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Diaries of
Gareth Lawry
The American
Revolution 1775-1789
Friday, May 17, 13
The American Revolution started off with the French-Indian War
(1754-1763). At the time, England controlled the Eastern part of
America, and beat the French and Indians. It was a great help for
the 13 colonies that England won that war, but later on the
British parliament taxed the colonists because they were in debt.
“No Taxation Without Representation” was the cry of the colonists
who were forced to pay taxes for sugar, stamps and paper, tea and
more. Sam Adams formed the Sons of Liberty to mob the tax house
and successfully did. In 1766, the parliament’s repealed the Stamp
act due to those violet attacks. Unfortunately, later on they put
more Intolerable acts made by British Parliaments and King George
III, which made the colonists more deranged.
My character Gareth Lawry starts off not very connected to his
nation. His father fought for the British in the French-Indian
war, but passed away in the Boston Massacre. He wants to also
start fighting, but for the Americans; against the British.
Therefore, Gareth joins army’s of General George Washington. His
thoughts and feelings about the British become more powerful, as
he develops his family.
Friday, May 17, 13
March 6th, 1770Diary #1 - Boston Massacre
Earlier in the year I read on posters around my village about British troops going into Boston; directed by
Governor Francis Bernard on October 1st, 1768. This did not bother me. It’s not too close to where I live
and the only reason I was against the British was because of them taxing us. But now I understand that
those armed forces entered Boston to protect the tax collectors from being destroyed during their
attack, yesterday.
My father is my biggest hero. When I was a young teenager, he came back from the French & Indian war
when being a colonist from British descent. I want to be like him. Fight for whom and what I represent.
I remember the day my mother screamed to my twin sister and I to come downstairs, “Gareth! Linda!
Come here! Father is furious, it’s the British.” She sat us down and told us about the taxes. Stamp act,
Sugar act, and Townshend act are taxes that were put on us for any printed paper or material, sugar,
glass, tea, paint and lead. My papa stopped buying those elements. They called them - Intolerable Acts.
This is unbelievable; it really came out of
nowhere! Never in my whole life, after 20
years of living, have I seen nor heard
anything like this happen…
A horde of men and some younger boys
came threatening and insulting guards of
OUR city’s customs house. I was just
walking out of my door to see my old
father who was there, when I heard the
firing of other British army men shooting
into the crowd.
Friday, May 17, 13
“No taxation without representation” was the British quote. It made us all so enraged
Yesterday was a disaster though, all of last night, I was crying and wondering with my
sister and mother how did massacre begin. Then our neighbor told us. Hugh White,
who was one of the British army men, was strike by a colonist with a snowball and as
he fell, his weapon discharged and that was the first shot. When the other British heard
it, they started to fire. I guess I understand that action… but why should this with my
father around?
Five men were murdered during the fight, and six injured, my father being one of those
six. We did not hear from him since the doctors took him in, I hope he survives.
If he dies, I blame the British. I might be foolish and still quite young, but one day I will
get them back.
The Boston Massacre is the name for this crisis. It will be remembered for years,
decades and centuries.
We will get those horrible Brit’s back for what they have done.
Friday, May 17, 13
July 10th, 1775Diary #2 - Second Continental Congress
It has been lonelier in the past few years without my father. I did not have the guts to write again,
but now after 5 years, almost 26 years old, I can. Everything is different without him around,
now I am the man of the family.
I decided to become a delegate not long after my fathers’ goodbye after the Boston Massacre.
Slowly going after his footsteps.
King George III and did not want a war against England, even though they were against the No
Taxation Without Representation.
I did not talk much, I felt comfortable listening to both sides while thinking about my establishing
girlfriend. She makes me happier, more comfortable and gets me through all these harsh
situations lately.
Just a few weeks ago I was sitting there listening
to people debating. It was in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Twelve out of the thirteen
colonies have come, along with the important
Samuel Adams and John Adams from
Massachusetts, and John Dickinson from
Pennsylvania. Those are the ones that made a
difference. It was the Second Continental
I wanted immediate independence no matter what
the cost was, along with some other delegates.
Although, there were those that were still loyal to
Friday, May 17, 13
Finally, they decided to go slow, to not cause any drastic moves or action. On the other hand, we still
needed protection. They created a Continental Army, with George Washington being the Commander in
Chief. The official commission was on July 17th, just three days ago.
The agreement for having this meeting was last year, in the First Continental Congress. The decisions
there was to have the American colonists cut all trading ties with Britain if they don't remove the taxes
and Intolerable Acts against us.
I remember the First Continental Congress, not long after I became a delegate. No one wanted
independence; we just wanted our freedom.
I was there; I attended it on October 26th, 1774. It had to stay a secret, as for the British not to know the
colonists were united. Well almost all the colonist, everyone except Georgia, when they still didn’t come in
Just before the meeting in May, there was the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The British attacked on
the night of April 18th, they wanted to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Luckily, they were
warned and Paul Revere told the ones in Concord to be prepared. Even now we do not know who shot and
started the fight. We beat them, we forced the to retreat all the way back to Boston.
In that battle, lots of lives were taken away, especially in the Minutemen.
The morning of July 6th – just two weeks ago, it was advertised that John Dickinson has written the “Olive
Branch Petition”. It was a letter to
King George III listing suggestions on how to solve the problem, to making peace.
Days came, but King George still does not want to read it. He thinks it’s an illegal document, made by an
illegal congress.
I am waiting for peace to come forward. My father might have been a strong and right decision maker and I
want to be like him, but it is difficult.
I want to get married to my girlfriend, Patricia.
I might ask her soon.
Friday, May 17, 13
December 28th, 1776Diary #3 - Battler Of Trenton
We won! We got what we wanted! All the food and gunpowder is good in our hands and the Americans
have potential again.
I asked Patricia to marry me, she said yes. The wedding will be in a city church on June 6th of 1777, just a
month before my birthday; before I turn 27.
My last diary was not too long ago, but too much has happened since. Just two days ago I came back from
the Battle of Trenton. We beat those English and Germans; they deserved it as they took over apart of
Our General George Washington was sure we would win; he was so confident and ready to fight. The
timing was perfect, Christmas day; they were not ready for our attack.
When I told my mother, sister and fiancé about my choice to go fight, they tried convincing me not to.
Although, I explained I wanted to do this for them and for father. That is when they respected my
Friday, May 17, 13
We, the continental army, along with George Washington got on boats and started heading towards Trenton.
We were split to three different sides, as a technical way to attack them. The idea was to attack with
diversionary to throw the British off the trails and cause them confusion.
A few months ago, beginning of October was when I asked Patricia to marry me. But, that is not the only big
news that occurred at the time. General Arnold started to work for General Gates, in Britain.
With the commands of General Arnold, the British army was ready to attack Valcour, just next to New York.
General Gates tried pulling him back for a away, but he refused. I just don’t know why they want to fight us
Americans, so bad.
This was the United States Navy’s’ first fight. The British defeated badly, the American ships were destroyed
and lots were killed. That was called the Battle of Valcour Island.
That attack brought all the Americans the thought of never beating the British. Although, I myself still had
hope along with George Washington, General John Dadwalader, General Greene and General James
Ten years ago, I would never think of fighting or defending my nation. Not, I feel like it is what I was always
meant to do!
In mid summer, July 4th, 1776 was the great Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson is who wrote
it. It is about what America will become if one day we will be free. I very much like how it is formatted. Five
sections stating five distinctive parts.
On Christmas day, we were split up to three formations. I was put with George Washington. Luckily I was put
at the back; therefore I did not fight much.
“Victory or Death” was our code word to start attacking. My group went back to the Delaware River while
General Greene and Sullivan stayed put, blocking the escape root.
When the attack begun, I was scared, I did not shut or run, I just watched. I ended up not killing anyone, but
just defending myself when others assaulted me.
Now we have our victory and power.
A good result, with more to come – my wedding.
Friday, May 17, 13
October 20th, 1781Diary #4 - Battler Of Yorktown
Congratulations to America!
I got married four and a half years ago, but I have
bigger news. My wife gave birth to a handsome boy
last week.
Just yesterday I returned home after a big victory, I
am so proud. The Battle of Yorktown, October 19th.
Never to be forgotten.
Just a few months ago, during summer, George
Washington and Rochambeau heard of a Cornwallis
camp in Yorktown. They announced it to us not long
after they discovered it. They later hurried to south
of New York and linked up with a French navy with
the Admiral Comte de Grasse.
George Washington took me, along with some of the other continental army men to go attack the British
troops in the camp. It was my first time killing others, I felt strong and powerful. We defeated them, as they
were anticipating reinforcements from General Henry Clinton or the British fleet, but did not receive any.
This was quite shocking, everything happened so fast. I had to leave my wife alone, last month pregnant to go
fight. Although, I feel confident and ready to receive victory!
If we I think back, not long after I last wrote a journal paper, there was the Battle of Princeton. January 3rd,
1777 is the day it happened. I decided to stay back home for that fight as I just married. I’m glad George
Washington did not take the whole army. Although, my sister’s boyfriend went and luckily came back well
On that day, the revolution forces Washington led defeated British forces near Princeton, New Jersey. This
gave us all, even more confidence!
Friday, May 17, 13
Yesterday was a tiring, yet spectacular day! As I mentioned, we came together with the
French fleets. I was not sure of trusting them, as my opinion and self protection comes first.
Although, they proved me wrong. The French effectively blocked the escapes around
Yorktown as we, the continental army, marched to attack them from many directions.
It was tough for me to leave my just born son alone with my wife, mother and sister – but I
trusted them.
Thomas Nelson who is a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was occupied in the final
siege of Yorktown. He is a true patriot, just like me. His hometown is Yorktown, but he urged
Washington to fire his own home, the Nelson House, where Cornwallis had his headquarters
Sadly, I did not have the chance to meet him, but to fight for what he asked for. I respect that
I had lost lots of friends and army mates in this battle. It was a bloody war; lots of men were
Finally they surrendered. Lord Cornwallis finally capitulated yesterday. Then we finally got
to come back home.
I am so relieved. Victory is ours!
With my newborn son here, I need to stop fighting. As a 30 year old, its time to leave. I quit.
I bet father would be very proud of me for fighting, for what I want!
I miss him…
Friday, May 17, 13
March 5th, 1789Diary #5 - Constitution
We are free! Everyone is celebrating!
As a 37 year old, living in a beautiful home with 2 sons and an
amazing wife. I am full of hope and happiness.
The constitution was finally ratified yesterday! Two years of lots
of work and numerous paper works. All the way since September
17th, 1787 till yesterday.
It has been about eight years since I last wrote on this journal.
Lots of things happens since; many important events…
Our great George Washington decided to resign from being my old
Continental army general. I was sure he would become a dictator;
it was very surprising he did not!
Just before he came off the position of protecting America, he
wrote the Articles of confederation. I was so confused at first,
when I read it on posters and heard people talking about it for
weeks, I did not understand it. But now I do.
The Articles of confederation is a national congress, which
protected the rights of each individual.
Now that I have another son who just turned two today, I feel safe
for the accomplishments these fights has resulted to be.
After three and a half months debate, of hearing about every few
days revolving the articles of confederation, they finally came to a
conclusion. Three branches of the government were made;
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. They are called the
Checks and Balances.
Friday, May 17, 13
This confederation is America’s first constitution! It is so exciting! It happened on March 2nd, 1781.
Then sadly, Washington quit.
My life ended up being quite impressive so far, and with hope it will continue to be that way. I have
my true love, with two unbelievable and genius little boys. My mother doesn’t speak to us too much,
but she is healthy, and my twin sister is going to have a baby soon. My family develops, and they are
what matters to me the most.
Since the confederation was successful, it got the Constitution to be adopted by the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It continued for almost two whole years. Once a week, I walked to eat lunch on the street in a fancy
restaurant. They had a big billboard with all the information needed. I would read and gain
information about what was happening, but nothing big did.
All I was sure of is that James Matson is the one who led the constitution; he was the father.
Day after day, time after time I went to check it; but nothing happened.
Eventually, yesterday came along. People were dancing on the street and everyone had a smile on
their face.
March 4, 1789!
Now we are independent!
Lots of loyalists have lost their place, did not know where to go. I did not care about them, they made
my father die young and let my nation down. But, 80,000 loyalists came to live in America.
My life is perfect, nothing can make it better!
Mission accomplished, America :)
Friday, May 17, 13
Years have past since the constitution, the victory of America. My
character, Gareth Lawry continues with his successful life. This
Revolution gave ordinary people like farmers, traders and
merchants more political significance in the society. Gareth Kept
living a happy life with his wife Patricia, and two wonderful
sons; Oscar and Henry. He took them to elect for the public
officers, so they might be participates in the legislative
elections. He wants them to grow as strong, committed men and with
the ability to fight and protect their nation, just like he did.
After a while of independence, the women wanted more power.
Patricia, the wife, was apart of it too. She went to protest for
more respect and abilities.
Years past and Gareth became a grandfather. Both his sons were in
American armies, protecting the country and fighting for their
rights and capacities.
Today America is one of the most victorious countries/nation in
the world. Without it, many things would not be produced as it is
today. Thank you America!
Friday, May 17, 13
• "American Revolutionary War." The Battle of Trenton. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>.
• "Battle of Valcour Island." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>.
• "Battle of Yorktown (1781)." Academic Kids Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>.
• "Battle Of Yorktown." Battle Of Yorktown. Evisum Inc., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>.
• "Constitution of the United States." Constitution of the United States. Independence Hall Association,
n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.
• "The Continental Congress." The Continental Congress. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>.
• Kindig, Thomas. "The Boston Massacre." The Boston Massacre. Independence Hall Association, 04 July
1995. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.
• Kindig, Thomas. "Timeline of the Revolutionary War." Revolutionary War Timeline. Independence Hall
Association, 04 July 1995. Web. 15 May 2013. <
• "The Second Continental Congress - May 5, 1775." The Second Continental Congress - May 5, 1775.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <
Friday, May 17, 13

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Diary entries presentation

  • 1. Diaries of Gareth Lawry The American Revolution 1775-1789 Friday, May 17, 13
  • 2. Introduction The American Revolution started off with the French-Indian War (1754-1763). At the time, England controlled the Eastern part of America, and beat the French and Indians. It was a great help for the 13 colonies that England won that war, but later on the British parliament taxed the colonists because they were in debt. “No Taxation Without Representation” was the cry of the colonists who were forced to pay taxes for sugar, stamps and paper, tea and more. Sam Adams formed the Sons of Liberty to mob the tax house and successfully did. In 1766, the parliament’s repealed the Stamp act due to those violet attacks. Unfortunately, later on they put more Intolerable acts made by British Parliaments and King George III, which made the colonists more deranged. My character Gareth Lawry starts off not very connected to his nation. His father fought for the British in the French-Indian war, but passed away in the Boston Massacre. He wants to also start fighting, but for the Americans; against the British. Therefore, Gareth joins army’s of General George Washington. His thoughts and feelings about the British become more powerful, as he develops his family. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 3. March 6th, 1770Diary #1 - Boston Massacre Earlier in the year I read on posters around my village about British troops going into Boston; directed by Governor Francis Bernard on October 1st, 1768. This did not bother me. It’s not too close to where I live and the only reason I was against the British was because of them taxing us. But now I understand that those armed forces entered Boston to protect the tax collectors from being destroyed during their attack, yesterday. My father is my biggest hero. When I was a young teenager, he came back from the French & Indian war when being a colonist from British descent. I want to be like him. Fight for whom and what I represent. I remember the day my mother screamed to my twin sister and I to come downstairs, “Gareth! Linda! Come here! Father is furious, it’s the British.” She sat us down and told us about the taxes. Stamp act, Sugar act, and Townshend act are taxes that were put on us for any printed paper or material, sugar, glass, tea, paint and lead. My papa stopped buying those elements. They called them - Intolerable Acts. This is unbelievable; it really came out of nowhere! Never in my whole life, after 20 years of living, have I seen nor heard anything like this happen… A horde of men and some younger boys came threatening and insulting guards of OUR city’s customs house. I was just walking out of my door to see my old father who was there, when I heard the firing of other British army men shooting into the crowd. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 4. “No taxation without representation” was the British quote. It made us all so enraged Yesterday was a disaster though, all of last night, I was crying and wondering with my sister and mother how did massacre begin. Then our neighbor told us. Hugh White, who was one of the British army men, was strike by a colonist with a snowball and as he fell, his weapon discharged and that was the first shot. When the other British heard it, they started to fire. I guess I understand that action… but why should this with my father around? Five men were murdered during the fight, and six injured, my father being one of those six. We did not hear from him since the doctors took him in, I hope he survives. If he dies, I blame the British. I might be foolish and still quite young, but one day I will get them back. The Boston Massacre is the name for this crisis. It will be remembered for years, decades and centuries. We will get those horrible Brit’s back for what they have done. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 5. July 10th, 1775Diary #2 - Second Continental Congress It has been lonelier in the past few years without my father. I did not have the guts to write again, but now after 5 years, almost 26 years old, I can. Everything is different without him around, now I am the man of the family. I decided to become a delegate not long after my fathers’ goodbye after the Boston Massacre. Slowly going after his footsteps. King George III and did not want a war against England, even though they were against the No Taxation Without Representation. I did not talk much, I felt comfortable listening to both sides while thinking about my establishing girlfriend. She makes me happier, more comfortable and gets me through all these harsh situations lately. Just a few weeks ago I was sitting there listening to people debating. It was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Twelve out of the thirteen colonies have come, along with the important Samuel Adams and John Adams from Massachusetts, and John Dickinson from Pennsylvania. Those are the ones that made a difference. It was the Second Continental Congress. I wanted immediate independence no matter what the cost was, along with some other delegates. Although, there were those that were still loyal to Friday, May 17, 13
  • 6. Finally, they decided to go slow, to not cause any drastic moves or action. On the other hand, we still needed protection. They created a Continental Army, with George Washington being the Commander in Chief. The official commission was on July 17th, just three days ago. The agreement for having this meeting was last year, in the First Continental Congress. The decisions there was to have the American colonists cut all trading ties with Britain if they don't remove the taxes and Intolerable Acts against us. I remember the First Continental Congress, not long after I became a delegate. No one wanted independence; we just wanted our freedom. I was there; I attended it on October 26th, 1774. It had to stay a secret, as for the British not to know the colonists were united. Well almost all the colonist, everyone except Georgia, when they still didn’t come in 1775. Just before the meeting in May, there was the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The British attacked on the night of April 18th, they wanted to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Luckily, they were warned and Paul Revere told the ones in Concord to be prepared. Even now we do not know who shot and started the fight. We beat them, we forced the to retreat all the way back to Boston. In that battle, lots of lives were taken away, especially in the Minutemen. The morning of July 6th – just two weeks ago, it was advertised that John Dickinson has written the “Olive Branch Petition”. It was a letter to King George III listing suggestions on how to solve the problem, to making peace. Days came, but King George still does not want to read it. He thinks it’s an illegal document, made by an illegal congress. I am waiting for peace to come forward. My father might have been a strong and right decision maker and I want to be like him, but it is difficult. I want to get married to my girlfriend, Patricia. I might ask her soon. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 7. December 28th, 1776Diary #3 - Battler Of Trenton We won! We got what we wanted! All the food and gunpowder is good in our hands and the Americans have potential again. I asked Patricia to marry me, she said yes. The wedding will be in a city church on June 6th of 1777, just a month before my birthday; before I turn 27. My last diary was not too long ago, but too much has happened since. Just two days ago I came back from the Battle of Trenton. We beat those English and Germans; they deserved it as they took over apart of America. Our General George Washington was sure we would win; he was so confident and ready to fight. The timing was perfect, Christmas day; they were not ready for our attack. When I told my mother, sister and fiancé about my choice to go fight, they tried convincing me not to. Although, I explained I wanted to do this for them and for father. That is when they respected my decision. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 8. We, the continental army, along with George Washington got on boats and started heading towards Trenton. We were split to three different sides, as a technical way to attack them. The idea was to attack with diversionary to throw the British off the trails and cause them confusion. A few months ago, beginning of October was when I asked Patricia to marry me. But, that is not the only big news that occurred at the time. General Arnold started to work for General Gates, in Britain. With the commands of General Arnold, the British army was ready to attack Valcour, just next to New York. General Gates tried pulling him back for a away, but he refused. I just don’t know why they want to fight us Americans, so bad. This was the United States Navy’s’ first fight. The British defeated badly, the American ships were destroyed and lots were killed. That was called the Battle of Valcour Island. That attack brought all the Americans the thought of never beating the British. Although, I myself still had hope along with George Washington, General John Dadwalader, General Greene and General James Ewing. Ten years ago, I would never think of fighting or defending my nation. Not, I feel like it is what I was always meant to do! In mid summer, July 4th, 1776 was the great Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson is who wrote it. It is about what America will become if one day we will be free. I very much like how it is formatted. Five sections stating five distinctive parts. On Christmas day, we were split up to three formations. I was put with George Washington. Luckily I was put at the back; therefore I did not fight much. “Victory or Death” was our code word to start attacking. My group went back to the Delaware River while General Greene and Sullivan stayed put, blocking the escape root. When the attack begun, I was scared, I did not shut or run, I just watched. I ended up not killing anyone, but just defending myself when others assaulted me. Now we have our victory and power. A good result, with more to come – my wedding. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 9. October 20th, 1781Diary #4 - Battler Of Yorktown Congratulations to America! I got married four and a half years ago, but I have bigger news. My wife gave birth to a handsome boy last week. Just yesterday I returned home after a big victory, I am so proud. The Battle of Yorktown, October 19th. Never to be forgotten. Just a few months ago, during summer, George Washington and Rochambeau heard of a Cornwallis camp in Yorktown. They announced it to us not long after they discovered it. They later hurried to south of New York and linked up with a French navy with the Admiral Comte de Grasse. George Washington took me, along with some of the other continental army men to go attack the British troops in the camp. It was my first time killing others, I felt strong and powerful. We defeated them, as they were anticipating reinforcements from General Henry Clinton or the British fleet, but did not receive any. This was quite shocking, everything happened so fast. I had to leave my wife alone, last month pregnant to go fight. Although, I feel confident and ready to receive victory! If we I think back, not long after I last wrote a journal paper, there was the Battle of Princeton. January 3rd, 1777 is the day it happened. I decided to stay back home for that fight as I just married. I’m glad George Washington did not take the whole army. Although, my sister’s boyfriend went and luckily came back well looking. On that day, the revolution forces Washington led defeated British forces near Princeton, New Jersey. This gave us all, even more confidence! Friday, May 17, 13
  • 10. Yesterday was a tiring, yet spectacular day! As I mentioned, we came together with the French fleets. I was not sure of trusting them, as my opinion and self protection comes first. Although, they proved me wrong. The French effectively blocked the escapes around Yorktown as we, the continental army, marched to attack them from many directions. It was tough for me to leave my just born son alone with my wife, mother and sister – but I trusted them. Thomas Nelson who is a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was occupied in the final siege of Yorktown. He is a true patriot, just like me. His hometown is Yorktown, but he urged Washington to fire his own home, the Nelson House, where Cornwallis had his headquarters set. Sadly, I did not have the chance to meet him, but to fight for what he asked for. I respect that man. I had lost lots of friends and army mates in this battle. It was a bloody war; lots of men were killed. Finally they surrendered. Lord Cornwallis finally capitulated yesterday. Then we finally got to come back home. I am so relieved. Victory is ours! With my newborn son here, I need to stop fighting. As a 30 year old, its time to leave. I quit. I bet father would be very proud of me for fighting, for what I want! I miss him… Friday, May 17, 13
  • 11. March 5th, 1789Diary #5 - Constitution We are free! Everyone is celebrating! As a 37 year old, living in a beautiful home with 2 sons and an amazing wife. I am full of hope and happiness. The constitution was finally ratified yesterday! Two years of lots of work and numerous paper works. All the way since September 17th, 1787 till yesterday. It has been about eight years since I last wrote on this journal. Lots of things happens since; many important events… Our great George Washington decided to resign from being my old Continental army general. I was sure he would become a dictator; it was very surprising he did not! Just before he came off the position of protecting America, he wrote the Articles of confederation. I was so confused at first, when I read it on posters and heard people talking about it for weeks, I did not understand it. But now I do. The Articles of confederation is a national congress, which protected the rights of each individual. Now that I have another son who just turned two today, I feel safe for the accomplishments these fights has resulted to be. After three and a half months debate, of hearing about every few days revolving the articles of confederation, they finally came to a conclusion. Three branches of the government were made; Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. They are called the Checks and Balances. Friday, May 17, 13
  • 12. This confederation is America’s first constitution! It is so exciting! It happened on March 2nd, 1781. Then sadly, Washington quit. My life ended up being quite impressive so far, and with hope it will continue to be that way. I have my true love, with two unbelievable and genius little boys. My mother doesn’t speak to us too much, but she is healthy, and my twin sister is going to have a baby soon. My family develops, and they are what matters to me the most. Since the confederation was successful, it got the Constitution to be adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It continued for almost two whole years. Once a week, I walked to eat lunch on the street in a fancy restaurant. They had a big billboard with all the information needed. I would read and gain information about what was happening, but nothing big did. All I was sure of is that James Matson is the one who led the constitution; he was the father. Day after day, time after time I went to check it; but nothing happened. Eventually, yesterday came along. People were dancing on the street and everyone had a smile on their face. WE RATIFIED THE CONSTITUTION! March 4, 1789! Now we are independent! Lots of loyalists have lost their place, did not know where to go. I did not care about them, they made my father die young and let my nation down. But, 80,000 loyalists came to live in America. My life is perfect, nothing can make it better! Mission accomplished, America :) Friday, May 17, 13
  • 13. Conclusion Years have past since the constitution, the victory of America. My character, Gareth Lawry continues with his successful life. This Revolution gave ordinary people like farmers, traders and merchants more political significance in the society. Gareth Kept living a happy life with his wife Patricia, and two wonderful sons; Oscar and Henry. He took them to elect for the public officers, so they might be participates in the legislative elections. He wants them to grow as strong, committed men and with the ability to fight and protect their nation, just like he did. After a while of independence, the women wanted more power. Patricia, the wife, was apart of it too. She went to protest for more respect and abilities. Years past and Gareth became a grandfather. Both his sons were in American armies, protecting the country and fighting for their rights and capacities. Today America is one of the most victorious countries/nation in the world. Without it, many things would not be produced as it is today. Thank you America! Friday, May 17, 13
  • 14. Resources • "American Revolutionary War." The Battle of Trenton. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>. • "Battle of Valcour Island." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>. • "Battle of Yorktown (1781)." Academic Kids Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>. • "Battle Of Yorktown." Battle Of Yorktown. Evisum Inc., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>. • "Constitution of the United States." Constitution of the United States. Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>. • "The Continental Congress." The Continental Congress. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <http://>. • Kindig, Thomas. "The Boston Massacre." The Boston Massacre. Independence Hall Association, 04 July 1995. Web. 15 May 2013. <>. • Kindig, Thomas. "Timeline of the Revolutionary War." Revolutionary War Timeline. Independence Hall Association, 04 July 1995. Web. 15 May 2013. < revwartimeline.htm>. • "The Second Continental Congress - May 5, 1775." The Second Continental Congress - May 5, 1775. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. < 2cont.htm>. Friday, May 17, 13