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                 Open Division                                                                                         DON’T DO THIS. 1D
                                                  Our old Friend
                                                  Sitcom star Matthew Perry is getting
                                                  laughs again as Mr. Sunshine, and
                                                  facing his fears as one of the show’s
                                                  writers and executive producers.

THIRD PLACE                      Sunday February 13, 2011

                                       CIVIL WAR:
                                       150 YEARS
                                                                                        T H E S O U T H’S O L D E S T DA I LY N E W S PA P E R . F O U N D E D 1803

                                                                               STATE OF ABUSE
                                                                                                                 POSTANDCOURIER.COM                                                                  Charleston . North Charleston, S.C. ✯✯

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LIVES ON THE SEA

                                                                               Daddy lessons
The Post and Courier              GREAT
                                                                               Family support, unity goals of Father to Father Project                                                                                                                      TUCKER BLYTHE/GREYGHOSTCHARTERS.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Corey Easterling caught and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      released this huge red drum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      while fly fishing with Capt. Tucker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Blythe of Grey Ghost Charters.

Gene Sapakoff                     ESCAPE
                                  Robert Smalls’
                                  daring ship theft
                                  the stuff of legend
                                  BY BRIAN HICKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      big fish?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tight regulations limiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      trophies for anglers

Daddy Lessons
                                    The ship steamed past Fort                                                                                                                                                                                        BY BO PETERSEN
                                  Sumter two hours before day-                                                                                                                                                                              
                                  break, blowing her whistle to
                                  the guards on night watch.                                                                                                                                                                                            The anglers were just offshore
                                    It was the Planter, a vessel that                                                                                                                                                                                 Charleston, following birds circling
                                  the fort’s officers knew well.                                                                                                                                                                                      above baitfish, when they stumbled
                                  The 147-foot, shallow-draft                                                                                                                                                                                         onto something unheard of — trophy
                                  steamer — a cotton boat, the                                                                                                                                                                                        red drum, hundreds of them, thrash-
                                  locals called her — served as                                                                                                                                                                                       ing the surface in a feeding frenzy.
                                  the dispatch boat for                                                                                                                                                                                                 They pulled in and released one after
                                  Gen. Roswell S. Ripley, the                                                                                                                                                                                         another last November. Big ones, the
                                  Confederate Army’s district                                                                                                                                                  WADE SPEES/STAFF                       size that nowadays makes a trip if you
                                  commander for Charleston.                    Jamichell Mazyck spent a recent Saturday with sons Gus, 11 (center), and James, 7, in tackling a                                                                       catch just one. It was like something
                                    The boat ran letters to the                repair job on the family sport utility vehicle at their North Charleston home.                                                                                         from another time.
                                  troops on Morris Island and                                                                                                                                                                                           “It was very new to me,” said Capt.
                                  carried responses back to the                BY GENE SAPAKOFF                                                                                                                                                       Tucker Blythe of Grey Ghost Char-
                                  general. Its chief value was its                                              The series                                                                                   ters. Then he said something that
                                  slight draft, which allowed it to                                                                                                                                                                                   might make a lot of anglers uncom-
                                  navigate shallow Lowcountry                    Jamichell Mazyck, facing a ferocious and heavily                          This story is part of an occasional series                                                 fortable. “I think maybe the schools
                                  tidal water.                                 favored foe, knows he must get creative.                                  that looks at how children’s fates hang in the                                               are getting stronger and there’s so
                                    Even at that early hour, the                 “Tell you what,” he said in a hushed tone to his                        balance as the Department of Social Services
                                  guards gave her appearance                   7-year-old son James. “Run over by the porch, turn                        deals with budget cuts.                                                                      Please see FISH, Page 12A
                                  little thought. The Planter often            around, and the ball will be right there when you
                                  made the run to Morris Island                get there.”                                                         distraught James.
                                  at odd hours; there was always                 James dashes 10 yards across a North Charleston                     Some plays are better executed than others. So far,                                                 The series
                                  something going on.                          front yard, gets open and grins. The family foot-                   Mazyck’s progress in the comprehensive Father to
                                    That morning, May 12, 1862,                ball arrives on target. So does a determined big                    Father Project is unfolding just as they drew it up                                                     This is part of an occasional
                                  the sentinel on the parapet did              brother.                                                            inside the office of a modest building on Mixson                                                      series looking at how the coast
                                  as he was supposed to — he                     “Hey daddy, Troy Polamalu!” 11-year-old Gus ex-                   Avenue near Park Circle.                                                                              and the ocean off the Lowcountry
                                                                               claims, invoking the name of the Pittsburgh Steel-                    The nonprofit organization funded by the                                                            are changing, and what it means
                                  Please see SMALLS, Page 6A                   ers’ star defender as the batted ball bounces away.                                                                                                                       for a region where people have
                                                                                 “Ah, next time,” Mazyck, 27, said to a temporarily                Please see FATHERS, Page 12A                                                                          made a life and a living for
                                  part ten of twenty                                                                                                                                                                                                     generations in tune with the sea.

                                 NATION                             LOCAL & STATE                    HOME & GARDEN                                   ARTS & TRAVEL                                          YOUR MONEY                                              FAITH & VALUES

                                 Ron Paul again                     Raising hopes for                The right gear                                  Be in the know for                                     Family attempting                                       Vatican rejects
                                 leads straw poll                   Camp Low Country                 to help you get fit                             tonight’s Grammys                                      money-free month                                        app for confession
                                   Texas congressman Ron              Loretta Graham dares to          If you’re committed to                          Is this Eminem’s year? A                               One month. No money.                                    The sacrament of confes-
                                 Paul won the straw poll at         hope that the Girl Scouts’       getting in shape, you can                       look at who will win, who                              No kidding. One North                                   sion “cannot be substituted
                                 the Conservative Political         Camp Low Country can be          find fitness equipment that                     should win and who got                                 Carolina family of three is                             by any computer applica-
                                 Action Conference for the          saved for future generations     fits just about any budget,                     shafted in preparation for                             attempting to pull off that                             tion,” a papal spokesman
                                 second straight year. 13A          of girls. 1B                     room space. 1D                                  tonight’s Grammys. 7E                                  feat this month. 1F                                     said of a hot new app. 1G

                                                                                            Sunny, pleasant.     Arts & Travel ..................1E       Dear Abby .....................6G      Home & Garden ............ 1D          Movies ...........................9E      Television .....................10E
                                                                                            High 62. Low 40.     Books .............................4E    Crossword ......................5E     Horoscope .....................6G      Obituaries ..................... 4B       Wall St. Journal ..............2F
                                                                                            Complete 5-day       Classifieds ..................... 1H     Editorials ..................... 14A   Local News .................... 1B     Pets ............................... 5D   Weddings......................4G
                                                                                            forecast, 8B         Cooking......................... 3D      Faith & Values ............... 1G      Lottery ..........................2A   Sports ............................1C     Your Money....................1F
                 Open Division

SECOND PLACE                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TRAVIS BELL/SIDELINE CAROLINA

The Post and Courier
                                                                                                           T H E S O U T H’S O L D E S T DA I LY N E W S PA P E R . F O U N D E D 1803

                                 Sunday November 28, 2010                                                                             POSTANDCOURIER.COM                               Charleston . North Charleston, S.C. ✯✯               $2.00

                                                              Full day of sun.
                                                              High 62. Low 43.
                                                              Complete 5-day                   SPECIAL REPORT: THE PRICE OF LIVING
                                                              forecast, 8B

                                                                                                Is system draining                                                                                              dead or
Doug Pardue                        Are you really sure
                                   you want to go there?
                                    They’re moody. Secretive.
                                   Spacy. Infuriating! Find out
                                                                                                our seniors’ assets?                                                                                            injured’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Teen who plotted Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                tree-lighting bombing latest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                in alleged terror attempts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                BY TIM FOUGHT
                                   what’s really going on inside                                                                                                                                                and NEDRA PICKLER

The Price of Living
                                   your teen’s head. Inside                                                                                                                                                     Associated Press

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PORTLAND, ORE. — A Somali-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                born teenager plotted “a spectacular
                                   ARTS & TRAVEL                                                                                                                                                                show” of terrorism for months, saying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                he didn’t mind that children would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                die if he bombed a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                crowded Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                tree-lighting cere-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                mony, according to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a law enforcement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                official and court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  He never got the
                                   Holiday calendar has                                                                                                                                                         chance. Mohamed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Osman Mohamud, Mohamud
                                   much to choose from                                                                                                                                                          19, was arrested Fri-
                                    Our calendar of holiday                                                                                                                                                     day in downtown Portland after using
                                   events includes picks for                                                                                                                                                    a cell phone to try to detonate what
                                   every day from today through                                                                                                                                                 he thought were explosives in a van,
                                   Christmas Eve. Page 1E                                                                                                                                                       prosecutors said. It turned out to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a dummy bomb put together by FBI
                                                                                                                                                                                             ALAN HAWES/STAFF   agents, and authorities said the public
                                                                                               Lucia Morfesis holds a photo of herself with her parents, Virginia and George Manos, from the mid-               never was in danger.
                                   FAITH & VALUES                                              1940s. The Charleston County Probate Court in 2004 appointed a guardian and a conservator to
                                                                                               take care of Virginia Manos because of reports she could not care for herself.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The case is the latest in a string of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                alleged terrorist planning by U.S. citi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                zens or residents, including a Times

                                                                                               In some cases, court opens financial spigot                                                                      Square plot in which a Pakistan-born
                                                                                                                                                                                                                man pleaded guilty earlier this year to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                trying to set off a car bomb at a busy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                street corner.
                                                                                               BY DOUG PARDUE                                                                                                     In the Portland plot, Mohamud
                                                                                                                      Defining roles                                        Please see TEEN, Page 11A
                                   Leading from the                                              The Charleston County Probate Court appointed a          WHAT IS PROBATE COURT AND WHAT DO
                                                                                               guardian and a conservator to take care of Virginia        CERTAIN TERMS MEAN? Probate Court
                                   pulpit a historical role                                    Manos in 2004 because of reports that the 89-year-old      assists people in probating estates,
                                     Local ministers are carry-                                woman who lived alone couldn’t take care of herself        resolving disputes in estates and trusts,
                                   ing on the tradition of church                              and might be exploited.                                    handling involuntary commitments for
                                   leaders who preach gospel,                                    Over the next four years, until she died in July 2008,   alcohol/drug abuse and/or mental illness,
                                   press social issues. Page 1G                                the court approved spending $150,000 of her available      obtaining marriage licenses, appointing and
                                                                                               money on lawyer, guardian, conservator and court           supervising guardians and conservators and
                                                                                               fees — almost one out of every four dollars spent for      approving minor and wrongful death
                                 CONTACT US                                                    her care.                                                  settlements. Probate Court includes the
                                 Classified........................................ 722-6500     Manos’ case is not alone. It is among many in which      Estate, Commitment and Marriage Divisions.
                                 Home delivery ................ 853-post (7678)                the Probate Court, set up to protect incapacitated         The Probate Judge is elected county-wide
                                 General offices............................. 577-7111         elderly people from neglect, abuse or financial exploi-    and serves a four-year term.
                                 Newsroom..................................... 937-5582
                                                                                               tation, allows lawyers, guardians and conservators to
                                                                                               profit off helpless elderly wards.                         PROBATE: Typically refers to the legal pro-
                                 INDEX                                                           Ethel Hyde is one of those. The Probate Court ap-        cess of wrapping up a dead person’s affairs,
                                 Arts & Travel .......1E Horoscope .......... 5G               pointed a guardian and conservator for her in 2008         paying their bills and distributing their assets.
                                 Books ..................5E Local News ..........1B            because of concern that her son persuaded her to
                                 Classifieds .......... 1H Movies ................9E                                                                      GUARDIAN: A person who has been ap-
                                 College Football ..1C Obituaries .......... 4B                Please see SYSTEM, Page 10A                                pointed by a judge to take care of a minor
                                 Cooking.............. 3D Pets .................... 5D                                                                    child (called a “ward”) or incompetent adult
                                 Dear Abby .......... 5G Sports .................7C            THE SERIES                                                 and manage that person’s daily life and medi-
                                                                                                                                                          cal decisions.                                                           TORSTEN KJELLSTRAND/AP
                                 Crossword ...........6E Television ..........10E
                                 Editorials .......... 12A Wall St. Journal ...2F              ■ TODAY: The Probate Court was set up in part to                                                                 A crowd watches as a Christmas
                                 Faith & Values .... 1G Weddings........... 4G                   protect the elderly, but in some cases turns on a        CONSERVATOR: A person appointed by                    tree is lit on Pioneer Courthouse
                                 Home & Garden . 1D Your Money.........1F                        financial faucet that helps drain the estates of the     a judge to protect and manage another’s               Square on Friday in Portland, Ore.
                                                                                                 people it is suppose to guard.                           financial affairs and/or the person’s daily life      Federal agents arrested a Somali-
                                 Setting the record straight .................... 2A                                                                      because of physical or mental limitations or          born teen just as he tried blowing
                                                                                               ❏ MONDAY: Probate courts are ill-prepared for the          old age.                                              up a van full of what he thought
                                                                                                 senior tsunami and an expected surge in elderly               – The Charleston County Probate Court website    were explosives at the crowded
                                                                                                 dementia.                                                                                                      tree-lighting ceremony, federal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                authorities said
                  Open Division   C O L U M B I A

                                                     ɀ    S O U T H C A R O L I N A

                                  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010 ɀ WWW.THESTATE.COM ɀ A8
                                                                                                                                                  Henry B. Haitz III, President & Publisher ɀ Mark E. Lett, Vice President/Executive Editor
                                                                                                                                                                      EDITORIAL Warren S. Bolton, Associate Editor ɀ Cindi Ross Scoppe, Associate Editor
                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS Steve Brook, Managing Editor ɀ Eileen Waddell, Assistant Managing Editor

                                            Secessionists were clear about their cause: slavery
                                               NE HUNDRED fifty years                  members of South Carolina’s secession              ceded in order to preserve slavery — or,                          There is room for disagreement over
                                               after our state seceded from            convention made perfectly clear in the             for that matter, anyone who has come to                        whether we can fairly judge the morali-
                                               the United States, precipitat-          “Declaration of the Immediate Causes               accept the fiction that slavery was                            ty of the secessionists by the standards
                                               ing the secession of our sis-           Which Induce and Justify the Secession             merely one of several cumulative caus-                         of 2010. There is room to debate wheth-
                                  ter states and, ultimately, the Civil War,           of South Carolina from the Federal                 es — to read this document.                                    er the men who fought for the Confed-
                                  there is heated disagreement over just               Union,” they were indeed leaving the                  What we found most striking in re-                          eracy believed they were simply fight-
                                  what that secession and war were                     union in order to preserve the sovereign           reading the Declaration was the com-                           ing to defend their state, without regard
                                  about. Those who insist that it was                  rights of our state, but they had only one         plete absence of any other causes. After                       to why their state needed defending, or
                                  fought over slavery and those who in-                right in mind: the right to own slaves.            laying out the argument that the states                        to what role slavery played in the social

                                  sist that it was all about our state pre-               The language of the S.C. Declaration            retained a right to secede if the Union                        order. There might even be room to de-
                                  serving its rights as a state, with slavery          is so straightforward, so unambiguous              did not fulfill its constitutional and con-                    bate what motivated other states to
                                  but one of many factors (if that), can               that it is difficult to comprehend that            tractual obligations, the document cit-                        leave the Union.
                                  agree on only one thing: The other side              there ever could have been any dis-                ed the one failing of the United States:                          But those are debates that need to be
                                  is rewriting history.                                agreement over what drove South Car-               its refusal to enforce the constitutional                      had honestly, based on what really hap-
                                     But for the men who declared on Dec.              olina to secede. So before any more                provision requiring states to return es-                       pened 150 years ago. Pretending that
                                  20, 1860, that “the union now subsisting             breath is wasted in arguing about just             caped slaves to their owners. “This stip-                      anything other than slavery played a
                                  between South Carolina and other                     what our state will be commemorating               ulation was so material to the compact,”                       significant role in South Carolina’s se-
                                  States, under the name of ‘The United                on Monday, we are reprinting the Dec-              the document declares, “that without it                        cession is not honest, as the secession-
                                  States of America,’ is hereby dis-                   laration on this page. We would urge               that compact would not have been                               ists themselves made a point of telling
                                  solved,” there was no ambiguity. As the              anyone who doubts that our state se-               made.”                                                         the world with such abundant clarity.

                                                                            Secession: In their own words

 The State
                                            South Carolina’s “Ordinance of Secession” merely declares our state’s termination of its union with the other states.
                                              But the secessionists did not leave anyone guessing about their motives. Four days after adopting the Ordinance,
                                             the delegates to the secession convention adopted a six-page “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce
                                         and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union.” They ordered that 15,000 copies be printed together
                                             with the two-paragraph Ordinance. The first half of the declaration lays out the legal case for secession, recounting
                                           the circumstances under which the Revolution was fought and the Union established and paying particular attention
                                            to the idea that each state was “free, sovereign and independent.” The second half explains the reason for secession.
                                                                 That declaration is reprinted in its entirety below, with our emphasis added:

                                         he people of the State of South Caroli-                                                                                                                         to remove all doubt, an amendment was add-
                                         na, in Convention assembled, on the                                                                                                                             ed, which declared that the powers not dele-

 Cindi Ross Scoppe
                                         26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared                                                                                                                         gated to the United States by the Constitu-
                                  that the frequent violations of the Constitu-                                                                                                                          tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re-
                                  tion of the United States, by the Federal Gov-                                                                                                                         served to the States, respectively, or to the
                                  ernment, and its encroachments upon the re-                                                                                                                            people. On the 23d May, 1788, South Caroli-
                                  served rights of the States, fully justified this                                                                                                                      na, by a Convention of her People, passed an
                                  State in then withdrawing from the Federal                                                                                                                             Ordinance assenting to this Constitution,
                                  Union; but in deference to the opinions and                                                                                                                            and afterwards altered her own Constitution,
                                  wishes of the other slaveholding States, she                                                                                                                           to conform herself to the obligations she had
                                  forbore at that time to exercise this right.                                                                                                                           undertaken.
                                  Since that time, these encroachments have                                                                                                                                 Thus was established, by compact be-
                                  continued to increase, and further forbear-                                                                                                                            tween the States, a Government with defined
                                  ance ceases to be a virtue.                                                                                                                                            objects and powers, limited to the express
                                     And now the State of South Carolina having                                                                                                                          words of the grant. This limitation left the
                                  resumed her separate and equal place among                                                                                                                             whole remaining mass of power subject to
                                  nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining                                                                                                                     the clause reserving it to the States or to the

 Secessionists Were Clear
                                  United States of America, and to the nations of                                                                                                                        people, and rendered unnecessary any speci-
                                  the world, that she should declare the immediate                                                                                                                       fication of reserved rights.
                                  causes which have led to this act.                                                                                                                                        We hold that the Government thus estab-
                                     In the year 1765, that portion of the British                                                                                                                       lished is subject to the two great principles
                                  Empire embracing Great Britain, undertook                                                                                                                              asserted in the Declaration of Independence;
                                  to make laws for the government of that por-                                                                                                                           and we hold further, that the mode of its for-
                                  tion composed of the thirteen American Col-                                                                                                                            mation subjects it to a third fundamental
                                  onies. A struggle for the right of self-govern-                                                                                                                        principle, namely: the law of compact. We
                                  ment ensued, which resulted, on the 4th of                                                                                                                             maintain that in every compact between two
                                  July, 1776, in a Declaration, by the Colonies,                                                                                                                         or more parties, the obligation is mutual; that
                                  “that they are, and of right ought to be, FREE                                                                                                                         the failure of one of the contracting parties to
                                  AND INDEPENDENT STATES; and that, as                                                                                                                                   perform a material part of the agreement, en-
                                  free and independent States, they have full                                                                                                                            tirely releases the obligation of the other; and
                                  power to levy war, conclude peace, contract                                                                                                                            that where no arbiter is provided, each party
                                  alliances, establish commerce, and to do all                                                                                                                           is remitted to his own judgment to determine
                                  other acts and things which independent                                                                                                                                the fact of failure, with all its consequences.
                                  States may of right do.”                                                                                                                                                  In the present case, that fact is established
                                     They further solemnly declared that when-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with certainty. We assert that four-
                                  ever any “form of government becomes de-
                                  structive of the ends for which it was estab-                                                                                                                          teen of the States have deliber-
                                  lished, it is the right of the people to alter or                                                                                                                      ately refused, for years past, to
                                  abolish it, and to institute a new govern-
                                  ment.” Deeming the Government of Great                                                                                                                                 fulfill their constitutional obli-
                                  Britain to have become destructive of these                                                                                                                            gations, and we refer to their
                                  ends, they declared that the Colonies “are ab-
                                  solved from all allegiance to the British                                                                 IMAGES COURTESY OF S.C. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                         own Statutes for the proof.
                                  Crown, and that all political connection be-                                                                                                                             The Constitution of the Unit-
                                  tween them and the State of Great Britain is,
                                  and ought to be, totally dissolved.”                    “ARTICLE 1. — His Britannic Majesty ac-         and on 17th September, 1787, these Deputies                    ed States, in its fourth Article,
                                     In pursuance of this Declaration of Inde-         knowledges the said United States, viz: New        recommended, for the adoption of the States,                   provides as follows:
                                  pendence, each of the thirteen States pro-           Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Is-            the Articles of Union, known as the Constitu-
                                  ceeded to exercise its separate sovereignty;         land and Providence Plantations, Connecti-         tion of the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “No person held to service or
                                  adopted for itself a Constitution, and ap-           cut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,              The parties to whom this Constitution was                   labor in one State, under the
                                  pointed officers for the administration of           Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Caroli-        submitted, were the several sovereign States;
                                  government in all its departments — Legisla-         na, South Carolina and Georgia, to be FREE,        they were to agree or disagree, and when
                                                                                                                                                                                                         laws thereof, escaping into an-
                                  tive, Executive and Judicial. For purposes of        SOVEREIGN          AND       INDEPENDENT           nine of them agreed the compact was to take                    other, shall, in consequence of
                                  defense, they united their arms and their            STATES; that he treats with them as such;          effect among those concurring; and the Gen-
                                  counsels; and, in 1778, they entered into a          and for himself, his heirs and successors, re-     eral Government, as the common agent, was
                                                                                                                                                                                                         any law or regulation therein,
                                  League known as the Articles of Confedera-           linquishes all claims to the government, pro-      then invested with their authority.                            be discharged from such serv-
                                  tion, whereby they agreed to entrust the ad-         priety and territorial rights of the same and         If only nine of the thirteen States had con-
                                  ministration of their external relations to a        every part thereof.”                               curred, the other four would have remained
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ice or labor, but shall be deliv-
                                  common agent, known as the Congress of                                                                  as they then were — separate, sovereign                        ered up, on claim of the party to
                                  the United States, expressly declaring, in the          Thus were established the two great prin-       States, independent of any of the provisions
                                  first Article “that each State retains its sover-    ciples asserted by the Colonies, namely: the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         whom such service or labor
                                                                                                                                          of the Constitution. In fact, two of the States
                                  eignty, freedom and independence, and ev-            right of a State to govern itself; and the right   did not accede to the Constitution until long                  may be due.”
                                  ery power, jurisdiction and right which is not,      of a people to abolish a Government when it        after it had gone into operation among the
                                  by this Confederation, expressly delegated to        becomes destructive of the ends for which it
                                  the United States in Congress assembled.”
                                                                                                                                          other eleven; and during that interval, they                     This stipulation was so mate-
                                                                                       was instituted. And concurrent with the es-        each exercised the functions of an indepen-
                                     Under this Confederation the war of the           tablishment of these principles, was the fact,     dent nation.                                                   rial to the compact, that with-
                                  Revolution was carried on, and on the 3rd
                                  September, 1783, the contest ended, and a
                                                                                       that each Colony became and was recog-                By this Constitution, certain duties were                   out it that compact would not
                                                                                       nized by the mother Country as a FREE,             imposed upon the several States, and the ex-
                                  definite Treaty was signed by Great Britain,         SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT STATE.                   ercise of certain of their powers was re-                      have been made. The greater number
                                  in which she acknowledged the indepen-                  In 1787, Deputies were appointed by the         strained, which necessarily implied their
                                  dence of the Colonies in the following terms:        States to revise the Articles of Confederation,    continued existence as sovereign States. But                             SEE SECESSION PAGE A9

                                  HAVE YOUR SAY                             faxed to (803) 771-8468. Include your
                                                                            full name, street address and day and
                                                                                                                     Guest columns should not exceed 700
                                                                                                                     words and should be sent to
                                                                                                                                                                  of the topic and make persuasive,
                                                                                                                                                                  information-backed arguments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   State. We do not guarantee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   publication, and we do not accept
                                  Letters to the editor should not exceed   evening phone numbers.                                                                                  letters that are part of organized
                                  200 words and should be sent to                                                                                                 All submissions will be edited, and              campaigns.
                        ; mailed to       Attachments will not be opened.          Columns on state and local topics are        writers should be prepared to provide
                                  Letters to the Editor, The State, P.O.    Because of volume, we cannot             preferred. Columnists should                 documentation for factual information.           You can reach the Editorial
                                  Box 1333, Columbia, S.C. 29202; or        acknowledge receipt of letters.          demonstrate authority and knowledge          Submissions must be original to The              Department at (803) 771-8465.
                   All Daily Division

Independent Mail
                All Daily Division

 The Post and Courier
            Open Division

              The State
          Cindi Ross Scoppe
          A Little Sunshine
                 Open Division

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                                                  Aiken Standard                                                                    INSI                               Aiken Standard
                                                                                                                                   Venus out

THIRD PLACE                  THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011
                                                                                                                                   SEE SPORTS

                                                                                                                                                    PRACTICE WITH THE PACERS
                                                                                                                                                                                          SUNDAY,                              B SECTION

Aiken Standard
Jeremy Timmerman                                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY BRIAN HAND
                                                                                                                                                    STAY HYDRATED: Aiken Standard sports writer Jeremy Timmerman, left, shares a water break
                                                                                                                                                    with USC Aiken and former South Aiken soccer player Michael Poole.

                                                                                                                                                    Pacers in better shape
Practicing with USC Aiken   SWING AND A MISS: Aiken Standard
                                                                                                                      STAFF PHOTO BY CAM HUFFMAN
                                                                                                                                                    than Standard writer
                                                                                                                                                    BY JEREMY TIMMERMAN
                                                                                                                                                       I learned a couple of things at USC Aik-
                                                                                                                                                    en’s men’s soccer practice on Wednesday.
                                                                                                                                                       First of all, eating even a small dinner

                            USC Aiken too talented
                                                                                                                                                    less than an hour and a half before such
                                                                                                                                                    activity is a terrible idea.
                                                                                                                                                       Second, the Pacers are in great physical
                                                                                                                                                    condition, and I am not.
                                                                                                                                                       For the sake of humor and a creative
                                                                                                                                                    way to preview some of the USCA athletic

                            for writer to keep pace
                                                                                                                                                    teams this year, I’ll be practicing with them
                                                                                                                                                    to hopefully pass along what it is that each
                                                                                                                                                    team does in preparation for the season.
                                                                                                                                                       Ten minutes into Wednesday’s practice,
                                                                                                                                                    I could have told you that what the soccer
                                                                                                                                                    guys do is an incredible amount of condi-
                                                                     a “great all-around player.”             Other returning contributors          tioning, sometimes in the form of what we
                                  “She’s on track to break all the   are sophomore outside hitter Leah        called suicides at basketball practice. These
                                                                     USC Aiken kill records if she con- Rodgers, senior right-side/middle           are sprints at increasing intervals, partway
                               The good thing about practic-         tinues the track she’s going,” Cox    hitter Susan MacClary and junior         down the field and back to a base line, but
                            ing with the USC Aiken volleyball        said, adding that Byers has “lots of setter Ashley Farwell.                    in soccer, you have to dribble the ball at the
                            team was that I wasn’t too far out       help” on this year’s team.               Among the new faces expected          same time. After a round or two of these
                            of shape for Wednesday’s practice.          You know who wouldn’t be           to get some playing time is Nicole       with sets of jumping drills in between, I
                            Granted, they were having a low-         much help as an outside hitter?       DeVries, a sophomore transfer at         was already gasping for air and pleading for                    STAFF PHOTO BY CAM HUFFMAN
                            key session with their first match       (Pointing to self) This guy.          the setter position from East Ten-       water.                                         TAKING A BREATHER: Timmerman kneels
                            against Alabama-Huntsville loom-            Cox had an illustration for how    nessee State who Cox says has a                                                         after a drill at USC Aiken men’s soccer
                            ing Friday at noon as a part of the      terrible I was at the net.            “super-powerful arm swing.”              SEE PACERS, 4B                                 practice.
                            Armstrong Atlantic State Tourna-            “We could land three helicopters      “I’ve got four setters, and they
                            ment in Savannah, Ga.                    on this court, but Jeremy couldn’t    all are competing for spots right
                               I wasn’t completely winded, but       land a ball on there,” he said.       now,” Cox said of Farwell, DeVries,
                            there were plenty of other parts            Junior libero Samantha Lukralle junior Alex Petock and freshman
                            of practice that were beyond my          led the Pacers in digs in 2010 with   Sheila Walsh.
                            capabilities.                            634 and was selected the Peach Belt      Walsh is part of a talented trio of
                               To start, the Pacers have a talent-   Conference’s Libero of the Year.      freshmen, along with outside hitter
                            ed squad, so it’s easy for an outsider   Cox said that Lukralle has already    Heather Granger and middle hitter
                            to look like they don’t know what        established herself as the “best      Hannah Tierney, that Cox has been
                            they’re doing.                           libero in the conference” in just two impressed with in preparations for
                               USCA returns five starters from       years of college ball and that she    the season.
                            2010’s roster, including junior out-     “allows our system to work.”             “All three of the freshmen are
                            side hitter Shannon Byers, who led          “It’s great to have that kind of   battling for spots right now,” he
                            the Pacers in kills a year ago with      defensive stability and ball control  said. “You might see two of them in
                            339 to earn a first-team All-Peach       in the back court,” Cox said.         the starting lineup.”
                            Belt Conference selection.                  Lukralle and Byers were selected
                               Head coach Glen Cox called her        to the preseason All-PBC team.        SEE                    , 3B
         Open Division

        Aiken Standard
          Ben Baugh
        Hoppy Injured
                  Open Division   18 CLASSIC COURSES IN S.C.                                                                                           WWW.THESTATE.COM      ●    THE STATE, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA          ●   SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011         C5

 The State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM
                                                             Dunes Golf & Beach Club opened in Myrtle Beach in 1947 and was designed by famed course architect Robert Trent Jones.

                                  DUNES                              DUNES GOLF & BEACH CLUB                                                   Dunes 1994-99, Lee Trevino
                                                                                                                                               suggested       the    property
                                                                                                                                               would be better suited for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the 15th,” said Donna Ed-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dington, who was recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             promoted to general manag-
                                  FROM PAGE C1
                                                                                                                                               condos and town houses.                                                       er. “They decided to bring the
                                  Colbert, Jay Sigel and Gary                                                                                     At the 1962 U.S. Women’s                                                   tournament back (to the
                                  McCord — won the Senior                                                                                      Open, Mickey Wright called                                                    Dunes), and the usual condi-
                                  Tour Championship here on                                                                                    the 13th “a great hole.” But,                                                 tioning here is such that we
                                  the Atlantic shore.                                                                                          she warned, “You can’t get                                                    could have a major champi-
                                     “Look at the champions of                                                                                 greedy.”                                                                      onship six weeks later.”
                                  all the tournaments, amateur                                                                                    “The 13th is a hole that you                        KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN      With its clubhouse along

 Bob Spear and Bob Gillespie
                                  and pro, that have been held                                                                                 either love or hate,” Dennis                                                  the Atlantic, the Dunes is a
                                  here,” longtime member Cec-                                                                                  Nicholl, the Dunes’ current              “Look at the                         popular spot for weddings
                                  il Brandon said. “You don’t                                                                                  pro, said. “But I think the                                                   and other social functions
                                  win here by accident.”                                                                                       more you play it, the more           champions of all the                     with the ocean for a back-
                                                                                                                                               you appreciate it. It’s certain-        tournaments,                          drop. But golf always will be
                                  THE COURSE’S SAVIOR                                                                                          ly unique; it’s won all the                                                   the club’s legacy.
                                   AND ITS ‘WATERLOO’                                                                                          awards for design.”                    amateur and pro,                          A walk through its version
                                     In the beginning, in the late                                                                                The hole requires a tee shot                                               of a hall of fame is a walk
                                  1940s, the Dunes experi-                                                                                     along the lake’s shoreline, a
                                                                                                                                                                                    that have been held                      through history. The refur-
                                  enced the typical start-up                                      KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM   second across the water —             here. You don’t win                     bished archives feature trib-
                                  struggles for a project with         History runs deep at The Dunes, which has hosted                        and only the longest hitters                                                  utes to Jones, the Senior Tour
                                  estimated costs of $100,000          numerous prestigious tournaments, including the                         dream about reaching the              here by accident.”                      champions, D’Angelo and
                                  for the golf course and about         Senior Tour Championship from 1994 to 1999.                            green in two. Most require                             Cecil Brandon          Carolyn Cudone, a Dunes
                                  $70,000 for a clubhouse. But,                                                                                three or more strokes to a                   longtime Dunes member            member who was Curtis Cup
                                  if nothing else, the founders                                                                                treacherous green. Many a                                                     captain and the winner of five
                                                                     LOCATION: 9000 North Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach
                                  had determination. They al-                                                                                  scorecard has been wrecked                                                    consecutive USGA Senior

 Classic Courses in South
                                  ways discovered the right          HEAD PRO: Dennis Nicholl                                                  here, and a plaque at the tee        and his bunkering around el-             Women’s Amateur titles.
                                  person at the right time, may-     YARDAGE: Championship tees, 7,195 yards, par 72                           commemorates a 22 posted             evated greens is classic.                   “There are a lot of things
                                  be a banker who approved a                                                                                   by Charles Bartlett in a golf           “A few changes have been              the members can be proud
                                  $50,000 loan or a man who          HOW TO PLAY: As a guest of a member, through a reciprocal                 writers’ tournament.                 made through the years, but              of,” Eddington said. “The tra-
                                  volunteered his employees          agreement with other clubs or by staying at one of the mem-                  The 13th climaxes a three-        it’s classic golf,” Nicholls             dition here is important.
                                  and equipment to help clear        ber motels in the Myrtle Beach area. Guest fees range from                hole stretch called Alligator        said, noting the relocation of           That’s something that can’t
                                  the land — after the tobacco       $100 to $200 depending on the season.                                     Alley, a series that assures the     the 11th green and the addi-             be bought, and we made sure
                                  harvest, of course.                FAMOUS HOLES: The horseshoe-shaped 13th, a par 5 that                     course will be indelibly             tion of a second tee box on 18           to preserve and protect it.”
                                     But no one would be more                                                                                  etched in a golfer’s memory.         that allows the hole to play as             The grill added in a 2000
                                                                     measures 535 yards and winds around Lake Singleton, has
                                  important than a Philadel-                                                                                   The 430-yard, par-4 11th re-         a dogleg right or dogleg left.           clubhouse expansion is, not
                                  phia import named Jimmy
                                                                     been nicknamed “Waterloo” — for good reason. Many a                       quires an approach shot to a         “An alternate hole has been              surprising, named Waterloo,
                                  D’Angelo.                          good round has been spoiled by a hole that requires three                 peninsula green, the par-3           added so that if a hole re-              and on the wall hangs a huge
                                     D’Angelo had been a pro at      strong shots — the second over as much of the lake as the                 12th is so daunting that the         quires maintenance, golfers              photograph of the hole that
                                  Ocean Forest Country Club,         golfer dares — to a multi-tiered green. Equally challenging is            back tee, at 245 yards, is nev-      can still have 18 in a round.            carries the same name. The
                                  now Pine Lakes, in the late        the 430-yard 11th, the start of Alligator Alley (holes 11, 12             er used, and the 13th speaks         Otherwise, the course plays              picture emphasizes the chal-
                                  1930s, and the Dunes’ found-       and 13), which requires an approach to a peninsula green.                 for itself.                          basically the way it was.”               lenge the course presents

                                  ers lured him back to Myrtle       UNUSUAL FACTS: The Dunes Golf and Beach Club staged the                      “Making the 11th into a              And that is challenging,              and creates an unforgettable
                                  Beach to sell stock in their       first major golf championship in South Carolina, the 1962                 dogleg with a second shot to a       Jack Bonner said.                        memory of the way golf has
                                  new venture for $525 a share.                                                                                challenging green ‘made’ the            “I caddied for Doug Sand-             been — and still is — at the
                                                                     U.S. Women’s Open, won by Murle Lindstrom with a four-
                                  Before long, his duties at the                                                                               hole,” Nicholls said. “And           ers for four years (in the Se-           Dunes.
                                  Grand Strand’s second golf         round total of 301. The club also staged the PGA Tour’s                   what most players don’t              nior Tour Championship),”
                                  course included those of           Senior Tour Championship 1994-99 and the final stage of                   know is Alligator Alley could        he said. “That was a wonder-
                                  head golf professional.            the 1979 PGA qualifying school, won by Ben Crenshaw.                      be more difficult. In the archi-     ful experience for me, and
                                     The media-savvy D’Angelo                                                                                  tect’s original plans, the 13th      the players could not get over
                                  asked Larry Robinson, a                                                                 — Bob Spear          green was further right and          how good the golf course is.
                                  friend and golf writer for a                                                                                 the water would have been in         The conditioning is really
                                  New York newspaper, for ide-                                                                                 play on the approach, too.”          outstanding.”
                                  as to promote not only the         fields of more than 100          es that markets the region.                 Now, that’s a scary                  Indeed, the days leading to
                                  Dunes but also the Myrtle          played annually through            Much of that publicity cen-            thought.                             the 1999 Senior Tour Cham-
                                  Beach area. Robinson sug-          2005. More important, the        tered on the Dunes’13th hole,                                                 pionship are telling. The
                                  gested holding a testimonial       stories that participants        a    535-yard,    horseshoe-                  DUNES TO THE                    tournament had planned to
                                  dinner for the course archi-       wrote put Myrtle Beach in the    shaped par 5 that loops                         RESCUE                        end a five-year run at the
                                  tect on the Monday of Mas-         golf world’s consciousness.      around Lake Singleton. For                 Jones once called the              Dunes after the 1998 event,
                                  ters week, a day that would           “There’s no doubt about       good reason, it’s referred to            Dunes perhaps the best ex-           but Hurricane Floyd pow-
                                  allow reporters headed to          the value of that publicity,”    as “Waterloo.”                           ample of his philosophy of           ered ashore and made the
                                  Augusta to attend.                 said Brandon, a retired ad-        “The only way to reach the             golf design, which features          new site, the TPC at Myrtle
                                     From that evolved a golf        vertising executive and one      green is to charter a boat,”             long tee boxes and large, un-        Beach, unplayable. The
                                  writers’ tournament, which         of the developers of Myrtle      Dan Jenkins once wrote.                  dulating greens. His courses         Dunes came to the rescue.
                                  grew from eight reporters in       Beach Golf Holiday, an alli-       During the Senior Tour                 brought water into play more            “I came to work here on
                                  1954 to a full-scale event with    ance of hotels and golf cours-   Championship, played at the              than architects of past eras,        Sept. 1, 1999, and Floyd hit on                             KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         an elevated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          green are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of Jones’
                                                                                                                                                                         KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM
                Open Division

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Daily Awards Presentation - Part 1 of 5

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  • 12. JUDSON CHAPMAN AWARD Open Division DON’T DO THIS. 1D Our old Friend Sitcom star Matthew Perry is getting laughs again as Mr. Sunshine, and facing his fears as one of the show’s writers and executive producers. THIRD PLACE Sunday February 13, 2011 CIVIL WAR: 150 YEARS T H E S O U T H’S O L D E S T DA I LY N E W S PA P E R . F O U N D E D 1803 STATE OF ABUSE POSTANDCOURIER.COM Charleston . North Charleston, S.C. ✯✯ LIVES ON THE SEA $2.00 Daddy lessons The Post and Courier GREAT Family support, unity goals of Father to Father Project TUCKER BLYTHE/GREYGHOSTCHARTERS.COM Corey Easterling caught and released this huge red drum while fly fishing with Capt. Tucker Blythe of Grey Ghost Charters. Where Gene Sapakoff ESCAPE Robert Smalls’ daring ship theft the stuff of legend BY BRIAN HICKS are the big fish? Tight regulations limiting trophies for anglers Daddy Lessons The ship steamed past Fort BY BO PETERSEN Sumter two hours before day- break, blowing her whistle to the guards on night watch. The anglers were just offshore It was the Planter, a vessel that Charleston, following birds circling the fort’s officers knew well. above baitfish, when they stumbled The 147-foot, shallow-draft onto something unheard of — trophy steamer — a cotton boat, the red drum, hundreds of them, thrash- locals called her — served as ing the surface in a feeding frenzy. the dispatch boat for They pulled in and released one after Gen. Roswell S. Ripley, the another last November. Big ones, the Confederate Army’s district WADE SPEES/STAFF size that nowadays makes a trip if you commander for Charleston. Jamichell Mazyck spent a recent Saturday with sons Gus, 11 (center), and James, 7, in tackling a catch just one. It was like something The boat ran letters to the repair job on the family sport utility vehicle at their North Charleston home. from another time. troops on Morris Island and “It was very new to me,” said Capt. carried responses back to the BY GENE SAPAKOFF Tucker Blythe of Grey Ghost Char- general. Its chief value was its The series ters. Then he said something that slight draft, which allowed it to might make a lot of anglers uncom- navigate shallow Lowcountry Jamichell Mazyck, facing a ferocious and heavily This story is part of an occasional series fortable. “I think maybe the schools tidal water. favored foe, knows he must get creative. that looks at how children’s fates hang in the are getting stronger and there’s so Even at that early hour, the “Tell you what,” he said in a hushed tone to his balance as the Department of Social Services guards gave her appearance 7-year-old son James. “Run over by the porch, turn deals with budget cuts. Please see FISH, Page 12A little thought. The Planter often around, and the ball will be right there when you made the run to Morris Island get there.” distraught James. at odd hours; there was always James dashes 10 yards across a North Charleston Some plays are better executed than others. So far, The series something going on. front yard, gets open and grins. The family foot- Mazyck’s progress in the comprehensive Father to That morning, May 12, 1862, ball arrives on target. So does a determined big Father Project is unfolding just as they drew it up This is part of an occasional the sentinel on the parapet did brother. inside the office of a modest building on Mixson series looking at how the coast as he was supposed to — he “Hey daddy, Troy Polamalu!” 11-year-old Gus ex- Avenue near Park Circle. and the ocean off the Lowcountry claims, invoking the name of the Pittsburgh Steel- The nonprofit organization funded by the are changing, and what it means Please see SMALLS, Page 6A ers’ star defender as the batted ball bounces away. for a region where people have “Ah, next time,” Mazyck, 27, said to a temporarily Please see FATHERS, Page 12A made a life and a living for part ten of twenty generations in tune with the sea. NATION LOCAL & STATE HOME & GARDEN ARTS & TRAVEL YOUR MONEY FAITH & VALUES Ron Paul again Raising hopes for The right gear Be in the know for Family attempting Vatican rejects leads straw poll Camp Low Country to help you get fit tonight’s Grammys money-free month app for confession Texas congressman Ron Loretta Graham dares to If you’re committed to Is this Eminem’s year? A One month. No money. The sacrament of confes- Paul won the straw poll at hope that the Girl Scouts’ getting in shape, you can look at who will win, who No kidding. One North sion “cannot be substituted the Conservative Political Camp Low Country can be find fitness equipment that should win and who got Carolina family of three is by any computer applica- Action Conference for the saved for future generations fits just about any budget, shafted in preparation for attempting to pull off that tion,” a papal spokesman second straight year. 13A of girls. 1B room space. 1D tonight’s Grammys. 7E feat this month. 1F said of a hot new app. 1G Sunny, pleasant. Arts & Travel ..................1E Dear Abby .....................6G Home & Garden ............ 1D Movies ...........................9E Television .....................10E High 62. Low 40. Books .............................4E Crossword ......................5E Horoscope .....................6G Obituaries ..................... 4B Wall St. Journal ..............2F Complete 5-day Classifieds ..................... 1H Editorials ..................... 14A Local News .................... 1B Pets ............................... 5D Weddings......................4G forecast, 8B Cooking......................... 3D Faith & Values ............... 1G Lottery ..........................2A Sports ............................1C Your Money....................1F
  • 13. JUDSON CHAPMAN AWARD Open Division SECOND PLACE TRAVIS BELL/SIDELINE CAROLINA The Post and Courier T H E S O U T H’S O L D E S T DA I LY N E W S PA P E R . F O U N D E D 1803 Sunday November 28, 2010 POSTANDCOURIER.COM Charleston . North Charleston, S.C. ✯✯ $2.00 ‘Leave Full day of sun. High 62. Low 43. Complete 5-day SPECIAL REPORT: THE PRICE OF LIVING forecast, 8B Is system draining dead or Doug Pardue Are you really sure you want to go there? They’re moody. Secretive. Spacy. Infuriating! Find out our seniors’ assets? injured’ Teen who plotted Christmas tree-lighting bombing latest in alleged terror attempts BY TIM FOUGHT what’s really going on inside and NEDRA PICKLER The Price of Living your teen’s head. Inside Associated Press PORTLAND, ORE. — A Somali- born teenager plotted “a spectacular ARTS & TRAVEL show” of terrorism for months, saying he didn’t mind that children would die if he bombed a crowded Christmas tree-lighting cere- mony, according to a law enforcement official and court documents. He never got the Holiday calendar has chance. Mohamed Osman Mohamud, Mohamud much to choose from 19, was arrested Fri- Our calendar of holiday day in downtown Portland after using events includes picks for a cell phone to try to detonate what every day from today through he thought were explosives in a van, Christmas Eve. Page 1E prosecutors said. It turned out to be a dummy bomb put together by FBI ALAN HAWES/STAFF agents, and authorities said the public Lucia Morfesis holds a photo of herself with her parents, Virginia and George Manos, from the mid- never was in danger. FAITH & VALUES 1940s. The Charleston County Probate Court in 2004 appointed a guardian and a conservator to take care of Virginia Manos because of reports she could not care for herself. The case is the latest in a string of alleged terrorist planning by U.S. citi- zens or residents, including a Times In some cases, court opens financial spigot Square plot in which a Pakistan-born man pleaded guilty earlier this year to trying to set off a car bomb at a busy street corner. BY DOUG PARDUE In the Portland plot, Mohamud Defining roles Please see TEEN, Page 11A Leading from the The Charleston County Probate Court appointed a WHAT IS PROBATE COURT AND WHAT DO guardian and a conservator to take care of Virginia CERTAIN TERMS MEAN? Probate Court pulpit a historical role Manos in 2004 because of reports that the 89-year-old assists people in probating estates, Local ministers are carry- woman who lived alone couldn’t take care of herself resolving disputes in estates and trusts, ing on the tradition of church and might be exploited. handling involuntary commitments for leaders who preach gospel, Over the next four years, until she died in July 2008, alcohol/drug abuse and/or mental illness, press social issues. Page 1G the court approved spending $150,000 of her available obtaining marriage licenses, appointing and money on lawyer, guardian, conservator and court supervising guardians and conservators and fees — almost one out of every four dollars spent for approving minor and wrongful death CONTACT US her care. settlements. Probate Court includes the Classified........................................ 722-6500 Manos’ case is not alone. It is among many in which Estate, Commitment and Marriage Divisions. Home delivery ................ 853-post (7678) the Probate Court, set up to protect incapacitated The Probate Judge is elected county-wide General offices............................. 577-7111 elderly people from neglect, abuse or financial exploi- and serves a four-year term. Newsroom..................................... 937-5582 tation, allows lawyers, guardians and conservators to profit off helpless elderly wards. PROBATE: Typically refers to the legal pro- INDEX Ethel Hyde is one of those. The Probate Court ap- cess of wrapping up a dead person’s affairs, Arts & Travel .......1E Horoscope .......... 5G pointed a guardian and conservator for her in 2008 paying their bills and distributing their assets. Books ..................5E Local News ..........1B because of concern that her son persuaded her to Classifieds .......... 1H Movies ................9E GUARDIAN: A person who has been ap- College Football ..1C Obituaries .......... 4B Please see SYSTEM, Page 10A pointed by a judge to take care of a minor Cooking.............. 3D Pets .................... 5D child (called a “ward”) or incompetent adult Dear Abby .......... 5G Sports .................7C THE SERIES and manage that person’s daily life and medi- cal decisions. TORSTEN KJELLSTRAND/AP Crossword ...........6E Television ..........10E Editorials .......... 12A Wall St. Journal ...2F ■ TODAY: The Probate Court was set up in part to A crowd watches as a Christmas Faith & Values .... 1G Weddings........... 4G protect the elderly, but in some cases turns on a CONSERVATOR: A person appointed by tree is lit on Pioneer Courthouse Home & Garden . 1D Your Money.........1F financial faucet that helps drain the estates of the a judge to protect and manage another’s Square on Friday in Portland, Ore. people it is suppose to guard. financial affairs and/or the person’s daily life Federal agents arrested a Somali- Setting the record straight .................... 2A because of physical or mental limitations or born teen just as he tried blowing ❏ MONDAY: Probate courts are ill-prepared for the old age. up a van full of what he thought senior tsunami and an expected surge in elderly – The Charleston County Probate Court website were explosives at the crowded dementia. tree-lighting ceremony, federal authorities said
  • 14. JUDSON CHAPMAN AWARD Open Division C O L U M B I A OPINION ɀ S O U T H C A R O L I N A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010 ɀ WWW.THESTATE.COM ɀ A8 Henry B. Haitz III, President & Publisher ɀ Mark E. Lett, Vice President/Executive Editor EDITORIAL Warren S. Bolton, Associate Editor ɀ Cindi Ross Scoppe, Associate Editor NEWS Steve Brook, Managing Editor ɀ Eileen Waddell, Assistant Managing Editor Secessionists were clear about their cause: slavery O NE HUNDRED fifty years members of South Carolina’s secession ceded in order to preserve slavery — or, There is room for disagreement over after our state seceded from convention made perfectly clear in the for that matter, anyone who has come to whether we can fairly judge the morali- the United States, precipitat- “Declaration of the Immediate Causes accept the fiction that slavery was ty of the secessionists by the standards ing the secession of our sis- Which Induce and Justify the Secession merely one of several cumulative caus- of 2010. There is room to debate wheth- ter states and, ultimately, the Civil War, of South Carolina from the Federal es — to read this document. er the men who fought for the Confed- there is heated disagreement over just Union,” they were indeed leaving the What we found most striking in re- eracy believed they were simply fight- what that secession and war were union in order to preserve the sovereign reading the Declaration was the com- ing to defend their state, without regard about. Those who insist that it was rights of our state, but they had only one plete absence of any other causes. After to why their state needed defending, or fought over slavery and those who in- right in mind: the right to own slaves. laying out the argument that the states to what role slavery played in the social FIRST PLACE sist that it was all about our state pre- The language of the S.C. Declaration retained a right to secede if the Union order. There might even be room to de- serving its rights as a state, with slavery is so straightforward, so unambiguous did not fulfill its constitutional and con- bate what motivated other states to but one of many factors (if that), can that it is difficult to comprehend that tractual obligations, the document cit- leave the Union. agree on only one thing: The other side there ever could have been any dis- ed the one failing of the United States: But those are debates that need to be is rewriting history. agreement over what drove South Car- its refusal to enforce the constitutional had honestly, based on what really hap- But for the men who declared on Dec. olina to secede. So before any more provision requiring states to return es- pened 150 years ago. Pretending that 20, 1860, that “the union now subsisting breath is wasted in arguing about just caped slaves to their owners. “This stip- anything other than slavery played a between South Carolina and other what our state will be commemorating ulation was so material to the compact,” significant role in South Carolina’s se- States, under the name of ‘The United on Monday, we are reprinting the Dec- the document declares, “that without it cession is not honest, as the secession- States of America,’ is hereby dis- laration on this page. We would urge that compact would not have been ists themselves made a point of telling solved,” there was no ambiguity. As the anyone who doubts that our state se- made.” the world with such abundant clarity. Secession: In their own words The State South Carolina’s “Ordinance of Secession” merely declares our state’s termination of its union with the other states. But the secessionists did not leave anyone guessing about their motives. Four days after adopting the Ordinance, the delegates to the secession convention adopted a six-page “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union.” They ordered that 15,000 copies be printed together with the two-paragraph Ordinance. The first half of the declaration lays out the legal case for secession, recounting the circumstances under which the Revolution was fought and the Union established and paying particular attention to the idea that each state was “free, sovereign and independent.” The second half explains the reason for secession. That declaration is reprinted in its entirety below, with our emphasis added: T he people of the State of South Caroli- to remove all doubt, an amendment was add- na, in Convention assembled, on the ed, which declared that the powers not dele- Cindi Ross Scoppe 26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared gated to the United States by the Constitu- that the frequent violations of the Constitu- tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re- tion of the United States, by the Federal Gov- served to the States, respectively, or to the ernment, and its encroachments upon the re- people. On the 23d May, 1788, South Caroli- served rights of the States, fully justified this na, by a Convention of her People, passed an State in then withdrawing from the Federal Ordinance assenting to this Constitution, Union; but in deference to the opinions and and afterwards altered her own Constitution, wishes of the other slaveholding States, she to conform herself to the obligations she had forbore at that time to exercise this right. undertaken. Since that time, these encroachments have Thus was established, by compact be- continued to increase, and further forbear- tween the States, a Government with defined ance ceases to be a virtue. objects and powers, limited to the express And now the State of South Carolina having words of the grant. This limitation left the resumed her separate and equal place among whole remaining mass of power subject to nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining the clause reserving it to the States or to the Secessionists Were Clear United States of America, and to the nations of people, and rendered unnecessary any speci- the world, that she should declare the immediate fication of reserved rights. causes which have led to this act. We hold that the Government thus estab- In the year 1765, that portion of the British lished is subject to the two great principles Empire embracing Great Britain, undertook asserted in the Declaration of Independence; to make laws for the government of that por- and we hold further, that the mode of its for- tion composed of the thirteen American Col- mation subjects it to a third fundamental onies. A struggle for the right of self-govern- principle, namely: the law of compact. We ment ensued, which resulted, on the 4th of maintain that in every compact between two July, 1776, in a Declaration, by the Colonies, or more parties, the obligation is mutual; that “that they are, and of right ought to be, FREE the failure of one of the contracting parties to AND INDEPENDENT STATES; and that, as perform a material part of the agreement, en- free and independent States, they have full tirely releases the obligation of the other; and power to levy war, conclude peace, contract that where no arbiter is provided, each party alliances, establish commerce, and to do all is remitted to his own judgment to determine other acts and things which independent the fact of failure, with all its consequences. States may of right do.” In the present case, that fact is established They further solemnly declared that when- with certainty. We assert that four- ever any “form of government becomes de- structive of the ends for which it was estab- teen of the States have deliber- lished, it is the right of the people to alter or ately refused, for years past, to abolish it, and to institute a new govern- ment.” Deeming the Government of Great fulfill their constitutional obli- Britain to have become destructive of these gations, and we refer to their ends, they declared that the Colonies “are ab- solved from all allegiance to the British IMAGES COURTESY OF S.C. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY own Statutes for the proof. Crown, and that all political connection be- The Constitution of the Unit- tween them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” “ARTICLE 1. — His Britannic Majesty ac- and on 17th September, 1787, these Deputies ed States, in its fourth Article, In pursuance of this Declaration of Inde- knowledges the said United States, viz: New recommended, for the adoption of the States, provides as follows: pendence, each of the thirteen States pro- Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Is- the Articles of Union, known as the Constitu- ceeded to exercise its separate sovereignty; land and Providence Plantations, Connecti- tion of the United States. “No person held to service or adopted for itself a Constitution, and ap- cut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, The parties to whom this Constitution was labor in one State, under the pointed officers for the administration of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Caroli- submitted, were the several sovereign States; government in all its departments — Legisla- na, South Carolina and Georgia, to be FREE, they were to agree or disagree, and when laws thereof, escaping into an- tive, Executive and Judicial. For purposes of SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT nine of them agreed the compact was to take other, shall, in consequence of defense, they united their arms and their STATES; that he treats with them as such; effect among those concurring; and the Gen- counsels; and, in 1778, they entered into a and for himself, his heirs and successors, re- eral Government, as the common agent, was any law or regulation therein, League known as the Articles of Confedera- linquishes all claims to the government, pro- then invested with their authority. be discharged from such serv- tion, whereby they agreed to entrust the ad- priety and territorial rights of the same and If only nine of the thirteen States had con- ministration of their external relations to a every part thereof.” curred, the other four would have remained ice or labor, but shall be deliv- common agent, known as the Congress of as they then were — separate, sovereign ered up, on claim of the party to the United States, expressly declaring, in the Thus were established the two great prin- States, independent of any of the provisions first Article “that each State retains its sover- ciples asserted by the Colonies, namely: the whom such service or labor of the Constitution. In fact, two of the States eignty, freedom and independence, and ev- right of a State to govern itself; and the right did not accede to the Constitution until long may be due.” ery power, jurisdiction and right which is not, of a people to abolish a Government when it after it had gone into operation among the by this Confederation, expressly delegated to becomes destructive of the ends for which it the United States in Congress assembled.” other eleven; and during that interval, they This stipulation was so mate- was instituted. And concurrent with the es- each exercised the functions of an indepen- Under this Confederation the war of the tablishment of these principles, was the fact, dent nation. rial to the compact, that with- Revolution was carried on, and on the 3rd September, 1783, the contest ended, and a that each Colony became and was recog- By this Constitution, certain duties were out it that compact would not nized by the mother Country as a FREE, imposed upon the several States, and the ex- definite Treaty was signed by Great Britain, SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT STATE. ercise of certain of their powers was re- have been made. The greater number in which she acknowledged the indepen- In 1787, Deputies were appointed by the strained, which necessarily implied their dence of the Colonies in the following terms: States to revise the Articles of Confederation, continued existence as sovereign States. But SEE SECESSION PAGE A9 HAVE YOUR SAY faxed to (803) 771-8468. Include your full name, street address and day and Guest columns should not exceed 700 words and should be sent to of the topic and make persuasive, information-backed arguments. State. We do not guarantee publication, and we do not accept Letters to the editor should not exceed evening phone numbers. letters that are part of organized 200 words and should be sent to All submissions will be edited, and campaigns.; mailed to Attachments will not be opened. Columns on state and local topics are writers should be prepared to provide Letters to the Editor, The State, P.O. Because of volume, we cannot preferred. Columnists should documentation for factual information. You can reach the Editorial Box 1333, Columbia, S.C. 29202; or acknowledge receipt of letters. demonstrate authority and knowledge Submissions must be original to The Department at (803) 771-8465.
  • 15. PHOTOJOURNALIST OF THE YEAR All Daily Division NATHAN GRAY Independent Mail
  • 16. JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR All Daily Division RENEE DUDLEY The Post and Courier
  • 17. EDITORIAL OR COLUMN IN SUPPORT OF FOI/GOVERNMENT ISSUES Open Division SECOND PLACE The State Cindi Ross Scoppe A Little Sunshine
  • 18. SERIES OF SPORTS ARTICLES Open Division SPORTS SPORTS YOUR LOCAL SOURCE SINCE 1867 YOU R LOCA L SOURCE SINCE 18 67 Aiken Standard INSI Aiken Standard Venus out THIRD PLACE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 SEE SPORTS AIKENSTANDARD.COM PRACTICE WITH THE PACERS SUNDAY, B SECTION Aiken Standard Jeremy Timmerman PHOTO BY BRIAN HAND STAY HYDRATED: Aiken Standard sports writer Jeremy Timmerman, left, shares a water break with USC Aiken and former South Aiken soccer player Michael Poole. Pacers in better shape Practicing with USC Aiken SWING AND A MISS: Aiken Standard STAFF PHOTO BY CAM HUFFMAN than Standard writer BY JEREMY TIMMERMAN I learned a couple of things at USC Aik- en’s men’s soccer practice on Wednesday. First of all, eating even a small dinner USC Aiken too talented less than an hour and a half before such activity is a terrible idea. Second, the Pacers are in great physical condition, and I am not. For the sake of humor and a creative way to preview some of the USCA athletic for writer to keep pace teams this year, I’ll be practicing with them to hopefully pass along what it is that each team does in preparation for the season. Ten minutes into Wednesday’s practice, I could have told you that what the soccer guys do is an incredible amount of condi- a “great all-around player.” Other returning contributors tioning, sometimes in the form of what we “She’s on track to break all the are sophomore outside hitter Leah called suicides at basketball practice. These USC Aiken kill records if she con- Rodgers, senior right-side/middle are sprints at increasing intervals, partway The good thing about practic- tinues the track she’s going,” Cox hitter Susan MacClary and junior down the field and back to a base line, but ing with the USC Aiken volleyball said, adding that Byers has “lots of setter Ashley Farwell. in soccer, you have to dribble the ball at the team was that I wasn’t too far out help” on this year’s team. Among the new faces expected same time. After a round or two of these of shape for Wednesday’s practice. You know who wouldn’t be to get some playing time is Nicole with sets of jumping drills in between, I Granted, they were having a low- much help as an outside hitter? DeVries, a sophomore transfer at was already gasping for air and pleading for STAFF PHOTO BY CAM HUFFMAN key session with their first match (Pointing to self) This guy. the setter position from East Ten- water. TAKING A BREATHER: Timmerman kneels against Alabama-Huntsville loom- Cox had an illustration for how nessee State who Cox says has a after a drill at USC Aiken men’s soccer ing Friday at noon as a part of the terrible I was at the net. “super-powerful arm swing.” SEE PACERS, 4B practice. Armstrong Atlantic State Tourna- “We could land three helicopters “I’ve got four setters, and they ment in Savannah, Ga. on this court, but Jeremy couldn’t all are competing for spots right I wasn’t completely winded, but land a ball on there,” he said. now,” Cox said of Farwell, DeVries, there were plenty of other parts Junior libero Samantha Lukralle junior Alex Petock and freshman of practice that were beyond my led the Pacers in digs in 2010 with Sheila Walsh. capabilities. 634 and was selected the Peach Belt Walsh is part of a talented trio of To start, the Pacers have a talent- Conference’s Libero of the Year. freshmen, along with outside hitter ed squad, so it’s easy for an outsider Cox said that Lukralle has already Heather Granger and middle hitter to look like they don’t know what established herself as the “best Hannah Tierney, that Cox has been they’re doing. libero in the conference” in just two impressed with in preparations for USCA returns five starters from years of college ball and that she the season. 2010’s roster, including junior out- “allows our system to work.” “All three of the freshmen are side hitter Shannon Byers, who led “It’s great to have that kind of battling for spots right now,” he the Pacers in kills a year ago with defensive stability and ball control said. “You might see two of them in 339 to earn a first-team All-Peach in the back court,” Cox said. the starting lineup.” Belt Conference selection. Lukralle and Byers were selected Head coach Glen Cox called her to the preseason All-PBC team. SEE , 3B
  • 19. SERIES OF SPORTS ARTICLES Open Division SECOND PLACE Aiken Standard Ben Baugh Hoppy Injured
  • 20. SERIES OF SPORTS ARTICLES Open Division 18 CLASSIC COURSES IN S.C. WWW.THESTATE.COM ● THE STATE, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA ● SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011 C5 FIRST PLACE The State KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM Dunes Golf & Beach Club opened in Myrtle Beach in 1947 and was designed by famed course architect Robert Trent Jones. DUNES DUNES GOLF & BEACH CLUB Dunes 1994-99, Lee Trevino suggested the property would be better suited for the 15th,” said Donna Ed- dington, who was recently promoted to general manag- FROM PAGE C1 condos and town houses. er. “They decided to bring the Colbert, Jay Sigel and Gary At the 1962 U.S. Women’s tournament back (to the McCord — won the Senior Open, Mickey Wright called Dunes), and the usual condi- Tour Championship here on the 13th “a great hole.” But, tioning here is such that we the Atlantic shore. she warned, “You can’t get could have a major champi- “Look at the champions of greedy.” onship six weeks later.” all the tournaments, amateur “The 13th is a hole that you KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN With its clubhouse along Bob Spear and Bob Gillespie and pro, that have been held either love or hate,” Dennis the Atlantic, the Dunes is a here,” longtime member Cec- Nicholl, the Dunes’ current “Look at the popular spot for weddings il Brandon said. “You don’t pro, said. “But I think the and other social functions win here by accident.” more you play it, the more champions of all the with the ocean for a back- you appreciate it. It’s certain- tournaments, drop. But golf always will be THE COURSE’S SAVIOR ly unique; it’s won all the the club’s legacy. AND ITS ‘WATERLOO’ awards for design.” amateur and pro, A walk through its version In the beginning, in the late The hole requires a tee shot of a hall of fame is a walk 1940s, the Dunes experi- along the lake’s shoreline, a that have been held through history. The refur- enced the typical start-up KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM second across the water — here. You don’t win bished archives feature trib- struggles for a project with History runs deep at The Dunes, which has hosted and only the longest hitters utes to Jones, the Senior Tour estimated costs of $100,000 numerous prestigious tournaments, including the dream about reaching the here by accident.” champions, D’Angelo and for the golf course and about Senior Tour Championship from 1994 to 1999. green in two. Most require Cecil Brandon Carolyn Cudone, a Dunes $70,000 for a clubhouse. But, three or more strokes to a longtime Dunes member member who was Curtis Cup if nothing else, the founders treacherous green. Many a captain and the winner of five LOCATION: 9000 North Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach had determination. They al- scorecard has been wrecked consecutive USGA Senior Classic Courses in South ways discovered the right HEAD PRO: Dennis Nicholl here, and a plaque at the tee and his bunkering around el- Women’s Amateur titles. person at the right time, may- YARDAGE: Championship tees, 7,195 yards, par 72 commemorates a 22 posted evated greens is classic. “There are a lot of things be a banker who approved a by Charles Bartlett in a golf “A few changes have been the members can be proud $50,000 loan or a man who HOW TO PLAY: As a guest of a member, through a reciprocal writers’ tournament. made through the years, but of,” Eddington said. “The tra- volunteered his employees agreement with other clubs or by staying at one of the mem- The 13th climaxes a three- it’s classic golf,” Nicholls dition here is important. and equipment to help clear ber motels in the Myrtle Beach area. Guest fees range from hole stretch called Alligator said, noting the relocation of That’s something that can’t the land — after the tobacco $100 to $200 depending on the season. Alley, a series that assures the the 11th green and the addi- be bought, and we made sure harvest, of course. FAMOUS HOLES: The horseshoe-shaped 13th, a par 5 that course will be indelibly tion of a second tee box on 18 to preserve and protect it.” But no one would be more etched in a golfer’s memory. that allows the hole to play as The grill added in a 2000 measures 535 yards and winds around Lake Singleton, has important than a Philadel- The 430-yard, par-4 11th re- a dogleg right or dogleg left. clubhouse expansion is, not phia import named Jimmy been nicknamed “Waterloo” — for good reason. Many a quires an approach shot to a “An alternate hole has been surprising, named Waterloo, D’Angelo. good round has been spoiled by a hole that requires three peninsula green, the par-3 added so that if a hole re- and on the wall hangs a huge D’Angelo had been a pro at strong shots — the second over as much of the lake as the 12th is so daunting that the quires maintenance, golfers photograph of the hole that Ocean Forest Country Club, golfer dares — to a multi-tiered green. Equally challenging is back tee, at 245 yards, is nev- can still have 18 in a round. carries the same name. The now Pine Lakes, in the late the 430-yard 11th, the start of Alligator Alley (holes 11, 12 er used, and the 13th speaks Otherwise, the course plays picture emphasizes the chal- 1930s, and the Dunes’ found- and 13), which requires an approach to a peninsula green. for itself. basically the way it was.” lenge the course presents Carolina ers lured him back to Myrtle UNUSUAL FACTS: The Dunes Golf and Beach Club staged the “Making the 11th into a And that is challenging, and creates an unforgettable Beach to sell stock in their first major golf championship in South Carolina, the 1962 dogleg with a second shot to a Jack Bonner said. memory of the way golf has new venture for $525 a share. challenging green ‘made’ the “I caddied for Doug Sand- been — and still is — at the U.S. Women’s Open, won by Murle Lindstrom with a four- Before long, his duties at the hole,” Nicholls said. “And ers for four years (in the Se- Dunes. Grand Strand’s second golf round total of 301. The club also staged the PGA Tour’s what most players don’t nior Tour Championship),” course included those of Senior Tour Championship 1994-99 and the final stage of know is Alligator Alley could he said. “That was a wonder- head golf professional. the 1979 PGA qualifying school, won by Ben Crenshaw. be more difficult. In the archi- ful experience for me, and The media-savvy D’Angelo tect’s original plans, the 13th the players could not get over asked Larry Robinson, a — Bob Spear green was further right and how good the golf course is. friend and golf writer for a the water would have been in The conditioning is really New York newspaper, for ide- play on the approach, too.” outstanding.” as to promote not only the fields of more than 100 es that markets the region. Now, that’s a scary Indeed, the days leading to Dunes but also the Myrtle played annually through Much of that publicity cen- thought. the 1999 Senior Tour Cham- Beach area. Robinson sug- 2005. More important, the tered on the Dunes’13th hole, pionship are telling. The gested holding a testimonial stories that participants a 535-yard, horseshoe- DUNES TO THE tournament had planned to dinner for the course archi- wrote put Myrtle Beach in the shaped par 5 that loops RESCUE end a five-year run at the tect on the Monday of Mas- golf world’s consciousness. around Lake Singleton. For Jones once called the Dunes after the 1998 event, ters week, a day that would “There’s no doubt about good reason, it’s referred to Dunes perhaps the best ex- but Hurricane Floyd pow- allow reporters headed to the value of that publicity,” as “Waterloo.” ample of his philosophy of ered ashore and made the Augusta to attend. said Brandon, a retired ad- “The only way to reach the golf design, which features new site, the TPC at Myrtle From that evolved a golf vertising executive and one green is to charter a boat,” long tee boxes and large, un- Beach, unplayable. The writers’ tournament, which of the developers of Myrtle Dan Jenkins once wrote. dulating greens. His courses Dunes came to the rescue. grew from eight reporters in Beach Golf Holiday, an alli- During the Senior Tour brought water into play more “I came to work here on 1954 to a full-scale event with ance of hotels and golf cours- Championship, played at the than architects of past eras, Sept. 1, 1999, and Floyd hit on KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN Bunkers surrounding an elevated green are characteristic of Jones’ course designs. KIM KIM FOSTER-TOBIN/KKFOSTER@THESTATE.COM
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