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Natalie 2
Breaking news 3
Safety 4
Fun Day 5
NDC Local in 6
Rome 7
Soduku 8
Bits 9
Ndc Local 10
Imba with
2016-2017 12
Planner 13
2016 14
Horoscope 15
Alisdair Rusk 16
Adam Proctor
improvement 17
Wheres Willy 18
Try this 19
Tony Utting.
The Big Story 20
With Paul and
William 21
Stuff 22
Revised Christ-
mas days 23
James Thatcher 24
Lyrics 25
RP 26
CWU 27
2015 Issue 38
Contacts: regarding The Communicator
Natalie covers some of your questions
and brings us up to date with the NDC business.
Merry Christmas! It’s fantastic to see so many people getting into the Christmas spirit!
A big thank you to all of those involved in creating our spectacular Christmas tree display
and I love seeing the Christmas hats and jumpers starting to appear!
The much hyped Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales have seen record breaking volumes of traffic coming into the
NDC. Since Black Friday we have handled ¼ million Tracked next day parcels and ½ million Tracked 48 parcels. And
we have cross docked exactly 124,278 Yorks! On Tuesday the late shift cross docked 50% more Yorks than the same
day last year!
Over the past few days we have broken many records:
 The most cross docked Yorks in one day ever – 36,663
 The most Tracked parcels processed in one day ever –
 The most vehicle arrivals in one day ever – 1,244
I also think that Oonagh, Adam and I may have also broken a
record for the most cake eaten ever too!
It’s been a tough few days for everyone involved, but you have
all shown tremendous determination to deliver a great perform-
ance. And although we have seen failures in the past couple of
days it is worth highlighting that our failures are substantially
down despite huge growth in the traffic we handle.
Here’s some of the feedback
from the top of the business:
Unbelievable levels for a Nov Saturday.
Really well done to you and the team.
Paul Hampson
Tremendous job by the team last
night. Huge achievement through
your unit well done.
Phil Murphy
Thanks to all of you for going the extra mile to
ensure we get through this weekend as smoothly
as possible- it is hugely appreciated I hope it goes well over the next
36 hours to take us into Monday.
Sue Whalley
Thank you Wayne and all of your leadership
and colleagues in Logistics Processing and
MDEC's, a terrific show through these very
busy days.
We've some heavy lifting still to do in the
next few days and beyond and your plan-
ning and dedication is clear to see.
Thanks everyone a for your hard work
through this weekend and your extra special
efforts at your various sites and offices.
Good luck and my best wishes for the next
part of the weekend and beyond.
Euan McMurdo
We still have a way to go, and lots more Christmas shopping to deliver on behalf of the
Christmas elves! Thank you to everyone for being part of this
Natalie Frow
2 Yorks at a time max in
X Docking
1 York Max in The
1 York in processing
Do not launch yorks
 Do not ride on Yorks
You are responsible for
your safety and those
around you
1 York at a time over a
dock leveller..
Everybody will be aware of all the changes that have happened recently,
with mail sort going to WV, and Amazon going to MK. This has created
space to concentrate on packets in the processing area. The new booms
and conveyors are up and running and all the SSOW and risk assess-
ments have been completed.
The new walkway has been put in and the CWU have raised objections
to the pillars being in the middle of the walkway, and the blind spot this causes.
We are currently dealing with an issue of how we use cardboard, the SSOW states that we
can only use cardboard for Amazon only, where we currently use it on tracked and have done
since the 2 tracked machines came in, we will keep you informed of how this progresses.
The NDC committee have just publish a newsletter explaining what has been going on in the
office lately, we recommend that you read this, if you want a copy please ask at the union
Below is the safety brief for people working on the new boom and conveyor.
 Do not pass parcels over the conveyor belt.
 Any parcel you consider to be 20 kilo or over should not be placed on the boom or
the conveyor belt.
 Any parcel you consider to be 20 kilo or over should be isolated, to be returned to
parcel force.
 The segs should never be broken down.
 The segs should always be in the same format across all shifts.
 Please us the outline on the floor to maintain the agreed seg layout.
 Only trained operatives can use the booms and take work off conveyor belts.
 People only trained on the red boom cannot operate the blue boom. People trained
on the blue boom can operate the red boom also.
 ELP and Forklifts are not allowed in the area from the safe walkway covering the
areas from bay 101 to 110.
 Moving yorks across dock levellers is not allowed.
Remember everyone is responsible for H&S
The last week in October was ideal as the weather was still
warm and sunny compared to the UK. I had always wanted
to visit Rome and so I spent a perfect week visiting this
amazing city.
The first place I visited was the Vatican and the church of St
Peters. St Peters is one of the largest churches in the world
and is one of the holiest Catholic shrines. The church is
where St Peter and the first ever Pope are buried. It took
over 120 years to build and is a beautiful place to visit.
The day I went was crowded and there is always a long
queue to get into the building as it is regarded as a place of
pilgrimage. A nice touch about this church was the free
entrance which is typical of many tourist sites in Rome.
When the Pope holds a religious service in the square, out-
side St Peters, up to 80,000 people usually attend.
After I visited the Vatican I went to the old part of the city to see the Pantheon which is about 2000 years old and
has been in continuous use as a church. The building itself is circular with a large dome (43 m) and is still the worlds
largest unreinforced concrete dome.
Outside the Pantheon is the Piazza della Rotonda with lots of designer
shops and lovely restaurant’s which were full of people soaking up the
atmosphere and listening to the musicians who were playing.
Winchel Meader from the NDC visited Rome in Italy.
Close to the Pantheon is the Trevi Fountain which is one
of the largest fountains in the world being 27m high and 50
m wide, the fountain has featured in many films over the
years Three coins in a fountain being one of the most
famous. Unfortunately it was being restored during the
week I was there so I could not see it working as it’s sup-
posed to be beautiful at night when it is flood lit.
The name Vatican City was first used in the Lateran Treaty,
signed on 11 February 1929, which established the modern
city-state. The name is taken from Vatican Hill, the geo-
graphic location of the state. "Vatican" is likely to derive
from the name of an Etruscan settlement, possibly called
Vatica or Vaticum, located in the general area the Romans
called vaticanus ager, "Vatican territory".
The official Italian name of the city is Città del Vaticano or,
more formally, Stato della Città del Vaticano, meaning
"Vatican City State". Although the Holy See (which is
distinct from the Vatican City) and the Catholic Church use
Ecclesiastical Latin in official documents, the Vatican City
officially uses Italian. The Latin name is Status Civitatis
Vaticanae; this is used in official documents by not just the
Holy See, but in most official Church and Papal documents.
The Altare della Patria is an enormous monument
completed in 1925 in honour of Victor Emmanuel, the
first king of a unified Italy. It is constructed of white
marble and is located in the very heart of Rome at
almost 81 m high, with isculptures of the goddess
Victoria riding chariots at either end. It is an impres-
sive building.
Climbing to the top of the monument from where
there are wonderful views of the entire city.
Next I went to the Forum which is a Plaza surrounded
by the ruins of ancient government buildings at the
centre of the city of
For centuries it was the cen-
tre of Roman life and held
many processions, gladiatorial
matches and public speeches.
Today it’s a sprawling ruin which attracts
millions of tourists every year.
In the picture left is me outside one of the
many temples in the Forum.
The interior of St Peters is beautifully
decorated in coloured marble and gold with
amazing carving and statues….its hard to
be believe it was built so many hundreds of
years ago.
Close to the Roman Forum is the
Colosseum which is the largest amphitheatre
ever built and considered as one of the
greatest work of architecture ever built. It was built about 2000 years
ago and could hold up to 80,000 people.
It was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles including mock
sea battles, animal hunts, execu-
tions and dramas.
Even though the building has been
partially ruined by earthquakes
and stone-robbers it is still awe-
some to visit and one of Rome’s
most popular tourist attractions.
I found Rome to be a lovely place to visit…it has lots of history, beautiful
buildings, great shopping and quirky restaurants down its cobbled streets.
One week though wasn’t enough, I shall try and go there again but this
time for two weeks.
By Winchel Meader – NDC
This picture shows the main route going through the Forum
showing all the temples and buildings.
As you can see it was a perfect day for sightseeing.
The NDC made an effort with the Christmas decora-
tions, with a Santa sledge and snow scene on the RDC
mez and a large Merry xmas banner , a new year banner
is to be made as soon as I can get off the floor.
Baz is seen here with Natalie being appreciated for his
effort, no doubt he is a Christmas star now.
The printing was done by the NDC Comms.
You know you have life all sorted, don’t you
Libra? Smirking while you read this, you defi-
nitely know what you want out of life. The
ability you have of balancing your world helps
you accomplish most of your work, whether in your per-
sonal life, or in your career. Your creativity, personality,
charm, charisma, and attractiveness are all that you need
to live life, setting one milestone after another as if they
were a piece of cake. You are mature for your age and
confident too, you are fearless like a Leo, and it would not
be something new if people mistake you for one. You can
get along with people just like that; there is something
about you that instantly has everyone wanting to be a part
of your social circle.
2016 will be another year in which you will once again
dominate, accomplish, and have control of the driver’s
The year 2015 was a whirlwind for you. Although
you stayed strong, there were some situations
where you felt like the world was moving too fast
and you were running along, trying to catch up
with it. Although you did so with grace, you still
need a bit of time to pay attention to your own self rather than
those around you. The world changed as did you, but you need
to remember that the effect of this change might not work in
your favour this year if you don’t realize its value. You brought
yourself to the front of the line, but in 2016, its time to see how
all your efforts have affected you.
You’re back in the game Scorpio! The past
couple of years have been a set of weights
tied to your ankles, but 2016 will be the year
of your comeback. It is time to break free from those
shackles, you need a break, and you sure do deserve
one after what you have been through. You will feel the
tension release when feelings of inner peace start to hit
you. After those thunderstorm clouds covering those
rays on sunlight's are going to be removed, life will seem
to be once again beautiful in your opinion and percep-
The New Year will be overwhelming for you
Sagittarius, there are many changes waiting
for you up ahead. You yourself want to grow, personal
growth is what you have intended on, and it shall hap-
pen. 2016 will bring in your life an infinite number of
experiences in all aspects, whether it be work related,
or relationship oriented, you have the chance to take
risks and make things work in your favour. The one you
will enjoy the most amongst all will be travelling
There will be many opportunities for you in
2016, Pisces. However, this is dependent
upon your capabilities. You have a strong will and de-
termination which is needed for you to tackle on
threats in order to turn them into opportunities.
You have a very realistic approach towards life; you
know you need to stay practical in order to get some-
where. In order for that you must use every opening as
a benefit. You have a good sense in knowing what is
best for you, and this will help in selecting the right
opportunities to help you achieve the stand where you
wish to see yourself in the coming year and after it.
2016 will bring a new beginning for you Leo.
The Lion will return to its roots and personal
growth is to take place from there onwards.
However, there will be some factors that will
not be to your liking, but you will learn to conquer the
feeling of dislike. Since you will be going back to your
routine, you will want to add a bit of spice to your life, as
you love to turn things from boring to extraordinary.
The element of spice will provide you with more oppor-
tunities and will keep you from becoming stagnant. Your
passion is the fire, which ignites you from within and
encourages you to move ahead with courage.
How do you feel about making some new
friends in the New Year? 2016 will be about
acquaintances and relationships for you
Gemini. During the first half, you will meet
new characters, there will be new friends
made, advisers, collaborations, and even your partner
may make their appearance. Even though you will meet
many new and different people, you will not welcome
everyone. In regards to your selection, you are very
exigent. You will only want to be surrounded by those
who are intelligent, charming, active, and who do not
fake to be someone else. Socialization will help you be-
come more mature as a person, as you will be meeting
with almost every kind of individual. Even though sociali-
zation will help you grow as a person, it can lead to
conflicts as well. So be careful, and try to avoid conflicts.
The human mind is an amazing puzzle, no one
knows how capable it is, nor how each person
perceives knowledge and information from it.
Capricorns have goals and objectives already
set in their lives. You know what you want to do; you
have a clear understanding of what your goals are in life.
2016 is going to be different from your regular year, my
friend. 2016 is all about new perceptions, accepting
change, taking stock of your capabilities, and defining
your goals even more precisely. Many skills and discov-
eries are awaiting you Capricorn! Nothing is going to
stop you, no one will hold you back, 2016 is your year!
It’s time for you to bury all the hatchets and
move in to 2016 with enthusiasm, confi-
dence, optimism, maturity, and success. You
may not feel like this at the starting of the
New Year, your mojo will be a bit low, but later on,
magic will happen. Your past will be left behind, includ-
ing family disputes, professional problems, and all inse-
curities of the past. You will begin to look at yourself
with a completely new perspective and aim for higher
goals. This transformation will occur in a different part
of your life. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself,
and you will look forward to an excellent year ahead.
Whereas 2015 was meant to be the year of
results, you will get the fruit of your efforts in
2016. With the New Year, you will find that
sticking to your guts and making a decision has
helped you in the long run. In 2016, you will reach out
and have your chance of success. Your optimism is what
has driven you to accept what life is giving you, and has
given you the chance to go the extra mile so that your
dream becomes a reality. You’ve kept your head away
from the clouds, and now you will see what it means to
have the fruit of your labour.
The past couple of years, life has been
where it always has been for you Aquarius,
but not anymore. Get ready to experience
drastic changes in your life, which will blow
like the wind on a hot summer day, unpredictably,
fast, and in and out in no time. You have been feeling
like you have had a lot of responsibility on your
shoulders for some time now, those restrictions
have you bounded by walls and shackles which you
want to break free from. Well, now you can.
At some point in our lives, we come to a
place where we understand who we are and
what we want from the world. And even if
we’re not completely clear about where we’re
going next, we know we need to reach outside of our-
selves for more. In 2016, Virgo, you are coming to this
place in your personal journey. You’re ready for the
collecting of resources and the connections with those
who can support you best – no matter where you end
Fran and Robert, two of our new graduate
intake at the NDC, held a bake sale in aid of
the Stroke association.
Thanks to everyone who had the munchies,
a total of £205.83p was raised at the event.
With RM group matching the raised amount
to a grand total of £411.66p.
Plans are underway to repeat the event in
2016 over a couple of shifts
Sue Whally will be visiting the NDC
on Tuesday 8th December as part of
her Christmas well done slap on the
back tour.
Over £3000 was raised at the charity ball which took place on
the 7th
of November at Manor Hotel in Meriden. As evidenced
in the pictures this was a huge success and there was a lot of
fun. Over 140 people turned out for this wonderful occasion,
Imba house would like express their sincere gratitude and
thanks to all those who made this gathering possible. The
generosity of the people was unbelievable and this will go a
long way in making a big difference in the life of the children at
Imba house in Zimbabwe.
Unfortunately, there is still social stigma associated with dis-
ability people in some parts of Zimbabwe.
The centre has provided its users with hope and a sense of
belonging in times when they feel secluded from society.
Disabled people are
segregated from the
rest of society - dis-
abled children are
prevented from going
to school and even
playing with other
children out of fear
and a lack of under-
Due to a lack of funding, disabled children from disadvantaged
backgrounds are not able to attend school as their parents
cannot afford the fees to send them to special needs schools,
which are considerably higher than other schools. As a result,
the disabled have become the most disadvantaged members of
Imba house is providing the much needed respite care
for the children, enabling parents who normally pro-
vide 24/7 care, to work to support their families.
Through your help and support the Centre also seeks
to educate by being a beacon to enable others to
understand the value and contribution disabled people
can make to the Zimbabwean society.
Why support Imba House?
Imba house is working to fill a void within the health-
care in Zimbabwe where there is limited or no state
support for those disabled and their carers.
If you would like to help, or have ideas about fundrais-
ing, please contact us on, or
alternatively speak to Vincent Gumbo in Cross Dock-
ing night shift.
For more information please visit our website
From the back right (Trustees of Imba)
Claire Esling, Val Winters, Hannah Shaw, Anne Lycett, Sarah Kirk and Vincent Gumbo
Front left Imba trustees
Julie Forrest, Magerant Walls, Collen Mhlanga ( Chairman and Founder of Imba House)
Vincent Gumbo
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30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 29 30 31 39 26 27 28 29 30
January 1st: New Year's Day, March 25th: Good Friday, March 28th: Easter Monday, May 2nd: Early May Bank Holiday, May 30th: S
August 29th: August Bank Holiday, December 25th: Christmas Day, December 26th: Boxing Day, December 27th: Substitute day
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5 30 31
January February March
July August
January February March
Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
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44 31
30th: Spring Bank Holiday
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May June
May June
November December
So, not long to go now! December is nearly upon us with all the
promise of parties and get-togethers and ultimately Christmas
Day itself. There is a lot that needs to be done between now and then
at work and at home and it is easy to miss the point amid the busyness
of it all.
Already the TV adverts are inviting us to buy exotic food, drinks,
perfumes and clothes. I have been left guessing what some of the
adverts are trying to get at and I still don’t know what a cat setting fire
to a house has to do with anything Christmassy and the cynic in me
can’t help but wonder if the money lavished on adverts to raise aware-
ness of important social issues wouldn’t be better spent on tackling the
issue itself rather than a thinly disguised desire for you to spend your hard earned money buying from them. Is this
really what Christmas has become? It can be a time of great sadness and unrealistic expectation and it’s no wonder
that so many people do not look forward to it particularly in the present economic climate.
As a Christian I try not to get too involved in the materialistic stuff although it is very easy to get carried away. We
are just about to enter the season of Advent. This is the four weeks before Christmas beginning the closest Sunday to
November 30th
and marks the beginning of the preparations for the celebrations of the birth of Jesus. During this
time we also prepare for his return to rule in glory over life in heaven and on earth and because of this it is far more
to us than just preparation for Christmas day. In each week of advent we focus on a particular aspect such as repen-
tance, prayer, and patience. The Welsh priest and poet RS Thomas says in his poem ‘Kneeling’ that ‘the meaning is in
the waiting’ a point that Paula Gooder picks this up in her book of the same name.
The Jews had waited a very long time for the birth of the Messiah and the Old Testament prophets had foretold of his
coming hundreds of years before He came.
Isaiah 9:2New International Version (NIV) 2
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Then it happened!!!
Luke 2:4-19 New International Version (NIV) 4
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to
Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5
He went there to register with Mary, who
was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,
and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest
room available for them.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9
An angel of the Lord ap-
peared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10
But the angel said to them, “Do not be
afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born
to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a man-
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14
“Glory to God in the
highest heaven, and on earth peace.
Christmas is a time of great joy, renewal, and anticipation when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child, Emmanuel,
God with us. The glitz, presents, partying and everything else is great fun but none of it would be happening if not for
His birth in a stable two thousand years ago.
A very happy Christmas to one and all!!
Adam Proctor is now covering the Continu-
ous Improvement Lead role on a temporal
basis. This function forms part of changes
being introduced to bring efficient opera-
tional methods designed to adapt and cope
with changing customer demands and needs
with more emphasis being placed on safety
and quality.
There are elements of World Class Mail
intertwined within this approach but these
have been drastically toned down and made
much simpler to understand and use. Most of
the foreign language and complicated tools have been dropped and
this is simply now all about actual changes to the plant through
fulfilment of identified improvement targets. This exercise will be
ongoing for the foreseeable future.
Adam’s previous experience with WCM could have contributed in
a way towards his appointment. He believes WCM had a lot of
positives but these may not have been fully appreciated by all in a
more beneficial way due to lack of effective communication and
adequate people involvement. His approach will guarantee inclusion
of anyone willing to contribute ideas and he will be consulting the
Union on a regular basis as a way of ensuring that this prevails.
There is already a more joined-up approach between management
and the Union brought about by realisation that the plant needs to
modernise, optimise operational efficiencies and move on as this is
the only way customers will be attracted to keep offering more
business to the plant. This is all happening within the current excit-
ing era here at the NDC, as new products requiring different ways
and methods of working have arrived as well as tracked 48. There
is therefore need to facilitate expected change triggered by these
positive developments in order to strengthen the plant’s position
on the competitive market.
Many might have already noticed John Lewis parcels coming
through as part of the plant's mail traffic. There are now various
parcel sizes coming in which are completely different to what used
to be handled, necessitating the need to continue probing and
developing new and relevant handling methods in order to keep
abreast with the changes. Many ideas have already been brought up
and one significant change already implemented is that Amazon mail
is now arriving on an alpha- numeric system, which is a huge bonus
due to the fact that the way packets are sorted across the plant can
be standardised. Instead of having separate processes for normal
packets and tracked mail, different belt sizes are being introduced.
Plans to invest in new equipment are already underway and this will
include conveyor belts designed for various size parcels.
There is need to move very quickly on most of the planned
changes as the days drift closer to Black Friday and the Christmas
season. This year’s Christmas period is going to be a massive
challenge at the NDC hence the need for all colleagues to be
prepared. Adam will be available to assist and ensure everyone
does their job properly and that the plant goes through this period
as smoothly as possible.
Adam is also leading managers across the whole supervisory
spectrum on various projects as part of next year's business plan.
The management team will continue to sit down from time to time
and draw up new business plans aimed at
making the plant more efficient moving
forward. This will be the trend each year
and all efficiency savings will be driven by
the various projects and new ways of
working. The idea is to ensure that there
is a time buffer zone of at least six months
safeguarding the plant against prescribed
tasks at any given moment. This approach
is being driven by lessons learnt from the
slow pace the current year began resulting
in a bit of the catch up experience. A lot of
extra effort has been put in to bring the
plant to where it is now hence the need to look forward and
ensure all targets are within containable margins.
World Class Mail became very negative in the end because of the
way it was actually implemented. There was no sufficient under-
standing of the WCM content value amongst many colleagues due
to the fact that information was not effectively shared as was
supposed to be and this was wrong. A good example of how im-
portant it is to involve everyone is that most of the business plans
for the coming year are based on input that has come from people
on the floor. Adam values the fact that people doing things daily in
their designated work areas know best the way the job they do can
be improved. In appreciation of this, he is requesting anyone with
any work area improvement ideas to feel very free to approach
him. He will listen and give due consideration.
Adam will fully involve the Union in all exercises as the plant travels
on the current journey but besides this, he will be moving around
talking to people. It is his intention to come up onto every shift and
make himself available to anyone in a non-formal environment. He
is aware that formal talking through such forums as WTL sessions
(though very important) may be limiting feedback as some people
do not believe such an environment provides the right atmosphere
to talk.
This is a negative perception amongst some that might have been
built up over the years. His visits will be more about chatting and
liaising with people while they are within their work area environ-
ment and just facilitating communication. It is a change in culture
going on forward that management will talk to people as this has
never been very prevalent in the past. The idea is to also ensure
that people are talked to properly and in a down to earth attitude
which relaxes them and gives confidence and enthusiasm to be
The NDC plant needs to modernise, improve on efficiency and
move forward. This approach is what will provide the way forward
and this is quite an exciting time. Everyone is encouraged to be
Benbella Mhandu in
Conversation with Adam Proctor
Where's William?
Yes we know the usual answer to this
question is “The canteen” or “Bay 11
Jersey and Guernsey “ But in this case he
is in the photograph of the running of the
Christmas Package
Cheese Snack
8 ounces of cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon dried dill
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
Red bell pepper
Mix the dried dill, garlic powder, and salt into
the softened cream cheese.
Pack the mixture into a rectangular container
lined with plastic wrap.
Refrigerate it for at least 3 hours.
Before serving time, set the unwrapped block
of cheese on a platter and decorate it with a
scallion bow and red pepper polka dots and gift
Frosty the Cheese Ball
 16 ounces cream cheese
 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
 10 raisins for eyes, mouth, and buttons
 1 piece of carrot for the nose
 4 crackers for the hat
(we used Ritz and Dare water crackers)
 1 thyme sprig for the hat (optional)
 Strips of carrot for the scarf
 2 broken pretzels for the arms
 1 (1/2-inch) piece of a canned baby corn
for the pipe
Toothpick for the pipe
 In a large bowl, let the cream cheese
soften at room temperature for about 30
 Stir in the garlic salt and the onion pow-
der, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap
and chill for 2 hours.
 Make the snowman by rolling two thirds
of the cheese into a ball for his body and the
other third into a ball for his head.
 Stack the balls, then add the facial fea-
tures, clothing, arms, and pipe as shown.
 Serve with crackers or mini bagels
Tony Utting
Head of Operating performance
We had the pleasure of interviewing Mr Tony Utting who was on a visit to the NDC;
Tony is the Head of Operations Performance in the Royal Mail Parcels Team will have
been with Royal mail for 30 years come January 2016.
Tony has been to the NDC a few times now, and finds it very much as it has always been
he was impressed with the gravity feed system of working as it looks more efficient, but
he thought the large boxes needs looking into as these may be problematic, as are the
Yorks coming through with no destination cards was not good practice.
This needs to be addressed with the customers as they may not understand the importance of them to us.
Tony’s team do a lot of analysis to determine where in the pipeline our weaknesses are and where we are failing and then
work closely with Quality and Customer departments, as well as our customers to address what may be going wrong.
Tony came today to observe the operation and talk to the
staff, to get an insight into the transformation. The NDC is
one of the biggest and most important sites Royal Mail has
got when it comes to Quality, because we have outward
processing and cross-docking, if this site fails it has an
impact on overall Royal Mail quality, whilst if an individual
mail centre fails for one day it has an impact but it will be
harder to see. If the NDC fails everyone knows about it
the next morning.
Starting as a counter clerk for three and a half years Tony’s
career options changed when a robbery took place and a
bullet was fired through his screen, at which point the
offer of working in a different department was welcomed.
Working in Personnel,doing the annual leave duty for SW
London, based at nine Elms and then on the sick absence
duty for about a year, moving on to Security.
He had never really thought about joining the investigation
department “I was sitting at my desk doing some annual
leave updates, when I was approached to cover a colleague
who was going on holiday of course I said Yes, that’s how I
got started.” collating all the P26 returns and P58s which
customers fill in when their mail goes missing, collating the
data, this can show us where problems are arising with
missing mail, potential thefts etc.
The accumulation of this data, proving suspicion, was then
passed to POID for further investigation. The investigation
team employ a number of tools and techniques to identify
where there are potential problems with theft etc. and
they can usually identify where there problems are and
detect and deal with any dishonesty. After doing the data
collection for Two years Mr Utting progressed to being an
investigator with POID.
This little side track, from the original interview we were
supposed to be doing, gave us the opportunity to ask the
question “Do Investigation advertise their jobs or do they
mainly employ ex police men or military?” Surprisingly we
found that they do advertise positions on the job search
pages, when Tony applied back in 1991 they had 2000
applicants internally and only 12 were accepted, of these all
but one was from outside Royal Mail Group.
This is helpful as the investigators start with an under-
standing of the business and how things work. Nowadays,
most investigators are still recruited internally, though
there are always exceptions.
A prospective investigator will go on a 6 week induction
course, during which you talk to nobody about what you
are doing, though once this has been completed; it soon
becomes obvious what your job is to close colleagues.
In 1998 Tony went back to Post Office Counters as an
investigation team leader for Royal Mail where he also
worked on the security design for the Post Office Card
Account then became Policy and Standards Manager for
In 2002 Tony’s boss, at the time, came to Royal Mail leav-
ing the National Investigation Manager position open which
he successfully applied for, managing investigations in Post
Office Ltd, until 2007 when he applied and got the position
of Head of Secure Products managing a product for high
risk items, evaluating the risk of delivering an item for a
given postcode and applying the right product to it, to
prevent it getting lost or stolen.
So if you had a customer that regularly sends credit cards
through the post, would you cover that loss of the cards
financial limit for a 24p stamp? This is a great idea for a
customer; however, commercially this was not viable so
this product did not work.
Becoming head of ancillary products (redirections, Keep-
safe and mail collect, collections etc.) and then went onto
the tracked project, writing the process maps, product
spec’s signed off all the processes and came to visit here at
the NDC when the tracked conveyor was installed.
Tony then went on to become Head of Product Manage-
ment and is now the head of Operations Performance.
Tony is looking at the product we have sold to the cus-
tomer, what quality have we sold them and how do we
make sure that the customer gets what they paid for from
a quality perspective. This often involves speaking directly
to the customer to find out what the issues are and how
best to solve them, as sometime the problem can be with
the customer rather than Royal Mail.
We sometimes see forecasting problems on the cus-
tomer’s side and need to explain to them “We need to
know what you are sending to us in order for us to do our
job efficiently, as we do not want lots of people standing
around waiting to process traffic that we are not going to
receive, as this puts our costs up which drives us to
increase prices
By the same token, customers are not interested in our
operational problems. They are paying the prices we ask
and expect us to deliver the service we have promised.
Most of our biggest customers understand this process, if
you going to make money and in order to make money we
need to work together.
A lot of talk has been going on about this competitor has
built this hub and another has done something else which
seems to be a threat to RM, but what has happened is that
they have now realised they have a quality issue when they
get high volumes that they need to resolve.
They are still a threat and we shouldn’t be complacent
about how fast they are growing.
In Tracked, we have a 4 point scan quality check, an out-
ward scan, an inward scan, ready for delivery scan and a
proof of delivery scan. If you say it is going to be delivered
on a Wednesday and you miss any of those scans you will
have failed on quality as far as our quality checks are con-
cerned, as the data we collect from each scan helps us to
identify where our leakage of quality might be so if we miss
any it has an impact on our ability to measure quality and
fix problems.
Measuring quality from a customer’s point of view is more
about delivering to time and getting the delivery scan. If
you failed to scan at the delivery point, that is a quality fail
from the customers point of view, regardless of the fact
that it was delivered on time; that last scan is the quality
final check as the recipient can claim it had not been deliv-
In a customer’s eyes, regardless of the quality we had up
to that point it had failed. So just because we are under
pressure, not scanning an item just to move faster, means
our quality is lowered and we let the customer down.
With the decline in letters, Royal Mail will change, we may
be as big as we are now, as it is the change in the mix of mail
that is changing, our volumes may be lower but we will still
make money. There are a lot of challenges to come because
our operating model is not ideal for parcels as we are set up
for large letters, but they are not insurmountable.
Will we have as many people working for us in the future?
Who knows, parcels bring in a lot of automation, in order to
be efficient over the next 5 years we should see a lot of
changes in processing and delivering the mail but other parts
of the business should see little, if any change at all.
Mr Utting was in conversation with
Paul Vincent and William Kari
As a last Question to Tony
Q: Paul V:- If I order something from Spain or say
Switzerland, how does Royal Mail get reimbursed
for the cost of taking it the extra mile and vis-
“I am no expert here, but depending on what
country you have ordered an item from, there
are a number of ways we can get paid, there is a
universal postal union and Royal Mail and all the
other postal businesses around the world sign up
to agree that if you post something from this
country you pay Royal Mail.
A stamp bought here, based on weight and re-
ceiving country, when it arrives at that country
we are responsible for that charge and they are
responsible for what is called
terminal dues.
You have paid RM £1.50 for a stamp to Switzer-
land its cost RM say 30p in the UK to carry it to
the plane, so Switzerland will charge RM for what
it has cost them to deliver it and it is a fixed price.
Paul Vincent
What beats his chest and
swings from Christmas cake
to Christmas cake?
Tarzipan !
Mum, Can I have a dog for
No you can have turkey like
everyone else!
What did the eskimos sing
when they got their Christ-
mas dinner ?
"Whalemeat again, don't know where, don't know when " !
What did the big cracker say to the little cracker ?
My pop is bigger than yours !
Who is never hungry at Christmas ?
The turkey - he's always stuffed !
What bird has wings but cannot fly ?
Roast turkey !
What's the best thing to put into a Christmas cake ?
Your teeth !
Whats happens if you eat the Christmas decorations ?
You get tinsel-itus !
I wouldn't say Christmas gnomes are small.
But they used to be lumberjacks on a mushroom farm!
Christmas gnomes are so small in fact that they have to stand
on a ladder to fasten their shoe laces!
I wouldn't say Christmas gnomes are ugly,
But if beauty's skin deep then they were was born inside out!
I wouldn't say that Christmas gnomes are cross-eyed,
but when they cry the tears run down their back!
What do gnomes fear most about Christmas?
They're afraid Father Christmas will give them the sack!
Teacher: Give me a sentence with the word gnome in it!
Pupil: Er.... the man's house burnt down so.... he hadn't a gnome
to go to!
Gnome: Doctor, Doctor! I keep seeing pink and green spots in
front of my eyes!
Doctor: Good gracious! Have you seen an optician?
Gnome: No... just pink and green spots!
Doctor: I mean, have you ever had your eyes checked?
Gnome: No. They've always been blue!
Father Christmas: How do I stop a Christmas
Gnome being airsick on the sledge?
Gnome: Put a five pound note between his teeth
and stick his head over the side of the sledge.
What song do Father Christmas' gnomes sing to
him when he came home cold on Christmas night?
Freeze a jolly good fellow!
What did the little demon do when he bought a
He called it Gnome Sweet Gnome.
At Christmas Time - Grace E. Easley
There's nothing like Christmas
And woods deep in snow
To make us remember
The dear long ago.
Down life's weary highway,
Years pass single file,
But deep in us all
Lives a bit of the child.
The same breathless wonder
Floods over us when
The gray skies lose snowflakes
That dance in the wind.
Smoke curling from chimneys,
A white windowpane,
And dear thoughts return
And old joys remain.
The tinkle of sleigh bells
Across a still night,
A warm, shadowed hearth
Whose embers burn bright.
A colorful afghan
Thrown over a chair,
Green holly entwined
Down the length of a stair.
The candlelit church
And the golden bells tell
Of chapters each heart
Remembers so well.
Oh, there's nothing like Christmas
And woods deep in snow
To make us remember
Revised Christmas days
Effective immediately, the follow-
ing economizing measures are
being implemented in the "Twelve Days of Christ-
mas" subsidiary:
1) The partridge will be retained, but the pear tree,
which never produced the cash crop forecasted, will
be replaced by a plastic hanging plant, providing
considerable savings in maintenance
2) Two turtle doves represent a redundancy that is
simply not cost effective. In addition, their romance
during working hours could not be condoned. The
positions are, therefore, eliminated
3) The three French hens will remain intact. After all,
everyone loves the French
4) The four calling birds will be replaced by an auto-
mated voice mail system, with a call waiting option.
An analysis is underway to determine who the birds
have been calling, how often and how long they
5) The five golden rings have been put on hold by
the Board of Directors. Maintaining a portfolio based
on one commodity could have negative implications
for institutional investors. Diversification into other
precious metals, as well as a mix of T-Bills and high
technology stocks, appear to be in order
6) The six geese-a-laying constitutes a luxury which
can no longer be afforded. It has long been felt that
the production rate of one egg per goose per day
was an example of the general decline in productiv-
ity. Three geese will be let go, and an upgrading in
the selection procedure by personnel will assure
management that, from now on, every goose it gets
will be a good one
7) The seven swans-a-swimming is obviously a num-
ber chosen in better times. The function is primarily
decorative. Mechanical swans are on order. The
current swans will be retrained to learn some new
strokes, thereby enhancing their outplacement
8) As you know, the eight maids-a-milking concept
has been under heavy scrutiny by the EEOC. A male/
female balance in the workforce is being sought. The
more militant maids consider this a dead-end job
with no upward mobility. Automation of the process
may permit the maids to try a-mending, a-mentoring or
9) Nine ladies dancing has always been an odd number.
This function will be phased out as these individuals
grow older and can no longer do the steps
10) Ten Lords-a-leaping is overkill. The high cost of
Lords, plus the expense of international air travel,
prompted the Compensation Committee to suggest
replacing this group with ten out-of-work congress-
men. While leaping ability may be somewhat sacrificed,
the savings are significant as we expect an oversupply
of unemployed congressmen this year
11) Eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drum-
ming is a simple case of the band getting too big. A
substitution with a string quartet, a cutback on new
music, and no uniforms, will produce savings which will
drop right to the bottom line
Overall we can expect a substantial reduction in as-
sorted people, fowl, animals and related expenses.
Though incomplete, studies indicate that stretching
deliveries over twelve days is inefficient. If we can drop
ship in one day, service levels will be improved.
Regarding the lawsuit filed by the attorney's association
seeking expansion to include the legal profession
("thirteen lawyers-a-suing"), a decision is pending.
Deeper cuts may be necessary in the future to remain
competitive. Should that happen, the Board will request
management to scrutinize the Snow White Division to
see if seven dwarfs is the right number
Can you believe it?
James Thatcher has joined colleagues here at the NDC on a graduate scheme programme
after completing A level studies in July of 2015 at Elizabeth Woodville school in Roade,
Northampton. He studied sports, business and social welfare for his A levels. Towards later days, he had a part time
job at his school’s gym and sports centre as a life guard attendant. This went on for about 3 years, terminating only
recently when he was offered the opportunity to join Royal Mail. James is a holder of a nationally accredited life
guard qualification.
He knew the life guard position at his school was vacant therefore he volunteered his services, only to find himself
getting paid for it in the end which suited him well as he wanted a bit of money. His involvement in this was a com-
pletely separate engagement from his schooling hours.
After sixth form James did not want to carry on within the school environment but he still had a longing quest to
acquire a level 4 qualification. He had applied to go to University but did not like it in the end hence his decision to
get involved in a graduate scheme. He found it advantageous due to the fact that it afforded him a chance to train
while on a salary and potentially give him a chance to obtain a qualification at the end of it all. James came across
Royal Mail vacancy offers while searching on graduate scheme websites. He is on a two year scheme involving two
placements and the last part will involve University study for the appropriate logistics foundation degree offered
through Royal Mail.
James is currently part of the BCA customer team where he has invested worthwhile learning time and he is closely
working with plant manager Natalie Frow on Amazon fulfilment. He has shadowed many people including some who
are not within the customer team’s immediate latitude as a way of gaining broader understanding of how various
business operations merge.
Although he was expecting his new workplace to have some offices and an operational floor, James had not envis-
aged the NDC would be such a massive site. He was however prepared to come and just learn how to do a job in a
completely new environmental setting hence he quickly adjusted and carried on. He has taken a tour to observe the
operational floor on several occasions but is yet to witness what he has been told the cross docking operation can
be like at pick times.
James believes privatisation is a good challenge for Royal Mail as it brings effective accountability and a more coher-
ent way of doing things. This in turn eliminates the need for reliance on government subsidies and the organisation
being viewed by the tax paying pubic as a perpetual fiscal liability. He believes Royal Mail already has infrastructure
on the ground providing a vantage point and opportunity for an exciting challenge amongst other postal companies.
From what he has observed to date, he aspires to witness tighter forecasts on Amazon mail traffic in order to facili-
tate a clearer approach allowing better handling preparations. He believes this begins with an operational efficiency
mind-set from everyone and communication of improvement ideas.
James’s motivation in life is just to do things that make him happy. He believes in being ambitious and progressing as
quickly as possible on things he aspires for and puts his mind to. He believes this attitude influenced the route he
undertook resulting in him being involved in what he is doing. He aspires to perform all tasks assigned to him well
and bring positive impact to the business in his own way as part of the team he is working with. He is aware; this will
also involve providing assistance to others as well as any interconnected operations. In a nutshell, his approach is
based on doing what one is expected to do and helping others whenever there is need to do so.
James was involved in many charity activities while at his former school. Some of his last engagements while in sixth
form involved organising fundraising activities for Children in Need and the Red Nose Day. He also helped during
Christmas hamper get together events for elderly homes in villages within his school’s vicinity. He has also done
some charity work through his rugby team which often arranges fundraising activities during weekends. He leaves at
home with his parents and has two brothers and a sister, all older than him. They have all left home to begin their
own lives elsewhere so he is the only child at home.
Meet James Thatcher
In Conversation with Benbella Mhandhu
Christmas song lyrics
For more than 50 years, we
have been helping to make
Christmas wishes come true
by receiving and replying to
the letters children send to
Posting dates
To make sure mail gets to us in time to reply, mail should
be sent using the address below on a stamped addressed
envelope, no later than 6 December.
Santa/Father Christmas
Santa's Grotto
Include your full name address to we can send a reply.
Frosty the snowman
Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
and two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,
He was made of snow but the children
know how he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
old silk hat they found.
For when they placed it on his head
he began to dance around.
O, Frosty the snowman
was alive as he could be,
And the children say he could laugh
and play just the same as you and me.
Thumpetty thump thump,
thumpety thump thump,
Look at Frosty go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
thumpety thump thump,
Over the hills of snow.
Frosty the snowman knew
the sun was hot that day,
So he said, "Let's run and
we'll have some fun
now before I melt away."
Down to the village,
with a broomstick in his hand,
Running here and there all
around the square saying,
Catch me if you can.
He led them down the streets of town
right to the traffic cop.
And he only paused a moment when
he heard him holler "Stop!"
For Frosty the snow man
had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye saying,
"Don't you cry,
I'll be back again some day."
Thumpetty thump thump,
thumpety thump thump,
Look at Frosty go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
thumpety thump thump,
Over the hills of snow.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
gather near to us once more.
Through the years we all will be together
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
Snowflakes fly around the sled,
Some teddy bears love adventure on their sleds.
Daddy Bear holds the ropes to guide his flight,
Mama and baby bear sit together tight,
Laughter rings out when they curve over the hills,
Teddy bear sleigh rides are a winter thrill.
Scarfs of red and green plaid surround their furry
Hoods of fur are keeping the winter air outside.
Riding in the sleigh makes a fun day,
That’s the teddy bear way.
Teddy Bear Sleigh By Darby Diana
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Gary Chamberlain
Data and graphs by Amit Dave
NDC Revenue Protection Period 6
Another good month for the Revenue Protection team at NDC a total of £1,050,277 was raised
against a target of £213,099.
Sampling Results
In period 6 we sampled 56.5% of all customer traffic and 100% of customers deemed high risk
based on presentational failures of their previous mailings.
Total recoveries for the year so far
We have recovered so far this year a total of £3,540,421 against a target of £2,685,046.
This is an update on the following Tracked machine, new DHL
post, management, Christmas.
Firstly we would like to apologise for the minimal communica-
tion over the last few months and are fully aware of our mem-
ber’s views on this. From now on we will be aiming to im-
prove on this and give as much information as possible within
our remit, there is also areas that the business deem in com-
mercial confidence that even as reps locally have no or very
little knowledge of it and cannot be disclosed in open commu-
Christmas is fast approaching and as we all know the NDC as in previ-
ous years tends to be an extremely busy place. The talks between
CWU and management around the Christmas arrangements have been
on-going for the last few months, this has so far resulted in the Part
Timers been offered to work full time over this period, the overtime
has been sent out and returned and has been inputted against the work
forecasted, but has still not been displayed.
TCP is still in discussion, as we were first informed there would be no
TCP at the NDC this has now changed and TCP will be running but
management are insisting there is not enough work to run a TCP shift
and moving people on to TCP would endanger the operation on the
vacated shifts. At present it has only resulted in an advertisement for
ICCS and Bay Marshal’s.
We are still in discussion regarding the working arrangements on the
24th,25th,26th,27th,28th and 31st Dec and 1st
January and we are at
present waiting for the national arrangements which will then influence
our decision on the best way forward.
Members have asked about extra leave on the eve’s this is again under
You will all be aware of the mailsort being deferred earlier this year
this is a business decision due to the increase of the tracked work and
was deemed we would require the floor space. Any work that does
get moved for Christmas will come back w/c 21/12/2015 as
confirmed by management.
The CWU have been very disappointed with the lack of urgency from
the business regarding the arrangements for our members over this
New work and boom/conveyor
From the 26th
October the new boom and motorised conveyor have
been installed, this is primarily to take the new Deutsche Post/DHL
work that has been transferred from parcelforce this is a good oppor-
tunity for NDC and we will be working closely with management on
the installation of the new equipment and the structure, resource and
training surrounding it.
Vacant Duties
The Vacant duties have been advertised and the closing date has now
passed, all applicants will hopefully be informed in writing over the next
few weeks with a starting date in January 2016.
10 minute walking
The management has sent out letters explaining the situation regarding
the withdrawal of the 10 minute walking time for X Docking.
If you need any further information please see your manager.
Random Security Checks
You will have seen from the notices that the security checks
will take place w/c 16/11/2015 this will be for all employees
at the NDC (OPG’s, managers, admin) and any visitors to
NDC. Please read the union notice board for the full agree-
ment and the process for the random checks.
After many months of waiting the change to the walkway in
the RDC has finally been approved, this has been completed.
The main reason for it to be moved is the requirement to
separate the MHE operation to one side of the operational
floor which should improve safety.
We are currently working towards a completed set of duties
for network 2015 with a deployment date of 25th
2016. There will be a drivers meeting in due course to dis-
cuss and ratify these duty sets.
Union Learning Room
The learning room is still open for all courses and
learning needs and new courses will be available soon.
Thank you for your continued support
NDC Committee
Bola Omoyeni
General advertisements
Royal Mail and the newsletter editors and its associates are not responsible for
the content and any contractual arrangements made between sellers and buyers.
We accept no liability or Risk on any agreements made through the buying and selling
regarding The Communicator
Denise Blackmore
Katy King

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December 2015 single read

  • 1. 1 1 Natalie 2 Breaking news 3 Safety 4 Fun Day 5 NDC Local in 6 Rome 7 Soduku 8 Bits 9 Ndc Local 10 Imba with Vincent Gumbo 11 2016-2017 12 Planner 13 2016 14 Horoscope 15 With Alisdair Rusk 16 Adam Proctor improvement 17 Wheres Willy 18 Try this 19 Tony Utting. The Big Story 20 With Paul and William 21 Stuff 22 Revised Christ- mas days 23 James Thatcher 24 Lyrics 25 RP 26 CWU 27 December 2015 Issue 38 Contacts: regarding The Communicator
  • 2. 2 2 Natalie covers some of your questions and brings us up to date with the NDC business. Merry Christmas! It’s fantastic to see so many people getting into the Christmas spirit! A big thank you to all of those involved in creating our spectacular Christmas tree display and I love seeing the Christmas hats and jumpers starting to appear! The much hyped Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales have seen record breaking volumes of traffic coming into the NDC. Since Black Friday we have handled ¼ million Tracked next day parcels and ½ million Tracked 48 parcels. And we have cross docked exactly 124,278 Yorks! On Tuesday the late shift cross docked 50% more Yorks than the same day last year! Over the past few days we have broken many records:  The most cross docked Yorks in one day ever – 36,663  The most Tracked parcels processed in one day ever – 168,033  The most vehicle arrivals in one day ever – 1,244 I also think that Oonagh, Adam and I may have also broken a record for the most cake eaten ever too! It’s been a tough few days for everyone involved, but you have all shown tremendous determination to deliver a great perform- ance. And although we have seen failures in the past couple of days it is worth highlighting that our failures are substantially down despite huge growth in the traffic we handle. Here’s some of the feedback from the top of the business: Unbelievable levels for a Nov Saturday. Really well done to you and the team. Paul Hampson Tremendous job by the team last night. Huge achievement through your unit well done. Phil Murphy Thanks to all of you for going the extra mile to ensure we get through this weekend as smoothly as possible- it is hugely appreciated I hope it goes well over the next 36 hours to take us into Monday. Sue Whalley Thank you Wayne and all of your leadership and colleagues in Logistics Processing and MDEC's, a terrific show through these very busy days. We've some heavy lifting still to do in the next few days and beyond and your plan- ning and dedication is clear to see. Thanks everyone a for your hard work through this weekend and your extra special efforts at your various sites and offices. Good luck and my best wishes for the next part of the weekend and beyond. Euan McMurdo We still have a way to go, and lots more Christmas shopping to deliver on behalf of the Christmas elves! Thank you to everyone for being part of this Natalie Frow
  • 4. 4 4 Safety 2 Yorks at a time max in X Docking 1 York Max in The RDC 1 York in processing Do not launch yorks  Do not ride on Yorks You are responsible for your safety and those around you 1 York at a time over a dock leveller.. Everybody will be aware of all the changes that have happened recently, with mail sort going to WV, and Amazon going to MK. This has created space to concentrate on packets in the processing area. The new booms and conveyors are up and running and all the SSOW and risk assess- ments have been completed. The new walkway has been put in and the CWU have raised objections to the pillars being in the middle of the walkway, and the blind spot this causes. We are currently dealing with an issue of how we use cardboard, the SSOW states that we can only use cardboard for Amazon only, where we currently use it on tracked and have done since the 2 tracked machines came in, we will keep you informed of how this progresses. The NDC committee have just publish a newsletter explaining what has been going on in the office lately, we recommend that you read this, if you want a copy please ask at the union office. Below is the safety brief for people working on the new boom and conveyor.  Do not pass parcels over the conveyor belt.  Any parcel you consider to be 20 kilo or over should not be placed on the boom or the conveyor belt.  Any parcel you consider to be 20 kilo or over should be isolated, to be returned to parcel force.  The segs should never be broken down.  The segs should always be in the same format across all shifts.  Please us the outline on the floor to maintain the agreed seg layout.  Only trained operatives can use the booms and take work off conveyor belts.  People only trained on the red boom cannot operate the blue boom. People trained on the blue boom can operate the red boom also.  ELP and Forklifts are not allowed in the area from the safe walkway covering the areas from bay 101 to 110.  Moving yorks across dock levellers is not allowed. Remember everyone is responsible for H&S
  • 5. 5 5
  • 6. 6 6 ndc The last week in October was ideal as the weather was still warm and sunny compared to the UK. I had always wanted to visit Rome and so I spent a perfect week visiting this amazing city. The first place I visited was the Vatican and the church of St Peters. St Peters is one of the largest churches in the world and is one of the holiest Catholic shrines. The church is where St Peter and the first ever Pope are buried. It took over 120 years to build and is a beautiful place to visit. The day I went was crowded and there is always a long queue to get into the building as it is regarded as a place of pilgrimage. A nice touch about this church was the free entrance which is typical of many tourist sites in Rome. When the Pope holds a religious service in the square, out- side St Peters, up to 80,000 people usually attend. After I visited the Vatican I went to the old part of the city to see the Pantheon which is about 2000 years old and has been in continuous use as a church. The building itself is circular with a large dome (43 m) and is still the worlds largest unreinforced concrete dome. Outside the Pantheon is the Piazza della Rotonda with lots of designer shops and lovely restaurant’s which were full of people soaking up the atmosphere and listening to the musicians who were playing. Winchel Meader from the NDC visited Rome in Italy. Close to the Pantheon is the Trevi Fountain which is one of the largest fountains in the world being 27m high and 50 m wide, the fountain has featured in many films over the years Three coins in a fountain being one of the most famous. Unfortunately it was being restored during the week I was there so I could not see it working as it’s sup- posed to be beautiful at night when it is flood lit. The name Vatican City was first used in the Lateran Treaty, signed on 11 February 1929, which established the modern city-state. The name is taken from Vatican Hill, the geo- graphic location of the state. "Vatican" is likely to derive from the name of an Etruscan settlement, possibly called Vatica or Vaticum, located in the general area the Romans called vaticanus ager, "Vatican territory". The official Italian name of the city is Città del Vaticano or, more formally, Stato della Città del Vaticano, meaning "Vatican City State". Although the Holy See (which is distinct from the Vatican City) and the Catholic Church use Ecclesiastical Latin in official documents, the Vatican City officially uses Italian. The Latin name is Status Civitatis Vaticanae; this is used in official documents by not just the Holy See, but in most official Church and Papal documents.
  • 7. 7 7 ndc The Altare della Patria is an enormous monument completed in 1925 in honour of Victor Emmanuel, the first king of a unified Italy. It is constructed of white marble and is located in the very heart of Rome at almost 81 m high, with isculptures of the goddess Victoria riding chariots at either end. It is an impres- sive building. Climbing to the top of the monument from where there are wonderful views of the entire city. Next I went to the Forum which is a Plaza surrounded by the ruins of ancient government buildings at the centre of the city of Rome. For centuries it was the cen- tre of Roman life and held many processions, gladiatorial matches and public speeches. Today it’s a sprawling ruin which attracts millions of tourists every year. In the picture left is me outside one of the many temples in the Forum. The interior of St Peters is beautifully decorated in coloured marble and gold with amazing carving and statues….its hard to be believe it was built so many hundreds of years ago. Close to the Roman Forum is the Colosseum which is the largest amphitheatre ever built and considered as one of the greatest work of architecture ever built. It was built about 2000 years ago and could hold up to 80,000 people. It was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles including mock sea battles, animal hunts, execu- tions and dramas. Even though the building has been partially ruined by earthquakes and stone-robbers it is still awe- some to visit and one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions. I found Rome to be a lovely place to visit…it has lots of history, beautiful buildings, great shopping and quirky restaurants down its cobbled streets. One week though wasn’t enough, I shall try and go there again but this time for two weeks. By Winchel Meader – NDC This picture shows the main route going through the Forum showing all the temples and buildings. As you can see it was a perfect day for sightseeing.
  • 8. 8 8
  • 9. 9 9 The NDC made an effort with the Christmas decora- tions, with a Santa sledge and snow scene on the RDC mez and a large Merry xmas banner , a new year banner is to be made as soon as I can get off the floor. Baz is seen here with Natalie being appreciated for his effort, no doubt he is a Christmas star now. The printing was done by the NDC Comms.
  • 10. 10 10 You know you have life all sorted, don’t you Libra? Smirking while you read this, you defi- nitely know what you want out of life. The ability you have of balancing your world helps you accomplish most of your work, whether in your per- sonal life, or in your career. Your creativity, personality, charm, charisma, and attractiveness are all that you need to live life, setting one milestone after another as if they were a piece of cake. You are mature for your age and confident too, you are fearless like a Leo, and it would not be something new if people mistake you for one. You can get along with people just like that; there is something about you that instantly has everyone wanting to be a part of your social circle. 2016 will be another year in which you will once again dominate, accomplish, and have control of the driver’s seat. The year 2015 was a whirlwind for you. Although you stayed strong, there were some situations where you felt like the world was moving too fast and you were running along, trying to catch up with it. Although you did so with grace, you still need a bit of time to pay attention to your own self rather than those around you. The world changed as did you, but you need to remember that the effect of this change might not work in your favour this year if you don’t realize its value. You brought yourself to the front of the line, but in 2016, its time to see how all your efforts have affected you. You’re back in the game Scorpio! The past couple of years have been a set of weights tied to your ankles, but 2016 will be the year of your comeback. It is time to break free from those shackles, you need a break, and you sure do deserve one after what you have been through. You will feel the tension release when feelings of inner peace start to hit you. After those thunderstorm clouds covering those rays on sunlight's are going to be removed, life will seem to be once again beautiful in your opinion and percep- tion The New Year will be overwhelming for you Sagittarius, there are many changes waiting for you up ahead. You yourself want to grow, personal growth is what you have intended on, and it shall hap- pen. 2016 will bring in your life an infinite number of experiences in all aspects, whether it be work related, or relationship oriented, you have the chance to take risks and make things work in your favour. The one you will enjoy the most amongst all will be travelling There will be many opportunities for you in 2016, Pisces. However, this is dependent upon your capabilities. You have a strong will and de- termination which is needed for you to tackle on threats in order to turn them into opportunities. You have a very realistic approach towards life; you know you need to stay practical in order to get some- where. In order for that you must use every opening as a benefit. You have a good sense in knowing what is best for you, and this will help in selecting the right opportunities to help you achieve the stand where you wish to see yourself in the coming year and after it. 2016 will bring a new beginning for you Leo. The Lion will return to its roots and personal growth is to take place from there onwards. However, there will be some factors that will not be to your liking, but you will learn to conquer the feeling of dislike. Since you will be going back to your routine, you will want to add a bit of spice to your life, as you love to turn things from boring to extraordinary. The element of spice will provide you with more oppor- tunities and will keep you from becoming stagnant. Your passion is the fire, which ignites you from within and encourages you to move ahead with courage. How do you feel about making some new friends in the New Year? 2016 will be about acquaintances and relationships for you Gemini. During the first half, you will meet new characters, there will be new friends made, advisers, collaborations, and even your partner may make their appearance. Even though you will meet many new and different people, you will not welcome everyone. In regards to your selection, you are very exigent. You will only want to be surrounded by those who are intelligent, charming, active, and who do not fake to be someone else. Socialization will help you be- come more mature as a person, as you will be meeting with almost every kind of individual. Even though sociali- zation will help you grow as a person, it can lead to conflicts as well. So be careful, and try to avoid conflicts.
  • 11. 11 11 The human mind is an amazing puzzle, no one knows how capable it is, nor how each person perceives knowledge and information from it. Capricorns have goals and objectives already set in their lives. You know what you want to do; you have a clear understanding of what your goals are in life. 2016 is going to be different from your regular year, my friend. 2016 is all about new perceptions, accepting change, taking stock of your capabilities, and defining your goals even more precisely. Many skills and discov- eries are awaiting you Capricorn! Nothing is going to stop you, no one will hold you back, 2016 is your year! It’s time for you to bury all the hatchets and move in to 2016 with enthusiasm, confi- dence, optimism, maturity, and success. You may not feel like this at the starting of the New Year, your mojo will be a bit low, but later on, magic will happen. Your past will be left behind, includ- ing family disputes, professional problems, and all inse- curities of the past. You will begin to look at yourself with a completely new perspective and aim for higher goals. This transformation will occur in a different part of your life. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself, and you will look forward to an excellent year ahead. Whereas 2015 was meant to be the year of results, you will get the fruit of your efforts in 2016. With the New Year, you will find that sticking to your guts and making a decision has helped you in the long run. In 2016, you will reach out and have your chance of success. Your optimism is what has driven you to accept what life is giving you, and has given you the chance to go the extra mile so that your dream becomes a reality. You’ve kept your head away from the clouds, and now you will see what it means to have the fruit of your labour. The past couple of years, life has been where it always has been for you Aquarius, but not anymore. Get ready to experience drastic changes in your life, which will blow like the wind on a hot summer day, unpredictably, fast, and in and out in no time. You have been feeling like you have had a lot of responsibility on your shoulders for some time now, those restrictions have you bounded by walls and shackles which you want to break free from. Well, now you can. At some point in our lives, we come to a place where we understand who we are and what we want from the world. And even if we’re not completely clear about where we’re going next, we know we need to reach outside of our- selves for more. In 2016, Virgo, you are coming to this place in your personal journey. You’re ready for the collecting of resources and the connections with those who can support you best – no matter where you end up.
  • 12. 12 12 Fran and Robert, two of our new graduate intake at the NDC, held a bake sale in aid of the Stroke association. Thanks to everyone who had the munchies, a total of £205.83p was raised at the event. With RM group matching the raised amount to a grand total of £411.66p. Plans are underway to repeat the event in 2016 over a couple of shifts ndc Sue Whally will be visiting the NDC on Tuesday 8th December as part of her Christmas well done slap on the back tour.
  • 13. 13 13 ndc Over £3000 was raised at the charity ball which took place on the 7th of November at Manor Hotel in Meriden. As evidenced in the pictures this was a huge success and there was a lot of fun. Over 140 people turned out for this wonderful occasion, Imba house would like express their sincere gratitude and thanks to all those who made this gathering possible. The generosity of the people was unbelievable and this will go a long way in making a big difference in the life of the children at Imba house in Zimbabwe. Unfortunately, there is still social stigma associated with dis- ability people in some parts of Zimbabwe. The centre has provided its users with hope and a sense of belonging in times when they feel secluded from society. Disabled people are segregated from the rest of society - dis- abled children are prevented from going to school and even playing with other children out of fear and a lack of under- standing. Due to a lack of funding, disabled children from disadvantaged backgrounds are not able to attend school as their parents cannot afford the fees to send them to special needs schools, which are considerably higher than other schools. As a result, the disabled have become the most disadvantaged members of society. Imba house is providing the much needed respite care for the children, enabling parents who normally pro- vide 24/7 care, to work to support their families. Through your help and support the Centre also seeks to educate by being a beacon to enable others to understand the value and contribution disabled people can make to the Zimbabwean society. Why support Imba House? Imba house is working to fill a void within the health- care in Zimbabwe where there is limited or no state support for those disabled and their carers. If you would like to help, or have ideas about fundrais- ing, please contact us on, or alternatively speak to Vincent Gumbo in Cross Dock- ing night shift. For more information please visit our website From the back right (Trustees of Imba) Claire Esling, Val Winters, Hannah Shaw, Anne Lycett, Sarah Kirk and Vincent Gumbo Front left Imba trustees Julie Forrest, Magerant Walls, Collen Mhlanga ( Chairman and Founder of Imba House) Vincent Gumbo
  • 14. 14 14 Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 53 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9 29 13 28 29 30 31 Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 26 1 2 3 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35 1 2 3 4 27 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 32 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 36 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 28 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 33 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 37 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 29 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 34 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 38 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 29 30 31 39 26 27 28 29 30 January 1st: New Year's Day, March 25th: Good Friday, March 28th: Easter Monday, May 2nd: Early May Bank Holiday, May 30th: S August 29th: August Bank Holiday, December 25th: Christmas Day, December 26th: Boxing Day, December 27th: Substitute day 2017 Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 52 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9 27 28 13 27 28 29 30 31 5 30 31 September January February March July August January February March
  • 15. 15 15 Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 13 1 2 3 17 1 22 1 2 3 4 5 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 24 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 26 27 28 29 30 22 30 31 Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 39 1 2 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 48 1 2 3 4 40 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 49 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 41 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 46 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 42 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 47 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 51 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 48 28 29 30 52 26 27 28 29 30 31 44 31 30th: Spring Bank Holiday day Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Wk Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 13 1 2 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 1 2 3 4 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 29 30 31 26 26 27 28 29 30 October April April May June May June November December
  • 16. 16 16 So, not long to go now! December is nearly upon us with all the promise of parties and get-togethers and ultimately Christmas Day itself. There is a lot that needs to be done between now and then at work and at home and it is easy to miss the point amid the busyness of it all. Already the TV adverts are inviting us to buy exotic food, drinks, perfumes and clothes. I have been left guessing what some of the adverts are trying to get at and I still don’t know what a cat setting fire to a house has to do with anything Christmassy and the cynic in me can’t help but wonder if the money lavished on adverts to raise aware- ness of important social issues wouldn’t be better spent on tackling the issue itself rather than a thinly disguised desire for you to spend your hard earned money buying from them. Is this really what Christmas has become? It can be a time of great sadness and unrealistic expectation and it’s no wonder that so many people do not look forward to it particularly in the present economic climate. As a Christian I try not to get too involved in the materialistic stuff although it is very easy to get carried away. We are just about to enter the season of Advent. This is the four weeks before Christmas beginning the closest Sunday to November 30th and marks the beginning of the preparations for the celebrations of the birth of Jesus. During this time we also prepare for his return to rule in glory over life in heaven and on earth and because of this it is far more to us than just preparation for Christmas day. In each week of advent we focus on a particular aspect such as repen- tance, prayer, and patience. The Welsh priest and poet RS Thomas says in his poem ‘Kneeling’ that ‘the meaning is in the waiting’ a point that Paula Gooder picks this up in her book of the same name. The Jews had waited a very long time for the birth of the Messiah and the Old Testament prophets had foretold of his coming hundreds of years before He came. Isaiah 9:2New International Version (NIV) 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. Then it happened!!! Luke 2:4-19 New International Version (NIV) 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. 8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord ap- peared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a man- ger.”13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace. Christmas is a time of great joy, renewal, and anticipation when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child, Emmanuel, God with us. The glitz, presents, partying and everything else is great fun but none of it would be happening if not for His birth in a stable two thousand years ago. A very happy Christmas to one and all!! Alisdair
  • 17. 17 17 Adam Proctor is now covering the Continu- ous Improvement Lead role on a temporal basis. This function forms part of changes being introduced to bring efficient opera- tional methods designed to adapt and cope with changing customer demands and needs with more emphasis being placed on safety and quality. There are elements of World Class Mail intertwined within this approach but these have been drastically toned down and made much simpler to understand and use. Most of the foreign language and complicated tools have been dropped and this is simply now all about actual changes to the plant through fulfilment of identified improvement targets. This exercise will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. Adam’s previous experience with WCM could have contributed in a way towards his appointment. He believes WCM had a lot of positives but these may not have been fully appreciated by all in a more beneficial way due to lack of effective communication and adequate people involvement. His approach will guarantee inclusion of anyone willing to contribute ideas and he will be consulting the Union on a regular basis as a way of ensuring that this prevails. There is already a more joined-up approach between management and the Union brought about by realisation that the plant needs to modernise, optimise operational efficiencies and move on as this is the only way customers will be attracted to keep offering more business to the plant. This is all happening within the current excit- ing era here at the NDC, as new products requiring different ways and methods of working have arrived as well as tracked 48. There is therefore need to facilitate expected change triggered by these positive developments in order to strengthen the plant’s position on the competitive market. Many might have already noticed John Lewis parcels coming through as part of the plant's mail traffic. There are now various parcel sizes coming in which are completely different to what used to be handled, necessitating the need to continue probing and developing new and relevant handling methods in order to keep abreast with the changes. Many ideas have already been brought up and one significant change already implemented is that Amazon mail is now arriving on an alpha- numeric system, which is a huge bonus due to the fact that the way packets are sorted across the plant can be standardised. Instead of having separate processes for normal packets and tracked mail, different belt sizes are being introduced. Plans to invest in new equipment are already underway and this will include conveyor belts designed for various size parcels. There is need to move very quickly on most of the planned changes as the days drift closer to Black Friday and the Christmas season. This year’s Christmas period is going to be a massive challenge at the NDC hence the need for all colleagues to be prepared. Adam will be available to assist and ensure everyone does their job properly and that the plant goes through this period as smoothly as possible. Adam is also leading managers across the whole supervisory spectrum on various projects as part of next year's business plan. The management team will continue to sit down from time to time and draw up new business plans aimed at making the plant more efficient moving forward. This will be the trend each year and all efficiency savings will be driven by the various projects and new ways of working. The idea is to ensure that there is a time buffer zone of at least six months safeguarding the plant against prescribed tasks at any given moment. This approach is being driven by lessons learnt from the slow pace the current year began resulting in a bit of the catch up experience. A lot of extra effort has been put in to bring the plant to where it is now hence the need to look forward and ensure all targets are within containable margins. World Class Mail became very negative in the end because of the way it was actually implemented. There was no sufficient under- standing of the WCM content value amongst many colleagues due to the fact that information was not effectively shared as was supposed to be and this was wrong. A good example of how im- portant it is to involve everyone is that most of the business plans for the coming year are based on input that has come from people on the floor. Adam values the fact that people doing things daily in their designated work areas know best the way the job they do can be improved. In appreciation of this, he is requesting anyone with any work area improvement ideas to feel very free to approach him. He will listen and give due consideration. Adam will fully involve the Union in all exercises as the plant travels on the current journey but besides this, he will be moving around talking to people. It is his intention to come up onto every shift and make himself available to anyone in a non-formal environment. He is aware that formal talking through such forums as WTL sessions (though very important) may be limiting feedback as some people do not believe such an environment provides the right atmosphere to talk. This is a negative perception amongst some that might have been built up over the years. His visits will be more about chatting and liaising with people while they are within their work area environ- ment and just facilitating communication. It is a change in culture going on forward that management will talk to people as this has never been very prevalent in the past. The idea is to also ensure that people are talked to properly and in a down to earth attitude which relaxes them and gives confidence and enthusiasm to be involved. The NDC plant needs to modernise, improve on efficiency and move forward. This approach is what will provide the way forward and this is quite an exciting time. Everyone is encouraged to be involved. Benbella Mhandu in Conversation with Adam Proctor
  • 18. 18 18 Where's William? Yes we know the usual answer to this question is “The canteen” or “Bay 11 Jersey and Guernsey “ But in this case he is in the photograph of the running of the bulls.
  • 19. 19 19 Christmas Package Cheese Snack Ingredients 8 ounces of cream cheese (softened) 1/2 teaspoon dried dill 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon salt Scallion Red bell pepper Instructions Mix the dried dill, garlic powder, and salt into the softened cream cheese. Pack the mixture into a rectangular container lined with plastic wrap. Refrigerate it for at least 3 hours. Before serving time, set the unwrapped block of cheese on a platter and decorate it with a scallion bow and red pepper polka dots and gift tag. Frosty the Cheese Ball Ingredients  16 ounces cream cheese  1/2 teaspoon garlic salt  1/2 teaspoon onion powder  10 raisins for eyes, mouth, and buttons  1 piece of carrot for the nose  4 crackers for the hat (we used Ritz and Dare water crackers)  1 thyme sprig for the hat (optional)  Strips of carrot for the scarf  2 broken pretzels for the arms  1 (1/2-inch) piece of a canned baby corn for the pipe Toothpick for the pipe Instructions  In a large bowl, let the cream cheese soften at room temperature for about 30 minutes.  Stir in the garlic salt and the onion pow- der, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours.  Make the snowman by rolling two thirds of the cheese into a ball for his body and the other third into a ball for his head.  Stack the balls, then add the facial fea- tures, clothing, arms, and pipe as shown.  Serve with crackers or mini bagels
  • 20. 20 20 ndc Tony Utting Head of Operating performance We had the pleasure of interviewing Mr Tony Utting who was on a visit to the NDC; Tony is the Head of Operations Performance in the Royal Mail Parcels Team will have been with Royal mail for 30 years come January 2016. Tony has been to the NDC a few times now, and finds it very much as it has always been he was impressed with the gravity feed system of working as it looks more efficient, but he thought the large boxes needs looking into as these may be problematic, as are the Yorks coming through with no destination cards was not good practice. This needs to be addressed with the customers as they may not understand the importance of them to us. Tony’s team do a lot of analysis to determine where in the pipeline our weaknesses are and where we are failing and then work closely with Quality and Customer departments, as well as our customers to address what may be going wrong. Tony came today to observe the operation and talk to the staff, to get an insight into the transformation. The NDC is one of the biggest and most important sites Royal Mail has got when it comes to Quality, because we have outward processing and cross-docking, if this site fails it has an impact on overall Royal Mail quality, whilst if an individual mail centre fails for one day it has an impact but it will be harder to see. If the NDC fails everyone knows about it the next morning. Starting as a counter clerk for three and a half years Tony’s career options changed when a robbery took place and a bullet was fired through his screen, at which point the offer of working in a different department was welcomed. Working in Personnel,doing the annual leave duty for SW London, based at nine Elms and then on the sick absence duty for about a year, moving on to Security. He had never really thought about joining the investigation department “I was sitting at my desk doing some annual leave updates, when I was approached to cover a colleague who was going on holiday of course I said Yes, that’s how I got started.” collating all the P26 returns and P58s which customers fill in when their mail goes missing, collating the data, this can show us where problems are arising with missing mail, potential thefts etc. The accumulation of this data, proving suspicion, was then passed to POID for further investigation. The investigation team employ a number of tools and techniques to identify where there are potential problems with theft etc. and they can usually identify where there problems are and detect and deal with any dishonesty. After doing the data collection for Two years Mr Utting progressed to being an investigator with POID. This little side track, from the original interview we were supposed to be doing, gave us the opportunity to ask the question “Do Investigation advertise their jobs or do they mainly employ ex police men or military?” Surprisingly we found that they do advertise positions on the job search pages, when Tony applied back in 1991 they had 2000 applicants internally and only 12 were accepted, of these all but one was from outside Royal Mail Group. This is helpful as the investigators start with an under- standing of the business and how things work. Nowadays, most investigators are still recruited internally, though there are always exceptions. A prospective investigator will go on a 6 week induction course, during which you talk to nobody about what you are doing, though once this has been completed; it soon becomes obvious what your job is to close colleagues. In 1998 Tony went back to Post Office Counters as an investigation team leader for Royal Mail where he also worked on the security design for the Post Office Card Account then became Policy and Standards Manager for Investigations. In 2002 Tony’s boss, at the time, came to Royal Mail leav- ing the National Investigation Manager position open which he successfully applied for, managing investigations in Post Office Ltd, until 2007 when he applied and got the position of Head of Secure Products managing a product for high risk items, evaluating the risk of delivering an item for a given postcode and applying the right product to it, to prevent it getting lost or stolen. So if you had a customer that regularly sends credit cards through the post, would you cover that loss of the cards financial limit for a 24p stamp? This is a great idea for a customer; however, commercially this was not viable so this product did not work. Becoming head of ancillary products (redirections, Keep- safe and mail collect, collections etc.) and then went onto the tracked project, writing the process maps, product spec’s signed off all the processes and came to visit here at the NDC when the tracked conveyor was installed. Tony then went on to become Head of Product Manage-
  • 21. 21 21 ndc ment and is now the head of Operations Performance. Tony is looking at the product we have sold to the cus- tomer, what quality have we sold them and how do we make sure that the customer gets what they paid for from a quality perspective. This often involves speaking directly to the customer to find out what the issues are and how best to solve them, as sometime the problem can be with the customer rather than Royal Mail. We sometimes see forecasting problems on the cus- tomer’s side and need to explain to them “We need to know what you are sending to us in order for us to do our job efficiently, as we do not want lots of people standing around waiting to process traffic that we are not going to receive, as this puts our costs up which drives us to increase prices By the same token, customers are not interested in our operational problems. They are paying the prices we ask and expect us to deliver the service we have promised. Most of our biggest customers understand this process, if you going to make money and in order to make money we need to work together. A lot of talk has been going on about this competitor has built this hub and another has done something else which seems to be a threat to RM, but what has happened is that they have now realised they have a quality issue when they get high volumes that they need to resolve. They are still a threat and we shouldn’t be complacent about how fast they are growing. In Tracked, we have a 4 point scan quality check, an out- ward scan, an inward scan, ready for delivery scan and a proof of delivery scan. If you say it is going to be delivered on a Wednesday and you miss any of those scans you will have failed on quality as far as our quality checks are con- cerned, as the data we collect from each scan helps us to identify where our leakage of quality might be so if we miss any it has an impact on our ability to measure quality and fix problems. Measuring quality from a customer’s point of view is more about delivering to time and getting the delivery scan. If you failed to scan at the delivery point, that is a quality fail from the customers point of view, regardless of the fact that it was delivered on time; that last scan is the quality final check as the recipient can claim it had not been deliv- ered. In a customer’s eyes, regardless of the quality we had up to that point it had failed. So just because we are under pressure, not scanning an item just to move faster, means our quality is lowered and we let the customer down. With the decline in letters, Royal Mail will change, we may be as big as we are now, as it is the change in the mix of mail that is changing, our volumes may be lower but we will still make money. There are a lot of challenges to come because our operating model is not ideal for parcels as we are set up for large letters, but they are not insurmountable. Will we have as many people working for us in the future? Who knows, parcels bring in a lot of automation, in order to be efficient over the next 5 years we should see a lot of changes in processing and delivering the mail but other parts of the business should see little, if any change at all. Mr Utting was in conversation with Paul Vincent and William Kari As a last Question to Tony Q: Paul V:- If I order something from Spain or say Switzerland, how does Royal Mail get reimbursed for the cost of taking it the extra mile and vis- versa? “I am no expert here, but depending on what country you have ordered an item from, there are a number of ways we can get paid, there is a universal postal union and Royal Mail and all the other postal businesses around the world sign up to agree that if you post something from this country you pay Royal Mail. A stamp bought here, based on weight and re- ceiving country, when it arrives at that country we are responsible for that charge and they are responsible for what is called terminal dues. You have paid RM £1.50 for a stamp to Switzer- land its cost RM say 30p in the UK to carry it to the plane, so Switzerland will charge RM for what it has cost them to deliver it and it is a fixed price. Paul Vincent
  • 22. 22 22 What beats his chest and swings from Christmas cake to Christmas cake? Tarzipan ! Mum, Can I have a dog for Christmas? No you can have turkey like everyone else! What did the eskimos sing when they got their Christ- mas dinner ? "Whalemeat again, don't know where, don't know when " ! What did the big cracker say to the little cracker ? My pop is bigger than yours ! Who is never hungry at Christmas ? The turkey - he's always stuffed ! What bird has wings but cannot fly ? Roast turkey ! What's the best thing to put into a Christmas cake ? Your teeth ! Whats happens if you eat the Christmas decorations ? You get tinsel-itus ! I wouldn't say Christmas gnomes are small. But they used to be lumberjacks on a mushroom farm! Christmas gnomes are so small in fact that they have to stand on a ladder to fasten their shoe laces! I wouldn't say Christmas gnomes are ugly, But if beauty's skin deep then they were was born inside out! I wouldn't say that Christmas gnomes are cross-eyed, but when they cry the tears run down their back! What do gnomes fear most about Christmas? They're afraid Father Christmas will give them the sack! Teacher: Give me a sentence with the word gnome in it! Pupil: Er.... the man's house burnt down so.... he hadn't a gnome to go to! Gnome: Doctor, Doctor! I keep seeing pink and green spots in front of my eyes! Doctor: Good gracious! Have you seen an optician? Gnome: No... just pink and green spots! Doctor: I mean, have you ever had your eyes checked? Gnome: No. They've always been blue! Father Christmas: How do I stop a Christmas Gnome being airsick on the sledge? Gnome: Put a five pound note between his teeth and stick his head over the side of the sledge. What song do Father Christmas' gnomes sing to him when he came home cold on Christmas night? Freeze a jolly good fellow! What did the little demon do when he bought a house? He called it Gnome Sweet Gnome. At Christmas Time - Grace E. Easley There's nothing like Christmas And woods deep in snow To make us remember The dear long ago. Down life's weary highway, Years pass single file, But deep in us all Lives a bit of the child. The same breathless wonder Floods over us when The gray skies lose snowflakes That dance in the wind. Smoke curling from chimneys, A white windowpane, And dear thoughts return And old joys remain. The tinkle of sleigh bells Across a still night, A warm, shadowed hearth Whose embers burn bright. A colorful afghan Thrown over a chair, Green holly entwined Down the length of a stair. The candlelit church And the golden bells tell Of chapters each heart Remembers so well. Oh, there's nothing like Christmas And woods deep in snow To make us remember
  • 23. 23 23 Revised Christmas days Effective immediately, the follow- ing economizing measures are being implemented in the "Twelve Days of Christ- mas" subsidiary: 1) The partridge will be retained, but the pear tree, which never produced the cash crop forecasted, will be replaced by a plastic hanging plant, providing considerable savings in maintenance 2) Two turtle doves represent a redundancy that is simply not cost effective. In addition, their romance during working hours could not be condoned. The positions are, therefore, eliminated 3) The three French hens will remain intact. After all, everyone loves the French 4) The four calling birds will be replaced by an auto- mated voice mail system, with a call waiting option. An analysis is underway to determine who the birds have been calling, how often and how long they talked. 5) The five golden rings have been put on hold by the Board of Directors. Maintaining a portfolio based on one commodity could have negative implications for institutional investors. Diversification into other precious metals, as well as a mix of T-Bills and high technology stocks, appear to be in order 6) The six geese-a-laying constitutes a luxury which can no longer be afforded. It has long been felt that the production rate of one egg per goose per day was an example of the general decline in productiv- ity. Three geese will be let go, and an upgrading in the selection procedure by personnel will assure management that, from now on, every goose it gets will be a good one 7) The seven swans-a-swimming is obviously a num- ber chosen in better times. The function is primarily decorative. Mechanical swans are on order. The current swans will be retrained to learn some new strokes, thereby enhancing their outplacement 8) As you know, the eight maids-a-milking concept has been under heavy scrutiny by the EEOC. A male/ female balance in the workforce is being sought. The more militant maids consider this a dead-end job with no upward mobility. Automation of the process may permit the maids to try a-mending, a-mentoring or a-mulching 9) Nine ladies dancing has always been an odd number. This function will be phased out as these individuals grow older and can no longer do the steps 10) Ten Lords-a-leaping is overkill. The high cost of Lords, plus the expense of international air travel, prompted the Compensation Committee to suggest replacing this group with ten out-of-work congress- men. While leaping ability may be somewhat sacrificed, the savings are significant as we expect an oversupply of unemployed congressmen this year 11) Eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drum- ming is a simple case of the band getting too big. A substitution with a string quartet, a cutback on new music, and no uniforms, will produce savings which will drop right to the bottom line Overall we can expect a substantial reduction in as- sorted people, fowl, animals and related expenses. Though incomplete, studies indicate that stretching deliveries over twelve days is inefficient. If we can drop ship in one day, service levels will be improved. Regarding the lawsuit filed by the attorney's association seeking expansion to include the legal profession ("thirteen lawyers-a-suing"), a decision is pending. Deeper cuts may be necessary in the future to remain competitive. Should that happen, the Board will request management to scrutinize the Snow White Division to see if seven dwarfs is the right number Can you believe it?
  • 24. 24 24 James Thatcher has joined colleagues here at the NDC on a graduate scheme programme after completing A level studies in July of 2015 at Elizabeth Woodville school in Roade, Northampton. He studied sports, business and social welfare for his A levels. Towards later days, he had a part time job at his school’s gym and sports centre as a life guard attendant. This went on for about 3 years, terminating only recently when he was offered the opportunity to join Royal Mail. James is a holder of a nationally accredited life guard qualification. He knew the life guard position at his school was vacant therefore he volunteered his services, only to find himself getting paid for it in the end which suited him well as he wanted a bit of money. His involvement in this was a com- pletely separate engagement from his schooling hours. After sixth form James did not want to carry on within the school environment but he still had a longing quest to acquire a level 4 qualification. He had applied to go to University but did not like it in the end hence his decision to get involved in a graduate scheme. He found it advantageous due to the fact that it afforded him a chance to train while on a salary and potentially give him a chance to obtain a qualification at the end of it all. James came across Royal Mail vacancy offers while searching on graduate scheme websites. He is on a two year scheme involving two placements and the last part will involve University study for the appropriate logistics foundation degree offered through Royal Mail. James is currently part of the BCA customer team where he has invested worthwhile learning time and he is closely working with plant manager Natalie Frow on Amazon fulfilment. He has shadowed many people including some who are not within the customer team’s immediate latitude as a way of gaining broader understanding of how various business operations merge. Although he was expecting his new workplace to have some offices and an operational floor, James had not envis- aged the NDC would be such a massive site. He was however prepared to come and just learn how to do a job in a completely new environmental setting hence he quickly adjusted and carried on. He has taken a tour to observe the operational floor on several occasions but is yet to witness what he has been told the cross docking operation can be like at pick times. James believes privatisation is a good challenge for Royal Mail as it brings effective accountability and a more coher- ent way of doing things. This in turn eliminates the need for reliance on government subsidies and the organisation being viewed by the tax paying pubic as a perpetual fiscal liability. He believes Royal Mail already has infrastructure on the ground providing a vantage point and opportunity for an exciting challenge amongst other postal companies. From what he has observed to date, he aspires to witness tighter forecasts on Amazon mail traffic in order to facili- tate a clearer approach allowing better handling preparations. He believes this begins with an operational efficiency mind-set from everyone and communication of improvement ideas. James’s motivation in life is just to do things that make him happy. He believes in being ambitious and progressing as quickly as possible on things he aspires for and puts his mind to. He believes this attitude influenced the route he undertook resulting in him being involved in what he is doing. He aspires to perform all tasks assigned to him well and bring positive impact to the business in his own way as part of the team he is working with. He is aware; this will also involve providing assistance to others as well as any interconnected operations. In a nutshell, his approach is based on doing what one is expected to do and helping others whenever there is need to do so. James was involved in many charity activities while at his former school. Some of his last engagements while in sixth form involved organising fundraising activities for Children in Need and the Red Nose Day. He also helped during Christmas hamper get together events for elderly homes in villages within his school’s vicinity. He has also done some charity work through his rugby team which often arranges fundraising activities during weekends. He leaves at home with his parents and has two brothers and a sister, all older than him. They have all left home to begin their own lives elsewhere so he is the only child at home. Meet James Thatcher In Conversation with Benbella Mhandhu
  • 25. 25 25 Christmas song lyrics For more than 50 years, we have been helping to make Christmas wishes come true by receiving and replying to the letters children send to Santa. Posting dates To make sure mail gets to us in time to reply, mail should be sent using the address below on a stamped addressed envelope, no later than 6 December. Santa/Father Christmas Santa's Grotto Reindeerland XM4 5HQ Include your full name address to we can send a reply. Frosty the snowman Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say, He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day. There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. For when they placed it on his head he began to dance around. O, Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be, And the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me. Thumpetty thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Look at Frosty go. Thumpetty thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Over the hills of snow. Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day, So he said, "Let's run and we'll have some fun now before I melt away." Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand, Running here and there all around the square saying, Catch me if you can. He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop. And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler "Stop!" For Frosty the snow man had to hurry on his way, But he waved goodbye saying, "Don't you cry, I'll be back again some day." Thumpetty thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Look at Frosty go. Thumpetty thump thump, thumpety thump thump, Over the hills of snow. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light From now on, our troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Make the Yule-tide gay, From now on, our troubles will be miles away. Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more. Through the years we all will be together If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now. Snowflakes fly around the sled, Some teddy bears love adventure on their sleds. Daddy Bear holds the ropes to guide his flight, Mama and baby bear sit together tight, Laughter rings out when they curve over the hills, Teddy bear sleigh rides are a winter thrill. Scarfs of red and green plaid surround their furry necks, Hoods of fur are keeping the winter air outside. Riding in the sleigh makes a fun day, That’s the teddy bear way. Teddy Bear Sleigh By Darby Diana Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
  • 26. 26 26 Gary Chamberlain Data and graphs by Amit Dave NDC Revenue Protection Period 6 Recoveries Another good month for the Revenue Protection team at NDC a total of £1,050,277 was raised against a target of £213,099. Sampling Results In period 6 we sampled 56.5% of all customer traffic and 100% of customers deemed high risk based on presentational failures of their previous mailings. Total recoveries for the year so far We have recovered so far this year a total of £3,540,421 against a target of £2,685,046.
  • 27. 27 27 This is an update on the following Tracked machine, new DHL post, management, Christmas. Firstly we would like to apologise for the minimal communica- tion over the last few months and are fully aware of our mem- ber’s views on this. From now on we will be aiming to im- prove on this and give as much information as possible within our remit, there is also areas that the business deem in com- mercial confidence that even as reps locally have no or very little knowledge of it and cannot be disclosed in open commu- nication. Christmas Christmas is fast approaching and as we all know the NDC as in previ- ous years tends to be an extremely busy place. The talks between CWU and management around the Christmas arrangements have been on-going for the last few months, this has so far resulted in the Part Timers been offered to work full time over this period, the overtime has been sent out and returned and has been inputted against the work forecasted, but has still not been displayed. TCP is still in discussion, as we were first informed there would be no TCP at the NDC this has now changed and TCP will be running but management are insisting there is not enough work to run a TCP shift and moving people on to TCP would endanger the operation on the vacated shifts. At present it has only resulted in an advertisement for ICCS and Bay Marshal’s. We are still in discussion regarding the working arrangements on the 24th,25th,26th,27th,28th and 31st Dec and 1st January and we are at present waiting for the national arrangements which will then influence our decision on the best way forward. Members have asked about extra leave on the eve’s this is again under discussion. You will all be aware of the mailsort being deferred earlier this year this is a business decision due to the increase of the tracked work and was deemed we would require the floor space. Any work that does get moved for Christmas will come back w/c 21/12/2015 as confirmed by management. The CWU have been very disappointed with the lack of urgency from the business regarding the arrangements for our members over this period. New work and boom/conveyor From the 26th October the new boom and motorised conveyor have been installed, this is primarily to take the new Deutsche Post/DHL work that has been transferred from parcelforce this is a good oppor- tunity for NDC and we will be working closely with management on the installation of the new equipment and the structure, resource and training surrounding it. Vacant Duties The Vacant duties have been advertised and the closing date has now passed, all applicants will hopefully be informed in writing over the next few weeks with a starting date in January 2016. 10 minute walking The management has sent out letters explaining the situation regarding the withdrawal of the 10 minute walking time for X Docking. If you need any further information please see your manager. Random Security Checks You will have seen from the notices that the security checks will take place w/c 16/11/2015 this will be for all employees at the NDC (OPG’s, managers, admin) and any visitors to NDC. Please read the union notice board for the full agree- ment and the process for the random checks. Walkway After many months of waiting the change to the walkway in the RDC has finally been approved, this has been completed. The main reason for it to be moved is the requirement to separate the MHE operation to one side of the operational floor which should improve safety. Distribution We are currently working towards a completed set of duties for network 2015 with a deployment date of 25th January 2016. There will be a drivers meeting in due course to dis- cuss and ratify these duty sets. Union Learning Room The learning room is still open for all courses and learning needs and new courses will be available soon. Thank you for your continued support NDC Committee Bola Omoyeni
  • 28. 28 28 General advertisements NDC Royal Mail and the newsletter editors and its associates are not responsible for the content and any contractual arrangements made between sellers and buyers. We accept no liability or Risk on any agreements made through the buying and selling Disclaimer WWW.UTILITYWAREHOUSE.ORG.UK/WKARI Contacts: regarding The Communicator Denise Blackmore Katy King