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Contracts with Interdependent Preferences
Debraj Ray1
Marek Weretka2
New York University
University of Wisconsin-Madison and GRAPE/FAME
EWMES 2023
December, 2023
Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 1 / 18
I Question: How to incentivize a group (a team) of rational agents?
I Existing “team” agency theories assume agents are driven by their material
self-interest (e.g., monetary payment, cost of effort). (Lazear and Rosen,
(1981), Holmstrom (1982), Green and Stokey, (1983), Segal (1993, 2003), Winter
(2004), Halac, Kremer and Winter (2020,2021), Halac, Lipnowski and Rappoport
(2021), Camboni and Porccellancchia (2022 ))
I Experiments: violations of the “preference independence” hypothesis.
I Evolutionary arguments for positive and negative interdependence
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Research Agenda
I Goal#1: Introduce preference interdependence to a team agency problem
I A framework with interdependent preferences
I Characterize optimal contracts
I Goal#2: Recommendations for contract design:
I Should a compensation of an agent depend on other’s performance?
I When are tournaments optimal? If so, what kind?
I In which environments a joint liability/reward mechanism is effective?
I Are altruistic or adversarial relations more beneficial for a principal?
I Does interdependence benefit the agents?
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Interdependent Preferences in Economics
1. Altruistic or adversarial attitudes
I Outcome-based preferences: Players care about the outcome of others, e.g.,
consumption or money (Fehr and Schmidt, 1999; Charness and Rabin, 2002;
Bolton and Ockenfels, 2000; Sobel, 2005).
I Utility-based preferences: Players care directly about the welfare of others
(e.g., Becker, 1974; Ray, 1987; Bernheim, 1989; Bergstrom, 1999; Pearce,
2008; Bourles et al, 2017, Galperti and Strulovici, 2017, Ray and Vohra, 2020,
Vasquez and Weretka 2019, 2021).
2. Reduced form of dynamic interactions among selfish agents Che and Yoo
(2001), Bandiera et al. (2005)
I We work with the utility-based preferences
I Non-paternalistic altruism, games of love and hate, empathetic games as we
believe they naturally capture interactions with such agents.
I Our results apply to the other two forms of interdepencies!
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1. Simple example (binary output)
2. Framework with I agents, general signal distributions
3. Summary of general results
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Simple example
I One principal and two identical agents i = a, b
I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working)
I Observable outputs yi ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., failure and success)
I Working: Prei=1(yi = 0) = 0.5; shirking: Prei=0(yi = 0) = 0.5 + ε
I Contract: monetary compensation m : {0, 1}2
→ R+
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Simple example
I One principal and two identical agents i = a, b
I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working)
I Observable outputs yi ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., failure and success)
I Working: Prei=1(yi = 0) = 0.5; shirking: Prei=0(yi = 0) = 0.5 + ε
I Contract: monetary compensation m : {0, 1}2
→ R+
I Interdependent preferences:
Ui = u(mi) − c(ei)
| {z }
material payoff Vi
+ αŪj
interdependent part
I concave function u : R+ → R+, cost function c(ei) = c × ei,
I Ūj is agent i conjecture regarding utility of an agent j
I α ∈ (0, 1] altruistic preferences, α ∈ [−1, 0) adversarial preferences
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Problem of the principal
I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ):
/ yj = 0 yj = 1
yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1)
yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences
I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei).
I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs:
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Problem of the principal
I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ):
/ yj = 0 yj = 1
yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1)
yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences
I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei).
I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs:
Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) =
Vi(e) + αVj(e)
1 − α2
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Problem of the principal
I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ):
/ yj = 0 yj = 1
yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1)
yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences
I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei).
I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs:
Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) =
Vi(e) + αVj(e)
1 − α2
I Problem:
E(m|ea = eb = 1)
s.t. ea = eb = 1 is a Nash in the game with reduced form preferences.
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Problem of the principal
I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ):
/ yj = 0 yj = 1
yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1)
yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences
I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei).
I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs:
Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) =
Vi(e) + αVj(e)
1 − α2
I Problem:
E(m|ea = eb = 1)
s.t. ea = eb = 1 is a Nash in the game with reduced form preferences.
I No informational externality in our model!
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Contracts with interdependent preferences
I Independent contracts optimal for α = 0 (Green and Stokey, (1983))
I Reduced form utility Ũa = Va+αVb
1−α2 6= Va ≡ u(m(ya, yb)) − cea
I Payments to both agents incentivize agent a
/ yb = 0 yb = 1
ya = 0 m(0,0), m(0,0) m(0,1), m(1,0)
ya = 1 m(1,0), m(0,1) m(1,1), m(1,1)
I With interdependencies, payment m(1,0) affects incentives in two events
I Independent contracts suboptimal when α 6= 0
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Optimal contracts
/ yb = 0 yb = 1
ya = 0 0 0
ya = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I In optimum m(1,0) > (<) m(1,1) when α < (>) 0
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Optimal contracts
/ yb = 0 yb = 1
ya = 0 0 0
ya = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1)
I In optimum m(1,0) > (<) m(1,1) when α < (>) 0
I Two bonus contracts:
I Positive interdepenence: Performance bonus + Team bonus
I Negative interdependence: Performance bonus + Winner’s bonus
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Optimal contracts
Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
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Optimal contracts
Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
I Variations:
I More general binary signal distributions (+ consolation price)
I Outside options (performance and winner’s/team bonuse + wage)
I Risk neutral agents (pure tournaments/join liability)
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Benefits of interdependence
I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative?
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Benefits of interdependence
I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative?
I Positive and negative interdependence reduces expected payment
Figure: Expected payment for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
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Benefits of interdependence
I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative?
I Positive and negative interdependence reduces expected payment
Figure: Expected payment for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
I Inverted U shaped pattern is robust
I In general, payment is symmetric
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Benefits of interdependence
I Is interdependence beneficial for the agents? If so, positive or negative?
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Benefits of interdependence
I Is interdependence beneficial for the agents? If so, positive or negative?
I In general, positive interdependence helps while negative hurts
I Example in which altruism leads to strictly negative material payoff:
Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
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Robust implementation
I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash?
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Robust implementation
I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash?
I Positive (negative) interdependence → strategic complements (substitutes)
I One needs to reduce cooperative incentives, relying on the performance bonus
Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
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Robust implementation
I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash?
I Positive (negative) interdependence → strategic complements (substitutes)
I One needs to reduce cooperative incentives, relying on the performance bonus
Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ
, θ = 0.5.
I Negative interdependence with contests cheaper for a conservative principal
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General Framework
I One principal, I ≥ 2 symmetric agents
I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working)
I Observable outputs yi ∈ Y ⊂ R (signals)
I Probability measure µei
: µ`
, decreasing RN derivative [dµ`
I Interdependent vNM preferences:
Ui = u(mi) − c(ei)
| {z }
material payoff Vi
+ α
| {z }
interdependent part
I Problem: symmetric m : Y ×n
→ R+ that implements efforts as (unique) Nash with
respect to reduced form utilities
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Technical contribution:
I Contracts fully characterized by a statistic
Ψ(y) ≡ (1 − [dµ`
](y1)) +
1 − α(n − 2)
(1 − [dµ`
I Optimal contracts increase the fastest in the direction of ∇Ψ
Figure: Interdependencies: α = 0.3 (left panel), independent preferences α = 0 (middle
panel) and α = −0.3 (right panel) .
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract
3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract
3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator
4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract
3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator
4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts
5. Principal benefits from the increased (positive or negative) interdependence
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Substantive results
1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum
2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract
3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator
4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts
5. Principal benefits from the increased (positive or negative) interdependence
6. Robust implementation easier with negative interdependence
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Design with interdependencies in practice
I Evidence
I Social relationships critical for workers’ well-being. Riordan and
Griffeth (1995); Hodson (1997); Ducharme and Martin (2000); Morrison
(2004); Wagner and Harter (2006); Krueger and Schkade (2008).
I 85% of US managers foster friendship in the workplace (Berman et al. (2002))
I 73% of the firms use some bonuses, 66% individual and 22% team bonuses
Payscale (2019)
I Grameen style lending program (joint liability)
I Small number of sport competitors: tournaments
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Thank you!
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$ = #
 + 0.5$#
Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism)
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$ = #
 + 0.5$#
Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism)
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$ = #
 + 0.5$#
Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism)
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$ = #
 + 0.5$#
Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism)
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$ = #
 − 0.5$#
Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Antypathy)
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Contracts with Interdependent Preferences

  • 1. Contracts with Interdependent Preferences Debraj Ray1 Marek Weretka2 1 New York University 2 University of Wisconsin-Madison and GRAPE/FAME EWMES 2023 December, 2023 Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 1 / 18
  • 2. Motivation I Question: How to incentivize a group (a team) of rational agents? I Existing “team” agency theories assume agents are driven by their material self-interest (e.g., monetary payment, cost of effort). (Lazear and Rosen, (1981), Holmstrom (1982), Green and Stokey, (1983), Segal (1993, 2003), Winter (2004), Halac, Kremer and Winter (2020,2021), Halac, Lipnowski and Rappoport (2021), Camboni and Porccellancchia (2022 )) I Experiments: violations of the “preference independence” hypothesis. I Evolutionary arguments for positive and negative interdependence Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 2 / 18
  • 3. Research Agenda I Goal#1: Introduce preference interdependence to a team agency problem I A framework with interdependent preferences I Characterize optimal contracts I Goal#2: Recommendations for contract design: I Should a compensation of an agent depend on other’s performance? I When are tournaments optimal? If so, what kind? I In which environments a joint liability/reward mechanism is effective? I Are altruistic or adversarial relations more beneficial for a principal? I Does interdependence benefit the agents? Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 3 / 18
  • 4. Interdependent Preferences in Economics 1. Altruistic or adversarial attitudes I Outcome-based preferences: Players care about the outcome of others, e.g., consumption or money (Fehr and Schmidt, 1999; Charness and Rabin, 2002; Bolton and Ockenfels, 2000; Sobel, 2005). I Utility-based preferences: Players care directly about the welfare of others (e.g., Becker, 1974; Ray, 1987; Bernheim, 1989; Bergstrom, 1999; Pearce, 2008; Bourles et al, 2017, Galperti and Strulovici, 2017, Ray and Vohra, 2020, Vasquez and Weretka 2019, 2021). 2. Reduced form of dynamic interactions among selfish agents Che and Yoo (2001), Bandiera et al. (2005) I We work with the utility-based preferences I Non-paternalistic altruism, games of love and hate, empathetic games as we believe they naturally capture interactions with such agents. I Our results apply to the other two forms of interdepencies! Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 4 / 18
  • 5. Outline 1. Simple example (binary output) 2. Framework with I agents, general signal distributions 3. Summary of general results Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 5 / 18
  • 6. Simple example I One principal and two identical agents i = a, b I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working) I Observable outputs yi ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., failure and success) I Working: Prei=1(yi = 0) = 0.5; shirking: Prei=0(yi = 0) = 0.5 + ε I Contract: monetary compensation m : {0, 1}2 → R+ Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 6 / 18
  • 7. Simple example I One principal and two identical agents i = a, b I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working) I Observable outputs yi ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., failure and success) I Working: Prei=1(yi = 0) = 0.5; shirking: Prei=0(yi = 0) = 0.5 + ε I Contract: monetary compensation m : {0, 1}2 → R+ I Interdependent preferences: Ui = u(mi) − c(ei) | {z } material payoff Vi + αŪj |{z} interdependent part . I concave function u : R+ → R+, cost function c(ei) = c × ei, I Ūj is agent i conjecture regarding utility of an agent j I α ∈ (0, 1] altruistic preferences, α ∈ [−1, 0) adversarial preferences Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 6 / 18
  • 8. Problem of the principal I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ): / yj = 0 yj = 1 yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1) yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei). I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs: Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 7 / 18
  • 9. Problem of the principal I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ): / yj = 0 yj = 1 yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1) yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei). I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs: Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) = Vi(e) + αVj(e) 1 − α2 Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 7 / 18
  • 10. Problem of the principal I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ): / yj = 0 yj = 1 yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1) yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei). I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs: Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) = Vi(e) + αVj(e) 1 − α2 I Problem: min m E(m|ea = eb = 1) s.t. ea = eb = 1 is a Nash in the game with reduced form preferences. Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 7 / 18
  • 11. Problem of the principal I Principal’s offers symmetric contract m(yi,yj ): / yj = 0 yj = 1 yi = 0 m(0,0) m(0,1) yi = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I Contract m defines game with interdependent preferences I e = {ei}i induces (random) material payoff Vi = u(m(yi,yj )) − c(ei). I Utility feedback effects and consistent payoffs: Ui(e) = Vi(e) + αŪj → Ũi(e) = Vi(e) + αVj(e) 1 − α2 I Problem: min m E(m|ea = eb = 1) s.t. ea = eb = 1 is a Nash in the game with reduced form preferences. I No informational externality in our model! Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 7 / 18
  • 12. Contracts with interdependent preferences I Independent contracts optimal for α = 0 (Green and Stokey, (1983)) I Reduced form utility Ũa = Va+αVb 1−α2 6= Va ≡ u(m(ya, yb)) − cea I Payments to both agents incentivize agent a / yb = 0 yb = 1 ya = 0 m(0,0), m(0,0) m(0,1), m(1,0) ya = 1 m(1,0), m(0,1) m(1,1), m(1,1) I With interdependencies, payment m(1,0) affects incentives in two events I Independent contracts suboptimal when α 6= 0 Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 8 / 18
  • 13. Optimal contracts / yb = 0 yb = 1 ya = 0 0 0 ya = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I In optimum m(1,0) > (<) m(1,1) when α < (>) 0 Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 9 / 18
  • 14. Optimal contracts / yb = 0 yb = 1 ya = 0 0 0 ya = 1 m(1,0) m(1,1) I In optimum m(1,0) > (<) m(1,1) when α < (>) 0 I Two bonus contracts: I Positive interdepenence: Performance bonus + Team bonus I Negative interdependence: Performance bonus + Winner’s bonus Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 9 / 18
  • 15. Optimal contracts Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 10 / 18
  • 16. Optimal contracts Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. I Variations: I More general binary signal distributions (+ consolation price) I Outside options (performance and winner’s/team bonuse + wage) I Risk neutral agents (pure tournaments/join liability) Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 10 / 18
  • 17. Benefits of interdependence I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative? Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 11 / 18
  • 18. Benefits of interdependence I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative? I Positive and negative interdependence reduces expected payment Figure: Expected payment for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 11 / 18
  • 19. Benefits of interdependence I Is interdependence beneficial for the principal? If so, positive or negative? I Positive and negative interdependence reduces expected payment Figure: Expected payment for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. I Inverted U shaped pattern is robust I In general, payment is symmetric Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 11 / 18
  • 20. Benefits of interdependence I Is interdependence beneficial for the agents? If so, positive or negative? Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 12 / 18
  • 21. Benefits of interdependence I Is interdependence beneficial for the agents? If so, positive or negative? I In general, positive interdependence helps while negative hurts I Example in which altruism leads to strictly negative material payoff: Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 12 / 18
  • 22. Robust implementation I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash? Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 13 / 18
  • 23. Robust implementation I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash? I Positive (negative) interdependence → strategic complements (substitutes) I One needs to reduce cooperative incentives, relying on the performance bonus Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 13 / 18
  • 24. Robust implementation I What if one wants to implement effort in unique Nash? I Positive (negative) interdependence → strategic complements (substitutes) I One needs to reduce cooperative incentives, relying on the performance bonus Figure: Optimal bonuses for c = 1, ε = 0.1 and u = m1−θ , θ = 0.5. I Negative interdependence with contests cheaper for a conservative principal Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 13 / 18
  • 25. General Framework I One principal, I ≥ 2 symmetric agents I Non-observable efforts ei ∈ {0, 1}, (i.e., shirking and working) I Observable outputs yi ∈ Y ⊂ R (signals) I Probability measure µei : µ` µh , decreasing RN derivative [dµ` /dµh ](y) I Interdependent vNM preferences: Ui = u(mi) − c(ei) | {z } material payoff Vi + α X j6=i Uj | {z } interdependent part . I Problem: symmetric m : Y ×n → R+ that implements efforts as (unique) Nash with respect to reduced form utilities Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 14 / 18
  • 26. Technical contribution: I Contracts fully characterized by a statistic Ψ(y) ≡ (1 − [dµ` /dµh ](y1)) + α 1 − α(n − 2) X j6=1 (1 − [dµ` /dµh ](yj)). I Optimal contracts increase the fastest in the direction of ∇Ψ Figure: Interdependencies: α = 0.3 (left panel), independent preferences α = 0 (middle panel) and α = −0.3 (right panel) . Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 15 / 18
  • 27. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 28. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum 2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 29. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum 2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract 3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 30. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum 2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract 3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator 4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 31. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum 2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract 3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator 4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts 5. Principal benefits from the increased (positive or negative) interdependence Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 32. Substantive results 1. Contracts span an entire competitive-cooperative spectrum 2. Outside option does not affect competitiveness/cooperativeness of a contract 3. Asymmetry: in large teams, altruism is a stronger motivator 4. Risk aversion is necessary for realistic contracts 5. Principal benefits from the increased (positive or negative) interdependence 6. Robust implementation easier with negative interdependence Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 16 / 18
  • 33. Design with interdependencies in practice I Evidence I Social relationships critical for workers’ well-being. Riordan and Griffeth (1995); Hodson (1997); Ducharme and Martin (2000); Morrison (2004); Wagner and Harter (2006); Krueger and Schkade (2008). I 85% of US managers foster friendship in the workplace (Berman et al. (2002)) I 73% of the firms use some bonuses, 66% individual and 22% team bonuses Payscale (2019) I Grameen style lending program (joint liability) I Small number of sport competitors: tournaments Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 17 / 18
  • 34. Thank you! Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18
  • 35. 45! # $ $# $ = # + 0.5$# Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism) return Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18
  • 36. 45! # $ $# $ = # + 0.5$# Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism) return Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18
  • 37. 45! # $ $# $ = # + 0.5$# Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism) return Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18
  • 38. 45! # $ $# $ = # + 0.5$# Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Altruism) return Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18
  • 39. 45! # $ $# $ = # − 0.5$# Figure: Empathetic Contagion (Antypathy) return Debraj Ray and Marek Weretka Contracts with Interdependent Preferecnes 18 / 18