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1. Executive Summary...............................................................................Page 3.
2. Company Description............................................................................Page 4.
	 Current Business Position
	 Projected Business Position
3. Company Vision & Goals........................................................................Page 5.
	 Our Mission
	 Our Goals
		Primary Objectives
		Secondary Objectives
4. Market Analysis......................................................................................Page 6.
	 Situation Analysis
5. The New ‘Coomposer’ Concept.............................................................Page 9.
	 Our Users Problem
	 The ‘Coomposer Solution’
	 Improved Content & Functionality
	 Redefined Market Niche & Positioning
	 Unique Selling Point
6. Monetisation & Development Strategy.............................................Page 12.
7. Key Takeaways.....................................................................................Page 13.
8. PR & Brand Strategy.............................................................................Page 14.
	 Key Objective
	 Key Messages
	 Targeted Pitching
	 Circle of Influence
	 Overall Strategy
	 PR Tool kit
	 	 Media Page
	 	 Images & Info-graphics
Coomposer is an existing website, designed for music-oriented social networking.
The current functionality includes artist profiles, forum-based interaction and
integrated music sharing options.  It has since moved out of beta-testing and
built a solid community of musicians - highly trained and talented live-instrument
musicians, in particular.
Founded by Luca Fogagnolo in February 2013,  Luca himself is a talented bass
player with a musical vision that spans a range of styles and genres. He enjoys
musical success in multiple bands, including Chat Noir, a piano-bass-drums
performs original compositions unconfined by genre. From its origins as an
acoustic jazz threesome, Chat Noir has progressively broadened its vocabulary
with the inclusion of electronic textures and sounds. Their music has been
featured in “The Beast in the Heart” (La Bestia nel Cuore / Don’t Tell), nominated
for the Best Foreign Language Film category in the 78th Academy Awards.
Since 2012 the members of Chat Noir have lived in 3 different cities: Berlin,
Boston and Rome. Their brand new album “elec[3]cities”, released on 7th April
2014 by Rarenoisemusic, embodies their response to the challenge of living
in separate locations across the globe, while still trying to come together as a
band and create stunning music. Music sessions were shared through a cloud-
based system, which gave birth to new tracks that encompassed three separate
environmental influences into one cohesive electroacoustic experience. From
this challenging period of global collaboration the  idea of Coomposer was born.
Luca also writes about jazz music for Italian publication, La Repubblica.
The driving force behind Coomposer lies in Luca’s passion for creating genre-
defying music that still retains its quality and authenticity.  The key component
of the improved Coomposer concept will be the Unique Selling Point: an
online marketplace for selling “crowd sourced” samples, patches, and vocals -
categorised within a digital music library-style of format (custom-created sounds
will also be made possible through a user-request function).
The main purpose of this Business Plan is to secure funding for website upgrades
needed to transform Coomposer from a side project into a serious business. The
first phase of improvements includes a server upgrade, web development to
improve site functionality and improved visual aesthetic. These changes will be
implemented simultaneously alongside a promotional PR Campaign.
Current business position
Coomposer ( currently exists as a social networking site
created by musicians, for musicians.
The current functions give musicians the opportunity to:
•	 Create their own profile, using it as a portal to promote their work.
•	 Connect with other musicians to arrange gigs, jam, experiment and form
bands and collaborations.
•	 Browse other artists and discover new music.
•	 Browse projects proposed by fellow artists, with the potential to take part
and contribute.
•	 Discuss relevant topics in a forum-like format.
Due to Luca’s own personal network, the current community of active members
come from a strong musical background and are highly-talented musicians
covering a wide range of instruments and genres.
Projected business position: Coomposer has now built a thriving community of
great talent, projects, creations and collaborations. The next step is to bring the
technical aspects of to the international standard and give the
Coomposer community the visual aesthetic and optimal user-functionality they
need and deserve.
Primary Objectives:
•	 Enableandencouragecollaborationandreal-lifemeetupsbetweenmusicians.
•	 Create strong relationships and a collaborative, rather than competitive,
•	 Facilitate independent artists working together, so they can succeed without
the help of large record companies that often compromise the creative
integrity of music creations.
Secondary Objectives:
•	 Protecting musicians rights by:
	 a) empowering musicians to understand Creative Commons/Copyright
	 laws, attribution, and distribution of royalties.
	 b) encouraging musicians to establish their own code of ethics and
	 empower them to use legal contracts, particularly if a musician is
	 concerned about ownership rights and ethics (regardless of whether
	 they are opting to give music away for free, or in exchange for
•	 Inform, educate and empower musicians to know their rights, in order to
both respect themselves and their craft.
To play a role in the innovation and evolution of
music by enabling and encouraging relationships
between LIVE and DIGITAL musicians, resulting in
the cross pollination of genres and more inspired,
creative and innovative music overall.
•	 Luca’s music knowledge and access to a strong network of classically
trained and talented musicians across a huge range of instruments, that are
interested in creating contemporary music. In comparison, most existing sites
cater to classical instrument musicians interested in classical genres only or
digital/modern instrument musicians interested in digital genres only - not a
combination of the two.
•	 Luca’s existing music promotion and media network created through his own
bands/musical projects.
•	 Being Berlin-based with strong connections to Italy.
•	 Lack of technological/design budget (incl. ongoing running costs).
•	 In its current design, Coomposer lacks a compelling USP and has limited
brand potential.
•	 It is targeting an extremely competitive niche with a lot of high quality
•	 The ‘hot-button issue’ of music rights - for both the original creator and the
remixer (copyright, Creative Commons).
•	 A general lack of support for independent musicians in all relevant industries
(Music, Film, Events, Marketing, Content Creation etc.), in regards to both
ethical and legal issues.
•	 The independent musicians market need for making money from music
production - as a primary source of income or the equivalent to a full time job.
•	 The evolution of the internet has revolutionised the music industry, creating
the realistic goal for musicians to “be their own boss”, not have to ‘sell out’
and still make a living as a musician - equivalent to a FULL TIME job.
•	 Splice.
•	 Wikiloops (particularly as they are implementing a lot of new changes,
indicating their are executing a long term strategy with plans for growth).
•	 A lot of other music tech start-ups vying for the same target market (it’s not
just a matter of having a great idea and creating it first - success relies heavily
on great execution, reaching the right target and successfully implementing a
sustainable monetisation strategy).
•	 Other small websites aiming to get musicians to collaborate and sell music.
Music Promotions, Exposure & Building Fan-base:
•	 Inregardstomusiceventpromotherearemanyexisting,usefulandsuccessful
tools such as Songkick and gigatools.
•	 Of course, Mixcloud and Soundcloud are among the largest music social
networks designed to gain fans and followers and expose your music to a
wide audience.
Splice (
•	 “Create fearlessly and collaborate easily using your favourite DAWs and
•	 Just moved out of closed beta testing
•	 Focused on doing online recording and collaborations
•	 Allows users to use samples/tracks online for others to slice (I haven’t been
able to confirm if they can be sold or what type of licences are used)
•	 Is now collaborating with
•	 Very technologically advanced, good looking interface, modern functionality,
strong brand, strong content marketing strategy, good business partnerships
and PR.
Sample “Marketplaces”:
•	 (Full list here:
Wikiloops: (
A great concept with valuable functionality, but it seems to have been created
as a side project by musicians who saw the need for it in their own lives. The
previous interface was really outdated and not user-friendly at all, however it
was recently updated and the current interface is a huge improvement.
One criticism of Wikiloops is that you can’t separate the tracks into layers for
each individual instrument when downloading, just the new version each time a
layer is added.
•	 Talented musicians and composers who wish to record their sounds and
melodies (as both an amateur of professional musician and from low-quality
to high-quality recordings)
•	 DJ’s who want to stay at the top of their game and are constantly looking for
new and original samples and patches that they can use in songs that will
be released and sold legally (factoring in Creative Commons and Copyright
ethics and legal issues, incl. appropriate accreditation)
This will include:
•	 Jazz musicians
•	 Unsigned musicians
•	 ‘Local’ musicians (i.e. finding people in your area)
•	 Any musician interested in collaborating across genres
•	 People looking to jam on a casual basis
•	 People looking to find band members (to pursue seriously)
•	 People looking to find appropriate acts and artists that they can team up with
in order to do gigs and events (as a collective of individual acts).
Phase 1:
•	 Berlin and Italian-based classical and contemporary live-instrument musicians
(reached via. Luca’s network)
•	 Berlin and Italian-based electronic producers (reached via. PR strategy)
Phase 2:
We will evaluate what has been successful with Berlin and Italian-based musicians
and replicate within Europe and the United Kingdom, before going global.
The ‘Bedroom Producer’ is a niche market growing from strength to strength
in the digital age. Internet-spawned rapper sensation Kitty Pryde, initially put
together her first tracks using GarageBand. This movement brings with it a
unique set of problems, such as sound quality issues, overuse of sample libraries,
and increased demand for cracked plug-ins. But within these problems lay
opportunities and great starting points for feature developments and increased
1) The need arises for high-quality, unique and original samples and patches:
•	 Default DAW (digital audio workstation) and other ‘standard issue’ sample
libraries are being used in more and more songs, meaning songs are beginning
to have a less unique sound (and those in the same genre can begin to sound
the same). Basically, they get boring.
•	 Constantly trying to find unique and original sounds takes a lot of time to
search them out, find good sources and high quality, less widespread sample
libraries are usually expensive.
•	 DJing and digital production is becoming more and more popular, therefore
more and more competitive. Digital musicians rely on original and exciting
samples and patches to get the competitive edge.
For Example ...
Top 100 as a key factor to why many of the top DJs and EDM productions sound
so similar:
	 A DJ’s job is to look beyond. Further. Deeper. Wider. To find
music that others will like if only they get to hear it … To look forwards,
backwards, to take risks, to do whatever it takes to say something
new with the music at their fingertips … Which is why this website has
always warned against buying all your music from the same place – and
worse, buying the most popular music from that place. Understand,
the particular “place” could be anywhere, and varies by scene and by
country. But it just so happens that globally in 2013, in the age of “EDM”,
it is Beatport. And the villain of this particular piece is the Beatport Top
- (
2) Sourcing these samples manually or creating your own is difficult as:
•	 Studio time is expensive, as is setting up your own home studio
•	 Recordingallthesoundsyourselfwouldrequireyoutoownalltheinstruments,
PLUS the ability to play each instrument
•	 Finding musicians to do it for you can be difficult, time consuming and would
no doubt cost a lot of money
“Digital technology has already democratised the recording process--what
used to take tens of thousands of dollars and a professional studio can now be
accomplished with a laptop and [readily available DAW’s]. The results usually
don’t sound as good, but the experimentation process is fun, and sometimes a
gem emerges. Digital technology and the Internet have also made promotion
and distribution far easier than they were a decade ago. By 2020, music fans will
spend almost as much time creating and sharing recordings with their friends
as they do listening to professionally recorded music. Don’t believe me? Think
of this: 10 years ago, writers were a comparatively rare breed. Now, everybody’s
got a blog, or at least a Facebook page. In another 10 years, everybody will be a
musician--or at least a recording artist.” -
Yes, the digital music production market is now saturated with products - both
hardware and software. But this increased consumption means there is more
competition for aspiring producers and a bigger need and desire for original and
inspiring samples and patches - the fundamental building blocks of digital music
Therefore, these are the changes we propose to Coomposer ...
•	 Marketplace for sample libraries and patch sets - to both share and sell
•	 Can be used as a ‘Musician to Musician’ (“B2B”) promotional/social/networking
tool via profiles (without emphasis on gaining fans or promotion albums/
•	 Will connect Coomposer musicians and allow them to plan tours using the
interactive world map and other relevant functions
•	 INTEGRATION: Will integrate links to the artist’s complementary social media
channels such as Facebook, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo etc to redirect
requests that are not as relevant to Coomposer’s functionality.
•	 AGGREGATION: Will serve as the central content aggregation site for the
musicians creations by pulling content from all channels  (Soundcloud, Vimeo
etc.) that are relevant and displaying them on the artists’ profiles in order for
listeners to easily browse.
•	 Guidelines to and a contract creator for creating legal agreements relating to
Creative Commons, Copyright, file sharing and other issues that independent
musicians face .
•	 Share tips, techniques and creative encouragement.
To be introduced during Phase 2:
•	 Buy/sell equipment in an aesthetically pleasing trading forum, with up-to-date
UX (User Experience) functionality and helpful, accurate search functions.
•	 Live Video Jam function: Live video internet ‘jam sessions’ between various
•	 Mobile App: A custom-designed smartphone app.
•	 The ‘Map Tool’: An interactive music world map that will be a key component
when expanding into new territories. With this function, users can find
specific samples and sounds by country, using pins on a visual world map,
rather than through a text search box. Location information will include who
is playing what, and where. This feature is designed to allow users to both
explore at random, or discover something more specific when you know the
general region of the music style you want, i.e. ‘Arabian Percussion’.
•	 ‘Highlights Ticker’ that will run across the home page/all pages broadcasting
new or popular searches and listings. I.e. “Hi guys, I need a 30 second
Violin sample for my new piece of chill out peace music. Does anyone have
something that would suit? I can offer a max of 30€” or one…”Hey everyone, I
have recorded a guitar riff, happy to sell it for 3 Euros”.
Who does Coomposer NEED:
•	 People looking for patches and samples (both free and paid)
•	 Creative musicians looking for a marketplace to sell the samples and patches
they have created
How will Coomposer appeal to these people:
•	 Create a strong online community of talented musicians (both live instrument
and digital) interested in all genres, from classical, to contemporary, to
•	 Strong focus on empowering independent musicians to know their rights,
and play an active role in negotiating their own contracts, business decisions
Where in the music market will Coomposer be positioned?
•	 Coomposer will strongly appeal to independent musicians
•	 The look and feel will be contemporary and with up-to-date technical
functionality, but not intended to be luxury or expensive
- Appeals to musicians that have grown up with the internet and online pop-
culture. They will be familiar with online technology and electronic music
- An intuitive, easy-to-use interface that can appeal to users who may not have a
high level of technical computer knowledge
- “Crowd sourced” sample/patch/vocal libraries that can also be “made to order”,
with pricing options ranging from: free, donation or fixed price, packages, and

•	 First 5 samples are free to upload. For further uploads, Coomposer users will
need to buy credits. This will give users a taste of the Coomposer marketplace
without having to give anything in exchange
•	 Music that is fully copyrighted will be cheaper (in order to encourage Creative
•	 Music with full usage/resale rights will be more expensive for the buyer
(comparative to Beatport or Loopmasters prices)
Extras that cost:
•	 Button for having request/offers for customs samples or patches
•	 Cloud storage options
What will stop people from taking this offline?
•	 Safe payment options
•	 Contract creators (and distribution - similar to digital invoicing tools)
•	 Tools to assist with the management of music rights, incl. meta-data to be
filled in upon upload and pop up ‘Tips  Tricks’ boxes (Flickr and Google Apps
can be followed as an example) that give the user music sharing advice as the
go through both the music-selling and music-buying processes (accreditation
instructions will be included)
•	 Fully integrated system: This means integrated, advanced functionality that
makes file sharing so simple and easy that it is preferable to continue using
Coomposer as the point-of-transfer, rather than facilitating the transaction
- Coomposer’s key strength is its existing community, created via Luca’s own
musical background and own bands/musical projects.
- The USP is to offer “Crowd sourced” sample/patch/vocal libraries that can also
be “made to order”. Will have pricing options ranging from: free, donation or
fixed price, packages, and specials.
“To play a role in the innovation and evolution of music by enabling and en-
couraging relationships between LIVE and DIGITAL musicians, resulting in the
cross pollination of genres and more inspired, creative and innovative music
Create quality content and secure accurate coverage that reaches existing and
potential Coomposer customers, encouraging them to contribute to and pur-
chase from the Coomposer music marketplace.
•	 Coomposer is created by musicians, for musicians
•	 Coomposer genuinely cares about musicians and wants to help them suc-
ceed, driven by a love of good music
•	 Coomposer is a musical community built of creative and talented live and
digital musician
•	 Coomposer’s music marketplace is the most reliable and cost-effective
online resource for purchasing high-quality, legal-use music samples and
•	 Enable and encourage collaboration and real-life meet-ups between musi-
•	 By creating a collaborative, rather than competitive, mindset within the mu-
sical community, independent artists can achieve greater success by work-
ing together
•	 Using Coomposer means musicians can stay successful without having to
compromise the creative integrity of their work.
•	 Coomposer contributes to more inspired, creative and innovative music/
musical community overall.
•	 Not all PR pitches are created equal. To gain valuable coverage that ensures
ROI, every pitch should be unique, situation-specific and fully customised for
the publication.
•	 Startwiththeendproductfirst:Great content promotion begins long before the con-
tent has been fully planned or created. It is counterproductive and basically
going backwards to create content first, and promote second.
Where Do You Want Coverage and Mentions?
1.	 Whattypeofpublicationsdowewanttocoverthisstory?’
2.	 Whattypeofstoriesdothesepublicationswant?
•	 Rather than sending a story to publications in masses and hoping for cover-
age, we instead produce the content they are likely to want (automatically
making it more promotable). This includes not just the written content’s
tone and style, but also images, formatting and hyper-links.
•	 One-on-one pitching also allows you to educate the ‘journalist’ on the pur-
pose of your content, give more accurate context and suggest angles/scope
that may be suitable for their publication or a particular column.
•	 Discount codes for ‘reader give-aways’
Don’t underestimate key influencers within relevant industries. A tweet from
a high profile personality can be just as valuable as media coverage. There are
many ‘super-connectors’ on social media with huge number of followers that
align directly with your target market.
Key Influencers include:
•	 The existing musical network of users (collaborations, social mentions,
aligned marketing/promotions)
•	 Influential journalists, bloggers  social media personalities aligned with
Coomposer’s core values
•	 Hi-profile industry people and successful musicians with an active presence
on Social Media etc.
•	 Research local media and find visual examples of where Coomposer content
would fit
•	 Identify specific target areas where we want to have content placed (i.e. col-
umn/regular feature  column writers)
•	 Research and identify specific media  key influencers whose target audi-
ence/s align with those of Coomposer
•	 Use the above to build a custom database (incl. as comprehensive contact
details as possible)
•	 Create SEO optimised, custom written  visual content that our target publi-
cations will want to publish, and our target audience will want to share.
•	 Targeted email pitches (content, tone and style of Media Releases can be
edited to better suit different media targets), specifying how Coomposer’s
target market aligns with the publication’s audience
•	 Will be integrated into the Coomposer platform
•	 The central hub for all inbound marketing needs
•	 High quality content to support media release content and drive traffic to
the website
•	 Reuse any suitable content from previous releases and adapt as blog posts
The Coomposer blog be used as a key tool in a wider Content Marketing Strat-
egy, to reach our audience through various channels (Google rankings, social
media engagement and exposure, featured blog post both internal and exter-
Content will focus on:
•	 Techniques and tools for the entire sampling process (from recording to
using in a song)
•	 ‘Artist Spotlights’ that focus on samples, collaborations and other user-creat-
ed content
•	 The ‘creative process’
•	 Creative Commons, copyright laws, ethics, contracts, guidelines etc.
•	 Musician rights
•	 How to be a musician that makes enough money to pursue as a lifetime
•	 How to maintain a lifetime career in the music industry
•	 Guide to: Accreditation of samples, ‘royalties’ guidelines etc.
•	 Blurring the line between what are live recordings vs. electronic produc-
tions, due to producers using live recorded samples
(All PR posts in addition to daily content posts)
•	 Will be used strategically to connect and make ‘first contact’ with potential
media targets
•	 Facebook messages will be utilised as an alternative way to make contact
with hard-to-reach media targets
•	 Posts will promote B2C and any media coverage that would be interesting to
•	 Posts will use cross tagging to reach media targets  partners/affiliates (and
their fan-bases).
(All PR posts in addition to daily content posts)
Leverage Twitter for Pitching:
Reporters use Twitter for first access to breaking news. By sending customised
Twitter messages containing relevant stories to targeted journalists, you may
catch them on deadline and they will be grateful to run your story. Often, sto-
ries will be posted online within hours and broadcast via Twitter.
•	 Used to start conversations with media and potential partners
•	 Push key messages and generate real time feedback (great to gauge re-
•	 Messages will be utilised as an alternative way to make contact with hard-to-
reach media targets  “low-hanging fruit”
•	 Posts will promote B2C objectives and any media coverage that would be
interesting to customers
•	 Posts will use cross tagging to reach media targets  partners/affiliates (and
their fan-bases)
Having a user-friendly media page with quick and easy access to good content
is a key tool for pitching media. It allows us to show we are a credible company
with a proven record, show that Coomposer is newsworthy and gives examples
of how beneficial a Coomposer feature could be to publications.
•	 Not all visual content is created equal. Images must be relevant, aesthetical-
ly pleasing (in a style that suits the publication), high-quality, print-ready and
in an easy to access format (such as a media page with an image gallery).
•	 Sending suitable images with a Media Release highly increases your chance
of getting placement as you are providing them with double the value
(copy-writing + images = ready-to-go article)
•	 According to Hubspot, Facebook photos get 53% more likes, 104% more
comments and 94% more click-throughs. Tweets with images also get twice
as many interactions.
•	 Info-graphics DONE WELL should convey complex information and con-
cepts in a way that’s easier to make sense of. Unfortunately, few info-graph-
ics are done well and are simply created for shallow SEO benefit - these are
not the type of images that will impress reputable publications.
Image Strategy:
•	 Create custom-made, print-ready, high-quality photos, images and in-
fo-graphics to accompany press releases
All images will also boost visual content for the blog and Social Media
Coomposer - Brand Strategy

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Nora Meek
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Coomposer - Brand Strategy

  • 1. 1 I N V E S T O R S P A C K A G E
  • 2. 2 CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary...............................................................................Page 3. 2. Company Description............................................................................Page 4. Current Business Position Projected Business Position 3. Company Vision & Goals........................................................................Page 5. Our Mission Our Goals Primary Objectives Secondary Objectives 4. Market Analysis......................................................................................Page 6. Situation Analysis Competitors 5. The New ‘Coomposer’ Concept.............................................................Page 9. Our Users Problem The ‘Coomposer Solution’ Improved Content & Functionality Redefined Market Niche & Positioning Unique Selling Point 6. Monetisation & Development Strategy.............................................Page 12. 7. Key Takeaways.....................................................................................Page 13. 8. PR & Brand Strategy.............................................................................Page 14. Vision Key Objective Key Messages Targeted Pitching Incentive/s Circle of Influence Overall Strategy Blog PR Tool kit Facebook Twitter Media Page Images & Info-graphics
  • 3. 3 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coomposer is an existing website, designed for music-oriented social networking. The current functionality includes artist profiles, forum-based interaction and integrated music sharing options. It has since moved out of beta-testing and built a solid community of musicians - highly trained and talented live-instrument musicians, in particular. Founded by Luca Fogagnolo in February 2013, Luca himself is a talented bass player with a musical vision that spans a range of styles and genres. He enjoys musical success in multiple bands, including Chat Noir, a piano-bass-drums performs original compositions unconfined by genre. From its origins as an acoustic jazz threesome, Chat Noir has progressively broadened its vocabulary with the inclusion of electronic textures and sounds. Their music has been featured in “The Beast in the Heart” (La Bestia nel Cuore / Don’t Tell), nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film category in the 78th Academy Awards. Since 2012 the members of Chat Noir have lived in 3 different cities: Berlin, Boston and Rome. Their brand new album “elec[3]cities”, released on 7th April 2014 by Rarenoisemusic, embodies their response to the challenge of living in separate locations across the globe, while still trying to come together as a band and create stunning music. Music sessions were shared through a cloud- based system, which gave birth to new tracks that encompassed three separate environmental influences into one cohesive electroacoustic experience. From this challenging period of global collaboration the idea of Coomposer was born. Luca also writes about jazz music for Italian publication, La Repubblica. The driving force behind Coomposer lies in Luca’s passion for creating genre- defying music that still retains its quality and authenticity. The key component of the improved Coomposer concept will be the Unique Selling Point: an online marketplace for selling “crowd sourced” samples, patches, and vocals - categorised within a digital music library-style of format (custom-created sounds will also be made possible through a user-request function). The main purpose of this Business Plan is to secure funding for website upgrades needed to transform Coomposer from a side project into a serious business. The first phase of improvements includes a server upgrade, web development to improve site functionality and improved visual aesthetic. These changes will be implemented simultaneously alongside a promotional PR Campaign.
  • 4. 4 2. COMPANY DESCRIPTION Current business position Coomposer ( currently exists as a social networking site created by musicians, for musicians. The current functions give musicians the opportunity to: • Create their own profile, using it as a portal to promote their work. • Connect with other musicians to arrange gigs, jam, experiment and form bands and collaborations. • Browse other artists and discover new music. • Browse projects proposed by fellow artists, with the potential to take part and contribute. • Discuss relevant topics in a forum-like format. Due to Luca’s own personal network, the current community of active members come from a strong musical background and are highly-talented musicians covering a wide range of instruments and genres. Projected business position: Coomposer has now built a thriving community of great talent, projects, creations and collaborations. The next step is to bring the technical aspects of to the international standard and give the Coomposer community the visual aesthetic and optimal user-functionality they need and deserve.
  • 5. 5 3. COMPANY VISION OUR MISSION: OUR GOALS: Primary Objectives: • Enableandencouragecollaborationandreal-lifemeetupsbetweenmusicians. • Create strong relationships and a collaborative, rather than competitive, mindset. • Facilitate independent artists working together, so they can succeed without the help of large record companies that often compromise the creative integrity of music creations. Secondary Objectives: • Protecting musicians rights by: a) empowering musicians to understand Creative Commons/Copyright laws, attribution, and distribution of royalties. b) encouraging musicians to establish their own code of ethics and empower them to use legal contracts, particularly if a musician is concerned about ownership rights and ethics (regardless of whether they are opting to give music away for free, or in exchange for something). • Inform, educate and empower musicians to know their rights, in order to both respect themselves and their craft. To play a role in the innovation and evolution of music by enabling and encouraging relationships between LIVE and DIGITAL musicians, resulting in the cross pollination of genres and more inspired, creative and innovative music overall.
  • 6. 6 4. MARKET ANALYSIS SITUATION ANALYSIS (SWOT): Strengths: • Luca’s music knowledge and access to a strong network of classically trained and talented musicians across a huge range of instruments, that are interested in creating contemporary music. In comparison, most existing sites cater to classical instrument musicians interested in classical genres only or digital/modern instrument musicians interested in digital genres only - not a combination of the two. • Luca’s existing music promotion and media network created through his own bands/musical projects. • Being Berlin-based with strong connections to Italy. Weaknesses: • Lack of technological/design budget (incl. ongoing running costs). • In its current design, Coomposer lacks a compelling USP and has limited brand potential. • It is targeting an extremely competitive niche with a lot of high quality competitors. Opportunities: • The ‘hot-button issue’ of music rights - for both the original creator and the remixer (copyright, Creative Commons). • A general lack of support for independent musicians in all relevant industries (Music, Film, Events, Marketing, Content Creation etc.), in regards to both ethical and legal issues. • The independent musicians market need for making money from music production - as a primary source of income or the equivalent to a full time job. • The evolution of the internet has revolutionised the music industry, creating the realistic goal for musicians to “be their own boss”, not have to ‘sell out’ and still make a living as a musician - equivalent to a FULL TIME job. Threats: • Splice. • Wikiloops (particularly as they are implementing a lot of new changes, indicating their are executing a long term strategy with plans for growth). • A lot of other music tech start-ups vying for the same target market (it’s not just a matter of having a great idea and creating it first - success relies heavily on great execution, reaching the right target and successfully implementing a sustainable monetisation strategy). • Other small websites aiming to get musicians to collaborate and sell music.
  • 7. 7 COMPETITORS: Music Promotions, Exposure & Building Fan-base: • Inregardstomusiceventpromotherearemanyexisting,usefulandsuccessful tools such as Songkick and gigatools. • Of course, Mixcloud and Soundcloud are among the largest music social networks designed to gain fans and followers and expose your music to a wide audience. Splice ( • “Create fearlessly and collaborate easily using your favourite DAWs and plugins” • Just moved out of closed beta testing • Focused on doing online recording and collaborations • Allows users to use samples/tracks online for others to slice (I haven’t been able to confirm if they can be sold or what type of licences are used) • Is now collaborating with • Very technologically advanced, good looking interface, modern functionality, strong brand, strong content marketing strategy, good business partnerships and PR. Sample “Marketplaces”: • • • • (Full list here: loops-and-samples--audio-13963) Wikiloops: ( A great concept with valuable functionality, but it seems to have been created as a side project by musicians who saw the need for it in their own lives. The previous interface was really outdated and not user-friendly at all, however it was recently updated and the current interface is a huge improvement. One criticism of Wikiloops is that you can’t separate the tracks into layers for each individual instrument when downloading, just the new version each time a layer is added. TARGET DEMOGRAPHICS WhowouldCoomposerliketomeet? Primary: • Talented musicians and composers who wish to record their sounds and melodies (as both an amateur of professional musician and from low-quality to high-quality recordings) • DJ’s who want to stay at the top of their game and are constantly looking for new and original samples and patches that they can use in songs that will be released and sold legally (factoring in Creative Commons and Copyright
  • 8. 8 ethics and legal issues, incl. appropriate accreditation) This will include: • Jazz musicians • Unsigned musicians • ‘Local’ musicians (i.e. finding people in your area) • Any musician interested in collaborating across genres • People looking to jam on a casual basis • People looking to find band members (to pursue seriously) • People looking to find appropriate acts and artists that they can team up with in order to do gigs and events (as a collective of individual acts). Phase 1: • Berlin and Italian-based classical and contemporary live-instrument musicians (reached via. Luca’s network) • Berlin and Italian-based electronic producers (reached via. PR strategy) Phase 2: We will evaluate what has been successful with Berlin and Italian-based musicians and replicate within Europe and the United Kingdom, before going global.
  • 9. 9 5. THE NEW ‘COOMPOSER’ CONCEPT OUR USERS PROBLEM: The ‘Bedroom Producer’ is a niche market growing from strength to strength in the digital age. Internet-spawned rapper sensation Kitty Pryde, initially put together her first tracks using GarageBand. This movement brings with it a unique set of problems, such as sound quality issues, overuse of sample libraries, and increased demand for cracked plug-ins. But within these problems lay opportunities and great starting points for feature developments and increased offerings. 1) The need arises for high-quality, unique and original samples and patches: • Default DAW (digital audio workstation) and other ‘standard issue’ sample libraries are being used in more and more songs, meaning songs are beginning to have a less unique sound (and those in the same genre can begin to sound the same). Basically, they get boring. • Constantly trying to find unique and original sounds takes a lot of time to search them out, find good sources and high quality, less widespread sample libraries are usually expensive. • DJing and digital production is becoming more and more popular, therefore more and more competitive. Digital musicians rely on original and exciting samples and patches to get the competitive edge. For Example ... Theverywell-knownandwidelyfollowedblog,,citestheBeatport Top 100 as a key factor to why many of the top DJs and EDM productions sound so similar: A DJ’s job is to look beyond. Further. Deeper. Wider. To find music that others will like if only they get to hear it … To look forwards, backwards, to take risks, to do whatever it takes to say something new with the music at their fingertips … Which is why this website has always warned against buying all your music from the same place – and worse, buying the most popular music from that place. Understand, the particular “place” could be anywhere, and varies by scene and by country. But it just so happens that globally in 2013, in the age of “EDM”, it is Beatport. And the villain of this particular piece is the Beatport Top 100. - ( ” “
  • 10. 10 2) Sourcing these samples manually or creating your own is difficult as: • Studio time is expensive, as is setting up your own home studio • Recordingallthesoundsyourselfwouldrequireyoutoownalltheinstruments, PLUS the ability to play each instrument • Finding musicians to do it for you can be difficult, time consuming and would no doubt cost a lot of money THE ‘COOMPOSER SOLUTION’: PRODUCTION, rather than CONSUMPTION ... “Digital technology has already democratised the recording process--what used to take tens of thousands of dollars and a professional studio can now be accomplished with a laptop and [readily available DAW’s]. The results usually don’t sound as good, but the experimentation process is fun, and sometimes a gem emerges. Digital technology and the Internet have also made promotion and distribution far easier than they were a decade ago. By 2020, music fans will spend almost as much time creating and sharing recordings with their friends as they do listening to professionally recorded music. Don’t believe me? Think of this: 10 years ago, writers were a comparatively rare breed. Now, everybody’s got a blog, or at least a Facebook page. In another 10 years, everybody will be a musician--or at least a recording artist.” - tech-trends-that-will-shape-the-next-decade/ Yes, the digital music production market is now saturated with products - both hardware and software. But this increased consumption means there is more competition for aspiring producers and a bigger need and desire for original and inspiring samples and patches - the fundamental building blocks of digital music production. Therefore, these are the changes we propose to Coomposer ... IMPROVED CONTENT & FUNCTIONALITY: • Marketplace for sample libraries and patch sets - to both share and sell • Can be used as a ‘Musician to Musician’ (“B2B”) promotional/social/networking tool via profiles (without emphasis on gaining fans or promotion albums/ video). • Will connect Coomposer musicians and allow them to plan tours using the interactive world map and other relevant functions • INTEGRATION: Will integrate links to the artist’s complementary social media channels such as Facebook, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo etc to redirect requests that are not as relevant to Coomposer’s functionality. • AGGREGATION: Will serve as the central content aggregation site for the musicians creations by pulling content from all channels (Soundcloud, Vimeo etc.) that are relevant and displaying them on the artists’ profiles in order for listeners to easily browse. • Guidelines to and a contract creator for creating legal agreements relating to Creative Commons, Copyright, file sharing and other issues that independent musicians face . • Share tips, techniques and creative encouragement.
  • 11. 11 To be introduced during Phase 2: • Buy/sell equipment in an aesthetically pleasing trading forum, with up-to-date UX (User Experience) functionality and helpful, accurate search functions. • Live Video Jam function: Live video internet ‘jam sessions’ between various musicians. • Mobile App: A custom-designed smartphone app. • The ‘Map Tool’: An interactive music world map that will be a key component when expanding into new territories. With this function, users can find specific samples and sounds by country, using pins on a visual world map, rather than through a text search box. Location information will include who is playing what, and where. This feature is designed to allow users to both explore at random, or discover something more specific when you know the general region of the music style you want, i.e. ‘Arabian Percussion’. • ‘Highlights Ticker’ that will run across the home page/all pages broadcasting new or popular searches and listings. I.e. “Hi guys, I need a 30 second Violin sample for my new piece of chill out peace music. Does anyone have something that would suit? I can offer a max of 30€” or one…”Hey everyone, I have recorded a guitar riff, happy to sell it for 3 Euros”. REDEFINED MARKET NICHE & POSITIONING: Who does Coomposer NEED: • People looking for patches and samples (both free and paid) • Creative musicians looking for a marketplace to sell the samples and patches they have created How will Coomposer appeal to these people: • Create a strong online community of talented musicians (both live instrument and digital) interested in all genres, from classical, to contemporary, to electronic • Strong focus on empowering independent musicians to know their rights, and play an active role in negotiating their own contracts, business decisions etc. Where in the music market will Coomposer be positioned? • Coomposer will strongly appeal to independent musicians • The look and feel will be contemporary and with up-to-date technical functionality, but not intended to be luxury or expensive - Appeals to musicians that have grown up with the internet and online pop- culture. They will be familiar with online technology and electronic music - An intuitive, easy-to-use interface that can appeal to users who may not have a high level of technical computer knowledge UNIQUE SELLING POINT (USP): - “Crowd sourced” sample/patch/vocal libraries that can also be “made to order”, with pricing options ranging from: free, donation or fixed price, packages, and specials.
  • 12. 12 6. MONETISATION & DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OVERVIEW: • First 5 samples are free to upload. For further uploads, Coomposer users will need to buy credits. This will give users a taste of the Coomposer marketplace without having to give anything in exchange • Music that is fully copyrighted will be cheaper (in order to encourage Creative Commons) • Music with full usage/resale rights will be more expensive for the buyer (comparative to Beatport or Loopmasters prices) Extras that cost: • Button for having request/offers for customs samples or patches • Cloud storage options What will stop people from taking this offline? • Safe payment options • Contract creators (and distribution - similar to digital invoicing tools) • Tools to assist with the management of music rights, incl. meta-data to be filled in upon upload and pop up ‘Tips Tricks’ boxes (Flickr and Google Apps can be followed as an example) that give the user music sharing advice as the go through both the music-selling and music-buying processes (accreditation instructions will be included) • Fully integrated system: This means integrated, advanced functionality that makes file sharing so simple and easy that it is preferable to continue using Coomposer as the point-of-transfer, rather than facilitating the transaction off-site.
  • 13. 13 7. KEY TAKEAWAYS - Coomposer’s key strength is its existing community, created via Luca’s own musical background and own bands/musical projects. - The USP is to offer “Crowd sourced” sample/patch/vocal libraries that can also be “made to order”. Will have pricing options ranging from: free, donation or fixed price, packages, and specials.
  • 14. 14 8. PR BRAND STRATEGY VISION: “To play a role in the innovation and evolution of music by enabling and en- couraging relationships between LIVE and DIGITAL musicians, resulting in the cross pollination of genres and more inspired, creative and innovative music overall.” KEY OBJECTIVE: Create quality content and secure accurate coverage that reaches existing and potential Coomposer customers, encouraging them to contribute to and pur- chase from the Coomposer music marketplace. KEY MESSAGES: • Coomposer is created by musicians, for musicians • Coomposer genuinely cares about musicians and wants to help them suc- ceed, driven by a love of good music • Coomposer is a musical community built of creative and talented live and digital musician • Coomposer’s music marketplace is the most reliable and cost-effective online resource for purchasing high-quality, legal-use music samples and patches • Enable and encourage collaboration and real-life meet-ups between musi- cians • By creating a collaborative, rather than competitive, mindset within the mu- sical community, independent artists can achieve greater success by work- ing together • Using Coomposer means musicians can stay successful without having to compromise the creative integrity of their work. • Coomposer contributes to more inspired, creative and innovative music/ musical community overall. TARGETED PITCHING: • Not all PR pitches are created equal. To gain valuable coverage that ensures ROI, every pitch should be unique, situation-specific and fully customised for the publication. • Startwiththeendproductfirst:Great content promotion begins long before the con- tent has been fully planned or created. It is counterproductive and basically going backwards to create content first, and promote second.
  • 15. 15 THE REVERSE FUNNEL APPROACH: Where Do You Want Coverage and Mentions? 1. Whattypeofpublicationsdowewanttocoverthisstory?’ 2. Whattypeofstoriesdothesepublicationswant? • Rather than sending a story to publications in masses and hoping for cover- age, we instead produce the content they are likely to want (automatically making it more promotable). This includes not just the written content’s tone and style, but also images, formatting and hyper-links. • One-on-one pitching also allows you to educate the ‘journalist’ on the pur- pose of your content, give more accurate context and suggest angles/scope that may be suitable for their publication or a particular column. INCENTIVE/S: • Discount codes for ‘reader give-aways’ CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE Don’t underestimate key influencers within relevant industries. A tweet from a high profile personality can be just as valuable as media coverage. There are many ‘super-connectors’ on social media with huge number of followers that align directly with your target market. Key Influencers include: • The existing musical network of users (collaborations, social mentions, aligned marketing/promotions) • Influential journalists, bloggers social media personalities aligned with Coomposer’s core values • Hi-profile industry people and successful musicians with an active presence on Social Media etc. OVERALL STRATEGY: • Research local media and find visual examples of where Coomposer content would fit • Identify specific target areas where we want to have content placed (i.e. col- umn/regular feature column writers) • Research and identify specific media key influencers whose target audi- ence/s align with those of Coomposer • Use the above to build a custom database (incl. as comprehensive contact details as possible) • Create SEO optimised, custom written visual content that our target publi- cations will want to publish, and our target audience will want to share. • Targeted email pitches (content, tone and style of Media Releases can be edited to better suit different media targets), specifying how Coomposer’s target market aligns with the publication’s audience
  • 16. 16 BLOG: • Will be integrated into the Coomposer platform • The central hub for all inbound marketing needs • High quality content to support media release content and drive traffic to the website • Reuse any suitable content from previous releases and adapt as blog posts The Coomposer blog be used as a key tool in a wider Content Marketing Strat- egy, to reach our audience through various channels (Google rankings, social media engagement and exposure, featured blog post both internal and exter- nal). Content will focus on: • Techniques and tools for the entire sampling process (from recording to using in a song) • ‘Artist Spotlights’ that focus on samples, collaborations and other user-creat- ed content • The ‘creative process’ • Creative Commons, copyright laws, ethics, contracts, guidelines etc. • Musician rights • How to be a musician that makes enough money to pursue as a lifetime career • How to maintain a lifetime career in the music industry • Guide to: Accreditation of samples, ‘royalties’ guidelines etc. • Blurring the line between what are live recordings vs. electronic produc- tions, due to producers using live recorded samples PRACTICAL EXAMPLES: • ars-mindcontrol • PR TOOL KIT Facebook: (All PR posts in addition to daily content posts) • Will be used strategically to connect and make ‘first contact’ with potential media targets • Facebook messages will be utilised as an alternative way to make contact with hard-to-reach media targets • Posts will promote B2C and any media coverage that would be interesting to customers • Posts will use cross tagging to reach media targets partners/affiliates (and their fan-bases).
  • 17. 17 TWITTER: (All PR posts in addition to daily content posts) Leverage Twitter for Pitching: Reporters use Twitter for first access to breaking news. By sending customised Twitter messages containing relevant stories to targeted journalists, you may catch them on deadline and they will be grateful to run your story. Often, sto- ries will be posted online within hours and broadcast via Twitter. • Used to start conversations with media and potential partners • Push key messages and generate real time feedback (great to gauge re- sponses) • Messages will be utilised as an alternative way to make contact with hard-to- reach media targets “low-hanging fruit” • Posts will promote B2C objectives and any media coverage that would be interesting to customers • Posts will use cross tagging to reach media targets partners/affiliates (and their fan-bases) MEDIA PAGE: Having a user-friendly media page with quick and easy access to good content is a key tool for pitching media. It allows us to show we are a credible company with a proven record, show that Coomposer is newsworthy and gives examples of how beneficial a Coomposer feature could be to publications. IMAGES INFO-GRAPHICS: • Not all visual content is created equal. Images must be relevant, aesthetical- ly pleasing (in a style that suits the publication), high-quality, print-ready and in an easy to access format (such as a media page with an image gallery). • Sending suitable images with a Media Release highly increases your chance of getting placement as you are providing them with double the value (copy-writing + images = ready-to-go article) • According to Hubspot, Facebook photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 94% more click-throughs. Tweets with images also get twice as many interactions. • Info-graphics DONE WELL should convey complex information and con- cepts in a way that’s easier to make sense of. Unfortunately, few info-graph- ics are done well and are simply created for shallow SEO benefit - these are not the type of images that will impress reputable publications. Image Strategy: • Create custom-made, print-ready, high-quality photos, images and in- fo-graphics to accompany press releases All images will also boost visual content for the blog and Social Media