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American Revolution
By: Connor Chang
March, 5th, 1770
Bloody Boston
The Boston Massacre, the
most terrifying moment of my
life yet.
Bloody Boston
March, 5th, 1770
This is outrageous! I am a 17 years old boy that is in a rich family, which was sent by the British to colonize
in America. My name is Henry. We went to the King Street, seeking for a peaceful way to talk about the
ridiculous stamp act that the King issued upon us. The stamp act was the act that the king issued, the king
wanted to increase the tax on any writing related tools, ink, pen, paper and many more, and is the
reason why this massacre happened. How am I supposed to write? I am writing right now, and it is costing
me quite a bloody lot because of this freaking dumb act. They said that the act was for us to pay our
debt because of the British protection they gave us during the 7-year-war, against the French and
the local Indians, the war that my beloved father fought bravely. My father was a commander on the
frontlines the manliest of the manliest soldiers. He once rode a horse and taking his sword and rifle with
him, raising his sword out in his left hand, struck the French with his mighty strength. The British wants us to
pay for what WE colonist did. Those British soldiers, I just want to kill those red coat lobster backs. Todays
massacre will always be in my mind, I call it the Boston Massacre, the moment we started to chant for
freedom, the commander said fire and killed my five friends while everyone was fleeing the streets.
The taxes rose unreasonably and now I look back at the massacre. The red coats were aiming at us, as if
we are just some type of target that they practice shooting with. Those ruthless money-sucking bullocks,
taking peoples freedom. If people are not able to afford the high taxes, they will go to jail. Think about
their family, the children! They have to live without their father taking care of them. This is absolutely
taxation without representation. The idiotic king later issued the sugar act, and it was at our lowest
economic status. Many people were broke and it influenced many people, especially for the import and
export business. They had to pay so much to do what they do and many smugglers could not
smuggle items because it was too risky because of the new sugar act. Samuel Adams and John Otis,
both from Massachusetts, were two major people who wanted to get rid of the Sugar Act. I believe that they
are the right and the British are the wrong, I will follow what they believe is right for us. I was walking along
the streets when I overheard two men saying they were going to raid a British ship. When I heard that, I was
excited so I walked over to them and asked what they were planning to do. They explained the entire plan
to me; I would walk up to the ship and do what they tell me to do. The Boston Tea Party will be fun.
July, 4th, 1776
Great Sons of Liberty
The Boston Tea
Party, we have
made a lot of
towards the British.
Great Sons of Liberty
July, 4th, 1776
We marched along the streets, with many men along me, I feel safe doing this. We were planning of raiding
the ship that just arrived in the Boston Port, and we were planning to pour all the tea into the ocean to show
how we are unsatisfied with the king’s new acts. When we marched, many looked and many followed. We
walked onto the ship, and beat anyone who got into our way, later, the British soldiers came, but we kept
pouring the tea. Even though many of our men were hurt, we never stopped; we need to show the British
that we are capable of doing things that will harm their profits. Now they cannot just care about their money,
they will need to care about us, their colonies. Many people call it the Boston Tea Party. This was such an
important step towards our revolution to freedom and independence, because this was to show how us,
colonist, did not want the tea act from the stupid king.
This rebellion caused the most evil act ever, the intolerable acts or the coercive act. This act destroys all
of our freedom and I see this as a punishment because of the Boston Tea Party. I am sure this made a
lot more colonist wants to go against the British now. This act also made the whole colony boycott all the
British products to try to over throw this act from the king. The congress had agreed to give support to
Massachusetts in case of being under attacked by the British, which meant that all 13 colonies leader
had all agreed to be in a revolutionary war, the American Revolution War.
The sons of liberty are all having a meeting in Philadelphia. It’s is called the First Continental Congress,
the meeting between all 13 colonies. During the meetings, each colony representatives had represented
their own problems to others. Mostly about the British acts and laws, also they had all talked about starting a
war against the British to get their independence. That's why they all singed the declaration of
independence. The revolution had just begun. Many great men had been part of this revolution, including,
John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Sons of Liberty is what they are. They
have all signed the Declaration of Independence, showing the British we want freedom and independence
from their tyrant, King George III. They are all great people, not afraid of the king and want to start a war
October 17th, 1777
British Defeated
The Battle of Bunker
Hill, a very scary
British Defeated
October 17th, 1777
Today, I marched along the great land we fight for the patriots, the people who love their own country. Keeping it away
from those loyalist British bastards, who thinks that they are British and they think they are so much better than we are
the people who love their land that they grew up in. Now they just want it to be destroyed by the British. This battle is
important because this would decide if the French would help us or not. First, I need to write down what I remember
from Bunker Hill and Lexington.
In the Battle of Lexington and Concord, many of the soldiers were just like me. They were all just normal civilians
who want independence from the British. The army, which is formed by civilians, was called militia, and we were
definitely a militia. Most of the people in the army were a farmer. I was sure that we couldn’t win this war against the
British with a group of farmers. This was proven at Lexington, the moment the British arrived, the first shots were fired
and many of us were already killed! While I was battling, I heard a quick swoosh and I can feel the impact because I
see a hole on the top of my hat behind me and I saw this part of my hat scratched of by that deadly bullet and I knew
how close I was to dying in this battle. We had lost many men during that battle and I was devastated.
During the battle of Bunker Hill, we were all very exhausted from fighting against the British. I was ordered to go to
Bunker Hill and then go to Breeds Hill to block off the British from moving towards Boston. Honestly, I was very
scared, I was just a normal teenager colonist that was quite rich, but then now I have to go to war. But I felt a lot safer
when I heard that William Prescott will be leading us in this battle, I am not afraid to fight for him. We were all lined
up on the vast hills of Breeds Hill and when the British came up the hill, we shot them first, but they shot back. This
battle was very quickly over since a lot of people were all in open spaces. 226 of the soldiers on the British side
were killed, including 19 officers and 886 were wounded. 115 of us were killed and 305 of us were wounded.
Even though we killed more and injured more, they sent waves of assault and finally they broke through our defense
and conquered Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill but costing them a total of 1054 men.
Back to the Battle of Saratoga, we had won the battle. It was all because of our great tactic, Guerilla Warfare. Guerilla
Warfare is where we hide in the bushes below the British eye level and we ambush them and kill the officers. The
British were trained to shoot at the eye level and in the same line, so we were sure that we could win this battle. Of
course, this tactic worked and we had killed 19 officers and we had defeated the British in a battle for the first time.
Luckily, the French now trust us in our capabilities and they are willing to send their support to us and help us
with this war, and it is all thanks to Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin went to France and talk to many
politically powerful people and he was the representative for us at France. Another reason why France wanted to
help us was because the British and the French fought in a war before, and they weren’t too successful during the
war. But now they know that it is certain that our side would win and that we shown the world that the British
military could be defeated. The French will now help us, and we started marching towards York Town.
September 3rd, 1781
Our Last Stand
Our last battle in this war,
finally, independence
Our Last Stand
September 3rd, 1781
Today was the day that the British signed the Treaty of Paris with us, Americans. Our 13 colonies are
now called the United States of America, the Treaty of Paris allows us to have no control from the British in
our land anymore. The taste of freedom is a sweet as the British tea dumped in the ocean during the Boston
Tea Party. The Treaty of Paris was signed by, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens and John
Adams. The British representatives were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. I’ve heard that painter
Benjamin West tried to paint the scene where the British and the Americans is negotiating on the treaty, but
because they are sore losers they didn’t pose for him. The Treaty made clear rules, America to be its
own independent nation, a border between America and British America, right for American
fisherman to fish in the grand banks, and United States would prevent confiscating Loyalist
properties. Those agreements were all the most important out of all the 10 agreements.
Bring back from the Treaty, I need to write about the French assistance. The French sent soldiers 24
hours later our victory in Saratoga, just in time for the Battle of York Town. I was stunned to see this
sight with my own eyes. George Washington, one of the sons of liberty rode a horse to the frontline
and he said that he would lead us in this glorious battle and fight along side us! I was so excited!
George Washington himself would fight in this battle, the battle of York Town. I am sure this will be our
last battle in this war. I want to go home and get away from these battles and not see any more of my
friends get killed. We are all tired from fighting against the British, but this is our last push towards freedom.
Earlier, the French had blocked off the attempted escape of the British officer, Cornwallis, at the
York River in York Town. The moment we got the news that Cornwallis was staying in York Town,
the French troops moved towards Virginia and Washington also brought us to York Town. Even
though the British had taken over New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. We were now where close to
losing this war and we are not going to stop fighting.
The continental army, meaning the French, and us arrived in Virginia the day after the Battle of Saratoga.
With the total of 7000 soldiers, Washington and Rochambeau led us towards York Town and it was
called the celebrated march. The battle started and Washington fired the first cannon and it was a great
hit! I am sure there are many people on that side that is wondering why Washington is here and wondering
how he has such good aim! We started setting up cannons and the British tried to get close to us, but the
men at the frontline took their bayonets and stabbed them while they tried to come up our trench, this
tactic was called trench warfare. Fighting for over a whole day, Cornwallis finally surrendered and we
had won this battle and most importantly the war.
March 4th, 1789
The Three to Rule Us All
The rebels in Shay’s
The Three to Rule Us All
September 3rd, 1781
Today was the day that the British signed the Treaty of Paris with us, Americans. Our 13 colonies are now called
the United States of America, the Treaty of Paris allows us to have no control from the British in our land anymore. The
taste of freedom is a sweet as the British tea dumped in the ocean during the Boston Tea Party. The Treaty of Paris
was signed by, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens and John Adams. The British representatives
were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. I’ve heard that painter Benjamin West tried to paint the scene where the
British and the Americans is negotiating on the treaty, but because they are sore losers they didn’t pose for him.
The Treaty made clear rules, America to be its own independent nation, a border between America and British
America, right for American fisherman to fish in the grand banks, and United States would prevent
confiscating Loyalist properties. Those agreements were all the most important out of all the 10 agreements.
Bring back from the Treaty, I need to write about the French assistance. The French sent soldiers 24 hours later our
victory in Saratoga, just in time for the Battle of York Town. I was stunned to see this sight with my own eyes.
George Washington, one of the sons of liberty rode a horse to the frontline and he said that he would lead us
in this glorious battle and fight along side us! I was so excited! George Washington himself would fight in this
battle, the battle of York Town. I am sure this will be our last battle in this war. I want to go home and get away from
these battles and not see any more of my friends get killed. We are all tired from fighting against the British, but this is
our last push towards freedom. Earlier, the French had blocked off the attempted escape of the British officer,
Cornwallis, at the York River in York Town. The moment we got the news that Cornwallis was staying in York
Town, the French troops moved towards Virginia and Washington also brought us to York Town. Even though
the British had taken over New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. We were now where close to losing this war and
we are not going to stop fighting.
The continental army, meaning the French, and us arrived in Virginia the day after the Battle of Saratoga. With the
total of 7000 soldiers, Washington and Rochambeau led us towards York Town and it was called the celebrated
march. The battle started and Washington fired the first cannon and it was a great hit! I am sure there are many
people on that side that is wondering why Washington is here and wondering how he has such good aim! We started
setting up cannons and the British tried to get close to us, but the men at the frontline took their bayonets and
stabbed them while they tried to come up our trench, this tactic was called trench warfare. Fighting for over a
whole day, Cornwallis finally surrendered and we had won this battle and most importantly the war.
Works Cited
American Revolution For Students. Prod. Schlessinger Media. 2004. Online Film.
"How Revolutionary Was the American Revolution?" Digital History. Digital History, n.d. Web. 14 May 2013.
John Buford's Chromolithograph, "Boston Massacre" (1770). Digital image. Boston Massacre, March 5th, 1770. The US History, n.d. Web.
"Overview of the American Revolution." Digital History. Digital History, n.d. Web. 14 May 2013.
Redcoats. Digital image. Michael Showalter, n.d. Web.
The Boston Tea Party. Digital image. On This Deity, n.d. Web.
Battle of Saratoga Free Mans Farm Bemis Heights. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
The Battle of Bunker Hill. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
The Battle of Yorktown 1781. Digital image. American Revolution: The Battle of York Town. N.p., n.d. Web.
The Signing of Treaty of Paris. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
Digital image. Shay's Rebellion - Person :William Shepard. N.p., n.d. Web.
Digital image. Mr. Ortlieb's History Page. N.p., n.d. Web.

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Connor's American Revolution Journal

  • 2. March, 5th, 1770 Bloody Boston The Boston Massacre, the most terrifying moment of my life yet.
  • 3. Bloody Boston March, 5th, 1770 This is outrageous! I am a 17 years old boy that is in a rich family, which was sent by the British to colonize in America. My name is Henry. We went to the King Street, seeking for a peaceful way to talk about the ridiculous stamp act that the King issued upon us. The stamp act was the act that the king issued, the king wanted to increase the tax on any writing related tools, ink, pen, paper and many more, and is the reason why this massacre happened. How am I supposed to write? I am writing right now, and it is costing me quite a bloody lot because of this freaking dumb act. They said that the act was for us to pay our debt because of the British protection they gave us during the 7-year-war, against the French and the local Indians, the war that my beloved father fought bravely. My father was a commander on the frontlines the manliest of the manliest soldiers. He once rode a horse and taking his sword and rifle with him, raising his sword out in his left hand, struck the French with his mighty strength. The British wants us to pay for what WE colonist did. Those British soldiers, I just want to kill those red coat lobster backs. Todays massacre will always be in my mind, I call it the Boston Massacre, the moment we started to chant for freedom, the commander said fire and killed my five friends while everyone was fleeing the streets. The taxes rose unreasonably and now I look back at the massacre. The red coats were aiming at us, as if we are just some type of target that they practice shooting with. Those ruthless money-sucking bullocks, taking peoples freedom. If people are not able to afford the high taxes, they will go to jail. Think about their family, the children! They have to live without their father taking care of them. This is absolutely taxation without representation. The idiotic king later issued the sugar act, and it was at our lowest economic status. Many people were broke and it influenced many people, especially for the import and export business. They had to pay so much to do what they do and many smugglers could not smuggle items because it was too risky because of the new sugar act. Samuel Adams and John Otis, both from Massachusetts, were two major people who wanted to get rid of the Sugar Act. I believe that they are the right and the British are the wrong, I will follow what they believe is right for us. I was walking along the streets when I overheard two men saying they were going to raid a British ship. When I heard that, I was excited so I walked over to them and asked what they were planning to do. They explained the entire plan to me; I would walk up to the ship and do what they tell me to do. The Boston Tea Party will be fun.
  • 4. July, 4th, 1776 Great Sons of Liberty The Boston Tea Party, we have made a lot of destruction towards the British.
  • 5. Great Sons of Liberty July, 4th, 1776 We marched along the streets, with many men along me, I feel safe doing this. We were planning of raiding the ship that just arrived in the Boston Port, and we were planning to pour all the tea into the ocean to show how we are unsatisfied with the king’s new acts. When we marched, many looked and many followed. We walked onto the ship, and beat anyone who got into our way, later, the British soldiers came, but we kept pouring the tea. Even though many of our men were hurt, we never stopped; we need to show the British that we are capable of doing things that will harm their profits. Now they cannot just care about their money, they will need to care about us, their colonies. Many people call it the Boston Tea Party. This was such an important step towards our revolution to freedom and independence, because this was to show how us, colonist, did not want the tea act from the stupid king. This rebellion caused the most evil act ever, the intolerable acts or the coercive act. This act destroys all of our freedom and I see this as a punishment because of the Boston Tea Party. I am sure this made a lot more colonist wants to go against the British now. This act also made the whole colony boycott all the British products to try to over throw this act from the king. The congress had agreed to give support to Massachusetts in case of being under attacked by the British, which meant that all 13 colonies leader had all agreed to be in a revolutionary war, the American Revolution War. The sons of liberty are all having a meeting in Philadelphia. It’s is called the First Continental Congress, the meeting between all 13 colonies. During the meetings, each colony representatives had represented their own problems to others. Mostly about the British acts and laws, also they had all talked about starting a war against the British to get their independence. That's why they all singed the declaration of independence. The revolution had just begun. Many great men had been part of this revolution, including, John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Sons of Liberty is what they are. They have all signed the Declaration of Independence, showing the British we want freedom and independence from their tyrant, King George III. They are all great people, not afraid of the king and want to start a war
  • 6. October 17th, 1777 British Defeated The Battle of Bunker Hill, a very scary battle
  • 7. British Defeated October 17th, 1777 Today, I marched along the great land we fight for the patriots, the people who love their own country. Keeping it away from those loyalist British bastards, who thinks that they are British and they think they are so much better than we are the people who love their land that they grew up in. Now they just want it to be destroyed by the British. This battle is important because this would decide if the French would help us or not. First, I need to write down what I remember from Bunker Hill and Lexington. In the Battle of Lexington and Concord, many of the soldiers were just like me. They were all just normal civilians who want independence from the British. The army, which is formed by civilians, was called militia, and we were definitely a militia. Most of the people in the army were a farmer. I was sure that we couldn’t win this war against the British with a group of farmers. This was proven at Lexington, the moment the British arrived, the first shots were fired and many of us were already killed! While I was battling, I heard a quick swoosh and I can feel the impact because I see a hole on the top of my hat behind me and I saw this part of my hat scratched of by that deadly bullet and I knew how close I was to dying in this battle. We had lost many men during that battle and I was devastated. During the battle of Bunker Hill, we were all very exhausted from fighting against the British. I was ordered to go to Bunker Hill and then go to Breeds Hill to block off the British from moving towards Boston. Honestly, I was very scared, I was just a normal teenager colonist that was quite rich, but then now I have to go to war. But I felt a lot safer when I heard that William Prescott will be leading us in this battle, I am not afraid to fight for him. We were all lined up on the vast hills of Breeds Hill and when the British came up the hill, we shot them first, but they shot back. This battle was very quickly over since a lot of people were all in open spaces. 226 of the soldiers on the British side were killed, including 19 officers and 886 were wounded. 115 of us were killed and 305 of us were wounded. Even though we killed more and injured more, they sent waves of assault and finally they broke through our defense and conquered Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill but costing them a total of 1054 men. Back to the Battle of Saratoga, we had won the battle. It was all because of our great tactic, Guerilla Warfare. Guerilla Warfare is where we hide in the bushes below the British eye level and we ambush them and kill the officers. The British were trained to shoot at the eye level and in the same line, so we were sure that we could win this battle. Of course, this tactic worked and we had killed 19 officers and we had defeated the British in a battle for the first time. Luckily, the French now trust us in our capabilities and they are willing to send their support to us and help us with this war, and it is all thanks to Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin went to France and talk to many politically powerful people and he was the representative for us at France. Another reason why France wanted to help us was because the British and the French fought in a war before, and they weren’t too successful during the war. But now they know that it is certain that our side would win and that we shown the world that the British military could be defeated. The French will now help us, and we started marching towards York Town.
  • 8. September 3rd, 1781 Our Last Stand Our last battle in this war, finally, independence
  • 9. Our Last Stand September 3rd, 1781 Today was the day that the British signed the Treaty of Paris with us, Americans. Our 13 colonies are now called the United States of America, the Treaty of Paris allows us to have no control from the British in our land anymore. The taste of freedom is a sweet as the British tea dumped in the ocean during the Boston Tea Party. The Treaty of Paris was signed by, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens and John Adams. The British representatives were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. I’ve heard that painter Benjamin West tried to paint the scene where the British and the Americans is negotiating on the treaty, but because they are sore losers they didn’t pose for him. The Treaty made clear rules, America to be its own independent nation, a border between America and British America, right for American fisherman to fish in the grand banks, and United States would prevent confiscating Loyalist properties. Those agreements were all the most important out of all the 10 agreements. Bring back from the Treaty, I need to write about the French assistance. The French sent soldiers 24 hours later our victory in Saratoga, just in time for the Battle of York Town. I was stunned to see this sight with my own eyes. George Washington, one of the sons of liberty rode a horse to the frontline and he said that he would lead us in this glorious battle and fight along side us! I was so excited! George Washington himself would fight in this battle, the battle of York Town. I am sure this will be our last battle in this war. I want to go home and get away from these battles and not see any more of my friends get killed. We are all tired from fighting against the British, but this is our last push towards freedom. Earlier, the French had blocked off the attempted escape of the British officer, Cornwallis, at the York River in York Town. The moment we got the news that Cornwallis was staying in York Town, the French troops moved towards Virginia and Washington also brought us to York Town. Even though the British had taken over New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. We were now where close to losing this war and we are not going to stop fighting. The continental army, meaning the French, and us arrived in Virginia the day after the Battle of Saratoga. With the total of 7000 soldiers, Washington and Rochambeau led us towards York Town and it was called the celebrated march. The battle started and Washington fired the first cannon and it was a great hit! I am sure there are many people on that side that is wondering why Washington is here and wondering how he has such good aim! We started setting up cannons and the British tried to get close to us, but the men at the frontline took their bayonets and stabbed them while they tried to come up our trench, this tactic was called trench warfare. Fighting for over a whole day, Cornwallis finally surrendered and we had won this battle and most importantly the war.
  • 10. March 4th, 1789 The Three to Rule Us All The rebels in Shay’s rebellion
  • 11. The Three to Rule Us All September 3rd, 1781 Today was the day that the British signed the Treaty of Paris with us, Americans. Our 13 colonies are now called the United States of America, the Treaty of Paris allows us to have no control from the British in our land anymore. The taste of freedom is a sweet as the British tea dumped in the ocean during the Boston Tea Party. The Treaty of Paris was signed by, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens and John Adams. The British representatives were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. I’ve heard that painter Benjamin West tried to paint the scene where the British and the Americans is negotiating on the treaty, but because they are sore losers they didn’t pose for him. The Treaty made clear rules, America to be its own independent nation, a border between America and British America, right for American fisherman to fish in the grand banks, and United States would prevent confiscating Loyalist properties. Those agreements were all the most important out of all the 10 agreements. Bring back from the Treaty, I need to write about the French assistance. The French sent soldiers 24 hours later our victory in Saratoga, just in time for the Battle of York Town. I was stunned to see this sight with my own eyes. George Washington, one of the sons of liberty rode a horse to the frontline and he said that he would lead us in this glorious battle and fight along side us! I was so excited! George Washington himself would fight in this battle, the battle of York Town. I am sure this will be our last battle in this war. I want to go home and get away from these battles and not see any more of my friends get killed. We are all tired from fighting against the British, but this is our last push towards freedom. Earlier, the French had blocked off the attempted escape of the British officer, Cornwallis, at the York River in York Town. The moment we got the news that Cornwallis was staying in York Town, the French troops moved towards Virginia and Washington also brought us to York Town. Even though the British had taken over New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. We were now where close to losing this war and we are not going to stop fighting. The continental army, meaning the French, and us arrived in Virginia the day after the Battle of Saratoga. With the total of 7000 soldiers, Washington and Rochambeau led us towards York Town and it was called the celebrated march. The battle started and Washington fired the first cannon and it was a great hit! I am sure there are many people on that side that is wondering why Washington is here and wondering how he has such good aim! We started setting up cannons and the British tried to get close to us, but the men at the frontline took their bayonets and stabbed them while they tried to come up our trench, this tactic was called trench warfare. Fighting for over a whole day, Cornwallis finally surrendered and we had won this battle and most importantly the war.
  • 12. Citations Works Cited American Revolution For Students. Prod. Schlessinger Media. 2004. Online Film. "How Revolutionary Was the American Revolution?" Digital History. Digital History, n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. John Buford's Chromolithograph, "Boston Massacre" (1770). Digital image. Boston Massacre, March 5th, 1770. The US History, n.d. Web. "Overview of the American Revolution." Digital History. Digital History, n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. Redcoats. Digital image. Michael Showalter, n.d. Web. The Boston Tea Party. Digital image. On This Deity, n.d. Web. Battle of Saratoga Free Mans Farm Bemis Heights. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. The Battle of Bunker Hill. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. The Battle of Yorktown 1781. Digital image. American Revolution: The Battle of York Town. N.p., n.d. Web. The Signing of Treaty of Paris. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. Digital image. Shay's Rebellion - Person :William Shepard. N.p., n.d. Web. Digital image. Mr. Ortlieb's History Page. N.p., n.d. Web.

Editor's Notes

  1. We marched along the streets, with many men along me, I feel safe doing this. We were planning of raiding the ship that just arrived in the Boston Port, and we were planning to pour all the tea into the ocean to show how we are unsatisfied with the king’s new acts. When we marched, many looked and many followed. We walked onto the ship, and beat anyone who got into our way, later, the British soldiers came, but we kept pouring the tea. Even though many of our men were hurt, we never stopped; we need to show the British that we are capable of doing things that will harm their profits. Now they cannot just care about their money, they will need to care about us, their colonies. Many people call it the Boston Tea Party. This was such an important step towards our revolution to freedom and independence, because this was to show how, us, the colonist did not want the tea act from the dumbass king. This rebellion caused the evilest act ever, the intolerable acts. This act destroys all of our freedom and I see this as a punishment because of the Boston Tea Party. I am sure this made a lot more colonist wants to go against the British now.  The sons of liberty are all having a meeting in Philadelphia. It’s called the First Continental Congress, the meeting between all 13 colonies. During the meetings, each colony representatives had represented their own problems to others. Mostly about the British acts and laws. The revolution had just begun, many great men had been part of this revolution, including, John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Sons of Liberty is what they are called. They have all signed the Declaration of Independence, showing the British we want freedom and independence from their tyrant, King George III. They are all great people, not afraid of the king and want to start a war against the strongest military in the world. For my freedom and independence from the British, I shall fight for the people of this land.     
  2. October 17th, 1777 Today, I marched along the great land we fight for the patriots, the people who love their own country. Keeping it away from those loyalist British bastards, who thinks that they are British and they think they are so much better than we are the people who love their land that they grew up in. Now they just want it to be destroyed by the British. This battle is important because this would decide if the French would help us or not. First, I need to write down what I remember from Bunker Hill and Lexington.  In the Battle of Lexington and Concord, many of the soldiers were just like me. They were all just normal civilians who want independence from the British. The army, which is formed by civilians, was called militia, and we were definitely a militia. Most of the people in the army were a farmer. I was sure that we couldn’t win this war against the British with a group of farmers. This was proven at Lexington, the moment the British arrived, the first shots were fired and many of us were already killed! While I was battling, I heard a quick swoosh and I can feel the impact because I see a hole on the top of my hat behind me and I saw this part of my hat scratched of by that deadly bullet and I knew how close I was to dying in this battle. We had lost many men during that battle and I was devastated.  During the battle of Bunker Hill, we were all very exhausted from fighting against the British. I was ordered to go to Bunker Hill and then go to Breeds Hill to block off the British from moving towards Boston. Honestly, I was very scared, I was just a normal teenager colonist that was quite rich, but then now I have to go to war. But I felt a lot safer when I heard that William Prescott will be leading us in this battle, I am not afraid to fight for him. We were all lined up on the vast hills of Breeds Hill and when the British came up the hill, we shot them first, but they shot back. This battle was very quickly over since a lot of people were all in open spaces. 226 of the soldiers on the British side were killed, including 19 officers and 886 were wounded. 115 of us were killed and 305 of us were wounded. Even though we killed more and injured more, they sent waves of assault and finally they broke through our defense and conquered Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill but costing them a total of 1054 men. Back to the Battle of Saratoga, we had won the battle. It was all because of our great tactic, Guerilla Warfare. Guerilla Warfare is where we hide in the bushes below the British eye level and we ambush them and kill the officers. The British were trained to shoot at the eye level and in the same line, so we were sure that we could win this battle. Of course, this tactic worked and we had killed 19 officers and we had defeated the British in a battle for the first time. Luckily, the French now trust us in our capabilities and they are willing to send their support to us and help us with this war, and it is all thanks to Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin went to France and talk to many politically powerful people and he was the representative for us at France. Another reason why France wanted to help us was because the British and the French fought in a war before, and they weren’t too successful during the war. But now they know that it is certain that our side would win and that we shown the world that the British military could be defeated. The French will now help us, and we started marching towards York Town. 
  3. September 3rd, 1781 Today was the day that the British signed the Treaty of Paris with us, Americans. Our 13 colonies are now called the United States of America, the Treaty of Paris allows us to have no control from the British in our land anymore. The taste of freedom is a sweet as the British tea dumped in the ocean during the Boston Tea Party. The Treaty of Paris was signed by, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens and John Adams. The British representatives were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. I’ve heard that painter Benjamin West tried to paint the scene where the British and the Americans is negotiating on the treaty, but because they are sore losers they didn’t pose for him. The Treaty made clear rules, America to be its own independent nation, a border between America and British America, right for American fisherman to fish in the grand banks, and United States would prevent confiscating Loyalist properties. Those agreements were all the most important out of all the 10 agreements.  Bring back from the Treaty, I need to write about the French assistance. The French sent soldiers 24 hours later our victory in Saratoga, just in time for the Battle of York Town. I was stunned to see this sight with my own eyes. George Washington, one of the sons of liberty rode a horse to the frontline and he said that he would lead us in this glorious battle and fight along side us! I was so excited! George Washington himself would fight in this battle, the battle of York Town. I am sure this will be our last battle in this war. I want to go home and get away from these battles and not see any more of my friends get killed. We are all tired from fighting against the British, but this is our last push towards freedom. Earlier, the French had blocked off the attempted escape of the British officer, Cornwallis, at the York River in York Town. The moment we got the news that Cornwallis was staying in York Town, the French troops moved towards Virginia and Washington also brought us to York Town. Even though the British had taken over New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. We were now where close to losing this war and we are not going to stop fighting. The continental army, meaning the French, and us arrived in Virginia the day after the Battle of Saratoga. With the total of 7000 soldiers, Washington and Rochambeau led us towards York Town and it was called the celebrated march. The battle started and Washington fired the first cannon and it was a great hit! I am sure there are many people on that side that is wondering why Washington is here and wondering how he has such good aim! We started setting up cannons and the British tried to get close to us, but the men at the frontline took their bayonets and stabbed them while they tried to come up our trench, this tactic was called trench warfare. Fighting for over a whole day, Cornwallis finally surrendered and we had won this battle and most importantly the war.  
  4. March 4th, 1789 The Articles of Confederation is such a steaming pile of cow waste, even my 5 year old brother can write this so called “laws” that was written by the continental congress. We have fought along side with each other and all the states still doesn't want to have the same governments and they are only states that are friends? I thought that I fought for everyone to be together at the end and not being controlled by the British. If this Articles of Confederation wants all 13 colonies to be called United States of America, then they all need to be united.  A while ago, people have talked about a rebellion against this Article of Confederation. The man leading this was Daniel Shays; I have known him during the war against the lobster backs. Daniel Shays is a man to be respected, he has fought many battles for our nation and he is leading this rebellion against the Articles of Confederation for a reason, because it is a horrible way to govern our new land and its citizens. There were a total of 3000 soldiers recruited for this rebellion and that made sure that this would be a successful rebellion. Which it was because this rebellion kicked out the Articles of Confederation. When the congress kicked out the Articles of Confederation, they all created the US constitution. The US constitution makes sure that no leader gets too much power. So all the power are divided in 3 branches, Legislator, Executive and Judges. The Legislative branch controls all the laws and they present it to the Executive branch, which is the President George Washington, and he would present it to the congress if they agree then the law will be passed. If the law is passed from the congress, the Supreme Court will justify it and put it into action. Most importantly, only the congress can start a war but the president is the one who puts every single thing into action. The executive branch, which is the President doesn't have that much power as I thought he would. The president can veto laws and can also appoint judges in the Supreme Court. The legislative branch can override veto and can impeach judges in the Supreme Court. Finally, the Judges can get rid of laws or get rid of laws that go against the constitution. James Madison created the US constitution, James Madison is considered as the father of the constitution and the one who started this whole new government. Of course, he tried to put all the pros of the governments into one and take out all the cons. Now all this country needs had been set, I can now live my peaceful life as a real American. The right to be an American that I fought for during this revolutionary war.