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          Management Centre
Good corporate governance in
the Public sector

Financial Management.....................................................................................9

      Governance ...............................................................................................9

      Corporate governance...............................................................................9

      Good Corporate Governance ..................................................................10

      Planning and budgeting...........................................................................14

Management accountability: revenue forecasting and expense budgeting .15

      Understanding revenue requirements for on-going operations and asset expenditures                                      15

      Using performance budgeting to set government program priorities ......31

      Approach to resource allocation ..............................................................35

      Budgetary control.....................................................................................39

      Devolving budgets and delegating financial management responsibilities39

      Distinctive features of financial management in PSM .............................40

      Ensuring value for money........................................................................40

      Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and transparency                                      44

      Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results                                            48

Taxation ..........................................................................................................49

      Tax systems.............................................................................................49

      Taxes in countries....................................................................................64

      Current issues..........................................................................................64

      Budgetary process...................................................................................66

Tax incidence and efficiency ..........................................................................69

      Incidence and partial equilibrium .............................................................69

      General equilibrium incidence .................................................................71

      Costs of taxation ......................................................................................75

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    Optimal Taxation......................................................................................75
Strategies to Reduce Systemic Corrupt Practices in Government Operations76
    Developing managerial accountability plans at each level of government through the introduction of advanced
    accountability tools...................................................................................89
    Identifying techniques (Public Sector Management Action Plan) to mitigate corrupt practices?              90

     Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and transparency                                  106

     Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results                                       110

     Improving procedures and quality in daily transactions with customer/beneficiaries 111

     Involving citizen groups to help fight corruption.....................................114 .................114

Appendix – Definitions & Resources ...........................................................117


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Financial Management


                  Governance is the activity of governing. It relates to decisions that define expectations, grant
                  power, or verify performance. It consists either of a separate process or of a specific part of
                  management or leadership processes. Sometimes people set up a government to administer
                  these processes and systems.

                  In the case of a business or of a non-profit organisation, governance relates to consistent
                  management, cohesive policies, processes and decision-rights for a given area of
                  responsibility. For example, managing at a corporate level might involve evolving policies on
                  privacy, on internal investment, and on the use of data.

                  In terms of distinguishing the term governance from government - "governance" is what a
                  "government" does. It might be a geo-political government (nation-state), a corporate
                  government (business entity), a socio-political government (tribe, family, etc.), or any number
                  of different kinds of government. But governance is the kinetic exercise of management power
                  and policy, while government is the instrument (usually, collective) that does it. The term
                  government is also used more abstractly as a synonym for governance, as in the Canadian
                  motto, "Peace, Order and Good Government".

         Corporate governance

                  Corporate governance consists of the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions
                  affecting the way people direct, administer or control a corporation. Corporate governance also
                  includes the relationships among the many players involved (the stakeholders) and the
                  corporate goals. The principal players include the shareholders, management, and the board
                  of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other
                  lenders, regulators, the environment and the community at large.

                  The first documented use of the word "corporate governance" is by Richard Eells (1960, pg.
                  108) to denote "the structure and functioning of the corporate polity". The "corporate
                  government" concept itself is older and was already used in finance textbooks at the beginning
                  of the 20th century (Becht, Bolton, Röell 2004). These origins support a multiple constituency
                  (stakeholder) definition of corporate governance.

Good Corporate Governance

                By Ian Ball, IFAC Chief Executive On Behalf of René Ricol, IFAC President

                Presented before the Association of Accountancy Bodies in West Africa -April 26, 2004

                Distinguished guests, fellow accountants, and colleagues. It is truly a privilege to participate in your
                Congress and to speak on this very important topic of good corporate governance. I am making this
                presentation on behalf of René Ricol, IFAC’s President, who regrets that an unavoidable conflict
                prevents him from being with you today. During his tenure as IFAC President, Mr. Ricol has worked to
                raise awareness of the value of strong corporate governance and he applauds your efforts to make this
                a focus of your Congress.

                I am particularly pleased to be with you for this Congress, as it is the first of your Congresses since the
                IFAC Board acknowledged the Association of Accountancy Bodies of West Africa as a regional
                grouping, so it is a special pleasure to be able to welcome ABWA to membership of the IFAC ”family”. I
                would also like to acknowledge the contribution that two of the IFAC Board members, Ndung’u Gathinji
                of Kenya and Ignatius Sehoole of South Africa, have made significant contributions in the process of
                acheiving this acknowledgement for ABWA. IFAC sees its regional groupings and regional
                organisations as an increasingly important element of the IFAC structure and would encourage the
                strengthening and expansion of these networks.

                As I turn to my theme of corporate governance, I would note that while my presentation today focuses
                on corporate governance in the private sector, the need for sound governance arrangements in the
                public sector are also critically important. As the former Vice-President and Controller of the World
                Bank, Jules Muis, has observed, an economy can be likened to an aeroplane – both wings must be
                sound for it to fly safely. For an economy to grow and develop, its governance structures in both the
                public and private sectors must be solid. I should also note that the need for the governance of the
                public sector to be sound was recognised by the Eastern Southern and Central African Federation of
                Accountants a number of years ago when they urged the Public Sector Committee of IFAC to produce
                its document ”insert”.

                Sound corporate governance is, of course, critical to capital market development in West Africa, in other
                emerging economies and around the globe. Effective corporate governance can create safeguards
                against corruption and mismanagement and promote transparency, and therefore efficiency, in
                economic affairs. It is at the heart of building confidence in financial systems and that is at the heart of
                sustainable economic growth.

                At one level it is that simple – if sustainable economic growth is the goal, good corporate governance is

                As professional accountants, we understand that while corporate governance is a concept that is
                presently making the headlines, it is also much more than that. Corporate governance is about actions
                and behaviours -- actions and behaviours that need to be taken by private and public enterprises, that
                need to be reinforced by governments, and that must be supported by professional accountants and all
                those involved in the development and disclosure of financial information. Good corporate governance
                hinges on a number of elements such as principles, values, laws, rules, regulations, and institutions. I
                will touch on some of this today as I seek, first, to provide you with an understanding of good
                governance from the perspective of the International Federation of Accountants and, second, describe
                the role we can all play in enhancing corporate governance practices.

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First, I’d like you to take a look back with me to the not too distant past, to nearly two- and-a-half years
                ago when the U.S. energy giant Enron collapsed. Back in 2001, many blamed the Enron failure almost
                exclusively on the auditors. Corporate governance was not yet seen as so central to the corporate
                failures. Few understood the depth of the problems. In fact, some predicted that Enron was a storm that
                would soon blow over. Time has shown that rather than being an isolated event, Enron was the leading
                edge of a storm front. In fact, ”Enron” has become global shorthand for corporate greed and failed
                corporate governance. WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, Ahold, Vivendi and most recently Parmalat have all
                followed, each new case tending to reinforce public cynicism towards business in general. Reversing
                this trend, restoring and improving public confidence in capital markets, in financial reporting and in the
                accounting profession is the end game of the strategy I will present to you today.

                There are many of you who, like me, recall financial failures in previous decades. Scandals involving
                companies like BCCI, Baring, Sunbeam and Credit Lyonnaise. What has changed? Well, the world has
                changed since the 1980s and 1990s. More and more people have a stake in the performance and
                conduct of public companies, through stocks, mutual funds and pension plans. Investing in public
                companies has in many countries become an activity open to anyone with a computer and a relatively
                few dollars. This has greatly increased the political salience of capital market performance.

                As well, the globalization of business and communications, increasing technology and increasingly
                complex financial transactions, mean that a business failure anywhere touches people everywhere. A
                failure in London impacts the markets in Lagos. This is why a recent survey of business leaders by the
                Economist Intelligence Unit found that the attention being paid to corporate governance is increasing
                worldwide and will continue to do so into the future.

                Some of those behind the scandals of the past two years were accountants. However, they were not
                the only ones to blame. In fact, thousands of accountants like those of you sitting in this room today are
                dedicated to providing quality work and to putting your integrity ahead of short-term commercial
                interests. Nonetheless, the scandals created a ripple effect for our profession -- accountants who fail in
                London negatively affect the trust and reputation of accountants in Lagos, and vice versa.

                To be sure, some of the criticism concerning auditors and their role in these failures has been fair. Some
                of it was not. Part of our job, as trained professionals, has been to see what we could learn from the
                events. I want now to talk about some elements of IFAC’s response to these events, focusing on those
                related to corporate governance.

                IFAC took the approach of addressing this challenge on two levels: focusing on improving the role of
                accountants in the governance and financial reporting chain, and developing a plan of action to improve
                corporate governance as a whole. We recognized that enhancing public trust through our commitment
                to the highest standards of quality and integrity required real action as well as the ability to effectively
                communicate that action to all of our stakeholders, including the public.

                While these corporate failures have placed the accounting profession under unparalleled scrutiny, they
                have also provided us with unparalled opportunity to effect reform and change. Obstacles to enhancing
                professional standards of quality, integrity and independence have melted away. In a sense, Enron and
                its cousins compelled us to take a hard look at our core values. What we have relearned is that our
                profession is built on public trust. It’s all we have. But it’s an awful lot. It’s what keeps the markets
                working. In order for the public to have confidence in the quality and integrity of our work, we need to
                earn their trust every day.

                With 158 member organizations in 118 countries, representing 2.5 million accountants worldwide, IFAC
                is ideally placed to effect change, and we have seized the opportunity. Accountants play a key role in
                the value creation chain, in which one link is good corporate governance. Our analysis illustrates very
                clearly the connection between business failure and reporting failure. The two go hand in hand.

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Even before Enron collapsed, IFAC had issued a robust new principles-based standard on
                independence for public accountants as part of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. This
                framework is the most rigorous international guidance ever issued, and its principles and guidance are
                being adopted by a growing number of national accounting and auditing standard-setting bodies.

                At the same time, we welcome oversight of the profession. For most of our national organizations, this
                means the acceptance of some external oversight mechanism or process. Internationally, IFAC
                undertook a wide-ranging consultative process that resulted in a series of reforms, unanimously
                supported by international regulators and approved by IFAC’s Council last November. This initiative also
                received the endorsement of the Financial Stability Forum.These reforms, currently being implemented,
                include the establishment of a Public Interest Oversight Board to oversee IFAC’s standard-setting and
                compliance regimes, as well as increased transparency and public participation in governance and
                standard-setting activities.

                The end result of these reforms is that IFAC has moved from a self-regulatory framework to a mixed or
                shared regulatory structure.

                We have also focused on developing a more transparent standard-setting process for the International
                Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) as well as for the Education Committee and the
                Ethics Committee. The IAASB meetings are open to the public, and its papers are posted on the IFAC
                website. We have increased technical support to the IAASB in order to channel energies in areas that
                most seriously touch on the public interest. In the past few months, the IAASB has released two new
                quality control standards. One establishes a firm’s responsibilities to set up and maintain a system of
                quality contrl for all audits and assurance engagements. The second establishes standards for the
                specific responsibilities of firm personnel for an individual audit engagement.

                Now to the broad scope of corporate governance. As many of you know, IFAC has taken a leadership
                role in responding to the crisis in corporate governance. We regard this as a long-term challenge, one
                that will require long-term solutions, not quick fixes. And we are far from alone in addressing these
                issues. Just last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD –
                approved a revised version of its Principles of Corporate Governance to address issues that have
                undermined the confidence of investors in company management. The revised principles include new
                recommendations for good practice in corporate behaviour. IFAC contributed to the process through
                which the OECD undertook the revision and supports both the principles and the encouragement for
                international convergence of corporate governance practices that are based on these principles. I
                would encourage you all to go to the OECD website to view and understand these principles.

                The issuance of these new principles further reinforces IFAC’s position that to rebuild and maintain
                public trust in companies and stock markets, action must be taken at all points along the information
                supply chain. This involves management and boards of directors, auditors, standard setters as well as
                lawyers, investment bankers, credit rating agencies and the media. At each point, individuals must take
                responsibility for their actions. Everyone in this room shares this responsibility. We must succeed,
                because the stakes are too high to do otherwise. All of us must be committed to high ethical standards
                and be vigilant in discharging the responsibility we have for ensuring public confidence in the markets.
                This must be our shared vision because, again, the stakes are so high.

                In 2002, IFAC established an independent, international Task Force that produced a report, Rebuilding
                Public Confidence in Financial Reporting, released in July of last year. This report provides a number of
                important recommendations addressing a range of corporate governance issues. The report lists and
                explains principles of best practices that call for specific action at all points in the information supply

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Specific recommendations include the following:

                • Effective corporate ethics codes need to be in place and actively monitored; such codes should be
                supported by training.

                • Codes of conduct need to be put in place for other participants in the financial reporting process - such
                as investment analysts and lawyers - and their compliance should be monitored.

                • Incentives to misstate financial information need to be reduced, and companies must refrain from
                forecasting profits with an unrealistic level of precision.

                • Audit effectiveness needs to be raised, primarily through greater attention to audit quality control

                Complementing this report is a document released just this past February by IFAC’s Professional
                Accountants in Business Committee, the PAIB Committee. This report, entitled Enterprise Governance:
                Getting the Balance Right, analyzes a number of prominent recent case studies to develop
                recommendations covering the range of enterprise governance. For those of you unfamiliar with the
                term, enterprise governance includes both corporate governance and corporate performance. The
                committee found that four key elements underpin an organization’s success: culture and tone at the top;
                the chief executive; the board of directors; and internal controls. The report notes that governance and
                performance need to be in harmony and performing well in order to enhance the chances of
                organizational success. Our focus is on good governance, but as the PAIB discovered, good
                governance on its own cannot make a company successful. Companies need to balance conformance
                with performance. Bad governance can ruin a company, but cannot, on its own, ensure its success.

                These reports have not been issued in isolation. Instead, they are one part of a strategy that includes
                IFAC reviewing and monitoring corporate governance standards worldwide. IFAC member bodies have
                agreed to encourage key stakeholders in their home countries to adopt the recommendations from
                these two reports. It is a global campaign that is gaining momentum.

                In undertaking the Credibility and Enterprise Governance reports, three new realities became apparent.
                I call them realities because they mark a fundamental shift from the pre-Enron world in which we all
                worked, and because they are bringing fundamental change in how we will do business for years to
                come. Some elements were emerging or under development prior to Enron, but the corporate scandals
                of recent years have given them visibility and significance as never before.

                The first new reality is that improving standards of corporate governance is not only a national issue that
                each country must address, but it is also an international issue.

                At the national level, many countries are taking steps to improve governance through tougher legislation
                and regulation, new codes of ethics, and the establishment of oversight bodies. Our stakeholders
                recognize the role that accountants and auditors play in value creation as well as in contributing to good
                corporate governance. As an example, the EU has already indicated its plans to adopt international
                accounting standards and international standards on auditing by 2005. This is a very important
                development, though Europe is not alone in taking this course.

                Governments and regulators increasingly understand that international standards, already established
                or being developed by bodies like IFAC, are the soundest method of ensuring the reliable functioning of
                the global capital markets. To this end, on the international front, IFAC seeks to work closely with
                organizations like the Financial Stability Forum, which aims to achieve stability in capital markets
                through dialogue amongst national governments and financial institutions. These activities help to

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achieve IFAC’s goal of convergence to international standards – a goal that is vital to achieving
                comparability of financial information around the globe and ultimately, financial stability.

                IFAC also actively supports the International Accounting Standards Board’s program of global
                International Financial Reporting Standards, and we endorse countries around the world that implement
                regulations consistent with IOSCO’s Principles of Securities Regulation.

                The second of the three new realities I referred to is that enhanced corporate governance is a team
                effort. It takes the committed effort of accountants, executive management, the board of directors, audit
                committees and regulators. Each of these groups must recognize its unique public interest
                responsibility. There’s a dichotomy at work here: no one profession or group can ensure an
                organization’s good corporate governance, but the failure of one group can put good governance at risk
                – thus compromising the protection offered to stakeholders.

                Finally, the third, and perhaps most important reality, is that good corporate governance cannot be
                established if organizations are not committed to high standards of individual and institutional integrity.
                As we’ve seen over the past two-and-a-half years, failures in integrity were perhaps the lead factor in
                these corporate scandals. In order to prevent them from occurring in the future, a culture of integrity
                must take hold. While sanctions are necessary for those who do not comply with legal and regulatory
                requirements, what is far more effective is building a culture of good governance that prevents those
                sanctions from ever having to be implemented. In IFAC’s recent Enterprise Governance report, the
                writers describe the ideal environment as comprising a virtuous circle of integrity and ethics, based on
                the conscious decision by all parties to take good governance seriously.

                I meet regularly with the international leaders of accountancy bodies and the leaders of the accounting
                firms, as well as regulators and standard setters. What I have learned is that we are increasingly viewed
                as a global profession with the ability to effect change that is in the public interest. This brings with it
                tremendous opportunity, as well as challenge. We can all take a leadership role in enhancing public
                trust not only in our profession, but through the whole governance chain. Everyone in this room has an
                equal role to play; we are all partners. Every day, we must bear in mind we have deliberately set the bar
                high because we demand no less of ourselves and because the public demands no less of us.

                I urge you to pursue activities to promote good corporate governance and to continue to explore, at a
                regional level, the exchange and coordination of ideas. It is through exchanges such as this that the
                accountancy profession can become the impetus for strengthening corporate governance policies, and
                in doing so, rebuild trust not only in the profession but in the markets in which we operate.

                I will end by repeating what I said earlier - at one level is very simple – if sustainable economic growth is
                the goal, good corporate governance is essential.

Planning and budgeting

             Public Sector Budgeting & Forecasting

             Approaches to business planning in the Public Sector are different from those in the
             private sector, even if the idea behind the behind the approach is the same. You need to
             focus on maximizing funds that are constantly under pressure to deliver value for money
             and well as ensure that there is tight monitoring on those funds, enabling effective decision
             making. Effective planning is about establishing the vision, goals, strategies, procedures
             with performance measures and monitoring for a high performance organisation.

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 Management accountability: revenue forecasting and expense

Understanding revenue requirements for on-going operations and asset

Using performance budgeting to set government program priorities

             Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB)

             This whole framework points us to a newer way of budgeting, the so-called Performance-
             Based Budgeting.

             As explained by Carter [5] (as quoted in )[6] “Performance budgets use statements of
             missions, goals and objectives to explain why the money is being spent. It is a way to
             allocate resources to achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured
             results.” The key to understanding performance-based budgeting lies beneath the word
             “result”. In this method, the entire planning and budgeting framework is result oriented.
             There are objectives and activities to achieve these objectives and these form the
             foundation of the overall evaluation.

             According to the more comprehensive definition of Segal and Summers [7], performance
             budgeting comprises three elements:

             the result (final outcome)

             the strategy (different ways to achieve the final outcome)

             activity/outputs (what is actually done to achieve the final outcome)

Segal and Summers point out that within this framework, a connection exists between the
             rationales for specific activities and the end results and the result is not excluded, while
             individual activities or outputs are. With this information, it is possible to understand which
             activities are cost-effective in terms of achieving the desired result.

             As can be seen from some of the definitions used here, Performance-Based Budgeting is
             a way to allocate resources for achieving certain objectives [8],

             Harrison [9] elabourates: “PBB sets a goal, or a set of goals, to which monies are
             “connected” (i.e. allocated). From these goals, specific objectives are delineated and funds
             are then subdivided among them.”

             Achieving PBB

             For this type of advanced budgeting, which requires the definition of Key Performance
             Indicators (KPIs) at the outset, linking these performance indicators to resources becomes
             the vital part of the entire setup. This is similar to the Corporate Performance Management
             (CPM) framework, which is “where strategy and planning meet execution and
             measurement”, according to John Hagerty from AMR Research.

             This is a sort of a Balanced Scorecard approach in which KPIs are defined and linkages
             are built between causes and effects in a tree-model on top of a budgeting system which
             should be integrated with the transactional system, in which financial, procurement, sales
             and similar types of .transactions are tracked. Moreover, linking resources with results
             provides information on how much it costs to provide a given level of outcome. Many
             public bodies fail to figure out how much it costs to deliver an output, primarily due to
             problems with indirect cost allocation. This puts the Activity-Based Costing framework into
             the picture..

             Both the concepts of scorecards, as first introduced by Kaplan and Norton, and activity-
             based costing are today well-known concepts in the private sector, but much less so for
             the public-sector bodies…until the advent of Performance-Based Budgeting! Another
             conceptual framework that has gained ground is the relatively recently introduced CPM,
             again more popular in the private sector. The point is that the CPM framework has not
             much touched on the topic of Performance-Based Budgeting, although the similarities in
             policies offered by these frameworks are worth a deeper look. The technical foundation
             that the CPM framework puts on the table may well be a perfect means to rationalize the
             somewhat tougher budgeting approach, not only for the public sector but also for
             commercial companies.

             The way to CPM and PBB

             Leading companies are integrating various business intelligence applications and
             processes in order to achieve Corporate Performance Management. The first step is for
             senior management to formulate the organization’s strategy and to articulate specific
             strategic objectives supported by key financial and non-financial metrics.

             These metrics and targets feed the next step in the process, Planning and Budgeting, and
             are eventually communicated to the front-line employees that will carry out the day-to-day
             activities. Targets and thresholds are loaded from the planning systems into a Business
             Activity Monitoring engine that will automatically notify responsible persons of potential
             problems in real time. The status of the business is reviewed regularly and re-forecast
             and, if necessary, budget changes are made. If the business performance is significantly
             off plan, executives may need to re-evaluate the strategy as some of the original

assumptions may have changed. Optionally, activity-based costing efforts can enhance
             the strategic planning process – deciding to outsource key activities, for example. ABC
             can also facilitate improved budgeting and controls through Activity-Based Budgeting
             which helps coordinate operational and financial planning.

             The ability to establish CPM to enhance control on budget depends first upon achieving a
             better understanding of the business through unified, consistent data to provide the basis
             for a 360-degree view of the organization. The unified data model allows you to establish a
             single repository of information where users can quickly access consistent information
             related to both financial and management reporting, easily move between reporting the
             past and projecting the future, and drill to detailed information.

             By then, you are ready to plug in - on the unified data - the applications that support
             consolidations, reporting, analysis, budgeting, planning, forecasting, activity-based costing,
             and profitability measurement. The applications are then integrated with the single
             repository of information and are delivered with a set of tools that allow users to follow the
             assessment path from strategy, to plans and budgets and to the supporting transactional

             CPM and the adoption of more public-sector oriented PBB are not easy to tackle, but in
             the ever-changing business and political climate they are definitely worth a closer look.

GPRA & Performance-Based Budgeting

             The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) has always envisioned
             the complete integration of the Annual Performance Plan with the Budget – what is known
             as “Performance-Based Budgeting” or simply "Performance Budgeting." This integration is
             perhaps the single most powerful tool for implementing comprehensive Performance
             Management within government agencies. In fact, it was a particular example of a
             sophisticated and very effective use of this form of budgeting that directly inspired the
             origination of GPRA.

             In his June 2001 testimony before the House Subcommittee on Government Efficiency,
             John Mercer described Performance Budgeting and its relationship to GPRA. He
             explained some of its uses in resources allocation, program management, and
             accountability. Much of his understanding of the value of this type of budgeting was based
             on his experience in the model performance budgeting system that inspired GPRA.

CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software
             The newly available CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software is a uniquely
             effective solution for addressing the strategic planning and performance budgeting needs
             of Federal departments and other government agencies. CASCADE™ presents a truly

innovative approach to instilling operational planning transparency and accountability in
             organizations of from 50 to over 10,000 managers.

             Designed by John Mercer, the President of Strategisys LLC of Alexandria, VA. He is often
             called “the Father of GPRA” (Government Performance and Results Act) and is
             internationally recognized as a “foremost expert in performance-based budgeting.”

             Developed by Integrated Digital Systems of Manassas, VA. As a manufacturer of software
             solutions for government, IDS is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a Veteran-Owned
             Small Business with a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract.

             CASCADE™ begins at the beginning – the place where your organization is first
             developing a new long-term strategic plan. Through a cascading hierarchy of goals and
             strategies that directly involves every manager at every level; day-to-day activities are
             clearly linked to each strategic goal of your organization. Detailed guidance and examples
             are provided every step of the way, ensuring that managers develop meaningful and
             measurable goals, and that they define specific strategies for accomplishing them.

             CASCADE™ applies this same approach to developing your organization’s annual
             performance budget. Each manager’s own budget includes measurable results, with
             relevant unit costs, and is explicitly linked to organizational goals. The Goal Chart shows
             every manager’s goals, as they are developed, linked to higher-level goals. This provides
             an easy means to clarify both organizational and individual accountability for program

             CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software is the first and only integrated
             strategic planning and performance budgeting software solution that has been designed
             specifically to meet the unique needs of government agencies, with in-depth “how-to”
             guidance. It is not a product that was originally designed for commercial businesses. For
             more information contact John Mercer of Strategisys LLC at 703-924-2820.

             Volatile implementation

             Incomplete devolution of powers marked by frequent reversals (from federal government
             to state and from state to local)

             Important decisions still taken at the centre and then formally endorsed locally

             Inequitable distribution of resources between centre, states, and localities

             Strong grip on power and resources from the centre

             Lack of financial autonomy of decentralized structures

             Frequent changes of policies: “policy has changed even before the public became
             acquainted with the policy and its accompanying legislation”

             High turnover of policymakers and decision makers

             Multiplicity of experiments of local government forms without prior thorough evaluation of
             past experiences

             Lack of accountability at all levels

Lack of stakeholder participation in policymaking

             Absence of democratic life (free and fair elections); lack of democratic processes that
             make decision makers answerable to the public

             Decision makers are chosen by appointment. They are accountable to the president or to
             the governors, not to the people

             Lack of accountability is also a cause for corruption and diversion of whatever resources
             are available. The underlying causes of this state of affairs were mainly identified as lack
             of political will, reluctance or even active resistance to sharing power and resources by the
             federal administration, and a divergence of visions and expectations between government
             and the people about the ultimate goals of decentralization.

             Table 2. Views regarding the causes of policy volatility and lack of accountability Lack of
             political will for an effective share of power and resources

             The system is ridden with nepotism and favouritism (clientelism)

             Leadership does not trust people’s ability to govern them and administer their affairs

             Lack of democracy

             Important constraints to regionalization included resistance from central administrations
             and staff (alliance) and limited financial resources transfers

             People equated decentralization with “returning the land to its owners”

             Weak administrative capacities of the states and local governments and high dependency
             on federal resources.

             Weak institutional capacities (staff, planning, and policymaking) and states’ inability to
             develop their sources of revenue feed off each other

             Financial autonomy is weak; resources hardly pay for staff salaries, no budget for
             development services.

             Poor infrastructure in support of policy implementation

             Executive officers during the colonial period were well trained. The appointment of
             incompetent officials has caused people to withdraw respect from them, which has
             reduced their authority

             Lack of resources (human, technical, financial) hinders proper monitoring of compliance
             and diligent implementation of policies

Approach to resource allocation

             Resource allocation decisions involve choices among competing alternatives as to the
             optimum use of resources in terms of satisfying organisational objectives. Resource
             allocation is especially important in public services where the objectives are to maintain
             aggregate fiscal discipline (i.e. to prevent overspending), to allocate resources in
             accordance with government priorities (allocative efficiency), and to promote efficiency in

the use of budgetary resources (technical efficiency: OECD, 1999). The notion of resource
             allocations in order to achieve goals is particularly problematic in public services because
             goals are more ambiguous than the private sector’s almost single-minded profit, cash flow
             (or shareholder value) motives, and outcomes, let alone outputs, may be difficult to
             assess. Resource allocation decisions are influenced significantly by uncertainties of
             demand and external factors (including treasury budget allocations to public services) over
             which service deliverers may have little influence.

             Four approaches to public sector resource allocations can be identified from the literature:
             rational methods, non-rational methods, expectations, and heuristics. Each is described in

             Rational methods

             Rational methods of making resource allocation decisions predominate in private sector
             studies where economic methods can identify cost-benefit optimality. However they also
             exist in public services, from budgets (Covaleski & Dirsmith, 1986) and simple cost-benefit
             analysis (Gordon, 1989) to formulae for resource allocations in hospitals (Nahapiet, 1988),
             planning, programming and budgeting systems in the US military (Chwastiak, 2001),
             through contractualisation and competitive tendering in health services (Kurunmäki, 1999).
             Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) have been used
             in public sector studies e.g. in fire services (Athanassopolous, 1998) and policing
             (Thanassoulis, 1995).

             Many rational methods emphasise technical efficiency. DEA and SFA for example focus
             on the efficient frontier. However, resource allocation decisions can be problematic in
             terms of measurable benefits. Mehrez & Gafni (1990) compared the risk of death from a
             catastrophic event with risk of death from chronic events like disease or traffic accidents.
             They defined the decision problem as how to best allocate resources in order to lower the
             risk of death to individuals from exposure to different types of events. From a societal
             perspective this involves concentrating on both efficiency (the use of limited resources in a
             manner that will provide maximum output) and equity dimensions. However, society treats
             the two events differently, devoting more attention and perhaps more resources to
             possible catastrophic events, because the larger the group of people who die, the worse
             the accident is perceived to be. In health service delivery, benefits have been assessed in
             terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)or health-related quality of life (HRQoL: Dolan,
             2000) which take into account the effect of medical procedures on both the measurable
             quantity and quality of life that results from a medical procedure. However, concerns have
             been raised about the use of these measures in resource allocation decisions (e.g. Gerard
             & Mooney, 2006).

             Multi-criteria approaches to resource allocation problems that apply weights to each
             criterion are increasingly commonplace and become institutionalised as algorithms.
             Frameworks have been developed for hospitals taking into account complexity,
             uncertainty, variability and limited resources

              (e.g. Harper, 2002) although the resulting models have been used as planning tools
             rather than for decision making. Studies of resource allocations in policing have been
             concerned with the use of socio-economic and demographic factors to allocate resources
             across different geographic areas (Ashby & Longley, 2005).

             Non-rational approaches

Non-rational approaches to decision making are different to the traditional paradigm of
             rationality, but non-rational approaches are not irrational approaches. They merely reject –
             or at least modify - the positivist, goal-oriented, cause-effect logic implied by the economic
             roots of rationality. Non-rational approaches are evident in different styles of managerial
             decision making over resource allocations. The “search and satisficing” approach provides
             “good enough” decisions with reasonable costs of computation (Simon, 1979). “Muddling
             through” is a process of making successive limited comparisons rather than a more
             comprehensive method (Lindblom, 1959). The “garbage can” model of decision-making is
             the confluence of the mix of choices available at any one time, the mix of problems that
             have access to the organization, the mix of solutions looking for problems, and the outside
             demands on the decision makers (Cohen et al., 1972).

             Non-rational approaches may also be political choices. Resource allocation in the public
             sector has been explained as a largely political process between “advocates of the cause”
             (the programme champions) and “guardians of the treasury” (Wildavsky, 1975) and the
             use of budgets has been described as a ceremonial device by which governments
             exercise authority (Boland & Pondy, 1983). Collier (2006) for example revealed the
             political aspects of calculating the cost of police investigations in the UK which resulted in
             resource allocations which had unintended consequences.

             Cultural norms and values can play a role in resource allocation decisions. Birnberg et al.
             (1983) contrasted the highly analysable and often measurable and verifiable data in
             private sector firms with public sector resource allocation decisions where there is both low
             analysability and low measurability and verifiability of data. While Birnberg et al. argued
             that this could lead to strategies including biasing, filtering and gaming, it was also
             recognised that values play an important role in resource allocation decisions in the public

             Expectations analysis

             Norms and values may not be shared equally and different perceptions exist between
             service providers, recipients and government about objectives and processes for
             achieving those objectives, however those objectives may be defined. Machin (1979: 4)
             used ‘expectations analysis’ to focus on the existence and interpretation of expectations in
             an organizational setting. Resources are never available to meet the expectations held of
             managers, who have to decide which they will attempt to satisfy: “The process of choosing
             is complex because there are many, frequently conflicting, criteria which may be used to
             assess the relative importance, relevance, usefulness, or difficulty of an expectation, or the
             differing degrees of personal satisfaction which would be derived from successfully
             meeting different expectations”. Managers therefore make decisions based on their
             judgements about what is expected of them, and their intrinsic motivation to satisfy what
             may be competing expectations.

             For Machin (1979: 5) ‘expectation’ was seen as the basic unit of information which
             enabled a system to operate effectively at the whole organization level as well as at the
             level of individual managers: “The survival and development of an organization depends
             on its ability to anticipate, and/or adapt to, changes in the content and pattern of
             expectations held by the substantive environment (or stakeholders) and changes in the
             relative importance of different expectations and expectation-holders”.

             This paper proposes a link between non-rational approaches and expectations analysis.
             Expectations may be a reflection of, and reflect on, norms and values as well as political
             factors. They may also be informed by, and in turn inform, whatever rational tools are
             available. Satisficing, muddling through, or garbage can approaches may therefore be

incorporated in how managers are influenced by competing expectations and the values
             and norms held by public service deliverers. Expectations may therefore be a useful lens
             through which to see the coming together of non-rational approaches and how they may fit
             with rational approaches.


             Using the distinction between judgements which are beliefs about outcomes, and values,
             which are preferences between outcomes (Thompson, 1967), heuristics based on values
             have been argued to be the main method by which public servants make resource
             allocation decisions (Fisher, 1998). These heuristics are “mental rules of thumb, or tricks of
             the trade, which people learn from various sources, which function by reducing the
             complexity of the decision to be made ... Heuristics function as part of a person’s way of
             looking at the world. They are a set of values, which are used to edit competing demands
             upon attention rather than tools for fine forensic dissection of policy dilemmas” (Fisher,
             1998: 26).

             Research by Fisher (1998) identified six different heuristics involved in resource allocation
             decisions: deservingness, individual need, fairness, utility, ecology, and personal gain.
             Deservingness is a moral judgment about whether individuals or groups deserve (or do
             not deserve) resources. Individual needs are a result of professional judgements. Fairness
             is concerned with equal access to services, either through queuing or by some
             standardised rules for the rationing of resources (e.g. a hospital triage system). Utility is
             concerned with output maximisation and the common good rather than individual need.
             Ecology considers the competing demands of interest groups and the degree to which
             those needs are met rather than with any objective. Personal gain is seen in terms of
             power, job satisfaction, etc.

             Combined approaches

             This review of the literature on public sector resource allocation decisions suggests four
             ways in which such decisions can be made. Based on rational techniques; using non-
             rational approaches including satisficing (Simon, 1979), muddling through (Lindblom,
             1959), and garbage can decision making (Cohen et al., 1972); based on expectations
             (Machin, 1979); or based on heuristic devices (Fisher, 1998). We have suggested a
             combination of non-rational approaches with expectations analysis because satisficing,
             muddling through, or garbage can approaches may be incorporated in how managers are
             influenced by competing expectations.

             These approaches are not mutually exclusive and combinations can occur. One method
             that has elements of both rationality and heuristics is programme budgeting and marginal
             analysis (PBMA, Mitton & Donaldson, 2004; Mitton et al., 2003), a process that has been
             used by health economists opposed to measurements like QALYs. The PBMA technique
             provides information to support priority setting and resource allocation decisions at the
             margins of resource allocations by facilitating health professionals making informed
             judgements about opportunity costs, i.e. the alternative use of resources. We suggest that
             other combinations of approaches (rational, non-rational, expectations, and heuristics) are
             also possible.

             Given these different approaches to resource allocation decisions at the micro or
             operational level in public sector settings, we sought to understand how managers in
             public service organisations faced with finite resources and uncertain demand actually
             make resource allocation decisions and which of the approaches (or combinations of
             approaches) described above were used.

The setting for the research was a police force in which resource allocation decisions for
             the investigation of serious and organised crime need to be made.

Budgetary control

             Budgeting is used by businesses as a method of financial planning for the future. Budgets
             are prepared for main areas of the business – purchases, sales, production, labour,
             debtors, creditors, cash – and provide detailed plans of the business for the next three, six
             or twelve months.

             The difference between what is budgeted to happen and what actually happens is termed
             a variance. A favourable variance is one that enables a business to increase its profits - for
             example if sales revenue is higher than budgeted. An adverse variance will reduce profits
             e.g. if costs are higher than budgeted. By spotting adverse variances managers are able
             to take control actions - e.g. by cutting out waste to reduce costs, or increasing
             advertising/promotion when sales are less than expected.

             Control is the process through which managers are able to keep their business on track.
             Managers create various financial and budgetary planning tools, which they then monitor
             at regular intervals. When variances are spotted appropriate management actions are
             required to put the business back on plan.

             Read more:

Devolving budgets and delegating financial management responsibilities


             Making local authorities responsible for the cost could make them more frugal

             They are not thwarted by political whim

             They are closer to issues and can direct the use of the money better

             May encourage competition


             More pots of money to track so admin costs are more

             Could drive down standards

                Salford City Council is committed to involving local people in decisions about the city. One example of
                this is the devolved budgets which are allocated to local communities. Every year, approximately £3.00
                per person is allocated to each community committee to make decisions on how the budget should be

                Each community committee elects a sub group from among its members. They assess applications and
                make recommendations about how the funding should be spent. Budget sub groups include local
                residents and local councillors. They discuss ways in which the funding could best be used to deliver

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                39
priorities in the community action plans. Recommendations are then taken to community committee for
                approval or further discussion.

Distinctive features of financial management in PSM

Ensuring value for money


             1. Value for Money (VfM) is the term used to assess whether or not an organisation has
             obtained the maximum benefit from the goods and services it acquires and/ or provides,
             within the resources available to it. It not only measures the cost of goods and services,
             but also takes account of the mix of quality, cost, resource use, fitness for purpose,
             timeliness and convenience to judge whether or not, when taken together, they constitute
             good value. Achieving VfM may be described in terms of the 'three Es' - economy,
             efficiency and effectiveness:

             2. For VfM to be achieved, the College needs to be as effective as it can in its use of public
             and other money.


             3. Imperial College is committed to delivering value for money as an integral part of its
             corporate and academic strategy. While it has a specific responsibility to achieve VfM
             from its use of public funds, this principle extends to all sources of funding. Similarly, the
             responsibility for pursuing VfM lies with all staff, and not just those with financial duties.

             4. To meet its commitment to achieving VfM the College has set itself the following aims:

              a. To integrate VfM principles within the College's existing management, planning, review
             and decision-making processes, particularly in regard to projects or activities with
             significant financial implications.

             b. To adopt recognised good practice where appropriate.

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES              40
c. To undertake or commission VfM studies into areas of activity identified as worthy of

             d. To benchmark the College's activities against other similar activities and organisations
             where this is considered useful.

             e. To respond to opportunities to enhance the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of
             the College's activities.

             f. To demonstrate actively to both internal and external observers that the achievement of
             VfM is sought in all activities undertaken.

             g. To ensure that all staff recognise their continuing obligation to seek VfM as part of their
             routine activities.

             Roles and Responsibilities

             5. The Council. Under the Financial Memorandum between the Higher Education
             Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the College, the Council, which is "the
             governing and executive body of the College" (1) holds overall responsibility for obtaining
             VfM. This responsibility is confirmed annually through the 'members' responsibility'
             statement in the College's annual financial statements. In practice, however, responsibility
             for obtaining VfM is largely (and properly) delegated to the Rector and the Management

             6. The Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has particular defined duties with regard to
             VfM. The HEFCE Audit Code of Practice requires the Committee to state formally in its
             annual report to the Council whether or not it is satisfied with the arrangements in place
             within the College to promote VfM. In order for the Audit Committee to give this assurance
             to the Council, each year the Management Board will provide it with a formal report
             describing how the VfM Policy has been implemented. This Report, and the Internal Audit
             annual Report, should be made available in time to inform the preparation of the Audit
             Committee's annual Report, and to inform the Council's approval of the annual financial
             statements which contain the 'members' responsibility' statement.

             7. The Rector. The Council has delegated responsibility for obtaining VfM to the Rector,
             whose role is to:

a. Implement the VfM Policy.

             b. Ensure that VfM is embedded within the every day management of the College.

             c. Report annually to the Audit Committee on the implementation of the VfM Policy during
             the year.

             8. Management Board. The Management Board supports the Rector in implementing the
             VfM Policy. The Management Board (together with the Clerk of the Council and the
             Secretary of the Audit Committee) also have a responsibility to keep the Council and Audit
             Committee advised of VfM issues (for example, the publication of relevant advice or
             reports). To this end the Management Board will institute and regularly review suitable
             procedures to meet the objectives and reporting requirements of the Policy.

             9. Value for Money Steering Group. The Value for Money Steering Group advises the
             Management Board on the College's VfM statements, and submits an annual report to the
             Management Board and to the College's Audit Committee. To this end the VfM Steering
             Group will institute and review suitable procedures to meet the objectives and reporting
             requirements of the Policy.


             10. In order to confirm that satisfactory arrangements are in place to promote economy,
             efficiency and effectivenesss across the College, the VfM Steering Group will consider the
             evidence provided by a wide range of existing activities which form part of the College's
             routine management practices and which can provide a broad appreciation of the
             College's effectiveness. These activities are likely to include the strategic planning,
             financial strategy and budget setting processes, key performance indicator (KPI) systems,
             costing and pricing policies (TRAC and full economic costing), procurement activity, capital
             projects and course costing and portfolio reviews.

             Annual Review of Effectiveness

             11. The Council, advised by the Audit Committee, must be satisfied that the College has
             fulfilled its obligation to achieve VfM from its use of public funds so that the appropriate
             statement can be made in the College's Financial Statements each year. In order to meet
             this deadline, the VfM Steering Group will schedule its review of VfM in good time to
             provide its annual report to the Management Board during the autumn term. The Steering

Group's Report will then be passed to the Audit Committee so that a statement on VfM
             can be included in the Committee's Annual Report to the Council.

             VFM Studies

             12. In addition to the consideration of evidence provided by existing activities, the Steering
             Group may also commission separate VfM studies to assess whether the objectives of a
             particular programme, project or activity could be carried out in a more economic, efficient
             or effective manner. Priority will be given to areas of significant expenditure which cut
             across the responsibilities of Faculties, Divisions and Departments.

             13. Conducting a VfM study does n ot, in itself, demonstrate VfM; this will be dependent
             on the results of the study and on any action taken in response to its findings. A VfM study
             will normally result in an action plan, agreed with the management of the area being
             reviewed, including recommendations on how greater VfM could be achieved, an
             assessment of the risks involved in not taking action, a date by which agreed actions are
             to be implemented, and the name of the officer responsible for implementation.

             14. VfM studies will normally be conducted by the College's internal auditors. However, an
             important principle underlying the Steering Group's work is that any stand alone VfM
             studies commissioned by the Group should themselves add value to the College's
             operations. Such reviews will therefore only be instigated when there is good reason to
             believe that any savings and / or additional income arising as a result of the review will be
             greater than the cost of undertaking the review in the first place.

             VFM Studies by HEFCE and the National Audit Office

             15. The VfM Steering Group will also consider the results of VfM studies conducted by
             HEFCE and/ or the National Audit Office (NAO) and monitor any follow up action required.
             HEFCE carries out sector-wide VfM studies. The NAO also investigates subjects relating
             to higher education. The Steering Group will receive such reports, in addition to the
             Faculty, Department or Division concerned, and will approve the College's response to
             them, if appropriate. It will also seek to benchmark the College's performance against
             these reports, where necessary.


16. A major element of the College's commitment to achieving VfM is the drive to obtain
             goods and services that provide the best quality at the best price. This is primarily the
             responsibility of the College's Purchasing Department, whose Mission is "to fully support
             the College mission and corporate strategies by delivering continuous improvement in
             value for money, based on whole life cost and quality, and to enhance the competitiveness
             of all our key suppliers through the development of world class professional procurement
             systems and practices".

             Dissemination of Good Practice

             17. Faculties, Departments and Divisions may not always be aware of opportunities to
             achieve greater VfM or of the full extent of the potential benefits. The Steering Group will
             take the lead in promoting the sharing of good practice throughout the College, where this
             has implications for VfM. To this end, the Central Secretariat will maintain a Value for
             Money site on the College's web site, which will include a copy of this Policy, copies of
             VfM strategy, copies of the annual reports and any other published VfM reports or

 Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and

                Organisations Face Multiple FCPA Challenges

                The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 prohibits U.S. companies, their subsidiaries, as well as,
                their officers, directors, employees and agents from making corrupt payments or favourable treatment to
                “foreign officials” for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business. The U.S. Securities and Exchange
                Commission and U.S. Dept of Justice are working together on FCPA related investigations and have
                increased their efforts on aggressive prosecutions. FCPA presents many challenges Global
                corporations nearly always start addressing FCPA by creating corporate policy. However, having an
                anti-corruption and anti-bribery corporate policy does not guarantee an organisation is not at risk of non-
                compliance with the FCPA regulation. Due to some of the factors discussed below, the FCPA presents
                many challenges for organisations to ensure they are compliant.


                A large number of countries and companies have been identified with widespread corruption. Doing
                business in these countries can increase the likelihood and risk of FCPA violations. Watch groups such
                as Transparency International which is a global coalition originated to fight
                corruption, tracks and ranks countries and companies known as corrupt. Transparency International is
                established in over 90 countries, tracking and reporting on corruption and policies. They provide an
                annual ranking of 180 countries with their perceived levels of corruption, as well as their annual Bribe
                Payers Index.

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                  44

                Many organisations have different policies, procedures and levels of automated systems in place in their
                remote offices. Many procedures are manual, which adds to the complexity of monitoring and enforcing
                policies of remote employees and agents. Segregation of Duties (SoD) best practices are often
                impossible to achieve due to the office location, number of limited employees and the size of the
                operation. Organisations that do not have the luxury of having different people performing key financial
                transactional processing and approvals, increase their risk significantly for errors, fraud or impropriate


                The FCPA specifies guidelines when working with a foreign government official or foreign
                representative. Sometimes, it is very difficult to know if the person with whom you are doing business
                has an affiliation with a political party or government agency.


                Remote offices with a lot of manual procedures also provide challenges for internal audit teams. The
                costs per control test and for internal audits are generally significantly higher for remote and satellite
                offices. Unfortunately, at the same time the risks for a FCPA violation to occur are significantly

                SECTION 2: SOLUTION Creating a Sustainable FCPA Compliance Program HOW CA AND

                Creating a sustainable FCPA program requires a focused effort including people, processes and
                technology. CA works with several risk and compliance consulting companies that have subject matter
                expertise to address FCPA programs.

                CA and Greenlight Technologies have partnered together to help organisations build and maintain a
                sustainable FCPA compliance program by leveraging technology to facilitate, manage, monitor, and
                react to FCPA related activities across an organisation.

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                 45
CA GRC Manager includes a centralized compliance management system which integrates functional
                compliance information such as processes, policies, risks and controls. Storing and linking all activities
                within a central repository provides greater visibility of risks across all of the organisation, and eliminates
                the problem of redundant information stored in corporate silos. This repository provides the foundation
                for organisations to continuously optimize processes for identifying risks and controls

                CA GRC

                Manager lifecycle policy management functionality ensures compliance with policies by providing role-
                based dashboards that enable real-time monitoring on how the organisation is performing with regards
                to those policies, and providing decision support tools for the monitoring and management of the
                resources utilized within compliance programs. Policy attestation campaigns provide electronic tracking
                and notifications to employees, vendors and customers of policy requirements based on roles.


                Manager provides a unified view of all your enterprise risks, providing insight into the state of risk
                throughout your organisation, helping to ensure immediate identification and execution of risk mitigation
                strategies. CA GRC Manager includes performance dashboards that allow executives to make fact-
                based decisions with respect to strategic risk and compliance initiatives. Integrated program
                management capabilities help ensures that optimal remediation plans are produced, communication
                barriers are eliminated and compliance projects are executed effectively.


                Greenlight’s Tracking Risk and Compliance (TRAC) financial continuous control monitoring technology
                provides the most comprehensive platform for continuously monitoring of transaction controls over
                heterogeneous system environments. Continuous database scanning provides up-to-date financial and
                operational risk profiles which can check 100% of the financial records. The Greenlight Control Library
                provides unprecedented pre-defined controls for the major ERP systems, plus other legacy applications
                for true cross-platform GRC performance. Greenlight’s TRAC solution provides an immediate ROI by
                reducing the costs of control monitoring and testing. This is accomplished with over 1,500 predefined
                Access Control, Process Control and Segregation of Duty rules, as well as, Access Provisioning for
                SAP, Peoplesoft, Oracle Financials, and JD Edwards. These rules will help reduce the cost for FCPA,
                SOX and other governance best practices relating to financial access and transaction controls. TRAC
                has an Adaptor Studio module, which allows customers to connect and extend the TRAC Continuous
                Control Monitoring technology to any custom or 3rd party application. This capability adds intelligence to
                operational data stores. The robust underlying business engine provides business analysts the ability to
                create and maintain sophisticated rules for analysis. These rules can check and compare transactions
                or processes, which include multiple transactions to identify fraud, errors, suspicious “red-flags” activities
                and suspicious anomalies. For example, Greenlight rules can verify the proper inventory items and
                quantities were shipped and/or received compared to the invoice details; transactions can be flagged
                where the same employee created a vendor record, purchase order and/or payment. Duplicate
                transactions and sales expenses outside of the corporate policy can be flagged. The Greenlight test
                results from these rules include relevant information and links back to the specific transaction detail to
                enable optimized investigation and remediation processing.


ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                    46
The integration of Greenlight Technologies’ TRAC financial continuous control monitoring technology
                with the CA GRC Manager is CA Smart Certified. Summarized test results and metrics from
                Greenlight’s financial continuous control monitoring are mapped to the CA GRC Manager Controls and
                Control Objectives. The GRC Manager imports the operational test results to drive role-based
                dashboards that allow executives to make better decisions based on more timely information. The GRC
                Manager dashboards highlight possible violations including identifying which specific policy, control or
                regulations are affected, and spawning the appropriate workflows and remediation tasks to mitigate
                these violations. This closed loop system helps organisations to increase their compliance effectiveness
                and reduce audit and control testing costs. This integration brings together CA’s market leading
                governance, risk and compliance management platform and Greenlight’s cross-platform deep
                inspection capabilities to deliver a solution that not only addresses FCPA, but provides a
                comprehensive and automated system to tackle many compliance initiatives.


                Integration between Greenlight TRAC and the CA GRC Manager provides a single repository that can
                encompass IT, security and privacy controls, along with business, environmental, engineering and
                financial controls. The GRC Manager is optimized for managing controls, including the control
                effectiveness and control testing. Controls are mapped to business processes, assets, corporate
                policies, regulations and enterprise risks.

                SECTION 3: BENEFITS

                A Sustainable FCPA Compliance Program reduces Risks and Costs The U.S. Security and Exchange
                Commission and U.S. Department of Justice fines have ranged from a couple of million dollars, to
                hundreds of millions, with the largest combined fines for one organisation reaching $1.6 billion US
                dollars. A sustainable FCPA Compliance Program, with detective and preventative controls will help
                demonstrate to the U.S. SEC and DOJ, a good faith and best-practice effort in adhering to FCPA
                regulations. Why risk millions of dollars? A solution is available today to help you address violations,
                avoiding fines and damage to the corporate reputation and good will. Leveraging the CA GRC Manager
                and Greenlight Technologies financial continuous control monitoring system, TRAC, will help streamline
                and optimize the management of the policies and controls to mitigate FCPA related activities and the
                associated costs.

                SECTION 4: THE CA ADVANTAGE CA

                is the world’s largest independent software manufacturer and has a heritage of providing best of breed,
                enterprise class software solutions. CA has been helping thousands of companies manage their IT and
                security infrastructure for over three decades. CA also provides comprehensive and proven solutions to
                unify and improve the management of enterprise risk management and compliance programs.

                CA GRC Manager delivers a unified, enterprise-wide view of risks and controls. It helps to ensure that
                exposures are identified so that you can make informed decisions about risks, costs, remediation,
                benefits and action plans. And, it can help you streamline your risk and compliance activities by
                automating processes and removing redundancy.

                SECTION 5: NEXT STEPS Please visit, and for
                more information on the CA GRC Manager compliance solution and the Greenlight Technologies’
                Tracking Risk and Compliance (TRAC), financial continuous control monitoring solution. To learn more,
                and see how CA software solutions enable other organisations to unify and simplify IT management for
                better business results, visit

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                47
Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results

                The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)

                While the origins and implementation of the Clinton administration's National Performance Review
                (NPR) were located squarely in the political environment of the White House and enunciated via
                executive orders and presidential pleas, the life story of GPRA was much different. The bill that
                emerged from the Congress and was signed by President Clinton in August 1993 had its origins in
                legislation introduced by Republican Senator William Roth in 1990. That legislation was referred to the
                Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, which had hearings over a two-year period, modifying the
                original Roth legislation. The House version of the legislation was not introduced until February 1993,
                after the 1992 presidential election. With the blessing of the Democratic White House, the legislation
                sailed through with overwhelming bipartisan support.(1) While the support for the legislation was broad,
                there was very little real debate over its provisions. GPRA was framed in very general and often
                abstract terms; neither authorizing nor appropriations committees focused on the consequences of the
                process for particular policies or programs.

                President Clinton's remarks upon signing the legislation on August 3, 1993 emphasized the importance
                of restoring the confidence of the American people in the federal government. He commented: "The law
                simply requires that we chart a course for every endeavour that we take the people's money for, see
                how well we are progressing, tell the public how we are doing, stop the things that don't work, and never
                stop improving the things that we think are worth investing in."

                Enveloped in classic good government rhetoric, the legislation had support from almost all quarters. It
                was difficult to be against a bill that sought to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal
                programs by establishing a system to set goals for program performance and to measure program
                results. The act required agencies to focus on program results, service quality, and customer
                satisfaction by requiring strategic planning and performance measurement. The legislation had several

                * To improve the confidence of the people in the government by holding agencies accountable for
                achieving program results;

                * To stimulate reform with a series of pilot projects that could be used as examples for others;

                * To promote a focus on results, service quality, and public satisfaction;

                * To help managers improve service delivery by requiring them to plan for meeting program objectives
                and providing them with information about program results;

                * To improve congressional decision making by providing information on achievements

ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES                   48

Tax systems

             To tax (from the Latin taxo; "I estimate") is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon
             a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state
             such that failure to pay is punishable by law.

             Taxes are also imposed by many subnational entities. Taxes consist of direct tax or
             indirect tax, and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent (often but not always
             unpaid labour). A tax may be defined as a "pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or
             property owners to support the government […] a payment exacted by legislative
             authority."[1] A tax "is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution,
             exacted pursuant to legislative authority" and is "any contribution imposed by government
             […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise,
             subsidy, aid, supply, or other name.

             The legal definition and the economic definition of taxes differ in that economists do not
             consider many transfers to governments to be taxes. For example, some transfers to the
             public sector are comparable to prices. Examples include tuition at public universities and
             fees for utilities provided by local governments. Governments also obtain resources by
             creating money (e.g., printing bills and minting coins), through voluntary gifts (e.g.,
             contributions to public universities and museums),by imposing penalties (e.g., traffic fines),
             by borrowing, and by confiscating wealth. From the view of economists, a tax is a non-
             penal, yet compulsory transfer of resources from the private to the public sector levied on
             a basis of predetermined criteria and without reference to specific benefit received.

             In modern taxation systems, taxes are levied in money, but in-kind and corvée taxation are
             characteristic of traditional or pre-capitalist states and their functional equivalents. The
             method of taxation and the government expenditure of taxes raised is often highly debated
             in politics and economics. Tax collection is performed by a government agency such as
             Canada Revenue Agency, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, or Her
             Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK. When taxes are not fully paid, civil
             penalties (such as fines or forfeiture) or criminal penalties (such as incarceration)[2] may
             be imposed on the non-paying entity or individual.

             Taxation has four main purposes or effects: Revenue, Redistribution, Repricing, and
             Representation.[citation needed]

             The main purpose is revenue: taxes raise money to spend on armies, roads, schools and
             hospitals, and on more indirect government functions like market regulation or legal

             A second is redistribution. Normally, this means transferring wealth from the richer
             sections of society to poorer sections.

             A third purpose of taxation is repricing. Taxes are levied to address externalities: tobacco
             is taxed, for example, to discourage smoking, and a carbon tax discourages use of
             carbon-based fuels.

A fourth, consequential effect of taxation in its historical setting has been representation.
             The American revolutionary slogan "no taxation without representation" implied this: rulers
             tax citizens, and citizens demand accountability from their rulers as the other part of this
             bargain. Studies have shown that direct taxation (such as income taxes) generates the
             greatest degree of accountability and better governance, while indirect taxation tends to
             have smaller effects.[3][4]

             Proportional, progressive, and regressive

             An important feature of tax systems is the percentage of the tax burden as it relates to
             income or consumption. The terms progressive, regressive, and proportional are used to
             describe the way the rate progresses from low to high, from high to low, or proportionally.
             The terms describe a distribution effect, which can be applied to any type of tax system
             (income or consumption) that meets the definition. A progressive tax is a tax imposed so
             that the effective tax rate increases as the amount to which the rate is applied increases.
             The opposite of a progressive tax is a regressive tax, where the effective tax rate
             decreases as the amount to which the rate is applied increases. In between is a
             proportional tax, where the effective tax rate is fixed, while the amount to which the rate is
             applied increases. The terms can also be used to apply meaning to the taxation of select
             consumption, such as a tax on luxury goods and the exemption of basic necessities may
             be described as having progressive effects as it increases a tax burden on high end
             consumption and decreases a tax burden on low end consumption.[5][6][7]

             Direct and indirect

             Main articles: Direct tax and Indirect tax

             Taxes are sometimes referred to as direct taxes or indirect taxes. The meaning of these
             terms can vary in different contexts, which can sometimes lead to confusion. An economic
             definition, by Atkinson, states that " taxes may be adjusted to the individual
             characteristics of the taxpayer, whereas indirect taxes are levied on transactions
             irrespective of the circumstances of buyer or seller." (A. B. Atkinson, Optimal Taxation and
             the Direct Versus Indirect Tax Controversy, 10 Can. J. Econ. 590, 592 (1977)). According
             to this definition, for example, income tax is "direct", and sales tax is "indirect". In law, the
             terms may have different meanings. In U.S. constitutional law, for instance, direct taxes
             refer to poll taxes and property taxes, which are based on simple existence or ownership.
             Indirect taxes are imposed on events, rights, privileges, and activities. Thus, a tax on the
             sale of property would be considered an indirect tax, whereas the tax on simply owning
             the property itself would be a direct tax. The distinction between direct and indirect taxation
             can be subtle, but can be important under the law.

             Tax incidence

             Main article: Tax incidence

             Diagram illustrating taxes effect

             Law establishes from whom a tax is collected. In many countries, taxes are imposed on
             business (such as corporate taxes or portions of payroll taxes). However, who ultimately
             pays the tax (the tax "burden") is determined by the marketplace as taxes become

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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
Corporate governance in the public sector (7)
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Corporate governance in the public sector (7)

  • 1. . . . . Management Centre . . . . . Good corporate governance in the Public sector ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2009 H&H ASSOCIATES 1
  • 2. . . . . . . . . . Contents Financial Management.....................................................................................9 Governance ...............................................................................................9 Corporate governance...............................................................................9 Good Corporate Governance ..................................................................10 Planning and budgeting...........................................................................14 Management accountability: revenue forecasting and expense budgeting .15 Understanding revenue requirements for on-going operations and asset expenditures 15 Using performance budgeting to set government program priorities ......31 Approach to resource allocation ..............................................................35 Budgetary control.....................................................................................39 Devolving budgets and delegating financial management responsibilities39 Distinctive features of financial management in PSM .............................40 Ensuring value for money........................................................................40 Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and transparency 44 Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results 48 Taxation ..........................................................................................................49 Tax systems.............................................................................................49 Taxes in countries....................................................................................64 Current issues..........................................................................................64 Budgetary process...................................................................................66 Tax incidence and efficiency ..........................................................................69 Incidence and partial equilibrium .............................................................69 General equilibrium incidence .................................................................71 Costs of taxation ......................................................................................75 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2009 H&H ASSOCIATES 2
  • 3. . . . Optimal Taxation......................................................................................75 . Strategies to Reduce Systemic Corrupt Practices in Government Operations76 . . Developing managerial accountability plans at each level of government through the introduction of advanced . accountability tools...................................................................................89 . . Identifying techniques (Public Sector Management Action Plan) to mitigate corrupt practices? 90 Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and transparency 106 Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results 110 Improving procedures and quality in daily transactions with customer/beneficiaries 111 Involving citizen groups to help fight corruption.....................................114 .................114 Appendix – Definitions & Resources ...........................................................117 Resources..............................................................................................117 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2009 H&H ASSOCIATES 3
  • 4. Financial Management Governance Governance is the activity of governing. It relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists either of a separate process or of a specific part of management or leadership processes. Sometimes people set up a government to administer these processes and systems. In the case of a business or of a non-profit organisation, governance relates to consistent management, cohesive policies, processes and decision-rights for a given area of responsibility. For example, managing at a corporate level might involve evolving policies on privacy, on internal investment, and on the use of data. In terms of distinguishing the term governance from government - "governance" is what a "government" does. It might be a geo-political government (nation-state), a corporate government (business entity), a socio-political government (tribe, family, etc.), or any number of different kinds of government. But governance is the kinetic exercise of management power and policy, while government is the instrument (usually, collective) that does it. The term government is also used more abstractly as a synonym for governance, as in the Canadian motto, "Peace, Order and Good Government". Corporate governance Corporate governance consists of the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way people direct, administer or control a corporation. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many players involved (the stakeholders) and the corporate goals. The principal players include the shareholders, management, and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other lenders, regulators, the environment and the community at large. The first documented use of the word "corporate governance" is by Richard Eells (1960, pg. 108) to denote "the structure and functioning of the corporate polity". The "corporate government" concept itself is older and was already used in finance textbooks at the beginning of the 20th century (Becht, Bolton, Röell 2004). These origins support a multiple constituency (stakeholder) definition of corporate governance. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2009 H&H ASSOCIATES
  • 5. Good Corporate Governance By Ian Ball, IFAC Chief Executive On Behalf of René Ricol, IFAC President Presented before the Association of Accountancy Bodies in West Africa -April 26, 2004 Distinguished guests, fellow accountants, and colleagues. It is truly a privilege to participate in your Congress and to speak on this very important topic of good corporate governance. I am making this presentation on behalf of René Ricol, IFAC’s President, who regrets that an unavoidable conflict prevents him from being with you today. During his tenure as IFAC President, Mr. Ricol has worked to raise awareness of the value of strong corporate governance and he applauds your efforts to make this a focus of your Congress. I am particularly pleased to be with you for this Congress, as it is the first of your Congresses since the IFAC Board acknowledged the Association of Accountancy Bodies of West Africa as a regional grouping, so it is a special pleasure to be able to welcome ABWA to membership of the IFAC ”family”. I would also like to acknowledge the contribution that two of the IFAC Board members, Ndung’u Gathinji of Kenya and Ignatius Sehoole of South Africa, have made significant contributions in the process of acheiving this acknowledgement for ABWA. IFAC sees its regional groupings and regional organisations as an increasingly important element of the IFAC structure and would encourage the strengthening and expansion of these networks. As I turn to my theme of corporate governance, I would note that while my presentation today focuses on corporate governance in the private sector, the need for sound governance arrangements in the public sector are also critically important. As the former Vice-President and Controller of the World Bank, Jules Muis, has observed, an economy can be likened to an aeroplane – both wings must be sound for it to fly safely. For an economy to grow and develop, its governance structures in both the public and private sectors must be solid. I should also note that the need for the governance of the public sector to be sound was recognised by the Eastern Southern and Central African Federation of Accountants a number of years ago when they urged the Public Sector Committee of IFAC to produce its document ”insert”. Sound corporate governance is, of course, critical to capital market development in West Africa, in other emerging economies and around the globe. Effective corporate governance can create safeguards against corruption and mismanagement and promote transparency, and therefore efficiency, in economic affairs. It is at the heart of building confidence in financial systems and that is at the heart of sustainable economic growth. At one level it is that simple – if sustainable economic growth is the goal, good corporate governance is essential. As professional accountants, we understand that while corporate governance is a concept that is presently making the headlines, it is also much more than that. Corporate governance is about actions and behaviours -- actions and behaviours that need to be taken by private and public enterprises, that need to be reinforced by governments, and that must be supported by professional accountants and all those involved in the development and disclosure of financial information. Good corporate governance hinges on a number of elements such as principles, values, laws, rules, regulations, and institutions. I will touch on some of this today as I seek, first, to provide you with an understanding of good governance from the perspective of the International Federation of Accountants and, second, describe the role we can all play in enhancing corporate governance practices. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 10
  • 6. First, I’d like you to take a look back with me to the not too distant past, to nearly two- and-a-half years ago when the U.S. energy giant Enron collapsed. Back in 2001, many blamed the Enron failure almost exclusively on the auditors. Corporate governance was not yet seen as so central to the corporate failures. Few understood the depth of the problems. In fact, some predicted that Enron was a storm that would soon blow over. Time has shown that rather than being an isolated event, Enron was the leading edge of a storm front. In fact, ”Enron” has become global shorthand for corporate greed and failed corporate governance. WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, Ahold, Vivendi and most recently Parmalat have all followed, each new case tending to reinforce public cynicism towards business in general. Reversing this trend, restoring and improving public confidence in capital markets, in financial reporting and in the accounting profession is the end game of the strategy I will present to you today. There are many of you who, like me, recall financial failures in previous decades. Scandals involving companies like BCCI, Baring, Sunbeam and Credit Lyonnaise. What has changed? Well, the world has changed since the 1980s and 1990s. More and more people have a stake in the performance and conduct of public companies, through stocks, mutual funds and pension plans. Investing in public companies has in many countries become an activity open to anyone with a computer and a relatively few dollars. This has greatly increased the political salience of capital market performance. As well, the globalization of business and communications, increasing technology and increasingly complex financial transactions, mean that a business failure anywhere touches people everywhere. A failure in London impacts the markets in Lagos. This is why a recent survey of business leaders by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that the attention being paid to corporate governance is increasing worldwide and will continue to do so into the future. Some of those behind the scandals of the past two years were accountants. However, they were not the only ones to blame. In fact, thousands of accountants like those of you sitting in this room today are dedicated to providing quality work and to putting your integrity ahead of short-term commercial interests. Nonetheless, the scandals created a ripple effect for our profession -- accountants who fail in London negatively affect the trust and reputation of accountants in Lagos, and vice versa. To be sure, some of the criticism concerning auditors and their role in these failures has been fair. Some of it was not. Part of our job, as trained professionals, has been to see what we could learn from the events. I want now to talk about some elements of IFAC’s response to these events, focusing on those related to corporate governance. IFAC took the approach of addressing this challenge on two levels: focusing on improving the role of accountants in the governance and financial reporting chain, and developing a plan of action to improve corporate governance as a whole. We recognized that enhancing public trust through our commitment to the highest standards of quality and integrity required real action as well as the ability to effectively communicate that action to all of our stakeholders, including the public. While these corporate failures have placed the accounting profession under unparalleled scrutiny, they have also provided us with unparalled opportunity to effect reform and change. Obstacles to enhancing professional standards of quality, integrity and independence have melted away. In a sense, Enron and its cousins compelled us to take a hard look at our core values. What we have relearned is that our profession is built on public trust. It’s all we have. But it’s an awful lot. It’s what keeps the markets working. In order for the public to have confidence in the quality and integrity of our work, we need to earn their trust every day. With 158 member organizations in 118 countries, representing 2.5 million accountants worldwide, IFAC is ideally placed to effect change, and we have seized the opportunity. Accountants play a key role in the value creation chain, in which one link is good corporate governance. Our analysis illustrates very clearly the connection between business failure and reporting failure. The two go hand in hand. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 11
  • 7. Even before Enron collapsed, IFAC had issued a robust new principles-based standard on independence for public accountants as part of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. This framework is the most rigorous international guidance ever issued, and its principles and guidance are being adopted by a growing number of national accounting and auditing standard-setting bodies. At the same time, we welcome oversight of the profession. For most of our national organizations, this means the acceptance of some external oversight mechanism or process. Internationally, IFAC undertook a wide-ranging consultative process that resulted in a series of reforms, unanimously supported by international regulators and approved by IFAC’s Council last November. This initiative also received the endorsement of the Financial Stability Forum.These reforms, currently being implemented, include the establishment of a Public Interest Oversight Board to oversee IFAC’s standard-setting and compliance regimes, as well as increased transparency and public participation in governance and standard-setting activities. The end result of these reforms is that IFAC has moved from a self-regulatory framework to a mixed or shared regulatory structure. We have also focused on developing a more transparent standard-setting process for the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) as well as for the Education Committee and the Ethics Committee. The IAASB meetings are open to the public, and its papers are posted on the IFAC website. We have increased technical support to the IAASB in order to channel energies in areas that most seriously touch on the public interest. In the past few months, the IAASB has released two new quality control standards. One establishes a firm’s responsibilities to set up and maintain a system of quality contrl for all audits and assurance engagements. The second establishes standards for the specific responsibilities of firm personnel for an individual audit engagement. Now to the broad scope of corporate governance. As many of you know, IFAC has taken a leadership role in responding to the crisis in corporate governance. We regard this as a long-term challenge, one that will require long-term solutions, not quick fixes. And we are far from alone in addressing these issues. Just last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD – approved a revised version of its Principles of Corporate Governance to address issues that have undermined the confidence of investors in company management. The revised principles include new recommendations for good practice in corporate behaviour. IFAC contributed to the process through which the OECD undertook the revision and supports both the principles and the encouragement for international convergence of corporate governance practices that are based on these principles. I would encourage you all to go to the OECD website to view and understand these principles. The issuance of these new principles further reinforces IFAC’s position that to rebuild and maintain public trust in companies and stock markets, action must be taken at all points along the information supply chain. This involves management and boards of directors, auditors, standard setters as well as lawyers, investment bankers, credit rating agencies and the media. At each point, individuals must take responsibility for their actions. Everyone in this room shares this responsibility. We must succeed, because the stakes are too high to do otherwise. All of us must be committed to high ethical standards and be vigilant in discharging the responsibility we have for ensuring public confidence in the markets. This must be our shared vision because, again, the stakes are so high. In 2002, IFAC established an independent, international Task Force that produced a report, Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting, released in July of last year. This report provides a number of important recommendations addressing a range of corporate governance issues. The report lists and explains principles of best practices that call for specific action at all points in the information supply chain. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 12
  • 8. Specific recommendations include the following: • Effective corporate ethics codes need to be in place and actively monitored; such codes should be supported by training. • Codes of conduct need to be put in place for other participants in the financial reporting process - such as investment analysts and lawyers - and their compliance should be monitored. • Incentives to misstate financial information need to be reduced, and companies must refrain from forecasting profits with an unrealistic level of precision. • Audit effectiveness needs to be raised, primarily through greater attention to audit quality control processes. Complementing this report is a document released just this past February by IFAC’s Professional Accountants in Business Committee, the PAIB Committee. This report, entitled Enterprise Governance: Getting the Balance Right, analyzes a number of prominent recent case studies to develop recommendations covering the range of enterprise governance. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, enterprise governance includes both corporate governance and corporate performance. The committee found that four key elements underpin an organization’s success: culture and tone at the top; the chief executive; the board of directors; and internal controls. The report notes that governance and performance need to be in harmony and performing well in order to enhance the chances of organizational success. Our focus is on good governance, but as the PAIB discovered, good governance on its own cannot make a company successful. Companies need to balance conformance with performance. Bad governance can ruin a company, but cannot, on its own, ensure its success. These reports have not been issued in isolation. Instead, they are one part of a strategy that includes IFAC reviewing and monitoring corporate governance standards worldwide. IFAC member bodies have agreed to encourage key stakeholders in their home countries to adopt the recommendations from these two reports. It is a global campaign that is gaining momentum. In undertaking the Credibility and Enterprise Governance reports, three new realities became apparent. I call them realities because they mark a fundamental shift from the pre-Enron world in which we all worked, and because they are bringing fundamental change in how we will do business for years to come. Some elements were emerging or under development prior to Enron, but the corporate scandals of recent years have given them visibility and significance as never before. The first new reality is that improving standards of corporate governance is not only a national issue that each country must address, but it is also an international issue. At the national level, many countries are taking steps to improve governance through tougher legislation and regulation, new codes of ethics, and the establishment of oversight bodies. Our stakeholders recognize the role that accountants and auditors play in value creation as well as in contributing to good corporate governance. As an example, the EU has already indicated its plans to adopt international accounting standards and international standards on auditing by 2005. This is a very important development, though Europe is not alone in taking this course. Governments and regulators increasingly understand that international standards, already established or being developed by bodies like IFAC, are the soundest method of ensuring the reliable functioning of the global capital markets. To this end, on the international front, IFAC seeks to work closely with organizations like the Financial Stability Forum, which aims to achieve stability in capital markets through dialogue amongst national governments and financial institutions. These activities help to ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 13
  • 9. achieve IFAC’s goal of convergence to international standards – a goal that is vital to achieving comparability of financial information around the globe and ultimately, financial stability. IFAC also actively supports the International Accounting Standards Board’s program of global International Financial Reporting Standards, and we endorse countries around the world that implement regulations consistent with IOSCO’s Principles of Securities Regulation. The second of the three new realities I referred to is that enhanced corporate governance is a team effort. It takes the committed effort of accountants, executive management, the board of directors, audit committees and regulators. Each of these groups must recognize its unique public interest responsibility. There’s a dichotomy at work here: no one profession or group can ensure an organization’s good corporate governance, but the failure of one group can put good governance at risk – thus compromising the protection offered to stakeholders. Finally, the third, and perhaps most important reality, is that good corporate governance cannot be established if organizations are not committed to high standards of individual and institutional integrity. As we’ve seen over the past two-and-a-half years, failures in integrity were perhaps the lead factor in these corporate scandals. In order to prevent them from occurring in the future, a culture of integrity must take hold. While sanctions are necessary for those who do not comply with legal and regulatory requirements, what is far more effective is building a culture of good governance that prevents those sanctions from ever having to be implemented. In IFAC’s recent Enterprise Governance report, the writers describe the ideal environment as comprising a virtuous circle of integrity and ethics, based on the conscious decision by all parties to take good governance seriously. I meet regularly with the international leaders of accountancy bodies and the leaders of the accounting firms, as well as regulators and standard setters. What I have learned is that we are increasingly viewed as a global profession with the ability to effect change that is in the public interest. This brings with it tremendous opportunity, as well as challenge. We can all take a leadership role in enhancing public trust not only in our profession, but through the whole governance chain. Everyone in this room has an equal role to play; we are all partners. Every day, we must bear in mind we have deliberately set the bar high because we demand no less of ourselves and because the public demands no less of us. I urge you to pursue activities to promote good corporate governance and to continue to explore, at a regional level, the exchange and coordination of ideas. It is through exchanges such as this that the accountancy profession can become the impetus for strengthening corporate governance policies, and in doing so, rebuild trust not only in the profession but in the markets in which we operate. I will end by repeating what I said earlier - at one level is very simple – if sustainable economic growth is the goal, good corporate governance is essential. Planning and budgeting Public Sector Budgeting & Forecasting Approaches to business planning in the Public Sector are different from those in the private sector, even if the idea behind the behind the approach is the same. You need to focus on maximizing funds that are constantly under pressure to deliver value for money and well as ensure that there is tight monitoring on those funds, enabling effective decision making. Effective planning is about establishing the vision, goals, strategies, procedures with performance measures and monitoring for a high performance organisation. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 14
  • 10. Management accountability: revenue forecasting and expense budgeting Understanding revenue requirements for on-going operations and asset expenditures ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 15
  • 26. Using performance budgeting to set government program priorities Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) This whole framework points us to a newer way of budgeting, the so-called Performance- Based Budgeting. As explained by Carter [5] (as quoted in )[6] “Performance budgets use statements of missions, goals and objectives to explain why the money is being spent. It is a way to allocate resources to achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured results.” The key to understanding performance-based budgeting lies beneath the word “result”. In this method, the entire planning and budgeting framework is result oriented. There are objectives and activities to achieve these objectives and these form the foundation of the overall evaluation. According to the more comprehensive definition of Segal and Summers [7], performance budgeting comprises three elements: the result (final outcome) the strategy (different ways to achieve the final outcome) activity/outputs (what is actually done to achieve the final outcome) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 31
  • 27. Segal and Summers point out that within this framework, a connection exists between the rationales for specific activities and the end results and the result is not excluded, while individual activities or outputs are. With this information, it is possible to understand which activities are cost-effective in terms of achieving the desired result. As can be seen from some of the definitions used here, Performance-Based Budgeting is a way to allocate resources for achieving certain objectives [8], Harrison [9] elabourates: “PBB sets a goal, or a set of goals, to which monies are “connected” (i.e. allocated). From these goals, specific objectives are delineated and funds are then subdivided among them.” Achieving PBB For this type of advanced budgeting, which requires the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the outset, linking these performance indicators to resources becomes the vital part of the entire setup. This is similar to the Corporate Performance Management (CPM) framework, which is “where strategy and planning meet execution and measurement”, according to John Hagerty from AMR Research. This is a sort of a Balanced Scorecard approach in which KPIs are defined and linkages are built between causes and effects in a tree-model on top of a budgeting system which should be integrated with the transactional system, in which financial, procurement, sales and similar types of .transactions are tracked. Moreover, linking resources with results provides information on how much it costs to provide a given level of outcome. Many public bodies fail to figure out how much it costs to deliver an output, primarily due to problems with indirect cost allocation. This puts the Activity-Based Costing framework into the picture.. Both the concepts of scorecards, as first introduced by Kaplan and Norton, and activity- based costing are today well-known concepts in the private sector, but much less so for the public-sector bodies…until the advent of Performance-Based Budgeting! Another conceptual framework that has gained ground is the relatively recently introduced CPM, again more popular in the private sector. The point is that the CPM framework has not much touched on the topic of Performance-Based Budgeting, although the similarities in policies offered by these frameworks are worth a deeper look. The technical foundation that the CPM framework puts on the table may well be a perfect means to rationalize the somewhat tougher budgeting approach, not only for the public sector but also for commercial companies. The way to CPM and PBB Leading companies are integrating various business intelligence applications and processes in order to achieve Corporate Performance Management. The first step is for senior management to formulate the organization’s strategy and to articulate specific strategic objectives supported by key financial and non-financial metrics. These metrics and targets feed the next step in the process, Planning and Budgeting, and are eventually communicated to the front-line employees that will carry out the day-to-day activities. Targets and thresholds are loaded from the planning systems into a Business Activity Monitoring engine that will automatically notify responsible persons of potential problems in real time. The status of the business is reviewed regularly and re-forecast and, if necessary, budget changes are made. If the business performance is significantly off plan, executives may need to re-evaluate the strategy as some of the original ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 32
  • 28. assumptions may have changed. Optionally, activity-based costing efforts can enhance the strategic planning process – deciding to outsource key activities, for example. ABC can also facilitate improved budgeting and controls through Activity-Based Budgeting which helps coordinate operational and financial planning. The ability to establish CPM to enhance control on budget depends first upon achieving a better understanding of the business through unified, consistent data to provide the basis for a 360-degree view of the organization. The unified data model allows you to establish a single repository of information where users can quickly access consistent information related to both financial and management reporting, easily move between reporting the past and projecting the future, and drill to detailed information. By then, you are ready to plug in - on the unified data - the applications that support consolidations, reporting, analysis, budgeting, planning, forecasting, activity-based costing, and profitability measurement. The applications are then integrated with the single repository of information and are delivered with a set of tools that allow users to follow the assessment path from strategy, to plans and budgets and to the supporting transactional data. CPM and the adoption of more public-sector oriented PBB are not easy to tackle, but in the ever-changing business and political climate they are definitely worth a closer look. GPRA & Performance-Based Budgeting The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) has always envisioned the complete integration of the Annual Performance Plan with the Budget – what is known as “Performance-Based Budgeting” or simply "Performance Budgeting." This integration is perhaps the single most powerful tool for implementing comprehensive Performance Management within government agencies. In fact, it was a particular example of a sophisticated and very effective use of this form of budgeting that directly inspired the origination of GPRA. In his June 2001 testimony before the House Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, John Mercer described Performance Budgeting and its relationship to GPRA. He explained some of its uses in resources allocation, program management, and accountability. Much of his understanding of the value of this type of budgeting was based on his experience in the model performance budgeting system that inspired GPRA. CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software The newly available CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software is a uniquely effective solution for addressing the strategic planning and performance budgeting needs of Federal departments and other government agencies. CASCADE™ presents a truly ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 33
  • 29. innovative approach to instilling operational planning transparency and accountability in organizations of from 50 to over 10,000 managers. Designed by John Mercer, the President of Strategisys LLC of Alexandria, VA. He is often called “the Father of GPRA” (Government Performance and Results Act) and is internationally recognized as a “foremost expert in performance-based budgeting.” Developed by Integrated Digital Systems of Manassas, VA. As a manufacturer of software solutions for government, IDS is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a Veteran-Owned Small Business with a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract. CASCADE™ begins at the beginning – the place where your organization is first developing a new long-term strategic plan. Through a cascading hierarchy of goals and strategies that directly involves every manager at every level; day-to-day activities are clearly linked to each strategic goal of your organization. Detailed guidance and examples are provided every step of the way, ensuring that managers develop meaningful and measurable goals, and that they define specific strategies for accomplishing them. CASCADE™ applies this same approach to developing your organization’s annual performance budget. Each manager’s own budget includes measurable results, with relevant unit costs, and is explicitly linked to organizational goals. The Goal Chart shows every manager’s goals, as they are developed, linked to higher-level goals. This provides an easy means to clarify both organizational and individual accountability for program performance. CASCADE™ Performance Based Budgeting Software is the first and only integrated strategic planning and performance budgeting software solution that has been designed specifically to meet the unique needs of government agencies, with in-depth “how-to” guidance. It is not a product that was originally designed for commercial businesses. For more information contact John Mercer of Strategisys LLC at 703-924-2820. Volatile implementation Incomplete devolution of powers marked by frequent reversals (from federal government to state and from state to local) Important decisions still taken at the centre and then formally endorsed locally Inequitable distribution of resources between centre, states, and localities Strong grip on power and resources from the centre Lack of financial autonomy of decentralized structures Frequent changes of policies: “policy has changed even before the public became acquainted with the policy and its accompanying legislation” High turnover of policymakers and decision makers Multiplicity of experiments of local government forms without prior thorough evaluation of past experiences Lack of accountability at all levels ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 34
  • 30. Lack of stakeholder participation in policymaking Absence of democratic life (free and fair elections); lack of democratic processes that make decision makers answerable to the public Decision makers are chosen by appointment. They are accountable to the president or to the governors, not to the people Lack of accountability is also a cause for corruption and diversion of whatever resources are available. The underlying causes of this state of affairs were mainly identified as lack of political will, reluctance or even active resistance to sharing power and resources by the federal administration, and a divergence of visions and expectations between government and the people about the ultimate goals of decentralization. Table 2. Views regarding the causes of policy volatility and lack of accountability Lack of political will for an effective share of power and resources The system is ridden with nepotism and favouritism (clientelism) Leadership does not trust people’s ability to govern them and administer their affairs Lack of democracy Important constraints to regionalization included resistance from central administrations and staff (alliance) and limited financial resources transfers People equated decentralization with “returning the land to its owners” Weak administrative capacities of the states and local governments and high dependency on federal resources. Weak institutional capacities (staff, planning, and policymaking) and states’ inability to develop their sources of revenue feed off each other Financial autonomy is weak; resources hardly pay for staff salaries, no budget for development services. Poor infrastructure in support of policy implementation Executive officers during the colonial period were well trained. The appointment of incompetent officials has caused people to withdraw respect from them, which has reduced their authority Lack of resources (human, technical, financial) hinders proper monitoring of compliance and diligent implementation of policies Approach to resource allocation Resource allocation decisions involve choices among competing alternatives as to the optimum use of resources in terms of satisfying organisational objectives. Resource allocation is especially important in public services where the objectives are to maintain aggregate fiscal discipline (i.e. to prevent overspending), to allocate resources in accordance with government priorities (allocative efficiency), and to promote efficiency in ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 35
  • 31. the use of budgetary resources (technical efficiency: OECD, 1999). The notion of resource allocations in order to achieve goals is particularly problematic in public services because goals are more ambiguous than the private sector’s almost single-minded profit, cash flow (or shareholder value) motives, and outcomes, let alone outputs, may be difficult to assess. Resource allocation decisions are influenced significantly by uncertainties of demand and external factors (including treasury budget allocations to public services) over which service deliverers may have little influence. Four approaches to public sector resource allocations can be identified from the literature: rational methods, non-rational methods, expectations, and heuristics. Each is described in turn. Rational methods Rational methods of making resource allocation decisions predominate in private sector studies where economic methods can identify cost-benefit optimality. However they also exist in public services, from budgets (Covaleski & Dirsmith, 1986) and simple cost-benefit analysis (Gordon, 1989) to formulae for resource allocations in hospitals (Nahapiet, 1988), planning, programming and budgeting systems in the US military (Chwastiak, 2001), through contractualisation and competitive tendering in health services (Kurunmäki, 1999). Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) have been used in public sector studies e.g. in fire services (Athanassopolous, 1998) and policing (Thanassoulis, 1995). Many rational methods emphasise technical efficiency. DEA and SFA for example focus on the efficient frontier. However, resource allocation decisions can be problematic in terms of measurable benefits. Mehrez & Gafni (1990) compared the risk of death from a catastrophic event with risk of death from chronic events like disease or traffic accidents. They defined the decision problem as how to best allocate resources in order to lower the risk of death to individuals from exposure to different types of events. From a societal perspective this involves concentrating on both efficiency (the use of limited resources in a manner that will provide maximum output) and equity dimensions. However, society treats the two events differently, devoting more attention and perhaps more resources to possible catastrophic events, because the larger the group of people who die, the worse the accident is perceived to be. In health service delivery, benefits have been assessed in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)or health-related quality of life (HRQoL: Dolan, 2000) which take into account the effect of medical procedures on both the measurable quantity and quality of life that results from a medical procedure. However, concerns have been raised about the use of these measures in resource allocation decisions (e.g. Gerard & Mooney, 2006). Multi-criteria approaches to resource allocation problems that apply weights to each criterion are increasingly commonplace and become institutionalised as algorithms. Frameworks have been developed for hospitals taking into account complexity, uncertainty, variability and limited resources (e.g. Harper, 2002) although the resulting models have been used as planning tools rather than for decision making. Studies of resource allocations in policing have been concerned with the use of socio-economic and demographic factors to allocate resources across different geographic areas (Ashby & Longley, 2005). Non-rational approaches ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 36
  • 32. Non-rational approaches to decision making are different to the traditional paradigm of rationality, but non-rational approaches are not irrational approaches. They merely reject – or at least modify - the positivist, goal-oriented, cause-effect logic implied by the economic roots of rationality. Non-rational approaches are evident in different styles of managerial decision making over resource allocations. The “search and satisficing” approach provides “good enough” decisions with reasonable costs of computation (Simon, 1979). “Muddling through” is a process of making successive limited comparisons rather than a more comprehensive method (Lindblom, 1959). The “garbage can” model of decision-making is the confluence of the mix of choices available at any one time, the mix of problems that have access to the organization, the mix of solutions looking for problems, and the outside demands on the decision makers (Cohen et al., 1972). Non-rational approaches may also be political choices. Resource allocation in the public sector has been explained as a largely political process between “advocates of the cause” (the programme champions) and “guardians of the treasury” (Wildavsky, 1975) and the use of budgets has been described as a ceremonial device by which governments exercise authority (Boland & Pondy, 1983). Collier (2006) for example revealed the political aspects of calculating the cost of police investigations in the UK which resulted in resource allocations which had unintended consequences. Cultural norms and values can play a role in resource allocation decisions. Birnberg et al. (1983) contrasted the highly analysable and often measurable and verifiable data in private sector firms with public sector resource allocation decisions where there is both low analysability and low measurability and verifiability of data. While Birnberg et al. argued that this could lead to strategies including biasing, filtering and gaming, it was also recognised that values play an important role in resource allocation decisions in the public sector. Expectations analysis Norms and values may not be shared equally and different perceptions exist between service providers, recipients and government about objectives and processes for achieving those objectives, however those objectives may be defined. Machin (1979: 4) used ‘expectations analysis’ to focus on the existence and interpretation of expectations in an organizational setting. Resources are never available to meet the expectations held of managers, who have to decide which they will attempt to satisfy: “The process of choosing is complex because there are many, frequently conflicting, criteria which may be used to assess the relative importance, relevance, usefulness, or difficulty of an expectation, or the differing degrees of personal satisfaction which would be derived from successfully meeting different expectations”. Managers therefore make decisions based on their judgements about what is expected of them, and their intrinsic motivation to satisfy what may be competing expectations. For Machin (1979: 5) ‘expectation’ was seen as the basic unit of information which enabled a system to operate effectively at the whole organization level as well as at the level of individual managers: “The survival and development of an organization depends on its ability to anticipate, and/or adapt to, changes in the content and pattern of expectations held by the substantive environment (or stakeholders) and changes in the relative importance of different expectations and expectation-holders”. This paper proposes a link between non-rational approaches and expectations analysis. Expectations may be a reflection of, and reflect on, norms and values as well as political factors. They may also be informed by, and in turn inform, whatever rational tools are available. Satisficing, muddling through, or garbage can approaches may therefore be ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 37
  • 33. incorporated in how managers are influenced by competing expectations and the values and norms held by public service deliverers. Expectations may therefore be a useful lens through which to see the coming together of non-rational approaches and how they may fit with rational approaches. Heuristics Using the distinction between judgements which are beliefs about outcomes, and values, which are preferences between outcomes (Thompson, 1967), heuristics based on values have been argued to be the main method by which public servants make resource allocation decisions (Fisher, 1998). These heuristics are “mental rules of thumb, or tricks of the trade, which people learn from various sources, which function by reducing the complexity of the decision to be made ... Heuristics function as part of a person’s way of looking at the world. They are a set of values, which are used to edit competing demands upon attention rather than tools for fine forensic dissection of policy dilemmas” (Fisher, 1998: 26). Research by Fisher (1998) identified six different heuristics involved in resource allocation decisions: deservingness, individual need, fairness, utility, ecology, and personal gain. Deservingness is a moral judgment about whether individuals or groups deserve (or do not deserve) resources. Individual needs are a result of professional judgements. Fairness is concerned with equal access to services, either through queuing or by some standardised rules for the rationing of resources (e.g. a hospital triage system). Utility is concerned with output maximisation and the common good rather than individual need. Ecology considers the competing demands of interest groups and the degree to which those needs are met rather than with any objective. Personal gain is seen in terms of power, job satisfaction, etc. Combined approaches This review of the literature on public sector resource allocation decisions suggests four ways in which such decisions can be made. Based on rational techniques; using non- rational approaches including satisficing (Simon, 1979), muddling through (Lindblom, 1959), and garbage can decision making (Cohen et al., 1972); based on expectations (Machin, 1979); or based on heuristic devices (Fisher, 1998). We have suggested a combination of non-rational approaches with expectations analysis because satisficing, muddling through, or garbage can approaches may be incorporated in how managers are influenced by competing expectations. These approaches are not mutually exclusive and combinations can occur. One method that has elements of both rationality and heuristics is programme budgeting and marginal analysis (PBMA, Mitton & Donaldson, 2004; Mitton et al., 2003), a process that has been used by health economists opposed to measurements like QALYs. The PBMA technique provides information to support priority setting and resource allocation decisions at the margins of resource allocations by facilitating health professionals making informed judgements about opportunity costs, i.e. the alternative use of resources. We suggest that other combinations of approaches (rational, non-rational, expectations, and heuristics) are also possible. Given these different approaches to resource allocation decisions at the micro or operational level in public sector settings, we sought to understand how managers in public service organisations faced with finite resources and uncertain demand actually make resource allocation decisions and which of the approaches (or combinations of approaches) described above were used. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 38
  • 34. The setting for the research was a police force in which resource allocation decisions for the investigation of serious and organised crime need to be made. Budgetary control Budgeting is used by businesses as a method of financial planning for the future. Budgets are prepared for main areas of the business – purchases, sales, production, labour, debtors, creditors, cash – and provide detailed plans of the business for the next three, six or twelve months. The difference between what is budgeted to happen and what actually happens is termed a variance. A favourable variance is one that enables a business to increase its profits - for example if sales revenue is higher than budgeted. An adverse variance will reduce profits e.g. if costs are higher than budgeted. By spotting adverse variances managers are able to take control actions - e.g. by cutting out waste to reduce costs, or increasing advertising/promotion when sales are less than expected. Control is the process through which managers are able to keep their business on track. Managers create various financial and budgetary planning tools, which they then monitor at regular intervals. When variances are spotted appropriate management actions are required to put the business back on plan. Read more: 120.php#ixzz13NvSbuEi Devolving budgets and delegating financial management responsibilities Advantages Making local authorities responsible for the cost could make them more frugal They are not thwarted by political whim They are closer to issues and can direct the use of the money better May encourage competition Disadvantages More pots of money to track so admin costs are more Could drive down standards Salford City Council is committed to involving local people in decisions about the city. One example of this is the devolved budgets which are allocated to local communities. Every year, approximately £3.00 per person is allocated to each community committee to make decisions on how the budget should be spent. Each community committee elects a sub group from among its members. They assess applications and make recommendations about how the funding should be spent. Budget sub groups include local residents and local councillors. They discuss ways in which the funding could best be used to deliver ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 39
  • 35. priorities in the community action plans. Recommendations are then taken to community committee for approval or further discussion. Distinctive features of financial management in PSM Ensuring value for money Introduction 1. Value for Money (VfM) is the term used to assess whether or not an organisation has obtained the maximum benefit from the goods and services it acquires and/ or provides, within the resources available to it. It not only measures the cost of goods and services, but also takes account of the mix of quality, cost, resource use, fitness for purpose, timeliness and convenience to judge whether or not, when taken together, they constitute good value. Achieving VfM may be described in terms of the 'three Es' - economy, efficiency and effectiveness: 2. For VfM to be achieved, the College needs to be as effective as it can in its use of public and other money. Policy 3. Imperial College is committed to delivering value for money as an integral part of its corporate and academic strategy. While it has a specific responsibility to achieve VfM from its use of public funds, this principle extends to all sources of funding. Similarly, the responsibility for pursuing VfM lies with all staff, and not just those with financial duties. 4. To meet its commitment to achieving VfM the College has set itself the following aims: a. To integrate VfM principles within the College's existing management, planning, review and decision-making processes, particularly in regard to projects or activities with significant financial implications. b. To adopt recognised good practice where appropriate. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 40
  • 36. c. To undertake or commission VfM studies into areas of activity identified as worthy of review. d. To benchmark the College's activities against other similar activities and organisations where this is considered useful. e. To respond to opportunities to enhance the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the College's activities. f. To demonstrate actively to both internal and external observers that the achievement of VfM is sought in all activities undertaken. g. To ensure that all staff recognise their continuing obligation to seek VfM as part of their routine activities. Roles and Responsibilities 5. The Council. Under the Financial Memorandum between the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the College, the Council, which is "the governing and executive body of the College" (1) holds overall responsibility for obtaining VfM. This responsibility is confirmed annually through the 'members' responsibility' statement in the College's annual financial statements. In practice, however, responsibility for obtaining VfM is largely (and properly) delegated to the Rector and the Management Board. 6. The Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has particular defined duties with regard to VfM. The HEFCE Audit Code of Practice requires the Committee to state formally in its annual report to the Council whether or not it is satisfied with the arrangements in place within the College to promote VfM. In order for the Audit Committee to give this assurance to the Council, each year the Management Board will provide it with a formal report describing how the VfM Policy has been implemented. This Report, and the Internal Audit annual Report, should be made available in time to inform the preparation of the Audit Committee's annual Report, and to inform the Council's approval of the annual financial statements which contain the 'members' responsibility' statement. 7. The Rector. The Council has delegated responsibility for obtaining VfM to the Rector, whose role is to: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 41
  • 37. a. Implement the VfM Policy. b. Ensure that VfM is embedded within the every day management of the College. c. Report annually to the Audit Committee on the implementation of the VfM Policy during the year. 8. Management Board. The Management Board supports the Rector in implementing the VfM Policy. The Management Board (together with the Clerk of the Council and the Secretary of the Audit Committee) also have a responsibility to keep the Council and Audit Committee advised of VfM issues (for example, the publication of relevant advice or reports). To this end the Management Board will institute and regularly review suitable procedures to meet the objectives and reporting requirements of the Policy. 9. Value for Money Steering Group. The Value for Money Steering Group advises the Management Board on the College's VfM statements, and submits an annual report to the Management Board and to the College's Audit Committee. To this end the VfM Steering Group will institute and review suitable procedures to meet the objectives and reporting requirements of the Policy. Implementation. 10. In order to confirm that satisfactory arrangements are in place to promote economy, efficiency and effectivenesss across the College, the VfM Steering Group will consider the evidence provided by a wide range of existing activities which form part of the College's routine management practices and which can provide a broad appreciation of the College's effectiveness. These activities are likely to include the strategic planning, financial strategy and budget setting processes, key performance indicator (KPI) systems, costing and pricing policies (TRAC and full economic costing), procurement activity, capital projects and course costing and portfolio reviews. Annual Review of Effectiveness 11. The Council, advised by the Audit Committee, must be satisfied that the College has fulfilled its obligation to achieve VfM from its use of public funds so that the appropriate statement can be made in the College's Financial Statements each year. In order to meet this deadline, the VfM Steering Group will schedule its review of VfM in good time to provide its annual report to the Management Board during the autumn term. The Steering ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 42
  • 38. Group's Report will then be passed to the Audit Committee so that a statement on VfM can be included in the Committee's Annual Report to the Council. VFM Studies 12. In addition to the consideration of evidence provided by existing activities, the Steering Group may also commission separate VfM studies to assess whether the objectives of a particular programme, project or activity could be carried out in a more economic, efficient or effective manner. Priority will be given to areas of significant expenditure which cut across the responsibilities of Faculties, Divisions and Departments. 13. Conducting a VfM study does n ot, in itself, demonstrate VfM; this will be dependent on the results of the study and on any action taken in response to its findings. A VfM study will normally result in an action plan, agreed with the management of the area being reviewed, including recommendations on how greater VfM could be achieved, an assessment of the risks involved in not taking action, a date by which agreed actions are to be implemented, and the name of the officer responsible for implementation. 14. VfM studies will normally be conducted by the College's internal auditors. However, an important principle underlying the Steering Group's work is that any stand alone VfM studies commissioned by the Group should themselves add value to the College's operations. Such reviews will therefore only be instigated when there is good reason to believe that any savings and / or additional income arising as a result of the review will be greater than the cost of undertaking the review in the first place. VFM Studies by HEFCE and the National Audit Office 15. The VfM Steering Group will also consider the results of VfM studies conducted by HEFCE and/ or the National Audit Office (NAO) and monitor any follow up action required. HEFCE carries out sector-wide VfM studies. The NAO also investigates subjects relating to higher education. The Steering Group will receive such reports, in addition to the Faculty, Department or Division concerned, and will approve the College's response to them, if appropriate. It will also seek to benchmark the College's performance against these reports, where necessary. Procurement ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 43
  • 39. 16. A major element of the College's commitment to achieving VfM is the drive to obtain goods and services that provide the best quality at the best price. This is primarily the responsibility of the College's Purchasing Department, whose Mission is "to fully support the College mission and corporate strategies by delivering continuous improvement in value for money, based on whole life cost and quality, and to enhance the competitiveness of all our key suppliers through the development of world class professional procurement systems and practices". Dissemination of Good Practice 17. Faculties, Departments and Divisions may not always be aware of opportunities to achieve greater VfM or of the full extent of the potential benefits. The Steering Group will take the lead in promoting the sharing of good practice throughout the College, where this has implications for VfM. To this end, the Central Secretariat will maintain a Value for Money site on the College's web site, which will include a copy of this Policy, copies of VfM strategy, copies of the annual reports and any other published VfM reports or guidance. Policies and regulations that increase government accountability and transparency Organisations Face Multiple FCPA Challenges The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 prohibits U.S. companies, their subsidiaries, as well as, their officers, directors, employees and agents from making corrupt payments or favourable treatment to “foreign officials” for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Dept of Justice are working together on FCPA related investigations and have increased their efforts on aggressive prosecutions. FCPA presents many challenges Global corporations nearly always start addressing FCPA by creating corporate policy. However, having an anti-corruption and anti-bribery corporate policy does not guarantee an organisation is not at risk of non- compliance with the FCPA regulation. Due to some of the factors discussed below, the FCPA presents many challenges for organisations to ensure they are compliant. WIDESPREAD CORRUPTION VARIES BY COUNTRY A large number of countries and companies have been identified with widespread corruption. Doing business in these countries can increase the likelihood and risk of FCPA violations. Watch groups such as Transparency International which is a global coalition originated to fight corruption, tracks and ranks countries and companies known as corrupt. Transparency International is established in over 90 countries, tracking and reporting on corruption and policies. They provide an annual ranking of 180 countries with their perceived levels of corruption, as well as their annual Bribe Payers Index. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 44
  • 40. DIFFICULT TO CONTROL REMOTE OFFICES, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS Many organisations have different policies, procedures and levels of automated systems in place in their remote offices. Many procedures are manual, which adds to the complexity of monitoring and enforcing policies of remote employees and agents. Segregation of Duties (SoD) best practices are often impossible to achieve due to the office location, number of limited employees and the size of the operation. Organisations that do not have the luxury of having different people performing key financial transactional processing and approvals, increase their risk significantly for errors, fraud or impropriate activities. DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE DOING BUSINESS WITH The FCPA specifies guidelines when working with a foreign government official or foreign representative. Sometimes, it is very difficult to know if the person with whom you are doing business has an affiliation with a political party or government agency. DIFFICULT AND EXPENSIVE TO AUDIT REMOTE OFFICES OR OPERATIONS Remote offices with a lot of manual procedures also provide challenges for internal audit teams. The costs per control test and for internal audits are generally significantly higher for remote and satellite offices. Unfortunately, at the same time the risks for a FCPA violation to occur are significantly increased. SECTION 2: SOLUTION Creating a Sustainable FCPA Compliance Program HOW CA AND GREENLIGHT TECHNOLOGIES HELP ORGANISATIONS CREATE A SUSTAINABLE FCPA PROGRAM Creating a sustainable FCPA program requires a focused effort including people, processes and technology. CA works with several risk and compliance consulting companies that have subject matter expertise to address FCPA programs. CA and Greenlight Technologies have partnered together to help organisations build and maintain a sustainable FCPA compliance program by leveraging technology to facilitate, manage, monitor, and react to FCPA related activities across an organisation. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 45
  • 41. CA GRC Manager includes a centralized compliance management system which integrates functional compliance information such as processes, policies, risks and controls. Storing and linking all activities within a central repository provides greater visibility of risks across all of the organisation, and eliminates the problem of redundant information stored in corporate silos. This repository provides the foundation for organisations to continuously optimize processes for identifying risks and controls MANAGE FCPA POLICIES WITH ELECTRONIC ATTESTATIONS AND AUTOMATED CONTROLS CA GRC Manager lifecycle policy management functionality ensures compliance with policies by providing role- based dashboards that enable real-time monitoring on how the organisation is performing with regards to those policies, and providing decision support tools for the monitoring and management of the resources utilized within compliance programs. Policy attestation campaigns provide electronic tracking and notifications to employees, vendors and customers of policy requirements based on roles. MANAGE THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH NON-COMPLIANCE CA GRC Manager provides a unified view of all your enterprise risks, providing insight into the state of risk throughout your organisation, helping to ensure immediate identification and execution of risk mitigation strategies. CA GRC Manager includes performance dashboards that allow executives to make fact- based decisions with respect to strategic risk and compliance initiatives. Integrated program management capabilities help ensures that optimal remediation plans are produced, communication barriers are eliminated and compliance projects are executed effectively. AUTOMATED DETECTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE FINANCIAL CONTINIOUS CONTROLS MONITORING Greenlight’s Tracking Risk and Compliance (TRAC) financial continuous control monitoring technology provides the most comprehensive platform for continuously monitoring of transaction controls over heterogeneous system environments. Continuous database scanning provides up-to-date financial and operational risk profiles which can check 100% of the financial records. The Greenlight Control Library provides unprecedented pre-defined controls for the major ERP systems, plus other legacy applications for true cross-platform GRC performance. Greenlight’s TRAC solution provides an immediate ROI by reducing the costs of control monitoring and testing. This is accomplished with over 1,500 predefined Access Control, Process Control and Segregation of Duty rules, as well as, Access Provisioning for SAP, Peoplesoft, Oracle Financials, and JD Edwards. These rules will help reduce the cost for FCPA, SOX and other governance best practices relating to financial access and transaction controls. TRAC has an Adaptor Studio module, which allows customers to connect and extend the TRAC Continuous Control Monitoring technology to any custom or 3rd party application. This capability adds intelligence to operational data stores. The robust underlying business engine provides business analysts the ability to create and maintain sophisticated rules for analysis. These rules can check and compare transactions or processes, which include multiple transactions to identify fraud, errors, suspicious “red-flags” activities and suspicious anomalies. For example, Greenlight rules can verify the proper inventory items and quantities were shipped and/or received compared to the invoice details; transactions can be flagged where the same employee created a vendor record, purchase order and/or payment. Duplicate transactions and sales expenses outside of the corporate policy can be flagged. The Greenlight test results from these rules include relevant information and links back to the specific transaction detail to enable optimized investigation and remediation processing. GREENLIGHT TECHNOLOGY TRAC IS CA SMART CERTIFIED ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 46
  • 42. The integration of Greenlight Technologies’ TRAC financial continuous control monitoring technology with the CA GRC Manager is CA Smart Certified. Summarized test results and metrics from Greenlight’s financial continuous control monitoring are mapped to the CA GRC Manager Controls and Control Objectives. The GRC Manager imports the operational test results to drive role-based dashboards that allow executives to make better decisions based on more timely information. The GRC Manager dashboards highlight possible violations including identifying which specific policy, control or regulations are affected, and spawning the appropriate workflows and remediation tasks to mitigate these violations. This closed loop system helps organisations to increase their compliance effectiveness and reduce audit and control testing costs. This integration brings together CA’s market leading governance, risk and compliance management platform and Greenlight’s cross-platform deep inspection capabilities to deliver a solution that not only addresses FCPA, but provides a comprehensive and automated system to tackle many compliance initiatives. INTEGRATED FCPA SOLUTION LEVERAGES INTEGRATION TO AUTOMATE CONTROL TESTING AND REDUCES FCPA RISKS AND COSTS Integration between Greenlight TRAC and the CA GRC Manager provides a single repository that can encompass IT, security and privacy controls, along with business, environmental, engineering and financial controls. The GRC Manager is optimized for managing controls, including the control effectiveness and control testing. Controls are mapped to business processes, assets, corporate policies, regulations and enterprise risks. SECTION 3: BENEFITS A Sustainable FCPA Compliance Program reduces Risks and Costs The U.S. Security and Exchange Commission and U.S. Department of Justice fines have ranged from a couple of million dollars, to hundreds of millions, with the largest combined fines for one organisation reaching $1.6 billion US dollars. A sustainable FCPA Compliance Program, with detective and preventative controls will help demonstrate to the U.S. SEC and DOJ, a good faith and best-practice effort in adhering to FCPA regulations. Why risk millions of dollars? A solution is available today to help you address violations, avoiding fines and damage to the corporate reputation and good will. Leveraging the CA GRC Manager and Greenlight Technologies financial continuous control monitoring system, TRAC, will help streamline and optimize the management of the policies and controls to mitigate FCPA related activities and the associated costs. SECTION 4: THE CA ADVANTAGE CA is the world’s largest independent software manufacturer and has a heritage of providing best of breed, enterprise class software solutions. CA has been helping thousands of companies manage their IT and security infrastructure for over three decades. CA also provides comprehensive and proven solutions to unify and improve the management of enterprise risk management and compliance programs. CA GRC Manager delivers a unified, enterprise-wide view of risks and controls. It helps to ensure that exposures are identified so that you can make informed decisions about risks, costs, remediation, benefits and action plans. And, it can help you streamline your risk and compliance activities by automating processes and removing redundancy. SECTION 5: NEXT STEPS Please visit, and for more information on the CA GRC Manager compliance solution and the Greenlight Technologies’ Tracking Risk and Compliance (TRAC), financial continuous control monitoring solution. To learn more, and see how CA software solutions enable other organisations to unify and simplify IT management for better business results, visit ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 47
  • 43. Developing performance-based indicators to analyze and measure results The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) While the origins and implementation of the Clinton administration's National Performance Review (NPR) were located squarely in the political environment of the White House and enunciated via executive orders and presidential pleas, the life story of GPRA was much different. The bill that emerged from the Congress and was signed by President Clinton in August 1993 had its origins in legislation introduced by Republican Senator William Roth in 1990. That legislation was referred to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, which had hearings over a two-year period, modifying the original Roth legislation. The House version of the legislation was not introduced until February 1993, after the 1992 presidential election. With the blessing of the Democratic White House, the legislation sailed through with overwhelming bipartisan support.(1) While the support for the legislation was broad, there was very little real debate over its provisions. GPRA was framed in very general and often abstract terms; neither authorizing nor appropriations committees focused on the consequences of the process for particular policies or programs. President Clinton's remarks upon signing the legislation on August 3, 1993 emphasized the importance of restoring the confidence of the American people in the federal government. He commented: "The law simply requires that we chart a course for every endeavour that we take the people's money for, see how well we are progressing, tell the public how we are doing, stop the things that don't work, and never stop improving the things that we think are worth investing in." Enveloped in classic good government rhetoric, the legislation had support from almost all quarters. It was difficult to be against a bill that sought to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs by establishing a system to set goals for program performance and to measure program results. The act required agencies to focus on program results, service quality, and customer satisfaction by requiring strategic planning and performance measurement. The legislation had several purposes: * To improve the confidence of the people in the government by holding agencies accountable for achieving program results; * To stimulate reform with a series of pilot projects that could be used as examples for others; * To promote a focus on results, service quality, and public satisfaction; * To help managers improve service delivery by requiring them to plan for meeting program objectives and providing them with information about program results; * To improve congressional decision making by providing information on achievements ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 48
  • 44. Taxation Tax systems To tax (from the Latin taxo; "I estimate") is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law. Taxes are also imposed by many subnational entities. Taxes consist of direct tax or indirect tax, and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent (often but not always unpaid labour). A tax may be defined as a "pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property owners to support the government […] a payment exacted by legislative authority."[1] A tax "is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to legislative authority" and is "any contribution imposed by government […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise, subsidy, aid, supply, or other name. The legal definition and the economic definition of taxes differ in that economists do not consider many transfers to governments to be taxes. For example, some transfers to the public sector are comparable to prices. Examples include tuition at public universities and fees for utilities provided by local governments. Governments also obtain resources by creating money (e.g., printing bills and minting coins), through voluntary gifts (e.g., contributions to public universities and museums),by imposing penalties (e.g., traffic fines), by borrowing, and by confiscating wealth. From the view of economists, a tax is a non- penal, yet compulsory transfer of resources from the private to the public sector levied on a basis of predetermined criteria and without reference to specific benefit received. In modern taxation systems, taxes are levied in money, but in-kind and corvée taxation are characteristic of traditional or pre-capitalist states and their functional equivalents. The method of taxation and the government expenditure of taxes raised is often highly debated in politics and economics. Tax collection is performed by a government agency such as Canada Revenue Agency, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, or Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK. When taxes are not fully paid, civil penalties (such as fines or forfeiture) or criminal penalties (such as incarceration)[2] may be imposed on the non-paying entity or individual. Taxation has four main purposes or effects: Revenue, Redistribution, Repricing, and Representation.[citation needed] The main purpose is revenue: taxes raise money to spend on armies, roads, schools and hospitals, and on more indirect government functions like market regulation or legal systems. A second is redistribution. Normally, this means transferring wealth from the richer sections of society to poorer sections. A third purpose of taxation is repricing. Taxes are levied to address externalities: tobacco is taxed, for example, to discourage smoking, and a carbon tax discourages use of carbon-based fuels. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 49
  • 45. A fourth, consequential effect of taxation in its historical setting has been representation. The American revolutionary slogan "no taxation without representation" implied this: rulers tax citizens, and citizens demand accountability from their rulers as the other part of this bargain. Studies have shown that direct taxation (such as income taxes) generates the greatest degree of accountability and better governance, while indirect taxation tends to have smaller effects.[3][4] Proportional, progressive, and regressive An important feature of tax systems is the percentage of the tax burden as it relates to income or consumption. The terms progressive, regressive, and proportional are used to describe the way the rate progresses from low to high, from high to low, or proportionally. The terms describe a distribution effect, which can be applied to any type of tax system (income or consumption) that meets the definition. A progressive tax is a tax imposed so that the effective tax rate increases as the amount to which the rate is applied increases. The opposite of a progressive tax is a regressive tax, where the effective tax rate decreases as the amount to which the rate is applied increases. In between is a proportional tax, where the effective tax rate is fixed, while the amount to which the rate is applied increases. The terms can also be used to apply meaning to the taxation of select consumption, such as a tax on luxury goods and the exemption of basic necessities may be described as having progressive effects as it increases a tax burden on high end consumption and decreases a tax burden on low end consumption.[5][6][7] Direct and indirect Main articles: Direct tax and Indirect tax Taxes are sometimes referred to as direct taxes or indirect taxes. The meaning of these terms can vary in different contexts, which can sometimes lead to confusion. An economic definition, by Atkinson, states that " taxes may be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the taxpayer, whereas indirect taxes are levied on transactions irrespective of the circumstances of buyer or seller." (A. B. Atkinson, Optimal Taxation and the Direct Versus Indirect Tax Controversy, 10 Can. J. Econ. 590, 592 (1977)). According to this definition, for example, income tax is "direct", and sales tax is "indirect". In law, the terms may have different meanings. In U.S. constitutional law, for instance, direct taxes refer to poll taxes and property taxes, which are based on simple existence or ownership. Indirect taxes are imposed on events, rights, privileges, and activities. Thus, a tax on the sale of property would be considered an indirect tax, whereas the tax on simply owning the property itself would be a direct tax. The distinction between direct and indirect taxation can be subtle, but can be important under the law. Tax incidence Main article: Tax incidence Diagram illustrating taxes effect Law establishes from whom a tax is collected. In many countries, taxes are imposed on business (such as corporate taxes or portions of payroll taxes). However, who ultimately pays the tax (the tax "burden") is determined by the marketplace as taxes become ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © 2004-2010 H&H ASSOCIATES 50