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Descriptive Essay Thanksgiving
The comfortable environment of friends and family, delicious smells, and valued conversations make Thanksgiving one of the most enjoyable moments
of the year. For as long as I can remember, I have cherished the memories of Thanksgiving with my family. There are comforting sounds of laughter and
lively movement throughout the house. With my whole family gathered nearby, I have no choice but to feel grateful. The delightful smell of the fresh,
smoked ham fills the house. My grandpa and grandma's house is small in size and has limited space for thirty people. She has a cramped island where
all the food is placed for everyone to fill their plates with the Thanksgiving feast. We have different varieties of food to choose from for family
gatherings because there are so many in my family. When the oven has been running all day, the crowded house feels like a stuffy dark closet with
no fresh air. It is all worth it when the pumpkin pie, ham, and sweet corn aroma hits my nose. Once the variety of recipes are cooked and served, my
whole family indulges in the feast. Every Thanksgiving, I promise myself to not eat as much as last year, but it never works I am always miserable
and wish there was a more content...
I usually sit with my cousins, most of which are all boys, and that is a story in itself. I usually sit in the living room with my rowdy cousins and
watch them pick on their younger siblings. They bicker back and forth about whose truck runs better. We all wait patiently for the dessert to be cut
and served. Once everyone has a piece of dessert everyone is silent. When I take the first bite of the pumpkin pie it melts in my mouth and it is the
best thing I have eaten all night. I can tell when everyone finishes their delicious dessert because the house becomes exceptionally loud again. My
family gatherings last for four hours and it is over in a
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Essay About Thanksgiving
This year Thanksgiving is on November 23,2017. Every year my family Thanksgiving is the best, to me at least. So we always have Thanksgiving at
my Grandmas and Grandpas, but not this year we are having it at my house. Which I mean could be good and bad. Good is it is at my house so it's
cool and bad, the house has to be completely spotless or my mom will freak out. Normally what we do every year is we get my family together and
have dinner, mess around, and watch football. This year my dad's brother is coming with his three daughters and his wife and my grandpa and
grandma. I really can't wait to see them all because I don't really see them that much as I would like to. When we have a family dinner like this we
always have a lot of food for everyone. So back in the day they has social standings for people. So basically what social standings is, is like where
you are ranked in the community. So the higher you were the better food you would get to eat. If you were sitting by baked beans you would be
eating baked beans nothing else. To me that would be the worse thing in the world! Me and my partner got to together and talked and we both said at
our thanksgiving meal we don't have social standing. Everyone gets whatever they want and however much they want. We also came to a conclusion
that we have both a lot of people coming to eat at more content...
Which is a lot of people to feed. But normally not all 140 people will like the same food that's why they had a bunch of stuff right? No they did not
back then they only had squash,berries and pumpkin, and ham. Which does seem pretty good but not all 140 people would probably like that. But now
in days you go to a thanksgiving and there is so many choices it's not even funny. Ham,turkey,rolls,mashed potatoes,macaroni and cheese, and so many
more. Thanksgiving dinners have changed so much by how much food there is and what types of food there
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Thankful For Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is coming up, and it is a time for thanks. You should think about everything that you are thankful for, like education, family, and friends.
In my life, I value many different things. Some things that I value and that I am thankful for include my education, my family, and my friends.
My education, family, and friends are all very important to me. To begin, I will need my education to do the things in life that I want to do. For
example, if I want to buy anything at a store, I'll need money, which will come from my job. If I want to go on a trip, I will need to pay for the trip and
I will have to have a good job. I am thankful that I go to a private school and that my education here at St. Anne is remarkable. All of my teachers more content...
Whenever I am hungry, my parents give me food. When I am hurt, my family helps me and comforts me. Without my family, I would be a
completely different person than I am now. The way my family acts influences me. For example, if my family didn't believe in God, then I would not
go to St. Anne and I would believe in some other false god, which would definitely change who I am today. In conclusion, my family helps me and
takes care of me in every way that they can.
Finally, my friends are always there for me. Whenever I am sad, my friends comfort me and tell me jokes to cheer me up. If I am hurt, my friends
help me up and help me in every way that they can. They always have my back, no matter what. If any of my friends are being bullied, then I would
immediately stand up for them and I know that they would do the same for me. I know that in tough situations, my friends will always be there for
me. In conclusion, no matter what happens, my friends will always be there for me. I am thankful for many things, including my education, my
family, and my friends. Thanksgiving is a time for thanks, and I am thanking God for everything that I have. Finally, I'm thankful for my grandparents
because they love me and they spoil me. My grandparents will always love me, and I will always love
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Paragraph On Thanksgiving
As a kid I loved cooking and baking with my mom, but using the oven was my least favorite part. When I was really young I would make my mom
put the food in the oven, I was always impressed at how easily she would put stuff in. As I got older my mom started having me put stuff in the
oven, after doing it hundreds of times I started to get lazy at doing it and I wouldn't bring the door all the way down or I would be off to far to the
side. One time I on Thanksgiving I was getting Yams out of the oven and I forgot to put on the oven mitts, because the oven was off I thought that the
pan wouldn't be hot, it was very hot, I burned my fingertips and I still have scars. Little did I know those scars were not going to be anything
compared to my more content...
The next time I did burn myself it was the worst pain I had ever felt. When I burned myself it was once again getting stuff out of the oven and this
time I did have oven mitts on. I was off to far to the left and my arm touched the oven and it left two huge long blisters on my arm that felt like it was
burning for two months. The second time I burned myself it give me the fear of the oven.
Months passed before I tried to put anything in the oven and when I would try I wouldn't be able to fully get anything in, no matter how careful I
was. The first time I put anything in the oven it was because my dad made me. I was helping my mom make dinner and the oven light went off and
dinner needed to be put in the oven. I tried to call my mom in to put the food in the oven but my dad yelled at me and made me put it in myself. I
pulled the oven door all the way down, I grabbed the pan, I was very careful and got it in without burning myself.
Another few months passed before I took anything out of the oven, when I did it was because my mom went to go get my sister and dinner was in
the oven. Before my mom got home the timer went off and I was home alone. I was in my room when the timer went off, I walked out of my room
and went to the kitchen. I put on the oven mitts, I pulled the door all the way down, I felt a rush of hot air run to my face. I grabbed out the pan out
just of my mom and sister got
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All through the year, there are holidays in the United States to honor, remember, or celebrate people and events that are native to the country.
Thanksgiving, although does celebrate an event, is apart from these American holidays for the fact that it is centered around the virtue of gratitude.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday that reflects the culture and tradition that has been created in the United States. This culture is shown through the
origin, history, old and modern traditions, and food of Thanksgiving.
In September of 1620, Separatists arrived to the New World after sixty–six days across the Atlantic Ocean, and after a month's travel from the tip of
Cape Cod and across Cape Cod's Bay, these colonists finally arrived and established the Plymouth Colony. With 102 passengers at the start of the
journey, only about a half of the Pilgrims survived the first winter. They were naive to the environment of the North America and struggled to find
reliable and safe food sources. These struggling colonists found help when they encountered an Abenaki Indian who spoke English, and later this
Native American introduced the colonists to Squanto, a Patuxet. Squanto showed the Pilgrims how to catch fish in the rivers and then showed them
how to use to fish to fertilize the soil. This way the colonists could grow a successful harvest of corn. That November in 1621, Plymouth's governor,
William Bradford, assembled a feast that lasted three days, where the Separatists and the
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Research Paper On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that celebrate the Pilgrim's successful harvest. The Pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New
World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, seal, swan, and deer meat. In modern times, we serve turkey dinners, have family gatherings,
and watch football games. Many also donate food to neighbors who don't have enough two eat. Thanksgiving is an American which is widely
The holiday Thanksgiving has a long history to where it got today. The Pilgrims left England in September 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower.
They arrived on Massachusetts Bay to established their village at Plymouth. Mayflower's passengers suffered a lot during the winter only half lived
to see America. The Pilgrims settle ashore and was greeted by the Native American in english. Several days later, he brought Squanto who Squanto
taught the Pilgrims many survival skills that help them thrive in such a difficult area to adapt to. Squanto also help formed an alliance with the
neighboring tribe which endure 50 years of peace and harmony between the Natives and Europeans. In November 1621, Governor William Bradford
called for a feast to celebrate the colony's first successful corn harvest. He invited their Native American allies. The feast lasted for three days. This
event was known as the first more content...
For example, in my household, on Thanksgiving day, my mom cooks various of traditional Thanksgiving meals early in the morning. Themeal consist
of turkey, mashed potatoes, sauteed string beans dressed in shredded garlic and butter. While she is cooking, I sit down in front of the T.V. to watch
the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. When my mom is done, which is about 6 p.m., every single guest stands in front of the highly decorated table filled
with scorching hot meals waiting to be devoured, and serve themselves. We follow the traditions every
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Essay On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day family and friends have a traditional meal including turkey. Thanksgiving is always held on the fourth Thursday of November
every year. It's a very special holiday when everybody comes together as a family to cook, enjoy, and bless the food, but also to enjoy each other. In
2015, I had a special Thanksgiving Day dinner that left me full of joy.
On Thanksgiving Day every year, my family and I normally rent a building that's twenty–minutes away from my house. The building is located in
Church Point, Louisiana. It is a Community Center at the park. The inside of the building is huge. It has a kitchen area in the back of the
building. Inside of the kitchen it has a large island and cabinets stuff full of pots, pans, and utensils. We had two long tables in the back by the
kitchen to put the food on. The deejay is placed in the front by the entrance. Between the kitchen and the deejay were chairs and tables placed for
people to eat their food. There were placed a variety of tables that came in different shapes and colors. As I walked around the building, I noticed
yellow, brown, and orange tables. The chairs had chair covers on them that were the same colors of yellow, brown, and orange, which are colors that
you would see in November that had different meanings. Yellow is the corn, brown is the turkey and orange is apumpkin.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches each year slowly, my family and friends are on their way to Louisiana. Most of my family are from
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Essay On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to your life and everyone and everything in it. Thanksgiving is thought of in different ways and is celebrated in
unlike ways. Families have divergent meals, places that they visit on Thanksgiving, and activities that they enjoy taking part in on Thanksgiving.
Overall, no matter what traditions there are, what meals you have, or the activities enjoyed on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is truly a wonderful
holiday. There are many places that people may visit on Thanksgiving, and some may not even go to a relative's house! For Thanksgiving at my house,
my family and I travel to my Great Aunt Brenda's house. My Aunt Brenda lives about two and a half hours away, I'm not exactly sure
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Pumpkin pie, chocolate cream, whipped cream, and strawberry lemon pie are normally the pies that we enjoy after our Thanksgiving meal. I
enjoy a piece of each pie, and so do my cousins, but the adults, normally stick to the chocolate cream pie. My absolute favorite part would be the
stuffing, and you can't forget cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and cornbread! The cornbread is so good, and I could eat stuffing by the
spoonful! Food has to be my favorite part of Thanksgiving, and seeing family! I have discovered that people don't share the same Thanksgiving
traditions as me. Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Turdunkin are all enjoyed as main course meals! Vegetables, mashed potatoes, rolls, cookies, ice
cream, lemon pie, and blueberry pie bars are also enjoyed on Thanksgiving. Cookies, assorted pies, and blueberry pie bars are commonly enjoyed,
and they actually sound pretty tasty! The favorite part of some people's Thanksgiving feast would be the pie and rolls. Meals aren't always eaten with
family at the table. Some families sit on the couch, while they watch tv, or they eat at a fancy restaurant. Everyone has their own customs when it
comes to the holidays. Every year for Thanksgiving, my dad, cousin, and 2 uncles go hunting. Hunting is a tradition that we enjoy on Thanksgiving,
and we have repeated it for several years. Hunting is done before the meal, and after, and we normally shoot 2–3 deer
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Happy Thanksgiving Essay
Happy #NationalStuffingDay! Perfect preparation for Thanksgiving! Follow our Instagram and Facebook to see more updates and info!
#MorrisonEats *Share a photo of your teams' favorite dish* We can't get enough of our ______! #MorrisonEats Wishing everyone a Happy
Thanksgiving! #MorrisonEats Tired of shopping this #BlackFriday? Take a break and enjoy a parfait! #NationalParfaitDay! *Share a photo of your
account and why you're grateful for your team* So thankful for my hard working team! #MorrisonEats Retweet Take a break and join us at the
cafГ© for a snack and coffee! #NationalEspressoDay What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? We enjoy being surrounded by our loved ones! But
the naps are a close second. #MorrisonEats *Share a
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Thanksgiving Essay examples
The truth behind the tradition is surprising. Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims seem to go together, but the truth is, the Pilgrims never held an autumnal
Thanksgiving feast. However the Pilgrims did have a feast in 1621, after their first harvest, and it is this feast, which people often refer to as
"The First Thanksgiving". This feast was never repeated, though, so it can't be called the beginning of a tradition, nor was it termed by
the colonists or "Pilgrims" a Thanksgiving Feast. In fact, a day of thanksgiving was a day of prayer and fasting, and would have been
held any time that they felt an extra day of thanks was called for. Nevertheless, the 1621 feast has become a model that we think of for our
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The truth of the matter is, when the Pilgrims arrived, they found an abandoned Wampanoag village and moved right in. In 1618, a massive epidemic
of an unknown disease left by English explorers swept across Wampanoag country and decimated many of the villages. This epidemic caused the
death of ten to thirty percent of the total population and all but a few of the 2,000 people of the village of Patuxet. When the Pilgrims arrived in
1620, they landed at Patuxet with no idea of what had occurred. At this point, there were only about 2,000 members left in the Wampanoag tribe,
down from 12,000 in 1600. Despite the incredible losses to his people, Wampanoag leader Massasoit and 90 of his men sat down for a harvest
celebration offered by the white men. For three days the Wampanoag and Pilgrims feasted on deer, wild turkey, fish, beans, squash, corn and other
foods native to North America. Although the celebration was good–natured, this event truly signifies the beginning of a drastic decline of native
culture and Thanksgiving would be more fittingly observed as a day of mourning rather than a celebration. In the years that followed, skirmishes
occurred and more Native Americans were killed. In 1637, English soldiers massacred 700 Pequot men, women and children as an example of the
English way of war, yet we still celebrate Thanksgiving as a joyful event. So, as we sit down for our Thanksgiving dinner,
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Essay On Thanksgiving
Do you ever think about why we celebrate Thansgiving or why we are thankful for different things? Thanksgiving is a national holiday, celebrated by
Canadians, the United States, and some of the Caribbean Islands. Thanksgiving was first ever celebrated in October of 1621 by the pilgrims, this
feast lasted about 3 days. Thnaksgiving is a great time to recognize and be thankful for what we have. To begin with, I am thankful for myfamily. The
first reason I am thankful for my family is that they are all hard workers. All my family memebers work really hard to keep everything up and
running smooth. Another reason why I am thankful for my family is that they are very dependable. It is a great feeling to know that you have so
many people that are by your side at all times. All of my family members are very caring people and I am very lucky to have that. For example, when
you into the room everyone asks how you are doing and how your day has been so far. I am very lucky to have such dependable, caring, and
hardworking people in my more content...
One of the biggest reason I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have is that I know they will always be there for me. I know that my
friends will always be there for me when somehting goes wrong and I will always be there for them at any time. Another reason I am thankful for
the friends that I have is that I can trust them. Any time I need to get something off my chest, I know that I can go to one of my friends for help.
The last reason I am thankful for my friends is because they are always loyal to me. It is makes me feel very greatful that I know that I have loyal
friends, who will always stay loyal to me. I am very lucky to have such great friends who will always be there for me, who are trustworthy, and friends
who show their loyalty to
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Paragraph About Thanksgiving
Every Thanksgiving my family and I always gather around the dinner table at my mom's house, and enjoy an enormous Jamaican Fest with a mix of
the traditional Thanksgiving meal. The day before Thanksgiving, my sisters come over and we clean the house. We usually start with the kitchen. We
start by fixing the stainless steel refrigerator, and pearly white cabinets. We organize everything perfectly so when tomorrow comes we won't struggle
to find the items we need for the big day. Once the refrigerator and cabinets were done we collect silverware specially used for Thanksgiving day and
put it on the stainless steel dishwater to clean
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Thanksgiving Essay
Christmas, a time which many would agree is magical. A time of miracles and gift giving that brings out the best aspects of people. Christmas, is
traditionally a twelve–day celebration, but in this country it is officially recognized as December 25, but, the length of the celebration is certainly
increasing, unofficially. There is an unspoken rule among society, and especially in regards to retailers that Black Friday signals the start of the
Christmas season, at this point Thanksgiving has passed and people can then turn their focus towards the blind consumerism that accompanies Black
Friday and the coming season. In recent years however, these unofficial celebrations of Christmas have begun to encroach far beyond that final week of more content...
That of becoming overly excited and when the actual holiday arrives feeling as though it did not live up to its lofty expectations. To examine this,
one could look firstly at the idea of an advent calendar, and really that of advent season itself. These calendars give, progressively more enticing
rewards, each day closer to Christmas one is. However, these calendars do not go on for an indiscriminate amount of time. These calendars are
normally in accordance with the religious season of advent, which is the last four Sundays leading up to Christmas itself, or they are simply 25 days,
one for each day of the month of December leading to Christmas. These calendars, along with such actions as putting up Christmas trees or lawn
decorations, serve as a great way of getting excited for the holiday, and having a time structure so that the excitement is focused in the closest
proximity to the actual holiday. Now imagine that this structure is gone, calendars can go for months and trees are put up in October. One of two
things can happen. Firstly, the initial excitement of the holiday season approaching causes great fervor, but given the length in time from the tree going
up to the actual holiday, the excitement lulls down again before maybe reappearing in a lesser sense as the holiday is about to occur. The second
outcome is that initial excitement for the
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Thanksgiving Speech Topics
Hi Everyone! I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving holiday!
This week's discussion topic was very interesting to me as I am a musician myself
and have mixed feeling about the gray area with royalty and the legality of it. After listening to the recording, I believe it was used hundreds of times
for two reasons. One bringing that it contained different elements that was not seen during that time period. But mainly it was used hundreds of times
because it was a "sample". This means that the recording artist did not have to pay commission for another drummer to perform the same solo. Since
sampling has a lot of gray areas to many people can seem like stealing. I often think sampling is shady and not original (which I personally think it is).
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Research Paper On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated by many Americans. It is more than just a day to give thanks and be thankful for many blessings that people have,
it is a day which Americans should remember as being an important day in their history.
The first year was very difficult for the pilgrims. There was a harsh winter, which made it very hard to prepare crops for the coming season, build
homes and shelters, and to prepare for weather conditions that were foreign to the pilgrims. Thanksgiving was very important, it was a religious
celebration thanking god for the end to the terrible drought that threatened the crops for the year. The feast lasted for three days and was celebrated
with the Native Americans and the governor William Bradford. At the
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Essay On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for many things: food, family, and, with Black Friday sales starting earlier each year, shopping. It's also a time for giving
thanks, something most people forget about despite the presence of the word "thanks" in the name of the holiday. People have a tendency to forget
about this part, though, because it's easy to take the people and animals we love for granted. Sometimes, it's hard to appreciate them at all, especially
when you have a cat whose been labeled the "bad cat" like my family's cat, Shadow.
Shadow got his name because he follows everyone like, you guessed it, a shadow. He's the opposite of the stereotypical, aloof cat. He doesn't like to
be alone and he tends to get in trouble when he's left to his own more content...
Some of his classic antics include falling into the washing machine (luckily, it was empty), being rushed to the kitty ER for things like eating grapes
and sticking his feet into doors, and breaking countless household knick–knacks. My family has had about dozen cats throughout our lives and none of
them have been as mischievous as Shadow. However, no one can stay mad at him when he snuggles onto your lap and starts purring.
As a family, we've often theorized about the origins of Shadow's troublemaker behavior. While it's possible that it's just his personality, we think it's
just as likely caused by the way he came into our lives. Shadow joined our family a little over a year ago when he was literally thrown out of a car into
our lives.
Though the little, flea–covered kitten received some cuts and bruises, mostly to his face and head, the veterinary said that he didn't receive any
serious injuries. His cuts and bruises have since healed; however, we still wonder if he doesn't suffer any lasting effects from his head injuries.
Maybe, he does and maybe, he doesn't. Either way, that's the story I'm sticking it to explain his mischievous and quirky behavior, behavior was on full
display during his first Thanksgiving with
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Creative Writing On Thanksgiving
Uh, is this thing on? Oh, yes it is! So, um... Day 43 in my turkey log. I missed a few days because the humans found my recorder. Luckily, I snuck
into their house when they were gone to retrieve my stolen property. So, because of this, I have news to share with myself. A dreaded holiday is
around the corner where every turkey fears, the holiday which I fear the most. Thanksgiving. I live in fear every single day that one day, they will
grab me by my feathers, and take my into the feared log shed, where no turkey comes back from, where no one can hear my screams... Uh, I'm getting
ahead of myself. They won't come for me, I'm too skinny. I limited my eating habits on purpose because I heard that the raucous humans like succulent,
fat turkeys. But, what if they LIKE skinny turkeys and pick me... No, it's going to be alright. Just breathe. My paranoia is getting ahead of
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Oh, right, my important news! Of course, with Thanksgiving, the humans are starting to fatten us up. Normally, I would have stayed away from the
atrocious food, but it was different this time. The smell was like a symphony of pleasant aromas and don't even get me started on the taste! I wonder
why the humans are giving us this delicious food, unless... I mean, I've been telling the others to stop their eating habits and it's been working, they're
getting skinnier. So maybe, the humans have a strategy to give us food that is so good that we can't resist until we are plump. And
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What Is Thanksgiving Essay
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. My mom Aunt and grandma rotate through the years. My aunt Heather and her family aren't usually
able to come for thanksgiving sense they live in Texas. We always eat around 12:30 then we lay down and take naps or watch football. There is
always an abundant amount of food on the table before we eat most of it. I help my grandma every year make the deserts. We adorn the cookies
with sprinkles frosting. After about an hour after watching football or sleeping we go play football. But no matter what we play football everyone
plays. My aunt broke we toe one year because she was not smart enough to wear shoes, she was mad but I thought it was pretty comical. I like
Thanksgiving because you get to
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Being Thankful
Far too often in our selfish–minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my
back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able
to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my
parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent.
However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
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Descriptive Essay Thanksgiving

  • 1. Descriptive Essay Thanksgiving The comfortable environment of friends and family, delicious smells, and valued conversations make Thanksgiving one of the most enjoyable moments of the year. For as long as I can remember, I have cherished the memories of Thanksgiving with my family. There are comforting sounds of laughter and lively movement throughout the house. With my whole family gathered nearby, I have no choice but to feel grateful. The delightful smell of the fresh, smoked ham fills the house. My grandpa and grandma's house is small in size and has limited space for thirty people. She has a cramped island where all the food is placed for everyone to fill their plates with the Thanksgiving feast. We have different varieties of food to choose from for family gatherings because there are so many in my family. When the oven has been running all day, the crowded house feels like a stuffy dark closet with no fresh air. It is all worth it when the pumpkin pie, ham, and sweet corn aroma hits my nose. Once the variety of recipes are cooked and served, my whole family indulges in the feast. Every Thanksgiving, I promise myself to not eat as much as last year, but it never works I am always miserable and wish there was a more content... I usually sit with my cousins, most of which are all boys, and that is a story in itself. I usually sit in the living room with my rowdy cousins and watch them pick on their younger siblings. They bicker back and forth about whose truck runs better. We all wait patiently for the dessert to be cut and served. Once everyone has a piece of dessert everyone is silent. When I take the first bite of the pumpkin pie it melts in my mouth and it is the best thing I have eaten all night. I can tell when everyone finishes their delicious dessert because the house becomes exceptionally loud again. My family gatherings last for four hours and it is over in a Get more content on
  • 2. Essay About Thanksgiving This year Thanksgiving is on November 23,2017. Every year my family Thanksgiving is the best, to me at least. So we always have Thanksgiving at my Grandmas and Grandpas, but not this year we are having it at my house. Which I mean could be good and bad. Good is it is at my house so it's cool and bad, the house has to be completely spotless or my mom will freak out. Normally what we do every year is we get my family together and have dinner, mess around, and watch football. This year my dad's brother is coming with his three daughters and his wife and my grandpa and grandma. I really can't wait to see them all because I don't really see them that much as I would like to. When we have a family dinner like this we always have a lot of food for everyone. So back in the day they has social standings for people. So basically what social standings is, is like where you are ranked in the community. So the higher you were the better food you would get to eat. If you were sitting by baked beans you would be eating baked beans nothing else. To me that would be the worse thing in the world! Me and my partner got to together and talked and we both said at our thanksgiving meal we don't have social standing. Everyone gets whatever they want and however much they want. We also came to a conclusion that we have both a lot of people coming to eat at more content... Which is a lot of people to feed. But normally not all 140 people will like the same food that's why they had a bunch of stuff right? No they did not back then they only had squash,berries and pumpkin, and ham. Which does seem pretty good but not all 140 people would probably like that. But now in days you go to a thanksgiving and there is so many choices it's not even funny. Ham,turkey,rolls,mashed potatoes,macaroni and cheese, and so many more. Thanksgiving dinners have changed so much by how much food there is and what types of food there Get more content on
  • 3. Thankful For Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is coming up, and it is a time for thanks. You should think about everything that you are thankful for, like education, family, and friends. In my life, I value many different things. Some things that I value and that I am thankful for include my education, my family, and my friends. My education, family, and friends are all very important to me. To begin, I will need my education to do the things in life that I want to do. For example, if I want to buy anything at a store, I'll need money, which will come from my job. If I want to go on a trip, I will need to pay for the trip and I will have to have a good job. I am thankful that I go to a private school and that my education here at St. Anne is remarkable. All of my teachers more content... Whenever I am hungry, my parents give me food. When I am hurt, my family helps me and comforts me. Without my family, I would be a completely different person than I am now. The way my family acts influences me. For example, if my family didn't believe in God, then I would not go to St. Anne and I would believe in some other false god, which would definitely change who I am today. In conclusion, my family helps me and takes care of me in every way that they can. Finally, my friends are always there for me. Whenever I am sad, my friends comfort me and tell me jokes to cheer me up. If I am hurt, my friends help me up and help me in every way that they can. They always have my back, no matter what. If any of my friends are being bullied, then I would immediately stand up for them and I know that they would do the same for me. I know that in tough situations, my friends will always be there for me. In conclusion, no matter what happens, my friends will always be there for me. I am thankful for many things, including my education, my family, and my friends. Thanksgiving is a time for thanks, and I am thanking God for everything that I have. Finally, I'm thankful for my grandparents because they love me and they spoil me. My grandparents will always love me, and I will always love Get more content on
  • 4. Paragraph On Thanksgiving As a kid I loved cooking and baking with my mom, but using the oven was my least favorite part. When I was really young I would make my mom put the food in the oven, I was always impressed at how easily she would put stuff in. As I got older my mom started having me put stuff in the oven, after doing it hundreds of times I started to get lazy at doing it and I wouldn't bring the door all the way down or I would be off to far to the side. One time I on Thanksgiving I was getting Yams out of the oven and I forgot to put on the oven mitts, because the oven was off I thought that the pan wouldn't be hot, it was very hot, I burned my fingertips and I still have scars. Little did I know those scars were not going to be anything compared to my more content... The next time I did burn myself it was the worst pain I had ever felt. When I burned myself it was once again getting stuff out of the oven and this time I did have oven mitts on. I was off to far to the left and my arm touched the oven and it left two huge long blisters on my arm that felt like it was burning for two months. The second time I burned myself it give me the fear of the oven. Months passed before I tried to put anything in the oven and when I would try I wouldn't be able to fully get anything in, no matter how careful I was. The first time I put anything in the oven it was because my dad made me. I was helping my mom make dinner and the oven light went off and dinner needed to be put in the oven. I tried to call my mom in to put the food in the oven but my dad yelled at me and made me put it in myself. I pulled the oven door all the way down, I grabbed the pan, I was very careful and got it in without burning myself. Another few months passed before I took anything out of the oven, when I did it was because my mom went to go get my sister and dinner was in the oven. Before my mom got home the timer went off and I was home alone. I was in my room when the timer went off, I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. I put on the oven mitts, I pulled the door all the way down, I felt a rush of hot air run to my face. I grabbed out the pan out just of my mom and sister got Get more content on
  • 5. All through the year, there are holidays in the United States to honor, remember, or celebrate people and events that are native to the country. Thanksgiving, although does celebrate an event, is apart from these American holidays for the fact that it is centered around the virtue of gratitude. Thanksgiving is a national holiday that reflects the culture and tradition that has been created in the United States. This culture is shown through the origin, history, old and modern traditions, and food of Thanksgiving. In September of 1620, Separatists arrived to the New World after sixty–six days across the Atlantic Ocean, and after a month's travel from the tip of Cape Cod and across Cape Cod's Bay, these colonists finally arrived and established the Plymouth Colony. With 102 passengers at the start of the journey, only about a half of the Pilgrims survived the first winter. They were naive to the environment of the North America and struggled to find reliable and safe food sources. These struggling colonists found help when they encountered an Abenaki Indian who spoke English, and later this Native American introduced the colonists to Squanto, a Patuxet. Squanto showed the Pilgrims how to catch fish in the rivers and then showed them how to use to fish to fertilize the soil. This way the colonists could grow a successful harvest of corn. That November in 1621, Plymouth's governor, William Bradford, assembled a feast that lasted three days, where the Separatists and the Get more content on
  • 6. Research Paper On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is an American holiday that celebrate the Pilgrim's successful harvest. The Pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, seal, swan, and deer meat. In modern times, we serve turkey dinners, have family gatherings, and watch football games. Many also donate food to neighbors who don't have enough two eat. Thanksgiving is an American which is widely celebrated. The holiday Thanksgiving has a long history to where it got today. The Pilgrims left England in September 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They arrived on Massachusetts Bay to established their village at Plymouth. Mayflower's passengers suffered a lot during the winter only half lived to see America. The Pilgrims settle ashore and was greeted by the Native American in english. Several days later, he brought Squanto who Squanto taught the Pilgrims many survival skills that help them thrive in such a difficult area to adapt to. Squanto also help formed an alliance with the neighboring tribe which endure 50 years of peace and harmony between the Natives and Europeans. In November 1621, Governor William Bradford called for a feast to celebrate the colony's first successful corn harvest. He invited their Native American allies. The feast lasted for three days. This event was known as the first more content... For example, in my household, on Thanksgiving day, my mom cooks various of traditional Thanksgiving meals early in the morning. Themeal consist of turkey, mashed potatoes, sauteed string beans dressed in shredded garlic and butter. While she is cooking, I sit down in front of the T.V. to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. When my mom is done, which is about 6 p.m., every single guest stands in front of the highly decorated table filled with scorching hot meals waiting to be devoured, and serve themselves. We follow the traditions every Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a day family and friends have a traditional meal including turkey. Thanksgiving is always held on the fourth Thursday of November every year. It's a very special holiday when everybody comes together as a family to cook, enjoy, and bless the food, but also to enjoy each other. In 2015, I had a special Thanksgiving Day dinner that left me full of joy. On Thanksgiving Day every year, my family and I normally rent a building that's twenty–minutes away from my house. The building is located in Church Point, Louisiana. It is a Community Center at the park. The inside of the building is huge. It has a kitchen area in the back of the building. Inside of the kitchen it has a large island and cabinets stuff full of pots, pans, and utensils. We had two long tables in the back by the kitchen to put the food on. The deejay is placed in the front by the entrance. Between the kitchen and the deejay were chairs and tables placed for people to eat their food. There were placed a variety of tables that came in different shapes and colors. As I walked around the building, I noticed yellow, brown, and orange tables. The chairs had chair covers on them that were the same colors of yellow, brown, and orange, which are colors that you would see in November that had different meanings. Yellow is the corn, brown is the turkey and orange is apumpkin. As Thanksgiving Day approaches each year slowly, my family and friends are on their way to Louisiana. Most of my family are from Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to your life and everyone and everything in it. Thanksgiving is thought of in different ways and is celebrated in unlike ways. Families have divergent meals, places that they visit on Thanksgiving, and activities that they enjoy taking part in on Thanksgiving. Overall, no matter what traditions there are, what meals you have, or the activities enjoyed on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is truly a wonderful holiday. There are many places that people may visit on Thanksgiving, and some may not even go to a relative's house! For Thanksgiving at my house, my family and I travel to my Great Aunt Brenda's house. My Aunt Brenda lives about two and a half hours away, I'm not exactly sure more content... Pumpkin pie, chocolate cream, whipped cream, and strawberry lemon pie are normally the pies that we enjoy after our Thanksgiving meal. I enjoy a piece of each pie, and so do my cousins, but the adults, normally stick to the chocolate cream pie. My absolute favorite part would be the stuffing, and you can't forget cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and cornbread! The cornbread is so good, and I could eat stuffing by the spoonful! Food has to be my favorite part of Thanksgiving, and seeing family! I have discovered that people don't share the same Thanksgiving traditions as me. Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Turdunkin are all enjoyed as main course meals! Vegetables, mashed potatoes, rolls, cookies, ice cream, lemon pie, and blueberry pie bars are also enjoyed on Thanksgiving. Cookies, assorted pies, and blueberry pie bars are commonly enjoyed, and they actually sound pretty tasty! The favorite part of some people's Thanksgiving feast would be the pie and rolls. Meals aren't always eaten with family at the table. Some families sit on the couch, while they watch tv, or they eat at a fancy restaurant. Everyone has their own customs when it comes to the holidays. Every year for Thanksgiving, my dad, cousin, and 2 uncles go hunting. Hunting is a tradition that we enjoy on Thanksgiving, and we have repeated it for several years. Hunting is done before the meal, and after, and we normally shoot 2–3 deer Get more content on
  • 9. Happy Thanksgiving Essay Happy #NationalStuffingDay! Perfect preparation for Thanksgiving! Follow our Instagram and Facebook to see more updates and info! #MorrisonEats *Share a photo of your teams' favorite dish* We can't get enough of our ______! #MorrisonEats Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! #MorrisonEats Tired of shopping this #BlackFriday? Take a break and enjoy a parfait! #NationalParfaitDay! *Share a photo of your account and why you're grateful for your team* So thankful for my hard working team! #MorrisonEats Retweet Take a break and join us at the cafГ© for a snack and coffee! #NationalEspressoDay What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? We enjoy being surrounded by our loved ones! But the naps are a close second. #MorrisonEats *Share a Get more content on
  • 10. Thanksgiving Essay examples The truth behind the tradition is surprising. Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims seem to go together, but the truth is, the Pilgrims never held an autumnal Thanksgiving feast. However the Pilgrims did have a feast in 1621, after their first harvest, and it is this feast, which people often refer to as "The First Thanksgiving". This feast was never repeated, though, so it can't be called the beginning of a tradition, nor was it termed by the colonists or "Pilgrims" a Thanksgiving Feast. In fact, a day of thanksgiving was a day of prayer and fasting, and would have been held any time that they felt an extra day of thanks was called for. Nevertheless, the 1621 feast has become a model that we think of for our more content... The truth of the matter is, when the Pilgrims arrived, they found an abandoned Wampanoag village and moved right in. In 1618, a massive epidemic of an unknown disease left by English explorers swept across Wampanoag country and decimated many of the villages. This epidemic caused the death of ten to thirty percent of the total population and all but a few of the 2,000 people of the village of Patuxet. When the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, they landed at Patuxet with no idea of what had occurred. At this point, there were only about 2,000 members left in the Wampanoag tribe, down from 12,000 in 1600. Despite the incredible losses to his people, Wampanoag leader Massasoit and 90 of his men sat down for a harvest celebration offered by the white men. For three days the Wampanoag and Pilgrims feasted on deer, wild turkey, fish, beans, squash, corn and other foods native to North America. Although the celebration was good–natured, this event truly signifies the beginning of a drastic decline of native culture and Thanksgiving would be more fittingly observed as a day of mourning rather than a celebration. In the years that followed, skirmishes occurred and more Native Americans were killed. In 1637, English soldiers massacred 700 Pequot men, women and children as an example of the English way of war, yet we still celebrate Thanksgiving as a joyful event. So, as we sit down for our Thanksgiving dinner, Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Thanksgiving Do you ever think about why we celebrate Thansgiving or why we are thankful for different things? Thanksgiving is a national holiday, celebrated by Canadians, the United States, and some of the Caribbean Islands. Thanksgiving was first ever celebrated in October of 1621 by the pilgrims, this feast lasted about 3 days. Thnaksgiving is a great time to recognize and be thankful for what we have. To begin with, I am thankful for myfamily. The first reason I am thankful for my family is that they are all hard workers. All my family memebers work really hard to keep everything up and running smooth. Another reason why I am thankful for my family is that they are very dependable. It is a great feeling to know that you have so many people that are by your side at all times. All of my family members are very caring people and I am very lucky to have that. For example, when you into the room everyone asks how you are doing and how your day has been so far. I am very lucky to have such dependable, caring, and hardworking people in my more content... One of the biggest reason I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have is that I know they will always be there for me. I know that my friends will always be there for me when somehting goes wrong and I will always be there for them at any time. Another reason I am thankful for the friends that I have is that I can trust them. Any time I need to get something off my chest, I know that I can go to one of my friends for help. The last reason I am thankful for my friends is because they are always loyal to me. It is makes me feel very greatful that I know that I have loyal friends, who will always stay loyal to me. I am very lucky to have such great friends who will always be there for me, who are trustworthy, and friends who show their loyalty to Get more content on
  • 12. Paragraph About Thanksgiving Every Thanksgiving my family and I always gather around the dinner table at my mom's house, and enjoy an enormous Jamaican Fest with a mix of the traditional Thanksgiving meal. The day before Thanksgiving, my sisters come over and we clean the house. We usually start with the kitchen. We start by fixing the stainless steel refrigerator, and pearly white cabinets. We organize everything perfectly so when tomorrow comes we won't struggle to find the items we need for the big day. Once the refrigerator and cabinets were done we collect silverware specially used for Thanksgiving day and put it on the stainless steel dishwater to clean Get more content on
  • 13. Thanksgiving Essay Christmas, a time which many would agree is magical. A time of miracles and gift giving that brings out the best aspects of people. Christmas, is traditionally a twelve–day celebration, but in this country it is officially recognized as December 25, but, the length of the celebration is certainly increasing, unofficially. There is an unspoken rule among society, and especially in regards to retailers that Black Friday signals the start of the Christmas season, at this point Thanksgiving has passed and people can then turn their focus towards the blind consumerism that accompanies Black Friday and the coming season. In recent years however, these unofficial celebrations of Christmas have begun to encroach far beyond that final week of more content... That of becoming overly excited and when the actual holiday arrives feeling as though it did not live up to its lofty expectations. To examine this, one could look firstly at the idea of an advent calendar, and really that of advent season itself. These calendars give, progressively more enticing rewards, each day closer to Christmas one is. However, these calendars do not go on for an indiscriminate amount of time. These calendars are normally in accordance with the religious season of advent, which is the last four Sundays leading up to Christmas itself, or they are simply 25 days, one for each day of the month of December leading to Christmas. These calendars, along with such actions as putting up Christmas trees or lawn decorations, serve as a great way of getting excited for the holiday, and having a time structure so that the excitement is focused in the closest proximity to the actual holiday. Now imagine that this structure is gone, calendars can go for months and trees are put up in October. One of two things can happen. Firstly, the initial excitement of the holiday season approaching causes great fervor, but given the length in time from the tree going up to the actual holiday, the excitement lulls down again before maybe reappearing in a lesser sense as the holiday is about to occur. The second outcome is that initial excitement for the Get more content on
  • 14. Thanksgiving Speech Topics Hi Everyone! I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving holiday!
This week's discussion topic was very interesting to me as I am a musician myself and have mixed feeling about the gray area with royalty and the legality of it. After listening to the recording, I believe it was used hundreds of times for two reasons. One bringing that it contained different elements that was not seen during that time period. But mainly it was used hundreds of times because it was a "sample". This means that the recording artist did not have to pay commission for another drummer to perform the same solo. Since sampling has a lot of gray areas to many people can seem like stealing. I often think sampling is shady and not original (which I personally think it is). Get more content on
  • 15. Research Paper On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated by many Americans. It is more than just a day to give thanks and be thankful for many blessings that people have, it is a day which Americans should remember as being an important day in their history. The first year was very difficult for the pilgrims. There was a harsh winter, which made it very hard to prepare crops for the coming season, build homes and shelters, and to prepare for weather conditions that were foreign to the pilgrims. Thanksgiving was very important, it was a religious celebration thanking god for the end to the terrible drought that threatened the crops for the year. The feast lasted for three days and was celebrated with the Native Americans and the governor William Bradford. At the Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a time for many things: food, family, and, with Black Friday sales starting earlier each year, shopping. It's also a time for giving thanks, something most people forget about despite the presence of the word "thanks" in the name of the holiday. People have a tendency to forget about this part, though, because it's easy to take the people and animals we love for granted. Sometimes, it's hard to appreciate them at all, especially when you have a cat whose been labeled the "bad cat" like my family's cat, Shadow. Shadow got his name because he follows everyone like, you guessed it, a shadow. He's the opposite of the stereotypical, aloof cat. He doesn't like to be alone and he tends to get in trouble when he's left to his own more content... Some of his classic antics include falling into the washing machine (luckily, it was empty), being rushed to the kitty ER for things like eating grapes and sticking his feet into doors, and breaking countless household knick–knacks. My family has had about dozen cats throughout our lives and none of them have been as mischievous as Shadow. However, no one can stay mad at him when he snuggles onto your lap and starts purring. As a family, we've often theorized about the origins of Shadow's troublemaker behavior. While it's possible that it's just his personality, we think it's just as likely caused by the way he came into our lives. Shadow joined our family a little over a year ago when he was literally thrown out of a car into our lives. Though the little, flea–covered kitten received some cuts and bruises, mostly to his face and head, the veterinary said that he didn't receive any serious injuries. His cuts and bruises have since healed; however, we still wonder if he doesn't suffer any lasting effects from his head injuries. Maybe, he does and maybe, he doesn't. Either way, that's the story I'm sticking it to explain his mischievous and quirky behavior, behavior was on full display during his first Thanksgiving with Get more content on
  • 17. Creative Writing On Thanksgiving Uh, is this thing on? Oh, yes it is! So, um... Day 43 in my turkey log. I missed a few days because the humans found my recorder. Luckily, I snuck into their house when they were gone to retrieve my stolen property. So, because of this, I have news to share with myself. A dreaded holiday is around the corner where every turkey fears, the holiday which I fear the most. Thanksgiving. I live in fear every single day that one day, they will grab me by my feathers, and take my into the feared log shed, where no turkey comes back from, where no one can hear my screams... Uh, I'm getting ahead of myself. They won't come for me, I'm too skinny. I limited my eating habits on purpose because I heard that the raucous humans like succulent, fat turkeys. But, what if they LIKE skinny turkeys and pick me... No, it's going to be alright. Just breathe. My paranoia is getting ahead of more content... Oh, right, my important news! Of course, with Thanksgiving, the humans are starting to fatten us up. Normally, I would have stayed away from the atrocious food, but it was different this time. The smell was like a symphony of pleasant aromas and don't even get me started on the taste! I wonder why the humans are giving us this delicious food, unless... I mean, I've been telling the others to stop their eating habits and it's been working, they're getting skinnier. So maybe, the humans have a strategy to give us food that is so good that we can't resist until we are plump. And Get more content on
  • 18. What Is Thanksgiving Essay Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. My mom Aunt and grandma rotate through the years. My aunt Heather and her family aren't usually able to come for thanksgiving sense they live in Texas. We always eat around 12:30 then we lay down and take naps or watch football. There is always an abundant amount of food on the table before we eat most of it. I help my grandma every year make the deserts. We adorn the cookies with sprinkles frosting. After about an hour after watching football or sleeping we go play football. But no matter what we play football everyone plays. My aunt broke we toe one year because she was not smart enough to wear shoes, she was mad but I thought it was pretty comical. I like Thanksgiving because you get to Get more content on
  • 19. Being Thankful Far too often in our selfish–minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with Get more content on