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HOPE Quotient 2021 Summary Report
Almost half (47%) of clients who responded are between
the ages of 36 & 49.
Less than 18 18-35 36-49 50-70 More than 70
How old are you?
36% 32%
Elementary Junior high school Senior high school University
What is the highest level of education you
99% of clients who responded have gone to school. Of
these, 93% have attended junior high school or beyond.
The majority (53%) of respondents are male.
Female Male
Moungali Talangaï Bifouti Pointe-Noire Thystère
Related Services
43% of respondents have participated in opt-in
opportunities. Of those who have participated,
• 83% of clients have participated in training
• 43% have participated in a client prayer day
4% 2%
Training Client prayer day Biblical class or
Other Being an SI
Which opt-in opportunities have you participated
in? You can choose multiple options.
126/ 296 responded to this question
Client prayer
Training Biblical class or
Being an SI
Declined to
Which opt-in opportunities would you like to
participate in? You can choose multiple options.
There is notable demand for opt-in opportunities,
• Client prayer day (desired by 64% respondents)
• Training (61%)
• Biblical class or discipleship (33%)
• Being an SI champion (10%)
Do clients trust other clients?
67% of clients shared trust has gotten
better among members in their long group
since they joined the group.
0% 100%
Stayed the same
Do you think that since you joined this group,
the level of trust between members in your loan
group has gotten better, gotten worse, or
stayed about the same?
Most common responses-
Trust has gotten better
• Improvements from past
• Mutual help, trust, and support
• Repayments made regularly
• Group improved after people
who did not follow rules left
• Communication
Trust has stayed the same
• Repayment problems
Trust has gotten worse
• Issues with delinquency
• Repayment problems
• Trust issues
• Bad behavior
• Changes in leadership and
group membership
• Disunity/group doesn't work well
• COVID and external challenges
• Loan changed how group
• “Before it was difficult, there were some
members who were a bit difficult at the beginning,
but now it is better, everyone understood what
their role was in the group, and better yet, take
responsibility for their own. engagement with
HOPE Congo. We are more united and even
exchange on the phone all the time between us
members, sometimes even just to hear from
other members.”
• “It has remained the same, because for me, what I
noticed in the group is that we the old members are
different from the new ones; the new members of
the group do not work well vis-à-vis of us the
old members. In all of this, we the elders are
losers especially since we often do solidarity, at
the end of the cycle we do not even benefit from
our money(mandatory savings). And especially that
the CRO often tells us in the case of delinquency
we really have to follow up with the other members
of the group.”
• “Regarding the group, others do not pay and the
burden comes back to us, it has always been
difficult we sometimes seize the objects of the
house such as the television, the freezer because
we do not have the same ambitions because the
others come to take their money just to cover
the debts they took elsewhere”
Clients who have been with HOPE Congo longer more often reported
trust had improved between members in their loan group (73%) than
those who were in their first year with HOPE Congo (56%).
Do clients receive support from other clients?
35% of clients have received material
support from fellow group members.
8% 6%
Never Sometimes Often Always Declined to
When you needed and desired material
support, such as sharing food, water, and
other material items, from your fellow group
members how often did they support you in
this way?
Never Sometimes Often Always
When you needed and desired spiritual
support, such as receiving prayer, from your
fellow group members how often did they
support you in this way?
30% of clients have received spiritual su
from fellow group members.
No Yes
Have you ever shared food, water,
housing, or other material items
with your fellow group members?
56% of clients have shared material items
with fellow group members.
Do clients trust staff?
73% of clients completely trust their CRC.
0% 100%
Declined to answer
To what extent do you currently trust your CRC?
“Why?” Common
Completely + Mostly trust CRC
• Gives advice/coaches
• Kind/polite/respectful
• CRO is motivated/works hard
• CRO enforces rules/policies
• Good relationship
• Disciplined/faithful
• Understanding
• Honest/direct
Somewhat + Minimally trust
• Hard to trust people/they can't
be trusted completely
• Don't know CRO well enough
• Trust is only based on
business relationship
• Gives advice/coaches
Examples of responses of clients
who mostly or completely trust
their CRC
• “I trust him because he is serious and
respectful. He treats us with dignity.
That is to say, he has never insulted a
client since I joined the group. And
when it comes to repayments, it is
rigorous so that we repay all of our
• “Regarding his way of doing things,
his morality: he is serious in his work
and honest towards us the clients. He
is very open, always listening to the
clients that we are, very collegial and
Examples of responses of clients
who somewhat or minimally trust
their CRC
• “Because he is not sensitive and does
not keep his word. I would like to grow
by taking a higher loan, each time we
discuss, he accepts. But at the end of
the cycle, he always reduce my loan.”
• “Because we had a difficult cycle and I
lost a lot of money, she knew the
annoying and delinquent people, but she
preferred to remain silent, instead of
removing them from the group, or better,
excluding them. And several times I
made this remark to him, but hey. That is
why I don’t trust her at all.”
Do clients receive support from staff?
50% of clients have asked their CRC for business
advice, compared to 32% who have talked with their
CRC about good and bad things that are happening
in their life.
50% 50%
No Yes
Have you ever asked your CRC for business
No Yes
Have you ever talked with your CRC about
good and difficult things that are happening in
your life?
No Yes Declined to answer
Have you ever shared prayer requests with
your CRC or prayed together?
50.00% 50.00%
No Yes
Has your CRC offered to pray with you?
63% of clients have shared prayer requests with their CRC
or prayed together. 50% of clients shared their CRC has
offered to pray with them.
Are clients better able to meet emergency needs than before joining the bank?
0.00% 100.00%
Family, relatives, or friends
Money from working
Borrowing from a bank, employer, or private lender
Selling assets
Some other source
Don't know
Declined to answer
What would be the MAIN source of money that you would use to
come up with 50,000 CFCA within the NEXT MONTH?
0% 100%
Family, relatives, or friends
Money from working
Borrowing from a bank, employer, or private lender
Selling assets
Some other source
Don't Know
Before you joined HOPE Congo, what would have been the MAIN source
money that you would have used to come up with 50,000 CFCA within the
94% of clients shared it would be possible to obtain 50,000 FCFA within one month in case of emergency. 94% also shared they
would have been able to obtain that amount in one month before joining HOPE Congo. Comparatively, in 2017, 32% of Congolese
individuals age 15+ were able to come up with emergency funds within 1 month. (Source: FINDEX, World Bank)
Business, selling
goods / foods &
Business, selling
goods / foods &
HOPE Congo clients are more likely than an average Congolese individual to
rely on savings, and less on family, relatives, or friends or money from
working, to meet a financial need.
In 2017, of Congolese individuals age 15+ that were able to come up with emergency funds within 1
month, the main source of emergency funds would be as follows: Savings (26%), Family or friends
(24%), Money from working (33%), Loan from a bank, employer, or private lender (3%), Sale of
assets (7%), Other (3%) (Source: Global Findex, World Bank)
Less likely now for clients to use money from working
(8% now, 17% before)
32% of clients have had difficulty making a loan payment.
Of clients that have had trouble making a loan payment,
most common ways of managing the situation are:
- Group did solidarity
- Help from group members
- Repaid when able
- Help from family
- Communicated with group
No Yes
Have you ever had troubles with having
enough money to make a loan payment?
Do clients experience positive material change as a result of joining HOPE Congo?
Explanation for negative effects
• Disapproval from family & friends
• Negative perceptions of HOPE
• Misunderstandings about HOPE
• Delinquency management
• Rumor that HOPE Congo is
associated with freemasonry
• Pressure from others for money, would
prefer discretion from HOPE staff visits
of clients have
experienced a
negative effect as a
result of joining
HOPE Congo
“Because of the reputation of HOPE
Congo, in the city, the way they
treat delinquents, I speak of HOPE
Congo in a coded way so as not to
experience the behavior and the
anger of people.”
“I was taken to the police by my former
CRO for a debt: I owed the group.
However, I had just lost my child. And, I
couldn't sell in this period. This condition
did not allow me to repay regularly.
Taking me to the police despite my
obligation to repay after business
stability or after dealing with the death of
my toddler child was bad treatment for
me and my family.”
“When a HOPE Congo comes to visit my
business, that attracts people's attention
and people start to threaten me to give
them money because they saw a HOPE
Congo staff member, it is better that the
HOPE staff keeps discretion, this could
suit us.”
“My husband didn't want me to join
HOPE. He says it is "laundered
money", that HOPE is a cult ..., so I
do not tell him anything about
HOPE anymore.”
Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their finances?
0% 100%
In livestock
With a neighbor or another…
Microfinance institution
Formal bank
In a savings group
At home
Where else do you save? You can choose
multiple options.
72% of clients are currently saving money.
Of these clients, 58% are currently saving at HOPE Congo
(42% of all respondents). Of the 30% of clients who are
currently saving, but not at HOPE Congo, they report
saving in the following ways:
88/ 296 responded to this question
0.0% 100.0%
With a neighbor or another person not in
your household
In livestock
In a savings group
Microfinance institution
Formal bank
At home
Where did you save? You can choose multiple
73% of clients reported saving money before joining
HOPE Congo.
Of these, 48% reported that they saved at home.
216/ 296 responded to this question
13% of clients started saving because of joining HOPE Congo.
Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their
How has engagement with HOPE Congo changed the way you
manage your finances?
Most common responses:
• Careful with spending/reducing expenses
• Saving
• Discipline
• Manage finances/budget
• Changed spending habits
• Already have experience/knowledge
• Business management
• How to repay
Other responses:
Training gave more tools to use, Current challenges (pandemic/economy),
Grew/diversified business, Investing, No change, Bookkeeping
“My turnover improved thanks to the loan from HOPE Congo. I see a difference in
terms of income between before and when I got involved with HOPE Congo.”
“Thanks to the training that I received from Mrs. Loveline, I make sure to minimize the
expenses of not consuming the goods for myself without paying”
Most clients (58%) shared engagement with
HOPE Congo has completely changed the
way they manage their finances.
Minimally Somewhat Mostly Completely Declined to
To what extent has engagement with HOPE Congo changed
the way you manage your finances?
NOTE: Examples not available for clients who shared engagement with HOPE
Congo has completely changed the way they manage their finances.
Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their finances?
Most common responses:
- Saving
- How to manage/invest in
- Manage finances
- Reducing expenses
- Discipline, including
repayment discipline
- Loan purpose
What is the most important
lesson you have learned
about managing finances
(both in business and home)
from HOPE Congo?
“Without HOPE I was not going to move
forward, which is important I was able to build
my house thanks to HOPE there, the house is
almost finished and as a woman I congratulate
myself because it is not easy and I am very
grateful to HOPE because today if it is his help I
do not know what I was going to talk about now I
am sure if today something happened to me I
know that I left a house something where my
children will live and I know that God will still
lend me life so that I can continue to do his
0.0% 100.0%
Declined to answer
I often save money from my savings
account Sans Complexe during…
I use the entire loan for the intended
I use a cash flow book to follow up on my
income and expenses
I put together a budget before doing any
How are you applying in your business or household the lessons
learned during the trainings? Please select all that apply.
1% 0%
Loan Savings Trainings Other Declined to
Which one of the following HOPE Congo services has been the
most valuable tool to help you meet your financial needs and
grow your activity/business?
“Before I made a mess with my money:
nightclubs, women ... now I am disciplined, I no
longer waste money, I now save money”
“The most important lesson I learned from
HOPE Congo is seriousness, punctuality, after
naturally respecting obligations. When we enter
HOPE Congo we do not leave as we entered
the change is radical”
“The most important lesson I learned from
HOPE Congo is seriousness, punctuality, after
naturally respecting obligations. When we enter
HOPE Congo we do not leave as we entered
the change is radical”
No Yes
Has your business
expanded due to your
engagement with HOPE
10% 8%
More staff Declined to
If yes, how? Please share ‘yes’ to all that
89% clients shared their business has expanded due to
their engagement with HOPE Congo. Of these, 93%
shared this has included more products.
To what extent have clients experienced business
growth while with HOPE Congo?
Stayed the same
Has your business revenue stayed the same,
increased, or decreased as a result of your
engagement with HOPE Congo?
74% clients shared their business revenue
has increased as a result of engagement
with HOPE Congo.
86% of clients had not taken out a loan before joining HOPE Congo. 15% of all clients surveyed gained
access to loans through HOPE.
How did support from HOPE
Congo help you and your
business respond in the
Most common responses:
• Received loan
• Strengthened business
• Ability to withstand shock /
• No help during pandemic
“The training I attended, especially with Ms.
Loveline who opened our eyes to how to get rich.
Even in my family people are amazed at the way I
now manage my finances.”
“When the pandemic broke out it was not easy and
HOPE came to give me a boost, this lifted me up
financially and morally because my morale was
down due to lack of finances and I did not know
how to feed myself and manage my family. In all,
HOPE's help gave me hope”
“It helped me a lot, I was really down, but today
thanks to HOPE, I was able to resist because I had
to buy a lot of products because me, I say to
myself, if you have a lot of goods in your store,
customers will be attracted.”
How did HOPE Congo’s support help clients during the
No Yes Declined to answer
Would your business have survived the
pandemic without the support of HOPE
44% clients surveyed shared
their business would NOT
have survived the pandemic
without the support of HOPE
Client Religious Information
97% of clients surveyed consider themselves to be affiliated with a particular religion.
Of these clients, the majority (94%) are Christian (92% of all clients). Most religious clients (74%) actively practice their religion.
No Yes
Are you currently a member of a church?
No Yes
Did HOPE Congo help connect you with the
church you are a part of?
Are clients engaging in the local church? Questions asked only to Christians who are actively practicing their faith:
5% of churchgoing Christians who actively practice their faith (3% of all clients surveyed)
received help from HOPE Congo in connecting them to their church.
232/ 296 responded to this question 182 / 296 responded to this question
Do clients have at least one person helping them grow & develop in their relationship with God?
I would like more support in
my spiritual growth
I do not desire support in
this area
Declined to answer
What best describes how you feel about this?
0% 100%
Group member
HOPE staff member
Family member
Members of local church
Religious leader
Who is helping you to grow and develop in your
relationship with God?
73% of clients have someone helping them to grow and develop in their
relationship with God. These clients shared:
26% of clients do NOT have someone helping them to grow and develop
in their relationship with God. These clients shared:
78 / 296
to this
217/ 296 responded to this
Most common ways
others are helping clients
grow and develop in their
relationship with God:
• Prayer
• Advice & guidance
• Studying /
discussing the
• Encouragement /
support / friendship
• Teaching
“When we arrive at the church we are asked that
everyone give a Bible verse if you do not know it will
push you to read the Bible to learn, personally members
of the group helped me a lot studied the word
because at the beginning when I started to pray I was not
able to find a verse in the Bible when we gave a passage
for example in Genesis 6:8 Noah found grace in the eyes
of the Lord I was browsing the Bible but difficult to find this
passage, a times I asked the question to know where the
verses were written he answered me that the whole Bible
was only a biblical verse. He taught me how to find a
verse and it helps me a lot until today “
“When I have a problem, I call the
president of our group, it is only him who
supports me. We do prayer sessions, both
in person and remotely.“
“When I have problems in my home, my pastor supports me in prayers and teachings
because I was a hateful person: when someone hurt me, I could hate them for many years. To
forgive someone for me was to accept the harm he did to me while I forgot that I was also doing
harm to others without however realizing and according to the teachings of the pastor I learned
to forgive and love others like myself, that is what God recommends to us. Love in Jesus is a
domain where I find myself because man reaps what he is currently sowing I prefer to
sow love even where I am hated I know that God sees knows everything and he will reward
me according to my acts through his son who gave his life for us.”
Do clients help at least one person grow & develop in
their relationship with God?
0% 100%
Declined to answer
HOPE staff member
Religious leader
Group member
Members of local church
Family member
Who are you helping to grow and develop in
their relationship with God?
59% of clients are helping someone to grow
and develop in their relationship with God.
These clients shared:
Clients are most often helping friends (54%) or
family members (49%) to grow and develop in
their relationship with God.
176/ 296 responded to this question
• Prayer
• Advice
• Sharing the
• Encouragement
• Talk about God
Most common
ways clients
are helping
others grow
and develop in
with God:
Examples shared:
• “We share the word of God, we meditate
together, we share our experiences and our
testimonies to build each other up.“
• “Through guidance and invite them to continually
seek the face of GOD.”
• “Many people even in the neighborhood I
encourage them to move forward and to pray.
We talk about God and his word.”
• “I urge the young men and women who are in my
• “As I exercise my activity at the beach When I
meet young people I always talk to them about
God and I advise them who God is. Parents can
be lacking but God not, even the girls who have
serious problems and come to the beach to kill
themselves other colleagues in the trade call me
to urge the person and I was able to save four
Do clients develop in their relationship with God through engaging with HOPE Congo?
41% clients shared HOPE Congo has completely or mostly
changed the way they interact with God, while 37% shared the
impact has been minimal.
Declined to
To what extent has engagement with HOPE Congo
changed the way you interact with God?
Common themes – examples
• Increased or changed prayer habits
• Sharing, discussing, understanding the Bible
• No change
Somewhat + Minimally
• No change
• Increased or changed prayer habits
NOTE: Clients who responded that engagement with HOPE Congo has completely changed the way they interact with God did not respond to this question (by accident).
• I took a liking to pray before doing anything, it has become my daily food, all
this is the fact that before we can hold our meeting, we pray. This habit has
changed me a lot.
• First, what really appealed to me about HOPE Congo is the fact that it is a
Christian microfinance. Of course, I am not always in church, but thanks to
HOPE Congo and the Bible study sharing, I always feel close to God.
• Before I was no longer clinging to religion, now HOPE started me back in
prayer: everything happens through prayer.
• “Despite being asked to pray during repayment meetings, we, members, do
not pray. We do not like to pray too much, It is money that matters more
to us. So it has not changed me at all, I rarely pray as I always do, I rarely go
to church. I have always kept my old ways.”
• “There were situations in the church which had internal problems which made
me feel a little disgusted with disputes within the church between two
pastors which took me away from religion which is why I am in a state of
hesitation in the face of the religious aspect.”
• “HOPE Congo didn't really influence my spiritual side, before I came here I
prayed, I still pray, I was already mature spiritually, but at least I learn
something when you read the word of God.”
No Yes Declined to answer
Have you changed anything about the way you live
as a result of participating in the word section during
the group meeting?
69% clients have changed something
about the way they live as a result of
participating in the word section during the
group meeting.
Do clients apply Scripture to daily life?
Common types of
• Changes in
behavior /
• Prayer life
Could you please share an example of how you have changed
something about the way you live as a result of participating in the word
section during the group meeting?
“I used to be very angry and arrogant, but now
that I have discovered speech and what is
expected of me, everything has changed. I am a
new person now.”
“My life has changed a lot in all areas. For
example, in the past I wouldn't even have agreed
to be with you (a Christian) all this time, it was part
of my upbringing, as I have been in Islam since I
was a child. But thanks to God and to the good
people that I met while growing up, I was able to
change and also know that it is our acts towards
our neighbor, which determines our value with
GOD, and not the judgment of men.”
Yes my example is that: I pray now first of all. I am
proud of myself.
Personal Domain
0% 100%
You have hope your dreams will come to pass.
You believe that your future will be better than your present.
You believe you have value because God created you in his image.
Even when others get discouraged, you know you can find a way to solve
the problem.
You feel respected by members of your community.
You energetically pursue your goals.
Your past experiences prepared you well for your future.
You think there are lots of ways around any problem.
You have access to support to change your current situation (including
yourself, your family, your community).
You can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to
You feel you’ve been pretty successful in life.
You meet the goals that you set for yourself.
Personal Domain Questions
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Declined to Answer
Highest Categories-
100% clients shared they
have hope their dreams
will come to pass.
99.7% clients believe
their future will be better
than their present.
Lowest Categories-
82% clients agree they feel
they have been pretty
successful in life.
83% of clients agree they
meet the goals they set for
*Clients who have been with HOPE Congo for >3 years most often reported they strongly agree they feel respected by members of their community.
Is the self-image of clients positively developing?
For those who responded ‘yes’:
How (has the way you think about yourself
changed since joining HOPE Congo)?
Most common responses:
• Changed behavior
• Better financial management
• Able to grow business
• Confidence/optimism
• Discipline
• Increased financial capacity
• Greater responsibility
Other responses included: Serious/goal-
oriented, Success/progress in life, Changed
how others see me, Able to help family, More
respect, See myself as an
For 72% of
clients, their
view of
themselves has
changed since
joining HOPE
Has the way you think about yourself
changed since joining HOPE Congo?
“I have become a valuable woman.”
“I respect myself now.”
“Because I can see the progress in me, in all domains:
financial, spiritual and even social.”
“Since I joined HOPE I spend no more like before, now I
manage very well HOPE gave me the courage to save
and keep considerable sums. I am a new person.”
Do clients have hope for a better future?
What is one of your goals for the future?
Most common themes:
• Create new business
• Build home
• Food/beverage/restaurant industry
• Grow/diversify business
• Be a businessperson
• Buy land
Other themes included: Invest in auto/transport
activities, Travel, Support family, Rental properties/real
estate, Agriculture
How has this goal for the future changed or stayed
the same since you joined HOPE Congo?
• Half of clients shared there has been no
change / it’s still a project
• 17%+ clients shared HOPE has impacted
their ability to achieve their goal (through
equipping / encouragement)
“Thanks to the financial emancipation by HOPE Congo, I manage to realize my
project by financing my technical training. Today, thanks to HOPE Congo, I finished
my training in electrical engineering license, and I am in the process of pursuing a
“This project has changed because the trainings at HOPE Congo opened up other
visions to me, different from the way I had before, and it made me gain and grow
“It has not changed, I am really having difficulties now; it is difficult for me to achieve
it, I just pray the good Lord to help me. What I received from HOPE did not really
help me to develop my business.”
Individual Lending highlights
Individual lending clients were more likely to be:
• Female: 65% individual lending clients interviewed were female, compared to 47% of group lending clients.
• Married: 43% individual vs. 19% group
Individual clients were more likely to:
• Have participated in a client prayer day: 73% individual vs. 43% group
• Use savings as the main source of money to come up with 50,000 CFCA within the next month: 65% individual vs. 42% group
• Say they did not need a loan before joining HOPE Congo: 86% of individual clients who did not take out a loan before joining HOPE Congo
said it was because they did not need a loan, compared to 71% of group lending clients.
• Have troubles with having enough money to make a loan payment: 43% individual vs. 32% group
• Save at home before joining HOPE Congo: 59% individual vs. 48% group
• Start saving because of joining HOPE Congo: 30% individual vs. 13% group
• Use a cash flow book to follow up on their income and expenses: 70% individual vs. 58% group
• Say that their business would not have survived the pandemic without the support of HOPE Congo: 65% individual vs. 44% group
• Say that their family members are helping them grow and develop in their relationship with God: 44% individual vs. 18% group
• Say that they do not desire support with spiritual growth: 57% individual vs. 45% group
• Share that HOPE Congo has "Completely" or "Mostly" changed the way they interact with God: 57% individual vs. 41% group
• Help family members grow and develop in their relationship with God: 93% individual vs. 49% group (of those who are discipling someone)
• Help group members grow and develop in their relationship with God: 20% individual vs. 6% group member
• Have facilitated the Word section of the group meeting: 57% individual vs. 45% group
• Have changed something about the way they live as a result of participating in the word section during the group meeting: 78%
individual vs. 69% group
• Agree or strongly agree that they feel they've been pretty successful in life: 95% individual vs. 82% group.
Individual Lending highlights
Individual clients were less likely to:
• Have ever shared prayer requests with their CRC or prayed together: 43% individual vs.
63% group
• Say that their CRC has offered to pray with them: 39% individual vs. 50% group
• Share that it would be possible to obtain 50,000 FCFA within one month in case of
emergency: 83% individual vs. 94% group
• Have taken out a loan before joining HOPE Congo: 96% of individual clients did not take
out a loan before joining, compared to 86% of group clients.
• Currently save money- 61% individual vs. 72% group
• Put together a budget before doing any expense: 57% individual vs. 72% group
• Share that their business revenue has increased as a result of engagement with HOPE
Congo: 61% individual vs. 74% group
• Actively practice their religion: 65% individual vs. 74% group
• Say that members of the local church are helping them to grow and develop in their
relationship with God: 6% individual vs. 26% group
• Help members of the local church grow and develop in their relationship with God: 7%
individual vs. 21% group
• This report presents findings of the 2021 HOPE Quotient Survey in HOPE Congo.
• The main goal is to facilitate an ongoing process of engagement with the data
resulting in encouragement and program development.
The HOPE Quotient survey is designed to
• Better understand how HOPE Congo
contributes to change in the lives of clients
in the 4 domains
• Equip programs with actionable information
to improve mission fulfillment.
• 296 group lending clients participated in this survey. This analysis only reflects responses
from these 296 clients unless otherwise noted. Clients from all HOPE Congo branches
participated in this survey.
• Clients were sampled at the group level (groups with an active loan)– all present were invited
to take the survey. The breakdown of groups was for proportional representation by loan
product (BACO 1+2 vs. GS 1+2) and group tenure (<1 year, 1-3 years, >3 years).
• In additional, all current individual loan clients were interviewed (this is reflected in a separate
report, referenced in the appendix).
• SurveyCTO software was used to collect the data on tablets.
• 10 Enumerators were trained by Christ KIMINOU to administer the survey.
Introduction to individual lending analysis
• 23 clients individual lending clients were interviewed in the 2021 HOPE
Quotient. The following slides summarize comparative learnings between
individual lending clients and group lending clients.
• It is important to note this a small sample and is thus not representative of all
• The full individual lending analysis can be found here-

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Congo GROUP Lending - 2021 HOPE Quotient Report Board Report.pptx

  • 1. HOPE Congo – GROUP LENDING HOPE Quotient 2021 Summary Report
  • 2. Demographics Almost half (47%) of clients who responded are between the ages of 36 & 49. 0% 32% 47% 20% 0.3% 0% 100% Less than 18 18-35 36-49 50-70 More than 70 How old are you? 7% 36% 32% 25% 0% 100% Elementary Junior high school Senior high school University What is the highest level of education you attained? 99% of clients who responded have gone to school. Of these, 93% have attended junior high school or beyond. The majority (53%) of respondents are male. 47% 53% Gender Female Male 16% 19% 15% 34% 17% 0% 100% Moungali Talangaï Bifouti Pointe-Noire Thystère Branch
  • 3. Related Services 43% of respondents have participated in opt-in opportunities. Of those who have participated, • 83% of clients have participated in training • 43% have participated in a client prayer day 83% 43% 8% 4% 2% 0% 100% Training Client prayer day Biblical class or discipleship Other Being an SI champion Which opt-in opportunities have you participated in? You can choose multiple options. 126/ 296 responded to this question 64% 61% 33% 10% 3% 1% 0% 100% Client prayer day Training Biblical class or discipleship Being an SI champion Declined to answer Other Which opt-in opportunities would you like to participate in? You can choose multiple options. There is notable demand for opt-in opportunities, notably: • Client prayer day (desired by 64% respondents) • Training (61%) • Biblical class or discipleship (33%) • Being an SI champion (10%)
  • 5. Do clients trust other clients? STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER CLIENTS SOCIAL DOMAIN 67% of clients shared trust has gotten better among members in their long group since they joined the group. 7% 26% 67% 0% 100% Worse Stayed the same Better Do you think that since you joined this group, the level of trust between members in your loan group has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? Most common responses- Trust has gotten better • Improvements from past • Mutual help, trust, and support • Repayments made regularly • Group improved after people who did not follow rules left • Communication Trust has stayed the same • Repayment problems Trust has gotten worse • Issues with delinquency • Repayment problems • Trust issues • Bad behavior • Changes in leadership and group membership • Disunity/group doesn't work well together • COVID and external challenges • Loan changed how group interacts • “Before it was difficult, there were some members who were a bit difficult at the beginning, but now it is better, everyone understood what their role was in the group, and better yet, take responsibility for their own. engagement with HOPE Congo. We are more united and even exchange on the phone all the time between us members, sometimes even just to hear from other members.” • “It has remained the same, because for me, what I noticed in the group is that we the old members are different from the new ones; the new members of the group do not work well vis-à-vis of us the old members. In all of this, we the elders are losers especially since we often do solidarity, at the end of the cycle we do not even benefit from our money(mandatory savings). And especially that the CRO often tells us in the case of delinquency we really have to follow up with the other members of the group.” • “Regarding the group, others do not pay and the burden comes back to us, it has always been difficult we sometimes seize the objects of the house such as the television, the freezer because we do not have the same ambitions because the others come to take their money just to cover the debts they took elsewhere” Clients who have been with HOPE Congo longer more often reported trust had improved between members in their loan group (73%) than those who were in their first year with HOPE Congo (56%).
  • 6. Do clients receive support from other clients? 35% of clients have received material support from fellow group members. 64% 21% 8% 6% 0% 0% 100% Never Sometimes Often Always Declined to answer When you needed and desired material support, such as sharing food, water, and other material items, from your fellow group members how often did they support you in this way? 70% 17% 10% 3% 0% 100% Never Sometimes Often Always When you needed and desired spiritual support, such as receiving prayer, from your fellow group members how often did they support you in this way? 30% of clients have received spiritual su from fellow group members. STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER CLIENTS SOCIAL DOMAIN 44% 56% 0% 100% No Yes Have you ever shared food, water, housing, or other material items with your fellow group members? 56% of clients have shared material items with fellow group members.
  • 7. Do clients trust staff? STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WITH STAFF SOCIAL DOMAIN 73% of clients completely trust their CRC. 2% 7% 18% 73% 0.3% 0% 100% Minimally Somewhat Mostly Completely Declined to answer To what extent do you currently trust your CRC? “Why?” Common themes Completely + Mostly trust CRC • Gives advice/coaches • Kind/polite/respectful • CRO is motivated/works hard • CRO enforces rules/policies • Good relationship • Disciplined/faithful • Understanding • Honest/direct Somewhat + Minimally trust CRC • Hard to trust people/they can't be trusted completely • Don't know CRO well enough yet • Trust is only based on business relationship • Gives advice/coaches Examples of responses of clients who mostly or completely trust their CRC • “I trust him because he is serious and respectful. He treats us with dignity. That is to say, he has never insulted a client since I joined the group. And when it comes to repayments, it is rigorous so that we repay all of our loans.” • “Regarding his way of doing things, his morality: he is serious in his work and honest towards us the clients. He is very open, always listening to the clients that we are, very collegial and understanding.” Examples of responses of clients who somewhat or minimally trust their CRC • “Because he is not sensitive and does not keep his word. I would like to grow by taking a higher loan, each time we discuss, he accepts. But at the end of the cycle, he always reduce my loan.” • “Because we had a difficult cycle and I lost a lot of money, she knew the annoying and delinquent people, but she preferred to remain silent, instead of removing them from the group, or better, excluding them. And several times I made this remark to him, but hey. That is why I don’t trust her at all.”
  • 8. Do clients receive support from staff? STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WITH STAFF SOCIAL DOMAIN 50% of clients have asked their CRC for business advice, compared to 32% who have talked with their CRC about good and bad things that are happening in their life. 50% 50% No Yes Have you ever asked your CRC for business advice? 68% 32% 0% 100% No Yes Have you ever talked with your CRC about good and difficult things that are happening in your life? 36.8% 62.8% 0.3% 0% 100% No Yes Declined to answer Have you ever shared prayer requests with your CRC or prayed together? 50.00% 50.00% 0% 100% No Yes Has your CRC offered to pray with you? 63% of clients have shared prayer requests with their CRC or prayed together. 50% of clients shared their CRC has offered to pray with them.
  • 10. Are clients better able to meet emergency needs than before joining the bank? FINANCIAL CAPACITY MATERIAL DOMAIN 42% 6% 8% 1% 10% 32% 0% 0% 0.00% 100.00% Savings Family, relatives, or friends Money from working Borrowing from a bank, employer, or private lender Selling assets Some other source Don't know Declined to answer What would be the MAIN source of money that you would use to come up with 50,000 CFCA within the NEXT MONTH? 37% 3% 17% 0.4% 12% 32% 0% 0% 100% Savings Family, relatives, or friends Money from working Borrowing from a bank, employer, or private lender Selling assets Some other source Don't Know Before you joined HOPE Congo, what would have been the MAIN source of money that you would have used to come up with 50,000 CFCA within the NEXT MONTH? 94% of clients shared it would be possible to obtain 50,000 FCFA within one month in case of emergency. 94% also shared they would have been able to obtain that amount in one month before joining HOPE Congo. Comparatively, in 2017, 32% of Congolese individuals age 15+ were able to come up with emergency funds within 1 month. (Source: FINDEX, World Bank) Business, selling goods / foods & transportation services Business, selling goods / foods & beverages HOPE Congo clients are more likely than an average Congolese individual to rely on savings, and less on family, relatives, or friends or money from working, to meet a financial need. In 2017, of Congolese individuals age 15+ that were able to come up with emergency funds within 1 month, the main source of emergency funds would be as follows: Savings (26%), Family or friends (24%), Money from working (33%), Loan from a bank, employer, or private lender (3%), Sale of assets (7%), Other (3%) (Source: Global Findex, World Bank) Less likely now for clients to use money from working (8% now, 17% before) NOW- BEFORE -
  • 11. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS MATERIAL DOMAIN 32% of clients have had difficulty making a loan payment. Of clients that have had trouble making a loan payment, most common ways of managing the situation are: - Group did solidarity - Help from group members - Repaid when able - Help from family - Communicated with group 68% 32% 0% 100% No Yes Have you ever had troubles with having enough money to make a loan payment? Do clients experience positive material change as a result of joining HOPE Congo? Explanation for negative effects experienced: • Disapproval from family & friends • Negative perceptions of HOPE • Misunderstandings about HOPE operations, • Delinquency management • Rumor that HOPE Congo is associated with freemasonry • Pressure from others for money, would prefer discretion from HOPE staff visits of clients have experienced a negative effect as a result of joining HOPE Congo 4% “Because of the reputation of HOPE Congo, in the city, the way they treat delinquents, I speak of HOPE Congo in a coded way so as not to experience the behavior and the anger of people.” “I was taken to the police by my former CRO for a debt: I owed the group. However, I had just lost my child. And, I couldn't sell in this period. This condition did not allow me to repay regularly. Taking me to the police despite my obligation to repay after business stability or after dealing with the death of my toddler child was bad treatment for me and my family.” “When a HOPE Congo comes to visit my business, that attracts people's attention and people start to threaten me to give them money because they saw a HOPE Congo staff member, it is better that the HOPE staff keeps discretion, this could suit us.” “My husband didn't want me to join HOPE. He says it is "laundered money", that HOPE is a cult ..., so I do not tell him anything about HOPE anymore.”
  • 12. Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their finances? FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS MATERIAL DOMAIN 0% 0% 7% 10% 15% 20% 74% 0% 100% In livestock With a neighbor or another… Other Microfinance institution Formal bank In a savings group At home Where else do you save? You can choose multiple options. 72% of clients are currently saving money. Of these clients, 58% are currently saving at HOPE Congo (42% of all respondents). Of the 30% of clients who are currently saving, but not at HOPE Congo, they report saving in the following ways: 88/ 296 responded to this question 0.0% 2% 9% 25% 26% 25% 48% 0.0% 100.0% With a neighbor or another person not in your household In livestock Other In a savings group Microfinance institution Formal bank At home Where did you save? You can choose multiple options. 73% of clients reported saving money before joining HOPE Congo. Of these, 48% reported that they saved at home. 216/ 296 responded to this question 13% of clients started saving because of joining HOPE Congo.
  • 13. Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their finances? FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS MATERIAL DOMAIN How has engagement with HOPE Congo changed the way you manage your finances? Most common responses: • Careful with spending/reducing expenses • Saving • Discipline • Manage finances/budget • Changed spending habits • Already have experience/knowledge • Business management • How to repay Other responses: Training gave more tools to use, Current challenges (pandemic/economy), Grew/diversified business, Investing, No change, Bookkeeping “My turnover improved thanks to the loan from HOPE Congo. I see a difference in terms of income between before and when I got involved with HOPE Congo.” “Thanks to the training that I received from Mrs. Loveline, I make sure to minimize the expenses of not consuming the goods for myself without paying” Most clients (58%) shared engagement with HOPE Congo has completely changed the way they manage their finances. 4% 16% 21% 58% 1% 0% 100% Minimally Somewhat Mostly Completely Declined to answer To what extent has engagement with HOPE Congo changed the way you manage your finances? NOTE: Examples not available for clients who shared engagement with HOPE Congo has completely changed the way they manage their finances.
  • 14. Do clients learn and apply skills for managing their finances? FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS MATERIAL DOMAIN Most common responses: - Saving - How to manage/invest in business - Manage finances - Reducing expenses - Discipline, including repayment discipline - Loan purpose What is the most important lesson you have learned about managing finances (both in business and home) from HOPE Congo? “Without HOPE I was not going to move forward, which is important I was able to build my house thanks to HOPE there, the house is almost finished and as a woman I congratulate myself because it is not easy and I am very grateful to HOPE because today if it is his help I do not know what I was going to talk about now I am sure if today something happened to me I know that I left a house something where my children will live and I know that God will still lend me life so that I can continue to do his work.” 0.3% 1% 23% 43% 58% 72% 0.0% 100.0% Declined to answer Other I often save money from my savings account Sans Complexe during… I use the entire loan for the intended purpose I use a cash flow book to follow up on my income and expenses I put together a budget before doing any expense How are you applying in your business or household the lessons learned during the trainings? Please select all that apply. 68% 7% 24% 1% 0% 0% 100% Loan Savings Trainings Other Declined to answer Which one of the following HOPE Congo services has been the most valuable tool to help you meet your financial needs and grow your activity/business? “Before I made a mess with my money: nightclubs, women ... now I am disciplined, I no longer waste money, I now save money” “The most important lesson I learned from HOPE Congo is seriousness, punctuality, after naturally respecting obligations. When we enter HOPE Congo we do not leave as we entered the change is radical” “The most important lesson I learned from HOPE Congo is seriousness, punctuality, after naturally respecting obligations. When we enter HOPE Congo we do not leave as we entered the change is radical”
  • 15. OTHER MATERIAL DOMAIN 11% 89% 0% 100% No Yes Has your business expanded due to your engagement with HOPE Congo? 93% 19% 10% 8% 0.4% 0% 100% More products New location More locations More staff Declined to answer If yes, how? Please share ‘yes’ to all that apply. 89% clients shared their business has expanded due to their engagement with HOPE Congo. Of these, 93% shared this has included more products. To what extent have clients experienced business growth while with HOPE Congo? 14% 13% 74% 0% 100% Decreased Stayed the same Increased Has your business revenue stayed the same, increased, or decreased as a result of your engagement with HOPE Congo? 74% clients shared their business revenue has increased as a result of engagement with HOPE Congo. 86% of clients had not taken out a loan before joining HOPE Congo. 15% of all clients surveyed gained access to loans through HOPE.
  • 16. OTHER MATERIAL DOMAIN How did support from HOPE Congo help you and your business respond in the pandemic? Most common responses: • Received loan • Strengthened business • Ability to withstand shock / risk • No help during pandemic “The training I attended, especially with Ms. Loveline who opened our eyes to how to get rich. Even in my family people are amazed at the way I now manage my finances.” “When the pandemic broke out it was not easy and HOPE came to give me a boost, this lifted me up financially and morally because my morale was down due to lack of finances and I did not know how to feed myself and manage my family. In all, HOPE's help gave me hope” “It helped me a lot, I was really down, but today thanks to HOPE, I was able to resist because I had to buy a lot of products because me, I say to myself, if you have a lot of goods in your store, customers will be attracted.” How did HOPE Congo’s support help clients during the pandemic? 44% 51% 6% 0% 100% No Yes Declined to answer Would your business have survived the pandemic without the support of HOPE Congo? 44% clients surveyed shared their business would NOT have survived the pandemic without the support of HOPE Congo.
  • 18. Client Religious Information RELIGIOUS INFORMATION SPIRITUAL DOMAIN 97% of clients surveyed consider themselves to be affiliated with a particular religion. Of these clients, the majority (94%) are Christian (92% of all clients). Most religious clients (74%) actively practice their religion. 22% 78% 0% 100% No Yes Are you currently a member of a church? 95% 5% 0% 100% No Yes Did HOPE Congo help connect you with the church you are a part of? Are clients engaging in the local church? Questions asked only to Christians who are actively practicing their faith: 5% of churchgoing Christians who actively practice their faith (3% of all clients surveyed) received help from HOPE Congo in connecting them to their church. 232/ 296 responded to this question 182 / 296 responded to this question
  • 19. Do clients have at least one person helping them grow & develop in their relationship with God? BEING DISCIPLED SPIRITUAL DOMAIN 50% 45% 5% 0% 100% I would like more support in my spiritual growth I do not desire support in this area Declined to answer What best describes how you feel about this? 1% 2% 3% 9% 18% 26% 61% 0% 100% Group member Other HOPE staff member Friend Family member Members of local church Religious leader Who is helping you to grow and develop in your relationship with God? 73% of clients have someone helping them to grow and develop in their relationship with God. These clients shared: 26% of clients do NOT have someone helping them to grow and develop in their relationship with God. These clients shared: 78 / 296 responded to this question 217/ 296 responded to this question Most common ways others are helping clients grow and develop in their relationship with God: • Prayer • Advice & guidance • Studying / discussing the Bible • Encouragement / support / friendship • Teaching “When we arrive at the church we are asked that everyone give a Bible verse if you do not know it will push you to read the Bible to learn, personally members of the group helped me a lot studied the word because at the beginning when I started to pray I was not able to find a verse in the Bible when we gave a passage for example in Genesis 6:8 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord I was browsing the Bible but difficult to find this passage, a times I asked the question to know where the verses were written he answered me that the whole Bible was only a biblical verse. He taught me how to find a verse and it helps me a lot until today “ “When I have a problem, I call the president of our group, it is only him who supports me. We do prayer sessions, both in person and remotely.“ “When I have problems in my home, my pastor supports me in prayers and teachings because I was a hateful person: when someone hurt me, I could hate them for many years. To forgive someone for me was to accept the harm he did to me while I forgot that I was also doing harm to others without however realizing and according to the teachings of the pastor I learned to forgive and love others like myself, that is what God recommends to us. Love in Jesus is a domain where I find myself because man reaps what he is currently sowing I prefer to sow love even where I am hated I know that God sees knows everything and he will reward me according to my acts through his son who gave his life for us.”
  • 20. Do clients help at least one person grow & develop in their relationship with God? DISCIPLING OTHERS SPIRITUAL DOMAIN 1% 1% 3% 5% 6% 21% 49% 54% 0% 100% Declined to answer HOPE staff member Religious leader Other Group member Members of local church Family member Friend Who are you helping to grow and develop in their relationship with God? 59% of clients are helping someone to grow and develop in their relationship with God. These clients shared: Clients are most often helping friends (54%) or family members (49%) to grow and develop in their relationship with God. 176/ 296 responded to this question • Prayer • Advice • Sharing the Word • Encouragement • Talk about God Most common ways clients are helping others grow and develop in their relationship with God: Examples shared: • “We share the word of God, we meditate together, we share our experiences and our testimonies to build each other up.“ • “Through guidance and invite them to continually seek the face of GOD.” • “Many people even in the neighborhood I encourage them to move forward and to pray. We talk about God and his word.” • “I urge the young men and women who are in my neighborhood” • “As I exercise my activity at the beach When I meet young people I always talk to them about God and I advise them who God is. Parents can be lacking but God not, even the girls who have serious problems and come to the beach to kill themselves other colleagues in the trade call me to urge the person and I was able to save four lives.”
  • 21. Do clients develop in their relationship with God through engaging with HOPE Congo? BEING DISCIPLED SPIRITUAL DOMAIN 41% clients shared HOPE Congo has completely or mostly changed the way they interact with God, while 37% shared the impact has been minimal. 37% 19% 14% 27% 3% 0% 100% Minimally Somewhat Mostly Completely Declined to answer To what extent has engagement with HOPE Congo changed the way you interact with God? Common themes – examples Mostly • Increased or changed prayer habits • Sharing, discussing, understanding the Bible • No change Somewhat + Minimally • No change • Increased or changed prayer habits NOTE: Clients who responded that engagement with HOPE Congo has completely changed the way they interact with God did not respond to this question (by accident). • I took a liking to pray before doing anything, it has become my daily food, all this is the fact that before we can hold our meeting, we pray. This habit has changed me a lot. • First, what really appealed to me about HOPE Congo is the fact that it is a Christian microfinance. Of course, I am not always in church, but thanks to HOPE Congo and the Bible study sharing, I always feel close to God. • Before I was no longer clinging to religion, now HOPE started me back in prayer: everything happens through prayer. • “Despite being asked to pray during repayment meetings, we, members, do not pray. We do not like to pray too much, It is money that matters more to us. So it has not changed me at all, I rarely pray as I always do, I rarely go to church. I have always kept my old ways.” • “There were situations in the church which had internal problems which made me feel a little disgusted with disputes within the church between two pastors which took me away from religion which is why I am in a state of hesitation in the face of the religious aspect.” • “HOPE Congo didn't really influence my spiritual side, before I came here I prayed, I still pray, I was already mature spiritually, but at least I learn something when you read the word of God.”
  • 22. ENGAGING SCRIPTURE SPIRITUAL DOMAIN 30% 69% 1% 0% 100% No Yes Declined to answer Have you changed anything about the way you live as a result of participating in the word section during the group meeting? 69% clients have changed something about the way they live as a result of participating in the word section during the group meeting. Do clients apply Scripture to daily life? Common types of examples: • Changes in behavior / attitude • Prayer life change Could you please share an example of how you have changed something about the way you live as a result of participating in the word section during the group meeting? “I used to be very angry and arrogant, but now that I have discovered speech and what is expected of me, everything has changed. I am a new person now.” “My life has changed a lot in all areas. For example, in the past I wouldn't even have agreed to be with you (a Christian) all this time, it was part of my upbringing, as I have been in Islam since I was a child. But thanks to God and to the good people that I met while growing up, I was able to change and also know that it is our acts towards our neighbor, which determines our value with GOD, and not the judgment of men.” Yes my example is that: I pray now first of all. I am proud of myself.
  • 24. Personal Domain 1% 1% 0.3% 2% 1% 4% 2% 2% 0.3% 0.3% 1% 2% 4% 3% 6% 12% 7% 16% 16% 11% 14% 14% 30% 30% 35% 35% 36% 32% 38% 41% 42% 89% 86% 86% 69% 67% 61% 61% 56% 55% 51% 41% 41% 0.3% 0% 100% You have hope your dreams will come to pass. You believe that your future will be better than your present. You believe you have value because God created you in his image. Even when others get discouraged, you know you can find a way to solve the problem. You feel respected by members of your community. You energetically pursue your goals. Your past experiences prepared you well for your future. You think there are lots of ways around any problem. You have access to support to change your current situation (including yourself, your family, your community). You can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to you. You feel you’ve been pretty successful in life. You meet the goals that you set for yourself. Personal Domain Questions Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Declined to Answer Highest Categories- 100% clients shared they have hope their dreams will come to pass. 99.7% clients believe their future will be better than their present. Lowest Categories- 82% clients agree they feel they have been pretty successful in life. 83% of clients agree they meet the goals they set for themselves. PERSONAL DOMAIN *Clients who have been with HOPE Congo for >3 years most often reported they strongly agree they feel respected by members of their community. *
  • 25. Is the self-image of clients positively developing? DIGNITY PERSONAL DOMAIN For those who responded ‘yes’: How (has the way you think about yourself changed since joining HOPE Congo)? Most common responses: • Changed behavior • Better financial management • Able to grow business • Confidence/optimism • Discipline • Increased financial capacity • Greater responsibility Other responses included: Serious/goal- oriented, Success/progress in life, Changed how others see me, Able to help family, More respect, See myself as an entrepreneur/businessperson For 72% of clients, their view of themselves has changed since joining HOPE Congo. 28% 72% 0% 100% No Yes Has the way you think about yourself changed since joining HOPE Congo? “I have become a valuable woman.” “I respect myself now.” “Because I can see the progress in me, in all domains: financial, spiritual and even social.” “Since I joined HOPE I spend no more like before, now I manage very well HOPE gave me the courage to save and keep considerable sums. I am a new person.”
  • 26. Do clients have hope for a better future? What is one of your goals for the future? Most common themes: • Create new business • Build home • Food/beverage/restaurant industry • Grow/diversify business • Be a businessperson • Buy land Other themes included: Invest in auto/transport activities, Travel, Support family, Rental properties/real estate, Agriculture How has this goal for the future changed or stayed the same since you joined HOPE Congo? • Half of clients shared there has been no change / it’s still a project • 17%+ clients shared HOPE has impacted their ability to achieve their goal (through equipping / encouragement) HOPE PERSONAL DOMAIN “Thanks to the financial emancipation by HOPE Congo, I manage to realize my project by financing my technical training. Today, thanks to HOPE Congo, I finished my training in electrical engineering license, and I am in the process of pursuing a Masters.” “This project has changed because the trainings at HOPE Congo opened up other visions to me, different from the way I had before, and it made me gain and grow deeply” “It has not changed, I am really having difficulties now; it is difficult for me to achieve it, I just pray the good Lord to help me. What I received from HOPE did not really help me to develop my business.”
  • 28. Individual Lending highlights Individual lending clients were more likely to be: • Female: 65% individual lending clients interviewed were female, compared to 47% of group lending clients. • Married: 43% individual vs. 19% group Individual clients were more likely to: • Have participated in a client prayer day: 73% individual vs. 43% group • Use savings as the main source of money to come up with 50,000 CFCA within the next month: 65% individual vs. 42% group • Say they did not need a loan before joining HOPE Congo: 86% of individual clients who did not take out a loan before joining HOPE Congo said it was because they did not need a loan, compared to 71% of group lending clients. • Have troubles with having enough money to make a loan payment: 43% individual vs. 32% group • Save at home before joining HOPE Congo: 59% individual vs. 48% group • Start saving because of joining HOPE Congo: 30% individual vs. 13% group • Use a cash flow book to follow up on their income and expenses: 70% individual vs. 58% group • Say that their business would not have survived the pandemic without the support of HOPE Congo: 65% individual vs. 44% group • Say that their family members are helping them grow and develop in their relationship with God: 44% individual vs. 18% group • Say that they do not desire support with spiritual growth: 57% individual vs. 45% group • Share that HOPE Congo has "Completely" or "Mostly" changed the way they interact with God: 57% individual vs. 41% group • Help family members grow and develop in their relationship with God: 93% individual vs. 49% group (of those who are discipling someone) • Help group members grow and develop in their relationship with God: 20% individual vs. 6% group member • Have facilitated the Word section of the group meeting: 57% individual vs. 45% group • Have changed something about the way they live as a result of participating in the word section during the group meeting: 78% individual vs. 69% group • Agree or strongly agree that they feel they've been pretty successful in life: 95% individual vs. 82% group.
  • 29. Individual Lending highlights Individual clients were less likely to: • Have ever shared prayer requests with their CRC or prayed together: 43% individual vs. 63% group • Say that their CRC has offered to pray with them: 39% individual vs. 50% group • Share that it would be possible to obtain 50,000 FCFA within one month in case of emergency: 83% individual vs. 94% group • Have taken out a loan before joining HOPE Congo: 96% of individual clients did not take out a loan before joining, compared to 86% of group clients. • Currently save money- 61% individual vs. 72% group • Put together a budget before doing any expense: 57% individual vs. 72% group • Share that their business revenue has increased as a result of engagement with HOPE Congo: 61% individual vs. 74% group • Actively practice their religion: 65% individual vs. 74% group • Say that members of the local church are helping them to grow and develop in their relationship with God: 6% individual vs. 26% group • Help members of the local church grow and develop in their relationship with God: 7% individual vs. 21% group
  • 30. HOPE Congo – GROUP LENDING Appendix
  • 31. Introduction • This report presents findings of the 2021 HOPE Quotient Survey in HOPE Congo. • The main goal is to facilitate an ongoing process of engagement with the data resulting in encouragement and program development. The HOPE Quotient survey is designed to • Better understand how HOPE Congo contributes to change in the lives of clients in the 4 domains • Equip programs with actionable information to improve mission fulfillment.
  • 32. Methodology • 296 group lending clients participated in this survey. This analysis only reflects responses from these 296 clients unless otherwise noted. Clients from all HOPE Congo branches participated in this survey. • Clients were sampled at the group level (groups with an active loan)– all present were invited to take the survey. The breakdown of groups was for proportional representation by loan product (BACO 1+2 vs. GS 1+2) and group tenure (<1 year, 1-3 years, >3 years). • In additional, all current individual loan clients were interviewed (this is reflected in a separate report, referenced in the appendix). • SurveyCTO software was used to collect the data on tablets. • 10 Enumerators were trained by Christ KIMINOU to administer the survey.
  • 33. Introduction to individual lending analysis • 23 clients individual lending clients were interviewed in the 2021 HOPE Quotient. The following slides summarize comparative learnings between individual lending clients and group lending clients. • It is important to note this a small sample and is thus not representative of all clients. • The full individual lending analysis can be found here-