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Cyberwar Threats


Cyberwar fundamentally changes how government must               help overwhelmed security professionals immediately identi-
handle security. Faced with increasingly sophisticated           fy and automatically mitigate any damage from existing and
attacks from gangs of cyber criminals and foreign govern-        potential threats. Only with these solutions can government
ments probing systems for sensitive data, threats frequently     agencies defend themselves against the threats and conse-
go undetected for days, weeks, and even months. And it’s         quences of cyberwar in an age of declining budgets.
not just financial data being stolen. Terrorists and rogue
governments may steal confidential data, including intel-
ligence information, that exposes a country and its citizens
                                                                 Evolving Threats Require New
to potential harm. Unfortunately, the traditional fortress       Cybersecurity Strategies
approach no longer suffices. Firewalls, intrusion detection      The attack that compromised Google’s systems in December
systems and other security devices can stop the average          2009 demonstrates just how the new generation of adversar-
hacker, but new threats use stealth techniques that these        ies can effectively take down an Internet giant. Google said
defenses cannot detect on their own.                             that the Chinese government launched the attack to access
   Faced with the certainty that attackers will get into their   the email accounts of Chinese human rights activists, but
systems, government organizations must take a more proac-        that some 20 other organizations fell victim to the attack,
tive approach to risk management. This approach includes         including several US defense contractors. The attackers got
focusing security efforts on protecting mission-critical data.   past all of the defenses installed by Google, and managed to
To focus those efforts, government organizations need situ-      stay hidden for days while they hunted for the activists’ data.
ational awareness. They must know the location of critical          In testimony to the US Senate Select Intelligence
data, identify the characteristics of the systems that carry     Committee in February 2010, Dennis Blair, the US Director
the data, understand the vulnerabilities of those systems,       of National Intelligence, said that these kinds of advanced
and detect changes in activity that signal potential threats.    persistent threats (APTs) result in the theft of sensitive
Government organizations around the world must also know         information from government networks every day. The tech-
what security controls they have in place throughout the IT      nology balance currently favors the attacker, he said, and
infrastructure, and whether these controls protect the infra-    may do so for some time.
structure against the potential threats.                            The UK government’s recently released Strategic Defense
   However, the sheer size and complexity of government          and Security Review (SDSR) likewise recognizes the new age
infrastructure makes gaining that awareness difficult. For       of cyber threats, citing one of its top risks as cyber attacks,
example, the US government boasts thousands of uniquely          whether from other states, terrorists or via organized crime.
configured systems strewn across hundreds of offices and         The recent discovery of an organized crime ring that used
government departments. The thousands of security devices        the Zeus Trojan to steal money from financial accounts lends
throughout the average government IT infrastructure gen-         credence to their assessment of this risk; in late September
erates such huge quantities of valuable data that the IT         2010, 10 people in the UK were charged with using the Zeus
departments in these government organizations get over-          Trojan to steal millions of pounds.2 Similarly, in the US,
whelmed when faced with collecting and analyzing it. In          the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office in southern
addition, governments must secure this infrastructure with       New York charged 37 people in a criminal operation that
shrinking budgets, a trend illustrated by the UK govern-         used the Zeus Trojan to steal $3 million dollars from bank
ment’s recently announced £81 billion in budget cuts slated      accounts. The crime ring allegedly involved operations man-
to take effect over the next four years.1                        agers and money mules who, for a commission, laundered
   Government organizations urgently need solutions that         the stolen money through bank accounts they opened.3
provide automated, continuous, and end-to-end monitoring            Deloitte, in its 2010 CSO Cybersecurity Watch Survey,
of that infrastructure to isolate vulnerabilities and risk and   found that most organizations it surveyed lacked awareness

                                                                                       Cyberwar Threats | WHITE PAPER | 2
of these kinds of attacks, or felt overconfident that their             In the UK, the Good Practice Guide No. 13: Protective
current security measures and technology could protect               Monitoring, or GPG 13, issued by the UK Government’s CESG
them. More than two-thirds still considered hackers the big-         is part of the Security Policy Framework (SPF) designed to
gest threat.                                                         protect the government’s IT infrastructure. Similar to NIST,
   Unfortunately, these non-agile security tools and process-        GPG 13 and the SPF take a risk-based approach to protect-
es don’t work against APTs. The Deloitte report noted that           ing the infrastructure. GPG 13 outlines an approach that
intrusion detection, signature-based malware and anti-virus          UK government organizations should take to manage the
solutions provide little defense, and rapidly become obso-           risk to their critical systems, including the information they
lete against attackers who use such strategies as encryption         must record, the events they must report, and the alerts
technology to mask their efforts.                                    they must generate based on anticipated modes of attack to
   Cyber attackers typically exhibit much more patience than         these systems.
the traditional hacker. When rebuffed, they keep probing                The opposition can exploit any weakness, so to manage
until they find a way in. Once past the defenses, they call          risk you must know the security status of all of the systems
on their assets time and again to extract data. You would            throughout the enterprise. That‘s the essential visibility
not classify these attackers as opportunists; they have a            that all agencies will be looking for.
mission and remain focused on it until they succeed.                    In an interview with, Ron Ross, the
                                                                     head of the team that drew up the NIST guidelines, said

Identifying and Managing Risk                                        continuous monitoring “is critical” for making sure that
                                                                     agencies know the security state of their systems on an
Given the tactics and tools of cyberwar, IT can no longer
                                                                     ongoing, day-by-day, hour-by-hour basis. “That is the up
simply man the barricades and plug whatever holes develop
                                                                     tempo that our adversaries are working in today as they
in their defenses. Instead, government must use continuous,
                                                                     launch these very sophisticated cyber attacks against our
or protective monitoring, to proactively identify the data
                                                                     critical systems,” he said.
most at risk and secure the systems that contain that data.
                                                                        The UK government echoes this belief, citing a major
The desired end? Agencies continue to operate and missions
                                                                     benefit of protective monitoring as increased situational
remain uncompromised. When it comes to national security,
                                                                     awareness that results from continuously collecting informa-
defense and essential parts of the country’s IT infrastruc-
                                                                     tion about threats to, and trends in, critical government
ture, that’s the ultimate goal.
                                                                     systems and data. This information enables organizations to
   In the US, the National Institute of Standards and
                                                                     identify what attacks are occurring, where they’re occurring,
Technology (NIST) is responsible for drawing up the guidelines
                                                                     who is behind the attacks, how vulnerabilities have been
for certifying and accrediting the security of government IT
                                                                     or are being exploited, current and potential future vulner-
systems. NIST puts risk management at the center of its most
                                                                     abilities, attacks in progress, and how to fix issues that led
recent revision of those guidelines. The guidelines emphasize
                                                                     to an attack.
building solid security into those critical government systems
as early in their life cycle as possible. Doing so makes it easier
to identify what vulnerabilities and weaknesses remain, which        Still a Long Way to Go
makes it easier to manage them within the standard risk deter-       Most governments around the world still lack the visibil-
mination and acceptance process. That’s certainly something          ity and situational awareness needed to manage risk. Few
that the US Department of Defense (DoD) counts on to keep its        know if systems are correctly configured according to a
Global Information Grid, the worldwide collection of computers       known, good baseline of policies and controls. Few have
and networks that drives its operations, up and running, and         the ability to receive alerts when system changes result
its most important data safe. Of all US government organiza-         in insecure configurations so they can fix them before the
tions, cyber attackers consider the DoD the prize target.            damage occurs.

  3 | WHITE PAPER | Cyberwar Threats
As part of their annual FISMA report to the US Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), US government agencies
                                                                 Tripwire VIA Solutions:
must show they have both an agency-wide security con-            Visibility, Intelligence,
figuration policy, and provide evidence on how well they
have implemented various security configurations on their
                                                                 The Tripwire® VIA™ suite delivers the real-time, continuous
                                                                 monitoring organizations need to counter modern cyberwar
   In a July 2009 report, the US Government Accountability
                                                                 threats, so agencies see the data that matters no matter
Office (GAO) said all 24 of the major US federal agencies it
                                                                 how much noise the IT infrastructure generates. Armed with
investigated claimed they had a security configuration pol-
                                                                 this visibility, security professionals detect weaknesses and
icy in place. But almost all of them had weaknesses in their
                                                                 vulnerabilities, and make fixes before attackers can exploit
information security controls, and over 21 had configuration
                                                                 them. Tripwire VIA solutions include Tripwire® Enterprise for
management weaknesses. Several agencies did not imple-
                                                                 industry-leading configuration control, and Tripwire® Log
ment common secure configuration policies across their
                                                                 Center for next-generation log and security information and
systems, the GAO said, and many did not ensure that system
                                                                 event management (SIEM).
software changes had been properly authorized, documented
                                                                   Tripwire Enterprise helps organizations focus on the
and tested. John Gilligan, a former chief information officer
                                                                 changes that matter with continuous file integrity monitor-
for both the Air Force and the Department of Energy, told a
                                                                 ing, compliance policy management, real-time intelligence
recent cybersecurity forum that if government organizations
                                                                 that identifies changes that introduce risk or non-compli-
deployed and enforced security measures such as configu-
                                                                 ance as they occur, and on-demand automated remediation.
ration controls, these organizations could block some 85
                                                                   With over 300 out-of-the-box policies, Tripwire Enterprise
percent of attacks.
                                                                 covers just about any security, regulatory and operational
   Devices in the network that record security-related
                                                                 policy needed for assessing and managing configurations.
events offer another source of useful security information.
                                                                 Specific to US government organizations, Tripwire Enterprise
Collecting those logs and having some way of analyz-
                                                                 includes policies for NIST SP 800-53 Rev 3, DISA STIGS and
ing them can help flag potential threats. Unfortunately,
                                                                 FISMA requirements. For UK government organizations,
most agencies can’t do that right now, due in part to the
                                                                 Tripwire Enterprise includes a Security Policy Framework
perceived difficulty in implementing a log management
                                                                 (SPF) policy that can be applied for GCSX CoCo and GPG 13:
solution. However, many are starting to realize what those
                                                                 Protective Monitoring requirements. These policies include
logs offer. In a recent study, the DoD said that log manage-
                                                                 weighted tests that help IT managers focus on the configu-
ment ranked among the highest value controls that could be
                                                                 rations that pose the greatest security risk or most impact
used to block attacks.
                                                                 system performance.
   The security of UK government systems is less publicized,
                                                                   Tripwire Enterprise also allows organizations to capture
but the recent inclusion of cybersecurity as a top priority in
                                                                 secure or operationally optimized configurations devel-
the SDSR indicates that cybersecurity is top of mind in the
                                                                 oped in-house so these configurations can be re-applied as
UK for the foreseeable future. And with the 2012 Olympic
                                                                 needed. And Tripwire Enterprise automates remediation of
Games in the works, it’s a certainty that the UK govern-
                                                                 detected issues on-demand for both physical and virtual
ment will scrutinize government agencies more than ever to
ensure that they have continuously secure system configu-
                                                                   Tripwire Log Center, captures and stores tens of thousands
rations and the ability to easily review network and activity
                                                                 of events per second to meet the log management require-
logs for potential threats and forensics.
                                                                 ments of many standards and regulations. It also enables

  4 | WHITE PAPER | Cyberwar Threats
Google-like searches of log activity data for deep forensic
analysis. Because Tripwire Log Center supports the most
popular log transmission protocols, it collects logs from just   Cyberwar, with its sophisticated, persistent threats, is
about any source out of the box. In addition, Tripwire Log       forcing government agencies to move away from an all-or-
Center detects and alerts to events that may indicate suspi-     nothing approach to security. These organizations must now
cious activity. The solution’s graphical tools help correlate    focus on protecting essential data and ensuring continuous
events, and pinpoint those parts of the infrastructure that      availability of critical systems—all without interrupting the
could be open to attack.                                         ability of these agencies to conduct the day-to-day busi-
   As part of the Tripwire VIA suite, Tripwire Enterprise and    ness activities required to fulfill their missions. As a result,
Tripwire Log Center integrate with each other to provide         security becomes a strategic necessity rather than activity
a single solution for complete IT security and compliance.       that simply complements the other activities of government
Using Tripwire solutions, IT can investigate individual          agencies. Agencies must now apply risk management prac-
changes and events as well as complex sequences of activity      tices that ensure systems stay up and running.
like suspicious events related to a change that may indicate        To do that, security professionals must shift from their
a new risk or noncompliance. Combined, these solutions also      traditional reactive stance to a more proactive one. Because
support incident investigation, reveal patterns of activity      they can’t manually plug the holes fast enough, they need a
that indicate threats, and help identify downstream impacts      way to get ahead of the threats. Key to this is being able to
of a given change. The combination also enables organiza-        get a clear view of the existing vulnerabilities through the
tions to gain instant audit logging capabilities across the      noise created by the overwhelming number of systems and
entire IT infrastructure without installing additional code.     configurations that make up today’s IT enterprise. Equally
   With the Tripwire VIA suite, organizations gain end-to-       key is automation that not only detects the vulnerabilities
end visibility across the enterprise, intelligence to help       as they occur, but that also enables them to remediate
them make better and faster decisions about threats and          these vulnerabilities immediately, before the damage occurs.
risk, and automation to address and fix the millions and         Automation is also critical protecting these systems and
billions of changes and events that occur in today’s IT          data in the face of decreased budgets and headcounts.
infrastructure.                                                     Tripwire VIA solutions provide the needed end-to-end
                                                                 visibility of all activity and events across the enterprise
                                                                 so users can identify potential threats in real-time. These
                                                                 leading solutions also deliver actionable intelligence so
                                                                 managers immediately know where misconfigurations, and
                                                                 therefore vulnerabilities and non-compliance, exist. And
                                                                 Tripwire VIA solutions automate much of the work, includ-
                                                                 ing remediation, so government organizations can provide
                                                                 effective security even with today’s reduced budgets and
                                                                 round-the-clock threat environment.

                                                                 1 “Spending Review 2010: George Osborne wields the axe”
                                                                 2 “UK police charge 10 people with Zeus fraud” (http://news.cnet.
                                                                 3 “Dozens charged in use of Zeus Trojan to steal $3 million” (http://

                                                                                            Cyberwar Threats | WHITE PAPER | 5
      Tripwire is a leading global provider of IT security and compliance automation solutions that help businesses and
      government agencies take control of their entire IT infrastructure. Thousands of customers rely on Tripwire’s integrated
      solutions to help protect sensitive data, prove compliance and prevent outages. Tripwire® VIA™, the comprehensive
      suite of industry-leading file integrity, policy compliance and log and security event management solutions, is the way
      organizations can proactively achieve continuous compliance, mitigate risk and improve operational control through
      Visibility, Intelligence and Automation. Learn more at and TripwireInc on Twitter.

©2010 Tripwire, Inc. | Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All other product and company names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. | WPCS2a

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Cyberwar Threats: New Security Strategies for Governments

  • 2. Introduction Cyberwar fundamentally changes how government must help overwhelmed security professionals immediately identi- handle security. Faced with increasingly sophisticated fy and automatically mitigate any damage from existing and attacks from gangs of cyber criminals and foreign govern- potential threats. Only with these solutions can government ments probing systems for sensitive data, threats frequently agencies defend themselves against the threats and conse- go undetected for days, weeks, and even months. And it’s quences of cyberwar in an age of declining budgets. not just financial data being stolen. Terrorists and rogue governments may steal confidential data, including intel- ligence information, that exposes a country and its citizens Evolving Threats Require New to potential harm. Unfortunately, the traditional fortress Cybersecurity Strategies approach no longer suffices. Firewalls, intrusion detection The attack that compromised Google’s systems in December systems and other security devices can stop the average 2009 demonstrates just how the new generation of adversar- hacker, but new threats use stealth techniques that these ies can effectively take down an Internet giant. Google said defenses cannot detect on their own. that the Chinese government launched the attack to access Faced with the certainty that attackers will get into their the email accounts of Chinese human rights activists, but systems, government organizations must take a more proac- that some 20 other organizations fell victim to the attack, tive approach to risk management. This approach includes including several US defense contractors. The attackers got focusing security efforts on protecting mission-critical data. past all of the defenses installed by Google, and managed to To focus those efforts, government organizations need situ- stay hidden for days while they hunted for the activists’ data. ational awareness. They must know the location of critical In testimony to the US Senate Select Intelligence data, identify the characteristics of the systems that carry Committee in February 2010, Dennis Blair, the US Director the data, understand the vulnerabilities of those systems, of National Intelligence, said that these kinds of advanced and detect changes in activity that signal potential threats. persistent threats (APTs) result in the theft of sensitive Government organizations around the world must also know information from government networks every day. The tech- what security controls they have in place throughout the IT nology balance currently favors the attacker, he said, and infrastructure, and whether these controls protect the infra- may do so for some time. structure against the potential threats. The UK government’s recently released Strategic Defense However, the sheer size and complexity of government and Security Review (SDSR) likewise recognizes the new age infrastructure makes gaining that awareness difficult. For of cyber threats, citing one of its top risks as cyber attacks, example, the US government boasts thousands of uniquely whether from other states, terrorists or via organized crime. configured systems strewn across hundreds of offices and The recent discovery of an organized crime ring that used government departments. The thousands of security devices the Zeus Trojan to steal money from financial accounts lends throughout the average government IT infrastructure gen- credence to their assessment of this risk; in late September erates such huge quantities of valuable data that the IT 2010, 10 people in the UK were charged with using the Zeus departments in these government organizations get over- Trojan to steal millions of pounds.2 Similarly, in the US, whelmed when faced with collecting and analyzing it. In the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office in southern addition, governments must secure this infrastructure with New York charged 37 people in a criminal operation that shrinking budgets, a trend illustrated by the UK govern- used the Zeus Trojan to steal $3 million dollars from bank ment’s recently announced £81 billion in budget cuts slated accounts. The crime ring allegedly involved operations man- to take effect over the next four years.1 agers and money mules who, for a commission, laundered Government organizations urgently need solutions that the stolen money through bank accounts they opened.3 provide automated, continuous, and end-to-end monitoring Deloitte, in its 2010 CSO Cybersecurity Watch Survey, of that infrastructure to isolate vulnerabilities and risk and found that most organizations it surveyed lacked awareness Cyberwar Threats | WHITE PAPER | 2
  • 3. of these kinds of attacks, or felt overconfident that their In the UK, the Good Practice Guide No. 13: Protective current security measures and technology could protect Monitoring, or GPG 13, issued by the UK Government’s CESG them. More than two-thirds still considered hackers the big- is part of the Security Policy Framework (SPF) designed to gest threat. protect the government’s IT infrastructure. Similar to NIST, Unfortunately, these non-agile security tools and process- GPG 13 and the SPF take a risk-based approach to protect- es don’t work against APTs. The Deloitte report noted that ing the infrastructure. GPG 13 outlines an approach that intrusion detection, signature-based malware and anti-virus UK government organizations should take to manage the solutions provide little defense, and rapidly become obso- risk to their critical systems, including the information they lete against attackers who use such strategies as encryption must record, the events they must report, and the alerts technology to mask their efforts. they must generate based on anticipated modes of attack to Cyber attackers typically exhibit much more patience than these systems. the traditional hacker. When rebuffed, they keep probing The opposition can exploit any weakness, so to manage until they find a way in. Once past the defenses, they call risk you must know the security status of all of the systems on their assets time and again to extract data. You would throughout the enterprise. That‘s the essential visibility not classify these attackers as opportunists; they have a that all agencies will be looking for. mission and remain focused on it until they succeed. In an interview with, Ron Ross, the head of the team that drew up the NIST guidelines, said Identifying and Managing Risk continuous monitoring “is critical” for making sure that agencies know the security state of their systems on an Given the tactics and tools of cyberwar, IT can no longer ongoing, day-by-day, hour-by-hour basis. “That is the up simply man the barricades and plug whatever holes develop tempo that our adversaries are working in today as they in their defenses. Instead, government must use continuous, launch these very sophisticated cyber attacks against our or protective monitoring, to proactively identify the data critical systems,” he said. most at risk and secure the systems that contain that data. The UK government echoes this belief, citing a major The desired end? Agencies continue to operate and missions benefit of protective monitoring as increased situational remain uncompromised. When it comes to national security, awareness that results from continuously collecting informa- defense and essential parts of the country’s IT infrastruc- tion about threats to, and trends in, critical government ture, that’s the ultimate goal. systems and data. This information enables organizations to In the US, the National Institute of Standards and identify what attacks are occurring, where they’re occurring, Technology (NIST) is responsible for drawing up the guidelines who is behind the attacks, how vulnerabilities have been for certifying and accrediting the security of government IT or are being exploited, current and potential future vulner- systems. NIST puts risk management at the center of its most abilities, attacks in progress, and how to fix issues that led recent revision of those guidelines. The guidelines emphasize to an attack. building solid security into those critical government systems as early in their life cycle as possible. Doing so makes it easier to identify what vulnerabilities and weaknesses remain, which Still a Long Way to Go makes it easier to manage them within the standard risk deter- Most governments around the world still lack the visibil- mination and acceptance process. That’s certainly something ity and situational awareness needed to manage risk. Few that the US Department of Defense (DoD) counts on to keep its know if systems are correctly configured according to a Global Information Grid, the worldwide collection of computers known, good baseline of policies and controls. Few have and networks that drives its operations, up and running, and the ability to receive alerts when system changes result its most important data safe. Of all US government organiza- in insecure configurations so they can fix them before the tions, cyber attackers consider the DoD the prize target. damage occurs. 3 | WHITE PAPER | Cyberwar Threats
  • 4. As part of their annual FISMA report to the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB), US government agencies Tripwire VIA Solutions: must show they have both an agency-wide security con- Visibility, Intelligence, figuration policy, and provide evidence on how well they Automation have implemented various security configurations on their The Tripwire® VIA™ suite delivers the real-time, continuous systems. monitoring organizations need to counter modern cyberwar In a July 2009 report, the US Government Accountability threats, so agencies see the data that matters no matter Office (GAO) said all 24 of the major US federal agencies it how much noise the IT infrastructure generates. Armed with investigated claimed they had a security configuration pol- this visibility, security professionals detect weaknesses and icy in place. But almost all of them had weaknesses in their vulnerabilities, and make fixes before attackers can exploit information security controls, and over 21 had configuration them. Tripwire VIA solutions include Tripwire® Enterprise for management weaknesses. Several agencies did not imple- industry-leading configuration control, and Tripwire® Log ment common secure configuration policies across their Center for next-generation log and security information and systems, the GAO said, and many did not ensure that system event management (SIEM). software changes had been properly authorized, documented Tripwire Enterprise helps organizations focus on the and tested. John Gilligan, a former chief information officer changes that matter with continuous file integrity monitor- for both the Air Force and the Department of Energy, told a ing, compliance policy management, real-time intelligence recent cybersecurity forum that if government organizations that identifies changes that introduce risk or non-compli- deployed and enforced security measures such as configu- ance as they occur, and on-demand automated remediation. ration controls, these organizations could block some 85 With over 300 out-of-the-box policies, Tripwire Enterprise percent of attacks. covers just about any security, regulatory and operational Devices in the network that record security-related policy needed for assessing and managing configurations. events offer another source of useful security information. Specific to US government organizations, Tripwire Enterprise Collecting those logs and having some way of analyz- includes policies for NIST SP 800-53 Rev 3, DISA STIGS and ing them can help flag potential threats. Unfortunately, FISMA requirements. For UK government organizations, most agencies can’t do that right now, due in part to the Tripwire Enterprise includes a Security Policy Framework perceived difficulty in implementing a log management (SPF) policy that can be applied for GCSX CoCo and GPG 13: solution. However, many are starting to realize what those Protective Monitoring requirements. These policies include logs offer. In a recent study, the DoD said that log manage- weighted tests that help IT managers focus on the configu- ment ranked among the highest value controls that could be rations that pose the greatest security risk or most impact used to block attacks. system performance. The security of UK government systems is less publicized, Tripwire Enterprise also allows organizations to capture but the recent inclusion of cybersecurity as a top priority in secure or operationally optimized configurations devel- the SDSR indicates that cybersecurity is top of mind in the oped in-house so these configurations can be re-applied as UK for the foreseeable future. And with the 2012 Olympic needed. And Tripwire Enterprise automates remediation of Games in the works, it’s a certainty that the UK govern- detected issues on-demand for both physical and virtual ment will scrutinize government agencies more than ever to environments. ensure that they have continuously secure system configu- Tripwire Log Center, captures and stores tens of thousands rations and the ability to easily review network and activity of events per second to meet the log management require- logs for potential threats and forensics. ments of many standards and regulations. It also enables 4 | WHITE PAPER | Cyberwar Threats
  • 5. Google-like searches of log activity data for deep forensic analysis. Because Tripwire Log Center supports the most Conclusion popular log transmission protocols, it collects logs from just Cyberwar, with its sophisticated, persistent threats, is about any source out of the box. In addition, Tripwire Log forcing government agencies to move away from an all-or- Center detects and alerts to events that may indicate suspi- nothing approach to security. These organizations must now cious activity. The solution’s graphical tools help correlate focus on protecting essential data and ensuring continuous events, and pinpoint those parts of the infrastructure that availability of critical systems—all without interrupting the could be open to attack. ability of these agencies to conduct the day-to-day busi- As part of the Tripwire VIA suite, Tripwire Enterprise and ness activities required to fulfill their missions. As a result, Tripwire Log Center integrate with each other to provide security becomes a strategic necessity rather than activity a single solution for complete IT security and compliance. that simply complements the other activities of government Using Tripwire solutions, IT can investigate individual agencies. Agencies must now apply risk management prac- changes and events as well as complex sequences of activity tices that ensure systems stay up and running. like suspicious events related to a change that may indicate To do that, security professionals must shift from their a new risk or noncompliance. Combined, these solutions also traditional reactive stance to a more proactive one. Because support incident investigation, reveal patterns of activity they can’t manually plug the holes fast enough, they need a that indicate threats, and help identify downstream impacts way to get ahead of the threats. Key to this is being able to of a given change. The combination also enables organiza- get a clear view of the existing vulnerabilities through the tions to gain instant audit logging capabilities across the noise created by the overwhelming number of systems and entire IT infrastructure without installing additional code. configurations that make up today’s IT enterprise. Equally With the Tripwire VIA suite, organizations gain end-to- key is automation that not only detects the vulnerabilities end visibility across the enterprise, intelligence to help as they occur, but that also enables them to remediate them make better and faster decisions about threats and these vulnerabilities immediately, before the damage occurs. risk, and automation to address and fix the millions and Automation is also critical protecting these systems and billions of changes and events that occur in today’s IT data in the face of decreased budgets and headcounts. infrastructure. Tripwire VIA solutions provide the needed end-to-end visibility of all activity and events across the enterprise so users can identify potential threats in real-time. These leading solutions also deliver actionable intelligence so managers immediately know where misconfigurations, and therefore vulnerabilities and non-compliance, exist. And Tripwire VIA solutions automate much of the work, includ- ing remediation, so government organizations can provide effective security even with today’s reduced budgets and round-the-clock threat environment. 1 “Spending Review 2010: George Osborne wields the axe” ( 2 “UK police charge 10 people with Zeus fraud” (http://news.cnet. com/8301-1009_3-20018167-83.html?tag=mncol;txt) 3 “Dozens charged in use of Zeus Trojan to steal $3 million” (http:// Cyberwar Threats | WHITE PAPER | 5
  • 6. ABOUT TRIPWIRE Tripwire is a leading global provider of IT security and compliance automation solutions that help businesses and government agencies take control of their entire IT infrastructure. Thousands of customers rely on Tripwire’s integrated solutions to help protect sensitive data, prove compliance and prevent outages. Tripwire® VIA™, the comprehensive suite of industry-leading file integrity, policy compliance and log and security event management solutions, is the way organizations can proactively achieve continuous compliance, mitigate risk and improve operational control through Visibility, Intelligence and Automation. Learn more at and TripwireInc on Twitter. ©2010 Tripwire, Inc. | Tripwire is a registered trademark of Tripwire, Inc. All other product and company names are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. | WPCS2a 2010/11