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Backups & Disaster
Recovery Plan
Pund-IT Inc.
60 Ottawa Street, South, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3S7.
T: 519.342.4004.101
Hope for the best.
Plan for the worst
(with the best).
It’s Simple
Data Backup + Disaster Recovery = Business
Let’s	get	this	out	right	here	at	the	beginning:	at	some	point	
down	the	road,	your	data	is	going	to	be	in	danger.		
The	most	common	contributing	factor	in	data	loss	incidents	is	
low	executive	support	for	a	fully	implemented	backup	
strategy.		Pund-IT	considers	any	backup	failure	an	emergency;	we	
recommend	that	all	clients	consider	backup	failures	as	such.		
	 Making	a	backup	and	disaster	recovery	plan	calls	on	you	
to	take	a	long,	hard	look	at	your	business,	at	your	processes,	your	
software,	and	so	on.	And	let’s	face	it,	taking	the	time	to	evaluate	
your	business	so	you	know	how	everything’s	working	together,	
what’s	most	important,	and	what’s	pulling	you	back	is	always	a	
good	thing.	If	you	want	to	backup	your	data	and	services	and	
then	be	able	to	recover	them	quickly	if	there’s	a	disaster,	you	
need	to	know	where	that	data	is,	what	those	services	are,	and	
you	need	to	be	able	to	prioritize	them.	Which	data	and	services	
absolutely	must	be	online	first?	How	long	can	you	really	go	
without	critical	and	noncritical	data	and	services?	How	much	
does	downtime	really	cost	you?	Finding	the	answers	to	these	and	
other	related	questions	is	at	the	heart	of	solid	backup	and	
disaster	recovery.	Doing	so	allows	you	to	figure	out	how	to	
protect	all	your	data	and	services,	the	most	efficient	order	in	
which	to	restore	them.		
We	all	know	that	over	the	course	of	time,	our	lives	and	
businesses	get	cluttered	and	inefficient.	In	a	business	setting,	
maybe	you	have	a	number	of	different	servers	you’ve	acquired	
over	the	years	for	different	reasons.	None	of	them	are	being	
used	as	efficiently	as	they	could	be.	Your	data	and	applications	
have	grown	up	in	silos,	isolated	from	each	other	both	in	physical	
location	and	in	functional	usefulness.		
In	short,	things	can	get	to	be	a	mess	as	you	push	forward,	
just	trying	to	run	your	business.	But	by	taking	the	time	to	
evaluate	these	things	from	the	perspective	of	backup	and	
disaster	recovery,	you	can	trim	the	fat,	so	to	speak.		
BackIT	Up		
Let’s	#TechAboutIT	to	ensure	
your	business	is	protected.		
519.342.4004	x112
It Makes You More Efficient 	
Streamlining	your	business	opens	the	door	for	all	kinds	of	disaster	recovery	
goodness.	Having	a	plan	in	place	that	takes	advantage	of	current	technologies	puts	
you	in	a	position	to	save	time	not	only	during	a	disaster,	but	in	the	maintenance	of	
your	data	and	applications	as	well.	So	not	only	can	you	reduce	the	time	techs	are	
spending	on	backup	and	disaster	recovery,	but	you	can	protect	more	of	your	data	
and	applications.	
It Saves You Money 	
There’s	no	doubt	that	efficient	companies	save	money.	If	you	know	what	all	your	IT	
is	doing	and	you’ve	organized	things	so	that	you’re	making	the	best	use	of	what	you	
have,	you’re	not	going	to	waste	money	on	worthless	cycles.	As	IT	becomes	more	and	
more	the	framework	on	which	successful	businesses	are	built,	that	efficiency	
becomes	increasingly	important.	
It Makes You Money 	
How	do	you	make	money?	You	sell	a	product.	You	provide	a	service.	But	all	of	that	
relies	on	one	crucial	thing:	your	business	actually	being	operational.	It	seems	
obvious,	but	sometimes	the	truth	gets	lost	in	the	scuffle.	Every	time	you’re	hit	by	a	
disaster,	whether	large	or	small,	catastrophic	or	simply	annoying,	your	ability	to	
operate	is	compromised	&	resources	are	drained.	
It Keeps You Out of Jail 	
Money	and	time.	These	are	the	most	obvious	reasons	to	update	your	backup	and	
disaster	recovery	solution.	But	there	is	another	even	more	important	reason.	In	fact,	
depending	on	your	industry,	backup	and	disaster	recovery	might	be	the	law.	You	
should	take	time	to	understand	any	regulatory	requirements	placed	on	your	
business.	Chances	are	they	require	some	kind	of	backup	or	disaster	recovery.	
And Because, Natural Disasters Really do Happen 	
For	some	executives,	the	statistical	improbability	of	a	catastrophic	event	makes	
backup	and	disaster	recovery	a	difficult	sell.	But	improbable	or	not,	natural	disasters	
do	happen	and	they	can	destroy	your	business	if	you	let	them.	If	by	this	point,	
you’re	not	considering	a	backup	and	disaster	recovery	solution,	then	you’re	most	
likely	doomed	to	hemorrhage	money	from	every	disaster.		
As	you	develop	and	implement	a	backup	and	disaster	recovery	solution,	you’ll	find	that	when	there	is	a	
disaster,	whether	it’s	a	problem	with	your	email	or	a	downed	power	line,	you’ll	recover	much	more	
efficiently.	When	you’re	disaster-free,	you’ll	spend	less	time	managing	your	data	and	applications	and	more	
time	focusing	on	your	business.	So	why	should	you	invest	in	a	backup	&	disaster	recovery	plan?	Well	
How Can We Help?
Let’s accelerate your business with technology and creativity!	
Backups	automate	and	insulate	your	business	
from	a	myriad	of	common	and	rare	risks.		A	well-
implemented	backup	strategy	requires	little	time	
to	maintain.	
Pund-IT	espouses	three	copies	of	all	
valuable	data,	throw	of	which	are	local	(and	
independent),	and	one	of	which	is	intrinsically	
elsewhere.		In	practice,	the	three	copies	are	
generally	the	primary	storage	(the	server	that	
holds	the	live	data),	a	local	system	image	backup	
(stored	on	a	separate	system	from	the	live	data),	
and	a	remote	backup	tool	that	makes	ongoing	
copies	of	the	live	data	to	a	remote	data	center.	By	
default,	Pund-IT	recommends	retaining	annual	
backups	for	seven	years.	
The	importance	of	adopting	backup	as	a	
central	tenant	of	the	business	culture	cannot	be	
overstated.	Pund-IT	considers	any	backup	failure	
an	emergency;	we	recommend	that	all	clients	
consider	backup	failures	as	such.
Pund-IT	calls	every	discrete	collection	of	
data	(be	it	a	server,	or	a	special	distinct	service	on	
a	server)	a	"resource".		The	goal	of	the	backup	
strategy	is	to	identify	the	resources,	rate	the	
impact	of	that	resource	being	unexpectedly	
unavailable,	identify	what	risks	apply	to	each	
resource,	and	then	ensure	that	each	resource	has	
appropriate	backup/	restorability	protections.	
Let	us	help	evaluate	your	backup	&	
disaster	recovery	plan.	Talk	to	us.	
519.342.4004	x122		
In	designing	a	strategy	for	you,	we	are	
primarily	concerned	with	the	following	risks:	
ü Device	failure:	disks,	servers,	power	
supplies,	etc,	fail	without	warning.	
ü User	error:	often	considered	the	most	
common	source	of	data	loss.	The	human	
element	accidentally	deletes	data,	
overwrites	data,	sets	off	viruses,	loses	or	
destroys	gear.			
ü Environmental	events:	Fire,	flood,	roof	
failure,	lightning,	and	so	forth.		Rare,	but	
generally	extensive	and	profound	in	
terms	of	impact	.	
ü Legal:	No	matter	how	ethical	a	job	is	
done,	disputes	are	always	a	
risk.		Recording	details,	documenting	
points	in	time,	and	storing	in	a	tampering	
resistant	system	can	provide	the	material	
needed	to	defend	the	company's	
ü Business	Risks:	3rd	party	(SaaS)	providers	
may	not	provide	the	service	expected	or	
cease	operations.		Control	these	risks	
with	in-house	resources	and	provide	
diversity	for	critical	resources.
Pund-IT,	Inc.	is	a	business	technology	service	and	consulting	firm.	We	help	customers	across	North	America	
use	technology	to	get	ahead,	work	smarter-faster-cheaper,	manage	growth	and	achieve	business	goals.	We	
do	this	by	using	technology	in	creative	ways	and	providing	proactive	management	of	systems.	Our	services	
include	Creative	Consulting,	Data	Care,	Professional	and	Managed	Services.	
Pund-IT	leverages	the	experience	of	its	two	
principals	–	Kevin	Puloski	and	Cedric	Puddy	–	to	
deliver	IT	strategy	and	support	to	firms	across	
North	America.	Combined,	Kevin	and	Cedric	have	
over	eight	(8)	years	of	experience	delivering	
Managed	Services	and	over	25	years	of	IT	
experience	at	the	Manager,	Director	and	CIO	
levels.	(Please	see	Appendices	for	Bios.	
References	available	upon	request.)	Both	men	are	
“hands-on”	managers,	equally	comfortable	in	the	
boardroom	or	the	server	room.	
Founding Principles
• We	work	with	our	customer	to	identify	
strategic	goals,	objectives	and	business	
processes	in	order	to	define	the	right	business	
technology	products	or	systems	to	meet	each	
customer’s	unique	business	needs.	
• We	leverage	business	technology	to	create	
flexible,	sustainable	technology	solutions,	
effective	business	systems	and	processes	
• Customers	are	a	true	part	of	Pund-IT’s	
continual	improvement	process	though	voting	
rights	in	our	General	Purpose	meeting	
About US
We	love	to	use	technology	creatively.		Strategizing	and	
consulting	on	what	technologies	can	convert	your	
business	goals	and	needs	into	action	is	our	passion.
Our Team & Subcontractors
Pund-IT’s	team	of	tech	“gurus”	has	extensive	
experience	in	technology	systems,	applications	
and	infrastructure.	We	prefer	to	use	internal	
employees	for	all	services	in	order	to	retain	
knowledge	and	continuity	with	our	customers.	
We	do	engage	with	coop	students	from	local	
organizations	such	as	Trios,	and	Conestoga,	
providing	internships.	And	Pund-IT	uses	
subcontractor	as	needed	for	specialized	items,	
trades	and	services	(e.g.,	office	cabling	expert).		
Benefits for Our Customers
Working	with	Pund-IT	can	help	firms:	
• drive	down	costs	
• enable	productivity	
• track,	maintain	and	support	your	assets	
• increase	communications	speed	
• stabilize	and	regularize	technology	spending	
• create	infrastructure	to	sustain	growth	
• adapt	to	changing	business	and	technology	
Let’s Connect
60	Ottawa	Street	South	in	Kitchener,	ON.	
Our Mission
To	help	our	clients	and	our	people	
excel	while	creating,	building,	
managing	and	supporting	business	
technology	infrastructure	and	
• Pund-IT	looks	for	sustainable	products	and	
systems,	practicing	what	we	preach	(with	
Virtual	Server	Farm,	VoIP,	Virtual	Office,	
Green	Systems)	in	our	own	operations	
• We	practice	ITIL	processes	for	in-systems	
design	and	installation,	both	for	ourselves	and	
for	our	customers	
Pund-IT’s	Service	Team	to	assist	you	in	achieving	
their	business	objectives.	We	offer	unique	
qualifications	that	make	Pund-IT	a	positive	
strategic	partner	in	providing	services	due	to	our:	
• wide	experience	providing	professional	
technology	services	and	supporting	end	users;	
• extensive	knowledge	of	technology	systems	
and	software;		
• deep	understanding	of	IT	business	strategy	
and	integration;	
• focus	on	long-term	business	partnerships;	
• pool	of	skilled	and	motivated	professionals;	
• proven	processes	and	practices;	and	
• commitment	to	client	satisfaction
Pund-IT Inc.
60 Ottawa Street, South,
Kitchener, ON, N2G 3S7.
T: 519.342.4004.x3
Pund-IT	would	like	to	thank	you	for	the	
opportunity	to	provide	you	with	information	on	
backups	&	disaster	recovery.		
We	appreciate	your	time	and	look	forward	
to	working	with	you	in	the	future.	
Pund-IT	Techies

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Disaster Recovery

  • 1. Backups & Disaster Recovery Plan Pund-IT Inc. 60 Ottawa Street, South, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3S7. T: 519.342.4004.101 Hope for the best. Plan for the worst (with the best).
  • 2. It’s Simple Data Backup + Disaster Recovery = Business Continuity! Let’s get this out right here at the beginning: at some point down the road, your data is going to be in danger. The most common contributing factor in data loss incidents is low executive support for a fully implemented backup strategy. Pund-IT considers any backup failure an emergency; we recommend that all clients consider backup failures as such. Making a backup and disaster recovery plan calls on you to take a long, hard look at your business, at your processes, your software, and so on. And let’s face it, taking the time to evaluate your business so you know how everything’s working together, what’s most important, and what’s pulling you back is always a good thing. If you want to backup your data and services and then be able to recover them quickly if there’s a disaster, you need to know where that data is, what those services are, and you need to be able to prioritize them. Which data and services absolutely must be online first? How long can you really go without critical and noncritical data and services? How much does downtime really cost you? Finding the answers to these and other related questions is at the heart of solid backup and disaster recovery. Doing so allows you to figure out how to protect all your data and services, the most efficient order in which to restore them. We all know that over the course of time, our lives and businesses get cluttered and inefficient. In a business setting, maybe you have a number of different servers you’ve acquired over the years for different reasons. None of them are being used as efficiently as they could be. Your data and applications have grown up in silos, isolated from each other both in physical location and in functional usefulness. In short, things can get to be a mess as you push forward, just trying to run your business. But by taking the time to evaluate these things from the perspective of backup and disaster recovery, you can trim the fat, so to speak. BackIT Up Let’s #TechAboutIT to ensure your business is protected. 519.342.4004 x112
  • 3. It Makes You More Efficient Streamlining your business opens the door for all kinds of disaster recovery goodness. Having a plan in place that takes advantage of current technologies puts you in a position to save time not only during a disaster, but in the maintenance of your data and applications as well. So not only can you reduce the time techs are spending on backup and disaster recovery, but you can protect more of your data and applications. It Saves You Money There’s no doubt that efficient companies save money. If you know what all your IT is doing and you’ve organized things so that you’re making the best use of what you have, you’re not going to waste money on worthless cycles. As IT becomes more and more the framework on which successful businesses are built, that efficiency becomes increasingly important. It Makes You Money How do you make money? You sell a product. You provide a service. But all of that relies on one crucial thing: your business actually being operational. It seems obvious, but sometimes the truth gets lost in the scuffle. Every time you’re hit by a disaster, whether large or small, catastrophic or simply annoying, your ability to operate is compromised & resources are drained. It Keeps You Out of Jail Money and time. These are the most obvious reasons to update your backup and disaster recovery solution. But there is another even more important reason. In fact, depending on your industry, backup and disaster recovery might be the law. You should take time to understand any regulatory requirements placed on your business. Chances are they require some kind of backup or disaster recovery. And Because, Natural Disasters Really do Happen For some executives, the statistical improbability of a catastrophic event makes backup and disaster recovery a difficult sell. But improbable or not, natural disasters do happen and they can destroy your business if you let them. If by this point, you’re not considering a backup and disaster recovery solution, then you’re most likely doomed to hemorrhage money from every disaster. As you develop and implement a backup and disaster recovery solution, you’ll find that when there is a disaster, whether it’s a problem with your email or a downed power line, you’ll recover much more efficiently. When you’re disaster-free, you’ll spend less time managing your data and applications and more time focusing on your business. So why should you invest in a backup & disaster recovery plan? Well because…
  • 4. How Can We Help? Let’s accelerate your business with technology and creativity! Backups automate and insulate your business from a myriad of common and rare risks. A well- implemented backup strategy requires little time to maintain. Pund-IT espouses three copies of all valuable data, throw of which are local (and independent), and one of which is intrinsically elsewhere. In practice, the three copies are generally the primary storage (the server that holds the live data), a local system image backup (stored on a separate system from the live data), and a remote backup tool that makes ongoing copies of the live data to a remote data center. By default, Pund-IT recommends retaining annual backups for seven years. The importance of adopting backup as a central tenant of the business culture cannot be overstated. Pund-IT considers any backup failure an emergency; we recommend that all clients consider backup failures as such. Pund-IT calls every discrete collection of data (be it a server, or a special distinct service on a server) a "resource". The goal of the backup strategy is to identify the resources, rate the impact of that resource being unexpectedly unavailable, identify what risks apply to each resource, and then ensure that each resource has appropriate backup/ restorability protections. Let us help evaluate your backup & disaster recovery plan. Talk to us. 519.342.4004 x122 In designing a strategy for you, we are primarily concerned with the following risks: ü Device failure: disks, servers, power supplies, etc, fail without warning. ü User error: often considered the most common source of data loss. The human element accidentally deletes data, overwrites data, sets off viruses, loses or destroys gear. ü Environmental events: Fire, flood, roof failure, lightning, and so forth. Rare, but generally extensive and profound in terms of impact . ü Legal: No matter how ethical a job is done, disputes are always a risk. Recording details, documenting points in time, and storing in a tampering resistant system can provide the material needed to defend the company's interests. ü Business Risks: 3rd party (SaaS) providers may not provide the service expected or cease operations. Control these risks with in-house resources and provide diversity for critical resources.
  • 5. Pund-IT, Inc. is a business technology service and consulting firm. We help customers across North America use technology to get ahead, work smarter-faster-cheaper, manage growth and achieve business goals. We do this by using technology in creative ways and providing proactive management of systems. Our services include Creative Consulting, Data Care, Professional and Managed Services. 1 Principals Pund-IT leverages the experience of its two principals – Kevin Puloski and Cedric Puddy – to deliver IT strategy and support to firms across North America. Combined, Kevin and Cedric have over eight (8) years of experience delivering Managed Services and over 25 years of IT experience at the Manager, Director and CIO levels. (Please see Appendices for Bios. References available upon request.) Both men are “hands-on” managers, equally comfortable in the boardroom or the server room. 2 Founding Principles • We work with our customer to identify strategic goals, objectives and business processes in order to define the right business technology products or systems to meet each customer’s unique business needs. • We leverage business technology to create flexible, sustainable technology solutions, effective business systems and processes • Customers are a true part of Pund-IT’s continual improvement process though voting rights in our General Purpose meeting About US We love to use technology creatively. Strategizing and consulting on what technologies can convert your business goals and needs into action is our passion.
  • 6. Our Team & Subcontractors Pund-IT’s team of tech “gurus” has extensive experience in technology systems, applications and infrastructure. We prefer to use internal employees for all services in order to retain knowledge and continuity with our customers. We do engage with coop students from local organizations such as Trios, and Conestoga, providing internships. And Pund-IT uses subcontractor as needed for specialized items, trades and services (e.g., office cabling expert). Benefits for Our Customers Working with Pund-IT can help firms: • drive down costs • enable productivity • track, maintain and support your assets • increase communications speed • stabilize and regularize technology spending • create infrastructure to sustain growth • adapt to changing business and technology needs Let’s Connect 60 Ottawa Street South in Kitchener, ON. 519.342.4004 @punditca. Our Mission To help our clients and our people excel while creating, building, managing and supporting business technology infrastructure and applications • Pund-IT looks for sustainable products and systems, practicing what we preach (with Virtual Server Farm, VoIP, Virtual Office, Green Systems) in our own operations • We practice ITIL processes for in-systems design and installation, both for ourselves and for our customers Pund-IT’s Service Team to assist you in achieving their business objectives. We offer unique qualifications that make Pund-IT a positive strategic partner in providing services due to our: • wide experience providing professional technology services and supporting end users; • extensive knowledge of technology systems and software; • deep understanding of IT business strategy and integration; • focus on long-term business partnerships; • pool of skilled and motivated professionals; • proven processes and practices; and • commitment to client satisfaction
  • 7. Pund-IT Inc. 60 Ottawa Street, South, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3S7. T: 519.342.4004.x3 Thank-you! Pund-IT would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide you with information on backups & disaster recovery. We appreciate your time and look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Pund-IT Techies