chronological order that they were
made. However, it is also common for people to prefer to order their
transactions by check number,
versus chronological order. This is essentially a problem of sorting a list
initially ordered chronologically
into one sorted by check number, where it is highly likely that the
chronologically ordered list is almost
already sorted by check number.
Consider the following sorting algorithm where A is the already
chronologically sorted list of transactions:
9: for i = 2 to length(A) do
v = A[i].checknumber
j =i−1
while j &gt; 0 and A[j].checknumber&gt; v do
A[j + 1] = A[j]
j =j−1
end while
A[j + 1] = A[i]
end for (a) (8 points) Using a loop invariant prove that the sorting
algorithm is correct.
(b) (2 points) What is the worst-case? Briefly explain.
(c) (4 points) What is a tight bound for the worst-case runtime?
(d) (2 points) What is the best-case? Briefly explain.
(e) (4 points) What is a tight bound for the best-case runtime?
(f) (2 points) Recall the MERGESORT algorithm discussed in lecture.
Explain, between MERGESORT and the above sorting algorithm, which
you would recommend to perform the reordering
from chronological to check number?
5. Technology influences our lives in many ways; a trend that will surely
continue at a staggering pace.
In this Ted Talk from 2011, Kevin Slavin highlights some algorithms
that shaped our world. While
watching keep in mind that this talk was given in 2011 and there have
been five years of significant
advances. Answer the following questions in the context of this talk: slavin how algorithms shape our world
(a) (1 point) Who was he seated next two on his flight?
(b) (1 point) What did they think when a radar detected a flock of birds
alongside electronic communications?
(c) (1 point) Approximately how many physicists are on Wall Street?
(d) (1 point) What percentage of United States stock market is
(e) (1 point) What happened during the flash crash of 2:45?
(f) (1 point) What was the initial and highest price on Amazon of the
book “The making of a fly”?
(g) (1 point) What is the name of the most recent (at that time at least)
Netflix algorithm?
(h) (1 point) Approximately what percent of movies that are rated is a
result of the Netflix algorithm?
(i) (1 point) What is the main quality that algorithms on Wall Street
depend on?
(j) (1 point) How many microseconds does it take to click a mouse? IE
332 Homework #1 Page 3 of 3
IFSM 201
Discussion Topic: Software vs. Application Software In your
own words
Discussion Topic: Software vs. Application Software
In your own words.Computers have both system software and
application software installed. What is the difference between system
software and application software? How do you determine the operating
system version that is installed on your computer? Next, list 5 of the
applications you have installed on your computer and classify them
according to how they are used (i.e., games, web browser, email client,
etc.). Select two of the applications you listed and explain how you
determine the version of these programs. What specific features do you
like about each program? Give reasons to support your answers
IS 102 Assume that you are in the information security team of a
company called HomeAutomator
Please help me to complete the following assignment. This
assignment should have minimum 20 pages.
Assume that you are in the information security team of a company
called HomeAutomator, which is trying to implement home automation
system that can be controlled remotely through internet. The proposed
system can monitor different parameters like gas, light, motion
detection, temperature, etc. using the sensor data and also trigger a
process according to the requirement. The data from the sensors are
uploaded to a cloud server and this data can be used to analyze the
Computing hardware of the company includes Oracle database server, a
web server to handle all sensor data through REST API. There is an
Android and iOS application to control the device and a dashboard to
view the analytics data. All the IoT devices are connected to a Wi-Fi
Threat Analysis
Must produce a complete collection of threat modeling documents.
(1) A high-level design style dataflow diagram that shows all files and
external entities. It should include processes sufficient to cover all of the
functionality described above, but need not break down behavior with
any more detail. Also, this DFD should uses dashed lines to depict the
trust boundaries.
(2) Using STRIDE identify threats. You need not show an entire threat
scenario for each, but there needs to be enough of an explanation to
understand the nature of each threat and how it differs from others.
Classify each threat under S, T, R, I, D, or E - you should have several in
each category Please remember that this exercise needs to be thorough,
but also cannot be so detailed that it is uselessly complex. In other words
you are expected to capture significant threats, but need not include
everything - particularly threats that are nearly impossible or have
virtually no impact. Also, please exclude physical threats, such as theft,
vandalism, fire or flood to any of the physical devices. Sometimes you
may want to group threats into a single lump because they all have
substantially the same probability of occurrence and potential for
damage. However, you need to think carefully, because it is important to
separate threats whenever they have substantially different threat trees,
significantly different probability of occurrence or varying potential for
(3) Must draw a threat tree for a threat. Your threat tree must contain at
least ten nodes, three levels depth, and must include both AND and OR
(4) The team must come to an agreement of threat ranking for each
threat. The ranking is to use a LOW-MODEST-MEDIUM-HIGH
ranking for probability of occurrence and the same ranking system for
potential damage.
You will be graded upon completeness, clarity, reasonableness and the
utility of your documents.
IT 210 What is the role of Switching in Internet?
1. What is the role of Switching in Internet?
2. Discuss about the TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUITE and Principles of
Protocol Layering.
3. Describe the Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
4. A signal travels through an amplifier, and its power increased and
becomes doubled. Then calculate amplification for this condition.
IT 243Question 1: MCQ Questions (5 Marks) The major
architectural components of any system are the___________.
Question 1: MCQ Questions (5 Marks)
• The major architectural components of any system are
• IT Department
• Hardware
• Software
• A and B
• B and C
• Software systems can be divided into how many basic functions?
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• There are _____ primary hardware components of a system.
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• Server-based architecture is:
• When the clients capture keystrokes
• The very first architecture system
• Outdated and never used
• A and B
• A, B and C
• Client-server architecture holds the client responsible for_____ and
server is only responsible for _____.
• Application Logic; Presentation Logic
• Presentation Logic; Data Access Logic and Data Storage
• Data Access Logic and Presentation Logic; Data Storage
• Application Logic; Data Storage
• Data Storage; Application Logic
Question 2: True or False Questions (4 Marks)
The decision to make, to buy, or to outsource the system is done at the
design phase?Building the system in-house is cheaper than buying a
ready software package?Outsourcing firms called Application Software
Providers (ASPs) supply software applications and/or software related
services through the Internet?Outsourcing or Hiring a vendor to develop
the system for the company will relieve the company from the
responsibility of managing the project?
Question 3: (4 Marks)
List the three design strategies and give at least two advantages and two
disadvantages for each?
Question 4: (4 Marks)
Name the five steps in user interface design? Why is iteration so
Question 5: (4 Marks)
Briefly explain Storyboard, HTML Prototype and Language Prototype
as Interface design Prototyping. Which prototyping technique(s) will
work best if analyst want to be closer to the final version of interface
Question 6: (4 Marks)
As a system analyst, you are required to redesign the interface for the
ATM at your local bank. Develop two use scenarios for Authentication
and Withdrawing Cash from ATM activity.
Part 2
Question 1: (7 Marks)
Case study:
Ahmad is an analyst. The human resources department is very unhappy
with their payroll package. They want the information systems
department to write them a new package as they think they have unique
needs. What should Ahmad do?
Question 2: (8 Marks)
Design an Interface Structure Design for the ATM at your local bank
that shows how a user would navigate among the screens.
ITSE 1331How do I develop a program using Visual Basic?
How do I develop a program using Visual Basic?
User Requirements
Use VB to develop an application that will allow the user to input a
character string, and produce the following result:
Output the string rotated to the right by a user-defined number of
characters (0 or more). For example, "Hello world!" rotated by 2
characters would be: "d!Helloworl".
Output the string rotated left by a user-defined number of characters (0
or more)
Output the string backwards. That means "Hello world!" becomes "!
dlrow 0lleH".
Output the number of characters in the string. For example, "Hello
world!" has 12 characters.
Output the string with the spaces replaced by underscores. "Hello
world!" becomes "Hello_world!"
ITSP 215S07 Discussion Board 7 ~ Wired and Wireless Frame
S07 Discussion Board 7 ~ Wired and Wireless Frame Typology
When you took NETI 105, you explored the "make-up" of various
"wired" frame structures. Using a table format, show the similarities and
differences of 802.11 frames and 802.3 frames. Since the IEEE created
both of these typologies, we can assume some similaries, however since
the media is very different, we can also assume that major differences
will exist. Research both groups and create a comparison table to
illustrate the comparison.
Please answer all questions, also make comment on all subjects that are
presented for comment. Post your initial post before the designated mid-
week deadline for initial posts. Initial posts should be substantive and a
minimum of 150 words.
NR 360Microsoft Word -
Microsoft Word -
1. Cloud technology
2. What is the Patient safety impact (including statistical justification)
of cloud technology in healthcare?
3. Use APA and references
4. ****************************************************
SEC 6040Review the SWOT
Review the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
analyses for all six cases here. Pick one of the six cases and read the
complete business plan. Then, create a professional presentation
in Kaltura and MS POWERPOINT suggesting how IT could be used to
enhance the company’s strengths, lessen the company’s weaknesses,
take advantage of the company’s opportunities, and / or mitigate the
company’s threats. The same IT solution(s) might accomplish more than
one objective in the business plan.
In your presentation, please copy the SWOT analysis from the case and
paste that on one of the slides. The presentation should include 2-4 slides
to explain the case including an analysis of the characteristics of the
institution in the case study. Please explain specifically how IT solves a
problem and / or enables new options for the company. The total
presentation should be about 8-10 slides, not including the title and
reference slides. The reference slide should be in APA format. Internet
references, as well as peer-reviewed journal articles, are fine. The
references should include examples of other companies that have done
something similar to support your recommendations. In-text citations are
not required for this presentation. Your presentation should include a
voice-over to explain your slides. Please submit your Kaltura video via
the assignment link and also include a link to it on the discussion board.
The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the
assignment link.
Additional resources:
• Video: What Is a SWOT Analysis?
v=4aFB9xrkdiU& explains about analyzing an
organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT). A SWOT analysis is often used in strategic planning.
• Article: Ultimate Guide to Conducting a SWOT
%20Analysis.pdf explains how to do a SWOT analysis.
• Video: How NOT to Use PowerPoint gives humorous examples of
what not to do in presentations.
• Blackboard tutorial: Narrating a PowerPoint with
the Kaltura Screen Recorder explains how to add narration to
your Kaltura presentation.
• Blackboard tutorial: Using Kaltura to Submit Assignment explains
how to submit your Kaltura presentation using the assignment link
• ****************************************************

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Educational courses/

  • 1. CIS 111Lab 3: EasyPHP and MySQL Setup FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Lab 3: EasyPHP and MySQL Setup Due Week 5 and worth 75 points • Install EasyPHP and MySQL and take a screen shot that shows the MySQL prompt on your screen. (Note: You must include the screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on your computer as part of your assignment. An installation guide to aid the installation of EasyPHP and MySQL is located here. • Research the capabilities of MySQL. Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you: 1. Describe your experiences related to your setup of MySQL. Include any difficulties or issues that you had encountered during the installation. 2. Based on your post-installation research, describe the main capabilities of MySQL. 3. Describe the approach that you would take to go from a conceptual or logical model that you created in Visio to the implementation of that database structure in MySQL. Determine the additional information that you will need to implement the database design in a database management system. 4. Include the screen shot which shows that MySQL is installed on your computer. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • 2. • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the stud ent’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Hello! You did the last assignment for me and I would be grateful if you could take care of this one for me on short notice. This one is much quicker. Thank you! **************************************************** CIS 115So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for an array FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT So when do you think you would use a WHILE loop for an array, and when would you use a FOR loop? Why? Why wouldn't you always use a FOR LOOP? **************************************************** CIS 312Week 6 Discussion: Pre-Built or Custom-Built? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 3. Week 6 Discussion: Pre-Built or Custom-Built? "Pre-Built or Custom-Built?" Please respond to the following: If can be very overwhelming trying to find the right computer to purchase. For example, maybe your customer wants a computer that has 3 HDMI outputs for three different monitors on their workstation. You are aware from your education here that integrated graphics cards can be disabled, and you can plug in a peripheral graphics card to handle the additional output. However, you won’t get the fastest and best performance with this configuration. It’s best to use a motherboard without integrated graphics. When a client sends you specific requirements for a computer; the easiest thing to do is find an off-the-shelf computer that meets all the requirements. If they want an i7 processor with 16 GB of DDR RAM, that’s easy, but what about if they want a 1TB SSD with a 2TB HDD and four internal DVD R/W drives? That might be a little more difficult. You may also want to consider building the computer yourself, as this can be more cost effective. Choose one of the following questions sets to address. • • Describe three considerations, that you've learned about this week when researching hardware integration. • What strategy would you use to determine which system would be less expensive:pre-built or custom-built? • Describe your experience with building a computer from scratch or what you’d expect to encounter if you have never built one. • **************************************************** CIS 375 Week 5 assignment 2
  • 4. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CIS 375 Week 5 assignment 2 Please review the following site. In a virtual world (VW) of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), collaboration and communication are provided through the Internet between MMORPG-ready devices such as the Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation, and by using the Web browser. Gamers around the world can play against other gamers without seeing their opponent face-to-face. The Internet and MMORPG devices have become a social phenomenon. For example, a mobile game, called “Game of War” enables players to play against each other anywhere around the world. The following Website might be helpful when writing this assignment: • Spades card game Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1. Describe cognitive social phenomena that occur specifically to the context of the MMORPG that wouldn’t happen in a face-to-face checkers game. 2. Compare and contrast the MMORPG user interaction environment and a face-to-face environment where Spades is being played. Next, identify whether or not the environment has an impact on the player’s ability to play Spades in this environment.
  • 5. 3. Outline and describe the user interface requirements that a game designer needs to include in order to engage players in a MMORPG environment. 4. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: 1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. 2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. **************************************************** CISC2200 Write a program that generates a series of random equations and prompts the user to answer each equation generated. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a program that generates a series of random equations and prompts the user to answer each equation generated. The program should keep track of each equation and whether or not the equation was answered correctly. If an equation is generated that has already been
  • 6. presented to the user, the program should check if the equation was previously answered correctly. If it was answered correctly, the equation should be ignored and a new equation generated. If the equation was not answered correctly, the user should be prompted to answer it. The program should implement 4 levels of difficulty based on the range of operands that can be generated at each level. Level 1: 0 - 10 Level 2: 0 - 25 Level 3: 10 - 25 Level 4: -25 - 25 The program should begin at Level 1. After ten (10) equations in a row have been answered correctly, the program should prompt the user with the following list of options: Continue at the current level. Go to the next level. Display summary statistics for the current level. Quit. If the user chooses to continue at the current level, the program should continue generating equations until the user correctly answers in a row the next ten (10) equations generated and then follow with the menu options. If the user chooses to increase the level, the minimum and maximum range should be updated accordingly and the program should continue to generate equations. If the user chooses to see summary statistics, the program should display the following information: % of addition equations correctly answered,
  • 7. % of subtraction equations correctly answered, % of multiplication equations correctly answered, % of division equations correctly answered at the current level. The user should then be presented with the menu options again and proceed accordingly. Note that when calculating the summary statistics an equation generated a second time should only be included in the summary if the equation was answered incorrectly previously and the user prompted to answer again. If the user chooses to quit the program, the program should display summary statistics for each of the levels the game was played on and exit politely. **************************************************** CMIS 102Homework 3 – Create your own Loop application FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Homework 3 – Create your own Loop application Create your own unique While-End or (For End) repetition C code. You decide the theme. Be sure to provide an overview of what your repetition structure is doing. Please keep the design simple for this exercise. Just a few lines of code is all that is needed for this response. This should be code you wrote for an application that is interesting to you. In other words, make it your own and have fun with it.
  • 8. Provide the C code and a screen capture showing the results of testing your code in an online compiler. Be sure to test your code with several test cases and show your test case table. Submit your word or PDF file to your assignments folder no later than the due date. Grading guidelines Submission Unique C code for simple While or For loop was provided and compiles without issue. Screen captures provided showing test results for each test case. Test cases represent a wide variety of possible input values (e.g. large numbers, small numbers (0), negative, or unexpected non-number entries). Total Points 2 2 1 5 **************************************************** COP 1000C Intro Programming Concepts. DR Archibald Videos FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT COP 1000C Intro Programming Concepts. DR Archibald Videos • Watch Video Lecture Segment 10 Mixed Type Expressions. Near the end of Segment 10 there are some practice exercises. This is Slide 10.7. Try them with a pencil. Then write a C program to verify your answers. • Watch Video Lecture Segment: 11 Problem Solving with Repetition. There are 3 problems solved. Test Scores, Gas
  • 9. Mileage, and Factorials. Type along with the video, pausing where necessary. Get each of these programs to work. Walk through the code in the debugger. 3- Include the use of ++, += in a program that achieves the following using loops. (You can do these in one program or each one in a small program, it doesn’t matter) A- Create a loop that will output all the multiples of 5 that are greater than zero and less than 60 (do not include 60). 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 B- Create a loop that will output all the numbers less than 200 that are evenly divisible by both 2 and 7. 14 28 … C. Create a loop that will calculate the sum of the multiples of 8 that are between 100 and 500. Output the sum only. D. Create a loop that will output the sum of all odd numbers between 20 and 100. **************************************************** COSC 1436In this question, you will design an application for a company FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Java Program In this question, you will design an application for a company that creates personalized house signs to compute the prices of customer orders based on the following factors: The minimum charge (base price) for all type of sign is $20.•
  • 10. If the sign is made of wood, add an extra charge $10, if it is a plastic, add an extra charge $5. No extra charge for aluminum.• The first 5 letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is an extra $2 charge for each additional character. (Space shouldn't be counted as a character.In order to check if a character is a space or not, you can use isSpaceChar()method of Character class.)• Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is an additional $8 charge for colored lettering.• If the total charge is more than $100, provide 25 percent of discount on total price.• Write a program that accepts data in the following order: order number, customer name, sign type(wood or plastic), the number of characters, and color of characters. The program should continue as long as a customer wants to order another sign. Display all the entered data, number of the orders, and the final price for the customer to pay.* Note : You use a Scanner class's method (nextInt or nextDouble) to read a primitive value (int or double type values, respectively). And then, if you use nextLine method toread a String, a problem (with hard-to-find reason) would occur. In this case, the Stringis never read from the keyboard (no chance for the user to enter a string) since thenextLine method is not designed to skip over an initial newline character. Here are the solutions to overcome this problem: (For details, see the textbook Page88)1) Before getting user's input as a String, just consume the previous remaining newline using the following
  • 11. statement:keyboard.nextLine();OR2) Instead of using nextLine method, you can use next method to read a String **************************************************** COSC 2315- Implement a program that will use a stack structure FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT - Implement a program that will use a stack structure to check for correct placement of parentheses in an algebraic expression. Allow the use of ( ) [ ] { } characters as grouping symbols. Make sure that an error is reported for an expression of a form (...]. In addition report other possible parentheses related errors (too many levels, too many right paren., too many left paren.). Make sure to use 'silent error reporting' (and report any possible errors outside the main scanner loop). Hint - start with the program that checks '(...)' and when all the common errors are correctly reported, expand the parentheses syntax to ([{...}]) **************************************************** CPSC 1045Lab Tutorial: 7-Segment Display App Objectives FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CPSC 1045 Lab Tutorial: 7-Segment Display App Objectives: In this lab we are exploring how to use Arrays in JavaScript. We will build a simple 7Segment Display app in the canvas to learn: • • • to use an Array to store a collection of items; to define an “Map” to map key codes onto 7-segment display codes; more practice writing and
  • 12. understanding functions and interactive apps; Getting started: Make a copy of the “JS Canvas Template” as a starting point for this lab project. Set up your workspace as usual, with the Console open, JS loaded in editor. We will need the Coord2D object constructor and from previous lab: /** * Construct(x, y) Coordinate object representing a point on a 2D plane */ function Coord2D(x_ordinate, y_ordinate) { return { x : x_ordinate, y : y_ordinate }; } = new Coord2D(theCanvas.width/2, theCanvas.height/2); Step 1: Define the Segment Objects A “Segment” in this app is very similar to a “Light” in the Traffic Light app – except it is a rectangle that can be switched “on” and “off”. The only other difference is that a segment may be displayed in either Vertical or Horizontal orientation. This is a perfect application for a simple “data- only” object: // A 2D Segment object: a rectangle representing one display segment function Segment(x, y, isVertical) { segment = { coord : new Coord2D(x, y), width : SEGMENT_LENGTH, height: SEGMENT_BREADTH, isOn : false }; if (isVertical) { segment.width = SEGMENT_BREADTH; segment.height = SEGMENT_LENGTH; } return segment; } Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Note that you will need to define a pair of global constants (variables) to define the “SEGMENT_LENGTH” and “SEGMENT_BREADTH”. Also, here is a “View” function to display a Segment object in the canvas. Add the
  • 13. Segment Object Constructor, above, along with this display function to your JS code and test it in the console: function drawSegment(segment) { ctx.fillStyle = 'lightgrey'; if (segment.isOn) { ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; } ctx.fillRect(segment.coord.x, segment.coord.y, segment.width, segment.height); } Step 2: Assemble the 7-Segment Display First we’ll need to compute the coordinates for the locations of the 7 segments. Since we want the display centered in the Canvas, you will compute these locations relative to (as we did for the Traffic Light). Hints: • draw a picture (on paper) of the 7-segment display, identifying the X- and Yordinates you’ll need to compute for each segment. You may layout the segments in any sensible way. • define a constant with the value of each important ordinate, E.g.: var LEFT_X = - SEGMENT_LENGTH/2 - SEGMENT_BREADTH; An Array of Segments! Next we need to define an array of Segment objects that make up the display. Develop an “Array Literal” that calls on the Segment Object Constructor to construct the 7 Segment objects, each with the correct coordinate and orientation. E.g.: varSevenSegDisplay = [ new Segment(LEFT_X, TOP_Y, false), // segment A ... ; Also, write a “View” function to draw a visual representation of the display: // Draw the 7-Segment Display function drawSevenSegDisplay( ) { ... Hints: • • You’ll need a for-loop over all Segments in the array. Recall that array indices
  • 14. run from 0 to length-1, and that you can get the array length like this: SevenSegDisplay.length For each Segment in the array, simply call the drawSegment() function we defined above. Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Step 3: A Segment ‘Switch State’ Encoding for the 10 numeric digits Examine the “Display Encoding” table at the Wikipedia page for 7-Segment Displays: This table shows an encoding of the ‘switch state’ (on / off) for each segment to display a given digit, 0 – 9. You should code this table as a “Map” (see previous lab). Each element in this “Switch Encoding” maps a key (e.g., ‘4’) onto an array of 7 Booleans, indicating the switch state (on/off) for each of the 7 segments. Here’s part of that definition to get you started – finish it by adding the encoding for all the other digits, 1 – 9: var ON = true; var OFF = false; // Map event.key onto an encoding of the switch state for each segment var SWITCH_ENCODING = { '0' : [ ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON,OFF], ... }; Draw the 7-Segment Display for a given ‘key’: Modify your drawSevenSegDisplay function to add a “key” parameter: // Draw the 7-Segment Display function drawSevenSegDisplay(key) { ... If a valid key is passed in, use it to get the matching ‘switch state’ encoding, like this: if (SWITCH_ENCODING.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var switches = SWITCH_ENCODING[key]; } Use the key’s ‘switch state’ encoding array to “switch” the matching segments on or off before drawing them. Tip: since the SevenSegDisplay and the SWITCH_ENCODING arrays
  • 15. are defined ‘in parallel’ (i.e., both length 7 with matching elements), you can access the matching elements from both arrays using the single loop index (this is called “parallel array” processing) . You will find you also need to define a default ‘switch state’ array to encode what is displayed if the key passed in is not supported (e.g., an array with all 7 segments “OFF”). Test it: save your work and refresh the page in the browser. At the console call your drawSevenSegDisplay function, passing in a key code, like: ‘4’. If it does not work, open the console, add some console.log() messages, and start debugging! Langara College CPSC 1045 J. Fall (Jan. 2017) Step 4: The app “Controller” – adding a ‘key press’ event-handler The interaction on this app will occur when the user presses a key on the keyboard. To make this app interactive, we need to write an event-handler that passes the event.key to our drawSevenSegDisplay function. Write the event handler function and assign it to document.onkeydown Tip: this is simple simple – a one-line function! But you must remember to pass along the value of event.key as an argument to drawSevenSegDisplay. Test it: save your work and refresh the page in the browser. Press some number keys and the number should show in the display!! If not, time to start debugging! **************************************************** CS 20A#include &amp;quot;DynamicIntArray.h&amp;quot FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 16. #include &quot;DynamicIntArray.h&quot; namespace cs20a { DynamicIntArray::DynamicIntArray() { used=0; capacity=0; elements=nullptr; } DynamicIntArray::DynamicIntArray(int size) { used=0; capacity=size; elements=new int[capacity]; } DynamicIntArray:: DynamicIntArray(constDynamicIntArray&amp;d) { capacity=d.capacity; used=d.used; elements=new int [capacity]; for(int i=0; i&lt;used; i++) { elements[i]=d.elements[i]; } } DynamicIntArray::~DynamicIntArray() { delete elements; elements=nullptr; } DynamicIntArray&amp;DynamicIntArray::operator= (constDynamicIntArray&amp; rhs) {
  • 17. int * new_elements; if(this==&amp;rhs) { return *this; } if(this != &amp;rhs) { intnew_used, new_capacity, i; new_used=used; new_used=rhs.used; new_capacity=rhs.capacity; new_elements=new int[new_capacity]; for(i=0; i&lt;new_used; i++) { new_elements[i]=rhs.elements[i]; } delete elements; new_elements=elements; } return *this; } boolDynamicIntArray::isEmpty() const { if(used==0) { return true; } else return false; } intDynamicIntArray::getUsed() const { return used; } intDynamicIntArray::getCapacity() const { return capacity;
  • 18. } void DynamicIntArray::add(int element) { int*temp=new int[capacity+1]; for(int i=0; i&lt;capacity; i++) { temp[i]=elements[i]; } delete elements; elements=temp; temp=NULL; elements[capacity-1]=element; capacity++; } void DynamicIntArray::insert(int i, int element) { int x; **************************************************** CS 215Stack.h output.out input.txt makefile Please comment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Stack.h output.out input.txt makefile Please comment with detail especially for these functions so I can learn from these comments.=&gt;There will be tip for that To implement the Stack class by using STL queues. Input, output, header and main files are provided above. Stack.h contains the definition of the Stack class. Implement this Stack class in In, the main function,input.txt. The driver program works with an input file input.txt.
  • 19. In the implementation of the class, use queue1 and queue2 to store and manipulate data. Keep all elements in one of the queues at any time. More details are described as comments in Do NOT change any existing code from any files. To test your program, execute “./Stack.exe &lt; input.txt &gt;output.out 2&gt;&amp;1”, which will put the output and error in file output.out. The input.txt is the input file. The sample output is provided. • Make a Makefile so that we can invoke the command “make” to compile source file and produce the executable file Stack.exe. **************************************************** CS 321A person uses the following code segment as evidence that the readability FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT A person uses the following code segment as evidence that the readability of some code with gotos is better than the equivalent code without gotos. This code finds the first row of an n by n integer matrix named x that has nothing but zero values. for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) if (x[i][j] != 0) goto reject; println ('First allzero row is:', i);
  • 20. break; reject: } Rewrite this code without gotos in any one of the following languages; C, C++, Java, C#, or Ada. Make sure your code does not perform any unnecessary loops. Compare the readability of your code to that of the example code. **************************************************** CS 331 Spring 2017 Assignment #2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity CS 331, Spring 2017 Assignment #2 Greg Plaxton January 31, 2017 For this assignment, you are required to turn in solutions to any two of Problems 1 through 4, which appear in Section 2 below. Your solutions are due at the beginning of class on Thursday, February 9. Please refer to the course syllabus for the ground rules concerning collaboration, and for the slack day policy governing lateness. Any corrections or clarifications related to this assignment will be announced in the lectures and on Piazza. You are responsible for being aware of any such announcements. 1 Exercises The following textbook exercises are recommended to help you to prepare for the tests. We
  • 21. will not be grading your solutions to these exercises, so you do not need to turn anything in. 1. Exercise 3.10, page 110. 2. Exercise 3.12, page 112. 3. Exercise 4.15, page 196. 4. Exercise 4.28, page 203. 2 Programming &amp; Problem Solving In this part of the assignment, we continue our investigation of the SMI problem introduced in Assignment 1. In the first lecture (see also Section 1.1 of the textbook), we described the deferred acceptance algorithm for the SM problem. We showed that given any instance I of the SM problem, the deferred acceptance algorithm produces a stable matching. In Problem 3 of Assignment 1, we showed that there is a natural way to modify the deferred acceptance algorithm so that it produces a stable matching on any given SMI instance. When we discussed the deferred acceptance algorithm for the SM problem, we showed that the stable matching µ it produces is “man-optimal” in the sense that each man likes 1 University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity CS 331, Spring 2017 his partner in µ at least as well as his partner in any other stable matching. The concept of man-optimality is easily adapted to the context of the SMI problem; in this context, we just need to bear in mind that an agent’s partner in a given matching might be “no partner”, i.e., being single is a possible outcome. Using arguments similar to the corresponding arguments for SM, it can be shown that for the SMI problem, the stable matching produced by the
  • 22. deferred acceptance algorithm (i.e., the version that we developed in Problem 3 of Assignment 1) is man-optimal. It follows that even though the deferred acceptance algorithm is nondeterministic — and hence can execute in many different ways on a given SMI instance — the final output is uniquely determined; in the problem hints below, we refer to this as the “confluence property” of the deferred acceptance algorithm. For any instance I of the SMI problem, we define da(I) as the stable matching produced by the deferred acceptance algorithm, and we define matched (I) as the set of men who are matched (i.e., not single) in da(I). For any SMI instance I, any woman q in I, and any man p who is not in I, we define add (I, p, q) as the set of all SMI instances that are the same as I except that (1) p is added to the set of men, (2) the preferences of p are such that q is acceptable to p and all other women are unacceptable to p, and (3) the preferences of each woman in I are augmented to incorporate p. To clarify (3), consider a woman q 0 in I who finds ` of the men in I to be acceptable. There are ` + 2 ways for q 0 to augment her preferences to incorporate p: she can classify p as acceptable, in which case there are ` + 1 different ways she can insert p into her strict ranking of acceptable men, or she she can classify p as unacceptable. In the statement of Problem 1 below, we use the symbol ∅ as follows: If we say that a
  • 23. woman q prefers a man p to ∅, we mean that q considers p to be acceptable; conversely, if we say that q prefers ∅ to p, it means that q considers p to be unacceptable. Problem 1. Let I be an SMI instance and let q be a woman in I. Prove that there is a unique element x of matched (I)+∅ such that the following conditions hold for any man p who is not in I and any SMI instance I 0 in add (I, p, q): if q prefers p to x in I 0 , then p is matched to q in da(I 0 ); otherwise, p is single in da(I 0 ). Hints: (1) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm; (2) Observe that once execution of the deferred acceptance algorithm reaches a state where there is exactly one single man who has not proposed to all of his acceptable women, the rest of the execution is deterministic. Definition: For any SMI instance I and any woman q in I, we define the unique element x identified in Problem 1 as threshold (I, q). Problem 2. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be a man who is not in I, and let I 0 be an SMI instance in add (I, p, q). Prove that no
  • 24. woman q 0 in I prefers threshold (I, q 0 ) to threshold (I 0 , q 0 ). Hints: (1) Use proof by contradiction, i.e., assume that there is a woman q 0 who prefers threshold (I, q 0 ) to threshold (I 0 , q 0 ), and derive a contradiction; (2) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm. Problem 3. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be a man who is not in I, and let I 0 be an SMI instance in add (I, p, q). Prove that if p is single in 2 University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science Algorithms and Complexity CS 331, Spring 2017 da(I 0 ), then threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) = threshold (I, q 0 ) for every woman q 0 in I. Hints: (1) Use proof by contradiction, i.e., assume p is single in da(I 0 ) and there is a woman q 0 such that threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) 6= threshold (I, q 0 ), and derive a contradiction; (2) Use the result of Problem 2; (3) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm. Problems 1 through 3 above are concerned with modifying an SMI instance I by adding a new man. We now consider a way to modify an SMI instance without adding a new agent. For any SMI instance I, any woman q in I, and any man p in I who is single in da(I) and considers q to be unacceptable, we define extend (I, p, q) as the SMI instance I 0 that is identical to I except the preferences of man p are modified as follows: man p moves woman q from his unacceptable set to the the least-preferred position in his ordered list of acceptable women. The arguments used for solving Problems 1, 2, and 3 are easily adapted to establish Lemma Extend below; the proof is omitted.
  • 25. Lemma Extend. Let I be an SMI instance, let q be a woman in I, let p be a man in I who is single in da(I) and considers q to be unacceptable, and let I 0 denote the SMI instance extend (I, p, q). If q prefers p to threshold (I, q), then p is matched to q in da(I 0 ); otherwise, p is single in da(I 0 ) and threshold (I 0 , q 0 ) = threshold (I, q 0 ) for every woman q 0 in I. For any SMI instance I and man p, let instances(I, p) denote the set of all SMI instances I 0 that are identical to I except for the preferences expressed by man p. Problem 4 below asks you to prove that the deferred acceptance algorithm is “strategyproof for the men” which means that for any SMI instance I, any man p in I, and any SMI instance I 0 in instances(I, p), man p likes the outcome he obtains in da(I) at least as well as the outcome he obtains in da(I 0 ). Informally, this property means that no man can benefit by lying when he provides preference information to the deferred acceptance algorithm. (In Exercise 1.8 of the text, which appeared on Assignment 1 as a recommended exercise, this property is referred to as truthfulness.) Problem 4. Prove that the deferred acceptance algorithm for the SMI problem is strategyproof for the men. Hints: (1) Use the confluence property of the deferred acceptance algorithm; (2) Use Lemma Extend. 3 **************************************************** CS 2400Exercise F5 Assume given the following definition of function process
  • 26. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Exercise F5 Assume given the following definition of function process: void process(intvnum, int& rnum1, int& rnum2) { vnum = vnum + 5; rnum1 = rnum1 + 10; rnum2 = vnum + rnum1; } And that local variables are defined in function main as follows: int num1 = 6, num2 = 9, num3 = 12; Indicate whether each of the following calls of function process is valid or invalid. Also give the reason why a call is invalid. a. process( 15, num2, num3 ); b. process( 21, num1 + 3, num2 ); c. process( num3, num1, num2 ); d. process( num1, 10, num3 ); e. process( 3, num1, 25 ); f. process( num1, num2, num3 + 4);
  • 27. g. process( num2, num1 ); h. process( num1 + 3, num2, num3); i. process( 5, num3 ); j. process( num1, num1, num3 ); __________________________________________________________ _______ Exercise F6 Assume given the following definition of function process: void process(intvnum, int& rnum1, int& rnum2) { vnum = vnum + 5; rnum1 = rnum1 + 10; rnum2 = vnum + rnum1; } And that local variables are defined in function main as follows: int num1 = 6, num2 = 9, num3 = 12; 1. For each of the following calls of function process, show the body of function process in the way it is executed after the call. 2. For each of the following calls, execute function process and display the corresponding output. a. process( 15, num2, num3 ); cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=” << num3; b. process( num1, num2, num3 ); cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=” << num3; c. process( num1 + 3, num2, num3); cout<<endl<< “num1=” << num1 << “num2=” << num2 << “num3=” << num3;
  • 28. _____________________________________________________ Exercise F7 Assume given the following definition of function computeAreaPeri2 that computes the area and the perimeter of a rectangle given its length and width: void computeAreaPeri2( double len, double wid, double &ar, double &peri ) { ar = len * wid; peri = 2 * ( len + wid ); } a. Write the sequence of statements to compute and print the area and the perimeter of a rectangle with length 70 and width 45. b. Write the sequence of statements to read the length and the width of a rectangle and to compute and print its area and perimeter. **************************************************** CSC 220- You need to implement MyFraction class which is within package FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT You need to implement MyFraction class which is within package PJ1 See PJ1/ and PJ1/ for specifications - Use to test correctness of your proggram - Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):
  • 29. javac PJ1/*.java javac - Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file): // Run tests in MyFraction class java PJ1.MyFraction // Run main test program java PJ1_Test **************************************************** CSC520Project 4 Lewis 1 AAR FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Project 4 Lewis 1 AAR Shenavia Lewis CYB 610 9050 Cyberspace and Cybersecurity Foundations February 25, 2017 Project 4 Lewis 2 Medstar attack was one of the attacks that was found to be ransom ware and hacking was in much demand. The criminals had said that they were to unlock about 45 Bit coins and at the same time gave the hospital an option of paying only 3 bit coins all else they would not unlock any single computer. This led to the closure of the patient’s records and health computer system in the Medstar health facilities. The feedback was that the attack was ransom and the employees were forced to pay about 45 bit coins which was about 19 dollars order for them to get a digital key and unlock the data. The data was very important to the company
  • 30. and could not afford losing all these records for the sake of the health sector. The malware is a big disadvantage to the health sector because they cannot access the information in the records. This is also causing the patient not to access the facilities because the data is not available. The criminals have gone ahead and demand the 45 bitcoins to only unlock one computer that is locked. This is forcing the health sector to send messages to the workers to help in the contribution in order to pay the money and have the computer unlocked to access the data. There are only ten days given by the criminals for them to be able to access their computer Project 4 Lewis 3 unlocked and their long time stored data. In case they fail to provide the money the criminal will remove the private key and they will no longer access their data and the most important files the sector was using in their medication processes. By the end of last week the Medstar health sector said that most of its sectors were functioning. By Friday the provider made a notification that they were already accessing 90 percent of their information. Later on the Medstar said that the only system functioning was the inpatients and out patients EHRs in their scheduling and registration process. The reporter went ahead and said that the remaining system is still being worked upon. Most of these systems were clinical and administrative systems which were not yet back to the track. These net works are very important because they connect to the local network of the clinical health department. The FBI is not left behind in the investigations and continues to do more research and other attacks. There have been several attacks on the health sectors
  • 31. where the data have been hacked and the log in keys denied. The United States schools have been attacked in California, Maryland and district of Coloumbia as well. Most of the tools used by the hackers in cyber attacks include geeks and security engineering application. Specific scanners are one of the tools that are used in hacking. These scanners are used in scanning the document needed and access to the There are also the debuggers encryption tools that are used in the hacking. The tools are used into the hacking of passwords. Firewalls are another tool that is highly used in hacking of passwords in the cyber. Fussers and forensics is also an example of a commonly used tool in hacking especially in cyber business. There is the traffic monitoring tools that also criminals use in following your data which is very dangerous when it comes to the personal data. Multipurpose tools are also used in Project 4 Lewis 4 cyber hacking where computers are posed to vulnerability of losing their information. The network mapper is used in many cyber as a free hacker’s tool. The tool is widely used in for network discovery and at the same time for security auditing . Many of the security admins use this nmap for network inventory and at the same time check for any open ports to manage services while upgrading the schedules. The Nmap is mostly needed when the raw IP packets is used in creative ways what the host is available and the information the host is providing about the operating systems. There is metasploit project is one of the widely and popular hacking framework. The
  • 32. project is widely used by the cyber security that provides the user will very useful information that us regarding a known security vulnerability and at the same time this will help in penetrating a to a certain useful information of testing the IDs plans .This will also help in the strategies and methodologies especially for the exploitation. There is also a large number of useful metasploit….. **************************************************** CSE 11 Winter 2017 Program Assignment #3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CSE 11 Winter 2017 Program Assignment #3 (100 points) START EARLY! Due: 27 February 2017 at 1159pm (2359, Pacific Standard Time) PROGRAM #3: Trains READ THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE STARTING In this assignment, you will be honing your skills for 1. Working with java interfaces 2. Working with arrays one and two-dimensional 3. Using public methods in classes for communication 4. Further developing testing skills 5. Writing your own javadoc This is a longer assignment than either #1 or #2, You should start early. An english description overview of objects and how things work. There are four “kinds” of objects in this assignment 1. TrainCar. These are cars of a cargo-carrying train. Each car has maximum weight to hold cargo.
  • 33. 2. Trains. Trains have multiple cars. Cars may have identical cargo capacity or differing cargo capacities 3. Items. These are various kinds of goods that we want to be able to load onto a cargo train. An item could be any object that support a specific and formal java interface. 4. Loader - A person (actually algorithm) that decides if an an item can be loaded onto a train. Different Loaders use different algorithms. For example, one might load from the front to the back, another might load from back to front. You will be implementing four different loading algorithms. In addition to these four kinds of objects, we are supplying you with a java program that allows you to write tests to see how your program, similar to assignment #2. We want you to focus mostly on four objects above. So how do things fit together (Again, in English, more programmatic details follow in this assignment) ● a Train is created with a specific Loader algorithm ● Train Cars are added to the train to give it cargo capacity ● Items are loaded onto the train Some things to note: When a particular train is created, the loader algorithm never changes for that Train. There might be multiple trains, each with their own loader. Train cars can be added at anytime to a Train. Items can be loaded at any time. This means that I might create a Train, add some cars, load some items, add some more cars and load some more items. Cars are never removed from a train. Items
  • 34. are never removed. Cars are numbered starting at 0. The first car added is Car 0, then next car is Car 1, etc. Once a Train has been loaded I might request the following of the Train: ● What is the total weight of Cargo in the train ● What is the total weight of Cargo of a particular car in the train ● Give me a 2D array of all the items in the train. The row index is the car#, the columns of that row reference the Items in the order in which they were loaded ● GIve me a 1D array of all the items of a single car in the train ● Tell how many item of a particular type are loaded in the car, or train. IMPORTANT NOTE Not all of the code distributed to you will initially compile. Specifically TrainMain and Train will NOT compile because TrainCar does not exist. Your first task is to implement TrainCar. TASK 1 : Read The definition of the Item interface and implement TrainCar Your are being provided with 1. 2. 3. 4. javadoc of You will not need to change or turn in Item, Automobile, or Ford. You cannot redefine It is a formal interface definition and that is the interface for which we will test your homework. Automobile and Ford are classes that implement the Item interface. You should be able to answer the following questions about this code ● given these definitions, is the statement new Automobile() allowed in any java
  • 35. file? ● Does implement the Item interface? That is, is the statement Item it = new Ford(“mustang”); legal? ● How is the constructor of Automobile invoked in ● Why do you think that the method model2weight in needs be declared as a class method? Implementing TrainCarTrainCar implements some straightforward methods. Its job is to store references to objects of type Item. Since Item is an interface, this means store objects that implement the Item interface. ● A TrainCar has a maximum weight. ● It has a method, canLoad() that returns a boolean to say if an item can be loaded ● Is has a method, load(), that adds an item to the “contents” of the TrainCar. load() should check the result of canLoad() before loading. ● Items are stored sequentially (in an internal array or ArrayList). The first item loaded is index 0, second is index 1, etc. ● getContents() returns an array of Items that have been successfully loaded. It returns in the order in which they were loaded. ● getWeight() returns the sum of the weights of all the Items it contains ● See the TrainCar.pdf for the javadoc generated from our implementation. You are being provided javadoc for TrainCar, but no starter code. We expect your version of TrainCar to reasonably reproduce the javadoc, that means that you have to write your own javadoc comments in your version of We are not concerned about character-by-character reproduction of your javadoc comments when compared to the
  • 36. supplied javadoc webpage. However, 1. All methods and constructors must be documented in the javadoc style 2. % javadoc should produce no errors or warnings about missing documentation. Other requirements of TrainCar: 1. Implement all of the public methods 2. Define no other public methods, constructors, or fields 3. You may use ArrayList or the Arrays class internally to your implementation, but that is not required. The assignment is easily done with standard arrays. 4. you may add any number of private variables or methods 5. To compile TrainCar, only Item.class should need to already be compiled. A strategy for developing and testing TrainCar You should create a small program that creates a TrainCar instance, some instances of Ford and then loads the TrainCar with your Automobile (Ford) instances. Finally it should print out the item descriptions. We are not grading this and you are not handing in the small program. It’s up to you to figure out what you want to test to verify that your TrainCar methods are working properly. You shouldn’t skip this step, or other parts of the assignment will take longer. Your small program will allow you to become familiar with the Item interface. Don’t forget to test edge conditions, like trying to load more into already full car, or trying to load into a car with no cargo capacity. In order to get started with the file, you should make sure to write a working “stub” for each method in the javadoc. That is, write a method that returns some (probably incorrect) value that matches the return type, like -1 for an int, or null for an array. This
  • 37. will make sure you have a class definition that can compile with the other pieces of the project sooner rather than later. Task 2 - Create an Electronics class that Implements Item You are to create an Electronics class that implements Item. The constructor should have the following signature: public Electronics (String description, double weight) You should override the toString() method of Object so that the string returned has the following format: “Electronics: &lt;description&gt; (&lt;weight&gt; KG)” Where &lt;description&gt; and &lt;weight&gt; are the String description passed in the constructor and &lt;weight&gt; is the weight passed into the constructor. Example toString Output: “Electronics: SystemZ-Desktop (6.2 KG)” would the String return with the following statement new Electronics(“SystemZ-Desktop”, 6.2).toString() There are no other requirements of the Electronics class. Suggested testing of Electronics modify your small test program above and add the creation of some number of Electronics objects and add them to the TrainCar instance. (TrainCar itself should need NO modification to accommodate Electronics, why?) You should only need to modify a few lines of code of your test program to construct a TrainCar instance that now has Fords and Electronics packed. You will turn in It should be documented with javadoc, implement the Item interface, and provide the appropriate constructor and toString() method. There are no other requirements of
  • 38. Electronics. java (the class be will short, 15-20 lines total). Task 3: and We are providing you with a starter It has been documented using javadoc comments and you should look at these and (if it helps you) generate the doc for reference. We are also providing and is simple Loader algorithm. You should develop in steps. It’s important to reason about how the Loader is being used, how to add TrainCars to the Train instance, how to return the various Item and Item arrays being asked for, computing total weight of the train, and the like. is testing program that requires Train, TrainCar, one or more classes the implement Loader, one or more classes that implement Item. It is pretty complete, but you need to read it. Like PR#2 you will turnin in some testing scenarios that use the commands defined in There are several lines marked FIXME in -- these indicate places where, once you implement some other piece, you can remove the comments and enable some new functionality. For example, when you implement the Electronics class, you can then use the code in the electronics command to construct and load those items. The same goes for the different loaders. TrainMain has several commands you can use; a few examples are in testinput1.txt: ● manifest -- Prints out the number of cars, total train weight, and a summary for each car containing the number of items and total weight (using the methods you implement to
  • 39. get this information, so if you haven’t implemented one of the appropriate methods, the wrong information will print) ● manifest n -- Prints out all the items in the car at index n ● add-cars n w -- Adds n cars each with weight capacity w to the train ● electronics desc w n -- Attempts to load n electronics items, each with weight w and description desc (you can enable this once you implement Electronics) ● ford model n -- Attempts to load n Fords of the given model onto the train, each with the given model When TrainMain starts up, it prompts the user which of the four loaders they’d like to use. One of the given loader type is instantiated, and the Train constructor is called with the given loader. Initially, only FrontLoader is available; you can enable the other three as you implement them (see below for more on loaders). We suggest the following order of development ● Put in default values for the return of each existing method ● Implement/Debug the Train Constructor ● Implement/Debug addCars (test by just adding a single car) ● create and add some items to the Train (since it is a single car at stage is should behave just like adding items in Task 1). ● Implement/Debug the getContents(int car) method ● Implement/Debug the getWeight(int car) method ● Add multiple cars to the train. ● Create and add items to the Train. add enough items that the FrontLoader will have to eventually choose to load items into the second and third car. ● Verify that getContents/getWeight work for all cars ● Implement/Debug getWeight() - weight of all cargo ● Implement/Debug getContents() - All contents, car by car. Note that all of this testing is being done with just a single Loader
  • 40. algorithm, the FrontLoader. You should be able to manually verify the output. Task 4: Develop three more Classes that implement Loader There are three more classes that you are to define to implement different loaders They are ● ● ● Since these are just “strategies” for which car to choose when loading, they each have different goals. Note that,,,, do not have to change at all as you create new classes that implement Loader. In our setup only needs to know how to create a specific Loader and then instantiate a Train with that loader. Please re- read this paragraph, understanding why this works (via runtime polymorphism) is key to gaining insight into a key feature of any object-oriented language. The following gives rules/examples of how each Loader strategy fills a train. For this example: Train has 5 cars, Cars have the following weight Capacities: 0: 10 KG 1: 8 KG 2: 6 KG 3: 4 KG 4: 3 KG We will load Items A-Z, in that order. All items are 3KG in weight. The train has a maximum capacity of 31 KG. RearLoader -- Loads from rear of the Train first Loading A - Z (we cannot load all), the train will loaded as follows. This
  • 41. the output from a simple test program that loads electronics classes into a train with cargo capacities above === Train Weighs 27.000000 KG === ==== CAR 0 (9.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: G (3.000000 KG) Electronics: H (3.000000 KG) Electronics: I (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 1 (6.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: E (3.000000 KG) Electronics: F (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: C (3.000000 KG) Electronics: D (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 3 (3.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: B (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A (3.000000 KG) RoundRobinLoader -- Starting from the front it loads the first item in car 0, next item in car 1, … when it gets to car 4, the next car loaded is 0. If there is no capacity in the car that should be next, it keeps trying in round-robin fashion until it exhausts all possibilities. The RoundRobinLoader must remember the last car it selected for chooseCar. Below is output of one of our simple test programs that is loading electronics using the RoundRobinLoader == Train Weighs 27.000000 KG === ==== CAR 0 (9.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A (3.000000 KG) Electronics: F (3.000000 KG) Electronics: I (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 1 (6.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: B (3.000000 KG) Electronics: G (3.000000 KG)
  • 42. ==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: C (3.000000 KG) Electronics: H (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 3 (3.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: D (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: E (3.000000 KG) FairLoader - Each time chooseCar is invoked, FairLoader starts at the front of the train (car 0) and finds the first least-loaded car in which the cargo will also fit. In the example A-Z and cars, FairLoader will give the identical results as RoundRobinLoader. However, that is not always True. Suppose we now load a sequence of items: A, A1, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, E, E1, F, F1,.... Where the “1” versions of the items are 1KG, but we have the same Car capacity as before. In our test program that generated the following output, it stopped adding items the first time it encountered an item that would not fit in any car. RoundRobinLoaderFairLoader === Train Weighs 28.000000 KG === ==== CAR 0 (8.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A (3.000000 KG) Electronics: C1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: E1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: G (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 1 (8.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: D (3.000000 KG) Electronics: F (3.000000 KG) Electronics: G1 (1.000000 KG) ==== CAR 2 (5.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: B (3.000000 KG) Electronics: D1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: F1 (1.000000 KG) ==== CAR 3 (4.000000 KG) ====
  • 43. Electronics: B1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: E (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 4 (3.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: C (3.000000 KG) === Train Weighs 31.000000 KG === ==== CAR 0 (10.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A (3.000000 KG) Electronics: E (3.000000 KG) Electronics: G1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: H (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 1 (8.000000 KG) ==== Electronics: A1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: C1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: D1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: E1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: F1 (1.000000 KG) Electronics: G (3.000000 KG) ==== CAR 2 (6.000000 KG) ==== **************************************************** DBM 380Write a 700- to 1,050-word informal paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 700- to 1,050-word informal paper using Microsoft® Word in which you address the following: • Accurately definethe terms "database system" and "relational database architecture". • In your Learning Team next week, you will have a defined application for a database that you will construct together, but this week, think about what you personally could use a database for in your personal life. Choose a subject from your work/home/hobby that requires the keeping of multiple records; e.g., music
  • 44. collections, sales records, inventory. You will not be creating this database in this course, but will use the idea this week to practice the skills required to take an idea into the planning of a database. • Completelydefine the objectives for the database application that would provide a solution for your record keeping requirements. • List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes). • List at least two constraints and assumptions for your solution. • Describe at least two basic database functions that a spreadsheet cannot perform. • Accuratelyexplain why a relational database management system would offer the most robust solution for your requirements. Include two or three references. Format your paper and citations using APA format. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. **************************************************** ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 45. ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report Name: Date: Instructions: Complete the three parts—Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of Lab 1. When you have completed each part, answer the questions and transcribe/transfer the test results recorded in the lab manual’s tables to the tables provided. Part 1—Common Emitter (CE) Amplifier Theory: 1. What type of bias is used in the common-emitter amplifier shown in Figure 8-1(a)? 2. Explain the reason(s) why the AC equivalent circuit appears as it does in Figure 8-1(b). 3. What values must be calculated to determine the DC operating parameters? 4. What information can be obtained by determining the DC load line of an amplifier? 5. What values must be calculated to determine the AC operating parameters? 6. What information can be obtained by determining the AC load line of an amplifier? 7. Why is the current higher in the AC equivalent circuit? 8. What does the dynamic resistance represent? 9. What amplifier components does the AC emitter-collector current flow through in the CE amplifier in Figure 8-1? 10. What amplifier components does the AC base-emitter current flow through in the CE amplifier in Figure 8-1? 1 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report Preparation: 11. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 8-1 to the table below. Component R1
  • 46. R2 RE1 RE2 RC RL Listed Value 10 k Ohm 4.7 k Ohm 100 Ohm 330 Ohm 1 k Ohm 10 k Ohm Table 8-1 Measured Value Test Procedure: 12. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 8-2 to the table below. DC Computed Value Measured Value Parameter VB VE Actua IE l VC VCE Table 8-2 13. Why is the calculated value emitter current different from the actual emitter current? Why is it important to use the actual emitter current when calculating the AC parameters? 14. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 8-3 to the table below. AC Parameter Vin = Vb r’e Ve Av Vout=VC Rin(total) Computed Value Measured Value 300 mVpp Table 8-3 15. What is the CE amplifier’s phase relationship for its input and output
  • 47. signals? 16. Use the parameters from Tables 8-2 and 8-3 to plot the DC and AC load lines on Plot 3-1. See Figure 3-34 and Section 3-4 of the textbook. o 2 Identify VCE(cutoff), IC(sat), VCEQ, ICQ, and Q-point. VCEQ is equal to VCE in a quiescent circuit, VCEQ = VCE. ICQ is equal to the IE in a quiescent circuit, ICQ = IE. ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report o Calculate Rac and record the value. ' Rac =r e+ ℜ1+( RC∨¿ RL) Rac = o Use Rac to determine VCE(cutoff) and IC(sat) for the circuit in Figure 8-1: Plot 3-1 17. Explain why the input resistance is measured indirectly. Why is the AC output voltage adjusted to be 50% of the amplifier’s output? 18. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance with C2 open? 19. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance with R L reduced to 1.0 k Ohm? 3 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report 20. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance with R E1 open? Is the transistor in cutoff or saturation mode? Explain. 21. What conclusion can you make about the amplifier's performance with R2 open? Is the transistor incutoff or saturation mode? Explain. 22. Explain the reason the gain is affected when the bypass capacitor, C2, is open. 23. In the lab, you adjusted input resistance while monitoring the change in output voltage. Why is this procedure better than monitoring the base voltage?
  • 48. 24. Assume the amplifier shown in Figure 3-3 has +1.8 V DC measured on the base, +1.1 V DC measured on the emitter, and +1.1 V DC measured on the collector. Figure 8-3: Common Emitter Amplifier (a) Is this normal? (b) If not, what is the most likely cause of the problem? 25. For the circuit above, if C2 were shorted, (a) What DC base voltage would you expect? ________________ (b) What DC collector voltage would you expect? ________________ 4 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report 26. Explain a simple test to determine if a transistor is in saturation or cutoff mode. Part 2—Common Collector (CC) Amplifier Theory: 27. Why is the CC amplifier’s voltage gain approximately 1? 28. What is the advantage of connecting the output of a CE amplifier to the input to a CC amplifier? 29. What values must be calculated to determine the DC operating parameters? 30. What values must be calculated to determine the AC operating parameters? 31. What amplifier components does the AC emitter-collector current flow through in the CC amplifier in Figure 9-1? 32. What amplifier components does the AC base-emitter current flow through in the CC amplifier in Figure 9-1? 33. What formula is used to calculate the output power of a CC amplifier? Preparation: 34. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 9-1 to the table below. Component R1 R2 RE
  • 49. RL Listed Value 33 k Ohm 10 k Ohm 1 k Ohm 1 k Ohm Table 9-1 Measured Value Test Procedure: 35. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 9-2 to the table below. DC 5 Computed Value Measured Value ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report Parameter VB VE Actua IE l VCE Table 9-2 36. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 9-3 to the table below. AC Computed Value Parameter Vin = Vb Ve r’e Av Rin(total) Ap Rac Measured Value 1 Vpp Table 9-3 37. What is the CC amplifier’s phase relationship for its input and output signals? 38. Use the parameters from Tables 8-2 and 8-3 to plot the DC and AC load lines on Plot 3-2. See Figure 3-34 and Section 3-4 of the textbook. o o 6 Identify VCE(cutoff), IC(sat), VCEQ, ICQ, and Q-point. VCEQ is equal to VCE in a quiescent circuit, VCEQ = VCE. ICQ is equal to IE in a quiescent circuit, ICQ = IE. Identify VCE(cutoff) and IC(sat), Rac for
  • 50. the circuit in Figure 9-1: Rin(tot) = R1 || R2 || βac(r’e + RE || RL) Rac = r’e + RE || RL ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report Plot 3-2 39. Transcribe your fault observations and findings from Table 9-4 to the table below. Trouble R1 Open R2 Open 7 DC Predictions VB VE VCE DC Measurements VB VE VCE Effect of Trouble on Vout ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report R1 Shorted RE Open Open Collecto r Open Emitter Table 9-4 40. Describe your observations when increasing and decreasing RL to values larger and smaller than 1 k Ohm. Why are the output values clipped? 41. In the lab, you observed the CC amplifier’s phase relationship between the input and output waveforms. Would the phase relationship you observed be the same for an NPN circuit? Explain.
  • 51. 42. The circuit used in this experiment used a voltage-divider bias. (a) Compared to the base bias, what is the advantage? (b) What disadvantage does it have? 43. Explain why common-collector amplifiers do not have voltage gain but still provide power gain. 44. The figure below shows a CC amplifier with a voltage-divider bias. Assume βac = βdc = 100. Compute the recorded DC and AC parameters in the table. 8 DC AC Parameters VB VE IE VCE Parameters r’e Av Rin AP ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report Part 3—Transistor Switches Theory: 45. When transistors are used in switching applications, in what modes are they operated? 46. What is the primary advantage to adding hysteresis to a switching circuit? 47. Give at least three advantages of transistor-switching circuits over mechanical switches. Preparation: 48. Transcribe the component measurements from Table 10-1 to the table below. Component RB RC RC1 RE Listed Value 10 k Ohm 1 k Ohm 10 k Ohm 330 Ohm
  • 52. Table 10-1 Measured Value Test Procedure: 49. Transcribe the calculations and measurements from Table 10-2 to the table below. 9 Paramete Computed Measured r VCE(cutoff) Value Value ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report VCE(sat) VRC(sat) Isat Table 10-2 50. What is the purpose of RB in the circuit for Figure 10-1? 51. Assume you wanted to determine the base current in this circuit. What voltage measurement would you make to do this indirectly? 52. Transcribe the measurements from Table 10-3 to the table below. Parameter Measured Value VIN (LED on) VOUT (LED on) VIN (threshold) VOUT (threshold) Table 10-3 53. What is the relationship between cutoff and saturation for the two transistors in the circuit for Figure 10-2? 54. Transcribe the measurements from Table 10-4 to the table below. Parameter Measured Value VIN (LED on) VOUT (LED on) VIN (upper threshold) VOUT (upper threshold) VIN (lower threshold) VOUT (lower threshold) Table 10-4
  • 53. 55. Why is the Vout value higher when Vin is set to 0 V in the circuit for Figure 10-3? 56. Why is the saturation current for the two transistors different? 57. Assume you measured the collector current in a saturated transistor as 10 mA and the base current as 0.25 mA. Why can’t these measurements be used to determine the βDC of the transistor? 10 ET1310: Module 3 BJT Applications Lab/ BJT Amplifiers Lab 3.1 Report 11 **************************************************** IE 332 - Homework #1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT IE 332 - Homework #1 Due: Feb 15, 11:59pm Read Carefully. Important! As outlined in the course syllabus this homework is worth 6% of your final grade. The maximum attainable mark on this homework is 60. As was also outlined in the syllabus, there is a zero tolerance policy for any form of academic misconduct. This is an individual assignment. By electronically uploading this assignment to Blackboard you acknowledge these statements and accept any repercussions if in any violation of ANY Purdue Academic Misconduct policies. You must upload your homework on time for it to be graded. No late assignments will be accepted. Only the last uploaded version of your assignment will be graded. Page i of i IE 332 Homework #1 Due: Feb 15 2016 1. The purpose of this question is to provide insight into how numbers are stored electronically, and how to translate to/from sequences of bits and the decimal number system.
  • 54. (a) Converting a binary number to a decimal number is necessary in order for a result obtained from the CPU to be more easily understand by humans. For binary number B = bn−1 bn−2 . . . b0 , where Pn−1 i bi=1,...,n−1 ∈ {0, 1}, the corresponding decimal value is computed according to i=0 bi 2 . For 0 1 example, if B = 100 then the corresponding decimal value will be computed as 0·2 +0·2 +1·22 = 4. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal, showing your work. i. (2 points) 11100000101 ii. (2 points) 110101101 (b) There are different algorithms for converting a decimal number to a binary number. One approach is based on successively subtracting the largest powers of two until a zero is reached. For each power, a 1 will appear in the binary notation, otherwise a 0 will appear. For example, consider the decimal number 44. We know 26 = 64, which means we will need six bits to store the number 44 as a binary number. Then, we proceed as: 1. 2. 3. 4. the the
  • 55. the the largest power of two ≤ 44 is 25 = 32, and subtracting from 44 will be 44 − 32 = 12. largest power of two ≤ 12 is 23 = 8, and subtracting from 12 will be 4. largest power of two ≤ 4 is 22 = 4. Subtraction results in 0. process then terminates with the resulting binary number 101100. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, and show all of your work. i. (2 points) 1003 ii. (2 points) 6248 2. (3 points) A common strategy to reduce the execution time of an algorithm is to program it in such a way that parts of it can be run simultaneously in parallel (i.e., on different CPUs at the same time). Consider a program that requires 1000 seconds to execute on a single processor CPU where the first 40% of the code cannot benefit from executing in a parallel. However, the remaining 60% can be parallelized. What will be the theoretically best total computation time if running on a quad-core CPU? 3. The SIR model is used by epidemiologists to calculate the theoretical number of Susceptible, Infected and Recovered individuals in a host population during a pandemic. It can be expressed by the following differential equations due to Kermack and McKendrick in 1927: dS dt dR dt dI dt = −βIS (1) = γI dSdR = −
  • 56. + dt dt (2) (3) where S, I, R represent proportions of individuals in a population of size N , β is the rate at which aninfected person infects a susceptible person, and γ is the rate at which people recover from the disease. An assumption of this model is that after recovery from the disease the host cannot become susceptible again. Assume that γ = 0.1, β = 0.6 and that the initial number of infected individuals is ten from a population size of five million. You must ONLY use the R programming language for this question. You cannot use any R simulation or differential equation solver libraries. (a) (6 points) In lecture we discussed the forward Euler method for approximating the solution to the above system. However, an improvement to that algorithm (given below) typically yields a better result. Specifically, the calculation is yˆi+1 = yi + ∆tf (ti , yi ) ∆t (f (ti , yi ) + f (ti+1 , yˆi+1 )) yi+1 = yi + 2 (4) (5) Provide an approximation to the system given in Equations (1)-(3) using this alternative approach. Run the approximation for 100 simulated days in step increments of 1 day by setting ∆t = 1 (i.e., t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 100). Note, each S, I, R value will need to be independently solved (see last semester A1 for a hint). (b) (8 points) The SIR model stated above does not consider randomness, which is not realistic. In this question you will create a Monte Carlo simulation of the the SIR model that accounts for some
  • 57. real-world randomness. That is, we want to estimate the number of S, I, R at each time point using a Monte Carlo simulation instead of the numerical method approach used in part (a). In doing so, each simulation of this model can be thought of as representing a potential outcome that could happen in the real world (of course only one actually will). By including this stochastic component it is possible to gain more insight into the variability of disease spread. At each time point a randomly selected susceptible person remains uninfected if they either avoid contact with an infected individual or if contact was made then no disease transmission occurred: if ρ is the probability of contact, then these calculation will be (1 − ρ) and ρ(1 − β), respectively. Assuming that contacts occur independently of each other, the probability of a susceptible individual remains uninfected at time t + 1 will be P[not infected] = (1 − ρ + ρ(1 − β))T [t] . A susceptible individual will either become infected on a given day or not. Hence, the number of susceptible individuals S(t) that remain susceptible at S(t + 1) will equal the number of individuals who did not become infected, which can be modeled using a Binomial distribution (useful for modeling the number of successes in a sequence of “success or fail” events) having parameters S[t] and 1 − P[not infected], respectively. Similarly, the number of newly recovered individuals from I(t) to R(t + 1) can also be modeled using a Binomial distribution, where a “success” is equivalent to a “recovery” and occurs with probability γ. Create a Monte Carlo simulation according to the above description with
  • 58. ρ ∈ [0.00000015, 0.00000035] according to a uniform distribution. The code should be wrapped within a function (HINT: let the function return a matrix with 3 columns corresponding to S, I, R values and each row being a different time point. You will need to use the rbinom function. The function should not require more than 15 lines of code.): MCsir&lt;- function(beta, gamma, rho, initS, initI, timePoints) { YOUR CODE HERE } (c) (3 points) You will create three plots, one for each of S, I, R curves as a function of time. Within each plot you will show the results from (a) and (b). Specifically, curves from part a (each having width 3) that correspond to S, I, R will be colored blue, red and green, respectively. You will also run 10 replications of your simulation from (b), yielding ten realizations of S, I and R values that will be added to the corresponding plots (each having width of 1 and color gray). Therefore, each of the three plots should have 11 curves (one from (a) and ten from (b)). Be sure to include appropriate legend and axes labels. IE 332 Homework #1 Page 2 of 3 4. It is common practice for banks to record account transactions in the chronological order that they were made. However, it is also common for people to prefer to order their transactions by check number, versus chronological order. This is essentially a problem of sorting a list initially ordered chronologically into one sorted by check number, where it is highly likely that the
  • 59. chronologically ordered list is almost already sorted by check number. Consider the following sorting algorithm where A is the already chronologically sorted list of transactions: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: for i = 2 to length(A) do v = A[i].checknumber j =i−1 while j &gt; 0 and A[j].checknumber&gt; v do A[j + 1] = A[j] j =j−1 end while A[j + 1] = A[i] end for (a) (8 points) Using a loop invariant prove that the sorting algorithm is correct. (b) (2 points) What is the worst-case? Briefly explain. (c) (4 points) What is a tight bound for the worst-case runtime? (d) (2 points) What is the best-case? Briefly explain. (e) (4 points) What is a tight bound for the best-case runtime? (f) (2 points) Recall the MERGESORT algorithm discussed in lecture. Explain, between MERGESORT and the above sorting algorithm, which you would recommend to perform the reordering from chronological to check number? 5. Technology influences our lives in many ways; a trend that will surely continue at a staggering pace. In this Ted Talk from 2011, Kevin Slavin highlights some algorithms that shaped our world. While watching keep in mind that this talk was given in 2011 and there have
  • 60. been five years of significant advances. Answer the following questions in the context of this talk: slavin how algorithms shape our world (a) (1 point) Who was he seated next two on his flight? (b) (1 point) What did they think when a radar detected a flock of birds alongside electronic communications? (c) (1 point) Approximately how many physicists are on Wall Street? (d) (1 point) What percentage of United States stock market is algorithm-based? (e) (1 point) What happened during the flash crash of 2:45? (f) (1 point) What was the initial and highest price on Amazon of the book “The making of a fly”? (g) (1 point) What is the name of the most recent (at that time at least) Netflix algorithm? (h) (1 point) Approximately what percent of movies that are rated is a result of the Netflix algorithm? (i) (1 point) What is the main quality that algorithms on Wall Street depend on? (j) (1 point) How many microseconds does it take to click a mouse? IE 332 Homework #1 Page 3 of 3 **************************************************** IFSM 201 Discussion Topic: Software vs. Application Software In your own words FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Topic: Software vs. Application Software In your own words.Computers have both system software and application software installed. What is the difference between system
  • 61. software and application software? How do you determine the operating system version that is installed on your computer? Next, list 5 of the applications you have installed on your computer and classify them according to how they are used (i.e., games, web browser, email client, etc.). Select two of the applications you listed and explain how you determine the version of these programs. What specific features do you like about each program? Give reasons to support your answers **************************************************** IS 102 Assume that you are in the information security team of a company called HomeAutomator FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Please help me to complete the following assignment. This assignment should have minimum 20 pages. Assume that you are in the information security team of a company called HomeAutomator, which is trying to implement home automation system that can be controlled remotely through internet. The proposed system can monitor different parameters like gas, light, motion detection, temperature, etc. using the sensor data and also trigger a process according to the requirement. The data from the sensors are uploaded to a cloud server and this data can be used to analyze the parameters. Computing hardware of the company includes Oracle database server, a web server to handle all sensor data through REST API. There is an Android and iOS application to control the device and a dashboard to view the analytics data. All the IoT devices are connected to a Wi-Fi router.
  • 62. Threat Analysis Must produce a complete collection of threat modeling documents. (1) A high-level design style dataflow diagram that shows all files and external entities. It should include processes sufficient to cover all of the functionality described above, but need not break down behavior with any more detail. Also, this DFD should uses dashed lines to depict the trust boundaries. (2) Using STRIDE identify threats. You need not show an entire threat scenario for each, but there needs to be enough of an explanation to understand the nature of each threat and how it differs from others. Classify each threat under S, T, R, I, D, or E - you should have several in each category Please remember that this exercise needs to be thorough, but also cannot be so detailed that it is uselessly complex. In other words you are expected to capture significant threats, but need not include everything - particularly threats that are nearly impossible or have virtually no impact. Also, please exclude physical threats, such as theft, vandalism, fire or flood to any of the physical devices. Sometimes you may want to group threats into a single lump because they all have substantially the same probability of occurrence and potential for damage. However, you need to think carefully, because it is important to separate threats whenever they have substantially different threat trees, significantly different probability of occurrence or varying potential for damage. (3) Must draw a threat tree for a threat. Your threat tree must contain at least ten nodes, three levels depth, and must include both AND and OR children. (4) The team must come to an agreement of threat ranking for each threat. The ranking is to use a LOW-MODEST-MEDIUM-HIGH ranking for probability of occurrence and the same ranking system for potential damage.
  • 63. You will be graded upon completeness, clarity, reasonableness and the utility of your documents. **************************************************** IT 210 What is the role of Switching in Internet? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. What is the role of Switching in Internet? 2. Discuss about the TCP/IP PROTOCOL SUITE and Principles of Protocol Layering. 3. Describe the Multiplexing and Demultiplexing 4. A signal travels through an amplifier, and its power increased and becomes doubled. Then calculate amplification for this condition. **************************************************** IT 243Question 1: MCQ Questions (5 Marks) The major architectural components of any system are the___________. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Question 1: MCQ Questions (5 Marks) • The major architectural components of any system are the___________. • IT Department • Hardware
  • 64. • Software • A and B • B and C • Software systems can be divided into how many basic functions? • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • There are _____ primary hardware components of a system. • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • Server-based architecture is: • When the clients capture keystrokes • The very first architecture system • Outdated and never used • A and B
  • 65. • A, B and C • Client-server architecture holds the client responsible for_____ and server is only responsible for _____. • Application Logic; Presentation Logic • Presentation Logic; Data Access Logic and Data Storage • Data Access Logic and Presentation Logic; Data Storage • Application Logic; Data Storage • Data Storage; Application Logic Question 2: True or False Questions (4 Marks) The decision to make, to buy, or to outsource the system is done at the design phase?Building the system in-house is cheaper than buying a ready software package?Outsourcing firms called Application Software Providers (ASPs) supply software applications and/or software related services through the Internet?Outsourcing or Hiring a vendor to develop the system for the company will relieve the company from the responsibility of managing the project? Question 3: (4 Marks) List the three design strategies and give at least two advantages and two disadvantages for each? Question 4: (4 Marks) Name the five steps in user interface design? Why is iteration so important? Question 5: (4 Marks)
  • 66. Briefly explain Storyboard, HTML Prototype and Language Prototype as Interface design Prototyping. Which prototyping technique(s) will work best if analyst want to be closer to the final version of interface design? Question 6: (4 Marks) As a system analyst, you are required to redesign the interface for the ATM at your local bank. Develop two use scenarios for Authentication and Withdrawing Cash from ATM activity. Part 2 Question 1: (7 Marks) Case study: Ahmad is an analyst. The human resources department is very unhappy with their payroll package. They want the information systems department to write them a new package as they think they have unique needs. What should Ahmad do? Question 2: (8 Marks) Design an Interface Structure Design for the ATM at your local bank that shows how a user would navigate among the screens. **************************************************** ITSE 1331How do I develop a program using Visual Basic? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 67. How do I develop a program using Visual Basic? User Requirements Use VB to develop an application that will allow the user to input a character string, and produce the following result: Output the string rotated to the right by a user-defined number of characters (0 or more). For example, "Hello world!" rotated by 2 characters would be: "d!Helloworl". Output the string rotated left by a user-defined number of characters (0 or more) Output the string backwards. That means "Hello world!" becomes "! dlrow 0lleH". Output the number of characters in the string. For example, "Hello world!" has 12 characters. Output the string with the spaces replaced by underscores. "Hello world!" becomes "Hello_world!" **************************************************** ITSP 215S07 Discussion Board 7 ~ Wired and Wireless Frame Typology FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT S07 Discussion Board 7 ~ Wired and Wireless Frame Typology
  • 68. When you took NETI 105, you explored the "make-up" of various "wired" frame structures. Using a table format, show the similarities and differences of 802.11 frames and 802.3 frames. Since the IEEE created both of these typologies, we can assume some similaries, however since the media is very different, we can also assume that major differences will exist. Research both groups and create a comparison table to illustrate the comparison. Please answer all questions, also make comment on all subjects that are presented for comment. Post your initial post before the designated mid- week deadline for initial posts. Initial posts should be substantive and a minimum of 150 words. **************************************************** NR 360Microsoft Word - NR360_RUA_Technology_Presentation_Guidelines_new_SEP1 6 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Microsoft Word - NR360_RUA_Technology_Presentation_Guidelines_new_SEP16 1. Cloud technology 2. What is the Patient safety impact (including statistical justification) of cloud technology in healthcare? 3. Use APA and references 4. **************************************************** SEC 6040Review the SWOT
  • 69. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Review the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analyses for all six cases here. Pick one of the six cases and read the complete business plan. Then, create a professional presentation in Kaltura and MS POWERPOINT suggesting how IT could be used to enhance the company’s strengths, lessen the company’s weaknesses, take advantage of the company’s opportunities, and / or mitigate the company’s threats. The same IT solution(s) might accomplish more than one objective in the business plan. In your presentation, please copy the SWOT analysis from the case and paste that on one of the slides. The presentation should include 2-4 slides to explain the case including an analysis of the characteristics of the institution in the case study. Please explain specifically how IT solves a problem and / or enables new options for the company. The total presentation should be about 8-10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. The reference slide should be in APA format. Internet references, as well as peer-reviewed journal articles, are fine. The references should include examples of other companies that have done something similar to support your recommendations. In-text citations are not required for this presentation. Your presentation should include a voice-over to explain your slides. Please submit your Kaltura video via the assignment link and also include a link to it on the discussion board. The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link. Additional resources: • Video: What Is a SWOT Analysis? v=4aFB9xrkdiU& explains about analyzing an
  • 70. organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). A SWOT analysis is often used in strategic planning. • Article: Ultimate Guide to Conducting a SWOT Analysis.pdf 10080523-dt-content-rid- 62587542_1/courses/IST.7100.HYB.B1W01.SP2017/Ultimate %20Guide%20to%20Conducting%20a%20SWOT %20Analysis.pdf explains how to do a SWOT analysis. • Video: How NOT to Use PowerPoint gives humorous examples of what not to do in presentations. • Blackboard tutorial: Narrating a PowerPoint with the Kaltura Screen Recorder explains how to add narration to your Kaltura presentation. • Blackboard tutorial: Using Kaltura to Submit Assignment explains how to submit your Kaltura presentation using the assignment link above. • ****************************************************