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Design Pattern
                                                                          -- from Java to Ruby

Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                  For reuse
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                  For communication
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                                                                                            Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and
                                                                                                 internal nodes should implements the
                                                                                                interface, internal nodes has a list that
                  For communication                                                        includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes
                                                                                              and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But
                                                                                             leaf node can’t have add sub-node method.
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                                                                                            Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and
                                                                                                 internal nodes should implements the
                                                                                                interface, internal nodes has a list that
                  For communication                                                        includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes
                                                                                              and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But
                                                                                             leaf node can’t have add sub-node method.
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                                                                                            Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and
                                                                                                 internal nodes should implements the
                                                                                                interface, internal nodes has a list that
                  For communication                                                        includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes
                                                                                              and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But
                                                                                             leaf node can’t have add sub-node method.
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                  For communication
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                  For communication
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Why use Design Pattern
                  For communication
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Difference from java to ruby
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Difference from java to ruby

               Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Difference from java to ruby

               Classes are Objects
               Messages, not function call
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Difference from java to ruby

               Classes are Objects
               Messages, not function call
               Duck Typing
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Difference from java to ruby

               Classes are Objects
               Messages, not function call
               Duck Typing
               Mixin
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern

                  ensures a class has only one instance, and
                   provides a global point of access to it
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern
              You are my
               only wife
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern
                                                                                                     You are my
              You are my
                                                                                                    only husband
               only wife
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern -- java

                  Eager loading
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern -- java

                  Eager loading
                  Lazy loading
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern -- ruby
                  Ruby built-in singleton
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Singleton Pattern -- ruby
                  Ruby built-in singleton
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby for Design Pattern
                  Built-in (Singleton)
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern
                  defines a one-to-many dependency between
                   objects so that when one object changes state,
                   all of its dependents are notified and updated
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern


Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern

Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern

                                                 Notify                                   Notify

Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Define interface by yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Java built-in observer
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- java

                  Java built-in observer
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- ruby

                  Ruby built-in observer
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- ruby

                  Ruby built-in observer
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Observer Pattern -- ruby

                  Ruby built-in observer
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby for Design Pattern

                  Built-in (Singleton, Observer)
                  Mixin
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern
                  provides a way to access the elements of an
                   aggregate object sequentially without exposing
                   its underlying representation
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern

                           Count                 1         2        3                                   10
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- java
           Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- java
           Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- java
           Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- java
           Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- ruby
                  Nothing, just .each
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- ruby
                  Nothing, just .each
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Iterator Pattern -- ruby
                  Nothing, just .each
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby for Design Pattern

                  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)
                  Mixin
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern
                  returns an instance of one of several possible
                   classes, depending on the data provided to it.
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- java
                  Compare with String, a lot of if/else
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby
                  Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby
                  Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby
                  Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby
                  Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby for Design Pattern

                  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)‫‏‬
                  Mixin
                  Classes are Objects
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern
                  encapsulates a request as an object, thereby
                   letting you parameterize clients with different
                   requests, queue or log requests, and support
                   undoable operations.
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- java
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- ruby
                  Proc
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Command Pattern -- ruby
                  Proc
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby for Design Pattern

                  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)‫‏‬
                  Mixin
                  Classes are Objects
                  Proc
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Other Design Patterns

                                         Make use of ruby advantage
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby's Principle
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby's Principle

         DRY – Don't Repeat Yourself
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Ruby's Principle

         DRY – Don't Repeat Yourself
         Convention Over Configuration
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development

         Design Pattern – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
               Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides

         Head First Design Pattern

                  Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

         Design Pattern in Ruby

                  Russ Olsen
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development

                                   happy to discuss and fix my mistakes
Web Development & Graphic Design
China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development

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Design Pattern From Java To Ruby

  • 1. Design Pattern -- from Java to Ruby Richard Ekohe Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 2. Why use Design Pattern  For reuse Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 3. Why use Design Pattern  For communication Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 4. Why use Design Pattern Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and internal nodes should implements the interface, internal nodes has a list that  For communication includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But leaf node can’t have add sub-node method. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 5. Why use Design Pattern Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and internal nodes should implements the interface, internal nodes has a list that  For communication includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But leaf node can’t have add sub-node method. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 6. Why use Design Pattern Define a Node interface, all of leaf nodes and internal nodes should implements the interface, internal nodes has a list that  For communication includes other internal nodes and leaf nodes and it can add and remove sub-nodes. But leaf node can’t have add sub-node method. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 7. Why use Design Pattern  For communication Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 8. Why use Design Pattern  For communication Composite Pattern Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 9. Why use Design Pattern  For communication Composite Pattern Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 10. Difference from java to ruby Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 11. Difference from java to ruby  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 12. Difference from java to ruby  Classes are Objects  Messages, not function call Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 13. Difference from java to ruby  Classes are Objects  Messages, not function call  Duck Typing Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 14. Difference from java to ruby  Classes are Objects  Messages, not function call  Duck Typing  Mixin Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 15. Singleton Pattern  ensures a class has only one instance, and provides a global point of access to it Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 16. Singleton Pattern Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 17. Singleton Pattern You are my only wife Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 18. Singleton Pattern You are my You are my only husband only wife Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 19. Singleton Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 20. Singleton Pattern -- java  Eager loading Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 21. Singleton Pattern -- java  Eager loading  Lazy loading Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 22. Singleton Pattern -- ruby  Ruby built-in singleton Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 23. Singleton Pattern -- ruby  Ruby built-in singleton Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 24. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 25. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 26. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 27. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 28. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 29. Ruby for Design Pattern  Built-in (Singleton) Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 30. Observer Pattern  defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents are notified and updated automatically Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 31. Observer Pattern Subscribe Temperature Detector Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 32. Observer Pattern Subscribe Temprature Temperature changed Detector Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 33. Observer Pattern Notify Notify Subscribe Temprature Temperature changed Detector Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 34. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 35. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 36. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 37. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 38. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 39. Observer Pattern -- java  Define interface by yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 40. Observer Pattern -- java  Java built-in observer Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 41. Observer Pattern -- java  Java built-in observer Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 42. Observer Pattern -- ruby  Ruby built-in observer Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 43. Observer Pattern -- ruby  Ruby built-in observer Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 44. Observer Pattern -- ruby  Ruby built-in observer Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 45. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 46. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 47. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 48. Ruby for Design Pattern  Built-in (Singleton, Observer)  Mixin Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 49. Iterator Pattern  provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 50. Iterator Pattern Count 1 2 3 10 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 51. Iterator Pattern -- java  Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 52. Iterator Pattern -- java  Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 53. Iterator Pattern -- java  Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 54. Iterator Pattern -- java  Java built-in Iterator and mock Iterator Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 55. Iterator Pattern -- ruby  Nothing, just .each Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 56. Iterator Pattern -- ruby  Nothing, just .each Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 57. Iterator Pattern -- ruby  Nothing, just .each Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 58. Ruby for Design Pattern  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)  Mixin Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 59. Simple Factory Pattern  returns an instance of one of several possible classes, depending on the data provided to it. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 60. Simple Factory Pattern Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 61. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 62. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 63. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 64. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 65. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 66. Simple Factory Pattern -- java  Compare with String, a lot of if/else Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 67. Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 68. Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 69. Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 70. Simple Factory Pattern -- ruby  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 71. Ruby for Design Pattern  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)‫‏‬  Mixin  Classes are Objects Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 72. Command Pattern  encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 73. Command Pattern Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 74. Command Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 75. Command Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 76. Command Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 77. Command Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 78. Command Pattern -- java Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 79. Command Pattern -- ruby  Proc Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 80. Command Pattern -- ruby  Proc Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 81. Ruby for Design Pattern  Built-in (Singleton, Observer, Iterator)‫‏‬  Mixin  Classes are Objects  Proc Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 82. Other Design Patterns Make use of ruby advantage Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 83. Ruby's Principle Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 84. Ruby's Principle  DRY – Don't Repeat Yourself Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 85. Ruby's Principle  DRY – Don't Repeat Yourself  Convention Over Configuration Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 86. Resources  Design Pattern – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides  Head First Design Pattern Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates  Design Pattern in Ruby Russ Olsen Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 87. Q&A happy to discuss and fix my mistakes Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development