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Before you begin this, or any other weight management or
exercise plan, consult your physician. Discuss all aspects of the
program with them and make sure it meets all of the nutritional
needs. Also, see that they clear you as physically able to perform
the exercises.
Be aware, I am not a doctor, dietician, certified trainer, or even
educated in these areas. By the way, I’m not a writer either, but
you will figure that out soon enough. What I am is an average
middle-aged man who was sick and tired of being fat and lazy.
That’s right fat! I say that while also saying I don’t attach that
title to anyone but myself. I am not here to judge you or tell you
how bad you are doing. This story of weight management is just
that, me telling you how I am doing it. If you gain some
knowledge that helps you be healthier or happier, then I will be
the one who is blessed.
As you read this, I hope you look upon yourself and see why you
are here. Enjoy and I hope you’re feeling good.
Table of Contents
A Little About Me
Diet – It’s a Four Letter Word
◦ Common Myths
◦ Pop Quiz
Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I Started
A Week of Meals
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
Closing Arguments
Update 1.5 June 16, 2014
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
A Little About Me
Hey there! I am so glad you are willing to look at my little story. I thought I would
spend a couple of sentences letting you know some information about me.
I am forty blah, blah years old. I have an amazing family, and live with my spectacular
bride Cheri and stepson Ian. My son Adam and his wife, Chimbie, live just down the road.
We have been blessed with a great little granddaughter. Her name is Emmaleigh, and she
calls me G-Pa. At the time of this writing, Adam and Chimbie are expecting our second
grand child. Very exciting news!
Here is the rub. I hate diets. I hate exercise. I hate being fat and lazy. There lies the
problem. Those 3 can’t coexist. I have tried many diets in the past. All of them had one
thing in common. I could not sustain them. I have also attempted several exercise
programs. Again, just not sustainable for me.
Generally speaking, I think new years resolutions are a prescription for failure.
However, this year, I decided to give it a go. My resolution was 2 simple words, Get Healthy!
I spent the next 3 weeks looking for as much information as possible for ways I could
do just that. My goal was to find something I liked, something I would actually do, and
something I could keep doing. Nothing overly extreme, nothing overly weird, and nothing
harmful. It worked! I found the combination that worked for me.
On January 20, 2014 my journey began. I weighed in at 245 lbs (I am 5’-11” tall.)
Wearing my too tight 38 waist pants and snug XL shirt, I implemented my “Get Healthy”
DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word
In the past, I have tried the low carb diet, and I lost a bunch of
weight. I thought it would be great because I love red meat,
bacon, and eggs. However, I gained all the weight back. My
problem was I couldn’t keep it up. As it turns out, I love bread,
pasta, fruit, and potatoes just as much. I came to one conclusion;
I love food, all kinds of food. Any plan that was going to work for
me would have to include some of pretty much every type of food.
Webster defines diet like this: a regimen of eating and drinking
sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight. That didn’t work for me
either. I want to eat until I’m full. Losing weight was only part of
what I wanted. Once the weight is off, I want to keep it off. I
needed a lifestyle change.
Doing my research, I find something pretty interesting. Most all
research states cutting 500 calories a day equates to losing 1
pound per week. Pretty cool right! The more I looked into lowering
calories, the more I realized this was the plan for me.
Common Myths
Myth #1: Low calorie means starving
yourself. Wrong! I haven’t been hungry a
single time since I started this program.
Myth #2: I will have to live on rice cakes and
lettuce. Wrong! I still have bacon, red meat,
pasta, hamburgers, and even chocolate.
Myth #3: I can’t eat out any more if I am on
a low calorie diet. Wrong! Most restaurants
have lower calorie options, even fast food
DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word
In reality, lower calorie program is all about
choices. Plain and simple! My first choice was
breakfast. I had a bad habit of stopping at a
fast food restaurant daily and picking up 3 of
their breakfast style burritos. As it turns out,
that equaled 900 calories. I thought I could
easily do better than that. So I started
making my own version at home. 4 eggs, 2
slices of cheese, and a tortilla wrap. Better
right? A little bit, at 610 calories, it did offer a
reduction in my caloric intake. Still seemed
high to me, and I thought I could do better.
DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word
Stop guessing. I needed help keeping track of what I was
doing. It was just too difficult to see the bigger picture for
the day. I found a great app for my phone; myfitnesspal.
Plug in your current weight, your goals, how much you want
to lose per week, and it does the rest. It will tell you how
many calories per day you should have based on your
goals. My goal was to lose 2 lbs per week. I was given a
daily calorie target of 1700 calories. You have to log
everything you eat and drink. I know that sounds difficult,
and sometimes it can be. However, it comes with a bar code
scanner, and millions of items in its database. You can even
save meals you really like to enter them with a simple
touch. Even better, it tracks nutritional values as well. I
learned very quickly, I needed to cut back on sodium. It
was out of control. You can find many versions of calorie
counters out there. Honestly, I don’t care which one you
use as long as you use one. Don’t do this alone.
DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word
Portion size is paramount. Calories are all based on serving size.
Don’t cheat, as your honesty will help you with weight
management. Look at the palm of your hand. That is about 4 oz of
meat. It is also about the size of a deck of cards. Most of your
meat servings are 4 oz. Veggies and such are usually done in ½
cup servings, which is about a handful.
Labels are your friends, and you must read every single one.
Nutrition values vary wildly on the same types of food. You also
need to be careful with how many servings are in a container. Take
for example the microwavable soup containers. Looks like a good
little meal with low calories. Look closer. Most of those little
containers are 2 or 2-1/2 servings. That means when you eat the
whole container, you have to multiply calories by 2 or 2.5. The
same goes for all other nutrition values as well. Sodium goes
through the roof when you do that. My choice for soup is
Campbell’s Soup on the Go. They are only 1 serving per container,
and they offer a couple of lower sodium options for me. It’s a
great side dish for lunch.
Pop Quiz
Let’s take a quick test to see how you
are thinking and the choices you are
making. I will give you 2 choices of meals,
and you pick the one that will help you
manage your weight.
Pop Quiz - Breakfast
Choice 1 – Omelet with bacon, peppers,
mushrooms, and cheddar cheese from a
breakfast related national chain
restaurant. 1 piece of toast included.
Choice 2 – Same thing made at home.
Pop Quiz - Breakfast
Shouldn’t matter should it? They are the
same thing, right? Wrong! The restaurant
meal has 995 calories, but the omelet
made at home only has 264 calories.
Check out the recipe in the recipes section
to see how it’s done.
You just saved 731 calories!
Pop Quiz - Lunch
Choice 1 – Grilled chicken southwest wrap
from a fast food restaurant.
Choice 2 – ¼ pound hamburger with
mustard, ketchup, lettuce, onion, pickles,
Pop Quiz - Lunch
Here’s the skinny. The wrap is going to
cost you 510 calories (not horrible.) The
hamburger has 310 calories. It needs to
be made with 93% lean ground beef.
Everything else on it is fresh or right out
of the bottle.
200 more calories saved!
Pop Quiz - Dinner
Choice 1 – Roma Pepper Steak with new
potatoes, and a portabella mushroom
stuffed with an artichoke filling.
Choice 2 – A blackened chicken with
crumbled blue cheese dinner size salad
with Light Ranch dressing.
Pop Quiz - Dinner
Did you pick the salad? I’m sorry; you
missed out on a great steak dinner. The
salad is from a chicken oriented restaurant
and is 570 calories. If you eat the toast
that comes with it, you’ll rack up 720
calories. The steak dinner is from
Applebee’s new under 550 menu and only
has 510 calories for the meal.
Pop Quiz – The Results
If you chose wisely, you saved at least
991 calories, and maybe as much as 1141.
As you can see, you still can eat great and
lose weight. I love food and am unwillingly
to starve or do without good food.
DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word
Don’t look at this as a diet. Look at this
as a lifestyle change, and a different
outlook on food. Eating plenty of good and
healthy food is changing my life for the
better. I hope it does for you too.
Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I
Coconut Milk. Holy crap this is great stuff to substitute for milk. 1
cup of fat free skim milk = 86 calories. 1 cup of coconut milk =
45 calories. But wait, there’s more. Coconut milk is loaded with
Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s.) This is a healthy fat that
makes your thyroid produce a fat burning hormone. It boost you
metabolism by 56% for up to 5 hours. Even cooler, it reduces
blood sugar surges by 58%. It even helps you stay fuller longer. I
use it exclusively on my cereal now.
Ronzoni makes great dry pastas with only 150 calories. This is
25% less than regular brands. Difference in taste, zero.
Rice is nice, but you should use a whole grain blend such as
Lundberg Wild Blend. White rice has 206 calories per serving.
Most whole grain blends only have 160.
Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I
Coffee creamer seems to be harmless. However, 1
teaspoon can have as much as 20 calories. Be careful with
the amount you use, or drink your coffee black.
You can quickly steam any type of vegetable in the
microwave. Place veggies in microwave safe bowl, cover
with a microwave safe plate, and cook for 3 minutes.
I love sweet tea! Who doesn’t, right? Most fast food sweet
teas have 150 calories per small cup (16 0z). That means
the large they sell so cheaply has 220 calories! What to do,
what to do??? Try this 1-gallon water, 3 family size tea
bags, and 1-cup sugar. Prepare as directed on tea package.
16 oz of the homemade stuff is only 96 calories, and
Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I
Probiotics are really cool. Our gut is full of “bad” bacteria, and Probiotics
replace those with “good” bacteria. It helps increase metabolism, and turns
your gut into a fat burning machine. They give you healthy flora and fauna in
your digestive system. This aids in proper absorption of nutrients as well. Your
immune system is also dependent on a healthy intestinal tract. Probiotics are
in numerous foods such as yogurt, pickles, cottage cheese, Kefir (in the dairy
section), and many more. You can also take a supplement as I do. I use
Ultimate Flora RTS, which contains 15 billion CFU’s.
Mrs. Dash is a great salt substitute. It taste great, adds wonderful seasoning,
and comes in a multitude of flavors.
Stock up! You will need lots of salad greens (a staple side dish for me.) Load
up on mushrooms and tri-color sweet peppers. These are great to add to just
about anything. Keep some baby spinach and kale around for sautéing. Again,
coconut milk, it has a very long shelf life. Bunches of fresh fruits and berries
are a must.
A Week of Meals
Before I show you a week of great meals, let me give you
some standards I will be using multiple times.
My Eggs = 1 large whole egg & 3 large egg whites
Side Salad = 1 cup of 50/50 Organic Salad Mix, 1 mini
sweet pepper chopped, and chopped mushrooms.
Frank’s Red Hot = great taste. I love Frank’s so I tend to
use it a lot. I have also read that cayenne pepper sauce
can boost metabolism.
Bread = Healthy Life Original Dieters Dream. I truly can’t
tell the difference, and it has ½ the calories and low carb
as well.
Lunch at work = don’t eat out of your brown bag. Put
everything on plates and enjoy your meal. I promise you’ll
feel better about it.
A Week of Meals
Monday – 1644 calories
Breakfast: = 320 calories
◦ 2 packets Raisin, Dates, Walnut Instant Oatmeal
◦ 1 Mandarin Orange
Morning Snack = 120 calories
◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Black Cherry
Lunch = 394 calories
◦ Black forest Ham Sandwich with Deli Mustard
◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing
◦ Campbell’s Soup on the Go Classic Tomato
◦ Banana
Afternoon snack = 80 calories
◦ Medium Empire Apple
Dinner = 574 calories
◦ Fish filets cooked in cast iron skillet.
◦ Sweet Potato
◦ Collard Greens
◦ Side Salad with Ginger Dressing
◦ Baguette Roll
◦ Dessert – Dole Banana Dippers (frozen bananas covered in dark chocolate)
Evening Snack = 156 calories
◦ Fiber One Cereal
◦ Blueberries
◦ Skim Milk
A Week of Meals
Tuesday – 1484 calories
Breakfast: = 209 calories
◦ Hodge Mill Oat Bran
◦ Banana (chopped into oat bran)
Morning Snack = 120 calories
◦ Storyfield Fruit on Bottom Strawberry Yogurt
Lunch = 335 calories
◦ Subway Club 6” on Italian no cheese, no mayo
◦ Apples
Afternoon Snack = 170 calories
◦ Chewy Mixed Nut Protein Bar
Dinner = 530 calories
◦ Pork Loin Country Style Ribs
◦ Green Beans
◦ Corn on Cob with butter
◦ Side Salad with Ginger Dressing
◦ Dessert – Frozen Yogurt Blueberry
Evening Snack = 120 calories
◦ Microwave Popcorn (1cup)
A Week of Meals
Wednesday – 1538 calories
Breakfast: = 320 calories
◦ 2 packets Apples and Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal
◦ 1 Mandarin Orange
Morning Snack = 120 calories
◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Black Cherry
Lunch = 319 calories
◦ Pork Loin Country Style Ribs (from last night) chopped and sautéed in
Worcestershire with peppers and mushrooms.
◦ Campbell’s Soup on the Go Chicken with Mini Noodles
◦ Small Jonathan Apple
Afternoon snack = 83 calories
◦ Fresh Pineapple
Dinner = 540 calories
◦ Zesty Lemon Seafood Scampi with pasta (see recipes)
◦ Dessert – Sweet Freedom Krunch Lite Ice Cream Bar
Evening Snack = 156 calories
◦ Fiber One Cereal
◦ Blueberries
◦ Skim Milk
A Week of Meals
Thursday – 1560 calories
Breakfast: = 141 calories
◦ Hodge Mill Oat Bran
◦ ¼ cup fresh blueberries mix into oat bran
Morning Snack = 103 calories
◦ Banana
Lunch = 410 calories
◦ Long John Silvers 8 pc Shrimp Broiled
◦ Green Beans
◦ Rice
◦ Side Salad with Light Italian
Afternoon snack = 116 calories
◦ Large Honeycrisp Apple
Dinner = 634 calories
◦ Pinto Beans 1-1/2 servings (fresh not canned)
◦ Spice ‘em up with Frank’s
◦ Turnip Greens with pepper sauce
◦ Jalapeno Cornbread Muffin
◦ Dessert – Dole Banana Dippers (frozen bananas covered in dark chocolate)
Evening Snack = 156 calories
◦ Fiber One Cereal
◦ Blueberries
◦ Skim Milk
A Week of Meals
Friday – 1606 calories
Breakfast: = 320 calories
◦ 2 packets Raisin, Dates, Walnut Instant Oatmeal
◦ 1 Mandarin Orange
Morning Snack = 120 calories
◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Café Latte
Lunch = 396 calories
◦ Pinto Beans 1 Serving (leftover from last night)
◦ Chopped peppers in beans
◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing
◦ Banana
Afternoon snack = 160 calories
◦ Salty & Sweet Nut Almond Bar
Dinner = 510 calories
◦ Applebee’s Roma Pepper Steak Meal
◦ Evening Snack = 100 calories
◦ Sweet Freedom Krunch Lite Ice Cream Bar
A Week of Meals
Saturday – 1615 calories
Breakfast: = 328 calories
◦ Bacon & More Omelet (see recipe)
◦ 2 slices toast
Morning Snack = 145 calories
◦ Bagel thin with apple butter
Lunch = 175 calories
◦ Subway Club Chopped Salad
◦ Fat Free Ranch Dressing
Dinner = 967 calories – My night to splurge
◦ 2 - Triple Threat Hamburgers (see recipe)
◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing
◦ Baked Fries
◦ Dessert – Edy’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (single
serving container)
A Week of Meals
Sunday – 1462 calories
Breakfast: = 302 calories
◦ My Eggs – Scrambled with Frank’s
◦ Bacon
◦ 2 slices toast
◦ 1 Mandarin Orange
Morning Snack = 120 calories
◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Blueberry
Lunch = 345 calories
◦ Asian Shrimp Salad (see recipe)
Afternoon snack = 160 calories
◦ Salty & Sweet Nut Almond Bar
Dinner = 495 calories
◦ 2 - Grilled Chicken Breast with Tuscan Seasoning
◦ Baked Potato with Sour Cream & Butter
◦ Green Beans
◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing
◦ Dessert – Yoplait Frozen Greek Yogurt with Blueberry
Evening Snack = 200 calories
◦ Chips & Salsa
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
Okay, pay real close attention right here. I am going to
tell you the absolute best exercise program for you. This is
the program you have been waiting for. Are you ready? The
best program in the world is….the one you will stick with. It
isn’t too difficult to see is it? If you don’t like the routine,
you won’t keep doing it. There are thousands of routines
out there. Find 1, find 2, or keep changing. It only matters
that you keep doing it.
Here was my problem. I have a 1-1/4 hour commute
home from work on good days. Quite honestly, I don’t have
it in me to dedicate another hour of my life to a workout
routine. I tried morning workouts, but since I have the
same commute I had to wake up way to early. Plus, I really
didn’t feel well after a morning workout. I can’t explain
exactly why. It just made me feel odd.
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
Fortunately for me, people much smarter than myself figured
out a solution to my problem. The 7-Minute Workout. At first, I
thought it was a joke. However, according to an article in the
American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal
this workout is all you need. Scientist from McMaster University
and other institutions found that several minutes of highly intense
effort created a molecular change in the muscles. This change was
very similar to several hours of running or bike riding.
I have 7 minutes. What a great workout and I found out quickly
it would be 7 of the hardest minutes anywhere.
The workout consists of 12 exercises. These are performed at
maximum effort for 30 seconds. Then you only get 10 seconds of
rest in between exercises. You will be spent at the end.
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
Here are the exercises:
Jumping Jacks
Wall Sit
Push Ups
Abdominal Crunches
Step-up Onto Chair
Tricep Dip on Chair
High Knees Running in Place
Push-up with Rotation
Side Plank
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
I highly, repeat highly, recommend you
download one of the many apps to help
guide you. Each is a little different so find
the one you like best. DO THIS WORKOUT
5 DAYS A WEEK! No joking here. You have
7 minutes a day. Use them wisely. You will
see results. When I started, I struggled to
do 20 push-ups. Now I knock out 40 like it
was nobodies business.
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
Wanna kick it up a notch? Try this variation.
Power Jacks
Wall Sit lower and lower
One leg Push Ups
Bicycle Crunches
Step-up with added dumbbell weight
Jump Squats
One leg Tricep Dips
Plank (hard to change this one)
High Knee Rapid Hops
Lunge with dumbbell weight
One Arm Push-Ups
Side V-Ups
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
The better I feel, the more I want to workout.
So I have added some heavier workouts on the
weekends. I again turned to the app store. I
found tons of apps, and I have downloaded a
large portion of them. After some trial and error, I
found one I really like right now.
It is called Stronglifts 5x5. Each workout
consists of 3 exercises. You perform 5 sets of 5
reps each. The goal is to use as heavy weight as
you can manage. You only have 2 versions of the
workout. 1. Squat, Bench Press, & Barbell Row. 2.
Squat, Overhead Press, & Dead lift. That’s it.
Exercise, no pain blah blah blah
The point of all this is to get off the
couch and get moving. I promise only 1
thing. You will feel better. My energy level
is through the roof. I haven’t felt this good
in a very long time. Find the exercise you
like, and DO IT. Exercise is a big part of
my plan. Without it, you can lose weight.
With it, you will lose even more.
Closing Arguments
At the time of this writing, 2 months in, I have lost 30
lbs. I am currently at 215 lbs. I don’t know if this is
typical. Please don’t be discouraged if your loss is
slower. As long as you are moving in the right
direction, it will all be good.
If you are feeling hungry, look at each item in your
day. Read those labels and find the ones that will
allow you to increase amount of food. It can be done.
As a matter of fact, when I finish writing this, I have
to go eat more. It seems that my planning was so
good that I have only had 1100 calories today. That is
too low by the way.
Closing Arguments
Weigh in day is important. Do not weigh everyday.
Your weight will fluctuate daily. Weigh on the same
day and time every week. Also weigh under the same
circumstances. For example, I weigh every Saturday
morning when I wake up. Always before I have
anything to eat or drink.
If you follow my plan, you will find that eating healthy
actually means eating better food.
7 minutes is really not long at all. If you are feeling
bad, it still isn’t very long. Get moving! You don’t
have to do what I am doing, but you need to do
Closing Arguments
I can’t thank my wonderful bride enough. She is
an amazing cook that has put together some
phenomenal meals. She is also a great
encouragement to me. I love you Cheri. Without
you, I couldn’t do this.
Lastly, but most of all, I want to thank God. He
has given me such a great opportunity, and
provided more than ample willpower to turn my
life around. Without Him, I would have nothing.
Check out my blog
Update 1.5 June 16,2014
It seems as though so much has happened since I wrote
this originally. To date I have lost 50 lbs. My current weight
is 195 lbs. I feel amazing, and believe I am in the best
shape I have EVER been in.
Eating wise, not much has changed. My wife and I
continue to discover that eating healthy has added greatly
to our meals. The food is more flavorful than before. My
wife even thinks she has become a better cook because of
it. She has been great. I look so forward to the great meal
plans she provides. I continue to use myfitnesspal daily, as
it is a great way to hold me accountable. I also throw in a
splurge meal on occasion. However, I am very particular
about what I am willing to do on this. I assure you, it is
going to be something great.
Update 1.5 June 16,2014
Exercise is where the biggest changes have
occurred. My wife thinks I am addicted to
endorphins. I keep seeking more ways to
exercise and get fit. Don’t get me wrong, the
7 Minute Workout was great, and a
tremendous amount of my weight was lost on
that program. I found the more I did, the
more I wanted to do. I love the rush I get
from exercising now. Usually, I am wound
pretty tight for about 1 hour after I have
completed. My energy level is through the
Update 1.5 June 16,2014
I have discovered a new workout DVD. It is
Weider Ruthless. I love it. It is 20 minutes a
day (the hardest 20 minutes you will ever
do.) It consists of 20 different videos. You
literally could go 20 days without doing the
same workout. I have a pretty quick boredom
index, and this works perfectly for me. All
workouts are total body, and you can mix and
match as you like. I personally printed out the
60 day workout plan. For me, I want someone
to tell me what to do each day. I can’t say
enough good things about this one.
Update 1.5 June 16,2014
I have also discovered Fitathlon
Challenge. This is a 5K or 10K Obstacle
Race. I have started my training for this
one, and look forward to the challenge. My
desire is not to just be in it, but to
compete and complete it entirely. It is a
great opportunity to push even further. I
challenge you to find something similar
and start your training as well
Update 2.0 August 27,2014
My weight loss has evened out a little (by design.)
However, overall I have lost 55 lbs. Beginning weight,
245 and current weight 190. I am pleased with that,
and now work more on how it is carried. In other
words, time to get “ripped”! Okay, maybe not so much
that, but just to be a little more defined would be
I can’t believe how well I have been able to eat
through this whole process. My wife claims this has
made here a better cook. Even if I splurge and get
something less than healthy, I end up feeling bad. Not
emotionally, but physically just makes me feel heavy.
Think I will just stick to the good stuff.
Update 2.0 August 27,2014
To date I have ran two 5K races. I truly
can’t believe this was possible. My shins
haven’t hurt a single time, and running is
now a big part of my workout. I still
haven’t beat the 30 minute mark, but I
will get there. I have been truly blessed
with this new avenue, and really enjoy it.
Update 2.0 August 27,2014
Speaking of exercise. I have cranked it up a great
big notch. In my last update, I told you about my
training for the Fitathlon Challenge. That still
continues. 1 or 2 days a week I go to Train Insane
Bootcamp. It is 1 hour of heart pounding, muscle
building, fat burning exercise. I love it!
But wait there is more. I have started building up
my home gym as well. So far, I have spent less than
$20 doing this. I refuse to have any excuses, and the
internet provides a vast amount of ideas to build up a
home gym. It is a little non traditional, but the
workouts push you to the limit. Check out the picks!
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
This is a 5’ Wall with an Australian Pull Up Station
• Hit the wall running and scale it as fast as possible.
• In an incline position do pull ups. Easy as that.
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
This is a 8’ Wall
• Hit the wall running and scale it as fast as possible.
• I personally don’t use the rope, but it is there if you need it.
• It is 2 pallets underneath the OSB covering.
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
My really fun stuff!
• A giant 17.5-25 tire for flipping.
• A sledgehammer for ripping on
your shoulders and sides.
• An 11R24.5 tire for some
ground work.
• A 235/75R15 for arm work.
• MDF board to place over big tire
as a form of box jumps.
• All of the tires were picked up
for free at a local tire store. I
already had the sledge and
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
Here is a sample home workout. Each exercise is as many
reps as possible in 30 seconds, 10 seconds rest in between,
and on to the next. 4 rounds total.
• Tire Flips
• Sledgehammer (Right & Left)
• 5’ Wall Scale
• Australian Pull Ups
• Box Jumps
• Tire Cross Over Push Ups
• Bicycle Crunch / V Up combo move
• Tire Crunches
• In / Out Bicep Curls (Right & Left)
• Tire Swings
• Then untimed – 100m sprint, 8’ wall scale, 100m sprint
Update 2.0 August 27, 2014
I really enjoy the way I feel now. I can do more things, and
spend more time off the couch. This is a wonderful world, and
we need to be out enjoying it. I continue to look for interesting
5K’s to run, and beautiful places to go train.
I hope you get out and do the same.
Good Luck and Good Health!
Bacon N More Omelet = 264 Calories
1 Large Whole Egg
3 Large Egg Whites
3 Strips of Pre-cooked Bacon
½ Cup Mushrooms Chopped
½ Cup Sweet Peppers Chopped
1/8 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Crack egg into mixing bowl, and separate egg whites into same bowl. Beat
until well mixed. Coat a medium skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place
on medium heat.
Cook bacon per package instructions.
Pour egg mix into skillet, and allow cooking almost all the way through.
Place mushrooms, peppers, and bacon in middle of eggs. Fold egg over filling,
and allow cooking for a couple more minutes. Turn omelet over and allow
finishing cooking until done.
Place omelet on plate and sprinkle cheese over top of omelet. Enjoy!
Makes: 1 Serving
Zesty Lemon Seafood Scampi = 440 calories
6 garlic cloves, pressed or grated
2 lemons, zested and juiced
5 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 Bag Frozen Seafood Medley – Shrimp & Calamari
1/4 onion
1 Box Thin Spaghetti Ronzoni 150 Calorie
1 tablespoons butter
1 small bunch parsley leaves chopped
In a bowl, combine the garlic, zest and juice of 1 lemon, olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper, to
taste, and the shrimp. Set aside to marinate.
Meanwhile make a quick shrimp stock: In a small pot, over medium heat, add ¼ cup of seafood medley and
onion. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain into a bowl
and set medley aside.
Cook pasta per instructions on box except, 2 minutes less than instructed on the package. Drain and
reserve 1/2 cup of cooking water.
Heat a skillet over high heat. Remove the shrimp from the marinade, reserve the marinade, and add the
shrimp to the skillet. Cook until they turn pink and start to caramelize, about 3 minutes. Remove the
shrimp from the pan to a plate and add the reserved marinade. Let cook a few minutes then add about 1
cup of shrimp stock, medley used to make stock, and about 1/2 cup pasta water. Continue to cook until
sauce reduces by half. Add the zest and juice of the remaining lemon, the butter and the parsley and stir to
combine. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper, to taste. Add in the shrimp and pasta and toss to combine
with the sauce. Turn out into a serving bowl and serve immediately.
Makes: 6 Servings
Killer Red Chili = 573 calories / cup
3 dried guajillo chiles
2 dried ancho chiles
2 pounds 93% lean ground beef
8 slices thick cut smoked bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
2 large Vidalia onions, or other sweet onions, chopped
2 red / yellow sweet peppers, chopped
3 Serrano peppers, finely chopped
1 medium habanera pepper, finely chopped
3 tablespoons Frank’s Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce
1 15 ounce can Light Red Kidney Beans, drained
1 15 ounce can Dark Red Kidney Beans, drained
8 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 28 ounce can diced tomatoes
1 cup water
2 teaspoons lime juice or cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt
In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo and ancho chiles over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly
toasted. Cool at least 1 minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer chiles to a large bowl; cover with boiling water. Let
stand 20 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/3 cup of the soaking liquid. In a blender or food processor puree chiles and reserved liquid;
set aside.
In a 5- to 6-quart Dutch over or cast iron pot, cook beef over medium-high heat about 8 minutes, until beginning to brown. Drain
off fat. Transfer beef to a bowl.
In the same pan cook bacon for 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned. Stir in onions, sweet peppers, habanera
peppers, Serrano peppers, and garlic. Cook for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are tender. Add pureed chiles;
cook for 3 minutes, stirring often. Add the chili powder and cumin; cook and stir for 1 minute. Add the reserved beef, undrained
tomatoes, kidney beans, Frank’s Red Hot, and 1 cup of water.
Bring chili to boiling. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, covered, about 30 minutes, until thickened. Remove from heat; stir in
lime juice and salt. Top each serving with cheddar cheese and green onions.
Makes: 10 Servings
Triple Threat Hamburgers = 318 calories
2 dried guajillo chiles
1 dried ancho chiles
2 Large Jalapeno Peppers
1-1/2 pounds 93% lean ground beef
4 tsp Frank’s Red Hot
Large sliced Vidalia onion
Dill Pickle Slices
6 Hamburger Buns
In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo, ancho chiles, and 1 of the jalapeno peppers over
medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly toasted. Cool at least 1
minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer guajillo and ancho chiles to a large
bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand 20 minutes.
Place guajillo, ancho, and toasted jalapeno peppers in a food processor. Blend until peppers
are almost in paste form. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef, pepper paste, and
4 tsp of Frank’s. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Divide into 6 equal portions and make into patties (press down in center with thumb to
maintain shape while cooking.) Cook burgers on the grill until desired doneness.
Assemble burgers with onion, lettuce, pickles, and another dash (or 2 or 3) of Frank’s.
Makes: 6 Servings
Rueben = 322 calories
2 oz Corned Beef
1 slice Swiss cheese
3 tablespoons Fresh Sauerkraut (refrigerated)
Deli Mustard
2 slices Jewish Rye Bread
Assemble sandwich with all ingredients but
mustard. Spray cast iron skillet with non-stick
cooking spray and cook sandwich on each side
until brown and cheese is melted. Open sandwich
on non-cheese side and spread mustard.
Makes: 1 Serving
Hawaiian Chicken = 212 calories
4 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts
3 tablespoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce
1 tablespoons Honey
1 tablespoons Olive Oil
1 tablespoons Lime Juice
1 teaspoons Chopped Garlic
4 Fresh Pineapple Rings
Combine all ingredients except chicken and pineapple in a large
freezer bag. Shake to mix ingredients well. Add chicken and seal
bag. Turn bag several times to make sure all chicken is coated.
Allow chicken to marinate at least 2 hours.
Cook chicken and pineapple on grill until done. Serve chicken with
pineapple ring on top.
Makes: 4 Servings
Seasoned Steak Sauté = 183 calories (this is a
great lunch)
3 oz. Tyson Seasoned Steak Strips
3 Mini Sweet Peppers chopped into big pieces (I like to
use 1 of each color)
½ cup Sliced White Mushrooms
2 teaspoons Low Sodium Worcestershire
Combine all ingredients into medium skillet on
medium heat. Sauté until peppers are tender.
Makes: 1 Serving
Cornmeal-Crusted Chicken Nuggets with Blackberry Mustard = 184
1 cup fresh blackberries or raspberries, finely chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard
2 teaspoons honey
1 pound chicken tenders, cut in half crosswise
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons cornmeal
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Mash blackberries (or raspberries), mustard and honey in a small bowl until it
looks like a chunky sauce.
Sprinkle chicken tenders with salt and pepper. Place cornmeal in a medium
bowl, add the chicken and toss to coat (discard any leftover cornmeal).
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to
medium and cook the chicken, turning once or twice, until browned and just
cooked through, 6 to 8 minutes total. Serve the chicken nuggets with the
Makes: 4 Servings
Chili-Rubbed Steaks & Pan Salsa = 192 calories
8 ounces 1/2-inch-thick steaks, such as rib-eye, trimmed of fat and cut into 2
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 plum tomatoes, diced
2 teaspoons lime juice
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
Sprinkle both sides of steak with chili powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Heat oil in
a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add the steaks and cook, turning
once, 1 to 2 minutes per side for medium-rare. Transfer the steaks to a plate,
cover with foil and let rest while you make the salsa.
Add tomatoes, lime juice and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt to the pan and
cook, stirring often, until the tomatoes soften, about 3 minutes. Remove from
heat, stir in cilantro and any accumulated juices from the steaks. Serve the
steaks topped with the salsa.
Makes: 2 Servings
Chipotle Marinated Pork Tenderloin = 139 calories
1 canned chipotle chile in adobo plus 1 teaspoon adobo sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
8 ounces pork tenderloin
Combine chipotle and sauce, garlic, orange juice, lime juice, vinegar, oregano, cumin, salt
and pepper in a blender or mini food processor; blend or process until the chipotle is
chopped and the mixture is relatively smooth. Pour into a sealable plastic bag; add pork
and seal, squeezing out any excess air from the bag. Turn to coat with the marinade.
Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 8 hours.
Preheat grill to high or heat a large indoor grill pan over high heat. Remove the pork from
the marinade (discard marinade). Grill the pork, turning occasionally, until an instant-read
thermometer inserted diagonally into the center of the meat registers 145° F, 12 to 15
minutes. Transfer the pork to a cutting board and let rest for 5 minutes before slicing.
Makes: 2 Servings
Barbecued Pork Sandwich = 319 calories
1 small yellow onion, cut into 1/2-inch-thick rounds
1 teaspoon canola oil
2 whole-wheat buns split horizontally
Chipotle-Marinated Pork Tenderloin, grilled (see recipe), thinly sliced
1/3 cup prepared barbecue sauce
Preheat grill to high or heat a large indoor grill pan over high
heat. Lightly brush onion with oil and grill (after the pork is done)
until lightly browned and soft, turning once, 4 to 5 minutes. Let
cool on a cutting board.
Lightly toast buns cut side down on the grill or in the pan.
Chop the onion; transfer to a large bowl. Shred pork using two
forks; add to the bowl. Add barbecue sauce; stir to combine.
Serve the pork filling on the toasted buns.
Makes: 2 Servings
Sicilian Olive Chicken = 210 calories
1 14-ounce can petite diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil or other Italian-
style seasoning
1 1/2 cups frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1/3 cup halved Sicilian or other green olives
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper, or to taste
4 4-ounce chicken breasts
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Combine tomatoes, spinach, olives, capers and crushed red pepper in a bowl.
Sprinkle chicken with pepper.
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken until
browned on one side, 2 to 4 minutes. Turn it over; top with the tomato
mixture. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until cooked through, 3 to 5
Makes: 4 Servings
Coffee-Braised Pot Roast with Caramelized Onions = 252 calories
1 4-pound beef chuck roast trimmed of fat
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
2 large onions, halved and thinly sliced (4 cups)
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dried thyme
3/4 cup strong brewed coffee
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons water
Preheat oven to 300°F.
Season beef with salt and pepper. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a Dutch oven or soup pot over
medium-high heat. Add beef and cook, turning from time to time, until well browned on all
sides, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a plate.
Add the remaining oil to the pot. Add onions; reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring
often, until softened and golden, 5 to 7 minutes. Add garlic and thyme; cook, stirring, for 1
minute. Stir in coffee and vinegar; bring to a simmer. Return the beef and spoon some
onions over it. Cover and transfer to the oven.
Braise the beef in the oven until fork-tender but not falling apart, 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Transfer beef to a cutting board, tent with foil and let rest for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, skim fat from the braising liquid; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add
the cornstarch mixture and cook, whisking, until the gravy thickens slightly, about 1
minute. Season with pepper. Carve the beef and serve with gravy.
Makes: 10 Servings
Slow Cooker Vegetarian Lasagna = 414 calories
1 large egg
1 15- to 16-ounce container part-skim ricotta
1 5-ounce package baby spinach, coarsely chopped
3 large or 4 small Portobello mushroom caps, gills removed halved and thinly sliced
1 small zucchini, quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced
1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes
1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch of crushed red pepper (optional)
15 whole-wheat lasagna noodles (about 12 ounces), uncooked
3 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella, divided
Combine egg, ricotta, spinach, mushrooms and zucchini in a large bowl.
Combine crushed and diced tomatoes and their juice, garlic and crushed red pepper (if
using) in a medium bowl.
Generously coat a 6-quart or larger slow cooker with cooking spray. Spread 1 1/2 cups of
the tomato mixture in the slow cooker. Arrange 5 noodles over the sauce, overlapping
them slightly and breaking into pieces to cover as much of the sauce as possible. Spread
half of the ricotta-vegetable mixture over the noodles and firmly pat down, then spoon on
1 1/2 cups sauce and sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella. Repeat the layering one more time,
starting with noodles. Top with a third layer of noodles. Evenly spread the remaining
tomato sauce over the noodles. Set aside the remaining 1cup mozzarella in the
Put the lid on and cook on Low for 4 hours. Turn off the slow cooker, sprinkle mozzarella on
the lasagna, cover and let stand 10 min
Makes: 8 Servings
Yes You Can Fish Sticks = 274 calories
1 cup whole-wheat dry breadcrumbs, or 1/2 cup plain dry breadcrumbs
1 cup whole-grain cereal flakes
1 teaspoon lemon pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 large egg whites, beaten
1 pound tilapia fillets, cut into 1/2-by-3-inch strips
Preheat oven to 450°F. Set a wire rack on a baking sheet; coat with cooking
Place breadcrumbs, cereal flakes, lemon pepper, garlic powder, paprika and
salt in a food processor or blender and process until finely ground. Transfer to
a shallow dish.
Place flour in a second shallow dish and egg whites in a third shallow dish.
Dredge each strip of fish in the flour, dip it in the egg and then coat all sides
with the breadcrumb mixture. Place on the prepared rack. Coat both sides of
the breaded fish with cooking spray.
Bake until the fish is cooked through and the breading is golden brown and
crisp, about 10 minutes.
Makes: 4 Servings

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Diet & Exercise Sucks - A Practical Get Healthy Story

  • 1.
  • 2. Preface Before you begin this, or any other weight management or exercise plan, consult your physician. Discuss all aspects of the program with them and make sure it meets all of the nutritional needs. Also, see that they clear you as physically able to perform the exercises. Be aware, I am not a doctor, dietician, certified trainer, or even educated in these areas. By the way, I’m not a writer either, but you will figure that out soon enough. What I am is an average middle-aged man who was sick and tired of being fat and lazy. That’s right fat! I say that while also saying I don’t attach that title to anyone but myself. I am not here to judge you or tell you how bad you are doing. This story of weight management is just that, me telling you how I am doing it. If you gain some knowledge that helps you be healthier or happier, then I will be the one who is blessed. As you read this, I hope you look upon yourself and see why you are here. Enjoy and I hope you’re feeling good.
  • 3. Table of Contents A Little About Me Diet – It’s a Four Letter Word ◦ Common Myths ◦ Pop Quiz Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I Started A Week of Meals Exercise, no pain blah blah blah Closing Arguments Update 1.5 June 16, 2014 Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 Recipes
  • 4. A Little About Me Hey there! I am so glad you are willing to look at my little story. I thought I would spend a couple of sentences letting you know some information about me. I am forty blah, blah years old. I have an amazing family, and live with my spectacular bride Cheri and stepson Ian. My son Adam and his wife, Chimbie, live just down the road. We have been blessed with a great little granddaughter. Her name is Emmaleigh, and she calls me G-Pa. At the time of this writing, Adam and Chimbie are expecting our second grand child. Very exciting news! Here is the rub. I hate diets. I hate exercise. I hate being fat and lazy. There lies the problem. Those 3 can’t coexist. I have tried many diets in the past. All of them had one thing in common. I could not sustain them. I have also attempted several exercise programs. Again, just not sustainable for me. Generally speaking, I think new years resolutions are a prescription for failure. However, this year, I decided to give it a go. My resolution was 2 simple words, Get Healthy! I spent the next 3 weeks looking for as much information as possible for ways I could do just that. My goal was to find something I liked, something I would actually do, and something I could keep doing. Nothing overly extreme, nothing overly weird, and nothing harmful. It worked! I found the combination that worked for me. On January 20, 2014 my journey began. I weighed in at 245 lbs (I am 5’-11” tall.) Wearing my too tight 38 waist pants and snug XL shirt, I implemented my “Get Healthy” plan.
  • 5. DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word In the past, I have tried the low carb diet, and I lost a bunch of weight. I thought it would be great because I love red meat, bacon, and eggs. However, I gained all the weight back. My problem was I couldn’t keep it up. As it turns out, I love bread, pasta, fruit, and potatoes just as much. I came to one conclusion; I love food, all kinds of food. Any plan that was going to work for me would have to include some of pretty much every type of food. Webster defines diet like this: a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight. That didn’t work for me either. I want to eat until I’m full. Losing weight was only part of what I wanted. Once the weight is off, I want to keep it off. I needed a lifestyle change. Doing my research, I find something pretty interesting. Most all research states cutting 500 calories a day equates to losing 1 pound per week. Pretty cool right! The more I looked into lowering calories, the more I realized this was the plan for me.
  • 6. Common Myths Myth #1: Low calorie means starving yourself. Wrong! I haven’t been hungry a single time since I started this program. Myth #2: I will have to live on rice cakes and lettuce. Wrong! I still have bacon, red meat, pasta, hamburgers, and even chocolate. Myth #3: I can’t eat out any more if I am on a low calorie diet. Wrong! Most restaurants have lower calorie options, even fast food restaurants.
  • 7. DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word In reality, lower calorie program is all about choices. Plain and simple! My first choice was breakfast. I had a bad habit of stopping at a fast food restaurant daily and picking up 3 of their breakfast style burritos. As it turns out, that equaled 900 calories. I thought I could easily do better than that. So I started making my own version at home. 4 eggs, 2 slices of cheese, and a tortilla wrap. Better right? A little bit, at 610 calories, it did offer a reduction in my caloric intake. Still seemed high to me, and I thought I could do better.
  • 8. DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word Stop guessing. I needed help keeping track of what I was doing. It was just too difficult to see the bigger picture for the day. I found a great app for my phone; myfitnesspal. Plug in your current weight, your goals, how much you want to lose per week, and it does the rest. It will tell you how many calories per day you should have based on your goals. My goal was to lose 2 lbs per week. I was given a daily calorie target of 1700 calories. You have to log everything you eat and drink. I know that sounds difficult, and sometimes it can be. However, it comes with a bar code scanner, and millions of items in its database. You can even save meals you really like to enter them with a simple touch. Even better, it tracks nutritional values as well. I learned very quickly, I needed to cut back on sodium. It was out of control. You can find many versions of calorie counters out there. Honestly, I don’t care which one you use as long as you use one. Don’t do this alone.
  • 9. DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word Portion size is paramount. Calories are all based on serving size. Don’t cheat, as your honesty will help you with weight management. Look at the palm of your hand. That is about 4 oz of meat. It is also about the size of a deck of cards. Most of your meat servings are 4 oz. Veggies and such are usually done in ½ cup servings, which is about a handful. Labels are your friends, and you must read every single one. Nutrition values vary wildly on the same types of food. You also need to be careful with how many servings are in a container. Take for example the microwavable soup containers. Looks like a good little meal with low calories. Look closer. Most of those little containers are 2 or 2-1/2 servings. That means when you eat the whole container, you have to multiply calories by 2 or 2.5. The same goes for all other nutrition values as well. Sodium goes through the roof when you do that. My choice for soup is Campbell’s Soup on the Go. They are only 1 serving per container, and they offer a couple of lower sodium options for me. It’s a great side dish for lunch.
  • 10. Pop Quiz Let’s take a quick test to see how you are thinking and the choices you are making. I will give you 2 choices of meals, and you pick the one that will help you manage your weight. Ready?
  • 11. Pop Quiz - Breakfast Choice 1 – Omelet with bacon, peppers, mushrooms, and cheddar cheese from a breakfast related national chain restaurant. 1 piece of toast included. Choice 2 – Same thing made at home.
  • 12. Pop Quiz - Breakfast Shouldn’t matter should it? They are the same thing, right? Wrong! The restaurant meal has 995 calories, but the omelet made at home only has 264 calories. Check out the recipe in the recipes section to see how it’s done. You just saved 731 calories!
  • 13. Pop Quiz - Lunch Choice 1 – Grilled chicken southwest wrap from a fast food restaurant. Choice 2 – ¼ pound hamburger with mustard, ketchup, lettuce, onion, pickles, tomato.
  • 14. Pop Quiz - Lunch Here’s the skinny. The wrap is going to cost you 510 calories (not horrible.) The hamburger has 310 calories. It needs to be made with 93% lean ground beef. Everything else on it is fresh or right out of the bottle. 200 more calories saved!
  • 15. Pop Quiz - Dinner Choice 1 – Roma Pepper Steak with new potatoes, and a portabella mushroom stuffed with an artichoke filling. Choice 2 – A blackened chicken with crumbled blue cheese dinner size salad with Light Ranch dressing.
  • 16. Pop Quiz - Dinner Did you pick the salad? I’m sorry; you missed out on a great steak dinner. The salad is from a chicken oriented restaurant and is 570 calories. If you eat the toast that comes with it, you’ll rack up 720 calories. The steak dinner is from Applebee’s new under 550 menu and only has 510 calories for the meal.
  • 17. Pop Quiz – The Results If you chose wisely, you saved at least 991 calories, and maybe as much as 1141. As you can see, you still can eat great and lose weight. I love food and am unwillingly to starve or do without good food.
  • 18. DIET – It’s a Four Letter Word Don’t look at this as a diet. Look at this as a lifestyle change, and a different outlook on food. Eating plenty of good and healthy food is changing my life for the better. I hope it does for you too.
  • 19. Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I Started Coconut Milk. Holy crap this is great stuff to substitute for milk. 1 cup of fat free skim milk = 86 calories. 1 cup of coconut milk = 45 calories. But wait, there’s more. Coconut milk is loaded with Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s.) This is a healthy fat that makes your thyroid produce a fat burning hormone. It boost you metabolism by 56% for up to 5 hours. Even cooler, it reduces blood sugar surges by 58%. It even helps you stay fuller longer. I use it exclusively on my cereal now. Ronzoni makes great dry pastas with only 150 calories. This is 25% less than regular brands. Difference in taste, zero. Rice is nice, but you should use a whole grain blend such as Lundberg Wild Blend. White rice has 206 calories per serving. Most whole grain blends only have 160.
  • 20. Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I Started Coffee creamer seems to be harmless. However, 1 teaspoon can have as much as 20 calories. Be careful with the amount you use, or drink your coffee black. You can quickly steam any type of vegetable in the microwave. Place veggies in microwave safe bowl, cover with a microwave safe plate, and cook for 3 minutes. I love sweet tea! Who doesn’t, right? Most fast food sweet teas have 150 calories per small cup (16 0z). That means the large they sell so cheaply has 220 calories! What to do, what to do??? Try this 1-gallon water, 3 family size tea bags, and 1-cup sugar. Prepare as directed on tea package. 16 oz of the homemade stuff is only 96 calories, and delicious.
  • 21. Stuff I Wish I Knew Before I Started Probiotics are really cool. Our gut is full of “bad” bacteria, and Probiotics replace those with “good” bacteria. It helps increase metabolism, and turns your gut into a fat burning machine. They give you healthy flora and fauna in your digestive system. This aids in proper absorption of nutrients as well. Your immune system is also dependent on a healthy intestinal tract. Probiotics are in numerous foods such as yogurt, pickles, cottage cheese, Kefir (in the dairy section), and many more. You can also take a supplement as I do. I use Ultimate Flora RTS, which contains 15 billion CFU’s. Mrs. Dash is a great salt substitute. It taste great, adds wonderful seasoning, and comes in a multitude of flavors. Stock up! You will need lots of salad greens (a staple side dish for me.) Load up on mushrooms and tri-color sweet peppers. These are great to add to just about anything. Keep some baby spinach and kale around for sautéing. Again, coconut milk, it has a very long shelf life. Bunches of fresh fruits and berries are a must.
  • 22. A Week of Meals Before I show you a week of great meals, let me give you some standards I will be using multiple times. My Eggs = 1 large whole egg & 3 large egg whites Side Salad = 1 cup of 50/50 Organic Salad Mix, 1 mini sweet pepper chopped, and chopped mushrooms. Frank’s Red Hot = great taste. I love Frank’s so I tend to use it a lot. I have also read that cayenne pepper sauce can boost metabolism. Bread = Healthy Life Original Dieters Dream. I truly can’t tell the difference, and it has ½ the calories and low carb as well. Lunch at work = don’t eat out of your brown bag. Put everything on plates and enjoy your meal. I promise you’ll feel better about it.
  • 23. A Week of Meals Monday – 1644 calories Breakfast: = 320 calories ◦ 2 packets Raisin, Dates, Walnut Instant Oatmeal ◦ 1 Mandarin Orange Morning Snack = 120 calories ◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Black Cherry Lunch = 394 calories ◦ Black forest Ham Sandwich with Deli Mustard ◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing ◦ Campbell’s Soup on the Go Classic Tomato ◦ Banana Afternoon snack = 80 calories ◦ Medium Empire Apple Dinner = 574 calories ◦ Fish filets cooked in cast iron skillet. ◦ Sweet Potato ◦ Collard Greens ◦ Side Salad with Ginger Dressing ◦ Baguette Roll ◦ Dessert – Dole Banana Dippers (frozen bananas covered in dark chocolate) Evening Snack = 156 calories ◦ Fiber One Cereal ◦ Blueberries ◦ Skim Milk
  • 24. A Week of Meals Tuesday – 1484 calories Breakfast: = 209 calories ◦ Hodge Mill Oat Bran ◦ Banana (chopped into oat bran) Morning Snack = 120 calories ◦ Storyfield Fruit on Bottom Strawberry Yogurt Lunch = 335 calories ◦ Subway Club 6” on Italian no cheese, no mayo ◦ Apples Afternoon Snack = 170 calories ◦ Chewy Mixed Nut Protein Bar Dinner = 530 calories ◦ Pork Loin Country Style Ribs ◦ Green Beans ◦ Corn on Cob with butter ◦ Side Salad with Ginger Dressing ◦ Dessert – Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Evening Snack = 120 calories ◦ Microwave Popcorn (1cup)
  • 25. A Week of Meals Wednesday – 1538 calories Breakfast: = 320 calories ◦ 2 packets Apples and Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal ◦ 1 Mandarin Orange Morning Snack = 120 calories ◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Black Cherry Lunch = 319 calories ◦ Pork Loin Country Style Ribs (from last night) chopped and sautéed in Worcestershire with peppers and mushrooms. ◦ Campbell’s Soup on the Go Chicken with Mini Noodles ◦ Small Jonathan Apple Afternoon snack = 83 calories ◦ Fresh Pineapple Dinner = 540 calories ◦ Zesty Lemon Seafood Scampi with pasta (see recipes) ◦ Dessert – Sweet Freedom Krunch Lite Ice Cream Bar Evening Snack = 156 calories ◦ Fiber One Cereal ◦ Blueberries ◦ Skim Milk
  • 26. A Week of Meals Thursday – 1560 calories Breakfast: = 141 calories ◦ Hodge Mill Oat Bran ◦ ¼ cup fresh blueberries mix into oat bran Morning Snack = 103 calories ◦ Banana Lunch = 410 calories ◦ Long John Silvers 8 pc Shrimp Broiled ◦ Green Beans ◦ Rice ◦ Side Salad with Light Italian Afternoon snack = 116 calories ◦ Large Honeycrisp Apple Dinner = 634 calories ◦ Pinto Beans 1-1/2 servings (fresh not canned) ◦ Spice ‘em up with Frank’s ◦ Turnip Greens with pepper sauce ◦ Jalapeno Cornbread Muffin ◦ Dessert – Dole Banana Dippers (frozen bananas covered in dark chocolate) Evening Snack = 156 calories ◦ Fiber One Cereal ◦ Blueberries ◦ Skim Milk
  • 27. A Week of Meals Friday – 1606 calories Breakfast: = 320 calories ◦ 2 packets Raisin, Dates, Walnut Instant Oatmeal ◦ 1 Mandarin Orange Morning Snack = 120 calories ◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Café Latte Lunch = 396 calories ◦ Pinto Beans 1 Serving (leftover from last night) ◦ Chopped peppers in beans ◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing ◦ Banana Afternoon snack = 160 calories ◦ Salty & Sweet Nut Almond Bar Dinner = 510 calories ◦ Applebee’s Roma Pepper Steak Meal ◦ Evening Snack = 100 calories ◦ Sweet Freedom Krunch Lite Ice Cream Bar
  • 28. A Week of Meals Saturday – 1615 calories Breakfast: = 328 calories ◦ Bacon & More Omelet (see recipe) ◦ 2 slices toast Morning Snack = 145 calories ◦ Bagel thin with apple butter Lunch = 175 calories ◦ Subway Club Chopped Salad ◦ Fat Free Ranch Dressing Dinner = 967 calories – My night to splurge ◦ 2 - Triple Threat Hamburgers (see recipe) ◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing ◦ Baked Fries ◦ Dessert – Edy’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (single serving container)
  • 29. A Week of Meals Sunday – 1462 calories Breakfast: = 302 calories ◦ My Eggs – Scrambled with Frank’s ◦ Bacon ◦ 2 slices toast ◦ 1 Mandarin Orange Morning Snack = 120 calories ◦ Storyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Blueberry Lunch = 345 calories ◦ Asian Shrimp Salad (see recipe) Afternoon snack = 160 calories ◦ Salty & Sweet Nut Almond Bar Dinner = 495 calories ◦ 2 - Grilled Chicken Breast with Tuscan Seasoning ◦ Baked Potato with Sour Cream & Butter ◦ Green Beans ◦ Side Salad with Fat Free Cranberry Balsamic Dressing ◦ Dessert – Yoplait Frozen Greek Yogurt with Blueberry Evening Snack = 200 calories ◦ Chips & Salsa
  • 30. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah Okay, pay real close attention right here. I am going to tell you the absolute best exercise program for you. This is the program you have been waiting for. Are you ready? The best program in the world is….the one you will stick with. It isn’t too difficult to see is it? If you don’t like the routine, you won’t keep doing it. There are thousands of routines out there. Find 1, find 2, or keep changing. It only matters that you keep doing it. Here was my problem. I have a 1-1/4 hour commute home from work on good days. Quite honestly, I don’t have it in me to dedicate another hour of my life to a workout routine. I tried morning workouts, but since I have the same commute I had to wake up way to early. Plus, I really didn’t feel well after a morning workout. I can’t explain exactly why. It just made me feel odd.
  • 31. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah Fortunately for me, people much smarter than myself figured out a solution to my problem. The 7-Minute Workout. At first, I thought it was a joke. However, according to an article in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal this workout is all you need. Scientist from McMaster University and other institutions found that several minutes of highly intense effort created a molecular change in the muscles. This change was very similar to several hours of running or bike riding. I have 7 minutes. What a great workout and I found out quickly it would be 7 of the hardest minutes anywhere. The workout consists of 12 exercises. These are performed at maximum effort for 30 seconds. Then you only get 10 seconds of rest in between exercises. You will be spent at the end.
  • 32. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah Here are the exercises: Jumping Jacks Wall Sit Push Ups Abdominal Crunches Step-up Onto Chair Squat Tricep Dip on Chair Plank High Knees Running in Place Lunge Push-up with Rotation Side Plank
  • 33. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah I highly, repeat highly, recommend you download one of the many apps to help guide you. Each is a little different so find the one you like best. DO THIS WORKOUT 5 DAYS A WEEK! No joking here. You have 7 minutes a day. Use them wisely. You will see results. When I started, I struggled to do 20 push-ups. Now I knock out 40 like it was nobodies business.
  • 34. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah Wanna kick it up a notch? Try this variation. Power Jacks Wall Sit lower and lower One leg Push Ups Bicycle Crunches Step-up with added dumbbell weight Jump Squats One leg Tricep Dips Plank (hard to change this one) High Knee Rapid Hops Lunge with dumbbell weight One Arm Push-Ups Side V-Ups
  • 35. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah The better I feel, the more I want to workout. So I have added some heavier workouts on the weekends. I again turned to the app store. I found tons of apps, and I have downloaded a large portion of them. After some trial and error, I found one I really like right now. It is called Stronglifts 5x5. Each workout consists of 3 exercises. You perform 5 sets of 5 reps each. The goal is to use as heavy weight as you can manage. You only have 2 versions of the workout. 1. Squat, Bench Press, & Barbell Row. 2. Squat, Overhead Press, & Dead lift. That’s it.
  • 36. Exercise, no pain blah blah blah The point of all this is to get off the couch and get moving. I promise only 1 thing. You will feel better. My energy level is through the roof. I haven’t felt this good in a very long time. Find the exercise you like, and DO IT. Exercise is a big part of my plan. Without it, you can lose weight. With it, you will lose even more.
  • 37. Closing Arguments At the time of this writing, 2 months in, I have lost 30 lbs. I am currently at 215 lbs. I don’t know if this is typical. Please don’t be discouraged if your loss is slower. As long as you are moving in the right direction, it will all be good. If you are feeling hungry, look at each item in your day. Read those labels and find the ones that will allow you to increase amount of food. It can be done. As a matter of fact, when I finish writing this, I have to go eat more. It seems that my planning was so good that I have only had 1100 calories today. That is too low by the way.
  • 38. Closing Arguments Weigh in day is important. Do not weigh everyday. Your weight will fluctuate daily. Weigh on the same day and time every week. Also weigh under the same circumstances. For example, I weigh every Saturday morning when I wake up. Always before I have anything to eat or drink. If you follow my plan, you will find that eating healthy actually means eating better food. 7 minutes is really not long at all. If you are feeling bad, it still isn’t very long. Get moving! You don’t have to do what I am doing, but you need to do something.
  • 39. Closing Arguments I can’t thank my wonderful bride enough. She is an amazing cook that has put together some phenomenal meals. She is also a great encouragement to me. I love you Cheri. Without you, I couldn’t do this. Lastly, but most of all, I want to thank God. He has given me such a great opportunity, and provided more than ample willpower to turn my life around. Without Him, I would have nothing. Check out my blog
  • 40. Update 1.5 June 16,2014 It seems as though so much has happened since I wrote this originally. To date I have lost 50 lbs. My current weight is 195 lbs. I feel amazing, and believe I am in the best shape I have EVER been in. Eating wise, not much has changed. My wife and I continue to discover that eating healthy has added greatly to our meals. The food is more flavorful than before. My wife even thinks she has become a better cook because of it. She has been great. I look so forward to the great meal plans she provides. I continue to use myfitnesspal daily, as it is a great way to hold me accountable. I also throw in a splurge meal on occasion. However, I am very particular about what I am willing to do on this. I assure you, it is going to be something great.
  • 41. Update 1.5 June 16,2014 Exercise is where the biggest changes have occurred. My wife thinks I am addicted to endorphins. I keep seeking more ways to exercise and get fit. Don’t get me wrong, the 7 Minute Workout was great, and a tremendous amount of my weight was lost on that program. I found the more I did, the more I wanted to do. I love the rush I get from exercising now. Usually, I am wound pretty tight for about 1 hour after I have completed. My energy level is through the roof.
  • 42. Update 1.5 June 16,2014 I have discovered a new workout DVD. It is Weider Ruthless. I love it. It is 20 minutes a day (the hardest 20 minutes you will ever do.) It consists of 20 different videos. You literally could go 20 days without doing the same workout. I have a pretty quick boredom index, and this works perfectly for me. All workouts are total body, and you can mix and match as you like. I personally printed out the 60 day workout plan. For me, I want someone to tell me what to do each day. I can’t say enough good things about this one.
  • 43. Update 1.5 June 16,2014 I have also discovered Fitathlon Challenge. This is a 5K or 10K Obstacle Race. I have started my training for this one, and look forward to the challenge. My desire is not to just be in it, but to compete and complete it entirely. It is a great opportunity to push even further. I challenge you to find something similar and start your training as well
  • 44. Update 2.0 August 27,2014 My weight loss has evened out a little (by design.) However, overall I have lost 55 lbs. Beginning weight, 245 and current weight 190. I am pleased with that, and now work more on how it is carried. In other words, time to get “ripped”! Okay, maybe not so much that, but just to be a little more defined would be great. I can’t believe how well I have been able to eat through this whole process. My wife claims this has made here a better cook. Even if I splurge and get something less than healthy, I end up feeling bad. Not emotionally, but physically just makes me feel heavy. Think I will just stick to the good stuff.
  • 45. Update 2.0 August 27,2014 To date I have ran two 5K races. I truly can’t believe this was possible. My shins haven’t hurt a single time, and running is now a big part of my workout. I still haven’t beat the 30 minute mark, but I will get there. I have been truly blessed with this new avenue, and really enjoy it.
  • 46. Update 2.0 August 27,2014 Speaking of exercise. I have cranked it up a great big notch. In my last update, I told you about my training for the Fitathlon Challenge. That still continues. 1 or 2 days a week I go to Train Insane Bootcamp. It is 1 hour of heart pounding, muscle building, fat burning exercise. I love it! But wait there is more. I have started building up my home gym as well. So far, I have spent less than $20 doing this. I refuse to have any excuses, and the internet provides a vast amount of ideas to build up a home gym. It is a little non traditional, but the workouts push you to the limit. Check out the picks!
  • 47. Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 This is a 5’ Wall with an Australian Pull Up Station • Hit the wall running and scale it as fast as possible. • In an incline position do pull ups. Easy as that.
  • 48. Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 This is a 8’ Wall • Hit the wall running and scale it as fast as possible. • I personally don’t use the rope, but it is there if you need it. • It is 2 pallets underneath the OSB covering.
  • 49. Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 My really fun stuff! • A giant 17.5-25 tire for flipping. • A sledgehammer for ripping on your shoulders and sides. • An 11R24.5 tire for some ground work. • A 235/75R15 for arm work. • MDF board to place over big tire as a form of box jumps. • All of the tires were picked up for free at a local tire store. I already had the sledge and MDF.
  • 50. Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 Here is a sample home workout. Each exercise is as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, 10 seconds rest in between, and on to the next. 4 rounds total. • Tire Flips • Sledgehammer (Right & Left) • 5’ Wall Scale • Australian Pull Ups • Box Jumps • Tire Cross Over Push Ups • Bicycle Crunch / V Up combo move • Tire Crunches • In / Out Bicep Curls (Right & Left) • Tire Swings • Then untimed – 100m sprint, 8’ wall scale, 100m sprint
  • 51. Update 2.0 August 27, 2014 I really enjoy the way I feel now. I can do more things, and spend more time off the couch. This is a wonderful world, and we need to be out enjoying it. I continue to look for interesting 5K’s to run, and beautiful places to go train. I hope you get out and do the same. Good Luck and Good Health!
  • 52. Recipes Bacon N More Omelet = 264 Calories 1 Large Whole Egg 3 Large Egg Whites 3 Strips of Pre-cooked Bacon ½ Cup Mushrooms Chopped ½ Cup Sweet Peppers Chopped 1/8 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese Crack egg into mixing bowl, and separate egg whites into same bowl. Beat until well mixed. Coat a medium skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place on medium heat. Cook bacon per package instructions. Pour egg mix into skillet, and allow cooking almost all the way through. Place mushrooms, peppers, and bacon in middle of eggs. Fold egg over filling, and allow cooking for a couple more minutes. Turn omelet over and allow finishing cooking until done. Place omelet on plate and sprinkle cheese over top of omelet. Enjoy! Makes: 1 Serving
  • 53. Recipes Zesty Lemon Seafood Scampi = 440 calories 6 garlic cloves, pressed or grated 2 lemons, zested and juiced 5 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 Bag Frozen Seafood Medley – Shrimp & Calamari 1/4 onion 1 Box Thin Spaghetti Ronzoni 150 Calorie 1 tablespoons butter 1 small bunch parsley leaves chopped In a bowl, combine the garlic, zest and juice of 1 lemon, olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper, to taste, and the shrimp. Set aside to marinate. Meanwhile make a quick shrimp stock: In a small pot, over medium heat, add ¼ cup of seafood medley and onion. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain into a bowl and set medley aside. Cook pasta per instructions on box except, 2 minutes less than instructed on the package. Drain and reserve 1/2 cup of cooking water. Heat a skillet over high heat. Remove the shrimp from the marinade, reserve the marinade, and add the shrimp to the skillet. Cook until they turn pink and start to caramelize, about 3 minutes. Remove the shrimp from the pan to a plate and add the reserved marinade. Let cook a few minutes then add about 1 cup of shrimp stock, medley used to make stock, and about 1/2 cup pasta water. Continue to cook until sauce reduces by half. Add the zest and juice of the remaining lemon, the butter and the parsley and stir to combine. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper, to taste. Add in the shrimp and pasta and toss to combine with the sauce. Turn out into a serving bowl and serve immediately. Makes: 6 Servings
  • 54. Recipes Killer Red Chili = 573 calories / cup 3 dried guajillo chiles 2 dried ancho chiles 2 pounds 93% lean ground beef 8 slices thick cut smoked bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 2 large Vidalia onions, or other sweet onions, chopped 2 red / yellow sweet peppers, chopped 3 Serrano peppers, finely chopped 1 medium habanera pepper, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Frank’s Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce 1 15 ounce can Light Red Kidney Beans, drained 1 15 ounce can Dark Red Kidney Beans, drained 8 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 28 ounce can diced tomatoes 1 cup water 2 teaspoons lime juice or cider vinegar 1/4 teaspoon salt In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo and ancho chiles over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly toasted. Cool at least 1 minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer chiles to a large bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand 20 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/3 cup of the soaking liquid. In a blender or food processor puree chiles and reserved liquid; set aside. In a 5- to 6-quart Dutch over or cast iron pot, cook beef over medium-high heat about 8 minutes, until beginning to brown. Drain off fat. Transfer beef to a bowl. In the same pan cook bacon for 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned. Stir in onions, sweet peppers, habanera peppers, Serrano peppers, and garlic. Cook for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are tender. Add pureed chiles; cook for 3 minutes, stirring often. Add the chili powder and cumin; cook and stir for 1 minute. Add the reserved beef, undrained tomatoes, kidney beans, Frank’s Red Hot, and 1 cup of water. Bring chili to boiling. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, covered, about 30 minutes, until thickened. Remove from heat; stir in lime juice and salt. Top each serving with cheddar cheese and green onions. Makes: 10 Servings
  • 55. Recipes Triple Threat Hamburgers = 318 calories 2 dried guajillo chiles 1 dried ancho chiles 2 Large Jalapeno Peppers 1-1/2 pounds 93% lean ground beef 4 tsp Frank’s Red Hot Large sliced Vidalia onion Lettuce Dill Pickle Slices 6 Hamburger Buns In a large cast iron skillet, cook guajillo, ancho chiles, and 1 of the jalapeno peppers over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, turning occasionally, until lightly toasted. Cool at least 1 minute. Remove and discard stems and seeds. Transfer guajillo and ancho chiles to a large bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand 20 minutes. Place guajillo, ancho, and toasted jalapeno peppers in a food processor. Blend until peppers are almost in paste form. In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef, pepper paste, and 4 tsp of Frank’s. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Divide into 6 equal portions and make into patties (press down in center with thumb to maintain shape while cooking.) Cook burgers on the grill until desired doneness. Assemble burgers with onion, lettuce, pickles, and another dash (or 2 or 3) of Frank’s. Makes: 6 Servings
  • 56. Recipes Rueben = 322 calories 2 oz Corned Beef 1 slice Swiss cheese 3 tablespoons Fresh Sauerkraut (refrigerated) Deli Mustard 2 slices Jewish Rye Bread Assemble sandwich with all ingredients but mustard. Spray cast iron skillet with non-stick cooking spray and cook sandwich on each side until brown and cheese is melted. Open sandwich on non-cheese side and spread mustard. Makes: 1 Serving
  • 57. Recipes Hawaiian Chicken = 212 calories 4 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts 3 tablespoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce 1 tablespoons Honey 1 tablespoons Olive Oil 1 tablespoons Lime Juice 1 teaspoons Chopped Garlic 4 Fresh Pineapple Rings Combine all ingredients except chicken and pineapple in a large freezer bag. Shake to mix ingredients well. Add chicken and seal bag. Turn bag several times to make sure all chicken is coated. Allow chicken to marinate at least 2 hours. Cook chicken and pineapple on grill until done. Serve chicken with pineapple ring on top. Makes: 4 Servings
  • 58. Recipes Seasoned Steak Sauté = 183 calories (this is a great lunch) 3 oz. Tyson Seasoned Steak Strips 3 Mini Sweet Peppers chopped into big pieces (I like to use 1 of each color) ½ cup Sliced White Mushrooms 2 teaspoons Low Sodium Worcestershire Combine all ingredients into medium skillet on medium heat. Sauté until peppers are tender. Makes: 1 Serving
  • 59. Recipes Cornmeal-Crusted Chicken Nuggets with Blackberry Mustard = 184 calories 1 cup fresh blackberries or raspberries, finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard 2 teaspoons honey 1 pound chicken tenders, cut in half crosswise 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 tablespoons cornmeal 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil Mash blackberries (or raspberries), mustard and honey in a small bowl until it looks like a chunky sauce. Sprinkle chicken tenders with salt and pepper. Place cornmeal in a medium bowl, add the chicken and toss to coat (discard any leftover cornmeal). Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook the chicken, turning once or twice, until browned and just cooked through, 6 to 8 minutes total. Serve the chicken nuggets with the mustard. Makes: 4 Servings
  • 60. Recipes Chili-Rubbed Steaks & Pan Salsa = 192 calories 8 ounces 1/2-inch-thick steaks, such as rib-eye, trimmed of fat and cut into 2 portions 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil 2 plum tomatoes, diced 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro Sprinkle both sides of steak with chili powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Heat oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add the steaks and cook, turning once, 1 to 2 minutes per side for medium-rare. Transfer the steaks to a plate, cover with foil and let rest while you make the salsa. Add tomatoes, lime juice and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt to the pan and cook, stirring often, until the tomatoes soften, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in cilantro and any accumulated juices from the steaks. Serve the steaks topped with the salsa. Makes: 2 Servings
  • 61. Recipes Chipotle Marinated Pork Tenderloin = 139 calories 1 canned chipotle chile in adobo plus 1 teaspoon adobo sauce 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 cup orange juice 3 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 8 ounces pork tenderloin Combine chipotle and sauce, garlic, orange juice, lime juice, vinegar, oregano, cumin, salt and pepper in a blender or mini food processor; blend or process until the chipotle is chopped and the mixture is relatively smooth. Pour into a sealable plastic bag; add pork and seal, squeezing out any excess air from the bag. Turn to coat with the marinade. Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 8 hours. Preheat grill to high or heat a large indoor grill pan over high heat. Remove the pork from the marinade (discard marinade). Grill the pork, turning occasionally, until an instant-read thermometer inserted diagonally into the center of the meat registers 145° F, 12 to 15 minutes. Transfer the pork to a cutting board and let rest for 5 minutes before slicing. Makes: 2 Servings
  • 62. Recipes Barbecued Pork Sandwich = 319 calories 1 small yellow onion, cut into 1/2-inch-thick rounds 1 teaspoon canola oil 2 whole-wheat buns split horizontally Chipotle-Marinated Pork Tenderloin, grilled (see recipe), thinly sliced 1/3 cup prepared barbecue sauce Preheat grill to high or heat a large indoor grill pan over high heat. Lightly brush onion with oil and grill (after the pork is done) until lightly browned and soft, turning once, 4 to 5 minutes. Let cool on a cutting board. Lightly toast buns cut side down on the grill or in the pan. Chop the onion; transfer to a large bowl. Shred pork using two forks; add to the bowl. Add barbecue sauce; stir to combine. Serve the pork filling on the toasted buns. Makes: 2 Servings
  • 63. Recipes Sicilian Olive Chicken = 210 calories 1 14-ounce can petite diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil or other Italian- style seasoning 1 1/2 cups frozen chopped spinach, thawed 1/3 cup halved Sicilian or other green olives 1 tablespoon capers, rinsed 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper, or to taste 4 4-ounce chicken breasts 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil Combine tomatoes, spinach, olives, capers and crushed red pepper in a bowl. Sprinkle chicken with pepper. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken until browned on one side, 2 to 4 minutes. Turn it over; top with the tomato mixture. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until cooked through, 3 to 5 minutes. Makes: 4 Servings
  • 64. Recipes Coffee-Braised Pot Roast with Caramelized Onions = 252 calories 1 4-pound beef chuck roast trimmed of fat 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste Freshly ground pepper, to taste 4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 large onions, halved and thinly sliced (4 cups) 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon dried thyme 3/4 cup strong brewed coffee 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons water Preheat oven to 300°F. Season beef with salt and pepper. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a Dutch oven or soup pot over medium-high heat. Add beef and cook, turning from time to time, until well browned on all sides, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Add the remaining oil to the pot. Add onions; reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring often, until softened and golden, 5 to 7 minutes. Add garlic and thyme; cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Stir in coffee and vinegar; bring to a simmer. Return the beef and spoon some onions over it. Cover and transfer to the oven. Braise the beef in the oven until fork-tender but not falling apart, 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Transfer beef to a cutting board, tent with foil and let rest for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, skim fat from the braising liquid; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add the cornstarch mixture and cook, whisking, until the gravy thickens slightly, about 1 minute. Season with pepper. Carve the beef and serve with gravy. Makes: 10 Servings
  • 65. Recipes Slow Cooker Vegetarian Lasagna = 414 calories 1 large egg 1 15- to 16-ounce container part-skim ricotta 1 5-ounce package baby spinach, coarsely chopped 3 large or 4 small Portobello mushroom caps, gills removed halved and thinly sliced 1 small zucchini, quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced 1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes 1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes 3 cloves garlic, minced Pinch of crushed red pepper (optional) 15 whole-wheat lasagna noodles (about 12 ounces), uncooked 3 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella, divided Combine egg, ricotta, spinach, mushrooms and zucchini in a large bowl. Combine crushed and diced tomatoes and their juice, garlic and crushed red pepper (if using) in a medium bowl. Generously coat a 6-quart or larger slow cooker with cooking spray. Spread 1 1/2 cups of the tomato mixture in the slow cooker. Arrange 5 noodles over the sauce, overlapping them slightly and breaking into pieces to cover as much of the sauce as possible. Spread half of the ricotta-vegetable mixture over the noodles and firmly pat down, then spoon on 1 1/2 cups sauce and sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella. Repeat the layering one more time, starting with noodles. Top with a third layer of noodles. Evenly spread the remaining tomato sauce over the noodles. Set aside the remaining 1cup mozzarella in the refrigerator. Put the lid on and cook on Low for 4 hours. Turn off the slow cooker, sprinkle mozzarella on the lasagna, cover and let stand 10 min Makes: 8 Servings
  • 66. Recipes Yes You Can Fish Sticks = 274 calories 1 cup whole-wheat dry breadcrumbs, or 1/2 cup plain dry breadcrumbs 1 cup whole-grain cereal flakes 1 teaspoon lemon pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 2 large egg whites, beaten 1 pound tilapia fillets, cut into 1/2-by-3-inch strips Preheat oven to 450°F. Set a wire rack on a baking sheet; coat with cooking spray. Place breadcrumbs, cereal flakes, lemon pepper, garlic powder, paprika and salt in a food processor or blender and process until finely ground. Transfer to a shallow dish. Place flour in a second shallow dish and egg whites in a third shallow dish. Dredge each strip of fish in the flour, dip it in the egg and then coat all sides with the breadcrumb mixture. Place on the prepared rack. Coat both sides of the breaded fish with cooking spray. Bake until the fish is cooked through and the breading is golden brown and crisp, about 10 minutes. Makes: 4 Servings