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A Parliament
of the World’s Religions
Host Cities:
A Legacy of Building Bridges,
Fostering Social Cohesion
                                                                    Spanning eight days, with over 500 programs and                    religious, spiritual and convictional leaders of more

Diversity: it can evoke either humanity’s best response or          about 8,000 attendees, the 1993 Chicago Parliament
                                                                    of the World’s Religions focused on an international
                                                                                                                                       than forty different traditions. This document has
                                                                                                                                       been translated into over 60 languages, inspired
                                                                    agenda while it brought new impetus to the                         research, and developed an international academic
its worst. As globalization continues to lead the world toward      interreligious movement in the Americas.                           following. It informs many comparative religion and
the inevitability of living in religiously diverse communities, a                                                                      philosophy courses in universities around the world.
                                                                    A major achievement of the 1993 Chicago Parliament
                                                                    was the document Towards A Global Ethic. This                      As a result of its experiences in Chicago, the Council
lingering question from the 20th century demands an answer in       landmark document was the creation of a broad-                     for a Parliament of the World’s Religions developed
                                                                    based, international consultation led by noted                     a methodology for engaging religious, spiritual
the 21st – how will our nations and local communities respond
                                                                    theologian Dr. Hans Kung and endorsed by the                       and convictional communities. This methodology
to the challenge of diversity? Will our differing beliefs and       Parliament Assembly, a group of more than 200                      forms the heart of the site selection process for each
                                                                                                                                       Parliament event, as well as a partner cities program
traditions be a wedge dividing us, or can we use them to foster                                                                        that continues to grow in metropolitan areas around
                                                                                                                                       the world.
mutuality, goodwill and shared aspirations for a better world?
                                                                                                                                       A legacy of the 1993 Parliament is the growth of
                                                                                                                                       the interreligious movement in the USA. A study
What began with the first Parliament of the World’s Religions in                                                                       conducted by a leader in the field found that of the
                                                                                                                                       more than 1000 interreligious organizations and
Chicago in 1893 later grew into a vision of cultivating harmony                                                                        groups in the USA and Canada, most were founded in
                                                                                                                                       the 1990s.
between the world’s religious, spiritual and convictional
communities, fostering their engagement with the world’s
                                                                    An Interreligious Community                 and Buddhists who came to the po-            hood were held, bringing the energy
guiding institutions to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable   Mobilizes In the Wake of Violence           dium to proclaim that they are brothers      and wisdom of the religious, spiritual
                                                                                                                and sisters with their Orthodox Jewish       and convictional communities to bear in
                                                                    Early on Friday night, July 2, 1999, as
planet. In 1993, the Parliament met again after a 100-year hiatus   Orthodox Jewish men, women and
                                                                                                                neighbors. The following Friday night,       search of practical solutions.
                                                                                                                as Orthodox Jewish men, women and
                                                                    children and their rabbis were walking                                                   This model of face-to-face and community-
                                                                                                                children and their rabbis walked to
and has continued to meet in approximately five-year intervals      to synagogue, a man named Benjamin          synagogue, accompanying them were
                                                                                                                                                             to-community encounter and engagement
                                                                    Smith drove up in a car and opened                                                       became the basis for the Council’s meth-
                                                                                                                Muslims and Buddhists, Christians and
since. In each city where it has convened, the Parliament of the    fire, shooting five adults and one child.   Sikhs.
                                                                                                                                                             odology for interreligious organizing.
                                                                    He then drove to a suburb just above                                                     Used in conjunction with subsequent
                                                                                                                The impetus for the vigil came from four     Parliament events, this approach has led
World’s Religions has left a legacy of building bridges between     Rogers Park, Skokie, where he found
                                                                                                                years of local organizing in the Rogers      to a growing network of local interreli-
                                                                    Ricky Birdsong, the African-American
                                                                                                                Park neighborhood by the Council for         gious movements in cities around the
communities and of fostering social cohesion. In Chicago            former basketball coach of Northwestern
                                                                    University, walking with his children.      a Parliament of the World’s Religions.       world, including a recently launched social
                                                                    Smith shot and killed him. He then drove    Following the 1993 Parliament in Chicago,    cohesion project in Malmo, Sweden, which
(1993), Cape Town (1999), Barcelona (2004), and Melbourne           further into Skokie and shot two persons    religious, spiritual and convictional com-   has completed the business of funding
                                                                    of Asian descent and then left the          munities that had become acquainted with     their feasibility study for a five-year ca-
(2009), the presence of the Parliament of the World’s Religions     Chicago area. Several days later he made    one another through that event asked the     pacity building process. This process will
                                                                    his way to Bloomington, Indiana where       Council to continue to foster dialogue and   begin with religious communities and
continues through strengthening local interreligious contacts       he shot and killed a Korean student and     cooperation across the metropolitan area.    extend out into a range of other sectors
                                                                    then took his own life. Smith was a mem-    Along with citywide events and exchang-      and institutions.
and through new efforts that promote peace, stability, and          ber of a racist hate group.                 es, the Council launched a pilot project
                                                                                                                with 18 diverse communities in Rogers
                                                                    Four days later, about 500 members of       Park. The work began with apprecia-
cooperation among diverse communities.                              the Rogers Park community held a vigil      tive inquiry interviews and a retreat for
                                                                    organized by a group of 18 religious        community leaders. Communities were
                                                                    communities. On a platform that night,      invited to share in the sacred observanc-
                                                                    with their Orthodox Jewish brothers sat     es and cultural festivals of other faiths.
                                                                    Hindus and Muslims, Christians, Sikhs       Forums on issues facing the neighbor-
CAPE TOWN 1999                                                                                                                              BARCELONA 2004
The second modern Parliament of the World’s                                                                                                 For the first time in the history of the Parliament,                The Barcelona Parliament of the World’s Religions
Religions acknowledged the extraordinary changes in                                                                                         the site of the 2004 event was chosen through a                     highlighted the concern of the interreligious
South Africa in the 1990s. An important focus of the                                                                                        competitive bid process. In organizing to submit a                  movement to focus on specific issues facing the
1999 Parliament was to embrace a South Africa that                                                                                          proposal to host the 2004 event, religious groups                   international community, such as access to clean
had recently experienced a peaceful transfer of power                                                                                       in Barcelona came together as communities as they                   water; supporting refugees worldwide; lifting the
with the end of the injustice of apartheid. Meeting                                                                                         had never come together before. This site selection                 international debt burden on the poorest nations; and
over eight days, with about 900 programs and more                                                                                           process alone, in addition to the Parliament event                  overcoming religiously motivated violence. Meeting
than 7000 attendees (about one-half from outside                          those common messages to the work of the leading                  itself, was reported to have catalyzed interreligious               over a seven day period with 9,000 attendees and
of Africa), this event saw a truly global community                       bodies of an increasingly integrated world.                       dialogue in Barcelona. The Barcelona Parliament                     650 programs, the Barcelona Parliament introduced
emerge with an enormous variety of offerings,                                                                                               also engaged local agencies concerned with the                      special programming including a Parliament Academy
                                                                          The 1999 Parliament also inspired hundreds of
from religious observances to lectures, seminars,                                                                                           challenges presented by increasing numbers of                       for students, a sacred music concert, a film festival,
                                                                          individuals, organizations, and other communities
workshops, symposia and performances.                                                                                                       immigrants from different faiths and cultures. The                  symposia, and a communities’ night.
                                                                          to offer new projects (“gifts of service”) focused
                                                                                                                                            program included engagement of not only religious
A major accomplishment of the Cape Town Parliament                        on concrete, long-term challenges at the local and                                                                                    The 2004 Parliament Assembly at the Benedictine
                                                                                                                                            groups but also international and intergovernmental
was the development of the document A Call to                             global levels. Parliament attendees received a                                                                                        Monastery of Montserrat near Barcelona also called
                                                                                                                                            organizations to focus on key issues.
Our Guiding Institutions, addressed to eight of                           copy of the 1999 Parliament Book of Gifts, which                                                                                      on its attendees to make a commitment, upon their
the world’s guiding institutions including the                            featured over four hundred exemplary projects                                                                                         return home, to a simple and profound act intended
media, governments, businesses and educational                            offered on the occasion of the Parliament. These                                                                                      to engage their respective communities. The intent
institutions. This document proposes new forms of                         projects included such initiatives as the World                                                                                       of these acts by individuals is to set in motion events
creative engagement of these institutions with one                        Movement for Nonviolence; a children’s peace                                                                                          that have the potential to lead to a ripple effect in local
another and with the vital issues that face the global                    museum; university programs for building bridges                                                                                      communities. These simple and profound acts help
community. Building on the document Towards A                             in Pakistan; and a community biodynamic farm in                                                                                       alleviate human suffering while they actively involve
Global Ethic, which articulated four moral and ethical                    Egypt. The 1999 Cape Town Parliament also focused                                                                                     local communities and institutions in so doing. By the
directives common to the great religious and spiritual                    on youth, helping to introduce a new generation to                                                                                    close of the Parliament, participants had committed
traditions, A Call to Our Guiding Institutions applies                    the hope for a peaceful world through the growing                                                                                     themselves to 500 simple and profound acts.
                                                                          movement for harmony in diversity.

Renewed Interreligious Cooperation              issues as HIV/AIDS, poverty, and violent      When the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative      A Legacy of Continuing                       gion to society); Lleida (2009, Spirituality,   Baha’i, Catholic Christianity, Protestant
Continues Social Engagement                     crime. Through its Open Hearts, Open          celebrated its 10th anniversary in            Interreligious Dialogue                      women and society: unity in diversity);         Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
                                                Minds series of dialogues it continues        2010, it welcomed a keynote address                                                        and Perpignan (2011, Religions and
The long struggle to end apartheid had                                                                                                      In Barcelona and its surrounding region,                                                     Each panelist was asked to respond to
                                                to sponsor constructive discussion on         by Archbishop Desmond Tutu who                                                             modernity). This most recent Parliament,
engaged people of many faiths, but once                                                                                                     the Parliament of the World’s Religions                                                      the following questions:
                                                topics vital to the community such as         communicated the legacy of the 1999                                                        organized by the Amitié Interreligieuse du
a new South Africa began to emerge,                                                                                                         was instrumental in the creation of an                                                       1. Gender equality is an indispensable
                                                “affirming the dignity of difference” and     Cape Town Parliament as well as the                                                        Roussillon was held across the Spanish
interreligious cooperation waned. When                                                                                                      ongoing series of interreligious events.                                                        prerequisite for the development of hu-
                                                “ethics in journalism.”                       critical importance of the Parliament of                                                   border at the University of Perpignan in
Cape Town played host to the Parliament                                                                                                     The State of Catalonia has taken an                                                             mankind; how can we further promote
                                                                                              the World’s Religions. In an interview                                                     France where people of Catalan culture in
of the World’s Religions in 1999 it helped      The Cape Town Interfaith Initiative is en-                                                  active role in supporting this interreli-                                                       gender equality?
                                                                                              Reverend Gordon Oliver, chairman of the                                                    that country and from Switzerland partici-
to renew this local interreligious move-        gaged in its bridge building mission not                                                    gious dialogue. These periodic local and                                                     2. What is each religion implementing
                                                                                              Cape Town Interfaith Initiative, invoked                                                   pated in the event.
ment, spawning the Cape Town Interfaith         only locally but also internationally. The                                                  regional Parliaments, five of which have                                                        to establish a peaceful future full of
                                                                                              Archbishop Tutu in reaffirming the inter-
Initiative. Social justice and generating       Initiative is a partner in the Face to Face                                                 been held since 2004, are organized by       The Catalan Parliament at Lleida served            harmony and respect?
                                                                                              religious community’s commitment to
dialogue between diverse faith communities      | Faith to Faith program, under the aus-                                                    the Catalan Network of Associations of       as an event in preparation for the 2009
                                                                                              social engagement: “We must ensure                                                                                                         The Barcelona Parliament of the World’s
are at the core of the Cape Town Interfaith     pices of USA-based Auburn Seminary.                                                         Interreligious Dialogue under the coor-      Parliament of the World’s Religions in
                                                                                              we must engage. Religion engaged in                                                                                                        Religions has left a legacy throughout
Initiative’s mission. Since 2000 it has part-   Since its inception in 2001, Face to Face |                                                 dination of the UNESCO Association for       Melbourne. About 800 individuals, includ-
                                                                                              conflict in the apartheid era. They were                                                                                                   Catalonia of continued support for
nered within the community to address such      Faith to Faith has brought together hun-                                                    Interreligious Dialogue.                     ing representatives of religious groups,
                                                                                              confrontational… Obviously the stance                                                                                                      interreligious dialogue. Also, the local
                                                dreds of teenagers – Christian, Jewish                                                                                                   academics, researchers and other citizens
                                                                                              of those days would not be appropri-          Each Catalan Parliament revolves around                                                      Catalan Parliament has continued the
                                                and Muslim – from Northern Ireland, the                                                                                                  participated in this gathering highlighting
                                                                                              ate now but…Tutu stood up against the         a central theme. Since its inception fol-                                                    2004 Barcelona Parliament’s commit-
                                                Middle East, South Africa, and the U.S.                                                                                                  women’s leadership. This Parliament wit-
                                                                                              apartheid guns and police and cartoons of     lowing the 2004 Parliament, The Catalan                                                      ment to action on local and international
                                                “to develop a new generation of leaders                                                                                                  nessed a roundtable discussion on “Women
                                                                                              this have become our history. Religion must   Parliament of Religions has gathered in                                                      issues – bringing religious communities
                                                able to negotiate a multifaith global so-                                                                                                and Different Traditions.” Among the eight
                                                                                              engage in conflict lovingly and must stand    Barcelona (2005, Religion in a pluralistic                                                   together around issues of common inter-
                                                ciety; teens learn how their own religious                                                                                               women who represented a range of
                                                                                              up for what it believes in.”                  society); Manresa (2006, Religions and                                                       est while building bridges toward a more
                                                traditions and those of others can be                                                                                                    Catalan religious organizations were ad-
                                                                                                                                            humanism); Madrid (2007, The Earth                                                           peaceful world.
                                                used to build a more peaceful world.”                                                                                                    herents of Buddhism, Brahma Kumaris,
                                                                                                                                            Charter and other commitments of reli-
MELBOURNE 2009                                                                                                                                    CONCLUSION
The 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in                                                                                                   In each of its host cities, the Parliament of the
Melbourne presented the theme, “Making a World of                                                                                                 World’s Religions has left a presence that promotes
Difference: Hearing Each Other, Healing the Earth.”                                                                                               its vision of a world where religious, spiritual and
This theme continued the concern of the Barcelona                                                                                                 convictional communities live in harmony and
Parliament that religious, spiritual and convictional                                                                                             contribute to a better world out of their riches of
communities act on the vital issues of our times such                                                                                             wisdom and compassion; a world where religious
as protecting our global environment, waging peace,                                                                                               and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with
and ending poverty.                                                     three European cities wishing to strengthen their local                   understanding and respect; and where all life on
                                                                        social ties in the light of the reality of accelerating                   our fragile Earth is cherished, protected, healed and
Held over seven days, with 590 programs attended by                     cross-border immigration. The US State Department                         restored.
6,000 participants, the Melbourne Parliament sought                     and the White House Office of Faith-Based and                                                                                     environs, to a roundtable on multifaith education
the full participation of indigenous and aboriginal                     Neighborhood Partnerships sent representatives                            From confronting religious and racial hatred            in Melbourne, the host city for the Parliament
peoples and focused on the challenges faced by                          to Melbourne and held a “listening session” with                          in Chicago, to supporting the interreligious            of the World’s Religions has enjoyed a legacy of
these communities as well as the wisdom these                           participants from a wide range of religious traditions                    cooperation that was characteristic of the anti-        interreligious and cross-cultural bridge-building. In
traditions offer in the face of worldwide challenges.                   and guiding institutions, while prominent institutional                   apartheid movement in Cape Town, to regular             Chicago, Cape Town, Barcelona and Melbourne, the
This Parliament brought together indigenous and                         players, such as the World Bank and United Nations                        interreligious dialogues in Barcelona and its           Parliament of the World’s Religions has served:
aboriginal leaders from all the continents of the                       agencies, also participated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          •	 To encourage mutual respect among religious,
world enabling an Assembly of Indigenous Leaders
                                                                        The legacy of the Melbourne Parliament included                                                                                      spiritual and convictional communities
to convene to discuss matters of common interest
including the relationship between indigenous                           strengthening an already active local interreligious                                                                              •	 To support communities and institutions to work
peoples and other communities. These leaders                            movement while fostering its growth. For example,                                                                                    collaboratively in addressing critical issues
also participated in the broad range of Parliament                      when the site selection process for the 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                          •	 To build bridges between diverse groups
programs, bringing indigenous wisdom into the                           Parliament began, three of the forty cities that make
                                                                        up the Melbourne metropolitan area had interreligious                                                                             •	 To strengthen local interreligious movements
panels, plenaries and discussions.
                                                                        groups. A year after the Parliament, thirty-seven cities                                                                          •	 To foster social cohesion
The Melbourne Parliament also brought significant                       had a local interreligious council. In Melbourne, the
participation from international leaders and bodies.                    Parliament continued its legacy of developing dialogue
Its focus on social cohesion attracted interest from                    and promoting interreligious contacts.

Australian Group Highlights                    These roundtables focused on the inter-           A statement issued by REENA highlights
The Role of Education in                       section of education, ethics and religion.        why Australians are engaging in this
a Multifaith Society                           Australian scholars and community lead-           discussion about religion and schools: “A
                                               ers discussed such topics as religion and         comprehensive education about the diversity
Education is an essential component of         education in Australian schools; shift-           and value of religious and ethical traditions
the interreligious movement. Religious         ing from special religious education to           within Australia would be more in line with
literacy is one step toward peace. Among       multifaith education; countering religious        current policies and world best practices with
the legacies of the Melbourne Parliament       prejudice and advancing respect for reli-         regard to promoting social inclusion, inter-
was the first Religion and Education in        gious diversity; faith-based schools; and         cultural understanding, and broader religious
Multifaith Australia Roundtable, hosted by     religion and diversity in the new (Austra-        literacy.”
the UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and In-     lian) national curriculum.
tercultural Relations - Asia Pacific, Monash                                                     The working group REENA holds that regu-
University, Religions for Peace Australia,     Participants in these events formed a new         lar interreligious dialogue fosters “social
and the Together for Humanity Founda-          working group called the Religions, Ethics        inclusion” and “intercultural understand-
tion. This event was held at Monash            and Education Network Australia (REENA).          ing.” In the diverse nation of Australia,
University, Melbourne in December 2010         The aim of the working group is to move from      the Parliament of the World’s Religions
on the one-year anniversary of the 2009        discussion to action, focusing on three broad     has left its mark, supporting a concern
Parliament of the World’s Religions. A         areas: 1) including religions and ethics in the   for religious literacy driven by the hope
second event was hosted by The Centre for      new national curriculum; 2) a comprehensive       for mutual understanding and respect
Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie        review of special religious instruction/educa-    between religious communities.
University, in February 2011.                  tion in government schools; and 3) religion
                                               and ethics educational resource development.
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  • 1. A Parliament of the World’s Religions Host Cities: A Legacy of Building Bridges, Fostering Social Cohesion
  • 2. CHICAGO 1993 Spanning eight days, with over 500 programs and religious, spiritual and convictional leaders of more Diversity: it can evoke either humanity’s best response or about 8,000 attendees, the 1993 Chicago Parliament of the World’s Religions focused on an international than forty different traditions. This document has been translated into over 60 languages, inspired agenda while it brought new impetus to the research, and developed an international academic its worst. As globalization continues to lead the world toward interreligious movement in the Americas. following. It informs many comparative religion and the inevitability of living in religiously diverse communities, a philosophy courses in universities around the world. A major achievement of the 1993 Chicago Parliament was the document Towards A Global Ethic. This As a result of its experiences in Chicago, the Council lingering question from the 20th century demands an answer in landmark document was the creation of a broad- for a Parliament of the World’s Religions developed based, international consultation led by noted a methodology for engaging religious, spiritual the 21st – how will our nations and local communities respond theologian Dr. Hans Kung and endorsed by the and convictional communities. This methodology to the challenge of diversity? Will our differing beliefs and Parliament Assembly, a group of more than 200 forms the heart of the site selection process for each Parliament event, as well as a partner cities program traditions be a wedge dividing us, or can we use them to foster that continues to grow in metropolitan areas around the world. mutuality, goodwill and shared aspirations for a better world? A legacy of the 1993 Parliament is the growth of the interreligious movement in the USA. A study What began with the first Parliament of the World’s Religions in conducted by a leader in the field found that of the more than 1000 interreligious organizations and Chicago in 1893 later grew into a vision of cultivating harmony groups in the USA and Canada, most were founded in the 1990s. between the world’s religious, spiritual and convictional communities, fostering their engagement with the world’s An Interreligious Community and Buddhists who came to the po- hood were held, bringing the energy guiding institutions to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable Mobilizes In the Wake of Violence dium to proclaim that they are brothers and wisdom of the religious, spiritual and sisters with their Orthodox Jewish and convictional communities to bear in Early on Friday night, July 2, 1999, as planet. In 1993, the Parliament met again after a 100-year hiatus Orthodox Jewish men, women and neighbors. The following Friday night, search of practical solutions. as Orthodox Jewish men, women and children and their rabbis were walking This model of face-to-face and community- children and their rabbis walked to and has continued to meet in approximately five-year intervals to synagogue, a man named Benjamin synagogue, accompanying them were to-community encounter and engagement Smith drove up in a car and opened became the basis for the Council’s meth- Muslims and Buddhists, Christians and since. In each city where it has convened, the Parliament of the fire, shooting five adults and one child. Sikhs. odology for interreligious organizing. He then drove to a suburb just above Used in conjunction with subsequent The impetus for the vigil came from four Parliament events, this approach has led World’s Religions has left a legacy of building bridges between Rogers Park, Skokie, where he found years of local organizing in the Rogers to a growing network of local interreli- Ricky Birdsong, the African-American Park neighborhood by the Council for gious movements in cities around the communities and of fostering social cohesion. In Chicago former basketball coach of Northwestern University, walking with his children. a Parliament of the World’s Religions. world, including a recently launched social Smith shot and killed him. He then drove Following the 1993 Parliament in Chicago, cohesion project in Malmo, Sweden, which (1993), Cape Town (1999), Barcelona (2004), and Melbourne further into Skokie and shot two persons religious, spiritual and convictional com- has completed the business of funding of Asian descent and then left the munities that had become acquainted with their feasibility study for a five-year ca- (2009), the presence of the Parliament of the World’s Religions Chicago area. Several days later he made one another through that event asked the pacity building process. This process will his way to Bloomington, Indiana where Council to continue to foster dialogue and begin with religious communities and continues through strengthening local interreligious contacts he shot and killed a Korean student and cooperation across the metropolitan area. extend out into a range of other sectors then took his own life. Smith was a mem- Along with citywide events and exchang- and institutions. and through new efforts that promote peace, stability, and ber of a racist hate group. es, the Council launched a pilot project with 18 diverse communities in Rogers Four days later, about 500 members of Park. The work began with apprecia- cooperation among diverse communities. the Rogers Park community held a vigil tive inquiry interviews and a retreat for organized by a group of 18 religious community leaders. Communities were communities. On a platform that night, invited to share in the sacred observanc- with their Orthodox Jewish brothers sat es and cultural festivals of other faiths. Hindus and Muslims, Christians, Sikhs Forums on issues facing the neighbor-
  • 3. CAPE TOWN 1999 BARCELONA 2004 The second modern Parliament of the World’s For the first time in the history of the Parliament, The Barcelona Parliament of the World’s Religions Religions acknowledged the extraordinary changes in the site of the 2004 event was chosen through a highlighted the concern of the interreligious South Africa in the 1990s. An important focus of the competitive bid process. In organizing to submit a movement to focus on specific issues facing the 1999 Parliament was to embrace a South Africa that proposal to host the 2004 event, religious groups international community, such as access to clean had recently experienced a peaceful transfer of power in Barcelona came together as communities as they water; supporting refugees worldwide; lifting the with the end of the injustice of apartheid. Meeting had never come together before. This site selection international debt burden on the poorest nations; and over eight days, with about 900 programs and more process alone, in addition to the Parliament event overcoming religiously motivated violence. Meeting than 7000 attendees (about one-half from outside those common messages to the work of the leading itself, was reported to have catalyzed interreligious over a seven day period with 9,000 attendees and of Africa), this event saw a truly global community bodies of an increasingly integrated world. dialogue in Barcelona. The Barcelona Parliament 650 programs, the Barcelona Parliament introduced emerge with an enormous variety of offerings, also engaged local agencies concerned with the special programming including a Parliament Academy The 1999 Parliament also inspired hundreds of from religious observances to lectures, seminars, challenges presented by increasing numbers of for students, a sacred music concert, a film festival, individuals, organizations, and other communities workshops, symposia and performances. immigrants from different faiths and cultures. The symposia, and a communities’ night. to offer new projects (“gifts of service”) focused program included engagement of not only religious A major accomplishment of the Cape Town Parliament on concrete, long-term challenges at the local and The 2004 Parliament Assembly at the Benedictine groups but also international and intergovernmental was the development of the document A Call to global levels. Parliament attendees received a Monastery of Montserrat near Barcelona also called organizations to focus on key issues. Our Guiding Institutions, addressed to eight of copy of the 1999 Parliament Book of Gifts, which on its attendees to make a commitment, upon their the world’s guiding institutions including the featured over four hundred exemplary projects return home, to a simple and profound act intended media, governments, businesses and educational offered on the occasion of the Parliament. These to engage their respective communities. The intent institutions. This document proposes new forms of projects included such initiatives as the World of these acts by individuals is to set in motion events creative engagement of these institutions with one Movement for Nonviolence; a children’s peace that have the potential to lead to a ripple effect in local another and with the vital issues that face the global museum; university programs for building bridges communities. These simple and profound acts help community. Building on the document Towards A in Pakistan; and a community biodynamic farm in alleviate human suffering while they actively involve Global Ethic, which articulated four moral and ethical Egypt. The 1999 Cape Town Parliament also focused local communities and institutions in so doing. By the directives common to the great religious and spiritual on youth, helping to introduce a new generation to close of the Parliament, participants had committed traditions, A Call to Our Guiding Institutions applies the hope for a peaceful world through the growing themselves to 500 simple and profound acts. movement for harmony in diversity. Renewed Interreligious Cooperation issues as HIV/AIDS, poverty, and violent When the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative A Legacy of Continuing gion to society); Lleida (2009, Spirituality, Baha’i, Catholic Christianity, Protestant Continues Social Engagement crime. Through its Open Hearts, Open celebrated its 10th anniversary in Interreligious Dialogue women and society: unity in diversity); Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Minds series of dialogues it continues 2010, it welcomed a keynote address and Perpignan (2011, Religions and The long struggle to end apartheid had In Barcelona and its surrounding region, Each panelist was asked to respond to to sponsor constructive discussion on by Archbishop Desmond Tutu who modernity). This most recent Parliament, engaged people of many faiths, but once the Parliament of the World’s Religions the following questions: topics vital to the community such as communicated the legacy of the 1999 organized by the Amitié Interreligieuse du a new South Africa began to emerge, was instrumental in the creation of an 1. Gender equality is an indispensable “affirming the dignity of difference” and Cape Town Parliament as well as the Roussillon was held across the Spanish interreligious cooperation waned. When ongoing series of interreligious events. prerequisite for the development of hu- “ethics in journalism.” critical importance of the Parliament of border at the University of Perpignan in Cape Town played host to the Parliament The State of Catalonia has taken an mankind; how can we further promote the World’s Religions. In an interview France where people of Catalan culture in of the World’s Religions in 1999 it helped The Cape Town Interfaith Initiative is en- active role in supporting this interreli- gender equality? Reverend Gordon Oliver, chairman of the that country and from Switzerland partici- to renew this local interreligious move- gaged in its bridge building mission not gious dialogue. These periodic local and 2. What is each religion implementing Cape Town Interfaith Initiative, invoked pated in the event. ment, spawning the Cape Town Interfaith only locally but also internationally. The regional Parliaments, five of which have to establish a peaceful future full of Archbishop Tutu in reaffirming the inter- Initiative. Social justice and generating Initiative is a partner in the Face to Face been held since 2004, are organized by The Catalan Parliament at Lleida served harmony and respect? religious community’s commitment to dialogue between diverse faith communities | Faith to Faith program, under the aus- the Catalan Network of Associations of as an event in preparation for the 2009 social engagement: “We must ensure The Barcelona Parliament of the World’s are at the core of the Cape Town Interfaith pices of USA-based Auburn Seminary. Interreligious Dialogue under the coor- Parliament of the World’s Religions in we must engage. Religion engaged in Religions has left a legacy throughout Initiative’s mission. Since 2000 it has part- Since its inception in 2001, Face to Face | dination of the UNESCO Association for Melbourne. About 800 individuals, includ- conflict in the apartheid era. They were Catalonia of continued support for nered within the community to address such Faith to Faith has brought together hun- Interreligious Dialogue. ing representatives of religious groups, confrontational… Obviously the stance interreligious dialogue. Also, the local dreds of teenagers – Christian, Jewish academics, researchers and other citizens of those days would not be appropri- Each Catalan Parliament revolves around Catalan Parliament has continued the and Muslim – from Northern Ireland, the participated in this gathering highlighting ate now but…Tutu stood up against the a central theme. Since its inception fol- 2004 Barcelona Parliament’s commit- Middle East, South Africa, and the U.S. women’s leadership. This Parliament wit- apartheid guns and police and cartoons of lowing the 2004 Parliament, The Catalan ment to action on local and international “to develop a new generation of leaders nessed a roundtable discussion on “Women this have become our history. Religion must Parliament of Religions has gathered in issues – bringing religious communities able to negotiate a multifaith global so- and Different Traditions.” Among the eight engage in conflict lovingly and must stand Barcelona (2005, Religion in a pluralistic together around issues of common inter- ciety; teens learn how their own religious women who represented a range of up for what it believes in.” society); Manresa (2006, Religions and est while building bridges toward a more traditions and those of others can be Catalan religious organizations were ad- humanism); Madrid (2007, The Earth peaceful world. used to build a more peaceful world.” herents of Buddhism, Brahma Kumaris, Charter and other commitments of reli-
  • 4. MELBOURNE 2009 CONCLUSION The 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in In each of its host cities, the Parliament of the Melbourne presented the theme, “Making a World of World’s Religions has left a presence that promotes Difference: Hearing Each Other, Healing the Earth.” its vision of a world where religious, spiritual and This theme continued the concern of the Barcelona convictional communities live in harmony and Parliament that religious, spiritual and convictional contribute to a better world out of their riches of communities act on the vital issues of our times such wisdom and compassion; a world where religious as protecting our global environment, waging peace, and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with and ending poverty. three European cities wishing to strengthen their local understanding and respect; and where all life on social ties in the light of the reality of accelerating our fragile Earth is cherished, protected, healed and Held over seven days, with 590 programs attended by cross-border immigration. The US State Department restored. 6,000 participants, the Melbourne Parliament sought and the White House Office of Faith-Based and environs, to a roundtable on multifaith education the full participation of indigenous and aboriginal Neighborhood Partnerships sent representatives From confronting religious and racial hatred in Melbourne, the host city for the Parliament peoples and focused on the challenges faced by to Melbourne and held a “listening session” with in Chicago, to supporting the interreligious of the World’s Religions has enjoyed a legacy of these communities as well as the wisdom these participants from a wide range of religious traditions cooperation that was characteristic of the anti- interreligious and cross-cultural bridge-building. In traditions offer in the face of worldwide challenges. and guiding institutions, while prominent institutional apartheid movement in Cape Town, to regular Chicago, Cape Town, Barcelona and Melbourne, the This Parliament brought together indigenous and players, such as the World Bank and United Nations interreligious dialogues in Barcelona and its Parliament of the World’s Religions has served: aboriginal leaders from all the continents of the agencies, also participated. • To encourage mutual respect among religious, world enabling an Assembly of Indigenous Leaders The legacy of the Melbourne Parliament included spiritual and convictional communities to convene to discuss matters of common interest including the relationship between indigenous strengthening an already active local interreligious • To support communities and institutions to work peoples and other communities. These leaders movement while fostering its growth. For example, collaboratively in addressing critical issues also participated in the broad range of Parliament when the site selection process for the 2009 • To build bridges between diverse groups programs, bringing indigenous wisdom into the Parliament began, three of the forty cities that make up the Melbourne metropolitan area had interreligious • To strengthen local interreligious movements panels, plenaries and discussions. groups. A year after the Parliament, thirty-seven cities • To foster social cohesion The Melbourne Parliament also brought significant had a local interreligious council. In Melbourne, the participation from international leaders and bodies. Parliament continued its legacy of developing dialogue Its focus on social cohesion attracted interest from and promoting interreligious contacts. Australian Group Highlights These roundtables focused on the inter- A statement issued by REENA highlights The Role of Education in section of education, ethics and religion. why Australians are engaging in this a Multifaith Society Australian scholars and community lead- discussion about religion and schools: “A ers discussed such topics as religion and comprehensive education about the diversity Education is an essential component of education in Australian schools; shift- and value of religious and ethical traditions the interreligious movement. Religious ing from special religious education to within Australia would be more in line with literacy is one step toward peace. Among multifaith education; countering religious current policies and world best practices with the legacies of the Melbourne Parliament prejudice and advancing respect for reli- regard to promoting social inclusion, inter- was the first Religion and Education in gious diversity; faith-based schools; and cultural understanding, and broader religious Multifaith Australia Roundtable, hosted by religion and diversity in the new (Austra- literacy.” the UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and In- lian) national curriculum. tercultural Relations - Asia Pacific, Monash The working group REENA holds that regu- University, Religions for Peace Australia, Participants in these events formed a new lar interreligious dialogue fosters “social and the Together for Humanity Founda- working group called the Religions, Ethics inclusion” and “intercultural understand- tion. This event was held at Monash and Education Network Australia (REENA). ing.” In the diverse nation of Australia, University, Melbourne in December 2010 The aim of the working group is to move from the Parliament of the World’s Religions on the one-year anniversary of the 2009 discussion to action, focusing on three broad has left its mark, supporting a concern Parliament of the World’s Religions. A areas: 1) including religions and ethics in the for religious literacy driven by the hope second event was hosted by The Centre for new national curriculum; 2) a comprehensive for mutual understanding and respect Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie review of special religious instruction/educa- between religious communities. University, in February 2011. tion in government schools; and 3) religion and ethics educational resource development.