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Between-Lives Regression:
New Tool for Exploring and
Understanding Our Soul Nature
By Doug Kinney
June 8, 2014
Baltimore IONS Meeting
Copyrighted by Douglas Kinney. All rights reserved. Can be used without author’s permission if not being sold for profit.
1. Frontiers of Knowledge provides context for a broader
treatment of spiritual intelligence
 Important because of its role in explaining anomalies
2. Describe between-lives spiritual hypnosis and its
 M. Newton’s life-between-lives (LBL) methodology
 Other contributors
 Discoveries about souls and the spiritual realm
 Its similarity of experiences with “rich” NDEs
3. Summary and thoughts on its future
Part 1: Context for Spiritual
Intelligence from
Frontiers of Knowledge
Frontiers of Knowledge - What is New Today in
Science, Consciousness, and Spirituality
 Our mysterious universe
 95% of universe’s energy/mass a
 Incredibly fine-tuned universe
 Role of consciousness in quantum mech.
 New discoveries in
 Evolutionary biology, mind, unusual mind-
body effects, subtle-energies in healing, . . .
 New discoveries from investigations of
soul-related experiences
 Near-death (NDEs)
 Reincarnation experiences
 Between-lives regression
Frontiers Provides First Comprehensive Overview
Key Cosmology Puzzle:
Fine-tuning of Universal Constants
 Fine-tuning of 3 dozen parameters or ratios seem
designed so that life can emerge and evolve
 Two examples
• If ratio of EM to gravitational fields was off by one-
Hot and stable stars would not exist
• If the weak nuclear force was much stronger
Giant stars would not have seeded the universe with
heavier elements (carbon, etc.)
Is there a Universal designer or designers?
Information Supporting Existence of and
Operation of Spiritual Intelligence
1. Quanta—observer required to bring quantum
particles into existence
 Who were the observers in the beginning of our universe?
2. Evolutionary biology and intelligent design
 Difficult to see how complex organisms can come into being
and evolve with environmental changes
3. NDEr’s consciousness existing in nonphysical form
and reincarnation discoveries
 Is consciousness basically spiritual?
Many frontier scientific and consciousness discoveries
require existence of nonphysical, spiritual intelligence
Sources of Knowledge / Information on
Spiritual Intelligence
1. Through human systematic investigations
 NDEs
 Between-lives regression (NDEs on “demand”)
2. Other non-systematic sources
 Traditional religions: creation stories, experiences
 Shamans
 Channels and mediums
 General and past-life regression experiences
 Out-of-body experiences
 . . .
Part 2: Between-Lives
Spiritual Regression
(Highlights from Frontiers of Knowledge
Chapters 7 and 8)
Development of Spiritual Hypnosis and
Newton’s Life Between Life (LBL) Regression
 Rapid development of spiritual hypnosis with past-life
regression from 1960-80s
 Some explored “interlife” regression in latter period
 In parallel Newton developed his LBL in 1970s
 LBL process for normal subjects: use 3-4 hour session
 Achieve a deep, hypnosis state (>90% success rate)
 I was trained in Newton’s LBL technique
 By Allen Chips of NATH in 2009
 Have conducted ~ 15 sessions
Between-lives hypnosis is a young, developing discipline
Key Sources for Between-Lives Regression
Experiences and Information
 Michael Newton
 Journey of Souls (1994) and Destiny of Souls (2000)
 5-Part YouTube video
 Linda Backman - Bringing Your Soul to Light (2009)
 More access to advanced souls than Newton
 Dolores Cannon - Between Death and Life (1993)
 Access to “special subjects” (The Convoluted Universe Series - 4 books)
 Allen S. Chips - Spiritual Regression: A Past Life/Life Between
Lives Video Demonstration (2010 – example of an “advanced” soul)
 My regression cases – a sample case given in Frontiers appendix
 NDE cases – those with rich experiences of the spiritual realm
Overview of the Soul’s Journey
Newton’s Key Events and Activities 1/2
1. Separating from their dead physical body
 Past-life death scene; then moving away from earth
 Meeting & being “escorted” by spiritual guide
2. Entering the spiritual realm through a portal
3. Met by a welcoming soul or a group*
 Can be a homecoming when they meet their “soul family”
 Souls are energy beings - display themselves in human
form for recognition
4. Becoming oriented to new dimension of existence*
 Having their energy recharged and balanced
5. Having life review of their just completed human life*
6. Transitioning to their “place” in this realm
Overview of the Soul’s Journey
Newton’s Key Events and Activities 2/2
7. Meeting with their advisory council of wise-elder
 Reviewing their just completed life
 Feedback on current, on-going life
8. Being placed for study and/or training [profession like]
9. Planning for a next life and choosing their new body
 Coordinating with other participating souls
10. Preparing to leave spiritual realm for next incarnation
11. Being reborn as an infant in a new physical body
*Not All Souls Experience All of the Above:
More Advanced Souls Can Skip Steps 3 - 5
Also, Steps 3 – 5 Can Occur in One of the Other
Newton’s Description of Souls Groups
Primary is Soul’s “Spiritual Family”
Soul Group
5 to 15 souls
Affiliated Soul Groups
Meeting Spiritual Family
 Consists of souls you incarnated with in current or
previous lives
 Note: part of soul always remains in spiritual realm
 Example from woman’s LBL I conducted (in Frontiers)
1. Ex-boyfriend in her current life
2. Female friend in this life
3. Her best friend Jack from the last life
4. Her dad in this life
5. Mother in this life and sister in her last life
6. Soul named Bernarr
7. Current boyfriend in this life
Five of the seven are in her current life
Different Soul levels of Energy
 Beginning Soul: placed in cluster group after “nursery”
 Young are limited spiritual development
 Some reincarnating long time (30,000 years) & still “immature”
 Intermediate Soul
 Ready for responsibilities—join “professional” training groups
 Describes “worlds” for special study / development
 Can simultaneously live two physical lives
 Advanced Soul: knowledgeable of the source (God)
 Newton describes “sages”, old souls keeping “watch (highest
level of soul advancement)
 Backman has more information on these
Some “Professions” in Spiritual Realm
(Newton calls them “Specialties”)
 Guides: support each soul in its human life
 Teachers: guide young soul groups
 Nursery Teachers: care for new souls
 Masters of design: designers of physical planets
1. Geology: mountains, rivers, …
2. Life forms: plants, trees, living creatures
 Explorers: seek out suitable training sites for souls
 Harmonizers: smooth out collective human energy
 Wardens: interactions between human & animal souls
 Ring of Destiny Controllers: set up & run processes
“Professions” Organized Like Medieval Guilds
Newton’s Classification Model for Soul
Development Levels and Core Colors
Source: Newton, Journey
of Souls, p 103
Learning Stage
Energy Consciousness Color (Newton’s
I: Beginner White (bright and homogeneous) None
II: Lower
Off-White (reddish shades, ultimately
turning into traces of yellow)
III: Intermediate Yellow (solid with no traces of white) None
IV: Upper
Dark Yellow (a deep gold, ultimately
turning into traces of blue)
V: Advanced Light Blue (with no traces of yellow,
ultimately turning into traces of purple)
VI: Highly
Dark Bluish-Purple / Violet (surrounded
by radiant light)*
>VI: Old Ones Deep Purple (surrounded by radiant light) Overseers
*Linda Backman, Bringing Your Soul to Light (2009),
Had More Experiences with Advanced Souls
Breadth of Newton’s Information: Some of
the Chapters Contents in “Journey of Souls”
Live Selection: collaborative effort with group & counselors
 Decide: specific lessons and location
 Use Ring of Destiny to preview potential lives (later slide)
 Some have “filler” life: short life supporting experiences of others
Choosing a New Body: one providing best opportunity
 Handicaps are attractive—provide challenges
Preparation for Embarkation [Newton’s example, p 260]
 Souls involved together go to the “place of recognition”
 Set up recognition signals for their human meetings
Rebirth: time soul joins with brain of baby varies
 Describes process of “merging” with the human brain (mind?)
 To occur brain has to have a holographic form or interface
 Relationships
 Major: Parents, mate,
siblings, best friends
 Secondary family/friends
 Other key roles: teacher,
boss, etc
 Major events
 Meeting mate
 “Planned Meetings” for
assistance or helping
 Setting up recognitions
 Death
Newton’s Description of Soul Planning Next
Life & Getting Participation of Others
(Creating “Neighborhood” Play)
Affiliated Soul Groups
Newton’s Example of Soul Relationships
Over Many Reincarnation Cycles
Simplified representation of social dynamics of
key “players” in Ruth’s lives over many
incarnations. Newton, Destiny of Souls, p 275-78
(Newton includes 8 souls and their human roles)
Frontier’s Table 8-3. Examples of Key Soul-
Human Roles in Three of Ruth’s Lives
Role in 20th-
Century Life
Role in 19th-
Century Life
Role in 18th-
Century Life
Husband Best male
(Gender change)
Mother Grandmother Aunt
Father Grandfather Uncle
Description of the “Birthing” of a New Soul
(Account from one of my LBL Subjects)
 Subject: There is this orange colored cauldron that looks “boiling
and hot.” Out of it come “drops” of energy that drop onto a conveyer-
like belt. This occurs when the “temperature” is right. . . . They are
caught as they come out by those supporting the process. Each drop
has an essence.
As each one develops in the nursery, the pure light changes into a
unique color. Each one is a pure light that reflects the individual’s
different color.
The process is guided by nursery helpers. I see this individuation in
terms of a metaphor of beautiful vases.
 DK: How many different colors?
 Subject: Red and orange, silver orange. It is like each has a spark
in them. It is their own essence that attracts their color.
 DK: Where does it come from?
 Subject: The God Source provides the energy that creates the
young souls.
Source: Frontiers of Knowledge, 248-49
Also see Newton in Destiny of Souls, 339
Other Fascinating Between-Lives Topics
Covered in Frontiers of Knowledge
 Souls first incarnating on other worlds
 Soul having more than one simultaneous human life
 Different types of souls—not all souls incarnate on
physical worlds such as earth
 Examples of soul planning and rehearsing: first
meeting spouse-to-be: Katherine Graham’s parents
and Michael Newton
 Planning human death
 Participating in mass disasters
 Parallel lives
Technology in the Spiritual Realm
 Transportation technology: moves soul
 Automatic guidance & control based on soul’s energy signal
 Life books: holographic screen with emotions
 Shows live pictures; allows playing out of alternative choices
 Ring of Destiny: provides preview of potential lives
 Soul surrounded by bank of screens (run by “controllers”)
 Soul mentally operates: select city, potential lives
 Displays scenes from this life, including major turning points
 4 “Worlds” for soul development, training & recreation
 World w/o ego: learning to be; new souls gets ego & character
 World of knowing: mental place of planning and design
 World of altered time: simulation training (alter events), recreation
 World of creation & non-creation: physical to practice creation
Spiritual Realm Highly Organized for Soul Development
Part 3: Summary and Future of
Between-Lives Regression
What I Would Like You to Take Away
Suggest 3 Items
1. Between-lives regression is a new development
 Reflects our access to more spiritual information
 Can expect to see new information over time
2. Between-lives regression provides another source of
spiritual information similar to what rich NDEs provide
 Descriptions of soul’s journey in the spiritual realm
 Information on the society of souls in lower realms
3. Unique aspect compared to NDEs: You can experience
yourself as a soul in the spiritual realm w/o “dying”
Between-Lives Regression
More Information / Corroboration Needed on
 Birthing of new souls
 Is there an evolutionary path for animals?
 Backman’s concept of core soul unit (soul mates?)
 Higher spiritual-realm dimensions & governing
 Parallel lives accounts by Cannon
 Creation activities by more advanced souls
End with Quote from Newton
[Destiny of Souls, p 401]
Coming to Earth is about traveling away from our home to a foreign
land. Some things seem familiar but most are strange until we get
used to them, especially conditions which are unforgiving.
Our real home is a place of absolute peace, total acceptance and
complete love. As souls separated from our home we can no longer
assume these beautiful features will be present around us.
On earth we must learn to cope with intolerance, anger and sadness
while searching for joy and love. We must not lose our integrity
along the way, sacrificing goodness for survival and acquiring
attitudes either superior or inferior to those around us.
We know that living in an imperfect world will help us to appreciate
the true meaning of perfection. We ask for courage and humility
before our journey into another life. As we grow in awareness so will
the quality of our existence. This is how we are tested. Passing this
test is our destiny.
All NDE Elements Experienced by My
Sample Between-Lives Subject
Expanded NDE Elements (NDE and
1. Out-of-body experience—OBE
2. Moving rapidly to nonphysical realms 
3. Intense and positive feelings
4. Heightened senses 
5. Soul being energized and rebalanced
6. Encountering mystical / brilliant light
7. Meet deceased relatives & mystical . . . 
8. A sense of alteration of time/space
9. Life review (of all or some events) 
10. Encountering unworldly realms
11. Meeting with council* or wise being for
insight on their human life
12. Learning special knowledge of self or
universe 
13. Communication is telepathic
Subject Experienced Element? Highlights of Sample
Between-Lives Session Experiences
Yes. Then moving upward from body and then fast toward light
Yes. Moving fast toward a bright light (after past-life death scene)
Yes. Felt empowered following the council experience.
Yes. In spiritual-realm class-room and meeting with council
Yes. Energy rejuvenation a dark, womblike structure
Yes. Moved fast toward a bright light; later found herself inside
Yes. Homecoming with seven souls and etheric council beings.
Yes. Time alteration in life review. Both in the “homecoming”
Yes. In council review of her past life, Information came quickly
Yes. Experience in spiritual realm: meeting relatives, guides, etc.
Yes. Council gave a review of her just-completed past life and
feedback on her current life and summarized her challenges.
Yes. Had access to all of her past lives, including knowledge of
lives on another physical world
Yes. In council session, classroom, and in life on another world
* Major difference of Between-lives experience from NDEs
Newton’s Example of Soul Relationships
Over Many Reincarnation Cycles
Primary (primary
soul group)
(primary soul group)
Affiliated (primary &
near-by soul group)
Simplified representation
of social dynamics of key
“players” in Ruth’s lives
over many incarnations.
Newton, Destiny of
Souls, p 275-8
Best Female
Sister SisterCousin
Best Male
Other key ones (e.g., key
teacher, grandparent)
not included because of
space. Note role and sex
changes in different
reincarnation cycles.
Souls Start “Professional” Training in Spiritual
Realm at Around Level III in Small Groups
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
of Design
of Design
• Advancing souls “recruited” for specialty by “guild” soul
• Training occurs in small, informal study groups of 3 to 5 souls
• As they advance, they spend less and less time in primary group
“Web” of Support for Proposed
Framework of Reality
 Akashic Field / ZPF
(P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, C3, C5)
 Quantum Physics with
Strong Consciousness (P1)
Express Consciousness
through Subtle Fields
Morphogenetic Field in
Evolutionary Biology (B1)
 Holographic Mind for
Processes, Memory (M1–4)
Mind Distributed in Body
with Subtle Field (M5, C6)
 Nonphysical Mind in
Subtle-Energy Field (C8)
 Reincarnation in
Memory & Appearance (C9)
Spiritual Intelligence in
Spiritual Realms (C10a & b)
 Cosmology with
Strong Anthropic Principle &
Spiritual Intelligence (P1–3)
Parallel Physical Universes
& Multidimen Spiritual Realm
Universe: Creation: Dimensions
of Energy Consciousness
1. Higher energy-consciousness
beings at higher dimensions
Parallel Universes Created
1. Choice—by exercising free will
2. Multiple energy gestalts in mind
Part 3 Key Findings
and Explanations
1, 2
Conditioned-Space Effect
1. Increase psychic abilities
2. Enhance effect of beliefs and
thoughts on body
Subtle-Energy System
1. Translate strong emotions &
beliefs into physical effects
2. Connects with specieswide
morphic fields
3. Connects with higher self, past
lives & spiritual guides
4. Mind distributed through subtle-
energy bodies
 Evidence supporting or
behind framework level
Reincarnation Investigations
1. CWR cases: a) birthmarks
verified (C9); b) between lives
2. Independently verified cases
3. Semkiw: continuity of human
appearance, traits & family
Nonphysical Mind Findings
1. Verified near-death OBEs:
Pam Reynolds, others (C8)
1, 3
Part 2 Key Findings
and Explanations
Spiritual-Realm Findings
1. Spiritual hypnosis: Newton,
Backman, Cannon, (C10b)
2. NDEs—rich experiences of
the spiritual realm (C10a)
3. Transcendent NDEs
Proposed Framework Compared with Current
Materialistic Science’s views on Reality
Akashic Field / ZPF (P1–P3)
Akashic Field / ZPF
Quantum Physics with
Strong Consciousness (P1)
Express Consciousness
through Subtle Fields
Holographic Mind for
Processes, Memory (M1–4)
Mind Distributed in Body
with Subtle Field (M5)
Mind Distributed in Body
with Subtle Field (M5)
Holographic Mind for
Processes, Memory (M1–4)
Morphogenetic Fields
in Evolutionary Biology (B1)
Mind Distributed in Body
with Subtle Field (M5)
Nonphysical Mind for
Subtle Fields (C8)
Cosmology with
Strong Anthropic Principle &
Spiritual Intelligence (P1–P3)
Spiritual Intelligence in
Spiritual Realms (C10a & b)
Reincarnation in
Memory & Appearance (C9)
ness and
of Reality:
No Consciousness Role
Newtonian Physics
with No
Role for
Cosmology with
Weak Anthropic Principle
and Multiverse (P3)
No Spiritual Intelligence
not recognized
Evolutionary Biology
No Reincarnation
Life Begins at Conception
Consciousness Based
on Biology
Brain = Mind
Mainstream-Brain Theory
Human Body
and Its 12
Animal Kingdom
Single Cell
Atoms & Molecules
Multiple Subtle-Energy Fields Formed
and Are Evolving Our World
Human Social
Human Behavior
Fields Evolve

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Douglas Kinney presentation Between-Lives Regression 07.08.14

  • 1. Between-Lives Regression: New Tool for Exploring and Understanding Our Soul Nature By Doug Kinney June 8, 2014 Baltimore IONS Meeting Copyrighted by Douglas Kinney. All rights reserved. Can be used without author’s permission if not being sold for profit.
  • 2. 2 Plan 1. Frontiers of Knowledge provides context for a broader treatment of spiritual intelligence  Important because of its role in explaining anomalies 2. Describe between-lives spiritual hypnosis and its discoveries  M. Newton’s life-between-lives (LBL) methodology  Other contributors  Discoveries about souls and the spiritual realm  Its similarity of experiences with “rich” NDEs 3. Summary and thoughts on its future
  • 3. Part 1: Context for Spiritual Intelligence from Frontiers of Knowledge
  • 4. Frontiers of Knowledge - What is New Today in Science, Consciousness, and Spirituality  Our mysterious universe  95% of universe’s energy/mass a mystery  Incredibly fine-tuned universe  Role of consciousness in quantum mech.  New discoveries in  Evolutionary biology, mind, unusual mind- body effects, subtle-energies in healing, . . .  New discoveries from investigations of soul-related experiences  Near-death (NDEs)  Reincarnation experiences  Between-lives regression Frontiers Provides First Comprehensive Overview
  • 5. 5 Key Cosmology Puzzle: Fine-tuning of Universal Constants  Fine-tuning of 3 dozen parameters or ratios seem designed so that life can emerge and evolve  Two examples • If ratio of EM to gravitational fields was off by one- billionth, Hot and stable stars would not exist • If the weak nuclear force was much stronger Giant stars would not have seeded the universe with heavier elements (carbon, etc.) Is there a Universal designer or designers?
  • 6. 6 Information Supporting Existence of and Operation of Spiritual Intelligence 1. Quanta—observer required to bring quantum particles into existence  Who were the observers in the beginning of our universe? 2. Evolutionary biology and intelligent design  Difficult to see how complex organisms can come into being and evolve with environmental changes 3. NDEr’s consciousness existing in nonphysical form and reincarnation discoveries  Is consciousness basically spiritual? Many frontier scientific and consciousness discoveries require existence of nonphysical, spiritual intelligence
  • 7. Sources of Knowledge / Information on Spiritual Intelligence 1. Through human systematic investigations  NDEs  Between-lives regression (NDEs on “demand”) 2. Other non-systematic sources  Traditional religions: creation stories, experiences  Shamans  Channels and mediums  General and past-life regression experiences  Out-of-body experiences  . . .
  • 8. Part 2: Between-Lives Spiritual Regression (Highlights from Frontiers of Knowledge Chapters 7 and 8)
  • 9. 9 Development of Spiritual Hypnosis and Newton’s Life Between Life (LBL) Regression  Rapid development of spiritual hypnosis with past-life regression from 1960-80s  Some explored “interlife” regression in latter period  In parallel Newton developed his LBL in 1970s  LBL process for normal subjects: use 3-4 hour session  Achieve a deep, hypnosis state (>90% success rate)  I was trained in Newton’s LBL technique  By Allen Chips of NATH in 2009  Have conducted ~ 15 sessions Between-lives hypnosis is a young, developing discipline
  • 10. Key Sources for Between-Lives Regression Experiences and Information  Michael Newton  Journey of Souls (1994) and Destiny of Souls (2000)  5-Part YouTube video  Linda Backman - Bringing Your Soul to Light (2009)  More access to advanced souls than Newton  Dolores Cannon - Between Death and Life (1993)  Access to “special subjects” (The Convoluted Universe Series - 4 books)  Allen S. Chips - Spiritual Regression: A Past Life/Life Between Lives Video Demonstration (2010 – example of an “advanced” soul)  My regression cases – a sample case given in Frontiers appendix  NDE cases – those with rich experiences of the spiritual realm
  • 11. Overview of the Soul’s Journey Newton’s Key Events and Activities 1/2 1. Separating from their dead physical body  Past-life death scene; then moving away from earth  Meeting & being “escorted” by spiritual guide 2. Entering the spiritual realm through a portal 3. Met by a welcoming soul or a group*  Can be a homecoming when they meet their “soul family”  Souls are energy beings - display themselves in human form for recognition 4. Becoming oriented to new dimension of existence*  Having their energy recharged and balanced 5. Having life review of their just completed human life* 6. Transitioning to their “place” in this realm
  • 12. Overview of the Soul’s Journey Newton’s Key Events and Activities 2/2 7. Meeting with their advisory council of wise-elder  Reviewing their just completed life  Feedback on current, on-going life 8. Being placed for study and/or training [profession like] 9. Planning for a next life and choosing their new body  Coordinating with other participating souls 10. Preparing to leave spiritual realm for next incarnation 11. Being reborn as an infant in a new physical body *Not All Souls Experience All of the Above: More Advanced Souls Can Skip Steps 3 - 5 Also, Steps 3 – 5 Can Occur in One of the Other
  • 13. 13 Newton’s Description of Souls Groups Primary is Soul’s “Spiritual Family” Primary Soul Group 5 to 15 souls Affiliated Soul Groups MoreDistantSoulGroups MoreDistantSoulGroups
  • 14. Meeting Spiritual Family  Consists of souls you incarnated with in current or previous lives  Note: part of soul always remains in spiritual realm  Example from woman’s LBL I conducted (in Frontiers) 1. Ex-boyfriend in her current life 2. Female friend in this life 3. Her best friend Jack from the last life 4. Her dad in this life 5. Mother in this life and sister in her last life 6. Soul named Bernarr 7. Current boyfriend in this life Five of the seven are in her current life
  • 15. 15 Different Soul levels of Energy Consciousness  Beginning Soul: placed in cluster group after “nursery”  Young are limited spiritual development  Some reincarnating long time (30,000 years) & still “immature”  Intermediate Soul  Ready for responsibilities—join “professional” training groups  Describes “worlds” for special study / development  Can simultaneously live two physical lives  Advanced Soul: knowledgeable of the source (God)  Newton describes “sages”, old souls keeping “watch (highest level of soul advancement)  Backman has more information on these
  • 16. 16 Some “Professions” in Spiritual Realm (Newton calls them “Specialties”)  Guides: support each soul in its human life  Teachers: guide young soul groups  Nursery Teachers: care for new souls  Masters of design: designers of physical planets 1. Geology: mountains, rivers, … 2. Life forms: plants, trees, living creatures  Explorers: seek out suitable training sites for souls  Harmonizers: smooth out collective human energy  Wardens: interactions between human & animal souls  Ring of Destiny Controllers: set up & run processes “Professions” Organized Like Medieval Guilds
  • 17. 17 Newton’s Classification Model for Soul Development Levels and Core Colors Source: Newton, Journey of Souls, p 103 Level: Learning Stage Energy Consciousness Color (Newton’s subjects) Guide Status I: Beginner White (bright and homogeneous) None II: Lower Intermediate Off-White (reddish shades, ultimately turning into traces of yellow) None III: Intermediate Yellow (solid with no traces of white) None IV: Upper Intermediate Dark Yellow (a deep gold, ultimately turning into traces of blue) Junior V: Advanced Light Blue (with no traces of yellow, ultimately turning into traces of purple) Senior VI: Highly Advanced Dark Bluish-Purple / Violet (surrounded by radiant light)* Master >VI: Old Ones Deep Purple (surrounded by radiant light) Overseers 42% 31% 17% 9% 1% 0% *Linda Backman, Bringing Your Soul to Light (2009), Had More Experiences with Advanced Souls
  • 18. 18 Breadth of Newton’s Information: Some of the Chapters Contents in “Journey of Souls” Live Selection: collaborative effort with group & counselors  Decide: specific lessons and location  Use Ring of Destiny to preview potential lives (later slide)  Some have “filler” life: short life supporting experiences of others Choosing a New Body: one providing best opportunity  Handicaps are attractive—provide challenges Preparation for Embarkation [Newton’s example, p 260]  Souls involved together go to the “place of recognition”  Set up recognition signals for their human meetings Rebirth: time soul joins with brain of baby varies  Describes process of “merging” with the human brain (mind?)  To occur brain has to have a holographic form or interface
  • 19. 19  Relationships  Major: Parents, mate, siblings, best friends  Secondary family/friends  Other key roles: teacher, boss, etc  Major events  Meeting mate  “Planned Meetings” for assistance or helping  Setting up recognitions  Death Newton’s Description of Soul Planning Next Life & Getting Participation of Others Primary Soul Group LIFE PLAN DEVELOPMENT (Creating “Neighborhood” Play) Affiliated Soul Groups MoreDistantSoulGroups
  • 20. 20 Newton’s Example of Soul Relationships Over Many Reincarnation Cycles Simplified representation of social dynamics of key “players” in Ruth’s lives over many incarnations. Newton, Destiny of Souls, p 275-78 (Newton includes 8 souls and their human roles) Frontier’s Table 8-3. Examples of Key Soul- Human Roles in Three of Ruth’s Lives Role in 20th- Century Life Role in 19th- Century Life Role in 18th- Century Life Husband Best male friend Wife (Gender change) Mother Grandmother Aunt Father Grandfather Uncle
  • 21. Description of the “Birthing” of a New Soul (Account from one of my LBL Subjects)  Subject: There is this orange colored cauldron that looks “boiling and hot.” Out of it come “drops” of energy that drop onto a conveyer- like belt. This occurs when the “temperature” is right. . . . They are caught as they come out by those supporting the process. Each drop has an essence. As each one develops in the nursery, the pure light changes into a unique color. Each one is a pure light that reflects the individual’s different color. The process is guided by nursery helpers. I see this individuation in terms of a metaphor of beautiful vases.  DK: How many different colors?  Subject: Red and orange, silver orange. It is like each has a spark in them. It is their own essence that attracts their color.  DK: Where does it come from?  Subject: The God Source provides the energy that creates the young souls. Source: Frontiers of Knowledge, 248-49 Also see Newton in Destiny of Souls, 339
  • 22. Other Fascinating Between-Lives Topics Covered in Frontiers of Knowledge  Souls first incarnating on other worlds  Soul having more than one simultaneous human life  Different types of souls—not all souls incarnate on physical worlds such as earth  Examples of soul planning and rehearsing: first meeting spouse-to-be: Katherine Graham’s parents and Michael Newton  Planning human death  Participating in mass disasters  Parallel lives
  • 23. 23 Technology in the Spiritual Realm  Transportation technology: moves soul  Automatic guidance & control based on soul’s energy signal  Life books: holographic screen with emotions  Shows live pictures; allows playing out of alternative choices  Ring of Destiny: provides preview of potential lives  Soul surrounded by bank of screens (run by “controllers”)  Soul mentally operates: select city, potential lives  Displays scenes from this life, including major turning points  4 “Worlds” for soul development, training & recreation  World w/o ego: learning to be; new souls gets ego & character  World of knowing: mental place of planning and design  World of altered time: simulation training (alter events), recreation  World of creation & non-creation: physical to practice creation Spiritual Realm Highly Organized for Soul Development
  • 24. Part 3: Summary and Future of Between-Lives Regression
  • 25. 25 What I Would Like You to Take Away Suggest 3 Items 1. Between-lives regression is a new development  Reflects our access to more spiritual information  Can expect to see new information over time 2. Between-lives regression provides another source of spiritual information similar to what rich NDEs provide  Descriptions of soul’s journey in the spiritual realm  Information on the society of souls in lower realms 3. Unique aspect compared to NDEs: You can experience yourself as a soul in the spiritual realm w/o “dying”
  • 26. Between-Lives Regression More Information / Corroboration Needed on  Birthing of new souls  Is there an evolutionary path for animals?  Backman’s concept of core soul unit (soul mates?)  Higher spiritual-realm dimensions & governing councils  Parallel lives accounts by Cannon  Creation activities by more advanced souls
  • 27. 27 End with Quote from Newton [Destiny of Souls, p 401] Coming to Earth is about traveling away from our home to a foreign land. Some things seem familiar but most are strange until we get used to them, especially conditions which are unforgiving. Our real home is a place of absolute peace, total acceptance and complete love. As souls separated from our home we can no longer assume these beautiful features will be present around us. On earth we must learn to cope with intolerance, anger and sadness while searching for joy and love. We must not lose our integrity along the way, sacrificing goodness for survival and acquiring attitudes either superior or inferior to those around us. We know that living in an imperfect world will help us to appreciate the true meaning of perfection. We ask for courage and humility before our journey into another life. As we grow in awareness so will the quality of our existence. This is how we are tested. Passing this test is our destiny.
  • 29. All NDE Elements Experienced by My Sample Between-Lives Subject Expanded NDE Elements (NDE and Between-Lives) 1. Out-of-body experience—OBE 2. Moving rapidly to nonphysical realms  3. Intense and positive feelings 4. Heightened senses  5. Soul being energized and rebalanced 6. Encountering mystical / brilliant light 7. Meet deceased relatives & mystical . . .  8. A sense of alteration of time/space 9. Life review (of all or some events)  10. Encountering unworldly realms 11. Meeting with council* or wise being for insight on their human life 12. Learning special knowledge of self or universe  13. Communication is telepathic Subject Experienced Element? Highlights of Sample Between-Lives Session Experiences Yes. Then moving upward from body and then fast toward light Yes. Moving fast toward a bright light (after past-life death scene) Yes. Felt empowered following the council experience. Yes. In spiritual-realm class-room and meeting with council Yes. Energy rejuvenation a dark, womblike structure Yes. Moved fast toward a bright light; later found herself inside Yes. Homecoming with seven souls and etheric council beings. Yes. Time alteration in life review. Both in the “homecoming” Yes. In council review of her past life, Information came quickly Yes. Experience in spiritual realm: meeting relatives, guides, etc. Yes. Council gave a review of her just-completed past life and feedback on her current life and summarized her challenges. Yes. Had access to all of her past lives, including knowledge of lives on another physical world Yes. In council session, classroom, and in life on another world * Major difference of Between-lives experience from NDEs
  • 30. 30 Woman Ruth Newton’s Example of Soul Relationships Over Many Reincarnation Cycles Legend Primary (primary soul group) Companion (primary soul group) Affiliated (primary & near-by soul group) Simplified representation of social dynamics of key “players” in Ruth’s lives over many incarnations. Newton, Destiny of Souls, p 275-8 Uncle G-Father Father G-Mother Mother Aunt SonHusbandBrother Best Female Friend Sister Mother Daughter Daughter Best Female Friend Son Daughter Niece Sister SisterCousin Husband Wife Best Male Friend Other key ones (e.g., key teacher, grandparent) not included because of space. Note role and sex changes in different reincarnation cycles.
  • 31. 31 Souls Start “Professional” Training in Spiritual Realm at Around Level III in Small Groups Nursery Teachers Primary Soul Group 1 Primary Soul Group 2 Primary Soul Group 3 Primary Soul Group 4 Primary Soul Group 5 Primary Soul Group 6 Primary Soul Group 7 Masters of Design (Plants) Masters of Design (Geology) Group Teachers Explorers (navigators) • Advancing souls “recruited” for specialty by “guild” soul • Training occurs in small, informal study groups of 3 to 5 souls • As they advance, they spend less and less time in primary group Animal Wardens Soul Guides
  • 32. “Web” of Support for Proposed Framework of Reality  Akashic Field / ZPF (P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, C3, C5)  Quantum Physics with Strong Consciousness (P1) Express Consciousness through Subtle Fields Morphogenetic Field in Evolutionary Biology (B1)  Holographic Mind for Processes, Memory (M1–4) Mind Distributed in Body with Subtle Field (M5, C6)  Nonphysical Mind in Subtle-Energy Field (C8)  Reincarnation in Memory & Appearance (C9) Spiritual Intelligence in Spiritual Realms (C10a & b)  Cosmology with Strong Anthropic Principle & Spiritual Intelligence (P1–3) Parallel Physical Universes & Multidimen Spiritual Realm Many-Worlds Interpretation 1 1 Universe: Creation: Dimensions of Energy Consciousness 1. Higher energy-consciousness beings at higher dimensions Parallel Universes Created 1. Choice—by exercising free will 2. Multiple energy gestalts in mind 1 2 Part 3 Key Findings and Explanations 1, 2 2 3 4 Conditioned-Space Effect 1. Increase psychic abilities 2. Enhance effect of beliefs and thoughts on body Subtle-Energy System 1. Translate strong emotions & beliefs into physical effects 2. Connects with specieswide morphic fields 3. Connects with higher self, past lives & spiritual guides 4. Mind distributed through subtle- energy bodies 4 All All 1b Primary Secondary Third-level  Evidence supporting or behind framework level Legend Reincarnation Investigations 1. CWR cases: a) birthmarks verified (C9); b) between lives remembrances 2. Independently verified cases 3. Semkiw: continuity of human appearance, traits & family Nonphysical Mind Findings 1. Verified near-death OBEs: Pam Reynolds, others (C8) 1, 3 Part 2 Key Findings and Explanations Spiritual-Realm Findings 1. Spiritual hypnosis: Newton, Backman, Cannon, (C10b) 2. NDEs—rich experiences of the spiritual realm (C10a) 3. Transcendent NDEs All 1
  • 33. Proposed Framework Compared with Current Materialistic Science’s views on Reality Akashic Field / ZPF (P1–P3) Akashic Field / ZPF Quantum Physics with Strong Consciousness (P1) Express Consciousness through Subtle Fields Holographic Mind for Processes, Memory (M1–4) Mind Distributed in Body with Subtle Field (M5) Mind Distributed in Body with Subtle Field (M5) Holographic Mind for Processes, Memory (M1–4) Morphogenetic Fields in Evolutionary Biology (B1) Mind Distributed in Body with Subtle Field (M5) Nonphysical Mind for Subtle Fields (C8) Cosmology with Strong Anthropic Principle & Spiritual Intelligence (P1–P3) Spiritual Intelligence in Spiritual Realms (C10a & b) Reincarnation in Memory & Appearance (C9) Strong Conscious- ness and Spiritual Framework of Reality: 21st-Century Quantum Physics No Consciousness Role Newtonian Physics Materialistic Science Framework with No Role for Conscious- ness: 19th-Century Newtonian Physics Cosmology with Weak Anthropic Principle and Multiverse (P3) No Spiritual Intelligence not recognized Evolutionary Biology NeoDarwinism No Reincarnation Life Begins at Conception Consciousness Based on Biology Brain = Mind Mainstream-Brain Theory
  • 34. 8 5 1 2 12 Human Body and Its 12 Subtle-Energy Bodies Vertebrate Animal Kingdom Primate Human Single Cell Akashic Field/ZPF Atoms & Molecules Multiple Subtle-Energy Fields Formed and Are Evolving Our World Past-Life Memories Spiritual Energy Energy Egg Human Social Field Human Behavior Field Subtle-Energy-Information Fields Evolve