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Lesson 1
(E2Y1 Book 2)
• God made the world and everything in it of heaven and
earth • God does not live in a physical place
• God is the one who sets the time and place for all things
GOD is……………
1) God is omnipotent
• all-powerful and can help us in any situation, especially when trouble
• We can rely on God.
2) God is omnipresent
• God is never far away from us, and we can pray to Him whenever we
want or need to. He is always there to listen.
3) God is omniscient
• He knows everything about us
• He always knows what is best for us, including what we need and how
to help us.
He has the power to
HELP us in times of
God is
able to stay with us
to take care of us
He knows all that there is
to know, even the best
way for each one of us to
learn (omniscient)
Role of GOD in our life
∗ This belief is the very foundation of our faith.
∗ We must always remember that Jesus Christ is our
Savior who died and resurrected for us
∗ HE is only True God.
∗ Even now, He is constantly taking care of us every
∗ Because of this, we must always prioritize Him above
everything else.
∗ We must never turn away to worship idols such as our
computers or the Internet, money, or even friends or
∗ Putting God first is part of what it means to be a
member of True Jesus Church.
Why is God in my life?
Lesson 2
(Genesis 1:1-27; 2:2-3)
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-27; 2:2-3
Bible Truth:
• God is the source of all creation.
• With His wonderful creation, we can see God’s
power, provision and love.
Memory Verse:
“Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He
commanded and they were created”.
(Psalm 148:5)
~:~ Facts To Know ~:~
• The Earth is the only planet with living
• From space, the Earth is a blue and white
planet, with huge oceans and wet masses of
• People, animals and plants can live on Earth
because of all this water.
By His divine power and
love, God is the creator
of the universe in seven
~:~ Facts To Know ~:~
Nothing could live on Earth without the Sun.
• The Sun is surrounded by a family of circling planets
called the Solar System.
• Deep in its centre the Sun is constantly making energy
which keeps its gases hot and glowing.
• This energy works its way to the surface where it
escapes as heat and light.
• Without it, the Earth would be cold and dark with no
life at all.
Bible Discovery : GOD’S
Day 1
…creation of light, the
separation of light from
2. Day 2
…creation of sky and water,
separation of the waters
above the sky and waters
3. Day 3
…creation of land and seas,
separation of earth from the
waters below; and plants
4. Day 4
…creation of sun, moon
and stars, to govern day
and night.
Bible Discovery : GOD’S
Day 5
…creation of sea creatures
and birds, command to be
fruitful and multiply.
6. Day 6
…creation of land animals
and human beings,
command to be fruitful and
multiply, given dominion over
the earth.
7. Day 7 …God rests and blesses
the seventh day.
God’s Creation of People :
God created people…
God created human last. By His great
love, firstly God created light, air, sun
and food that human needed.
God formed Adam…
From the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life; and Adam became a living
God made Eve…
From a rib of Adam, God made it
into a woman and named her Eve.
God created human
In God’s own image, according to
God likeness. We were created to
reflect God’s glory.
Things To Ponder !
• The universe were intricately planned and considered (solar
• If the universe were created in an uncontrolled “big bang”, it
would have certainly resulted in destruction and chaos.
• God, indeed, is the Creator ~ an artist, astronomer,
biologist, chemist and a physicist.
• He is a Creator who make this world so orderly and
predictable, and definitely worthy of our praise!
Lesson 3:
The 1st Sin & the 1st
Memory Verse:
1 Samuel 15: 22 (b)
“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of
The First Sin
• Adam – the 1st man – formed out of dust by God
• Eve – the 1st woman – formed out of Adam’s rib
• Adam & Eve disobeyed God’s commandment:
“Do not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”
• Genesis 3: 1 – 13
• Adam and Eve
1. They were thrown out of the Garden of Eden
2. They felt guilt and shame
• These feelings never existed until they ate the fruit and obtained the
knowledge of good and evil
• They could no longer face God and hid themselves from God
Who were involved ?
The First Sin
• Genesis 3: 14 – 19
• Adam, Eve & the serpent
1. Serpent was cursed by God and had to crawl on its belly -
mutual hatred between the serpent and the woman and her
1. Eve received hard punishment – experience pain in childbirth
and would be in conflict with man; instead of living in harmony
as before
1. Adam was punished with hardship – to toil on earth – ultimately
leads to death
Who were involved ?
The First Sin
• Genesis 3: 20 – 24
• Adam & Eve
1. They were banished (thrown out) from the Garden of Eden
2. This punishment affected their next generation, including us
• 1 Cor 15 : 21 – 22
• Adam & Eve descendants – including us
1. The consequence of sin is DEATH
2. We are all destined to experience death
3. We are born of sin and unable to free from death until we have
been baptized and redeemed through the blood of Jesus
• Adam – origin of sin ; Jesus origin of life
Third Consequence
Forth Consequence
Who were involved ?
Who were involved ?
The First Murder
• Cain was angry that God preferred
Abel’s offering
• Why did God prefer Abel’s offering?
• Because Abel offered the first born of
his flock and their fat; while Cain only
offered some fruits and he simply did
not do well
• God, seeing Cain was angry and
jealous, he reminded him that if he
worked hard and did well, his offering
would be accepted & warned him
against falling into sin
• Cain instead of seeking to improve
himself, he decided to get rid of Abel
• Cain gave in to sin and killed his
brother (verse 8 – 15)
1. Cain was no longer a tiller, he
experienced exile as a vagabond
and a fugitive
1. exile: being forced to live away
from home as punishment
2. vagabond: a person who wonders
from place to place; without a
home or a job
3. fugitive: escapee, a person who has
escaped from a place or is in
hiding, especially to avoid arrest or
Adam + Eve
- Works on / tiller
of the ground
- Took care of
Read: Gen 4: 2 - 7
Steps to avoid Temptation
•Recognise your tendency toward sin
•Pray – seek the Lord to help us
•Run away from temptation
•Resist with the word of truth
•Remember that sin always has
Lesson 4: Noah’s Ark and the
Great Flood
1. To understand that God keeps His promises
2. God’s salvation comes through one ark, which is True
Jesus Church
3. To follow God’s teaching when others aren’t
Memory Verse
“Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord has
spoken to the house of Israel. All come to pass.”
(Joshua 21:45)
God’s Wonderful Creations
• God created the universe according to his power and
• God commanded man to build the structures according
to His exact dimensions.
Eg 1 Tabernacle erected by Moses (Ex 39:32, 42-43)
Eg 2 Solomon’s Temple (1 Chr 28:11-19)
• Eg 3 Noah built the ark according to God’s design and
About the Ark
• God commanded Noah to built an ark (Gen 6:14)
• True Jesus Church is the ark of the last days.
• Those enter to the ark receive the salvation and to be
born again of water and the Spirit. (Jn 3:5) and finally
enter to the heavenly kingdom.
Noah’s Ark Structure
- The ark was made by cypress wood with the dimension of 450 FT
Long, 75FT Wide and 45FT High.
- God instructed Noah “Make a roof for it and finish the ark within
18inches of the top. Put a door in the side and make lower, middle
and upper decks”
According to the Bible, the ark was HUGE. The boat
in the photo above is a half-length model. The ark
was as long as six tennis courts and three stories
So If it existed, it looked nothing like this!
Noah’s Ark
• After ______ days, flood came. The rain kept pouring for
_____days and water flood the whole world.
• The ark was floating safely above the water level and
even rose above the mountains.
• All ________ outside the ark were perish except those
saved by the ark.
• Noah waited for______ days. He then send a raven and
it kept flying back and forth at the sky. Then he send a
______and it flew back as couldn’t find a ______ place
to land. After _____ more days, he sent another dove, it
returned with a fresh plucked olive leaf. Noah knew
water had receded.
• God told Noah “ Come out of the ark, bring out every
kind of _______________ that is with you.
• Noah built the __________, taking each __________
animal and clean bird and sacrifice for
_______________ .
• God said to Noah “ I now establish the __________ with
you and with your __________ after you and with every
living creature that was with you. Never again will all life
be destroyed by the_______________. I have set my
__________ in the clouds and it will be the sign of the
covenant between Me and the earth.
• What do you think would happened if
Noah changed the plans and design?
• Why did God want to destroy the world?
How would He destroy the world?
• How many days did the rain continue to
fall? How many days did the floodwaters
remain on the earth?
• What is the covenant that God establish
with Noah?
Lesson 5
Abram: Faithful, Loving and
Bible Text: Genesis Chapter 11, 12, 13
1 . To understand that Abraham had faith in God' s
2. To understand that Abraham loved Lot as himself.
3. To understand that we need to be faithful, loving, and
Memory Verse:
• “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to
him for righteousness.” (Genesis 1 5:6)
6) Abram’s triumphant return
7) God’s covenant with Abram
1) Abram’s calling
2) Abram in Egypt
3) Abram and Lot separate
4) The battle at the Valley of Siddim
5) Abram rescues Lot
•" Leave your country, your
•people and your father' s household and go to the land I
will show you.”.
•I will make
•you into a great nation and I will bless you;
•I will make
•your name great, and you will be a blessing
•I will bless
•those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;
•and everyone on earth will be blessed through you."
The Call of Abram
The Call of Abram (Journey from Haran to Egypt)
So Abram left Haran as
God had told him. He
took his wife Sarai, his
nephew Lot, Later they
set out for the land of
Abram traveled through
the land as far as the site
of the great tree of
Moreh at Shechem
He went on toward the
hills east of Bethel and
pitched his tent, with
Bethel on the west and
Ai on the east.
Then Abram set out
and continued
toward the Negev.
Later on, there was a
famine in the land,
so Abram went
down to Egypt
1. Serious Famine - Abram went down to Egypt to live there.
2. Abram asked Sarai to tell lie – pretend to be his sister
instead of wife so that his life will be spared!
3. The Egyptians (Pharoah Officer) likes Sarai and took her
into palace.
4. Abram was treated well - acquired sheep and cattle,
male and female donkeys, menservants and
maidservants, and camels.
5. But God inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his
household because of Abram' s wife Sarai.
6. Pharaoh summoned Abram. "What have you done to
me?" he said. "Why didn' t you tell me she was your wife?
Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I almost took her
to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and
go! "
Abram in Egypt
Abram and Lot Separate
• Lot saw that the whole plain of
the _______________ was well
watered, like the garden of the
LORD, like the land
of__________________, toward
• So Lot chose the whole plain of
the Jordan and set out toward
the east.
• Lot lived among the cities of the
plain and pitched his tents
• But the people of Sodom were
wicked and were sinning greatly
against the LORD.
• Abram lived in the land of
• The Lord said to Abram, "Lift your eyes
now and look from the place where
you are—northward, southward,
eastward, and westward; for all the
land which you see I give to you and
your descendants forever.
• ….And I will make your descendants
as the dust of the earth; so that if a
man could number the dust of the
earth, then your descendants also
could be numbered.
• ….Arise, walk in the land through its
length and its width, for I give it to
• He lives near the great trees of
Mamre at_______________, where he
built an altar to the Lord.
• Now the Valley of _______________ was full of tar
• The __________ kings seized all the goods of Sodom
and Gomorrah and all their food and went away.
• They also took away Lot and his possessions, since
he was living in Sodom.
• Abraham called out the _________trained men
born in his household to rescue Lot.
• He recovered all the goods and rescued Lot. They
brought back his possessions.
• Then, ______________________ king of Salem
brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God
Most High, and he blessed Abram
• Then, Abram gave him a ____________ of
Abram obedient to God
• The king of Sodom said to Abram, " Give me the persons, and
take the goods for yourself." But Abram said “I will not take
anything that is yours, lest you should say, ‘ I have made
Abram rich’.
• Abram was always ____________to God and always put his
faith in Him.
• Everything God asked him to do, he would obey. He was
God’s __________.
• He also cared much for his nephew Lot.
• Because of Abram’s obedience and his faith in God, God
blessed him a lot.
• We must also obey God and have ___________in Him, too.
• Finally, let’s read James 2:23, " 'Abraham believed God, and
it was accounted to him for righteousness. ' And he was
called the friend of God. ' "
The Journey of Abraham
Lesson 6
(Genesis 17)
(E2Y1 Book 2)
The Covenant of Circumcision
God gives Sarai and Abram new names
God promises that Sarah will have a son
Abraham receives three visitors
Abraham pleads with the visitors to stay
Abraham prepares a big feast
Abram serves and waits on his guests
The Lord speaks concerning Sarah and Sarah laughs
Abram sends the guests off
What is covenant ? • It’s a promise from God and an agreement
between God and man
a promise from God
and an agreement
between God and
Students, did you notice that one of the visitors was the Lord?
Yes, one of the visitors was God!
As a matter of fact, the other two visitors were angels.
Hebrews 1 3:2 tells us, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for
by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”
Abraham showed a lot of hospitality toward complete
strangers. We must learn to be friendly and generous to our
guests and church visitors.
1) We belong to the family of God
i. We should take good care of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
ii. Jesus commanded (Mt 22:39).
iii. Being hospitable is also a way to prove our discipleship (Jn 1 3:35).
2) We can show God’s love to unbelievers
i. We show the unconditional love God has for all people.
ii. Jesus’ command of loving others as ourselves.
3) We receive our guests with love as Abraham did
i. God will bless us for our good deeds.
Lesson 7:
Bible Text: Genesis 18:20-33; 19:1-28
Bible Truth:
1. He is a merciful and righteous God.
2. Abraham prayed for the sinful Sodom.
Memory Verse:
“You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you
testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to
pervert justice”.
(Exodus 23:2)
The Lord Reveals His Plan to Abraham
• The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah was so great and
serious which has reached to God.
• God planned to____________ the wicked people in the two
Abraham Pleads For Sodom and Gomorrah
• Abraham pleaded to God not to destroy Sodom and
Gomorrah if there were ____________righteous people in the
• The figure goes from 50, 45 ,40, 30, 20,10 for the righteous
people, God will spared the two cities. God agreed to
Abraham’s requests.
The Salvation of Lot’s Family
• Two ____________were sent by God to destroy Sodom &
• Lot invited the two angels to his house with hospitality
• The ____________of Sodom’s people revealed and the two
angels struck the wicked men with blindness till they couldn’t
find the ____________。
Lot Hesitates In Leaving
• The angels urged Lot & family to ____________ or else they will
be destroyed when the city is punished.
• When Lot ____________, the angels grasped his hand, wife and
his two daughters and led them safely out of the city.
• The angels commanded them to run for their lives, don’t
____________ and don’t stop anywhere. Flee to the mountains.
The Angels Saved Lot’s Family
• By the time Lot reached a small city called ____________, the
sun had risen.
• God rained down ___________ _____________ on Sodom and
Gomorrah from the sky.
• It destroyed all the ____________ in the cities and plants in the
Lots’ wife Turned Into A Pillar Of Salt
• Lot’s wife looked back during the destruction, and she
became a ________________________.
• Early the next morning, Abraham looked down toward Sodom
and Gomorrah, and he saw dense ____________ rising from the
land, like smoke from a furnace.
• God brought Lot out of the danger and destruction.
Lesson Learnt
• We are in the world, but NOT of the world. It is harmful to
our faith if we follow the ways of the world. Upholding to
God’s commands.
• We ought to do what is right in God’s eyes, even when
others do not.
• Be aware that sin is everywhere, but we can pray for this
world as Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah.
• Be wise to escape from sin and know the consequences of
Lesson 8:
Abraham’s sons
Memory verse:
(Deuteronomy 7: 9)
Know the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant
and mercy for those who love Him and keep His commandments
Sarai and Hagar
• Abram have been living in Canaan for 10 years
• Abram and Sarai could not have any children
• Sarai gave her servant – Hagar to Abram. So that they can have a child
through the servant
• Sarai said to Abram “I can’t have children, take my servant Hagar and
maybe we can have children through her.”
• Abram obeyed Sarai and took Hagar as his second wife
• Hagar became pregnant with Abram’s child
• She started to look down on Sarai, her mistress, who could not bear
• Sarai was very upset and told Abram that Hagar was disrespectful
• Abram told Sarai that she can do anything she wanted to her servant,
• Sarai started treating Hagar badly
Hagar runs away & encounters the
• Hagar was sad – her mistress did not like her & the baby’s father did not protect
• She could not take the mistreatment – ran away into the desert
• She came to a spring water in the desert, near a place called Shur (btw Kadesh &
• The angel of the Lord appeared to her & asked her, “Hagar, where have you come
from and where are you going?”
• She replied that she was running away from her mistress
• The Angel of the Lord said to her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her.”
• The angel comforted her and promised her saying, “ I will multiply your
descendants and they will be too many to count. You will have son and you will
name him Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your pain. He will be a wild man,
he will be against others and others against him. He will live among his brothers.”
• Hagar then called the place Beer Lahai Roi, which means “You Are the God who
• Though Hagar was alone and helpless, God remembered her and took care of her.
• God is a loving father to those in need
• Hagar returned home and gave birth to Abram’s son & named him Ishmael
• Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born
A new name for Abram
• The Lord appeared to Abram when he was 99 years old and said that He will make a
covenant (promise) between Him and Abram and He will multiply Abram’s descendants
• Abram was touched by God’s wonderful grace and fell on his face – showed honour and
respect to God
• God continued to speak, “My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many.
You will no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made
you a father of many. I will make you very fruitful. I will make nations and kings come
from you. I will establish my covenant between Me and you and your descendants of
many generations. This is an everlasting covenant. I will be God to you and your
descendants. I will also give you and your descendants all the land of Canaan as an
everlasting possession and I will be their God.”
• Abram had faith in the Lord’s promises and obey God’s commandments
What God has promised Abraham
1. Abraham will become the father
of many and have many
1. God will give Abraham and his
descendants the land of Canaan
1. God will be the God of Abraham
and his descendants
Covenant of Circumcision
God commanded Abraham :
(Genesis 17: 12 – 13)
• “Every male child among you will be circumcised on their
foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and
• “Every male child who is 8 days old will be circumcised, even if
they are the children of relatives, or servants, or foreigners.”
• “Through circumcision, My covenant will be in your flesh and will
be an everlasting covenant.”
• “Without circumcision, a male child cannot be part of My
Today, after Jesus Christ sacrificed on the cross, we are
God’s children by circumcision through water baptism
Water baptism ~ a mark of God’s covenant with us ~
(spiritual circumcision) ~ sets us aside as God’s
chosen people ~ receive blessings from God
New name for Sarai & Isaac’s
• God said to Abraham, “ Sarai your wife will also have a new name – Sarah.”
• God promised Abraham, “I will bless Sarah and also give you a son by her. I will
bless her and she will be a mother of many nations and kings.”
• Abraham fell on his face and thought to himself – he is already a 100 years old,
how can he have a child. Sarah is already 99 years old, how can she bear a child?
• Even though it seemed impossible, God has His plan and replied, “No, your wife,
Sarah, will bear you a son & you shall call him Isaac. I will establish My
everlasting covenant with him and with his descendants. And as for Ishmael, I have
heard you and will bless him – make him fruitful, multiply his descendants and
make him a great nation.
• However, I will establish My covenant with Isaac, the son of Sarah – she will bear
to you by next year.”
• God left when He finished talking to Abraham
• Abraham was a righteous man and he obeyed God’s commandment of
circumcision as a sign of their covenant
• On the same day, he took Ishmael & every male in the household for
circumcision. Abraham was 99 and Ishmael was 13 years old when they
had circumcision
Two difference covenants
(Galatians 4: 21 – 23)
Sarah Hagar
Freewoman Bondwoman
Born according to Spirit Born according to flesh
Heavenly Jerusalem Earthly Jerusalem
Freedom Bondage
Heirs Cast out
Child of promise: Isaac Child of promise: Ishmael
Lesson 9
Isaac and Rebekah’s Faith
and Obedience
• To understand God is caring and He knows our needs
• To obey our heavenly Father and believe that He won’t
fail us
• To honor our parents
Memory Verse
“Let you father and your mother be glad, and let her who
bore you rejoice.”
(Proverbs 23:25)
Bible Discovery
The Birth of Isaac
• One of the 3 visitors of Abraham told Sarah that she
would have a son despite her old age.
• Eventually Sarah gave birth to a son when Abraham was
100 years old. Isaac means “he laughs”
Faith of Abraham and Isaac
• Some time later, God wanted to test Abraham and ask him to
sacrifice Isaac as burnt offering on a mountain.
• Early in the morning, Abraham took Isaac on a donkey and took along
two servants, and carried wood for burnt offering
• Abraham gave the wood to Isaac to carry up to the mountain and he
carried the fire and the knife
• Isaac felt something fishy and ask Abraham why he carries those
• Abraham told Isaac God will provide the
lamb for burnt offering
• When the reach the place, Abraham built
the altar and prepare the burnt sacrifice.
• He tied up Isaac and laid him on the altar, on
top of the wood. Abraham then took the knife
and about to slay his son.
• An Angel of Lord appeared and called
“Abraham! Abraham! Do not do anything to
him. Now I know that you fear God,
because you have not withheld from Me your
son, your only son.”
• Abraham finally took a ram as sacrifice
instead of his son.
• Abraham call the place “The Lord Will
• The angel told Abraham” I swear by myself,
declares the Lord, the at because you have
done this and have not withheld your only
• I will surely make you and your descendant
as numerous as the stars in the sky and
sands on the seashore.”
Q1 How did Isaac demonstrate obedience?
- Isaac believed his father’s words that God will provide the lamb
(Gen 22:8)
- Isaac submitted to his father and he didn’t struggle or scream when
he was tied up
- He didn’t run away
Q2 How is Abraham’s faith?
- Abraham obey God’s command to leave his homeland and move to
unknown place
- He follow God’s instruction to sacrifice Isaac without complaint and
Finding wife for Isaac
• After Sarah passed away and Abraham getting very old, Abraham
decided to find a wife for Isaac.
• Abraham instructed the servant to find the wife from his hometown,
Nahor and bring her back
• The servant brought along 10 camels.
• It was at late evening, the servant was tired and stop nearby a well.
• It was the time the women came out to draw water.
• A young woman, Rebekah came to the well, fill up the jar. The young
woman, Rebekah came to the well, fill up the jar.
Facts to Know
A camel can drink 55-75l of
water. And 10 camels will drink
550-75l of water. Rebekah’s jar is
only 20l (about 18kg). Imagine
how difficult task for Rebekah to
feed water to the camels.
• The servant ask for a portion of the water and the woman without hesitate
gave him the drink and moreover draw water for the camel too.
• The servant has found the woman that God want Isaac to marry. He took
out the gold nose ring and two gold bracelets weighing ten shekels and
handed to Rebekah.
• Servant ask for a portion of the water and the woman without hesitate gave
him the drink and moreover draw water for the camel too.
• The servant has found the woman that God want Isaac to marry. He took
out the gold nose ring and two gold bracelets weighing ten shekels and
handed to Rebekah.
Who is Rebekah
- Daughter of Bethuel, and Bethuel is nephew of
Abraham. Which means Isaac and Rebekah are
• Rebekah told her family members about what was
• They knew it was God’s arrangement
• Rebekah submitted to the family decision and she also
agreed to follow the servant
• Finally Isaac married Rebekah
6. What sign did the servant ask God for?
2. What did God ask Abraham to do to Isaac?
3. When God told Abraham to stop and not to kill Isaac, what
did He provide?
4. God promised that his descendants would be as
numerous as what?
1. What does Isaac means?
5. What is the name of the woman Abraham’s servant met?
Quiz Lesson 9 Isaac and Rebekah’s
Faith and Obedience
(Genesis 25:19-34)
(Genesis 26:1-33)
Lesson 10
Bible Text: Genesis 25:19-34; 26:1-33
Bible Truth:
• Our God is a God of Judgment.
• To treasure our citizenship in heaven.
• To have good virtues ~ self control & gentleness to gain
God’s blessings.
Memory Verse:
“Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if
anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ
forgave you, so you also must do.” (Colossians 3:13)
~:~ Facts To Know ~:~
• A barren woman was considered a great
regret for the family and shame for a wife,
as culture revolved around family, family
ties and prolonging your family name.
• In the Old Testament period, people
regarded lentils as a favorite food.
• Stew Lentils are cook in soup or stew style
that the Palestinians call “Mujeddrah”.
Isaac Prayed For Barren Rebekah
• Isaac prayed for 20 years for barren Rebekah before the
Lord answered his prayers.
• When Isaac was 60 year old, Rebekah gave birth to a
twin sons.
The Twin Brothers, Esau Gave Up His Birthright
• Esau was the first born son; Jacob came out last grasping
Esau’s heel.
• Esau enjoyed hunting whilst Jacob loved to cook in the tents.
• Esau was tired and hungry after came back from hunting. He
sold his birthright to Jacob with a bowl of lentil stew.
Isaac And Abimelech (King of Philistines)
• Isaac went to King Abimelech because of famine and stayed
in Gerar as instructed by God. God blessed Isaac and he
prospered in Gerar.
• The Philistines were jealous of Isaac because he was so rich.
They clogged up all Isaac’s wells by filling them up with lots of
dirt and mud.
Isaac Moved To Valley of Gerar
• King Abimelech instructed Isaac to leave Gerar
because Isaac was too wealthy and powerful.
• Isaac moved to the Valley of Gerar, where he
settled down. Isaac reopened all the wells that the
Philistines had clogged.
Isaac Received Opposition From The Philistines
• Each time Isaac’s servants dug a well, the people of
Gerar forced them to leave and took all their wells. He
named the well Esek, which means “dispute”.
Isaac Gives Ways And Dug Another Wells
• Isaac moved on and dug another well, but the people
there quarreled over the well too. He named that well
Sitnah, which means “opposition”.
• He moved on and dug another well, this time no one
quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, which means
“room” saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we
will flourish in the land”.
God Promised His Blessings Upon Isaac’s
• Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “I am the God of your
father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will
bless you and increase the number of your
King Abimelech Make Peace With Isaac
• King Abimelech saw that the Lord God was with Isaac.
• King Abimelech make peace with Isaac.
• They dug a well and found water. He called it Shibah,
which means “oath” or “seven”, and to this day the
name of the town has been called Beersheba.
Words of God
• Do not repay anyone evil for evil or take revenge.
• Live at peace with everyone.
• As children of God, our action and attitude must be
good, meaning doing what you can to provide for
the well-being of others.
• Self-control and gentleness is our strength to deal
with conflicts, and with this good virtues we can
overcome evil with good.
Lesson 11:
Jacob Flees to Laban
Memory verse:
Isaiah 41: 10
Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with my righteous hand.
Jacob & Rebekah tricked Isaac
• Isaac old age – couldn’t see very well – called Esau and told him to hunt
for his favorite game for him – he wanted to bless Esau before he passed
• Rebekah overheard and hurried to Jacob and told him to follow her plan
• Took two baby goats from flock – cooked something that Isaac loved to
• Used the skin of the goats and wrapped it on Jacob’s hands and neck
• Esau was hairy; but Jacob wasn’t
• Rebekah also put Esau’s garment on Jacob so that he would smell more
like Esau (Gen 27: 18 – 19)
• Prophecy: “the older shall serve the younger” (Gen 25: 23) God has
already established Jacob’s supremacy over Esau, despite Esau being
the firstborn
• Esau and Isaac couldn’t have done anything to change this
• Esau was angry upon discovering this – he lost his birthright and the
best blessing from his father through Jacob and Rebekah’s deception
• He secretly plotted to kill Jacob when Isaac (their father) died
• Rebekah sent Jacob away to her relatives in Padam Aram
Jacob flees to Laban
• Beginning of his journey, he only had a stone for a pillow and went to
• He had a strange dream (Gen 28: 12 – 19)
• A stairway reaching to heaven – angels of God ascending and
• God said to him that He will give him the land which he was lying on,
bless him and his descendants will be like dust of the earth – watch over
Isaac wherever he goes – and will not leave him until He has done what
He has promised Jacob
• Jacob woke up from his sleep and thought – surely God is in this place
• The next morning, he took the stone that he had slept on and set it up as
a pillar – poured oil on top of it
• He called the place Bethel – (used to be called Luz)
Jacob meets Rachel
• Jacob came to a well – where shepherds watered their sheep – he
talked to the shepherds
• Rachel came with her flock of sheep
• Jacob found that Rachel was his cousin – daughter of uncle Laban.
• He quickly ran over and watered his uncle’s sheep and told Rachel
that he was her cousin
• Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept – happy and relieved to finally
meet someone
• Rachel ran home and told her father about Jacob
• Laban came to meet Jacob – embracing and kissing him in
• Jacob lived with his uncle’s family from then on
Laban tricks Jacob
• Laban offered Jacob wages in return for his work (Gen 29: 18, 20)
• Jacob did not ask for money or objects, but a wife – He wanted to marry
• Jacob said he will work for Laban for 7 years in return of his younger daughter
– Rachel
• Laban agreed and said, it is better that he gives her to Jacob than some other
• On the wedding night, Laban tricked Jacob by giving away Leah instead of
• Its was dark and Jacob only found out in the morning – horrible trick !
• Jacob angry – demanded an explanation
• Laban said – its not their custom for the younger to get married before the
• Laban made another offer – he would give Rachel as Jacob’s wife if he works
for another 7 years
• Jacob agreed and worked for another 7 years for Rachel
• Jacob’s wives led to eleven sons and one daughter when Jacob was working
for Laban. His two wives were very competitive with each other – trying to
give Jacob more children – even via maids
Jacob wants to return to his parents
• Jacob requested for permission from Laban to return home
• Laban had enjoyed prosperity ever since Jacob was working for him – because
God blessed Jacob in everything he did
• Wanting more wealth, Laban made Jacob stay longer and continue to work
(Gen 30: 25-34)
• Jacob – smart – requested for Laban’s flock to keep for his own – flock would
reproduce and flourish – resulting in wealth
• Jacob took branches from poplar, almond and chestnut trees, & made white
stripes on the branches – leave the branches in all the places where the animals
came to drink water
• When sheep and goat with one color came to drink– gave birth to lamb with
spots, streaks and speckles – all these animals became Jacob’s possession
• Jacob’s flock increased and he became very wealthy
• Its only through God’s work that Jacob has accumulated wealth – God was
with Jacob
• Laban continue his practice of deceit to trick Jacob – changed their deal when
Jacob’s flock increased (Gen 31: 7)
• Laban changed Jacob’s wages not once or twice but ten times to gain more for
Jacob leaves in secret
• Jacob became prosperous and Laban’s sons were jealous and
unfriendly towards Jacob
• God commanded Jacob to return to the land of his fathers and
relatives and He will be with Jacob
• Obediently, Jacob packed his belongings, got his wives and
children ready and left
• He did not inform Laban of their departure
• His wives agreed with Jacob to keep the secret of departure from
their father – they knew their father had been very deceitful even
to his own daughters
• “do whatever God has told you,” they told Jacob
Laban pursues Jacob
• On the 3rd day, when Laban heard that Jacob had fled with all he had, he was upset
that they left without telling him
• He took his relatives and chased after Jacob
• Laban - angry – surely could have scolded and harmed Jacob. But God told Laban in a
dream that he should not say anything good or bad to Jacob
• After 7 days, Laban finally caught up with Jacob – accused him of leaving secretly
and stealing from his house
• Jacob pointed out the hardships he went through for Laban’s sake (Gen 31: 38 – 42)
• Laban deceived Jacob many times – natural for Jacob to mistrust Laban – flee in
• Jacob set up a pillar – took stones and piled them up in a heap – named it as Mizpah,
which means watchtower
• This pillar and pile of stones signified a new agreement between Jacob and Laban
• Neither of them would cross this location and harm each other
• After making this covenant and eating a ceremonial meal, Laban kissed his
grandchildren and daughters and blessed them – farewell to each other and went on
their separate ways
Linking to 10 basic beliefs
• One True God
• Psalm 18: 2 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my
deliverer; my God, my strength in whom I will trust. My shield and
the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
• When Jacob was alone in the journey of fleeing from his brother
(Esau), God was with him and protected him.
• When Jacob was with Laban, no matter what Laban did to him and
how much he cheated Jacob, God did not let any harm or loss
come to Jacob
• Our God is still the same today and still loves and protects us the
same way
• When we encounter danger or need God’s help, He is always there
to protect us
• This is a great blessing – we just have to believe and trust in Him
Lesson 12 Jacob Goes Back to His
• God blessed Jacob abundantly.
• Jacob remembered God’s guidance and promise.
• how to ask for forgiveness after offending someone
Memory Verse
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to
dwell together in unity!”
(Psalm 133:1)
Bible Background
• Esau was very angry with Jacob after Jacob has
taken his birth right (Gen 25:33) and all the blessing
deserved for him (Gen 27:27-40)
• Esau even swore to kill Jacob once the father Isaac
pass away
• Jacob still missed his hometown and loved his
brother and he wanted to reunite with Esau
Bible Discovery
• Jacob is very worry that Esau would not
forgive him and might even kill him
• Jacob send messengers to talk to Esau and
the messengers informed Jacob that Esau
was coming to meet him with 400 men! This
make Jacob more worry.
• Jacob spilt his group in to two so that one
group could escape while the other was
attacked by Esau.
• Jacob also never forgot to seek God’s help.
• After praying, he picked out some gifts for his brother.
Among the presents were:
220 goats, 220 sheep, 30 camels, 30 donkeys and 50
Q) Why do you think Jacob doing this?
(to please Esau, perhaps Esau was still angry and
planned to attack him, he might change his mind after
seeing these gifts)
• After sending the presents, Jacob stayed overnight in
Mahanaim. In the midnight, Jacob took his family and
servants crossed over the nearby ford and leaving
himself alone.
• (Read Gen 32:24-30) An man appeared and wrestled
with him until the next morning. The man touched the
thigh of Jacob and immediately his thigh was out of
joint. However, Jacob still reluctant to let the man go
except blessed by him.
• The man then bless Jacob and change his name to
Israel. The new name later became a unique country
that has good relationship with God.
Q) Who do you thing the man was?
• Finally Jacob was going to meet with Esau
personally. Esau was leading with 400 men while
Jacob grouped with family member and servants.
Q) How did Jacob greet Esau ?
Read Gen 33:3-11
Jacob bowed himself to the ground 7 times until get
close to Esau
Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, and fell on his
neck, and kissed him and they wept.
• Jacob humbled himself and presented precious gifts
and asked for forgiveness from his brother. Esau did
not show any anger upon Jacob and treated him as
Jacob finally being accepted and stayed in his
hometown. Two key things he did:
1. Jacob set up his tents outside the city. This is
because no one in the city has the same religion. He
separate himself from non believers
2 Jacob also build an altar to God. Jacob prioritized
God first, before anything else. An altar is a constant
reminder of our covenant with God. Building up out
own altar will bring us closer to God
1. Jacob send messengers to announce his coming to
his brother Esau. When the messengers come back,
what did they tell Jacob?
2. After Jacob heard what the messegers told him,
what did he decide to do?
3. When God realised that Jacob would not let go,
what did he do to Jacob?
4. After Jacob wrestle with God, what was the new
name He gave to Jacob?
5. When the two brothers finally reunited, how did
Esau greet Jacob?

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  • 1. Lesson 1 ONE TRUE GOD (E2Y1 Book 2)
  • 2. • God made the world and everything in it of heaven and earth • God does not live in a physical place • God is the one who sets the time and place for all things GOD is…………… 1) God is omnipotent • all-powerful and can help us in any situation, especially when trouble comes. • We can rely on God. 2) God is omnipresent • God is never far away from us, and we can pray to Him whenever we want or need to. He is always there to listen. 3) God is omniscient • He knows everything about us • He always knows what is best for us, including what we need and how to help us.
  • 3. A As Friend He has the power to HELP us in times of trouble(omnipotent) A As parent God is able to stay with us to take care of us (omnipresent) A As teacher He knows all that there is to know, even the best way for each one of us to learn (omniscient) Role of GOD in our life
  • 4. ∗ This belief is the very foundation of our faith. ∗ We must always remember that Jesus Christ is our Savior who died and resurrected for us ∗ HE is only True God. ∗ Even now, He is constantly taking care of us every day. ∗ Because of this, we must always prioritize Him above everything else. ∗ We must never turn away to worship idols such as our computers or the Internet, money, or even friends or family. ∗ Putting God first is part of what it means to be a member of True Jesus Church. Why is God in my life?
  • 5. Lesson 2 THE CREATION OF THE WORLD (Genesis 1:1-27; 2:2-3)
  • 6. Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-27; 2:2-3 Bible Truth: • God is the source of all creation. • With His wonderful creation, we can see God’s power, provision and love. Memory Verse: “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He commanded and they were created”. (Psalm 148:5)
  • 7. ~:~ Facts To Know ~:~ • The Earth is the only planet with living creatures. • From space, the Earth is a blue and white planet, with huge oceans and wet masses of cloud. • People, animals and plants can live on Earth because of all this water. By His divine power and love, God is the creator of the universe in seven days.
  • 8. ~:~ Facts To Know ~:~ Nothing could live on Earth without the Sun. • The Sun is surrounded by a family of circling planets called the Solar System. • Deep in its centre the Sun is constantly making energy which keeps its gases hot and glowing. • This energy works its way to the surface where it escapes as heat and light. • Without it, the Earth would be cold and dark with no life at all.
  • 9. Bible Discovery : GOD’S CREATION Day 1 …creation of light, the separation of light from darkness. 1. 2. Day 2 …creation of sky and water, separation of the waters above the sky and waters below. 3. Day 3 …creation of land and seas, separation of earth from the waters below; and plants 4. Day 4 …creation of sun, moon and stars, to govern day and night.
  • 10. Bible Discovery : GOD’S CREATION Day 5 …creation of sea creatures and birds, command to be fruitful and multiply. 5. 6. Day 6 …creation of land animals and human beings, command to be fruitful and multiply, given dominion over the earth. 7. Day 7 …God rests and blesses the seventh day.
  • 11. God’s Creation of People : God created people… God created human last. By His great love, firstly God created light, air, sun and food that human needed. God formed Adam… From the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Adam became a living being. God made Eve… From a rib of Adam, God made it into a woman and named her Eve. God created human beings… In God’s own image, according to God likeness. We were created to reflect God’s glory.
  • 12. Things To Ponder ! • The universe were intricately planned and considered (solar system) • If the universe were created in an uncontrolled “big bang”, it would have certainly resulted in destruction and chaos. • God, indeed, is the Creator ~ an artist, astronomer, biologist, chemist and a physicist. • He is a Creator who make this world so orderly and predictable, and definitely worthy of our praise!
  • 13. Lesson 3: The 1st Sin & the 1st Murder Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 15: 22 (b) “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.”
  • 14. The First Sin • Adam – the 1st man – formed out of dust by God • Eve – the 1st woman – formed out of Adam’s rib • Adam & Eve disobeyed God’s commandment: “Do not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” • Genesis 3: 1 – 13 • Adam and Eve 1. They were thrown out of the Garden of Eden 2. They felt guilt and shame • These feelings never existed until they ate the fruit and obtained the knowledge of good and evil • They could no longer face God and hid themselves from God First Consequence Disobey God Who were involved ?
  • 15. The First Sin • Genesis 3: 14 – 19 • Adam, Eve & the serpent 1. Serpent was cursed by God and had to crawl on its belly - mutual hatred between the serpent and the woman and her offspring 1. Eve received hard punishment – experience pain in childbirth and would be in conflict with man; instead of living in harmony as before 1. Adam was punished with hardship – to toil on earth – ultimately leads to death Second Consequence Who were involved ?
  • 16. The First Sin • Genesis 3: 20 – 24 • Adam & Eve 1. They were banished (thrown out) from the Garden of Eden 2. This punishment affected their next generation, including us • 1 Cor 15 : 21 – 22 • Adam & Eve descendants – including us 1. The consequence of sin is DEATH 2. We are all destined to experience death 3. We are born of sin and unable to free from death until we have been baptized and redeemed through the blood of Jesus • Adam – origin of sin ; Jesus origin of life Third Consequence Forth Consequence Who were involved ? Who were involved ?
  • 17. The First Murder • Cain was angry that God preferred Abel’s offering • Why did God prefer Abel’s offering? • Because Abel offered the first born of his flock and their fat; while Cain only offered some fruits and he simply did not do well • God, seeing Cain was angry and jealous, he reminded him that if he worked hard and did well, his offering would be accepted & warned him against falling into sin • Cain instead of seeking to improve himself, he decided to get rid of Abel • Cain gave in to sin and killed his brother (verse 8 – 15) 1. Cain was no longer a tiller, he experienced exile as a vagabond and a fugitive Dictionary: 1. exile: being forced to live away from home as punishment 2. vagabond: a person who wonders from place to place; without a home or a job 3. fugitive: escapee, a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid arrest or persecution Adam + Eve Cain - Works on / tiller of the ground Abel - Took care of sheep consequence Read: Gen 4: 2 - 7
  • 18. Steps to avoid Temptation •Recognise your tendency toward sin •Pray – seek the Lord to help us •Run away from temptation •Resist with the word of truth •Remember that sin always has consequences
  • 19. Lesson 4: Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood
  • 20. Objectives 1. To understand that God keeps His promises 2. God’s salvation comes through one ark, which is True Jesus Church 3. To follow God’s teaching when others aren’t Memory Verse “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord has spoken to the house of Israel. All come to pass.” (Joshua 21:45)
  • 21. God’s Wonderful Creations • God created the universe according to his power and wisdom • God commanded man to build the structures according to His exact dimensions. Eg 1 Tabernacle erected by Moses (Ex 39:32, 42-43) Eg 2 Solomon’s Temple (1 Chr 28:11-19) • Eg 3 Noah built the ark according to God’s design and measurement
  • 22. About the Ark • God commanded Noah to built an ark (Gen 6:14) • True Jesus Church is the ark of the last days. • Those enter to the ark receive the salvation and to be born again of water and the Spirit. (Jn 3:5) and finally enter to the heavenly kingdom.
  • 23. Noah’s Ark Structure - The ark was made by cypress wood with the dimension of 450 FT Long, 75FT Wide and 45FT High. - God instructed Noah “Make a roof for it and finish the ark within 18inches of the top. Put a door in the side and make lower, middle and upper decks”
  • 24. According to the Bible, the ark was HUGE. The boat in the photo above is a half-length model. The ark was as long as six tennis courts and three stories high. So If it existed, it looked nothing like this!
  • 26. • After ______ days, flood came. The rain kept pouring for _____days and water flood the whole world. • The ark was floating safely above the water level and even rose above the mountains. • All ________ outside the ark were perish except those saved by the ark. • Noah waited for______ days. He then send a raven and it kept flying back and forth at the sky. Then he send a ______and it flew back as couldn’t find a ______ place to land. After _____ more days, he sent another dove, it returned with a fresh plucked olive leaf. Noah knew water had receded.
  • 27. • God told Noah “ Come out of the ark, bring out every kind of _______________ that is with you. • Noah built the __________, taking each __________ animal and clean bird and sacrifice for _______________ . • God said to Noah “ I now establish the __________ with you and with your __________ after you and with every living creature that was with you. Never again will all life be destroyed by the_______________. I have set my __________ in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
  • 28. Discussion • What do you think would happened if Noah changed the plans and design? • Why did God want to destroy the world? How would He destroy the world? • How many days did the rain continue to fall? How many days did the floodwaters remain on the earth? • What is the covenant that God establish with Noah?
  • 29. Lesson 5 Abram: Faithful, Loving and Obedient
  • 30. Bible Text: Genesis Chapter 11, 12, 13 Objective: 1 . To understand that Abraham had faith in God' s calling. 2. To understand that Abraham loved Lot as himself. 3. To understand that we need to be faithful, loving, and obedient. Memory Verse: • “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” (Genesis 1 5:6)
  • 31. 6) Abram’s triumphant return 7) God’s covenant with Abram 1) Abram’s calling 2) Abram in Egypt 3) Abram and Lot separate 4) The battle at the Valley of Siddim 5) Abram rescues Lot
  • 32. •" Leave your country, your •people and your father' s household and go to the land I will show you.”. •I will make •you into a great nation and I will bless you; •I will make •your name great, and you will be a blessing •I will bless •those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; •and everyone on earth will be blessed through you." The Call of Abram
  • 33. The Call of Abram (Journey from Haran to Egypt) So Abram left Haran as God had told him. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, Later they set out for the land of Canaan. Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem He went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev. Later on, there was a famine in the land, so Abram went down to Egypt
  • 34. 1. Serious Famine - Abram went down to Egypt to live there. 2. Abram asked Sarai to tell lie – pretend to be his sister instead of wife so that his life will be spared! 3. The Egyptians (Pharoah Officer) likes Sarai and took her into palace. 4. Abram was treated well - acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, menservants and maidservants, and camels. 5. But God inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram' s wife Sarai. 6. Pharaoh summoned Abram. "What have you done to me?" he said. "Why didn' t you tell me she was your wife? Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I almost took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go! " Abram in Egypt
  • 35. Abram and Lot Separate Lot • Lot saw that the whole plain of the _______________ was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of__________________, toward Zoar. • So Lot chose the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. • Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near_____________. • But the people of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD. Abram • Abram lived in the land of _____________ • The Lord said to Abram, "Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. • ….And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered. • ….Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.“ • He lives near the great trees of Mamre at_______________, where he built an altar to the Lord.
  • 36. • Now the Valley of _______________ was full of tar pits • The __________ kings seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food and went away. • They also took away Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom. • Abraham called out the _________trained men born in his household to rescue Lot. • He recovered all the goods and rescued Lot. They brought back his possessions. • Then, ______________________ king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram • Then, Abram gave him a ____________ of everything.
  • 37. Abram obedient to God • The king of Sodom said to Abram, " Give me the persons, and take the goods for yourself." But Abram said “I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, ‘ I have made Abram rich’. • Abram was always ____________to God and always put his faith in Him. • Everything God asked him to do, he would obey. He was God’s __________. • He also cared much for his nephew Lot. • Because of Abram’s obedience and his faith in God, God blessed him a lot. • We must also obey God and have ___________in Him, too. • Finally, let’s read James 2:23, " 'Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. ' And he was called the friend of God. ' "
  • 38. The Journey of Abraham
  • 39. Lesson 6 ABRAHAM RECEIVES THREE VISITORS (Genesis 17) (E2Y1 Book 2)
  • 40. The Covenant of Circumcision God gives Sarai and Abram new names God promises that Sarah will have a son Abraham receives three visitors Abraham pleads with the visitors to stay Abraham prepares a big feast Abram serves and waits on his guests The Lord speaks concerning Sarah and Sarah laughs Abram sends the guests off What is covenant ? • It’s a promise from God and an agreement between God and man a promise from God and an agreement between God and man =
  • 41. Students, did you notice that one of the visitors was the Lord? Yes, one of the visitors was God! As a matter of fact, the other two visitors were angels. Hebrews 1 3:2 tells us, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” Abraham showed a lot of hospitality toward complete strangers. We must learn to be friendly and generous to our guests and church visitors.
  • 42. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT FOR US TO PRACTICE HOSPITALITY? 1) We belong to the family of God i. We should take good care of our brothers and sisters in Christ. ii. Jesus commanded (Mt 22:39). iii. Being hospitable is also a way to prove our discipleship (Jn 1 3:35). 2) We can show God’s love to unbelievers i. We show the unconditional love God has for all people. ii. Jesus’ command of loving others as ourselves. 3) We receive our guests with love as Abraham did i. God will bless us for our good deeds.
  • 44. Bible Text: Genesis 18:20-33; 19:1-28 Bible Truth: 1. He is a merciful and righteous God. 2. Abraham prayed for the sinful Sodom. Memory Verse: “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice”. (Exodus 23:2)
  • 46. The Lord Reveals His Plan to Abraham • The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah was so great and serious which has reached to God. • God planned to____________ the wicked people in the two cities. Abraham Pleads For Sodom and Gomorrah • Abraham pleaded to God not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if there were ____________righteous people in the city. • The figure goes from 50, 45 ,40, 30, 20,10 for the righteous people, God will spared the two cities. God agreed to Abraham’s requests. BIBLE STORY :
  • 47. The Salvation of Lot’s Family • Two ____________were sent by God to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah. • Lot invited the two angels to his house with hospitality attitude. • The ____________of Sodom’s people revealed and the two angels struck the wicked men with blindness till they couldn’t find the ____________。 Lot Hesitates In Leaving • The angels urged Lot & family to ____________ or else they will be destroyed when the city is punished. • When Lot ____________, the angels grasped his hand, wife and his two daughters and led them safely out of the city. • The angels commanded them to run for their lives, don’t ____________ and don’t stop anywhere. Flee to the mountains.
  • 48. The Angels Saved Lot’s Family • By the time Lot reached a small city called ____________, the sun had risen. • God rained down ___________ _____________ on Sodom and Gomorrah from the sky. • It destroyed all the ____________ in the cities and plants in the land. Lots’ wife Turned Into A Pillar Of Salt • Lot’s wife looked back during the destruction, and she became a ________________________. • Early the next morning, Abraham looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and he saw dense ____________ rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. • God brought Lot out of the danger and destruction.
  • 49. Lesson Learnt • We are in the world, but NOT of the world. It is harmful to our faith if we follow the ways of the world. Upholding to God’s commands. • We ought to do what is right in God’s eyes, even when others do not. • Be aware that sin is everywhere, but we can pray for this world as Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah. • Be wise to escape from sin and know the consequences of sin.
  • 50. Lesson 8: Abraham’s sons Memory verse: (Deuteronomy 7: 9) Know the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for those who love Him and keep His commandments
  • 51. Sarai and Hagar • Abram have been living in Canaan for 10 years • Abram and Sarai could not have any children • Sarai gave her servant – Hagar to Abram. So that they can have a child through the servant • Sarai said to Abram “I can’t have children, take my servant Hagar and maybe we can have children through her.” • Abram obeyed Sarai and took Hagar as his second wife • Hagar became pregnant with Abram’s child • She started to look down on Sarai, her mistress, who could not bear children • Sarai was very upset and told Abram that Hagar was disrespectful • Abram told Sarai that she can do anything she wanted to her servant, Hagar • Sarai started treating Hagar badly
  • 52. Hagar runs away & encounters the angel • Hagar was sad – her mistress did not like her & the baby’s father did not protect her • She could not take the mistreatment – ran away into the desert • She came to a spring water in the desert, near a place called Shur (btw Kadesh & Bered) • The angel of the Lord appeared to her & asked her, “Hagar, where have you come from and where are you going?” • She replied that she was running away from her mistress • The Angel of the Lord said to her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her.” • The angel comforted her and promised her saying, “ I will multiply your descendants and they will be too many to count. You will have son and you will name him Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your pain. He will be a wild man, he will be against others and others against him. He will live among his brothers.” • Hagar then called the place Beer Lahai Roi, which means “You Are the God who Sees.” • Though Hagar was alone and helpless, God remembered her and took care of her. • God is a loving father to those in need • Hagar returned home and gave birth to Abram’s son & named him Ishmael • Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born
  • 53. A new name for Abram • The Lord appeared to Abram when he was 99 years old and said that He will make a covenant (promise) between Him and Abram and He will multiply Abram’s descendants • Abram was touched by God’s wonderful grace and fell on his face – showed honour and respect to God • God continued to speak, “My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many. You will no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many. I will make you very fruitful. I will make nations and kings come from you. I will establish my covenant between Me and you and your descendants of many generations. This is an everlasting covenant. I will be God to you and your descendants. I will also give you and your descendants all the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession and I will be their God.” • Abram had faith in the Lord’s promises and obey God’s commandments
  • 54. What God has promised Abraham (covenant) 1. Abraham will become the father of many and have many descendants 1. God will give Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan 1. God will be the God of Abraham and his descendants
  • 55. Covenant of Circumcision God commanded Abraham : (Genesis 17: 12 – 13) • “Every male child among you will be circumcised on their foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.” • “Every male child who is 8 days old will be circumcised, even if they are the children of relatives, or servants, or foreigners.” • “Through circumcision, My covenant will be in your flesh and will be an everlasting covenant.” • “Without circumcision, a male child cannot be part of My covenant.” Today, after Jesus Christ sacrificed on the cross, we are God’s children by circumcision through water baptism Water baptism ~ a mark of God’s covenant with us ~ (spiritual circumcision) ~ sets us aside as God’s chosen people ~ receive blessings from God
  • 56. New name for Sarai & Isaac’s birth • God said to Abraham, “ Sarai your wife will also have a new name – Sarah.” • God promised Abraham, “I will bless Sarah and also give you a son by her. I will bless her and she will be a mother of many nations and kings.” • Abraham fell on his face and thought to himself – he is already a 100 years old, how can he have a child. Sarah is already 99 years old, how can she bear a child? • Even though it seemed impossible, God has His plan and replied, “No, your wife, Sarah, will bear you a son & you shall call him Isaac. I will establish My everlasting covenant with him and with his descendants. And as for Ishmael, I have heard you and will bless him – make him fruitful, multiply his descendants and make him a great nation. • However, I will establish My covenant with Isaac, the son of Sarah – she will bear to you by next year.” • God left when He finished talking to Abraham • Abraham was a righteous man and he obeyed God’s commandment of circumcision as a sign of their covenant • On the same day, he took Ishmael & every male in the household for circumcision. Abraham was 99 and Ishmael was 13 years old when they had circumcision
  • 57. Two difference covenants (Galatians 4: 21 – 23) Sarah Hagar Freewoman Bondwoman Born according to Spirit Born according to flesh Heavenly Jerusalem Earthly Jerusalem Freedom Bondage Heirs Cast out Child of promise: Isaac Child of promise: Ishmael
  • 58. Lesson 9 Isaac and Rebekah’s Faith and Obedience
  • 59. Objectives • To understand God is caring and He knows our needs • To obey our heavenly Father and believe that He won’t fail us • To honor our parents Memory Verse “Let you father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice.” (Proverbs 23:25)
  • 60. Bible Discovery The Birth of Isaac • One of the 3 visitors of Abraham told Sarah that she would have a son despite her old age. • Eventually Sarah gave birth to a son when Abraham was 100 years old. Isaac means “he laughs”
  • 61. Faith of Abraham and Isaac • Some time later, God wanted to test Abraham and ask him to sacrifice Isaac as burnt offering on a mountain. • Early in the morning, Abraham took Isaac on a donkey and took along two servants, and carried wood for burnt offering • Abraham gave the wood to Isaac to carry up to the mountain and he carried the fire and the knife • Isaac felt something fishy and ask Abraham why he carries those stuffs
  • 62. • Abraham told Isaac God will provide the lamb for burnt offering • When the reach the place, Abraham built the altar and prepare the burnt sacrifice. • He tied up Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Abraham then took the knife and about to slay his son. • An Angel of Lord appeared and called “Abraham! Abraham! Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son.”
  • 63. • Abraham finally took a ram as sacrifice instead of his son. • Abraham call the place “The Lord Will Provide” • The angel told Abraham” I swear by myself, declares the Lord, the at because you have done this and have not withheld your only son, • I will surely make you and your descendant as numerous as the stars in the sky and sands on the seashore.”
  • 64. Discussion Q1 How did Isaac demonstrate obedience? - Isaac believed his father’s words that God will provide the lamb (Gen 22:8) - Isaac submitted to his father and he didn’t struggle or scream when he was tied up - He didn’t run away Q2 How is Abraham’s faith? - Abraham obey God’s command to leave his homeland and move to unknown place - He follow God’s instruction to sacrifice Isaac without complaint and delay.
  • 65. Finding wife for Isaac • After Sarah passed away and Abraham getting very old, Abraham decided to find a wife for Isaac. • Abraham instructed the servant to find the wife from his hometown, Nahor and bring her back • The servant brought along 10 camels. • It was at late evening, the servant was tired and stop nearby a well. • It was the time the women came out to draw water. • A young woman, Rebekah came to the well, fill up the jar. The young woman, Rebekah came to the well, fill up the jar.
  • 66. Facts to Know A camel can drink 55-75l of water. And 10 camels will drink 550-75l of water. Rebekah’s jar is only 20l (about 18kg). Imagine how difficult task for Rebekah to feed water to the camels. • The servant ask for a portion of the water and the woman without hesitate gave him the drink and moreover draw water for the camel too. • The servant has found the woman that God want Isaac to marry. He took out the gold nose ring and two gold bracelets weighing ten shekels and handed to Rebekah. • Servant ask for a portion of the water and the woman without hesitate gave him the drink and moreover draw water for the camel too. • The servant has found the woman that God want Isaac to marry. He took out the gold nose ring and two gold bracelets weighing ten shekels and handed to Rebekah.
  • 67. Who is Rebekah - Daughter of Bethuel, and Bethuel is nephew of Abraham. Which means Isaac and Rebekah are cousins. • Rebekah told her family members about what was happening • They knew it was God’s arrangement • Rebekah submitted to the family decision and she also agreed to follow the servant • Finally Isaac married Rebekah
  • 68. 6. What sign did the servant ask God for? 2. What did God ask Abraham to do to Isaac? 3. When God told Abraham to stop and not to kill Isaac, what did He provide? 4. God promised that his descendants would be as numerous as what? 1. What does Isaac means? 5. What is the name of the woman Abraham’s servant met? Quiz Lesson 9 Isaac and Rebekah’s Faith and Obedience
  • 69. ESAU SELLS HIS BIRTHRIGHT ISAAC GIVES AWAY HIS WELLS (Genesis 25:19-34) (Genesis 26:1-33) Lesson 10
  • 70. Bible Text: Genesis 25:19-34; 26:1-33 Bible Truth: • Our God is a God of Judgment. • To treasure our citizenship in heaven. • To have good virtues ~ self control & gentleness to gain God’s blessings. Memory Verse: “Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.” (Colossians 3:13)
  • 71. ~:~ Facts To Know ~:~ • A barren woman was considered a great regret for the family and shame for a wife, as culture revolved around family, family ties and prolonging your family name. • In the Old Testament period, people regarded lentils as a favorite food. • Stew Lentils are cook in soup or stew style that the Palestinians call “Mujeddrah”.
  • 72. Isaac Prayed For Barren Rebekah • Isaac prayed for 20 years for barren Rebekah before the Lord answered his prayers. • When Isaac was 60 year old, Rebekah gave birth to a twin sons. The Twin Brothers, Esau Gave Up His Birthright • Esau was the first born son; Jacob came out last grasping Esau’s heel. • Esau enjoyed hunting whilst Jacob loved to cook in the tents. • Esau was tired and hungry after came back from hunting. He sold his birthright to Jacob with a bowl of lentil stew. BIBLE STORY :
  • 73. Isaac And Abimelech (King of Philistines) • Isaac went to King Abimelech because of famine and stayed in Gerar as instructed by God. God blessed Isaac and he prospered in Gerar. • The Philistines were jealous of Isaac because he was so rich. They clogged up all Isaac’s wells by filling them up with lots of dirt and mud. Isaac Moved To Valley of Gerar • King Abimelech instructed Isaac to leave Gerar because Isaac was too wealthy and powerful. • Isaac moved to the Valley of Gerar, where he settled down. Isaac reopened all the wells that the Philistines had clogged.
  • 74. Isaac Received Opposition From The Philistines • Each time Isaac’s servants dug a well, the people of Gerar forced them to leave and took all their wells. He named the well Esek, which means “dispute”. Isaac Gives Ways And Dug Another Wells • Isaac moved on and dug another well, but the people there quarreled over the well too. He named that well Sitnah, which means “opposition”. • He moved on and dug another well, this time no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, which means “room” saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land”.
  • 75. God Promised His Blessings Upon Isaac’s Descendants • Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and increase the number of your descendants. King Abimelech Make Peace With Isaac • King Abimelech saw that the Lord God was with Isaac. • King Abimelech make peace with Isaac. • They dug a well and found water. He called it Shibah, which means “oath” or “seven”, and to this day the name of the town has been called Beersheba.
  • 76. Words of God • Do not repay anyone evil for evil or take revenge. • Live at peace with everyone. • As children of God, our action and attitude must be good, meaning doing what you can to provide for the well-being of others. • Self-control and gentleness is our strength to deal with conflicts, and with this good virtues we can overcome evil with good.
  • 77. Lesson 11: Jacob Flees to Laban Memory verse: Isaiah 41: 10 Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with my righteous hand.
  • 78. Jacob & Rebekah tricked Isaac • Isaac old age – couldn’t see very well – called Esau and told him to hunt for his favorite game for him – he wanted to bless Esau before he passed away • Rebekah overheard and hurried to Jacob and told him to follow her plan • Took two baby goats from flock – cooked something that Isaac loved to eat • Used the skin of the goats and wrapped it on Jacob’s hands and neck • Esau was hairy; but Jacob wasn’t • Rebekah also put Esau’s garment on Jacob so that he would smell more like Esau (Gen 27: 18 – 19) • Prophecy: “the older shall serve the younger” (Gen 25: 23) God has already established Jacob’s supremacy over Esau, despite Esau being the firstborn • Esau and Isaac couldn’t have done anything to change this • Esau was angry upon discovering this – he lost his birthright and the best blessing from his father through Jacob and Rebekah’s deception • He secretly plotted to kill Jacob when Isaac (their father) died • Rebekah sent Jacob away to her relatives in Padam Aram
  • 79. Jacob flees to Laban • Beginning of his journey, he only had a stone for a pillow and went to sleep • He had a strange dream (Gen 28: 12 – 19) • A stairway reaching to heaven – angels of God ascending and descending • God said to him that He will give him the land which he was lying on, bless him and his descendants will be like dust of the earth – watch over Isaac wherever he goes – and will not leave him until He has done what He has promised Jacob • Jacob woke up from his sleep and thought – surely God is in this place • The next morning, he took the stone that he had slept on and set it up as a pillar – poured oil on top of it • He called the place Bethel – (used to be called Luz)
  • 80. Jacob meets Rachel • Jacob came to a well – where shepherds watered their sheep – he talked to the shepherds • Rachel came with her flock of sheep • Jacob found that Rachel was his cousin – daughter of uncle Laban. • He quickly ran over and watered his uncle’s sheep and told Rachel that he was her cousin • Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept – happy and relieved to finally meet someone • Rachel ran home and told her father about Jacob • Laban came to meet Jacob – embracing and kissing him in greeting • Jacob lived with his uncle’s family from then on
  • 81. Laban tricks Jacob • Laban offered Jacob wages in return for his work (Gen 29: 18, 20) • Jacob did not ask for money or objects, but a wife – He wanted to marry Rachel • Jacob said he will work for Laban for 7 years in return of his younger daughter – Rachel • Laban agreed and said, it is better that he gives her to Jacob than some other man • On the wedding night, Laban tricked Jacob by giving away Leah instead of Rachel • Its was dark and Jacob only found out in the morning – horrible trick ! • Jacob angry – demanded an explanation • Laban said – its not their custom for the younger to get married before the older • Laban made another offer – he would give Rachel as Jacob’s wife if he works for another 7 years • Jacob agreed and worked for another 7 years for Rachel • Jacob’s wives led to eleven sons and one daughter when Jacob was working for Laban. His two wives were very competitive with each other – trying to give Jacob more children – even via maids
  • 82. Jacob wants to return to his parents • Jacob requested for permission from Laban to return home • Laban had enjoyed prosperity ever since Jacob was working for him – because God blessed Jacob in everything he did • Wanting more wealth, Laban made Jacob stay longer and continue to work (Gen 30: 25-34) • Jacob – smart – requested for Laban’s flock to keep for his own – flock would reproduce and flourish – resulting in wealth • Jacob took branches from poplar, almond and chestnut trees, & made white stripes on the branches – leave the branches in all the places where the animals came to drink water • When sheep and goat with one color came to drink– gave birth to lamb with spots, streaks and speckles – all these animals became Jacob’s possession • Jacob’s flock increased and he became very wealthy • Its only through God’s work that Jacob has accumulated wealth – God was with Jacob • Laban continue his practice of deceit to trick Jacob – changed their deal when Jacob’s flock increased (Gen 31: 7) • Laban changed Jacob’s wages not once or twice but ten times to gain more for himself
  • 83. Jacob leaves in secret • Jacob became prosperous and Laban’s sons were jealous and unfriendly towards Jacob • God commanded Jacob to return to the land of his fathers and relatives and He will be with Jacob • Obediently, Jacob packed his belongings, got his wives and children ready and left • He did not inform Laban of their departure • His wives agreed with Jacob to keep the secret of departure from their father – they knew their father had been very deceitful even to his own daughters • “do whatever God has told you,” they told Jacob
  • 84. Laban pursues Jacob • On the 3rd day, when Laban heard that Jacob had fled with all he had, he was upset that they left without telling him • He took his relatives and chased after Jacob • Laban - angry – surely could have scolded and harmed Jacob. But God told Laban in a dream that he should not say anything good or bad to Jacob • After 7 days, Laban finally caught up with Jacob – accused him of leaving secretly and stealing from his house • Jacob pointed out the hardships he went through for Laban’s sake (Gen 31: 38 – 42) • Laban deceived Jacob many times – natural for Jacob to mistrust Laban – flee in secret • Jacob set up a pillar – took stones and piled them up in a heap – named it as Mizpah, which means watchtower • This pillar and pile of stones signified a new agreement between Jacob and Laban • Neither of them would cross this location and harm each other • After making this covenant and eating a ceremonial meal, Laban kissed his grandchildren and daughters and blessed them – farewell to each other and went on their separate ways
  • 85. Linking to 10 basic beliefs • One True God • Psalm 18: 2 “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength in whom I will trust. My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” • When Jacob was alone in the journey of fleeing from his brother (Esau), God was with him and protected him. • When Jacob was with Laban, no matter what Laban did to him and how much he cheated Jacob, God did not let any harm or loss come to Jacob • Our God is still the same today and still loves and protects us the same way • When we encounter danger or need God’s help, He is always there to protect us • This is a great blessing – we just have to believe and trust in Him always
  • 86. Lesson 12 Jacob Goes Back to His Hometown
  • 87. Objectives • God blessed Jacob abundantly. • Jacob remembered God’s guidance and promise. • how to ask for forgiveness after offending someone Memory Verse “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)
  • 88. Bible Background • Esau was very angry with Jacob after Jacob has taken his birth right (Gen 25:33) and all the blessing deserved for him (Gen 27:27-40) • Esau even swore to kill Jacob once the father Isaac pass away • Jacob still missed his hometown and loved his brother and he wanted to reunite with Esau
  • 89. Bible Discovery • Jacob is very worry that Esau would not forgive him and might even kill him • Jacob send messengers to talk to Esau and the messengers informed Jacob that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men! This make Jacob more worry. • Jacob spilt his group in to two so that one group could escape while the other was attacked by Esau.
  • 90. • Jacob also never forgot to seek God’s help. • After praying, he picked out some gifts for his brother. Among the presents were: 220 goats, 220 sheep, 30 camels, 30 donkeys and 50 cows Q) Why do you think Jacob doing this? (to please Esau, perhaps Esau was still angry and planned to attack him, he might change his mind after seeing these gifts)
  • 91. • After sending the presents, Jacob stayed overnight in Mahanaim. In the midnight, Jacob took his family and servants crossed over the nearby ford and leaving himself alone. • (Read Gen 32:24-30) An man appeared and wrestled with him until the next morning. The man touched the thigh of Jacob and immediately his thigh was out of joint. However, Jacob still reluctant to let the man go except blessed by him. • The man then bless Jacob and change his name to Israel. The new name later became a unique country that has good relationship with God. Q) Who do you thing the man was?
  • 92. • Finally Jacob was going to meet with Esau personally. Esau was leading with 400 men while Jacob grouped with family member and servants. Q) How did Jacob greet Esau ? Read Gen 33:3-11 Jacob bowed himself to the ground 7 times until get close to Esau Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him and they wept. • Jacob humbled himself and presented precious gifts and asked for forgiveness from his brother. Esau did not show any anger upon Jacob and treated him as brother.
  • 93. Jacob finally being accepted and stayed in his hometown. Two key things he did: 1. Jacob set up his tents outside the city. This is because no one in the city has the same religion. He separate himself from non believers 2 Jacob also build an altar to God. Jacob prioritized God first, before anything else. An altar is a constant reminder of our covenant with God. Building up out own altar will bring us closer to God
  • 94. Quiz 1. Jacob send messengers to announce his coming to his brother Esau. When the messengers come back, what did they tell Jacob? 2. After Jacob heard what the messegers told him, what did he decide to do? 3. When God realised that Jacob would not let go, what did he do to Jacob? 4. After Jacob wrestle with God, what was the new name He gave to Jacob? 5. When the two brothers finally reunited, how did Esau greet Jacob?